Playhouse made of plywood. How to build a children's wooden house in the country and on a tree

Remember childhood: almost every child dreamed of his own separate home - a toy house. Many of us tried to make ourselves a similar corner and, naturally, even though simple designs were obtained, they made our childhood much happier.

Anyone who owned their own home out of a box, cardboard, many branches or pillows could rightfully be considered the coolest kid on the street.

Now that we have matured and had our own children, I want to build a better structure with my own hands that will bring joy to our children.

Children's house made of wood

A house for a child can be built with your own hands from any material suitable for this. However, the most common idea of ​​a do-it-yourself children's house is precisely the wooden version, which we will talk about.

This choice is due to the fact that wood is the most environmentally friendly and long-lasting material. Also of course wood has a more spectacular look, which adds atmosphere to children's games. Such a house will not make your child happy, but it will also have a positive effect on his health.

Naturally, it is very important to build a children's house with your own hands in such a way that so that it is the safest and cannot do any harm to your heir.

When the time comes that your child has grown up and he no longer needs his own play area in the form of a wooden house, you will not have to wonder why he is needed now. Such a structure can be very effectively used as a summer cottage that fits perfectly into the exterior of your home.

The procedure for building a house made of wood with your own hands

First of all, you need to decide how your house will look roughly. To do this, you can already draw up the first schematic drawing, which will determine the type of building that you need.

So, the first thing before construction is to determine the following characteristics of the future structure:

  1. Open or closed house.
  2. The occupied area and the height of the structure.
  3. The location of the building. That is, where will the house be located: on the ground or on a tree? This is very important as the options differ significantly in the construction process.
  4. The material from which the construction will be made. In our case, this is a tree.
  5. The presence of windows, doors, as well as their number and material from which they will be made during construction.
  6. The presence of additional outbuildings, namely: fences, terraces, swings, stairs, slide, sandbox, any extension, and so on. It all depends on your imagination, you can build anything.
  7. Interior decoration.

Children's house ideas

Below is a list of ideas for building a wooden children's house. If you do not want to spend time drawing up your own house, creating drawings, ideas, and so on, you can use one of these options.

House tent

This idea involves the construction of a children's house in the style of primitive people... That is, the style of the Indians, Robinsons or nomads will be used here.

If you choose to build a house according to this idea, in addition to a tree, you will need a lot of fabric, branches, and also shrubs.

The Hobbit House

Many of us are familiar with the novel of the same name by John Ronald Ruel Tolkien “The Hobbit” and “The Lord of the Rings”. It was after the appearance of the film adaptation of these books that many people met the forest dwellers, who are also called the Hobbits.

It is the house of one of these forest dwellers that this idea proposes to build. Moreover, after the construction of such a building, you can really completely plunge into the fairy-tale world of Tolkien.


This option is best suited for young pirates-robbers and long-distance explorers. This the idea involves the construction of any kind of ship with your own hands. To better understand how such a children's house made of wood will look like, you can familiarize yourself with many photos.

Development of a plan for a children's house made of wood

Before drawing up a detailed construction plan, as well as a drawing, it is necessary to take into account the mandatory features of such a structure:

  • the house must be mobile and stationary;
  • the presence of at least two windows. Firstly, this is necessary so that there is good lighting in the house during the day. Also, do not forget that such a structure is being made specifically for a child who needs an eye and an eye. In this case, the windows will perform the tracking function;
  • the height from floor to ceiling must be at least half a meter. But do not make rooms that are too high;
  • doors are recommended to be made directly to the ceiling, that is, to the height of the entire house. Not only that the child must calmly enter his home, but do not forget that sooner or later you yourself will be invited to visit him;
  • in order to completely get rid of the possibility of unnecessary injury to the child, the walls of the house must be smooth;
  • it is not worth building a flat roof, since it can attract a child, sooner or later he will decide to climb on it, which will increase the risk of injury.

Children's house drawing

Regarding the drawing of a children's house in the country, you have there are two options: either sketch a sketch of the circuit yourself, or use a ready-made option.

If you are well versed in drawing up drawings, and you are also not too lazy to engage in this craft, then feel free to choose the first option. If you want to use a ready-made drawing that a specialist worked on, then this is very simple, since you can find a lot of such options on the Internet.

It is worth remembering that a drawing for the construction of a children's house in the country is being done in order to correctly calculate all materials to be used during construction. This will help not only save materials, but also correctly calculate their dimensions and produce a blank.

DIY tools and materials for construction

Here is a list of all the tools you may need to build a small wooden house for your child:

Also, of course, you will need materials, without which it is impossible to create a cozy house for a child in the country. Of the materials that you may need:

  1. Beam for the frame. We recommend choosing a bar with a cross section of the order of 50 x 50.
  2. Timber for house cladding.
  3. Plywood more than 8 mm thick. You can use OSB. The second option is cheaper, but, as a result, less durable. It all depends on your capabilities and desires.
  4. Roofing material for the roof.
  5. Brick.
  6. Glass for windows. It is worth remembering here that this material is quite unsafe, so it is best to completely exclude the presence of glass in a house in the country. However, if you are confident in your child, you can also use glass.

Construction process

Now that you have completely figured out all the details, created the drawings, found the material, carried out all the necessary calculations, you can go to the dacha.

The entire construction process can be divided into several stages, each of which is very important:

  1. Foundation construction.
  2. House floor construction.
  3. Walls and frame.
  4. Roof.


Of course, it is worth remembering that you are building an ordinary orphanage in the country, and not a serious house for permanent residence. Therefore, the construction of the foundation for the orphanage can be approached a little easier, without flooding it.

In order for the house in the country for your child to serve as long as possible, it is best to dig about 10 cm of soil and lay it with a brick. You can, of course, also use a special terrace board however, this option will be extremely costly.

If you are looking for an idea that is most budgetary and simple, use bricks.

Floor, walls and frame

It is better to approach the construction of the floor with all seriousness. There are 2 options here:

  1. Using lags and floorboards.
  2. Using plywood or OSB.

At the corners of the foundation, it is necessary to dig holes in which the beams will be installed. This will be the support of the wall. Do not forget that before placing the timber in the ground, it is necessary to competently approach the process of its processing.

For a stronger construction you can use a metal corner... After placing all the corners of the timber in the ground, you can sew up the frame with boards or plywood of your choice.

There are also options for houses that cannot be built without supports.


The beginning of the process of building a roof must be done separately from the orphanage itself in the country. The first step is to make the fronts. Here it is recommended to use the same bar, which was used during the construction of the frame.

It is necessary to install two triangles at the edges of the house, after which boards, OSB or plywood are sewn. More than two triangles can be installed if required. It depends on the size of the house.

Do not forget about the roofing material that is applied on top of everything. Some professionals use a thatched roof.

In general, you can choose any option, but remember that the roof should never be used by your child as a playground. If the safety of the heir is important to you, take this issue seriously.

So, as you may have noticed, building a wooden house for children in the country with your own hands is a very simple craft that any self-respecting father can afford.

Using the universal construction principle given in this article, you can build any simple building for a child. The main thing is your imagination.

Children love outdoor games and lead an active lifestyle. And of course, even the smallest would like to have their own play area. The building can appear in the form of a fabric shed or a cardboard castle. Do do-it-yourself children's house you can use ready-made construction drawings game complex Photo... In a week, you can build a miniature fortress or a covered gazebo. Such a structure will become not only a playground for kids, but also an architectural decoration.

Do-it-yourself children's house on the site

Every adult has been a child in the past. And everyone remembers how they wanted to become an adult as soon as possible, so that everything would be like with their parents - their own house, car, and so on. But if it is not difficult to buy a child's car for a child, then building a house, albeit a toy one, is somewhat more difficult. But if such a desire is ripe, first of all you need to assess your capabilities. All children's houses are divided into several groups:

  • by location (detached, attached to the wall, tree house)
  • by materials - wood, plastic, metal, brick
  • by number of storeys by design (frame, prefabricated panel board, etc.)

A small ready-made house from a local supermarket will cost at least five thousand rubles, and if you make it yourself, it will cost much less.

On a note. If you build the house yourself, the children will help you by bringing tools and participating in the process. The event will be remembered for a long time and will bring you closer to your children. Thus, the educational goal will also be achieved.

A children's house can be made with your own hands from wood

  • This is the most important step. Decide what area you are ready to allocate for the construction. If it is located on a suburban area, then the house can be large, and if in a small apartment, it may be a small corner house in the form of a castle tower.
  • Consider whether the structure needs a foundation. In any case, the building must be sufficiently stable, as well as protected from groundwater. If the house will be on piles, it is necessary to bury them to a certain depth for stability.
  • Consider the inclinations and hobbies of your child. Does he need a house to calmly read a book or play with toys, or will he bring a crowd of friends there. Since babies have a lot of energy, the structure must withstand their running and outdoor games.
  • Come up with a design for the future structure, consult with your household and children. Maybe it will be a semblance of a pirate ship or a hobbit house, or perhaps a traditional wooden house, only in miniature.
  • Next, indicate the construction budget and time frame, that is, how much time you can devote to construction.
  • Create a blueprint for the building. Check out all future sizes. It is quite possible to order in a hardware store not only the material, but also its cutting into the size you need. Then you will be brought ready-made beams, wall elements, etc., and you will not need to fiddle with a circular saw.
  • Make an estimate, include all the material, including nails and screws.
  • Take another look at the drawing, estimate and estimate how feasible the idea is, because if you don't have enough time or energy, it will be offensive not only to you, but also to the children.

Children's house - a boat - an excellent play area and space for the child's imagination

First, you need to plan a drawing of a children's house, determine the size of the house

Note It is necessary to think over everything to the smallest detail, in the future building there should be no sharp corners, protruding nails, wobbly structures. A wooden building should not be located close to flammable places, for example, a fireplace or barbecue area. It is advisable to impregnate the house with fire retardant impregnation after construction.

The most budgetary option is a hut

The easiest and fastest way to build a small hut. For this, trimming boards, beams, sanded tree trunks are useful. The branches are placed in the form of a cone, tied tightly from above so that the structure does not fall apart from wind loads. Cover it with a piece of tarpaulin or other durable fabric. It is advisable to dig some of the supports into the ground for the stability of the structure.

The simplest version of a children's house in the form of a hut

Despite the seeming simplicity of this structure, it has certain advantages. It can be quickly disassembled and moved to another place, and if the child gets tired of it, then the building is easy to dismantle and at the same time use the material for other purposes.

A children's house in the shape of a hut can be placed even in an apartment

A street children's house in the form of a hut should be slightly stronger than an apartment one

Prefabricated panel house

Fast and convenient construction technology. Separately assembled 4 walls, a roof, and then assembled on site. To erect a house measuring 2 by 3 meters, you will need 2 wooden frames measuring 3 meters * 1.5 meters and 2 wooden frames measuring 2 meters by 1.5 meters, These blanks are collected on the ground, Then someone from the construction site holds the frame vertically , the other connects them with a screwdriver. The roof of the house is assembled separately and then rises upward. This construction method is extremely handy for small, lightweight structures. In a few hours, a solid structure is assembled from the finished parts. The walls are sewn up with clapboard, plywood or even hardboard.

Frame house

This technology is one of the most popular among summer residents and in cottage construction. The base of the structure is formed by a wooden frame made of a bar of the required thickness. The thicker the timber, the greater the load the structure will withstand. Find the information you need regarding the thickness of the timber in construction guides. If the structure has two floors, a beam is required with a thickness not less than that required for the floors, so that it can withstand the weight of the floor and dynamic loads.

Do-it-yourself construction of a frame children's house consists of a frame and plates between them

The frame structure is not erected for a long time - first the side posts, then level checking, then transverse, then intermediate. When the frame of the building is ready, then the walls can be sewn up with a board, a block house, windows and doors can be hung. The roof is covered with bituminous or metal tiles of a bright color. If desired, such a house can be insulated with mineral wool or other materials.

Log cabin

If there is such an opportunity, the child can use a house stylized as a hut or a medieval tower with a small window and a wrought-iron door. Custom ordering a log house for a playhouse will not be cheap, but the result will look impressive, especially if you want to surprise guests or neighbors.

Small house for a city apartment

Planks with a section, for example, 5 * 5 cm, are suitable here, from which the frame of a house or turret is made. From above, a beautiful bright fabric is attached with a furniture stapler or studs, corresponding to the idea. Remember to sand the boards to avoid splinters.

Any house can be decorated with a custom-made decorative element - for example, a round window or an original door. Near the house, you can put a sculpture of a fairy-tale character, this will emphasize the flavor. As an example, we will give calculations for a small house.

A simple children's house in an apartment can be made from plain cardboard

House project "Country"

Novice builders should plan the course of work at the initial stage. First, you should talk to the children. Girls will probably want to live in a magic castle, and boys will prefer a pirate ship or a space station. A compromise option would be a one-story house with a room and a veranda. It does not differ in design from a gazebo or a small bathhouse, so construction will not take much effort.

According to calculations, the room will occupy an area of ​​2 m2, and the terrace - 3 m2. Ceiling height - 1.8 meters. It is pointless to make low ceilings, children will quickly grow up, and after a few years the dwelling will be too small. Parents can enter the spacious shelter and look after the kids.

The country-style children's house looks very cute and elegant

Installation of two windows on the east and west sides is foreseen. The door is single-leaf. The entrance is from the south. Construction technology - frame. The foundation is 9 rectangular blocks. The roof is a wooden lathing covered with two sheets of ondulin. The floors are wooden. The floor is wooden. Two concrete steps are installed at the entrance to the terrace.

List of required materials

Firms specializing in the production of goods for summer cottages supply, including toy dwellings. Prices for such products are high. Caring parents look through catalogs and magazines to build a home without outside help. Calculating the cost of materials will help you budget in advance. In this case, the costs of constructing a wooden building in miniature are considered:

  • polished timber - 10,000 rubles
  • screws - 300 rubles.
  • OSB sheets - 2,000 rubles
  • lining - 4,000 rubles
  • ondulin - 1,000 rubles
  • weatherproof floor board - 3,000 rubles.
  • 2 small windows - 2,000 rubles
  • door with fittings - 1,500 rubles
  • foundation blocks - 4 500 rubles.
  • rough boards - 2,000 rubles

The children's house can be part of a large play complex

The total is 30,000 rubles. The amount is rather big, but the house will turn out almost like that of adults. Electricity is dangerous for children, so light bulbs are replaced with battery-powered lamps. Additional costs will be required for the purchase of decorative elements - pillows, rugs and other trifles.

Boys can play great in the firemen's house

Fantasy buildings

Fairy tales and cartoons fascinate with their colorfulness. It is not difficult to please children by building a house for a fairytale hero. For example: put a cardboard box from a washing machine in the room. Windows and a doorway are cut through the side walls. Instead of doors, a rope cornice is placed above the recess, onto which a thick curtain is broadcast. From above, unsightly cardboard is pasted over with gift paper or painted with acrylic art paints.

A cardboard house can be designed in the form of a rocket

For outdoor recreation, it is not difficult to lay out a stone turret or put together a wooden shed. In order not to suffer with drawings, you can put an old table and nail wooden planks to the legs. You get a small dwelling with a flat wooden roof. When there is not enough building materials, even unnecessary curtains are used. Four pillars are dug into the ground, which are then covered with matter.

Advice. If you install a sports equipment in a children's play house - a ladder or a slide for a child, he will receive not only personal space, but also the opportunity for constant training.

Interior decoration

The playhouse should not be overloaded with furniture. For comfortable placement, just put a couple of wooden benches along the walls and a table in the middle of the room. It is advisable to nail the legs into the floor so that the little ones do not drop the heavy furniture. The room does not need to be furnished. To avoid injury, install soft ottomans. For night summer gatherings, hammocks are equipped.

It is necessary to think over the interior of the orphanage

Fire safety

Buildings made of wood are highly flammable if they are not careful with fire. Treat wooden parts with fire retardant paint or upholstery with siding. A brick house is considered reliable, but not everyone can afford this material. The above wooden house will last more than one year if you handle it with care. For safety reasons, children should not be left unattended in the country.

Better to cover the orphanage with fire retardant

Children's houses with their own hands

Children's house with their own hands 40 photos:

  1. Why plywood
  2. What to look for
  3. What to look for
  4. Let's get to work
  5. Additional functions
  6. Let's sum up

Apartments for dolls are often expensive, made of plastic - a fragile, quickly breaking material. The article describes how to make a toy house with your own hands.

To fulfill a child's dream of a house for a favorite doll, it is not at all necessary to go to the store. You can make a cottage out of your own project.

Arguments for DIY

Why you should build a homemade plywood dollhouse:

  • Individuality. The project will be unique.
  • Collaboration with the child. Helps strengthen family relationships.
  • Development of creativity, skills, motor skills, acquisition of new experiences by children.
  • The ability to create a home of any size.

Why plywood

A dollhouse is made from different materials. The best option is plywood:

  • The use of plywood for construction ensures the strength of the future home. With good fastening, the parts do not fall apart, do not break off.
  • Plywood can be easily processed with conventional tools.
  • Wooden toys are pleasant to the touch.
  • The beautiful appearance of the tree allows you to do without additional decoration, surface design.
  • Low material cost.

What to look for

Formaldehyde is used in the production of plywood. They are part of an impregnating adhesive for bonding fibers. To avoid poisoning, the ingress of hazardous material into the nursery, you must pay attention to the labeling of the sheets:

  • E0 - less than 6 mg of formaldehyde per 100 g of the product;
  • E1 - 7-9 mg per 100 g;
  • E2 - 10-20 mg per 100 g.

Furniture and its components must be made from the safest class of plywood - E0.

How to make

Making a house for dolls from plywood is a multi-stage process. It is required to follow a certain sequence of actions. To facilitate the work, you can use the step-by-step instructions.

Stage 1. Preparation of the sketch

The diagram should show the layout, the dimensions of the floors in length, width, height.

You can find a sketch on the Internet, correct it. The photo shows several basic schemes for a toy dwelling.

The most important thing is the observance of the proportions of the sizes to scale. This is necessary in case you want to change the dimensions of the product during operation.

The design can be thought over in advance in order to purchase and prepare the necessary materials for decoration.

Step 2. Prepare accessories and tools

For assembly you will need:

  • Plywood. To determine its quantity, a drawing is used: the number of parts is calculated, their dimensions, and the total surface area is obtained. Based on the result, they acquire the required number of sheets. For a tabletop house, 2-3 blanks are needed, for a large mansion it can take up to 7-10 sheets of plywood.
  • Corrugated cardboard for the roof.
  • Tool for cutting wood. An electric jigsaw is recommended. It will help you quickly, accurately cut parts of the desired shapes and dimensions.
  • Joiner's glue for fixing assembly elements.
  • Assembly tape as an aid for fastening parts.
  • Fine sandpaper.
  • Roulette, ruler, pencil for marking.

For registration you will need:

  • PVA or silicate glue.
  • Wallpaper, colored films.
  • Self-adhesive tape for imitation of flooring.
  • Colored cardboard or paper for decoration of individual elements of the premises (optional).

Stage 3. Transferring the image

To assemble wooden parts into a single whole, they must be cut from a blank sheet. To do this, sketches on a scale are transferred to paper, finished parts are cut out of it, and later used as a template.

If windows are not indicated on the diagrams, they are drawn when transferring patterns. On a flat-looking house without a front wall, window cuts are not needed.

Stage 4. Assembly

Step-by-step assembly instructions:

  1. An electric jigsaw is used to cut out the parts transferred to the plywood. They try to do this carefully, without going beyond the contour lines: in case of a design error, they may connect incorrectly.
  2. Sand the edges to make the parts safe and avoid injury.

Cutting and edging should be done by an adult.

  1. The assembly begins by combining the interior space. Ceilings and internal partitions are attached to the vertical end walls using glue and mounting tape according to the scheme. To strengthen the connection, the inner corners are glued with thin strips. They will add rigidity to the structure. At this stage, a child may be involved in the work.
  2. Stairwells are made of wooden rulers. They are placed in the form of slides or cut one, glue a real staircase out of it.

  1. Attach the back wall.
  2. Assemble the roof. Solid slopes can be cut out of cardboard and glued together. Another option is to assemble the roof from individual pieces in the form of shingles.

The finished frame of the house is left for several days until the glue dries, the structure acquires sufficient strength.

After assembly, proceed to the design.

Stage 5. Design

The finished frame is decorated and furnished with doll accessories. Recommendations:

  • The floor can be left in its original form or decorated. Plywood has a wood pattern, so it is not advisable to cover it with a similar ornament.
  • You can make swing windows, doors. To do this, fit the canvases onto pieces of cardboard or use small metal door hinges. The passages are closed with fabric curtain cuts. Windows are sometimes replaced with cardboard shutters.
  • The ceiling and walls can be pasted over with colored films, wallpaper, or painted.
  • Furniture for toys is placed in the rooms.

Additional functions

Not only the aesthetic, but also the practical side of the house is important: toys must be stored somewhere, accessories must be removed, something must be hidden. Additional built-in drawers can be made in the upper or lower tier. This is appropriate if the house is large and takes up significant space in the living space.

Boxes are also made of plywood... The drawing provides for a place for storing things. The sides of the box are cut out of plywood, glued together. Screw on the handle, insert it into the department.

You can make a hinged door as in the photo. To do this, the cut out canvas is screwed onto metal loops.


A DIY plywood toy house will be a good gift for any child.

The construction process will take 2-3 days, taking into account the preparation of blanks, their cutting, and drying of the glue... The child can decorate the premises independently.

Perhaps it is difficult to meet a child who would not dream of his own little house. It can be anything - a textile tent, a wooden hut, a plastic house, and even a hut or wigwam. And it does not matter where such structures are installed - in a summer cottage, or in an ordinary apartment - it is important that this is a personal place for the baby's games and free time. Such space is very necessary for children, any child psychologist will tell about this, especially if the house does not have a separate children's room. The article will discuss how to make a children's house with your own hands.

It is important to satisfy the need for a personal "corner", because only this will lead to the full development of the growing personality. Here the child should feel like a master, he arranges furniture himself or brings toys, tidies up inside, brings cleanliness and beauty. It helps to foster responsibility, and also makes the baby feel safe. Besides, it is also a great place for educational games.

Children's house photo

That is, as experts say, any child needs a secluded place where he could feel confident, protected, could play, or be creative, or just relax from everything and everyone. Of course, today manufacturers of children's toys offer a wide variety of options for children's playhouses or tents. But it's so nice to make a house on your own, the more you can involve the future owner of this property in this work.

All that remains is to create a project for the orphanage and choose the materials from which the idea will be realized.

Variety of children's playhouses

Wooden children's houses

  • Today the choice of materials is very large. Of course, wood remains in the first place. It is a natural product, environmentally friendly and readily available. To work with wood, simple tools are enough - a hammer, a saw, screws and nails.
  • Of course, if there is a desire to build a real masterpiece, you will need a more serious set of equipment, but in principle there is nothing complicated here and you can always do it yourself. Also, products such as MDF, DPV, plywood, lining and other wood-based materials can be classified in this category. They can be combined with each other, or applied independently. It all depends on where the structure is planned to be installed and how it will be used.

House made of cardboard or cardboard box

  • It is easy and simple to build a house from a cardboard or cardboard box, even children can do it. As a basis, there can be packaging from household appliances, for example, from a refrigerator, washing machine, TV, etc. It is advisable to take cardboard thick and dense, then its strength will be higher. All structural elements - doors, windows and others - can be easily cut with a regular office knife and scissors. To do this procedure more accurately, it is advisable to draw the borders beforehand.

  • The roof is made from glued together pieces of cardboard or one large one, depending on the project of the house. You can glue the parts together with PVA glue or tape (it is especially important to strengthen the joints in this way so that the product does not quickly become unusable). After the structure is assembled, it should be brightly and beautifully decorated. It is easy to do this with a regular gouache and a brush. If there are pieces of wallpaper left in the house, then you can beautifully glue the walls and roof with this material.
  • It is recommended to entrust the child to decorate the inner and outer parts so that he feels like a master here. True, such a structure will not differ in durability. Therefore, such a house is best kept indoors (in an apartment or house), and if used outdoors, then only in dry, calm weather. This rule also applies to the next category of materials - textiles.

Children's house made of fabric

  • The fabric can be used to build children's houses of various shapes. The simplest type is a hut or tent. To create them, it is enough to come up with a base (frame) and cover it with a piece of fabric, an old bedspread or sheet. This structure can be both stationary and collapsible, it all depends on the imagination of the master.
  • For the frame, plastic pipes (PVC), which are used for water supply, or thin wooden blocks are ideal. It is quite easy to purchase these products in a hardware store, their price is low. In cases of creating a wooden frame, all parts should be sanded and painted. Such a procedure will prevent the appearance of splinters and scratches in the child.

  • A lot of effort will not be required to make a hut, it is enough to tie 3-5 guides together by the tops (from one end), and with the free end install the structure on a solid support, straightening the guides in different directions. Then attach the fabric to them to form the walls. Since the floor is not provided in the structure, it is necessary to lay a thick carpet so that children, playing on the cold floor, do not catch colds. In the summertime, such a children's house can be taken out into the garden. This is a fairly mobile structure that the child can move at will.
  • Another option is to simply build a hut, this is to take a gymnastic hoop as a basis or build a wire frame. Such a product should be fixed to the ceiling, or, if there is such an opportunity on the street, by a tree branch. It is important here to cut the material correctly; with the proper approach, it is easy to make windows and doors from separate pieces of fabric. If you can't build a frame, then you can take an ordinary table as a basis and tighten it with a cloth, like a cover, leave a place for the entrance, that is, make a folding canopy and the playhouse is ready. Children will be happy to spend time in such a place, especially if the table is large and there is room to turn around.

Plasterboard children's house

  • Another material that is successfully used in the construction of structures of varying complexity is drywall. Such a house can become a decoration of any apartment, the main thing is to create a project so that it fits well into the interior. Both aluminum profiles and wooden bars are used as a frame. You should screw drywall sheets to the base using self-tapping screws and a screwdriver, it is important to ensure that the sharp ends of the hardware do not come out inside the structure, otherwise the child may accidentally get hurt.

  • If a second floor and a staircase are planned in the house, then the floors must be made as strong as possible, and the steps are best made of boards, since drywall easily breaks under weight. A plasterboard children's house will already look like a whole room, it is allowed to put real furniture here and even conduct light. But it is better not to use such a structure on the street. Especially if the drywall is not moisture resistant and is not additionally treated with anything. Otherwise, all beauty will disappear literally in one season and the next one will have to build a new cozy house, and this is a waste of effort, time and money.
  • These materials are the most common for the construction of children's playhouses, but this does not mean that these are the only possible options. Some craftsmen manage to create buildings from any available means, for example, from plastic bottles or build a house from sandbags. In general, there would be a desire, but there will be opportunities.

DIY wooden children's house

Since it is wood structures that are the most durable, durable and safe, it is worth taking a closer look at the stages of building wooden houses, and learning about the required set of materials and tools.

Choosing a place for the construction of a children's house

  • So, first of all, you should decide on a place for the future structure. This is especially important if a stationary house is planned, which will be located on one site for a long time. The dream of every child to have a tree house, but if there is no way to completely secure this option, then it is better to avoid such a construction. Children cannot sit still, they need to move, and outdoor games at high altitudes can lead to injuries, which is why it is recommended to stop at a hut erected on the ground. Moreover, it is this option that can be easily supplemented with a wide variety of designs, including a sandbox, a swing and even a slide.

  • On the personal plot, the location of the future house should be indicated. It is best if it is a calm place with a light shade from the midday sun. It is also important to keep in mind that you need to set aside additional territory for games around. Such a place should not be occupied by beds or other household needs, but completely given to children for games. This must be taken into account, first of all, not for the children themselves, but for the peace of mind of the parents, because noisy games can lead to the fact that precious plantings will simply be destroyed.

Foundation and floor preparation

  • The dimensions of the building are chosen arbitrarily, for a small children's house there is enough length and width of 140-160 cm, and a height of about 1-1.5 meters. The first thing to do is to prepare the foundation. A platform covered with rubble, or well-packed sand and even ordinary earth can act as a base.
  • There are several options for laying floorboards. You can remove the top layer of sod, cover the formed place with rubble, level and lay the support beams on the prepared platform. Another option assumes that only the corners of the structure will be located on special support blocks, for example, from aerated concrete. Such supports are placed on prepared sand cushions. That is, having marked the corners of the future building, a depression of 30-50 cm is dug in each of them. All the earth is pulled out of the holes, and sand is poured into the vacant space, which is carefully compacted. In order to most accurately mark the corners, you can put together the main floor frame in advance.

  • Blocks are placed on the prepared sand layers at the same level. Horizontalness should be measured using a level and a floor frame bar. Further, it is important to take care of the waterproofing layer, this will help the house to stand for more than one season in integrity and safety. Roofing material or roofing felt, as well as more expensive materials, including various mastics, are used as an insulator. In addition, you can use the option in which there is free space under the floor for blowing the boards.
  • The next step is to install the frame. Plakhs of the required length are laid on foundation blocks, or on support beams (if the option with a rammed platform was chosen), and are connected into a rectangular box using corners and self-tapping screws. Metal corners will make the structure strong, but still, for greater reliability, additional transverse bars should be installed. If a large house is planned, then there will be 3-5 such spacers, if the building is of modest size, then one more board in the middle is enough.

  • Further, on the frame prepared in this way, the floor is laid. For the floor, you can use individual boards, wooden panels or sheets of chipboard, MDF or HDF. The main thing is that they can safely withstand the weight of not only a child, but also an adult. It is recommended to use a floorboard with parameters: length 6 m, width 13.5 cm and thickness 28 mm. As a rule, 4 planks are sufficient for installing the floor.
  • Another rule when building any structures made of wood is to protect the surface of the wood from moisture, as well as from damage by insects. And the orphanage will not be an exception here. It is advisable to impregnate the boards on both sides with a special compound, which contains both moisture-repellent components and antiseptics.

Installation of walls and roof

  • When the floor has been sorted out, you can start creating the walls. To mount this element, you need to create a frame of beams, which will later be sheathed with clapboard or shields. The main thing is not to forget about the doors and windows. First of all, a bar is installed in every corner of the future children's house. For these purposes, you can choose products with a cross section of 60x40 mm, a length of 3 m is sufficient.Each element is cut into three parts, 1 m high, or into two parts 1.5 m each. Further, beams are installed under windows and doors.

  • To secure the main block, you should nail it to the floor, but so that later these nails can be easily pulled out. This is due to the fact that the most durable fastening of structural parts can be done only on special fastening angles, which are installed a little later. It is imperative to install additional spacers between the rafter beams (approximately at half the height), which will also serve as a fastening system. It is unforgettable that from above the beams are connected by a frame, which will be the basis for the roof. When the base for the walls is ready, the nails are pulled out one by one and metal corners are mounted in their place. It is important to fix all corners and joints with corner fasteners, only then the house will really be strong.
  • Bars that are set horizontally mark windows and doors. It is necessary to calculate their height in advance. The calculation is based on the width of the sheathing boards, such parameters should be set so that when sheathing, you do not have to cut the board along its width or close the floor of the window. That is, we count how many full boards will fit into the remaining opening from above and below and at this height and fix the horizontal spacers.
  • And the last thing that needs to be done to complete the frame is to put in beams for the roof. To do this, we knock two bars together at an angle (in the form of an unfinished triangle, the base of which will be one of the walls), and we strengthen the free ends on the upper bars of the walls. There can be from 2 to 4 such triangles. Without fail, one is installed on opposite walls of the house, opposite each other, and one or two can be installed between them, it all depends on the size of the structure. Also, these bars must be secured with corners.

Children's house drawing

Sheathing of a children's playhouse and its design

  • Now you should start covering the building. To create walls, you can use clapboard, boards or boards. The clapboard option assumes faster sheathing, since the elements do not have to be adjusted, and they are quite easily connected to each other. The roof is closed with edged boards and roofing material, tiles or ondulin can be laid on top, it all depends on the capabilities of the builders.

  • Since we have a children's house in front of us, it is advisable to decorate it in bright colors. This can be done with children. In addition, windows can additionally be decorated with carved platbands, which are available for free sale, or make them yourself. It is recommended to install benches and a table inside the building, but, of course, this is far from the only option for decorating the interior. A porch is often made in front of the house, which was either originally included in the plan, or it is easy to complete it separately.
  • It is important that the children's house is completely safe. This applies to its stability and reliability of the connection of elements to each other. Also, so that during the game the kids do not get hurt or scratched, all the boards should be jointed and well protected with a layer of paint, varnish or stain. Metal corners, screws and nails must be properly repaired so that they do not stick out or stick out.

Today, choosing an option for building a play house for children will not be difficult, because there are a lot of photos and videos on this topic on the Internet. The approximate cost of the building is 5000-15000 rubles, this cost includes the purchase of boards, hardware, paints and other materials. But often, many parents can build a playhouse for their child with their own hands for free, using only available materials.

Play children's house video

You should not deny your child such a pleasure as a small house. This will help the child develop fully and feel happier. If it is not possible to arrange a place for games on the street, then this can always be done right in the apartment. Do not forget to please your children, and they will certainly please you with their successes.

Craft - a house with your own hands - will delight any child. It will take just a couple of days to work, and as a material you can use plywood, OSB, pallets or ordinary boards. Detailed step-by-step instructions and drawings will help even a person far from construction to understand the process.

A developing house can be made of a wide variety of materials, and it is better to make the final choice yourself, having studied the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

The most commonly used budget options:

  • plywood

You can also build a house from OSB, wooden boards or chipboard.

Plywood is the best choice because:

  • it is durable, and after processing with special impregnations, it is able to withstand adverse environmental influences (precipitation, temperature changes, insects)
  • available - a house made of plywood with your own hands will cost less than one made of many other materials
  • looks aesthetically pleasing
  • has a low thermal conductivity, thanks to which the child will be warm and comfortable in the garden house

In addition, working with plywood is simple: it can be sawed, drilled, painted without effort.

The only drawback is the toxicity of the adhesive used to bond the veneer layers together. When buying, you need to study the characteristics of the product: the plywood must be marked with E0 - this material contains a minimum amount of formaldehyde, and the product is considered environmentally friendly.


A house made of pallets can become a favorite place for a child to play, but you need to be careful when choosing material.

Can not use:

  • pallets bearing the IPPC marking - harmful chemicals are used for their processing, provoking the development of various diseases;
  • used pallets in the markets - after prolonged operation in the open air, wooden structures that have not been treated with protective equipment may become fragile, and the building will soon become unusable;
  • pallets painted in bright colors - it is impossible to vouch for the quality and safety of the paint, and it is better not to risk the health of the child.

You need to build a children's wooden house with your own hands using high-quality material without visible damage: cracks, traces of decay, mold or paint residues.


A wooden house in a summer cottage can be of any size, and you need to focus on the age of the child. However, it is unreasonable to build a very small structure - after a couple of years, the grown-up child will become cramped in it.

Optimum parameters of a durable hut made of scrap materials: height - 2 m; width - 2.5 m, length - 2 m. Inside such a building, you can organize a full-fledged place for games: arrange children's furniture, place toys.

Building a house made of plywood

For crafts (a house with your own hands), you will first need to build a frame, and only then sheathe it with sheets of plywood. Using the same technology, you can make a house from OSB or chipboard.

The dimensions of the future structure: length and width - 2 and 3 m, the height of the walls is 1.5 m, in the ridge the height of the house is 2.2 m.

Drawings can be done independently or you can use ready-made ones.

Materials tools

You need to prepare:

  • for the frame - boards 5 × 10 cm
  • for the subfloor - boards 1.2 × 10 cm
  • for the finished floor and external wall cladding - OSB 9 mm thick
  • for interior cladding - 6 mm plywood (sanded)

So that the house can be used not only in the summer, but also when it gets colder, it is recommended to insulate it. To do this, you can use 10 cm thick foam. Additionally, glass, slats and a door may be required.

To process and finish a do-it-yourself wooden house, you will need to stock up on:

  • anti-corrosion and antifungal impregnation
  • fire retardant
  • acrylic paint of the desired color
  • water-based varnish

Assembling the base

Before making a house, you need to prepare the foundation of the future structure:

  1. A rectangle is knocked down from the boards, the sides of which are 2 and 3 m.
  2. Cross boards are nailed to it, which will serve as floor logs. They need to be located at a distance of 50 cm from each other.
  3. Above, the rectangle is sheathed with thin strips - they will support the insulation from below.
  4. Now the structure is turned over and the foam is placed in the cells. The gaps remaining between the insulation and the boards are sealed with polyurethane foam.
  5. When this stage is completed, the structure is attached to the wall and begins to cover the foam with a board for the subfloor.
  6. OSB is attached to the rough floor.

Important! There should be a technical gap of about 1 cm between the subfloor and the OSB floor. If the sheets are fastened closely, they can deform over time when the humidity and air temperature change.

Frame installation

Guided by their drawing, they assemble the frame of the walls. For this, boards 5 × 10 cm are used.

The racks should be located at a distance of 1 m, in the places where the entrance door and windows are planned to be installed, the racks should be double.

Since plywood and OSB were chosen as cladding, the finished structure will have sufficient strength, and therefore there is no need to install inclined supports. They may be required if slats or lining are used instead of sheet material.

Foundation device

The foundation can be made with your own hands from scrap materials. For example, old logs are suitable: they will need to be trimmed, trimmed and covered with protective impregnations.

Prepared logs are placed in parallel at an equal distance from each other. Boards are nailed on top. A ready-made base is placed on this structure.

The base is attached to the foundation using metal brackets.

The next step is exposing the walls. They should be located strictly vertically. To facilitate the work, you can make temporary cuttings.

After giving the wall the desired position, it is nailed to the base using long nails.

Roof device

First, a skate is mounted - a board is nailed in the center of the structure, it will form a slope.

Using a jigsaw, angular cuts are made in the boards under the rafter legs. First, preliminary corners are made, then applied to the structure and the exact place of the cut is marked. Having made one tight-fitting workpiece, transfer the shape of the cut to other boards using a pencil.

The prepared boards are nailed to the frame. Transverse boards are installed between them. For roof sheathing, thin wooden boards are used.

Or such an option


The house is almost ready - all that remains is to sheathe it inside and out.

The sheet material (plywood or OSB) is cut in such a way that the joints of the plates are on the racks. You can use nails or self-tapping screws to fix the plywood.

All wooden elements are treated with protective agents. They start painting and varnishing only after they have dried out. If you ignore this point, a house made of wood will quickly become unusable - mold will begin to develop on it, it will be spoiled by insects, and it will start to rot.

Building a house from pallets

A country house made of pallets for children is good in that if a separate element is damaged, it will not be necessary to disassemble the entire structure - it will be enough just to replace the rotten part with a similar one.

Materials and tools

You will need:

  • metal brush
  • coarse sandpaper or sander
  • claw, saw
  • drill
  • hammer
  • acrylic paints
  • nails, screws
  • wood glue
  • roofing felt
  • water based varnish
  • brushes

It is also advisable to prepare a plastic wrap - it will need to cover the structure during construction in order to protect it from possible rain.

Material preparation

Pallets are cleaned of dirt with a stiff brush, and then disassembled into transverse boards (they will be used for the frame) and thin (for wall cladding). The easiest way to carry out this operation is with a nail puller and a saw.

All boards are carefully processed with coarse sandpaper or a sander.

House assembly

Work order:

  1. You can use bricks or stones as a foundation.
  2. The base is hammered from the transverse boards from the pallets. Laying lags.
  3. Thin boards from the pallet are laid on the logs. For arranging the floor, you can use not boards, but chipboard.
  4. The frame of the house is assembled from the transverse boards, hammered together.
  5. Install the skate. The process is described in more detail in the plywood house assembly guide.
  6. The finished frame is sheathed with thin boards. For fastening, nails or wood screws are used.
  7. Using a saw, cut the protruding boards.
  8. Chipboard is laid on the roof, then covered with roofing material. For finishing, you can use metal tiles or any other material.

The children's house made of pallets is almost ready - all that remains is to insert the windows and paint it.

Assembling the window

If the design is more solid, then you can insert windows. Do-it-yourself windows are also made of wood. To do this, take a pallet board, cut a groove in the center, after which one of the parts is chopped off. You can do the workpiece in another way: to grind off excess wood with a plane.

For one window, 4 blanks are required. Each prepared board is cut at both ends at an angle of 45 °, and then assembled together, smeared with wood glue and pulled together with self-tapping screws.

When windows and doors are inserted, all wooden elements of the structure are first treated with protective impregnations, and when they are dry, they are painted in the desired color.

Having familiarized yourself with the process of creating a children's house, you can start implementing the project. Such an undertaking will require minimal financial investments, but the child will be happy and able to play in the fresh air.