The hydrangea leaves dry with a border. Why indoor hydrangea dries

Hydrangea - amazing flower, which has about 90 species. However, in order for this plant to please your eye, you will need to work hard, otherwise the hydrangea leaves will begin to turn yellow, dry out, and the plant itself will die altogether.

Why does hydrangea dry out?

There can be many reasons, among them:

  1. Poor watering;
  2. Dry air in the room where the hydrangea grows;
  3. Wrong transplant;
  4. Improper lighting;
  5. Insufficient fertilization of the soil (reduced acidity);
  6. Lack of foliage spraying;
  7. Incorrect choice of soil for planting a plant.

Hydrangea, leaves dry, what to do?

First of all, you need to decide whether the acidity of the soil is correct, where the hydrangea grows. The optimum pH for the soil in which the hydrangea grows is 4.0-5.5. therefore leaves turn yellow with a lack of the necessary acidity.

In this case, pour acidified water on the flower (5-7 drops of lemon per liter of water). In the future, use special fertilizers.

Hydrangea generally needs loose soil so that air and moisture can easily penetrate.

Same leaves turn yellow with a lack of iron with nitrogen... This often happens during a period of active growth (spring), so remember to fertilize.

This should be done starting in February once every two weeks. In winter, the plant does not bloom, so no root feeding is needed at this time of year.

Hydrangea, leaf tips dry.

In this case, the reason is either insufficient watering, insufficient foliar spraying, or too dry indoor air where the hydrangea grows.

Home hydrangea blooms in spring, the flowering period lasts 1.5-2 months. So that at the time of flowering the plant will delight you with a riot of flowers, of which there can be from one to seven on one bush, you need it water in a timely manner.

Wait for upper layer the soil in the pot is dry and water again. You need to watered warm water, not tough! Disease can appear from hard water - chlorosis. The signal will be yellowed leaves with green veins.

Also remember to spray the leaves and flowers with water and keep the indoor air humid. For a hydrangea, these two factors must be properly balanced - the air is humid, the soil is watered, but do not overdo it, excess moisture is also harmful, the roots will begin to rot.

The main sign of waterlogging of the soil is the appearance of black spots with a yellow outline on the leaves..

Did you know? In order for the hydrangea to bloom longer, it must be planted in a small pot and placed on a window on the north or east side of the room. You need to leave 3-4 of the strongest sprouts, and remove the rest of the fallow. After flowering, in July, the hydrangea is pruned. If not pruned in time, the flower may not bloom next year!

Hydrangea, dry leaves, reasons.

Another reason that hydrangea leaves dry out is considered to be improper lighting. Hortense categorically does not like direct sunlight, so she has no place on the windowsill! It is better to put it on the table near the window, there is a lot of light and the sun will not burn the leaves of the plant, which will simply darken from direct rays.

Homemade hydrangea, leaves dry after transplanting.

Another important process in caring for a hydrangea is its transplant, since improper transplantation will lead to drying of the leaves and flowers of the plant. A home hydrangea grows for four years, then you plant a new one.

In order to transplant a hydrangea, take a wide pot, this is because the roots of the hydrangea develop horizontally. Place drainage in the bottom of the new pot.

Then, dig the flower out of the old pot, do it carefully so as not to damage the root system. So dig out, keeping an earthy ball around the roots.

You need to plant in a new pot so that the stem goes three centimeters into the ground, you don't need to go deeper. And do not forget that the soil for transplanting must be slightly acidic. By the way, you can use geranium soil for planting hydrangeas.

The homeland of the large-flowered hydrangea is China and Japan, where it is successfully grown in open ground... Here, this beauty can be grown as container plant or growing in the open field, insulate for the winter in the most careful way. This plant has long attracted the attention of not only gardeners, but also lovers of indoor floriculture. It has long been offered for cultivation in our apartments. I really want to admire long flowering and enjoy the beauty of hydrangea inflorescences and at home. The difficulties of the grower are not frightening. So you have to adapt the growing conditions close to natural and natural, create artificial temperature drops and conditions for re-flowering at room content.

Flower Factor /

Very often, many problems arise after purchase. Having brought the plant home, you begin to notice wilting and shedding of leaves, bare branches. The plant begins to turn black and dry, starting from the tips, and, in the end, often dies.

What kind of care does hydrangea need at home?

All the difficulties in caring for hydrangea are due precisely to the fact that the street plant is trying to adapt to indoor growing... Many growers rent out and plant hydrangeas in the garden. But what can you try to do for a hydrangea in an apartment?

The plant has a pronounced winter period rest, on which the hydrangea completely sheds its foliage. At this time, it is necessary to keep the large-leaved hydrangea in a cool, semi-dark room, with an air temperature not higher than 9 ° C-10 ° C. With all your great desire, even if you leave it at normal room temperatures, it will still shed all the leaves, and besides, it will not bloom next time. During the period of active growth and flowering, the temperature of the content should not be higher than 20 ° C.

Tasha Metamorfosis /

Hydrangea or hydrangea is very moisture-loving plant ... It should not be allowed during the period of active growth and flowering of the overdrying of an earthen coma. Even after one such omission, the plant may suffer. Hydrangea perfectly "drinks" water from the pallet, and if the plant is overdried, then the best watering will be dipped into a bucket of water. When the air bubbles have completely disappeared, the plant will be well watered. In winter, during the dormant period, check that the earthy clod does not dry out completely, and water the hydrangea little by little (usually 2-3 times a month).

During the period of active growth, hydrangea needs feed mineral fertilizers for flowering indoor plants once every two weeks. To maintain the color of blue hydrangea, it is necessary to add solutions of potassium alum or sodium alum. By the way, you can make them yourself.

After flowering, indoor hydrangea is necessary transplant. Priming You can cook it yourself using equal parts of leafy soil, turf, peat and sand. Pots can be quite voluminous. When transferring from shop pot into a new one, purchase a container 2-3 cm wider and higher than the original one. For hydrangeas, you can safely use plastic pots.

Another very common problem is yellowing of leaves hydrangeas due to a lack of iron in the soil. It will be useful to water the hydrangea with a solution of salts containing iron once every 10 days. You can use iron chelate (you need to dissolve 5 g. Substance in 5 liters of water).

Alby Headrick /

An obligatory agrotechnical technique in the cultivation of hydrangeas is pruning... In hydrangea large-leaved flower buds are laid at the ends of last year's shoots. In the spring, only last year's inflorescences are cut, as well as small and dried shoots. If you cut your large-leaved hydrangea, then you will not wait for flowering this year.

When purchasing such a plant for keeping in an apartment, reasonably assess your capabilities. Can you create and maintain suitable conditions for the growth and flowering of hydrangeas?

How to care for hydrangea at home? Plant indoor hydrangea in acidic soil with a pH of 5.5. The mixture can include peat, coniferous soil, humus and sand. The pot is preferable large and wide, due to the growing breadth of the root system. The root collar does not need to be covered, it should be at the same level with the ground. When planting, mulching with peat is recommended.

The hydrangea will have to be transplanted every 2-3 years. Each new pot should be 1.5 times the size of its predecessor.


In summer, hydrangea prefers moderate sunshine, favorably accepts partial shade in a well-lit room. It is better to protect the flower from direct sunlight at this time. In winter, completely darkened rooms are also permissible - during the dormant period, lighting does not play a big role.

But at the end of winter, the plant will be happy with well-lit windowsills, because it needs a lot of light to form buds.


There is nothing outstanding about the hydrangea watering scheme. Experienced florists it is recommended not to overdry the earthen lump in the pot, but also not to overmoisten it. Moderate to heavy watering is required as the topsoil dries up.

Reference! Surprisingly, the moisture-loving hydrangea is not afraid of overdrying, and there is always a good chance of "watering" the dried plant.

Water for irrigation should be soft, settled and reached room temperature... Some people prefer to water their hydrangeas with rain or chilled boiled water... In autumn, watering is reduced, and in winter time stop altogether - before the buds appear.

Air humidity

Accustomed to the maritime climate, hydrangea will be grateful for regular spraying, as it loves moisture. Especially often and abundantly spray a flower should it be located near heating appliances drying the air (by the way, this is highly undesirable for hydrangea).

Will not hurt hydrangeas and bathing: The flower pot is immersed in water for a while and then allowed to drain completely.

Temperature regime

During the active period, hydrangea requires temperatures in the range of 18-20 degrees Celsius. In the summer you can take it outside. During the rest period, the room should not be hotter than 8 degrees. Therefore, in winter, when placing a flower on a windowsill, try to protect it from the heat of the batteries.


Hydrangea is fed during its flowering once a week. Same feeding is carried out in winter - to stimulate growth. For this, both complex mineral and organic fertilizers... Ammonium nitrate or superphosphate will help the flower grow.


Hydrangea inflorescences have an impressive hemispherical shape, resembling an umbrella up to 20 cm in diameter. There can be up to 6 of them on one plant. They delight the eye of florists from April to November. The most spectacular flowers appear in hydrangeas in the early years of flowering. Over time, they decrease and can even bend due to the stretching of the shoots.

Do I need to trim?

After flowering, the shoots of hydrangea are cut by almost half. leaving a few of the strongest. This will help the flower to form beautifully and harmoniously. Also, partial pruning is carried out in the spring - weak and overly elongated shoots are removed.

Reproduction methods

Indoor hydrangea is propagated by cuttings - as a rule, these are sprouts that make the crown too thick. The most the right time for the breeding procedure - July. Shoots 7-10 cm long with 2-3 internodes are cut at an angle (3-4 m below the node).

The leaves are cut in half, after which the sprouts are planted in river sand or the lightest soil, deepening by 1.5-2 cm. They are either covered with a jar or polyethylene, or left open, but sprayed regularly.

The required temperature is 22-25 degrees Celsius. It is necessary to keep the cuttings in these conditions until the first leaves appear - as a rule, you have to wait up to one and a half months.

At this point, young hydrangeas can be planted in separate pots, after a couple of weeks, pinch the tops and gradually accustom them to normal conditions.

We watch a video about the reproduction of room hydrangea:

Life span

Indoor hydrangea lives for 3-4 years, after which it is replaced by a new, young plant.

Growth per year

Growth rate of indoor hydrangea will depend on how you care for it. Maximum height that a room hydrangea can reach - 1 meter.

Can I change the color?

Changing the color of home hydrangea is a separate fascinating topic. In some cases, the color of the petals depends on the composition of the soil, so if you want to get blue flowers, the earth can be enriched with iron salts (simply by adding iron shavings or ordinary nails to the pot of earth).

Note! Another option is to spray the hydrangea with a solution of potassium alum: 7-8 g per 1 liter of water. This should be done twice a week. Then pink flowers will turn blue, dark pink will become violet-blue, and reds will become pure purple.


Next, you can see the photo of the indoor hydrangea plant:

What problems can arise?

Leaves dry - what to do?

Why do leaves dry? Most often, the cause of this trouble is an ordinary drought, in other words, insufficient watering. The solution to the problem is simple: change the irrigation scheme: the soil should be moistened a little more often or a little more abundantly. Dryness of the tips can also be caused by dry air in the room.

But the yellowing leaves indicate a possible decrease in the acidity of the soil. If the check confirms this, lemon water can correct the situation: a few drops of lemon juice should be diluted in 1 liter of water.

Treatment of diseases

On the leaves and stem of hydrangea may appear powdery mildew: it looks like oily spots that turn yellow over time. Heat combined with high humidity can be the cause. Affected hydrangeas are treated with a composition that includes 150 g of green soap and about 15 g copper sulfate diluted in 10 liters of water.

Gray rot can be recognized by wet gray spots and bloom of the same color, they can appear on any part of the flower. Bordeaux liquid will help to cure this ailment, but all damaged leaves will have to be removed.

Reference! But the fall of the leaves should not frighten the owners of the hydrangea. This flower belongs to deciduous, therefore, like many representatives of the flora, in this way it prepares for wintering. By spring, foliage will decorate again indoor plant.

Pests and the fight against them

One of the most ubiquitous flower pests is the spider mite. But if you take care of the flower correctly, you can not be afraid of its attack on the plant. Also, indoor hydrangea can be overcome by mealybugs, aphids and thrips, traditional for domestic plants. You can get rid of them with the help of special insecticides.

Useful video

We watch a video about growing hydrangea in pots:


Bright umbrellas of room hydrangea are an excellent decoration for any interior and any floral collection. Their flowers long time pleasing to the eye, while not at all causing trouble to their owners.

Hydrangea is a flowering houseplant that is almost never affected by fungi and diseases. It reacts to the pH of the soil in which it grows. So, in neutral soils, hydrangea flowers will be white and cream, in acidic - red, in alkaline - blue and lilac. Hydrangea belongs to the moisture-loving and light-loving indoor flowers. It develops successfully at high air temperatures. Any inconsistency in the growing conditions of the plant leads to the fact that the hydrangea's leaves dry and fall off. Why is this happening? How do I fix the problem? The answers are given by experts.

Why do hydrangea leaves dry and fall? Other hydrangea diseases

Beginners in floriculture can observe how hydrangea leaves fall off, hydrangea leaves turn yellow and a number of other hydrangea diseases. Signs, description of hydrangea diseases with photos, effective treatment from specialists.

Hydrangea leaves dry... This is often a reaction to dry roots. Hydrangea is a moisture-loving flower, and therefore timely watering is very important for it. Lack of moisture leads to the fact that the leaves of the hydrangea begin to dry. The situation is aggravated if the plant is in direct sunlight. Measures to prevent the problem: shade the hydrangea, but do not deprive it of bright sunlight, carry out timely watering, spraying helped. Even if the leaves dry on the hydrangea, it will regain its decorative effect in the next growing season.

The leaves of the room hydrangea dry out due to inaccurate transplantation, as a result of which it was disturbed root system ... It is important during transplantation not to damage the small roots, which are the main ones in the process of feeding and water absorption. You need to replant young cuttings in the spring. Young cuttings are dug out without violating the integrity of the earthen coma around the roots. The soil for planting is chosen slightly acidic. When transplanting, you can deepen the neck of the flower by 2-3 cm, but not deeper. Watering is plentiful, feeding should be carried out only after the cutting has begun to grow. If, after transplanting, the leaves of the hydrangea dry, use the preparation Cicron when watering. This will help the flower to cope with the problem.

Hydrangea leaves can dry out due to waterlogging of the soil. As an additional sign, hydrangea leaves are covered with dark spots with a yellow halo. Waterlogging of the soil does not immediately affect appearance hydrangea leaves. The roots are the first to suffer. They start to rot. As a result, the plant stops feeding and absorbing water. To determine whether the roots of the hydrangea are rotten, they carefully remove it from the pot, without violating the integrity of the earthen coma. Healthy roots will look white and firm. The rotten ones are brown. If the roots of the hydrangea are damaged, they are cut to living tissue. I sprinkle the places of the cuts with crushed, activated carbon. The plant is transplanted into a special soil suitable for this type of indoor flowers. In this case, a pot is chosen that is smaller than the volume of the previous one. To reduce the percentage of moisture evaporated from hydrangea leaves, it is placed in a polyethylene greenhouse, but the plant is not wrapped tightly in polyethylene, leaving a small gap for ventilation. Watering is carried out in moderation. For the rapid rooting of a flower, use the drug Cicron.

Hydrangea leaves turn yellow. At the same time, green streaks remain on the leaves of the hydrangea.... Cause of the disease: chlorosis. Hydrangea chlorosis can occur if the flower is watered hard, tap water with a high percentage of lime. The latter accumulates in the soil and leads to its alkalization. As a result, hydrangea leaves turn yellow, the plant stops feeding and dies. Control measures: transplant the hydrangea into fresh soil, irrigate with soft water. As an option: add potassium nitrate to the water for irrigation every 3 days with the calculation of 40 g of substance per 10 liters of water.

Hydrangea leaves turn yellow due to lack of trace elements in the soil... A similar phenomenon is often observed during the period of intense flower growth (spring). Hydrangea leaves discolor and turn yellow if there is not enough nitrogen and iron in the soil. The color of the leaves can be affected by the pH of the soil. For a hydrangea, it should lie in the range of 4.0-6.5. To save the plant, spend it foliar feeding trace elements or iron chelate. If hydrangea leaves turn yellow for another reason, foliar feeding will have a short-term effect.

The leaves of the hydrangea turn black. First, hydrangeas appear along the edges of the leaves brown spots which then turn black... A similar state of affairs can be caused by a high temperature in the room where the hydrangea grows, and low air humidity. In this case, frequent spraying of the flower is carried out. Hydrangea leaves can turn black from direct sunlight. It is O sunburn... Hydrangeas need bright, sunlight, but direct rays for its leaves are destructive. The plant must be shaded.

Many flower growers love hydrangea and it is not surprising, because the large caps of its inflorescences, flaunting with rare pastel shades, look very impressive during flowering, which lasts quite a long time. This houseplant is relatively resistant to diseases and pests.

Nevertheless, flower growers have problems with it, associated with violation of growing conditions, nevertheless arise. For example, it happens that the tips of the leaves of the hydrangea begin to dry out. And more and more. But the leaves are an important organ of the plant, without them it dies.

Why indoor hydrangea dries

Large-leaved hydrangea due to its active development and garden origin after flowering is recommended to be transplanted annually into new soil, with the obligatory loosening of the root ball. Very often, as a result of transplantation, the tips of the leaves begin to dry in a perennial. There can be many reasons for this phenomenon, but in most cases these are:

1. Injury to root hairs during transplantation, which is why the bush is simply "overbalanced".

2. Wrong choice of potting mix.

3. Unsuitable pot.

In addition, there are several other reasons not related to plant transplantation, due to which the leaves begin to dry out. These include:

1. Insufficient watering and spraying.

2. Dry indoor air.

3. Lack of trace elements in the soil.

4. Incorrect lighting.

It is worth considering each of the reasons separately to find out why the leaves of the room hydrangea dry out.

Transplant is a serious matter

If the dryness of the leaves was the result of a careless transplant of a flower (unfortunately, no one is immune from this), then it is worth considering that this condition can last one or even two months until the bush fully regains strength and health.

Even in the process of transshipment of an earthen coma, it is not possible to avoid disruption of the formed root system. Meanwhile, small roots and hairs, entangling the soil in a dense network, play an important role in the absorption of moisture. Their damage leads to a temporary disruption of plant nutrition. It can be revived by effective and efficient watering with the addition of Zircon once a week.

Improperly selected soil can also cause this phenomenon. As you know, this culture requires acidic soil... Therefore, it is impossible to plant hydrangea in humus. In its pure form, it does not give the soil acidity necessary for this plant. When planted in neutral or alkaline soil, flower development slows down.

The choice of a new pot is no less important when transplanting. It should be wide, but shallow, since the root system does not grow deeper, but grows mainly in width. New pot should have a diameter of 1.5 times the previous capacity. But when planting a bush in light soil you do not need to get carried away with increasing the volume of the pot, otherwise in the summer the plant will need more frequent watering.

Providing watering and air humidity

Dry leaf tips can be a reaction to insufficient soil moisture. Hydrangea loves moisture, and therefore timely watering is very important for it. Even a short-term lack of moisture can lead to the fact that its leaves begin to dry out.

The situation will be even more aggravated if the flower pot is on the windowsill under the scorching sun. You can reanimate the plant by placing it in a shaded place, without depriving it of sunlight, and providing abundant watering and additional spraying.

This beautiful moisture-loving flower reacts in the same way to too dry air in the room where it is located. It is worth measuring the level of humidity in the air in the room.

To prevent this problem, you will need to carry out constant spraying or install a simple humidifier in the form of a tray or saucer with wet stones and moss.

How important is it to feed and choose the right place

Another reason for drying leaves is the lack of nutrients in the soil. The fact is that during the flowering period, the plant needs feeding, which should be carried out weekly with any complex fertilizer intended for flower crops... But it is worth considering that hydrangea reacts negatively to high doses. mineral fertilizers from which its leaves turn yellow. At the end of flowering, fertilizing is gradually reduced.

Indoor hydrangea must be placed correctly in the room. Despite the fact that it is a light-loving flower, its dark green foliage is usually covered with light spots from an excess of sunlight. The best option location flower pot are the sills of the east and west windows. In addition, care should be taken to ensure that the foliage does not touch window glass, otherwise, due to the resulting burns, the tips of the leaves will begin to dry.

It is very important to recognize the problem that has arisen in time so that the assistance provided is timely and correct. Only in this case it will be possible to save the indoor hydrangea and admire its luxurious flowering for a long time.

We suggest you watch a video about what diseases are and why the leaves of hydrangeas dry: