Which tile cutter is best for porcelain stoneware. Features of choosing a tile cutter for porcelain stoneware

Our site contains a lot of interesting and useful information about such a decorative element as ceramic tiles. Many words have been said about the methods of its styling. When and how to cut it correctly. This article will talk about how to cut it - the tile cutter. What are the varieties, what do they have in common and how they differ. How to choose a manual tile cutter, what to look for in the first place when buying, what are the characteristics of tools from leading manufacturers.

Tile cutter device

A tile cutter is a device of a certain type for cutting, or rather splitting, ceramic tiles up to 15 millimeters thick. Running a little ahead, it is worth noting that professional tile cutters allow you to work with tiles, stone and porcelain stoneware (including extruded), the thickness of which can reach 21-25 mm.

There are two classes of manual tile cutters:

  • Manual tile cutter. This is a special hand-held device in the form of a metal rod, on one side of which a chisel for cutting the glaze is soldered, and on the other, a fork-shaped grip for chipping tiles. A more effective tool are special pliers and glass cutter. Using a glass cutter, the glazed layer is notched according to the preliminary marking, after which the unnecessary edge of the tile is chipped off with pliers along the cut line.
  • Mechanical. This is a more complex device, consisting of a bed, guide rods, a carriage with a handle. On the bottom of the carriage there is a cutter and a splitting foot.

On the bed, guides are installed with the help of special adjustable support legs. They are usually made from round hollow tubes. The carriage moves along the guides with a handle. Depending on the class of the tool, 3 types of carriages can be distinguished according to the type of sliding along the guide rods:

  • Directly the carriage itself moves along lubricated guides. The friction of metals causes wear on parts and destruction of their surfaces. Gaps appear between the parts, causing backlash. The consequence of this is the deterioration of the quality of the tile chip and the unsuitability of the tile cutter for further use.
  • Nylon liners greatly improve the situation by reducing wear on the tile cutter parts and significantly improving the cutting accuracy and smooth running of the carriage.
  • Bearing carriages used primarily in professional devices. They are designed for long-term use under conditions of increased loads, they have significantly higher power. The bearings provide the easiest and smoothest carriage sliding along the rails.

The carriage is equipped with two devices: a cutting roller, which makes an incision in the glazed coating, and a foot, which provides pressure on the tile for splitting.

  • The cutting roller is made from certain types of high speed steels or their alloys and has high hardness and resistance to abrasion. The design of the roller is such that it cannot be sharpened. As the cutter is worn out, dull or when the cutter fails, it is replaced with a new one. Some manufacturers of tile cutters use a sharpened rod instead of a roller.
  • The foot is on the tile, and when pressed by the handle of the carriage, presses on the tile along the cut line, "helping" it to crack.

In order for the tiles to be cut according to the markings, the bed is equipped with a ruler - for correct and accurate placement of the sample on the working surface. The ruler has a marker that defines where the cut line starts.

The base of the tile cutter is covered with a layer of soft rubber or rubber so that the tile does not move on the bed when the cutter is applied. Under the rubber layer, along the line of the alleged split, there is a metal protrusion - a rib that protrudes when the carriage foot puts pressure on the tile and the rubber is compressed. The shape of the base of the foot and this protrusion provide an even cleavage of the ceramic or porcelain stoneware plate in the given place.

Carriage guides can be of different designs:

  • From two tubes. Some manufacturers for certain models make the guides not hollow, but all-metal.
  • Rail. The guide is made in the form of a "rail" made of an I-beam or a strong metal plate. Most often, a professional manual tile cutter for porcelain stoneware has such a design, since such a solution allows you to withstand the heavy load required to cut a more durable material that is slightly thicker (up to 25 mm) than ordinary ceramic tiles.

Anyone who has done tiling work on their own knows that it is not always necessary to cut tiles in a straight line or at right angles. In the course of work, it becomes necessary to make cutouts for communications or cut tiles for laying on a non-standard surface. To simplify the solution of such problems, some models are equipped with additional devices, namely:

  • Side stops or stops, installed on the base, help to fix the decorative element in such a way as to cut it at an angle of 45 degrees.
  • Protractor. This is a kind of protractor with a rotary stop bar, which makes it possible to position the tiles on the bed for splitting at any desired angle.
  • "Ballerina". A device for drilling holes with a diameter of 30 to 80 millimeters. On the axis of the knob, which is operated by hand, there is a device similar to a drawing compass or a ballerina frozen in a "pas" - hence the name. A holder is fixed perpendicular to the central rod, on which a cutter with an adjustable overhang is attached. The position of the cutter is set in accordance with the diameter of the desired hole. With a smooth rotation of the knob, the mechanism comes into action and drills a hole.

It should be noted right away that a ballerina in budget tile cutters is unlikely to meet your hopes and expectations. As a rule, these devices are not of the best quality. In more high-class instruments, the ballerina is made more efficiently and copes with the tasks assigned to her.

Among professionals, disputes often arise about the advisability of completing a tile cutter with a device for drilling holes. But, as they say, how many people - so many opinions. Therefore, choosing the most suitable tool for you, be guided by your needs and capabilities.

All manual tile cutters have one significant drawback: they do not allow you to cut a strip from the edge of the tile, the width of which is less than 10 millimeters. In such cases, a plier or an electric tile cutter is used to trim.

The principle of the manual tile cutter and its advantages

Having dealt with the device, we will consider how to use a manual tile cutter. The simplest models, which are a cutter or a regular glass cutter, are very simple to work with. Marking is made on the surface of the tile, a chipping line is drawn, along which, using a ruler, the glazed coating is cut with a cutter. After that, unnecessary parts are broken off with a chipping fork or tongs.

The technology of work for a tile cutter with a carriage is somewhat different, although the principle is the same. A cleavage line is drawn on the surface, after which the tile is laid on the bed according to special marks on the ruler fixed to the base. We fix the tile, not allowing it to move. With the handle of the carriage we press the cutter against the glaze and cut through it, smoothly moving the carriage. Then, without moving the tile, we put a foot on its surface, and pressing the handle, we split the tile.

With this information in hand, we will draw conclusions about the advantages of the tool:

  • Economical - does not need additional electricity costs;
  • Small-sized - small in size, easy to use and store;
  • Safe - if minimum safety measures are observed, it does not pose a threat to the health and life of the employee;
  • Relatively low price.

Having an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to cut tiles with a manual tile cutter, consider what characteristics you need to pay attention to when choosing a tool.

The main criteria for choosing a tile cutter

When choosing a tile cutter, you should pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • Bed size. The tool is used to work with both wall and floor tiles. To date, a large number of decorative elements of different sizes and shapes are presented on the building materials market: from squares with a side of 10x10 cm and ending with decorative panels. For home use, the optimal base length will be from 40 centimeters or more (remember that some elements will have to be cut diagonally or obliquely).
  • Reliability of the bed and support of the guides. The quality of its work largely depends on the strength of the tool base. It should not play and bend when the foot is pressed against the tile. Otherwise, the tool will be simply unsuitable for further use. The supports must be well adjusted and tightly, fix the guide rods without play - the carriage must move smoothly so that the cutter can cut the glaze exactly along the cleavage line.
  • Carriage movement. The carriage along the guides should slide along the guides smoothly, without jolts. This will ensure correct and efficient operation of the cutter. The type of carriage (sliding, bushings or bearings) must be suitable for the load and scope of work for which you plan to use the device. The manual porcelain tile cutter must have a sturdy handle to provide enough force to split the tiles.
    Adjustability. The tile has different parameters and characteristics, therefore, in order to obtain a high-quality result, the tool should be able to be adjusted for any type of material.

In order to have a starting point when choosing, we suggest considering the rating of the best manual tile cutters.

Rating of tile cutters from different manufacturers


One of the best are the Italian Sigma tile cutters. The carriage equipped with bearings runs smoothly on two guide rods. A characteristic feature of the models of this company is a shock-absorbing bed equipped with a spring system. This feature allows high quality cutting of thin tiles - less than 8 millimeters thick. Another advantage is that the minimum width of the cut strip is 8 mm from the edge of the tile.

Another highlight of the manufacturer is the ability of the carriage to work in two directions: from itself and towards itself. For some people with certain habits or physiological characteristics, this property of the instrument is very important. High cutting accuracy is ensured by the presence of a ruler that can be installed at any required angle. Allows to cut ceramics and porcelain stoneware up to 20 mm thick with a capacity of 1050-1200 kg. It has a 12, 16 or 19 mm cutting wheel depending on the model.

The biggest drawback is the price. The tools are quite expensive. This is due to the high quality that allows the use of Sigma tile cutters in both amateur and professional activities. The price for manual tile cutters from this manufacturer starts from 6,000 rubles and reaches 65,000.


The history of another Italian manufacturer of tile cutting equipment dates back to the middle of the last century. In 1951, the Boada brothers organized the production of amateur and professional tile cutters, distinguished by high quality and reliability in use, with the following characteristics:

  • The cast reinforced bed is equipped with folding shock-absorbing supports;
  • The carriage mounted on chrome-plated guides (in some professional models they are all-steel) works in the "pull" and "push" modes;
  • Removable cutters with a diameter of 6.8 to 22 mm are installed;
  • The capacity of the movable separator is from 600 to 1500 kg;
  • The presence of side stops for diagonal cutting;
  • Precise rulers and protractors allow you to chip at any desired angle;
  • Some professional series are monorail;
  • It is possible to adjust the cutting depth from 3 to 21 mm and the lowering height of the presser foot;
  • The length of the cut tiles can vary from 30 to 155 cm, the maximum thickness is 20 mm.


The Matrix tile cutters have a ball-bearing carriage with smooth, easy running. A distinctive feature of this tool is the soft stroke of the handle. The rail cutters are equipped with a carriage with adjusting bolts for maximum smooth running without backlash. The sturdy aluminum frame makes it reliable, lightweight and mobile.

Different models are designed to work with different facing materials from 400 to 1200 mm long and up to 16 mm thick.


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In construction, ceramic tiles have gained wide popularity, since they are characterized by practicality, durability and an attractive appearance.

To work with tiles, you need to have the necessary skills, and a special cutting tool will make it easier. An effective tool for this is the hand held rail cutter. Choosing a manual tile cutter is a responsible task, therefore it is important to take this issue seriously and correctly.

Advantages of a manual tile cutter

  • This rail cutter has a standard length of 300–600 mm. It is better to choose a universal option with a length of 600 millimeters. It can be used to properly cut wall and floor tiles by making straight and corner cuts.
  • This tool is self-contained as it does not require electricity to operate. In the process of cutting tiles, he is not afraid of even critical air humidity.
  • The light weight and portability make it possible to use the tile cutter in a small space.
  • An extension ruler and a square are included as standard. The best models allow you to cut round holes with the built-in ballerina. How long such a device will last depends on the quality of the entire product.
  • And how much a mechanical tile cutting device costs depends on the configuration and brand of the manufacturing company.

This device works on the same principle as an ordinary glass cutter - first, the tile is scratched with a diamond-coated roller, then it is broken. With the structure and characteristics of the tile material in mind, this rail cutting tool was created. It firmly fixes the tile, and its cutting part moves along the guides, like on rails, clearly cutting through the tile.

Manual tile cutter design

This tool has three main components:

  1. Foundation or platform.
  2. Cutting roller with foot for breaking tiles, mounted on a carriage with a handle.
  3. Guides with supports.

The durability and reliability of the device depends on the ability of each part to resist deformation.

  • The platform is a supporting element of the structure, therefore its main characteristic is strength. Often made from one piece stamped steel sheet with additional stiffening ribs on the inside. The surface of the base is pasted over with rubber strips on the sides of the central rib, and is equipped with a special stop for fixing the tiles. Platforms of more expensive models are equipped with outriggers, protractors.
  • The carriage with rollers, mounted on the guides, is a rail mechanism. Depending on how much the device costs, the designs differ. The durability of the rollers as a replaceable element depends on their quality and on what type of tile is supposed to be cut.
  • Guides are most often cylindrical in the form of a rail. They must ensure the smooth movement of the carriage, the straightness of its course. Their strength and resistance to mechanical stress largely determine how long they will perform their functions without failure.

Manual tile cutters are:

  • roller - they have solid rollers as a cutting element;
  • mechanical - equipped with a rigid carriage with a handle. This rail mechanism allows you to cut the facing material with high precision;
  • on bearings that are designed to work with extra strong thick tiles.

What to look for when choosing this tool?

With factors in mind such as:

  • cost,
  • technical capabilities,
  • rating for reliability, quality, versatility and ergonomics.

As the main criteria for choosing a manual tile cutter, we have:

  1. Frame strength.
  2. Base length.
  3. Smooth running.

  • The base must be sufficiently rigid and not cushion during operation, since this directly affects how long the tool will last. A weak frame will not last long, so a thick metal bed should be preferred. The handle should be of good quality and sturdy, which will allow you to properly break hard types of floor tiles using a powerful pressure lever.
  • It is not recommended to buy a model that is too small. Better to buy a more versatile rail option that costs a little more, but allows you to cut both floor and wall tiles. In addition, the versatile model allows for diagonal cutting of the tiles. Everyone can decide how much to save, but it is better to pay attention first of all to the value of the device, which is expressed in its versatility and ease of use.
  • A quality rail cutter is equipped with bearings for a smooth ride. Before buying a device, it is recommended to cut a couple of test tiles with it. Smooth glide and sharpness of the drawn line, which contributes to the even breaking of tiles, are the main indicators of a reliable tool for cutting ceramic material.

How much a manual tile cutter costs depends not only on its quality, but also on the manufacturer's brand. Well-known companies that specialize in this production are constantly modernizing, updating and improving their assortment.

For such companies, the main thing is the image, therefore, they are characterized by constant quality control. Thus, in order to buy a reliable universal tool, you need to focus on the models of popular brands.

Tile cutters from renowned manufacturers

  1. Germans Boada dates back to the middle of the last century with the production of the RUBI model. Today this tool is distinguished by its versatility. It has a power divider to cut different types of tiles in a wide range. Chromed guides, roller cutters (8-22 mm) do an excellent job with this job.
  2. The 600mm Matrix rail cutter has a ball bearing mechanism for easy handle travel and maximum stability when cutting. The aluminum base makes the tool lightweight and easy to move, as well as stress-free working with it.
  3. The Sigma manual tile cutter is distinguished by its power, which is combined with a smooth and smooth operation. This tool is characterized by ease of cutting tiles, high quality results, no crumbling, versatility.

Many people are interested in the question of how many functions a good tool can combine. In the case of branded tile cutters, we can talk about maximum versatility, reliability and ease of use.

The most useful tool for a tiler is a tile cutter. If you could just buy a tile and lay it flat and without fitting, the life of a tiler would be much easier. But, alas, the standard tile is not always suitable and not everywhere - which means you have to cut it to the desired size. And for this, you should not bother with the "improvised means": a specialized tool, manual or electric, will be much more convenient and accurate. And, if a manual tile cutter can be bought for a separately conceived repair, then an electric tile cutter with constant use and large amounts of work will definitely pay off and be more convenient. We present you a rating of the best tile cutters, a brief overview of their advantages, disadvantages and the assessment of professionals on a 10-point scale.

How to choose a tile cutter?

Before proceeding with the surface cladding, you need to decide on the type of tile cutter. Tile cutters are:

  • electrical;
  • manual (mechanical) desktop;
  • hand-held compact.

Manual table cutters

Mechanical tile cutters are simple in design and easy to use. The mechanism consists of the following elements:

  • Base (bed)
  • Carriage with handle
  • Guides
  • Foot
  • Cutting roller

Sometimes, for the smooth running of the carriage, it is equipped with bearings. The main disadvantage of a manual tile cutter is the limitation on tile size. You won't be able to cut a piece longer than the bed, it just won't fit on it. There are also restrictions on the thickness of the tiles - cutting more than 20 mm will be very problematic. As for the advantages, there are many of them:

  • Compactness.
  • Light weight.
  • No electricity needed.
  • Work safety for the master.

Compact manual tile cutters

There are 2 types of hand held compact cutters: nippers and roller cutters. With the help of pliers, you can form shaped holes in the tiles. Of course, they cannot make an even cut. As for the roller cutter, it is ideal for domestic use: it takes up no more space than a felt-tip pen, is safe to use, it costs "3 kopecks".

Electric tile cutters

Electric tile cutters are designed, as a rule, for professional work with tiles and porcelain stoneware. With their help, you can cut a strip of any width, which cannot be said about mechanical tools (their capabilities are usually limited to 30 - 40 mm). Any configuration (except curved ones) is cut with an electric machine, so the accuracy in work will be maximum.

The principle of operation of the tool is similar to the grinder. But there are a number of advantages:

  • Perfect cutting line.
  • Almost unlimited cutting depth (but not more than the size of the disk itself, of course).

Tile cutter designs vary greatly, each with its own characteristics and application. In one case, hand-held nippers will do, and in the other you will need a powerful electric tile cutter on the bed. A mechanical desktop will be interesting in the absence of access to an outlet - but even here you should not forget about battery models, if only there is enough energy in the batteries stored in advance. And in any case, not all models are successful and are worth their money - so we will traditionally start separating the wheat from the chaff.

The tips that will be given in this article are simple and not intricate, but in any case they will insure you against a bad purchase. After all, the more you know about the instrument, its features and subtleties, the easier it will be for you to choose it. We read and shake it off. So, a word to the master!

Tile cutter with "ballerina" - for beauty or benefit

A tile cutter is a tool designed to cut tiles up to 1.5cm thick. A special tile cutter is used to cut wall tiles, no more than 40cm in length. Some tile cutters have a "ballerina" which is designed to cut holes. In principle, at first glance, this is a rather useful and necessary thing, but do not rush to rejoice. Experience shows that this "ballerina" practically does not perform its functions properly on cheap tile baskets. Experienced tilers say that even the design of this "bonus" is not fully thought out. And if you need a ballerina tile cutter, then buy professional tile cutters from well-known manufacturers.

It is worth mentioning that all tile cutters, without exception, have a small drawback. It lies in the fact that they do not cut off from the edges of the tile, for example - 4-5mm. In this case, a water tile cutter, a grinder or special nippers are usually used.

Choosing a manual tile cutter is a crucial moment, in which there are no trifles. So let's figure out exactly what to look for when choosing a good, quality tile cutter. And which manual tile cutter to choose is up to you.

"Manual tile cutter" - video on this topic

How to choose a manual tile cutter - highlights

Frame strength

Remember that a weak frame will not be able to cope even with an average volume of work, and will fail very quickly. Pay attention to the thickness of the bed metal. The stiffness of the base is the first sign of a quality tile cutter. Otherwise, vibration may occur when the tile is cracked, and it will simply deteriorate. The tighter the handle, the more powerful the lever. This is especially important if you are working with porcelain stoneware.

Tool length

It would seem that the length is the most harmless part. But it also has its own nuances. You shouldn't buy a short cutter. If you buy for yourself, don't save money. Overpay a little and you have a versatile tile cutter that works for both wall and floor tiles. Also, a roomy tile cutter is very helpful when laying tiles diagonally. There is another way - to cut with a grinder. But there will be a lot of dust in the room. If the renovation is going on in a new building, then it's okay, but if in a residential building? Think about this in advance.

Smooth running

Almost all quality tile cutters have special bearings that provide the necessary smoothness. But if you buy a tile cutter without bearings, be careful, because you can check it only in work, or by trusting a well-known brand.

Be sure to try the tile cutter, cut a couple of tiles. The glide should be smooth, the tiles should only break along the drawn line.

Features of manual tile cutter

The main part of the manual tile cutter is the carbide steel cutter wheel. When it becomes dull, the cut quality drops significantly. The roller is not sharpened, it can only be replaced. Many tile cutters are equipped with a swivel ruler that can be used to cut tiles at an angle.

High-quality branded tile cutters have additional settings that are needed to adjust the thickness of the material. Thanks to this, there is the possibility of limiting the travel of the cleaving feet, which in turn prevents edge crumbling even during diagonal cutting. However, a good manual tile cutter is very expensive, so we will not consider how much a manual tile cutter of well-known brands costs.

Quality tile cutters from renowned manufacturers

For a manual tile cutter, the price may differ not only because of the quality, because the brand plays a rather large role, which directly affects the price. Consider the most famous manufacturers of tile cutters.

Tile cutters from Germans Boada, S.A., RUBI

In 1951, some of the Boada brothers invented a manual mosaic cutting machine. From that moment on, Germans Boada was born. Called RUBI, this brand-new tool was the first step in the company's development. The company focuses on the production of equipment for laying ceramics and other materials. All structures of the enterprise are equipped with the latest technologies and are constantly being modernized, which allows not only to produce high-quality products, but also to process and send orders on time.

RUBI manual tile cutter TM-70

The tile cutter has a high power adjustable divider. Ideal for both ceramic tiles and porcelain stoneware (including extrusion). The spacer is fixed from 6 to 21mm. The tile cutter has solid chrome-plated guides, which once again confirms its high quality. There is a side stop for re-cutting at right angles and 45. Roller cutters - 8-22mm. Ideal for large format ceramics.

The price range for the Ruby tile cutter is quite large - there are relatively cheap models (manual) for a couple of thousand, and there are professional (electric) ones - 12-25,000 rubles.

Matrix manual cutters

Matrix is \u200b\u200brenowned as a professional construction equipment manufacturer. One of the main directions of the company is the manufacture and sale of manual and electric tile cutters. One of the popular models (despite its simplicity) is the manual Matrix 600 and 500mm rail cutter. Let's consider the first option.

Matrix rail cutter 600mm

As the name suggests, the tile cutter has a 600mm cut length with only one guide rail. The rail is a steel alloy I-beam. The tile cutter has a ball bearing mechanism that drives the tool carriage, which is covered by a rail on both sides. The clamping girth is adjusted with special bolts, due to which not only a complete absence of backlash is achieved, but also maximum stability during cutting. Good adhesion of the ball to the rail is achieved thanks to a special coating, which also prevents the carriage from slipping during operation. Particular attention is paid to the very light stroke of the handle, so to speak, the "chip" of the Matrix tile cutters. The aluminum base makes the work easier and makes the tool more mobile.

Sigma tile cutters

The Sigma company began its history in 1994, and during this long period it has established itself quite well as a supplier of quality materials. The main activity is the sale of a wide range of instruments to the countries of Europe and the CIS, where Sigma is a strong player.

3CM professional manual cutter (MAX series - 72 cm) Sigma

A very powerful manual Sigma tile cutter with a splitting capacity of 1150kg. This model allows you to cut even the most difficult materials, thick, embossed, etc. The special spacer handle is equipped with a ball bearing and shock-absorbing effect (this is a distinctive feature of all Sigma tile cutters) allows you to combine high power with smoothness and smoothness. For added convenience, this model has a galvanized steel base wing. The ruler is near the tiler, which is very convenient. The centered ruler is equipped with a quick fixing system at any angle.

3CM tile cutter (MAX series - 72 cm) Sigma for true connoisseurs of comfort

Manual Tile Cutter Montolit

The MONTOLIT company is engaged in the production of tile cutters for cutting tiles and stone. There are several series of MONTOLIT manual cutters, which differ in the degree of technological complexity.

MONTOLIT 26PB manual tile cutter

Montolit manual tile cutters are designed for professional tilers, they are capable of performing a large amount of work on tiles of different sizes and strengths. The rigid design allows for perfect cuts without the slightest deviation. The cutters are designed in such a way that even when working with very strong ceramics, the cutter makes a deep even cut, which gives an ideal chip quality on tiles up to 25mm thick. Additional thickness options allow you to adjust the foot travel to ensure no crumbling.

Stayer tile cutters

The Staer trademark belongs to the Kraftool company, which since 1999 has gained great popularity in the European and Russian construction equipment market. The German quality of Kraftool does not require confirmation. If you are looking for a tile cutter that combines modern design, ergonomics and the highest quality - this is the manual stayer tile cutter.

Manual tile cutter Stayer 3310-60

Reinforced Stayer 3310-60 tile cutter with circular cutter. The tile cutter is designed for straight cutting of floor tiles with a thickness not exceeding 15mm. This type of tile cutter is capable of making circular cuts with a diameter of 30-80mm, it is also equipped with an extension ruler and square (45 and 90 degrees).

BASIC PLUS 60 manual cutter

The BASIC PLUS 60 tile cutter with case is a high quality professional finishing tool. Very often the master has to adjust the tiles to certain conditions, in this case a professional manual BASIC PLUS 60 + case will always help.

The aluminum frame makes it easy to cut tiles, and the two nickel-plated rails with a handle make the job quicker and easier. The guides have increased rigidity, which is imparted by the oval profile. Also, the guides are chrome plated, which significantly reduces friction. The carriage of the tile cutter is made of polymer. This material does not require lubrication, oxidation or clogging. Long handle reduces cutting effort.

Tile today is one of the most common finishing materials. For its proper laying, a number of tools are used, one of which is a tile cutter, without which tile laying is simply impossible. This article will discuss the main characteristics that a manual tile cutter has: price, design differences, as well as rules for handling the tool.

Hand-held tile cutters are used not only for cutting tiles, but also for working with other materials (for example, glass or stone). The choice of this or that type of such a device primarily depends on the purpose.

The nuances of preparing various types of surfaces. How to grout tiles. Criteria for choosing a tile flooring.

Electric tile cutters for porcelain stoneware function according to the wet-cut principle. In turn, "dry" cut is not suitable for work with this wear-resistant material. Of course, mechanical hand tools can also be used, but this comes with some complications. For example, such models cannot cut a piece of this material if its width is less than 3 cm. Because of this, the edges of the tile material will have to be sanded.

There are other problems of the hand-held device that arise when working with porcelain stoneware:

  • the problematic nature of the fault clearly along the cut line;
  • the inability to perform a diagonal cut;
  • inability to use when crossing obstacles.

The cutting of porcelain stoneware is carried out using the "wet" method

Electric models do much better when working with porcelain stoneware. They not only eliminate dust in the room, but also contribute to more accurate cuts of this material.

Manual tile cutter: price and review of popular models

Today, there are several of the most popular devices that are distinguished by high performance, convenience and reliability. Among them there are both manual mechanical and manual electronic models.

The best manual tile cutters that function mechanically:

  • STAYER 3310-48;
  • BISON EXPERT 33195-60;
  • RUBI STAR-60-N.

The most popular handheld models that operate on electrical energy include:

  • STURM TC-9811.

Note! Mechanical hand devices are perfect for working with tiles in normal conditions (when renovating an apartment). Electronic ones, in turn, are less common and even rarely used by experienced professionals. However, in some situations, their use is the only option.

The tile cutter from each brand has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, in order to select the required product, it is recommended to carefully study the characteristics of each tile cutting device. The prices of manual professional tile cutters are quite high, but such devices are much more reliable and have a long service life.

Features of the STAYER manual tile cutter

STAYER 3310-48 manual tile cutters are manufactured by a German company in China. The peculiarity of this model is that it is excellent for making a figured cut. The size of such a device is 42 cm, which limits its capabilities. However, tile cutters of this brand are distinguished by the best indicators of functionality and low cost. The STAYER has a cutting depth of 16 mm, which is more than sufficient for normal finishing work.

This model has an additional element that allows you to make round holes in the tiles - "ballerina". The hole diameter ranges from 30 to 80 mm. Also STAYER 3310-48 is equipped with guiding elements, which are necessary for making a diagonal cut.

There are often devices on sale from this company that do not correspond to the declared quality. Therefore, when buying a STAYER 3310-48 model, you need to pay attention not to purchase a defective device.

The advantage of buying this model is obvious if you find out how much the STAYER 3310-48 tile cutter costs. The average price of such devices is about 1,750 rubles, which is very profitable from a financial point of view.

Manual mechanical tile cutter BISON EXPERT

Tile cutters of this domestic manufacturer are highly popular, as they are the best value for money. In comparison with more eminent brands that produce these products, the ZUBR EXPERT 33195-60 device is much cheaper.

BISON EXPERT has a length of 60 cm, which allows it to be used for cutting long tiles. Also, its design takes into account the use of a built-in ruler, which eliminates the need for organizing preliminary marking.

The cutting depth of such a device reaches 30 mm, which is a very high indicator. BISON EXPERT 33195-60 is equipped with a carriage on bearings and has a comfortable handle. And also thanks to such a mechanical tile cutter, you can cut the tile material at an angle.

Of the shortcomings of this model, only one can be noted, namely the presence of backlash (gap) in the roller. Such a minus can affect the accuracy of the cut. The cost of the domestic device ZUBR EXPERT is approximately 3350 rubles.

RUBI STAR manual cutter: model features

RUBI tile cutters are produced by a renowned Spanish company and are renowned for the best quality. The RUBI STAR-60-N model is one of the best examples of this manufacturer. In most cases, such tile cutters are used by professional tilers.

Useful information! The base of the RUBI manual tile cutter has good strength characteristics and high rigidity. And well-fixed guides prevent the torch from moving freely when cutting. Thanks to this, the cut is almost always perfectly flat.

The RUBI STAR-60-N model has a set of interchangeable cutters for different types of tiles. Their thickness varies from 6 to 10 mm. It is also worth mentioning that this model is equipped with special plastic wings for additional fixation of the tiles.

Of the shortcomings, only one can be noted - a rather small cutting depth, which is a maximum of 12 mm. The average cost of a RUBI tile cutter is 7,500 rubles.

STANLEY electric manual tile cutter

These devices are manufactured by a company from the United States. The main difference between the STANLEY STSP125-B9 tile cutter is its low weight. The engine of this device is slightly more powerful than the competitors, which is a small plus.

Separately, it should be said that the electronic model STANLEY STSP125-B9 has a large cutting depth (41 mm). Thanks to this, it becomes possible to work not only with ordinary facing materials, but also with rather massive slabs.

STANLEY STSP125-B9 can be used both in "dry" cutting mode and in "wet" mode. The average price for such professional electronic devices is 3500 rubles.

STURM manual electronic tile cutter

STURM models are manufactured by a Chinese company and have better functionality in comparison with competitors. The STURM TC-9811 model is a very compact device, which significantly increases its versatility and operational scope.

The main feature of the tool is that it is equipped with a system that cools the disc by means of water supply. This eliminates the possibility of tile overheating and deterioration. The cut made with this tile cutter is almost perfect.

Among other advantages of the TC-9811, it can be noted that its device allows you to make cuts at an angle of 45 °. And also it can be found non-standard application (as a chasing apparatus). Optional accessories for this electronic tile cutter include a second diamond blade and spare brushes. The average cost of the device is about 2600 rubles.

A device for cutting tiles can be purchased at a specialized store, a construction hypermarket, or ordered on the Internet. In the latter case, there is the possibility of buying defective products, so it is recommended to be careful not to order tile cutters on questionable sites.

How to choose a manual tile cutter? There are a number of important factors to consider when choosing a cladding cutter. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

Appearance... The visual component is important when choosing a tile cutter. Special attention must be paid to the base, which must be of high quality and durable. Its thickness should be sufficient for the convenience of working with the device.

Useful information! When choosing a tile cutter, it is worth examining the lever and guide elements. For example, when cutting porcelain stoneware, a lot of effort is required, so the tile cutter in this case must have a long handle.

Length of the working area of \u200b\u200bthe tile cutter... When choosing a tile cutter, it is necessary to take into account the diagonal length of the tile you are going to work with. It is desirable that the length of the working area is not less than the diagonal of the facing unit.

Carriage travel on guide elements... During the operation of the carriage, its course must be smooth. In no case should it get stuck while moving or swing due to backlash. Its design can include bearings, which is a definite plus.

Cutting roller... The roller should not have any backlash, and its movements should be smooth. In case of failure, the replacement of this element should not be accompanied by difficulties.

How to choose a tile cutter depending on the purpose? If you need a reusable device for work, then you should think about purchasing a manual professional tile cutter. It is not difficult to buy such a device, and it can serve for more than one year. For one-time use, a less expensive Chinese-made model is suitable. And for cutting 1-2 tiles, you can take an amateur model in the form of a pencil or wire cutters.

There are many materials on the Internet that will help answer the question of which manual tile cutter is better to buy. Reviews on relevant sites will also help you choose a tool.

How to use a manual tile cutter

In order to answer the question of how to work with a manual tile cutter, it is necessary to study in detail the algorithm of actions. Consider the process of cutting tiles in stages:

  1. The first step is to determine the trim size. It is very important to take into account wall gaps and seams.
  2. Guided by previously determined measurements, you need to place the ceramic tile on the bed of the cutting device.
  3. Next, you need to fit and align the tiles along the special lines.
  4. While holding the tile, it is necessary to draw along the cutting line with a cutting element.
  5. At the end it is necessary to lower the legs of the separator on the handle and press (with force) the lever.

Knowing how to cut tiles with a manual tile cutter and performing all of the above steps in the desired sequence, cutting the material will take place without difficulty. Likewise, you can trim up to 1 cm wide.

The tile cutter is a functional construction tool that can significantly simplify the work of laying ceramic tiles. For more efficient operation of the device, it is recommended that you read the various instructions on how to use manual tile cutters. Videos on this topic can also be easily found on the Internet.

How to cut tiles with a manual tile cutter: video