Sewer pump station (SPS): the right choice and do-it-yourself installation. Rules for installing sewage pumps Installing a sewage pump station

The topic of sewage can seem unpleasant only to an inexperienced homeowner and only at first glance. As soon as problems arise with sewers, their elimination becomes the most important task.

If the troubles with the drains are regular, it makes sense to revise the original project for errors. To eliminate them, you may need a sewage pumping station. We will tell you how to install, operate and maintain it.

SPS or sewer station is a device for forced removal of solid and liquid effluents. Such devices are most often used for industrial purposes.

But there are a number of SPS specially designed for domestic use. They are usually installed in private households with or where it is necessary to ensure the transportation of waste to the riser of the centralized sewer system.

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There are compact models of sewage pumping stations that can be installed under the kitchen sink. But you cannot connect a washing machine or dishwasher to such a device

The permissible effluent temperature set by the manufacturer for each specific model must be taken into account. So, sewage pumping stations, into which warm, but not too hot wastewater can be drained, are suitable for connecting to a shower cabin, bathtub, toilet bowl, bidet, kitchen sink, etc.

However, if there is an automatic washing machine, you should choose a model of a sewage pumping station for the house, into which you can drain waste water with a temperature of 90 degrees or higher. It should be borne in mind that the mode of operation of such a technique usually involves boiling.

All this also applies to the dishwasher, from which almost boiling liquid can enter the drain. In addition to the current needs of the house, you should evaluate your plans so that you do not have to buy and install a new sewer station.

If you intend to purchase a dishwasher in the future, it is best to immediately select the SPS designed for drains with high temperature.

Pay attention to the number and location of pipes. For each new home appliance that needs to be connected to, which may appear in the future, there must be an appropriate connection. Otherwise, it simply has nowhere to connect.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

An overview of the compact toilet sewer station is presented here:

This video schematically depicts the installation process of a large SPS:

Sewer station can significantly improve life in the house. It is important to choose the right model of SPS and correctly install it. Proper operation and regular maintenance will ensure that there are no problems with this useful device for many years.

floor, but if this is average, in size, equipment, then they dig a pit for it or will need to be placed in a special room of the pump station.

Today we will focus on the arrangement of the pit, including all regulatory components, namely:

Sanitary protection zone of the pump station, which must be observed within the established standards (about 15 m).

The requirements for the fencing of the pumping station, if it is buried, can be observed, purely, because of the safety precautions or the safety of the equipment, and they put the lock on the cabinet and manhole, and that’s all.

Observe the safety rules, and therefore, during the construction of the pipeline and the pit, in order to avoid traumatic situations, it is necessary to construct barriers for the working section.

For the installation of SPS, the estimate should include all estimated costs:

  • on rental of special equipment for digging a pit and installing equipment;
  • for the purchase and delivery of sand with concrete for the foundation of the pumping station;
  • to related tools and parts for mounting the tank;
  • to pay for the work team, if you do not plan to do the installation of a sewer pump station with your own hands, etc.

And so, you have taken into account all of the above and are ready to proceed with the installation itself:

  • Digging pit, in size, exceeding the design dimensions of the pumping station. This is necessary for convenient connection of the rest of the pipeline and power supply.
  • In order not to dig the soil, the very bottom of the pit is dug manually.
  • According to the drawing, the formwork is being built: a pillow is made of sand (10 - 15 cm), reinforcement is installed and concrete is poured in several layers, using the level in order to make the foundation as horizontal as possible.
  • Only after complete hardening of the reinforced-concrete structure, a housing is attached to it, taking into account that when installing the KNS, deviations from verticality are permissible within 5 mm.
  • Make sure that there is no debris or water inside the tank.

Water must be pumped out, not poured out, overturning the case.

  • With the possible occurrence of groundwater, the structure is fastened with anchor bolts, or even poured on top with ready-mixed concrete so that the top of the concrete plane exceeds by 200 mm the lower rigidity rib of the equipment.
  • After all the manipulations, backfilling is carried out to two collectors: pressure and gravity.
  • Then let down the power supply and the pipeline.

Backfill is carried out uniformly around the circumference of the pumping station, sifting out stones and ramming layers of 50 cm, at plus temperature, by adding water. In winter, note that the soil must not be frozen.

The cover, ventilation, etc., are attached with the included parts.

Unclear to most ordinary people, the abbreviation KNS in decoding sounds like a sewage pumping station. Let's take a step-by-step look at what the SPS is, by what principle such stations work and how, in general terms, an aggregate can be calculated. I’ll show and tell you the self-made one in the photo and tell you 3 options for installing the station with my own hands.

Semi-professional station KNS is a great solution for a private house.

What are the stations for?

In general terms, sewer pumping stations are used to collect and redirect wastewater to a place for their after-treatment and disposal, for example, to a septic tank of a private house or a common sewer line.

Who may be interested in the station

In fact, the range of applications for automatic sewer stations is quite wide; I will only list the most common options, mainly for domestic use.

  • If in your multi-storey building there is an ancient sewage system that has long been obsolete and constantly clogged with any small things, then installing a small station in a plastic case can save the situation, because it will turn all the garbage into a homogeneous mass and push it further into the system;
  • The same story, if the house is in a lowland, and the sewage pit is quite far away. Here, such an aggregate is useful in that it can forcefully push the drains through a certain distance;
  • The arrangement of small cafes and various offices in the basement floors and basements of multi-storey buildings has long been the norm, but almost half of these places are below the level of urban sewers. Accordingly, a device is needed that will raise the sewage to the desired height and send it to the sewer - this is the SPS.

Remember - any KNS station is a volatile complex, since an electric pump is installed there. Many people confuse stations with treatment septic tanks, but this is far from the same, although in some models of septic tanks the SPS is part of the system.

Standard operating principle

A typical project works something like this:

  • There is a certain sealed container, the dimensions of this container can be from several liters to several cubic meters. Drains flow into this closed tank by gravity;
  • When the drains fill the tank to a certain level, the filling sensor is triggered and the fecal pump comes into operation. Almost all fecal pumps for pumping stations are equipped with grinders;
  • Further the pump pushes the crushed drains into the pipeline. But how high and far drains can be pushed out depends on the power of the pump.

Varieties of aggregates

  1. In the domestic sector, small stations are leading, which easily fit behind a toilet in an ordinary toilet. The housing there is predominantly plastic, and the simplest chopper, filling sensor and the pump itself are installed inside. These devices can push liquid 5-7 meters, which is quite enough for an apartment or office;

The household station can even fit in the toilet of the apartment.

  1. In private homes, semi-professional stations are often used. There, a typical project is equipped with at least two pumps and a mass of sensors. The price for them is several times higher than for household models, but the power there corresponds to the cost, plus the volume of the receiving tank starts from a cubic meter;

A typical pumping station for private homes may include a sewage treatment function.

  1. The so-called modular KNSs already belong to professional units, they are assembled from separate modules and can grow indefinitely, but they do not interest us, since they are not used in everyday life and even in large private houses.

The power and dimensions of modular stations do not provide for domestic operation.

Modern semi-professional water treatment plants for private houses can not only clean and pump household waste, they can even handle the treatment of storm sewage and drainage system.

On a semi-professional pumping station in a private house, you can start stormwater, drainage and domestic sewage.

The simplest station calculation

Calculation of the KNS station, especially semi-professional, is a troublesome business and serious knowledge cannot be dispensed with, but there is a simpler instruction, it is, of course, not so accurate, but it’s quite suitable for a small private house:

  • According to the standards, 1 person uses about two hundred liters of water per day. Count the number of people in your house and add a couple more people to the reserve;
  • Each unit has technical characteristics, having data on the flow of water on hand, you can easily find the right model;
  • As for lifting the water up, then 1 meter of vertical supply is equal to 2 meters of horizontal advancement. In other words, if the passport says that the unit can raise the liquid to a height of 8 m, then this means that it can transport the liquid horizontally by 16 m.

But these are all primitive calculations, suitable only for household sewage in a small house, if it is planned to install a water supply station with the connection of a storm sewer and a drainage system, then you can not do without the help of professionals.

It is better to pay a specialist once, than after buying and installing to understand that they were mistaken. Moreover, now the calculation with reference to the place will cost 2 - 3 thousand rubles.

3 options for self-installation of the station

Installation of the pumping station in the domestic sector is not as complicated as it might seem. Next, we will look at how to install a small plastic station in the room, as well as mount a factory and home-made station for a private house.

Option number 1. Installation of the station in the room

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Grundfos Sololift 2 options.

I took the most popular mini station Grundfos Sololift 2.

· The volume of the pumped-over liquid - 8.94 m³ in 1 hour;

· The level of liquid ejection vertically - 8.5 m;

· Electric power of the pump 620 W;

· SPS is equipped with a grinder;

· It costs about 18 thousand rubles.


· Screwdriver;

· Hammer;

· Hacksaw for metal;


· Pencil

· Level.

. The floor under the station should be perfectly flat, and most importantly strictly horizontal.

Since the device is behind the toilet, the toilet is connected directly through a separate entrance.

And to connect, for example, a sink you need a separate pipe. And this sewer pipe is exposed with a slope of 3 cm per 1 linear meter.

Outflow connection.

Stage 1.

Unscrew the side cap.

. In the plug you need to cut a hole for the drain with a knife.
. There is a check valve inside, you need to check its serviceability with your finger.
. Then we put a soft corrugation on the plug and fix it with a clamp. Similarly, a drain pipe is fixed on the back of the corrugation.
We put the output pressure pipe.

Stage 1.

The main rule is that the pipeline during installation does not have sharp corners.

. The outlet pipe for the pressure pipe in this model can be output in 2 directions. The photo on the left shows the lateral output.

. If desired, the outlet pipe can be connected from above.
. You need to choose one output, and close the unnecessary with a stub.
. Next, cut the opening hole in the lid.
. Close the cap and connect a soft adapter through the clamp.
. The outlet pipe is connected through a tee and in this tee below there is a plug for emergency drain, so it needs to be tightly closed.
. We fasten the casing of the device to the floor.
. The toilet is connected in the same way as a side drain, that is, through the corrugation, using a clamp.
. Now it remains to fix the toilet and connect the unit to the network. By the way, the KNS is connected via an automatic machine.

Option number 2. How to mount a factory station for a private house

Zavodskaya KNS is a multifunctional unit; this station provides not only pumping and grinding wastewater, but also treating these wastewater.

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There are a lot of such units now, Astra and the Topas station stand out from our models. Although in general, both domestic and imported models have similar characteristics.

The cost of the station for a house of 6 residents starts from 80 thousand rubles.


First, a place is determined and a hole for a drain pipe with a diameter of 100 mm is punched in the base or foundation.

We mount the line at an angle of 3 cm per meter. The pipe is better to take orange for outdoor use.

It is supposed to dig in below the freezing of the soil, but it is deep, therefore it is easier to dig 50 cm and warm the line separately.

. Naturally, you need to cook a pit a little more than the dimensions of the unit itself, about 20 centimeters on each side. In order not to make a mistake, it is better to knock down the template in advance.
. The walls of the pit need to be strengthened with something, in this case, a wooden box and a compacted sand cushion on the floor are enough, since later the station will be insulated and filled up.
. If the walls are plastic, which happens quite often, then an empty unit weighs up to 100 kg, respectively, 3 to 4 adult men will easily lower it into the pit.

In most stations, a specific tie-in point is not indicated, there is simply an area where you can embed a drain pipe.

It was not for nothing that we first laid the line, and then installed the SPS, it is easier to get to the right area.

The hole in the station wall is cut with a conventional jigsaw, after which an adapter is inserted there.

. There is nothing complicated, just the pipe is inserted into the socket of the adapter and the joint is sealed with silicone.
. The joint between the plastic housing of the SPS and the plastic adapter is better to solder with polypropylene solder using a building hair dryer (500ºС).
. The pressure outlet is mounted similarly, but a pipe with a diameter of 50 mm is enough.
. The station, as well as the input and output lines are insulated with foam. Sheets with a thickness of 100 mm are sufficient for the box, the pipes are insulated with semicircular foam cocoons.


Each station model has its own connection features, but the passport always has detailed instructions.

As for laying the cable from the house to the unit, it is desirable to bring it into a plastic pipe or at least into the corrugation.

Below in the video in this article, everything is shown visually.

Option number 3. How to make a homemade station

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There are several options - you can assemble the formwork and fill in a solid reinforced concrete cocoon, but it is difficult and long.

You can take a steel pipe of large diameter, weld the bottom and waterproof the tank, but this tank will be heavy and not cheap.


Everything is simple:

· We put at the bottom of the tank a submersible pump with an integrated grinder;

· From the pump we bring the pipe to the sewer line, septic tank or drain hole;

· And into the same container we cut the drain from the house.


Stage 1.

First, dig the pit.

. We bring the drain from the house and seal the gap.
. The pressure pipe cuts in with an adapter.

We suspend the submersible pump with a grinder on a cable so that it can be pulled out for maintenance.

To connect the pump, we cut a moisture-proof socket into the board, and for the pump to work, we automatically install a float switch.

. Then we proceed in the same way as in the case of the factory SPS, that is, we insulate with polystyrene foam and fill up the remaining space with sand.


The main unit of any sewer station is a fecal pump with a chopper.

In situations where it is not possible to provide the necessary slope of the sewer pipe, the gravity drainage scheme does not work. In these cases, a sewage pumping station is indispensable, providing unhindered outflow and waste treatment.

There are two types of units: mini-stations and fully-functional complexes for home maintenance. We will figure out which option is better to give preference to, which characteristics should be considered when choosing. In addition, we describe the step-by-step installation technology and the rules for operating a sewer station.

Sewage pumping station (SPS) is an integrated complex of hydraulic equipment, which is designed for pumping storm water, industrial and domestic wastewater, when their gravity drainage is impossible.

Pumping stations can have an additional horizontal cavity for the spread of sludge over a larger area, which allows less frequent cleaning of sludge

KNS is used mainly in such cases:

  1. The geodetic level of the tanks and pipelines from which the drains are discharged is located below the sewer or cesspool.
  2. Lack of physical ability to organize a straight-line gravity drainage or small, threatening regular clogging.
  3. The distant location of the cesspool or central collector from the wastewater source.

The pumping stations are equipped with cottage villages, country houses, as well as industrial facilities located far beyond the city and remote from the centralized sewer network.

Classification of sewer stations

The sizes of domestic sewage pumping stations can be very different. They can fit directly behind the toilet and immediately pump wastewater from it in the necessary direction, or they can look like horizontal tanks buried in the ground with a volume of tens of cubic meters.

But not only the size of the SSC. Below are the classifications of pumping stations for sewerage by various parameters.

By type of installation:

  1. Vertical.
  2. Horizontal
  3. With self-priming pumps.

The last type of SPS involves the forced injection of wastewater into the station building, and their removal from it after treatment.

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Sewage pumping station is used in cases where it is necessary to raise sewage from the depths and send them to the main sewer. In this situation, the task was to forcibly pump sewage from the bathhouse to the central sewer with the help of the pumping station. Initially, the customer wanted to deliver, but I had to dissuade him, because TOPAS will not work if he does not get enough food for bacteria.

Real Sewer pumping stations cost from 100 thousand rubles, we offered the customer an option similar to the standard pumping station and made non-standard. In a standard sewage pumping station, 3 or more drainage fecal pumps with cutting mechanisms are installed. We installed one drain pump with a knife inside the tube. The Alta Plast Tuba Manifold Well is a good option for organizing a pump station yourself. This tube is a model Alta Plast Tuba - 2.4002 meters high, in fact 210 cm with a sealed bottom and with a closing lid.

How to choose the right sewage pumping station

In order for the pumping station for your sewage to be as efficient as possible, you should choose it deliberately, guided by the criteria that we will outline below.

When choosing a station for your home, remember that it makes no sense to buy excessively powerful and, therefore, much more expensive equipment, the capabilities of which will be used by a third or even a quarter. The selected unit must be optimal and fully meet the needs of your home. For this purpose, the following parameters must be taken into account:

  1. The distance at which the sewage is to be pumped.
  2. The maximum amount of recyclable waste.
  3. The level of pollution of wastewater and their structural-qualitative composition. So, in the presence of large fractions in them, it makes sense to purchase such a pumping station, which includes a grinder, which virtually eliminates the possibility of blockages.
  4. The vertical difference between the entrance of the station and the place where the sewage flows.
  5. Dimensions of equipment.
  6. The required level of wastewater treatment.

There are no universal formulas used in calculating equipment performance. For this reason, you should use the calculation algorithm, which, as a rule, is described in the instructions attached to a specific SSC.

Calculation of the required plant capacity is carried out in the following sequence:

  • the daily water consumption in the house and the volume of generated effluents are determined;
  • an indicative schedule for the arrival of effluents for the daily period is being built;
  • the maximum and minimum values \u200b\u200bof the sewer flow are calculated;
  • the required capacity of the pumping station is determined taking into account the pollution of wastewater.

Having correctly determined the above parameters, you can accurately select the optimal equipment that will fully satisfy the needs of your home.

We already talked about the size of prices for sewage pumping stations a little higher. Now we want to clarify that the price is a rather eloquent indicator:

  • brand popularity;
  • maintainability of the product;
  • opportunities for servicing equipment.

Preference should not be given to cheap units if their operation will be daily and if there is no additional pumping equipment for evacuation and drains and reserve tanks are not provided.

How to install KNS

First, we deliver the materials and tools necessary for installation to the installation site. We begin to dig a pit under the pumping station and ...

In parallel, we install a socket inside the tube to supply power to the fecal pump. A hole is drilled with a perk and a cable is threaded in the corrugation. The cable is mounted on the socket, and the socket is screwed on the screws to the walls of the tube.

The discharge pipe is already in the trench and discharged into the central sewer, it remained to connect it to the station. Digging a pit for installing a sewage pumping sanitation.

When the pit is dug to the required depth, in our case it is 225 cm, we make a sand cushion and level the bottom of the pit. We lay guides for lowering the reinforced concrete slab.

By this time, a reinforced concrete slab is brought to us, with which we anchor our ashgregat. Since the crane-board could not physically enter the yard, we transported the stove manually by about 30 meters.

Reinforced concrete slab in place, you can begin to lower the tube into the pit.

The tube is also good because it is light because it consists only of plastic, we easily lowered it and set it in place. Then, using a cable, the tube was securely fixed to the reinforced concrete plate. Now you can start the discharge pipe (PND 32) and begin to bury.

The tube is buried, of course, with sand, so that the backfill is dense. The electric cable is laid in the trench.

For inserting a supply sewer pipe into the station case, I needed it myself to drill holes for a jigsaw blade. A circle was cut and wound up with a rubber seal.

It remains only to bury ...

pumped out the effluent.

KNS closed by a cover.

The PND 32 discharge pipe in the house is connected to a gray sewage pipe 50 through a transition gum, which provides reliable fastening and tightness.

In general, the customer was pleased with the work done, and promised to recommend us to his friends.