Plant ornamental bushes. The best ornamental trees and shrubs for the garden


A modern garden cannot be imagined without ornamental shrubs. They create a backdrop for flower crops, act as hedges, spectacular tapeworms on the lawn. Shrubs are valued not only for their magnificent and long flowering, but also for the shape of the crown, texture and color of the leaves. Their presence makes the garden elegant, and caring for such a garden is not burdensome, because for the most part they are rarely damaged by pests and diseases, do not need painstaking care.
The modern assortment of ornamental shrubs is such that with the help of shrubs alone, you can create a full-fledged garden, especially if it is small and does not imply tall trees, as well as the cost of purchasing and caring for herbaceous plants. There are shrubs for sunny and shady places, they can grow on wet soils and dry. The main thing is to make the right choice.
The creation of mixed plantings of shrubs should be treated with caution. Group plantings, consisting of several specimens of different species and forms of the same genus, look more harmonious. For example, barberry hedges can be created both from one species with green leaves, and by introducing several specimens of Ottawa or Thunberg barberry, which differ in purple color of the leaves. Group plantings of hawthorns with different colors of flowers and fruits are magnificently decorating the garden.
Long-flowering cinquefoil and action are considered to be spectacular tapeworms. Against the background of the lawn, a spreading bush of panicle hydrangea looks great, and against the background of snow - brightly colored shoots of dogwoods.

Flowering shrubs

The undoubted favorite among the flowering shrubs is the rose. However, many garden owners are discouraged by its insufficient winter hardiness, the complexity of caring for this shrub. At the same time, it is somehow forgotten that there are magnificent park roses that please us from year to year abundant floweringwithout requiring even basic shelter for the winter. True, most varieties of park roses bloom only once a summer.
For many years, chubushniks have been an indispensable attribute of the Russian garden, filling the entire district with unique aromas during flowering.
Today the assortment of flowering shrubs is very wide. The parade opens with fragrant pink wolf flowers and golden moths of blooming forsythia. Then comes the time of lush hats of viburnum and bright shields of hawthorn, snow-white avalanches of spirits. And the lilacs? These kings of the Russian garden, can you imagine the end of spring and the beginning of summer without them? Or, for the time being, a little-known broom, literally rain of golden flowers, showering the retaining walls. And the luxurious tree-like peonies or exquisite rhododendrons that burst into our gardens?
Summer is a golden placer of flowers of Potentilla shrub, pink and purple sea of \u200b\u200bspirea, fragrant buddley sultans, lush inflorescences of action and colquitia.
The end of August is a parade of heathers. Spread out at the foot of the harsh conifers, they shimmer with nacreous waves of small, but such charming flowers, collected in long inflorescences. By autumn, the luxurious inflorescences of hydrangeas change color and for a long time still remind of summer, rustling under the gusts of blizzards.

Deciduous shrubs

Shrubs with decorative foliage are a real find for the garden. They are good from early spring to late autumn. These are the most diverse types, forms and varieties of barberries. This is really the pearl of the garden. Purple and golden, bright green and violet-red, spotted, speckled with multi-colored strokes of the leaves - that's all of them.
And the luxurious aralia leaves are the same palm tree on your site, and for the sake of such beauty, we even agree to endure the thorns of this "damn bush". You shouldn't give up the fieldfare, once a popular shrub. Its leaves in the spring of an unusual pink hue, then turn into graceful green openwork, and by autumn they turn golden in the wind.
It is difficult to find a more elegant solution for the decoration of a monotonous brick wall or fence than planting a white turf bush "Elegantissima". The leaves of this form are stunningly beautiful, dark green, with an uneven creamy white border, and even reddish shoots.
And how good are the bushes of Mahonia holly in rockery. As if varnish leaves with serrated edges sparkle in the sun.
Or take a beautiful black elderberry form "Aurea". Good to everyone: fragrant flowers, bunches of black lacquer berries, and leaves, as if carved from gold by an artist. And by the fall, pink tan marks appear on these golden plates.
There is just one "but". In the conditions of central Russia, when choosing forms with unusually colored foliage, always remember that they are more demanding on heat, sunlight and even soil fertility than the original form.

Fruit shrubs;

It is difficult to imagine a Russian garden without fruit trees and bushes. In most of the country, the gardens of amateurs are dominated by currants. What varieties are there! It is so good at the time of flowering, when bees and bumblebees literally swarm over the long clusters of flowers. But there is nothing more beautiful than currant bushes, strewn with black, red, pink or white berries.
And the gooseberry hedge - best protection from uninvited guests... Its thorny branches, under the weight of large amber or purple berries, gracefully bend to the ground. An equally reliable hedge is obtained from blackberries, fixed on wire trellises. Choose varieties with large fragrant berries, with beautiful large flowers, and you can use this plant to form not only thorny hedges, but also an elegant green gazebo of the most incredible shape.
Proper planting of varietal raspberries, fastening them to wire trellises, also allows you to create a beautiful corner in the garden, filled with the scent of ruby \u200b\u200bor amber berries.
Much less often, other fruit shrubs are grown in gardens, which have undoubted decorative qualities. Japanese quince and chokeberry, hawthorn and irga, viburnum and black elderberry can act as excellent tapeworms in the garden. And such fruit cropslike edible honeysuckle and sea buckthorn require group planting.
Of course, unlike purely ornamental shrubs, fruit shrubs require more care, they are more often affected by pests and diseases. But their fruits are not only tasty, they are valuable suppliers of vitamins and minerals.

Shrubs for problem garden

In almost every garden there are areas where shade reigns.
Grass grows poorly here; careful selection of perennials is required for arranging flower beds. No less attention should be paid to planting ornamental shrubs in shady places. Shrubs such as privet, glittering honeysuckle, and snowberry will retain decorative qualities in thick shade. In the shade of a building or tall trees, you can even plant Mahonia holly and St. John's wort. Just remember that variegated forms in the shade may lose their distinctive features.
In damp, shady places where you need to hide the soil, plant fragrant raspberries. She is extraordinarily good: abundant pink flowers and coral berries. In addition, it will quickly master the site, filling the space due to root suckers. At the foot of the trees, the apical pachisandra will also feel good.
In semi-shady places with heavy soils, it is better to plant barberry, weigela, dogwood, spirea. Forsythia and cinquefoil will look great here. The lack of light in the morning hours, of course, will somewhat weaken the flowering and brightness of unusually colored leaves, for example, Ottawa barberry, but not enough to refuse to plant them in shaded areas of the garden.
On the damp shores of reservoirs, the very place is for various shrub willows, hydrangeas.
Large problems in the arrangement of the garden arise with calcareous soils. But in fact, a very large number of shrubs tolerate such soils normally. These include barberry, euonymus, buddleya, elderberry, weigela, kolquicia, St. John's wort, cotoneaster and many others. Shrubs for rock gardens should be selected more carefully, where not only plant height is important, but also their ability to tolerate the alkaline reaction of the soil. Great for rock gardens Thunberg barberry, woolly willow, Japanese spirea, small-leaved mock-orange, heather.
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From all that has been said, we can conclude: before buying seedlings, you need to carefully read the "biography" of a particular plant in order to determine whether it is suitable for your garden, where it can be planted and how you will have to take care of it.

Japanese quince, or chaenomeles / Chaenomeles

Ornamental plants with edible fruits, which are deservedly called the northern lemon. An effective standard form is a low Japanese quince, grafted onto a tall wild pear stem. They prefer a sunny place on the south side of the buildings. Require rich soil, top dressing and abundant watering during dry periods. Gas and frost resistant.
Transplanting plants is better in early spring before bud break. When pruning, it should be borne in mind that the maximum number of flower buds is laid on three-year-old shoots.

Japanese quince or Maulea. Almost creeping shrub up to 1 m high. Arcuate bent branches with thorns. The flowers are orange-red, up to 3.5 cm in diameter, 2-6 in shortened racemes. Abundant flowering from the end of May lasts 3-4 weeks. Lemon yellow or golden fruits are very beautiful. It winters well under the snow, but the ends of the shoots can freeze a little. The best forms and varieties: "Alpina" (with creeping shoots), "Superba" (a hybrid with large dark red flowers), "Tricolor" (a dwarf form with pink and white stripes and specks on the leaves).
Japanese quince medium. Sprawling shrub up to 1.5 m tall. It blooms in May with fiery red, large, single flowers. Fruits are oblong, spherical, up to 5 cm in diameter. The best forms and varieties: "Elly Mossel" (blooms profusely), "Nicoline" (tolerates partial shade).

Aralia / Aralia

An original shrub with straight, unbranched trunks covered with large thorns. The leaves are very large, up to 1 m long, double or triple pinnate. Small, creamy white fragrant flowers are collected in complex paniculate inflorescences.
Photophilous, undemanding to soil and moisture. It tolerates transplanting well, but fragile roots require care.
Using. Solitaire, group plantings, impassable hedges.
Aralia Manchu. The only species that can grow in central Russia. It is very decorative both at the time of flowering and with large drooping panicles of small blue-black berry-like fruits. It is most convenient to grow the "Subinermis" form, which practically does not have thorns.

Aronia / Aronia

Shrubs up to 3 m high with beautiful shiny leaves, fragrant flowers and edible black fruits. A plant grafted onto a high bole of rowan or hawthorn looks very impressive.
Shade-tolerant and moisture-loving. Not picky about the soil.

Black chokeberry, or chokeberry. Shrub up to 3 m in height with large shiny leaves, during blooming, colored orange-red. It blooms in summer with white flowers with bright stamens, collected in corymbose inflorescences. In the fall, against the background of bright, elegant foliage, black shiny fruits stand out, edible and very useful. The "Grandifolia" form blooms most beautifully and abundantly and bears fruit.

Barberry / Berberis

Thorny shrubs with not only decorative, but also edible fruits, fragrant flowers, collected in brushes or shields. Bloom in May. There are many types, shapes and varieties.
They tolerate urban conditions well, form easily, are undemanding to soil conditions, but do not tolerate stagnant moisture. Drought-resistant, frost-resistant. They prefer sunny or slightly shaded areas.
Using. Tapeworms, group plantings, hedges, rockeries.
Common barberry. Branched fast growing shrub up to 2.5 m in height. Large, edible purple-red fruits with a slight waxy bloom. Responds well to haircuts. There are forms with white and yellow fruits, white-variegated, purple and red leaves.
Ottawa barberry. Tall shrub with straightened shoots. Blossoms in May with yellow flowers hanging on long stems. Light scarlet berries remain on the branches throughout the winter. The best forms and varieties: "Purpurea" (dark purple leaves), "Silver Miles" (purple leaves with silvery highlights, only for sunny places).
Barberry Thunberg. Dome-shaped shrub up to 1.5 m tall. Green leaves turn purple-orange in autumn. Yellow flowers bloom in May. Coral red berries adorn the plant almost until New Years. The best forms and varieties: "Atropurpurea Nana" (dwarf form with dark bronze leaves), "Aurea" (bright yellow leaves, for partial shade), "Bagatelle" (semi-round dwarf with brown-red leaves), "Bonanza Gold" (dwarf with golden yellow leaves), "Green Carpet" (beautiful shape, light green leaves), "Harlequin" (variegated leaves, spreading shape), "Red Pillar" (tall, purple-pink leaves), "Rose Glow" (purple leaves with white and gray spots).

Euonymus / Euonymus

Shrubs with spectacular fruits - leathery, winged or spiny bolls of red or purple color. The seeds are partially or completely covered with fleshy, brightly colored seedlings.
Unpretentious, shade-tolerant. They prefer good breathable humus, neutral or slightly alkaline soils. City conditions, pruning and transplanting well. Often affected by aphids and euonymus moth.
Using. Tapeworms, group plantings, hedges, rockeries, retaining walls.
Attention! Almost all types of euonymus are poisonous.
European spindle tree. Young shoots are green, old ones are almost black. Leaves are ovoid, up to 11 cm long, slightly leathery, in autumn they are painted in red tones. Fruits are red or pink with a bright orange bush peeking out. The best forms and varieties: "Alba" (white fruits with an orange "eye"). In autumn, reddish leaves and white fruits with an orange "eye" are beautifully combined), "Atropurpurea" (narrow purple leaves), "Nana" (dwarf with leathery leaves).
Winged spindle tree. Tall, up to 4 m tall, strongly branched shrub with tetrahedral light gray branches. The four-nested capsules are deeply divided, bright red when ripe.
Fortune's eonymus. An evergreen shrub with leathery leaves, considered the best groundcover for small gardens. It grows in the shade of the crowns of large trees, but also tolerates direct sunlight. In good conditions, it can be raised on supports up to 3 m high. Heat-loving. In the conditions of the middle lane, it is advisable to grow in a container form, to clean it in unheated rooms for the winter, or to provide a good shelter for plantings.

Privet / Ligustrum

Deciduous or evergreen shrubs. The fruit is a berry-like drupe.
They are drought-resistant, frost-resistant, tolerate different types of soils, grow well on soils containing lime, and even tolerate slight salinity. They grow well in urban settings, cut well, forming dense, shape-retaining hedges and various shapes.
Using. Tapeworms, group and curb plantings, hedges.
Common privet. Deciduous, densely branched shrub up to 5 m tall. The leaves are oblong-ovate, leathery, dark green above, lighter below. The flowers are small, white, fragrant, collected in dense, erect panicles up to 6 cm long. Blooms in the first half of summer for 20-25 days. Black fruits remain on the bushes until January. The best forms and varieties are: "Aurea" (golden leaves), "Argento-marginata" (silvery leaves with green and gray spots), "Glauca albo-marginata" (gray leaves with a white border), "Leucocarpa" (white fruits).
Japanese privet. Evergreen shrub up to 4 m tall with smooth branches and a compact crown, short leathery dark green leaves and smaller flower inflorescences. Flowering is shorter. More shade-tolerant and picky about soil moisture. In garden centers, you can buy standard plants or shaped in the form of a ball. There is a very effective form with variegated-spotted leaves bordered with a white-pink stripe.

Hawthorn / Crataegus

Deciduous, tall shrub with a dense, rounded crown, with more or less thorny, purple-red shoots. Decorative throughout the growing season due to graceful leaves and numerous white or pink flowers and bright, rather large, edible fruits.
Resistant to unfavorable conditions cities, undemanding to soil. They tolerate shading, but bloom and bear fruit weaker. Most species are winter-hardy, drought-resistant. They have a high shoot-forming ability, they perfectly tolerate cutting and shaping.
Using. Tapeworms, group plantings, tall hedges.
Hawthorn prickly, or ordinary. Large strongly branched shrub up to 4 m tall or a tree with an oval, asymmetrical crown and thorny branches. White or pink flowers are collected in 5-10 pieces in shields. The fruits are large, bright red or purple. The best forms and varieties: "Bicolor" (white flowers with a pink border), "Pauli" (scarlet red double flowers), "Paul" s Scarlet "(dark pink double flowers).
The hawthorn is one-footed. Large shrub 3-6 m high with a symmetrical transparent crown, spines up to 1.5 cm long, beautiful rhombic leavesblushing in the fall. Spectacular inflorescences consist of 10-18 white flowers. Fruits are red, round, up to 0.7 cm in diameter. Shade tolerant and undemanding to temperatures and humidity. The best forms and varieties: "Alba-plena" (snow-white double flowers), "Rosea Pendula" (weeping form with pink flowers), "Semperflores" (low form, blooms all summer).


Very beautiful shrubs with elongated and pubescent leaves, flexible shoots and exquisite flowering. Changes in the color of flowers from the moment the buds open to wilting are characteristic.
In the middle lane, they are low-frost-resistant, but when the root system is preserved, they quickly recover. Photophilous, demanding on soil fertility. They need regular watering, protection from the winds.
Using. Tapeworms, group precipitation, background in the flower garden.
Buddley of David. Shrub up to 2-3 m high with thin, dirty-gray shoots, dark green leaves, with a white-tomentose underside. Depending on the shape or variety, numerous fragrant flowers of various shades of purple are collected in dense, slightly drooping spike-shaped inflorescences up to 40 cm long. In autumn, high hilling is carried out with mulching materials. In February-March, a strong shortening of the shoots is carried out in order to cause a lush flowering. When freezing, pruning is carried out "on a stump".
The buddleya is alternate-leaved. A shrub with graceful, broadly spreading, arched shoots. The leaves are narrow-lanceolate, lowered in the lower part. It blooms on last year's shoots with numerous fragrant purple flowers. The most cold-resistant species, not whimsical, tolerates drought, skinny soils, needs a sunny, wind-protected location. It is most effective to grow in the form of a half-stem tree, tied to a stake. In the middle lane it needs good cover.

Elderberry / Sambucus

Shrubs or small trees with odd-pinnate, opposite leaves and berry-like fruits, edible in some species.
Demanding to the richness and moisture of the soil, shade-tolerant. They are characterized by fast growth, they tolerate a haircut well. They are among the breeds that most effectively reduce the noise level in the city. Almost all species need a strong, short pruning, after which (as well as after freezing) they renew perfectly.
Using. Tapeworms, group plantings, for camouflaging outbuildings, compost heaps.
Elderberry Canadian. Shrub up to 4 m tall with yellowish-gray shoots, large, up to 30 cm long, complex leaves. Yellowish-white, small, with a pleasant smell, flowers are collected in large, up to 25 cm in diameter, slightly convex umbellate inflorescences. Edible, shiny fruit with a dark purple color. There are forms with golden and yellow leaves.
Elderberry cluster, or red. Deciduous shrub or small tree up to 5 m tall with a wide, dense, ovoid crown and complex, odd-pinnate, light green leaves. The flowers are greenish-yellow in dense inflorescences up to 6 cm in diameter. Fruits are bright red, small, berry-like, in dense clusters. Leaves and branches have an unpleasant odor that repels rodents. For small areas, a dwarf form is more suitable. There are forms with beautiful heavily dissected and golden leaves, pink and purple flowers.
Black elderberry. Large deciduous shrub or small tree 6–10 m high. The bark is light gray, deeply longitudinally wrinkled. The leaves are large, up to 30 cm long, of 5-7 ovate, along the edge of sharp-toothed leaflets, when rubbed, emitting unpleasant halls. The flowers are yellowish-white, fragrant, in dense umbellate inflorescences up to 20 cm in diameter. Black-purple shiny fruits are edible. The best forms and varieties: "Aurea" (golden yellow leaves, only for sunny places), "Laciniata" (large, heavily dissected leaves), "Pendula" (weeping form).


Beautiful shrubs with large flowers, prone to re-flowering (remontant).
They are light-requiring, some species tolerate slight shading and develop well under the canopy of transparent crowns. Flowers and leaves are easily damaged by the wind. They require fertile soils, bloom poorly on waterlogged. In winters with little snow, they cover with spruce branches. Young shrubs are sheltered in the conditions of the Moscow region.
Using. Tapeworms, group lawns, hedges, rockeries.
Weigela hybrid. Shrub 2.5–3 m high, crown diameter up to 3.5 m. Leaves are bright green, the period and duration of flowering depend on the shape or variety. The best forms and varieties: "Bristol Ruby" (flowers at the edges are ruby-red), "Candida" (snow-white flowers), "Desboisii" (dark carmine small flowers), "Eva Rathke" (compact form, red-carmine flowers , hibernates with shelter), "Feerie Lemoine" (large, light pink flowers), "Gustave Mallet" (pink-carmine flowers with a wide white border), "Marc Tellier" (large carmine-pink flowers, do not fade in the sun) , "Newport Red" (flowers from carmine-red to purple), "Pierre Duchartre" (flowers dark brown-red with a purple edge), "Rosea" (very large pink flowers with a white tint, a small shelter for the winter), " Styriaca "(large form with abundant flowering).
Weigela Korean. Shrub up to 1.5 m tall with bare shoots and large leaves up to 12 cm long. The most remarkable thing about this species is the flowers up to 3.5 cm long, gradually changing color from pale pink to carmine at the time of wilting. Blooms from late May to late June, The duration of flowering is highly dependent on weather conditions. Shelter is needed for the winter.
Weigela garden. Shrub up to 1 m tall. Beautiful pink-purple and carmine flowers (there is a white-flowered form) develop at the ends of the shoots and in the axils of the leaves of short shoots. Mass flowering in the Moscow region is observed from the third decade of May and, gradually dying out, continues until early July. Autumn leaf color appears in October. Sometimes he does not have time to shed the leaves, in which case they cover for the winter with them. Frost resistance increases significantly with age.
Weigela blooming. Shrub up to 3 m tall. Young shoots with two rows of hairs. Annual shoots are red-brown, eventually turn gray. Flowers in 3-4-flowered inflorescences on short lateral shoots, bright pink, abundant. It blooms for 20 days from the third decade of May. There are beautiful forms with variegated, reddish-brown leaves. The most graceful and frost-resistant form with small leaves is "Variegata".

Heather / Calluna

Evergreen undersized shrubs. Valued for long flowering in the second half of summer. Excellent honey plants.
Soils are preferred poor and acidic, dry sandy or moist peaty. They hibernate without shelter. Photophilous, although they can put up with partial shade.
Using. Heather gardens, planting with rhododendrons, rockery.
Common heather. An evergreen shrub with a height of 20 to 60 cm, depending on the shape or variety. Most forms are strongly branched, have a beautiful crown shape, and bloom profusely. With the correct selection of varieties and shapes, you can create a heather blooming from July to mid-October. The "Allegro" variety is unusually good - a shrub 40-50 cm high, rarely 60 cm, a dense crown diameter of 50 cm. It blooms in the middle lane from early August to late September. The flowers are simple, shiny, carmine-red, collected in long unbranched inflorescences. The "Marleen" variety is good on the alpine slide. It is a densely branched shrub 20–30 cm high, crown diameter 40–50 cm. It blooms profusely from late August to late October. The buds are pink-lilac or bright purple, never open. Strong shoots grow straight up.

Cherry / Cerasus

Deciduous, fast-growing trees or shrubs with oblong-ovoid leaves and white, sometimes pink, fragrant flowers, gathered in umbrella-shaped inflorescences. The fruits are drupes, juicy, mostly edible.
Light-requiring, frost-hardy, drought-resistant, well tolerated urban conditions. Soils prefer neutral, light and medium loam. They grow better on elevated relief elements with good air and soil drainage.
Using. Tapeworms, group plantings, orchards, alleys.
Cherry Bessey. Low, up to 1.2 m tall, shrub with a spreading crown, bare reddish shoots and graceful, oblong, dense leaves, which are colored in autumn in bright red tones. White flowers adorn the shrub for 15–20 days, the fruits are purple-black, edible. Grows well on sandy, dry slopes.
Felt cherry. Shrub up to 2-3 m tall with a wide, dense crown. Leaves are grayish-green above, with tomentose pubescence below, corrugated, on small gray tomentose petioles. The flowers are pink-white, fragrant. The bloom is very colorful and plentiful for 7-10 days. Fruits are spherical, bright red, on short stalks, pubescent, with a pleasant sweet and sour taste.
Sand cherry. Shrub up to 1–1.5 m tall, young plant is upright, adult - with outstretched branches. Shoots are thin, glabrous, reddish. The leaves are painted in bright, orange-red tones in autumn. Blooms profusely with white fragrant flowers for 18-23 days. Fruits are purple-black, spherical, up to 1 cm in diameter, edible.
Japanese cherry, or sakura. Small, up to 1.5 m tall, densely branched shrub with thin, flexible branches. Blossoming flowers are white, with a pink tint, double, up to 1.8 cm in diameter. Flowering period 2-3 weeks. Fruits are shiny, up to 1 cm in diameter. In central Russia, only dwarf forms can be used, covering them for the winter.

Wolf Wolf, or Daphne / Daphne

Ornamental low shrubs, in early spring covered with small fragrant flowers, and then with bright berry-like fruits.
Shade-tolerant, but develop better in full sun or light shade. They prefer fertile soils of neutral reaction. Do not tolerate dry soil.
Using. Tapeworms, mixborders, rockeries, retaining walls.
Attention! All parts of plants are poisonous.
The wolf is dwarf. Low, 10-30 cm tall, evergreen shrub with thin, creeping shoots with rising ends. Forms evergreen carpets, covered in spring with mauve flowers in capitate inflorescences. The leaves are small and narrow, leathery, concentrated in the upper part of the shoots.
The wolf is deadly. Upright shrub up to 1 m tall with sparse branches. The leaves are dull green. The flowers are pink, large, bloom in April before the leaves appear, densely covering the stems. Red shiny fruits are very beautiful. Dislikes transplants and pruning.

Hydrangea / Hydrangea

Deciduous shrubs, sometimes lianas with large leaves and very beautiful massive inflorescences of numerous flowers - small, seed-producing, and large, sterile.
They grow in sunny and shaded places, protected from the winds, on fertile soils. Frost resistant.
Using. Tapeworms, group plantings, containers.
Hydrangea. A beautifully flowering shrub with scattered branches from 1.5 to 3 m tall. The best forms and varieties: "Anabelle" (creamy white flowers), "Cordata" (large heart-shaped leaves), "Grandiflora" (inflorescences up to 18 cm from large sterile flowers), "Sterilis" (sterile greenish-white flowers).
Hydrangea paniculata. An upright shrub with sparse branched shoots up to 2 m tall. The leaves are dull green, rough. Inflorescences are broadly pyramidal up to 30 cm long. The most winter-hardy form is "Grandiflora" (creamy white flowers turn greenish-red by autumn).
Hydrangea ground cover. Deciduous shrub up to 3 m tall with a broadly rounded crown and hairy, reddish shoots. The leaves are dark green, yellow-brown in autumn. White sterile flowers turn red by the end of summer. Blooms profusely from late July. When watering the bushes with a solution of alum, the white flowers turn blue.


Beautifully flowering shrub with opposite leaves and numerous flowers.
They prefer well-fertilized moist soil and sunny places. Drought-resistant, resistant to gases and smoke, almost not affected by pests. Need regular feeding. When pruning, it should be remembered that flowers are laid on the shoots of the previous year.
Using. Tapeworms, non-trimmed hedges, group plantings, in curbs (dwarf forms).
The action is graceful. A dense dwarf shrub up to 80 cm high with green leaves. Up to 40 beautifully shaped white flowers are collected in clusters that adorn the plant in May – June. Young shoots in the middle lane freeze slightly during spring frosts. There are forms with golden and variegated leaves.
The action is hybrid. A shrub with erect shoots up to 2.5 m high. The leaves are dark green, rough, in autumn they are painted in yellow-red tones. In severe winters it can die. It is advisable to huddle high and cover with spruce branches for the winter. The best forms and varieties: "Mont Rose" (large white flowers), "Pink Pom-Pom" (white flowers, pinkish outside, requires moist and fertile soil, sunny location), "Plena" (white flowers with pink gloss).
The action is rough. Shrub up to 1.5 m tall with very rough leaves covered with stellate hairs. Under the weight of white or pinkish flowers, shoots can bend arcuate to the ground. The best forms and varieties: "Candidissima" (white double flowers), "Marmorata" (white flowers, leaves with yellow-white spots), "Watereri" (white flowers on the outside have a carmine color).

Dogwood, or svidina / Cornus

Trees and shrubs of this genus are popular not only for their spectacular leaf color. IN winter time colored shoots - green, yellow, bright red and burgundy - also look very elegant.
Unpretentious. They prefer sunny or slightly shaded places. They are not picky about the soil, but prefer moist. Excess calcium is tolerated. Gas resistant. For better tillering, young plants are cut "on a stump".
Using. Group plantings, hedges, tapeworms.
Derain is white. Shrubs up to 3 m tall with thin flexible branches and dark green, slightly wrinkled leaves. It blooms with small flowers collected in inflorescences in the first half of summer. The best forms and varieties: "Aurea" (with yellow leaves), "Elegantissima" (with white-green leaves and red shoots), "Kernii" (with red shoots and yellow spots on the leaves), "Kesselringii" (purple-black shoots ), "Sibirica" \u200b\u200b(red-coral shoots), "Spaethii" (dark red shoots, green leaves with a yellow uneven border).
Derain Canadian. Low creeping shrub up to 40 cm high forms spectacular carpets. It blooms in June with small flowers with a double perianth resembling petals. Has spectacular bright red fruits. Produces a large amount of growth. Prefers slightly acidic, permeable moist soil. Delivers moderate shading.
Derain is escaping. Shrub with erect, yellow-brown shoots up to 2 m tall. Forms thickets quickly.
Derain male or dogwood. A large shrub that grows over the years in a tree with a wide, rounded crown. Reaches 4–7 m in height. The leaves are green, shiny. The flowers are yellow, collected in umbellate inflorescences, blooms profusely in April and long before the leaves appear. Red fruits are edible, but tart in taste, contain 14% sugar. Good for jam, juice, wine. Prefers sunny locations. There are decorative forms.

Blackberry / Rubus

Berry culture with high decorative qualities, liana-shaped bush up to 5 m high, extended fruiting period. It is successfully grown on trellises, in creeping and wall culture. There are many varieties that differ in taste, yield and size of beautiful shiny black berries. The size of the flowers also varies depending on the species and variety.
Prefers sunny places, but also tolerates shading. For high yields, regular watering, fertilizing and fertile soils are necessary. Fruiting shoots are cut on a stump.
Using. Group planting on trellises, vertical gardening, hedges.

Honeysuckle / Lonicera

Evergreen and deciduous shrubs various shapes... In the middle lane, deciduous forms with delicate flowers and spectacular fruits grow predominantly, and in some species they are edible.
They are unpretentious, winter-hardy, light-requiring, not demanding on the soil.
Using. Tapeworms, group plantings, hedges, rock gardens.
Albert's honeysuckle. A graceful shrub up to 1.2 m tall with thin, spreading, often drooping branches. Very small and narrow (2x0.3 cm) leaves are light, bluish-green in color. Pink-lilac fragrant flowers about 2.5 cm in diameter adorn the plant for 15–20 days. Large, almost white fruits. A weeping form on a tall trunk requires a protected location.
Alpine honeysuckle. Low shrub, up to 1.5 m tall, with a very dense, spherical crown and dark green, large, dense, almost leathery leaves. Flowers are odorless, on erect peduncles up to 4.5 cm long, darkish or greenish-yellow in color, with a dark red or brownish-red bloom outside. Very picturesque are the large, in pairs accreted, red, shiny berries, similar to cherries. It grows slowly, rather shade-tolerant. There is a dwarf form up to 1 m tall.
Golden honeysuckle. A graceful shrub up to 2–4 m high, with a spreading, rather dense crown, with a dark gray bark and oblong-ovate, long-pointed, leathery, dark green, short-peted leaves up to 12 cm long. The flowers, unlike most species, are golden yellow, with a honey aroma; fruits are red-coral, spherical, accrete in pairs.
Honeysuckle Poppy. A spreading shrub or tree up to 5 m tall, with light gray bark. The flowers are large, fragrant, up to 3 cm in diameter, snow-white, gradually turning yellow. The blood-red berries are sessile, globular, inedible.
Small-leaved honeysuckle. Densely branched, winter-hardy and very light-loving shrub up to 1.5 m tall with a dense crown, bluish-green foliage, yellowish-white flowers. The shrub is very decorated with an abundance of orange, yellow, and sometimes dark blue fruits.
Honeysuckle is edible. Straight branchy shrub up to 2 m tall, with brown, longitudinally flaky bark. Leaves of various sizes and shapes - from oval to linear-oblong. The flowers are light yellow or yellowish white. The fruits are blue-black with a bluish bloom, edible, taste like blueberries.
Tatar honeysuckle. Densely leafy, unpretentious, rapidly growing shrub up to 4 m high with dark green leaves. Fragrant flowers from dark pink to white, fruits are red or yellow. It has many forms, including dwarf ones.

St. John's wort / Hypericum

Deciduous, rarely evergreen shrubs, characterized by long flowering.
No special requirements for soil and place of growth. They can freeze slightly, but they grow back quickly after strong pruning.
Using. Tapeworms, curbs, mixborders, rockeries, group plantings.
St. John's wort is large. Shrub up to 1 m tall, growing up to 1 m wide with decorative bright yellow flowers. The leaves are large, lanceolate, dark green, matte. The variety "Hydcote" is distinguished by long flowering.
St. John's wort is calyx. A short shrub up to 40 cm tall with large bright yellow flowers and numerous thinnest stamens. Very good at curbs.

Willow / Salix

Deciduous trees or shrubs have a transparent crown, thin and flexible shoots, elongated, narrow leaves on short petioles. Small flowers are collected in ear-shaped inflorescences.
They are photophilous, grow quickly, are undemanding to the soil, but need sufficient moisture, hardy. Most species tolerate clipping and urban conditions well.
Using. Tapeworms, group plantings, ponds, hedges.
Goat willow, or delirium. A small tree or shrub up to 10 m tall, with a rounded, densely leafy crown. Leaves are dark green, slightly shiny, grayish below, tomentose. Flower earrings are large, dense, and abundant. Blooms for up to two weeks well before the leaves open. The standard form and the male form with white-variegated leaves are popular.
The willow is purple, or red. Shrub up to 4 m tall with a rounded dense crown and very thin, flexible shoots with a purple tint. The leaves are very graceful, up to 15 cm long, bluish-green above, gray-gray below, located almost opposite. It blooms before the leaves open or almost simultaneously with them. Its specific name "purple" received for the purple color of the earrings during flowering. The weeping form, grafted onto the goat willow bole, is especially good.

Irga / Amelanchier

Small deciduous trees or large shrubs with simple, dark gray-green leaves on petioles; with numerous white flowers; bluish-black fruits.
Drought tolerant. They are characterized by early maturity, rapid growth, winter hardiness, annual fruiting. Gas and smoke resistant, undemanding to soil. Photophilous.
Using. Tapeworms, group plantings, hedges.
Irga canadian. A large shrub up to 6 m tall, less often a tree 8–10 m. Thin, slightly drooping shoots, which give a special originality to the plant, form a broad-oval crown. Ovate leaves up to 10 cm long, when blooming are brownish-green, tomentose, in summer bluish-green, in autumn period purple-golden. It blooms for 7-10 days. Fruits are round, dark purple with a bluish bloom, sweet, edible, stand out beautifully against the background of foliage.
Irga is spiky. A shrub, less often a tree no more than 5 m high with a dense oval crown formed by numerous shoots. Leaves are ovoid, white-tomentose when blooming, dark green in summer, orange-red in autumn. Fragrant flowers, white or pinkish, in short, dense, woolly, erect racemes stand out beautifully against the background of greenery. Fruits are roundish up to 0.9 cm in diameter, reddish-black with a bluish bloom, sweet, edible.
Irga is round-leaved, or ordinary. Shrub up to 2.5 m tall with a spreading crown. Young shoots are silvery from pubescence, old shoots are naked, shiny, purple-brown. Leaves are elliptical, up to 4 cm long, whitish at the beginning of development, tomentose; in summer they are dark green, in autumn they are orange-red. Flowers up to 3 cm in diameter, white, in numerous apical racemes. Fruits are bluish-black with a bluish bloom. Possesses high phytoncidal properties.

Viburnum / Viburnum

Deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs. Very beautiful during flowering and fruiting.
Hardy, shade-tolerant. They prefer rich, sufficiently moist, moderately acidic or alkaline soils. Strongly affected by pests. They tolerate city conditions well.
Using. Tapeworms, group plantings, hedges.
Kalina gordovina. Beautiful densely leafy shrub up to 5 m tall with a compact crown and arched shoots. Dense, wrinkled, dark green leaves, 18 cm long, acquire a bright reddish color in autumn. It blooms for 15–20 days in May – June with small fertile flowers gathered in corymbose inflorescences at the tops of the branches. The fruit is a dryish inedible drupe, first green, then red, and black when ripe. There is a beautiful form with yellow-variegated leaves.
Viburnum ordinary. A fast-growing shrub up to 4 m high. During the growing season, the color of large leaves changes from light green to reddish. Flowers are white, rarely pink, collected in corymbose inflorescences. One inflorescence contains sterile and fertile flowers. Blooms in May – June. Fruits are shiny, red, juicy drupes of round or elliptical shape, edible. The best forms and varieties: "Nanum" (dwarf, profusely blooming form with small green leaves), "Roseum (globular inflorescences consist of only sterile bright white flowers)," Variegata "(light green leaves with yellow highlights).

Caragana / Caragana

Deciduous shrubs, sometimes small trees. All species have stipules, modified into styloid appendages or spines. Flowers are typically moth type. Fruits are pods with seeds.
They are frost-hardy, photophilous, but can grow in light partial shade, drought-resistant, undemanding to soils, even tolerate their weak salinity. Grow well even in highly polluted air.
Using. Hedges, tapeworms (primarily standard forms).
Caragana is tree-like. A large shrub with stiff shoots reaches 4–5 m in height. Light green leaves consist of 4-7 pairs of small oval leaves. It blooms in May with yellow flowers. Shears well, forms growth from the stump. In old landings, it is exposed from below. The best forms and varieties: Albescsens (golden yellow leaves that turn green by August), Cucculata (very shortened twigs), Grandiflora (large flowers), Pendula (weeping form), Lorbergii (small leaves and flowers drooping branches), "Walker" (creeping form).
Caragana is dwarf. Shrub up to 1 m tall with bright golden branches. Light green leaves of 4 closely spaced small linear leaves. Their petioles harden over time and turn into thorns. Blooms almost all summer. Fruits are beans up to 3 cm long. Extremely unpretentious.

Kerria / Kerria

This genus has only one species - Japanese keria, deciduous, fast-growing shrub with a beautiful crown shape, oblong-ovoid leaves. The decorative qualities of the plant are determined not only by the beautiful and long flowering, but also by the decorative light green leaves, which acquire a bright yellow color by autumn. Keria flowers are simple or double, fragrant, golden yellow in color.
Low frost resistance, requires rich, moist soil, protection from the wind. When grown in partial shade, it blooms poorly. It has a high shoot-forming ability, so the plant is sometimes grown with annual pruning "on a stump".
Using. Solitaire, group plantings, in flower beds, rockeries.
Annual shoots of keria freeze slightly in the Moscow region. Therefore, the plant needs shelter, for which the bush is tied with twine, bent down, covered with spruce branches and covered with snow.
The form "Pleniflora" is especially good with yellow double flowers and very flexible shoots. When planted in rockeries on the south side of the house, the bush can be formed in a creeping shape by securing the shoots with pegs.

Cotoneaster / Cotoneaster

Deciduous or evergreen slow-growing shrub with dark green, most often shiny leaves.
They are not very demanding on soil and moisture, most of them are frost-resistant and gas-resistant. They lend themselves well to forming, therefore they are often used as hedges. Old bushes are easily rejuvenated by radical pruning. Deciduous species are pruned in February, evergreens in April.
Using. Tapeworms, hedges, rockeries.
The cotoneaster is brilliant. Upright shrub, reaching a height of 2-3 m. Leaves are dark green, shiny. Blooms in June with pink flowers. The berries are black, spherical. Tolerates pruning well.
The cotoneaster is hybrid. Evergreen shrub up to 50 cm high with branches spreading arched above the ground. It grows rather quickly, up to 2 m in diameter. The leaves are shiny, dark green. The magnificent variety "Coral Beauty" requires light shelter for the winter.
The cotoneaster is horizontal. Low, about 1 m in height, spreading shrub, reaching 2 m in width, with almost horizontal shoots and characteristic branching like a fish ridge. The leaves are shiny, dark green, purple-orange in autumn. Blooms in June with white-pink flowers. Coral red berries do not fall off for a long time. Growing fast. One- and two-year-old shoots freeze slightly without shelter.
Dammer's cotoneaster. Low-growing, light-loving, but withstanding partial shade, evergreen shrubs are used as ground cover crops. Shelter for the winter is desirable. The best forms and varieties: "Eichholz" (creeping branches with shiny, dark green leaves), "Major" (open bush with numerous, light red berries).


The genus is represented by only one species - the lovely colquation. Deciduous shrub up to 2 m tall. The leaves are large, broadly ovate, with a pointed tip, dark green, beautiful texture, covered with sparse hairs. The bottom of the leaf blade is lighter, pubescent. The foliage is especially spectacular in autumn, when on one plant they turn into light yellow, dark brown and dark red colors. Bell-shaped flowers are bright pink, collected in pairs in small corymbose inflorescences. Abundant and long-lasting flowering.
Photophilous, needs light soils, regular watering. Smoke and gas resistant. In the middle lane, annual shoots, and sometimes biennial ones, often freeze over. New shoots grow quickly, but when two-year-old shoots freeze, flowering does not occur. To increase frost resistance, plants in the second half of summer are fed with potash fertilizers, old shoots are regularly cut out, preventing thickening of the bush. Thinning of bushes is carried out in June and early July.
Kolkvitsiya is considered one of the best flowering shrubs.
Using. Tapeworms, group plantings, in flower beds in the background.

Gooseberry / Grossularia

Berry bushes popular in Russian gardens with thorny branches, beautifully shaped leaves and oval fruits of various shapes and colors. There are many varieties, some without thorns.
Plants prefer rich, loamy soils, sunny locations, protection from northerly and easterly winds. They do not tolerate stagnant water. Need to cut shoots older than 5-6 years.
Using. Tapeworms, group plantings, hedges and trimmed curbs.

Cinquefoil / Potentilla

Ornamental shrubs with five small leaves and colorful flowers. They bloom profusely and for a long time, until late autumn.
They are photophilous, but they tolerate partial shade, they are not demanding of soil fertility, they do not tolerate its compaction, they can even grow on calcareous lands. Drainage is required. Do not tolerate dry roots. Frost resistant.
Using. Tapeworms, group plantings, curbs, hedges, rockeries, against the background of conifers.
Daurian cinquefoil. Low, up to 60 cm, shrub with bare, spaced shoots. The leaves are almost leathery, glossy above, green, glaucous below. The flowers are white, up to 2.5 cm in diameter, solitary, less often in few-flowered, corymbose inflorescences. It blooms for a long time, up to 100 days. Possible freezing of the ends of shoots in severe winters.
Shrub cinquefoil. An unusually hardy, highly branched shrub, reaching a height of 1.5 m, with a reddish-brown or gray peeling bark; with a dense hemispherical crown. The leaves are pubescent. The flowers are larger, golden-yellow in color, with scutes or small, loose, apical racemes. The best forms and varieties: "Abbotswood" (cushion shape, white flowers), "Daydawn" (orange-yellow flowers), "Elisabet" (light yellow flowers), "Goldfinger" (dense crown, large bright yellow flowers), "Goldstar" (low dense shrub with large light yellow flowers), "Jackmani" (silvery flowers), "Klondaik" (light yellow flowers), "Kobold" (dwarf form with light yellow flowers, needs pruning).

Hazel / Corylus

Large shrubs or trees. Most of the species are nut-bearing.
The best development is achieved on humus-rich soils. They do not tolerate waterloggedness and salinity. Growing fast. Shade-tolerant, but nuts are harvested only in a sunny location and at least 2 plants. With strong pruning, they give numerous shoots. Most species are hardy, but flowers can be damaged by spring frosts. Decorative forms with colored leaves are more effective when pruned heavily in March.

The hazel is big. Large upright shrub up to 5 m high. The leaves are round, covered with fine silk fibers throughout the growing season. Inflorescences - yellow catkins - appear after the leaves open in April. The form with dark red leaves, which requires sunlight, is especially appreciated.
Manchurian hazel. Multi-stem shrub up to 4 m high. The stems branch only in the upper part. Young shoots are strongly pubescent. The leaves are large, toothed-lobed, dark green, in autumn - orange or golden yellow. Fruits in a narrow-cylindrical prickly wrapper up to 6 cm long. Very shade-tolerant look.
Common hazel. A large, up to 5 m tall, dense shrub that gives a bountiful harvest of fruits - hazelnuts. The best forms and varieties: "Albo-variegata" (white-bordered leaves), "Atropurpurea" (dark purple leaves), "Aurea" (golden yellow leaves), "Contorta" (branches twisted in the form of a corkscrew, twisted and rolled leaves ), "Pendula" (weeping form).

Loch / Elaeagnus

Small deciduous and evergreen trees or shrubs with beautiful silvery shoots and leaves, fragrant flowers, drupes.
They are unpretentious, light-requiring, drought-resistant, good honey plants. Due to the presence on the roots of nodules with nitrogen-fixing bacteria, they are breeds that improve the soil, capable of growing in extremely poor lands. Winter hardiness. They tolerate city conditions well.
Using. Tapeworms, group plantings, hedges.
Loch multiflorous. A low shrub up to 1.5 m tall with young shoots covered with reddish brown scales. Leaves are oval or oval-oblong, covered with silvery scales on top, later glabrous, on the underside with silvery and brown scales. The flowers are axillary, yellowish-white, bell-shaped, sitting in 1-2. Fruits are large red drupes, up to 2.5 cm long, juicy, with a pleasant sour taste.
Loch is silvery. Deciduous shrub or small tree, up to 4 m tall, with a spreading crown. Leaves are leathery, silvery on both sides, with brown scales on the underside. Fragrant flowers in leaf axils, 1-3, small, drooping, silvery outside, yellow inside, on small pedicels. Duration of flowering 15–20 days. Fruits are oval or spherical, with a powdery sweet pulp, covered with silvery scales.


Very flowering shrubs, sometimes incorrectly called sakura. Bloom before the leaves open in the first half of May.
Winter hardiness. Not demanding on soils, but prefer fresh fertile soils. Easy to transplant, resistant to drought, pests and diseases. During the flowering period, they are demanding on moisture.
Using. Tapeworms, group plantings on the lawn, against the background of conifers, in the standard culture.
Luiseania is viscous. Deciduous, spreading shrub 2–4 m tall with thornless, soft shoots. The leaves are similar to those of an elm tree. Blooms before the leaves open. Flowers up to 1.5 cm in diameter from pink to purple-red. The fruit is a drupe, dry, spherical, dark red or yellow, with a pink blush, with a dry thin pericarp that opens up after ripening.
Luiseania three-lobed, or three-lobed almond. Shrub up to 3 m high with a spreading crown and protruding dark gray shoots. Leaves, located on fruit-bearing shoots in bunches, coarsely toothed along the edge, unclear three-lobed. Leaves of growth shoots with more pronounced lobes. The flowers are simple, up to 1.5 cm in diameter, grow on shoots of 2, have a variety of colors - dark pink, light red, crimson. The fruit is a drupe, up to 1 cm in diameter, with a dry, velvety pericarp. Form "Plena" with pink double flowers is magnificent.

Mahonia / Mahonia

Evergreen, thornless shrubs with shiny leathery leaves. Flowers are small, yellow, collected in erect, multi-flowered inflorescences. Edible fruits are dark blue with a bluish bloom, rarely red or whitish, from globular to oval.
Shade-tolerant, but develop better in open sunny places, resistant to pests and diseases. They prefer fresh, humus-rich soils; tolerate city conditions well, as well as pruning and crown molding. Hardy enough, but young plants should be covered with spruce branches for the winter.
Using. Group plantings, curbs, hedges, rose gardens, rockeries.
Mahonia is holly. Evergreen shrub up to 1.5 m tall. It is interesting in large leathery leaves, reddish when blooming, in summer - dark green, in autumn - reddish-golden-bronze, especially in sunny places. The leaves of the compound leaf are shaped like holly leaves. Blooms from early May and during the month, sometimes blooms again in October. Dark blue with a bluish bloom, edible, sweet and sour fruits ripen in early August, giving the shrub a unique originality. Cross-pollinated plant. The best forms and varieties: "Aurea" (golden leaves), "Juglandifolia" (nut-leaved form).
Magobarbaris of Newbert. A hybrid of Mahonia holly and common barberry - evergreen or semi-evergreen, very beautiful shrub, up to 1 m tall. The leaves are ovate-oblong, 3–7 cm long, rigid, serrate, rounded at the base. The similarity with barberry is manifested in simple leaves, with Mahonia - in the absence of thorns and the next arrangement of leaves.

Raspberry / Rubus

Very fragrant, sweet berries of scarlet, raspberry, peach and yellow color give special value to this genus of shrubs. Flexible young shoots grow up to 3 m in height in a season, leaves are light green on the back, strongly pubescent. The flowers are large, white.
Good fruiting when planted on fertile loose soils, sunny locations and grown on trellises. They need annual cutting of fruit-bearing shoots, removal of root shoots.
Using. Hedges, group plantings, near water bodies.
Fragrant raspberries. One of the most decorative shrubs for shady areas. From fruit species and varieties are distinguished by beautiful and long-lasting flowering of large pink flowers. It multiplies very quickly due to root growth.

Almond / Amygdalus

Deciduous shrubs, sometimes small trees, with an abundance of beautiful, large, single, pink or white flowers in spring.
They are not very demanding on soil, are salt- and drought-resistant, respond well to soil liming, are light-requiring, and easily tolerate urban conditions. They grow quickly, bloom in the 3-5th year.
Using. Tapeworms, group plantings, rockeries, against the background of lawns and conifers, for fixing slopes, in the standard culture.
Georgian almonds. Shrub up to 1 m tall, similar in appearance to low almonds, from which it differs in larger leaves, up to 8 cm in length, larger bright pink flowers and bristly, hairy fruits. Frost resistant.
Low almonds, or wall almonds (bean). Small deciduous shrub up to 1.5 m tall with a dense spherical crown. The branches are erect, reddish-gray, with numerous shortened branches, densely covered with narrow leaves. Single bright pink flowers (there is a white-flowered form) bloom simultaneously with the leaves and adorn the bush in abundance. Flowering lasts 7-10 days. The fruit is a drupe up to 2 cm long with a dry, pubescent pericarp of a whitish-straw color. Extremely winter-hardy.

Sea Buckthorn / Hippophae

Fruit shrubs or trees with beautiful silvery leaves and fruits of various colors and sizes.
Grow well on poor soils, light-requiring, frost-hardy, drought-resistant. The roots are superficial, so loosen the ground carefully.
Using. Group plantings, hedges.
Sea buckthorn buckthorn. An asymmetrical shrub or tree up to 5 m tall with a spread-out crown and lanceolate silvery-gray leaves. The flowers are inconspicuous. Spiny shoots. Fruits are very effective - orange, very juicy, edible, densely sticking shoots. There are many fruit varieties.
Pachysandra / Pachysandra

Pachysandra / Pachysandra

Evergreen shrub from 30 cm high with dark green, leathery leaves. It grows very quickly. It is considered one of the best plants for semi-shady and shady places, landscaping areas under trees and large shrubs.
Prefers partial shade, moist fertile soil. In the spring, it needs a little pruning, which stimulates the growth of new shoots.
Using. Carpet plantings, borders.
Apical pachisandra. This species has a very showy "Green Carpet" variety. It has smaller leaves, a strict bush shape, only 15–20 cm high, and abundant flowering. The flowers are white, collected in apical ears. Blooms in April.

Peony / Paeonia

Most types of peony - herbaceous plantsbut six species of peony are deciduous shrubs with a rare, very beautiful crown, decorative leaves and very large showy flowers.
Requires nutritious, well-drained soil, sunny location. In severe winters in the middle lane, they need shelter.
Using. Tapeworms, group landings.
Tree peony. Shrub up to 1.2 m high with strong erect shoots, large double-feathery leaves. The flowers are fragrant, single, very large. Depending on the variety, the flowers are white, lilac, bright red or pink with a dark crimson spot at the base. When freezing, they quickly recover due to adventitious buds at the base of the stems.

Broom / Cytisus

Unpretentious undersized shrubs. In most cases, they bloom profusely with fragrant flowers and set fruit in the form of beans.
They do not tolerate a transplant, therefore they are planted in early spring with a large clod of earth and only at a young age. Soils prefer light, sandy, sunny places. Some species are drought-resistant and frost-resistant.
Using. Spectacular tapeworms, rockeries, retaining walls.
Early broom. Dense shrub up to 1.5 m high with drooping shoots. The leaves are narrow, light green. Numerous golden yellow flowers appear on the shoots in May. The smell is not very pleasant. After the end of flowering, the plant is heavily pruned to induce rapid growth of new shoots. The landing site should be sunny, well protected from the winds. In severe winters, it freezes very much, so you should cover it with spruce branches and snow. In the middle lane, they freeze slightly, and most often they freeze completely, the only exception is the "Allgold" variety.
Russian broom. Low deciduous shrub up to 1.5 m tall with straight or curving gray branches. Small gray-green leaves with a spine at the top. The flowers are large, yellow, 3-5 in the axils of the leaves.
Broom creeping. Low, about 20 cm tall, shrub with easily rooted green shoots lying on the ground. The leaves are small, dark green. Blossoms in May with yellow flowers along the shoots. After flowering, faded shoots should be cut off so that new ones grow and ripen by spring.

Rhododendron / Rododendron

Deciduous and evergreen shrubs. Leaves are whole, alternate, oblong, with an even edge. Flowers in umbellate inflorescences, rarely 1-2, varying in size and color - from white to different shades of purple and yellow.
They grow slowly, especially in the early years. They need high air humidity, acidic, humus-rich, well-permeable soils, light places. They do not tolerate stagnant waterlogging and high standing groundwater, midday direct sun.
Using. Tapeworms, group plantings, against the background of lawns or conifers.
Daurian rhododendron. Strongly branched, medium-sized, evergreen shrub up to 2–4 m tall. Blooms profusely until the leaves open. The flowers are funnel-shaped, large, up to 4 cm in diameter, pink-purple. In the fall, secondary flowering can often be observed. High winter hardiness.
Kamchatka rhododendron. Low deciduous shrub up to 35 cm high. Numerous main branches are brownish-red, outstretched. Young twigs are upright, reddish or greenish, rather large, somewhat elongated leaves up to 6 cm long. The flowers are large 3-4 cm in diameter from pink-purple-red to blood-red.
Rhododendron Ketevba. Evergreen shrub 2–4 m high, sometimes growing as a tree. The leaves are oval-oblong, the flowers are large, up to 15 cm in diameter, purple-purple, with a wide corolla.
Rhododendron Ledebour. Semi-evergreen, finely branched, densely leafy shrub up to 1.5 m high with branches directed upward. Blooms in May, secondarily in autumn. Corollas of flowers are pink-purple up to 4.5 cm in diameter.
Rhododendron Smirnov. Evergreen shrub or small tree up to 3 m high with young white-pubescent shoots. Bell-shaped reddish pink flowers.

Rose / Rosa

Shrubs from 20 cm to 1.2 m high with high decorative qualities. Unlike wild (so-called rose hips) and historical, modern roses most often have a remontant quality and bloom all season.
Photophilous. They grow well on moderately moist, loamy soils, but they do not tolerate waterlogging. They require good care, regular feeding, shelter for the winter in the conditions of central Russia. Most species and varieties need pruning before hibernation.
Using. Tapeworms, group plantings, hedges, rose gardens, curbs.
Roses are not classified by species, but by groups. The most winter-hardy are shrub, park and moss roses. Dwarf roses, patio group roses are more suitable for borders. The peak of popularity is experienced by carpet or landscape roses, distinguished by their splendor of flowering and relative unpretentiousness. Russian winters are also well tolerated by polyanthus roses - small flowers in which are collected in lush umbrella-shaped inflorescences. This group also includes floribunda and floribunda-grandiflora roses, in which the flower shape is similar to hybrid tea, but also collected in large inflorescences.
The most spectacular flowers in the so-called scion roses are mainly tea hybrids, with large, most often single flowers of the most exquisite shapes and colors. However, tea roses can also be grown as self-rooted.

Fieldfare / Sorbaria

Deciduous shrub, up to 3 m tall, with graceful, large leaves, with white, numerous flowers, collected in large, terminal panicles. Blooms in June-July for 30 days. Most fieldfare gives abundant root suckers, forming dense, very spectacular thickets.
Growing fast. They are undemanding to the soil, but the best development is achieved on drained and moist. They tolerate slight shading, frost-resistant. They have phytoncidal properties.
Used for single and group plantings in gardens and parks, on forest edges and in hedges. Effective on the banks of reservoirs.
Fieldfare of Pallas. Very decorative, low shrub, up to 1.2 m tall. Young shoots are brownish, glabrous, finely pubescent or with yellowish, branched hairs; older ones with peeling bark. The leaves are large, up to 15 cm long, 9–15 pairs of leaflets, dark green, glabrous or more often pubescent. The flowers are white or creamy white in small ones. The disadvantage is the fragility of the trunks that require systematic removal. It quickly loses its original planting line, expanding to the sides due to offspring and forming a continuous curtain. Tolerates pruning well.
Fieldfare mountain ash-leaved. Shrub up to 3 m tall, with a broadly spreading crown, numerous, erect shoots. The leaves are large, up to 25 cm long, of 9-13 pairs of leaflets, resembling rowan trees in shape. When blooming, the leaf blades are pink, later light green, in the fall - yellow or dark carmine-red. The flowers are small, white, with stamens twice as long as the petals, collected in terminal, pyramidal panicles up to 30 cm long. Fading inflorescences lose their decorative effect and require removal.

Boxwood / Buxus

Evergreen shrubs and trees with numerous glossy leaves. Very popular in decorative gardening.
They are photophilous, but put up with light partial shade, demanding of air humidity, prefer calcareous, humus-rich soils. Boxwood is cut in early August.
Using. Tapeworms, borders, containers.
Attention! All parts of the boxwood, especially the leaves, are poisonous.
Boxwood is evergreen. Evergreen, slow-growing, dense shrub up to 2-4 m in height. Can be shaped like a tree. Leaves are leathery, oval, shiny, dark green. The flowers are inconspicuous, melliferous. The main plant for the formation of geometric shapes and for low clipped hedges. Freezes in harsh winters. In central Russia, it is more expedient to grow it as a container crop, with wintering in an unheated room.

Lilac / Syringa

Deciduous, rarely evergreen shrub with opposite, simple leaves. Flowers are bisexual, fragrant, bell-shaped. The color of the flowers is varied - from white to purple and purple. Flowers are collected in apical paniculate inflorescences.
Resistant to dust and air pollution, frost-resistant, drought-resistant, not demanding on the soil.
Using. Single and group plantings, hedges, near water bodies.
Amur lilac, or crackling. Under cultural conditions, it grows in the form of a large multi-stemmed shrub, up to 10 m tall. Young shoots are red-brown, similar to cherry shoots. Leaves 5–11 cm long, somewhat similar in shape to common lilac leaves, greenish-purple when blooming, dark green in summer, orange-yellow or purple in autumn. Small, white or slightly creamy flowers with a honey smell, on short pedicels, collected in large, wide, paniculate inflorescences up to 25 cm long. Blooms 2 weeks later than Hungarian lilac and 3 weeks later than common lilac.
Hungarian lilac. Shrub 3-4 m tall. Shoots are densely branched, directed upwards. Broadly elliptic, dark green, shiny, naked leaves up to 12 cm long, with delicate cilia along the edge, bluish-green on the underside, sometimes pubescent along the midrib. The flowers are long-tubular, small, purple, with a weak aroma, in narrow, divided into tiers, rare panicles. Blooms 2 weeks later than common lilac. Blooms profusely for 20-25 days. Perfectly molded, keeps well the shape given to it. Does not give root offspring.
Lilac hyacinth. It received its specific name for its resemblance to hyacinth flowers. Leaves broadly ovate or heart-shaped, pointed, brown-purple in autumn. The flowers are similar to the flowers of common lilac, but the inflorescences are smaller and friable, blooms a week earlier. The best forms and varieties "Ester Staley" (purple-red buds, flowers are bright purple-red), "Puple Gloiy" (very large purple flowers), "Churchill" (silvery-lilac flowers with a pink tint).
Chinese lilac. Tall shrub up to 5 m tall with spreading, thin, hanging branches. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, pointed, up to 10 cm long. The flowers are large, up to 1.8 cm in diameter, intense lilac in the buds, reddish lilac with a pleasant aroma when blooming, collected in wide pyramidal, drooping panicles up to 10 cm long. It blooms simultaneously with common lilac. Forms with double purple flowers and very showy with dark purple flowers are cultivated.
Meyer's lilac. Compact shrub up to 1.5 m tall. Leaves broadly elliptical, 2–4 cm long, tapering at the top, with a wedge-shaped base, dark green above, glabrous, lighter below, pubescent along the veins. The flowers are fragrant, light lilac-pinkish, collected in erect inflorescences 3-10 cm long. Blossoms in June. Young bushes 25 cm high can already bloom, and quite abundantly, therefore, they are suitable for planting in curbs and rockeries. There are a huge number of varieties of the most varied colors and sizes, both inflorescences and flowers.
Persian lilac. Shrub up to 3 m tall, with dense, thin, arched branches. Leaves are lanceolate, pointed, up to 7.5 cm long, thin, dense. The flowers are light purple, up to 2 cm in diameter, with a strong specific aroma, collected in loose, wide panicles up to 10 cm long. Blooms a little later than common lilac, very abundant and long-lasting. Growth rate is average. Photophilous, winter-hardy, drought-resistant, tolerates transplantation and haircut well. It has various forms with white and red flowers.

Scumpia / Cotinus

Large deciduous trees or shrubs. The most decorative during the period of fruit ripening, when paniculate inflorescences become grayish-violet or pinkish due to overgrown, densely pubescent pedicels. This creates the impression of an extraordinary colored wig or air cloud, for which the plant is called a wig tree. Young plants begin to bloom in the 4th or 5th year.
They require a sunny location, fertile, well-drained soils, mandatory lime application. They tolerate city conditions well. Drought and heat resistant.
Using. Spectacular tapeworms.
Skumpia leather. A shrub with a spreading, rounded crown reaches 3-5 m in height. Leaves are light green, bright yellow in autumn. Flowers are collected in panicles at the ends of the shoots. Blooms in June – July. After flowering, original feather inflorescences are formed, consisting of overgrown pedicels. The popular form "Royal Purple" with dark purple leaves partially freezes under the conditions of the Moscow region.

Plum / Prunus

Deciduous trees or shrubs with short stems that usually end in thorns. The flowers are relatively large, single or collected in few-flowered. The fruits are fragrant, juicy, edible.
They prefer loams, fertile, well-drained soils, sunny places. Regular watering is required.
Using. Group plantings, tapeworms, hedges.
Plum prickly, or thorn. Strongly spread out, branched shrub up to 5 m tall. The branches are very thorny, black-ash or brownish. Leaves are oblong-elliptical up to 4 cm long. It blooms at the same time as the leaves open. The flowers are white, up to 1.5 cm in diameter, with numerous stamens. The pulp of the fruit is greenish, sour, tart. The best forms and varieties: "Nigra" (dark red leaves with black tint), "Plena" (double white flowers), "Purpurea" (purple leaves and pink flowers).

Currant / Ribes

Shrubs with beautifully shaped leaves and racemose inflorescences of numerous small flowers, which have become an indispensable attribute of Russian gardens. They give large yields of very tasty fruits of white, pink, red and black color, depending on the type and variety. Varietal berry currants are often combined, regardless of the color of the berries, into one name - garden currant. In addition, there are purely decorative species, which, although they have berries, are too sour and small.
They need rich, sufficiently moist and well-drained soil. Shade-tolerant, but give a good harvest in sunny, well-sheltered places.

Alpine currant. A decorative appearance with red berries, very showy shapes with golden, small and deeply cut leaves. Typically, dwarf forms are used in gardens.
Golden currant. An ornamental shrub with a beautiful rounded crown, fragrant golden flowers and orange-yellow, purple or almost black berries. It grows well in an unfavorable environment.

Snowberry / Symphoricarpus

Deciduous shrub with showy large white or pink fruits that persist throughout winter.
They grow quickly, are unpretentious, light-requiring, prefer calcareous soils. They tolerate haircuts, shaping and city conditions well. Winter hardiness.
Using. Tapeworms, group plantings, hedges, curbs.
Snowberry is white, or raceme. Deciduous shrub up to 1.5 m tall with a rounded crown and long slender shoots. Leaves are simple, ovate or almost round, whole-edged, green above and gray below. Small pink flowers are collected in dense racemose inflorescences located throughout the shoot. It blooms profusely and for a long time, and next to the blossoming flowers, you can see ripe fruits - berry-shaped, spherical, up to 1 cm in diameter, white, very elegant, juicy, keep on the shoots for a long time.
Rounded or ordinary snowberry. Quite tall shrub with thin shoots, small leaves, dark green above and bluish below. The flowers are as small as those of the white, and are collected in dense, short inflorescences. Fruits are hemispherical, purple-red or coral, with a bluish bloom. In autumn, thin shoots with purple leaves are strewn with red fruits along the entire length. Somewhat less winter-hardy than the white snowberry, however, it quickly recovers after freezing.

Spirea, or meadowsweet / Spirea

Deciduous shrubs, rarely exceeding 2 m in height, with a very diverse bush shape - from pyramidal to weeping. They are appreciated for their abundant and long flowering. The flowers are small, but numerous, collected in inflorescences of various shapes, in some species there are single flowers. The color is varied - from pure white to crimson.
Not demanding on the soil, light-requiring, frost-resistant. Many species are smoke and gas resistant, tolerate city conditions well.
Using. Tapeworms, group plantings, rockeries, hedges, curbs.
White-flowered spirea. A small shrub up to 50 cm high, with strong erect branches. Large inflorescences, panicles are flat and rather dense. The flowers are white, the flowering period is up to 2 months.
Spirea Billard. A shrub with spreading branches, wide lanceolate leaves and bright pink flowers, collected in narrow pyramidal inflorescences up to 20 cm long. It blooms from the second half of summer until frost. Very good hybrid "Antony Waterer" with a graceful spherical crown, blooming almost all summer with dark pink flowers.
Spirea Van Gutt. Shrub up to 1.5 m tall with sprawling, arched light brown branches curving downward, forming a beautiful cascading crown shape. The flowers are pure white, collected in dense, numerous, hemispherical inflorescences, covering almost the entire shoot.
Spirea is oak-leaved. Erect shrub up to 2 m tall with long ribbed shoots and a dense beautiful round crown. In autumn, the leaves turn even yellow. White flowers up to 1.5 cm in diameter are collected in hemispherical inflorescences.
Spirea Douglas. Upright shrub up to 1.5 m tall with straight, ribbed, reddish-brown, pubescent shoots. The flowers are dark pink in dense, narrow pyramidal inflorescences.
Spirea nippon. Shrub 1–2 m tall with a very dense spherical crown. Blooms in early June. Flowers in buds are purple, blossoming - yellowish-green in dense inflorescences. Differs in compactness and abundant flowering.
Spirea is sharp-serrated, or argut. Strongly branched shrub up to 2 m tall with a wide spreading crown formed by arched brown shoots. The flowers are white, up to 0.8 cm in diameter, collected in numerous multi-flowered umbellate inflorescences, completely covering the shoots.
Japanese spirea. Beautiful shrub up to 1.5 m tall. In the autumn, it acquires a spectacular color. It blooms for a long time with pink-red flowers, collected in complex inflorescences, which are crowned with annual shoots. The best forms and varieties: "Golden Princess" (undersized shrub, pink flowers, bright yellow leaves), "Little Princess" (dark pink flowers), "Ruberrima" (up to 30 cm in height, carmine-red flowers), "Shirobana "(an abundance of white to pink flowers)," Variegata "(variegated leaves).


Fast-growing and early flowering deciduous shrubs, upright or spreading. Shoots are covered with bright yellow moth flowers even before the leaves bloom.
They prefer sunny places, protected from cold winds, as well as moist, humus-rich, slightly alkaline soils. Stable in urban environments. In severe winters, it freezes above the snow cover, but recovers after heavy pruning.
Using. Tapeworms, group landings, rockeries.
Average fortification. Fast-growing, fairly frost-resistant shrub up to 2 m tall with dark green elliptical leaves. It can freeze slightly at the level of the snow cover. The best forms and varieties: "Densiflora" (pale yellow flowers are very crowded), "Goldzauber" (large golden yellow flowers), "Lynwood" (bright green leaves, light yellow flowers), "Primulina" (bright yellow flowers slightly wavy), "Spectabilis" (large bright yellow flowers and well-aimed dark green leaves).
Forsythia is ovoid. The most winter-hardy species. Shrub up to 3 m high with green, upward-directed branches. Leaves up to 15 cm long, serrated at the top. The flowers are bright greenish-yellow in color. Blooms in late April. In autumn, the leaves become dark purple in color with an orange tint.

Bird cherry / Padus

Deciduous trees with alternate, large leaves; abundant, fragrant flowers in clusters, fruits - black drupes.
Most species are frost-hardy, drought-resistant, photophilous, but they can grow in partial shade. They prefer fertile, moist soils.
Using. High hedges, single and group plantings, near water, in single and group plantings.
Bird cherry antipka, or magalepka. A low tree or shrub with a dense spherical crown. The flowers are fragrant, small, white, up to 1.5 cm in diameter, collected in small clusters up to 7 cm long. Juicy fruits, up to 1 cm in diameter, acquire a black color as it ripens. There is a decorative form with weeping branches.
Bird cherry virgin. The tree is up to 15 m tall, with a wide, spreading crown, oblong-ovate shiny leaves, painted in bright colors in autumn. The flowers are white, up to 1.3 cm, in multi-flowered, leafy racemes up to 15 cm long. Fruits are globular, initially red, when fully ripe they are dark red, with juicy, edible pulp. It blooms and bears fruit annually from 7 years old.
Bird cherry Maak. Tree up to 17 m tall, with a wide-pyramidal crown. The trunk is covered with a very elegant, reddish-orange or golden-yellow bark, smooth, shiny, peeling across the trunk with papery, thin films. Flowers are white, small, in erect oblong racemes, odorless. Fruits are small, up to 5 cm in diameter, round, black, very bitter, inedible, serve as a delicacy for birds and bears, for which they received the name "bear berry" in their homeland. Shades poorly. Known Michurin hybrid - cerapadus.
Bird cherry, or carpal. Tree up to 17 m tall or large shrub. The crown is wide, dense, with drooping branches; the bark is smooth, matte, black-gray. White clusters of fragrant flowers appear after the leaves open. Fruits are black, spherical, shiny, edible drupes. The most popular forms are with pink and double flowers. The variegated form is less common.

Chubushnik / Philadelphus

Deciduous shrub with numerous, straight stems covered with thin, gray bark. Leaves are dull, simple, ovate, elongated or broadly ovate. Gorgeous creamy white fragrant or odorless flowers are collected in clusters of 3-5 pieces at the ends of the shoots. There are many species, shapes and varieties with simple, semi-double and double flowers.
Winter hardiness depends on the type and variety. But basically, chubushniks tolerate Russian winters well, and when they freeze up, they quickly recover thanks to a powerful root system. They need permeable, fertile soils, a sunny place, but they can withstand partial shade. They respond well to regular watering and feeding. Smoke and gas resistant. Need thinning.
Using. Tapeworms, group plantings, non-shearing hedges, rockeries and curbs (dwarf forms).
The mock-orange is pale, or ordinary. Powerful shrub, profusely blooming, creamy white flowers, very fragrant flowers up to 3 cm in diameter, collected in 5-7 pieces in racemose inflorescences. The leaves turn bright yellow in autumn. In the middle lane, it suffers from wet snow, can freeze to the level of snow cover. It has several decorative forms, differing in variegation, size and doubleness of flowers, there are even varieties with white-pink flowers. Until now, it is considered the best terry variety "Virginal" with flowers up to 4-5 cm in diameter and a lush bush up to 2.5 m in circumference.
Crown mock-orange. It stands out with reddish-brown shoots. A very unpretentious look, it does not tolerate only salty and too wet soils. Blooms profusely and for a long time, flowers are large, very fragrant. Has a beautiful golden shape. In winter, it freezes up to the height of the snow cover. The dwarf form of this species is also popular, reaching only 60 cm in height.
Chubushnik Caucasian. Although the flowers of this species are smaller, it is widespread in Russia due to its high winter hardiness and undemanding soil.
Chubushnik Lemoine. Hybrid between common mock-orange and small-leaved mock-orange. There are many varieties of this hybrid with aromatic large snow-white flowerscollected in large brushes. The varieties are divided into groups: with small and large leaves.
Chubushnik is thin-leaved. This type is intended for those who cannot stand strong odors. Shrub with a beautiful spherical crown shape, large leaves, odorless pure white flowers. Unpretentious, blooms even in partial shade, tolerates transplantation well. The variety "Multiflorea" with large clusters of up to 11-13 flowers is especially good.

Rosehip / Rosa

Shrubs 1–2 m high with erect or slightly drooping branches. There are species with very long shoots creeping along the ground or clinging to the trunks and branches of neighboring plants. Such species are able to climb to considerable heights.
Most species are light-requiring. They grow well on moderately moist, loamy soils, but they do not tolerate waterlogging.
Using. Tapeworms, group plantings, hedges.
Rose (rose hip) is rusty. Beautiful, densely branched, multi-stemmed shrub up to 1.5 m high. Shoots are very thorny. The flowers are crimson pink. Prized for the apple scent of the leaves.
Rose (wild rose) canine, or ordinary. Shrub up to 3 m tall with sprawling arcuate branches of greenish or red-brown color, covered with powerful thorns. The leaves are small, the flowers are pale pink, the fruits are round or oblong-oval, bright red.
Rose (rosehip) French. Upright shrub up to 1.5 m. Leaves up to 12 cm long. The flowers are large, from dark pink to fiery red, simple or double, single, sometimes collected in groups of 2-3. They have a peculiar pleasant aroma. Blooms profusely in early summer. Quite winter-hardy, but in the middle lane sometimes suffers from frost.


Shrub, fast growing and abundantly flowering.
They prefer sunny places and good humus-rich soils. Good drainage is required. They do not tolerate limestone. Photophilous, frost-resistant, drought-resistant. They tolerate strong pruning and rejuvenation. After flowering, overgrown shoots are shortened.
Using. Solitaire for small gardens.
Exochord is large-flowered. Free-growing shrub with straight main shoots and broadly spreading lateral shoots. Reaches a height of 1.2 m. Leaves are oval, light green. In May, it blooms with large white flowers up to 5 cm in diameter, collected in hanging inflorescences 10 cm long.
Exochord Albert. Strongly branched shrub up to 4 m tall with bright green elliptical leaves. White flowers up to 4 cm in diameter are collected in multi-flowered apical inflorescences. Provides excellent cutting material.

The dacha is not only a place for growing vegetables of all kinds and having fun with barbecues, but also that corner of nature that should aesthetically attract and restore mental balance. It is difficult to imagine a site without planted flowers, fruit trees and, of course, shrubs. The latter can act in different qualities, for example, make hedge or frame the path to the house, or just grow in a certain order - it all depends on the chosen variety and imagination.

In order for these beautiful plants to please the eye for more than one year, they must be selected in accordance with the climate. In most of our country, it is best to plant frost-resistant type ornamental shrubs.

Criteria for choosing a suitable variety

In order to choose an ornamental shrub for a garden, you need to determine what soil and climatic conditions correspond to a particular area. Already based on this, you should select a plant variety. Experienced gardeners they do this only, and this compliance is called the main criterion for choosing.

The second thing that must be taken into account before buying a shrub for a summer residence is its location on the site, which depends on the characteristics of the plant variety itself. If the place is sunny, then a light-loving shrub variety is selected, if on the contrary, then a shade-loving plant can actively grow in such conditions. If the gardener is just starting his journey in such a difficult matter, then you should pay attention to less whimsical varieties of shrubs. In general, there is a certain classification of seats for landing:

  • With direct illumination of the site by the sun's rays at noon for more than 3 hours
  • With a lot of midday shade, but more than 3 hours of light in the morning and evening.
  • With limited lighting except for three hours at noon.
  • With low lighting, that is, partial light on the site throughout the day.

Important! Some flowering shrubs in the shade may become less intense in color.

When selecting, be sure to consider overall design garden. A small area will not tolerate tall, spreading bushes. It is better to choose something less tall and compact with a dense crown. One of these shrubs is the columnar juniper, which is not particularly whimsical and elegant in appearance.

If there is a need to arrange a hedge, then you need to purchase low varieties of shrubs so that later, instead of a neat fence, a tall plantation does not appear. Shrubs with thorns and flowering ornamental shrubs are great for this option.

For group plantings, it is better to choose varieties such as Oleander, Buddleya, Spirea and Weigela. They give an accent to the plants in the neighborhood. If you need to arrange an arch or a gazebo, then climbing varieties of shrubs would be the best option.

An important aspect when choosing a shrub is its decorative effect. Now there are a lot of extraordinary beauty varieties of plants with different colors of foliage and flowers. In addition, there are shrubs with a bizarre crown shape that can decorate any area. The choice is truly huge, so you can choose the variety that best suits the landscape design of the site.

Frost-resistant shrubs for summer cottages

There are many territories in Russia where the number of cold days exceeds the number of warm ones, so it is better to plant frost-resistant shrubs there. We will talk about some of them further.


Many people fell in love with this shrub for its relative unpretentiousness and stunning appearance, which can decorate even the most boring site in terms of design. The color of barberry leaves can be very diverse: green, yellow, red purple, spotted, with a border around the edges, depending on the selected variety. But the plant is interesting not only for its appearance, but also as a raw material for various types of drinks, jams, and remedies of traditional medicine.

It is very convenient that a variety of barberry can be selected for a plot of any size. There are high shrubs and very low ones, no more than 30 cm high. Barberry is a shrub of a semi-evergreen type with an abundance of thorns. Barberry blooms with small fragrant flowers of yellow or orange color, solitary in inflorescences. The shrub is an excellent honey plant that attracts bees very much. Thanks to this feature, nearby crops will be pollinated faster.

Barberry is planted in the spring after the soil thaws, but before the buds appear on the bush shoot. Very rarely, planting is done in the fall. The planted shrub is unpretentious, therefore it can be located in an open area where there are drafts and strong winds. It is worth noting that the purple color of the foliage of the shrub will look more intense in the bright sun.

If shrubs are planted one by one, then the distance between them should be from 1.5 to 2 m. If a hedge made of barberry is supposed, then no more than 2 shrubs should be planted per 1 linear meter of area. Pits for bushes are made in size 40 * 40, in the case of planting a hedge, a trench is dug 40 cm deep. Sand is poured at the bottom to improve aeration. After that, the seedling itself is lowered into the hole, sprinkled with soil, compacted. On top of the shrub, mulching is carried out with peat. After planting, all ground shoots are cut off, leaving only those with 3 buds or more.

Barberry does not require special care, therefore even a novice gardener can cope with its cultivation. The shrub does not require watering, only in the case of a very dry summer. But for better growth, you can moisturize it at the root. warm water... IN compulsory work care includes: loosening the soil, timely pruning and top dressing.

Barberry is considered a frost-resistant variety, but with the onset of cold weather, care is needed early for it. In autumn, mulching is carried out around the trunk with loose soil, for the winter, small plants are covered with spruce branches, and high ones are insulated as they do with roses - the branches are pulled together with twine, a metal cylinder is put on the bush, inside which dry foliage is poured. The entire structure is covered with a covering material.


Another name is evergreen holly. It is a very beautiful shrub with dark green leaves. The entire bush is covered with bright red, white, yellow, black or orange berries, depending on the variety. Holly blooms are not particularly beautiful - these are small, light-colored flowers in the leaf axils.

Important! For the formation of berries, it is necessary to plant male and female bushes close to each other.

The leaves of the bush are covered with thorns, which are so sharp that they do not lose this property even on already fallen leaves. It is easy to injure your hands during autumn cleaning, even if they are protected by gloves.

Holly is divided into several types:

  • Holly is a shrub with green-yellow mottled leaves that have almost no thorns at all. The berries on the plant ripen red.
  • The Altakren holly is a frost-resistant and hardy bushes with almost no thorns. This variety is perfect for summer cottages located near busy highways or not far from the city, as it perfectly resists air pollution.

There are also other varieties of holly, including broadleaf holly, whorled, American, deciduous.

Holly does not require special care, it grows on sandy or clay soil, but only if it allows moisture to pass through well. Shrubs of this variety tolerate drought and lack of light well, but those with several flowers in their foliage reveal more beautifully in direct sunlight. Holly needs pruning shoots, those shrubs that have a foliage color of 2 colors need to be pruned only where pure green leaves appear.

Holly of any variety in the garden will be an excellent shelter for insects, and their berries are excellent food for birds. It is thanks to the feathery that the holly seeds are spread throughout the site and the bushes often grow where they should not be. Holly plantings of any kind are perfect for protecting from the wind. Having planted a hedge of bushes, you can not be afraid that it will penetrate into the garden uninvited guest, since it is very difficult to get through such thorns, one might say, impossible without injuries.


Due to the variety of shapes of these shrubs, depending on the variety, you can arrange any corner of the site without much difficulty. They are weeping, creeping, cascading, erect, hemispherical, pyramidal. Shrub varieties differ in color and leaf shape, most of them change the color of foliage in autumn.

Spirea begins to bloom very beautifully: small flowers are collected in inflorescences of various shapes, depending on the variety. Some shrub varieties have single flowers. The color ranges from white to crimson. Inflorescences can occupy the entire shoot or be only at the top.

If you choose the varieties successfully, you can enjoy the flowering of the spirea from the beginning of May to the middle of the summer months.

The shrub is unpretentious to care for and undemanding to the soil. Such shrubs can be planted with hedges, shrub compositions, and are also great for creating borders. The variety does not have any requirements for illumination, it feels great in the shade or in the sun.


Shrub flowers can be not only white, but variegated. The aroma of both varieties is simply amazing, which does not let go throughout the flowering period.

Shrub compositions of chubushnik look great, as well as single plantings.

Important! Chubushnik will not be able to grow in highly moist soil with stagnant water.

The plant needs watering only in dry weather, but feeding is required every spring and autumn. You need to prune old shoots every 5 years, and thickening ones - at the end of each summer.


This well-known shrub also belongs to winter-hardy varieties... Inedible fruits grow on some shrubs, others can be used for medicinal purposes. The viburnum genus consists of 200 varieties, some of which are evergreen. Therefore, among the variety, you can choose exactly the variety that is suitable for the garden.

The most common viburnum is common, which is distinguished by dark green leaves in spring and green leaves with red veins in autumn. The bush looks amazing in this outfit.

Kalina is unpretentious, frost-resistant, tolerates shading well. The bush is distinguished by high decorative qualities throughout the season, regardless of the selected variety. Viburnum takes root well in groups with conifers, grows well singly.

The only problem is the frequent infestation by pests, which can be eliminated only with additional processing with special means.

Other ornamental shrubs

Other decorative frost-resistant shrubs are shown in the photo with names.





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Here is a catalog of deciduous shrubs that can be used for landscaping the backyard and forming a beautiful landscape design.

All deciduous shrubs for the garden in the catalog are accompanied by colorful photos and distributed by their names.

You can choose a decorative culture that suits you and read its brief description.

Deciduous shrubs are represented in culture in a wide variety of shapes and colors. Check out all the ornamental deciduous shrubs on this page, among them there is surely an option for your garden. The names of deciduous shrubs are suggested, followed by a short description of the plant. There are also a wide variety of photos of deciduous shrubs at various stages of their development.


Most maples are trees. Japanese maples are slow-growing shrubs 1-2 m high with attractive leaves that turn in autumn. Requires protection from the morning sun and cold winds. Among the species of Maple, fanny (A. palmatum) ‘Dissectum’ (green leaves turning orange).


  • Bloom time: August - September
  • Reproduction: the acquisition of new plants

A large shrub that forms a lot of growth. Each sheet 1 m long is divided into separate leaves. Choose a protected location. Aralia (A. elata) is grown in the gardens, which grows up to 3 m and has large inflorescences of tiny flowers. Aralia 'Aureovariegata' has leaves with a creamy edge in spring.


  • Location: best sunny

All species have leaves that are narrowed towards the end, usually pubescent underneath, and inflorescences of tiny flowers. Buddley David (B. davidii) blooms in August-mid-September; annual pruning is important. Spherical buddleya (B.globosa) with orange globular inflorescences, and alternate-leaved buddleya (B. alternifolia) with arcuate curved stems.


  • Bloom time: September - October
  • woody cuttings in autumn

Rounded curb shrub grows on all types of soil, including chalky ones. The main species is Karyopteris Klandon (C. clandonensis) 1 m high. It has gray-green leaves and lavender flowers in terminal inflorescences 10 cm long. The 'Kew Blue' variety has dark blue flowers.


  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: dividing the bush in the fall

The stems may suffer from frost, but heavy pruning in the spring will provide new stems that will carry phlox-like blue flowers in both summer and fall. The most hardy species of Ceratostigma Wilmott (C. willmottianum) is 1 m high. Other species of Ceratostigma Griffith (C. griffithii) and dwarf Ceratostigma plumbagoid (C. plumbaginoides).


  • Bloom time: March - May
  • Reproduction: cuttings under glass in summer

It grows well in the sun or shade on all types of soil, and after bright spring flowers, large golden fruits appear on it. Chaenomeles fine (Ch. Speciosa) - height 2-3 m. It is grown as a wall plant. In the curbs, the excellent Chaenomeles (Ch. Superba) is grown, 1 m high, having a dense, rounded bush.


  • Bloom time: December - March
  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: the acquisition of new plants

The flowers on bare stems are not particularly attractive, but they are indeed very early and have a spicy scent. Early Himonanthus (C. praecox), 2 m high, is a garden species with hanging yellow flowers with a purple center and waxy petals. The 'Luteus' variety is more showy than the species.


  • Bloom time: March - April
  • Location: best slightly shady
  • Reproduction: the acquisition of new plants

Blooms before leaves appear. It is not as popular as hazel - it is not very hardy and frost can damage the flowers. K. spicate (C. spicata) 2 m has yellow flowers with purple anthers. Bare corilopsis (C. glabrescens) 3.5 m high is a broadly spreading, abundantly flowering shrub.


  • Bloom time: April - June
  • Location: always sunny
  • Reproduction: cuttings under glass in summer

Flexible stems with tiny leaves are covered with moth flowers - it will grow in poor soil. Broom broom (C. scoparius) 1.5 m high and its varieties and hybrids are widespread. C. creeping (C. decumbens) is a ground cover variety. The 5 m tall giant is the Moroccan broom (C.battandieri).


  • Flowering time: depends on the species
  • Reproduction: lignified cuttings in autumn

Flowers cover the entire bush. Late frosts can damage flower buds, but it is easy to grow. Deyzia pink (D. rosea) 1 m high blooms in May with pink flowers on arcuate curved branches. Deytsiya rough (D. scabra) and its double form ‘Plena’ 2 m high blooms in May-June.


  • Bloom time: May
  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: rooted offspring in the fall

Shrub attractive in late spring when white flowers appear in small inflorescences. Flowering lasts only 7-10 days. Exochord Giralda (E.giraldii) 3 m high has the largest flowers; The exochord is cystic (E.racemosa) is taller, but the flowers are smaller, and the favorite variety is the exochorda large-flowered (E. macrantha) 'The Bride'.


  • Bloom time: October - December
  • Location: sunny or partial shade
  • Reproduction: cuttings under glass in summer

Deciduous spindle tree species are tall shrubs with colorful fall foliage and fruits.

The most common Euonymus European (E. europaeus) is 4 m high, with red fruits and orange seeds. Winged euonymus (E alatus) 1.5 m tall is distinguished by winged branches and red autumn foliage.


  • Bloom time: March - April
  • Location: sunny or partial shade
  • Reproduction: lignified cuttings in autumn

Flowers are small bells wide open. There are varieties for covering walls and bare ground and for growing as a tapeworm. Forsythia intermediate (F. intermedia) 3 m high - a common upright bush. 'Lynwood' has wider petals. Hanging forsythia (F.suspensa) is used to create screens.


  • Bloom time: July - October
  • Location: sunny or slightly shady
  • Reproduction: cuttings under glass in summer

Colorful flowers, like bells, hang from the branches. The stems may freeze over, but the varieties grow new shoots in the spring. The toughest of them are the Magellan varieties (F magellanica) - the ‘Gracilis’ have especially graceful flowers. There are also many hybrids such as ‘Mrs. Popple 'and' Tom Thumb '. With more foliage.


  • Bloom time: April - May
  • Location: best slightly shady
  • Reproduction: the acquisition of new plants

Fluffy inflorescences-brushes appear in the spring before the leaves bloom, but it is most decorative in the fall, when the foliage turns bright yellow, orange or red. Fothergilla Gardena (F. gardenii) 1 m high has small flowers. Higher Fothergilla large (F. major) - variety 'Monticola' turns red in autumn.


  • Flowering time: depends on the species
  • Location: always sunny
  • Reproduction: sowing seeds in spring

Gorges have flexible sturdy stems with small leaves and moth flowers. They all bloom profusely if planted in a sunny location and not fertilized. Lydian gorse (G. lydia), 60 cm high, blooms in May-June on arcuate curved stems; on thorny branches of the Spanish gorse (G. hispanica) 30 cm high flowers appear in June-July.


  • Bloom time: December - February
  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: the acquisition of new plants

Spider-like flowers appear on bare stems, after which leaves that look like hazel leaves bloom. Fall foliage takes on attractive hues. The usual species is soft witch hazel (H. mollis) 3 m high blooms with large fragrant flowers. ‘Pallida’ yellow, ‘Brevipetala’ bronze yellow.

Deciduous shrubs

Deciduous shrubs differ in that they shed all their foliage.


  • Location: always sunny
  • Reproduction: the acquisition of new plants

At the end of summer, the branches are covered with saucer-shaped flowers. This plant won't grow anywhere - it needs sun, good drainage, and protection from cold winds. Syrian hibiscus (H. syriacus) 2.5 m high has many varieties. The 'Bluebird' variety has purple flowers with a dark eye; 'Woodbridge' is pink.


  • Bloom time: July - September
  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: cuttings under glass in summer

Variety Large-leaved hydrangea (H. microphylla) ‘Hamburg’, 1.5 m high - a typical variety with rounded inflorescences; The ‘Blue Wave’ is a popular flat-headed variety. Petiolar hydrangea (H. petiolaris) is a vigorous self-adhering vine with white flowers.


  • Bloom time: April - May
  • Location: sunny or shady
  • Reproduction: lignified cuttings in autumn

This shrub will grow almost anywhere, but needs annual pruning. appear in spring and sometimes in summer and autumn. Keria japonica (K. japonica) 2 m high, grown in gardens, has yellow flowers on arched stems. 'Pleniflora' is grown for the double flowers.

Tree peonyPAEONIA

  • Bloom time: May - June
  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: the acquisition of new plants

Tree peonies are less popular than herbaceous ones. They have large, round or spherical flowers with thin petals. The stems of terry varieties need a garter. Delaway peony (P. delavayi) with red non-double flowers; double flowers in the varieties P. suffruticosa.


  • Bloom time: August - October
  • Location: always sunny
  • Reproduction: cuttings under glass in summer

Tiny blue flowers in long inflorescences appear above erect stems and gray leaves. The leaves are deeply dissected and have a sage scent. Perovskaya swan-leaved (P. atriplicifolia) 1 m high has inflorescences 25 cm long. Strong pruning is necessary, so little can be seen in spring.


  • Bloom time: June - July
  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: cuttings under glass in summer

Popular shrub. Usually 2 m in height, but there are also taller and dwarf varieties. The flowers have a scent like an orange blossom. Among the high grades, ‘Virginal’ terry white. Crown mock-orange (Ph.coronarius) 'Aureus' is of medium height and yellow foliage, while 'Sybille' is a dwarf 1 m high.


  • Bloom time: May - September
  • Location: sunny or slightly shady
  • Reproduction: cuttings under glass in summer

This shrub is in bloom from late spring to early autumn. In the gardens, cinquefoil (P fruticosa) and its varieties of various colors are grown. Popular varieties are ‘Elizabeth’ 1 m high with yellow flowers; ‘Abbotswood’ 75 cm high with white and ‘Red Ace’ 60 cm high with red.


  • Flowering time: depends on the species
  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: the acquisition of new plants

Hedge varieties include the 1 m high cystene plum (P cistena) with pink flowers, and the 2 m high cherry plum (P cerasifera) 'Nigra', also pink. Shrub for single planting - three-lobed plum (P triloba) 2 m high with double pink flowers in spring.


  • Bloom time: May - June
  • Location: best partial shade
  • Reproduction: the acquisition of new plants

Average height 1.5-2.5 m and higher and later flowering than Japanese azaleas. There are many types, including Ghent, Knap Hill, Exbury and Mollis hybrids. Before the leaves fall off, they take on rich autumn colors. Popular varieties are 'Cecile' and 'Persil'.

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Main garden decorators

Barberry Thunberg "Crimson Pygmy"

A beautiful garden or just a plot is the dream of many. And no matter how extraordinary beauty the flowers fill it, this dream will not be able to come true until ornamental shrubs appear in the garden, which can simply transform the entire space and delight the eye all year round.

Low-growing ornamental shrubs for the garden

Low-growing shrubs are good because they can both create compositions on their own, and serve as an excellent background for other representatives of the garden. Usually unpretentious to conditions and care, undersized shrubs can reduce the number of growing weeds or simply decorate some undesirable area of \u200b\u200bthe territory with themselves.

Usually they include plants whose height does not exceed 1 meter and among them you can find flowering, decorative deciduous, fruit, etc.

Japanese quince low (Chaenomeles japonica) Is an excellent choice for hedges. It has thorns, and from the end of May, arched, sloping branches are covered with bright orange-red flowers, which are replaced by golden fruits. It is not afraid of winters and tolerates them well under the snow.

Japanese quince "Rubra"

Common heather (Calluna vulgaris) Is a low-growing evergreen shrub, which is valued for its long flowering throughout the second half of summer. Its height does not exceed 60 cm, and the shoots are always directed straight up, due to which a richly flowering crown of a beautiful shape is formed. Heather can grow on any soil, provided there is sufficient light.

Common heather "Annemarie

Wolf ( Daphne) - the only drawback of this shrub is that all its parts, including the fruits, are highly poisonous. Although in appearance, this is a rather cute plant, with white fragrant flowers, which are replaced by bright red berries. Prefers fertile soils, lighted places and does not tolerate drought.

Daphne (wolf, wolfberry) hybrid "Lawrence Crocker"

Deytion graceful ( Deutzia gracilis) Is a flowering shrub up to 80 cm high. Its flowers are collected in white inflorescences of 30-40 pcs., And the leaves can be not only green, but also variegated and even golden. It is also noteworthy that the action is practically not affected by garden pests.

Deytion graceful "Chardonnay Pearls"

Horizontal cotoneaster (Cotoneaster horizontalis) Is a slowly growing shrub, which, however, is more than offset by its decorative effect. By autumn, green shiny leaves are replaced by purple-orange, which in turn are replaced by coral-colored berries that can delight for a long time, even under snow.

Horizontal cotoneaster

Shrub cinquefoil (Potentilla fruticosa) Is a versatile shrub that can beautify both hedges and curbs. Its bright yellow lights last up to 100 days. Quite unpretentious to growing conditions.

Shrub cinquefoil

Snowberry ( Symphoricarpos) - a distinctive feature of this deciduous shrub, are spectacular fruits of white or pale pink color, which persist throughout the winter. Quite an unpretentious plant that prefers limestone soils and tolerates shearing well. Especially interesting for carpet plantings is the Chenot snowberry ( Symphoricarpos x chenaultii) obtained as a result of hybridization with. rounded, but it requires shelter for the winter.

Snowberry Chenot

Norway spruce (Picea abies) - contrary to popular belief, it can also be undersized and not exceed 30 - 50 cm in height. It is to such undersized varieties that "Little Gem"having a dense hemispherical crown, with dark green needles and "Echiniformis", which with its outlines can sometimes create quite bizarre images. Both varieties are hardy and unpretentious in cultivation.

Norway spruce "Little Gem

The next two species are herbaceous perennials, although they are sometimes called dwarf shrubs.

Pachisandra apical (Pachysandra terminalis) Is an evergreen undersized shrub that grows quickly and is ideal for shady areas in the garden. It can be used to plant green areas under fruit trees, thereby creating carpet plantings. Its small white flowers are collected in ears and appear for a short time - in April.

Apical pachisandra

St. John's wort large(Hypericum ascyron) Is a plant that does not impose special requirements on the place where it grows, therefore it can be placed in any part of the garden. Its bright yellow flowers, decorative type, delight the eye for a long time. And the harsh winters do not scare him at all, since, even after freezing, he is able to quickly recover.

St. John's wort large

Creeping forms of ornamental shrubs

Creeping shrubs include those species, the crowns of which develop and grow in a horizontal plane. Many of them have a rather openwork crown, which must be taken into account when mulching. In addition, although they give the impression of green carpets, especially when planted in large groups, it is not advisable to walk on them, as they cannot stand it.

Blackberry cut (Rubus laciniatus) - is capable of spreading up to 4 m in diameter, while its height does not exceed 80 cm.The cut, dark green leaves turn bright purple in autumn, and the shoots give edible fruits.

Blackberry cut

Buckthorn willow (Salix rhamnifolia) - no more than 250 cm in height, but in width it can grow to unlimited distances. The fact is that its creeping shoots are able to take root immediately, which allows it to look like a solid green carpet. It grows quickly enough, tolerates darkening and waterlogging of the soil, therefore it is ideal for planting near fountains, ponds and streams. However, there are a great many creeping willow species, interest in them is due to the search for interesting dwarf plants for alpine slides and rockeries. Learn more about arctic dwarf willows in the ESDR project.

Buckthorn willow

Cross-pair microbiota (Microbiota decussata) Is an evergreen plant that prefers darkening and when exposed to direct sunlight, its needles turn yellow and fall off. It perfectly tolerates severe winters, but absolutely does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil. It grows slowly.

Microbiota cross

Recumbent juniper (Juniperus procumbens) - a shrub not higher than 60 cm. In height, but in diameter it can grow up to 2 m. It has bluish, dense needles and grows rather slowly, but it is unpretentious in care.

Juniper lying "" Nana

Stefanandra incised (Stephanandra incisa) - grows quickly enough and is able to create green surfaces of almost any area. It is unpretentious in care, it tolerates winters well and even if it freezes, it recovers very quickly.

Stefanandra cutleaf "Crispa

In addition to the above shrubs, other types of junipers can also be noted (m. Cossack, m. Horizontal, m. Middle), many varieties of mountain pine (however, it still needs formative pruning), low-growing varieties of Weymouth pine (say, "" Radiata "), dwarf cedar ( Pinus pumila). This is with regards to conifers. From deciduous, you can add to this list Thunberg barberry ("" Green carpet""), creeping broom, Forchun's euonymus, Dammer's cotoneaster, Japanese spirea (" "Crispa"", ""Little princess"", ""Goldmound"", ""Japanese dwarf"", ""Albiflora""), scion (" Kelseyi"") and the village of Canadian, in the southern regions - boxwood and brilliant honeysuckle.

When choosing decorative low-growing and creeping shrubs for your garden, it is necessary to take into account not only the climate conditions, soil and access to moisture, but the characteristics of the species. After all, it is not for nothing that all ornamental shrubs are also subdivided into spring, summer, winter and year-round, having correctly chosen which you can really fulfill your dream of a beautiful garden.

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