Is it possible to grow mushrooms in the apartment. How to grow forest mushrooms on the site

Fans of quiet hunting are accustomed to picking mushrooms among fir-trees and birches, on forest clearings and solar edges. But weather conditions are not always favorable for mushroom pickers, and sometimes they return home with half-empty baskets and spoiled mood.

And connoisseurs and experts in growing mushrooms in artificial conditions they offer not to waste time and energy on fruitless searches, but to start breeding your favorite porcini mushrooms in your backyard or in a secluded corner of the apartment.

At home, it’s good to do not only mushrooms. Successful will be the cultivation of champignons, oyster mushrooms, honey mushrooms, Japanese shiitake mushrooms, chanterelles. First you need to calculate the costs, and decide what types of mushrooms you have the desire and opportunity to deal with.

If you grow mycelium (mushroom spores) on your own, there is a risk of not coping with this stage of work. In order to get a high-quality mycelium, absolutely sterile conditions must be created, and at home this is not always possible.

The way out will be the use of various ready-made combinations of dry grain or dung mycelium, which, after reading the instructions, is quite easy to work with.

In addition, it is necessary to prepare the soil substrate, decide in which boxes or bags it will be located, how and in what rooms to place these containers.

Measures should be taken to create artificial optimal climatic conditions. When growing mushrooms in the beds of household plots, concerns about lighting, temperature, humidity and air ventilation practically disappear, but the soil and woody structures, such as stumps for mushrooms, are still prepared in advance.

When growing mushrooms in rooms with windows, the glass must be whitened to prevent bright sunlight from entering.

If there is absolutely no access to natural light to the room, then you need to install fluorescent lamps ,which emit a red-blue spectrum, corresponding to low street lighting. They are used in the daytime during the period when the fruiting bodies come out of the substrate mushroom block.

Mushroom cultivation technology for beginners

The technological process begins with the preparation of premises, soil substrate or compost.

Then they buy or independently grow mycelium, which is planted in the substrate.

The last stage is the cultivation process itself, that is, the cultivation of mushrooms.

Growing champignons at home

Growing any mushrooms in an apartment can trigger asthma and other lung diseases., because the spores are strong allergens and, when ripe, are carried around the room. In extreme cases, you can work with mushrooms on a loggia or balcony, but it is best in a separate building or basement.

The size of the harvest of champignons grown at home will depend from air humidity indoors (up to 70%) and on the quality of the soil substrate.

It takes several weeks to prepare. At the same time, closed rooms are not used, because poisoning can occur with the gases released during fermentation of the substrate components. The substrate is produced by composting straw and manure with the addition of fertilizers and soil deoxidizers.

Preparation of compost for growing mushrooms (video)

room for growing mushrooms

Ideal for growing mushrooms should be about cleaned from dirt, ventilated room with adjustable humidity and temperature.

Professionals usually use not one, but two rooms - camera for incubation period mycelium, and the premises where the mushroom blocks are moved with the beginning of the germination of fruiting bodies.

This is due to the fact that the initial stage should take place in the dark and at a temperature of +25°C.

And for the final stage, periodic illumination and a decrease in temperature to + 16 ° C are necessary. Humidity should always be kept high, and should not fall below 65%.

Improperly organized ventilation will lead to the accumulation of moisture near the places of germination of fungi and carbon dioxide. As a result, the fruiting bodies may die or, in best case, deform.


In order to create a mycelium of 2.5-3 m² in size, about 300 kg of a mixture consisting of 100 kg of dry straw, 2 kg of urea (urea), 2 kg of superphosphate, chalk and gypsum in total no more than 15 kg is needed, and the rest should fall on manure, horse or cow.

Straw pre-soaked for 24 hours is laid out in layers, which are sprinkled with fertilizers, manure, chalk and gypsum. Each layer is additionally moistened, everything takes at least 300 liters of water, and mixed. The mixture is turned several more times and placed in a pile with a height of about 1.5 m and a width of 1.2 m. Inside it, the fermentation of the components will begin with the release of heat. The compost will be ready for use no earlier than in three weeks. During this period, it should be stirred once a week.

Planting mycelium

Mycelium for growing champignons is planted in compost heated to +26 °C. At a temperature below only two degrees, the survival rate of the mycelium is sharply reduced, if it is higher, then it will die.

Mycelium grown on manure is taken out of jars and crushed into pieces weighing 15-20 g. Planted in pre-made recesses or grooves 5 cm deep, staggered at a distance of 20 cm from each other. Gradually, the mycelium will grow and fill the entire space.

The stacked pieces of mycelium are covered with moistened compost from above and lightly tamped. Some mushroom growers, when planting mycelium, raise the compost with pegs and put planting material in the gap. Grain mycelium is mixed with a compost substrate, sprinkled with compost without mycelium up to 5 cm thick on top.

The soil for growing mushrooms can be laid out on the floor of the room in the form of ridges, or on racks located one above the other. The gap between the floors of the racks is up to 30 cm, the width of the racks is up to 1.5 m.

Mushroom plantation care

In the first 12 days after planting, the temperature of the mycelium should be the same as at the time of planting - from +24 to +26°C. At further stages of mushroom cultivation, the temperature should be maintained in the range of +18 to +20°C.

After checking the mycelium for survival, that is, for the appearance of long white threads or spots, loose soddy soil mixed with peat or sandstone is poured on its surface with a layer of 3-4 cm.

Every day, the room where mushrooms grow should be ventilated to remove accumulated carbon dioxide. They enter closed greenhouses before they are aired in masks or respirators.

Without support high humidity air and moderate compost, the mycelium will dry out and stop growing. It is also impossible to fill mushroom beds in order to avoid the formation of molds, which can lead to the death of the mycelium.

How to grow oyster mushrooms at home

oyster mushrooms in natural conditions found on the trunks or rotten stumps of dried hardwood trees. Under conditions of artificial cultivation, it is bred on a substrate of straw, reeds, sunflower husks, and sawdust. The substrate and mycelium of oyster mushrooms are alternately laid out in bags or bags in layers to the full capacity of the container.

Bags and packages with contents are pierced in several places with an awl at a distance of at least 20 cm from each other. Several punctures are made in the corners of the bottom of the bag to remove the liquid.

Bags with mycelium are placed in a dark room with an air temperature of 18 to 25°C. After two weeks, the mycelium should grow, in which case the substrate should turn white.

The mycelium will ripen at this temperature for another week. Then the air must be cooled to 5°C. By this time, through the slots in the bags, the first fruiting bodies of mushrooms will begin to appear.

In this growing phase, during the daytime, turn on for 12 hours
dim lighting.

Cultivation of oyster mushrooms (video)

How to grow mushrooms at home

Honey agaric is very popular with summer residents. They practice its cultivation on logs and stumps, in greenhouse conditions, in basements.

At home, grown in jars. Banks are placed on balconies or window sills.

Before starting work with mycelium, jars must be sterilized. The substrate consists of larch sawdust (three parts) and bran (one part). The mixture is poured with boiling water for one day, then allowed to cool and squeezed and compacted with hands in sterile gloves.

The substrate is placed at the bottom of the jar, keeping it clean and sterile, a recess is made and the mycelium is put into it. Sprinkle on top with a substrate, a layer of 3 cm. A jar closed with a lid with holes is taken out to a dark place. The air temperature should not fall below 22-25 °C. To maintain humidity inside the jar, it is covered with damp gauze or cotton wool. Make sure that cotton wool or gauze does not dry out.

The first mushrooms should appear in a month and a half. Mushrooms should no longer grow in the dark, but in a shady place. To avoid interference with the growth of mushrooms, the lid is removed. Make sure that the mycelium does not dry out, periodically spray it with water.

How to grow mushrooms on stumps (video)

Growing shiitake mushrooms at home

For shiitake mushrooms, fresh 1.5 m long stumps of oak, chestnut, and beech are used. On stumps, the bark should be intact, the wood under the bark should be damp. To maintain humidity, the place for growing shiitake should be in the shade. Sowing with mycelium can continue until the wood is dry for 1 to 3 months.

The mycelium mixed with the substrate is pushed into the holes drilled with a drill pre-treated with alcohol. Then the holes are closed with wooden pegs, like corks, and sealed with paraffin. Stumps with nested mycelium are tightly connected to each other in the form of a standing woodpile. Cover the woodpile with foil. Store at 20-26 °C, if outdoor conditions allow in the shade, or indoors. The development of the mycelium lasts from half a year to 18 months.

After the growth of the mycelium, the stumps are abundantly and for a long time shed with water. Fruiting on the same stumps can occur several times.

Growing shiitake mushrooms on stumps (video)

Growing shiitake in the basement (photo)

How to grow porcini mushroom near the house

Mushroom pickers often pick overripe porcini mushrooms in the forest. Some make liquid seed spores from these fungi on their own, and then in secluded places of their garden plot with suitable soil, water them on the ground.

Mushrooms are crushed either with a knife or by passing through a meat grinder. At the bottom of a cut 5 liter plastic bottle place the minced mushroom and pour 4 liters of spring water room temperature. Add 50 g of live baker's yeast, loosely cover with several layers of gauze and incubate for 2 weeks in a warm dark place. 100 g of the resulting mixture is diluted with 2 liters of settled water and poured over the area. If the land is not suitable, then it is prepared, as close as possible in composition to the land where the mushrooms were picked.

The first signs of mycelium growth will appear in a few months, and the first mushrooms in a year and a half.

How to grow porcini mushrooms in your garden (video)

How to grow chanterelles

The difference between growing chanterelles near the house and porcini mushrooms is that not any areas with prepared soil are spilled with spores, but only areas near the same tree near which the mushroom was found.

If purchased mycelium is used, then you can try to plant it under coniferous, fruit trees and shrubs, even in raspberries.

The main thing is that the age of the trees is at least 5 years. Mushrooms of chanterelles do not freeze out, but they still need to be covered with fallen leaves or straw. Mushrooms are planted from early spring to late autumn.

Growing mushrooms in plastic bags

When growing mushrooms using bag-bag technology, the problem of the spread of diseases and molds is eliminated, because there is a barrier between the mushrooms made of propylene or polyethylene. Mushrooms additionally receive carbon dioxide well retained by the film, the soil substrate is easier to maintain in a wet state.

Polymer packaging is much cheaper than containers, easy to use and easy to recycle. The transparency of the film allows you to observe the development of the mycelium. The shape of the bags can be cylindrical and cubic, which allows you to place it as it is convenient for the manufacturer and save space in the room reserved for the reproduction of mushrooms.

Growing mushrooms in the basement

In the absence of special ground facilities, mushroom lovers grow them in the basement, where they create optimal conditions so as not to lose the harvest.

The main advantage of such places for growing mushrooms is that when they are used, material costs for maintaining low temperatures and the humidity is usually high. But most likely it will be necessary to carry out work related to the ventilation of the basement. The cultivation technology is not much different from the processes in ground facilities.

Amateurs and professionals involved in the cultivation of mushrooms, despite great efforts, still receive material benefits from their work. The main thing is to comply with all the necessary conditions and cleanliness, so as not to get dried mycelium instead of mushrooms.

People who want to grow fragrant and organic Forest mushrooms at home, every year it becomes more and more. It is profitable, easy and often turns into a real hobby. We will tell you how to start this exciting activity, what equipment you will need for growing mushrooms, and we will also reveal technological secrets and make them accessible even to a beginner.

What mushrooms can be grown at home and in the garden?

In the country, you can breed edible forest mushrooms of almost all popular types. Some of them are unpretentious and do not need special care. Others will require considerable patience, knowledge and experience.

All edible forest mushrooms that can be cultivated under artificial conditions can be divided into two groups:

  • arboreal, which colonize tree stumps; these include oyster mushrooms, mushrooms, shiitake;
  • ground, which form a fruiting body in the soil - these are champignons, porcini mushrooms, chanterelles, ringlets, truffles.

Beginners can grow champignons and oyster mushrooms, but porcini mushrooms, chanterelles and truffles are much more difficult to grow: they will require an accurate recreation of the conditions of their natural habitat.

These species require a special climate and specific tree species, with the roots of which the mycelium enters into symbiosis. good harvest you can get it without problems if you grow winter mushrooms on stumps in the area.

Features of growing mushrooms at home

At home, you can independently organize the cultivation of mushrooms in two ways:

  • extensive - an environment is created that is natural for the development of a particular species, the mycelium is sown in cuts on stumps or placed in ridges on the site;
  • intensive - the technique of forcing fruiting bodies in an enriched substrate under special conditions, can be used on a balcony, in a garage, basement, greenhouse.

Substrate selection

In nature, fungi actively interact with plant roots, forming a complex symbiotic system. Mycelium needs wood pulp for normal development - main component nutrient substrate for growing mushrooms at home. In this capacity, you can use straw or sawdust of non-coniferous trees. At the same time, it should be remembered that chopped straw of wheat, rye and barley is great for homemade champignons and oyster mushrooms, and shiitake is loved sawdust fractions 2-3 mm from oak, maple or beech.

Champignons, in addition to straw, require large doses of organic nutrition, therefore, in order to breed them correctly and get a high yield, you should mix the straw with manure (preferably horse manure) and compost the mixture. The resulting compost must be enriched with mineral additives.

Beginners often prefer to start growing their own mushrooms on the basis of a ready-made substrate, which can be purchased at specialized stores. Traders offer the so-called mushroom boxes - a set of mycelium and the amount of compost necessary for it. A set in a mushroom box allows the hobbyist to first get acquainted with the technology of cultivation at home, and then begin to master the process of making compost.

Mushroom spores or mycelium?

Mushrooms can be propagated with both spores and mycelium. The dispute about which planting components are preferable - spores or mycelium, has the same meaning as the discussion of vegetable growers about which is better - seeds or seedlings.

You can grow mycelium from spores using both dry and fresh mushroom caps. It is important to raw material before this, it has not been dried in an oven or an electric dryer, and that the round hats are not frozen. For reproduction, the spore-bearing fungal layer should be crushed. Then it can be placed in a prepared and disinfected soil substrate or in a sugar solution (add 2 tablespoons of sugar and 1 g of potassium permanganate to a bucket of water from a reservoir, rain or from a well). Cultivation of uterine mycelium in aqueous solution more reliable.

If there is a ready-made uterine mycelium, then it must first be propagated to the right amount and get an intermediate mycelium by sowing the uterine material in a box with compost, or make a grain mycelium.

Planting stock made from grains of wheat or barley is more popular with mushroom growers than ground mycelium because it keeps better and lasts longer.

To obtain grain mycelium, you need to boil the prepared grain in water for an hour, then cool it. Then you should fill the container (jar or plastic bag) halfway, sterilize the resulting kit and sow the uterine material into it. After two weeks, the grain will be covered with a white fluffy coating. This is the grain planting mycelium.

How to prepare a nutrient medium?

The substrate in which mushrooms will grow - essential element technologies. Him proper preparation- the key to success in growing mushrooms. For tree mushrooms (oyster mushrooms, mushrooms), the recipe is simple.

The main ways to obtain a nutrient medium:

  • from straw - grind the straw of any cereals, except for oats, to a fraction of 2-7 cm, rinse, pasteurize at a temperature of 80 degrees, cool and steam;
  • from sawdust - hardwoods are suitable, except for conifers; sawdust is washed and sterilized at a temperature of 120 degrees, cooled and steamed.

To feed soil fungi, you will need compost from a mixture of equal parts of straw and horse manure with additives from gypsum, chalk, alabaster and mineral fertilizers. The amount of additives depends on which type of mushrooms is supposed to be cultivated. The general principle of preparing the environment for soil fungi is as follows: during the composting process, organic ingredients are fermented, cellulose and mineral nutrition elements are converted into a form accessible to the mycelium.

To prepare the substrate, a platform with a canopy is selected, preferably concreted. If this is not possible, then it is allowed to install the compost tank directly on the ground. Can be thrown on the ground polyethylene film- it will protect the substrate from unwanted microorganisms. A collar or box (compost) is installed on concrete or film, in which the components are laid. The next steps are:

  • Straw soaking. In a separate container, the straw is poured with water and kept for 3-5 days before the start of overheating.
  • Compost laying. Soaked straw and manure are laid in layers in the collar. Each layer is watered with warm water. In total, up to 8 layers are possible.
  • After 3-4 days, add to the resulting stack mineral fertilizers, everything is mixed.
  • The compost is turned over every 4 days.
  • When the substrate is completely ready, gypsum and chalk are added to it.

Required growing conditions

For successful cultivation edible mushrooms, it is necessary to create an environment acceptable for them. Mushrooms vegetate in certain climatic conditions:

  • the optimal value of humidity in the room is 50-80%;
  • temperature range - +12 - +20 degrees;
  • The amount of carbon dioxide in the air must not exceed atmospheric norm, forced ventilation must be provided in enclosed spaces.

The main problem that gardeners face is to enforce such restrictions. Almost everyone has the opportunity to allocate some area on the balcony or in the basement, where the specified temperature range is maintained for at least several months a year. In an apartment on a balcony, in a garage, in a country house, in a greenhouse, you can plant and grow a mycelium in spring or autumn, when it's cool. With proper agricultural practices, the turnover will be seasonal, only a few months a year. Year-round cultivation of champignons is possible in the basement or cellar with a constant microclimate.

Features of growing mushrooms in the garden

On your site, it is easiest to grow mushrooms in an extensive way, that is, to create conditions for them that are as close to natural as possible. For tree species you will need a few stumps, preferably spoiled. They need to be placed in the shade, on the ridges of the nutrient substrate prepared in advance.

The mycelium is sown in vertical cuts on the stumps. The remains of the mycelium are laid out around the stump. Sowing is completely covered with a wet substrate and covered with a film. In 2 weeks under cover will appear white coating from the finest threads. Then you can remove the film. Further care consists in watering and timely harvesting.

Ground species can be grown in compost beds in a shady spot or greenhouse. It should be borne in mind that no mushrooms like neighborhoods fruit trees. In the country, growing mushrooms in the basement or garage gives an excellent result, where you can install a shelving system or devices for hanging bags with a substrate.

The necessary conditions

  • place - shaded, away from fruit trees;
  • the presence of a prepared substrate (compost for ground mushrooms and straw, sawdust for wood);
  • cooked or purchased mycelium (necessarily fresh);
  • water for irrigation - by no means tap water, since mushrooms are afraid of chlorine;
  • air temperature +12 - +20 degrees;
  • air humidity - not less than 75%;
  • substrate, tools, containers must be disinfected.

Growing methods

A novice mushroom grower should try several proven cultivation techniques and choose the one that suits them best. There are several breeding methods:

  • On stumps. This is the least expensive and easiest way, but the harvest is also small, and besides, it will be only a few weeks a year. The use of stumps is used only for tree species (oyster mushrooms, winter mushrooms).
  • On the beds. On a flat area, compost is laid, in which the mycelium is sown, covered with a layer of substrate and a film on top. After 2 weeks, the film is removed, and after a month, white mushroom caps will appear on this bed.
  • In bags. Synthetic bags with a capacity of 25 kg are used, into which compost (for champignons) or straw (for oyster mushrooms) is stuffed. The bags are hung in a room with suitable climatic conditions. Vertical cuts are made in the burlap, from which mushroom colonies will grow outward.
  • On the shelves. Most effective method. Gives the most high yields per unit area. To implement this method, you need to prepare a shelving system made of metal or wood, which is open cabinets with shelves 40 or more cm high and up to 5 levels. Pallets or boxes with inoculated substrate are placed on the shelves. Passages of at least 80 cm are left between the racks, so that it is convenient to approach the shelves from two sides.

For growing in beds, in bags or on racks, the inoculation technique (seeding mycelium in the substrate) is general:

  • load compost into containers, heated to 27 degrees, with a layer of 30 cm;
  • make holes on the surface at a distance of 20-25 cm from each other;
  • grain mycelium is poured into the wells in a thin layer, compost - in handfuls with a tennis ball;
  • planting material is sprinkled with soil to a height of 1-2 cm;
  • the box is covered with a transparent plastic film;
  • after 2 weeks, a white coating in the form of threads appears under the film;
  • remove the film;
  • cover the surface by 4-5 cm with the substrate.

The set of equipment required for mushroom growing depends on the cultivation method. For growing on stumps or beds, no special equipment is required. For growing in bags, you should take care of containers and hooks for hanging. With the rack method, it is required to prepare racks and containers for the substrate. With all technologies for growing mushrooms, it is necessary to acquire devices for measuring climatic parameters - a thermometer and a hygrometer. If a decision is made to grow mushrooms indoors, then it must be equipped with a ventilation pipe.

Growing champignons at home is not a difficult task if you know what kind of room is needed for this, as well as what components to use to ensure stable and high-quality fruiting. Today, they use several popular methods of growing mushrooms on the territory of their homes.

Selection and preparation of premises

To grow mushrooms, you do not need to have special knowledge and skills. The best place for such a business is the basement or cellar of a private house. Mushrooms are not thermophilic, and do not need constant lighting. If basement absent, it is permissible to carry out the procedure in a greenhouse in a country house or a barn.

The premises must be concrete walls, cemented floors and good ventilation. Mesh material that closes the ventilation holes will help prevent pest attacks. Walls and ceiling must be limed.

What kind of mycelium is needed?

Mycelium is also called mycelium. It is a vegetative body of fungi - a system of the thinnest branching filaments or hyphae.

Mycelium performs important functions, because without it the process of growing mushrooms will not take place:

  • participates in sporulation and is responsible for the preservation of the formed disputes;
  • helps organisms to attach to nutrient substrates;
  • adapts well to environment;
  • with the help of enzymes, it processes cellulose, obtaining from it substances available for growth and development.

The mycelium is an important organ responsible for vegetative propagation organisms.

Buying a finished product

For growing champignons at home, it is recommended to use grain mycelium, since it is not only convenient to sow, but it does not need additional processing. When buying mycelium, pay attention to it appearance: the grains must be yellow color with a light orange tint.

It is not recommended to buy mycelium with the presence dark spots This is evidence that mold is present. Quality planting material also determined by smell: there should be a distinct aroma of fresh mushrooms. If there is an ammonia smell, the product has not been stored properly and is spoiled.

Be sure to pay attention to the manufacturer. It is advisable to choose mycelium from a well-known and large supplier. You should not immediately buy a lot of mycelium, first it is better to take a sample. If there are no problems with germination, the formation of mycelium will be good, then buy a large batch.

Self-growing mycelium

Before planting mushrooms, many gardeners and gardeners grow mycelium on their own, referring to the fact that this way they will be able to get a quality product. Mycelium, divorced at home, is compost and grain.

Cooking grain mycelium happens in the following way:

  1. Pour 10 kg of grains into a container, pour 15 liters of water.
  2. Put on a slow fire, bring to a boil and simmer for half an hour to an hour. The grains should not be soft, but should be soft.
  3. Drain the water, dry the grain, then fall asleep finished material in liter cans. Make holes in the lids and grains.
  4. Close the holes on the lids with cotton swabs. Place the jars in an autoclave with a pressure of 1.5 atm. for 30 minutes.
  5. In the chilled grain, or rather in its holes, place the mycelium.
  6. Put the jars in a thermostat with a temperature of 24 degrees, do not reach until the mycelium completely occupies the entire nutrient medium.

For getting compost mycelium perform the following procedures:

  1. Take 3-liter jars and fill them 2/3 with mushroom substrate. Seal well.
  2. Roll up the jars with lids, making 3-centimeter holes in them, closing them with cotton swabs.
  3. Heat the compost to 24 degrees, place the mycelium in it.
  4. Closing the holes in the lids tightly will help prevent infection of the mycelium.

Preparation of the substrate (compost): do-it-yourself cooking

Mushrooms require conditions close to natural, therefore, specially prepared compost is needed, the composition of which must be loose and nutritious.

For cultivation maximum yield prepare the substrate, following the instructions. Since the strains or varieties of mushrooms are different, the preparation technology and the composition of the substrate may vary slightly. But there are general principles preparation of compost for growing mushrooms.

To prepare compost, combine the ingredients in the following proportions:

It is acceptable to replace horse manure with bird or cow droppings, but in this case the yield will be lower.

  1. Straw is soaked for 24 hours warm water in a convenient container. After they are stacked, mixing with layers of manure (there should be 6-8 of them). Moisten each layer with warm water.
  2. After 3-4 days, mix the compost well and add urea and superphosphate.
  3. After another 3-4 days, mix the compost again, gradually introducing the remaining minerals. With the last stirring, add gypsum.

On average, it takes 24-28 days to make compost. The fact that the substrate is ready is evidenced by the disappearance of the smell of ammonia and the acquisition of a light brown shade of manure. The finished substrate is moved to the basement and laid out in containers where it is planned to grow champignons.

Experienced mushroom growers recommend using compost that is less picky and more resistant to violations of growing conditions for the first planting. The yield with compost mycelium is not as rich, but it is much easier to get the first experience with it. Before planting the mycelium, the substrate is carefully examined: it should be slightly springy, not hard and not crumbly.

Step by step guide for beginners

There are several main step by step rules that you need to know when planting and growing mushrooms at home. At correct execution will be able to regularly obtain large crops of mushrooms.


After preparing the substrate and placing it in boxes or bags, it is planted with mycelium, which is deepened by 5 cm. Distances of 20 cm are kept between the recesses. It is recommended to land in a checkerboard pattern. After planting, sprinkle the mycelium with soil.

If fungal spores are planted, they are sown on the surface of the soil. After sowing, it is not required to sprinkle them with soil and moisten. The soil is covered with a cloth and moistened regularly. The mushroom picker grows within five days. At this time, the humidity in the room is kept at 80-95% and the temperature is 22-27 degrees. After 12 days, the surface is covered with 1 part of limestone, 4 parts of soil and 5 parts of peat. The layer thickness should be at least 3 cm. After that, another 5 days should pass, the soil is periodically moistened. After another 5 days, the temperature is lowered to 13-16 degrees.

Cultivation and care

Although there is no need for constant care for mushrooms, you must first prepare the room and create special conditions in it:

  • Growing equipment. Depends on how mushrooms are grown. the best way considered growing in bags. For this, special supports with hangers are useful, on which bags with the substrate are hung. Recommended use plastic equipment- it does not deform, does not corrode, is much cheaper.
  • Optimal temperature. Mushrooms are not required high temperatures therefore do not create greenhouse conditions. You only have to insulate the room, carry out thermal insulation, which helps to retain moisture. Also be sure to set heating appliances- The temperature should not fall below 13 degrees. The elevated temperature is set only at the initial stage. For additional heating, the use is allowed infrared lamps.
  • Humidity level. Mushrooms love moisture, so the air in the room must be constantly humidified. It's simple: use sprayers or special electronic humidifiers. The humidity level is not lower than 70-90%.
  • Ventilation and lighting. Be sure to regularly ventilate the room. It is better to use hoods that deliver Fresh air. But if you do not plan to grow in large volumes, it is permissible to manually ventilate the room. For lighting, several garden lamps are installed.

It is equally important to take care of fertilizer. As the mycelium grows, it gradually appears on the surface, and in a couple of weeks it will be completely above the soil. To avoid drying out and destruction of the still fruitful mycelium, a fertile substrate poured on top will help. Also, fertilizer is applied to the soil, consisting of 9 parts of peat and 1 part of chalk. For 1 sq. m evenly scatter 40-50 g of the mixture.

Harvest Rules

From the moment of sowing to the harvest of the first harvest, 3-4 months pass. Collect young medium-sized mushrooms, those with a whole membrane that connects the stem and cap. As seed it is recommended to collect mushrooms with strongly opened caps - they lose their beneficial features.

It is forbidden to collect mushrooms with a darkened light brown hat - they can cause intoxication of the body and lead to severe poisoning.

Mushrooms are not cut like forest mushrooms, but twisted. The remaining hole after harvesting is sprinkled with compost a little. A fungus will grow in this place again. Active fruiting of champignons lasts 8-14 weeks. During this time, the crop is harvested up to 7 times. Further, the yield decreases, therefore the mycelium is removed, and the substrate is disposed of.

After the termination of fruiting, the mycelium is removed and used as a recharge for the next generation. The remaining substrate is not reused, because it loses its fertile properties. From 1 sq. m collect up to 60 kg of mushrooms.

Types of growing champignons

Mushrooms are grown in several ways: in indoors or outdoors. Each method has its own specific requirements, compliance with which will allow you to get a large and high-quality crop.

In the basement (in bags)

How is the cultivation procedure carried out:

  1. A nutrient substrate is prepared, which consists of 70% horse manure and 25% compost mixture.
  2. Disinfect the substrate by heating up to 25 degrees.
  3. The mixture is laid out in bags 25-30 cm thick and the mycelium is planted.
  4. They leave it on the rack for three days, after which 5-6 cuts are made in the bag and left in the dark at a temperature of 18-20 degrees.
  5. After 2-3 weeks, mushrooms will begin to appear in the slots. The bags are transferred to a well-ventilated and constantly lit room.
  6. Mushrooms gain marketable weight in about 3-4 weeks.
  7. After harvesting, the bags are transferred back, after which the fungus begins to grow again.

When fruiting, it is required to monitor the level of humidity - it should be about 70-95%. Also monitor the temperature of the substrate - 20-27 degrees.

In the garden

For planting mushrooms, the site is being prepared in the fall: upper layer soil - about 30 cm. The width of the beds should not be less than 1 meter. A distance of 55 cm is kept between rows. A layer of expanded clay is poured onto the bottom, which serves as a drainage layer. Its thickness should be 9 cm. Weeds are thrown over it, watered with a solution of mullein, sprinkled with soil.

Before laying the substrate on the beds, the soil is disinfected using a solution of carbation. Holes are made in the substrate with a depth of at least 5 cm. The mushroom pickers are deepened into the hole by several centimeters, sprinkled with the substrate. When using grain mycelium, it is scattered over the surface of the soil and compacted. Along the border of the beds, taps are made to drain excess moisture.

At a soil temperature of 25 degrees, the growth of the mycelium occurs within 14 days. At a temperature of 30 degrees, the death of the mycelium is possible. For convenience, it is planted in a checkerboard pattern at a distance of 25 cm between the holes. After planting, the beds are mulched with straw, which contributes to the evaporation of moisture. After the rooting of the mycelium, the straw is removed and covered with a covering layer using peat and chalk in a ratio of 9:1.

On the balcony (at home on the shelves)

Growing on a balcony is one of the most convenient ways suitable for those who live in an apartment. No special physical and monetary costs are required. This procedure is quite simple:

  1. Glaze and insulate the balcony.
  2. Build a small closet with shelving, as well as drawers 20 cm high.
  3. Install in cabinet ventilation pipe with a valve, put a humidifier at the bottom to maintain the required level of humidity.
  4. To prepare the substrate, mix 10 kg of straw, 15 kg of bird droppings, and 8 kg of alabaster. The addition of superphosphate and urea will increase the yield - 200 g each. Everything is mixed in warm water. The boxes are insulated with moss.
  5. The substrate matures for 3 weeks. After that, mycelium is introduced, preferably grain. It is evenly scattered on the surface of the substrate and the same layer 4-5 cm thick is poured on top. For 1 sq. m area of ​​the substrate contribute 350 g of mycelium.
  6. 10 days after the germination of the mycelium, it is covered with a mixture of chalk and peat in a ratio of 1:10. The layer thickness should not exceed 4-5 cm.
  7. 5 days after filling the cover soil, the air temperature is lowered to 17 degrees. The soil is superficially regularly moistened with water.

Fruiting occurs in 50-60 days, and harvesting continues year-round.

container way

A simple way to grow mushrooms in the apartment and in the house. Substrate containers can be placed in any convenient location. How is the procedure carried out:

  1. Prepare the container, be sure to take not only the container, but also the lid with the pallet.
  2. Disinfect the container and load the substrate.
  3. The mycelium is sown, deepening by 4-5 cm.
  4. Moisten the soil with mycelium.

Pay special attention to watering. Temperature is a secondary factor, but care must be taken to ensure that the indicator does not exceed 30 degrees. This method is good because own consumption 3-4 containers will be enough, while you will need minimum investment.

Watch a video about growing champignons in a container at home:

block way

Many mushroom growers today prefer to buy ready blocks for growing mushrooms from a pressed substrate. Large industries press manure, peat, sawdust and seed husks into briquettes. For the production of mushrooms, it is not necessary to choose premises with large areas. Due to the complete preparation of the blocks, it will not be necessary to plant mushroom mycelium in them, because it is already in them. One block weighs from 2.5 to 20 kg.

Blocks are laid horizontally on shelves and pallets, and holes are made on their surface. The burlap, film or paper with which it is covered will allow the block to avoid drying out. After covering the block with mycelium, it is covered with cover soil, airing is stopped. It is desirable to moisten the blocks by spraying. The first crop of mushrooms is harvested after 60-75 days.

From what diseases and pests can we expect harm?

The main disinfection of the premises with the help of smoke bombs, spraying and liming will help to fight pests and diseases. But occasionally there are situations when mushrooms are exposed to various diseases and pests. The most common include these:

To determine the profitability of a mushroom growing business at home, you need to clearly define what is needed for full development.

Few people will be surprised by beautiful flowers in the garden or at home. And here are the mushrooms personal plot or in an apartment can be called exotic, which strikes the imagination. Mushroom growing in recent times is becoming more and more popular.

Mushrooms are nutritious and tasty, you can cook interesting dishes with them. They are very unpretentious, so anyone can breed them. In this article, I will look at ways to grow mushrooms. Some of them I have tested myself.

1 - honey mushrooms 2 - chanterelles 3 - oyster mushrooms

On the balcony you can try to grow winter mushrooms. They do not need special lighting, and it is better to buy ready-made blocks with a substrate. You can also make your own compost. For planting mushrooms, it is treated not with boiling water, but with a nutrient composition, where jam, starch or corn flour are added. and the substrate is laid out in jars or bags. Honey mushrooms need coolness. On the balcony, it is necessary to withstand a temperature of about 10-12 degrees and a humidity of 80%. If you follow these rules, you can harvest 2-3 crops of mushrooms.