How to grow strawberries at home on the windowsill all year round. How to grow strawberries on the windowsill or balcony all year round how to grow strawberries on the windowsill all year round

Ripe, juicy, fragrant strawberries - the most desired delicacy on our tables. No matter how we love jam and compote, but nothing compares with the taste of fresh berries. Unfortunately, in winter it is hard to find it even in supermarkets, and the price of it is simply translated.

What strawberry can be raised at home

Today, many dacms at a less loaded winter period independently organize a peculiar mini-farm for the cultivation of strawberries at home. And some gardeners manage not only fall in winter with their own berry, but even receive financial benefits from the sale of a scarce product.

For the cultivation of the house only the removable varieties of strawberries are suitable. They fruit more than two times per season. But also such species, in turn, are divided into DATS and NSDs.

Normal strawberry lays flower kidneys closer to autumn when the light day is short. And the plants of repairing varieties can form kidneys and during neutral (NSD), and during the long daylight (DSD).

Strawberry DSD Fruits only with a long lighting day and gives only two harres per year: in July and in August - September. Moreover, most bushes die after the second fruiting. Create an artificial long daylight is not difficult using the backlight. But nevertheless, NSD varieties are better fit for home breeding, which laid the kidneys at a neutral lighting day. They bloom for 10 months and fruit almost continuously.

Landing strawberries at home

For normal development, plants will require a warm, well-lit place and a suitable soil.

Choosing a place to grow

Before starting to grow strawberries at home, select the best place for this. Of course, if you have a greenhouse or a separate heated greenhouse, then such a question is not worth it. But, most likely, you do not have such wealth. But for the same purpose, a glazed loggia, a window sill or a separate room fit perfectly. The main thing is that the selected place corresponds to the following minimum requirements:

  • Permanent temperature 20-22 ° C.
  • Good light.
  • Air circulation.

Maintain the temperature suitable for strawberries at home is completely simple. Additional heater easily compensates for the lack of heat.

The lack of light is the most serious problem when growing strawberry at home in our climatic conditions, especially in the winter. For rapid and full growth and development, plants take about 14 hours of lighting per day. In the room, choose for landing southern, well-lit windows. Compensate insufficient illumination will help lamps of daylight or special phytolamba. And also complete the foil reflectors often use.

Air conditioning or fan will help to provide additional air circulation. Although an open fortnight will cope with this task. But be extremely careful. In winter, closed not in time the fort will destroy your strawberry fit and everything will have to start first.


In residential buildings, sometimes it is sometimes not enough for us, and even more so acute will suffer from insufficient strawberry illumination, for which the sun is also an energy source.

To create optimal conditions, it is necessary to choose a source of lighting with a spectrum, the most approximate to the solar. In stores this daylight gas discharge lamps. The optimal choice for our agronomic purposes is 40-60-watts lamps. They will give a sufficient amount of light and do not affect electricity for electricity. One meter lamp is enough for lighting 3-6 square meters of landing.

Gas discharge lamps of day lighting - the optimal option for the backlight of strawberries

The amount of light is measured not only to the duration, but also the degree of illumination. The norm for strawberries is 130-150 lux for 12-14 hours per day or 2-3 lamps (F7) by 13-20 square meters. To measure the degree of illumination, it will not be at home the device is at home - a luxmeter.

Luximeter will help determine if there is enough light in the room

Lighting directly affects the speed of the development of bushes and ripening berries. With duration of the day at 15 o'clock, the strawberry begins to bloom after 10, and fruit after 35 days, and with a light day at 8 o'clock - respectively, after 14 and 48 days.

Preparation of soil

It must be remembered that homemade strawberries will constantly be a very limited amount of soil, so it should be very fertile. There are two ways: to purchase a finished soil mixture or independently prepare the soil. If the choice fell into the second option, such components will be needed in equal amounts:

  • garden land;
  • humus;
  • ceramzite or sand for drainage.

Do not take the land from the garden plot on which tomatoes, potatoes, raspberry or strawberry itself grew. Along with the soil, you can make a home bed and causative agents of disease.

We can not measure the acidity of the soil. The optimal indicator for strawberries will be pH 5.5-6.5.

Stratification of seeds

The strawberry seeds are very small and at all in no hurry to give shoots, so they need to additionally stimulate.

  1. Seeds are planted in pre-closed peat pills, two pieces each.
  2. Tablets are cleaned for four weeks to the room with a temperature of 0-1 ° C, for example, on the veranda.
  3. After four weeks, they are transferred to the room with a temperature of 10-15 ° C.
  4. After a week, it provides seeds constant room temperature at 24-25 ° C.

Germination stimulates the gradual change of temperature regime that imitating real natural conditions.

There is a simpler, but less effective way. Seeds before planting wrap in a wet fabric, then in a plastic bag and remove into the fridge for four weeks.

Video: Strawberry seed stratification

Sowing seeds

Now that seeds are prepared, the time of sowing occurs. Different sources offer different dates for planting strawberries during homemade. It seems that when creating artificial conditions, there should be no dependence on the time of year. But nevertheless, most of the "window sill" gardeners believe that the landing of seeds should be carried out from August 15 to September 20 or early spring in early March.

Remember that even the prepared seeds will not rush to gem. The first shoots of the strawberries appear only in 20-30 days after sowing. It is not necessary to get upset prematurely.

Picking of strawberry seedlings

Time to dive occurs when a seedling will appear two real sheets.

Falling asleep seedlings of earth, you need to follow the growth point to be at the soil level

Care for seedlings and pollination

Pour strawberries twice a week. Like any other indoor plant, strawberries are recommended to moisturize with warm water. It should be very neat, culture does not tolerate water stagnation and quickly dies.

For the first time to feed strawberries only after the appearance of the fifth sheet. This should be done once every two weeks, using specialized feeding for strawberries. Be careful with the number of fertilizers: their excess will lead to active vegetative growth, but the berries then have to wait long. After collecting the first harvest from the feeding, it is better to refuse two months.

Video: Care for strawberries

In nature or in the garden plot with pollination of strawberries there are no problems. Everything happens naturally with the participation of wind, rain and insects. But in isolated conditions of the apartment, the likelihood of rainflowers is obtained. The easiest way to carry out the procedure with the help of a conventional brushes. To miss anything, polled flowers are recommended to be labeled, tearing off one petal, no harm to the plant will cause it.

To simulate pollination, the fan is used, but it is a less effective way.

For artificial pollination of strawberries, it is convenient to use the usual brush

At home, strawberries blooms 30-35 days after dive. And the first ripe berries can be waited in about a month later.

Strawberry varieties for growing at home

Today there is a proven list of strawberry varieties that have proven themselves to grow at home. Here are the most popular of them.

Sort Elizabeth II.

Large-root repairing grade dessert destination. Bush is a reprehensive, semi-science. The weight of berries under favorable conditions reaches 50-60 g. The taste is sweet, saturated, with a honey tone. The flesh is dense, which allows berries to preserve and transfer the transportation. The variety is resistant to most diseases, including gray rot, drone spot and mildew. The yield of one bush under favorable conditions reaches 1-1.5 kg. Does not require artificial pollination. Sort of neutral light day.

Trestar grade

Popular repairing variety of Dutch selection. Kuste compact. Berries weighing 25-30 g, conical shape, dark-red, glossy. The flesh is dense. Due to the high content of sugar fruits sweet, desserts. NSD variety, self-pollable.

Brightton variety

The weight of the fruit reaches 50 g. The berries are sweet, with a rich taste and a unique pineapple taste. Do not deform during transportation. Compact bushes. The variety has proven itself with growing in greenhouses and on the windowsill. Strawberry does not require artificial pollination. Plant neutral light day.

Sort Baron Solemacher

At home, they are grown not only to strawberries (garden strawberries), but also her smaller fellow - strawberries. We are especially popular for the failed species that can only be obtained from seeds. Baron Solemacher is a very popular variety, perfectly suitable for home use. In addition, it is officially incorporated into the state register of breeding achievements admitted to use in the Russian Federation. " This is removable, mustleful grade. Weight of one berry about 4 g. The bushes are compact, the fruits have a sour-sweet taste and have a high tasting indicator. Self-pollized plants, resistant to temperature drops, have high resistance to diseases.

Photo Gallery: Popular Sorts for Homemade Growing

Repairing Strawberry Brighton Suitable for Growing Home Leader Among Home Strawberries - Sort of Elizabeth II Popular Braided Trestar Sort His Dessert Sweet Berries A very popular strawberry grade for growing on the windowsill - Baron Solemacher

Many people who care about the benefits of products, sooner or later think about growing different cultures at home. The cultivation of strawberries on the windowsill all year will allow to receive a qualitative harvest, which, with proper care, gives excellent fruits.

At home, cottage varieties should not be applied due to the presence of a central heating system in the city dry. Create the right greenhouse effect will not work. Also, many mistakenly look when choosing a variety only on its appearance, completely forgetting about the characteristics of the varieties.

For the cultivation of berries at home is not suitable every variety. Repairing strawberries, for example, unpretentious to key factors, for example, the composition of the soil and the length of the day. As an ampel strawberry decor is sometimes grown in suspended containers.

Strawberry at home on the windowsill will feel comfortable if it is a representative of one of the following varieties. For example, Geneva or Queen Elizabeth. If the data of the varieties cannot be obtained, you can use analogues like a variety of Aisha or Super.

Asking how to grow a plant on the windowsill, many are wondering the selection of capacity. It is believed that first is the most optimal cup. Which, after she gives the first sprouts, change to more spacious options for tanks.

In a pot on the windowsill, you can grow after it gives a minimum of 5 leaves. If the seedlings of a bush type, perfectly suitable growing in the pots of small size. For strawberries of ampel-type type, you can see the spacious versions of the suspended kashpo. On the windowsill, you can grow it in pots or boxes, up to 10-15 liters.

Tip! When growing several bushes in boxes, you need to abide by the distance between them at least 20 cm.

When growing on the windowsill in any capacity, it is important to trace the presence of a drainage layer. It will save the berry from the accumulation of excess water and, consequently, the occurrence of fungal infection.

What kind of soil plant

On the windowsill, the berry can be planted in several types of soil. For example, special soil mixtures are sold in specialized appointments. Strawberry in pots can be grown with such mixtures without fear - they are universal and suitable for any variety.

The composition of the soil is not the main condition when choosing it. It must meet such requirements as frighting, the ability to skip air and moderate humidity. If the mixture is prepared manually, then it is important not to forget after the end of the work add to the soil fertilizer containing potassium and phosphorus.

Many mistakenly use the land for landing in urban conditions with cottages. This approach is undesirable, since the soil can be infected with various infections. If there is no other option for the extraction of the earth, it is necessary to decoke before boarding the window sill with a manganese weak solution, strawberry landing is allowed 7 days after the soil disinfection procedure.

How to prepare material for landing

The cultivation of strawberries in pots on the windowsill is available to two methods: seedlings and from seeds. Beginners are best use to use the first method. Since the second option is too expensive in time and requires certain skills. The planting material is purchased either in specialized nurseries, or is made by hand from country soil.

Asking how to grow strawberries on the windowsill, it is worth remembering about the technology of preparation of seedlings. It includes some simple, but important steps:

  1. From the sockets are selected the most healthy and suitable options.
  2. In the pot and the windowsill transplant occurs after separating the material from the maternal bush.
  3. Before this procedure, remove the foliage, leaving 2-3 the most stronger and young.

To ensure the strawberry of the stable period, it is for a couple of weeks put in a cool place.
Ideally, a place for strawberries should also be even dark. The cellar is best suited, or the basement zone.

How landing occurs

Before boarding the berries, it is important not to forget to put on the bottom of the selected container a special drainage layer for the waste of stagnant water. For such purposes, pebbles, crushed stone or ceramzite suitable. Landing berries on the windowsill occurs as follows:

  1. The chosen container is covered with a drainage layer, as well as a substrate.
  2. Strawberry roots for 2-3 minutes lowered into a weak manganese solution for disinfection.
  3. The seedling is put in a pot, helping strawberries to straighten the roots on the ground. It is important that the root of strawberries placed in the tank in full growth. If you have to bend the ends of the root, it is usually shortened.
  4. If the roots had to shorten, the reduction will help the heteroacexin solution. The process of its preparation is usually written on the packaging of the substance. 5 liters usually need 1 tablet.
  5. Then you need to compact the soil, trying not to damage the roots of strawberries. After put a plant on the windowsill and watered with an abundant amount of water.

In order for seedlings to take root better in a new place, it is possible to use watering with strawberry growth simulators. Some strawberries are watered, for example, with the help of the drug "Korniner".

Nuances and pitfalls

Cultivation of strawberries on the windowsill all year round - the task is performed. But it is important to take into account a number of important nuances. Since it is although unpretentious, but urban conditions are equally different from the suburbs.

Choosing a place landing

Strawberry houses come true on the windowsill leaving south or south-east. The cultivation of strawberries in pots on other sides of the light is permissible if you provide it with additional lighting.

Terms of day

For strawberries Ideal is considered a day, duration of 13 hours. Growing the berries, and even strawberries on the windowsill in the winter will require additional lighting with daylight lamps due to a short daylight. In summer, additional devices are usually not needed. Growing devices are included twice a day, too frequent use can harm. The devices on the windowsill include from 6 to 9 am and from 16 to 20 hours in the evening.

Temperature conditions

The cultivation of strawberries in the city on the windowsill requires compliance with the temperature range up to 20 degrees. When the temperature is deviated by several degrees, the plant usually falls.

In order for the strawberry on the windowsill, all year round felt comfortable, gardeners recommend using additional heating devices.

Air humidity

On the windowsill, the humidity of the air should not exceed the values \u200b\u200bof 80%. If the air in the apartment is strongly overwhelmed, for example, in winter due to heating devices, a berry can be additionally sprayed with a spray temperature of the room temperature. Cultivation of culture on the windowsill in a too humid climate can lead to the occurrence of fungus.

The process of growing strawberries on the windowsill with seeds

On the windowsill, the berry can be bolder to grow with the help of seeds. Despite the longest planting process, many enthusiasts of horticultural matters are not afraid of this nuance. For a friendly shoot of seeds you need to harden them. Seeds for this decline on wet fabric and removed in the refrigerator for a month. It is important not to forget twice the cloth.

If we consider step-by-step instructions, it includes the following steps:

  1. Capacity, for example, a box, selected as a landing capacity, fall asleep with the prepared ground and slightly moisturizes it.
  2. Further, by observing the gaps of 20 cm, the strawberry seeds unfold with the help of equipment in a row.
  3. Next, the material must be sprinkled with a small amount of soil.
  4. The selected container is covered with glass. After the procedure is placed on a warm territory.
  5. After the initial shoot of shelter seedlings, you can gradually shoot, and the container itself is rearranged on the selected window sill.
  6. In the selected capacity of replanting strawberries only after a couple of young leaves appear on the berry.

Many wonder whether it is possible to grow strawberries on the windowsill at the autumn time of the year. The most optimal time interval for the procedure is August 15 - September 21.


Sadders advise use for watering berries when growing on the windowsill, only the dilated water of indoor temperatures. If there is no time to wait for chlorine, you can skip it through the filter. To improve air humidity, you can spray a periodically beater with a spray gun. Especially the procedure is relevant in winter.

Gardeners advise to moisturize the plant a couple of times a week. The best time for the procedure is the second half of the day. After the process of irrigation, the soil should be thoroughly braid.


The feeding is relevant when the first leaves will appear. Typically, the procedure is carried out no more than a pair of times in 3 weeks. As a fertilizer, some use the comprehensive type feeders. Which are relevant when growing berries in urban conditions. They should be made according to the instructions on the package. As an alternative to mineral fertilizers, a chicken litter or a korlard can perform.


The purpose of this event in the cultivation of strawberries is to increase its yield. Tips on pruning include several main points:

  1. If seedlings are grown out of seeds, then at first time it is important to disrupt several flowers from it.
  2. In the absence of the need for further breeding of the berry, you need to remove additionally the mustache.

As a result of the procedure, the plant will not waste their substances on maintaining sockets, but will send them to the more necessary direction.

With the help of these tips, you can simplify the process of planting strawberries on the windowsill at home. And also reduce the number of errors in the process of care.

Fresh strawberry berries on the table outside the season - the dream of every mistress and gardener. And who would not like to taste delicious and fragrant berries in the cold, gray winter weekdays? In order to have a strawberry on the windowsill, all year round, it will take a little effort and a good repairing variety of berries.

What is removable strawberry

Before growing strawberry on the windowsill, you need to figure out varieties suitable for these purposes. It is necessary to give preference to unpretentious, shadowless, productive and delicious types of strawberries, because the cold time it implies a short day.

A distinctive feature of removable varieties is that they are able to fruit and form inflorescences regardless of the season, it is important for them the presence of fertile soil and a suitable temperature regime.

Culture is classified according to several signs, one of them is the formation of kidneys:

When choosing a variety for indoor cultivation, you should pay attention to it and choose seeds with a margin of the NSD, then you can go on berries all year round.

In addition to these differences, the culture is divided into beans and oblivion. Each view is good in its own way, but has its pros and cons.

Used culture

For growing strawberries on the windowsill in winter, ampels are suitable. They are not only good fruit, look original - it is convenient to remove the harvest with them, and it is also beneficial to grow on the balcony in ordinary floral porridges, just hiding to the ceiling or wall.

According to reviews of experienced gardeners, you can conclude the following varieties have shown the best in indoor cultivation:

The list can be continued to infinity, because breeders have tried and created a huge number of plants with good yields and taste. The listed rating contains better varieties marked by domestic gardeners and lovers.

Not all lovers of strawberries are both happy owners of household plots. Many rabbies create mini-gardens in the apartment, choosing for growing suitable varieties of culture. This article details on the cultivation of strawberries at home.

Best varieties

Many newcomers in gardening, trying to grow a garden strawberry, as elsewalk they are called strawberries, at home, make a mistake - they choose a grade of culture intended for greenhouse conditions. The greenhouse is a special microclimate, create which is impossible on the balcony or in the room. For cultivation in the conditions of the apartment, the varieties of plants are needed.

Snow White

Impressive grade, as the bush grows takes the shape of the ball. Rights rapidly, so requires trimming. Numerous foliage with wrinkled surface, yellowish-green. Leaves on a long cutter are pubes and gear around the edge. Overflowers are formed on long blossoms. Berry conical shape, white-yellow color. Mass 2 g. The flesh of juicy, with a bright aroma, sweet. Diseases are affected by weak. Berries are universal in use.

Fragrant lukoshko

The average hemispheric shape bush, musty, multiply seeds. The leaves are not large, pubescent, with an average number of wrinkles, the surface is slightly glittered. Obohyla flowers, small, are located on low blooms. Berries are small, conical, evenly painted with a red tone. Dense and juicy flesh sour-sweet. The weight of the berries of 1.5 g. Diseases are steady, in the application of universal.

Elizabeth II.

Ampel, removable, dessert variety. The mediterranean bush is multiplied by a mustache. Glossy foliage, gear, weakly arrest, green.
Multi-flowered inflorescences with rims are located below foliage. Oval shape berries with cervical, large up to 50 g, red. Sweet pulp dense and poured juice. It is resistant to diseases and pests.

Did you know? The strawberry jam was the favorite delicacy of Childhood Peter I. Later in the years of his reign, he ordered to send from Izmailovsky gardens to the south of the Russian Empire of the bushes of culture and gardeners "in order to multiply these".


Becid grade, forms a medium height of the bush. Green leaf plates are concave, medium wrinkled and medium pubescent. Flowerons with numerous colors of both sexes are located above the leaves. Fruits without cervical, in the form of a cone, painted with a pale yellow tint. Weight of berries 1.7 g. Fruits fragrant and sweet, juicy. Resistant to diseases and damage to insects.

Pink dream

Ampel, removable, mustle, dessert variety. A bush in the form of a hemisphere, with dark-green foliage, low. Leaves gear, with glossy, unopened surface. Flower pains with small flowers grow to the level of foliage. Berries up to 12 g Weight, carmine color, conical shape. The flesh is sweet, juicy and fragrant. It has a high resistance to diseases and pests.


Removable susceptive grade, multiplies seedlings. Middle Plotted bush, in the form of a hemisphere. Light green foliage, convex, glossy. Flowers are small, arranged at high inflorescences, above foliage. The fruits of the extended shape, pink-red, not hollow inside to 5 g. The flesh is fragrant sour-sweet. Weakly affects diseases and pests.

Features of selection of varieties

Above it was said that for apartment conditions, the repairful varieties of culture are more appropriate. Repairability means the ability of the plant blossom and fruit several times a season. Moreover, such cultures are less speculative to growing conditions, to the duration of the daylight.

These varieties in turn are divided into two types according to the type of reproduction:

The ideal option for the apartment will be ampeline species of removable strawberries: In addition to the crop, these varieties are still decorative function. Curly stalks hang from suspended containers or porridge, decorating the room.

Important! In order for the strawberry bush, it is desirable to carry out a rational trimming during the formation of fruit strips.

The necessary conditions

Windows, near which racks with plants will be located, should go south, southeast or east. If there is no such possibility, you will need to think about the system of artificial lighting.


In the summer, plants receive up to 14 hours of natural light.For normal development in the Season of the Short Light Day, you need a backlight. The best option today most gardeners consider high pressure sodium lamps. The devices installed at a distance of 80-100 cm from the plants are included twice a day in the morning and evening at 3-4 hours.


The cultivation temperature of homemade strawberries in the daytime should not exceed + 24 ° C, at night - to be no lower than + 16 ° C. To maintain such an atmosphere in the cold season, heaters will need.

Important! The heating devices are not desirable to have several strawberries, since the overwhelmed air is unfavorable for culture.


The optimal moisture mode for plants is 70-75%. Excess moisture is an ideal environment for the development of fungal diseases and rot. In winter, during operating heating batteries, air dryness can be avoided, spraying plants, warm water.
It is best to use a small spray spray gun.

The soil

For the preparation, you can add additives to the usual universal soil.It is diluted with 1: 1 with the upper peat, which will bring the organic component in the mixture. Then add the 6th part of the total weight of the sand to break the soil and the same perlite, so that the root system is freely developed.
About 7-10 g of charcoal are added as mineral fertilizer.


White seedlings are well developing in round pots, you can purchase rectangular containers, and for ampeline species the suspended version of any form. Calculate the capacity to calculate easily: one plant should have about 1.5-2 liters of earth.
Another condition: in any container should be drainage holes.

It is best to take plastic pots: they are lungs, it is convenient to move them, if necessary, it is convenient to care for a large number of plants.

Seed Growing Technology

Seeds for sowing can be purchased at the store and gardening nursery, and subsequently grow from their own material.

When sow

Sowing can be held early in the early spring in March, in the late summer in September inclusive.

The sowing process

Purchased has already pass disinfection processing, and its material needs it. For disinfection, the material is placed in 30 minutes in a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate. Then it must be stratified. Seeds are placed in a wet napkin and first keep warm, regularly moisturizing fabric within 2 days. After that, 2 weeks hold in the fridge on the shelf for vegetables, also regularly moisturizing fabric cover.

After this time, the seeds will swell and will be ready for sowing. During the time the material passes hardening, you need to prepare a substrate for seedlings. You can take biohumus and coconut fiber in equal parts as soil. Soil also needs to be displaced, leaning in the oven at 100 ° about 30 minutes.
Capacity for sowing is chosen not deep, covered ground slightly moisturize. Seeds are put in a row with an interval of 2-3 cm, sprinkled with soil and covered with glass or film.

Caring for crops

The germ is placed in a warm place with a temperature of about + 25 ° C. The place should be well covered, if necessary with artificial luminaires. Sowing daily ventilate and spray the soil, growing not to blur her. From the upper shelter you need to remove the condensate drops so as not to provoke the mold. The first shoots appear in about 3 weeks. The shelter from the sprouted shoots is removed when the first pair of strong leaves appears.


Seedlings upon reaching 3 pairs of leaves are transplanted into a constant capacity (soil and capacity are described above) for further cultivation. 3-5 hours before the transplantation of the soil in which the seedlings are growing, it is necessary to moisten well: so it is easier to "let go" of the roots. During this time, it is necessary to disinfect the container and soil. Transplant sequence:

  1. Drainage is placed on the bottom of the pot or container.
  2. From above covered with prepared soil, not before the edge. It makes a deepening.
  3. Seedlings are removed, upset by a shovel or spoon. Roots before landing are diverted with charcoal.
  4. Place in a fossa in a pot, paint the roots.
  5. Pop soil, leaving the root neck above the surface, and water the soil around the plant.

Care after disembarking

Caring for strawberries at home is practically no different from the procedures on the open soil.


Water for watering should be room temperature, preferably filtered or rescued. Conduct twice a week in the evening. After irrigation, it is recommended to explode the ground around the stem.


We need culture every 3 weeks. During vegetation, you can use the organic, if there is such an opportunity. Infusion of chicken litter, for example, diluted with water 1:20. Another variant of the infusion of an egg shell with ash diluted with water 1: 3 or sour milk, diluted with water 1: 2.

During flowering, mineral fertilizer can be applied, for example, Ryazan. The working solution is prepared in the proportion of 0.5 h. The drug is 5 liters of water, the root method. The same drug is feeding during fruiting. The tool has in the composition of the elements necessary for the development of culture, except for the NPK complex:

  • zinc;
  • manganese;
  • copper.


Obroet flowers of removable varieties is easy. You need to buy a soft brush for painting. During the whole period of flowering, you need to carry out a brush for all colors.


Strawberry growing in the apartment smashes less than on spacious beds. However, if the bush has a lot of mustache, they need them to make the processes from the plant in the plant. Some quantity can be left for further reproduction. As the bush is growing, it will be necessary to trim the extreme, novice yellowing leaves. They are an excess load for the plant.
Large-like varieties normalize the flowerons and fruit marks.


After about 2 months, you can collect the first harvest. Collect for storage better with fruit. Bushes after collecting berries need to be examined, to break, removing the mustache and old leaves. After that, the plant feeds and wait for the following crop.

How to grow saplings

The cultivation of seeds can be a long occupation, so many gardeners prefer to raise berries by landing seedlings. A varieties that breed by mustache form sockets that root and next year are used as a sapling. Becid varieties aged 3-4 years are rejuvenated by the division of the bush, getting ready-made seedlings.
When the seedling is separated from the mother's bush, it needs a period of rest for 2-3 weeks. At this time, it is placed in the soil and put it in a cool place.

After such a quarantine, fit the landing:

  1. Soil and capacitance are prepared as described above.
  2. Seedling roots lowered for 3-5 minutes in a weak-pink solution of manganese.
  3. Drainage is put on the bottom of the container, hill the soil hill.
  4. Place a seedling, straightening the roots.
  5. Falling asleep soil, it is gently tamped and crushed at the stem so that the roots do not penetrate the surface.
  6. Instead of the usual irrigation irrigate the soil with a solution of heteroacexin to increase the chances of rooting.

Care in the future is the same as the adult sediment of bushes grown by seed. The flowering period of seedlings begins about a month after the landing, in another month you can try the first harvest.

Diseases and pests

At home, plants are easier to care because everything is at hand. However, there are errors that lead to the emergence of insects or plant disease.

Cobed tick

Loves overwhelmed air and heat. Therefore, with insufficient watering or stagnant air, this insect is a frequent "guest".

You can detect it on black points on strawberry sheet plates. It is necessary to fight insects with acaricidal means, such as "Agrantin", the solution is prepared in a proportion of 2 ml / 1 liter of water, the bushes spray along the sheet.

Did you know?In 1712 to the Yard of Louis XIV, an officer of the Marine Fleet of France Antoine de Mzlzza brought several bushes of large-scale strawberries from Chile. Until now, in French, strawberries call "Fraise" in his honor.

Root rot

Having amazed the root system of the plant, the disease threatens the whole Kuste.It is manifested by the darkening of the stems, ranging from the roots. In the shortest possible time can destroy the entire landing. For treatment, the biological preparation "Alin-b" is used, the soil is shed with a solution of 1 tablets / 5 liters of water, the bushes are sprayed with a solution of 2 tablets / 1 liter of water. Repeated bushes in a week.


Gray Gnil

Finding into the soil Spore fungus quickly spread over the stalk up, the fruits are affected by fluffy, gray row mold. At the stage of fruiting, the chemical preparations cannot be used, therefore, the biological agent is used, for example, "bastophyte". To destroy disputes in the soil, it is spilled with a solution of 3 ml / 1 l of water, the bushes are sprayed with a solution of 1 ml / 1 liter of water.


It is manifested by rotting the stem in the root neck area, usually manifests itself at the stage of seedlings.. Therefore, it is necessary to inspect the bushes with all the development, follow the rules of watering, the disease develops in a humid environment. Prevention methods will serve disinfection(pots and soil), disinfection of seeds or seedlings. Help in the fight against rotting can biological means "bartophit". Plants need to spray twice with an interval of 6 days, with a solution of 1 ml / 1 liter of water.

It is easy to grow strawberry at home, a great vitamin harvest receives a great vitamin harvest, and even all year round. In addition to the benefit for the body, blooming and fruiting bushes will serve as a beautiful decor.

Every year you wish to try on your own grown berries, fruits and greens in the home garden is becoming more and more. In addition to the usual tomatoes, cucumbers and a variety of greenery, on the windowsill at home can be grown to strawberries. In winter, it is especially nice to enjoy homemade berry. On the peculiarities of growing strawberries on the windowsill, about how to choose suitable varieties, not to pay off the landing, properly plant and grow a useful berry, skillfully cutting and pasting, will be discussed in this article.

Some gardeners argue that the usual variety cannot be froning 3-4 or more than a year, as the plant focuses on the duration of the daylight and has biological clock like animals. And if you try to grow it, it turns out much less harvest and a maximum of 2 times a year.

In fact, everything is wrong. Each plant has its time for the formation of generative kidney, of which the fruits are formed. The usual grade is genetically "coded" on 1 harvest and it can be both in the middle of summer and in winter, depending on the conditions of its cultivation.

For happiness, modern selection sections have brought special repairful varieties, which have no frequency of generating kidney education at all. That is, the main thing is to create optimal conditions for the development of the fetus, and there is no difference when it happens. It may be in summer, in the spring and at any other time every 2-3 months. Get 5 yields during the year will not be a lot of work. Removable varieties bloom constantly, but strongly depleted the soil, so very serious plant care is required.

Consider the best varieties that are acclimatized in the territory of the Russian Federation.

  • Queen Elizabeth 2.. An excellent variety, became famous thanks to its big yield - on one bush, it grows about 5 kg of berries for one harvest and it is not a record! From hectare, subject to excellent care, it is possible to receive up to 19-25 tons, which is why the Queen of Elizabeth is the best option for those gardeners who seriously engaged in the cultivation of berries for sale. The mass of one fetus can reach 150-200 grams, the average berries - 60-80 grams. It has a very sweet taste. The removable grade allows you to receive up to 4-5 yields for the year with good soil fertilizer and constant watering. Resistant to mildew and fungal diseases - they are almost never happening on the stem under the condition of growing in greenhouses.
  • San Andreas. California repairing grade, but for more than 15 years is acclimatized by Russian breeders, recommended for industrial use. High density of berries allows them to be transported without any problems for any distance and stored in the basement. From one bush, you can collect up to 2 kg, with a hectare - up to 10 tons. Resistant to fungal diseases, especially for drone spot. Fruits have a very sweet taste.
  • Temptation. One of the best repair hybrids, which is characterized by high yield and large size of fruits. From one bush, you can collect up to 1500 grams, and each of which will be at least 60 grams. Thus, with good watering and constant fertilizer of the soil by a organic basis, you can get up to 50 tons from one hectare. It has high decorativeness, inflorescences are bright, bushes are not sprawling. Crop the harvest can be carried out already 2 months after landing a new bush into the soil, the full maturity of the bush comes in a year.
  • Lyubava. If you count on year-round growing strawberries in the greenhouse, then you should pay attention to this variety. Despite the small size of the berries (30-45 grams), yield reaches 2kg from one bush and up to 250 c / ha, as the landing density is relatively large. It is very sweet, has excellent freight and smell. Even young bushes are fruiting, and they begin to bloom immediately after rooting. The repairing grade practically does not require pollination, it is enough for him that the bushes will be in close proximity. Another advantage of this plant - forms very little mustache, as a rule, no more than 7 pieces. Thus, you do not have to constantly care for plants and turn them into an increase in yield.

Basic secrets and subtleties of year-round growing strawberries

Strawberry breeding technology

Those who are not familiar with this technology and does not know how to grow strawberries in a small place, while having received the maximum harvest, you should know that the technique is very simple. Its essence in the regular landing of a new seedlings, which provides a continuous harvest of even cold winter. Of course, it is possible to achieve this only when creating favorable conditions for active vegetation, flowering and strawberry fruiting.

Commercial cultivation of berries in the Dutch technology provides for the use of stationary greenhouse with a complete set of equipment providing plants additional lighting, drip irrigation, regulating humidity and temperature. In addition, the presence of always the required number of seedlings, which is planted instead of old bushes (after the end of the fruiting the bush is simply ejected). Such an enterprise requires financial investments, but its profitability is so high that all spending pay off literally in the first months.

If you are not going to squeeze strawberries in such volumes, and you plan to grow a few pots on the windowsill for yourself, the Dutch technique can also come in handy. The cultivation of strawberries at home in small containers does not require any additional investments, except for buying seedlings or seeds for its cultivation, as well as the acquisition of substrate and pots. Evaluate the useful area planned for year-round cultivation, and decide with the method of placing tanks. According to the Dutch method, the seedling plant can be carried out in any capacity, even polyethylene packages that are very convenient to hang vertically.

How to plant and grow on the windowsill - features, conditions and step-by-step instructions

To successfully put and grow strawberries at home on the windowsill, you must follow certain rules and conditions. Let's talk more about them further.

A place

The best place to grow remote strawberries is a windowsill leaving south or east. It is possible to grow culture on the eastern and northern windowsill only under the condition of constant shocking.

Daylight hours

For rapid growth and ripening of the berries of garden strawberries, the duration of the day of day should be 12-14 hours. If the summer bushes are enough sunlight, then in the fall and in winter, when the bright part of the day is very short, strawberries need to be heated by daylight lamps. Lighting devices include 2 times a day: from about 6 to 9 hours (in the morning) and from 16 to 20 (in the evening).


Growing strawberries at home, it is important to maintain the temperature in the range of +18 .. + 20 C. If the temperature is several degrees below, the plants begin to root. To prevent such unpleasant consequences, in autumn and in the spring it will be necessary to include additional heating devices (heaters).


Strawberries will feel good if the air humidity is around 70-80%. In the midst of the heating season, in winter, when the air in the apartment is strongly overwhelmed, the bushes spray from the pulverizer of the indulged water temperature. However, even in this case, it is necessary to adhere to the measure: due to too much humidity, strawberries decreases resistance to fungal diseases.

In which container to plant

Initially, the seeds are evisted in small cups, and as soon as they release the first couple of leaves, transplant (dive) into more spacious tanks. When the strawberry seedlings already will form 5-6 leaves, it can be transferred to the pot for further home cultivation. For growing bush seedlings, small pots are suitable. Ampelnyes (for example, home delicacy F1) feel perfectly in suspended porridge.

Dutch greenhouse

The cultivation of strawberries in Dutch technology is, in fact, a classic greenhouse, but with one difference. During the use of this technique, there is no direct contact of the berries with the soil, since seedlings are grown in film sleeves.

Bags are filled with soil substrate - steady peat, perlite. The substrate is distinguished by a high level of moisture absorption, which exceeds its own volume four times. The entered liquid is enriched with nutritional elements, it is embedded in the roots already saturated with the useful substances.

Ways to landing strawberries

You can apply a vertical and horizontal planting method. This allows you to maximally reduce the occupied area.

Horizontal accommodation implies the location of bags in a checker order, at a distance of thirty centimeters from each other. Are placed by several tiers, observing the gap of about half a meter.

The vertical method involves the placement of sleeves in the polymer pipes, which are strengthened in several rows. Holes in which bags are located are at a distance of thirty centimeters from each other.

How to care after landing and before harvesting

Watering. For watering strawberries, as well as other indoor plants, only the resistant water of room temperature is used. In order not to wait until chlorine falls on the bottom of the tank, water can be skipped through the filter.

Adhering to the technology of the cultivation of strawberries at home on the windowsill, the soil in containers moisturize 2 times a week. It is best to moisten the soil in the afternoon. After irrigating the soil in the landing capacity looser.

Important! Despite the fact that the growth of strawberries after the next moisture is activated, it is impossible to get involved in watering. Overflow of plants is fraught with the appearance of rot on roots and fungal diseases. Especially dangerous for waters stagnation.


Strawberry must necessarily feed with the useful substances. To do this, you can use mineral and organic complexes: nitroposk, potash salter, potassium sulfate, wood ash, etc. The first feeding should be carried out in the vegetative period, with the formation of a pair of troika of real leaves. Choose your favorite feeding recipes, and alternate their use 4 times a year, excluding the period of fruiting:

1 tsp. nitroammophos on 5 liters of water;

1/2 h. L. boric acid, 15 drops of iodine, 1/2 cup of wood ash on 5 liters of water;

a liter jar of crusts and slices of rye bread to soak in two liters of warm water, withstand 7 days in a warm place. For one part of the starter to add three parts of warm water, and pouring the plant feeding;

1 part of sour milk or serum dilute on 3 parts of water;

a tablespoon of nitroposki mixed with a teaspoon of potassium sulfate on 5 liters of water;

1 tbsp. l. potash nitrate to dissolve in 5 liters of water;

50 grams of wood ash on 5 liters of water.

The feeding should be carried out during the period of vegetation and flowering, as well as after collecting berries. At this time, the formation of new roots, kidneys are formed for the next season of fruiting. It is important at this time to pay the maximum attention strawberry.

As a rule, strawberries at home are not susceptible to disease. The only feature is the life expectancy of plants. Since the strawberry varieties of the NSD is plentiful and more often, which means and fasterly ages, her term of her life is 1 year. As for DSD varieties, the fruiting of which is several times a meager NSD, the term of their life increase proportionally and is 2-3 years.

Trimming. Many will be surprised, but strawberries need pruning, the purpose of which to increase yields. How to trigger strawberries grown at home on the windowsill?

  1. In seedlings grown from seeds, a few first flowers are broken. Climbing flowers on strawberries divorced from seedlings is not needed.
  2. If further expansion of indoor landings are not planned, and it is not necessary to replace adult bushes, the mustache needs to be coated. Also pruning is recommended for lack of lighting. As a result, the haircuts of the plant will not be praised on the formation of unnecessary sockets, and all nutrients will send to the fruits.

Pollination. To break the berries after flowering, strawberries need to pollinate. There are several ways to artificial pollination at home:

  1. On the blossomed flowers alternately spend the tassel for drawing throughout the period of flowering.
  2. On the plants a fan is sent. Under the flow of the air of pollen from one flower is transferred to another and strawberry is pollinated.