How to fertilize strawberries in spring to get a good harvest. How to feed strawberries in spring for a good harvest without chemicals Spring feeding of strawberries in early spring

Top dressing of garden strawberries in spring is a primary agricultural technique designed to increase the collection of fragrant fruits. By properly fertilizing a reviving plant, you can support the bushes when they wake up after winter, help them develop better, and plant more new buds. Top dressing of garden strawberries during this period is carried out according to certain rules.

Why is it important to fertilize strawberries in spring

After the snow has melted, the soil has dried up, the strawberry beds are subjected to spring major harvesting. Work is carried out with each bush:

  • sharp scissors remove last year's leaves, whiskers;
  • the soil near the roots is loosened so that air can flow to them;
  • each root is poured 0.15 liters of a hot solution of potassium permanganate with a temperature of +55 ... + 60 ° C (2 liters of boiling water are mixed with 3 liters of well water and 1 tsp of potassium permanganate is dissolved) to destroy harmful microorganisms.

After 2-3 days, start early spring feeding with organic and mineral compounds. Fertilizing strawberries is one of the most important procedures affecting crop yields.

The purpose of feeding is to ensure the rapid growth of the ground part of the plant, to form many new ovaries, and to replenish the depleted soil with a supply of nutrients. If everything is done correctly at the optimal time, according to the correct recipe, you can lay the foundation for a rich harvest of sweet, nutritious, healthy berries. Top dressing is carried out according to the principle: underfeeding - to lose part of the strawberry harvest; overfeed - to provoke active growth of leaves to the detriment of the development of fruits or the death of the plant.

Fertilization chart for any kind of garden strawberry

Experienced summer residents adhere to the proven optimal scheme for feeding strawberries with fertilizers in the spring.

Table: fertilization by year

Every 4 years, the planting of garden strawberries is updated, while the feeding scheme is repeated taking into account the year of growing new bushes.

Rules for spring feeding strawberries

In certain climatic zones of Russia, the time for starting work in the spring on strawberry plantations is different:

  • in the south - early March;
  • in the central regions - late March, early April;
  • in northern latitudes - mid-April.

You can neither rush nor be late with deadlines. The same applies to doses: a lack and excess of fertilizers has a bad effect on the condition and development of strawberry bushes. Spring feeding has 2 goals:

  • increasing the yield of the strawberry plot;
  • increasing the size of the berries and improving their taste.

Video: first feeding strawberries / organic farming

Foliar dressing

In the spring, they carry out not only feeding the strawberry root system, but also the bush itself. A cloudy, windless day when there is no precipitation is chosen for spraying. The main purpose of foliar feeding is to strengthen the ground part of the bushes and to accelerate the growth of leaves and buds in order to promote the formation of strong ovaries.

Foliar dressing is carried out on a day without precipitation.

The best effect is achieved by spraying the plants with a solution containing various trace elements, which are absorbed directly into the leaves.

  • manganese potassium - 3 g;
  • boric acid - 2 g;
  • iodine - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • complex fertilizer used for planting - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • warm water - 10 liters.

With this solution, strawberry leaves are moistened with a hand sprayer or an ordinary watering can. It is necessary to wash the leaves on both sides, until they are abundantly wet, in the amount of 1 liter per bush. It is especially necessary to moisten the lower part of the leaf, since it absorbs the nutrient solution most actively.

The same mixture is fed to strawberries a second time in the spring, before flowering. With the appearance of the first buds, the amount of nutrients is reduced by 2 times and 2 g of potassium sulfate is added to the solution.

Another compound used as fertilizer consists of the following ingredients:

  • water - 10 l;
  • potassium permanganate - 3 g;
  • boric acid - 0.5 tsp;
  • urea - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • ash - 0.5 cups.

For each bush, 1 liter of such a solution is needed.

To combat diseases and harmful insects, fungicides and insecticides are added to the foliar feeding of strawberries. For these purposes, summer residents are advised to use:

  • Caesar;
  • Taurus;
  • Fitosporin;
  • Strawberry Lifeguard;
  • Aktofit and other drugs.

Video: feeding strawberries in spring for a big harvest

Fertilizing young bushes

Last year's garden strawberries, planted in fertilized soil, are not fed during spring work so as not to exceed the dosage. But there will not be much harm if, on poor soils, the roots of the berry are poured with a solution of mullein or chicken droppings (0.5 liters of concentrated organic matter per bucket of water) with the addition of 1 tbsp. l. sodium sulfate. Under each bush, 1 liter of such a mixture is applied.

Young strawberry bushes can be fertilized with a solution of mullein or chicken droppings

Feeding adult strawberries

Unlike young plants, mature garden strawberries are fed regularly as the soil becomes impoverished. A berry that has been producing crops in a row for several years needs three top dressing in April-May:

At the first feeding, organic matter is used: rotted chicken or cow dung. Small amounts of humus are scattered under the roots of each bush, then mulched with earth in a layer of 2-3 cm. In addition, a solution at the rate of 1 liter of concentrated liquid cow dung per bucket of water will also be useful. The bush itself is poured with such a mixture, that is, foliar feeding is carried out.

Yeast contains many useful substances: proteins, amino acids, micro- and macroelements. Fertilizing from them accelerates the growth of the ground part of the strawberry, and strengthens the root system in the soil. To prepare the solution you will need:

  1. Dissolve 200 g of bread yeast in 0.5 l of water.
  2. Leave to stand for 20 minutes to obtain a homogeneous mixture.
  3. Connect with a bucket of water.
The finished solution should be poured abundantly on each bush.

What fertilizers to choose to increase the yield

Summer residents grow two types of garden strawberries:
  • Disposable varieties that yield one harvest per season. They begin bearing fruit in the last days of May or the first days of June, which lasts 15–20 days. During these 2–3 weeks, strawberry beds produce a bountiful harvest of aromatic berries.
  • Repaired varieties, which differ in the ripening of fruits several times during the spring-summer period, and they ripen in a short period of time in pronounced waves.
The choice of the type of fertilizer, the required dose, the timing of application is made taking into account the belonging of the strawberry to a particular variety. Incorrect use of formulations for feeding bushes will reduce yields and lengthen the ripening period of berries.
The combination of components should preserve the health of the plant, ensure abundant yield, protect against various diseases and harmful insects. Mineral fertilizers for garden strawberries provide them with phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium and magnesium. Sulfates and saltpeter are used to supply the soil with nitrogen, urea is used to produce the required dose of potassium. Organic matter improves the structure of the soil, enriches it with chemical elements in an easily digestible form, and increases the height of the fertile layer.

Mineral fertilizers for feeding strawberries

Mineral fertilizers are of two types:
  • With a highly mobile composition that contains potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen and magnesium. These elements are absorbed by strawberries in the shortest possible time, and both roots and leaves, buds of bushes.
  • With a low mobile composition containing boron, iron, manganese and copper. These elements are absorbed more slowly by the ground part and by the root system, so the effect of their application does not appear so quickly.

Garden strawberries need nitrogen to grow leaves and buds. It has a positive effect on rapid development and fruiting. Lack of nitrogen can be identified by the color of the leaves, which will have a pale appearance.

The most common nitrogen fertilizer for feeding strawberries in spring is urea (carbamide). Its overdose does not threaten the life of the berry bush, but negatively affects the sugar content of the fruit. A solution with urea is prepared as follows: 1 tbsp. l. fertilizer is diluted in 10 liters of water. 0.5 l of the composition is poured under each root of the plant.

When the first inflorescences of strawberries appear, they need potassium. The taste and juiciness of berries depends on its presence in the soil. Sources of the substance are mineral supplements in the form of potassium sulfate, potassium magnesium. Mineral fertilizers, which include sulfur, protect strawberry bushes from diseases and pests. Phosphorus is needed by the roots for development and growth, so summer residents use superphosphate and ammophoska.

Photo gallery: mineral fertilizers for strawberries

Kalimagnesia supplies strawberries with potassium
Urea is considered the most popular mineral fertilizer
Superphosphate provides phosphorus to plants
Ammophoska contains phosphorus
Potassium sulfate provides the plant with potassium

Organic feed

These include natural substances that are produced by living organisms. Summer residents most often use cow dung, chicken manure, ash and compost on strawberry plantations. Slurry made from fresh mullein, rich in nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium, is especially appreciated.

For its preparation, a bucket of fresh cow cakes is bred with 4 buckets of water. The container is closed and left in the sun for 2-3 days for fermentation. This process is necessary for the breakdown of uric acid, which burns the roots of strawberry bushes.

Some types of organic fertilizers

Chicken manure is used with caution, since in its composition it is similar to mineral fertilizers. When fresh, it is not used.

The soil between the bushes is treated with a solution of chicken manure, the liquid should not get on the green parts of the plant

An infusion or extract is prepared from the droppings. The nutrient solution is watered between the rows of strawberry bushes, and not the roots themselves. To prepare the infusion, chicken droppings and pure water are mixed in equal proportions with a wood stick. Then the container is closed and placed in a dark place so that fermentation is not strong. Otherwise, the solution will be too concentrated. After a week, the ready-made mixture is used for feeding, diluting strongly with water (1 liter of infusion for 30-50 liters of liquid). Water the soil with the prepared solution at a distance of 10-15 cm from the bushes, having previously well moistened the roots with water from a watering can.

Pure wood ash is scattered into the aisles

Wood ash extract is an accessible type of organic matter. It is used in the spring to feed the roots, leaves, and shoots of the strawberry bush. The nutrients in the ash make the berry sweeter and more shelf-stable. In dry form, it is scattered in the aisles (65 g per linear meter) before watering or rain.

Strawberry bushes are treated with whey

Fermented milk products (whey, kefir and others) are a valuable source of nutrients for strawberries that love slightly acidic soil. This type of organic matter is used alone or mixed with mullein, bird droppings, humus.

Infusion of nettle and other weeds also serves as a fertilizer

Infusion of nettle, lupine, weeds, used in spring, has a beneficial effect on the formation of the strawberry bush. It is prepared as follows:

  1. Plants are crushed.
  2. Pour in warm water.
  3. Insist for a week.
  4. The water is filtered and used to irrigate the bushes.

Complex feeding

In early spring, ready-made fertilizer compositions are used to feed strawberries:

  • GUMI-K;
  • Humate + 7;
  • Health;
  • Fasco;
  • OMU Universal and other store-bought organomineral mixtures.

In specialized stores there is a large selection of ready-made complex mixtures, which are fed to strawberry bushes in spring

Each summer resident himself determines the need for one or another feeding of strawberries in the spring, taking into account the structure and composition of the soil, previously used fertilizers, the state of berry bushes after wintering. But there are general rules to be followed. Over-saturation of garden strawberries with fertilizers will lead to rapid growth of leaves, while there will be no rich harvest of fruit. An excess of trace elements will cause not only the active development of the ground part, but will also cause the appearance of various diseases, since internal processes will be disrupted, and the protective functions of strawberries will decrease.

When spring comes to an end, all summer residents and gardeners begin to wait for the first home strawberries to appear on the beds. After all, it is she who opens the fruit and berry season. Much later it will be possible to enjoy currants, gooseberries, raspberries. But the very first strawberries are the most desirable! Below we will talk about how to properly fertilize strawberries for a better harvest.

Planting and fertilizing strawberries - how and when to do it best

It is best to plant strawberries in autumn in warm weather, so that before winter it has time to get stronger, to grow leaves. Then in the spring it will bear fruit much more abundantly. If these deadlines are missed, then it's okay, the spring planting will also be successful. The main thing is to follow a few rules:

  • The root collar should be at the level of the soil, if lower - it will be clogged with earth, higher - the roots will be exposed. In both cases, the plant may die.
  • The first 10-15 days after transplanting, it is worth watering the strawberries abundantly daily

After the seedlings take root, it is necessary to provide them with proper care: loosening, weeding, watering and fertilizing.

It is advisable to fertilize strawberries planted in the open field several times per season:

  1. 1. in the spring, when the bush grows and needs nitrogen;
  2. 2. during the budding period, fertilizing with phosphorus;
  3. 3. after fruiting, using complex fertilizers;
  4. 4. in autumn, before cold weather, enriching the soil with potassium.

Which fertilizers to use - organic or mineral, everyone decides for himself. Of course, it's safer to work with organics. Here you can not be afraid to use too much fertilizing, because it will not harm the plant in any way, it will only take what is needed. You can feed the plant at any time, since such additives are not harmful to humans. True, you will have to tinker with such natural infusions and mixtures a little more, you cannot buy them ready-made in a store. And the results of organic farming, of course, are slightly weaker.

If you decide to use ready-made mineral fertilizers, then be sure to follow the instructions and do not exceed dosages so as not to harm either the plant or yourself. Also keep in mind that it is best to use them a couple of weeks before the first harvest.

Feeding with nitrogen and phosphorus - we help strawberries grow and get stronger

After the snow melts and warm weather sets in, it is necessary to prepare the beds and strawberry bushes for further feeding:

  • If the strawberries were covered for the winter with mulch or sawdust, then they must be removed;
  • If the bushes have dried leaves, old tops, then they need to be cut off with pruning shears or scissors;
  • The earth needs to be loosened up.

Also, before feeding, it is worth moistening the soil if there has been no rain for a long time before. In wet soil, fertilizer will spread more evenly, and in dry soil it can burn the roots. For the same reason, it is better to apply any fertilizer in the aisle, and not under the strawberry bush.

Immediately after the establishment of warm weather, it is worth feeding the strawberries with nitrogen. It stimulates well the growth of the aerial part of the plant. By applying such fertilizers, we will help the bush grow strong and strong, its leaves will be dense and fleshy.

Here are some nitrogen fertilization options:

  • Dung or mullein. Used as root dressing. We dilute it in water in a ratio of 1:10 and let the mixture settle for 2-3 days to remove ammonia. It is worth noting that we use manure only in rotted form, since fresh manure contains a large amount of weed seeds.
  • Chicken droppings. We also use it as a root bait, diluted in a ratio of 1:20. We apply it once every 2-3 years.
  • Nitroammofosk. We use an aqueous solution in the proportion of one tablespoon to 10 liters of water.
  • Ammonium sulfate. We breed it with mullein and water in the ratio of one tablespoon per liter of mullein and 10 liters of water.
  • Urea. We dilute in the ratio of one tablespoon to 10 liters of water.

With nitrogen fertilizers, it is necessary to observe the measure, since their excess will lead to the absence of ovaries, and therefore fruits.

In late spring or early summer (depending on the region and weather conditions), during the period of bud formation and flowering, the plant needs phosphorus. For this, you can use superphosphate or ammophos. Phosphorus is also very useful in the first year of the growing season of garden strawberries, so we add it when planting. We take into account that phosphorus, unlike nitrogen, decomposes slowly, so it is enough to introduce it into the soil once a year.

Folk recipes for feeding strawberries

In addition to standard procedures, many gardeners use their own proven methods to fertilize strawberries in the spring for the best harvest.

So, knowing that the berry loves slightly acidic soils, it is often fed with fermented milk products. Dilute the sour milk with water in a ratio of 1: 2 and water the soil at a distance of 7-10 cm from the bush. But such a bait, of course, is convenient only if you have a small number of bushes.

The second most popular top dressing is yeast. Soak the bread in water and let it ferment for a week. We dilute the resulting solution with water in a ratio of 1:10 and use it for root feeding. This procedure can be repeated twice a season, but only in warm weather, so as not to stop the fermentation process.

Feeding with wood ash is no less effective. It can be used both dry, sprinkling the soil and thus protecting it from pests and diseases, and in the form of a solution in the proportion of 2 tablespoons per liter of water. But you should not combine ash with urea, saltpeter or manure, otherwise it will lose all its beneficial properties.

Recently, such type of feeding as nettle infusion has also become popular. To prepare the nutrient solution, fill a bucket of chopped and crumpled nettles with water and leave in a warm place to infuse for several days, until the solution begins to foam and ferment slightly. For fertilization, we use an infusion diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. We water the plant at the root with it. Also, the strained and diluted infusion can be used for foliar processing, that is, spray the leaves of the plant.

Watering strawberries - everything is good in moderation

The quantity and quality of the crop is also greatly affected by the frequency of watering. Indeed, if during the period of growth and flowering water is vital for the plant, then during the period of ripening of berries it only interferes. Excess moisture affects the taste of strawberries, it becomes more watery, less sweet and aromatic. But it is also impossible to stop watering for the entire fruiting period, otherwise the harvest will be reduced. We recommend watering the bushes immediately after picking all the ripe berries, and then taking a break for 2-3 days. During this time, the following berries will have time to ripen and gain sugar content.

You can also avoid frequent watering in hot weather by mulching the soil. For this we use foliage, straw or sawdust.

After harvesting the entire crop, you should also not stop watering the strawberries, because during this period new buds are laid, affecting the yield of the next year.

Schemes of summer and autumn baits for regular and remontant strawberries

In summer, strawberry bushes that have already borne fruit also require feeding, since during this period new flower buds are laid, on which the next year's harvest depends. Here potassium and trace elements come to the rescue, for example:

  • Potassium nitrate. Used in a solution of 1 tablespoon per 5 liters of water.
  • Nitroammofosk. It is used together with potassium sulfate in the form of a solution (for 10 liters of water, 2 tablespoons of nitroammofoska and 1 teaspoon of sulfate).

We apply these solutions at the root, after watering the ground abundantly. If you are afraid of damaging the roots, you can split this groundbait into two stages with an interval of two weeks.

The last fertilization is done in the fall, before covering the plants with mulch or straw for the winter. It is especially useful to feed young bushes in the fall to help them survive the cold. For this, it is good to use, for example, ash or mullein.

Also during this period, you can treat plants from pests, for example, spray with copper sulfate. Well, after that, you can continue to prepare strawberries for winter.

These bait schemes are relevant for strawberries with one harvest cycle. Repair strawberries consume more substances for such a long harvest period, therefore, they need to be fertilized more often. It should be supplemented with complex fertilizers (for example, nitroammophos) once every two weeks, starting in early spring and ending in September. In September, it is only worth excluding nitrogen from fertilizers in order to stop the active growth of the bush and thereby help it prepare for wintering.

Here are all the tips for growing strawberries. Now you can enjoy this beautiful berry all summer in a summer cottage or in a pot on a windowsill all year round!

Top dressing of strawberries in the spring.

Spring has come, the birds are singing, buds are blooming on the trees. This means that it's time for strawberries. To get a good harvest, you need to properly care for and fertilize the bushes from the very early spring. You can find out about the fertilization rules here.

How to feed strawberries right after winter in spring?

  • In early spring, we completely remove the spread sawdust from overwintered strawberries.
  • Cut off old dry leaves.
  • We loosen the soil under each bush.
  • We also cut off the old, diseased, brown tops. We leave only the new one.
  • Be sure to check the condition of the neck (growth point) of strawberries after frost. It should be slightly higher than 4-5 mm above ground level.
  • To keep the strawberries from rotting, the growing point must be open. It is very important to properly feed the strawberries in the spring and regularly care for this wonderful berry.

The first feeding of strawberries is done in the spring, until the flowers and buds have formed.

  • To begin with, we just clean up our strawberries, remove dry and old leaves. The first fertilization is best done with a good and rich mullein, which is made with fresh cow cakes.
  • So, for our fertilizer, it is necessary to dilute 10 liters of water with 1 liter of fermented liquid mullein.
  • If you do not use mullein, then the first feeding can be done with urea, that is, urea. To do this, dilute 2 tablespoons of carbamide by 10 liters of water. With this, water 0.5 liters under each bush of the plant.
  • For the mullein, you will also need 0.5 liters per bush. Thoroughly water our strawberries with this mixture.
  • Fertilize after rain to keep the ground moist. This will help the mullein to be absorbed better into the soil. And on dry it will flow around, and the crust will not allow it to be absorbed.
  • Mullein is good because it is quite saturated with nitrogen and phosphorus. And nitrogen, as you know, is necessary for any fruit plant to give it growth, while phosphorus accompanies the formation of ovaries so that they are larger and larger.

This is how the first spring feeding is carried out. Be sure to fertilize your strawberries for a bountiful summer harvest.

How to feed strawberries in spring before flowering and during flowering?

You still do not know how to process and how to protect strawberries? Then this information is for you.

  • It is better to do the first treatment with the "Horus" preparation at the rate of 12 g per 10 l of water. After about 2 weeks, it is necessary to treat the strawberries again for diseases.
  • It is also best to use Horus (12 g per 10 l of water) and Topaz 6 ml per 10 l of water. These two remedies will cover all possible diseases that stain your strawberries.
  • You can also use leaf dressing "Plantafol" 20 g per 10 liters of water, "Brexil mix" and "Growth concentrate" and "Megafol" in the same ratio in the same dressing.
  • Mix all this thoroughly and process the strawberries. You can also add Boroplus (10-15 ml) for better formation of the ovary.

During the flowering of strawberries, it is good to make the following fertilization:

  • Pour 1 glass of wood ash by the bucket and pour 2 liters of boiling water. Stir well and let it brew for 2 hours, and then add 3 g of potassium permanganate and 3 g of boric acid.
  • Also, don't forget to add one tablespoon of iodine. You will get a mixture with which you can safely water your strawberries. Mix everything thoroughly and add water to a total volume of 10 liters.
  • Knead all this purple mixture again until smooth.
  • It is best to use rainwater when thinning. If you don't have one, then you can use settled water, since you should not do this with chlorinated water.
  • You can spray leaves, flowers, and plant ovaries with this water. In order to give her the strength of fruiting, in order to get a good harvest, you need to water well a glass under each bush.

Strawberries in spring iodine feeding

To process young pagons using this product, you will need two components:

  • potassium iodide itself
  • potassium permanganate - that is, potassium permanganate

The prepared solution using the above-mentioned components helps not only against crustaceans and pests, but also against gray rot and the appearance of spots on the leaves, and also saturates the future harvest with microelements. To prepare such a solution, you will need to take 1 tbsp. iodine and literally a few potassium permanganate granules per 10 liters of water.

It is advisable to water bushes with this solution, previously showered with ash and fertilizer. With such an integrated approach, the effectiveness of the result will be more guaranteed.

Strawberries in spring: care and feeding with boric acid

  • Before feeding the strawberries, be sure to loosen the soil about 10 cm with a garden pitchfork.
  • For the best fertilization effect and protection of the plant itself, we recommend sprinkling the aisles with straw. This will help not trample our strawberries.
  • Now that we have sprinkled our strawberries with straw, we need to fill them with herbal infusion. It is a thick brown liquid that is very easy to do: a third of the container is tightly packed with nettles, filled with water and infused either in a greenhouse or just in the sun. 2-3 days and the infusion is ready. Without diluting it, we carefully spill our berries with it.
  • So, when we spilled the beds with a solution, we again spill them with a mixture of boric acid. Mixing ratio: approx. 10 g per 30 l of water. Water the plant again.

A mixture of boric acid is very useful and necessary for these berries, it helps to form the ovary of the plant. That is why, before the very flowering of the berry, we fertilize the strawberries with acid. After we have fed the strawberries, it is necessary to process them from pests such as ticks and weevils.

Feeding strawberries in spring with folk remedies

One of the most popular methods for feeding sweet red berry bushes with folk remedies is its fertilization. infusion of nettle... What does he give? Nettle contains many trace elements and when feeding with tincture from this plant, more chlorophyll is formed in the leaves - accordingly, it becomes more robust to fruiting and the environment.

  • To prepare such an infusion, you need to collect nettles, it is desirable that the plants are not overgrown, that is, without the formation of seeds.
  • Fill a container to the top, stacking the stems tightly. It is advisable to take a non-metallic container. And for example, plastic or enamel.
  • Fill a bowl filled with nettles with water. Place in a sunny place. Fermentation takes place there for 7-15 days.
  • Stir our nettle water every morning. The liquid should be considered ready when it foams and a characteristic, unpleasant odor emanates from it. Then strain this prepared infusion.
  • If you carry out root feeding - that is, pour the infusion under the roots of the plants - then take a liter of our infusion for a ten-liter bucket of water. Pour at least a liter of the prepared infusion under each bush.

Feeding strawberries with yeast

Gardeners began to feed the plants with yeast relatively recently. But judging by the experience already gained, the result is impressive. You can fertilize strawberries with yeast dressing two, maximum three times a season.

This is, first of all, in the spring - to enhance vegetative growth, in the summer - to support during the period of active fruiting and in the recovery period - after fruiting. For strawberries for 10 bushes, an ordinary 5 liter bucket is enough.

To prepare the solution itself, you will need, first of all, naturally yeast. You can take both regular and fast-acting dry bakery.

An ordinary plastic bottle will be an excellent container for preparing our fertilizer. It is in it that it will be convenient to dilute and shake up our solution with high quality.

  • When using dry yeast, dissolve a 100 g bag in 2 liters of warm water, add 2-3 tablespoons of sugar.
  • Close the lid tightly, shake the bottle well, mixing the ingredients well.
  • In the case of using conventional and not dry yeast, a proportional ratio of 1 kg of yeast per 5 l of water should be adhered to.
  • Next, pour our mixture into a ten-liter bucket, add water and let it brew in a warm place for 3-4 hours.
  • After the expiration of time, pour 10 l of the prepared yeast solution into a 200 l barrel.
  • If you do not need such a large volume, add 0.5 liters of ready-made yeast solution to a ten-liter watering can each time.

Water the strawberry bushes directly under the root for at least half a liter.

Feeding strawberries in spring with chicken droppings

Strawberries are the most common plant in our gardens, orchards and country estates. In order to grow a good harvest of berries, it is not enough just to water the strawberries on time, to snore and fight pests. Strawberry nutrition is also an important component.

  • In order to prepare a solution of chicken manure, you need to take semi-liquid fresh chicken manure, pour it into a bucket so that the ratio is 1 * 15.
  • Add warm water to the bucket of droppings and stir more thoroughly.
  • The solution of chicken manure is ready, it is not necessary to insist on it, since all useful substances, such as, for example, nitrogen, will evaporate very easily and quickly.
  • Therefore, it is necessary to pour the solution into a watering can.
  • If there is a lot of chicken droppings left at the bottom of the bucket, you can pour it under an apple tree or other fruit tree.
  • We take a watering can and gently pour our strawberries around, not very close.
  • Try not to get the solution on the leaves.
  • After this feeding, the strawberries begin to bear fruit very well, while the berries are beautiful, large, sweet and juicy.

Feeding strawberries with ash in spring

Ash is primarily known for being an excellent potash fertilizer. In addition to potassium, it contains phosphorus, calcium, magnesium. Being a readily soluble product, combustion products can be used both in pure - dry form and in the form of a prepared solution.

It is wood ash that is best suited for fertilizing strawberries - that is, the remains of combustion of wood, firewood, branches, etc.

  • To prepare the ash infusion, you need to take two liter cans (about 1 kg) of ash for a ten-liter bucket of water.
  • Leave the infusion for a day for insisting, stirring occasionally.
  • All soluble elements will go into water and the mother liquor will be ready in a day.
  • To prepare the irrigation solution, you need to dissolve a liter of concentrated extract in 10 liters of water.

When used dry, the ash should be sprinkled generously under the bushes. With further root watering, useful components will penetrate into the ground.

How to fertilize strawberries in the spring?

In order to grow a generous harvest of strawberries, it is not enough just to weed and water them, and fight pests. Nutrition is an important component.

In addition to the well-known traditional folk methods of feeding chicken manure, peat or ash, industrial preparations are widely known - organomineral fertilizers. For the greatest efficiency, it is worth adding those preparations that are intended specifically for strawberries.

They contain the best balanced and selected necessary components in the correct proportions - nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium. The largest amount in such fertilizers is potassium and nitrogen. It is these components that are most important for the correct formation of the bud and the development of the strawberry fruit.

A similar category of fertilizers includes, for example, the drug "Lubo-Zeleno" from the company "Rusagrokhim". In addition, various preparations are widely represented on the market, containing dry chicken manure, wood ash or humus concentrate, which will easily help to fulfill the function of feeding strawberry bushes.

Strawberries in the spring care feeding with urea

  • For feeding, measure out 10 liters of water, add 3 tablespoons of carbamide (urea) with a slide.
  • Stir all this thoroughly until the urea granules are completely dissolved.
  • After that, pour our strawberries with this solution: 0.5 liters for each bush.
  • We also advise you to treat the soil from ants with your favorite dry preparations for a better condition of strawberries. Better to do this around the bush.
  • After we have fed our strawberries, it is necessary to cover the bushes with foil on arcs, leaving one side open.

Complex fertilizer for strawberries in spring

With complex fertilization, it is necessary, first of all, to cut off last year's dry leaves, leaving only a young rosette. After cutting, loosen the soil around the bush.

  • To get started, generously sprinkle all the strawberries with wood ash - between the rows and under the bushes themselves.
  • After applying the main potash fertilizer, sprinkle with humus on top.
  • The next step will be pest control and feeding.
  • For such a complex, strong enough proven remedy for strawberries, use ordinary ammonia.
  • You need to dilute a pharmacy bottle of 40 ml in 10 liters of water and water abundantly on our strawberries, previously sprinkled with ash and humus.
  • When watering, the necessary elements from ash and humus will fall into the ground with water.
  • The upper processing of the leaves should be treated with Fitoverm - in an ampoule concentration per liter of water.

Complex fertilizer for strawberries

Foliar feeding of strawberries in spring

As you know, strawberries are very high in iron. In addition to iron, it contains a large amount of manganese and zinc. Foliar dressing has 3 stages.

  • The first stage of the process is done to spray the new young leaves of the plant.
  • The second stage is carried out when the strawberry begins to bloom.
  • And for the third time, it is worth processing small green berries.

A special advantage of foliar feeding is that all the necessary micro and macroelements immediately fall into the leaves of the plant. It is very acceptable when it needs nutrients.

The most optimal time for this procedure is after watering the strawberries. But an even greater effect will be if it is carried out in dry, sunny and cloudless weather. A very good result is obtained by processing strawberries with boric acid (solution). Also, in addition to this, you can use solutions that have a sufficient amount of nitrogen.

Video: When to Fertilize Strawberries? Feeding strawberries in spring

03.05.2019 107 138

Fertilizer for strawberries - how to increase yields in simple ways?

In order for the fertilizer for strawberries to be beneficial, experienced gardeners advise not to neglect important rules and follow the cultivation techniques, both in spring and summer, and in autumn. Top dressing for garden strawberries is necessary immediately after waking up, during flowering, during the formation of berries, and also after harvest, when the buds of the future harvest will be laid. To do everything right, read the entire article ...

Fertilizer for strawberries in spring - boosting growth!

The long cold winter is over, the plants have used up all their nutrient reserves, and now the deficit needs to be replenished. Before fertilizing strawberries in the spring, you need to prepare them for this process - remove the beds and process.

Plants of the first year of life do not require feeding, if they were produced in the spring of this year and fertilized, because has not yet spent the fertilizing introduced into the planting holes. The crop of the following seasons needs to be fertilized in order to get a generous and tasty harvest. Feeding strawberries is divided into three stages - fertilizing strawberries in spring, after fruiting, when planting in summer or autumn, when preparing strawberry bushes for winter.

It should be noted right away that each gardener independently determines the need for feeding strawberries, taking into account the previously applied fertilizers, the condition and growth of plants, as well as the structure and composition of the soil.

On a note: garden strawberries oversaturated with fertilizers in spring will give good foliage, but in this case you should not wait for a rich harvest of berries, because an excess of trace elements will not only lead to the active growth of the green part, but will also be a good help in order to appear. In simple words, the plant will need to get rid of unnecessary elements, therefore, internal processes will be disrupted, the immunity and protective functions of strawberries will decrease, and the result of the great efforts of the summer resident is plant disease.

Timely applied fertilizer will be a good stimulator of strawberry growth, and it is imperative to feed both the aerial part and the roots, i.e. carry out foliar and root feeding. Before fertilizing strawberries after winter, you need to make sure that the soil is dry and that the bushes are restored after winter. If you know how to clean the garden and what to do next, let's go directly to top dressing.

feeding strawberries with potassium permanganate - in the photo

The first fertilizer for strawberries should be applied after the cultivation is finished, this will be the beginning of a new season of the battle for the harvest. For many summer residents, feeding strawberries with iodine has become popular, but not everyone knows what the effect of such feeding will be, let's figure it out.

First of all, an antiseptic protects the plant from disease. Strawberry bushes treated with iodine practically do not get sick with gray mold and powdery mildew. For ten liters of water, take 7-10 drops of iodine, and treat the plants with the prepared solution on a leaf from a watering can with a shower head immediately after cleaning the garden, and in order not to burn the leaves, observe the dosage.

Processing strawberries with iodine should be carried out in cloudy weather, or in the evening, when there is no bright sun, so as not to burn the leaf plates. There should be 2-3 such treatments with iodine before the berries appear. And remember, in this case, iodine acts more as a prophylactic agent against diseases.

After 5-7 days after spraying with iodine, strawberries are fertilized, which is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 tablespoon to 10 liters of water. Pour 0.5 liters of the finished solution under each plant. In addition to urea, of course, they are used, which are prepared with their own hands and certainly do not contain any chemistry.

If everything is done correctly and on time, nitrogen-containing fertilizers are used, then the leaves and shoots will grow well, you will get a delicious bright red berry in summer. With a lack of nitrogen, the leaves will turn pale, the berries will be born small, and the taste will be poor. Also, in early spring, strawberries can be fed with the fertilizer Gumi-Omi Berries, Health for strawberries and raspberries, Bona Forte, OMU Universal, Humat +7, Robin Green, etc.

On a note: you need to start feeding strawberries when the soil warms up to + 8 ° C; at lower temperatures, the roots of garden strawberries do not absorb fertilizers.

feeding strawberries with nitrogen-containing fertilizer during flowering - in the photo

Feeding strawberries during flowering can be done with the following homemade fertilizer, which is used by experienced gardeners - take 1 glass of wood ash, pour 2 liters of boiling water, let it brew for two hours, then add 1.5-2 grams of potassium permanganate here, 2.5- 3 g of boric acid, 10 drops of iodine and pour 10 liters of warm, settled (not chlorinated) water and stir thoroughly. Pour 1 cup (250 ml) of this fertilizer under each strawberry bush.

In addition to the above fertilizers, summer residents are very successful in feeding strawberries with yeast, which is prepared like this - they take a pack of fresh store yeast (or a bag of dry, 10 g), put it in a 3-liter jar, and add 100 g of granulated sugar (1/2 faceted glass) and all this substance is poured with settled water to the shoulders of the jar, so that during fermentation it does not overflow over the top.

feeding strawberries during flowering - in the photo

Mix the yeast solution well and leave in a greenhouse or other warm place for a day or two until fermentation subsides. When the fermentation process is over, 1 cup (250 ml) of the resulting concentrated mixture must be diluted in 10 liters of water and the finished solution is poured into 0.5 liters under one bush.

Feeding strawberries with yeast should be carried out no more than 3 times during the entire growing season. Fertilize strictly on wet soil, i.e. first you need to water the garden well! And remember, when using yeast-based fertilizers, it is necessary to replenish the potassium reserves in the soil, which is very strongly absorbed from the soil by strawberries (feed with wood ash after 14-15 days, sprinkling in the aisles or using a liquid solution). Fertilizer for strawberries, applied in spring, activates growth and leads to a decent harvest.

Feeding strawberries during fruiting - we extend the harvest

With the onset of summer, the question for novice summer residents is again - what should be the feeding of strawberries during fruiting? To improve fruiting, to prolong the collection of fruits, the plant must be fed again.

At the beginning of summer, the culture forms the first fruits, therefore potassium is especially needed. As soon as the first berries begin to appear, wood ash is introduced between the rows (1 handful under a bush, or 0.5 liters of liquid solution - pour 2 cups with boiling water, leave for 2-3 hours and dilute with 10 liters of warm water).

feeding strawberries with chicken droppings - pictured

If you use mineral fertilizers, then strawberries during the fruiting period can be given potassium monophosphate (1 tablespoon / 10 l.), Kemira Lux or Universal, which must be diluted strictly according to the instructions. Fruiting lasts about two to three weeks, but even at this time, the plant needs additional substances.

Feeding strawberries with a solution of mullein in water (1:15) is the most versatile, and you can also use a solution of chicken manure (1:10). In addition, fertilizers that were used in early spring can also be applied and alternated during fruiting.

Do not forget that after harvesting, strawberries need to be fed, loosened and watered, because it is after harvesting the berries that leaves, roots begin to actively grow, next year's buds are laid, so you should not throw the garden bed until autumn. And if you decide to mow the strawberry leaves, then do it right after the bushes have borne fruit, otherwise the plants may not have time to fully recover.

How to fertilize strawberries when planting?

Spring, summer and the first half of autumn are the time when strawberries are planted, it depends on the season how to fertilize the strawberries when planting. Fertilizers that can be used in the spring cannot always be used in the fall.

strawberry harvest with proper feeding - in the photo

Spring planting is considered successful, exactly like autumn and summer. The land, before planting, must be dug up, watered and fertilized. In order to bear fruit and grow normally, the bushes need mineral and organic fertilizers. Complex preparations that contain nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, have a greater effect, the use of manure and humus is successful. Three types of fertilizer mixtures are especially popular:

  1. A bucket of soil, the same amount of compost and manure, 1 liter of wood ash;
  2. A bucket of humus, 20 g of potassium salt, 40 g of superphosphate;
  3. Compost bucket, 40 g superphosphate, 0.5 l of ash.

For a garden bed of 10 m² you will need 2-2.5 buckets of mixture. If planting is carried out in the spring, then you need to add urea to the mixture, or immediately after planting on the garden bed, feed it with green liquid fertilizer. When planting in summer, it is better to use a full complex fertilizer with a low nitrogen content; in the fall, nitrogen is not given so that the plants have time to get stronger before the frost arrives, and not grow lush foliage in the winter.

Fertilizing strawberries in autumn - preparing bushes for winter

Fertilization for strawberries in the fall plays an important role. In what month to do this depends not only on the variety, but also on the climatic conditions of growing, because in the Kuban at the end of September it is still quite hot, and in the Urals and Siberia, the Leningrad region, the Moscow region, prolonged rains can begin and the temperature can drop quite low, therefore the fertilization time for strawberries in the fall will differ.

Each gardener decides for himself when to feed the strawberries in September or October, taking into account the weather conditions and plant health. Do not forget, when the soil temperature drops below +8 ° C, strawberry roots stop absorbing nutrients.

autumn feeding of strawberries - pictured
feeding strawberries in autumn - pictured

In the fall, strawberries must be given potassium and phosphorus so that the plants grow stronger for winter. Agronomists still recommend using mineral complexes in the autumn, and not home-made compositions, in addition, feeding in accordance with the instructions will not harm either plants or humans.

Many summer residents use Autumn fertilizer, Fertika, etc. instead of using minerals. Instead of using minerals, you can do the following - loosen the garden bed, add humus or compost under the bushes to close the roots for the winter and pour 1 tbsp under each plant. wood ash and mix with earth.

Use a liquid fertilizer based on ash (pour 2 cups with a liter of boiling water, leave for 2-3 hours and add 10 liters of water), pouring at least 0.5 liters under the bush. The ash solution can still be used as a foliar dressing in the fall; you need to water the strawberry garden well from a watering can with a shower head.

And remember, respected summer residents and gardeners, no matter how many options for fertilizing and fertilizing for strawberries exist, agronomists recommend feeding ordinary garden strawberries 3-4 times per season, and feeding remontant varieties every 7-10 days. Good harvests to you!

Not every gardener can boast of rich black earth soil on his site. Again, not every gardener, even if he decided to practice natural farming, is able to replace all his traditional beds with more fertile organic ones in one sitting. Especially when it comes to strawberries that have been growing in one place for several years.

In order not to be left in the season without real fragrant and sweet strawberries, many summer residents have to rely on top dressing. Today we will talk about when and what to feed strawberries for optimal growth, lush flowering and appropriate fruiting.

During the dacha season, strawberries are usually fed three times: in the spring, in the summer after the main harvest, and in the late summer or fall before winter preparation. The remontant strawberry is especially responsive to feeding; it must be fed at intervals of a week.

For the first time, strawberry bushes are fed in the spring, at the very beginning of the summer season, as soon as the snow melts and the weather is more or less warm. The first feeding is aimed at stimulating the growth of fresh shoots and leaves, therefore it must contain nitrogen.

Recipes for spring feeding strawberries

  • 1 tbsp ammonium sulfate and 2 cups of mullein per 10 liters of water;
  • 1 tbsp nitroammophos for 10 liters of water;
  • 1 part mullein to 10 parts water;
  • 1 part chicken manure to 12 parts water;
  • Pour 1 bucket of nettle with warm water and keep for 3-4 days;
  • 30 drops of iodine, 1 teaspoon of boric acid, 1 glass of ash per 10 liters of water;
  • 3 grams of potassium permanganate, 0.5 tsp. boric acid, 1 tbsp. urea and 0.5 cups of ash per 10 liters of water;
  • Pour 2/3 of a bucket of dried crusts, pieces, any remnants of rye bread with water and keep warm for 6-10 days. Then dilute with water three times;
  • 1 part whey (or any other fermented milk product) to 3 parts water.
  • Under each strawberry bush, it is necessary to pour 0.5-1 liter of liquid fertilizing, depending on the size of the bush.

    The second feeding of strawberries is carried out in the summer, towards the end of July after the main harvest of berries has been collected. It would seem why? The fact is that at this time the formation of new roots begins and flower buds are laid for the next season, so additional potassium and trace elements will not interfere with the plants.

    Recipes for the second strawberry feeding

  • 2 tbsp nitrophosphate and 1 tsp. potassium sulfate per 10 liters of water;
  • 2 tbsp potassium nitrate per 10 liters of water;
  • 1 glass of vermicompost per 10 liters of water is infused for a day, then diluted in half with water;
  • 100 grams of ash per 10 liters of water.
  • Under each bush, you need to pour about 0.5 liters of any of the above fertilizers. Alternatively, you can not dissolve the ash in water, but sprinkle it directly under the bushes. After two weeks, it would be good to repeat the feeding: after all, at this time the plants need nutrition most of all.

    The third feeding of strawberries in the fall

    The last third feeding of strawberries is recommended to be carried out in mid-September in dry weather, when the harvest has long been harvested, and the bushes are beginning to prepare for the coming winter. As a rule, young (one-year-old) plants especially need the third feeding in order to successfully overwinter.

    Recipes for autumn feeding strawberries

  • 1 part mullein to 10 parts water + 0.5 cups of ash;
  • 1 part mullein to 10 parts water + 2 tbsp. superphosphate + 1 glass of ash;
  • 2 tbsp nitroammofoski, 30 grams of potassium sulfate and 1 glass of ash per 10 liters of water.
  • Each bush will have enough from 250 to 500 ml. such feeding.

    For those who do not like mineral fertilizers at all and grow strawberries according to the rules of organic farming with mandatory mulching, we recommend feeding strawberries with vermicompost infusion four times a season. The first time in early spring, then before flowering, the third time during the ovary of berries and the last time after fruiting.

    We wish you success and big harvests!