How beautiful to make a bouquet of roses. How to make a bouquet of roses, several ways to keep it longer

Drawing up a bouquet of beautiful flowers, at first glance, is not a very difficult task. Especially when it comes to roses, which look great and individually. You just need to take a few roses that are suitable in color, put them in a vase and the work of art is ready.

The question is, why then use the services of a florist, if they themselves do pretty well? However, not everything is as simple as it may seem.

You need to know that a florist does not collect roses in a bouquet for a reason, but according to a well-defined pattern. In addition, the majority believes that the design and preparation of bouquets is a whole science.

Why is that? Because in his work, a professional florist is guided not just by inspiration, but by the laws of the flower world and his vast experience (of course, no one canceled talent). It is for this reason that the person who makes up the bouquet of roses needs at least to know:

  • Who are the flowers for?
  • What event is it running for.
  • When it will be presented.

What is more important, composition or physiology? In the daytime it is better to use dark colors for compositions, but in the evening it is preferable to use a bouquet of flowers in bright colors (only if the flowers are not presented in a banquet hall with powerful illumination).

Low bouquets must be placed in small and wide vases, and high ones in high vases. If the interior of the room where the bouquet will stand is made in dark colors, then the bouquet of light shades will most effectively look. Tall flowers will not look small, and vice versa.

Florists when drawing up a bouquet take into account the fact that many flowers are not physiologically compatible with each other. This means that the metabolic products of the organic substances of one flower can have a negative effect on another species.

For this reason, even different types of roses often do not get along in one vase. That is, sweet peas and lilies of the valley with roses to combine is simply prohibited. But on the other hand, lilies can be included in the composition of the pink bouquet. Such a combination will benefit both roses and lilies - in the interaction they help each other last longer.

The main rules for composing a bouquet of roses
  • To begin with it is worth playing with the size of the buds - one small and many large, or vice versa. This aspect plays an important role for each bouquet, so it is worth taking some time to create the composition.
  • In addition, you can very gracefully beat the gradation (the length of the stems) - low flowers on the sides, high in the middle. You can use asymmetry.
  • Add greens, it is never superfluous in any bouquets.
  • The choice of a vase is especially important - it is better to choose it monophonic, not distracting attention to yourself.

How to keep a bouquet of roses longer

Saving a bouquet of roses is a rather complicated process, but caring for recently cut roses is identical for all varieties. That is, the place of growth does not matter, you can not worry about this. Let's figure out how to care for a bouquet of roses:

1 . To keep the bouquet of roses longer, it is necessary to cut the stems by the very first day, this should be done under running water, this is necessary so that the air does not accelerate the process of withering, and always diagonally. It is better to immediately remove the spikes and lower leaves.

2 . It is necessary to change the water daily, but it must be at the same temperature - room temperature.

3 . Be careful not to get sunlight on the flowers. At night, it is better to completely put them in cool water.

4 . To ensure longer storage of roses, you need to dissolve 2 teaspoons of sugar in a liter of warm water and pour the resulting solution into a vase with flowers.

5 . It is necessary to cut the stems every day, otherwise the flowers will destroy their own rot.

So, now you know how to make a bouquet of roses and how to keep it longer. We hope our tips will allow you to extend the life of the bouquets as long as possible. And if you want these flowers to please you even more often, we recommend that you read the article on

You can attract the attention of a glamorous young lady using an iPhone, a car or a diamond ring. For ordinary girls, a rather modest bouquet consisting of 101 roses is enough. No, of course it can be less, but 101 is so romantic.

Yes, and to give such a gift is now extremely simple, because the flower delivery service works seven days a week. There, they will pick up the right color of roses and make up a good combination. If you want to participate in the collection process yourself, we recommend reading this article.

Features of the assembly of the bouquet

In order for the roses in such a huge bouquet to look quite harmonious, collect them as follows:

  1. One flower of the bouquet is left with the longest leg - it acts as the center of the composition.
  2. Around the central flower, the remaining flowers are collected at an angle, tilting slightly from the main one.
  3. As a result, about five to seven flowers appear in the center of the composition, the rest play a secondary role.
  4. When making a combination, the flowers should be inserted into the bouquet with an inclination to the left. Thus, a spiral composition is formed.
  5. When the flowers become difficult to hold in your hand, the composition will have to be bandaged with a special floral ribbon.

In this case, one tape is rarely enough, so it’s better to stock up several and more authentic at once.

We pack a bouquet

In a floral combination, beautiful paper packaging is extremely important. The best packaging in this case may be floristic flizelin. Getting started wrapping flowers should:

  • Cut off a sufficient amount of material evenly, preferably with a small margin.
  • Using a stapler, begin to wrap the flowers in a spiral and fasten the paper.
  • Be sure to trim the sticking ends of the legs so that the bouquet looks aesthetically pleasing.
  • Tie a bouquet in the narrowest part with a floral ribbon on a knot, and then use another one for decoration.

Try so that the paper does not form ugly folds at the bottom of the bouquet. This little nuance can ruin the appearance of the composition. Remember that in one bouquet roses of different shades can be present. Thus, you can collect not just a bouquet, but a whole message.

For example, the general background can be made red, and in the center with the help of white roses to depict a heart or write the word "love." As you can see, it all depends on your imagination and imagination.

Roses are the most sought-after and favorite flowers of women. According to statistics, most of the fair sex prefers these plants to everyone else. And this is understandable! No other flower has such a variety of varieties that differ in color, shape, aroma. You can make a beautiful bouquet of roses yourself or entrusting this occupation to a professional florist.

How to beautifully assemble a bouquet of roses on your own

To make the bouquet beautiful, it is important to observe several rules:

  • First, the shape of the bouquet is determined. It can be round, spherical or parallel.
  • After that, it is important to consider the size of the bouquet. The larger it is, the more flowers will be needed to make it.
  • It is important to choose the color of the plants and the nature of the bouquet - whether it will be composite or collected only from roses of the same variety.
  • It is also important to choose ribbons and packaging for the bouquet. These materials should be combined with colors.

Features of the assembly of the bouquet

  • For the bouquet, the flowers should be fresh, with thorns and lower leaves removed along the stem.
  • The simplest form of a bouquet is with stalks located in parallel. Recommended choose a bouquet of flowers  this type for beginners. This composition is absolutely uncomplicated, and even the one who is engaged in creativity for the first time will be able to cope with it. For her, roses must be folded in length one to one to one so that their buds are at the same height. After that, the bouquet can be tied with a ribbon. For hemispherical bouquets, dexterity is important. To perform it, choose a long rose and, holding it in your left hand, add other flowers at an angle, until you get a bouquet of the desired shape. At the end of the work, the composition is tied with a ribbon and the stems are cut so that their length is the same.

How beautiful to fold roses in a bouquet  if you want to get a combined composition? This is the most difficult option, in which companion plants are carefully selected. They should be combined with the main colors in colors, style.

When assembling such a bouquet, you can alternate roses and other flowers, decorative greens.

Bouquet packing

No matter how beautiful the composition is, sometimes it needs to be packed. If a beginner collects a bouquet, we recommend that you use kraft paper or put the finished composition in a bag or purse. Packaging will help hide assembly flaws, support flowers and prevent them from disintegrating if the bouquet is poorly fixed. It is selected to match the color of the plants or make it contrasty.

How beautiful is it to make a bouquet of roses if a responsible event is ahead? In this case, it is better to entrust the work of selecting flowers and assembling the composition to a professional florist. The result is guaranteed! The specialist will take into account all the necessary nuances that are unknown to the beginner, and will make a beautiful, delicate, memorable bouquet!