Alexey Osipov. What is the person? What is a "calculation" or what you need to know about the reader (exorcism) so that it does not follow the healing of the Lord of a person, obsessed with demons of deafness and not dreams. Icon

We present to your attention a conversation with Prhofessor of the Moscow Spiritual Academy A.I. Osipov "On witchcraft, magic and a reading"

Osipov Alexey Ilyich


Born in the city of Beløve Tula region in the family of employees. Until 1952, he first lived in the city of Kozelsk Kaluga region, then in the village of Optino of Kozelsky district. Since 1952, he lived in Gzhatsk (now Gagarin) Smolensk region. In 1955, graduating from school, refused to enter any university and three years at home studied the beginning of theology under the leadership of Hegumen Nikon (Sparrow). In 1958 he entered the fourth (graduation) class of the Moscow spiritual seminary, passing the exams immediately in the three previous years. The next year he entered the Moscow spiritual academy, which he graduated in 1963 with a degree of candidate of theology (the topic of the thesis - "Translation of the utensils of the uterine and evening at the official of the Greek Church of the 1951 publication in comparison with the Russian service of the Synodal Edition"). In 1964 he listened to the postgraduate course at the Moscow Spiritual Academy. Since 1965, a teacher of the main theology in the Moscow Theological Academy, since 1969 - Associate Professor, from 1975 - Professor. In 1985, a scientific degree of Doctor of theology Honoris Causa was assigned. Since 2004, a Honored Professor of the Moscow Spiritual Academy. He lectures at the main theology in the fifth course of the seminary and the first year of the Academy. Interests are the main theology, Western confessions.

Professor Alexey Ilyich Osipov about the so-called readings ..

Against the background of the occult fashion for the fear of "the evil eye" and "damage" among the part of the Orthodox, an unhealthy attitude towards the so-called "subfield" was spread, or the rank of expulsion of evil spirits, which is perceived as a certain "Orthodox tablet" from damage. For mass "sessions", the certificate (unprecedented in Orthodox practice) not only rush to get suffering from different sores; Countdling with mental illness or obsessed people with all thoroughness are recorded on a tape recorder, "revelations" of demons are devoted to whole videos. How safe to the soul these games with flaws can be said, "Dialogues" with demons?


This method of treatment, as a "calculation", does not exist. "Fine" or, more correctly, the rank of expulsion of evil spirits is performed over a person who is obsessed with a demon, and not just something sick. To some extent, we are all exposed to the devil, but we have a different degree of obsession. The commission of this rank is necessary only in special cases, when evil spirits enslaved the will of man, act through his body, they speak his mouth. This rank must be committed by an experienced priest over one person, who is clearly obsessed with an evil spirit. Mass "performance" appeared only recently, as a violation of the order adopted in the church of this rank. They are dangerous to participate in them and for spiritual, and for mental health.

Magism as a state of consciousness is possible everywhere. A vivid example of him in Christian practice - baptism, communion, wedding or monastic convolutions forced or in purely everyday outlook (for example, so as not to hurt, etc.), and not by faith, as the Lord says (MK 16: sixteen).

The expression of the same magical consciousness is the so-called subfolding in recent decades (exorcism). They are engaged in individual priests who do not have (for example, in the Moscow Diocese) blessing of the bishop, without which the Ieria is in principle no right to make a single sacred effect. (References of the spellcasters on the resolution of the confessor are no more as an attempt by self-defense, since in any case the blessing requires a bishop, without which any priesthood and the more subfolding turns into an act of anticanonical, deepeningly acting and on the caster, and for the patient.) Laodicine Cathedral (364 ) Decided: "Not produced from the bishops should not leave either in churches, nor in homes ..." (rule 26). It eloquently indicates as a non-church nature has a new practice and the spiritual state of reporting. Rev. John Cassian Roman very definitely talks about the latter: "And who wishes to command unclean spirits or wonderfully serve to health sick, or to the people any of the wondrous signs, that although calls on the name of Christ, but sometimes of Christ, stout, proudly, Do not follow the teacher of humility ... Therefore, our fathers never called those monks with good and free from the infection of the vanity, who wanted to hear the caskarters ... ".

Exorcism took place in the ancient church by virtue of the special apps to it during the time, but was discontinued. "Decisions of the Apostolic" (III century) are already prohibited to supply exorcists, motivating that "the glorious feat of the spell is a matter of voluntary favor and the grace of God through Christ, the host of the Holy Spirit, because the healing granny is citing the revelation from God, and grace which in it is applied to everyone. " In V c. Exorcists are no longer mentioned. The special chin of subfolding in the demandman of Metropolitan Peter Mogily (XVII century) of Catholic origin, and in the Russian church he did not receive any practical recognition. None of the Russian saints reported, and precisely because it was holy, that is, he had the gift of the Holy Spirit, which healing performed.

The Orthodox Church always followed the words of the Savior, that "this genus is expelled only with prayer and post" (Matthew 17:21), that is, the right mobilic life, thanks to which a Christian as humility reaches an embossed and receives a gift from God to defeat evil spirits. Only achieved impassivity is able without harm to the patients and to join the open struggle with the spirits of darkness. However, those such and in antiquity were units (Gregory Sinait in the XIV century, writes Ep. Ignatius Bryanchaninov, "I decided to say that in his time there are no gracious husbands, they were rarely rare ... Especially in our time, the making of prayer must be compliance with the greatest Caution. There are no tuning mentors! ", but about the present time and talking not to speak. Therefore, the priest, even the most pious, but daring himself with the help of special prayers and horses (" Ex Opere Operate ") to cast out (report) evil spirits" Jesus Whom Paul preaches "(Acts 19:13), risks not only to expose himself to that of them, about which the book of Acts of Apostolic, but imgregate and stand-alone in more illness and suffering. Do not have the gift of the Holy Spirit, you can not create The visibility of the action of his gift. The saint of Ignatius with bitterness exclaimed about such attempts: "Dry-in acting acting and the sad comedy - elders who take on the role of Jealous of the Saints of Elders, without having their spiritual tissues. "

Healing of the Lord of a man, obsessed with demons of deafness and not dreams. Icon

The demons could only drive the saints, and not from all in a row, but only of those on which the Lord himself pointed out. At the same time, the saints healed the "simply" prayer, mostly internal, invisible to others, less often - external (see, for example, the prayers of St. Vasily of the Great, John of Zlatoust), making the sacraments of repentance, cobbing, the Eucharist, but without any special prolonged quenching Since such is already committed on all believers before the sacrament of baptism and is the consecration of their act of conscious renunciation from Satan and all of him.


Read also on the topic:

  • Hunting on demons - Kirill Milovidov
  • Kozney Beszyskie (about the feasibility and danger of "countdown") - Ieria Igor Savva
  • Christian in the pagan world or on the emptying attitude to damage - Diacon Andrey Kuraev
  • Four questions about the evil eye and damage - Alexander Moiseenkov
  • Superstition as the temptation of "Basnia Basnia" - Vitaly Pitanov
  • Witches Zlata, Baryca, Lana and others - How the occult scam works - Maxim Stepanenko


The Lord forbased to speak the launched, and the holy fathers categorically forbidden to listen to them and enter any contact with speaking spirits, now during the reports of the demons receive complete freedom to "preach", introduce misleading, infect them with their spirit of the soreness, pride, carnal passions, etc. Often, there is a telecast that distributes a demonic lies to an even wider range of people.

Here are a few statements of the Holy Fathers on this issue.

In the message under the name of St. Clement of the Roman "On the virgin" asketam is prescribed "... to visit obsessed with evil spirits and to create prayers over them. Let the post and prayer let it be spent, not in words red, selected and exquisite, but like men, from God received the gift of healing ".

"He (Avva Pitirion) talked a lot with us and with a strong force argued about distinguishing spirits, saying that some demons are watching our passions and often turn to evil. So, Chad, he said to us who wants to cast out demons, he should At first to enslave passion: for what passion who will win, such a demon and drives. Little-inquiring should enslave passion to expel the demons of these passions. "

"On divine diving" find the following: "A man dedicated to obvious vices can sometimes produce amazing actions and therefore worship with the saint and slave of God ... And the one who is confident in herself, which has a gift of healing, suggested by the pride of the heart, is experiencing Falling. From this, there is something that the demons, with a cry of the name of people who do not have any properties of holiness and no spiritual fruits show the appearance that their holiness burns them and they are forced to run from obsessed with them. "

Rev. Warsunufy Great: "It's not good to pray to get healing, not knowing what you useful" (question 381).

He is: "To contradict the devil is decent not to all, but only strong about God, who will obey demons; if one of the unlocks will contradict, the demons swear over it that, being in their authority, he is contrary to them. Also forbid them - The case of the hands of great, having the power over them. Many of the saints prohibited the devil, like Mikhail Archangel, who did this, because he had power? To the same, weak, it remains only to resort to the name Jesus "(question 301).

Rev. John the Prophet at the request to pray for a launcher answered words from the Gospel: "Let he himself bend and prays how much it can, then you will be heard for him, for" a lot of righteous spectacle "(Iac. 5:16), and The Lord said: "This type does not come, Tokmo prayer and post" (Matt. 17:21) (question 673).

Rev. Isaac Sirin about precastness Besam: "For you go out to teach those who have already been six thousand years old. And this (your bold precloscope) is a weapon for them, which they will hit you, despite all your wisdom and all your prudence" ( Word 30).

Blessed Feofilakt Bulgarian: "Even worse becomes even worse, if not corrected."

The saint of Ignatius Bryanchaninov: "No spell prayers need: they are read over each of you with holy baptism. It is necessary to faith the will of God and recognize themselves worthy of any human and demonic guidance: then insurance will be held by itself ..."

"Mean on the prayers of your sorry D., who is predicted by the fate of God's Satan, and his spirit will be saved ... In spiritual terms, such a punishment of God does not express the human testimony: many of the great children of God have been exposed to such a legend Satan ... much more important , rather than the adoption of any enemy thoughts might be trapped to destroy the soul. "

The given statements of saints eloquently indicate their attitude towards such a serious healing issue for our people.

Reporting is the phenomenon of the same spiritual order that the so-called Pentecostal Penteen, charismatism, the movement of the "New Century", and in a secular medium - the so-called psychic in a secular environment is the so-called extrasensoric. All this cripples and souls, and the body of people.

The magical perception of the cult is one of the main reasons for the degeneracy of the Christian religion, its distortion, the cause of the growth of paganism, especially atheism, occultism and satanism.

The greatest temptation for a person is to "disrupt the secrets of being" (God, man, nature) and to become "like God" himself, beyond God, moreover, try to subordinate to God himself. Magic and there is an insane attempt to implement such an idea - a kind of psychological revolution of man against God. According to the Holy Scriptures, the last step of the development of paganism should be the phenomenon of the rule of all over the world - Antichrist, "Human Sin", "Bezness" (2 Fez. 2: 3.8) in the highest and exceptional meaning of this word, "So in the temple of God will sit down He, like God, gives out himself for God "(2 Fez. 2, 4) and creating a lzheudeze with the help of magic and other means.

Alexey Osipov,

professor of the Moscow Spiritual Academy

Orthodox conversation, number 1, 2000


1. Pre. John Cassian Roman. Scriptures. - M., 1892. -s. 445.

2. Read more about this: Uspensky N.D. Byzantine liturgy. Theological works. Collection 21. - P. 31.

3. EP. Ignatius Bryanchaninov. Works. S.-PB., 1905. T. 1. -C. 274.

4. ibid. -FROM. 72.

5. Examples of this could be given a set. For one of them, see in Zhisma. Jeroshimona Hilarion Optina. Publishing house in the introduction of optical desert, 1993. -s. 190.

6. Lavsik. - M., 1992. -s. 126-127

7. Prep. John Cassian Roman. Decree. cit. - p. 440.

8. PRP Fents Warsanofia Great and John Guide to spiritual life in responses to the question of the discourts. Diveevo, 1994. -s. 263.

9. Ibid. -FROM. 223.

10. ibid. -FROM. 416.

11. Pub. Isaac Sirin. Quality words. - M., 1993. -s. 137.

12. Blaz. Feofilat Bulgarian. Interpretation on MF. 12, 43-45.

13. Holy. Ignatius Bryanchaninov. Meeting of letters. - M., 1995. -s. 217-218.

(Polemic comments "Pilgrim" (with asterisks) - Read at the end of the article)

Magism as a state of consciousness - it is possible everywhere. A vivid example of his in Christian practice - baptism, communion, wedding or monastic stop - for coercion or purely everyday prompting (For example, so as not to hurt, etc.), and not by faith, as the Lord says about this (MK. 16,16).

The expression of the same magical consciousness is spreading in recent decades So-called "Repliment" (["Figure"], "Exorcism"). They are engaged in individual priests who do not have (for example, in the Moscow Diocese) blessing bishop *without which Ieria in principle does not have the right to make a single sacred. ( References of the spellcasters on the resolution of the confessor are no more as an attempt by self-defense, since in any case the blessing of the bishop is required, without which any priesthood and the more subfolding turns into an act of anticanonical, deductive and on the caster, and in the patient).

Laodican Cathedral (364) decided:
"Not produced from the bishops should not go into churches, nor in homes ..." (Rule 26).

It eloquently testifies as a new practice, and the spiritual state of reporting ** .

Rev. John Cassian Roman Very definitely talks about the latter:
"BUT who wishes to command unclean spirits ***,
or wonderfully serve health sore,
or show any of the wondrous signs before the people
That although calls on the name of Christ
But it happens to Christ,
stolen proudly
Not follows to the teacher of humility ...
Therefore, our fathers never called those monks
good and free from the infection of vanity,
who wanted to hear the caster ... "

Exorcism took place in the ancient church by virtue of the special apps to it during the time, but was discontinued.

"Resolutions of Apostolic" (III century) is already prohibited to supply exorcists, motivating this by the fact that:
"The glorious feat of the spell is a matter of voluntary favor, and the grace of God through Christ, the Naitis of the Holy Spirit, because the healing dating is revealed through the revelations from God, and grace, which in it, is a point of all".

In V c. Exorcists are no longer mentioned.

Special chin subfolding in church of Metropolitan Peter Mogily (XVII century) - Catholic origin, and in the Russian church he has not received any practical recognition **** .
None of the Russian saints reported, and precisely because it was holy, that is, I had dar of the Holy Spiritwho performed healing.

The Orthodox Church always followed the words of the Savior,
what "This genus is expelled only with prayer and post" (Matt. 17, 21),
That is, the right mobilical life,
thanks to which a Christian
As you huma, it reaches an impassivity,
And gets from God a gift to defeat evil spirits.
Just reached impassivity able without harm to patients and for himself *****
Join the open fight with the spirits of darkness.

However, such and in antiquity were units, but about the present time and not to speak. Therefore, the priest, even the most pious, but daring himself with the help of special prayers and priesthoods ( "EX OPERE OPERATE") Issate (report) evil spirits "Jesus. Which Paul is preached" (Acts 19. 13), risks not only to subjected to the crown from them, which comes from coming the book of Acts ApostolicBut impede and stand-alone in more greatness and suffering. Having a gift of the Holy Spirit. It is impossible to create the visibility of the action of its gift. Saint Ignatius with bitterness exclaimed about such attempts: "Dryed Acting and the sad comedy - elders who take on the role of the ancient Saints of the Elders, without having their spiritual tissues" .

The demons could only drive the saints, and not from all in a row, but only of those on which the Lord himself pointed out. At the same time, the saints healed "simply" prayer, mostly internal, invisible to others, less often - external (see, for example, the prayers of the saint Vasily Great, John Zlatousta), Making the sacraments of repentance, cobbies, the Eucharist, but without any special spell-top surrender, since it is already committed on all believers before the sacrament of baptism and is the consecration of their act of conscious renunciation from Satan and all his work.

The Lord forbased to speak the launched, and the holy fathers categorically forbidden to listen to them and enter any contact with speaking spirits, now during the reports of the demons receive complete freedom to "preach", introduce misleading, infect them with their spirit of the soreness, pride, carnal passions, etc. Often, there is a telecast that distributes a demonic lies to an even wider range of people.

Here are a few statements of the holy fathers on this issue:

In the message under the name of the saint Roman's Climate "On Normal" Asskets are prescribed:
"... to visit obsessed with evil spirits and to create prayers over them. Let the post and prayer let them come, not in words red, selected and sophisticated, but like men, from God received the gift of healing."

"He (Avva Pitirion) talked a lot with us and with a strong force argued about distinguishing spirits, saying that some demons are watching our passions and often turn to evil. So, Chad, he said to us who wants to cast out demons, he should At first to enslave passion: for what passion who will win, such a demon and drives. Little-inquiring should enslave passion to expel the demons of these passions. "

In St. John Cassiana Roman in conversations "On Divine Dating" Find the following:
"A man who was dedicated to obvious vices can sometimes produce amazing actions, and therefore worship with the saint and the slave of God ... And the one who is confident in herself, which has the gift of healing, the pride of the heart is experiencing the greatest fall. From this, there is something that demons, with a cry on the name of people who do not have any properties of holiness and no spiritual fruits show the appearance that their holiness burns them and they are forced to run from obsessed with them. " .

Rev. Warsanofiy Great:
"It's not good to pray to get healing, not knowing what you useful" .
He is: "To contradict the devil is decent not to all, but only strong about God, who will obey demons; if anyone from Nestilius will contradict, demons swear above him, that, being in their authorities, he is contrary to him. Also forbid them - the matter of her husbands having power over them. Many of the saints prohibited the devil, like Mikhail Archangel, who did this, because he had to go? To all, wearen, it remains only to resort to the name Jesus " .

Rev. John the Prophet At the request to pray for a launcher:
"Let him and himself fasten and prays how much it can, then the praying for it will be heard, for "There may be a lot of righteous considerable prayer" (Jac. 5,16),
And the Lord said: "This type does not proceed, Tokmo prayer and post"
(Matt. 17.21) ".

Rev. Isaac Sirin About preclosion Besam:
"For you go out to teach those who have already been six thousand years old. And this (your bold precastness) serves as a weapon for them, which they will hit you, despite all your wisdom and all your prudence" .

Blissful Feofilakt Bulgarian:
"The devices released even worse become subsequently, if not corrected" .

Saint Ignatius (Bryanchaninov):
"No spell prayers need ****** : They read over each of you with holy baptism. It is necessary to faith the will of God and recognize themselves with a worthy of any human and demonic guidance: then insurance will be held by itself ... "
"Measure the prayers of your sore sorry, which is predicted by the fate of God's Satan, and the Spirit will be saved ... In spiritual terms, such a punishment of God does not at all, many great children of God have exposed to such a legend of Satan ... much more important , rather than the adoption of any enemy thoughts that can fall in forever to destroy the soul "

These statements of saints eloquently testify their attitude to so serious for our people, the healing issue of the understeed ******* .

Reporting is the phenomenon of the same spiritual order that the so-called Pentecostal Penteen, charismatism, the movement of the "New Century", and in a secular medium - the so-called psychic in a secular environment is the so-called extrasensoric. All this cripples and souls, and the body of people.

The magical perception of the cult is one of the main reasons for the degeneracy of the Christian religion, its distortion, the cause of the growth of paganism, especially atheism, occultism and satanism.

The greatest temptation for a person - "Turn the Secrets of Genesis" (God, man, nature) and to become "like God", beyond God, moreover, try to subjugate to God himself. Magic and there is a crazy attempt to implement such an idea - a kind of psychological revolution of man against God.

According to the Holy Scriptures, the last step of the development of paganism should be the phenomenon of the rule of the whole world - Antichrist, the "sin man", "miserable" (2 fec. 2; 3, 8) in the highest and exceptional meaning of this word, "So in the temple of God he will sit like God, giving himself for God" (2 Fairy. 2, 4) and the cottage of the lzheudes with the help of magic and other means.

1. Rev. John Cassian Roman. Scriptures. M., 1892. P. 445
2. Read more about this: Uspensky N.D. Byzantine liturgy // Theological works. Sat 21. P. 31.
3. Gregory Sinait (XIV century), writes saint Ignatius Bryanchaninov, "I decided to say that in his time there are no graceful husbands, they were rarely rare ... Especially in our time, the making of prayer need to observe the greatest caution. There are no injunctive mentors with us!" (Bishop of Ignatius (Bryanchaninov). Works. St. Petersburg .. 1905. T 1. P. 274)
4. ibid. P. 72.
5. Examples of this could be given a set. For one of them, see the life of Rev. Jeroshimonakh Illarion Optina (Publishing house of the introduction of optical desert, 1993. P. 190)
6. Lavsik. M., 1992. P. 126-127
7. Rev. John Cassian Roman. Decree. cit. P. 440.
8. Reverend Fents Warsanofia Great and John [Prophet] Guide to spiritual life in responses to the question of the disciples. Diveevo, 1994. P. 263. Question 381
9. Ibid. P. 223. Question 301
10. ibid. P. 416. Question 673
11. Rev. Isaac Sirin. Quality words. M., 1993. P. 137. Word 30
12. Blessed Feofilakt Bulgarian. Interpretation on MF. 12, 43-45
13. Saint Ignatius (Bryanchaninov). Meeting of letters. M., 1995. P. 217-218

* Figure without blessing bishop - Just the blessing of the bishop on the person is pretty easy to get - it's necessary to be a people, (there is a "demand"), and therefore improves the money influx in the temple in which there is always a share to Lord in the Diocese ... Of course, all this is done (pops), - not without the will of God. It turns out that the lords are not free, but above all - the "ministers of the people" ( all comments with asterisks - from pilgrim).

** testifies to the spiritual state of reporting - all under one comb is not necessary to row, - the spiritual state of submitting priests can be very high. For example, "reported" archimandrite Gideon, a well-known old man, former (before his blood pressure) by the confessor of the Vladimir diocese of the ROC MP (that is the confessor of all the priests of the diocese).

*** "WHO wishes Telling unclean spirits "- this is a key phrase. Do not exactly - want . And if you have to have (i.e., if God leads to this difficult case), then there is no longer anyway. Usually priest ( if he " good shepherd" ) It is engaged in the reader "not voluntarily", not wanting this ...

**** church of Metropolitan Peter Togil In the Russian church did not receive any practical recognition - This is not true. Just practical application (in the case of the "person"), the demand officer found quite wide.

***** without harm to himself - Father Gideon, (see above, Note **), told on the sermon that when he only became a priest, (and God called him "right from the deck," he was a sailor), then after a few recesses, he was twisted that he was twisted that He became disabled for several years!

****** No spell prayers need - However, sometimes they are required. One man was Naslan the demon who threw him body. He became "bad", "skin yes bone", barely could walk, almost the dead. In this state, he was brought to the Trinity-Sergiev Lavra. Great our contemporary and old man, archimandrite Kirill (Paul) Blessed him three times to go to the defibration (to Archimandrite Herman) and then plunge into the holy source (near the Lavra). And this slave of God told me that when he entered (after the follow-up) into the water, then on him from the bottom up the red strip passed with a crack, and he became completely healthy - the demon came out. After that, he became a pious Christian, and the other "7 demons" did not enter it. Somehow later, "the disgraced" demons literally blew up (real!) He has a corner home "iconostasis", for what older Kirill patted him on the shoulder and "reassured": "Nothing, still beat" ...

******* So serious for our people, the issue of healing - And so, by virtue of this, God descends to the universities of our people, and "blesses" some of the particularly elected tickets to this "little canonical" action. In fact, the main task of "countless" is the preaching of Christ and the introduction to his church , i.e missionary and catechization.
Was a couple of times on the readings archimandrite Herman In the gratuitous temple Trinity Sergius Lavra. In addition to the texts from the demands of Peter the grave, the father with such a "artistic" power and strength spent on the dangers of TV, abortions and other sins of our people, that missionary fruits could not not be (and he spends the performer every day, the temple is full).
How many people are convicted late Vask-Narva (in Estonia, now the distance Pühtitsky female monastery) - I think that several thousand or tens of thousands. He preached on the readings and other services usually from 3 to 8 hours. And so "took" attention that I, (like others), was not distracted and not tired standing on my feet.
And, of course, the expulsion of the demons was only a reason to led people to the "bright" priests, the servants of God, who sought to use this time for a missionary sermon to those who could hardly stand in the temple of God.

Despite all the deviations of the views of Alexei Ilyich Osipov from the church legend, affected in this post, I think that these are only those who have fallen into a clean "cockroaches", which we are incomprehensible, but for some reason they are the roads Alexey Ilyich Osipov. Maybe the time will pass, and Aleksey Ilyich will refuse these strange opinions and is fully quitted in the direction of the Orthodox Tradition.

However, many, for example priest Sergiy Belkov expressed more rigidly and adamant:

In the denial of exorcism, some come very far. Famous theologian Professor A.I. Osipov his judgment about the imperative in the book "The path of mind in search of truth" was placed in chapter "paganism". So maybe a person living outside the Christian legend is arguing ...

Alexey Ilyich Osipov - "Exorcism", Magazine "Orthodox conversation" number 1, 2000

The lecture on witchcraft, magic and the reader reads Osipov Alexey Ilyich, Professor of the Moscow Theological Academy and Seminary.

The course of lectures "Apologetics" - MDA (2009-2010).

Deciphering lectures

Now we meet a lot of similar phenomena, with the explanation of which to us, of course, appeal. We are talking about healers - even the spectrum, such as Grabovaya. Everyone heard he resurrect? Still would! If I want, one word is resurrected - I just don't want. As you know, one fled behind the cyclist, finally stopped, drooped, and the first thing he said already when the Spirit is Won: "If I wanted, I would catch it!" Well done is simple, it's great! He could not recognize what he was not caught up with a cyclist. He surprised him from him. So, apparently, and robust, too, to this category - if he wanted, he would, of course, healed, was resurrected, but, see, whether he did not want.

So, the phenomenon of psychic is now the general concept that includes in such a broad plan, and all the phenomena of alternative medicine. That is, the medicine that does not use natural, chemical means, and so on, namely directly affecting a person. And here, naturally, everything includes both shamanism and witchcraft, and other things. Attitude towards all these things are negative. But why, firstly, negative; Secondly, there is still the facts when a man is healing. The facts are the fact that a person suffers, sick, or something happens to him as a result of the impact of another person - the one who is called there, for example, sorcerers and other. These are facts - facts. And you will be asked to answer them, explain these facts from a Christian point of view. A traditional response that does not carry in himself, I would say, the depths of understanding - elementary, I would say, the answer is that it is all demonic, so to speak, things. But you must understand that no demon - as Isaac writes Sirin, wonderful words: "No creature, no reptiles, no bird, no beast, nor people, no demons - no one can do a person to make the slightest harm (hear - hear - Not the slightest harm!), If there is no loss of God. " The question arises: and the binding of God when it happens, with what condition? We are not talking about a particular person somehow, since we can never know His souls, but to have a fundamental point of view on it. What are these conditions under which this kind of God occurs? You know, especially in the villages - in the same village I was - eight houses, seven there was a sorcerer or six - they said everything on each other that they were witch. This is generally wonderful, of course - each to another ... The idea that a person can do another, not to fieces anything, not warming and not throwing stones - just some word that he knows, in some influence of that power that only She is present - and this faith is very developed, as we say, in the simple people. What means "simple people" - this is a nation who does not know Christianity, knows one ritual side, and that's it. He greatly celebrates Christmas, Easter and the thumbnail holiday, which is known to you enough, is it true? He is not labeled as such. Because we know the twelve holidays - the two-month holidays. Truth? This is default, and in fact it is also celebrated solemnly and straight and clearly like Christmas and Easter. What's this? .. - Maslenitsa, of course, that you! Ay-Yai Yai, do not know this! And very good. He is thumbnail, and thirteen, you know what number it is connected with. Sometimes they say: pah-pah, just not thirteen. He is thumbnail, and it is celebrated very fun. So, what does the "simple people" mean, people who do not know anything about Christianity. They know when and how to put a candle, they know how to submit commemoration; They even know when posts; They know when what holidays. Well, they know that it is impossible to kill and rob - this is, of course, they, of course, know the most such gross things. And that's it. Nothing know about Christianity. These are we calling such people with a simple people. Another characteristic of it, of course, the one that, as a rule, there is no formation, or the formation is the most elementary, that is, the human intelligence is not developed, this initiative is not developed there is a mind initiative, answer the question: why, what and how . It is not. Well, not developed intelligence. And here we see, it is very developed - this faith in all these things. Well, well, we can say that this is superstition. But that you do not answer. I repeat once again: there are facts that directly indicate the possibility of such an impact - as much of the negative, though. Well, they say sometimes positive.

So what we can say on this issue. Man is the image of God. The way, the display of the set is the entire twear world - it is undoubtedly, of course, the whole twear world has beauty and wisdom. Look, what beauty is really the whole world! Admire anything. Look at the world of animals, plants - this is a stunning beauty - universe and beauty. And what kind of wisdom! How many science develops, the you know, she comes to what is the most curious phenomenon. The more develops, the topics claim: we begin to see and know less and less. Hear - no more, but you begin to know less. What is the matter what kind of paradox? Such discoveries - and suddenly less. Very simple, my friends. More and fewer these categories are assessed in the face of that scale that opens to our gaze. And it is necessary to understand the most simple thing. When a person is in the pit, he very soon mastering this world, and everything knows - to the last straw, to the last sprout. But here it begins to raise from there, and the small clearing around him - Wow, how many new things turn out! And also, even higher ... Each discovery scientifically expands the horizons of the vision of a person, and it turns out that every new discovery, raising a man in this sense, shows him that his knowledge in the face of the open world becomes more and more insignificant. That he knew almost 100, the whole world, now what he knows? One of the academicians said well about it. He said like this: Few people know how much you need to know to find out how little we know. How much you need to know to understand how little we know ... And he likes the whole set of scientific knowledge of an insignificant island, which is lost in the infinite ocean of unknown. Sometimes implied intuitively that the world is finite. Even this universe is finite. There is one interesting very, medieval engraving. The engraving on which the monk is depicted - you know, in the Middle Ages who moved all science? - Monks, of course. This is some kind of deception when they say: religion against science, science against religion. Or ignorance, or deception. It was the monks who did all this. And on one engraving, a monk is depicted, which heads the end of the universe. His head goes there and he looks: And what about the universe, then? Yes, indeed, all our knowledge, it is quite fair, not enough for this not so long ago. Not so long ago - because they did not know that this is the ocean, it is an infinite ocean of unknown, or the final one. I will tell you, until the end of the XIX century, science is still science, I'm talking to scientific thought, "I lived what: what is still a little left, and we learn all the fundamental laws of our world, that is, know all the essence of our world and become the gods in it. We will conquer nature and will dominate it. The twentieth century completely crossed all these dreams, and they are already looking at some naive children's species that humanity has even lived for a long time. So, and the person is named, in contrast to this endless ocean of the creature world, which is the display of it, that is, and in a certain sense of God - only a person is named labor manifestation - only he is in the Holy Scripture. Why, that is, what does it mean? This means that in a person there is something else anywhere. He is in an infinitely predominant degree of God. Preferred compared with all creation. By the way, without developing this thought, I will tell you - and compared to the angels. It is a person who is a creature god-like. It is said that he is designed to be a part-time of the divine nature. Do you think why a person talks about it? Cause of what kind of. When we understand the person in this way, then we must make the easiest conclusion that is obvious. If God is a creature and alimilly, as we know, he is a creator, he is the owner of all the forces that we can imagine, and can not even. That both in a person as the image of God, as a reflection of this deity, as perfect, if you want, reflected, perfectly, which is no longer anywhere, there are all these images, all these amazing forces that are likeness of the Divine Forces. This is theological conclusion, about which we somehow forget somehow, and he is highly important, especially when we want to understand how this happens - what we see these incomprehensible phenomena of such an impact of a person in nature are generally on the other man. At the same time, the impact is sometimes so obvious and strong, from which we cannot leave anywhere. If this is so, if it turns out in a person, all this power is concentrated - the god-like power is present in it (I do not know about it, in me it is undoubtedly, of course, right, I just do not want to show it yet) - all the power is present in it. Consequently, the question is: only with what condition this power can manifest itself and how? Here I will give you at such a historical moment. There is no doubt that the very first people who were in a special communication with God. One thing is clear - that a person at least the first people had some very direct way to communicate with God, and apparently, they knew that they were hidden in him. They probably understood both. What the tree of knowledge of good and evil - you know, by the way, that this is the Idiome of the Jewish language, an idiomatic expression, which means the knowledge of everything, everything is good and evil, everything covered, you will not find anything else. Cognition of everything. That this knowledge requires the relevant conditions. God forbade breaking this fruit. The holy fathers definitely talk about it, it is explained that only the process of the gradual spiritual development of a person could lead it not to the absolute completeness, but even more completeness of the knowledge that was the prospect of its existence. Man ripped - I immediately give me, I do not want to wait there, I do not want to work! Immediately acquire knowledge of everything. Here comes from where, by the way, we are also called scientific and technical progress. That's where it began and another phenomenon - just that we are talking about today. The man knew that there is an opportunity - he has the ability, he has the power of influence on the world around. But here God is standing on the way. You can use it through God, you can like to God, you can cultivated in God. This path was, well, if they don't reject me, I'm afraid to say so roughly about the first people, our foreheads, - then, at least, was moved to the side - we will achieve it. And now since the most ancient times, at least what historical science opens to us - what we find. We see this faith, a very strong faith and the strongest practice of acquisition, or better to say, the discovery of these forces in itself and use them. I am talking about the forces of spiritual order. Magic as such this is what we call witchcraft, shamanism, and so on - all this is nothing but those forbidden methods of using the forces that are present in man. These methods are prohibited. There are a lot of prohibition. It is impossible to man amoral, a man with the inclinations of criminal to give weapons. Good weapons that can be protected, he can not be given - he will not defend, he will attack, he will not save from death, but to kill. In the Gospel there is one very interesting parable - Actually, a small episode: when Christ speaks about the good shepherd, then, in particular, he says that it is possible, and the one who is trying to enter the yard of the sheepskiy Inudo, that is, not through the gate, not Through the gates, through which the owner includes, and inade, that is, it is climbing through the fence - he calls that man thief and a robber. And we all know how they come with such people - with thieves, robbers. In China, for example, now, nor somewhere - if a person came to the territory of another - his mansion, let's say, has the full right to kill, and that's it. It is calm, normal. Well, so I was told, at least, I do not know how reliably, but I told me one doctor who worked for a long time for several years. And he said that these are the rules there. I do not know whether written or unwritten rules are completely calm. This is the norm of life life of this society.

So, it turns out, the ways are found to the strengths that are present in man. Found funds with which you can be released to some extent these strength and use them. That's all this is what is referred to as witchcraft and other all sorts of similar things. All this is nothing but to climb through the fence, that is, the thieves will get these forces. Why thieves, I think, understandable. Not always, but mostly all these forces are used, as a rule, in evil. Why go to the sorcerers and sorcerers mostly?

The second reason is the way illegal and otherwise. Here is a person who acquires large and special completely unique forces compared to all other people, very easily flows into the pride. Well, still - he feels his power over everyone.

Third. Very often it happens connected with the most elementary greed when you use these your abilities to acquire a real one, as we find this term, this is the word of old literature, real benefit. That is, all these listed moments say about one thing - that all this is connected with what - with the fact that outside God, besides God, in addition to the main thing, what a person is called - spiritual cleansing, liberation from passions, the achievement of the god like purl and holiness which we see in God. In the image of this, "be perfect, as the father of your heavenly is perfect," here it is completely ignored. There are no perfection of speech, no psychics will not talk about it and they themselves do not seek it at all. If the word "perfection" is used, then in what sense: the improvement of its abilities - do you hear? Madness ... Why Madness: After all, the person is now alive, after a minute you are not, and where are your all these abilities, and where are you? Ignoring God, as well as in the area of \u200b\u200bany other life, any image of activities, - ignoring God leads to the fact that a person depreciates himself, closes himself as in the coffin in this two-dimensional space, forgetting about the third dimension directed towards God. These all the forces we are talking about can be purchased, there are artificial paths, you can achieve something. This acquisition is what is called, you know acquired by magic. And there are cases when a person is born with an "open window". You noticed that geniuses in any area are very small. Any area take, whatever: mathematician, artist, poet - there are few more comparatively, quite a bit. So here too. There are rare people who are born here with this "open window", "open firefly", here with these abilities, and then we are all wondering - like through, let's say, a closed safe is suddenly a person begins to see what is there, and even Read. Horror ... One Father was, you know, in what fear when his daughter suddenly suddenly, let's show the documents of the secret who lie there, and something else to read. He grabbed his head. It turns out that there are also such cases in the plan of natural when a person is born, and these forces seem to be breaking down somewhat and give themselves to know in his activities.

This is what concerns these unusual phenomena in our human life. The question is now another. Well, a man or born with it or acquired it, doing magic - as they say, black magic, doing yoga. Question: What, he can now anyone to do anything? In this respect, in Christianity they speak quite definitely. The victims of these impacts are unprotected people. These victims simply cannot become sincerely believers Christians. I'm not saying that the saints, and simply sincerely believers, who really know how to pray to God, who believe in the power of the goddes, even. No one and nothing can affect it. No one and nothing - once again repeat what Isaac Sirin writes about, his words that I led. Belight-when we say "God's burden", it happens, acts on those and only on those who are or unprotected - this insecurity can be of a different plan. Some people who are completely in the bustling of everyday and they are actually no God in the soul. He believes, of course, do not doubt - and the candle will not pass through the left, but through the right shoulder, but completely in the bustle is, he lives without God. Remember how I have already said - do not allocate the hearts of your chest, drunkenness and vanity of life. And the upcoming - a man was smoking, will come to himself; And she fought - he will later come to his senses, and the life of the life does not give a man the opportunity to never come to himself. He is forever without God. Atheist. "A" is "not", "TEOS" - God, he is eternal, atheist is the Orthodox believer. These people are unprotected, and they can easily become victims of this kind of impact. The most important insecurity is that a person has no humility at the same time. He spins, turns, does not have this humility - why? He has no time to pay attention to himself, he does not have any knowledge that in his soul, what passions live. He has no knowledge of his powerlessness, eradicate these passions and therefore he does not humble. You understand, it is impossible for it - I wanted and reconciled, wanted and loved everyone in the world. What nonsense, it is impossible. These are the states that come to a person with his correct life, with the right attitude towards themselves. So all these impacts are called such - they cannot affect the person sincerely believers and even a little bit, but knowing themselves and their so-called forces and humble. No sorcerer - no one can do anything. No one. Clear? Like this. This is due to these already strong impacts.

But on the other hand, I want to draw your attention and something else. We all act on each other. This is the action of another order, of course, at all, not exactly what we talked about - not about psychic and any witchcraft, but simply about mental impact, emotional impact on each other. We are all acting - intellectual actions - we all act on each other. By the way, you know whether attention paid attention to a curious fact - that when Seraphim Sarovsky, when he was in the far desert, suddenly met a person - remember how he led himself - fell and did not get up until the person leaves. Arseny the Great generally closed, did not open the door to anyone. What is the case, what are the oddities? We seemed oddities as oddities, because we really, like blind people, do not see anything. We all produce each other, I would say the impression, and some that fully corresponds to our spiritual state. We radiate it. You know that some faces are scary to watch - probably sometimes met. There are such criminal faces that scary, really, to watch even. It is sometimes apparently even the body of a person sometimes changes under the influence of these these passions. Some voluptuous such faces are directly becoming such, here are already appropriate. Immediately it is just just visible - even the person is already visible to this person. See - this, of course, acts, of course, acts. Therefore, it is better not to watch, not even look, it is better not to communicate if possible. If it is impossible - it is important to know and transmit to another St. Soviet Council. They advise resolutely to put the cross among themselves and man. And because of the reason that this person is worse than me - if we put it for this reason, then they will punish themselves, because the pride always punishes a person. Not. And let the Cross of the Lord, that is, Christ, will be in our communication, let him adjust our communication. Let my word and my communication with this person be in Christ, and not by passions. The cross is the same as the presence of Christ. Therefore, I am very advised - this is necessary to remember: mentally put the cross. You never hurt anyone, because a person can be offended if he crossed it. True: Why do you baptize me - to cross yourself! And it will be true, by the way, it will be true too. No need these external signs. Mentally. We must not forget about it. And with the faith and conviction mentally to make the sign of the cross of the sign. Like this. This is a practical advice that comes from experience, and nothing either, no only reasoning, and should not be forgotten. He can save us from much.

And one more thing that is connected with this last moment that we are all acting on each other. This is what you have to call the law of resonance. Resonance - what is it? - As it will appeal, it will respond. So here. Here, too, these external all impressions are called in the soul of human corresponding resonance. Holy impressions and in the soul of human awaken holy. On the contrary, the depraved criminal dirty - they and in our soul cause the same response. The law of resonance is really the law, and not something. And why we find - both in the Gospel, and the Holy Fathers, so many comments on that we stop our eyes. And here it is very important, therefore take care of yourself from all sorts of these harmful, and even more so immoral impressions. Why this is perfectly understood, I would say the holy fathers. And I see, as the wall of the echidial physiognomy - behind the wall, on the left, of course, through the left shoulder, the disgusting physiognomy smiles. You are understandable, who? - "We are not worse we know than the holy fathers and therefore you are stuffing with any disgust. See: through TV, pictures, magazines, advertising - here we are what you are stuffed. We are not worse than the holy fathers we know so, so we will not show you the holy, clean, beautiful, and the most disgusting nasty, so that it fills your souls, filled your consciousness and subconscious, and this dirt then kept in you. " Do you hear what is going on? I, answering one of the questions that sometimes ask, well, not say, but it is necessary - where is all this dirt, why is it introducing this force, what's the matter? Is it really so difficult, really do we have no understanding of this? Well, it is clear, completely clear! Satanists, it means that they do. Once you said "Satan", you said what? - malice. Anger, hatred in relation to everything that is God's - and to a person first. Radius of malice The fact that many media is filled with this disgust, these disgusting things that destroy literally human - and not only there is a soul, but they destroy his psyche, even the nerves destroy, the whole body is destroyed. Is there really a source? I hope it is understandable - Satanism. If you start search: and where, who? - And do not find. There may be even decent people to work: we are technical staff. Ideologists are closed as a snake under the leaves. And everything is filled with this terrible devil atmosphere. Devil toys - Look, what ugly, what are the pornographic children even. Is it really not clear the source? Imagine: what about what we are simple and naive - we are looking out, and even the question does not occur: and where, and why, and why? It must be understood, it is necessary to know. Because the times go only in one direction, and we approach the complete retreat from the whole moral, from all over the saint, because the antichrist time is exactly the whole saint - when people will look, and not enough to make one logical step: why is it, And what is the goal of all these things.

These are the few moments that we talked about. But one moment I left on the "snatch" - the one that you have already heard from me from me, and now you will declare even from delight when I conspire him. That one of the moments that is associated again with the problem of human health and society - there is another moment related to this, a moment that acquires an increasingly scope, and more and more people are thoughtlessly belong to this phenomenon as a completely ordinary, ordinary And not only useful, but for useful. We are talking about the so-called defibration. What is different from magic - well, here, try to find out what is different from magic. You know, many sorcerers have icons in their apartments, read before the start of the session (let's call) "Our Father", and other prayers read. And even send you more coming up. How delicate all this, or rudely - I do not even understand. Why will send communion - why, is it asked? Is it possible? - Can. Do not you understand? After all, theologians must at least understand. In Jude, with communion who entered Christ? Satan. John Zlatoust writes about it directly. It turns out that all the sacraments, all these prayers, all these crescentations, icons, and so on - they can and have a positive value only if we relate to this. When we turn it all, you know, in a means of achieving some material values \u200b\u200b- everything, cross. We then get the fruits are bitter. When we take baptism in order not to hurt, but to be married to marry, it turns out to be stronger, and God we need it, and we never need any God for us, then we get bitter fruits. Do not be surprised therefore. These psychics, and sorcerers, and so on - they can also read the prayers, and icons to have, and the so-called holy driver you will eat you. After all, there are such women who "sanctify" the driver - read and do not understand. If only it came to mind: only the priest can sanctify water! And this particular suddenly sanctifies the water and this further, we read: "Holy Vodik" sing a patient. And no one comes to anyone - sorry, how? And we have a female priesthood, which means, allowed, yes, already allowed? Listen only. I do not call the name only, otherwise you are accustomed to me now. I do not call the name. Only a priest can be consecrated. Is it sanctifying, let's say, somehow does she mean who? So she is a priest. Or if not so, then who? Could any of us consecrate the driver, tell me, or the maslice? Do not think anything. We call the saint - and everything is in order, and we no longer think about anything.

So, the claim, my friends than characterized. Also read prayers, splashes, there and the cross is present, and everything is in the world, and we do not even think, and what is it now present? No need to say: in the first century it was like that. Yes, in the first century it was - she took baptism, and suddenly he was Greek, he began to speak French. Yes, in beautiful French, his French everyone understands with amazement - what happened to him? No need to talk about it. It was an emergency age. If this were not - Christianity would be destroyed at the very beginning. Not only knowledge of languages, but also other extraordinary gifts. Why and is called an eyelid of emergencies, and nothing to contact this. We must see how holy fathers talk about who can do this, because literally there is some kind of madness now from us.

We read. "Avva Podterion talked a lot with us and with a special force argued about distinguishing the spirits - (as important! Remember, John theologians wrote: I don't believe any spirit, but whether they are doing - from Godhead), saying that some demons are watching our passions. And often turn them to evil. So, a child who wants to cast out demons, he must first enslave passion, because, what passion who will win, that demon and drives. Little little should enslave passion to expel the demons of these passions. " You hear, it turns out what a legitimate way! Now I will tell you something else, I read it. The legal path is only he can cast out who expelled them out of themselves. As long as you have expelled the demons of the passions of yourself, did not drive them away at all, you can't do it. This is about this by the book of Acts of Apostolic Promotivity, because this fact is recorded in the Acts of Apostolic. When the seven sons of the High Priest were expelled by the name of Christ, whom Paul preaches, the launched them said: I know Paul and Christ, and who are you? Remember? He beat them with seven so that they were beaten and nagia fled through the streets of the city. Here is an example: "And who are you?"

Therefore, the history of the Church testifies to us - evidently testifies. I do not remember, Seraphim Sarovsky healed at least one idle or not, I don't remember, do not remember? Rev. Sergiy - one for life. You only think about: reading the lives of the saints - the rarest phenomenon when some of the saints just prayer - not in some kind of nonsense, not some effects, suddenly healing a person from the launion. Rare cases. And suddenly in the second half of the twentieth century, a squall begins. Who is not taken for it! I don't even go about any sophistication. Any priest can now take for it - or a monk, and start frozen and cross. Fully pickedly patristic teaching, completely. In Rome, it was already approaching that a whole institution was organized, where in two or three months the student can pass the theory and practice of exaglement of demons. What a beauty is ... Poor devotees-wilderness - the decades cleaned their soul, and here two months - and everything is in order. You are already a caster. Ay-Yai-Yai, to what perversion of Christianity we are currently given!

Once a major military leader with a daughter, who was a lad, came to the Reverend Anthony Great, and began to heal the saint heal. However, Anthony did not even reach him. But only from the inside the Keli told him: "Oh, a man, you ask my help in vain. I am a man mortal and weak, like you. " (Think only!) - But if you believe in Christ, to whom I serve, go with faith, and pray to God, and your daughter will be sad. You go and pray. " What do you find next? The warlord believed it and began to pray hardly, and his daughter became healthy.

An example of the lives of Rev. Sergius Radonezh, when a demonstrated venel was led to him - something 8 people, well, well, the underacted. He gathered all the brotherhood of the monastery here here. Gathered to the church on prayer about this sore. All brethren came. And after the prayer, he just came out with his brother, squeezed the launched cross - and that's it. And all, and nothing more. Good chin? Listen, what is - why not believe the saint. Saint do not believe! Anyone, forgive me, Popik, will now take it into hand, then, the other, and this book - and they are running towards him. Saints - Down. What do we reverend Anthony, that we are reverend Sergiy! Isaac Sirin says: "Who is praying to God (now we came to the rank-prayer, rank a person) - who prays God and wishes that in his hands there were wonders and strength, he tempts in the mind of his eraser by a demon and turns out to be boastful and weak in conscience his". Wow, how much do you hear?

Reverend Cassian Romanna on this score is a very serious warning. I read you: "And who wishes to command unclean spirits (well, to whom it applies, it is clear) or wonderfully serve the health sore, or to the people - (hear! Before the people. Christ is faster, as soon as the people were going to - immediately healing and healing and Everything so that there is no noise!) - Or before the people any of the wondrous signs, he, although calls on the name of Christ, is the alien of Christ, it is not impossible to the teacher of humility in pride. Therefore, our fathers never called those monks with good and free from the infection of the vanity, who wanted to hear the caskarters. "

How well would these words now, in front of all the people of our Orthodox, read! He also wrote: "No one should be glorifying the gifts and wonders of God, and everyone for their own only virtues who require the activity of the mind and enhanced effort, because (I draw your attention, it will be useful for you!) - Very often people corrupted by the mind and opponents. Faith with the name of the Lord expelled demons and creative great wonders. " You hear what is happening: "Depracted by the mind and opponents of faith."

By the way, a very interesting case was associated with the famous holy elder with Archpriest Alexei Zaraa - this is before the revolution, - about a random girl who worked in his servants. The novice writes: "I asked Alexey's father, why he does not drive from her demon - (this is such an innocent novice and directly asked him)," and he answered me: why he can know that there is no Will of God. " Wow, what question, you listen! And why does he ask so much? "She commits the holy secrets and, if necessary, then Christ, he received himself, he expels him in force, and if it serves as a cross cleansing, then for what to cast him?". See what wise reasoning!

How the holy fathers write in relation to the so-called this person. Yes, straight magic in Christianity, in the church. But here how much money goes, listen, so you just in case of chin buy this and do it. And then directly to hell along with this rank. To the great regret, it is possible to be in all the external form of a 100% Orthodox Christian - no matter who - Miryanin, a priest - it does not matter - one hundred percently Orthodox Christian; And at the same time essentially, by the very essence, be one hundred percent pagan. Yes, I'm not some kind of pagan, and when we are talking about the reader, it's still worse. Once again I remind you than the paganism is characterized by faith in the ritual, by virtue of the ritual, by virtue of the actions by itself, this force - this is what I will do it, I will make actions - and everything, and you will not get anywhere. Tied with God - you, Lord, do not go anywhere, I will say these words and you are in my cage and you will do what I want. Terrible faith. Paganism is characterized by this faith due to the ritual. I say: the main thing is baptized, and not to believe; The main thing to marry, and not believe. Without faith, without a promise to God for God, we want only external actions, the strength of the ritual to influence the person, and in this case the person will be a believer, - that is, to force God to act as I want. A terrible thing. Such cases are called blasphemy already. And so, unfortunately, in our time, this so-called certificate has already acquired a wide scope. At the very beginning let it, and now Ginn, as they say, jumped out of the bottle.