Wind generators with their hands on 220V 4kW. Wind generator with your own hands: detailed instructions

Due to the constant increase in prices for electricity consumed, most enterprising people think about alternative energy sources that can be manufactured at home. In some regions of our country, the wind generator is most convenient to use such a means (see the drawing below in the text).

When considering the question of how to make the wind generator, it is necessary to remember that even a small unit will need a powerful unit to provide electricity, the cost of which it may be "inherent". For this reason, most users choose the simplest version of this device, suitable for nutrition not very energy-intensive consumers.

The economy of these devices (in contrast to the traditional benzogenerator), as a rule, does not cause them any doubts.

Features and appointment

Before making the wind generator, you should carefully calculate all possible costs associated with the assembly and operation of this unit (otherwise with the effectiveness of its work). To do this, it is necessary to decide in advance for what needs it is intended, that is, designate the circle of consumers of the generated energy with a power of about 1 kW.

Typically, such aggregates are used as additional sources of energy, which are sufficient to:

  • Ensure electricity heating system not very high power;
  • It is possible to warm up in case of the need for some water;
  • Lighting individual recreation areas and pleasure tracks (with battery devices).

Before making the electric generator with your own hands, it is also necessary to find out the features of the wind roses in the region, which is very important to select the main parameters of its mechanism.

So, for most regions of our country, where winds do not differ in constancy and sufficient intensity, it is more expedient to use a self-made unit, designed for a relatively low voltage (not more than 12 volts).

The power of the generator in this case will be limited (not more than 1-3 kilowatt), which is explained by the inertia of the processes occurring in too massive and energy-intensive devices.

For their "promotion", a "powerful" rotating pulse will be required, which in the case of weak winds will not be able to get even when large-sized blades. A simple, not very overall and low-inertation device is the optimal version of the manufacture of the electrogenerator with your own hands in domestic conditions (see photos further on the text).

Note! Such generators for the windmill, with their own hands collected outside the city, can be used when the power supply 220 volts is shutdown to charge the mobile phone and other gadgets.

A part of the details of the future electric motor can be taken ready, altering them accordingly.

Selection of design and details

When choosing the design of the generator wind installation, it should be processed from the climatic conditions characteristic of this locality. Thus, for areas with low wind activity, VEU generators equipped with sailing type blades are optimally suitable (its appearance is shown in the figure below).

In regions with strong wind loads, the homemade wind generator for the home is most often made in the form of a vertically placed device of limited power.

Despite the fact that wind generators with a vertical axis of rotation in manufacturing are somewhat more expensive than their horizontal analogs, but they better carry strong wind loads. For their manufacture, homemade blades collected from submitted means can be applied (some craftsmen adapted to make them from a barrel cut into separate metal fragments).

More productive "cattops" wind more expedient to buy ready and adapt them to the generator, which can be used by the transmitted motor from the printer. In any case, before starting work, a sketch of the future generator should be trained, at which a detailed scheme of the collector unit should be depicted.

Additional Information. When choosing purchased blades, the so-called "sailboats" are considered to be the most cheap.

On their basis, the vertical wind generator is simply made.

To complete the description of the possible designs, we add that the future device can be made from a car starter or any auto-generator period. Consider each of the proposed options for the manufacture of electric generators with their own hands in more detail.

Scanner generator

Before independently producing the simplest wind generator of 2 kW, for example, it will be necessary to choose the engine suitable for these purposes.

In this case, to assemble the wind generator for the house with their own hands it will be possible to use the old, but not yet worked as the engine from the scanner (see the photo below).

Before collecting a horizontal wind generator, it is recommended to pay attention to the following important points:

  • At the speed of rotation of its rotor 200-300 rpm. The voltage will be able to raise a maximum of up to 12 volts, and the power produced by it will be no more than 3 watts;
  • This will only be enough to charge a small capacity battery;
  • To build a more powerful device, the number of revolutions will have to raise up to 1000, but in this case the gearbox will be required;
  • On the other hand, if the assembled gear chain contains an additional element, then the thrust moment increases, which will reduce the efficiency of the entire device (reducing its return).

When applying the gearbox, the cost of the converter increases significantly, which should also be taken into account when choosing its scheme. In a situation where it was decided to assemble a wind generator with his own hands without a gearbox, the Contractor will necessarily require the following nodes and details:

  • Small in size and power motor shot from the old scanner;
  • A set of any rectifier diodes in the amount of 8 pieces necessary for the assembly of 2 rectifying bridges;
  • Capacitor with a capacity of at least 1000 Igf (more than) and a stabilizer of type LM7812;
  • Mechanical parts for the manufacture of blades and hubs (plastic tube and aluminum blank).

On the figure placed below, the electrical circuit of the future generator is given.

It follows from it that from the output of a stepper motor, the entrusted in its windings of the EMF enters the rectifier bridge with the smoothing filter connected to its output (C).

Note! Since the motor contains two separate windings, two diode nodes will be required to straighten the AC.

After the smoothing electric filter, the straightened voltage enters the LM7812 stabilizer, at the output of which a constant voltage of 12 volts is formed (if necessary, batteries can be charged.

Production of the drive (blades)

An aluminum plate of arbitrary shape is taken as the drive assembly, convenient for axial fixation of 3 blades separated by 120 degrees (photo below).

Working blades for the wind generator are cut from a conventional plastic pipe, on which the 3-tip pen 3 of the blanks of 50 cm long and 10 cm wide.

After cutting, their edges are simply processed by the appliance and the skin, and then they are fixed on the aluminum wave of the sleeve, which is subsequently attached to the shaft of the engine near its flange.

After the manufacture of the blade structure, it is fixed on the shaft by means of several clamping bolts that provide a hard installation to a miniature power plant.

Additional Information. Manually manufactured homemade blade blanks should be made with a reserve (their total number can be increased to four or five).

The need for this is explained by the fact that over time the aggregate made with their own hands is wears, and with strong gusts, the blades sometimes break. To extend their lives in the manufacture, you can use more wear-resistant materials. In addition, a wind generator with blades made from aluminum alloys can be collected.

Installation and Setup

The balancing of plastic blades is carried out by cutting the excess material from the ends, and the angle of inclination is adjusted by their bend under heating. The electrical generator itself is fixed by bolts on the segment of the plastic pipe, which, in turn, is welded to the vertical support.

The final assembly of the generator is reduced to fixing this support inside the vertically installed mast pipe using the bearing. Thanks to this installation, the whole design can freely rotate 360 \u200b\u200bdegrees around its axis.

The board with electronics is fixed directly on the housing of the mobile generator, and the voltage from it is removed through the current rings with the broth set. Made with their own hands the wind generator for a private house is fixed at a height of about 5-8 meters.

Windmill vertical installation

It is possible to build the wind generator with your own 220 volts with your own hands and in the form of a vertically oriented design, the drawings of which are given below.

The blades of this design serve fragments of iron barrel of small size, cut out in advance prepared profile. And as the basis on which they are fixed, you can choose the hub from the car direct current generator.

Before making a generator of this type, it is necessary to take into account that due to the small speed of the initial installation, the power generator generator will be limited and it is unlikely to exceed 2-3 kW. To increase them, you will need to make or buy a special conversion device with a gear ratio of 1:12 (it is called a multiplier or gearbox). With one turn of the blades for 360 degrees, the generator shaft will make 12 revolutions.

About how to make an electric generator with your own hands from a car generator, there is enough information on the Internet. It also indicates that, despite the additional load made by the gearbox, it still does not exceed the same indicator for the automotive scheme with the starter.

The blades for such a product can be cut from the aluminum sheet with the corresponding prepared profile with dimensions. When installing on the windmill used for heating, for example, they will be required to at least 6 pieces.

Generator on magnets

We seeking information on how to assemble the generator at normal home conditions, you should be aware of another common method of its manufacture. It will be about such a well-known version of the execution as a generator on neodymium magnets.

Making such an aggregate is quite simple. A hub from the wheel is taken for its foundation, which serves by the rotor, after which, by means of a special composition, about 20 neodymium magnets are pasted. For greater strength on top, they are additionally poured with epoxy resin.

The stator windings are made in the form of coils with a total number of turns of about 1000-1200. The device on neodymium magnets 5 kW of power, for example, should provide a constant current of about 6 amps at the output of the rectifier. This is quite enough to charge a 12-volt battery.

In conclusion of the review on how to make the electric generator with their own hands, we note that for its manufacture from the artist, only a bit of skill and concentration will be required. Subject to the study of the materials given here to collect the generator device will be completely simple.


Every year people keep searching for alternative sources. A homemade power plant from an old automotive generator will be by the way in remote areas where there is no connection to a common network. It will be able to freely charge the batteries, and will also provide the operation of several household appliances and lighting. Where to use the energy that will be developed solve you, and also collect it with your own hands or acquire from manufacturers who are in the market. In this article we will help you to deal with the wind-generator assembly scheme with their own hands from those materials that always have any owner.

Consider the principle of the wind-power plant. A rotor and screws are activated under the rapid wind stream, after the movement comes the main shaft, rotating the gearbox, and then generates. At the exit, we get electricity. Consequently, the higher the speed of rotation of the mechanism, the greater the performance. Accordingly, when locating designs, take into account the terrain, relief, know the areas of the territories where the high speed of the vortex.

Instructions for assembly from a car generator

To do this, you need to prepare all the components in advance. The most important element is the generator. It is best to take a tractor or bus, it is able to work out much more energy. But if there is no such possibility, it is most likely to do and more weak aggregates. To build the device you will need:
Relay battery charging
Steel for the manufacture of blades
12 volt battery
Box for wires
4 bolts with nuts and washers
Clamps for fastening

Build a home device for 220V

When everything is needed ready go to the assembly. Each options may have additional details, but they are clearly stipulated directly in the manual.
First, collect a wind wheel - the main element of the design, because this item will transform the wind energy into mechanical. It is best that he has 4 blades. Remember that the smaller their number, the more mechanical vibration and the more difficult it will be balanced. Make them of sheet steel or iron barrel. The form they must be worn out of such as you saw in old mills, but resembling a wing type. They have aerodynamic resistance much lower, and effectiveness is higher. After you with the help of a grinder, cut the windmill with blades with a diameter of 1.2-1.8 meters, it is necessary to attach it with the rotor with the axis of the generator, drill the opening and connecting the bolts.

Assembling the electrical circuit

Fix the wires and connect them directly to the battery and the voltage converter. It is required to use everything that at school in the lessons of physics you were taught to make a mastery when assembling the electrical circuit. Before starting the development, think about which kw you need. It is important to note that without subsequent alteration and the rewind of the stator are not suitable at all, the working turns are 1.2 thousand-6 thousand r / m, and this is not enough to produce energy. It is for this reason that it takes rid of the excitation coil. To raise the voltage level, rewind the stator with a thin wire. As a rule, as a result, the power will be at 10 m / s 150-300 watts. After assembly, the rotor will be good to magnetize, as if the power was connected to it.

Rotary homemade wind generators are very reliable in work and are economically beneficial, the only imperfection is the fear of severe busting of the wind. The principle of work has a simple - whirlwind through the blades causes the mechanism to spin. In the course of these intensive rotations, the energy required to you is produced. Such a power station is a very good way to provide a small house with electricity, of course, to pump water from the well of its power will not be enough, but to watch TV or turn on the light in all rooms with it is possible.

From home fan

The fan itself may be inoperative, but it takes only a few parts from it - this is a rack and screw itself. For the design, you will need a small stepper engine stitching by a diode bridge so that it gives out a constant voltage, a bottle of shampoo, a plastic plumbing tube is about 50 cm long, the plug for it and the lid from the plastic bucket.

On the machine make the sleeve and fix in the connector from the wings of the disassembled fan. The generator will be attached to this bushing. After fixing, you need to do the manufacture of the housing. Cut with a machine or manually bottom from a bottle of shampoo. During cutting, it is also required to leave the hole to 10 so that insert the axis, is turned out of an aluminum rod. Attach it with a bolt and nut to a bottle. After the soldering of all wires was performed, another hole is done in the bottle housing for the output of these wiring. We stretch them and fix them in a bottle from above on the generator. In shape, they must coincide and the bottle body must reliably hide all its parts.

Shank for our device

In order for in the future, he trampled wind streams from different sides, collect the shank, using a pre-prepared tube. The tail part will be fastened with the unscrewed covers from the shampoo. It also make a hole and, pre-put on one end of the tube plug, stretch it and fix it to the main bottle body. On the other hand, the tube is powered with hacksaw and cut out with scissors from the cover of the plastic bucket of the shank wing, it should have a round shape. All you need is simply to trim the edges of the bucket that it attached to the main capacity.

At the rear support panel, we attach a USB output and fold all the parts obtained into one. Fastening the radio or recharge the phone will be possible through this mounted USB port. Of course, it does not possess a strong power from the household fan, but still the lighting of one bulb can provide.

Wind generator with their own hands from the stepper motor

A device from a stepper motor Even with a small rotation speed produces about 3 W. Voltage can rise above 12 V, and this allows you to charge a small battery. As a generator, you can insert a stepping motor from the printer. In this mode, the stepper motor produces an alternating current, and it is easily converted to a constant using several diode bridges and capacitors. The scheme you can assemble yourself. The stabilizer is installed behind the bridges, as a result, we obtain a constant output voltage. To control the visually voltage, you can install the LED. In order to reduce the loss of 220 V, for its straightening, Schottky diodes are applied.

The blades will be from PVC pipe. The workpiece is drawn on the pipe, and then cut out the cutting disk. Scope of the screw should be about 50 cm, and the width is 10 cm. It is necessary to pull the sleeve with the flange under the size of the shaft of the shd. It is planted on the motor shaft and is attached with screws, plastic "screws" will be attached directly to the flanges. Also carry out balancing - from the ends of the wings, pieces of plastic are cut off, the angle of inclination is changed by heating and bending. In the device itself insert a piece of the pipe to which it is also attached by bolts. As for the electric fee, it is better to place it downstairs, and it takes power to it. From a stepper motor over 6 wires, which correspond to two coils. For them, current rings will be needed to transmit electricity from the movable part. By connecting all parts of each other, we turn to the testing of the structure, which will begin turnover at 1 m / s.

Windmill from Motor Wheel and Magnets

Not everyone knows that the wind generator from the motor-wheel can be collected with their own hands in a short time, the main thing is to be in advance the necessary materials. For him, the Rotor of Savonius is best suited, it can be purchased ready or independently. It consists of two half-cylindrical blades and overlap, of which the axis of rotation of the rotor is obtained. Material for their product Select yourself: wood, fiberglass or PVC pipe, which is the simplest and most optimal option. We manufacture the place of connection of parts on which you need to do the mounting holes in accordance with the number of blades. A steel turning mechanism will be required so that the device can withstand any weather.

From ferrite magnets

The wind generator on magnets will be difficult to master in poorly angry masters, but you can still try. So, there must be four poles, each will be two ferrite magnets. It will cover them with a metal overlays of a thickness of a little less than a millimeter for the distribution of a more uniform stream. The main coils should be 6 pieces, rewinded with a thick wire and must be through each magnet, occupying space corresponding to the length of the field. The fastening of the winding patterns can be on the hub from the grinder, in the middle of which is installed in advance of the sharpening bolt.

The flow of energy supply of the height of fixing the stator over the rotor is regulated than it is higher, the smaller the sticking, respectively, the power decreases. For a windmill, you need to weld the support of the rack, and on the stator disk fix 4 large blades that you can cut out of the old metal barrel or the cover from the plastic bucket. With an average rotation speed, it issues up to about 20 watts.

Windmill design on neodymium magnets

If you want to know about creating, you need to make the floor of the car hub with brake disks, such a choice is quite acquitted, because it is powerful, reliable and well balanced. After you see the hub from paint and dirt, go to the arrangement of neodymium magnets. They will be required by 20 pieces on the disk, the size should be 25x8 millimeters.

Magnets need to be placed, taking into account the alternation of the poles, it is better to create a paper template before gluing, or to dig lines dividing the disc on the sector to not confuse the poles. It is very important that they, standing apart opposite each other, were with different poles, that is, they attracted. Glue their super-glue. Raise borders on the edges of the discs, and in the center wound your tape or clamp a plasticine to prevent spreads. In order for the product to work with maximum return, the stator coil should be calculated correctly. An increase in the number of poles leads to an increase in the frequency of the current in the coils, due to this, the device even with a low frequency of turnover gives greater power. Winding coils is carried out by thicker wires, in order to reduce resistance to them.

When the main part is ready, the blades are made, as in the previous case, and fix them to the mast, which can be made of an ordinary plastic pipe with a diameter of 130 mm. In the end, our generator working on the principle of magnetic levitation, with a diameter of one and a half meters and six wings, 8m / s is capable of providing up to 300 W.

Disappointment or expensive vane

Today there are many options to make a device for converting wind energy, each method is effective in its own way. If you are familiar with the method of manufacturing equipment generating energy, it will not matter on the basis of which to do it, the main thing is that it will be answered by the planned scheme, and yielded good power at the output.

We told in one of the past materials. Today, VEU models built by users of our portal will be presented to your attention. We will also share useful tips that will help to assemble the installation and prevent errors. Construction of the wind generator with their own hands - the task is complex. Not everyone (even experienced) practices may not cope with its solution. However, any in time detected error can be corrected. To the master - head and hands.

The article discusses issues:

  • From which materials and by what drawings you can make the blades of the wind turbine.
  • The procedure for assembling an axial generator.
  • Should I redo the car generator under VEU and how to do it correctly.
  • How to protect the wind generator from the storm.
  • Which height install the wind generator.

Making blades

If you have no experience in the independent manufacture of screws for home VEU, we recommend not to look for complex solutions, but to use a simple method that has proven your effectiveness in practice. It is in the manufacture of blades from ordinary sewer PVC pipe. This method is simple, available and cheap.

Mikhail26. User forumhouse.

Now about the blades: made from the 160th red sewer tube with foamed inner layer. Delivered according to the calculation presented in the photo.

"Redhead" pipe is mentioned by the user not by chance. It is this material that it is better to hold the form, resistant to temperature differences and longer serves (in comparison with PVC gray pipes).

Most often in home wind power, pipes with a diameter of 160 to 200 mm are used. With them and you should begin your experiments.

The shape and configuration of the blades are parameters that depend on the diameter of the pipe, from which they are made, from the diameter of the wind vehicles, from the speed of the working screw and other calculated characteristics. In order not to score a head with aerodynamic calculations, you can use it posted on our portal. It will determine the geometry of the blades, substituting its own values \u200b\u200binto the calculation table (the diameter of the pipe, the speed of the screw, etc.).


I adapted to cut the electric bike. It turns out really quickly and efficiently. Note: Be sure to put a great free stroke of the pink on the jigsaw so that the punch does not eat and not break.

Design of axial generator

By choosing a choice between a three-phase or single-phase generator, it is better to stop your choice in the first version. The three-phase current source is less susceptible to vibrations resulting from non-uniformity of the load, and allows to obtain a constant power with the same rotor revolutions.

Bob691774. User forumhouse.

Single-phase generators wind should not: Tested and has long been verified in practice. Only on three phases you can get decent generators.

The calculated parameters of the generator, about which we told in our previous material, are determined by the current electricity needs. And in practice, they correspond to the volume of power generated, the design of the axial generator must meet certain requirements:

  1. The thickness of all disks (rotor and stator) should be equal to the thickness of the magnets.
  2. The optimal ratio of coils and magnets - 3: 4 (for every 3 coils - 4 magnets). On 9 coils - 12 magnets (6 for each rotor disk), by 12 coils - 16 magnets and so on.
  3. The optimal distance between two adjacent magnets located on one disk is equal to the width of these magnets.

An increase in the distance between two adjacent magnets will lead to uneven power generation. It is possible to reduce this distance, but better, yet, observe the optimal parameters.

Aleksei2011 User forumhouse.

It is mistaken to make the distance between the magnets equal to half the magnet width. One person was right when he said that the distance should be no less than the width of the magnet.

If you do not delve into a boring theory, the circuit of overlapping the axial generator coils by permanent magnets in practice should look like this.

At each moment of time, the same poles of magnets in a similar way overlap windings of coils with a separate phase.


This is how in real life: everything coincides with a picture of almost 100%, only the coils differ quite slightly in shape.

Sequence of the axial generator assembly Consider on the example of a device collected by the user Aleksei2011.


This time I make a disk axial generator. Disk diameter - 220 mm, magnets - 50 * 30 * 10 mm. Total - 16 magnets (8 pieces on disks). The coils were winding with a wire Ø1.06 mm for 75 turns. Coils - 12 pieces.

Stator manufacturing

As can be seen in the photo, the coils have a form similar to an elongated water drop. This is done in order for the direction of movement of the magnets to be perpendicular to the long side of the coil (it is here that the maximum EDC is induced).

If round magnets are used, the inner diameter of the coil must approximately correspond to the magnet diameter. If square magnets are used, the configuration of the coil's turns should be constructed in such a way that the magnets overlap the direct segments of turns. The installation of longer magnets does not make sense, because the maximum values \u200b\u200bof the EMF occur only in those areas of the conductor, which are located perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field movement.

The manufacture of the stator begins with winding coils. The coils are easiest to wind at a pre-harvested pattern. Templates are very different: from small hand devices to miniature homemade machines.

The coils of each individual phase are connected in each other. The end of the first coil is connected to the beginning of the fourth, the end of the fourth - with the beginning of the seventh, etc.

Recall that when connecting the phases according to the "Star" scheme, the ends of the windings (phases) of the device are connected to one common node, which will be the generator neutral. At the same time, three free wires (the beginning of each phase) are connected to a three-phase diode bridge.

When all coils are collected in a single scheme, you can prepare the shape under the fill of the stator. After that, immersed in the form of the entire electrical part and pour epoxy resin.

Production of the rotor for axial

Most often, homemade axial generators are made on the basis of a car hub and brake discs compatible with it (you can use homemade metal discs, as it did Aleksei2011). The scheme will be the following.

In this case, the diameter of the stator is greater than the diameter of the rotor. This allows you to attach the stator to the wind generator frame with metal studs.


Studs for fastening the stator M6 stand (in the amount of 3 pieces). This is exclusively for the generator test. Subsequently, there will be 6 pieces (M8). I think that for the generator of this power it will be quite enough.

In some cases, the stator disc is attached to the fixed axis of the generator. This approach allows you to make the design of the generator less dimensional, but the principles of operation of the device do not change.

Opposite magnets should be sent to each other with different poles: if the magnet is turned to the statist of the generator with its southern Pole "S", the opposite magnet, located on the second disk, should be facing the Stator with a pole "N". At the same time, magnets located near the same disk must also be oriented multidirectional.

The power of the magnetic field, which create neodymium magnets, is quite large. Therefore, adjust the distance between the stator discs and the generator rotor should be using a spiel-threaded connection.

This is a design variant in which the rotor diameter is larger than the diameter of the stator. The stator in this case is attached to the stationary axis of the device.

Also for adjusting the distance between the discs, you can use spacer sleeves (or washers), which are installed on the fixed axis of the generator.

The distance between the magnets and the stator should be minimal (1 ... 2 mm). Glue magnets on the generator discs can be ordinary superclaim. It is more correct to carry out a magnet sticker using a pre-prepared pattern (for example, from plywood).

This is what the preliminary tests of the generator executed by the user Aleksei2011using a screwdriver: at 310 rp from the device, 42 volts were removed (connection - star). From one phase it turns out 22 volts. The calculated resistance of the same phase is 0.95 ohms. After connecting the AKB, the screwdriver was able to promote the generator to 170 rpm, the charging current was 3.1a.

After long experiments, which were associated with the modernization of the working screw and other less large-scale improvements, the generator demonstrated its maximum characteristics.


Finally, the wind came to us, and I fixed the maximum power of the windmill: the wind intensified, and the impulses reached 12-4m / s. Maximum fixed power - 476 watts. In the wind, 10m / with a windmill produces about 300 watts.

Wind Energy Installation from the Automotive Generator

A popular solution among people practicing the manufacture of VEU with their own hands is the remission of the automotive generator under alternative needs. Despite the entire attractiveness of such a venture, it should be noted that the automobile generator in the form in which it is installed on the vehicle engine is quite problematic to use as part of the wind power plant. Tell me - why:

  1. First, the winding of the coils of the standard automotive generator consists of only 5 ... 7 turns. Therefore, so that such a generator began to charge the battery, its rotor must be promoted to about 1200 rpm.
  2. Secondly, magnetic induction in the standard automotive generator occurs due to the excitation coil, which is embedded in the device rotor. In order for such a generator to work without connecting to an additional power source, it must be equipped with permanent magnets (preferably - neodymium) and make certain adjustments to the stator winding.


The converted autogenerator (for magnets) has the right to life. I have two such. In the wind, 8 m / s with two-meter screws give honest 300 watts each.

The remission of the automotive generator under VEU requires a certain skill. Therefore, it is desirable to start it, having an experience of the rewinding of asynchronous engines or generators with a standard cylindrical stator (and those, and others, if desired, can be turned into an alternative energy setting). Alteration of the automotive generator has its own nuances. It will be much easier to understand them, if you contact, which managed to achieve certain success in this area.

Cable protection from twisting

As you know, the wind does not have a permanent direction. And if your wind generator will rotate around its axis like a fluger, then without additional measures to protect the cable, which comes from the wind generator to other elements of the system, will quickly twist and within a few days will be unusable. We bring to your attention a few ways to protect against such troubles.

Method first: detachable connection

The simplest, but completely impractical way of protection is to install the plug-in cable connection. The connector allows you to unravel the curled cable manually by turning off the wind generator from the system.

w00W00. User forumhouse.

I know some below put something like a plug with a power outlet. Spinned the cable - disconnected from the outlet. Then - promoted and stuck the fork back. And the mast is not necessary to ignore, and the currents are not needed. I read it on homemade windmills forum. Judging by the words, everything works and does not twist the cable too often.

The method of the second: Using a hard cable

Some users advise connect to the generator thick, elastic and rigid cables (for example, welding). The method, at first glance, unreliable, but has the right to life.

user343. User forumhouse.

I found on one site: our method of protection is to use a welding cable with a rigid rubber coating. The problem of twisted wires in the design of small wind turbines is strongly overwritten, and the welding cable # 4 ... # 6 has special qualities: rigid rubber does not give a cable to twist and prevents the windmill turn in the same direction.

Method Three: Installation of the current collecting rings

In our opinion, only the installation of special current collecting rings will help to fully protect the cable from twisting. It is this way that a user has implemented in the design of its wind generator Mikhail 26.

Wind generator protection from storm

It is about protecting the device from hurricanes and strong wind gusts. In practice, it is implemented in two ways:

  1. Restricting wind speeds with an electromagnetic brake.
  2. Involution of the plane of rotation of the screw from the direct impact of the wind stream.

The first method is based on the wind generator. We have already told about him in one of the previous articles.

The second method involves the installation of a folding tail, which allows the wind of the wind to direct the screw towards the wind stream, and during the storm, on the contrary - to carry the screw from under the wind.

The folding of the tail is occurring according to the following scheme.

  1. In the windless weather, the tail is located slightly under the tilt (down and to the side).
  2. At rated wind speed, the tail is straightened, and the screw becomes parallel to the airflow.
  3. When the wind speed exceeds the nominal values \u200b\u200b(for example, 10 m / s), the wind pressure on the screw becomes greater than the force being created by the tail weight. At this point, the tail begins to develop, and the screw leaves from under the wind.
  4. When the wind speed reaches critical values, the screw rotation plane becomes perpendicular to the wind stream.

When the wind weakens, the tail under his own weight returns to its original position and turns the screw towards the wind. In order for the tail in order to return to its original position without additional springs, a rotary mechanism with inclined kicker (hinge) is used, which is installed on the axis of the tail rotation.

The optimal area of \u200b\u200bthe tail of the tail is 15% ... 20% of the windy oil area.

Your attention is presented with the most common variant of the mechanical protection of the wind generator. In one form or another, it is successfully used in practice by users of our portal.

Watchcat. User forumhouse.

With a storm, it is necessary to slow down the screw in the wind from under the wind. I have, for example, with too strong wind windmill tipping up with a screw up. Not the best option, because the return to the working position is accompanied by a noticeable blow. But for ten years the windmill did not break.

A few words about the proper installation of the wind generator

Choosing the place and height of the mast, which would be optimally suitable for the installation of the wind generator, should be focused on a variety of factors: the recommended height, the presence of obstacles near VEU, as well as their own observations and measurements.

In order to calculate the optimal height of the mast for home VEU, it is necessary to height the nearest obstacle (wood, buildings, etc.), which is within a radius of 100 meters from the windmill mast, add 10 meters yet. So you will get the height of the lower point of the windwall.

Leo2. User forumhouse.

In the United States, for example, the minimum recommended mast height for VEU with a power of several kW - 15 m, but the higher the better. The lower part of the winds should be at least 10 m above the nearest high obstacle. Of course, it is pre-examined to examine the area and choose the optimal height of the mast. On the eye it can only be done by a very experienced specialist. In all other cases, careful measurements must be carried out during the year (at a minimum).

In the process of installing home-made wind generators, the theory is very often dispersed with practice, therefore, on average, homemade masts have a height from 6 to 12 meters. The main advantage of self-made steps (mast) is that if any parameters do not meet your needs, design, dimensions and installation heights at any time can be changed.

Before carrying out welding work related to the repair or modernization of the structure, the generator must be turned off and removed from the mast. Otherwise, under the action of welding currents, permanent magnets may fail (uncharged).

The rich experience of Forumhouse users, is assembled in one of the sections of our construction portal. If you are seriously interested in alternative energy, we recommend reading an article dedicated to (batteries). Surely, you will also be interested in a small video about the peculiarities of the correct construction of a powerful and functional system of power supply of a country house, which according to the classic scheme is connected to a standard transformer substation.

The wind generator made from the automotive generator can help in a situation where there is no possibility of connecting to the power line in a private building. Either serve as an auxiliary source of alternative energy. Such a device can be made with your own hands from the girlfriend, using the developments of folk craftsmen. Photos and video will demonstrate the process of creating a homemade wind installation.

There is a huge species diversity of wind generators and drawings of their manufacture. But any design includes the following mandatory elements:

  • generator;
  • blades;
  • accumulative battery;
  • mast;
  • the electronic unit.

Possessing some skills, you can make the wind generator with your own hands

In addition, it is necessary to think in advance the control system and distribution of electricity, draw the installation scheme.

Wind wheel

The blades are perhaps the most important part of the wind generator. From the design will depend on the operation of the rest of the device nodes. Made them from different materials. Even from a plastic sewer pipe. The blade from the pipe is easy to manufacture, it is cheap and not exposed to moisture. The procedure for the manufacture of wind vessels is as follows:

  1. It is necessary to calculate the length of the blade. The diameter of the pipe should be 1/5 from the total element. For example, if the blade is a meter, then the pipe is suitable with a diameter of 20 cm.
  2. We cut the pipe with the jigsaw along the 4 parts.
  3. From one part we make a wing that serves as a template for cutting the subsequent vane.
  4. Bakery on the edges smoothed abrasive.
  5. The blades are fixed to an aluminum disk with welded stripes for fastening.
  6. Next, the generator is screwed to this disc.

Blade for wind wheel

After assembly, the windwell needs balancing. It is fixed on the tripod horizontally. The operation is carried out indoors in the wind closed. In the case of properly conducted balancing, the wheel should not move. If the blades rotate themselves, they need to be treated until the equilibrium of the entire structure is to give.

Only after the successful completion of this procedure should be proceeded to check the accuracy of rotation of the blades, they must spin in one plane without skewing. The error is allowed in 2 mm.

Generator assembly scheme


For the manufacture of the mast, the old plumbing pipe with a diameter of at least 15 cm is suitable, about 7 m long. If there are buildings within 30 m from the intended place of installation, then the height of the design is adjusted towards zoom. For the efficient operation of the wind installation, the pocket is raised above the obstacle at least 1 m.

The base of the mast and pegs for securing stretch marks concrete. Clamps weld with bolts. For stretch marks apply galvanized 6 mm cable.

Council. The collected mast has a considerable weight, with manual installation you will need a counterweight from the pipe with the cargo.

Alteration of generator

For the manufacture of a windmill generator, a generator is suitable from any car. Their designs are similar to each other, and the alteration is reduced to the rewind of the wire of the stator and the manufacture of the rotor on neodymium magnets. In the poles of the rotor, holes for fixing magnets are dried. Install them, alternating poles. The rotor wrapping paper, and emptiness between magnets is poured with epoxy resin.

Automotive generator

In the same way, you can redo the engine from the old washing machine. Only magnets in this case, in order to avoid sticking stick at an angle.

The new winding is rewinding the coil to the tooth of the stator. You can make a mouthpiece, it's how comfortable. The more the number of turns, the more efficient the generator will be. Wind coils in one direction on a three-phase diagram.

The finished generator should be tested and measure the data. If with 300 revolutions generator gives about 30 volts, this is a good result.

Generator for windmill from a car generator

Final assembly

The generator frame is welded from the profile pipe. The tail is made of galvanized tin. The rotary axis is a tube with two bearings. The generator is attached to the mast so that the distance from the blade to the mast was at least 25 cm. For safety reasons for the final assembly and mast installation, it is worth choosing a windless day. The blades under the action of a strong wind can be bent and crashing about the mast.

To use batteries for food, which runs from a 220 V network, you will need to install the voltage conversion inverter. Battery capacity is selected individually to the wind generator. This indicator depends on the wind speed on the ground, the power of the connected technique and the frequency of use it.

The device of the wind generator

In order for the battery does not fail from excessive charging, you will need a voltage controller. It can be made independently if you have sufficient knowledge in electronics, or buy ready. There are many controllers for sale for alternative energy mechanisms.

Council. So that the vane does not break with a strong wind, install a simple device - protective vane.

Maintenance of the wind generator

The wind generator, like any other device, needs technical control and maintenance. For uninterrupted windmill work, the following works are periodically carried out.

Scheme of the wind generator
  1. The current current requires a current. Generator brushes need cleaning, lubricant and preventive adjustment every two months.
  2. At the first signs of the blatant malfunction (wheels shake and unbalanced), the wind generator is lowered to the ground and repaired.
  3. Once every three years, metal parts are covered with anti-corrosion paint.
  4. Regularly check fastenings and tension of cables.

Now that the installation is over, you can connect the devices and enjoy electricity. At least so far windy.

Generator for windmill do it yourself: video

Vertical wind generator with his own hands, drawings, photos, windmill video with vertical axis.

Wind generators are divided into the type of placement of the rotating axis (rotor) to vertical and horizontal. We considered the design of the wind generator with a horizontal rotor in the last article, now let's talk about the wind generator with a vertical rotor.

Scheme of an axial generator for the wind generator.

Making a windywell.

The vertical wind engineer (turbine) vertical wind generator consists of two supports of the upper and lower, as well as from the blades.

The wind velocity is made of aluminum or stainless steel sheets, and the wind velocity can be cut from a thin-walled barrel. The height of the wind vehicle should be at least 1 meter.

In this windweight, the angle of bending the blades sets the rotor speed, the greater the bend, the greater the rotation speed.

The windweight is attached to bolts immediately to the pulley of the generator.

You can use any mast to install a vertical wind generator, mast production is described in detail in this.

Connection diagram of the wind generator.

The generator is connected to the controller, which in turn to the battery. As an energy drive, it is practical to use a car battery. Since household appliances work from AC, we will need an inverter to convert a DC 12 V to a variable 220V.

To connect a copper wire with a cross section to 2.5 squares. Connection diagram is described in detail.

Video where the wind generator is shown in work.