How to grow a lemon tree from a stone house. Bone lemon tree at home: planting features, care rules, pests and diseases

A subtropical tree called a lemon will definitely take its place in the home green corner. Everyone can grow it, provided that a favorable microclimate is provided to the bush. Learn how to plant a lemon at home, and one day it will reach a truly large size. In addition, lemons actively bear fruit. When you follow the basic recommendations for care, your tree will bear fruit throughout the year.

Planting a lemon is carried out by two common methods: cuttings or seeds.   Each of the methods has its advantages and disadvantages, but it is equally widely used by domestic flower growers. To plant a lemon at home correctly, it is worth considering both technologies. Thus, you can choose for yourself the most optimal method.


How to plant a lemon tree using seeds - this is often interested in gardeners who first encountered such a need. First of all, you need to select high-quality seed. Take only large seeds for planting. Direct planting of grains in the soil is carried out in stages:

  • pour a substrate specially designed for planting citrus plants into a flower pot;
  • sow lemon seeds into the ground;
  • at the end of the procedure, thoroughly moisten the soil, but avoid excessive accumulation of water in the ground. Otherwise, the seeds will begin to rot, and seedlings will not appear;
  • in one pot it is recommended to sow several grains of homemade lemon at once. When they finally ascend, you can leave the strongest in the ground. Another option - all the sprouts you like can simply be planted in different containers;
  • when you decide to sprout lemon at home, be sure to ensure that you do not damage the root system, which is already frail enough. That is why it is better not to touch the earthen lump enveloping the rhizome of the plant.

This planting method is not bad and is often used by domestic flower growers. However, not all so simple. There is an opinion that lemon grown independently does not bear fruit. This is possible, but the situation is fixable. To do this, it is recommended to plant a sprouted and stronger plant from another citrus tree (grapefruit or orange), which has been growing in your home flower garden for several years.

The cut

Such a tree is often propagated at home. To do this, you need to cut, leaving two kidneys at the edges. It is desirable that each future sprout has 2-3 leaves and as many buds. When the branch is cut, dip it briefly in a growth stimulator, and then put it in water for a few days. Planting occurs, as a rule, at a time when the stalk has not yet taken root. That is why it is very important to be able to properly care for the plant. Thoroughly spray the newly planted sprouts, since in the absence of roots the future tree is still unable to receive moisture from the soil.

Landing time

How to plant a lemon? The result is affected not only by the landing method or the quality, but also by the period most optimal for such a procedure. Most of the lemon tree is planted in the ground in late winter or early spring. What is favorable for this time of year is the phase of awakening the tree itself and activating vital functions. A plant rooted in this period will quickly take root.

What soil is needed

In order for the planting and care of an indoor plant to be effective, special attention should be paid to the selection or preparation of a quality substrate.

It must meet two key requirements: be loose and include various nutrients. In addition to land, a drainage layer is recommended in the flower pot. The soil mixture itself is considered optimal for growing indoor lemon, if it includes light loamy soil, leafy, as well as sand and humus. Of course, some growers prefer to dig up ordinary land somewhere in the garden. However, if you want to grow a full lemon tree, such land will be too scarce for it.

Capacity selection

You need to plant a lemon tree in a properly selected container. You should not immediately acquire a voluminous flower pot: in an excessively large space, the root system of a plant can rot. As for the material, it can be plastic, and glass, and wood. However, it is preferable to buy a clay container, in which the indoor flower will feel “at ease”. You will often have to water the planted lemon, so you can not do without drainage holes in the pot.

Landing instruction

Florists often ask how to plant a lemon using cuttings. You will get the desired result, provided that you adhere to the basic recommendations. Pay special attention to the deepening in the ground of the root neck of the tree: it should not be located deeper than 5 mm in the substrate. Plant the stem in such a way that in the future the root neck does not begin to rot. After you have planted all the branches, it's time to spray them first with water, and then with a potassium permanganate solution.

Further care

Video "Growing a lemon"

In this video you will hear some helpful tips for growing lemon.

Exotic flora has long been popular with lovers of indoor floriculture. Now nobody can surprise anyone with tropical plants that get along well on window sills with geraniums and violets. Citrus fruits in the flower garden are not the last place. Many manage to grow a beautiful tree, but not everyone can brag of homemade lemonade. What is the reason? How to grow a lemon so that it bears fruit?

Under natural conditions, a lemon is a fairly tall tree with a spreading crown; its height reaches 8 meters.

Of course, in the apartment he would take up a lot of space, so dwarf varieties were bred specifically for home floriculture. They are neat bushes, giving a very good harvest.

If you decide to grow a lemon at home, then pay attention to the following varieties.

  1. Meyer, or the Chinese dwarf. The most popular variety that does not require special care. It withstands a lack of lighting. The shortest of all known varieties. Meyer is a hybrid of lemon and orange, so lemons have a sweet taste. Fruits can start after 18 months of growth, flowering is plentiful.
  2. Pavlovsky. Bred in the Nizhny Novgorod region. It reaches a height of 1.5 meters, propagated by cuttings and gives a harvest for the third year. From one plant you can get from 10 to 30 thin-bark seedless fruits. Flowering occurs twice a year. Lives tree up to 45 years.
  3. Novogruzinsky, or New Athos. Sufficiently tall tree, reaches 2 m. With large leaves and lilac flowers. Fruits in the 4-5th year, lemons weighing up to 120 grams, aromatic and tasty.
  4. Maykop. Mid-dwarf, lush, with a lot of thin branches, gives a lot of delicious fruits.
  5. Ponderosa, or Canadian. A hybrid of lemon with grapefruit. Flowering begins in the second year after rooting. The yield is small, from 3 to 7 pieces, but the fruits are large in size, their weight can reach 1 kg. Unpretentious, does not need additional illumination.
  6. Eureka. Frost-resistant variety, it can be grown outdoors in a mild climate, can withstand temperatures up to -5 degrees. Fruits appear in the second year of growth, large, pachyderms and tasty. In height, the plant reaches 1-1.5 meters.
  7. Genoa A short bush without thorns. Blossoms and bears fruit throughout the year, resistant to adverse conditions. Differs in high productivity.

Whatever variety you choose, with proper care, each tree will please with its decorative appearance, lush flowering and yellow or orange lemon.

What to choose - planting seeds or cuttings

Unlike oranges and tangerines, lemon is easy to cuttings and quickly emerges from the ordinary stone. How to grow lemon at home - cuttings or seeds, which method is better? Let's look at the features and disadvantages of each method.


  1. You can’t even wait for the first harvest at all, under favorable conditions it will bear fruit no earlier than 6-7 years from the time of planting.
  2. Difficulties with crown formation. The tree should be constantly pruned, monitor for excess branches.
  3. Unlike grafted plants, lemons grown from seeds give a greater yield.


  1. Propagation by cuttings allows you to grow a stronger and more viable plant.
  2. If the stalk is taken from a fruiting tree, then the probability of obtaining fruits without additional vaccinations is very high.
  3. Many varieties are propagated only by cuttings, since their fruits are seedless.
  4. Flowering and ovary of lemongrass begins much earlier than that grown from seeds. But the cuttings should be taken from a mature plant, which bears fruit at least 2 times.

Have you chosen a method for planting a lemon? Well, get down to work.

Soil requirements

Since the lemon will grow in a confined space, it is necessary to choose the right soil for planting and make sure that it is saturated with useful substances.

If you plan to dig up land in a garden or vegetable garden, then this is a bad idea. Garden land is too dense, does not have the necessary drainage, and indeed has an incomprehensible composition and is most likely populated by small pests in the form of bugs and worms. But if you insist and understand the soil, then take 3 parts of turf land and one part of sand and humus. Take soddy ground under old deciduous trees, except for oak and poplar, cut a layer no deeper than 10 cm.

But it’s best to buy a special blend for citrus in flower shops. In extreme cases, a universal substrate will come down, but its acidity should be from 5.5 to 6.5 units.

Every 3-4 years a tree needs a transplant, so throw away the old land without regret, and fill up a fresh new one.

The roots of the lemon are small, so there is no need to buy a large pot. For a young plant, it is enough that the height of the container is 20 cm, and the diameter of the upper part is not more than 15 cm.


In shops, a great variety of pots and pots. What is best for citrus? Let's get it right.

  1. Clay. Clay containers are characterized by good porosity and are saturated with water. On the one hand, the tree will not suffer from a lack of moisture, and on the other, it can rot from its excess. Rapid evaporation through the walls of the vessel cools the lump of the earth, and lemons - tropical plants, for them it is harmful. Salts and minerals are deposited on the inner walls, roots are drawn to nutrients and often grow into clay. During transplants, the root system is severely damaged. Well, the fragility of the material is of great importance. The slightest blow, and you have to look for a new place of residence.
  2. Plastic. Ceramics, of course, are more beautiful than plastic. But plastic is cheap, lightweight and durable. Of the disadvantages, a homogeneous structure can be noted that does not allow excess moisture to evaporate through the walls. But the risk of decay can be reduced with the help of a drainage bedding on the bottom. Lightweight construction - the tree will be less stable than in a heavy clay pot.
  3. Tree. It combines all the advantages of clay and plastic, but the fragility and deformation from water are a significant drawback. Usually, a "seasoned" plant is transplanted into wooden tubs, which has survived childhood sores and the growth period. At the same time, the inner surface is impregnated with special components and lined with a film to avoid rotting.

With the material sorted out, now pay attention to the dimensions. Focus on the fact that the diameter of the upper part is approximately equal to the height of the pot. But the bottom should be narrowed. And the branched the crown, the wider the pot.

Drainage holes required! Up to 2.5 cm in diameter, and for large capacity it is better to add a couple more.

With each new transplant (every 3-5 years), the pot should grow by two to three centimeters. When the lemon stops growing, it can be left alone, but it is necessary to periodically remove the top layer of the "scanty" earth and add a new nutrient substrate.

You can not plant a young plant immediately in a large tub, the earth will quickly oxidize, and the lemon will hurt.

Now let's figure out how to plant a lemon, so that he was comfortable, and he quickly went to growth. Consider two methods: a handle from an elite variety and an ordinary stone, taken from fruit bought in a store.

Seeds or seeds

There is no need to buy seeds in the store, just take a juicy ripe fruit and choose a few intact seeds.

Now the fun begins - germination. There are two ways. The first - fresh, freshly extracted bones poke into the ground to a depth of 1-2 centimeters, put in a bright place without drafts and periodically moisten the ground. The hatching time is up to two weeks.

But since a man is a curious creature, and a woman is doubly, you will periodically poke around in a pot in search of an emerging life, which means that you can inadvertently damage delicate sprouts. Therefore, we move on to the second method.

Lay the seeds between two layers of cotton wool well moistened with water. You can sometimes satisfy your curiosity by lifting the top layer. As soon as the sprout appears, carefully transfer it to the ground.


You got a stalk from friends who have a fruiting lemon. Your actions are as follows.

  1. First, you need to know if you got the right stalk. It should reach 10-15 centimeters in length, up to 5 millimeters thick, have a keratinized layer and 3-4 leaves. A fresh slice is best immediately dipped in ash to prevent decay. And if you additionally treat it with a growth stimulator, then rooting will pass quickly and without problems.
  2. Secondly, for successful grafting, it is necessary to create a favorable microclimate of 20-25 degrees and good lighting.
  3. Thirdly, stick the prepared shoots into the soil for citrus plants and spray them liberally from the spray gun.

Cuttings very quickly let the roots, if you provide them with heat, light and humidity.

Sprout care

Sprouts obtained from the seeds or unrooted cuttings are covered with plastic transparent cups or glass jars to create a microclimate. Spray the young shoots daily and quench with fresh air, temporarily removing the cans.

The seed sprout can be released from the greenhouse kindergarten when 4 leaves appear. The successful rooting of cuttings is determined by the appearance of new leaves.

Fertilizer and transplant

Young trees practically do not need to be fed, additionally more mature plants that have reached 3-4 years of age should be fertilized. In the spring-summer period, perform the procedure once every 3 weeks, and in the cold season - 1 time per month.

You can use folk remedies or buy fertilizer in the store. Use the purchased funds according to the instructions.

Young shoots are transplanted several times during the year, then the transplant depends on the growth of the plant. During the period of active growth - once a year, then every 3-5 years.

The most favorable time is the beginning of spring, when new leaves did not appear and inflorescences did not begin. You can also transplant in the fall before the onset of cold weather.

For successful growth and development, lemon needs to provide good lighting, warmth and humidity. Avoid direct sunlight, they can burn leaves. It is not recommended to put the pot in a draft.

Watering is moderate, the ground should be slightly damp. Tropical crops are very fond of spraying, so often spray with a spray.

How to “make” citrus fruit

Of course, I would like not only to admire the decorative bush, but also to see the flowering, as well as try the fruits.

Not all plants grown from seed can bear fruit. Sometimes you need to wait up to 10 years, and sometimes you can not wait for the fruit at all. In this case, vaccination from the "giving birth" plants will help. The process is quite complex and time-consuming, but if all the conditions are met, it can give a positive result. Be sure to use the advice of experienced gardeners.

In order to guarantee a harvest, get an already grafted young tree, so you will avoid breeding efforts.

Among the cardinal measures to force flowering include the risky method of putting the plant in conditions between life and death. To do this, bring the tree with drought until the leaves fall, and then create favorable tropical conditions. However, this method is cruel to a living being and can lead to the death of a lemon.

  1. Do not buy a plant in a greenhouse, a lemon does not like change and does not adapt well to new conditions.
  2. When choosing a seedling, carefully inspect it. The root system should be sufficiently developed.
  3. It is best to buy a grafted young bush, it will get used to the atmosphere of your apartment more easily and will definitely bear fruit.


Whatever lemon variety you grow, take care of it with love, and it will repay you not only with a flowering appearance, but also with a delicious aromatic crop.

Citrus lovers have long figured out how to grow a lemon at home. There are several ways to implement your plan, the main thing is to comply with the existing rules for planting and caring for seedlings, otherwise it will not work to get a citrus tree on your windowsill.

What kind of lemon is best grown in an apartment?

There are many types of this exotic plant that are suitable for home growing, but it is worth choosing low-growing varieties that give a lot of harvest. Among the best and most popular are the following options:

How to plant a lemon?

There are two ways you can use to grow an exotic tree at home: using seeds and cuttings. Each option has its advantages and disadvantages. Planting material can be obtained independently or purchased in a store. When figuring out how to plant a lemon at home, it is worth noting that planting seeds is considered the best, since everyone can get them. In addition, an adult plant grown by this method will be much more viable in comparison with a tree obtained from a stalk.

How to plant lemon from seed?

For this option, prepare seeds that should be well formed and free from defects. It is best to use several seeds from different citruses. Immediately after extracting the seeds, soak them for several hours in water and you can proceed to planting:

  1. For growing lemon from seed at home, small containers filled with suitable soil are used, mixing part of the flower soil and part of peat. Do not forget about.
  2. Deepen the bones by 1 cm so that the distance between them is 5 cm, and to the walls of the tank 3 cm.
  3. It is important to monitor the humidity of the earth, but it cannot be flooded. Note that a temperature of 18-22 ° C is suitable for seedlings. To create conditions similar to hothouse, you can cover the container with film, glass or a jar.
  4. The pot should be in the light, but not in direct sunlight. Every day, be sure to ventilate while taking cover.
  5. If all recommendations regarding how to grow lemon from seeds are taken into account, then seedlings will appear in two weeks. Select the most viable of them, and the rest can be torn out. After the appearance of real leaves is carried out in separate small containers. It is necessary to transplant the plant when the height of the seedling will reach 20 cm.

How to plant a lemon seedling?

Grow will grow, so transplants into a more convenient and spacious pot can not be avoided. The instructions on how to plant a lemon at home indicate that you need to take out a seedling along with an earthen lump, which will accelerate its adaptation in a new place. If you got a seedling without it, then insert it into a new pot and carefully distribute the roots so that they do not break and get messy. Be sure to water the ground, slightly compacting it.

How to plant lemon from a twig?

For the procedure, prepare the river sand, which is washed and calcined in the oven to remove bacteria. In addition, purchase soil for citrus. There is a certain scheme on how to plant a room lemon with a cuttings:

  1. Cut shoots that should not be older than a year from a healthy and fruiting tree. Branches should be about 10 cm long and have 3-4 developed buds. The cut below should be made closer to the kidney at a right angle, and above - at an angle of 45 ° at a distance of 5 mm from the upper kidney. Remove the sheet located below from the bottom and cut off the rest by half.
  2. Soak the cuttings in a rooting agent solution for 10-12 hours. After that, lower the cut into charcoal to protect the planting material from decay.
  3. Deepen the branches in wet sand to a depth of 1.5-2 cm. Then spray with lightly warm water. To make an impromptu greenhouse, cover the handle with a jar. Place the container in a well-lit place, but avoid direct sunlight. Those who are interested in how to grow lemon from the cuttings should know that it is important to keep the sand always wet, and spraying should be done every day.
  4. After 2-3 weeks, the first roots should appear. New leaves will testify to successful rooting. Every day for several hours remove the jar for "hardening". After two weeks, it can be completely removed. After that, you can transplant.

How to grow lemon at home?

In order to see the fruits on the tree, it is important to properly care for it. Experienced gardeners give some practical advice on how to grow a lemon at home:

  1. In late autumn, to help the plant adapt to the approaching cold, gradually lower the temperature to 15 ° C. It is important at the same time to increase daylight hours, otherwise citrus will dump the foliage.
  2. Growing a lemon at home involves wrapping a pot with a blanket in winter to protect the roots from hypothermia.
  3. After every 5-6 irrigations, it is recommended to loosen the soil so that oxygen enters the roots.
  4. One simple way to make lemon bear fruit is to drag a side shoot near the trunk with wire. When the branch blooms, the ligation should be removed.

Growing Lemon at Home - Soil

Citrus refers to unpretentious plants and it can take roots in any land. You can use a mixture that includes turf land, river sand and humus. In addition, gardeners recommend the inclusion of wood ash in the soil mixture, which will feed the sprouts. Growing lemon at home in a pot can be carried out using soils intended for indoor plants, but you need to add a little peat to them. When planting the cuttings on top of the earth, sprinkle a layer of sand, which will help to take root faster.

To grow a healthy bush, be sure to pour a layer of drainage on the bottom of the pot, as it will prevent stagnation of moisture, which is detrimental to the plant. For it, you can use small stones or pebbles, grated foam, coarse sand or expanded clay. Experts give advice - in order to provide the plant with a nutrient medium, lay a layer of peat or dry manure on top of the drainage. Its height should be no more than 2 cm.

Caring for a room lemon in a pot - watering

To saturate the soil well, it is recommended to add water in 3-4 doses with short breaks. When we begin to drip from the drainage hole, it means that watering must be completed. Carrying out room lemon care at home, it is important to consider that irrigation is carried out only with warm water and in the morning. In winter, water 2-3 times a week. If the room temperature is + 10 ° С, then add water 1-2 times a month.

Care for indoor lemon - top dressing

Fertilizers are of great importance for citrus crops. With a lack of minerals, leaf wilting and poor flowering are observed. To understand how to grow a lemon, follow these tips:

  1. During flowering and fruiting, fertilizers must be applied once every 14 days. It’s best to use organics such as Gumi-Omi Kuznetsova Lemon. 1 liter of water is taken 1 tbsp. a spoon. Under small bushes make 0.5 tbsp., And with large volumes, increase the dose.
  2. Caring for lemon at home in the winter, means reducing the fertilizing up to 1 time per month.
  3. To grow a healthy plant, it is useful to spray the back of the leaves with a fertilizer solution.
  4. After transplanting, feed in a month. Immediately before placing the bush in a new pot, it is recommended to water it with the Kornesil preparation to restore the root system.

Home Lemon Care - Pruning

It is recommended to carry out the procedure in the spring before the start of the growth period. It is better to form a crown on a low stem (15-18 cm). In the first year of life, cut the trunk at a height of about 20 cm. When growing lemon from a seed or cuttings, keep in mind that the shoots are cut so that 4-5 leaves remain. It should be borne in mind that in most varieties the fruits are tied on branches of 4-5 orders of magnitude, so the plant should be branched.

How to propagate homemade lemon?

To increase the number of citrus bushes, several methods can be used. About how to grow a lemon from cuttings and seeds, was described above, but there is another option - the use of layering.

  1. Rootstock should be grown for 1.5-2 years. The cut of a lemon should be 6-7 cm long.
  2. Make a split on the rootstock and place the stalk in it, and then carefully wrap the film in the place of grafting to create a greenhouse effect.
  3. The vaccine will take root after about 45-60 days, and then remove the film.

Lemon cultivation - diseases and pests

If you do not follow the advice above, the bush can infect the disease:

  1. Fungal diseases, for example, root rot, late blight, and so on. Remove the affected areas, and then carry out disinfection - chemical spraying.
  2. If care is not carried out correctly, lemon is affected by diseases and pests, so infectious diseases are so serious. Fight them with special means.
  3. The appearance of viral diseases is not excluded, and then the plant must be disposed of.
  4. Understanding how to grow a lemon, it is worth noting that the main pests are aphids, scale insects, and whiteflies. Remove insects and wash stems and leaves with soap and water. Experts recommend twice a week to carry out cold ablutions of the bush.

The lemon plant belongs to the genus Citrus of the Route family. The birthplace of lemon is India, China and the Pacific tropical islands. It was introduced into culture in Pakistan and India, and then spread to southern Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. Where is lemon currently growing? Today, this plant is cultivated in countries with a subtropical climate, such as Italy, Mexico, India and the United States.

For indoor floriculture, the plant is also of interest, because you can independently grow a lemon from a seed at home. He enjoys such popularity not only because of his decorativeness. The fruits of some varieties of homemade lemon are as tasty as the fruits of lemons growing under the southern sun.

Description of homemade lemon

Indoor lemon is perennial evergreenhaving strong spiky branches. The leaves of this stunted tree are oblong-oval, leathery, toothed, green in color, which contain essential oil. The development of the buds occurs within five weeks. A blossoming flower lives 7–9 weeks, and such a flowering has a wonderful fragrance.

The fruits ripen from the moment of formation of the ovary and ending with full maturity for more than 9 months. They are covered with tuberous or yellow pitted skin with a characteristic odor. White egg-shaped seeds are covered with a dense shell.

Gallery: lemon at home (25 photos)

Growing lemon at home

They usually grow lemon at home. from bone. To do this, the seeds are taken from fruits that are purchased in the store. The fruits must be ripe, yellow in color, and the seeds contained in them must be ripe and mature. The substrate for growing lemon from seed at home should be of a certain composition. To do this, mix the land for flowers from the store and peat in equal parts, as a result of which the composition is light and well-permeable to water.

Tea for a Russian person is not only a way to quench their thirst, but also a good reason to gather as a family at the table and discuss family problems or plans, to remember pleasant moments from a vacation or travel. Lemon tea inspires a person and entire families to make new life discoveries and brings together soul mates. You can sprout the seed of that lemon and grow a whole lemon tree on your windowsill, all the more so since it’s not difficult at all.

Is it possible to grow at home?

Lemon tree is not only possible, but also needs to be grown in indoor conditions. This is not only a large houseplant with rich green glossy leaves, but also a fruiting tree that will give its owner useful and fragrant fruits.

Such a plant looks very presentable in the house, it can decorate the interior, made in any style and color. Growing lemon in an apartment is not only a decorative issue, but also an environmental one. Lemon tree has high absorbent properties, so it can rid the room of excess moisture and odors. This plant perfectly processes carbon dioxide and turns it into fresh air, which in part can replace ventilation. A large number of essential oils contained in the leaves of a lemon will be an excellent repeller of insect pests such as mosquitoes, flies, centipedes, bugs and even cockroaches.

Growing a lemon at home is quite simple.

There are three known ways to grow lemons in a pot.

  1. Cuttings.   This method is characterized by the fastest start of flowering and fruiting of a lemon tree.
  2. Grafting.   This method is used mainly by gardeners to further plant a plant in a greenhouse. This method is the most time-consuming, because you need to be able to choose the grafted process and the correct grafting procedure. In addition, this is a huge stress for trees, so efforts will be required to conduct proper rehabilitation.
  3. The seeds. Planting a lemon with seeds is a very simple way of propagating a lemon, suitable even for gardeners unaware of the art. A tree grown from seed does not need special care, however, it begins to bear fruit quite late.

Despite the chosen method of planting lemon, it grows approximately the same, leaving requires minimal, and the pleasure of the process will exceed all expectations.

Suitable varieties

Despite the fact that lemon is a deciduous plant, in nature it grows like evergreen. At home, a lemon tree will also delight the owner with a riot of greenery throughout the year. However, you should not forget that this plant is wild-growing, because wild plants are not able to survive in cramped apartment conditions. Thanks to centuries-old selection experience, today there are a number of unpretentious varieties that are able to not only take root in the conditions of growing in a pot, but also give an excellent aromatic crop. In order to grow a beautiful, high-quality lemon tree, you should choose one of the following varieties.

  • "Chinese dwarf".   In the circles of experienced gardeners, this variety is known as Mayer. It was bred by breeders by crossing the seeds of orange and lemon. This plant is ideal for growing in cramped conditions of apartments with small rooms and low ceilings, because its size does not exceed 70 centimeters. Fruits plants of this variety once or twice a year. In each crop, you can collect up to 20 lemons. The fruits of this variety are more rounded in shape, their color is slightly darker than ordinary lemons, closer to the orange tint. The size of the fruit is slightly smaller than the size of ordinary lemons. The pulp of citrus is slightly sweeter than usual, the crust is thin with small pores. The aroma of lemons is bright, traditional. The fruits of such a tree are considered to be dessert. However, it is worth remembering that this plant is a little more whimsical than its relatives, therefore, in the autumn-winter period it is important to organize additional ultraviolet lighting and top dressing with highly active vitamin complexes for citruses.

  • "Hand of the Buddha." This variety is often called "Corsican", since it is this island that is considered its homeland. A tree of this variety reaches a height of 1.5 meters, and sometimes more. At home, such a plant bears fruit year-round, however, it is possible to collect from it no more than 10 lemons per year. The fruits of the Buddha's Hand variety grow very large, bright yellow with a thick crust and a thick white layer. The flesh is coarse-grained, juicy, and the membranes are hard. The taste and aroma of lemons of this variety are mild, most often such fruits are used for making candied fruits, sauces, as a seasoning for other dishes. This variety is great for making fresh juices and soft drinks, as it is very juicy and not too acidic.

  • Pavlovsky.   Bred by Russian breeders, taking into account the characteristics of the local climate. An adult tree reaches a height of 1.5 meters; fruiting lasts all year round. You can collect up to 15 lemons in one year. The tree begins to bear fruit about three years after planting or sprouting. This is the most unpretentious variety of lemon, it tolerates both excess and insufficient lighting, does not require frequent watering, and easily tolerates the autumn-winter period. For the health of such a tree, it is enough to feed vitamins once a year and transplants no more than once every two years. The fruits of this variety are not too large, with a thin, finely porous skin of light yellow color. The fruit pulp is very juicy and very aromatic, ideal for making tea and fresh juices.

  • Maykop.This variety is great for germination in the southern regions of Russia. This is a particularly heat-loving variety, therefore, a lemon tree of this variety can be safely taken outside in the summer. Sun baths, fresh air and rainwater have a beneficial effect on the condition of the tree. The plant begins to bear fruit on average three years after planting, but in the southern regions, where most of the year is sunny, the first crop can be obtained in a year and a half. The fruits of this variety are not too large, with loose light yellow peel and a sharp "nose". The flesh is a bit dry, but rather aromatic.

Will the plant bear fruit?

Everyone who decided to grow a lemon at home, involuntarily thinks about whether the plant grown in the apartment will bear fruit. The answer to this question cannot be unequivocal, but it will be rather positive than negative. Almost always fruiting occurs, but in rare cases this may not happen.

As a rule, plants grown in improperly selected soil are not capable of flowering.

Most often, such a plant stops in development, reaching a height of 40-50 centimeters. Such a plant can live in this state from 2 to 6 years, it will be a nice houseplant, but nothing more.

Under normal conditions, fruiting may occur 1-5 years after planting, depending on the variety and method of planting. To accelerate the appearance of the first crop is possible. For this, a procedure was invented, known among gardeners as “ringing” or “ringing”. The essence of the procedure is to redirect the flow of fluids and nutrients inside the tree. To do this, it is necessary to wind a piece of copper wire on a tree trunk over 2-3 lower branches. The wire should encircle the tree with one ring and gently squeeze its bark, but not too stylish so as not to damage the external and internal tissues of the plant. This will slightly slow down the flow of tree sap to branches located above the ring and, accordingly, will increase the flow of liquids and nutrients to the branches located under the ring. This will lead to first budding and flowering. After six months, the ring must be removed, since it will begin to interfere with the healthy growth of the tree. The first ringing can be carried out already a year after planting a tree. This method should not be abused, because after the first flowering, the tree will continue to bloom on its own.

How to plant?

Growing a tree from a lemon seed is quite simple, absolutely anyone can handle this. You just need to remember a simple sequence of actions and some useful tips.

In order to be able to sprout a lemon seed, you need to choose the right fruit: the lemon must be even, with a uniform color, without potholes and dents. All these signs indicate that the fruit is ripe and intact, which means that the planting material is normal. Lemon seeds must be intact and just taken from the fruit.   It is better to choose several seeds from different lemons in order to choose the strongest and strong seedlings.

The selected seeds must be put in a small container and filled with slightly warm water, leave them in this state overnight. During this time, a large amount of oil and starch will be released from the seeds, water can become like mucus. The bones are softened, the top layer will exfoliate. This thin, transparent cover can be carefully removed - it makes germination difficult.

It is important not to damage the integrity of the inner part of the seed, so you need to act very carefully. Unpeeled lemon seeds can sprout for more than six months, peeled - twice as fast.

For germinating seedlings, you need to use shallow pots, you can give preference to drawers, divided into sections. It is important to organize drainage holes in the pot. In addition, it is advisable to purchase a drainage mixture. The soil should be selected marked "for citrus" or "for indoor flowers." You should not purchase soil intended for growing seedlings - for citrus plants it has too high acidity. Ordinary land from the garden is also not very suitable for the cultivation of citrus fruits. The soil can be fertilized with peat, but this is not necessary, because often the finished mixture is already fertilized. In the prepared trays, it is necessary to pour a layer of soil about 1/3 of the height of the pot, then you need to pour the drainage mixture with a layer of 1-2 centimeters, and again a layer of soil on top.

Lemon seeds should not be buried deeper than 1.5 centimeters. The distance between them should be at least 5 centimeters in all directions. The seed pot must be wrapped in a plastic bag and left in a warm room until the first sprouts appear. Occasionally, you can sprinkle a little soil, but do not water it abundantly - the seeds can rot.

After the first sprouts appear, they need to be covered with banks.Pots with seedlings should be placed in a well-lit place, for example, on a windowsill. During this period, proper care of seedlings is very important: it must be slightly sprinkled with water, the jars must be removed for 1-2 hours a day so that the cuttings are tempered, and then cover them again. When the first leaves appear on the sprouts, they need to be transplanted into small but separate pots. Planting in large pots is permissible when the trees reach 15-20 centimeters in height.


At first glance, the lemon tree is an unpretentious plant that does not require special care. In fact, the way it is, but there are several factors that make this plant a real home tyrant. So, for example, this plant does not tolerate even the slightest movement around the room. Any move will lead to indispensable stress, dropping leaves and a long, protracted recovery, so it is critical to choose a lemon habitat in the house once and for all.

That's what you should pay close attention when choosing a place for the pot.

  • The right lighting.Lemon tree is very whimsical to the right combination of light and shadow: it loves bright rooms, but you should avoid direct exposure to the rays on the leaves. With too much light, citrus fruits begin to grow too actively, while all the juices are wasted on growing branches. In such conditions, you can get a huge tree that will not begin to bear fruit. Lemons tolerate partial shade, but this tree does not like darkness. He needs enough light for active photosynthesis. The best place for a lemon tree in a house is a room with large windows facing east or west.

  • The ideal temperature.Lemon tree is also whimsical to temperature conditions. The ideal option for him is the same temperature at any time of the year. So, for example, a lemon will feel great if in the summer and in the winter, the daytime temperature will be 26 degrees, and the nighttime temperature will be 20 degrees. However, in the Russian climate this is sometimes impossible. To create more comfortable conditions, the tree needs to choose a place at a distance from the radiators, which can cause overheating. It is also worth avoiding places with drafts. It is undesirable to place a lemon near or opposite the front doors so as not to catch a cold.

It is important to remember that moving lemon during its flowering is unacceptable - this will inevitably lead to falling flowers and the death of the crop.

In addition to choosing a location for the location of the pot, it is worth remembering a few more important factors that can affect the well-being of the lemon tree.


The lemon root system does not like watering too much. To create more comfortable conditions, you can fill the pot pan with gravel, put a pot on top and periodically add water to the pan. From gravel, moisture will seep into the soil through the drainage holes in the pot. This will minimize wetting of the root system of the plant. On hot summer days, lemon is enough for two not too plentiful waterings per week, in winter, you can limit yourself to one watering per week. At the same time, the leaves and branches of lemon love moisture, so it is very important to organize frequent spraying of greens from a spray. This procedure should be carried out as often as possible, if possible daily. But do not be too zealous for spraying - streams should not pour from the leaves; rather, it should resemble abundant dew.

Regular transplantation

It is very important to transplant a lemon tree in a timely manner, since it depletes the soil very much. In the early stages, transplantation should be done 1 time per year in the spring. Further, it will optimally transplant the tree once every two years.

It is worth transplanting the tree only in specialized soil, since it is most saturated with useful substances, which will allow the tree to live the period between transplants in comfortable conditions.

In the process of transplanting, it is important to properly care for the root system of the tree.It needs to be trimmed so that it can renew itself over the next two years before transplanting. If you do not update the root system in this way, premature aging of the tree will occur, which will lead to its immediate death.

Top dressing

A very important role in maintaining the well-being of the lemon tree is played by quality and timely top dressing. In garden centers, you can easily choose high-quality vitamin preparations for citrus fruits.

The main rule of lemon fertilizer is to feed the tree in a timely manner.

In the summer, the need and effectiveness of complementary foods increases, so you should do vaccinations with liquid vitamins once a week. In the remaining months, the amount of top dressing should be reduced to once a month.

There are a number of folk remedies that can be a worthy substitute for store-bought preparations: nettle infusion, egg shell infusion, or a weak solution of cow or bird droppings.


Pruning a room tree is a very important issue, since not every house will fit a tree of full size with a large spreading crown.

In addition, the following fact has long been universally recognized: the more magnificent the crown of citrus fruits, the less yield they will yield.

In this regard, you should not allow the tree to grow too lush crown. Trimming a lemon tree is done with caution, adhering to the correct proportions and frequency - this will not harm the tree, but, on the contrary, improve its condition. The first pinch is carried out when the sprout of the future tree reaches a height of 20 centimeters, each subsequent one after every 20 centimeters of plant growth.

To form the crown of the correct form, you need to pinch the branches.   It is necessary to begin to form a crown from the first tier of branches, each subsequent tier should be several centimeters shorter than the previous one.

Diseases and Pests

Sprouting lemon from a seed is not too difficult, but not all trees are able to survive to the first fruits. Indoor lemons are very painful, they have no immunity to almost any known plant diseases. It is very important to follow all the above rules for caring for a lemon tree, so as not to create an environment favorable for the development of diseases.

Pest problems are easy to avoid. For this, simple measures will be required: in the hot season, the plant needs to take a shower once a week. To do this, you need to pollinate the leaves with water at room temperature from the sprayer. In the cool season, you need to spray the leaves with slightly warm water once a month.

One of the most common problems associated with growing indoor lemons is yellowing and falling of leaves. As a rule, this is not a symptom of the disease, but rather a sign of improper care of the plant.

Most often, the leaves turn yellow for such reasons:

  • too high temperature of the plant (over 28-32 degrees);
  • too strong a draft at the site of the pot;
  • insufficient or excessive watering;
  • watering the plant with too cold water;
  • soil depletion, overdue transplant time;

  • poor plant lighting;
  • too high acidity of the soil.

In order to correct the situation, it is enough to identify and eliminate the reason: to rearrange the plant in another place, change the irrigation regime or transplant it into new soil.

There are a number of diseases characteristic of citrus trees grown at home. Often, the success of treatment depends on the detection of the disease in the early stages of its development. Among the most common citrus diseases, there are several incurable ones that can destroy a plant in a few weeks.


A feature of this disease is that the plant almost completely stops the production of chlorophyll, in this regard, the process of photosynthesis stops. At the initial stages of the development of the disease, the leaves of the plant begin to lighten and gradually lose their color, then become thinner and fall off. On dark green glossy lemon leaves it is difficult not to notice the signs of this disease, they become visible immediately after infection of the plant. Chlorosis can be infectious or hereditary, it affects only young plants. In the case of lemon trees, only sprouts that are less than a year old. Timely feeding, tracking and preventing problems with pests will help to avoid infection with this disease. In case of infection, microfertilizers can be injected into the trunks, branches and roots of a diseased plant, but this method of treatment does not always help — it all depends on the plant’s own immunity.

Root rot

Most often, root rot develops due to excessive watering of the plant in the cold season. Constantly wet soil leads to the fact that the root of the plant begins to rot. Outwardly, this disease is difficult to detect. A clear sign of the root rot of a lemon can be considered falling leaves. If the leaves of the lemon fall for no apparent reason, you need to remove the plant from the pot, carefully shake off the soil from its roots, trying to inflict as little damage as possible. The affected areas of the rhizome must be cut off, and a plant with a healthy root should be transplanted into a new, dry soil. Further, watering should be minimized, and in order to compensate for the lack of water, you need to regularly wipe the leaves of the plant with a clean, damp washcloth.

Late blight

Famous fungal disease in Russia. The treatment regimen for citrus late blight is exactly the same as any garden plant. Affected areas should be treated with copper sulfate. For complete healing of the plant, antibiotic treatment is necessary. After the cure of late blight, it is necessary to create unfavorable conditions for the development of fungal infections: a rare and not too plentiful watering, a dry, well-ventilated room will help to avoid relapse.


This is an infection of the root and trunk of a tree. The first signs of the disease are the appearance of cracks at the base of the tree trunk. After some time, a dark liquid begins to ooze through the cracks, then the tree fades, and it becomes impossible to save it. If the first signs of the disease are detected, you need to immediately dig up the plant, remove all the affected roots and cut off the affected bark, treat all exposed areas with copper sulfate or a highly concentrated solution of manganese and transplant the tree into a new pot with fresh soil.


This is an incurable viral infection. It is quite rare in Russia, so infection with it is almost impossible. However, if, for inexplicable reasons, the home lemon begins to peel and fall off the bark, it is better to immediately get rid of this plant, because tristeza is a very contagious disease that quickly spreads to all indoor plants.

Sheet mosaic

This is an infection that is not treatable. However, with timely detection of a problem, you can stop its development, thereby saving the tree from death. The first signs of leaf mosaic disease are the appearance of a characteristic “marble” pattern on the leaves. In the case of further development of the disease, these spots begin to grow together with the tissues of the leaves, the leaves bend and curl. Further, the disease spreads to the branches and trunk. Affected tissues also swell and cause the trunk to crack. At this stage, it is impossible to save the plant. If the first symptoms of the disease are detected, it is important to remove all affected leaves. You can even act radically - remove the entire diseased branch. All sections must be treated with a weak solution of manganese, it is desirable to pollinate a healthy part of the tree with the same solution from a sprayer. It is advisable to isolate the infected plant from healthy flowers for 1-2 months.

Citrus cancer

This is a bacterial disease that develops when saprophytic microbes enter a healthy plant. Surprisingly, only plants that grow outside their historical homeland are susceptible to this disease. Plants in China and India have never had this disease. This disease affects absolutely all parts of the tree: from the root to the fruit. Light watery spots appear on the infected surfaces of the tree, which gradually darken and turn into necrotic foci. A favorable environment for the bacteria of citrus cancer is too moist soil at high average daily air temperature.

The bacteria that cause cancer have a remarkable feature - they fluoresce in the dark. If the plant suddenly began to glow at night - this is the first sign of citrus cancer. Unfortunately, this disease is not treatable, and faced with it, it is important to save other plants - for this you need to destroy the patient and treat all the tools and surfaces around the focus of infection with disinfectants.

How to grow lemon from seeds, see the next video