Types of heating devices for the heating system. Overview of modern heating devices for heating the house: electrical, gas and for the water system

A heating device operating on a radiation-convective principle is called a radiator. The hollow design of the body allows, passing any heat carrier, to heat the outer surface of the metal device. And then from the sections of the heated radiator, thermal energy is radiated into the room.

The heat exchangers designed for heating the air in the room are made of various alloys. This approach ensures maximum heat transfer rates in each specific case:

Due to their high heat transfer, aluminum devices and their modifications are in demand in individual construction, with gentle modes of operation and careful preparation of the coolant.

Cast-iron radiators, familiar to most Russians, are an economical option for heating systems where water quality cannot be monitored.

Copper tubes with aluminum fins are the heating element of all convector water systems.

Steel radiators, due to a wide range of types, are the most popular option among consumers following fashionable foreign trends in interior design.

Aluminum sectional radiators

Radiators made of aluminum alloys are distinguished by their low weight and high efficiency. These factors are due to: simple installation and efficient operation of the heating element.

Declared by manufacturers as devices intended for operation in central heating systems, they are not always suitable for operation in heating circuits of the old model, because heavy metal salts are capable of destroying the polymer film covering the aluminum surface. This process, lasting a long time, results in the rupture of the cast structure.

Provided that control over the coolant is ensured (using an autonomous heating system) and the direct contact of dissimilar metals (copper or steel with aluminum) is prevented, the aluminum radiator is guaranteed to last up to 25 years.

An operating pressure of 6 - 16 bar allows the battery to be connected to the central heating, but the annual testing of the central system with a load of 10 bar requires a careful study of the declared parameters.

Injection molded radiators withstand higher loads than compressed extrusion (squeezed out) elements.

Bimetallic models

Bimetallic batteries have a complex structure made of steel or copper and aluminum. In order to avoid internal corrosion, the steel, which gives the structure strength, is covered with a thin polymer layer. High thermal conductivity aluminum is used for casting the outer surface of the evaporator (wide fins). Thanks to the thin-walled steel bars inside the device and the large aluminum sections, the weight of the radiator remains low, while the steel component can withstand pressures up to 25 bar.

To exclude direct contact of galvanized metals, an insulating layer of paronite is present between them. Therefore, the service life of a bimetallic device is longer than that of any other heating element.

High efficiency and the possibility of quick installation allow you to effectively use a bimetallic radiator for heating very large areas (exhibition halls, shopping pavilions). Portable bimetallic oil devices, due to the high density of the thermal carrier, will provide a local heat curtain in any enclosed space.

Cast iron heaters

Radiators made of cast iron sections do not corrode. The properties of the cast iron alloy provide good heat transfer, and the ability to manufacture decoratively designed sections indicates competitiveness.

Among the disadvantages of cast-iron heating batteries are significant weight and fragility inherent in thin cast iron. The average weight indicator for one section is 5 kg. But devices made of cast iron hold high pressure, can be supplemented with additional sections, are completely undemanding to the quality of the heat carrier, and the operating temperature of the water can reach 130 ° C. Cast iron heaters have a long service life (about 40 years). Even if the sections are covered with mineral deposits from the inside (due to long-term operation in systems with "hard" water), this will not affect the thermal conductivity of cast iron and the overall heat transfer rates.

A variety of types of sections of modern cast-iron radiators (1-, 2x and 3-channel, classic and embossed, standard and enlarged) allows you to choose the option that is necessary in each specific case, taking into account all significant factors.

The panel construction of a steel battery has a number of its own advantages, the main of which can be considered an increased heat transfer. Indeed, in the radiator casing there are channels for the coolant, the useful volume of which is larger than that of cast iron counterparts. At the same time, the steel heats up faster. Therefore, at the same cost, a modern steel radiator heats up more than an outdated cast iron radiator. This feature makes steel panels in demand in individual construction, especially in conditions of severe resource savings.

The range of panel-type steel heaters includes batteries with bottom side feed. Built-in heat regulators provide constant temperature control, and the thin-walled (no more than 2 mm) construction instantly reacts to changes in the position of the thermostat. Even the mounting system is thought out to the maximum - almost invisible brackets will securely fix the radiator on the wall or on the floor.

Low pressure (9 bar), declared for steel panels, does not allow them to be massively connected to a central heating system with its significant overloads.

The tubular design of the steel radiator has no significant drawbacks, except for its high cost. The price of the device is due to the combination of expensive material and its low heat transfer (due to the specific tubular shape).

Due to its design features, a heating device assembled from steel sections brings not only practical benefits, heating the room. The appearance of the classic model of a tubular radiator can decorate a room, the modeled figured structures can become a starting point in the development of a design concept.

Steel is susceptible to corrosion, and anti-corrosion treatment of the finished product will only increase its cost - therefore, radiators from ordinary steel are no longer produced. It is technologically possible to assemble a tubular structure from galvanized steel. The individual segments are spot welded in the collector area. Moreover, the finished product is completely symmetrical, which allows installation without preliminary piping. Such a radiator does not corrode, it can withstand a system pressure of 12 bar, so it can be purchased for installation in multi-storey buildings.

Convector type heaters

The principle of operation of convectors is based on the natural property of cold air to go down and hot air to go up. As a stimulator of this cycle, a copper tube is used, through which the coolant passes. For efficient heat dissipation, the tube is equipped with aluminum fins. It is they who heat the descending cold air, forming a heat flow. The whole process takes place inside a metal box, as open as possible at the bottom and partially at the top. Moreover, the box itself does not heat up. Sometimes supply fans are used to increase the air supply.

Such elements of the heating system, allowing you to quickly heat the room, can be made in the form of a separate wall block, bench, plinth. Floor convectors are available.

This is the only correct solution when equipping a heating system in a room with low window sills or full-length windows, because warm air rises from the convector installed near the window, blocking the path of the cold air coming from the window

Classic models are designed for a pressure of 10 bar, so they can be connected to a centralized system.

Brass, copper and steel are used as material for the production of a water heated towel rail. Brass models are designed to work with a neutral acidity coolant, copper and steel models are capable of operating smoothly in any systems. High pressure indicators (16 bar) make it possible to install heated towel rails in both the heating circuit and the hot water supply system. In any case, at a pressure of 6 to 10 bar, the device functions without fail.

The disadvantage of a water appliance is that seasonal interruptions in hot water supply entail forced downtime in the operation of a heated towel rail. Otherwise, thanks to a wide range of products, even a demanding consumer can make a choice.

Electric heated towel rails, performing the same functions as water heaters, are not as economical. But the ability not to depend on water supply makes citizens buy an electrical appliance.

Combined models imply the presence of electric heating elements in a water heated towel rail. The low popularity of water-electric devices is due to the fact that in the absence of water in the system, they are prohibited from using.

Radiator as a design element

The most common design radiators are modern water heated towel rails. The species variety of models prompts an experiment in bathroom design. However, both in the living room and in the hallway, you can install a heating device, skillfully disguised as a mirror, or made in the form of an abstract bas-relief. Backlit models have become popular lately. Moreover, only the owner of the house knows that this is a functioning radiator.

Indoor design radiators are not cheap devices, so they think about safe operation directly at the factory. Moreover, the goods are piece, manufactured after a thorough analysis of the heating system and operating conditions.

It is impossible to find negative aspects in devices that ideally combine practical functionality and aesthetic appearance. The only thing worth remembering when purchasing a ready-made heating device abroad on your own is a possible discrepancy between a beautiful radiator designed for a two-pipe system, ours, a one-pipe one. Indeed, if the suspicions are confirmed, then the miracle of design ideas will gather dust in the pantry.

What you need to pay attention to when choosing a radiator

The selection of the required radiator must be carried out, first of all, from a practical point of view. That is, the technical characteristics:

Power - at the rate of 1 kW per 10 sq. m.

Working pressure - for central systems from 10 bar, for closed - from 6 bar.

Dimensions - in order not to subsequently alter the opening.

It is worth remembering that the acidic characteristics of the heat carrier (water) are one of the most significant factors when selecting elements of the heating system. For example, a water acidity index of 8 and higher is not suitable for aluminum radiators.

After the basic parameters have been determined, you can choose from the appropriate options models that match your own aesthetic ideas.

Do not forget about possible breakdowns (even if the seller claims a half-century warranty period) and the real possibility of repair (modernization). Indeed, having a three-section cast-iron radiator in a 20-meter room, theoretically, you can count on connecting additional sections, which cannot be said about an incorrectly selected bimetallic device, which, in a similar case, will have to be replaced completely.

In order for the long-awaited warmth to come to the home, it is not enough just to burn the fuel in the firebox and load the coolant with the calories received. It is necessary to transfer the precious cargo to the premises in need without unjustified losses. This is the kind of work that heating devices are doing.

The most important place among them is occupied by hot water heating devices... Water as a heat carrier has many advantages: it has high fluidity, is ecologically perfect, and is available.

Heating devices hydraulic heating systems are radiators, convectors and water (not to be confused with electric!) warm floors. There are also smooth and cast iron finned pipes, but they are used mainly for heating industrial buildings.

Radiatorin translation from Latin - "emitting", it gives up to 30% of the heat flux in the form of radiation, the rest - in the form of convection. In the convector, the phenomenon of convection (from the Latin convectio - bringing, delivery) accounts for over 90% of the heat flux, which gave its name. In city apartments and modern suburban housing, heating devices are the main "heroes" of heating systems. In city apartments and modern suburban housing, heating devices are the main elements of heating systems. Heating devices, with rare exceptions, are always in sight, and design is important for them. According to marketers, up to 50% of buyers give it priority. However, beauty that does not lend itself well to rationing is an important, but not the only characteristic that buyers pay attention to.

Selection of heating equipment

First of all, the buyer pays attention to the thermal power of the device. ... In recent years, it has improved markedly thermal insulation of premises... The result is that much less heat energy is spent on heating them than a decade ago. But during the same time, the number of household appliances (computers, microwave ovens, audio systems, etc.) has visibly increased in our apartments, whose total effect on the room temperature cannot be ignored.


In a one-pipe system, heaters are connected in series. As a result, to each subsequent coolant comes colder than to the previous one. That is, the temperature depends on the distance between the radiator and the heat source. It is difficult to regulate such a system, and the heating devices used in it must have a low hydraulic resistance. With a two-pipe heating system, the coolant is supplied through one pipe, and discharged through the other, which allows parallel, independent connection of heating devices. Another advantage of the "two-pipe" is that it allows maintaining low operating pressures in the system, thereby increasing the service life of communications and making it possible to use cheaper thin-walled radiators. Such schemes are most common in Western Europe. In Russia, especially in houses built in the 1950s and 80s, single-pipe systems prevail.

Therefore, even today the problem of maintaining the optimal temperature, the possibility of its correction is relevant. The consumer needs controlled heat. Heat, capable of leading to a reasonable compromise, two opposing desires - not to feel discomfort and pay less for heat energy that is becoming more expensive every year. Such heat is brought into the house by easily controlled heating devices that adequately respond to changes in air temperature (it is very good if they work in automatic mode).

It is also an axiom that the consumer should receive absolutely safe heat. That is, it completely excludes even the minimal possibility of mechanical and thermal injuries. A modern heater should be pleasant not only externally, but also to the touch. Despite the fact that the temperature of the water circulating in it can approach 90–95 ° C, the temperature of the casing should not exceed the absolutely safe 40–45 ° C. This is important for both furniture and electrical appliances, which are undesirable to be placed next to heating. Modern radiators and convectors have reduced the previously rather extensive "exclusion zone" to zero. And now, in the immediate vicinity of them, you can safely place TVs, refrigerators and even expensive leather furniture.

For a modern city dweller, who spends almost twenty-four hours a day within four walls, it is very important that he be warmed by healthy warmth. A lower temperature of the outer surface than in old conventional batteries and an increase in the proportion of convection are two main factors that ensure a more even distribution of air temperature in the room, eliminate the causes of drafts, and also contribute to the natural normalization of humidity, prevent the formation of mold and mildew in the room. and, as a result, improving the well-being of people who live in these premises.

Hot water heating systems have a tendency to decrease their size, which, in principle, does not affect the heat supply.

The design of heating devices is not only expressive shapes or eye-pleasing colors, but also small dimensions. The evolution of heating devices towards reducing their mass and volume does not come from aesthetic considerations alone. Small size is also economical. A smaller heating device (that is, its own weight and the amount of heat carrier contained in it at a time), which means that its thermal inertia is less, it reacts more quickly to temperature changes, rebuilding to the desired mode. For example, the JAGA copper-aluminum radiator heating system reaches full capacity in just 10 minutes.

The desire to minimize the volume occupied by the heating device, taken to the absolute, is expressed in the production of the mini series, presented in the assortment of many manufacturers. These devices are so small (their height is only 8-10 cm) that they can simply be hidden under the floor, which, however, is not at all necessary - a radiator or convector can serve as an interior decoration no less than a stylish interior door, an original lamp or panel on the wall. But to hide communications (valves and eyeliner) under the casing is quite reasonable for any size.

What are they made of?

Radiators and convectors made of various materials - steel, cast iron, aluminum, a combination of several metals (bimetallic radiators).

When choosing a radiator for your home, you need to pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • working and test (or pressure) pressure; usually their ratio is in the range of 1.3-1.5;
  • nominal heat flux (flux determined under normalized conditions: temperature head - 70 ° C, coolant flow rate - 0.1 kg / s when it moves in the device according to the “top-down” scheme, atmospheric pressure - 1013.3 GPa);
  • dimensions (length, height, depth, center-to-center distance);
  • mass and the value derived from it - specific material consumption (measured in kg / kW);
  • cost.


Cast iron radiators. Cast iron has high thermal conductivity. For these reasons, heating devices made from it can be used in systems with large pressure drops and poor water preparation (increased aggressiveness, pollution, pieces of scale). Just all these qualities are possessed by one-pipe systems prevailing in multi-storey construction.

Cast iron radiators have been produced for over 100 years. This is a kind of classic, on which more than one generation of our fellow citizens was "brought up", who usually called this heating device a battery. Until the 1960s, almost the entire range of heating devices in our country was formed from batteries. And today this heating device, prematurely written off by many, still retains up to 70% of the Russian market.

Modern heating radiators have good design and high heat dissipation.

In our country, cast-iron radiators are most often used, consisting of two-channel sections that are connected to each other. The number of sections is determined by the calculated heating surface. They also use single-channel, and abroad multi-channel (up to 9 channels in one section) cast-iron radiators.

Their disadvantages include high weight, a significant percentage of factory rejects - cracks and cavities that form as a result of poor-quality casting and reduce a potentially very long service life. According to the regulations, the warranty period for radiators is 2.5 years from the date the object is put into operation or sold within the warranty period, and manufacturers and sellers promise at least several decades of flawless service for these devices. Sometimes cast-iron radiators are reproached for the lack of an attractive appearance (remember: "accordion battery"). However, the use of modern designs and powder paints can add charm to these veterans too.

Systems in which cast-iron radiators are involved, due to the high thermal inertia, are not easy to regulate. Although there is a way out of this situation, and in some models, due to a decrease in the capacity of the sections, it is possible to effectively use thermostatic elements (such as, for example, Danfoss RTD-G, RTD-N thermostats).

Domestic products prevail in this class of heating devices. Among the foreign ones can be distinguished cast iron sectional radiators of firms Roca (Spain), Viadrus (Czech), Biasi (Italy), "Santekhlit" (Belarus), Turkish radiators Ridem.

Steel panel radiators are formed from two stamped sheets. In our country, their production began in the 1960s. They are distinguished from sectional cast iron ones by their lower weight (specific gravity per 1 kW is about three times lower) and thermal inertia. They are considered "sissies" because they are more sensitive to hydraulic shocks that occur when the system is stopped or started and are afraid of corrosion provoked by frequent drains or a high oxygen content in the coolant. In systems where there are multiple pressure surges "above the ordinary", it is not necessary to count on a long service life of steel panel radiators. Typically, the operating pressure of devices of this type does not exceed 9 atm.

expert opinion V.V. Kotkov
Commercial Director of the HitLine Group of Companies

It can be argued that the share of progressive (in relation to the so far prevailing classical cast iron) radiator designs is increasing. Today in Europe, up to 5 million sections of aluminum radiators are produced annually. To a large extent, the development of this production is stimulated by the Russian market, where the demand for them is annually increasing by 5-10%. Therefore, leading Western companies are trying to adapt their products as much as possible to Russian conditions (existing problems with water treatment in our country, high unstable pressure in central heating systems, etc.). Although, by tradition, many Russian construction companies give priority to cast iron radiators, the number of companies working with aluminum is steadily increasing. After all, an aluminum radiator is not just a private technical solution, but a solution to a whole range of problems related to efficiency, safety and design. It is able to fit into a modern interior, it does not need to be masked, spending a lot of money on it.

Steel panel radiators are widely used in low-rise construction. They are especially appropriate for a two-pipe heating system, which is preferred in cottage construction. It is reasonable to install them in multi-storey buildings in the presence of an individual heating point, i.e. a boiler room. Three quarters of steel panel radiator sales are from private developers, luxury housing and civilian buildings. The most famous models of firms in our country are: VSZ (Slovakia), Dia Norm, Preussag, Kermi (Germany), Korado (Czech), DeLonghi (Italy), Stelrad (Holland), Purmo (Poland), Roca (Spain), DemirDokum (Turkey), Impulse west (England, but assembled in Italy), Dunaferr (Hungary).

Tubular and sectional the radiators are outwardly similar, although they are structurally different - in the tubular sections, they are absent as such, and the tubes are connected by two monolithic collectors. Both have an attractive look and fit organically into almost any interior. The streamlined shape of the radiator eliminates the possibility of human injury. The small capacity of the sections contributes to effective thermoregulation. And if some of its elements are made of a finned tube, then it is possible, without changing the linear dimensions, to significantly increase the power of the radiator.

The working pressure of tubular steel radiators is higher than that of panel radiators - 10 and more atm.

In our market, this type of radiator is represented mainly by German brands Bemm, Arbonia, Kermi.

Aluminum they call radiators made of an alloy of aluminum with silicon (the content of aluminum itself is from 80 to 98%). Aluminum is a material with high thermal conductivity, but it imposes increased requirements on the chemical composition of the coolant. The disadvantage of radiators made of an aluminum-silicon alloy with a high silicon content is the generation of hydrogen upon contact with water. The excellent design performance of most radiators somewhat spoils the automatic air release valve installed on each device, since hydrogen is actively evolved during operation.

A significant part of the Russian market of aluminum radiators is occupied by products of Italian firms: Rovall, Industrie Pasotti, Global, Alugas, Aural, Fondital, Giacomini, Nova Florida... There are also Spanish radiators Roca, Czech Radus, English Wester, etc.

Bimetallic radiators. Outwardly similar to aluminum. The sections consist of two thin-walled steel pipes (channels for the passage of the heating medium), pressed under pressure with a high-quality aluminum alloy. The logic of this symbiosis is based on the fact that aluminum has a high thermal conductivity, and steel has strength, which guarantees the operation of the device at excess pressure. The actual monopolists in the production of bimetallic radiators are Italian firms. The most famous trade mark is Sira.

Bimetallic radiators are both durable and efficient.

Convectors. The basis of the convector's design is a heating element enclosed in a casing. Flowing down to it, the cooled room air heats up and rises. As a result, more than 90% of the heat is transferred by convection.

Most widespread convectors received in autonomous systems. They are especially effective at low coolant temperatures. So, they are able to warm up a room at a water temperature of only 40 ° C. For the convenience of the user, the convector is equipped with an air valve and a drain pipe. The built-in thermostat and water pressure regulator make it economical to operate.

The convector has especially harmoniously blended into the modern architectural environment, which actively uses large windows, bay windows, winter gardens, etc.

Structurally, it can have four solutions. Radiator convectors are a combination of two devices, reflected in the name itself. They are installed near windows, on the floor or on small stands. Skirting convectors are located in the floor under large windows. The low height (90–100 mm) does not require niches, and the weak convective flow can be enhanced by a slowly rotating fan. Convectors buried in the floor are the best option for living quarters on the ground floors. The device is placed in a kind of a shaft, cold air passing along the window freely enters the convector, and the flow of warm air ensures natural circulation in the room. And finally, convectors covered with a decorative screen. Unlike radiators, a closed convector does not lose in heat transfer at all; on the contrary, the screen increases traction.

Hot water pipes

The functioning of heating devices in hydraulic systems is impossible without pipes. The first polymer (polyvinyl chloride) pipes were manufactured in 1936 in Germany. The first pipeline of them was built in the same place in 1939. But the active introduction of polymer pipes into water supply and heating systems began in the mid-1950s, and in our country from the early 1970s.

Both for systems using classic radiators and for underfloor heating, XLPE pipes are best suited. They are not afraid of short-term temperature rise up to +110 ° C (normal operating temperature is usually +95 ° C). With all the advantages, they have one drawback - the high price.

They are used in heating systems and propylene pipes... But at the same time, the high coefficient of thermal expansion of the material should be taken into account. The service life of polymer pipes can reach 30 years or more. The gasket should be hidden: they are hidden in baseboards, shafts, channels or in floor structures. If polymer pipes are used in heating systems, then in order to protect them from exceeding the parameters of the coolant, it is necessary to provide for the installation of automatic control devices.

The advantages of plastic and metal pipes combine metal-plastic pipes. They are combined with other materials, do not allow oxygen to pass through, and due to the smooth inner surface, they have less resistance to flow than steel, which in conditions of mass use allows you to save a lot of energy. The guaranteed service life is at least 20 years, but, as a rule, in reality it reaches 30-50 years. For comparison, according to the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation, galvanized steel pipes in internal systems serve an average of 12-16 years, and "black" - half as long.

Competing devices for hot water heating systems

Heating appliance type Stamps Price for a conventional unit of equipment with a capacity of 1 kW (in euros)
Steel tubular radiator Arbonia kermi
Copper-aluminum radiator (Belgium, Russia) JAGA, "Isotherm" 100
Bimetallic radiator (Russia, Czech Republic) SIRA, Style, Bimex 85–95
Cast aluminum radiator (Italy) Elegance, Nova Florida, Calidor Super, Sahara Plus, Global MIX, Global VOX 64–75
Extrusion aluminum radiator (Italy, Russia) Opera
RN ("Stupinsky radiator")
Steel panel radiator Kermi, Korado, DeLongi, Stelrad 50
Convector (Russia) "TB Universal" 25
Cast iron radiator MS-140
Demir Dokum, Roca

Warm floors

It is logical to make a smooth transition from pipes to water-heated floors. This heating system has many benefits. First, the low (40–55 ° C) temperature of the heating medium helps to save energy. Secondly, due to the participation in the heat emission of the entire floor surface, an almost ideal horizontal and close to ideal vertical temperature distribution is ensured. So, if the temperature of the floor surface is 22-25 ° C, then the air temperature at the head level is 19-22 ° C. People, according to research by hygienists, feel most comfortable when their head is slightly colder than their feet. In hot seasons, piping water with a temperature of 10–12 ° C can effectively cool the room. Third, water warm floor enable the rational use of living space.

In new buildings with poured concrete floors, the underfloor heating system consists of several layers: a concrete slab, hydro-, sound- and thermal insulation, film, pipes, concrete screed (the most common concrete grade not lower than M-300 is used), a cement layer for leveling the floor and cover. In older buildings, the dry laying method is used, when heating pipes are installed in the insulation of the supporting layer in special metal plates that ensure an even distribution of heat.

A water heat-insulated floor can also be installed under a wooden floor mounted on beams. To do this, a rough floor is made from a board, chipboard, moisture-resistant plywood or DSP (cement-bonded particle board with a thickness of at least 20 mm).

Fastening of pipes in the circuits is carried out using reinforcement mesh and wire, fastening tape and mounting brackets.

In accordance with Russian regulations, the average temperature of the heated floor must not exceed 26 ° C. Therefore, before entrusting the water heated floor with the role of the main heating system, it is necessary to carefully calculate whether there is enough heat for the room, or if a redundant system is still needed.

The heating system uses heating devices that are used to transfer heat to the room. Manufactured heating devices must meet the following requirements:

  1. Economic: low cost of the device and low material consumption.
  2. Architectural and construction: the device must be compact and match the interior of the room.
  3. Production and assembly: mechanical strength of the product and mechanization in the manufacture of the device.
  4. Sanitary and hygienic: low surface temperature, small horizontal surface area, easy cleaning of surfaces.
  5. Thermal engineering: maximum heat transfer to the room and controllable heat transfer.

Instrument classification

The following indicators are distinguished when classifying heating devices:

  • - the magnitude of thermal inertia (large and small inertia);
  • - material used in the manufacture (metallic, non-metallic and combined);
  • - method of heat transfer (convective, convective-radiation and radiation).

Radiation devices include:

  • ceiling radiators;
  • sectional cast iron radiators;
  • tubular radiators.

Convective-radiation devices include:

  • floor heating panels;
  • sectional and panel radiators;
  • smooth tube devices.

Convective devices include:

  • panel radiators;
  • finned tubes;
  • plate convectors;
  • tubular convectors.

Let's consider the most applicable types of heating devices.

Aluminum sectional radiators


  1. high efficiency;
  2. light weight;
  3. ease of installation of radiators;
  4. efficient operation of the heating element.


  1. 1. not suitable for use in old heating systems, since heavy metal salts destroy the protective polymer film of the aluminum surface.
  2. 2. Long-term operation leads to the failure of the cast structure, to rupture.

They are mainly used in central heating systems. The working pressure of the radiators is from 6 to 16 bar. It should be noted that the radiators, which were die-cast under pressure, withstand the greatest loads.

Bimetallic models


  1. light weight;
  2. high efficiency;
  3. the possibility of prompt installation;
  4. heat large areas;
  5. withstand pressures up to 25 bar.


  1. have a complex design.

These radiators will last longer than others. The radiators are made of steel, copper and aluminum. The material aluminum conducts heat well.

Cast iron heaters


  1. not subject to corrosion;
  2. transfer heat well;
  3. withstand high pressure;
  4. there is a possibility of adding sections;
  5. the quality of the heat carrier does not matter.


  1. significant weight (one section weighs 5 kg);
  2. fragility of fine cast iron.

The operating temperature of the heat carrier (water) reaches 130 ° C. Cast iron heating devices serve for a long time, about 40 years. The heat transfer rates are not affected by mineral deposits inside the sections.

There is a wide variety of cast iron radiators: single-channel, two-channel, three-channel, embossed, classic, oversized and standard.

In our country, the economical version of cast iron appliances has received the greatest application.

Steel panel radiators


  1. increased heat transfer;
  2. low pressure;
  3. easy cleaning;
  4. simple installation of radiators;
  5. small weight compared to cast iron.


  1. high pressure;
  2. corrosion of metal, in the case of using ordinary steel.

A steel radiator of the present time heats up better than a cast iron one.

The steel heaters have built-in thermostats that ensure constant temperature control. The design of the device has thin walls and reacts quickly enough to the thermostat. Unobtrusive brackets allow you to mount the radiator on the floor or wall.

The low pressure of the steel panels (9 bar) does not allow them to be connected to a central heating system with frequent and significant overloads.

Steel tubular radiators


  1. high heat transfer;
  2. mechanical strength;
  3. aesthetic appearance for interiors.


  1. high price.

Tubular radiators are often used in interior design because they decorate the room.

Due to corrosion, conventional steel radiators are currently not available. If steel is subjected to anti-corrosion treatment, it will significantly increase the cost of the device.

The radiator made of galvanized steel is not subject to corrosion. It has the ability to withstand a pressure of 12 bar. This type of radiator is often installed in multi-storey residential buildings or organizations.

Convector type heaters

Convector type device


  1. low inertia;
  2. small mass.


  1. low heat transfer;
  2. great requirements for the coolant.

Convector-type appliances quickly heat the room. They have several manufacturing options: in the form of a plinth, in the form of a wall block and in the form of a bench. There are also floor convectors.

This heater uses a copper tube. The coolant moves along it. The tube is used as an air stimulator (hot air goes up and cold air goes down). The air change process takes place in a metal box, which does not heat up.

Convection heaters are suitable for rooms with low windows. Warm air from the convector installed near the window prevents the incoming cold air.

The heaters can be connected to a centralized system, since they are designed for a pressure of 10 bar.

Towel dryers


  1. variety of shapes and colors;
  2. high pressure indicators (16 bar).


  1. may not perform its functions due to seasonal interruptions in water supply.

Steel, copper and brass are used as materials of manufacture.

Heated towel rails are electric, water and combined. Electric ones are not as economical as water ones, but they allow customers to not depend on the availability of water supply. Combined heated towel rails must not be used if there is no water in the system.

Radiator selection

When choosing a radiator, it is necessary to pay attention to the practicality of the heating element. Further, you must remember about the following characteristics:

  • overall dimensions of the device;
  • power (for 10 m2 of area 1 kW);
  • working pressure (from 6 bar - for closed systems, from 10 bar for central systems);
  • acidic characteristics of water as a heat carrier (this heat carrier is not suitable for aluminum radiators).

After clarifying the main parameters, you can proceed to the selection of heating devices in terms of aesthetic indicators and the possibility of its modernization.

Types of heaters in the heating system

Types of heating devices: aluminum, sectional, bimetallic, cast iron, steel panel and tubular radiators, convection-type devices and heated towel rails.

Water heating devices. What to choose?

If about ten years ago Russian consumers had practically nothing available except cast-iron radiators, now we have a wide selection of different heating devices. However, starting only from the appearance when choosing them, you can create considerable problems for yourself. You should be aware that the operating conditions of heating devices in Russia (one-pipe heating system, the presence of hydraulic shocks) do not always meet the operating requirements of many imported radiators. Therefore, the main criterion when choosing a device should be its maximum adaptation to specific operating conditions. You should be aware of the restrictions that sales consultants will not always inform you about.

Cast iron sectional radiators.

This type of heating device is installed in most old Russian houses. A classic example of such a radiator is the domestic model MS-140, which has an operating pressure of 9 atm and a test pressure of 15 atm.

What are the advantages of cast iron radiators? They are resistant to corrosion and not very picky about polluted water, which is very important when used in city buildings with central heating.

Corrosion resistance is very important in conditions when the water from the heating system is drained for the summer, and it turns out that the radiator remains rusty for these "dry" months, which is typical for centralized heating in most Russian cities. The large diameter of the bore and low hydraulic resistance of most cast iron radiators make it possible to successfully use them in systems with natural circulation.

The disadvantages of cast iron radiators are obvious. Firstly, cast iron is heavy, which complicates installation, transportation, etc. Secondly, cast iron radiators have high thermal inertia, which makes it difficult to regulate the room temperature. Thirdly, most of them are far from being works of art, they often do not fit into the interior (with the exception of some stylized imported models).

And the last significant drawback is the difficulty in removing dust accumulating between sections.

Up to 70% of the heat from cast iron radiators is transferred to the room through radiation and only 30% through convection.

Sectional aluminum radiators.

In recent years, aluminum radiators have won a significant part of the Russian market from cast iron ones. How did this happen? First of all, due to high heat transfer and lightness - the weight of one section without water is only about 1 kg, which significantly facilitates transportation and installation. Often the choice in favor of aluminum radiators (which, of course, are made not from pure aluminum, but from an alloy) is made due to their attractive design.

Aluminum radiators are less inertial than cast iron, and, therefore, quickly respond to changes in temperature control parameters.

The most common models are with a center-to-center distance of 500 and 350 mm, but many companies also offer non-standard options - 400, 600, 700, 800 mm, etc. The length of an aluminum radiator determines its power. By "assembling" the device from separate sections, it is possible to accurately select the parameters necessary for heating a particular room.

There are two options for aluminum radiators:

- cast (each section is cast as a single piece, to which the bottom parts are welded);

- produced by extrusion. In this case, each section consists of several elements mechanically connected to each other.

The working pressure of aluminum radiators from different manufacturers differs quite significantly. We can conditionally distinguish two types of aluminum sectional radiators:

- standard "European", designed for a working pressure of about 6 atm, but it should be borne in mind that it is good for use only in cottages and other autonomous heating systems;

- "reinforced" - a radiator with a working pressure of at least 12 atm.

The most significant drawback of aluminum radiators is their corrosion dependence, which intensifies when other metals are present in the heating system, which leads to the formation of galvanic pairs. Nevertheless, if, when designing and installing a heating system, you take into account all the requirements and follow the recommendations for the operation of these radiators, then they will serve you faithfully for many years.

Bimetallic sectional radiators.

Bimetallic radiators are structurally made of an aluminum body and a steel pipe through which the coolant moves. Their performance properties are better than those of aluminum. Due to the strength of steel, they can withstand higher pressure (the working pressure for many of them is 20-30 atm or more) and can somewhat reduce the requirements for the quality of the coolant, which are very significant for conventional aluminum ones. On the other hand, they also took their main advantages from aluminum radiators - good heat transfer and modern design.

Roughly speaking, a bimetallic radiator is a steel frame cast with aluminum. The coolant in them hardly comes into contact with aluminum. It moves along steel tubes, which in turn transfer heat to the aluminum panels, which heat the surrounding air. Outwardly, such radiators are very similar to aluminum ones.

Bimetallic appliances are suitable for urban district heating systems, but like any other metal pipes, they are gradually overgrown with sludge deposits. In addition, as for all radiators in which the coolant comes into contact with steel, a high oxygen content is harmful for "bimetal", which contributes to the development of corrosion.

Steel panel radiators.

Steel panel radiators are one of the most commonly used in individual heating systems (for example, in country houses). They are characterized by low thermal inertia, which means that with their help it is easier to regulate the room temperature. The working pressure of most models of steel panel radiators is 9 atm. Thanks to the widest range of models, you can choose the optimal panel radiator in terms of parameters for almost any room. The standard heights of these heaters are 300, 350, 400, 500, 600 and 900 mm (there are also lower ones - 250 mm), width - from 400 to 3000 mm, depth - from 46 to 165 mm. The range of panel radiators from each of the leading manufacturers consists of several hundred models of various depths, widths and heights.

The name of this type of heating devices gives a fairly accurate idea of \u200b\u200btheir appearance. This rectangular panel is white in most cases. Structurally, a panel radiator consists of two steel sheets welded together (usually 1.25 mm thick) with vertical channels in the cavity of which the coolant circulates. To increase the heated surface, and, as a consequence, heat transfer, steel U-shaped ribs are welded to the rear side of the panel.

If we talk about the shortcomings, then, like all steel products, they corrode when in contact with water, are sensitive to hydraulic shocks and are designed for low pressure. Steel radiators can be used in individual systems, and their installation in city houses is highly undesirable!

There are three types of panel radiators: with bottom, side and universal connections. Radiators with bottom connection can have a built-in thermostatic valve on which a thermostat can be installed to maintain the set temperature in the room. As a rule, the cost of radiators with bottom connection is higher than that of analogs with side connection.

Typically, manufacturers of panel radiators include brackets (brackets) for mounting the radiator on the wall. But if placement on the wall is undesirable for some reason, then you can purchase special legs for installing the device on the floor.

Panel radiators are perhaps the most common type of heating devices in most civilized countries.

Steel tubular radiators.

Radiators of this type are some of the most beautiful. Due to the relatively small volume of the coolant, they quickly respond to all commands of the thermostats. The working pressure of tubular radiators is quite high (usually 6-15 atm). Their advantages include the fact that, unlike most other heating devices, they are very easy to wipe and wash.

Disadvantages - in the absence of an internal protective coating, they are subject to corrosion and a high price, which limits the spread of this type of heating devices in Russia.

Convectors (plate heaters).

Steel convectors quickly became popular in modern Russian city houses. This is not surprising - due to their simple design, they are easy to manufacture and quite cheap. Structurally, it is one or more pipes with metal "ribs-plates" put on them. Convectors are considered highly reliable devices, since there is practically nothing to break. There are no joints in them, therefore, they will not flow. Convectors can be either with a protective decorative cover or without it. The first option is more aesthetic. In appliances of this type, almost all of the heat is transferred by convection. By placing the convector under the window, you can effectively cut off cold air entering the room. The thermal inertia of such heaters is low, which ensures fast regulation. Usually they are designed for a sufficiently high working pressure (about 15 atm).

It seems that such a mass of advantages should have allowed the simplest convectors to oust all other heating devices from the market. Why isn't this happening?

One of the reasons is the uneven heating of the premises, especially with high ceilings. As you know, convectors practically do not radiate heat into the room. They promote the movement of warm air upward to the ceiling. In addition, when using convectors, some of the dust is carried away from the floor by air currents. Also, it should be borne in mind that the heat transfer of convectors is low, respectively, their efficiency in systems with a low temperature of the coolant is low.

In addition to the simplest, cheapest and not very efficient convectors, there are also options with a good design and high heat transfer. These devices are made not only of steel, but also of copper, or copper in combination with aluminum. Convector models are available that are built into the floor.

Hot water heating devices

Water heating devices. What to choose? If ten years ago, Russian consumers had practically nothing but cast-iron radiators available, now we have

Devices and equipment for water heating system

Equipment for a hot water heating system includes a heat generator, heaters and heat pipes. Modern hot water heating devices effectively heat the room and at the same time save energy. True, hot water heating systems require a longer and more complex installation, and pipes and radiators "steal" part of the room, but so far they are the most preferable.

Recently, wall-mounted gas boilers have been installed in houses. They contain a pump, a safety valve, an expansion membrane tank, and a control panel. Such boilers are both single and double-circuit. The former only heat the house, the latter also supply hot water.

Types of hot water heating devices: heat generator and boilers

A heat generator (hot water boiler) is one of the devices of the water heating system, which is a unit that heats the coolant during the combustion of fuel. The layout of modern hot water boilers is the same: a heat exchanger is located inside the metal case, the differences are only in the design of the case.

The material for the body of the heat generator is steel or cast iron. A cast iron boiler is not susceptible to rusting, but it weighs quite a lot, which makes it difficult to transport and install. In addition, such a device is afraid of sharp temperature contrasts, unlike a steel boiler, which does not suffer from temperature drops. The service life of a cast-iron boiler is 50-60 years, a steel boiler is no more than 15 years, after which it will need to be repaired and replaced with worn parts.

A heat exchanger for hot water heating equipment is also made of steel or cast iron, sometimes copper (the latter material is the best), but it is more important whether there is a protective coating on its inner walls. If so, soot will not settle on it, which will increase heat transfer and save fuel.

Gas and liquid fuel boilers are united by the fact that they operate in automatic mode for the entire heating season, do not need special care and have a high efficiency - 96%.

The oil-fired boiler can only run on high-quality fuel. According to Russian standards, the market sells summer (L-marking), winter (3-marking) and arctic (A-marking) diesel fuel. The air temperature during operation must be at least -5; not lower than -30 and not lower than 50 ° С, respectively.

Liquid fuel (diesel fuel) is the most expensive. However, it will have to be stored, for which it will be necessary to equip a room or a platform for containers immersed in the ground (in this case, you will have to put up with an unpleasant smell). During the combustion of diesel fuel, sulfur compounds are formed that settle on the walls of the boiler (steel boilers are more susceptible to this, therefore, as a rule, cast iron is used to make the boiler, but the weight of the unit increases significantly).

Gas is currently a relatively cheap fuel. It provides more usable heat than other fuels. In addition, it is more environmentally friendly; almost completely burns out, leaving no soot in the firebox; does not require storage; easy to count with a gas meter. For a metal boiler body, gas is more practical, since it does not suffer from corrosion and, therefore, is more durable.

Solid fuel boilers (operating on coal, wood) will require time and effort for maintenance, since you will have to load fuel into them (it will still need to be procured and stored somewhere), remove ash, clean out soot, and the efficiency of a heat generator of this type does not exceed 65 %. There are, however, considerable advantages, in particular, the solid fuel boiler is multifunctional (it can be combined with a kitchen stove); durable (up to 20 years); easy to repair, since it often involves replacing a burnt-out part; cheap.

The operation of an electric hot water boiler is expensive, although there is an opportunity to save money, since the equipment is equipped with a convenient temperature control system, allows you to use an economical mode, etc. However, you need to be sure that there will be no power outages (although this is surmountable - you can mount the emergency power supply unit). To heat a house with an area of \u200b\u200bup to 150 m2, the boiler must have a power of up to 16 kW, for a house of 200-300 m2, 24-32 kW.

Combined hot water boilers

It is clear that a heat generator operating on one type of fuel, for example gas, is preferable. But different situations are possible, the way out of which will be the purchase of a combined boiler, in which a replaceable burner is installed, which can work both on gas and on diesel fuel.

However, this type of water heating devices also has its own nuances, in particular:

  • such a heat generator will cost a little more than a boiler designed for one type of fuel;
  • its efficiency is about 10-20% lower than that of a gas or liquid fuel boiler;
  • since the boiler is a large-sized unit, a separate room will have to be allocated for it;
  • some of its components (fuel pump, blower, etc.) are powered by the electrical network. Prolonged power outages in winter can result in pipeline ruptures. For such situations, you need to buy a powerful electric generator.

The heating boiler must have a certain power, and it must exceed the heat loss of the house by about 15-20%, which you still need to be able to calculate. For reinsurance, you can buy a more powerful unit (the price of equipment also depends on this parameter), but then it is possible that part of its heat output will not be used, i.e., in fact, the money will be wasted. If you buy a less powerful boiler, then you can freeze all winter, even if it works at full strength. Thus, it is best to seek the advice of a specialist.

In models of boilers of previous generations, a decrease in power entailed a decrease in efficiency. Modern equipment is equipped with several power levels, due to which it is possible to reduce the heat output of the unit and the amount of fuel, and this will not result in heat losses. The newest invention is hot water boilers with modeling heads, in which the stepless power reduction does not affect the efficiency of the equipment in any way.

Heating can be combined with a hot water supply system, for which it is enough to install a double-circuit hot water boiler. They are of various types - instantaneous, storage or in combination with a boiler.

Heating devices are used to transfer heat from the coolant to the air, without which the efficiency of the water heating system would be extremely low. Thanks to the special design of the heating devices, the maximum amount of heat can be extracted from the coolant.

Water heating equipment parameters

Heating devices for hot water heating systems are classified according to such parameters as:

  • method of heat transfer. According to this criterion, convective (convectors and finned tubes), radiation (ceiling radiators) and convective-radiation (sectional, panel, smooth-tube) heating devices are distinguished. Convectors in a casing and sectional radiators have the maximum heat transfer, smooth-tube devices and convectors without a casing have the minimum (here it is pertinent to note that for 100; heat transfer is taken from a sectional radiator with a depth of 140 mm, made of cast iron);
  • type of heating surface, which can be smooth and ribbed;
  • the amount of thermal inertia. There are heating devices with high inertia (sectional radiators) and with low inertia (convectors); S material of which the device is made. It can be metal, ceramics, plastic, a combination of different materials;
  • device height. On this basis, high heating devices (more than 65 cm), medium (from 40 to 65 cm), low (from 20 to 40 cm) and baseboards (up to 20 cm) are made.

Elements of a hot water heating system: fittings and an expansion tank

To be able to regulate the operation of the water heating system, they use various shut-off and control valves, which include:

  • heat generator piping fittings, which include a pressure gauge, an air vent, a safety valve, pressure and flow sensors, a hydraulic separator, make-up units and air removers;
  • radiator fittings, the function of which is to regulate the flow of the coolant entering the heater and its heat transfer.

For this purpose, adjusting, shut-off and drain taps, thermostats, air vents, bottom fittings, side injection unit are used: pipeline fittings.

Another important element of the water heating system is the expansion tank. The need to include it in the system is dictated by the property of water to increase in volume when heated and return to its original volume when cooled. The part that balances this expansion is the expansion tank, or damper.

Its functions include the following:

  • contain the excess of the coolant formed when its temperature rises;
  • compensate for water shortages when cooling or a small leak;
  • collect air that is released from hot water and which enters the cold water heating system.

The following are known among the disadvantages of the damper: the probability of losing useful heat, which can be given off through the walls of the tank when it is installed outside the room; bulkiness. The damper can be open and closed. The first is rectangular or cylindrical. Space for it is allocated in the attic, that is, at the highest point of the heating system. A closed damper is installed in the boiler room, leading to the return line in front of the circulation pump.

Heating devices for water heating systems and their types

Types of hot water heating devices: heat generator, heating devices and heat pipes | Internet magazine about the construction site "Build a House!" - only reliable information.

A brief overview of modern heating systems for residential and public buildings

The correct choice, competent design and high-quality installation of the heating system are the guarantee of warmth and comfort in the house during the entire heating season. Heating must be of high quality, reliable, safe and economical. To choose the right heating system, you need to familiarize yourself with their types, installation and operation features of heating devices. It is also important to consider the availability and cost of fuel.

Types of modern heating systems

A heating system is a complex of elements used to heat a room: a heat source, pipelines, heating devices. Heat is transferred using a coolant - a liquid or gaseous medium: water, air, steam, fuel combustion products, antifreeze.

Heating systems of buildings must be selected so as to achieve the highest quality heating while maintaining air humidity that is comfortable for humans. Depending on the type of coolant, such systems are distinguished:

Heating devices of the heating system are:

The following can be used as a heat source:

  • coal;
  • firewood;
  • electricity;
  • briquettes - peat or wood;
  • energy from the sun or other alternative sources.

Air heating

The air is heated directly from a heat source without the use of an intermediate liquid or gaseous heat carrier. The systems are used to heat small private houses (up to 100 sq. M.). Installation of this type of heating is possible both during the construction of a building and during the reconstruction of an existing one. A boiler, heating element or a gas burner serves as a heat source. The peculiarity of the system lies in the fact that it is not only heating, but also ventilation, since the internal air in the room and the fresh air coming from outside are heated. Air flows enter through a special intake grille, are filtered, heated in a heat exchanger, and then pass through the air ducts and are distributed in the room.

Temperature and ventilation are controlled by thermostats. Modern thermostats allow you to preset a program of temperature changes depending on the time of day. The systems also function in air conditioning mode. In this case, the air flows are directed through the coolers. If there is no need for heating or cooling the room, the system works as a ventilation system.

Installation of air heating is relatively expensive, but its advantage is that there is no need to warm up the intermediate heat carrier and radiators, due to which fuel savings are at least 15%.

The system does not freeze, reacts quickly to changes in temperature conditions and heats up the premises. Thanks to the filters, the air enters the premises already purified, which reduces the number of pathogenic bacteria and contributes to the creation of optimal conditions for maintaining the health of people living in the house.

Lack of air heating - overdrying the air, burning out oxygen. The problem is easily solved if you install a special humidifier. The system can be improved to save money and create a more comfortable microclimate. So, the recuperator heats up the incoming air, due to the outside. This allows you to reduce energy consumption for heating it.

Additional cleaning and disinfection of air is possible. For this, in addition to the mechanical filter included in the package, electrostatic fine filters and ultraviolet lamps are installed.

Water heating

This is a closed heating system, it uses water or antifreeze as a heat carrier. Water is piped from a heat source to heating radiators. In centralized systems, the temperature is regulated at the heating point, and in individual ones - automatically (using thermostats) or manually (taps).

Types of water systems

Depending on the type of connection of heating devices, the systems are divided into:

The wiring method is distinguished:

In one-pipe systems, the heating devices are connected in series. To compensate for the heat loss that occurs with the sequential passage of water from one radiator to another, heating devices with different heat transfer surfaces are used. For example, cast iron batteries with a large number of sections can be used. In two-pipe, a parallel connection scheme is used, which allows you to install the same radiators.

The hydraulic regime can be constant or variable. In bifilar systems, heating devices are connected in series, as in one-pipe systems, but the heat transfer conditions of radiators are the same as in two-pipe systems. Convectors, steel or cast iron radiators are used as heating devices.

Advantages and disadvantages

Water heating is widespread due to the availability of the heat carrier. Another advantage is the ability to equip the heating system with your own hands, which is important for our compatriots who are used to relying only on their own strength. However, if the budget allows you not to save money, it is better to entrust the design and installation of heating to specialists.

This will save you from many problems in the future - leaks, breakouts, etc. Disadvantages - freezing of the system when turned off, a long time for heating the premises. Special requirements are imposed on the coolant. The water in the systems must be free of impurities, with a minimum content of salts.

Any type of boiler can be used to heat the coolant: solid, liquid fuel, gas or electricity. Most often, gas boilers are used, which implies connection to the mains. If this is not possible, then solid fuel boilers are usually installed. They are more economical than designs that run on electricity or liquid fuel.

Note! Experts recommend choosing a boiler based on a power of 1 kW per 10 sq. These figures are indicative. If the ceiling height is more than 3 m, the house has large windows, there are additional consumers or the premises are not well insulated, all these nuances must be taken into account in the calculations.

Steam heating

In accordance with SNiP 2.04.05-91 "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning", the use of steam systems is prohibited in residential and public buildings. The reason is the insecurity of this type of space heating. The heaters heat up to almost 100 ° C, which can cause burns.

Installation is complex, requires skills and special knowledge, during operation, difficulties arise with the regulation of heat transfer, when filling the system with steam, noise is possible. Today, steam heating is used to a limited extent: in industrial and non-residential premises, in pedestrian crossings, heating points. Its advantages are relative cheapness, low inertia, compactness of heating elements, high heat transfer, no heat loss. All this led to the popularity of steam heating until the middle of the twentieth century, later it was replaced by water heating. However, in factories where steam is used for industrial purposes, it is still widely used for space heating.

Electric heating

It is the most reliable and easiest to operate type of heating. If the area of \u200b\u200bthe house is no more than 100 m2, electricity is a good option, but heating a larger area is not economically viable.

Electric heating can be used as an additional one in case of shutdown or repair of the main system. It is also a good solution for country houses in which the owners live only periodically. Electric fan heaters, infrared and oil heaters are used as additional heat sources.

Convectors, electric fireplaces, electric boilers, underfloor heating power cables are used as heating devices. Each type has its own limitations. So, convectors unevenly warm up the premises. Electric fireplaces are more suitable as a decorative element, and the operation of electric boilers requires significant energy consumption. Underfloor heating is installed with advance consideration of the furniture arrangement plan, because when moving it, the power cable may be damaged.

Innovative heating systems

Separately, mention should be made of innovative heating systems that are gaining popularity. The most common are:

Infrared floors

These heating systems have only recently appeared on the market, but have already become quite popular due to their efficiency and greater efficiency than conventional electric heating. Underfloor heating works from the mains, they are installed in a screed or tile adhesive. Heating elements (carbon, graphite) emit infrared waves, which pass through the floor covering, heat the bodies of people and objects, and from them, in turn, heats up the air.

Self-adjusting carbon mats and foil can be mounted under furniture legs without fear of damage. Smart floors regulate the temperature due to the special property of heating elements: when overheating, the distance between particles increases, resistance increases - and the temperature decreases. Energy consumption is relatively low. When the infrared floors are turned on, the power consumption is about 116 watts per running meter, after warming up, it decreases to 87 watts. Temperature control is ensured by thermo-regulators, which reduces energy consumption by 15-30%.

Heat pumps

These are devices for transferring thermal energy from a source to a heat carrier. The idea of \u200b\u200ba heat pump system itself is not new; it was proposed by Lord Kelvin back in 1852.

Operating principle: a ground source heat pump takes heat from the environment and transfers it to the heating system. The systems can also work to cool buildings.

A distinction is made between open and closed loop pumps. In the first case, the installations take water from the underground stream, transfer it to the heating system, take away thermal energy and return it to the place of intake. In the second, a coolant is pumped through special pipes in the reservoir, which transfers / removes heat from the water. The pump can use the thermal energy of water, earth, air.

The advantage of the systems is that they can be installed in houses that are not connected to a gas supply. Heat pumps are complex and expensive to install, but they can save on energy costs during operation.

Solar collectors

Solar installations are systems for collecting solar thermal energy and transferring it to a coolant

Water, oil or antifreeze can be used as a heat carrier. The design includes additional electric heaters that turn on if the efficiency of the solar installation decreases. There are two main types of collectors - flat and vacuum. The flat ones have an absorber with a transparent coating and thermal insulation. In vacuum ones, this coating is multilayer; in hermetically sealed collectors, a vacuum is created. This allows you to heat the coolant to 250-300 degrees, while flat installations are able to heat it only up to 200 degrees. The advantages of the units include ease of installation, low weight, and potentially high efficiency.

However, there is one "but": the efficiency of the solar collector depends too much on the temperature difference.

Our compatriots still prefer hot water heating. Usually, doubts arise only about which specific heat source to choose, how best to connect the boiler to the heating system, etc. And yet there are no ready-made recipes suitable for absolutely everyone. It is necessary to carefully weigh the pros and cons, take into account the characteristics of the building for which the system is being selected. If in doubt, you should consult a specialist.

Heating system types: an overview of traditional and innovative heating methods

Modern building heating systems. Which heating systems are better: traditional or innovative. What to consider when choosing a heating system and

The market is flooded with various home heating appliances. Each device has its own pros and cons. To help you make the right choice, we have made a detailed analysis of each heating device, divided them into categories and present everything to your attention.

There are four types of water radiators by material:

  • Cast iron
  • Steel
  • Aluminum
  • Bimetallic
And in appearance they differ by
  • Radiators with design
  • Custom made radiators
Well, summing up these criteria in general, we can distinguish them into radiators:
  • Economical (cast iron)
  • Average cost (bimetallic and aluminum)
  • High cost and reliability (Tubular steel radiators, copper-aluminum)

Cast iron radiators

Cast iron is considered an outdated way of heating a house, but is still used by people. Let's see why. Most often, this type of heating is chosen precisely because of their price and high heat transfer. The main disadvantage of such a heating device is the weight and the presence of a large amount of water, which is why you cannot quickly change the temperature in the room. The long service life of these radiators and the uniform heating of the room will make you think again about buying this type of heating.

Bimetallic radiators

This version of heating devices is almost the most popular. Such radiators are made of an alloy of steel (or copper) and aluminum. We'll talk about copper-aluminum later. These radiators are considered higher in terms of heat transfer than aluminum ones. They also have low weight and beautiful design. Steel or copper is used in parts that come into contact with liquid. These parts heat a small steel core, which in turn heats the aluminum panels. Aluminum, to the extent of its high heat transfer, gives off heat well to the environment. Bimetallic heating devices maintain a pressure of 20-40 atmospheres, which is three times more than cast iron. They can last for about 20 - 30 years. The only and rather serious disadvantage is their high price.

Aluminum radiators

Today it is the most popular heating device in Russia. loved by many for their technical characteristics and appearance, as well as a modest price. Such radiators can be cast and extruded. Cast radiators are more reliable and durable. The center distance of these radiators is the same as that of cast iron and bimetallic (350-500 mm). The maximum pressure is lower than that of bimetallic ones, from 6 to 16 atmospheres. Such heating devices have a high heat transfer, since aluminum heats up quickly and begins to give off heat. They have a low price, which makes them the most popular among the residents of Russia. The radiators are strong enough. But it should be borne in mind that aluminum is a very soft material and quickly becomes covered with defects. Aluminum radiators are temperature adjustable, and the temperature will change quite quickly, due to the property of aluminum. But at the same time, aluminum radiators have low resistance to corrosion and the ability to air (air accumulates in the heating system, which needs to be vented). Their appearance makes them an excellent choice for heating your space.

Water convectors

First, let's figure out what convection is. This is the transfer of thermal energy using air. Reviews suggest that by installing such a heating device, you can save a lot of energy. Such a radiator consists of a copper pipe and aluminum fins. There is also a valve located on the device, they regulate the temperature of the air flow and a valve that removes air. Such radiators can be floor-standing, built-in, wall-mounted. If you have large windows in your room, then feel free to install types of water convectors built into the floor. But remember that such a convector has a rather high price. The difference between such heating devices is in their versatility, so that they can be installed in a variety of places. The average price for them fluctuates around 15-30 thousand rubles. Also, if your room has high humidity, you can buy a special model of a water convector.

Steel radiators

can be panel and tubular. 60% are convetors. Panel panels differ in that in the middle of the device they have from one to three panels, each of which has two steel profiles connected along the contour. These heat sinks are easy to manufacture as the weld joins the stamped workpieces. The more rows a panel radiator has, the more its heat transfer will be. Tubular heating devices consist of pipes made of steel and welded together. Such a radiator is much more expensive than a panel one. Even a bimetallic radiator will cost less than a tubular one. Such heating devices quickly and strongly heat up, which means they will begin to give off heat to the environment faster. The pressure varies from 6 to 10 atmospheres for plastic, and from 8 to 15 for tubular. Such batteries can withstand water temperatures of about 110-120 degrees. An important factor when buying such radiators will be the center distance, it starts from 120 mm and ends with 2930 mm. The main disadvantage of steel radiators is corrosion and weakness to water hammer. But if you do not have enough funds to get an aluminum radiator, then the steel one will cost you less, and you can get it.

Copper-aluminum radiators

excellent for heating a private house, since the substances of which these radiators are composed have good inertia. It helps to quickly regulate the temperature and save, as well as good heat dissipation. 90% work on the convection principle. Such radiators have 2 times higher heat transfer than the bimetallic radiators described above. Such radiators are cheaper than copper ones and allow a pressure of 16 atmospheres, which is also suitable for high-rise buildings. So, you can even install it on the 9th floor. But at the same time, it is difficult to install it and it is advisable to let only distilled water through it.

Electric convectors

Such heating devices are much simpler and more versatile, their job is to distribute heated air throughout the room. They heat the air without drying it out. Such convectors are floor and wall-mounted. The former can be put anywhere, so they are in demand in stores. Wall-mounted ones are installed under windows, where they immediately make cold air from the window warm, which gives good thermal insulation of the window. This is a very cheap type of heating, they cost around 6-9 thousand rubles. At the same time, you can instantly connect them and start to warm up. The only drawback of electric heating devices is the cost of electricity, but this depends on the power of your convector. It is important to consider that such convectors do not dry the air, but they are unlikely to be your choice for installing them in your home.

Oil radiators

The operation is surprisingly simple: the electric coil heats the oil, which heats the metal body. To buy this heating device, remember some things: 1) The more sections, the larger the heated area will be; 2) If you are going to leave it for the winter in the country, for example, take it with frost protection. Oil radiators are safe and do not dry the air, while being cheap and reliable.

Infrared heating

This type of heating is a relatively new option for heating a house. Infrared heating can use ceiling, wall and floor systems. The ceiling system must be built into the ceiling so that the heat flow is directed to the floor. Consequently, the floor will be warmer than the air temperature, and this very well solves the problem of cold floors. It is based on the principle of converting electromagnetic waves into thermal energy. Such systems are quite inexpensive in terms of energy savings and are easy to install, but the devices for such systems are very expensive and infrared radiation can harm human health. But wall infrared heating can even be done by hand. It is enough to buy an infrared film, the price of which is about 1,500 rubles per square meter. We do not immediately recommend such heating for places with severe winters, these systems will not give you enough power. The floor system practically does not differ from the wall system, only in the intricacies of the installation.

Gas convector

Heating in such a heating device occurs due to the combustion of gas, where the combustion products are removed through the chimney pipe. The cost of such convectors may differ from their specifications. With this type of heating, you can set different temperatures in different rooms. The efficiency is higher than that of boilers, but in principle the same. Of the minuses, the following can be distinguished: There are no different capacities, it does not heat water, only one room can be heated. Such convectors are suitable for heating summer cottages and garages due to the possibility of being powered from a gas cylinder.

Heating with underfloor heating

This type of heating creates high comfort by heating the floor, but not to the temperatures of conventional radiators. It should also be noted that the room heats up evenly. Such heating quickly heats up the room, which means it has high inertia. Using this heating, you can calmly ventilate the room, while you will not feel the cold, it also increases the space in the house compared to conventional radiators. But it should be noted that the house must be well heated and that some difficulties may arise during installation in an apartment. It is also a rather expensive type of heating (more expensive than radiator), although they say that it will soon pay off by saving electricity. But even in cold winter it will be difficult for you to use this type of heating, since you cannot raise the floor temperature to a very high one, you still have to use radiator heating additionally in a harsh winter.

Warm electric floors

This type of heating is already perfect for an apartment building. Here you can use a heating cable, which will be stretched throughout the room and will heat it. There is also an option for heating with heating mats. This design consists of a thin cable and fiberglass; of the pluses, it is worth noting the unimportance of the screed. Infrared film can also be used, but we have already talked about it above. We recommend installing such a heating system in the bathroom, kitchen and hallway. This will keep the temperature of the floor and the room as a whole warm without spending too much energy.

Air heating

Many people know such heating not by hearsay, it works on the example of a stove, where from the fact that we heat wood, it heats up and heats up the air. Air heating is characterized by low energy costs and no radiators or pipes. In its modern form, it looks like a car radiator, which takes cold air from the environment, heats it up, and releases it into the room. This system consists of an air heater, heat exchanger, pumps and air ducts. The disadvantages include the presence of noise during operation of the device and the difference in temperature in different places in the room. It also sometimes has large dimensions, it is worth considering the importance of the fabric filter and its subsequent replacement. A good choice for timber frame houses.

The types of heating devices are determined by their design, which determines the method of heat transfer (convective or radiative heat exchange may prevail) from the outer surface of the devices to the room. There are six main types of heating appliances, radiators, panels, convectors, finned tubes, smooth tube appliances and air heaters.

By the nature of the external surface, heating devices can be with a smooth (radiators, panels, smooth-tube devices - Appendix 9, A) and a ribbed surface (convectors, finned tubes, air heaters - Appendix 9, B).

According to the material from which heating devices are made, there are metal, combined and non-metallic devices.

Metal appliances are made of cast iron (made of gray cast iron) and steel (made of sheet steel and steel pipes).

Combined appliances use a concrete or ceramic array in which steel or cast iron heating elements (heating panels) are embedded, or ribbed steel pipes placed in a non-metallic (asbestos-cement) casing (convectors).

Non-metallic appliances are concrete panels with embedded glass or plastic pipes or voids without pipes at all, as well as porcelain and ceramic radiators.

In terms of height, all heating devices can be divided into high (over 600 mm high), medium (400-600 mm) and low (<400 мм). Низкие приборы высотой менее 200 мм называются плинтусными.

Basically, the choice of the type of heating device depends on financial capabilities, on the required technical qualities of the heating device, on the quality of the product. An important role in the choice of heating equipment is its type, installation method and conditions in which it will need to function, as well as its appearance (Appendix 9, C).

Sectional cast iron radiators - widely used heating devices - are cast from gray cast iron in the form of separate sections and can be assembled into devices of various sizes by connecting sections on nipples with gaskets made of heat-resistant rubber. The main advantages of cast-iron sectional radiators are that they give off heat well and withstand relatively high pressure. The large diameter of the bore and low hydraulic resistance of most cast iron radiators make it possible to successfully use them in systems with natural circulation. The disadvantages of cast-iron radiators are the laboriousness of installation, not the most attractive appearance and large thermal inertia.

The radiator gives off about 25% of the total amount of heat transmitted from the coolant to the room by radiation, and is called a radiator only by tradition. The panel is a device of a convective-radiation type of relatively shallow depth, having no gaps along the front. The panel transmits with radiation a slightly larger part of the heat flux than the radiator, but only the ceiling panel can be attributed to radiation-type devices (giving off more than 50% of the total amount of heat by radiation). The heating panel can have a smooth, slightly ribbed or wavy surface, columnar or serpentine channels for the coolant.

Aluminum sectional radiators have very good heat dissipation, low weight and attractive design. The disadvantages include the fact that they are susceptible to corrosion, which is enhanced by the presence of galvanic pairs of aluminum with other metals in the heating system.

Bimetallic sectional radiators (having an aluminum body and a steel pipe through which the coolant moves) combine the advantages of aluminum radiators - high heat transfer, low weight, good appearance and, in addition, under certain conditions, have a higher corrosion resistance and are usually designed for more pressure in the heating system. Their main disadvantage is the high price. Due to the fact that these radiators are able to withstand high pressure, they can be used in city apartments.

Columnar radiators are two separately manufactured collectors (upper and lower), interconnected by vertical "columns".

Convectors are a casing with a structure of metal tubes, on which there are fins in the form of pressed or welded plates. Column and panel devices, as well as convectors, are manufactured in a range of sizes, which allows you to choose a model with optimal (for a particular room) power characteristics.

Steel panel radiators are most often used for individual heating. Steel panel radiators have low thermal inertia, which means that they are easier to automatically control the room temperature with. They are so widespread due to their relatively low cost and many options for height, length, depth and thermal power. In accordance with Russian SNiP, the pressure during testing of heating devices must exceed the operating pressure by 1.5 times, which occurs before the start of each heating season during the pressure testing of heating systems.

Modern heaters designed for installation in bathrooms and hallways are the most numerous in terms of the number of offered models, sizes, colors and their combinations.

For rooms with special requirements for air purity, for example, hospital wards, radiators are offered with the ability to easily clean them from dust, which are parallel panels with free space between them. There are also devices, fasteners and connection to the heating system of which allow you to fold the operating radiator from the wall to clean the rear wall of dust from dust.