Arabis: landing and care in open soil, growing from seeds. Catalog of the nursery of decorative plants

Arabis (Rukuha) - Perennial herbate plantrelated to the cabbage family. The genus Arabis has about 100 species growing around the world: in North America, Africa, Europe and Asia.
The height of the bloody is about 30 cm. Stems sharpening, plenty, rooting. Stem leaves densely, gear, solid, silver-white or bright green colors. The plant has also roasting leaves of oval form, which are often assembled into the outlet. Poverty pink flowers, white, red, purple (depending on the variety and species), terry or simple, minor sizes (up to 1.5 cm in diameter), are collected in loose umbrella brushes. Arabis is very plenty of flowers, starting from April and for 8 weeks. During the flowering of the cut, there is quite growing greatly, and in those places where the shoots come into contact with the Earth, they root into the ground. Fruit - pod.
Most popular species:

  • Arabis tower.
  • Arabis rents.
  • Arabis whitish, or Caucasian.
  • Arabis Bruovoid.
  • Arabis bars.
  • Arabis towering or protruding.
  • Arabis seedless.
  • Arabis is low.

All types of Arabis are grown in approximately equal conditions.


The optimal conditions for the cultivation of the result is an open solar place, well blown by the wind. The half-day is also allowed, but on the sunny plot, Arabis flows much more magnificent and becomes more compact.
Soil for landing is better to choose loose, sandy, not too wet, filled with humus or organic fertilizers. The rubber does not tolerate the oversupply of moisture, so the soil must be water permeable (for this purpose it is necessary to drain well before landing). For the plant, even calcined and acidic soil is suitable.
Classic Arabis Alpine seeds multiplies, and its hybrid terry varieties - a bush division and stalling. Seeds are driving in early spring Or under winter directly into open soil (at a depth of 0.5 cm). The soil temperature for rapid germination of seeds should be +20 ° C. To increase the site of the planting material, a plot on which the drag will be located, can be coated with a special nonwoven underfloor material (for example, agriculus). It skips water well and prevents the soil of soil. If desired, one hole can be planted to 3-4 plants, so the entire area will be evenly eliminated by floral cover. Flowering the perennial will begin only for the second year.
It is not difficult to reproduce the resulting a bush. To do this, in August-early September, it is necessary to dig a perennial along with the root, then carefully divide it by choosing 5-6 well-developed parts, and to plant the pits in advanced. At the same time, the distance between plants at least 30-35 cm should be observed.
The hauling is carried out with the cost of May to June a month. To do this, cut the tops of green shoots with a length of 6-8 cm, remove a pair of lower leaves and the cuttings are planted onto a well-moistened and privided place (at a depth of no more than 4 cm). From above planting material It is desirable to cover with "observed" material or paper. The rooting of the plant, as a rule, occurs in 2-3 weeks. In late August - early September of the same year, the cuttings become suitable for landing on permanent place.

Growing and care

Arabis is absolutely unpretentious plant and does not require special care. Watering perennials is not very abundant and carried out mainly in the dry time of the year.
In the minority winter, it is advisable to cover the plant, although some new cuts are removed with absolute frost resistance. With the onset of spring it is important to make sure that the soil is well drained, since otherwise Arabis can bend from stagnant winter waters. If the snow melts too early, the plant is useful to cover, protecting gentle shoots from drying out.
Growing a perennial on its site, it is necessary to take into account the greatest speed of its expression. So that he does not muffle the neighboring plants, regular haircut of shoots is required. It will not only help keep the limits of their distribution, but also give beautiful shape bushes. In addition, thanks to this procedure, the following year, the drag is much more abundant (in order to extend its bloom during the season it is recommended to remove the sworded flowers). If over time, leafy plates and flowers are hung, and the shoots will stretch, you can trim the branches and simply replace the bush.
Arabis is also exposed to various diseases. These include:

  • False puffy dew - The affected stalks are deformed and thicken, white spots appear on the top of the leaves, and on the bottom side, the white sporangiyev chain is visible. Leaves bend the book. To prevent the development of the disease, it should be less likely to spray a perennial, and in winter gardens and greenhouses reduce the humidity of the air so that the dew in at night will fall. With mass landings you need to create good ventilation and spray plants with the drugs of the Aelle and Ridomil Gold. The affected parts of the fat are removed.
  • Human gallians - Young leaflets are deformed, located close to each other and omitted, the kidneys at the ends of the shoots are very swelling. In order to combat galla disease, they break and destroy.
  • White rust - Top of the leaves are formed bellic stains, which then become purple or brown. In the lower part of the leaves, as the disease develops, white-and-yellow papillas appear. The perennial loses painting and gradually dies. In order to prevent the propagation of white rust, the affected plants are removed from the greenhouse. The rest are processed by the drugs of strides, copper oxychloride or topaz. Also prevent the development of the disease helps more rare watering (mushroom disputes dissipate in a humid environment).

In general, control over the level of humidity of the soil in which the Arabis grows, and the proper care helps to avoid the above problems.

♦ Rubric:

Landing and care for Arabis (brief)

  • Landing: Sowing seeds in the ground - in October, sowing seeds to seedlings - in April, landing for seedlings to the garden - at the end of May or in early June.
  • Bloom: In May-June.
  • Lighting: Bright sunlight or half day.
  • The soil: loose, sandy, moderately wet, pre-fertilized.
  • Watering: Moderate and only in strong drought.
  • Feeding: One season: In early spring, a comprehensive mineral fertilizer is introduced before flowering. The plot is mulched by humus.
  • Reproduction: Cuttings, tanks, dividing bush and seeds.
  • Pests: Cruciferous fleece.
  • Diseases: Viral mosaic.

Details about the cultivation of Arabis read below

Flowers Arabis - Description

Flowers Arabis is grown as annual and perennial soil plants with rooting steering stems. The height of the Arabis can reach 30 cm. The leaves in the Rusk are green, thick incented, solid, heart-shaped, sometimes gear along the edges. Pink, white, purple or yellowish flowers, simple or terry, up to 1.5 cm in diameter are collected in small, but tight-shaped inflorescences. Lush I. long bloom Arabisa, starting in the second half of spring, is accompanied by a pleasant aroma, which is massively flying bees. The fruit of the feed is a pod with flat seeds, in some types of covered.

Relatives of Arabis are plants such as Alissaum, Horseradish, Freard, Cabbage, Mustard, Iberis, Radish and other cruciferous cultures. In addition to the strong flavor, the Rukucha is of inconspicuous to cultivation conditions, so landing and care for the Arabis in open soil Officer and pleasant classes.

Growing Arabis from seeds

Sowing Arabisa

The cutch perfectly breeds seeds that can be purchased in garden centers, shops or in flower exhibitions. Seed seeds directly into the ground under the winter in October or at the beginning of spring (in April) to seedlings in drawers or containers with a garden soil with the addition of sand or small stones in a 3: 1 proportion. Close up of shallow seeds - by 5 mm - and germinated at a temperature of 20 ºC. To increase the geogide capacity is covered nonwoven materialFor example, Agrospan.

Arabis Care

After 20-25 days, when the shootings of the Arabis appear, the coating can be removed, watering somewhat shorten and move the container with sowing into a light warm place. Caring for the seedle of Arabis, as well as for any other: as necessary, water and carefully loose substrate.

Picking Arabisa

In the phase of development of the first real leaflet, if you want to grow an Arabis as a separate plant, seedlings are dicked at a distance of at least 30 cm from each other, and even better sear them in separate containers. If you want to grow arabis as soil cover, you can not engage in picking. Before disembarking to open, the seedlings are hardened for 10-12 days, making it daily for some time on open air and gradually increasing the duration of sessions. During hardening, make sure that the seedlings are not on the draft. As soon as seedling adapts to the conditions of the garden, it can be planted in an open ground.

Landing Arabis in Open Soil

When to plant arabis in the ground

Landing Arabis, or landing the cut in the ground is carried out in early June or at the end of May, but not earlier than the seedlings will develop three real leaves. Choose for Arabis, solar, well-blurred areas, although it grows well in half, but it does not bloom so magnificently and does not grow so much.

How to plant Arabis

The soil in the area for Arabis should be loose, sandy, not too wet, well-processed, purified from weeds and fertilized with mineral and organic fertilizers. To increase moisture and aircraft, you can add sand, small pebbles and turnes to garden land. But if you fall out the greeting in the calcined or poor sour soil, it will also grow, although not so buoyan. 40x40 cm landing diagram. You can land in one hole 3-4 seedlings. Immediately after the landing, the area is watered, and if it was not introduced into the ground before planting the fertilizer, then literally in a day or another after disembarking Arabisa, adopt its complex mineral fertilizer. Arabis blooms from seeds for the second year after landing.

Arabis care in the garden

How to grow Arabis

The cultivation of Arabis includes simple and familiar procedures - watering, feeding, weeding, trimming, soil loosening and protection against pests and diseases if such a threat arises. The cut of the drought-resistant and easier tolerates the lack of moisture than its surplus, so it is necessary to water it exclusively during periods of protracted drought and heat, but then it is necessary to do, observing the measure.

The care of arabis involves its frequent ventol, in any case, until the cutoff is so much so much that weeds will not have a chance to develop near her. It is necessary to regularly cut the rapidly growing shoots of Arabis, maintaining the shape of the bush. To extend the flowering period of Arabis, you need to remove faded flowers.

Reproduction of Arabisa

Arabis is multiplied not only by seeds, but also cuttings, brazers and the division of the bush. ABOUT seed methodwhich breed mostly species Arabis, we have already told you. Silent multiplies rare or terry varieties of Arabis. As a cutlets, you can use a leaf with a heel - part of a cambial layer, which will give roots. To get such a cutlets, you need to cut a sheet, but to tear off with a delay, separating along with a sheet part of the cortex of the stem with a subcanish flesh. Do it after the drag will flash. It is possible to use both cuttings and the tip of the escape - a length of about 10 cm, from which you remove bottom leaves. The cuttings are planted under the slope into the loose substrate, after which they are covered with a transparent cap and put the greenhouse into a bright, but not a sunny place. Support a substrate in a slightly wet state, let's ride cuttings daily and remove condensate from the cap. As soon as the top leaves will restore the tour, and it may happen three weeks later, you can prepare for Chenkov transplant in open ground.

In order to get the Arabis gag, hurt him to escape to the ground and attach it in the area of \u200b\u200bthe sheet node to the soil, and add the top. When the sheet node will germinate roots into the soil, separate the glasses and eat.

To the division of the carcusta, the drags are resorted by reproduction of a particularly valuable or terry variety. The bush is digging, divided into parts and seed. It is better to do this after the Arabis will flash.

Transplant Arabisa

Actually, to divide the bush of Arabisa, without digging the plant, but simply, the pinching of his shoots to the ground, wait until they put roots in leaf nodes, after which it parent plant, split them on segments by the number of root beams and transplant to a new place.

Pests and diseases of Arabis

Responsive to harmful insects and diseases Arabis sometimes suffers from viral mosaic and eternal pests of cabbage cultures cruciferous flesh. Symptoms of viral mosaic look like small brown stains on the leaves, gradually increasing in size and in the end merging with each other. Mosaic is incurable, therefore, the patient will need to immediately remove and burn, and the soil in which it grew, shed a strong heatman solution and not to grow at least a year at this place.

As for the cruciferous fleece, it is not worth spending time on labor-intensive dubbing Arabis wood ash, it is better to immediately treat the plot by accomplishing, actar, biotlin, carbofos or spark.

Arabis after flowering

How and when to collect seeds of Arabis

Choose during flowering the most beautiful inflorescences of Arabis and take them out. It is necessary to collect seeds after the first frosts, in the dry dwelling day, since the seeds collected in crude weather have a low germination. Cut the inflorescences with a part of the stem and peep them in a dry, well-ventilated room in suspended form, after which we carry the seeds and keep them in a cardboard box in a dark dry place.

Preparation of Arabis for Winter

Arabis can withstand cold to -5-7 ºC, but with more strong frosts He dies without shelter. With the onset of winter, the shoots of Arabis cut off, leaving over the surface of only 2-4 cm, which are covered with dry leaves, sweetheart or bypass material.

Types and varieties of Arabis

In culture, such types of Arabis are most often grown:

grows in the Far East, in the north of Scandinavia, on the Polar Urals, on the highlands of North America and Western Europe. This arabis is a long-term, a plant that achieves 35 cm in height, with ascending generative shoots and very branched pieces, pressed against the ground with vegetative shoots that do not die in winter and forming the curtains in the form of pillows. Dust leaves from Arabis Alpine oval, and stomens - sweat-hearted. Fragrant pink or white flowers with a diameter of up to 1 cm, forming creeps-shaped inflorescences up to 5 cm long, disclosed in April and bloom about a month. Arabis Alpian has such garden forms:

  • shneeshauba - plants high no more than 25 cm with white flowers with a diameter of up to 2 cm collected in brush up to 15 cm long;
  • mahova - differing from the source type of larger binding scenery;
  • pink - Arabis height up to 20 cm with pink flowers Diemeter up to 2 cm in inflorescences up to 12 cm long.

Landing Arabis Alpine and care for him was based on the basis of the article.

Arabis Broovo (Arabis Bryoides)

right from the subalpine and alpine zone of the mountainous regions of Albania, Greece and Bulgaria. This is a pillownox high-altitude up to 10 cm high with small, oval, wilderness, covered with felt fluff with leaves collected in the sockets, and white flowers, which in an amount of from 3 to 6 pieces form loose shield inflorescences;

some scientists are considering as the subspecies of Arabian Alpine. It grows in the Caucasus, in the Crimea, the Mediterranean, Central and Malaya Asia. At the time of flowering, this perennial reaches a height of 30 cm. Leaves from Caucasian Arabisa small, gray-green from thick white chopping, oblong, with large teeth along the edges. White flowers with a diameter of up to 1.5 cm in high-shaped inflorescences up to 8 cm long bloom within a month since the beginning of June. But individual flowers can appear on the plant until autumn. The fruit of the plant is a long narrow shishch. In culture, the view since 1800. There are such garden forms of Arabis Caucasian:

  • flore-captive - Plant, richly flowering with terry white flowers on long blooms;
  • variagrata - a variety with yellowish with the edges of the leaves;
  • rosabella - A variety with pink flowers.

wildlife is found in the Balkans. This is a soil plant with a height of 12 cm with small rosettes of leaves and faded flowers. Most often, the plant is used to fix the rolling slopes. Arabis running away unpretentious and frozen, but it is still preferably stolen for the winter. The most famous variety varieties, with green leaves with a wide white border and a beam of purple flowers, which gradually become white;

Arabis Pumila (Arabis Pumila)

in nature grows in Appennins and Alps. It grows up to 15 cm. Its white, unbroken, not having decorative flowers, are revealed in May or June. The fruits of Arabis latch are attractiveness - because of them they are grown in culture;

Arabis brazier (Arabis Androsacea)

it grows on the rocky slopes of Turkey at an altitude of up to 2300 m. It is a perennial height of 5-10 cm with small oval pointed leaves collected in the outlets, and white flowers in loose shields;

growing in California mountains at an altitude of 500 m, is a soil perennial height of up to 8 cm with a bush diameter of about 25 cm. The leaves are gray-green, and the flowers of a dark pink shade. In culture, the varieties are most often grown:

  • Rot Senseishn - Plant with elongated leaves and bright pink flowers;
  • Fryulingsber - grade with small leaves and pink flowers.

Arabis Ferdinand Koburg Variagat (Arabis Ferdinandi-Coburgii "Variegata")

- semi evergreen Not more than 5 cm high and the bush diameter is about 30 cm. This arabis is valued for abundant and long-lasting flowering. He has an attractive leaf of a light green shade with white, yellow or pinkished bordering and white flowers. Wide pillows of leaf outlets look spectacular. In the presence of good drainage This plant can transfer reduced temperatures.


Resucha, or arabis - Perennial herbaceous plant of the family Cruccera (Cruciferae) With winter overhead creepers and rooting, most often long branched, sometimes very shortened shoots. Leaves are also winter, various shapes and painting. It enjoys well-deservedly popular in flower water due to its unpretentiousness and simplicity of cultivation and reproduction. Flowers of taper, like all cruciferous, flowers with four petals of white, pink or yellow color. We define seeds, dividing bushes, cuttings. W. caucasian cutters (Arabis Caucasica) Overhead shooting shoots, rooting, wintering. The leaves are small, solid, lanceathoid, gear, dense, grayish-green color, wintering. Grows up to 25 cm in height, forms solid carpet covering. Abundantly blooms in early May white or pink, up to 1.5 cm in diameter, flowers collected in a brush up to 8 cm long. Blossom continues for a month. Flowers with a characteristic honey smell. It has universal use: single and group landings, under shrubs and trees, etc. Especially the effect of the cut in combination with tulips. May grow on any light, loose, well-drained soil. Loves a sunny place or light half. Timely circumcision of flowing inflorescences contributes to the extension of flowering. After the cessation of flowering, it is recommended to carry out a complete trimming of shoots at the height of several centimeters from the surface of the Earth, which contributes to the emergence of numerous young shoots.

Rosa Balla Rosa (Arabis Arandsii "Rosa Bella) It is a garden hybrid (Arabis AubieToides X Arabis Caucasica). Flowers large non-burning light-pink flowers collected in the brush. The plant is compact, forms a dense low (about 20 cm height) a carpet from silver-green leaves. In contrast to these species funkii Funkii Forms small outlets from the oval-lanceal sheets, the painting of which can vary from dark green to light green, depending on soil-climatic conditions. In May, the middle of the outlet grows a 10-15 cm long flower, with 10 and more white flowers about 1 cm in diameter. Flowers form a brush, placed over the entire length of the floweros.

Ferdinand Koburg's Rubuha (Arabis Ferdinandi-Coburgi) - growing in the form of a carpet with a slightly more than 5 cm, formed by thin branched stems, easily rooted in places of contact with the surface of the soil. Fall-made leaves or lanceolate-elongated, bright green or pigmented, regular or collected in a rosette. Blossom falls at the end of the spring - the beginning of summer, white flowers are collected on the tip of a 10 - 15 cm long Gorki medium size.

Lower tight rug forming dense fruitful short, well branched stalks sculpts of Sünderman (Arabis X Suendermannii). The flowering of the result is also at the end of May - the beginning of June, characteristic of most harsh, small white four-fledged flowers rise on short blossoms above the mass of glossy dark green winter leaves. Thanks to the characteristic appearance, unusually slow growth, as well as a high degree of decorativeness throughout the growing season, can be recommended for accommodation in any stony gardens, including the most miniature.

More than 50 types of hazuckers are known, most of which can enter the list of beautiful, and at the same time, unpretentious inhabitants of the Alpinaria.

Caucasian "Alba" cut (A.caucasica "Alba)

Rosea Caucasian Rosea (A.Caucasica "Rosea")

Funkii Funkii

Funkii Funkii

The cut is a perennial evergreen plant. Flowering it comes from April to June. Gardeners use only a small part of the sorrow. They are all capable of forming flowering carpet and differ by violent growth.

Plant Description

Resucha (Arabis) Refers to the family of cruciferous. Habitard is Asia or Europe. Translated from Greek arabos.means "grinding". Some of his species have hard small hairs on the leaves and stems that wrap their hands, which is why the plant has been mentioned.

This low perennial blooms early. Height he can reach up to 30 centimeters. The shape of the leaf is elegant, the shade of silver, they have downs. Color petals - from whitish to pinkish. Machion varieties look very attractive.

The flowering of Arabis is plentiful - the bush looks like a bright stain. In cool weather, Arabis blooms better - up to 8 weeks.

Features of varieties

Each species of the genus "The Ruba" is unique and has its own characteristics.

  • Caucasian cutch Arabis Caucasica) Differs in pink and white painting flowers. In width - up to 60 centimeters, height - 25 centimeters.
  • The most popular variety - Plena. It reaches a height of 25 centimeters.
  • Schneehaube variety is characteristic abundant blossom.
  • Worth paying attention to the red grade Coccinea. and compact terry FlorePleno.
  • From new species worth highlighting Lafraicheur and Compinkie.. Their bloom occurs in the summer.
  • Rubber Razuch It is a hybrid. It turns out during crossing Arabis Aubietoides. and Arabis Caucasica.. Coloring flowers - pink.
  • Protruding cut It has dark green leaves. Blossom occurs in April. From varieties is the most popular Neuschnee..
  • Variety Variegata. It has leaves, edged with a white stripe.

Landing and care

Landing is carried out in autumn or spring period. Pre-soil loose and compost. If the soil is heavy, it is facilitated by adding sand. The soil must be well drained, the place is a sunny or a small half.

Research should be extremely careful. The cup is turned upside down, then carefully pressed, so that the roots come out of the tank.

During the landing, you should unravel the roots and shorten too long processes. The distance between the plants should reach 25 cm.

All the varieties of Arabis are distinguished by unpretentious. It is suitable for any soil. As for Arabis Caucasian (its image can be seen in the photo), then it is necessary to periodically rejuvenate, otherwise the central part of the plant will look ugly, and bloom will shift to the periphery. After flowering, the shoots are shortened - they should be no more than 10 centimeters.

Rube: Description (video)

  • It is better to plant the result of colorful groups on big Square.
  • After the plant is wondering, you can start its division. To do this, the rosettes are plugged from the bush. They are put in the cups and belong to a slightly shaded place. In the spring it will be possible to land in the ground.
  • At the end of flowering, cut with sharp. Must form "Pillow".
  • Arabis Caucasian can be placed in a hole made in a black film, and then make mulching with clay or stones. So you will prevent the appearance of weeds. You can allow the plant to hang out freely from the stone, but in this case they will have to periodically cut it.
  • When shooting, it is necessary to ensure that ventilation is needed. For this, glass is removed in the greenhouse. As soon as the seedlings are growing, they can be moved to bed. Since for the appearance of flowers is required low temperature, bloom will only happen a year later.

Despite the fact that the drag rarely suffers from diseases, may appear root rot. As she looks like, you can see in the photo. At the same time, rotting begins on top. If this trouble happened, just dug the sharp and get rid of it from rotting roots.

Usage in landscape design

In the mountaineering, the cut must be present. The soil plate will bloom with white flowers already in April-May. After flowering, the stalks should be shortened. Arabis looks great in borders.

IN joint landing perfectly look such varieties like "Sound of the surf", "Arabis pink" and "Alpine Hill". Blossom occurs in the spring.

Original watches grades "Sunny Bunny" and "Alpine Snowball" In a circular flowerbed near Pine. Previously in the flower, sand and compost land should be added. You can also put arabis to cossack juniper.

Celebration Arabis (handsome both in the photo and in the flower bed) use in the foreground in the mixtore and in the curb. Crash can be planted and for refining dry retaining walls and stony slides. Terry varieties are often found in bouquets.

In medium-sized mountaineering, Arabis Caucasian is mainly grown. A live carpet from the leaves will look attractive from spring and to the autumn itself. The magnificent hat from snow-white colors will delight flowering to the continuation of 3 weeks. The spectacular type of foliage has a vapillate form of Variegata.

Each sheet has a white strip. As a result, Kurtina looks very attractive. Cimea can change the shade with white on yellow. Part of the shoots can lose the amount of pressure, then they are removed.

If you need to decorate a significant part of the area in a short time, it is better not to find the fig. To strengthen the slopes apply "Arabis towering."

Where to plant

The cutter is the soil plant. It feels perfectly on the slopes, walls, in rosary. It looks impressive and on the rocky area - in nature it is located in such places. You can land on the edge of the flower beds. In this case, the center surrounded by greens will look very impressive.

Garden partners

Excellent neighbors for the result will be a purple low iris and blue Armenian Muscari. If you have on your site alpine Gorka, in addition to the taper, it is worth posting on it:

  • burchak rock;
  • own;
  • phlox.

Persistently on the green carpet also looks and daffodils and late tulips.

Reproduction of the result

Split the alpine cuttings in summer period or dividing bushes in autumn time. Also reproduction can be conducted by seeds. Their sowing is carried out under winter or in spring Time. Since Ot terry grades It is impossible to get seeds, their reproduction occurs only with the help of shifting.

The landing of Crenkov occurs in June to the garden or in a cold greenhouse. For good rooting, it is necessary to separate the leaf so that the skin moved along with him. A cambial layer will open, from which it will later grow root system.

Rubai: landing and care (video)

Get a large blooming carpet on the site is quite simple, if used for this purpose, sharp. All the varieties of Arabis differ from each other, so you can experiment and use them for incarnation. different ideas Registration of garden plot. Plant landing is made in spring or autumn. Arabis is undemanding for care. The root rot from the disease can appear.

Arabis refers to a group of perennials, representing a family of cruciferous. The natural medium of its habitat is the mountains and stony slopes. Most often, this picturesque carpet can be found in the mountains of Europe, North America and Asia countries.

The interest in this plant is quite high, however, not all novice flowers are familiar with the peculiarities of its cultivation and care, which is often preventing the plant to demonstrate all their decorative properties.

Arabis: description and variety

This soil plate, known as the Rukuha, belongs to the medium-term group and reaches a height of 30 cm. Therefore, it is often used in the design of various objects available on garden plot - arboretum, Rocaria and Alpinaria.

This plant looks unusually due to the amazing combination of bright emerald foliage and pinkish, cream, lilac and snow-white Inflorescences that are the main decoration of Arabis.

This plant surprises that retains evergreen painting at any temperature and climatic conditions. If there is snow cover, Arabis feels well even in harsh winter frosts.

It is no coincidence that this plant bears such a name, because it received it because of its unusual properties. In nature there are varieties on the leaves of which are hard hairscapable of easy to injury hands.

Many this mountain plant is known entitled " sunny bunny" This name looks much harder and at the same time greatly suitable for the smoking pleasant aroma of the flower carpet.

Varieties of the plant Arabisa

On the this moment The efforts of breeders managed to create about 200 species of this plant, including more than a hundred - hybrid speciesWith pronounced decorative properties, thanks to which they are very in demand among gardeners.

The greatest interest among them is two types of Arabis:

  • caucasian;
  • alpine.

Caucasian Arabis

The main feature of the mountain variety of plants is very powerful root system. It was thanks to her, the Arabis Caucasian grows well in the mountains, where his roots find a place to root inside the cleft.

Buckets, decorated with emerald greens, rather low and have a height of no more than 15 cm. As a rule, they are expanding to a length of up to 30-40 cm. Blowing Arabis begins in May when steady warm weather is established.

During this period, you can feel a gentle aroma, as well as enjoy miniature pink and White Flowers. Arabis Caucasian is presented in wild, as well as cultural form, which can often be found as panstonesand in the oranges.

Arabis Alpine

This species is also able to hit any sophisticated gardener. Attention to himself, it attracts an extraordinary aroma, as well as the presence of a large number on a bush white and pink tassels.

Usually he blooms in mid-April. It can often be found under mountain cracks and between stones, where it is quite easy to get along. Adult specimens can grow to 18-20 cm.

The above-described varieties of Arabis are not the only, except for them, there are many other distortions of varieties.

This list can be included in the following varieties: a moss-like Arabis running (grows in the Balkans), semi-collar, babies And other no less colorful mountain plants.

The first flowers bloom in May, and there are quite a lot of them, but it is necessary to observe this picture for a short time - only 20-30 days.

Cystic inflorescences that bring unforgettable pleasure are presented large quantity simple and terry flowershaving a lemon, purple or pinkish color. After flowering, Arabis starts fruit, forming pods containing brown seeds.

Landing of Arabis seeds in open ground

Usually, in search of seeds, the Alpine, many gardeners come very simply and appeal to flower shops. However, before buying a seed material, it is necessary to know when it is best to take sowing.

Despite the greater availability of this method, it allows you to achieve minimal cost High results. As a result, you will have to raise the plants less often without thinking about creating drainage.

In such conditions, seeds are not only germinate, but also faster bloom. It is possible to understand that seedlings can be resettled at a permanent place, you can at the appearance of the first two-three leaves.

So that the bushes of Arabis are able to grow to their maximum sizes, when landing they need to be placed no closer than 40 cm Friend from each other. Perhaps someone wants to get picturesque floral carpet from Arabis. In this case, one or four plants should be planted into one well.

However, you will have to be patient because the Arabis will begin to bloom only for the next year. Although, if you do not wait to find out how seedlings you are looking for, you can choose special varieties in advance, which will be able to bloom at the end of summer.

When you acquire adult bushes of Arabis, you can use them for breeding. To do this, you will need cuttings. Therefore, if you trigger bushes, you should not throw out cut branches.

Plant care

For normal development, there is a moderate watering. Typically, the need for moisture in plants occurs only during periods of drought. Although the Arabis can grow on the soils of any composition, it will be better to feel if you are during your departure regularly loose soil.

So that after sowing the plant, they went to growth as soon as possible, forming new leaves, during the landing, you should use mixtures of soil and sand. Then after two or three months you will be amazed with stormy blossoms and an unforgettable aroma.

Arabis is unpretentious plant And in the sense that many diseases and pests are not terrible. And they do not have to be surprised, given that he feels comfortable not only in the garden, but also in mountain clefts.

Getting used to grow in the mountains, Arabis Alpine demonstrates unpretentiousness and in the garden without requiring much attention.

However, if you want to achieve greater expressiveness and saturation from it, then preferably throughout the summer season conduct feedingUsing special mineral fertilizers. And for the first time they can be made in the soil after landing.

Reproduction of Arabisa

Among the majority of gardeners are often practiced method of breeding by sowing seeds. However, for its terry varieties is allowed to use and alternative methods - reproduction with cuttings or division of cooks.

The rooting occurs quite quickly, usually takes no more than 3 weeks. Over the summer, he has a well-developed root system, so in the fall you can find a permanent place for it.

Arabis is popular with gardeners not only because of beautiful flowers. This is one of the most unpretentious in growing plants, which are often used to design various elements of the garden area.

Considering that in natural conditions, the Arabis grows in mountain clefts, even a beginner flower descendant when cultivating the sorry in the garden plot will not experience problems.

Sowing special attention should be paid, since there are future plants at this stage. But in the future he will not require much attention, because the Arabis quietly costs without frequent feeding and irrigation.