How to cut window glass correctly. How to cut old glass so it doesn't crack

This tool on the market is represented by such a wide assortment that consumers are confused in their choice, wondering which option is better to buy. To make the right decision, first you should not only learn the basic rules of how to cut with a glass cutter, but also decide how often they will have to be used.

Glass is a fragile material, it is very problematic to work with it. Cutting such material requires a delicate attitude, and not everyone succeeds in this. To cut glass in order to give it the desired shape, today they use several types of glass cutters, but more often the classic version is preferred. It leaves a neat scribbled line on the glass surface, and all that remains is to break off the desired piece along the drawn contour.



Quite a popular model that is easy to use. Roller glass cutter is very often chosen by beginners, since it is very convenient in work. In addition, such a tool is cheap because there are no diamond stones in its design.

Structurally, the glass cutter consists of a roller part and a handle. For the manufacture of the roller, special hard alloys are used, the element diameter is 5 mm.

But the working resource of such a tool is limited - it is enough for three and a half - four hundred meters of glass material. But since it costs very much even acceptable, you can purchase a new instrument at any time. In addition, the kit comes with several replaceable roller elements, so you won't have to change the purchased tool for a long time.


Another common, effective and popular glass cutter is diamond. This option is perfect for both professionals and inexperienced glass cutters.

Let's figure out how to cut glass with a diamond glass cutter. Immediately, we note that in the course of training you will ruin more than a dozen glasses, but all your expectations will come true as soon as you master the technique of using a diamond glass cutter.

The tool consists of a handle and a working head with a diamond element, which can be pyramidal or beveled. It is necessary to know everything about such a feature, since the shape differences of the heads affect the principle of operation. For example, cutting a glass with a pyramid-shaped head is much more difficult - this requires a developed, practically "musical" ear. Let's see how to properly cut glass with such a glass cutter. During operation, the diamond moves along the glass surface and emits a sound of a certain frequency. When the sound is "wrong", it confirms that the movement of the diamond element is not correct, and the glass chip is likely to be defective. To cut the desired shape correctly, beginners use a glass cutter that has a beveled head.

In such an instrument, the stone can be artificial or real, and this difference affects the cost. But here there is one more feature - with a real diamond you will cut a glass of a centimeter thickness, and an artificial one is enough only for 5 mm. And the operational period of such samples is different - a real diamond will cut from ten to fifteen kilometers of glass, while an artificial one will end its operation after the fifth kilometer.


This version of the glass cutter is a modification of the tool with a roller head. A small reservoir is arranged in the handle, into which the lubricant is poured. During the cutting process, it is constantly fed to the roller and glass surface, significantly reducing friction and improving the quality of the lines being scratched, ensuring long-term tool life. Ultimately, the operating period of an oil glass cutter, in comparison with a simple roller cutter, is fifteen times longer.

In addition to the listed models, there are circular glass cutters with which you can easily cut round holes on the glass. Such a tool is somewhat structurally different, more like a compass than a handle with a cutting element. In addition to circles, such a glass cutter can cut holes in the shape of an ellipse.

Instructions for using a glass cutter

Let's figure out how to cut glass with a glass cutter at home. For convenience, we will distribute the entire workflow into several stages.

Preparatory activities

Such events influence a lot. The preparation depends primarily on the glass you choose to cut. The purchased material should be wiped off dust using an old newspaper so that streaks and lint do not remain on the surface. Used glass requires more thorough preparation. First, it should be washed with the use of special products. After that, the surface is degreased, the glass is dried in a closed room so that dust does not settle on its surface.

Open the glass

Many also refer this process to the preparatory stage, but we will single it out as an independent type of work. It is no secret that there is no absolutely waste-free production for this type of work, especially if the ultimate goal is to obtain a product with unusual geometric parameters. But if you first calculate and outline how to cut glass with a glass cutter, you can minimize waste. Experts recommend combining the longest side of the glass with the longest edge of the workpiece. At the same time, you should not rush to throw away the remaining trimmings - they may be useful in the future.

Cutting technique

It remains to find out how to properly cut glass with a glass cutter. This requires a flat surface. So that small glass fragments and other debris do not interfere with us, the table is covered with soft material, the thickness of which reaches 3 - 5 mm.

Now - attention! Only one cut is made - it is forbidden to carry out the second time in one place with a glass cutter.

If the tool is roller, more pressure is exerted on it than on a diamond one. Correct cutting is accompanied by a characteristic crunch. Closer to the edge of the glass, the pressure is released to prevent chipping and damage to the cutting edge of the tool. After that, an even rail is placed under the glass, a break is made along the cutting line. Previously, it is recommended to knock on the line with the handle of the glass cutter in order to deepen the cracks and facilitate the breaking process. If you need to break off a narrow strip, you can use pliers or a glass cutter handle, which has special grooves.

Possible mistakes

Most often, inexperienced carvers make the following erroneous actions:

  • When cutting corrugated glass, they use not a roller tool, but a different model of glass cutter. In addition, glass is frosted, with patterns and corrugations, they are trying to cut not from the smooth side;
  • often the dimensions of the final blanks are not respected. Trimming should be carried out in such a way that the dimensions are a couple of millimeters smaller than the frame into which the glass is planned to be inserted;
  • when working with a glass cutter, additional materials are ignored - patterns, which are special rulers;
  • it is recommended to make sure that the glass cutter is suitable for use before each cut. For this, its sharpening is checked - a piece of glass is cut off on already cut pieces. If an unpleasant creak is heard during cutting, the cutting edge must be sharpened.

Compliance with safety precautions

To avoid injury, work with gloves. Look for shoes that are durable so that stray glasses don't cut your feet. It is necessary to dress in dense overalls made of thick fabric.

Glass- this material is special and different from other building materials.

This building material is extremely fragile and is mostly transparent.

That is why, before buying glass and working with it, you need to start shopping with a tool.

But you should not buy the first tool that comes across, because it may be of poor quality and will not be able to cut the glass as it should.

It is very important to determine which tool you need, because there are several types of glass cutters.:

  1. Roller;
  2. Diamond;
  3. Oil;


The glass cutter roller has a built-in special roller, which is made of a very strong tungsten-cobalt alloy. The normal roll diameter is 6.6mm, which can cut glass up to 4mm thick.


The diamond glass cutter is equipped with a correspondingly small diamond, this diamond cuts the glass. The hardness of diamond is well known and therefore it has long been used for cutting glass.

Nowadays, as before, the diamond glass cutter is considered the best tool for cutting glass.


Not so long ago, an oil glass cutter was added to the list of glass cutters.

It is essentially an improved roller tool with a built-in reservoir for supplying grease to the roller in the handle. This lubricant binds the particles that form when cutting the glass while providing a smooth motion. This glass cutter can cut glass up to 20 mm.

  1. Before purchasing any kind of glass cutter, it is best to ask the seller to check.
  2. In the event that the tool suits you, you can buy it, but buy the one that was shown to you.

How to cut glass

A sheet of glass is not so easy to cut as it seems the first time. Preparation is required to cut the glass.


  1. Absolutely new glass will be good enough to clean from dust and wipe dry with newspapers, the fabric is not suitable for such work.
  2. In the event that you have to cut old glass, then first it should be degreased, after that the glass is washed well with water and detergents.
  3. After all the above manipulations, the glass will need to be dried in a closed and clean room.

Open the glass

Also, the cutting of glass and the preparation of containers for collecting waste are also included in the preparatory work. There should be two containers, that is, for collecting small waste and for collecting larger ones, which may be useful for something in the future.

It is best to start cutting glass with a simple window glass, and then move on to more complex options.

Glass cutting technique

When using a diamond glass cutter, it is necessary to hold it at the very bottom of the handle and draw a smooth line along the ruler, almost without pressing on the glass.

When cutting glass with a roller glass cutter a little pressure is required and when the glass cutter moves, a whitish strip appears on the glass surface and is deeper than when using a diamond tool.

Possible mistakes

There are two mistakes in the river of glass:

  1. The pressure with the glass cutter is too strong;
  2. A glass cutter is carried out several times in the same place.

When cutting glass, try to press the tool evenly along the entire length of the cut.

If you notice chips while cutting glass, then this only means that you are pressing the tool too much. To avoid this, reduce the pressure on the glass cutter.

Do not under any circumstances trace the cut line twice, as this may ruin your instrument.

The final stage is glass breaking

Thin glasses are broken by hand. A piece of glass, which has already been cut through, must be placed on the edge of the table, so that the cut line is on top and protrudes slightly beyond the edge of the table, and the main part of the glass should lie on the table.

You need to press the glass sheet with one hand, and with the other you need to grab the protruding part of the glass and gently push down on the glass with your hand.

If the edge to be broken off is small and it is impossible to break it off with your hands, pliers are used.

Knowledge of the theory of stele cutting allows you to apply this knowledge in practice. That is, you can take a small piece of glass and practice on it.

After you try glass cutting in practice, you will be more confident in your skills in the future. We hope you find this information useful. We wish you good luck and patience!

To cut glass smoothly and accurately, you do not need to be a hereditary glazier, a high-quality glass cutter and a little preliminary practice are enough. Today we will tell you how to use the two main types of glass cutters correctly, we will touch on the aspects of the choice and the technique of working with them.

Safety engineering

Glass cutting is a rather traumatic process. There are three main risk factors:

  • microscopic glass dust that irritates mucous membranes;
  • small needle-shaped shards that can damage the eyes when rebounding;
  • sharp edges of workpieces.

Cutting glass, even on a small scale, must be carried out with glasses and cotton gloves. If you plan to work on this front for a long time, then a regular petal respirator will not interfere.

Most injuries result from excessive force being applied to the instrument. The probability that the hand with the glass cutter will slip off from excessive stress is quite high, this can not only lead to serious cuts, but also guaranteed to ruin the material.

And, of course, the traditional source of injury is human inattention. There is nothing worse than a glass splinter, so do not feel the cut edges by touch before sanding them, and do not cut the glass over a canopy or on your knees. Keep your work area tidy, especially on the floor, prefer closed clothing and do not place sheets of glass at too steep an angle.

Glass cutters: which one is better

In the matter of choosing a tool for cutting glass, there is more dependence on professional training than anywhere else. Roller glass cutters are great for training and occasional use, and diamond tools are preferred for experienced cutters.

Roller glass cutters differ from diamond cutters not only in appearance and design, they have a different effect on the material. The main advantage of the roller tool is the absolutely clear marking process. It is almost impossible to make a mistake when using such a glass cutter, but the quality of the edge and the speed of work usually leave much to be desired.

In addition, rollers, as a rule, have a short service life. Depending on the cost and, accordingly, the alloy used, one roller can be designed for 200-500 m of cut, subject to the operating rules. After that, it needs to be replaced, which is not very convenient for large volumes of work, moreover, not every model of glass cutter provides such an opportunity.

More or less experienced glaziers use practically indestructible diamonds for cutting: it is easier to learn how to use them once than to change the rollers every 40-60 minutes. These two types of tools do not have any other fundamental differences: of course, there may be additional "gadgets" such as a breaker or edge grinder, different shapes of handles. But these are all secondary signs that determine the convenience of work, but not the basic technique.

As for oil glass cutters, this is a way to eliminate the ubiquitous glass dust, and an attempt to bring a roller tool closer to diamond in terms of durability. The attempt, by the way, is quite successful: in the presence of lubrication, the roller can perform several kilometers of cut, which is still far from a diamond tool, but not bad. The only criterion for the quality of such a tool is the reliability of the lubricant supply mechanism: with operating pressure, the roller should leave a small dot, but not a spreading spot.

Preparation of the workplace

When cutting glass, the quality of the result is determined by the convenience of work. Regardless of whether you just want to shorten the mirror or are going to earn extra money by sharp, the place must be equipped taking into account several requirements. But the approach to their execution can be completely different.

The first is the soft surface of the table, to which dust and grains of sand cannot be pressed by a sheet of glass. For professionals, brush skirting boards are recommended; for a one-time job, an old carpet or a soft dense sheet will do. The size of the table should allow the part to be placed on at least 2/3 of the area, while the cutting line should be entirely on the table.

One of the keys to success in glass cutting is quality lighting. From additional tools, you will need a thick metal rail with a straight edge and a small thin glazing bead for breaking off. Before cutting, all glasses must be thoroughly washed and dried, the marking is applied intermittently on dirty glass, and the workpiece cannot be evenly broken off.

How to work with an oil glass cutter

Due to its amorphous structure, glass has an interesting fracture pattern. It always breaks "along the shortest path," that is, in the thinnest place. Therefore, the most insignificant scratch is enough, if only it starts from one edge and ends on the other.

The roller glass cutter does not scratch, it pushes the groove, breaking off the edges with many small flakes. The pressure on the tool should be commensurate with the thickness of the glass being cut and, accordingly, the diameter of the roller. Remember also that there is only one attempt to apply the markings; when you pass the risk again, the roller is almost immediately chipped and dull.

Correctly hold the glass cutter like a handle, using the edge of the palm as a stop and pushing the little finger forward for greater stability. The movement is always directed towards itself, that is, the glass cutter simply reaches for the hand, the necessary pressure is provided by the fingers. The position of the glass cutter in the longitudinal projection is always strictly perpendicular.

All talk about the correct inclination of the handle in the direction of the cut is sheer heresy: a round roller does not matter at what angle it is turned. However, for oil glass cutters, it is preferable to hold the handle closer to the perpendicular position for normal pressure on the lubricant supply wick.

So, putting the roller to the far edge, you need to stretch 3-5 mm to the risk with minimal pressure, so that the markings are guaranteed to touch the end of the glass sheet. After that, the main line is drawn at the same risk, this time with a normal pressure. If the marking is forced to interrupt, you need to start with a small approach to the scratch made and mark the place of interruption so that you can carefully tap it afterwards. The main specificity when working with an oil glass cutter is to provide sufficient pressure to press the feed wick. Otherwise, such a tool cuts like a conventional roller.

Selection of rollers and lubricants

There are many types of rollers for different applications and different types of glass. For oil glass cutters, rollers are used made of the same material as for conventional ones - tungsten carbide or tungsten-cobalt alloy; hardened stainless steel products are somewhat less common. It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer regarding the quality of the cut of each material: all alloys are definitely harder than glass, and the assessment of the convenience of working with them is mostly subjective.

The roller diameter is matched exactly to the thickness of the cut sheet. If the roller is smaller, there may be problems with breaking, the larger one will leave an ugly chipped edge. For cutting with a curved contour or if the glass has an uneven surface, very small rollers are used, but in this case the markings should be very carefully tapped.

The rollers may also differ in sharpening angle. Glass with a thickness of up to 4-6 mm is perfectly cut by a roller with an edge of 135 °, this is the minimum value. The thicker the glass, the more obtuse the sharpening angle is used, in some models the angles reach 160 °.

There are also nuances with lubrication. For the safety of a high-quality tool, it must be filled with a special water-based composition. The oil has a certain consistency, due to which its minimum consumption is ensured, and is easily washed off with water. If not, you can use petroleum jelly: the consumption will be slightly higher, but there are no problems with cleaning.

Raising the skill level: working with a diamond glass cutter

If the resource of the oil glass cutter is still not enough, purchase a diamond one. But be prepared to make a series of test cuts - about a couple of hundred meters in total. This is necessary to determine the individual characteristics of the diamond - the angles of sharpening and turning of the edges.

First, carefully examine the crystal under a magnifying glass. A diamond stone has the shape of a tooth with two slopes - one is flat and straight, the other is steeper and has two edges. The normal direction during work is with a gentle straight edge towards yourself.

The main task in mastering a diamond tool is to find the most favorable tilt of the handle towards / away from you, in which the diamond tooth will scratch out a miniature groove as easily as possible. At the same time, the very markings on the glass are almost invisible, and when the glass cutter moves, a characteristic ringing is heard.

Do not forget that you cannot tilt the diamond glass cutter to the left / right: if the roller is tolerated by a couple of degrees, then when working with a diamond cutter, the scratch will get torn edges and the quality of the edge will turn out to be disgusting. Therefore, train on scraps of glass, fill your hand and form muscle memory: a good diamond glass cutter is enough for many almost for a lifetime.

You can get structures of different shapes from a glass sheet, but for this you need to learn how to cut it. If you have a glass cutter, then this task can be easily dealt with. And if it is not? How to cut glass without glass cutter? In fact, there are several ways to cut material using various devices, which will be discussed below.

Preparation for work

Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare the glass itself: rinse it with water, degrease it with gasoline. If it will be mounted in a frame, then you will have to adjust the product to the desired size. In this case, an additional 2 mm of material must be cut off on each side. This only applies to wooden frames, since they are capable of contracting and expanding under atmospheric influences.

Before cutting off the glass, you need to prepare the space. To work with it you need a table or some kind of support. This will make it easier to cut and help break the piece more evenly. If the master is to cut the material for the first time, then he should practice on small pieces in order to understand the basic principles. Only then can you proceed to cutting large sheets.

Glass cutting

Before using the tools at hand, you need to understand how to cut glass with a glass cutter. The cutting element is placed perpendicular to the surface and strictly along the marked line. The tool is lightly pressed and gently begin to lead "towards oneself". If everything is done according to the rules, then the sound of glass being cut will be heard and a thin white line will appear on the sheet. A squeak during cutting indicates an incorrect tilt of the tool, its breakage, or excessive pressure.

After cutting with a glass cutter, the glass is placed on the edge of the table (or stool) so that the resulting line goes slightly beyond its edge. You need to hold the sheet with one hand, and press on the hanging part with the other (it should fall off). If your hands do not work, then you can gently knock with a hammer along the cut line. If necessary, the process is repeated from the beginning.

Using scissors

Material that is not very thick can be cut with ordinary scissors. First you have to make the markup. How to cut glass using this method? You need to immerse it in warm water and cut it into pieces of the required size. If nothing worked or the material began to crumble, then tempered glass has come across (the cutting features are listed below). To cut a large piece, you will need a bath or large bowl of water.

The procedure is carried out as follows: the marking is carried out with the tip of scissors, after which the unnecessary element is broken off. This method is suitable for sheets up to 3 mm thick and allows you to cut shapes with straight contours. To facilitate the work, a template is made of cardboard, which is glued to the workpiece with glue. You should be aware that the material will be more pliable under a large layer of water.

Twine, gasoline and a lighter

The method described below will tell you how to cut the glass exactly if you don't have a glass cutter at hand. Everyone knows that the material is afraid of sudden temperature changes. You can use this property to cut it. For work you will need: a string with a maximum thickness of 2 mm (only made of cotton), a lighter, gasoline (kerosene).

The glass sheet is laid on the table and a line is marked with a marker along which it needs to be cut. Measure and cut the string so that it covers the entire length of the cut. After that, it is poured over with gasoline and applied to the line on the glass. The string must be set on fire so that it ignites along its entire length. When the thread goes out, it is poured with cold water. As a result, the glass will crack at the place where the temperature drops. If the crack has not gone through the entire sheet, then you need to repeat the procedure and lightly tap on the cut line.

We work with a soldering iron

How to cut glass if you have a soldering iron at hand? The material is placed on a flat surface and with the help of a needle file, risks are made along the edges. A ruler is applied to it and touched with a soldering iron with an indent from it by 2-3 mm. It is necessary to warm up each place so that the glass cracks. With a soldering iron, they pass along the entire cut - so it will turn out to be pretty even.

Break the glass with special tongs or place it on the edge of the table. The rift will follow the groove when applied along the cut of duct tape or wet newspaper. If the product needs to be inserted into the frame, then you will have to cover the installation site with putty or rubber strips. It is applied to the frame and covered with glazing beads, under which a rubber seal is placed.

Charcoal pencil cutting

Below we will talk about how to properly cut glass with a charcoal pencil (you can do it yourself). It allows you to cut various shapes from the material. To make the tool you will need: charcoal (lime, birch) and gum arabic. The coal is ground into powder, gum arabic is added to it and a kind of dough is kneaded. Round sticks are made from the mass, after which they are thoroughly dried.

Before cutting, markings are made on the glass and the edges are filed with a file. The pencil is set on fire from one side and led along the line. The result is cracks along which the product breaks easily.

Cutting different types of glass

When cutting regular glass, there should be no problem. Various tools will help to cope with this task: from scissors to special glass cutters. But how to cut off Below we will talk about this. At home, you can also cut organic and corrugated glass.

Corrugated products are in great demand as they are inserted into doors and various interior designs. This material is easy to cut (like regular glass), so you can use the tools described above. It should be remembered that the cut must be made from the smooth side.

Making holes

Cutting off a piece of glass can be done easily and simply with ordinary tools. And how to make a hole in it and what is needed for this? It is necessary to stock up on wet fine sand, lead (tin) and a container for melting it, acetone, and a template. The template is a stick with a cone-shaped end, the diameter of which must match the size of the future hole.

To get the job done, you must:

  • lay the glass on a flat surface;
  • degrease the incision site and sprinkle it with sand so that a slide 50 mm high is obtained;
  • take a template and make a hole for it at the top of the slide;
  • melt lead in an aluminum or enamel pot (can be heated with gas or blowtorch);
  • pour hot lead in a thin stream into a sand funnel;
  • wait 5-7 minutes and remove the sand around the hole;
  • gently check the cooling of the casting with your finger and remove it.

A not quite perfect hole will remain under the casting. However, you can easily insert a handle, decorative elements, fasteners and other covering parts into the resulting structure. Before cutting off the glass in this way, you need to practice on scraps of material so as not to ruin the whole canvas.

From the above, it can be seen that it is possible without special glass cutters. However, in the process of work, care must be taken and some rules must be observed so as not to damage the material and not accidentally get hurt.

Almost all of us are faced with the need to process transparent material, but in fact, not everyone knows how to properly cut glass with a glass cutter. In addition, this material is quite fragile, and when working with it, injuries of varying degrees are not excluded. Of course, you can entrust this matter to specialists who will do everything quickly and professionally. But at the same time they will ask for a decent wage for their work, and many of us want to save money.

But if in fact, then you can cut the glass of the required size at home or in your own garage. The job, while it can be dangerous, is not very difficult as it might seem. One has only to know the technology and observe safety precautions.

Safety comes first!

Most owners of apartments or private houses do home repairs on their own, of course, when there is time for this. As in any other business, when working with glass, you must adhere to safety precautions to avoid serious injury. A simple ignorance of how to properly cut glass with a glass cutter can lead not only to cuts, but also to eye damage from fragments.

Cutting glass on your knees or moving objects is highly discouraged; for this, you must use a firm and level surface. You should not grab the raw edges; it is better to lift the workpieces from the side edges. Working with glass requires work clothes made of thick, dense fabric. Shoes should be closed so as not to injure your feet. Having changed into it before starting work, you also need to take care of the safety of your face and hands. To do this, always wear gloves and safety goggles. At the end of the work, it is necessary to change clothes and change shoes so that the fragments (and they will certainly be on the clothes) do not leave the work area.

Glass selection

As experts in the glass craft point out, the main thing is to choose a good material, otherwise cutting glass will lose its meaning. This is especially important when deciding to replace the window glass yourself.

When choosing glass in a store, if you look at its ends, you can see a bluish or slightly green tint. This indicates a high quality material. However, the products can also be defective. Even if it is a home renovation, glass with scratches should not be taken. It also happens that the rules are not fully followed during the production of the material, and then various defects appear on the sheets. Stripes are characteristic of them, which significantly distort the view.

Choosing glass for windows, you should choose the optimal thickness, which depends on the dimensions of the frame. For example, its height is no more than 60 cm, then the sheet thickness can be from 2 to 2.5 mm. Otherwise (more than 60 cm), you need to select a large thickness - up to 3.5-4 mm. When cutting glass, the sheet should be formed 3-5 mm less than the frame. Otherwise, at the slightest distortion, the glass will not be inserted into the opening.

Types of glass cutters

For cutting glass, a special tool is used, which is known to everyone. It can be of several types:

  • roller;
  • diamond;
  • oil;
  • compass.

Roller glass cutters have a round cutting tip. For its manufacture, an alloy of cobalt and tungsten is usually used. In this case, the number of rollers in one tool can vary from one to six. Unlike other analogs, such a tool is inexpensive, due to which it received great appreciation.

Diamond glass cutter enjoy Despite the high price, it was, remains and always will be the undisputed leader in the field of glass cutting. It is better for home craftsmen to choose a professional diamond glass cutter with a beveled cutting edge, as it will cut more linear meters of almost any thickness. Only you need to store it in a special case. The cutting tip uses a diamond crystal, which is known to be the hardest mineral found on Earth. Leave a small scratch on the glass and it will crack with the slightest effort. Diamond glass cutters need periodic sharpening by means of a special bar.

Oil tools are similar to roller counterparts, with the only difference that there is a capsule with oil in the handle. It is automatically fed to the roller during operation and to the glass surface. Such a cutter is well suited for solving the problem of how to cut thick glass with a glass cutter.

With help compasses it is convenient to cut round or oval shapes. It consists of several elements and outwardly resembles a well-known school stationery.

Preparation of the workplace

Before moving on to cutting glass, you need to prepare your workplace. Usually little attention is paid to this, but in vain. In this case, it is important to prepare the material itself for work. If the glass is new, there is no need to wash it. Otherwise, there may be small chips, cracks, scratches or plaque on it. Then you need to rinse the sheet well with detergents, and then dry it by wiping it off with paper or newspaper. It is better not to use the fabric, as there are lint and stains that are useless. Dry glass must be degreased. To do this, you can use a rag soaked in kerosene. After this operation, the sheet is dried, but without wiping it dry and in a closed room to avoid the ingress of dust.

It is not enough to know how to properly cut glass with a glass cutter; it will not hurt to cut it in order to minimize unnecessary waste of material. A competent drawing drawn up on a sheet of paper will allow you to achieve almost waste-free home production. It will be especially useful if you need to cut a complex or uneven shape. It is optimal to place the longest side of the workpiece on the same glass parameter. Sheets must be cut on a flat surface that excludes slopes. Plywood or fiberboard is suitable as an impromptu table. On top, you can lay an oilcloth or soft cloth.

Cutting technology

A clean and dry sheet is placed on the glass cutting table, and it should be placed entirely on the work surface. It is more convenient to first make notes with a marker or a special pencil. For straight lines, you will need a ruler, and for complex cutting - a template prepared in advance. The thickness of the ruler should be at least 7 mm for a snug fit of the tool. And so that it does not slide on the glass, you can glue small rubber pieces to it.

The diamond glass cutter should be held like a pen or pencil at a slight angle, while applying light pressure. If you see a thin colorless line, then everything is being done correctly. The roller tool must be held strictly perpendicular to the glass surface, holding it with your thumb and middle fingers, and pressing with your index from above. Unlike a diamond glass cutter, cutting 3 mm glass requires slightly more force. In this case, the trace remains white.

Guiding the instrument should usually be accompanied by a slight crackling sound, which indicates good performance. Simple rules will help you avoid mistakes:

  • The tracking speed should be uniform and not interrupted.
  • It is better to drive the glass cutter faster than slower, but not too fast.
  • Regardless of the type of instrument, the movement is always directed towards itself, that is, the instrument follows the hand.
  • Do not press hard on the glass with the tool; you need to apply even force throughout the entire segment.
  • Along the line, the glass cutter must be carried out only once, no more, so that the glass does not break.

In the absence of experience, it is better to pre-practice on some pieces. This way you can avoid mistakes, learn to hold the tool and gain experience with different materials, including corrugated glass.

Correct breakage of glass

After the cut, the glass breaks. Thin and small pieces can be broken off by hand. Larger sheets should be moved to the edge of the table so that the incision is 3-5 cm from its edge. Use the tool handle to tap lightly along the entire line from the back of the glass. While not forgetting to hold the hanging part of the sheet. After a while, tapping will give the desired result.

But there is another safer way. Matches are placed under the sheet on one side and on both edges, and then you need to gently and sharply press on the glass. The rift must go exactly along the notch line.

In some cases, the cut-off portion of the glass is too narrow. For this, the glass cutter has special recesses in the "head". They need to be inserted into the edge of the strip to be separated, for example, 4 mm, after which they should be pulled down with a little effort - the material will break off just along the notch.


After breaking the glass, there is a risk of being cut on the sharp edges of the edges. Therefore, they need to be "disarmed". At home, this can be done with an ordinary donkey, which is usually used to sharpen kitchen knives. Only pre-moisten it with water.

The diamond-coated corner whetstone will allow you to process both edges at once. A diamond-coated sponge is also well suited for handcraft. But if you have a drill, then the process can be accelerated. It is enough to use a grinding attachment.

Corrugated glass

Corrugated or patterned glass is sheets on which a relief pattern is periodically repeated. Such material performs different functions:

  • is a decorative ornament;
  • able to partially scatter light;
  • restricts end-to-end visibility.

At the same time, corrugated glass does not interfere with the penetration of sunlight or artificial light. As for the pattern, it can be on one or both sides. The pattern is obtained by knurling a special roller with some kind of pattern. Basically, corrugated glass is widely used in the field of door decoration and furniture. It is better to use a glass cutter to cut such sheets. Moreover, the work should be done on their smooth surface.

Tempered glass

Sometimes some home craftsmen are interested in the question of how you can cut. The answer is simple - no way! There is no way to cut or drill it, because when you try to act on it mechanically, it crumbles.

Such material was used in the automotive industry long before the advent of the "triplex" technology. In an accident, the glass simply shattered into small fragments, which excludes injury to drivers and passengers. Therefore, in relation to such a material, one should not even ask the question of how to properly cut glass with a glass cutter.

How to cut into circles?

In this case, it is convenient to use a circular glass cutter, but not everyone has one, and therefore you have to resort to different methods. First, you need to determine and mark the center of the circle, and then fix a special suction cup. It is sold at any hardware store and cheap options can be found.

Next, you need to tie a thread to it, or better a fishing line, with a length according to the desired radius of the circle. The other end is tied to a glass cutter. It remains to pull the line as much as possible and guide the tool. After the cut, it is imperative to make ray cuts from the circle to the periphery of the glass. If, on the contrary, it is necessary to cut a hole in the glass, then the rays should be carried out inside the outlined circle. And so that as a result we get equal sectors.

Slicing complex shapes

To cut a complex arch or different geometric shapes for a stained-glass window with a roller glass cutter, you should prepare tracing paper. But it is better to make a template from plywood or very thick cardboard. Just take into account the allowance for the width of the tool. The template should be held firmly and the cutter should be guided along its edges, preferably without interruption. After the contour is outlined, you need to draw lines perpendicular to the curves with a cutter at a distance of 7-14 cm from each other. Then you can already move on to tapping. Thin strips are broken off by the grooves of the glass cutter. Finally, remember to grind off all the edges.