We take care of the tangerine tree to get a beautiful specimen. Tangerine tree care at home Mandarin decorative home care

And vegetatively. For planting, you can take seeds from any fruit. Remove them and immediately plant them in a fertile substrate consisting of leafy humus and sand with a small amount of greasy clay. Seedlings appear quite quickly and after a few years become quite lush bushes.

Flowering and fruiting occurs very late on tangerines grown in this way. The process can be accelerated by grafting the plant.

The vegetative method of reproduction is quite laborious, but by propagating in this way, you will receive fruits much faster in 2-4 years. Make air layers. To do this, select a suitable branch and remove the bark from it about 2 cm wide. Tie this place with wet moss and periodically moisten it as it dries, the substrate should always be wet. After a while, roots should appear at the layer. Cut off a twig and plant in a pot with light soil.

How to care for tangerines

Mandarins, unlike other citrus fruits, are quite unpretentious and require minimal care, but in order to get them to bloom and bear fruit, you need to create certain conditions for the plant.

Light tangerine needs bright, but diffused. Place the pot on an east or west window. Shade from direct sunlight on sunny days.

The plant is moisture-loving. In the spring and summer period it must be watered 1-2 times a day with soft water at room temperature. In winter, watering should be slightly reduced, but the soil should always be moist, you should not allow the earthen coma to dry out, as the tangerine can shed the foliage. Spray the plant regularly, especially if the indoor air is very dry.

To achieve the required humidity, pour expanded clay into the pallet and moisten it. Pour some water into the pan as it dries.

During the period of active growth, during budding and fruiting, feed the plants with organic and mineral fertilizers. Use complex fertilizers for citrus fruits, and as organic matter - slurry from cow dung (in a ratio of 1:10).

Plant transplant

Young bushes need to be replanted annually, and mature plants once every 3 years. Best time for this - spring, at this time the tangerine begins a period of active growth, so the plant will tolerate the procedure very well.

Place a layer of drainage on the bottom of the pot. It can be broken brick, crushed stone or expanded clay. Then add a nutritious yet light citrus substrate. Remove the plant from the old pot, shake off the soil and rinse the roots in warm water... Remove diseased and rotten tangerines and plant them in fresh soil.

Transplanting adult large plants is quite problematic, but you can get by with replacing the top layer of soil in the container. Remove about 5 cm of old soil and add fresh substrate. Tighten it lightly and pour warm water over the plant.

Mandarin - evergreen, which belongs to the Rutov family. The specific Latin name for mandarin is Citrus reticulate. Like orange, lemon, lime, grapefruit, it belongs to the genus Citrus. The life form of this plant is interesting - it can be a shrub and a tree, reaching a height of 5 meters.

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Indoor tangerine
Like other representatives of the genus Citrus, mandarin has long been grown in greenhouses, greenhouses, winter gardens... Despite its size, tangerines at home can be grown on a balcony or windowsill. At present, breeders have bred many varieties of dwarf and undersized tangerines for home cultivation, maximum height which is 0.6-1.1 m. Indoor tangerine may not belong to dwarf varieties, then the plant needs to be heavily pruned and shaped.


Indoor tangerine very showy pot plant... And not only because of the bright, aromatic and mouth-watering orange fruits that can last for several months. Sometimes the plant delights only in its flowering, because the delicate white mandarin flowers exude an amazing aroma. In some varieties, flowering begins in spring and may continue. all year round. Indoor tangerinegrown as a bonsai is a real work of art.


Indoor mandarin fruits tied without artificial pollination, usually ripen at the end of the year. Often indoor tangerine bought in a pot in a store with fruits already hanging on it. Despite the fact that they are very appetizing, they are not worth eating. After all, to achieve such a high decorative effect plants receive high doses of fertilizers. The tangerine has beautiful leathery and corrugated leaves.


Popular tangerine varieties for growing at home
Unshiu is a Japanese variety, the most unpretentious, begins to bear fruit for 3-4 years, grows up to 0.8-1.5 m under room conditions. Branches well. Blooms profusely in spring, forms fruits in late October-November. Pear-shaped fruits lack seeds.
Kovano-Vasa, Miha-Vasa, Miyagawa-Vasa - dwarf tangerines Vasya groups - suitable for growing on a windowsill, height 40-80 cm. Orange-yellow fruits ripen for the first time in the second year of cultivation, flowering is abundant. Like everyone else dwarf varieties do not need crown formation.
Shiva Mikan is an early compact fast growing variety. Small fruits, no more than 30 g
Murcott - the fruits of this compact tangerine variety are very sweet, ripen in summer, taste very sweet, therefore the name of the variety is translated as "honey".
Clementine - a hybrid of mandarin and orange, bears fruit at home in the second year. One adult domestic tree per year produces up to 50 medium flattened orange-red fruits, very fragrant, with a shiny skin. Plants of this variety with numerous seeds are called montreal.


Mandarin home care
Lighting tangerine at home
The first step in successfully growing indoor tangerines is choosing a place for the plant and its correct lighting.
Indoor tangerines, like those grown outdoors, need good lighting with some direct sunlight. In low light, the plant slows down growth, produces few flowers or does not bloom at all. With a strong lack of light, the leaves of indoor tangerine become faded, new shoots are elongated, thin and painful in appearance. Therefore, it is better to grow a plant in the eastern, southeastern and southern windows, shading from midday direct rays. In summer, the plant can be taken out to the balcony, gradually accustoming it to the street.
IN winter period, with a short daylight hours, the indoor tangerine should be exposed in the most illuminated place with direct sunlight. But sometimes even this is not enough: artificial lighting is needed. For this purpose, an ordinary phytolight is suitable, which can be screwed into a chandelier or desk lamp... It is necessary to transfer the plant to supplementary lighting gradually. With a sharp change in the length of daylight hours, it can shed its leaves.


Content temperature
Optimum temperature for indoor tangerine in summer + 20-25 oC. During the period of budding and flowering, so that flowers do not fall off, it is better to keep the plant at a temperature slightly below + 20 ° C. In winter, to ensure a relative dormant period, mandarin is kept at + 5 -10 ° C. A plant that is rested over the winter will bloom and bear fruit better.


How to water and spray tangerines at home
Indoor tangerine, like his wild ancestors, adapted to withstand dry periods. As a last resort, the plant will shed its leaves to reduce the amount of liquid that evaporates. A common problem when growing tangerines at home is over-watering, which leads to the development of fungal diseases.
The amount of water for irrigation of indoor tangerine depends on several factors:
- plant size;
- the size of the container in which the tangerine grows;
- ambient temperature;
- the duration of daylight hours and the intensity of illumination.
The larger the leaf surface of the indoor mandarin, the stronger the evaporation, and the more it needs watering. The temperature also affects the rate of evaporation: the higher it is, the more the plant loses moisture. The length of daylight hours directly affects the amount of moisture that evaporates. Stomata - formations on the underside of terrestrial plants, serving for gas exchange, open during daylight hours.
Watering indoor tangerine should be carried out in the first half of the day, when the plant has activated life processes. When the temperature drops, watering is reduced, until it stops for several days during a period when the temperature in the room is only + 12-15 ° C. In this case, the tangerine is watered with a small amount of water, only to maintain life.
Mandarin at home needs regular leaf spraying... Strongly dry air has a negative effect on the plant and is often a prerequisite for its infestation with spider mites. If the indoor tangerine blooms, then you need to make sure that water does not get on its flowers.


How to feed tangerine at home
Full-fledged tangerine care at home is not possible without additional mineral and organic feeding... The soil in the pot is quickly depleted and washed out during watering, and recreational processes practically do not occur in it, unlike soil in nature.
For feeding, you can use soluble or dry fertilizers. In the spring, with an increase in daylight hours, the feeding for indoor tangerine is increased. It is in the early spring period that vegetative and generative buds begin to develop intensively, at this time the plant requires additional nutrients.
At home, mandarin is fertilized, like all other indoor plants, that is, in the morning. In this case, the ambient temperature should be at least + 18-19 degrees.
For top dressing, soluble fertilizers are often used. They can be used to water the plant, and in a weaker concentration, spray its leaves. For feeding indoor tangerine, any complex mineral fertilizer containing phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium is suitable - the main elements necessary for plants.
Dissolve fertilizers in soft or settled water at room temperature. The main thing is not to increase the dose. If the instructions say: 1 cap of the product per 1 liter of water, do not think that 2 caps will make the solution more useful. This will lead to the opposite effect - chemical burns or toxic poisoning of the plant.
You need to feed the tangerine at home during the period of intensive growth (from March to September) 2 times a week. Less often, but not more often.
Dry fertilizers that are applied to the soil and gradually dissolve, giving the soil trace elements, must be applied even more carefully. Their dignity is that by introducing them in the spring you can for a long time forget about feeding. However, they can be quickly used by the plant, and it will be difficult to guess about it. The introduction of an additional dose of fertilizer will lead to the above-mentioned overdose.
Organic fertilizers are also needed to grow mandarin. To do this, you can dilute the infused cow dung in a ratio of 1/10. The best option would be to use organic fertilizers in combination with mineral fertilizers for soil fertilization.


Additional care for tangerine at home
To form a lush tangerine tree, pinch the tops of its branches.
Caring for tangerines at home also involves removing dried leaves or stretched twigs.
On young flowering plants partially remove the flowers so as not to deplete them and to allow several fruits to ripen. One ovary can be left for 15-20 leaves of an adult plant. The less fruit remains on the tangerine, the larger they will be.
Fruit-bearing branches of indoor tangerine are tied, tied to a support, otherwise they may break from the severity of the fruit, and the plant will not have an attractive appearance.


Diseases and pests
Mandarin at home can be affected by the scabbard, red spider mite and mealybug. Spraying the plant with soapy water (2 tablespoons of liquid soap, you can use "Fairy" for 3 liters of water) will help from the scabbard. It is better to clean off the pests manually beforehand. After keeping the solution on the leaves for half an hour, it is washed off with warm water. When a spider mite is affected, the pest is harvested by hand, after which the leaves and twigs are wiped with a cotton swab moistened cold water or alcohol, then sprayed with a two-day infusion of garlic or onions (crush 200 g and pour warm boiled water). Against mealybugs, removing the pest with a cotton swab and spraying with garlic infusion 3 times (1 time in 7 days), or rubbing a cotton swab dipped in alcohol (can be replaced with calendula tincture) will also help. With a persistent defeat by any pest, they resort to potent chemicals, which are used according to the instructions.
If watering is incorrect, the mandarin leaves become stained and fall off. To prevent or eliminate the problem, follow the rules for watering citrus plants.


Tangerine transplant at home
Proper tangerine care at home involves plant transplantation. Usually, a transplant is carried out if the plant, in our case a room tangerine, is cramped in a pot. As a rule, young indoor tangerine plants are transplanted annually, plants over 7 years old - every 2 years. For transplanting, use a special soil mixture for citrus fruits or make it up themselves from sod land (50%) and leaf, humus and sand, taken in equal parts.
For transplanting an indoor tangerine, choose a pot with diameters 5 - 8 cm larger than the previous one. It is impossible small plant plant immediately in a large pot: often this leads to root rot. Moreover, it is neither aesthetically pleasing nor practical.
Mandarin at home, as in nature, prefers a light substrate with low acidity. It is imperative to put drainage at the bottom of the transplant tank - this is the prevention of water stagnation and root rot. As a drain, you can use: expanded clay, small stones, fragments of ceramic dishes, pieces of foam.
A transplant of indoor tangerine cannot be carried out during the flowering of the plant. It is better to do this in the spring at the beginning of the awakening of the plant from a relative dormant period.
You cannot feed the plant 2-3 days before transplanting, and also use fertilizers for 12-14 days after transplanting.
After transplanting, the indoor tangerine is lightly watered to settle the soil. After 30-40 minutes, if necessary, add a substrate to the pot and water it again.


Reproduction of indoor tangerine
At home, tangerines can be propagated in two ways:
- vegetative (rooting of branches);
- generative (growing from a bone).
For rooting cuttings, it is better to use a rooting agent - the survival rate will be 3-4 times higher. To do this, cuttings with 2-3 leaves are dipped in a rooting agent and planted in moist soil, covering the top with a film or a cut plastic bottle, be sure to leave holes in them for ventilation. The cuttings take root within a few months.
Growing tangerine at home from a bone is the most long way reproduction, especially since some varieties almost do not form seeds. In addition, indoor tangerines grown in this way will need to be inoculated, otherwise it will not bloom. For rootstock better fit indoor lemon or grapefruit, grown at home from the seed.
Since both methods of breeding indoor tangerines take too long, more often amateur flower growers buy already grafted indoor tangerine in shops.


Citrus lovers love to grow tangerines from seed, because they take root better than oranges or lemons. But the question of how to care for tangerine tree further. The seedling feels great in a pot, and we will tell you about home care below.

Caring for a tangerine tree in a pot: transplanting, keeping conditions, pruning

There are many aspects to consider. This includes transplanting without the risk of injury, creating favorable conditions in terms of temperature and humidity, pruning, pest control, elimination of desiccation, etc.

How often should a tangerine tree be replanted?

1. Each tree expands its territory by increasing the roots, tangerine is no exception. It needs to be moved from a small pot to a large one. Moreover, this procedure is carried out every year.

2. If we talk about a four-year-old tangerine, it is moved directly into a wooden tub (pot). Further, within 2-3 years, the tree will successfully bear fruit and develop.

3. The most favorable time for the relocation of the mandarin is early spring. At this time, citrus awakens. Manipulations begin with a small digging, which is done in order to check the condition of the rhizomes.

4. If the root system is tightly entangled around a clod of earth, the tangerine needs a transplant. In other cases, it is enough just to remove the upper part of the soil and cover a new layer. In this state, the tree is left for another year.

Preparing the soil for replanting mandarin

In search of an answer to the question of how to care for a tangerine tree, it is recommended that you explore options for land suitable for growing a seedling in a pot. At home, you need to do everything right.

So, citrus fruits do not tolerate the acidic environment that accumulates peat. For a tree, you need to choose a soft and nutritious soil so that it retains moisture, but at the same time has good air circulation.

To prepare the soil for the cultivation of young tangerine trees, a mixture is prepared from the following components:

  • humus from cow manure;
  • sod and leaf types of soil mixed in the same ratio;
  • disinfected river sand (coarse).

If you wish, you can skip humus, replace it with compost.

When the tangerine tree reaches the age of 3-4 years, fatty clay is added to the base of the soil. It will prevent drying out of tree rhizomes and retain moisture for a long time.

It is imperative to line a drainage layer with a thickness of about 4-6 cm in the pot or tub into which the plant will be transplanted. Clay shards, expanded clay or small pebbles are perfect.

Transplanting a tangerine tree without risk of injury

Since not everyone knows how to care for a tangerine tree in a pot, pay attention in a timely manner to the need for a transplant. At home, it must be carried out carefully, follow the instructions.

1. Water the soil along the sides of the pot with settled (filtered, rainwater) water so that it has less adhesion to the pot walls.

2. Take a spatula or any other object. Tap the pot gently from all sides. The same actions can be performed with the palm of your hand, lightly tapping on the tub. You will make it easier to separate the roots and soil from the walls of the clay or wooden pot.

3. Take the tree by the trunk closer to the base, carefully pull it out root system along with the remains of the earth. There is no need to remove any remaining soil, otherwise you may damage the plant.

4. Take care of a new pot with a drainage system in advance, it is necessary to cover it with a layer of earth. Install the dug tree inside, sprinkle with soil.

5. Only lightly tamp the soil, but do not press too hard. Water the citrus tree, set the pot in a sunny location.


When transplanting, you do not need to completely sprinkle the root collar of the tree with earth, otherwise it will take root for a long time. The top section of the neck must remain on the surface.

The root collar is understood as the line that separates the roots and the trunk. There is a small compaction in this area, it must be partially covered with earth.

It is important for happy citrus owners to know how to care for a tangerine tree in compliance with all conditions. This is the only way to provide a tangerine in a pot with a long life at home.

# 1. Lighting

1. All citruses love sunlight, so you need to take care of this in advance. Create a spot for the tree. A tub with a young seedling is placed on the northern window sill. Older trees are planted on the east and west side.

2. Mandarin grows well and bears fleshy fruit when placed on the south side. The main thing is that the windows have blinds or tulle to diffuse light.

3. It should be understood that severe UV rays negatively affect the tangerine crown, burning it. Direct sunlight also dries up the soil, so you shouldn't keep the tree under the scorching rays.

4. In the summertime, the citrus tree is transferred to the garden or balcony. It is advisable that the tub is located under spreading trees or be covered with something else. Such a move will scatter the light and smooth out the "blow" on the tree.

5. If the plant is installed in an apartment on a window, at the rush hour (noon) it must be transferred to the shade or curtains. Towards evening (16.00-18.00) the windows open.

6. In winter, due to the lack of natural light, it is necessary to warm the tree with phytolamps.

7. Since it is necessary to care for a tangerine tree with respect to daylight hours, consider this when growing in a pot at home. Daylight hours last 8-12 hours, at least. Otherwise, the plant weakens, its leaves turn yellow and fall.

Important!Special light lamps can be bought at the “Everything for Home and Gardening” store. When using them, periodically turn the tree to the light in different directions so that it warms up evenly.

# 2. Temperature

1. The first buds on a citrus tree can be seen in spring. It is very important at this time to maintain the temperature regime so that it does not drop below 21-25 degrees. If the temperature drops to 15-17 degrees, the tree will be covered with smelling, but not bearing fruit, barren flowers.

2. In the winter season, the tangerine must be moved to a cool room so that the plant is not exposed to strong heating radiators. The room temperature must be lowered very slowly, otherwise the tree may lose some of its leaves. First, keep the indicators at +18, then reduce to +16, then +14. Some amateur gardeners even lower the mark to 10 degrees.

Important!Mandarin is prepared for hibernation after picking the fruit. In winter, the citrus tree is kept cool to increase its strength. In such conditions, the tangerine rests, and after waking up, it gives even more buds. Its fruits take on juiciness, sweetness and look very bright.

3. Before caring for a tangerine tree according to all the rules, learn some more subtleties when growing in a pot. At home, around 10-20 January, you can already gradually increase the temperature in the room. The tree should awaken from hibernation and prepare for flowering.

Number 3. Humidity

1. Mandarin loves not only warmth and light, but also moderate humidity. In hot weather, spray the plant 2-4 times a day with settled water from a spray bottle.

2. In summer, take care of normal air humidity, place a container of water next to the pot or purchase a compact humidifier for your apartment.

3. In winter, buy an ionizer and, again, a humidifier. If you have installed a pot with a tree near heating appliances, cover the radiator with a wet sheet or towel.

4. Do not forget to ventilate the room in which the citrus pot is installed in a timely manner. However, with such manipulations, it is necessary to remove the tangerine tub to the side, because the citrus will not tolerate drafts and temperature surges.

Tangerine tree watering rules

1. If the soil in a tub with a plant dries up, the risk of spider mites is significantly increased. Always make sure that the soil contains a little moisture, it should not be wet.

2. In summer, watering is carried out every day, in winter, the procedure is reduced to 2-3 procedures per week. Therefore, it is important to know how to care for a tangerine tree in a pot. Feel the ground with your finger: if dry, add a little water.

3. Always pay attention to the pallet before watering the tree. If there is a lot of water, the plant simply does not have time to absorb liquid. At home, watering should be stopped. Wait for the water in the pan to dry.

4. If you do not commit correct actions, the root system begins to rot. Fungus may also develop. Use settled (rain, filtered) water.

5. The amount of water injected varies depending on the temperature in the room and the size of the plant. If the room is hot enough, a small tree needs up to 1 liter. water. For large, the indicator should be increased by 4 times.

6. Be sure to warm up the water to 39-41 degrees, then water the plant. It is enough to immerse your hand in liquid to roughly estimate the temperature. If you feel comfortable, this water is what you need.

7. Pour the liquid exclusively into the rhizomes. Foliage with a trunk does not tolerate excess moisture. It is allowed to separately moisten the crown with a spray bottle. Distribute water evenly. When the mandarin is in bloom, the liquid should not get on the buds. Water the plant in the morning.

Tangerine tree pruning rules

1. In order not to start the plant, it is important to know how to prune the tangerine tree. Simple manipulations at home will speed up fruiting.

2. Regularly prune the grown shoots that make their way to the top of the plant. As a result, the tree will branch more.

Tangerine pest and disease control

1. If the plant develops slowly or poorly, grows, the reason for this may be diseases or the appearance of pests in the form of whiteflies, aphids, scale insects, spider mites.

2. In order to prevent this, you should know how to care for a tangerine tree in a pot. Bath the plant at home twice a month.

3. Rinse the foliage with a warm shower. In addition, once every 28-30 days, it is necessary to wipe the leaves with a manganese liquid.

Why is the tangerine tree drying up?

1. The first thing to look out for is low humidity indoor air. The leaves of the plant will dry and then fall off.

2. To save the tree, regularly spray it with water from a spray bottle. Perform this procedure daily. Then it will turn out to save the remaining leaves.

Why do mandarin leaves turn yellow?

1. The leaves on the tree begin to turn yellow if the plant was transplanted without following the proper rules. The root collar can be deepened by ear.

2. Also a large pot can cause a similar problem. Fix everything, the plant will recover.

3. If the tangerine tree felt fine for a long time and suddenly began to throw off the leaves, do not panic.

4. The dormant plant may shed yellowed leaves. Most often, this process occurs in the off-season. You should also reduce watering.

Fertilizers for tangerine tree

1. When thinking about how to care for a tangerine tree, do not forget about the use of various fertilizers in the pot. In winter, the tree does not require additional feeding at home.

2. A good time for fertilization is between April and October. The tangerine should be fed at the time of bud opening and fruit ripening. Fertilization is carried out once every 15 days. The composition of such a complex should contain nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

3. A suitable fertilizer is available from any horticultural / flower stand. It is recommended to choose "Uniflor-Bud", the composition is designed for use at the time of flowering. "Kemira-Lux" is considered a universal drug. When the fruit ripens, it is recommended to fertilize the tree with Uniflor-growth.

4. Be sure to alternate organic and mineral preparations. Prepare poultry manure or humus based nutritional formulas regularly. Take 1 part dry matter and 10 parts water. Insist fertilization for up to 4 days. Add the composition in small portions.

5. Get in the habit of slightly moistening the soil, only then introduce fertilizers. If you are using purchased products, follow the instructions carefully. It is allowed to wipe the leaves with a weak solution. Do not allow mineral fertilizers to come into contact with the fruits.

It is not difficult to learn how to care for a tangerine tree in a pot. Follow simple guidelines and take the necessary steps at home. Fertilize the tree in time and remember to prune it.

For many people, the word "tangerine" is probably associated with the anticipation and feeling of celebration. However, this is not only one of the most festive fruits. Of all tropical fruits, mandarin is second only to lemon in popularity, and the limited area of \u200b\u200bnatural cultivation (the Transcaucasia, the Black Sea coast, Abkhazia and the Sochi region are considered the most northern regions of the spread of this culture) makes it one of the most desirable citrus fruits in any home. With all this, mandarin is used both in cooking and in food Industry, and in medicine.

It is not surprising that with such a demand, many people tend to grow it at home. And I must say that they have all the possibilities for this: there are special varieties of mandarin that lend themselves to cultivation in winter gardens, greenhouses, greenhouses or in ordinary room... Depending on the growing conditions, they can reach a height of one and a half or two to three meters. Such a tangerine is called "decorative" or home, indoor.

Ornamental mandarin varieties

Due to the appearance of its fruits, dense dark green leaves and the aroma of flowering, indoor tangerine is recognized as a very effective plant, and if it is also grown in the form of a bonsai, then it can be called a work of art without exaggeration. The most popular are the following varieties and groups:

  1. Unshiu. It is considered the most unpretentious, early-growing, fast-growing and productive variety of all available. It branches well, has a spreading crown, thornless branches and wide leathery leaves. In room conditions, it grows to a maximum of one and a half meters, bears fruit already in the third or fourth year. Flowering time - spring, beginning of fruiting - late October / November. Fruits are small, yellowish-orange in color, thin-cored, have pear-shaped, without seeds.
  2. Vasya is a group of low-growing low varieties, in which there are three varieties: Kovano, Miha, Miyagawa. Next to these names, the general name of the whole group is usually indicated with a hyphen, so they look like this: Kovano-Vasya, Miha-Vasya, Miyagawa-Vasya. They reach a height of 40-80 cm, so it is very convenient to grow them on a regular windowsill. Abundant flowering, fruiting begins in the second year of cultivation, fruits have a rich orange-yellow color.
  3. Shiva Mikan. An early compact, fast-growing small-fruited variety weighing no more than 30 grams. and with large, fleshy dark green foliage.
  4. Murcott. A rare compact variety whose fruits are remarkable for their extraordinary sweetness. Ripening time is summer.

The following varieties of decorative tangerine are also known: Tangier, Robinson, Tardivo di Ciaculli.

There are also hybrids of mandarin and some other citrus fruits. For example, Clementine is a very popular hybrid of mandarin and orange. At home, it begins to bear fruit, depending on the height he has reached. Abundant fruiting: one mature tree can produce up to fifty medium-sized orange-red, slightly flattened fruits with a good aroma and shiny skin. In addition to this hybrid, elendale, tangoras, minneola, tangelo, santin and agli are also known.

In many varieties, fruiting directly depends on the height of the plant. The dependence is as follows:

  1. With a growth of 20 cm, the tangerine begins to bear fruit after 60 months.
  2. At 21 - 30 cm - after four years.
  3. At 31 - 40 cm - after three years.
  4. At 41 - 50 cm - in two years.
  5. At 51 - 75 cm - after a year and a half.
  6. From 76 cm to 1 meter - in the second year after the start of cultivation.

General principles of growing ornamental mandarin

It is not difficult to buy any kind of decorative tangerine: it can be done both on the Internet and in specialized stores. However, you should not buy a plant with existing fruits: no matter how appetizing they look, they should not be eaten because of the too much fertilizer that such a plant receives. The best way get tasty and edible decorative mandarin Is to grow it yourself.

Pledge successful cultivation this plant is right choice place - well lit, with a small amount of direct sunlight. Insufficient lighting leads to a slowdown in plant growth, the formation of a small number of flowers, or to a complete cessation of flowering; a strong lack of light causes leaf fading, thinning and stretching of new shoots and their painful appearance... Therefore, we the best place for decorative mandarin, southern, southeastern and eastern windows are recognized, shaded from the sun by an ordinary gauze curtain attached to the frame. If the windows are not shaded, the leaves can get burned, the crown and roots can overheat, and as a result the plant can get chlorosis.

In summer, decorative mandarin can be displayed on a balcony, veranda or garden, but it should be protected from the wind. In winter, it should be placed in the most illuminated place (if it is a window, then it should be well insulated beforehand) with direct rays of the sun and artificial illumination, for which an ordinary phyto-bulb or special fluorescent lamps are used. The tangerine should be transferred to supplementary lighting gradually, otherwise, with a sharp change in the duration of daylight hours, it may shed its leaves.

The next factor affecting the growth of ornamental mandarin is temperature. In summer, it should reach + 20-25, but during budding and flowering (in some varieties it can last almost all year round) it is better to keep it at + 16-18 so that the color does not fall off. In winter, he, like other indoor plants, needs a dormant temperature - that is, approximately + 5-10. Under such conditions, it will rest over the winter and will bloom and bear fruit better.

The problem of watering should be solved very carefully and carefully. In terms of its unpretentiousness and ability to tolerate drought, the decorative mandarin does not differ from its relatives growing in nature, therefore it should be watered sparingly, depending on the drying of the topsoil, so as not to cause the development of fungal diseases and at the same time to prevent the complete drying out of the earthen coma. Watering frequency depends on:

  1. The size of the plant, especially its leaves (the larger their surface, the more moisture evaporates and the more the plant needs watering).
  2. The size of the container in which it grows.
  3. Room temperatures.
  4. Duration of daylight hours and light intensity.

It is not difficult to determine the frequency of watering: you just need to take a pinch of soil in the container and compress it. If it sticks together, then watering is not necessary, but if it crumbles, then watering is necessary. It is advisable to check the ground in this way every day, especially in the summer, so that the earth lump does not dry out. Water for irrigation should be chosen carefully - for example, it is not recommended to use rainwaterbecause it contains too many impurities harmful to citrus fruits. Before using water, it should be defended by leaving it in an open container at room temperature for at least one day, and only then water the tree with it.

The plant is usually watered until noon, when it "wakes up" and its life processes are activated. With a decrease in temperature, the frequency of watering should also be reduced until it stops for several days if the temperature drops to + 12-15. In this case, it should be watered only to such an extent as to maintain vital activity. Some experts advise at this time to warm up the water intended for irrigation to a temperature of + 30-35. In the summer, it is not worth heating the water, it is enough just to leave it for a while on the windowsill bathed in the sun.

In addition to watering, you should also spray the leaves from a sprayer. This procedure is especially important in summer. It kills several birds with one stone: it prevents the spider mite from infesting the mandarin, creates the moisture it needs and washes it off the branches and leaves household dust... In general, moisture levels should be controlled in the same way as watering, and for better provision you can put dishes with water next to the plant. The frequency of spraying is at least once a day, but if it is carried out during flowering, you need to make sure that water does not get on the flowers. About once a month, it is advisable to treat the mandarin crown with cotton wool and soapy foam to prevent the appearance of pests. This is best done in the bathroom, covering the substrate. plastic wrap and tying up the stem of the plant at the bottom so that soapy water does not get into the substrate and is absorbed into the fabric.

Another element of successful plant growth is feeding it. This is all the more important at home, since the soil in the tank is quickly depleted and washed out, and recreational processes hardly occur in it. Fertilization is best done according to this principle:

  1. Use only soluble or dry fertilizers.
  2. Apply top dressing only until noon at a temperature of at least + 18-19.
  3. The frequency of introduction is no more than once every two weeks, and then only during growth (i.e., from March to September). The rest of the time, drugs can be added even less often.

If soluble fertilizers are used, then they should be dissolved in soft or settled water at room temperature strictly according to the instructions, in no case increasing the dosage. Top dressing is oil, which, as you know, cannot spoil the porridge: even with a small overdose, burns or poisoning of the tree are possible. Dry fertilizers should be applied even more carefully, keeping in mind one of their features. The fact is that the spring application of dry fertilizer will allow you to forget about feeding for a long time, but it is quite difficult to guess that the fertilizer was used by tangerine. Additional input will lead to its poisoning.

To what has been said, it remains only to add that the best option for a plant is a complex nitrogen-, phosphorus- and potassium-containing preparation. In low concentration, they can even be sprayed on leaves. It is also permissible to use organic matter such as diluted in a ratio of 1 to 10 infused cow dung or organic matter in combination with a mineral agent. You need to feed the plant only the next day after watering, so as not to burn the root system. It is also practiced to feed the decorative tangerine with fish soup prepared according to this recipe: 200 gr. fish waste or small unsalted fish should be boiled for half an hour in two liters of water, then diluted with cold water and strain through cheesecloth. This fish soup is used once a month together with a complex fertilizer for feeding adult plants with a height of at least one meter. According to experts, this enhances their fruiting. Ordinary drunk tea is also used as fertilizer.

Finally, another element of growing ornamental mandarin is:

  1. Pinching the tops of its branches.
  2. Removal of dead leaves and elongated, improperly growing branches.
  3. Removing some of the flowers on young plantso as not to deplete it and allow several fruits to ripen. The fewer fruits grow on it, the larger they will be, therefore the most optimal ratio of ovary to leaves is 1 ovary per 15-20 leaves.
  4. Tying the fruiting branches of the plant to some kind of support so that they do not break under their weight.

What is the sickness of decorative mandarin

Like many other plants, especially those growing in not very favorable climates, ornamental mandarin is susceptible to some diseases. Most often it is struck by:

  1. Shield.
  2. Red spider mite.
  3. Mealybug.
  4. Leaf spot followed by their fall.

If the defeat of the mandarin by pests is protracted and persistent, then potent chemicals are used to cure it, but their use within the apartment can lead to unpleasant consequences, so it is better not to bring the situation to such a measure. If the initial stage of the disease is fixed, you can do with improvised means. For example, the shield can be removed by spraying with soapy water, diluted in 3 liters. water 2 tbsp. l. liquid soap or "Fairy", before cleaning off the insects. The solution should be on the plant for about half an hour, after which it is washed off with warm water. A water-oil emulsion is also very effective: 1 tsp. machine oil is stirred in a glass of warm water, 40 g is added to it. households soap and 2 tbsp. l. washing powder. All this should be applied with a cotton-gauze swab, left for three to four hours, and then rinsed under the shower so that the drug does not get into the ground. Before processing, the soil should be covered with a film, and the trunk should be tied with a bandage at the bottom - this will help prevent the used agent from getting into it. The frequency of treatment is three times with an interval of six days.

The spider mite is fought like this:

  1. Collect it by hand.
  2. Wipe the leaves and branches with a cotton swab dipped in cold water or in alcohol.
  3. Spray three times with a two-day strained infusion of crushed garlic or onions (no more than 200 gr.), Filled with warm boiled water, with an interval of six days. You can also use a mixture of soap and tobacco dust according to this recipe: pour 1 tbsp. l. dust with boiling water, insist for six days, add 10 gr. households soap and spray the "patient" three times with a six-day interval between treatments.

The worm can also be removed manually, and then three times (once a week) spray the plant with infusion of garlic or wipe its parts with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol or in calendula tincture.

Well, in order to avoid leaf spotting and their dropping, you just need to follow the rules of watering, because it is their violation that causes the appearance of spots.

Transplantation and reproduction of decorative mandarin

If the plant is properly cared for, then over time it becomes cramped in the "cradle" -tank, and it becomes necessary to transplant it. Young plants are transplanted annually, but if the roots have not yet braided an earthen lump, it is better to refrain from transplanting - it is enough just to change the drainage and upper layer soil. If the plant turns three years old, it is transplanted once every three to four years, while a seven-year-old plant requires a transplant once every two years. Not a single transplant should be carried out during flowering, otherwise the tree will simply die. When transplanting, use a ready-made soil mixture for citrus fruits or form it themselves from the calculation: 50% (3 parts) of sod land, the remaining 50% - equal parts of leafy soil, humus, river sand and a small amount of greasy clay. Sometimes it is advised to add a little ash to this mixture. For young tangerines, the same soil composition is recommended, only without clay, and instead of three parts of sod land, two parts are usually taken. The resulting substrate should be light and slightly acidic.

To prevent stagnation of water and the appearance of root rot, before laying the soil on the bottom of the container, it is imperative to place a drainage of three to five centimeters thick in the form of expanded clay, small stones, pieces of foam plastic or even fragments of ceramic dishes and charcoal. The pot in which the tangerine will be transplanted should be 5-8 cm larger in diameter than the previous one. It is not recommended to immediately plant the plant in a large container: this is impractical, unaesthetic and can lead to decay of the roots. Therefore, if you want your tangerine to delight you as long as possible, you cannot do without its regular transplant.

The best time to transplant a mandarin is early spring when it comes out of its dormant state. At the same time, it is recommended to refrain from applying fertilizers, stopping feeding two to three days before transplanting and resuming them only two weeks after the plant finds a new home.

The process itself is no different from transplanting any other indoor plant, except that immediately after transplanting it should be slightly watered, after 30-40 minutes, if necessary, add the substrate and water again. Some experts advise using a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate when watering a transplanted plant for the first time, after which the plant can be placed on a windowsill so that the surface of the leaves is directed towards the light.

You can propagate a decorative tangerine by rooting branches or growing from a stone. In the first case, the use of a rooting agent will increase the survival rate several times. It is used like this: a stalk with two or three leaves is dipped into a rooting machine and, having landed in wet soil, covered with a film or a cut plastic bottle with holes for ventilation. And although in some sources you can find the statement that decorative tangerine is practically not amenable to cuttings at home, many amateur gardeners from their own experience claim that with the use of a rooter, cuttings take root after a few months.

The second case is not suitable for every variety of decorative mandarin. For example, they will not be able to propagate unshiu because it is a seedless variety. In addition, a plant grown in this way will need to be grafted indoor lemon, an orange or a grapefruit grown from a seed, otherwise it won't bloom.

Some amateurs argue that there is also a third way of propagating this plant - by air layers.


The main advantage of a decorative tangerine is not only a piece of exoticism in a city apartment or in a rural outback, but also the almost year-round availability of tasty and edible fruits in your diet, which you will no longer need to buy. And the appearance of this beautiful plant will surely decorate not only your home, but also your life.

Kirill Sysoev

Callous hands do not know boredom!

Indoor tangerine among the abundance of plants, according to many florists, takes a special place. Decorative bush pleases with a cheerful and bright color of fruits and leaves. Leaves are leathery and wide. It is believed that a light and delicate scent can help relieve headaches, relieve anxiety, irritation, give a feeling of vigor and improve mood. How to grow a tangerine tree related to citrus plants, find out further.

How to grow a tangerine at home

If you are planning to grow a tangerine tree in your home, check out two ways to solve this problem. In farms, citrus fruit trees are obtained by grafting. If you want to enjoy juicy tangerines, you can perform this procedure yourself. At home, you can prepare seeds and grow a tangerine tree from them, remembering to follow all the rules of care. The most in a simple way is the purchase of a ready-made seedling.

Buying a ready-made seedling

Having decided to grow a homemade tangerine at home, buy a ready-made seedling in a specialized online store of horticultural crops or a fruit nursery. Plants are often sold that have a closed root system, i.e. immediately in an earthen coma or in a pot packed in a bag. In the first case, a mandatory transfer to a container will be required. If you are looking for a more economical option, then it is best to use the second method, i.e. growing a citrus tree from the seed of a ripe fruit.

Growing a tangerine from a bone

This way of growing an ornamental citrus tree in your home can bring some moral pleasure. Although, this will take an order of magnitude longer than buying and transplanting a ready-made seedling. For germination, you will need to select several seeds from juicy, sweet and ripe fruits to increase your chances of success. Soak the selected seeds in warm water. To do this, place them between 2-3 layers of cheesecloth and place them on a saucer.

As the gauze dries, remember to moisturize it for several days until the bones swell. If you cannot wait for several days, then try soaking ordinary seeds in water for 2-3 hours, adding a few drops of "Epin" to it, which is a growth stimulant. As soon as the first shoots hatch, you can plant the bush in the ground. In general, any beginner florist can competently prepare the seeds of this exotic plant.

Land for a tangerine tree

Prepare a pot or regular seedling box, and fill it with a layer of soil to transplant any seeds that have hatched. Despite the fact that the indoor tangerine is unpretentious in relation to the soil, experts still strongly recommend that you take this moment seriously. It is best to use a mixture of:

  • 1 piece of leafy land;
  • 3 parts of turf soil;
  • 1 part rotted cow dung;
  • clay;
  • sand.

How to properly plant a tangerine in a pot

To grow ornamental tangerines, do not use peat, which often turns sour, dries quickly and does not have any special nutritional properties. This component is available in almost all those mixtures that can be bought in specialized stores. Don't forget about the drainage layer. Put expanded clay or small ordinary stones on the bottom of a dry container, and then fill the pot with a composition of the above components. Then place the swollen bones in the ground to a depth of 5-7 cm. The seed pot should be placed in a well-lit area.

Soil drainage

To form a lush and bright bush, you will need to pay attention to the drainage of the container in which it will grow. As already mentioned, put crushed stone, small pebbles of expanded clay on the bottom of the pot, but if you do not have any of the above at hand, then use shards of ceramic dishes. Be sure to flush the drainage thoroughly before planting the tangerine and laying the soil. In general, it is necessary so that excess liquid from the soil is discharged into the sump. Thanks to this, effective prevention stagnation of fluid and root rot.

Where to place an escaping flower pot

Caring for a tangerine at home requires a competent approach, of particular importance is the location of the tree, which will delight you with its beautiful leaves and flowers. The period of flowering and growth activity will depend on the conditions created. A houseplant needs bright and good lighting. When daylight hours get shorter, add artificial light. Do not make an abrupt transition, because the plant can shed its young leaves.

How to care for a tangerine tree

An actively growing and beautiful mandarin tree is the result of systematic and proper care. For an indoor ornamental plant, you need to create comfortable conditions with a certain temperature and humidity level. Do not forget about the peculiarities of watering as well, because in a difficult situation, the bush can shed its foliage to reduce the amount of moisture evaporated from the surface. When the branches begin to bear fruit, they need to be tied to a support. Don't forget about possible pests and disease.

Air temperature and humidity

The best temperature conditions for tangerine seedling the temperature is + 15-18 degrees in the warm season and +12 degrees in the winter. In hotter weather, the plant begins to bear fruit and bloom worse - the buds and ovaries are poorly formed at this time. It is important to avoid sudden changes in temperature, but in order for the plant to become stronger, it must be hardened, i.e. help him adapt to changes in lighting and temperature conditions. To do this, in the spring during the day, briefly take the plant out onto a closed veranda or balcony.

Air humidity is also very important for mandarin. On hot dry days and in winter, when the heating dries up the air in the room, you need to spray frequently ornamental plant - sometimes up to three times a day. You can put a bowl of water on the windowsill or some other humidifier, for example, an imitation of a fountain, waterfall. When the bush begins to bloom, spray carefully to avoid moisture getting on the flowers and buds. It is better to replace this procedure with regular rubbing of the leaves.


Without enough light, a decorative indoor mandarin will not grow large. The easiest way is to put a container with a plant on the windowsill of the southern part of the house, but this is fraught with leaf burns. A more acceptable option is the side of the east or south-east windows. If the south side is the only possible choice, then in spring and summer you will have to shade the plant. In winter, the southern window will be the best place for a seedling. When shortening daylight hours, add artificial lighting using special phytolamps.

How to water indoor tangerine

The tree needs regular and frequent watering... In hot weather, water 2-3 times a day. In the winter period of the year, while maintaining good moisture content, 2 watering times per week will be sufficient. It is better to pre-pour water for this procedure into a container, for example, into a bottle, so that it has time to settle and warm up to room temperature.

With a short-term lack of moisture, the tangerine tree will not die, but at the same time it can throw off some of the leaves or all the foliage. Fresh greens will not appear on "bald" places, so try to avoid unexpected leaf fall. Leaves will only appear on new branches. Frequent transfusion of the plant with water will not be beneficial either. this will lead to the appearance of fungal diseases.

How to feed a tangerine tree at home

The entire growing season, i.e. from April to September, the tree needs feeding. Every week it must be fertilized with organic or mineral fertilizers, which can be alternated. This is especially necessary for mature trees growing in tight containers, and without replanting and renewing the soil. In one week, the plant can be watered with a solution of liquid mullein, and after a week, it can be treated with a garden complex fertilizer specially designed for citrus trees. Water the soil before feeding.

Mineral mixtures based on phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen

In a specialized garden store, you can buy a ready-made citrus composition. Make sure the solution contains minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen. It is recommended to carry out top dressing in the morning. The temperature of the solution should not be less than +20 degrees. Follow the recommended recipe for the nutrient solution exactly. The rule applies here - it is better not to top up than to pour. Excessive concentration, excess fertilization can lead to burns of the stem or leaves, and even to the death of the plant.

Organic fertilizers

The tangerine tree can be fed with both mineral and organic fertilizers, but it is best to alternate them. You will need cow dung or poultry manure to prepare a natural nutrient formula. Dissolve part of the dry component in 10-12 parts of water, leave the resulting composition for 2 to 4 days, and then add in small portions. Be sure to moisten the soil before this.

Homemade tangerine care rules

To keep your tangerine tree as bright and pleasing to the eye as in a photo of one of the gardening magazines, attach special importance to caring for it. Many of the above rules for a plant seedling apply to a grown tree. Additionally, it is necessary to carry out periodic pruning of branches and pinching of the tops of the shoots. Also, remove any dried twigs, leaves, and sprouts from the tree. Such measures will help to form a compact mandarin with a lush and dense crown. We should not forget about the need for transplantation.

Partial flower removal

In order to avoid unnecessary stress on the tree in the first years of fruiting, it is recommended to pinch the flowers. Leave only a few flowers on the trunk of the tangerine tree. In this way, you can achieve fragrant and large fruits without depleting the plant itself. Let there be only a few beautiful and fragrant flowers on the stem of the plant, but later you will enjoy beautiful and large fruits.

Pinching the tops of the branches

As the tree grows, it is necessary to periodically pinch the tops of the shoots. This is necessary in order for the tree to form a dense and lush crown. When correct formation it will turn into a real decoration of the room. This can be achieved by controlling the growth of the top and shoots, which must be removed from time to time, i.e. pinch. When each new sprout appears, pinch the top while forming 5-6 leaves. It is also necessary to get rid of tops (strong shoots), rapidly growing from the very root.

Removal of stretched branches and dried leaves

Timely remove stretched twigs, dried leaves so that your exotic tree grew really lush and fruitful. Often they try to grow a homemade tangerine like a bonsai. For this purpose, remove the growing tops of the shoots to the desired length. As a result, your work will not be in vain - you will receive tasty fruits with a thin peel that easily separates from the pulp.

Why does mandarin shed its leaves

If the basic rules of care are not followed, the mandarin tree develops diseases. Don't ignore the threat posed by different pests. These include red spider mites, scale insects, citrus whiteflies. Shedding leaves does not always indicate the presence of a disease, because this can also happen during periods of relative rest on cold days.

What to do

If pests have become the reason for the dropping of foliage, then wipe all the leaves of the tree with special solutions. A few procedures will be enough to get rid of all unwanted "guests". Yellow foliage can be a signal that the plant is lacking in minerals. During nitrogen deficiency, yellowing begins with lower leaves... In addition, tangerine can react like this to the lack of the required amount of moisture, lack of light. Move the plant to a well-lit area and be sure to water regularly.

Breeding methods of the tangerine tree

The most economical way to get a mandarin seedling is to grow it from seed. This approach will take a lot of your time and patience. If the tree already exists, and you want to get offspring from it, then choose one of the following methods:

  • Propagation by layers, which are well-formed tree branches. Choose a branch from an adult mandarin with a thickness of 4 mm and a long enough to bend the branch and pin it to the ground. You do not need to separate the branch from the bush, just dig it in with earth. The top will then protrude from the soil surface. Keep the digging site wet. When the cutter has new roots, separate the branch from the mother plant.
  • Reproduction is carried out by cuttings. For this, the so-called air layers are used - the cutting is rooted "in the air". An adult shoot is cut in a circle, cutting off the bark about 1 cm wide, after which the wound is treated, wrapped with sphagnum moss and polyethylene (loosely). The resulting "pupa" needs to be kept wet until roots form - it will take several months.

How to transplant tangerine at home

The plant begins to need a transplant when the container becomes tight. For young tangerines, this procedure should be carried out annually, and for trees from 7 years old - once every two years. Do not replant the plant during flowering, it is better to do this in early spring. New pot should be a few centimeters larger in diameter than the previous one. The root collar should not be deepened during transplantation, because the bark may be damaged. The excess kidney is crushed, and then transferred to a new container with drainage and soil.

Pest control

Pest control is of particular importance when caring for a tangerine tree. Citrus in to a greater extent subject to them. This is due to the fact that they have a very attractive scent. More about how to fight:

  • Aphid. If there are few insects, then wash the stem with leaves with a solution of laundry soap.
  • Leaves damaged by aphids can be treated with a decoction of wormwood or nettle.
  • Garlic water is a good remedy for aphids.
  • To combat spider mites use garlic water at home, laundry soap, tobacco dust. Create a spray mix based on them.


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