What should be in a children's room? Children's room design. Tips and Photos Proper Nursery Lighting

If you are pregnant, you have probably already thought about what to buy for your newborn.

There are so many plans: to buy clothes, furniture, care products, a stroller ... Oh, and even toys and diapers!

Eyes run wide in a children's store.

The parents-to-be are looking at the assortment in confusion, and the sellers are trying to sell more things that are not really needed.

How not to be mistaken with the choice of purchases for an unborn child? How to rationally distribute funds so that there is not only enough for the necessary things, but also left for cute trifles in the form of rattles and beautiful booties?

Sleep or furniture in the nursery.

For a comfortable sleep, the baby needs its own cot.

It could be small cradle, which is useful for a child up to 4-5 months.

It is impractical, because soon you will have to buy a bigger bed, but it looks very cozy and beautiful in the interior of a children's room.

You can also buy classic bed.

Such a sleeping place will serve for about 3 years, because it is a rather large sleeping place, fenced from all sides: which means that it will not be scary to put both a newborn and a three-year-old child in the crib.

Chest of drawers bed.

Such furniture significantly saves both space in the apartment and the budget: at a relatively low price, you get a changing table, a chest of drawers for things, and a bed.

However, the sleeping place will not last long, because the child will grow up quickly, and the chest of drawers is a priori small for the amount of clothes and diapers that usually goes on the shopping list for a newborn.

Convertible bed.

Very comfortable and also economical furniture that can be useful for a child from birth to 5 years old.

An almost classic bed is transformed into a regular bed (the lattice is removed from one or both sides, the bottom is lowered) - and the cradle grows with the child.

There are options for a crib that can become a sofa, but this design is already more expensive.

Which crib to buy is up to the parent to decide, however, the requirements for the bed should be strictly observed:

  1. the material for furniture must be natural
  2. no toxic paint coating
  3. the bed must be safe
  4. comfortable
  5. and preferably beautiful

You also need to buy a high-quality orthopedic mattress to it.

If you can buy the simplest bed, then you cannot save on a mattress for a child.

What to buy in a crib?

  • Bumpers in the crib or small soft pillows - they will protect the baby from drafts and blows when he learns to roll over and crawl, and also decorate the sleeping place.
  • 3-4 sets of bed linen, preferably in dim colors and with a minimum of drawings on it. The material should be natural (usually 100% cotton).
  • Blankets: 1 woolen or down, 1 thin flannel, which can be replaced with a high-quality baby blanket. The filler of the blanket should not be made of padding polyester - it is toxic to the baby. You will not need a pillow for up to a year - if you wish, you can put a rolled up diaper under the baby's head.
  • Oilcloth or waterproof mattress topper.
  • Night light so that you do not have to turn on the central light to watch the child sleep.

Mobile for the crib.

A beautiful musical structure with toys rotating on it.

This device will definitely be interesting to the baby, but in the first month he is still unlikely to appreciate it - rather, he will be scared or simply will not pay attention.

Therefore, it will be possible to buy a mobile later.

Changing table and chest of drawers.

You can purchase these items separately, or you can buy a changing chest of drawers.

The design of a dresser with a convertible top is very convenient, which can be removed when the changing place is not needed and turn it into a regular dresser for things.

For a dresser, you must definitely buy a changing mattress with soft sides and a washable oilcloth surface.

In addition to these must-have items, you can purchase:

  • Cradle bouncer or electric swing
  • Feeding chair
  • Shelving unit or cabinet for baby accessories.

Necessary things for feeding.

If you are planning to breastfeed, you will hardly need anything.

From the minimum set - bottle with a nipple, imitating female breasts (such as Avent has, for example) and spoon in case you have to give medicine.

Breast pump should be purchased only if you plan to constantly leave home and entrust the feeding of the child to relatives or a nanny. Or if you plan on expressing milk and bottle feeding your baby.

With proper breastfeeding and well-established lactation, you simply won't need it.

Also, if you are worried about the problem of inverted nipples, you should buy nipple covers.

For the first time, you may need breast pads. But do not buy too many of them: when lactation improves, milk will come only at the request of the baby and will not leak.

If for some reason you cannot breastfeed your baby, you will need to purchase more different feeding devices:

  • 2-3 bottles
  • brush for washing them
  • bottle warmer
  • sterilizer
  • a set of children's dishes (for the future)
  • thermal bag (if you often leave home with a newborn - to maintain the temperature of the mixture).


For the first months of a child's life, you need to buy a special bath for bathing. But some parents prefer to wash their baby in a large bathtub right away.

It is also worth purchasing a water thermometer to determine the temperature of the bathing water for a newborn.

It is not necessary, but a slide for swimming is possible (it will allow you to comfortably place the child in the bathtub and free at least one of your hands) and an inflatable circle for swimming (however, many children do not like it).

You will also need terry corner towels and soft natural body sponge baby.

For the first time, from cosmetics for bathing, you only need a mild soap without sulfates, fragrances and parabens, which is suitable for children from birth and can be used for both body and hair. They can both wash the child and wash their hair.

A large number of oils, shampoos, gels are simply useless - this is more a marketing ploy and a desire to sell more products than a necessity.

Bathing toys will be needed after 4-5 months, when the baby is already able to sit in the water, and before they were simply not needed.


Choosing clothes for a child is an enjoyable and exciting activity not only for mom, but also for dad. Still: tiny blouses and rompers are so cute and beautiful ...

However, it should be remembered that the newborn grows quickly, and the initial 56 child size quickly turns to 62, then to 68 and further on increasing.

Therefore, in order not to waste money that may come in handy on more necessary things, you should limit yourself to the following.

Baby Clothing.

Form the list depending on the time of year the child was born.

  • Envelope for statement. This is certainly a beautiful thing, but not the most necessary one.
  • The prices for envelopes are high, and it will only come in handy once. Therefore, it is worth taking a closer look at the blanket envelope, which you can then use to cover your baby on a walk, or you can immediately buy a beautiful walking envelope.
  • Undershirts or blouses (warm and thin 3-4 pieces each)
  • Sliders 3-4
  • Bodysuits with short and long sleeves (one of each type)
  • Slip-on or underwear jumpsuit (1-2 pieces)
  • Thin and warm beanie
  • 1-2 pairs of socks (the baby's foot will grow very quickly, so you can take sizes for growth)
  • Anti-scratches (2 pairs per shift)
  • Warm nights or booties for a walk
  • Suit or jumpsuit for walking. You can use a walking sleeve.


In the first month, the newborn pays almost no attention to rattles and other toys. But after 3-4 weeks the baby will be interested in looking at various beautiful objects.

What toys should I buy for my child?

  • The very first are pendant rattles. While the child cannot hold objects in his hand, you can hang them on the crib.
  • Then, after a few months, you will need ring rattles, teethers and rustlers.
  • To develop coordination, you can buy toys for your child, bracelets or socks with bells.

There are mobiles of different price and configuration. There are mechanical, and there is electronic. The choice is entirely up to you.

But it should be remembered that you need to hang the mobile at a distance of at least 30 cm from the baby's eyes and not above his head, but in front, so as not to provoke the development of strabismus.

Play mat.

The thing is quite controversial. It is needed for 1-2 months, and buying an inexpensive play mat is unlikely to work (if only buying a toy from your hands - but why would you use second-hand children's goods?).

An analogue of a play mat is a crib over which you can hang various soft, rustling toys on strings: both simple and safe.

Electric swing.

They are different in price and device: from inexpensive simple cradles to supergadgets for 20-30 thousand rubles.

Electric swings serve as an excellent helper for parents, keeping the child busy for a while, but whether to buy a swing or not is up to you.

They will be useful only until the child learns to roll over and crawl - then he will get out of them, and this device will become dangerous for the baby.

Other gadgets for a newborn.

These are optional products, but they are often offered to parents, assured that they are irreplaceable!

Baby monitor and baby monitor.

These are devices that help keep track of your baby if you are not in the room with him. But in fact, such gadgets are needed if you live in a large house, especially a two-story one. In a familiar apartment, even if it is a large one, you will always hear the cry of a child. And leaving the baby for a long time is not even worth it with a baby monitor.


Fashionable cradle for a newborn. However, you won't be able to buy cheap cocoonababy. And it will be useful for a child for a maximum of 1 month. Therefore, think carefully about the purchase, because its price is within 10-12 thousand rubles. But you can ask for this gadget as a gift.

ITherm. Fashionable smart thermometer.

Allows you to measure the temperature of the baby in real time. It is put on the baby's shoulder like a bracelet and synchronized with a smartphone. It costs about 5,000 rubles, so it is also a controversial item in the list of necessary purchases for a newborn.

At first glance, the above list for a child is huge! However, everything can be acquired gradually, as needed and possible.

Remember that, first of all, a child needs the love and care of his parents - this is paramount for him.

We equip the nursery

Space: for sleeping, relaxing and playing

One of the most common mistakes when planning a nursery is that the child is allocated the smallest room in the house. Well, what about, you say? He is small, and we are big. Of course, you and I are big. Our territory is the whole apartment: living room, bedroom, kitchen with dining room. The child, like the parents, should have their own territory for recreation, play and study. After all, kids need a place where they can have fun, jump and throw out their energy. Therefore, the nursery should be made as large as possible, especially if the child is not alone. The nursery itself should be divided into zones for sleep, entertainment and activities.

Finish: blue or pink

What is there to think, you say? The boy is blue, the girl is pink. Many parents do this without bothering much. Meanwhile, many child psychologists consider these pink and blue shades to be not the most favorable for the emotional state of the child. It is believed that cold blue is depressing and overwhelming, while hot pink is annoying.If you definitely want to use bright colors, use them, but for individual elements of furniture or decor: cabinet doors, curtains, table lamps, rugs, pillows, and so on.
A suitable finish is neutral pastel colors: light green, pale yellow, peach, beige. Remember that the child in the nursery not only plays, but also studies, rests, sleeps. Bright colors can be unwanted irritants.

Paint or wallpaper: pros and cons

As a wall decoration, many experts recommend using a water-based hypoallergenic emulsion. This is a good option, but only until the children master pencils, paints and felt-tip pens. At this point, it is better to replace the paint with paper or washable wallpaper, which can be easily re-glued or wiped off, and on which it is so interesting for children to draw. In addition, by updating the wallpaper, you can easily change the design of the nursery for an older child.
Often, parents simply paste over the walls with children's white paper, special wallpaper-coloring, or paint with paint on which you can draw with chalk, allowing the kids to realize their artistic needs.

Lighting: protect your baby's eyes

Consider the lighting of the nursery: this is not an option where you can save money. In addition to the obligatory ceiling chandelier, add auxiliary light sources: a bright lamp on the desktop, lighting for the play area, a sconce by the bed, which the child can turn on independently if necessary. about additional sockets for the children's room: make sure that there are enough of them for all the necessary electrical appliances, plus, they must be convenient and safe. Pay attention to the height of the switches in the nursery so that the child can easily reach them and turn on and off the light on his own.

Furniture: functional, comfortable, beautiful

The nursery should have three main pieces of furniture: a sleeping place, a wardrobe and a table for games and activities. The rest of the furniture - racks, shelves, wardrobes and dressers - can be added as you wish. Soft bean bags will fit very well into any design of a children's room: children love them very much.
If you choose neutral colors for decorating a children's room, then the furniture can be brighter, more contrasting. In addition, nothing limits your imagination in choosing the shape of wardrobes and beds: a boat bed, a car bed or a treehouse bed - a limitless range of options for a baby's sleeping place. But for a teenager, it is best to choose a classic bed.
It is very important for schoolchildren to equip a workplace - a table and an armchair: a chair that is adjustable in height, a table - with several drawers or shelves for storing notebooks, textbooks and other stationery.

Storage: a lot and everywhere

No matter how many lockers, dressers, chests and boxes you plan, there will still be few - things accumulate in the nursery at the speed of light. Everything will be there, so use whatever storage space you can - under the table, under the bed, under the windowsill, on the walls and on the floor. So you have at least some chance to teach your baby to discipline and keep order in the nursery. We even dedicated a separate article.

Floor: flooring or carpet

- I need an inexpensive and practical floor covering for the nursery.- How many children do you have, madam?- Six- Madam, better asphalt ...
Children love to play on the floor. They generally like to do everything on the floor. Therefore, it is necessary to make them comfortable. Often, parents cover the floor of the children's room with a carpet. This is a good option, but exactly until the child spills cherry or tomato juice, drops the paint ... Even after the most thorough cleaning, the stains will still remain. There are two options to choose from: replacing the coating once a year, or choosing a pattern on which the stains will simply not be noticeable. A better option is linoleum or laminate, over which a thick soft carpet or carpet is thrown. Of course, children can color the rug and rug the same way as the carpet, but the rug is much easier to roll up and dry-clean.

Play area: for activity and independence

A place for play, especially for hyperactive toddlers, must be equipped with great care. A sports corner with a horizontal bar, wall bars and other gymnastic equipment can be installed here. Separately, it is necessary to provide a place for storing toys, such that the child can use independently. A large, beautifully designed box or a plywood chest with a light lid can act as such a storage facility. Dolls and stuffed animals can be stored on special low shelves or on the lower shelves of the shelves, if they are in the nursery. It is important that all these places are available for the child - this way he will quickly develop the skills of independence.


Like any other room, the nursery should be beautiful. It is better to arrange it in one, atmospheric, style: Mediterranean, country, Provence - depending on the tastes of the child. Try to leave room for the work of the kid himself, pictures, panels or wallpaper with your favorite characters from books or comics. An older child himself can take part in the design of his home, moreover, he should be the chief designer, because this is his territory, so be sure to consult with him in the process of designing a nursery.

Safety first!

The first rule of the nursery is safety. This applies to everything: furniture, objects, sockets for electrical appliances. Place such furniture in the nursery so that the child, especially the little one, does not injure himself on sharp corners. Most manufacturers of children's furniture by default produce it with rounded corners, but if you order furniture, pay the manufacturer's attention to this. Cabinets and dressers more than a meter high are recommended to be additionally fixed with fasteners to the wall so that a child, especially a small child, does not accidentally knock it over on myself. Do not use cabinets and shelves with glass doors, you can understand why: a child can easily break glass and cut himself.
The sockets in the nursery should be equipped with special plugs so that a small child cannot put something in them and get injured. Try to hide all the hanging wires - if you are curious - they can pull the wire and drop the lamp or sconce on yourself. When planning a nursery, be sure to consult with professionals, and in all areas - with electricians, furniture makers, psychologists and designers. Consider all the features of the child's character, his tastes, preferences. And remember that childhood happens only once and should be unforgettable. Only then will the children's room become an ideal space for a little family member.

Ecology of life. Interior design: To begin with, I would like to warn you that you should not get carried away with children's themes: an excessive number of butterflies, bear cubs, cars and the like can soon get bored with both you and the child. So when arranging a room for newborns, do not forget that children grow and develop quickly: if you make the interior completely childish, then it will have to be redone very soon. It is important that everything is in moderation.

About 1.5 million babies are born in our country every year, which means that the number of young mothers for whom the issue of decorating a nursery is relevant is also increasing. We askedby Marina Pennie to list all the highlights of this issue.

Do not get carried away

To begin with, I would like to warn you that you should not get carried away with children's topics: an excessive number of butterflies, bear cubs, cars and the like can soon get bored with both you and the child. So when arranging a room for newborns, do not forget that children grow and develop quickly: if you make the interior completely childish, then it will have to be redone very soon. It is important that everything is in moderation.

Babies in the first 2-3 years of life do not need their own room as such: for a long time they are very dependent on adults, so it is worth thinking about yourself - not only the child, but also the parents should be comfortable. This problem is perfectly solved by an additional sofa or armchair. The colors of the room should not be variegated, so as not to tire the child, it is imperative to equip a place for sleeping, playing (according to age), rest and communication.

The more environmentally friendly the materials in the children's room, the better, and the wall decoration is no exception: if you choose wallpaper, then paper, if the paint is water-based. For especially creative kids, it will be useful to apply a special marker coating on one or several walls, which will allow you to draw directly on the walls without causing any hassle. The same trick can be done with furniture, if you wish.

Care should be taken with wallpaper with pictures, especially if it depicts fashionable characters from cartoons, etc. The tastes of children change quickly, the baby's favorites may change already during the renovation, which is why the room will immediately lose its planned attractiveness, so it is better not to start this story with wallpaper. Buy better pillow covers featuring the same characters.

The lighting in the room must always be bright, especially in the play area. You should also provide the nursery with an additional lighting scenario - this can be done using sconces or table lamps by the bed. It should be noted that an additional lamp is badly needed in the workplace, even if the table is by the window.

In our conditions, it often happens that one room is divided between two children. In this case, it is important to think over the layout of the space in advance and competently cope with zoning.

It is most important to divide the room into 3 parts: at the entrance to make a place for storage / wardrobe, closer to the window - a working and sleeping place, and in the center to allocate a common free area for games.

It will be interesting for you:

Soothing bedroom: 4 design options

How to get along with the whole family in one room

If the age difference in children is small, then the desktop, for example, can be shared, but always with a separate place for each. There is a huge selection of transforming furniture that will not only save space, but also look interesting and unusual, attracting the attention of the child. published

Many parents try so hard to make the perfect nursery for their toddler that they make exactly the same mistakes. Which?

Mistake # 1. Too childish design

Clouds, flowers, cars, cute animals - this is great until your child grows up. Think ahead: when do you plan to do the renovation next time? If in 8-12 years, then, perhaps, you should not get carried away with too childish design. Wallpapers with Teddy bears or smiling suns will bore not only children, but also you.

What to do?

The children's room should be a children's room (see point 2), this is obvious. Therefore, you cannot do without infantile, cute and funny design elements. Decorate the walls with garlands, pictures, stickers. The beauty is that in a few years you will be able to remove too childish "things" and replace them with something more adult.

There are different wallpapers too: try gluing wallpaper with bright stripes or colorful circles on one wall. On the one hand, the room will not be so serious, on the other hand, the child will be comfortable in it even after 15 years.

Interesting offers from the portal "I Buy":

Mistake # 2. Too mature design

There is exactly the opposite opinion: the children's room is no different from other rooms in the apartment, and in general, repairs need to be done for growth. Parents buy adult furniture, large wardrobes, a writing desk and a bookcase. No fun wallpaper, child seats or play areas. Yes, it is logical, correct and practical. But let your little one be a child!

What to do?

If you are definitely not going to put a bed in the form of a typewriter or a wardrobe with Disney princesses in the nursery, then see our tips in step 1. Hang up cute pictures, put a colorful rug, put up a drawing board, hang curtains with clouds or a world map. It is these small details that turn a serious room into a children's corner.

Mistake # 3. Too bright room

Parents believe that a children's room must be very bright. Good mood, rainbow colors, bright colors - everything for your beloved child. Meanwhile, a wide variety of colors affects the concentration of the child and causes increased excitability.

What to do?

Let the main color of the nursery be neutral and warm, and you can choose any other shade for accents. By the way, keep in mind that the color of the room can

Mistake # 4. The storage system for children's things is not well thought out

It is bad if there is not enough room in the room for convenient storage of toys. The endless clutter will spoil all your efforts to decorate the nursery. Moreover, it is not enough to put one large cabinet: the child simply will not play with those toys that are put away in the upper drawer.

What to do?

It is best when toys are easy to reach and just as easy to put away. This means we need as many baskets, beautiful drawers, hanging shelves and open shelves as possible.

Mistake # 5. Lots of extra furniture

Most often, the smallest room in the apartment is allocated for the children's room (especially if there is only one child). Parents manage to put in it a large wardrobe, a sofa, a table and even a curbstone that did not fit into the corridor ... As a result, the child simply has nowhere to play with cars, lay out a designer or dress up dolls. The kid needs a lot of space for creativity, interesting games and pampering.

What to do?

Less furniture, more functionality. For example, it is the best solution for a small nursery. The bed is retracted into the wall - there is free space for games. Baskets with toys can be stacked on top of each other, and the soft ottoman can be quickly pushed into the corner. In general, think several times whether the child needs this new chair or not.

Mistake # 6. Very expensive design

We do not mind any money for children. But insanely expensive designer furniture and exclusive wallpapers are needed only by parents. Which will then spoil the nerves for themselves and the baby due to the fact that the latter spilled a jar of paint on the chair. There is no need to save (more on this in point 8) on the children's room, but you should not put a luxurious white sofa there either.

What to do?

Choose something high quality, pretty, functional, but not too expensive. There is no need to swear over the fact that the child painted the wallpaper or broke the handle near the closet.

Mistake # 7. Little light in the room

Proper lighting is the foundation of a nursery. A small window, blackout curtains, dark shades are not the best option for a child's room. Lack of light negatively affects the health and mood of the baby.

What to do?

Does the room have one simple chandelier? Screw in the brightest bulbs. Put up a floor lamp, attach fun lamps to the wall, find a good table lamp. In general, let the sun always be in the nursery.

Mistake # 8. Low-quality materials in the decoration of the room

There are things you shouldn't skimp on. The children's room will not tolerate low-quality synthetic materials. For example, cheap laminate flooring releases formaldehyde, plastic wall panels can be toxic, and artificial wool in carpets can cause allergies. (Once again, we emphasize that high-quality furniture and designer furniture made from the most expensive materials are different things.)

What to do?

Let's take care of the health of the little man. Pay attention to labels and choose only environmentally friendly materials. Furniture - wood, wallpaper - paper, floor - good linoleum or expensive laminate. Less plastic, synthetics and natural-identical substitutes.

Good luck, dear parents!