The beast coming out of the abyss. About the beast coming out of the land America the beast comes out of the abyss

The beast that you saw was, and is not, and will come out of the abyss and go to destruction; and those who live on earth, whose names are not inscribed in the book of life from the beginning of the world, will be amazed, seeing that the beast was and is not, and will appear.

At the beginning of the Apocalypse it is said about seven angels and seven lamps, and it is stated that they are one and the same. If a understand the old astrology a little, then 7 lamps from the Apocalypse are 7 celestial bodies ... There are no coincidences in such texts. Each planet corresponds to its own planetary spirit or angel, which with its electromagnetic radiation or something else affects the psyche of people. Here is such Amesha Spenta. Early Christianity is a completely Indo-Aryan phenomenon, if at all we can talk about the nationality of such things.

And this is how it looks in the drawing of Durer.

There are many hints that the lamps are planetary spirits.

He held in His right hand seven stars, and from His mouth came a sword, sharp on both sides; and His face is like the sun shining in its power.

More about the same
The mystery of the seven stars that you saw in My right hand, and the seven golden lamps [this is]: the seven stars are the Angels of the seven churches; and the seven lamps that you saw are seven churches.

"Planet" in the old way means "moving star".

7 And the angel said to me: Why are you wondering? I will tell you the secret of this woman and the beast that bears her, which has seven heads and ten horns.
8 The beast that you saw was, and is not, and will come out of the abyss and go to destruction; and those who live on earth, whose names are not inscribed in the book of life from the beginning of the world, will be amazed, seeing that the beast was and is not, and will appear.
9 Here is a mind that has wisdom. The seven heads are the seven mountains on which the wife sits,
10 and seven kings, of whom five have fallen, one is, and the other has not yet come, and when he comes, he will not be long.
11 And the beast, which was and is not, is the eighth, and of the seven, and will go to destruction.
12 And the ten horns that you saw are ten kings, who have not yet received the kingdom, but will receive power with the beast, like kings, for one hour.
13 They have one mind and will transfer their power and authority to the beast.
14 They will wage war with the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them; for He is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those who are with Him are the called and the elect and the faithful.
15 And he saith to me, The waters which you saw, where the harlot sits, are people and nations and nations and tongues.
16 And the ten horns that you saw on the beast, these will hate the harlot, and will destroy her, and strip her, and eat her flesh, and burn her in fire.
17 because God laid it in their hearts to do His will, to do one will, and to give their kingdom to the beast, until the words of God are fulfilled.
18 And the woman whom you saw is the great city that reigns over the kings of the earth.

The "king that is" is the sun. The five that have fallen are Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Mercury. The one that comes for a short time is the Moon. "The eighth and of the seven" is a kagbe allusion to the planet that did not exist and which will appear. How else to designate the concept of "space" if not "abyss"? So it turns out that the beast emerging from the Abyss is Nibiru, arriving from space.

10 horns of the Beast, they are also 10 kings, can be 10 satellites of Nibiru - there are satellites of Jupiter, Saturn, etc.

The seven mountains can also be understood as Rome on the seven hills, but in such texts, what is above always corresponds to what is below. Different phenomena often obey the same laws.

This is not the Beast that has the number 666 as its name.

Now about what the pentagram can mean. This is how, according to Zecharia Sitchin, the orbit of Nibiru looks like. There is nothing surprising in this orbit, we drag. All planets have orbital precession. The more elongated the orbit, the stronger its precession. Another version of the interpretation of the 10 horns of the Beast is 10 rotations of the orbit of Nibiru.
From time to time, there are reports that planet X has been found. The earliest such statement dates back to December 30, 1983 -. It says about the discovery of an object the size of Jupiter at a distance of 50 billion miles - that's about 80 billion km. referred to the leading employee of the IRAS project Gerry Nyugbauer "All I can say is that we don't know what it is.".

To travel this distance by 2012, the planet must move at an average speed of ~ 2758620689 km per year, or 87 km / s ... The closer to the Sun, the greater the orbital speed, i.e. when approaching the sun, the speed increases.

Another message about a huge planet in the Oort Zone came in 2010, this time based on data from another infrared telescope, WISE. Astronomers John Matese and Daniel Whitmir named her "Tyche" after the Greek goddess of fortune. This time, it is argued that the mass of this planet is more than that of Jupiter. Mathis argued that such a planet existed back in 1999 based on all sorts of oddities with the orbits of comets.

Sometimes they write that this is not even a planet, but a "brown dwarf" that emits only in the infrared range. Those. half-planet - half-star, dark twin of the Sun. Most of the stars in the main sequence are binaries, and it is more than likely that the same is true for the Sun.

I wonder how they comment on all this on the ZetaTalks website. It is assumed that the materials there are written in direct contact with the gray reptilian eliens - "zetas". Some of the predictions of this site have not come true, so its authority has fallen sharply now. They predicted the end of the world back in 2003. But it is possible that the Eliens themselves are not omniscient and not omnipotent, otherwise what is the point of giving a prediction that most likely will not come true? The site stayed and gained nothing from its prediction. And there were quite amazing events in 2003 - massive collapses of roofs and bridges.

ZetaTalks claims that this is exactly how it will be - Nibiru will arrive and 10% will survive. And - interestingly - the Zetas call themselves "serving others", i.e. claim to be altruistic. All their opponents are called "serving themselves" - ie. their enemies are assumed to be power-hungry "totalitarian" dictators and their slaves. The Zetas believe that emotions and racial differences are the source of all evil.

The closest Zetas countries to their ideal are Canada, France and Holland, i.e. "multicultural paradise". Canada is the first country where multiculturalism has become an officially accepted ideology, France and Holland are confidently moving there - i.e. towards the destruction of the white race, so that the population becomes "nicely curly-haired."

"Altruism" zet, judging by what is written about them, is of the same nature as that of insects. It is not surprising that they have a dislike for the white race, in which individualism is developed to such an extent that a leopard or another cat often becomes the coat of arms. Moreover, individualism is not at all the same as egoism. An individualist simply does not like to depend on someone, if he joins something, then in order to contribute to the cause, an egoist - to snatch something for himself. The most rigid hierarchies are built by egoists.

The Zetas turned their own planet into a radioactive and uninhabitable planet and now live underground. The Zetas reproduce by cloning, their genitals have atrophied, rationality is put above all else, but at the same time, genetic experiments are carried out in order to bring out half-human-half-knots in order to avoid degeneration. And at the same time they pretend to teach others how to live correctly.

The story of this Zetatolx bears a strong resemblance to the story of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. It seems to be - yeah - found out that "Protocols" repeat one French feuilleton of the 19th century. But after all, everything is done practically exactly as it is written there. And weren't there the same Illuminati in the 19th century? And the Illuminati - they are the very ones - "Zhidomason". Why couldn't the actual correspondence of these Illuminati serve as the basis for the feuilleton? After all their ideology has not changed much since then and today represents what is called liberalism. And it is not very different from the ideology of the same zetas, which, of course, also do not exist, as well as the Illuminati, whose signs are adorned with dollars.

They write that in the Southern Hemisphere Nibiru can already be seen and the observatory at Amundsen-Scott station is monitoring it. What kind of trouble can you expect from her approach? For example, magnetic polarity reversal. It is already happening on Earth. The magnetic north pole is moving much faster now than in previous centuries.

The South Magnetic Pole is not standing still either.

The distant planets of the solar system have very unusual magnetic fields. In Uranus, the center of the magnetic field is at a distance of 1/3 of the radius of Uranus from the center of the planet, and the direction of the magnetic field differs from the direction of the rotation poles even more than on Earth, therefore, sometimes they speak of the four magnetic poles of Uranus. The direction of the magnetic field differs from the direction of the rotation axis by 59 degrees. On Neptune - about the same picture, although Neptune does not rotate on its side at all, like Uranus.

The magnetic fields of distant planets look like they are undergoing polarity reversal, like on Earth, and more active than on Earth. Uranus and Neptune are now in approximately the same sector of the sky - apparently they are just closer to Nibiru (now Nibiru is visible only from the southern hemisphere), therefore, the polarity reversal is faster. According to geological data on Earth, magnetic polarity reversal has already occurred many times.

The polarity reversal can have the effect that the magnetic field will disappear for a while and solar radiation will kill not only electronics, but almost all living things, according to the principle "who did not hide, I am not to blame." it may be that in the event of a solar ejection, it will actually be possible to survive only on the night side, underground, or in the circumpolar regions during the polar night.

It is possible that the current passage of the solar system through the galactic equator and the visit to Nibiru are interrelated things. Any "orbital resonances" are not at all uncommon.

« And I stood on the sand of the sea, and saw the beast coming out of the sea ... And all that dwell on the earth, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb, slain from the foundation of the world, will worship him. Whoever has an ear, let him hear»

(Revelation 13, 1, 8-9)

Three beasts

The main negative image of the Apocalypse is “the beast”. How to understand this mysterious image? In the works of the Holy Fathers and in the works of other researchers of the Apocalypse, you can find several possible options for its interpretation.

8 See, for example: Collection of articles on the interpretive and edifying reading of the Apocalypse / Comp. M. Barsov. M., 1994.

The Beast of the Apocalypse is:

  • satan;
  • antichrist;
  • false prophet;
  • paganism, idolatry;
  • the anti-Christian state, the Roman Empire restored before the end of the world, the world kingdom of the antichrist (the kingdom of the beast);
  • the very system of anti-Christian power, anti-Christianity;
  • a society of people who have departed from God;
  • spiritual brutality of people, their bestiality, bestiality.

There is nothing surprising in the existence of several explanations for the same image of Revelation. So, according to the thought of the outstanding spiritual writer of our time, Hieromonk Seraphim (Rose) (1934-1982), "There are many different degrees of interpretation of the Apocalypse, so its different explanations may well be correct", because "there is no unambiguous (from -" one meaning "- Auth.) correspondence of images of reality".

In other words, a prophecy can have more than just one fulfillment - a fulfilled one can have a continuation and be revealed in a new way at a new stage in history. The same images of the Apocalypse often have several semantic plans. We will remember this in the future when revealing the meaning of the words of Revelation.

It is important for us to keep in mind that the Revelation says about three different beasts: "The beast from the sea" (13: 1), "Beast from the earth" (13: 11) and "Beast from the abyss" (17: 8). Here are some of the explanations for these images.

The researcher of the Apocalypse N. Vinogradov in his book "On the final destinies of the world and man", published in 1878, wrote that the beast emerging from the sea, "Which is often taken by interpreters exclusively for the individual person of Antichrist", "more correctly and closer to the text, one can and should be recognized as a living, aggregate image of all generally god-repugnant, anti-Christian forces" .

"Some under the" beast coming out of the sea "understood a theomachic state, which was the Roman Empire in the days of early Christianity, and in the last days there will be the world kingdom of the Antichrist" (Archbishop Averky).

9 Jerome. Seraphim (Rose). Signs of the times. Secrets of the book Apocalypse. M., 2000.S. 58-59.

10 Vinogradov N. On the final destinies of the world and man. Anti-Christianity and Antichrist. - In Sat: About the last times / Comp. prot. V. Sveshnikov. M., 1996.S. 81.

11 Archbishop Averky (Taushev), hierom. Seraphim (Rose). Apocalypse in the teachings of ancient Christianity / Per. from English. M., 2001.S. 161.

“Then the seer describes the beast that came out of the earth, which he later calls the false prophet. The earth here symbolizes the complete absence of spirituality in the teaching of the false prophet: everything is saturated with materialism and the pleasing of sin-loving flesh.

The two beasts of chapter 13 symbolize the totality of all haters of Christianity. The beast from the sea is a symbol of the civil godless power, and the beast from the earth is the totality of false teachers and all perverted church power ”(Bishop Alexander (Mileant)).

“The beast from the sea and the beast from the abyss are anti-Christianity and antichrist ... The apocalyptic beast, called the eighth and meaning, in fact, the worst enemy of God and the God-protected social order, has a close relationship with the four-part apocalyptic beast (ie, the beast from the sea. - Ed. ): among the conditions and circumstances personified by this allegorical beast, it will arise and develop. That is why the Apocalyptic, at the end of his speech about the beast from the sea, speaks with words that are actually related to the Antichrist, the last adversary of Christ (Apoc. 13: 5). (Designation of the time of the activity of the antichrist). Nevertheless, the beast called the "eighth" must be distinguished from the beast from the sea. This beast is not from the sea, but from the abyss, has a direct connection with the abyss, that is, with the caches of demonic forces of destruction (Apoc. 17, 8; 11, 7; 9, 11). He is a crimson beast (Ibid. 17, 3), as a sign of his disposition to blood, persecution and intrigues; the blasphemous names that were on the heads of the four-component beast cover his entire body, as a sign that hostility to God will penetrate him completely and manifest in him completely. He will emerge from among the 7 heads (or kings) of the beast from the sea - this means he will embody in himself all that sinful, evil, hostile to God has accumulated over the course of many centuries.

With the full development of the anti-Christian, illegal being or essence, the earthly environment of the antichrist approaches his underground environment of origin - hell, evil. With a close connection with the destructive power of Satan himself and with its distinctive, characteristic features, the "eighth" beast in the Apocalypse in John the Theologian is not the embodiment of the devil himself - Satan, but a special, individual personality - a representative of the anti-Christian idea "(N. Vinogradov).

12 Bp. Alexander (Mileant). Apocalypse. A guide to the study of the Revelation of the Apostle John the Theologian. SPb., 2000.S. 37-39, 42.

13 Collection of articles on the interpretive and edifying reading of the Apocalypse. P. 326; Vinogradov N. On the final destinies of the world and man. Anti-Christianity and Antichrist. P. 84.

Based on the above and a number of other interpretations of the three beasts of the Apocalypse, the following definitions can be given:

"The Beast from the Sea" (he is “the first beast”) - this is anti-Christianity, the very system of anti-Christian power, which is especially strongly manifested in the construction of an anti-Christian world state;

"Beast from the Earth" (he is “another beast” and “false prophet”) is a system of indoctrination of the “masses”, implanting anti-Christianity and preparing the enthronement of anti-christ;

"Beast from the Abyss" (he is the "eighth beast") - this is the Antichrist himself, as a separate person - "man of sin" and "son of destruction."

If we compare these definitions with modern reality, we get the following:

□ “The Beast from the Sea” is a secret World Government and the system of the “new world order”, which the Zionists and Freemasons are building, and which, indeed, before our very eyes, is increasingly taking shape and is approaching the whole world - as if “coming out of the sea” - from the sea of \u200b\u200bchaos and anarchy (anarchy), which was established in the world after the abolition of monarchies as a result of revolutions and slyly called democracy 14.

□ "The beast from the earth" ("false prophet") is the entire system of print and electronic mass media (false) information and pseudo-art (cinema, video, negative literature, etc.), as well as other means of mass consciousness control, using which are implanted anti-Christian morality and ideology of the "new world order" and the world government.

} “The Beast from the Abyss” is the coming Antichrist, the world president, the future head of the World Government and the leader of the “new world order”.

14 “The word“ demos ”(people - mob) is found in the Bible in the most unattractive contexts: 1) when a crowd of pagans was building the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11); 2) when a crowd of depraved people surrounded the house of the righteous Lot (Genesis 19); 3) when the crowd shouted: "Crucify, crucify Him" \u200b\u200b(Mark 15). As the word “rabble” in Russian is a derivative of “black”, “devil”, etc., so the Greek “demos” is a derivative of “demon”, “demiurge” (rebellious and evil spirit). Therefore, it is correct to understand the term "democracy" as the power of the crowd, driven by the devil "(Holy Oleg Stenyaev. Magicians, spellcasters, sorcerers and sorcerers. Biblical experience of understanding the problem // What to do to a victim of sorcerers," healers "and psychics. M., 1998.S. 7-8).

It is simply ridiculous to doubt that the World Government does exist today. The evidence for this is plentiful and irrefutable. For example, what materials could be found in the foreign press about the next annual meeting of one of the main bodies of the World Government - the Bilderberg Club. On May 16, 2003, an article by Joseph Fahr appeared on the website entitled "World Government in Action." The author concluded that there really is a limited circle of powerful people who secretly hatch plans to create a "new world order" controlled by a "shadow government" consisting of members of the Bilderberg Group. He also noted that “the conspiracy of silence by the press once again proves how serious and influential people who gather annually at the Bilderberg meetings are ... The media are silent, the Bilderberg conspirators themselves are silent, and people may wake up tomorrow and be surprised to find that they live in a new, organized someone else, the world. " In a short note about the Bilderberg meeting posted on the BBC website on May 15, correspondent Emma Jane Kirby called the meeting of the “Bilderberg Sages” “secret negotiations of the behind-the-scenes rulers of the world” and stressed that it is not always possible to find out or guess what is being discussed at the Bilderberg “ conferences ”, always hidden from prying eyes by“ a dense veil of secrecy ”.

“By the present moment,” says the NAMAKON Agency, “as a result of the absence of a deterrent, which was the political and military-industrial potential of the USSR and the countries of the socialist community, it is gradually emerging from the shadows on the world arena (like an animal emerges from the sea. - Auth.) Monopolar supranational control system. Its metastases, having penetrated the ruling structures of sovereign countries, systematically replace the essence of nationally oriented echelons of power, replacing the latter with administrations subordinate to external control. And although in the eyes of ordinary people they still act as outwardly "democratically" elected governance structures of "sovereign" countries, in fact, through the mechanisms of financial and debt obligations, they are increasingly falling under the influence of illegitimate organizations, pursuing the foreign and domestic policies they need. "

The "sea" from which the first beast emerges is, as has already been said, chaos, anarchy, a sea of \u200b\u200b"masses of the people" (cf. Rev. 17:15), which are ruled by malicious forces, without realizing it themselves, thinking that there is "democracy". "Order out of chaos," Freemasons write on their seals. "New world order" (beast) - from chaos and anarchy (sea). “Where once God was, now there is only nothing, -writes Hieromonk Seraphim (Rose), - where there was power, order, confidence, faith, now there is anarchy, confusion, unprincipled, unjustified actions, doubt and despair " .

15 Cit. by: Agency "NAMAKON". “Empire of Lies. Behind the facade of state terrorism "//" Tomorrow ". 2003, No. 39.

16 Jerome. Seraphim (Rose). Man versus God. M., 1995.S. 65.

And today we are in fact witnessing that the so-called democracy (in fact, anarchy) is degrading into totalitarianism, and this degradation is being covered up by the need to fight "international terrorism." 17

Let's pay attention to the fact that of the three allegorical beasts, only one denotes the Antichrist himself, and the other two denote anti-Christian systems: the system of power and the system of indoctrination of people. This is very important for understanding modern phenomena, when comparing them with the prophecies of the Apocalypse.

« The state will be and is already the main enemy of salvation... This is a many-headed monster (that is, an apocalyptic beast, a dragon. - Author), without a name, without a title, living only by sucking the last juices out of the people who worship him. The heads of this monster are essentially different authorities: the president and ministers, councils, parliaments of all sorts, bandits of different stripes: in police uniforms and in these training suits, courts, special army units, in general, all those who, devouring the fruits of human labor, feed body of pleasure. The power of the last time is a demonic power that corrupts. It is only thanks to her actions that it has now been possible to achieve such a destruction of morals, but it will be even greater after a while. All these governments, parliaments, obeying the shaggy paw of a horned master, will bring people to bow to him ”(from the book“ Spiritual Conversations and Admonitions of Elder Anthony ”) 18.

The difference in the understanding of allegorical animals does not prevent them from being united by a single idea - the idea of \u200b\u200bspiritual brutality, bestiality, and animal likeness of people. The apocalyptic "beast" carries such a negative meaning, which is not only destructive from the moral point of view, but also ontologically opposed to the God-given nature of man, antagonistic to rational-personal (spiritual) being. All three "beasts" of the Apocalypse are only manifestations of one and the same opposing principle. The idea of \u200b\u200bspiritual brutality and fighting against God, having reached its apogee in its development and implementation, will finally be embodied in the personality of Antichrist, he will become its main representative and implementer.

17 See, for example, an article by the former head of the Analytical Directorate of the KGB of the USSR, Lieutenant General, Doctor of Historical Sciences NS Leonov "Over the abyss of totalitarianism" // "Russian House". 2003, No. 2.

18 Holy Alexander Krasnov. Spiritual Conversations and Admonitions of Elder Anthony. In 3 parts. Without m. And g. S. 173-174.

The fact that the apocalyptic images of animals speak of bestiality in people is repeatedly pointed out by Archpriest Sergiy Bulgakov in his book "The Apocalypse of John: An Experience of Dogmatic Interpretation" (Paris, 1948). So, explaining the image of the beast from the sea, Fr. Sergius writes: “Satan acts in the world through the bestial and brutal principle of human life. It is this struggle of the beast with the Church that is depicted in this (13th. - Auth.) Chapter. Of course, the beast here is still a human principle, only in a state of brutality. This bestiality in man, expressed in his brutality as unkind, the fleshly power of life is already known to the Old Testament, which knows in it the anticipation of the satanic, antichrist persecution. It is mentioned in the book of prop. Daniel (as in the Apocrypha, for example, in 3 Ezra). To the extent that its VIIth chapter is a direct parallel to Chapter XIII. The revelation, which concludes and clarifies in the light of the New Testament images, the Old Testament. The vision of the beast is contemplated by the beast "on the sand of the sea" (1) as "coming out of the sea." The latter is here a synonym for the abyss, but in this case it can also mean the sea of \u200b\u200bthe people, natural humanity, taken from the side of its carnal and spiritual life, in this sense of its bestiality. The beast in this case, obviously, means the state, moreover, not simply in the sense of the state organization of law and order, helping humanity on its paths (as the apostle says: "There is no power if not from God" (Rom. XIII, 1), but a totalitarian statehood, which claims to become the only determining and comprehensive principle in human life. Such a state, deliberately exaggerating itself in its meaning, is, therefore, not just a pagan beginning, but demonic, it is the earthly face of Satan or his multiple faces. Such a state as the kingdom of the earth opposes the Kingdom of Christ, fights against it, and the power of things is - consciously or unconsciously - the anti-Christian power, the instrument of the "prince of this world", his kingdom, and the heads of this kingdom are his masks. <…>

The struggle of the beast-state is a special and deliberate theme of the Apocalypse, which is peculiar only to him and is absent in the New Testament revelation. In the Old Testament, it is expressed in the struggle against paganism and its temptations, which surrounded the chosen people of God and constantly corrupted them. This clash reaches its greatest acuteness, of course, in the persecution of Antiochus Epiphanes, which is reflected in the apocalypse of the prophet. Daniel (this book is of its type, of course, more an apocalypse than a prophetic one). Other encounters of the Old Testament Church with the power of the beast (Belshazzar, Nebuchadnezzar) are also described here. But, of course, it is only in the New Testament revelation that this antagonism and struggle reach its final irreconcilability, and this is expressed precisely in the Revelation of John. In other New Testament scriptures, like the ap. Paul and St. Peter (Rom. XIII, 1-7; Tit. III, 1; 1 Tim. II, 12; Peter. II, 13-17), a certain reconciliation with the state is sought and found, its recognition as a legal order of things, ensuring the external world ... The state here serves humanity as a means, not an end in itself, obeying the highest standards of morality. In this sense, it could be said: "there is no power if not from God." This recognition of the divine value of law applies to all power, that is, not only Christian, but also pagan, since it serves its legal task, but is limited by it. In those cases, when we are dealing with a Christian state, as far as such has ever existed and can exist, more precisely, with a Christian state, new boundaries and tasks arise for it, namely the service of Christian morality. However, such service presupposes a certain spiritual balance, in which the state does not go beyond its legal goals. But this state always remains unstable, and the state turns into a beast when it goes beyond these limits. Then it, firstly, from the human beginning of life becomes bestial and brutal, losing its highest spiritual goals, and then by the power of things turns into demonic, satanic, antichrist and thereby is involved in a direct struggle with Christ and His Church. This image of power as a beast, not only with its brutality, but also with its atheism and paganism, and then with active anti-Christianity, gives Revelation.<…> However, now, in the light of modern events, it is impossible not to see all the brutality of power (and also sometimes its brutality), and the revelation of the Apocalypse becomes available to us and modern, as if new and unknown to this point. But now it must be perceived in church dogma as a dogma about the Church and the state. The Revelation deals not only with individual historical events, but also with the ontological principles of life in their dialectics and struggle. "

19 See: Prot. S. Bulgakov. The Apocalypse of John: An Experience of Dogmatic Interpretation. Paris: YMKA-PRESS, 1948.S. 46-49 et seq.

Priest Andrey Gorbunov


Experience of disclosing the prophecies of the Apocalypse

the antichrist and his forerunner, the great false prophet, are called beasts in the Apocalypse38. The Greek word ("beast") means such an animal in which the brutal nature is especially pronounced and makes itself felt, as, for example, in Wild animals: hyena, jackal, tiger, as opposed to Domestic, tamed animals, or like, For example, the snake, unlike other reptiles, reptiles. Further, this word in Greek is used to designate the beast as opposed to man; and at ap. Paul's word "beast" is used in the letter to Timothy35 and about man to designate his bestial disposition: Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, lazy wombs. The wild ferocity of the angry beast on the one hand, and the cunning of the serpent, on the other, are concentrated in the name "beast", which signifies the Antichrist and his false prophet in the Apocalypse. But how, in relation to some people, the name of their beasts clearly and vividly shows that such people have completely lost the image and likeness of God, that in the place of the breath of God came out in them, with all their head wisdom and spiritual education, vulgarity, baseness, cunning of the inner the content of their souls - so it goes to the highest degree in relation to the Antichrist with his false prophet. However, naming them beasts stops more attention on the side of their crude savagery, unbridled ferocity, than on the side of guile and cunning. Indeed, further we will see how, by virtue of their brutal nature, the apocalyptic beasts, that is, the Antichrist and the false prophet, are directed against God and all that is from God, breathing the fire of hatred for Christ and His holy work.
In the 13th chapter of the Apocalypse we read:
And I stood on the sand of the sea and saw a beast coming out of the sea with seven heads and ten horns: on its horns were ten tiaras, and on its heads were blasphemous names.
The beast I saw was like a leopard, its legs were like those of a bear, and its mouth was like the mouth of a lion; And the dragon gave him his strength and his throne and great power.
And I saw that one of his heads seemed to be mortally wounded, but this mortal wound healed,
And all the earth marveled, watching the beast; and bowed down to the dragon who gave power to the beast,
And they worshiped the beast, saying: Who is like this beast, and who can fight with him?
And there was given to him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies, and power was given to him to act forty-two months.
And he opened his mouth to blaspheme against God, to blaspheme His name and His dwelling place and those who dwell in heaven.
And it was given to him to wage war with the saints and conquer them; and authority was given to him over every tribe and people and tongue and nation.
And all who dwell on the earth will worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
Whoever has an ear, let him hear.
He who leads into captivity will go into captivity himself; whoever kills with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and faith of the saints (Rev. 13, 110).
By this "beast coming out of the sea," almost all interpreters understand the Antichrist, emerging from the "sea of \u200b\u200blife", that is, from the midst of an agitated, like the sea, kind of lk\u003e dsk. Hence, it is clear that the Antichrist will not be any spirit or demon, but a pernicious devil of the human race, not the incarnate Devil, as some thought, but a man.
The signs of the comingantichrist a
With gloomy features, St. The seer is the image of this last enemy of the Church of Christ. This is a beast, like a leopard, with legs like a bear, and with the mouth of a lion. Thus, in the personality of Antichrist, the properties and qualities of the most ferocious animals will be combined. He has seven heads as well as the devil himself, and these heads are speckled with blasphemous names to visualize his inner wickedness and contempt for all that is holy. His ten horns are crowned with diadems as a sign that he will use his godless power with the power of a king on earth. He will receive this power with the help of the dragon, or the devil, who will give him his throne.
The seer noticed that one of the heads of the beast was, as it were, mortally wounded, but this mortal wound was healed, and this astonished the whole earth, watching the beast, and made the frightened people obey, both to the dragon, who gave power to the beast, and to the beast itself. All bowed down to him, saying: Who is like this beast, and who can fight with him? All this means that it will not be easy for the Antichrist to gain power over all mankind, that at first he will have to wage cruel wars and even experience a strong defeat, but then his amazing victories and his accession to the world will follow. The antichrist who reigns will be given a mouth that speaks proud and blasphemous, and the authority to act for forty-two months. Thus, his power will not last long, since otherwise, according to the word of the Savior, no
flesh. In verses 6-10 of chapter 13, it is indicated a3 of the antichrist's action: he will be distinguished by blasphemy, violence against people who do not obey him, and “it will be given to him to wage war with the saints and defeat them,” that is, by force to force them to submit to himself, of course outwardly, for only those whose names are not written in the Lamb's book of life will worship the Antichrist. By patience and faith alone, the saints will defend themselves against the Antichrist, and the Seer consoles them with the assurance that “whoever kills with the sword must be killed by the sword,” that is, that righteous retribution awaits the Antichrist.
“The Scripture calls the Antichrist 'the beast.' Will he really be some sort of beastly or disgusting monster?
Oh no! He is depicted with several heads and horns, but this "sign" should be understood not literally, but symbolically. In reality, the Antichrist will not be some kind of ugly, brutal, repulsive bogeyman. On the contrary, it is adorned with "ten dyadi mami", which are emblems of royal power and greatness. He has a "throne", he commands the "kings of the earth", under his control trade and food. He will come to this power with "flattery" and mercilessly exterminate opponents. In his system of government, he will introduce all the characteristic features of the four symbolic "beasts" of the prophet Daniel: Babylon with luxury and regal splendor; Medoersian rule, which added pride and cruelty to luxury; Greek rule, which amazed everyone with its high sciences, sophistication of taste in arts and entertainment. Roman imperialism, known for its iron discipline, severity and despotism. All this will be included in the political system of the Antichrist.
However, the antichrist will imitate Christ in many ways. He - “the beast that came out of the sea”, will willingly accept from Satan what was, in due time, offered to Christ (during His temptation in the wilderness), but which Christ categorically refused: “And the dragon gave him his power and throne his own and great power. "
His second imitation, which should be paid attention to, is the "wounds of the beast."
"One of his heads was as if mortally wounded, but this wound healed" ...
Here is a clear imitation of the death and resurrection of Christ. "By the stripes of Christ we are healed." The resurrection of Christ is a confirmation of His divinity and absolute holiness. The reference to the Antichrist "being mortally wounded" is expressed in the Greek original by the words "slain to death." These are the same Greek words that are used where it is said about Christ, as about "The Lamb, as it were, slain ..."
The third, no less characteristic, is that many will believe in the Antichrist and worship him:
"And all the earth marveled ... and bowed down to the Dragon, who gave power to the beast, and worshiped the beast" ...
Rejecting and trampling on the "wounds of Christ" - a symbol of our salvation, redemption and justification,
pods will believe in the "wounds of the antichrist." Those who doubt the possibility of Christ's resurrection from the dead will believe in the miraculous healing of the “slain before the death” of Antichrist, believe and worship.
The world is ripe for such "worship." A person can receive from God a “new heart” and the ability to be like Christ by living in the Spirit and being filled with the Spirit. An unregenerate person can easily sink into the maelstrom of sin and not only become like the Antichrist and worship “the image of the beast,” but by worshiping the beast, he himself will turn into a beast. We can, if we wish, "wear the image of the earthy" (earthly) or "the image of the Heavenly" and even the "image of the underworld." Any person who refuses to use or be guided by conscience, common sense and human feelings is likened to either a senseless animal or a cruel bloodthirsty beast.
The phrase is repeated six times in this chapter: “And it was given to him” ... In our days, while “not given” to him, “the hour has not come,” “the power of darkness” has not yet entered into its own rights. But we are heading towards this “last time”, when what was withheld and was not allowed by God, will suddenly be allowed, “given to him” ...
"There was given him a mouth that spoke proudly and blasphemously" ...
The dragon gave the Antichrist just such a “proud heart” and such a “darkened mind” ... What terrible words we read further: he opened his mouth to blaspheme God, to blaspheme His name and His dwelling place, and those who live in heaven ”.. He will especially direct his blasphemy against the Son of God. Satan takes pleasure in this and does it from the beginning: “Who is a liar if not one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the Antichrist, rejecting the Father and the Son. Everyone who rejects the Son does not have the Father either; but he who confesses the Son has the Father also ”46.
"And authority was given to him over every tribe and people, and language and nation" ...
the antichrist will be recognized by the whole world as an unprecedented genius and the greatest benefactor of mankind, who finally realized the idea of \u200b\u200buniversal equality and "world dominion". We read that people asked each other: "Who is like this beast and who can fight with him?" Autocratic, unlimited power will lead the Antichrist to bloody despotism, and despotism - to enslavement and slavish idolatry. Worshiping the image of the beast will be the only way to avoid death, for “everyone who does not worship” will be killed by decree.
The saints cannot escape patience and sorrow on earth. "With many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God." Where there are tribulations, trials and persecutions, the patience and faith of the saints will be their constant companions.
The name of the Antichrist is unknown, only his number is known - "666". According to the explanation of the martyrdom. Irenaeus of Lyons, “his name is unknown because it is unworthy to be proclaimed from the Holy Spirit” (Against Heresies, Book 5, Ch. 30).

Despite the fact that everyone who discloses my site has already memorized the prophecies about our and future days, it is necessary to repeat their basic data related to this topic in the form of context.

“A sign appeared in heaven: behold, a large red dragon with seven heads and ten horns, and on its heads seven tiaras” (Rev. 12: 3).

The following is a description of the war in heaven between the Archangel Michael and the Angels against the dragon. "And the great dragon was cast down, the ancient serpent, called the devil and Satan." “Woe to those who dwell on earth and on the sea, for the devil has come down to you in great rage, knowing that he has little time left” (Rev. 12,12).

He immediately founded his kingdom, headed by the "leaders of the people" - Krasnodrakonovtsy.

"And I stood on the sand of the sea, and saw a beast coming out of the sea with seven heads and ten horns ... On their heads are blasphemous names ... And the dragon gave him his strength and his throne and great power." Everyone saw this on November 7, 1917, in the accession of the Red Bolsheviks, who took the name in honor of the great red dragon .. They saw his rage and his strength on themselves. Immediately the martyr's blood of God's faithful servants began to flow. Millions of them fertilized the land of Russia with their bodies and increased the glory of God in heaven with their souls. As revenge and admonition, the war of 1941-45 was allowed to them. Seven leaders - the heads of the "scarlet" beast reigned before it was temporarily removed.

“The beast that you saw was, and is not, and will come out of the abyss and go to destruction. The seven heads are seven ... kings, of whom five have fallen, one is, and the other has not yet come, and when it comes, it will not be long. And the beast, which was, and which is not, is the eighth, and of the seven, and will go to destruction ”(Rev.17, 8.10-11).
Here are given in the prophecy, surprisingly for two thousand years, such exact data: of the seven leaders, five were long-livers, and the last two by the time of their disappearance "will not be long." And we saw it: Chernenko and Gorbachev were short-lived. The eighth leader, the beast from the abyss, will end the story with his destruction.

All this is brought here again so that there is no doubt among the readers that it is precisely about our days, about the Red-Draconian Bolshevik and future Putin regime, and not about something else. When Bolshevism was removed from power in 1991, souls seeking salvation sighed with joy, disarmament and a ban on nuclear tests began, instead of a “barnyard” - a collective farm, a market economy was established. But then the communist colonel of the KGB Putin reigns in cunning ways and again the Bolshevik dictatorship returns with him with military hysteria: enemies are all around, endless glorification of victory turned into a cult and intimidation of everyone with nuclear weapons. What is this: the usual bluff of a Satanist? However, the Prophecy describes with real accuracy a nuclear war, its consequences and the impending doom of humanity. What can you do? To glorify the dictator, aggressor and murderer even more, increasing his rating? Here, as an illustration, we present, in addition to the prophecies from the Internet, an article detailing the consequences of what the Bolsheviks are preparing, and in order to protect other countries from them. Each of the readers can say: there is a similarity between prophecy and the view of scientists. The first hour of nuclear bombardment is described in the Apocalypse:

“Seven Angels, having seven trumpets, prepared to sound the trumpets.

The first angel sounded his trumpet, and there was hail and fire mingled with blood and fell to the ground; and a third of the trees were burnt up, and all the green grass was burnt up.

The second Angel sounded his trumpet, and as if a great mountain blazing with fire fell into the sea; and a third of the sea became blood, and a third of the animate creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships perished.

The third Angel sounded his trumpet, and a large star fell from heaven, burning like a lamp, and fell on a third of the rivers and on the sources of waters. The name of this star is "wormwood", and a third of the waters became wormwood, and many of the people died from the waters, because they became bitter.

The fourth Angel sounded his trumpet, and the third part of the sun and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars were struck, so that the third part of them was eclipsed, and the third part of the day was not bright, just like the nights "(Rev.8: 7-12) ...

It is almost impossible to recognize these four executions of God as separate natural disasters: if the first two can be recognized as meteorites falling to the earth, then the third execution is not linked to a natural disaster: there are no such poisonous meteorites in nature, moreover, they fell at different points, thousands of kilometers. Closer to the truth, it would be here to assume the image of a man-made "natural" disaster - a nuclear war, which links all four executions. If we go from allegory to specific images, then the closest thing to the one described here is the missile and bombardment of some part of the earth with nuclear weapons, from which a third of everything on land and at sea perishes, and a third of everything becomes contaminated with radiation. The fire caused by the shelling, the smoke from it and the dust raised by the explosions, eclipses the sun, moon and stars by a third, which should cause, according to scientists, a nuclear winter, when the temperature drops by several degrees during the first months. After the settling of dust and soot, a greenhouse effect will arise: a sharp rise in temperature with no precipitation. In this case, such a picture can probably be observed at the beginning of the war. Further phenomena are figuratively shown in the prophecy later in chapter 16, as the consequences of a nuclear attack.

2. The first angel went and poured out his bowl on the ground: and cruel and disgusting festering wounds were made on the people who had the mark of the beast and worshiped his image.

3. The second angel poured out his bowl into the sea: and it became blood like a dead man's, and all that was animate died in the sea.

4. The third angel poured out his bowl into rivers and fountains of waters: blood was made.

5. And I heard the Angel of the waters, who said: Thou art righteous, O Lord, who art, and was, and is holy, because you have judged thus;

6. Because they shed the blood of the saints and the prophets, You gave them blood: they are worthy of it.

8. The fourth angel poured out his bowl into the sun: and it was given to him to burn people with fire.

9. And people burned with intense heat, and they blasphemed the name of God, who has power over these plagues, and did not come to their senses to repay Emuslav.

10. The fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast: and his kingdom became dark, and they bit their tongues from suffering "(Rev.16: 1-10).

The picture described is also close to the prediction of St. Neil the Myrrh-streaming:

“The great calamity will come everywhere ... Terrible signs will happen. And when the Antichrist sits on his accursed throne, then the sea will boil like water boils in a cauldron ... Boiling, it will evaporate and disappear like smoke from the face of the earth. Plants, oak trees and all cedars will dry up on the ground, everything will dry up from the heat of the sea, water veins will dry up, animals, birds, and reptiles will all die ”. “A terrible famine will set in, but a great greed will find the world: compared to how much a person eats at the present time, then he will eat seven times more and not be satisfied.

Many will die on the roads. People will become like birds of prey attacking carrion and devour the bodies of the dead. "

Rev. Neal does not mention the reason for the appearance of these terrible disasters, it seems, so as not to lead people into despair and bewilderment in advance, because they did not even think about a nuclear war in his years.

Now this can be compared with the opinion of the modern media:


Just one nuclear explosion can cause irreparable damage. And what if a real nuclear war (nuclear apocalypse) starts in the world and there are hundreds and thousands of such explosions. All this will forever change the face of our planet beyond recognition and the world after a nuclear war will never be the same as it is now. We continue.

First, briefly and in general terms, let's see what a nuclear explosion is? through TV, radio, street loudspeakers and other means, you will know for sure about the threat.

  • After that, you need to immediately go to the shelters, the addresses of which will be named upon notification. If they are not nearby, you can go to the subway, underground parking, sewers, or just to the basement. All this can save you from damaging factors.
  • After the explosion, a powerful light radiation of thermal energy is formed, which burns out everything. It can last up to 15 seconds.
  • Then a shock wave rushes by, a powerful air stream that sweeps at the speed of sound and blows everything in its path.
  • At the moment of explosion, a powerful bomb can cause serious damage to an area up to several tens of kilometers in diameter.

Today we often see nuclear explosions and their consequences in films and video games. But in fact, this threat to the real world has not disappeared anywhere. Nuclear bombs are still in place and are waiting for someone to activate them and aim at the target. And no matter how small the chances of such a development of events are, they are, and many people, among whom are eminent scientists, think about the consequences of such events. To better understand how people's lives will change after a nuclear war, scientists are conducting a variety of tests and simulations. And they have repeatedly found out that despite the gigantic losses of people, some will still manage to survive and they will find themselves in very harsh conditions. After all, life on the smoldering remains of a destroyed world will be completely different. And many are interested in what will happen after a nuclear war. Let's take a look at 10 brutal realities of life after thousands of nuclear bombs exploded.

1 Black rain.

Soon after the explosions of nuclear bombs, which will cause enormous destruction, black rain will begin to fall from the sky. Moreover, it will not rain in the direct understanding of this phenomenon by people. This rain will not be able to bring down the flames and clear the streets of dust. These will be large black textured drops, slightly resembling oil. These drops will continue to kill survivors.

For example, after the well-known explosion of a nuclear bomb in Hiroshima, black rain began in about 20 minutes. It covered an area of \u200b\u200babout 20 km, covered everything with a thick black liquid, which was very radioactive - the radiation was about 100 times stronger than at the epicenter of the nuclear explosion itself. Some time after these terrible events, when the city was already destroyed and its last remnants burned down, the surviving people were tormented by thirst. Out of despair, they began to drink this strange black liquid that was falling from the sky. And thus they killed themselves, since the increased radiation instantly made changes and penetrated into the blood of people. According to experts, there is still an increased level of radiation in places that have come under the influence of this black slurry, and the consequences of this disaster are visible. Therefore, many assume that if a similar phenomenon repeats after other explosions of nuclear bombs, and there will be hundreds of times more such explosions, then black rain can cover most of the territory of our planet with its substance, continuing to pollute it and kill all living things.

2 Electricity will be cut off by an electromagnetic pulse

After a nuclear explosion, a powerful pulse of electromagnetic radiation is generated, which can turn off the entire electrical system, even in an entire country. So all cities after a nuclear war will plunge into darkness. When this phenomenon was studied, a test explosion of a nuclear bomb was carried out and the subsequent electromagnetic radiation was so strong that it turned off street lights, televisions and telephones in the houses of residents located 1600 km from the epicenter of the explosion. Of course, no one expected such a result, so the incident was called simply an accident, without going into details. And this discovery allowed the military to understand that they could send powerful electromagnetic pulses by detonating a nuclear bomb and turn off electricity over a wide area if necessary. For example, to shut down all electrical grids in a country the size of the United States of America, a bomb must be detonated at an altitude of about 400 km. Then a powerful impulse will just be able to cover such a territory.

In general, electromagnetic pulses will extinguish all light bulbs, turn off all household appliances, destroy data on computers, turn off all treatment facilities that supply clean drinking water to our homes, and cause a lot of other damage. Presumably, it will take 6 months of hard work to more or less restore the work of all these systems. But throughout this time, people will have to live without clean water and electricity, besides, there will be a lot of other dangers around.

3 Smoke will cover the sun

The incredible amount of energy released during a nuclear explosion will detonate all explosive objects. That is, everything that can burn will burn. The elevated temperature will set fire to entire buildings, forests and even asphalt roads. Not to mention refineries, gas stations and everything related to oil, gasoline, gas and other flammable substances. Fires will be everywhere, and as a result, ash and toxic smoke will rise into the air. All this will rise into the atmosphere, and then into the upper layers of the stratosphere. As a result, dark clouds, impervious to light, will envelop the earth at an altitude of about 15 kilometers. They will move and grow in size due to the winds until they cover the entire planet. As a result, the planet after a nuclear war will become cold and dark. Such conditions will persist for several years after a nuclear war. People going outside will not see the picture they are used to, but will see only black clouds overhead, which will hide the sunlight. It is difficult to say how long it will take to dissipate this cloud and return the blue color of the sky. But scientists have calculated that if a nuclear war affects our entire planet, then the surviving humanity will not be able to see the clear sky and the sun for about 30 years.

4 Nothing will grow because of the cold

Once the sun is cut off by a thick layer of smoke, the temperature on Earth will quickly begin to drop. According to preliminary measurements, the global temperature in the world could drop by 20 degrees at once. In the event of a complete nuclear apocalypse, in the first year after it, there will be no summer anywhere on the planet at all. Instead, it will feel like a very cold winter outside in all seasons of the year, or the frost will be even stronger than usual. Of course, in such conditions it will be almost impossible to grow food. Surviving animals will also not be able to find food for themselves and will starve until, in the end, they die. All planted vegetables and other crops will quickly wither and die. Of course, a new Ice Age will not begin on earth, but for at least 5 years the air will be too cold for any plants to grow. And after about 25 years, the temperature on the planet will begin to return to its norm, the sun will appear again and all seasons, and even then it will be possible to say that all plants planted by people will survive with at least some more or less high probability and bring the fruits.

5 The ozone layer will be destroyed

The nuclear apocalypse and all of the above consequences will lead to the destruction of the ozone layer. Holes will literally appear in it. Moreover, according to scientists, if only 0.03 percent of the entire nuclear arsenal of all countries is exploded in the world, the ozone layer will be destroyed by about 50%. But if all the available nuclear charges are detonated, then nothing at all may remain of it. After that, ultraviolet rays will begin to devastate the surface of our planet. Many living creatures and plants will die, which will manage to survive after the explosions. And those who do manage to survive will undergo excruciating mutations. Moreover, this will affect even the most resistant to external factors crops and animals. They will become much weaker and will multiply much less often, and this will lead to the fact that even when the long winter ends on the planet, about which we remembered a little higher and the sun reappears in the sky, again starting to heat its surface, people will not be so just grow something. The planted plants will die in whole fields, and people who work in these fields and try to help the plants will also be in mortal danger, as ultraviolet rays will cause severe burns, as well as the rapid development of skin cancer.

6 General hunger strike

For about 5 years after a large-scale nuclear war, the surviving people will be forced to starve, as they will not be able to grow enough food. Low temperatures, frosts, powerful ultraviolet radiation will lead to the fact that most of the crops grown will simply die. People after a nuclear war who manage to escape will be deprived of food and will be forced to starve until their death. In this situation, those who will live near large bodies of water, for example, near the seas and oceans, will have a much better chance of survival. The fact is that although life in the oceans will become more scarce, the plankton, which a lot of marine life feeds on, will die, some species of fish will still survive and will be able to exist for some time while the water slowly cools. Of course, radioactive contamination will also accumulate in the water, which will kill animals, and possibly even people, if they catch these animals and eat them. In general, in such harsh conditions, the nutrition of the surviving people will be very scarce, and the competition will be very tough, so not a small part of the survivors, most likely, will not cope with life in these conditions and will die in the next 5 years.

7 Canned food is the main basis of the diet

But this still does not mean that humanity will be doomed to death in the first 5 years after a nuclear war. The situation may be slightly improved by eating foods that have been packed in bottles or canned earlier. In many films and books about nuclear war, you can see how the surviving people just eat food tightly sealed in bags, cans or bottles. And scientists have confirmed this fact by conducting a dangerous experiment. During the nuclear bomb test, they placed beer and soda nearby, which were tightly sealed in glass bottles. After the explosion, these bottles were found and carefully examined. There was indeed a very heavy layer of radiation on their surface, but the contents of the bottles turned out to be safe and could be safely drunk. Only those drinks that were in the immediate vicinity of the center of a nuclear explosion became radioactive. But experts noted that the level of contamination of the contents of these bottles was very low and in the event of the apocalypse they could be eaten, since they would not have a critical effect on the body. To prove this, scientists even drank these drinks on their own and replied only that their taste did not change, but they lost any aroma. It is also believed that during the apocalypse, all the water that was on the surface will be contaminated, however, pure water will still flow from deep underground wells that can be drunk without fear. But among the surviving people, a struggle will begin for control over such wells, deep wells and, of course, warehouses with a stock of canned food and drinks in bottles.

8 Bones will be hit by chemical radiation

Even if people find where to hide, warm up and what to eat, their life will still be unbearable, since cancer will persecute everyone. The fact is that radiation after a nuclear war, or rather radioactive particles, will first rise into the sky and then fall back to the surface of the earth. These particles are so small that people simply do not see them, but despite this, they are fraught with mortal danger. For example, the chemical strontium-90 is capable of tricking the human body. After a person inhales this substance or it gets inside through other routes, the body thinks it is calcium and sends it straight to our bones, teeth, brain and other parts of the body, which unwittingly receive toxic chemicals that destroy them. They will also cause cancer. In general, the chances of contracting cancer in the post-apocalyptic world will be much higher, human life expectancy will be reduced, children born will often be born with defects and deviations, but even despite this, humanity will still exist.

9 Long and powerful hurricanes will begin

During the first 2-3 years, along with complete darkness and severe frosts, powerful hurricanes will rage in the world, which humanity has never encountered in the modern world. The fact is that all the dust, smoke and small debris that rise into the atmosphere will not easily block the sunlight, but will also affect the weather. Clouds will form in a different way, they will be more massive and will bring down the most powerful rains to the surface, accompanied by a very strong wind. Especially powerful storms will occur along the ocean, as the temperature of the earth will drop quickly, and the water will cool more slowly, and because of this drop, hurricanes and typhoons will cause additional damage to everything that is on the coast. It will rain there almost constantly, flooding everything around. And in such conditions, people will have to survive for years.

10 People will survive!

As a result of the nuclear apocalypse, hundreds of millions of people will die. At least half a billion people will die immediately during direct explosions. Survivors will begin to starve to death or freeze to death from cold and other factors, still trying to survive in the new world. But it is generally accepted that in any case there will be a part of the people who will be able to endure all these misfortunes and the consequences of nuclear explosions. There won't be many of them, but the fact that someone will survive and be able to rebuild civilization is a more positive vision of the post-apocalyptic future. Note that this is generally accepted at the present time, and even around the 1980s, scientists around the world were sure that in the event of a nuclear war, no one would have a chance and the planet would simply be destroyed. Now, many believe that humanity will not be erased from the face of the Earth, and in about 30 years, when dense clouds dissipate and the temperature begins to return to its climatic norm, people will be able to return to more or less normal life, starting from scratch. Plants will also begin to cover the surface of our planet again, but they will no longer be the same. In a few more decades, the scorched surface of the Earth will already be covered with trees and the picture will be somewhat reminiscent of what can be seen today in Chernobyl, where dense forests grow right among the buildings of an abandoned city. And even the largest megalopolises today will take this form. In the meantime, life will go on, people will survive, overcoming all the difficulties of life in the post-apocalyptic world. So there is a future after a nuclear war. And although it will be very difficult, humanity will have a chance to survive. "

All this, assumed by scientists, is quite consistent with the data of the prophecies. Only item 9 about long and powerful hurricanes is missing from the prophecies. This may not be given due to their low significance for humanity.

As for the surviving part of the population, to which the content of the final part of the article of scientists is addressed, it still remains open. The satanic forces preparing the above catastrophe, even under Soviet rule, have equipped themselves with perfect bunkers and bomb shelters. In this case, a pure, godly population should perish, which was not finished off by the Bolsheviks, and satanic forces should remain. But won't their own people strangle them before that, and their structures will remain ownerless? And in them the Lord may send His servants according to the word: "Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains" (Matthew 24,16). After all, God sent Israel from Egyptian slavery to Palestine for everything ready for their life. These may include words of warning: “So, if they say to you:“ here He is in the desert ”- do not go out,“ here He is in secret rooms ”- do not believe; for, as lightning comes from the east and is visible even to the west, so will the coming of the Son of Man ”(Matthew 24: 26-27). Otherwise, why would it be necessary to keep some of the people in closed places if everyone should die from a nuclear war? In this case, there must be a resurrection of all and the Last Judgment. However, it is further specified: “And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from the end of heaven to the end of them” (Matt, 24.31). What will happen next, no one knows: is it a terrible judgment or a partial resurrection and renewal of everything with the continuation of life for a thousand years.

The statements of the last elect of Satan on March 1 at the Manege before the Federal Assembly of the elite of cannibals are disgusting. Amid stormy applause with standing up and avats, he portrayed unprecedented heroism, the invention of the most compelling means of mass destruction, various "Sarmatians", the most perfect missiles carrying an unprecedented number of nuclear charges on the heads of the carelessly living population of the West and America. For what? They did not want to jointly build a missile defense system with him - a system of protection against the enemy, which is for them he with his Iskander and Sarmat. Wow… They didn't want to unite with the devil to protect themselves from Satan! In reality, however, resentment and anger, equal to misanthropy, aroused the attitude of all the rulers of the world at the G20 summit in Australia in Brisbane in November 2014 for his invasion of Ukraine. He could not wait for the end of this historic event due to the cold attitude towards him and left, citing busyness. From this began frantic preparations for the replenishment of nuclear superiority. And after all, the applauding gathering of his rabid elite, and also the solidarity of the masses of the people that was finally dodged by their false propaganda, do not think that the West with their missile defense system will not sit and wait for its sudden preemptive strike, without trying this very second to respond in kind. And this will bring about the death of humanity predicted by all prophecies. Only his last chosen one who equals Satan's anger, deceit and pride, into whom he will enter, as if into his apartment, can go to this. Now on May 7 he was "crowned" for the fourth term of dictatorship over Russia, and this is a guarantee of his future enthronement over the whole world, declaring himself God. Humanity is doomed, as under Noah, to destruction. May the Lord our God have mercy on us.

+ Archbishop Victor (Pivovarov)

The Beast Coming Out of the Abyss - 1

Revelation 13: 1-4

Revelation 55

Revelation 1: 1 “The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave himto show His servants what is to be done soon. And He showed it by sending [it] through His Angel to His servant John "

Isa. 14: 12-14 “(12) How you fell from the sky, day, son of the dawn! crashed to the ground, trampling the nations. (13) And he said in his heart: “I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, and I will sit on the mountain in the host of the gods, at the edge of the north; (14) I will ascend to cloudy heights, i will be like the Almighty»»

Revelation 13: 1-4 “(1) And I stood on the sand of the sea, and saw a beast coming out of the sea with seven heads and ten horns: on his horns were ten diadem, and on his heads were blasphemous names. (2) The beast I saw was like a leopard; his feet are like those of a bear, and his mouth is like the mouth of a lion; And the dragon gave him his strength and his throne and great power. (3) And I saw that one of his heads seemed to be mortally wounded, but this mortal wound was healed. And all the earth wondered, watching the beast, and bowed down to the dragon, who gave power to the beast, (4) and worshiped the beast, saying: Who is like this beast? and who can fight him? "

Revelation 13: 1 "And I stood on the sand of the sea ..."

Revelation 12:17, 18 “(17) And the dragon was angry with the woman and went to fight the rest of her seed, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus. (18) And he stood on the sand of the sea "(Cassiana)

Dan. 7: 2,3 "(2) Beginning his speech, Daniel said: I saw in my night vision, and behold, the four winds of heaven fought on the great sea, (3) and four great beasts came out of the sea, unlike one another."

Revelation 13: 1

I... The origin of the beast

Revelation 13: 1 the beast emerging from the sea …»

Revelation 13: 5 “And there was given him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies, and power was given to him to act forty two months»

Revelation 11: 7 "And when they have finished their testimony, the beast coming out of the abyss will fight with them, and conquer them ..."

Revelation 17: 8 "The beast that you saw was, and it is not, and will come out of the abyss, and go to destruction ..."

Revelation 20: 1-3“(1) And I saw an angel coming down from heaven, who had key to the abyss and a great chain in his hand. (2) He took the dragon, the ancient serpent, which is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years, (3) and threw him into the abyssAnd he shut him up, and put a seal on him, so that he would no longer deceive the nations until the thousand years were over; after that he should be released for a short time "

2 Pet. 2: 4 "For if God did not spare the angels who had sinned, but, having bound them with the bonds of hellish darkness, gave them over to be watched for judgment"

Luke 8:31 "And they asked Jesus not to command them to go into the abyss"

II... The nature of the beast

Revelation 13: 1,2 “(1) And I stood on the sand of the sea, and saw a beast coming out of the sea with seven heads and ten horns: on his horns were ten diadem, and on his heads were blasphemous names. (2) The beast I saw was like a leopard; his legs are like those of a bear, and his mouth is like the mouth of a lion ... "

A... Devil is the son of the devil

Revelation 13: 1 “And he stood on the sand of the sea, and saw the beast emerging from the sea …»

Revelation 17: 8 "The beast you saw was, and is not, and will come out of the abyss, and will go to destruction ... "

Revelation 16:13 "And I saw [coming] out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet, three unclean spirits, like frogs."

Revelation 13: 1 “And he stood on the sand of the sea, and saw a beast coming out of the sea with seven heads and ten horns

Revelation 12: 3 "And another sign appeared in heaven: behold, a large red dragon with seven heads and ten horns, and on its heads seven diadem"

B... The kingdom is the devil's rule

Revelation 13: 1 “And he stood on the sand of the sea, and saw the beast coming out of the sea with seven heads and ten horns: on his horns there were ten tiaras, and on his heads are blasphemous names "

Revelation 17: 9,10 “(9) Here is a mind that has wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains on which the wife sits, (10) and seven kings, of which five have fallen, one is, and the other has not yet come, and when he comes, he will not be long. "

Revelation 13: 2

Dan. 7: 2-7 “(2) Beginning to speak, Daniel said: I saw in my night vision, and behold, the four winds of heaven fought on the great sea, (3) and four great beasts came out of the sea, unlike one another. (4) The first is like a lion, but he has eagle's wings; I watched, until his wings were torn out, and he was lifted up from the ground, and stood on his feet like a man, and a human heart was given to him (5) And here's another beast, the second, like a bear, stood on one side, and three fangs in his mouth, between his teeth; he was told: "get up, eat a lot of meat!" (6) Then I saw, here's another beast, like a leopard; on his back he had four wings of a bird, and this beast had four heads, and power was given to him (7) After this I saw in visions of the night, and behold the fourth beast, terrible and terrible and very strong; he has large iron teeth; he devours and crushes, and tramples the remains with his feet; he was different from all previous beasts, and he had ten horns "

Revelation 13: 2 “The beast I saw was like a leopard; his legs are like those of a bear, and his mouth is like the mouth of a lion ... "

Dan 10: 20.21 “(20) And he said:“ Do you know why I came to you? Now I will return to fight the prince of Persia; and when I go out, behold, the prince of Greece will come. (21) However, I will declare to you what is written in the true scripture; and there is no one who would support me in that, except Michael, your prince ""

C... Antichrist is the ruler of the devil

Revelation 13: 1 “And (he) stood on the sand of the sea, and saw a beast with seven heads coming out of the sea, and ten horns: on his horns there were ten tiaras, and on his heads are blasphemous names "

Revelation 5: 6 “And I looked, and behold, in the midst of the throne and the four animals, and in the midst of the elders, there was a Lamb as if slain, seven-horned and seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God sent to the whole earth "

Revelation 17:10, 11 “(10) And seven kings, of whom five have fallen, one is, and the other has not yet come, and when he comes, he will not be long. (11) And the beast, which was and which is not, is the eighth, and from among the seven, and will go to destruction "

III... Coronation of the beast

Revelation 13: 2

Dan.7: 13.14 “(13) I saw in night visions, behold, with the clouds of heaven walked like the Son of man, came to the Ancient of days and was brought to Him. (14) AND He was given power, glory and kingdom, that all nations, tribes and languages \u200b\u200bserve Him; His dominion is an eternal dominion that will not pass away, and His kingdom will not be destroyed ”

Revelation 5:12 "Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive strength and riches, and wisdom and strength, and honor and glory and blessing"

Revelation 13: 2 "... and the dragon gave him his strength and his throne and great power"

IV... Seduction of the beast

Revelation 13: 3 “And I saw that one of his heads was, as it were, mortally wounded, but this mortal wound was healed. And all the earth marveled, watching the beast, and bowed down to the dragon, who gave power to the beast "

Revelation 13:14 “And by the miracles that he was given to do before the beast, he deceives those who dwell on the earth, telling those who dwell on the earth to make the image of the beast, who has a sword wound and is alive»

Revelation 17: 9-11 “(9) Here is a mind that has wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits, (10) and seven kings, of which five have fallen, one is, and the other has not yet come, and when he comes, he will not be long. (11) And the beast, which was and which is not, is the eighth, and from among the seven, and will go to destruction "

Revelation 17: 8 “The beast that you saw was, and is not, and will come out of the abyss and go to destruction; and those who live on earth, whose names are not inscribed in the book of life from the beginning of the world, will be surprised, seeing that the beast was, and it is not, and will appear»

V... Beast worship

Revelation 13: 3,4 “(3) And I saw that one of his heads seemed to be mortally wounded, but this mortal wound was healed. And all the earth marveled, watching the beast, and bowed to the dragonwho gave power to the beast, (4) and bowed to the beastsaying, Who is like this beast? and who can fight him? "

Revelation 9:20 "The rest of the people who did not die from these plagues did not repent of their own hands, so as not to worship demons ..."

Revelation 13: 4 “And they worshiped the beast, saying, Who is like this beast? and who can fight him? "

Ex.15: 11 "Who is like You, Lord, among the gods?"

Isa. 40:18 “So to whom will you liken God? And what likeness will you find Him? "

Isa. 40:25 “To whom will you liken Me and with whom will you compare? says the Saint "

2 Cor. 11: 14,15 “(14) And it is not surprising: because Satan himself takes the form of an Angel of light, (15) and therefore it is not a great thing if his servants also take the form of ministers of righteousness; but their end will be according to their works "

2 Peter 3: 17,18 “(17) Therefore, you, beloved, being foreshadowed about this, take heed lest you be carried away by the error of the wicked and fall away from your affirmation, (18) but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Glory to Him, both now and in the eternal day "