The solubility of mineral fertilizers and the rules for their application. Plant nutrition with mineral and organic fertilizers

When we start messing with mineral fertilizers in the country or declare a chemical war on pests, the question always arises of weighing the existing principles. Well, if the instructions on the package say that a kilogram package of fertilizer should be emptied under an adult tree, and diluted in a 5-ml ampoule into 10 liters of water.

And if you need to weigh a few grams from the package or cast a few milliliters?

Hand on heart, answer: do you have something more accurate on hand than a steelyard or a half-liter can? And we begin to bitterly complain that, they say, they didn’t get it again! And this continues the next year and in a year ...

Although on sale today there are very accurate and inexpensive electronic scales (not even analytical leverage, but just clicked a button - and here you have the result!), And measured laboratory containers for every taste.

Even in the kitchen, the need sometimes arises to weigh something up to a gram or take a volume of up to a milliliter!

But we are surrounded by everyday objects with a fixed volume, weight and size - which you need to know and use! Let's put this information together, on a tablet or on a page, and try not to lose it! So, measures weight, volume and length. What’s called on their knees.

Coins instead of weights on the scales

Let's start with the old Soviet coins, which are probably lying on your desk drawers. They are useful not only as fetishes in memory of the bright past, when round rye cost 14 kopecks, but now they can serve as exact weights for home-made analytical scales, for one embodiment they will require a pencil, a short school ruler balanced on it and three minutes of time .

Denomination of coins in denominations of 1,2,3 and 5 kopecks exactly corresponds to their weight in grams, if the coins are not too jammed and are not overgrown with oxide. Current coins are inconvenient for this: none have an integer weight in grams. So not only memory ...

We measure - 1 spoon, 1 glass, 1 box ...

Now spoons - tea (5 ml) and tablespoon (15 ml), as well as a matchbox (old!) And a glass (200 ml). These are items of standardized volume.

Now manufacturers are often sophisticated with o\u003e ohm. hence the volume floats somewhat, so again it is better to use old products when GOST did not welcome creativity in this aspect.

These data are more convenient to tabulate.

Having printed the tablet and pasted it on cardboard (and without losing it!), You will save yourself from one of the many headaches of country life!

We agree that we will scoop up loose bodies with spoons and boxes without a “slide” (they are very different, they will contain two and two more spoons) and mean that their humidity is average — that is, the powders are “dry” to the touch. The weight in the table is in grams.

Two words about length measures

Measure the distance between the thumb and middle finger of the open palm of your right hand with a ruler. Classic span. I have 21 cm. “The ruler - always with me - is convenient!

Another ancient measure of length is a step. The average adult male is 71 cm.

Fathom (arm span) - 1.7 m, oblique fathom (diagonal of the left foot - the right hand or vice versa) - 2.5 m (actually, there are more than a dozen differently used fathoms ...).

Most current buckets have a capacity of 10 liters. A classic Russian bucket holds 12 liters. And the barrel in the current sense is usually implied in 200 liters, and in Russia the barrel was supposed to hold 40 buckets!

Speaking now about a pile (not in the sense of vodka, but in the sense of a volume measure), most often we mean a volume of 100 ml (a faceted glass - those, rather than two hundred milliliter ones in the famous song “fell off the table”), but a traditional faceted pile, from which Professor Preobrazhensky drinks vodka with Dr. Bormental in one of the scenes of the famous Bortko film. holds 70 ml - one sip (ein drink - the Germans also know!).

You can plunge into this topic almost indefinitely ... But it’s quite enough for us to cut out the tablet and not lose it ...

How much is in one teaspoon, tablespoon, matchbox, glass ...

FERTILIZERSTea RoomDining roomBoxGlass*
Urea and urea3,5-4 10 14 130


4,5 12 16 160


6 17 22 220
Dv. granular superphosphate5 15 20 200
Potassium chloride3,5-4 14 18 180
Potassium sulfate6-6,5 20 26 260
Azofoska5,5 18 24 240

© Nikolai Ilyushin, Moscow

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A full-fledged plant nutrition, which provides it with good growth, is impossible without phosphorus and its components. The land does not have the amount of phosphorus needed for planting, so it is important to add phosphate supplements to grow healthy, tasty, juicy fruits, vegetables and berries.

Superphosphate possesses indisputable advantages - it is universal in composition, long-acting, economical and inexpensive fertilizer. To get the maximum effect from the use of fertilizer, it is important to know how to quickly dissolve superphosphate in water. With its help, every gardener and gardener will be able to grow a rich crop on his plot.

How to quickly dissolve superphosphate in water?

Superphosphate is produced through numerous chemical reactions. The drug is released granular or in powder form. Powder superphosphate is more convenient for introducing into the soil, which instantly dissolves in it and, through interaction with the root systems of plants, nourishes them and enriches them with minerals.

When laying a compost pit, it is better to use granular superphosphate.

Simple (powder) superphosphate is a white powder of a slightly gray tint, having about 20% phosphorus oxide in its composition. From moisture, it crumbles and coalesces, so it is desirable to store it in a dry place.

Compared to new products, this type of additive has a narrower application, although superphosphate is quite inexpensive and still indispensable in small garden plots and agricultural land.

Simple superphosphate in granular form is obtained by granulating monophosphate. It contains a higher percentage of phosphorus oxide (about 50%) and calcium sulfate (30%). Granules are convenient for storage and use.

Double superphosphate is an instantly and highly soluble highly concentrated composition that is economical to use. In farms and household plots, he found wide application. Also there are compounds with sulfur and potassium sulfate, boric, molybdenum and others.

The dissolution in water of all elements of superphosphate contributes to the rapid absorption of its roots, accelerate the process of delivery to the plant and assimilation of nutrition. For this reason, late spring and summer top dressing of berry bushes, vegetables and flowers are popular.

Phosphorus is difficult to dissolve in water, but in a liquid form it penetrates to the roots of plants faster. Gardeners have come up with an affordable and simple way to transfer this substance from one state of aggregation to another.

To dissolve superphosphate in water, a high reaction temperature is required. Granules for this are poured with boiling water. Preserving its useful properties, phosphorus at the same time passes into a dispersible easily digestible form.

To prepare the suspension, the container with the solution is placed in a warm place and mixed as often as possible. Under such conditions, complete dissolution occurs within about a day.

The appearance of the resulting suspension resembles fatty cow's milk. When dissolving superphosphate in water, do not be too zealous. It is impossible to transfer the fertilizer to a completely liquid state of aggregation, but it is quite possible to grind phosphor granules to the size of the smallest particles.

In order to quickly dissolve superphosphate in water, you must:

  1. To boil water.
  2. Pour 3 liters of boiling water into 20 tablespoons of granular superphosphate.
  3. Leave the resulting stock solution in a warm place.
  4. To prepare the main nutrient mixture, dilute 150 milliliters of the base mixture in 10 liters of water.
  5. Add 20 milliliters of nitrogen mixture and half a liter of wood ash to the finished solution.
  6. Pour the cooked chatterbox over the vegetables.

Nitrogen is instantly taken up and absorbed by the plant culture, and phosphorus provides plant nutrition for a few more months. This superphosphate extract is the best fertilizer for bushes, fruit trees, vegetables and flowers on the site.

You can dissolve superphosphate in water in another way:  using live bio-bacteria. For this purpose, the agrochemical is composted with various solutions of phytosporins or with humate.

The mixture obtained after completion of the process is recommended to be diluted in water at room temperature and maintained for one day, stirring occasionally. After this, this solution can be used for foliar and root dressing of various garden and garden plants.

Instructions for use

To calculate the correct dose of superphosphate, which does not harm plants and soil, it is necessary to clearly define the specific task of its use. It is recommended to start fertilizing only after carefully studying the instructions for the use of superphosphate.

Fertilizer with a wide spectrum of action has a powerful effect on the growth and development of plants:

  • helps to accelerate the development of tubers and roots;
  • has a positive effect on the formation of ovaries, prolongation of flowering and fruiting;
  • provides restoration of impaired metabolism;
  • protects plants from many diseases;
  • inhibits oxidative processes in the soil;
  • helps to improve the taste and increase the yield of fruit plants.

One or other changes that can be observed on vegetables indicate a lack of phosphorus: “rusty” or with blue leaves, a purple coating on the back of the leaf.

Such symptoms often appear when hardening seedlings or a sudden cold snap. The roots do not absorb phosphorus well at low temperatures, and its increase should lead to a normalization of the situation when the leaves turn green again.

If this does not happen, the situation must be immediately corrected by applying fertilizer.

Contribute superphosphate in several ways:

  • scattering on the surface;
  • adding to furrows or holes before planting;
  • when digging the soil;
  • in the form of liquid top dressing;
  • in the compost hole tab.

Superphosphate is a fertilizer with long periods of the nutritional process. The plant, in no hurry, takes the dose necessary for nutrition in small portions and gradually “digests” phosphorus.

Therefore, one should not rush to make the next batch: an overdose can affect the culture negatively. Concentrated double superphosphate is recommended for use in smaller quantities.

Simple superphosphate can be added in spring and autumn by dispersion over the area. The fertilizer application rate is 50 grams per 1 square meter. For especially poor lands, the amount of additive is recommended to be increased by 30%.

The norms for applying superphosphate for different types of plants are:

  • young seedlings of fruit trees and bushes (when planting) - 500 grams;
  • adult tall trees (in the trunk circle) - 40-70 grams;
  • when digging greenhouses - 90 grams per square meter;
  • for potatoes and tomatoes - 20 grams per square meter;
  • for other vegetables - 70 grams per square meter.

Double superphosphate in its composition has more phosphorus (50%) and nitrogen (15%). In soil and water, it can be easily dissolved. Double superphosphate is recommended to be applied in early spring, when the ground thaws and warms up, and in autumn, when the crop is already harvested.

The main thing is considered to be spring fertilizing, when the soil is still wet after the snow and spring rains, so its easily soluble composition immediately begins to work. The use of superphosphate increases at times with the simultaneous introduction of a potassium mixture with it.

For different types of plants, double superphosphate is recommended to be applied in such quantities:

  • seedlings, young vegetables, leafy greens - 40 grams per square meter;
  • potatoes - 4 grams of fertilizer per well;
  • root crops - 20 grams per square meter;
  • vegetables in greenhouses - 80 grams per square meter.

Individual proportions for different vegetables and feeding dates are indicated in the instructions. The rules for using it should be followed as written. Along with nitrogen fertilizers, simple superphosphate can be used.

Granular and double are used simultaneously with potash top dressing. The official instructions do not allow the use of this fertilizer simultaneously with urea, chalk and ammonium nitrate. At least a week should elapse between the application of these fertilizers.

With the correct and dosed, for a particular culture, use of urea as a fertilizer, plants respond with good growth and development, as well as abundant fruiting. In addition to universality, there are two other important factors due to which urea is very popular among farmers - urea, fertilizer is inexpensive and very affordable.

Appearance, chemical characteristics and physical properties of urea

  • Appearance - round, very light (up to white) or transparent granules. Granulation of urea in production, to a high degree, prevents fertilizer from caking during storage and transportation.
  • The chemical characteristic is (NH 2) 2 CO, where almost half (46%), of the total volume, is nitrogen.
  • Physical properties - fertilizer urea, is soluble in many polar solvents, including ordinary water, which allows it to be used both in pure form (granules) and in the form of an aqueous solution of the required concentration.

Signs of nitrogen deficiency in horticultural crops

  1. Unnaturally slow, inhibited plant growth.
  2. Thin, weak and short shoots in shrubs and trees.
  3. Leaves: narrow and small, light green (pale) or with obvious yellowness. Plants suffering from a lack of nitrogen are prone to early leaf fall.
  4. Flower buds: weak and underdeveloped, their formation occurs in much less quantity than it should be. And as a result, plants have poor fruiting.

Urea Application Instructions

  When using urea as a fertilizer in a garden or garden plot, it should be borne in mind that in just a few days it is converted and modified under the influence of bacteria in the soil, during this process carbonic ammonium is released, which decomposes quite quickly in the open air, resulting in surface use of urea , of course, it is possible, but ineffective.

Optimal and best results are obtained by applying this fertilizer not only on protected ground, for example, in greenhouses, but also in ordinary garden farms. The only condition for the maximum efficiency of urea is its immediate incorporation into the soil, due to the fact that in this case, the loss of ammonium carbon dioxide (ammonia gas) is minimized, this significantly increases the penetration of nutrients, in particular nitrogen, into plants.

No matter where and by whom the urea is made, all manufacturers are unanimous in their recommendations and indicate in the instructions for the use of urea that it can be used on any soil as the main fertilizer or as top dressing for fruit and / or garden crops.
  Despite this versatility, it should be noted that different crops need an unequal amount of fertilizer, and therefore agricultural technicians recommend introducing nutritional supplements in certain doses, depending on the actual needs of the plants.

Important! Urea significantly acidifies the soil - this is a fact. If the soil is acidic, then limestone (chalk) is used to neutralize these processes. It is introduced together with nitrogen fertilizer at the rate of 0.5 kg of urea, 0.4 kg of limestone.

The use of urea as fertilizer in the garden

Vegetative period

  • Cabbage, beets, onions, peppers, tomato, garlic and potatoes - 19-23 g / m².
  • When applying urea for cucumbers or peas, about 6–9 g / m² are added.
  • Squash, eggplant and zucchini - 10-12 g / m². Top dressing is performed 2 times for the entire growth period, the first during planting, and the second at the beginning of the formation of fruits.
  • Strawberries and garden strawberries - the fertilizer is unchanged introduced into the soil of the plot prepared for planting berries. During the formation of buds and ovary berries, spraying is used, 10 gr. to 2 liters of water. To increase productivity in early September or late August, the plants are fed with concentrated solution - 60 g. on 20 l of water.
  • Cereals - 300 gr. per hundred in granular form.
  • Foliar top dressing of vegetable crops, as well as protection against diseases and pests (spraying plants) - 9-15 g for every 10 liters. water.

Before planting berry and vegetable crops

In order to fertilize the land for berry and vegetable crops in the pre-sowing season, it is enough to introduce urea granules (without dissolving) at the rate of 5–11 g / m². As a rule, 60% of the total required volume of urea is introduced in the fall, before digging, the rest of the fertilizer is added in the spring.

How to plant urea for fertilizing fruit trees and berry bushes

Important! An excess of nitrogen fertilizers in the soil is also not good for plants; they can begin intensive growth with the formation of abundant green mass to the detriment of fruiting. In this case, the formation of underdeveloped ovaries and / or fruits is possible.

If using granules everything is clear - measured the necessary weight and everything can be added to the soil, then how to dilute urea and make a solution of the necessary concentration from it, many, especially beginning farmers, can be confused. And this question is especially relevant for gardeners. This is due to the fact that trees and shrubs are fertilized mainly with urea diluted in water and extremely rarely granular urea - only before planting a seedling, it is laid directly in the prepared hole.

In order for the trees and shrubs to grow well and abundantly bear fruit from urea, as already mentioned, a concentrated solution is prepared, which is applied directly to the area of \u200b\u200bthe roots (near-stem circle) and to the near-trunk streaks. If for some reason it is not possible to prepare a solution, then granules can be added, although this is not the best option, but subsequent heavy watering is mandatory. It is also important to observe the proportions of urea dilution.

  • Apple tree - for each adult tree about 200 g of urea (granules) or a solution - the specified amount of urea is diluted in 10 liters of water.
  • Plum, chokeberry, ashberry and cherry - 120 g / 10 l.

Advice! Do not despair if you do not know how to use urea in the country and how to measure it correctly when there are no scales at hand.

In this case, you can use the means at hand:

  • 1 tbsp. l holds 10 gr. carbamide;
  • in an ordinary matchbox (without a slide) fits 13 g. urea
  • A 200 gram glass is about 130 grams. this fertilizer.

Urea Properties and Applications - Video

Some gardeners and gardeners are interested in the solubility of mineral fertilizers, as they are often applied to the soil in liquid form. So they are quickly absorbed by plants. In addition, the application of mineral fertilizers, depending on their type, leads to acidification or, conversely, to alkalization of the soil. This should also be known to the owners of gardens. We will make a brief overview of the fertilizers used in household plots and recall the rules for their application.


These include ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate (ammonium sulfate) and urea or urea. Dissolving them in water is not a problem. At the same time, nitrogen fertilizers, after they are introduced into the soil, are quickly washed out of it. In addition, they acidify the soil.


Stand and double superphosphate in water dissolves well. The precipitate is a little worse. When mixing these fertilizers with water, the liquid is obtained in the form of a suspension, that is, turbid. Bone and phosphorite flour - sparingly soluble fertilizers. As a result, they, after entering the soil, are washed out of it, and even absorbed by plants, slowly. Superphosphates can increase the acidity of the soil, and phosphate rock and bone meal reduce it.


  All of them, including potassium sulfate, potassium chloride, potassium nitrate, potassium carbonate and potassium salt, dissolve well in water. True, due to the content of various impurities, it is not a solution that is obtained, but a turbid suspension. Calimagnesia can only be partially dissolved, and a precipitate forms. Potash fertilizers are slowly washed out of the soil and are also slowly absorbed by plants. As for acidification, all fertilizers except wood ash and kalimagnesia contribute to this. They alkalize the soil.


  Ammofosku, nitrofosku, ammofos and nitroammofosku dissolve in water quite easily. True, the solution will be agitated. It does not bind soil and therefore will be quickly absorbed by plants and washed out of it just as quickly. Keep in mind that all complex mineral fertilizers slightly acidify the soil. From the foregoing, we can draw the following conclusion:

  1. Nitrogen and complex mineral fertilizers must be applied to the soil in the spring in order to ensure active plant growth. In the spring-summer period, only top dressing is done.
  2. Potash and phosphorus fertilizers should be applied in autumn or early spring. Well, in the summer, in the form of plant nutrition. They contribute to the laying of flower buds and ripening of fruits, as well as increasing the resistance of plants to various infections and adverse weather conditions.