What is the name of the staff of the church officials Church hierarchy in the Russian Orthodox Church

Krivandy volost was first mentioned in 1537.

In the scribe Vladimir books for 1636-1642. in Krivandino there was a wooden Resurrection Church with the Pokrovsky limit.

In 1740, instead of the dilapidated Resurrection Church, a new one was built with a bell tower. The deacon of the Moscow Trinity Church, near the Sukharev tower, Mitrofan Grigorievich, took a large part in collecting money and building.

In 1776 the Intercession Church was built. Senator Prince A. Golitsyn contributed a lot to its construction and consecration. In 1855, a new Intercession Church was built, small but warm. The Resurrection Church has stood for nearly 200 years.

In 1873 the inner walls of this temple were covered with canvas and decorated with paintings. It had a throne in honor of the Renewal of the Church of the Resurrection of the Lord, and according to church documents it began to be called Renovation.

In 1877 a zemstvo school was opened in Krivandino.

Since 1893, priest Pavel Rozhdestvin and deacon Nestor Sakharov served in Krivandin, whose son, priest Alexander Sakharov, is now canonized in the Cathedral of New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia. By the 1930s. The Resurrection Church has become so dilapidated that it has become dangerous to conduct services in it.

The parishioners built a new church, consecrated in 1933-1934. It had a multi-tiered hipped roof, three high porches, half brick, and above it was wooden. Near the old Church of the Resurrection, there was a cemetery, surrounded by a wrought-iron fence and lined with linden and elm trees.

The Church of the Intercession at that time was used mainly as a chapel. Rich fairs were held on the square in front of the churches.

In the 1930s. in the Krivandan temples, services were prohibited. A grain warehouse was set up in the old Resurrection Church, in 1937 bells were thrown from the bell tower. The newly built temple operated until 1939-1940, then a club was placed in its building. After the war, at the end of the 1940s, the church was converted into a dormitory, and later, after removing the second wooden floor, they made a residential building, which still stands opposite the abandoned cemetery. Preserved in Krivandino and several heavily converted houses of clergy.
This information about the Krivandy temples is given on the website of the Shatura deanery. But according to the testimony of old-timers, including the granddaughter of Nestor Sakharov, Tatyana Vasilyevna Levina, and the granddaughter of Pavel Rozhdestvin, Margarita Petrovna Rozhdestvennaya, there are inaccuracies in this information. They deny the fact that the temple was built in 1933-1934, that is, according to them, it was built much earlier. The last temple was not made of stone, which is confirmed by a photograph from the archives of Margarita Petrovna Rozhdestvennaya, and the building of a brick house was built in the 50s on the foundations of the church.

The formation of new church parishes in post-reform Russia (based on materials from the Yegoryevsky district of the Ryazan diocese)

On the formation of parishes in the territory where in 1778-1779. the Yegoryevsky district was formed, natural conditions had a great influence. In this swampy region, cut by numerous rivers, the population was scattered over small villages, often far from each other. Many of them in general, as noted by I.V. Dobrolyubov, were islands among the surrounding swamps and forests. Therefore, it is not surprising that the distance between the villages was often measured here not only by versts, but also by the seasons. So, for example, clergyman with. Arkhangelsky in the 1830-1880s. pointed out that the distance from it to "the provincial city of Ryazan in the summer due to the swampy terrain is 100 versts, and in the winter 75 versts."
Thus, the churches in Yegoryevsky district became a link between the mass of small scattered villages and were built in the so-called graveyards - villages in which, apart from the families of the clergy and clergy, there were no other residents. This was especially characteristic of the “Vladimirskaya half”, in which of the 19 parish centers that were originally part of the Yegoryevsky district, 14 at one time arose precisely as churchyards, and most of them essentially remained churchyards throughout the 19th century, although many officially changed their status and began to be called villages. But no matter how the center of the parish is called - a village or a churchyard - if the clerical records do not mention the residence of parishioners in it, we are dealing with a churchyard.

The Yegoryevsky district included 19 parishes located in the south of the Vladimir and Murom dioceses, 17 in the east of the Kolomna and Kashira dioceses, 3 in the Ryazan and Shatsk dioceses, and one at the cathedral church of Yegoryevsk. Initially, the parishes for several years maintained ties with their former diocesan authorities, and therefore the territory of the district was naturally divided into two deaneries: one included the so-called “Vladimir's half”, the second - “Kolomna's half”; 3 "Ryazan parishes" joined the "Vladimir" deanery.

So, in the middle of the XIX century. in the "Vladimirskaya half", in addition to the settlements in the name of which the word "graveyard" was present - the graveyards Dmitrievsky, Preobrazhensky, Pyrkovo, Radushkino (Frol graveyard) - in fact, the villages of Vysheles, Dubrova, Ilmyany, Krivandino, Novopokrovskoye, Ostrov were also graveyards. , Thelema, Tugoles. And the rest of the centers of parishes in this part of the county were sparsely populated.

The village of Krivandino. Churches, priests (description 1884).

No. in order-762
The name of the settlements is Krivandino (Voskresenskoe, which is near the Pole River) s. spirit. led.

Number of households - 5
Number of inhabitants:
Male -9
Female - 12

Church of the Resurrection (Resurrection of the Word of 1740) and the Church of the Intercession (Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos 1855)

Krivandino, located near the great Vladimir road, on the banks of the river. Poly, which flows into the Klyazma, on the very border of the Pokrovsky district of the Vladimir province, to which it belonged until 1782, is mentioned as a churchyard in the list from the scribe. Vladimirsk. book 7144-7151 V. Kropotkin and is described as follows: “The churchyard on the sovereign Tsarev and the Grand Duke Mikhail Fedorovich of all Russia is on the earth, and on the churchyard the Church of the Resurrection of Christ and the side-altar of the Most Holy Theotokos are old, cells, and in the church, images and books and vestments and bells and riveted all the church the secular structure of incoming people; near the church priest Mikhailo Overkiev's yard, sexton Vasko Fyodorov's yard, the church's plowed land, poor land 20 in a field, in two seedlings, hay about a half of 30 kopen. " Instead of the Resurrection Church mentioned in the 17th century and dilapidated, now existing in the village of Krivandin der. The church of the same name was built “by the alms of Christ-loving people - Moscow residents of different ranks, and by the diligence and labors of the many-sinful Trinity deacon that at the Sukharev Tower, Mitrofan Grigoriev's son, from the creation of the world, seven thousand two hundred and four-ninth year, and from the incarnation of God the Word, one thousand seven hundred and fourtieth year ”, as can be seen from the inscription on one of the altar gospels. In 1783, the inner walls of this temple were covered with canvas and decorated with paintings. Instead of the side-by-side Church of the Intercession, mentioned in the 17th century, in half of the last century, a separate church of the same name was built, to illuminate which ...

Among the clergymen of the churches of the Resurrection and Pokrovskaya villages of Krivandino are known:

Mikhail Averkievruled in 1636
Gregory …… ..
Sergey Grigoriev
ruled in 1705 and 1730
Peter Sergiev ……
Evstratiy Petrov
ruled in 1771
Procopius John
r. in 1776
Ignatiy Petrov
ruled from 1780-1814
Lavrenty Karpov Dubrovsky
ruled from 22 April 1814-1848
Nikolay Markov
ruled from 1848-1868
Mikhail Petrovich Tsvetaev
since October 24, 1868
Markov Nikolay †
1873 Priest of the village of Krivandino, Yegoryevsky district
(since 1848). Dismissed from the staff (1868/69, №3). Died (1872/73, No. 11).

Tsvetaev Mikhail Petrov

Student of the Ryazan Theological Seminary. Determined to a priestly place in the village of Krivandino, Yegoryevsky district (1868/69, No. 3). The approval of His Eminence, Alexy, Archbishop of Ryazan and Zaraysk, was announced, and he was included in the clergy register for his particular concern for the splendor of the temple (1874/75, No. 12). The approval of His Eminence, Alexy, Archbishop of Ryazan and Zaraysk, was announced, with the entry into the clerical records for honest and edifying service (1874/75, No. 22)

The distribution of the available clergy and clergy to a certain staff of clergy, in accordance with the attached to the decree of the Holy Synod, dated August 18, No. 2365, an extract from the magazine of the Imperially approved presence on the affairs of the Orthodox clergy, Supremely approved on the 7th day of April 1873 (Held on October 9, 1873 )

Tsvetaev Mikhail Petrovich - a priest,
Vasily Troitsyn - deacon
Ivan Kolosov - sexton
Nestor Sakharov - sexton

The composition of the clergy of the parishes of the Ryazan diocese in 1873-1894.

Part 5 (K-L)

Krivandino, Yegorye district
Renovation Church
1873-1894 - Tsvetaev Mikhail Petrov (according to the state of 1873 - rector of the parish)
Staff deacons
1885-1894 - Troitsyn Vasily
Correcting positions of psalmists (1873-1885)
1873-1885 - Troitsyn Vasily, deacon (by state 1873 - full-time)
Established psalmists (since 1885)
1885-1894 - Kolosov (Kolossov) John

Over State
1873-1885 - Kolosov (Kolossov) John, deacon (according to the state 1873 - supernumerary)
1873 - Sakharov Nestor, sexton (according to the state of 1873 - supernumerary)
Troitsyn Vasily
A deacon who is a psalmist in the village of Krivandino, Yegoryevsky district. Honored as a staff deacon (1885, no. 14).
Kolosov (Kolossov) John
Clerk of the village of Krivandino, Yegoryevsky district. Numbered as a regular psalmist (1885, no. 14).

Schedule of city and rural parishes, churches and clergy of the Ryazan diocese 1874


- the composition of persons serving in any one church, both clergy (priest and deacon) and clergymen (psalmists, etc.). The office of each church is formed according to the staff assigned to it, which is drawn up by the consistory and the bishop at the request of the parish and with the indispensable availability of sufficient means of maintenance for all the members of the church. Each time the bishop requests permission from St. Synod. The maintenance of the rural parish is mainly provided by income from parishioners' demands for correction (divided between the parish members according to the rules approved by the Synod), church land property (at least 30 dessiatines per parish), sometimes - ready-made premises in church houses, salaries (not in all dioceses) from 140 to 400 rubles per year for a priest. The metropolitan parish parish does not receive a salary for church services.
See Ya. Ivanovskiy, "Review of Church-Civil Laws on Ecclesiastical Department"
(SPb., 1893). Wed Parish. [Dictionary of F.A.Brockhaus and I.A.Efron]

Parish in an ancient church

(in the ancient church - παροικία) - a church district of the population, which has its own special temple with a clergy performing sacred rites for parishioners. A special P. can be formed if there is a church and sufficient funds to maintain a clergy, in P. there are over 700 male souls from a priest, deacon and psalmist, and in P., with less than 700 souls, from a priest and a psalmist. Exceptions, according to special provisions, exist for the dioceses of Western Russia and the Caucasus, where P. are formed with a smaller number of parishioners. The property of each church and its land holdings constitute its inalienable property. Parish affairs do not belong to the department of rural and volost gatherings and cannot be the subject of their judgment. Worldly sentences of rural and volost gatherings on worldly fees in favor of churches, to buy a bell for a church, etc., are recognized as binding on the peasants of a given society. In the case of requests for the formation of new P., the means for building a temple and maintaining a clergyman and for building houses for a clergy must be indicated. The allotment of established plots of land for the clergy in newly opened P. is assigned to the companies and persons who have filed an application for the formation of P.
N. B - c.
The general meeting of parishioners chooses from among its members the members of the parish trusteeship (see) and a trusted person to run the church economy - the church headman, elected by the parishioners for three years, with the consent of the clergyman, with the dean, and approved by the diocesan bishop, and if there are doubts about the correctness choice, the case is considered in the consistory. Under P., parish societies were established to organize charity among parishioners. See N. Suvorov, "The Course of Church Law" (vol. II, Yaroslavl, 1890). . [Dictionary of F.A.Brockhaus and I.A.Efron]

In the subsequent mention of the priests of the village of Krivandino we find:

Tsvetaev Mikhail Petrovich - Priest of the church in the village of Krivandino, Yegoryevsky district (AK 1898). Awarded (28.03.-8.04.1898) with a kamilavka (CV No. 18-19 1898).

Tsvetaev Mikhail Ioannovich- Priest of the church of the village of Krivandino, Yegoryevsky district (AK 1912 - PK 1914).

Rozhdestvin Pavel Ioannovich - Priest of the church of the village of Krivandino, Yegoryevsky district (AK 1898 - PC 1914).

Sakharov I.P. - Deacon of the village of Krivandino, Yegoryevsky district (AK 1898).

Pyatnitsky Nikolay Alekseevich ... Ryazan province., Yegoryevsky u., P. Krivandino
Started in 1911
End of ministry 1913

AK - Address-calendar of the Ryazan province
PC - Commemorative book of the Ryazan province

CV - Church Gazette.

a priest

- the name of the representative of the religion who is at the temple and performs, according to the power of the grace of the priesthood, all the sacraments (except for the priesthood), in the temple (liturgy and other public services) and outside the temple (at the homes of parishioners, in the fields and water containers), everywhere where liturgical prayer is required. S. - the performer of the six sacraments of the church (baptism, chrismation, the Eucharist, repentance, marriage, and blessing of oil) for all his parishioners; he is the closest teacher of his parishioners, from the pulpit in the temple, when visiting their homes and during all meetings and conversations; he is a preacher of religious principles of life, but at the same time a canonically obliged defender of any knowledge that is not contrary to religion and the public good (for example, medical, agricultural and household), mental and moral education and upbringing. The rights and duties of S. are set out in detail in the special science of shepherding, which the future pastor goes through during his school education, as well as in church laws and regulations. Wed Presbyter.
See Pevnitsky, "S.; Preparation for the Priesthood and the Life of S." (1891), "Serving S. as the spiritual leader of the parish" (1891), "Priesthood. The main points in the doctrine of pastoral ministry" (1891); PI Nechaev, "A Practical Guide for Priests, or a Complete Statement of Their Duties and Rights" (ed. 6, St. Petersburg, 1897).
N. B - c.


(diminutive for clerk, deacon) is the name of persons who are not part of the church hierarchy, but who are assigned to church ministry (among the Greeks, άναγνώστης is a reader and ψάλτης is a singer). Since the readers and singers wear the same liturgical garment with the deacons - surplice, they could initially be called by the same name; when it was necessary to distinguish the deacon from the readers and singers, the title "orarion" was added to the word clerk. In ancient times, in Russia, D., by their very position, literate people, combined the duties of clerks with their church rank; then clerks began to call generally clerks and clerks. Since 1868, when the clergy ceased to be part of the clergy, psalmists took the place of D.; the rights of the previous spiritual state were retained only for those D. who served at churches until 1868.


- the title granted since 1885 (the definition of the Holy Synod was approved by the Highest on February 16, 1885) to all clergymen in the churches (see). The scope of duties of P. is determined by the Imperially approved on April 16, 1869, the journal of the presence on the affairs of the Orthodox clergy (paragraph 4). The duty of P., under the supervision of the priest and by his order, is entrusted with performing the choir reading and singing, accompanying the priest when visiting parishioners for the performance of spiritual requirements, and all writing in the church and parish. He keeps registers of births, search books for recording married marriages, confessions, clerical records with detailed designation of all data regarding the temple, means of maintaining the clergy, the amount of land, the library, as well as the families of all members of the clergy, etc.


- one of the lowest clergy in the Orthodox Church, whose main duty was to ring the bells, participate in choir singing, and generally serve at divine services. Today this position does not exist in the Russian Church. The word sexton is derived from the Greek παραμονάρίος. This position is mentioned only in canon 2 of the Chalcedonian council. Since the word παραμονάρίος by Dionysius the Lesser in the Latin translation of church rules is rendered by the word mansionarius, it is usually thought that the gatekeeper of the temple was called paramonaria. Gregory the Great assumes the duty of the mansionary to light the lamps in the church during divine services and even calls him "the guardian of the church." Some scholars consider the paramonaria to be identical with the western villicus, that is, the person who disposed of the choice and use of church things during worship (our later sacristan or sakellarium).

Pogost (district)

- a rural tax-paying district in Ancient Rus. The first establishment of P. took place in the Novgorod region and is attributed, according to the chronicle news under 947, to the Grand Duchess Olga, who "set the pogosts" (or "reposts", according to the Laurentian list - but this reading is recognized as incorrect). Some scholars accepted the P. mentioned here in the sense of villages, without any relation to their division of land into any plots, others (the majority) - in the sense of villages-districts, based mainly on the modern meaning of the word P. and on the explanation of its meaning with data Russian and foreign languages. The initiative in understanding P. as a district belonged to VN Tatishchev, followed by Shcherbatov, Stritter, Schletser, Evers, Karamzin, Polevoy, Artsybashev, and others. The first to speak in print about P. was MV Lomonosov; in his "Russian history" he took P. for well, well-built settlements. This opinion was accepted only by Elagin. K. A. Nevolin, who examined in detail the question of the Novgorod pyatins and P. ("Notes of the Geographical Society", vol. VIII, 1853), attaches to P. in the time of Olga the significance of a geographical and government district, as well as the main place or center of such a district ... He was inclined to think that P. and in pagan times were places of worship. After Olga, P. continued to exist continuously in the Novgorod region and from there spread to almost all the principalities of Ancient Rus. Chronicles and other monuments often mention P., and from most of these references it is obvious that P. is a district (tax) or the main settlement of a district. According to the scribes, P. is the place where the church was; a church, a village with a church; a district belonging to this locality in civil and ecclesiastical relations, or exclusively in the latter. Scripture books also contain a detailed description of P. Most of P. had a compound, double name, one borrowed from the church, the other from the main village; sometimes a name for a river, lake or city was added to this compound name. The size of P. was very different (the average number of square miles in Novgorod P. Nevolin determines in 822) and depended on the density of the population and soil fertility. According to P., the government kept an account of residents, lands and, in general, private and state property. Due to the administration of certain duties according to the general layout, P. represented a community governed by one headman. Although the official division into P. stopped in 1775, but in the hostel the name P. has survived to this day and has different meanings: rural parish; several villages of one parish; volost; station, inn. hotel, crossroads; Putin, the distance from a known point to another, traversed by water or dry route without rest; a church yard or a place fenced off by a church; any cemetery (Yaroslavl, Oryol provinces) or a cemetery with a church; a separate church on church ground with houses for the clergy and a cemetery; a village that was later formed at the church; a village that was formed from a village after the closure of the parish and the abolition of the church .. According to the word production P. has an undeniable connection with the word "guest". In the original small government centers, there were worldly gatherings, conventions; later there were churches, "merchants", visited by guests who paid in favor of the prince "guest", inns, etc.
V. Ρ - V.

According to archival data, it was possible to find five daughters of the priest Mikhail Petrovich Tsvetaev. Three of them have photographs.

1 Tsvetaeva Ekaterina Mikhailovna 20.10.1883 year of birth. A graduate of the Ryazan Diocesan School in 1901.

2 Tsvetaeva Olympiada Mikhailovna 01.08.1890 year of birth. A graduate of the Ryazan Diocesan School in 1909.
There is evidence that the Olympics in 1911 married the priest of the church of the village of Krivandino Pyatnitsky Nikolai

3 Tsvetaeva Evdokia Mikhailovna 22.02.201889 year of birth. A graduate of the Ryazan Diocesan School in 1906.
- Tsvetaeva Olga Mikhailovna 22.03.1879 year of birth. Graduate of the Ryazan Diocesan School in 1895.
- Tsvetaeva Maria Mikhailovna... Graduate of the Ryazan Diocesan School in 1895.

According to Maria, there is no birth data, but she, along with her sister Olga, appears in the lists of graduation from school precisely in 1895.

1895, grade 6-2, (admission 1889 )

No. in cl.



middle name

Date of Birth

A place






Grandfather's name

Where does it work






Eg., Krivandino s.

a priest



Eg., Krivandino s.




Eg., Krivandino

a priest



Eg., Krivandino

oK. Class 1, 1890 - 11 years old

1901, grade 6-2, (admission 1895)

No. in cl.



middle name

Date of Birth

Who is the father

Father's name

Where does it work

The hierarchical principle and structure must be observed in any organization, including the Russian Orthodox Church, which has its own church hierarchy. Surely, every person attending services or otherwise involved in the activities of the church paid attention to the fact that each clergyman has a certain rank and status. This is expressed in a different color of clothing, the type of headdress, the presence or absence of jewelry, the right to carry out certain religious rites.

The hierarchy of clergy in the Russian Orthodox Church

The clergy of the Russian Orthodox Church can be divided into two large groups:

  • white clergy (those who can marry and have children);
  • black clergy (those who renounced worldly life and took monastic orders).

Ranks in the white clergy

Even in the Old Testament Scripture, it is said that before Christmas the prophet Moses appointed people whose task was to become an intermediate link in God's communication with people. In the modern church system, this function is performed by white priests. The lower representatives of the white clergy do not have a sacred rank, they include: the altar boy, the psalmist, the subdeacon.

Altar boy Is a person who helps a clergyman in conducting services. Also, such people are called sexton. Staying in this rank is an obligatory step before receiving the sacred dignity. A person acting as an altar boy is worldly, that is, he has the right to leave the church if he changes his mind about associating his life with serving the Lord.

His responsibilities include:

  • Timely lighting of candles and icon lamps, control over their safe combustion;
  • Preparation of the garments of the priests;
  • Bring prosphora, Cahors and other attributes of religious rites on time;
  • Kindle a fire in a censer;
  • To bring a towel to your lips during communion;
  • Maintaining internal order in church premises.

If necessary, the altar boy can ring the bells, read prayers, but he is forbidden to touch the throne and stay between the altar and the Royal Doors. The altar boy wears ordinary clothes, the surplice is put on top.

Acolyte (otherwise - a reader) - another representative of the white lower clergy. His main responsibility: reading prayers and words from the Holy Scriptures (as a rule, they know 5-6 main chapters from the Gospel), explaining to people the basic tenets of the life of a true Christian. For special merit, he can be ordained a subdeacon. This procedure is carried out by a cleric of a higher rank. The psalmist is allowed to wear a cassock and skufia.

Subdeacon - Assistant to the priest in conducting services. His attire: surplice and orarion. With the blessing of the bishop (he can also elevate the psalm-reader or altar boy to the rank of subdeacon), the subdeacon receives the right to touch the throne, as well as enter the altar through the Royal Doors. His task is to wash the priest's hands during the divine services and give him the objects necessary for the rituals, for example, ripids and tricirias.

Church dignities of the Orthodox Church

The abovementioned ministers of the church do not have holy orders, and, therefore, are not clergymen. These are ordinary people living in the world, but wanting to become closer to God and church culture. They are accepted for their positions with the blessing of higher-ranking clergy.

Deacon degree of churchmen

Deacon - the lowest rank among all churchmen who have a sacred rank. His main task is to be an assistant to the priest during divine services, they are mainly engaged in reading the gospel. Deacons have no right to conduct divine services on their own. As a rule, they serve in parish churches. Gradually, this church dignity loses its significance, and their representativeness in the church is steadily declining. The deacon's ordination (the procedure for elevation to the church dignity) is carried out by the bishop.

Protodeacon - the chief deacon at a temple or church. In the last century, this dignity was received by a deacon for special merit, nowadays 20 years of service in the lowest church dignity are needed. The protodeacon has a characteristic attire - an orarion with the words “Holy! Holy! Holy. " As a rule, these are people with beautiful voices (they perform psalms and sing at divine services).

Elderly ministerial degree

Priest translated from Greek means "priest". Junior title of white clergy. The consecration is also carried out by a bishop (bishop). The priest's duties include:

  • Conducting sacraments, divine services and other religious rites;
  • Conducting communion;
  • To carry the precepts of Orthodoxy to the masses of people.

The priest does not have the right to consecrate antimensions (cloths of silk or linen with a particle of the relics of an Orthodox martyr sewn into it, located in the altar on the throne; a necessary attribute for conducting a full liturgy) and to conduct the ordinances of the ordination of the priesthood. Instead of a hood, he wears a kamilavka.

Archpriest - a title awarded to representatives of the white clergy for special merit. The archpriest, as a rule, is the rector of the temple. His attire during divine services and church sacraments is an epitrachelion and a robe. An archpriest awarded the right to wear a miter is called a mitred.

Several archpriests can serve in one cathedral. The consecration to the archpriest is carried out by the bishop through ordination - the laying on of hands with prayer. Unlike ordination, it is performed in the center of the temple, outside the altar.

Protopresbyter - the highest rank for persons of the white clergy. Awarded in exceptional cases as a reward for special services to the church and society.

The highest church ranks belong to the black clergy, that is, such dignitaries are prohibited from having a family. A representative of the white clergy can also take this path if he renounces worldly life, and his wife supports her husband and is tonsured as a nun.

Dignitaries who have become widowers also enter this path, since they do not have the right to remarry.

Ranks of the black clergy

These are people who have taken monastic vows. They are forbidden to marry and have children. They completely renounce worldly life, taking vows of chastity, obedience and non-acquisitiveness (voluntary renunciation of wealth).

The lower ranks of the black clergy have many similarities with the corresponding ranks of the white. The hierarchy and responsibilities can be compared using the following table:

Corresponding rank of white clergy The rank of the black clergy A comment
Altar boy / Psalmist Novice A worldly person who has made the decision to become a monk. By the decision of the abbot, he was enrolled in the brethren of the monastery, issued a cassock and appointed a probationary period. Upon completion, the novice can decide whether to become a monk or return to worldly life.
Subdeacon Monk (monk) A member of a religious community who has taken three monastic vows, leads an ascetic lifestyle in a monastery, or on his own in solitude and hermitage. He does not have a sacred rank, therefore, he cannot perform divine services. Monastic tonsure is performed by the hegumen.
Deacon Hierodeacon Monk in the rank of deacon.
Protodeacon Archdeacon Senior deacon in the black clergy. In the Russian Orthodox Church, the archdeacon serving under the patriarch is called the patriarchal archdeacon and belongs to the white clergy. In large monasteries, the chief deacon is also an archdeacon.
Priest Hieromonk A priestly monk. One can become a hieromonk after the procedure of ordination, and white priests - through monastic tonsure.
Archpriest Initially, he was the rector of an Orthodox monastery. In the modern Russian Orthodox Church, the rank of hegumen is given as a reward of a hieromonk. Often the rank is not associated with the management of the monastery. The consecration to the abbot is made by the bishop.
Protopresbyter Archimandrite One of the highest monastic ranks in the Orthodox Church. The ordination takes place through ordination. The rank of archimandrite is associated with the administration and the monastery abbot.

Episcopal clergy degree

Bishop belongs to the category of bishops. In the process of ordination, they received the supreme grace of God and therefore have the right to carry out any sacred actions, including the ordination of deacons. All bishops have the same rights, the eldest of them is the archbishop (has the same functions as the bishop; the patriarch is responsible for ordination). Only the bishop has the right to bless the service with an antimis.

Wears a red robe and a black cowl. The following address was accepted for the bishop: "Vladyka" or "Your Eminence".

He is the leader of the local church - the diocese. The head priest of the parish. Elected by the Holy Synod by order of the Patriarch. If necessary, a vicar bishop is appointed to assist the diocesan bishop. Bishops carry a title that includes the name of the cathedral city. A candidate for bishop must be a member of the black clergy and must be over 30 years of age.

Metropolitan - the highest title of bishop. Submits directly to the patriarch. Has a characteristic attire: a blue robe and a white cowl with a cross made of precious stones.

San is given for high services to society and the church, is the oldest, if we start counting with the formation of Orthodox culture.

Performs the same functions as the bishop, differing from him in the advantage of honor. Before the restoration of the patriarchate in 1917, there were only three episcopal sees in Russia, with which the rank of metropolitan was usually associated: St. Petersburg, Kiev and Moscow. At the moment, there are more than 30 metropolitans in the Russian Orthodox Church.

Patriarch - the highest rank of the Orthodox Church, the chief priest of the country. Official representative of the Russian Orthodox Church. Patriarch is translated from Greek as "the power of the father." He is elected at the Council of Bishops, to which the patriarch reports. This is a life-long dignity, deposition and excommunication from the church of the person who received it, is possible only in the most exceptional cases. When the place of the patriarch is not occupied (the period between the death of the past patriarch and the election of a new one), his duties are temporarily performed by the appointed locum tenens.

Has the primacy of honor among all the bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church. Manages the church together with the Holy Synod. Contacts with representatives of the Catholic Church and high dignitaries of other confessions, as well as with government authorities. Issues decrees on the election and appointment of bishops, directs the institutions of the Synod. Accepts complaints against bishops, giving them a go, rewards clergy and laity with church awards.

A candidate for the patriarchal throne must be a bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church, have a higher theological education, at the age of at least 40, enjoy a good reputation and the trust of the church and the people.

the composition of persons serving in any one church, both clergymen (priest and deacon) and clergymen (psalmists, etc.). The office of each church is formed according to the staff assigned to it, which is drawn up by the consistory and the bishop at the request of the parish and with the indispensable availability of sufficient means of maintenance for all the members of the church. For the establishment of a new P., as well as changes in its composition, the bishop requests permission from St. Synod. The maintenance of the rural parish is provided mainly by income from parishioners' demands for correction (divided between parishioners according to the rules approved by the Synod), church land property (at least 30 dessiatines per parish), sometimes - ready premises in church houses, salaries (not in all dioceses) from 140 to 400 rubles per year for a priest. The metropolitan parish P. does not receive a salary for church services. See Y. Ivanovsky, "Review of Church-Civil Laws on the Spiritual Department" (St. Petersburg, 1893). Wed Coming.

  • - In Christian churches, clergymen and clergymen of any temple ...

    Religious terms

  • - the composition of persons serving in any one church, both clergy and clergy ...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - clergy and clergy of one church in Christianity ...

    Modern encyclopedia

  • - the staff of priests and clergymen at the Orthodox Church. The composition depends on the number of parishioners and is approved by the bishop ...

    Big encyclopedic dictionary

  • - clerk, see reckon ...

    Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - clergy, and clerk or clerk, clerk, husband. ... The clergy of some church, clergy. "Towards Dubrovsky, a priest came across with all the respect." Pushkin. || transfer A specific group of participants in something. "Baron d" ...

    Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

"Prithe" in the books


From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary (P) author Brockhaus F.A.

Clergy Clergy - the composition of persons serving in any one church, both clergy (priest and deacon) and the church. ministers (psalmists, etc.). The P. of each church is formed according to the state assigned for it, which is drawn up by the consistory and the priest, at the request of

2. Divine

From the book Charter of the Russian Orthodox Church of the author

2. Proverbs 22. The parish clergy is determined as follows: priest, deacon and psalmist. The number of members of the clergy may be increased or reduced by the diocesan authority at the request of the parish and in accordance with its needs, in any case, the clerk must be at least


From the book Distant Parish (collection) author Konyaev Nikolay Mikhailovich

And it’s in the old days in the village there were grocery stores, and manufactured goods. There was a hardware store, a book store, a furniture store. Now the people have limited their consumption, there was no need for so many shops, there were enough cooperative stalls, so they gave it to the community

It would be correct to say that those people who work in churches and benefit the Church are serving, moreover, a rather difficult one, but very godly.

For many people, the Church remains hidden in darkness, and hence, some people often have a distorted understanding of it, an incorrect attitude to what is happening. Some expect holiness from the servants in the temples, others asceticism.

So who serves in the temple?

Perhaps, I'll start with the ministers to make it easier to perceive further information.

Those serving in churches are called clergymen and clergymen, all clergymen in a particular church are called clergy, and together clergymen and clergymen are called the clergy of a particular parish.


Thus, priests are people who are consecrated in a special way by the head of a metropolis or diocese, with the laying on of hands (ordination) and the adoption of a sacred spiritual dignity. These are people who have taken the oath, and also have a spiritual education.

Careful selection of candidates before ordination (consecration)

As a rule, candidates are ordained as clergymen after a lengthy examination and preparation (often 5-10 years). Previously, this person passed obedience in the altar and has a testimonial from the priest to whom he obeyed in the church, then he undergoes a henchman's confession with the confessor of the diocese, after which the metropolitan or bishop decides whether a particular candidate is worthy of being ordained.

Married or Monk ... But married to the Church!

Before ordination, the henchman is determined whether he will be a married minister or a monk. If he is married, then he must marry in advance, and after checking the relationship for the fortress, the ordination is performed (priests are not allowed to be reclaimed).

So, the clergy received the grace of the Holy Spirit for the sacred service of the Church of Christ, namely: to perform divine services, teach people the Christian faith, good life, piety, and manage church affairs.

There are three degrees of priesthood: bishops (metropolitans, archbishops), priests, deacons.

Bishops, Archbishops

The bishop is the highest rank in the Church, they receive the highest degree of Grace, they are also called bishops (most honored) or metropolitans (who are the head of the metropolitanate, i.e. the main ones in the region). Bishops can perform all seven of the seven ordinances of the Church and all Church services and ordinances. This means that only bishops have the right not only to perform ordinary divine services, but also to ordain (ordain) to clergy, as well as to consecrate myrrh, antimensions, temples and thrones. Bishops run priests. And the bishops obey the Patriarch.

Priests, Archpriests

A priest is a priest, the second holy order after the bishop, who has the right to independently perform six of the seven sacraments of the Church, i.e. a priest can perform ordinances and church services with the blessing of the bishop, except for those that are supposed to be performed only by the bishop. More worthy and deserved priests are awarded the title of archpriest, i.e. senior priest, and the chief among the archpriests is given the title of protopresbyter. If a priest is a monk, then he is called by a hieromonk, i.e. priestly monks, for the length of service they can be awarded the title of abbot, and then the even higher title of archimandrite. Particularly worthy archimandrites can become bishops.

Deacons, Protodeacons

A deacon is a priest of the third, lower priestly rank, who assists a priest or bishop during divine services or the performance of the sacraments. He serves during the performance of the sacraments, but he cannot perform the sacraments on his own. Therefore, the participation of the deacon in the service is not necessary. In addition to helping the priest, the deacon's task is to call the worshipers to prayer. Its distinctive feature in vestments: he dresses in a surplice, on his hands there are straps, on his shoulder there is a long ribbon (orarion), if the deacon has a wide and overlapped ribbon, then the deacon has a reward or is a protodeacon (senior deacon). If a deacon is a monk, then he is called a hierodeacon (and the senior hierodeacon will be called an archdeacon).

Ministers of the church who are not ordained and help in the ministry.


Hippodeacons are those who help in the hierarchal service, they dress the bishop, hold the lamps, move the eagles, bring the Official at a certain time, prepare everything necessary for the divine service.

Psalmists (readers), singers

Psalm-makers and singers (choir) - read and sing on the kliros in the temple.


An instructor is a psalm-reader who knows the Divine Rite very well and provides the singing singers with the necessary book on time (during the divine service, a lot of liturgical books are used, and they all have their own name and meaning) and, if necessary, reads or proclaims independently (performs the function of canonarch).

Ponomari or altar boys

Ponomari (altar men) - help priests (priests, archpriests, hieromonks, etc.) during divine services.

Novices and laborers

Novices, laborers - mostly they only go to monasteries, where they perform various obediences


A monk is an inhabitant of a monastery who did not take vows, but has the right to monastic robes.


A monk is a resident of a monastery who has taken monastic vows before God.

Schemamonk is a monk who made even more serious vows before God compared to an ordinary monk.

In addition, in the temples you can find:


An abbot is the head priest, rarely a deacon in a particular parish


The treasurer is a kind of chief accountant, as a rule, this is an ordinary woman from the world who is appointed by the abbot to do a specific job.


The headman is the same manager, the housekeeper, as a rule, this is a pious layman who has a desire to help and manage the household at the church.


The housekeeper is one of the domestic employees where it is required.


Registrar - these functions are performed by an ordinary parishioner (from the world) who serves in the church with the blessing of the abbot, she draws up requests and ordered prayers.

Cleaning lady

A church attendant (cleaning, maintaining order in candlesticks) is an ordinary parishioner (from the world) who serves in the temple with the blessing of the rector.

Church shop attendant

A clerk in a church shop is an ordinary parishioner (from the world) who serves in the church with the blessing of the abbot, performs the functions of consulting and selling literature, candles and everything that is sold in church shops.

Janitor, security guard

An ordinary man from the world who serves in the Temple with the blessing of the abbot.

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(psalmists, etc.); in later usage sometimes means only the last category of persons ( see clerk).

The clergy of each church was formed according to the staff assigned to it, which was compiled by the spiritual consistory and the bishop at the request of the parish and with the indispensable availability of sufficient means of maintenance for all members of the clergy. For the establishment of a new clergy, as well as for changes in its composition, the bishop each time requested permission from the Holy Synod. The maintenance of the rural clergy was mainly provided by income from the parishioners' demands (divided between the clergy members according to the rules approved by the Synod), church land property, sometimes - ready-made premises in church houses, salaries (not in all dioceses).

The right of parishioners to elect members of the clergy, as a general one, has been canceled, but the parishioners retain the right to declare to the diocesan bishop their desire to have a famous person as a member of the clergy of their church.

see also

Write a review on the article "Prit"


  • Ya. Ivanovskiy, "Review of church-civil legalizations in the spiritual department" (St. Petersburg, 1893).

Excerpt characterizing the Prit

- Done, done, falcon! - said Karataev, leaving with a neatly folded shirt.
Karataev, on the occasion of warmth and for the convenience of work, wore only trousers and a torn shirt, black as earth. His hair, as the artisans do, was tied with a washcloth, and his round face seemed even rounder and more pretty.
- A persuasion is a brother to business. As he said by Friday, he did so, - said Plato, smiling and unwrapping the shirt he had sewn.
The Frenchman looked around uneasily and, as if overcoming his doubt, quickly threw off his uniform and put on his shirt. The Frenchman did not have a shirt under his uniform, and a long, greasy, flowered silk vest was put on over his naked, yellow, thin body. The Frenchman, apparently, was afraid that the prisoners who looked at him would not laugh, and hastily put his head into his shirt. None of the prisoners said a word.
- See, just right, - said Plato, pulling off his shirt. The Frenchman, thrusting his head and hands, without raising his eyes, looked at his shirt and examined the seam.
- Well, falcon, this is not a leap, and there is no real instrument; but it is said: you can't kill a louse without a tackle, - said Plato, smiling roundly and, apparently, himself rejoicing at his work.
- C "est bien, c" est bien, merci, mais vous devez avoir de la toile de reste? [Okay, okay, thanks, but where is the canvas, what's left?] - said the Frenchman.
“It will be even nicer the way you put it on your body,” said Karataev, continuing to rejoice at his work. - That will be good and pleasant.