Leveling the floor with plywood on joists: a guide to action. Correct installation of the log for the floor - installation instructions How to set the logs on the laser level

Laying the floor on logs is the most commonly used type of leveling the floor surface. For wooden floors, logs are the main element of the frame. If you choose and install them correctly, the floor will be reliable and will last a long time. Mistakes made at this stage will be expensive: you will have to disassemble the finishing coating and eliminate imperfections.


For waterproofing use roofing feltlaying it on a concrete base. The overlap on the walls is 10 cm... The distance between the logs, their height depends on what the insulation, the finished floor will be and the load on it. The height is usually 5 to 10 centimeters (it should be one and a half to two times larger than the width), the distance between adjacent lags 30-50 centimeters.

The best for making supports is dry coniferous timber thick not less than 5 centimeters... If, with lags, the floorboard is parallel to the light rays from the window, then the lags are arranged perpendicular to the boards. You can study the article on your own.

Obtaining a control line

At a convenient distance from the floor (about one and a half meters), using the hydrolevel, marks are set in all corners of the room. All marks are connected with a chopping cord, getting a straight line. Using a tape measure, using the control line, check the horizontalness of the subfloor near the walls and set logs at a given distance.

Installing the first bars

At a distance of 20-30 centimeters from the wall, using several substrates, the first lag is installed. Having measured the distance from its upper edge to the control line with a tape measure, the extreme lag is mounted at the same height at the opposite wall. These are lighthouse logs: using a long rule or a cord stretched between the extreme logs, it is easy to set the height of all intermediate bars. The deviation from the verified plane should not exceed 1 mm per linear meter. Check the horizontality of each log and their position relative to each other.

Installing lags

The lining under the logs should be dense and elastic: euroruberoid, rubber, conveyor belt. So that the material does not move, it is fixed on the logs with a stapler. It is convenient if there are several types of lining of different thickness. So that the lags do not move, they are fastened with auxiliary rails of the required length.

Installation of beams, floor reinforcement at doorways

Doorways have high traffic, which increases the load on the floor. Therefore, in these places, reinforced double logs are laid, the edges of which protrude on both sides of the opening. The adjoining room coverings will be supported by these reinforced beams.

Installation of beams

If the length of the beams is not enough, they will have to be joined along the length. The joints should be staggered with a run-up of at least 50 cm, between them it is necessary to maintain technological gaps of 1.5-2 cm. Irregularities occurring on individual beams are locally planed with a plane. These are the general rules for installing a frame from beams. The technology may differ depending on the base on which it is mounted.

Logs on the floor beams of the lower floor or basement

Such floors are made in houses from wood and mineral materials. There are load-bearing beams between floors and on the basement floor, where they isolate the floor from contact with the ground, serve for ventilation and thermal insulation. If the finished floor is installed directly on the joists, sound vibrations are transmitted to the walls, making the structure too noisy.

Logs on floor beams

Lags on the ground

Significantly reduces the level of vibration and sound vibrations installed on independent supports that are not related to the structure of the walls. Supports for logs are made of red brick. The foundation for the support bricks is a layer of compacted rubble or a separate concrete foundation for each brick. Screw piles are sometimes used instead of bricks. A layer of crumpled clay is laid on the ground as an incompressible base.

Lags on the ground need waterproofing

Distance between adjacent supports 50-100 cm, 30-50 cm between rows. If the logs will be joined along the length, the joint should be on the support. The height of the supports is calculated so that the distance from the inside of the floorboard to the layer of rubble or soil is no more than 25 cm. Waterproofing is provided by a layer of roofing material placed under the logs. The gasket between the logs and the brick support is wooden blocks treated with an antiseptic, the thickness of which is at least 2.5 cm.

Lags on reinforced concrete

For a reinforced concrete base, an elastic lining is needed, the thickness of which should be at least 1 cm. For fixing the lag, it is convenient to use direct suspensions, such as used when working with drywall. Attach them to the concrete base with strong dowels through rubber gaskets. Movable and elastic pads of various thicknesses take on the entire load in the future, help to set lags and absorb vibration, you cannot do without them.

Option for attaching the lag to a concrete base

If a reinforced concrete slab has significant unevenness, it should not be compensated for with a large number of spacers, it must be leveled with a screed.

Adjustable lags

Special, threaded polymer uprights help accurately and quickly

Leveling the floor with plywood on logs is a very popular way to prepare a flat base for parquet, laminate or linoleum. This option requires much less effort and time than, for example, floor screed. Another plus of the method is good floor ventilation, which is especially important if your choice fell on laminate or parquet.

Leveling the floor with a lag

Using a lag to level the base is an old method. Its reliability has been tested for centuries. However, not all so simple! To achieve good results, technology must be followed. Get down to business after you have finished all the work on the walls and ceiling.

Observe safety precautions! All electrical wiring must be de-energized to avoid short circuits and accidents. All actions are best done with goggles and gloves.

It should be noted that dampness negatively affects wooden floors, which is why make sure that the used wooden elements have a moisture content of no more than 19%, in addition, they must be treated with antiseptics. Air humidity should not exceed 60%. Examine wooden elements carefully for damage.

About the preparatory stage

Remove dirt, dust and debris from the floor. Place roofing felt or waterproofing plastic sheeting over the entire floor area. The overlap is 15-20 cm. Fix the joints with tape.

If the material is thin, then it is better to lay it in several layers. For good sound insulation of the base, all kinds of layers are used. Size - 1.5 cm thicker than the log.

As the lags themselves, wood blocks are used (length - 2 m, width - 0.8 m, thickness - 0.4 m). Install a wide log near the doorway (a couple of millimeters wider than the standard one).

Lay the logs at a distance of 4-5 cm from each other. There should be a gap of 30 mm between the wall and the joists.

Before proceeding with the installation of the lag, the floor surface is measured and the level is set to a zero mark, focusing on it, beacons are installed in the form of self-tapping screws. They are placed every 0.2 m. The self-tapping screws should be opposite each other, thereby forming squares.

About laying lag

Logs are laid on the prepared base, focusing on the lighthouses. In places with large differences in height, they are installed on posts (bosses) of different heights, without forgetting to use pads. The height of the logs is adjusted with self-tapping screws and a screwdriver: the soundproofing layer is pulled together more tightly, the logs are lowered or raised.

If the logs need to be installed on a base made of soil, then they do it in the following sequence: pillars on brick foundations - roofing material - soundproof gasket - logs. Then the logs are carefully measured (in different directions: perpendicular, longitudinally, relative to each other) with a rail and a level, the plane should turn out to be perfectly flat.

The next stage of work concerns the lathing. At a distance of at least 0.5 m between the logs, cross-bars - crossbars are installed on wooden posts, fixed with self-tapping screws. The space between the lags is filled with a layer of heat-insulating material.

You can safely use mineral wool, expanded clay, ecowool. Eliminate the gaps between the insulation and the lags. Cover the top of the log with a layer of bituminous paper or glassine.

The final stage: plywood flooring along the joists and sanding

We attach plywood to the base from the log. First, unfold it, then adjust the dimensions of the slabs, make gaps (1-2 cm from the wall, between the slabs - less than 1 cm). Fasten the plywood sheets to the crate, fasten the self-tapping screws every 5-10 cm. Make sure that the joints of the sheets hit the log, while laying the plywood with an offset.

To increase the strength of the floor, lay another layer of plywood, while holding it together with the previous glue. Sand the top layer.

The prepared base will be well ventilated, warm, soundproofed, it will become a reliable starting coating for the subsequent laying of parquet, linoleum or laminate.

Alternative options

Option number 1: "adjustable plywood"

New on the building materials market is adjustable plywood, which eliminates the need for glue. The holes are drilled here according to the finished scheme in the sheet, the sheet is then laid on the floor, and similar holes are drilled already in the base.

Set the level. Then plywood is laid, it is fixed on top with nuts and washers.

The excess parts of the rods are cut off. The second layer of plywood is overlapped. This method helps to fix an oblique floor without lag.

Option number 2: "on glue"

This method should be applied on the finished screed (when it is completely dry), if the height differences are small. First, check the humidity level: press a meter-long piece of polyethylene to the floor with something heavy, if after three days there is no perspiration, then start working with plywood sheets.

Before laying the plywood, cut it out and lay it on the floor. This manipulation will allow you to adjust the size, cut out pieces with the desired parameters for corners, arches, pillars, doorways.

The plywood should be free of cracks and delamination. Since this material is subject to deformation (it reacts to the slightest increase in air humidity), a small gap (about 5 mm) is left between the sheets.

The slots help the air circulate. Lay the plywood with an offset. Number all the details and sketch the installation scheme. Remove the plywood. This was just a "fitting" stage.

If you decide to lay plywood without using a log, then your floor is perfectly flat. Carefully dust and prime the base (a primer is suitable for this, it is prepared from plywood glue and solvent or bitumen mastic with gasoline). This composition (it will provide the strength of the cement floor, improve the adhesion of the plywood and the base) covers the concrete pavement. Apply the primer with a roller.

The scheme for laying sheets is already ready, it remains to fasten the parts. As already mentioned, this can be done with glue or bitumen mastic. But that's not all! In addition to glue, you will also need anchor bolts or self-tapping screws. The distance between them is 20 cm.

After placing the plywood, drill holes in the screed. Next, the plywood sheets are sanded with sandpaper or a special machine.

One of the main methods that can be applied to make a flat surface of the floor is to lay boards or sheet materials on a pre-created crate, where logs are used as load-bearing elements. One of the primary tasks, the implementation of which directly affects the final quality of the floor surface, is the alignment of the lags in the horizontal plane, their reliable fixation, as well as treatment with protective compounds and waterproofing. You can find out how the position of wooden beams is adjusted, as well as some of the nuances of the process of installing the frame under the flooring of a horizontal floor surface, by reading this article. The thematic video lessons offered for viewing will help to consolidate the information received.

Features of the floor on the lags

An example of a floor device on logs in a private house

There was a period when developers began to move away from the technology of flooring the subfloor on wooden beams. This was due to the fact that in this way it was difficult to achieve a perfectly flat surface, which was necessary for laying modern floor coverings. The preference was given to screeds made with cement-based mortars.

Nowadays, modern technologies for the production of lumber make it possible to produce wood products, which are distinguished by regular geometric shapes, and special impregnations make wooden beams durable and prevent their deformation. There are also more advanced materials at a reasonable price for the installation of flooring, such as plywood and OSB boards. This made it possible to return to the technology of flooring by logs, bringing it to a higher quality level.

Floor installation on logs on a concrete surface

The massive use of this method for arranging the floor surface is also explained by the popularization of wooden construction, when houses are built from logs or beams. In such a building, floors other than wood would look irregular. However, logs as a frame for flooring are used not only in wooden houses. This floor leveling technology is used everywhere. In private houses, including on the second floor, in city apartments and even in office premises. The advantages of this technology will help explain such popularity, such as:

  • the relatively low price of the material / work complex, especially when it comes to overlapping on the second floor of the house;
  • the ability to qualitatively insulate the floor surface by laying a thick layer of insulation;
  • the created surface is immediately ready for the installation of finishing materials (it does not need drying and maturing, like concrete);
  • it is convenient to lay communications under the flooring;
  • the frame made of bars, as well as the flooring, have a relatively low weight, due to which the load on the floors and supporting structures is noticeably reduced;
  • the workflow is simple enough that it is accessible to many home craftsmen.

This floor has some disadvantages:

  • despite the use of fire retardants, wood remains a combustible material;
  • the use of a lag, for example, in an apartment, provides for a decrease in the useful volume;
  • the inability to make a heated floor.

Basic surfaces for installing lag

An example of an interfloor wooden floor arrangement

A horizontal frame made of wooden beams can be made in any room. But the base surface that supports the lag is different. If the floor structure is assembled on the first floor of a private house with a ventilated underground, columns poured with concrete or lined with bricks are used as supporting elements. In apartments, and in some houses on the second floor, where a reinforced concrete slab is poured as an interfloor partition, the latter is the basis for installing load-bearing beams. When a floor is made on the ground floor of a house, a rough screed is prepared for installing the bars. Let's take a look at the installation rules and methods for aligning the load-bearing beams in each of the options.

Important! If the interfloor overlap in the house is made with a bar, its surface is the basis for plywood, OSB or boards on the second floor. Alignment of beams takes place at the stage of building construction.

How to align load-bearing beams on a reinforced concrete slab?

You can install logs on the stove using several devices, such as:

  • screw adjustable supports;
  • support brackets;
  • anchoring.

Screw supports and metal brackets are used when you need to raise the floor surface relative to the base surface in order to lay insulation between the logs. With the help of these devices, it is convenient to fasten the bars and adjust their position relative to the horizontal. Another plus of such devices is the absence of contact between wooden beams and a concrete surface, which eliminates the need for waterproofing the log.

Option for laying adjustable joists on a concrete floor

Anchors are used when the timber is laid directly on the concrete surface, and its position is regulated by all kinds of pads. This is done when the thickness of the thermal insulation layer does not matter much, at the same time there is a desire to minimize the useful space.

To align the logs and install them in the same plane, you need to use a hydro level and a long (1.5-2 m) spirit level. Using the water level, marks are made on two opposite walls that correspond to the horizontal in which the supporting beams should be located.

The first to install and align are the extreme joists, which are located about 10 cm from the wall. First, one edge of the timber is set according to the mark that determines the desired horizontal level. Then adjust the position of the other edge so that the floor support is horizontal. The same should be done with the block against the other wall.

When the extreme lags are exposed and fixed in a given position, strong twines are pulled between them so that their sag is minimal. Tightened threads located in the same horizontal plane will be a guide for adjusting the position of the intermediate lags. For marking the horizontal, if possible, you can use a laser level. This will speed up the process and possibly improve accuracy somewhat. How the installation of the logs on metal brackets, as well as their alignment, is carried out, you can watch the video below, which shows the whole process of installing the subfloor from plywood along the supporting beams on the loggia.

Lags on columnar supports

In this case, in order to avoid problems with the alignment of the lag, the supports themselves should be made for them so that their upper platforms are in the same plane. The principle is the same, a horizontal line is marked, in which the upper points of the columns will be located and the threads are pulled. If the supports are made of reinforced concrete, formwork elements are set along the threads. When the columns are laid out of bricks, the masonry is adjusted according to the guidelines.

Laying wood floor on support posts

The bars are installed on the supports made after 2-3 layers of the roll waterproofing have been laid on them and are fixed with metal squares or anchors through the log body to the column surface. Load-bearing wooden cross-members are leveled by placing wooden or plastic wedges.

Important! It is necessary to lay a waterproofing material not only between the surface of the post and the log, but also between the support and the ground so that moisture does not destroy the supporting structure.

You can see how you can align the logs installed on the posts using a laser level in the following video clip

Today, one of the most popular ways to create a floor is to lay wood flooring on logs. The article will talk about how the installation of a lag for the floor is made and what is their significant advantage, which determines such a high popularity.

The technology of creating a floor on logs

The frame made of logs for laying the flooring received such a high popularity due to its low cost and ease of installation. Also, the structure, which is formed by the floor lags, is very strong, reliable and durable.

This technology for creating floors is most suitable for owners who are doing repairs in a newly built house with their own hands. Moreover, the work performed according to the instructions below will create high-quality floors.

Photos of such coatings will not differ much from the best samples produced by construction companies, and the physical characteristics will probably not be worse.

Typically, the construction of a floor with a lag base looks like this:

  • base for laying all layers: concrete screed or slab, wooden beams or brickwork in the form of columns;
  • waterproofing floor that protects the inner side of the coating from moisture;
  • a set of plywood or plasterboard substrates on which the frame from the log will be fixed;
  • directly logs, taking into account all the features of the laying indicated in this article;
  • a membrane is laid on top of the lag to isolate from emitted steam and moisture condensation;
  • further, the structure is sheathed with floorboards, this flooring is the final base for laying the floor covering.

Solid foundation device

If the installation of floor joists is carried out on a base of wooden beams, there is no need to make additional processing of the base. The beams will simply be fixed to the ends of the beams while maintaining the height throughout the entire area to be covered. No substrates are required.

As for working with a concrete base, there are two main options for mounting a frame from a lag:

  • the use of pads to install the beams at a single level;
  • preliminary leveling of the base.

If everything is clear with the first, then in the second case it will be effective to use a spot putty for minor surface defects, or create a solid screed to eliminate any irregularities and deformations. In some cases, a backfilled and compacted layer of sand of the required thickness is sufficient. Naturally, it is necessary to provide for fastenings for the floor log in advance, which is indispensable.

The height of the posts can be adjusted by increasing or decreasing the layer of the mortar used for installation. It is possible to increase the service life of bricks by means of roofing felt layers laid on top and bottom of the column for the purpose of additional waterproofing (in more detail: "").

Determination of optimal sizes

Before purchasing materials, you need to decide what kind of logs are needed for the floor and choose their optimal sizes. The main rule regarding the purchase of beams is that the wood must be dry and correspond to the 2-3 grade according to the classification.

As for the proportions, the height of the cross-section of the timber should be 2 times the width. Moreover, the height of the log should be enough to lay a layer of insulation in the voids between adjacent beams and leave at least 2 centimeters for high-quality ventilation.

As for the interval with which the lag is installed for the floor in a wooden house or any other building, the distance is selected based on the parameters of the board selected for the cladding of the frame to be mounted. For example, for a 4-centimeter-thick board, a 70 centimeter interval is sufficient, and a smaller 2.4 centimeter sample will require mounting a log every 40 centimeters.

The standard and most popular step between the lags is half a meter. This distance is enough for the strength of the laid base to be high, and insulation is placed in the spaces between the beams without cutting. The hardness of the floors will be high.

Installation lag

Correct installation of a do-it-yourself floor log is done as follows:

  • lags must first be set clearly in level. To do this, you can use wooden chopiks if the height of the timber is not enough;
  • before correctly placing the logs in the center of the room, it is necessary to strap around the perimeter. For this, edge logs are installed with a gap of 5-10 millimeters to the wall. It is not worth leaving any wedges in this gap, since such an element can entail various squeaks of the coating during operation;
  • then all intermediate bars are mounted. They must be positioned perpendicular to the window openings so that natural light falls on the flooring longitudinally. The floor is cladding in the same way, since the rays of sunlight will make the seams visually invisible, which will make it possible to make high-quality photos and, upon visual inspection, the floor will be more aesthetic;
  • before putting the joists for the floor, it is necessary to choose a method of fixing them, and then install them in such a way that the structure turns out to be motionless, but the fasteners are not rigid. If you overdo it and strongly pull the logs to the floor, the effect of excessive vibration may appear and any impacts on the floor will lead to sound propagation through the ceiling to the lower levels of the building. Experts recommend adhering to the rule: fewer details - less risk of various noises and squeaks.

Moreover, self-tapping screws should be available on all sections of the board or sheet, which is laid on the log. In the case of plywood, the fasteners should be twice as large, and the logs should be located much closer so that the strength of the coating does not deform during operation.


The article describes in detail how to properly lay logs with your own hands. It is worth remembering that only strict adherence to instructions, accuracy and precision during work will allow you to achieve a good result. If difficulties arise, you can always contact the specialists who will install the entire floor in the shortest possible time, while saving the customer's efforts and funds.

A variety of methods and materials can be used for flooring. Floors on logs are considered popular, which can be arranged on any basis, including for floors on the ground. The main structural element is wooden logs, they are stacked in a certain order. A heat insulator is mounted between the lags, communications can be laid. Then a rough sheathing is sewn on top. Usually plywood, chipboard, OSB, ordinary wooden boards are used, which often act as flooring.

The installation of a lag for the floor can be carried out in various ways, it all depends on the need to level the surface, on other installation conditions. When laying, it is necessary to follow exactly all the steps; the wood will first have to be treated with an antiseptic and a fire retardant in order to provide protection against insects and fire.

What are the advantages of lag?

The floor on logs has certain advantages over other structures. It turns out to be not only durable, but also warm. Such a floor allows you to level the surface, arrange a high-quality flooring for subgrade in private houses. Among the advantages it should be noted:

Lags exert the most minimal load on the foundation.

  1. Thermal insulation characteristics, such a floor avoids heat loss.
  2. Lumber for work has an attractive price, they are much cheaper than a concrete screed, which requires some experience in arrangement.
  3. There is a minimum load on the foundation, this is significant for frame and dilapidated houses. Such floors are also suitable for wooden floors.
  4. The floor can be installed at any level that is required.
  5. The consumption of building materials is minimal, which has a positive effect on the budget.
  6. The construction time is minimal, there is no need to wait for the solution to harden, except for floors on the ground, where pouring under the supports is done.
  7. An optimal microclimate is formed inside the premises.
  8. Log floors can be made on their own, no special experience is required.

During installation, you need to correctly determine in which direction the logs will stand. There are rules for installing a sub-floor log. Finishing flooring is always parallel to natural light, and the joists should go in the opposite direction. This should be foreseen in advance so that you do not have to fix everything later.

If the laying of the floor is planned for rooms with high traffic intensity, then the logs must be laid in the direction of travel in order to strengthen the structure, to prevent it from loosening. It is important to immediately foresee how the floorboards will go, how the sheathing boards will go if plywood is used. All fasteners of the finished floor must fall on the joists themselves, so that the flooring is durable.

Fastening methods and lag installation

Various methods can be used to secure the joists to the base. Previously, nails of the required size were used for this, but this method is not the best and most durable, such fasteners quickly fail. Today the best method is to use galvanized metal corners and dowels.

Lag fastening instructions:

  1. All metal corners are fastened with self-tapping screws. One plane of the corners is fixed to a wooden beam.
  2. Self-tapping screws are screwed to a depth of 3-5 cm.
  3. The lower plane is attached to the lower harness bar.
  4. For brick supports, it is necessary to perform a waterproofing layer, and then additionally make fasteners from dowels.

Instead of corners, you can use a special mount in the form of a U-shaped part. It provides a strong hold, especially if the bars have to be extended. This method is applicable for large rooms where additional fasteners are required.

The joints themselves for the lag can be arranged in this way:

  1. Close to one another.
  2. With a cut. This method of joining is the most effective, but it is necessary to cut it very carefully so that the joining points are tight.

If it is necessary to strengthen the docking, nails are used, they are stitched to the fastener place.

Additionally, you can use pieces of lumber, which can have a length of about 1 m.If the beams are mounted staggered, then a step of 50 cm or more must be observed between the connection points.

Floor installation on the ground

Installing floors on logs is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. They differ in the simplest design, they can be made for an apartment, a private house, a country cottage. Unlike concrete pouring, the weight of such a structure is less, but the floor is in no way inferior in strength.

To install lags, you need to follow a fairly simple instruction:

  1. First, the soil base is inspected, after which the soil is carefully compacted with a vibrator. If there is no such equipment, then the work can be done with a piece of large diameter log.
  2. A layer of rubble is then poured onto the ground, it should be about 5 cm.This layer will serve as a base.
  3. After that, it is necessary to build a formwork for each support separately. The layout of the supports is preliminarily drawn up in accordance with the size of the room, the conditions for the construction of the entire structure. If the formwork is ready, then pouring can be performed.
  4. Next, you need to build brick supports. In this case, a waterproofing layer must be provided between the supports themselves and the base. This will reliably protect the structure from moisture. Another layer of waterproofing should be performed over the brick support, a soundproofing gasket should be mounted.
  5. Next, logs are placed for the floor. The boards are pre-cut into pieces of the desired size, after which their surface is treated with an antiseptic and fire retardant. This will protect them from damage by insects, mold, and make them more protected from fires.
  6. The lags are fixed on the supports with special dowels, which ensure reliability and stability. After that, you can lay a special cranial block, make a primary boardwalk, you can use ordinary boards for it. After rolling, you can lay out another layer of waterproofing material.
  7. It is necessary to install a heat insulator between the lags. In this capacity, you can use various materials. Manufacturers offer a wide variety of insulation, suitable specifically for floors on logs. In this case, you can take expanded clay, other bulk materials, foam boards, mineral wool boards.
  8. During insulation, it is necessary to ensure that no air gaps and cavities remain, as this will adversely affect the state of the thermal insulation, heat loss will be observed.
  9. After that, it is necessary to level the joists for the floor. The upper horizontal level is determined. All excess is cut off, the horizontal level of the coating is checked by the building level.
  10. The finishing floor is mounted from plywood or chipboard sheets; any floor finishing materials can be laid on them. During installation, you will have to ensure that a temperature gap of 2 mm remains between the plates, and 10 mm between the plates and the wall. For durability, plywood can be laid in 2 layers, the total sheathing thickness ranges from 12 mm to 20 mm, it all depends on the floor requirements. A small ventilation gap must be left between the casing and the insulation.
  11. After the flooring is finished, it is necessary to check the levelness of the floor again and then sand the surface. In order not to damage the grinder, the heads of the self-tapping screws should be sunk into the wood during fastening. The last step is laying the flooring. The process depends entirely on what kind of material was chosen for the job.

Should you use adjustable logs?

If the floor is not so flat, then its height can be easily adjusted with lags. For this, special fasteners are used that can withstand a significant load, up to about 5 tons for each 1 m². The adjusting elements can be made of metal or special plastic. These are threaded elements that can be adjusted to the required height. Lags are attached to such elements, the required height is set. The floor and walls are marked beforehand, which determines the level of the finishing coating.

Dowels are used for the concrete floor, and self-tapping screws for the wooden floor that can withstand the necessary loads. After that, all excess is cut off. The logs are attached at the required height, if required, then the heat insulator is filled in so that the floor is more comfortable and the microclimate is more pleasant. Plywood or chipboard is laid on top, after which you can proceed with the installation of the floor covering.

Log floors are a solid and reliable structure that allows you to level the surface. Making such a floor with your own hands is not difficult, there are many options, among which you can choose the right one. For work, only boards for the manufacture of logs, a heat insulator and sheets of plywood or chipboard for finishing are needed.