Mineral waste wood pyrolysis boilers. Automatic boilers for long burning on wood materials

Waste boilers is a collective non-formalized term that unites boilers, furnaces and boiler units - utilizers of different design, thermal power, efficiency, purpose and popularity, which provide the incineration of waste of various origins using heat obtained from combustion instead of expensive and environmentally unsafe disposal in special polygons. The most commonly used waste boilers in the developed countries of the world include:

  • waste incineration boilers, furnaces and boilers on waste from industrial enterprises and boilers / furnaces / boilers on human waste - as a rule, solid domestic waste;
  • stoves and boilers for woodworking waste - wood boilers, boilers for wood chips and pellets (specially compressed granules of pre-crushed waste from woodworking enterprises);
  • boilers for waste products of the oil refining industry (boilers and air heaters for waste oils - motor, industrial, turbine, hydraulic, transmission) and oils of animal / vegetable origin.

The main characteristics of any waste boiler include:

  • efficiency, which ranges from 30-40% for incineration boilers to 80-90% for pellet boilers (condensing type) and mining boilers;
  • the specific cost of obtaining 1 kW / kJ / kcal of heat when burning a unit of volume / mass of waste;

Important: The specific cost of producing 1 kW / kJ / kcal of heat is determined not only by the calorific value of the waste and the efficiency of the waste boiler, but also by:

    the cost of additional energy used for incineration of waste - fuel (gas, fuel oil, waste) used in burners for ignition and stabilization of incineration boilers, electricity from compressors / fans supplying primary and secondary air to the combustion chamber, electricity from chamber pushers and electric motors of rotary hearth incinerators boilers, electric power of screw mechanisms for loading and cleaning grates of pellet boilers, electric power and fuel of multistage cleaning systems for waste gases of waste incineration boilers, etc .;

    the cost of delivery and preparation for incineration;

    the cost of cleaning the combustion chamber and smoke channels, as well as the cost of measures for the disposal of slags formed after combustion;

    the initial cost of the waste boiler, the amount and frequency of depreciation charges;

    the cost of automation and / or work of maintenance personnel, etc., etc.

    the cost of a furnace / boiler unit / waste boiler and related equipment / structures / devices / measures that provide a full cycle of waste incineration with slag disposal and purification of burnt gases from impurities to the maximum permissible concentration established by international and / or current national legislation.

Waste incinerators.

Waste incineration boilers, less often waste boilers in Russia are used in incineration plants, sometimes in large centralized boiler houses. Typical waste incinerators are chamber-based, usually with pushers that feed / mix waste and remove slag from the grate, or are designed as rotary hearth rotary hearth furnaces. To ignite and stabilize combustion in waste boilers, gas-oil, oil-based burners or waste oil burners are used, more complete combustion is ensured by forced air supply to the combustion chamber (from the loading window, from the bottom and sides), as well as temperature zoning (in rotary kilns / waste boilers) ensuring that in temperature zones not lower than 1200 degrees Celsius for the afterburning of soot with benz (a) pyrene and dioxins absorbed in it and a temperature of 1500-1600 degrees Celsius, at which the maximum possible complete decomposition / oxidation of dioxins, furans and carcinogenic substances.

As a rule, after the furnace / boiler on waste, reactors / scrubbers are integrated into the process chain to clean the exhaust gases from solid impurities, organic and inorganic acids, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur compounds, as well as electric filters for the final cleaning of burned gases from fine particles of slags and small ash inclusions.

The norms formalized back in the USSR determine the possibility of locating incineration boilers on waste no closer than at a distance of 300 m from residential buildings, and furnaces / boilers / boilers on waste must be equipped with an effective system for cleaning combustion gases up to the established MPCs for NH3, HF, HCl, NOx, SO2, CO2, CO, dioxins and furans, soot, etc.

The main problems of waste incinerators in Russia:

    the calorific value of Russian solid domestic waste is 900-1300 kcal / kg, while waste is in the EU, USA, Canada due to the higher content of packaging combustible materials and a lower content of food waste (no more than 15-20% compared to 35-40 % in Russia) have a heating value of 2200-2600 kcal / kg. The low calorific value of Russian waste determines the low temperature level in the combustion chamber (at the level of 800-1000 degrees), incomplete combustion of waste, a large amount of slag (30-40% of the volume / weight of the load) and the high toxicity of waste gases, which necessitates the use of whole complexes for post-treatment of gases before their release into the atmosphere and disposal of slags at specially designated landfills;

    the absence in Russia of preliminary sorting of waste by places of their collection, as is practiced in the EU, the USA and other countries, makes it practically impossible to determine the approximate composition of waste, their calorific value, correction of the combustion process, as well as the presence of ferrous and non-ferrous metals in slags, which it is advisable to separate from the slag before its disposal;

    waste incineration boilers are large-scale large-sized units that are expensive in terms of start-up investments and costs during operation, and their installation in enterprises, incinerators or boiler houses requires a large number of permits from the relevant authorities;

Boilers on waste woodworking industry are currently recognized by the EU as promising heat generators, oriented to use both in local heating systems and boiler heating networks (the thermal power of modern boilers on waste woodworking industry varies from 2-3 kW to 200 kW or more). If we abstract from typical solid fuel boilers, ineffective, with manual loading of fuel and cleaning the combustion chamber, which are still sold by a number of manufacturers on the market of heating equipment in Russia, then it should be admitted that over the past 2-3 decades, boilers on waste from the woodworking industry (firewood, wood chips, pellets) have passed the next stage of evolution and today are characterized by comfort in operation and efficiency in burning wood waste.

Rice. Typical solid fuel boilers.

Waste boilers manufactured in Germany, Finland, Sweden have an efficiency of 80 to 96% (in condensing boilers), equipped with systems for automatic fuel loading, cleaning the combustion chamber, monitoring and control of the combustion process and removal of burnt gases (see videos below) ...

Video of the operation of an automated wood-fired boiler Buderus AG, part of the Bosch Thermotechnik division production and commercial group Bosch-Gruppe .

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Video of the automated pellet boiler from Buderus AG.

The main difficulties of arranging heating with wood / pellet boilers in Russia:

    heat of combustion of softwood firewood 7.5 - 8 MJ / kg, pellets - 6 MJ / kg, waste oils - 34 - 35 MJ / l, diesel fuel - 33.5 - 34 MJ / l, i.e. to obtain one heat energy it is necessary to burn 1 liter of mining / diesel fuel, 5.5 kg of pellets or 5 kg of softwood or hardwood firewood. At the cost of a kilogram of firewood / pellets from 6 rubles, the cost of a liter of mining is 6.5 rubles. and a liter of diesel fuel 29 rubles. in the Moscow region, with an equal boiler efficiency, this will determine the cost of 1 kWh of energy 3.07 - 3.03 rubles / kWh for boilers on diesel fuel, 0.68 - 0.66 rubles / kWh for boilers for development, 2.85 - 2.68 rubles. / kWh for wood-fired boilers and 3.39 - 4.05 rubles / kWh for pellet boilers;

    the calorific value of wood waste is highly dependent on the moisture content of the combusted fuel, and therefore for storing a reserve stock of firewood / pellets, it is necessary to equip a special dry room, preferably with control and correction of the relative humidity of the air, and the room must be located in the immediate vicinity of the boiler room and have a significant volume, sufficient to ensure uninterrupted operation of the waste boiler during the operation period;

    the cost of automated boilers for waste - wood and pellets, and even more efficient condensing type, is very high, and the reliability of the automation is determined both by the quality of the manufactured assemblies and the mechanism, and the quality of the supplied electricity;

    Typically in Russia, an increase in the number of pellet producers has practically no effect on their consumer value, which has been steadily increasing over the past five years.

Waste boilers - waste oils.

Waste oil boilers are still considered one of the most economical heat generators in terms of start-up investment and operating costs, and even in Russia, the cost of mining remains relatively stable, which is due to the significant costs of utilizing the development of supplier enterprises and low demand in comparison with the current supply on the market. The main advantages of air heaters and boilers for mining include:

  • high calorific value of mining, comparable to the calorific value of diesel fuel;
  • simplicity of automation, control and management of boiler equipment and the heating system as a whole, including remotely via the Internet, cellular networks 4G, 3G, EDGE from a PC, Netbook, Apple MacBook, Notebook, smartphone, communicator, iPad, iPhone and iPodTouch (see. );
  • relatively low cost of modern boilers for development and low operating costs for fuel, maintenance and depreciation of equipment;
  • the availability of mining on the fuel market at the current moment and in the future, taking into account the fact that the annual accumulation of used oils in Moscow alone is more than 250 thousand tonnes by weight, and this value is constantly increasing.

BiKoms Holding is an official distributor of the leading American manufacturer of waste oil heating equipment EconoHeat - OMNI USA, an authorized dealer of EnergyLogic (USA) and offers its compatriots - legal entities and individuals - efficient and economical air heaters and waste boilers. BiKoms Holding specialists will help you choose an air heater or a boiler for working out the required power, if necessary, design an efficient heating system, provide full information and advisory assistance during installation and operation, perform warranty and post-warranty (under a contract) maintenance of boiler equipment.

Boilers for sawdust, wood chips and wood waste

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Today we want to consider solid fuel boilers on chips and sawdust with automatic fuel supply using the example of Russian-made models of the popular Pyroliz Master trademark. The manufacturer produces 2 series of boilers for chips and sawdust - BIO series boilers for heating houses with an area of ​​100 square meters and industrial boilers BIO VULKAN PRO series for heating production facilities, greenhouse complexes, for generating heat in the housing sector.

Model series tables

So, we give tables of models, main characteristics and prices at which you can buy a boiler model that suits you.

Model power, kWt Area, up to m2 price, rub.
100 1000 662 600
160 1600 696 200
200 2000 722 900
250 2500 865 600
320 3200 1 083 600
400 4000 1 143 600
500 5000 1 219 600
600 6000 1 488 600
750 7500 1 595 600
850 8500 1 780 600
BIO VULKAN PRO-1000 1000 1000 1 990 600

Among the manufacturers of industrial boilers for chips and sawdust, it is worth noting the domestic company Pyroliz Master and its BIO VULKAN PRO 100-1000 kW series.

Industrial boiler for chips and sawdust Pyrolysis Master BIO VULKAN PRO

With their help, you can heat household, industrial and other premises, prepare heat for technical needs.

The boilers are equipped with a mechanical feed system for chips and sawdust into the combustion chamber.

Fuel fraction - 40 mm, humidity - up to 50%.

The maximum hot water temperature is 110 ºC.

If necessary, you can use as fuel manually loaded firewood, coal, briquettes, manually loaded, but the power will decrease by 15 - 20%.

Boiler device Pyrolysis Master BIO VULKAN PRO

Among the features of BIO VULKAN PRO solid fuel boilers, we note the following:

In the Pyrolysis Master BIO VULKAN PRO ash pan, under the grate, there is a fuel supply chute, a boiler screw conveyor is mounted into it, with the help of which, according to the "volcano", between the grates, and a frame made of heat-resistant concrete slabs, reinforced with a supporting structure, mechanized into the boiler furnace bulk fuel is supplied.

The flame of burning fuel heats the fireclay plates of the furnace, its inner walls and the bottom of the drum, and the resulting hot combustion products pass through the heating pipes of the heat exchanger so, giving off heat to the circulating water, they cool down and are removed from the boiler through the chimney.

Boilers for sawdust, husk, wood chips, peat, pellets of the BIO 15-500 kW series.

Model power, kWt Area, up to m2 price, rub.
BIO-15 15 150 185 000
BIO-20 20 200 190 000
BIO-30 30 300 210 000
BIO-40 40 400 225 000
BIO-50 50 50 265 000
BIO-60 60 600 294 000
BIO-80 80 800 357 000
BIO-100 100 1000 420 000
BIO-120 120 1200 483 000
BIO-160 16 1600 555 000
BIO-200 200 2000 621 000
BIO-250 250 2500 667 000
BIO-320 320 3200 930 000
BIO-400 400 4000 1 380 000
BIO-500 500 500 1 610 000

Pyrolysis master BIO

The basic equipment of the BIO boiler includes:

  • biomass boiler body;
  • basic biomass fuel bunker;
  • screw conveyor;
  • burner;
  • fan;
  • automatic control unit.

If desired, the bunker can be enlarged, the boiler can be equipped with automatic burner cleaning, GSM and WiFi modules.

Boilers Pyrolysis Master of the BIO series are distinguished by the presence of a 5-way heat exchanger. As a result, the boilers have the highest efficiency when compared to boilers with 2-3 strokes in the convection channels of the furnace.

The biomass is burned using a horizontal retort burner. This allows you to burn pellets in any quality, sawdust, wood chips with a fraction of up to 4 cm, oilseed husks, peat.

Automation, electronics and fans are presented by the best European manufacturers.

From the tables above, you can see that this is the richest assortment of boilers for chips and sawdust among all manufacturers on the Russian market. Such a set of power options will allow solving the problem of heating using wood chips and sawdust at any facility and for any area.

Principle of operation

Now let's consider the general arrangement of boilers for chips and sawdust.

The device body consists of the following elements:

  • firebox;
  • ash pan;
  • coil;
  • chimney;
  • blew;
  • heat distributor;
  • sensors.

Hargassner boiler device

In the firebox, on a special grate, the process of combustion of chips and sawdust takes place, thanks to which all the ashes and ash remain in the ash pan. This device should be cleaned about 2 times a month.

Due to the fact that chips and sawdust are wood waste and do not form a large flame, the heat exchanger in such boilers is heated by hot gases passing through it.

The heat exchanger consists of tubes that are connected in parallel. It is made of a material that withstands high temperatures well and does not rust, and also has such a quality as a high level of thermal conductivity.

Wood sawdust and wood chips are an especially economical fuel when there is a nearby fuel source: wood processing.

Wood chips boiler Hargassner WTH 150-200

To achieve higher productivity, gas-generating boilers for heating on wood chips and sawdust are used, which are heated not only due to the heat from fuel combustion, but also due to the pyrolysis gas released during the combustion of wood.

To burn the gas, the boiler furnace consists of two separate chambers. In one, the fuel itself burns, in the other, the gas coming from the first chamber burns.

Boilers for heating, operating on sawdust and wood chips, like other heating devices, are single-circuit and double-circuit.

The former are designed exclusively for heating the room, the latter are also capable of heating water. Such units are in demand among the owners of private houses, tk. allow not only to provide the house with heat, but also to equip the water supply in the house.

The efficiency of boilers operating on sawdust and wood chips is about 90%.

Fuel supply system

Solid fuel boilers for long burning on wood chips and sawdust, operating in an autonomous mode, practically do not require maintenance.

Fuel is supplied by means of several conveyors:

  1. Successor - the bunker has free access from outside the building. It has an auger transmission that is connected to the main storage. After the fuel is loaded into the bunker, the conveyor is switched on, which delivers the fuel to the mechanized storage.
  2. There are two types of storage, with different ways of feeding wood chips into the boiler. In the first case, an inclined base acts in the form of a hopper, which forms a cone, at the bottom of it there is a screw transmission. The second uses a turner with blades connected to it. During the rotation of the device, chips fall into the auger.
  3. After the storage, the chips do not enter the boiler immediately. Pyrolysis heating hot water boilers operating on sawdust and wood chips supply fuel in parts. Each new portion of fuel enters the furnace using a special drum, which is connected to a screw drive that feeds chips to the burner.

System for loading fuel from the fuel storage using a horizontal spring agitator with a lifting screw conveyor for HERZ firematic 20-301 and HERZ BioMatic 220-500 boilers

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other heating device, solid fuel boilers have their pros and cons. Most of the disadvantages are associated precisely with the type of fuel - wood chips. It has low free-flowing properties, due to which it is difficult to transport it. Chips and sawdust are characterized by high humidity, therefore they burn worse than wood or.

Wood chips and pellet boiler Termal SF

However, despite a number of negative aspects, there are also positive aspects of such devices:

  • inexpensive fuel, because waste is used as it;
  • thanks to the absolute automation of the work of solid fuel boilers, they can function even if there are no people in the house;
  • all wood fuels are environmentally friendly, so there will be no harm to the environment;
  • high efficiency (90% or more);
  • they are economical, they can heat a room for 10-12 hours on one load of fuel;
  • heating occurs quickly, 30-40 minutes after ignition;
  • the design of such devices is simple, but at the same time reliable.

On the market, you can find various options for similar boilers from foreign (for example, Termal, Faci, HERZ, Hargassner) and Russian manufacturers (for example, Zota).

Therefore, it is worth taking a closer look at sawdust and other woodworking waste.

Removal, processing and disposal of waste from 1 to 5 hazard class

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Wood waste - waste that is generated during the processing, disposal and use of wood. The sawdust boiler recycles this waste.

Wood waste is formed:

  • While working with the timber industry and timber processing plants.
  • When felling low quality wood, tops, large branches and deciduous species.
  • For sanitary care of plantings in parks and squares.

It is worth remembering that a huge number of enterprises do not export wood waste, but use them as fuel. Such organizations place particular emphasis on sawdust, as they are an ideal source of fuel. Wood waste is an excellent raw material for the manufacture of various building materials. Such products are actively used in almost all spheres of human activity.


There are two main classifications according to which wood waste is divided. Depending on the production where waste is generated:

  • Logging waste is the detachable elements of wood that are generated during the production of logging. For example, the remains of bark, needles and leaves.
  • Woodworking waste - wood waste generated as a result of woodworking production.

Based on the shape and size of the particles, wood waste can be divided into:

  • Lump wood waste - canopies, laths and short meters
  • Soft wood waste - this includes sawdust and shavings

The export, processing and further use of each category is different. So, garbage from logging in most cases is sent for secondary processing, you can also make wooden products like furniture from it, and create solid fuel from lump waste.

Removal of wood waste

The removal of such waste is carried out by special organizations, which then send it for incineration in a CHP plant operating on sawdust, or to recycling plants. It should be noted that removal, as a way to get rid of waste of this type, is irrational.

There are two reasons for this:

  • Cheapness. Due to the excess of wood waste, the market value dropped to a minimum. The cost depends on the specific region.
  • Transport costs. The cost of renting a vehicle can be higher than the profit earned from the disposal of waste.


In most cases, wood products are burned in order to use the generated heat to heat the premises. This is the main and rational way to dispose of bark and other waste. For this purpose, you can take layer or vortex furnaces, dust burners, but the most successful solution would be to use boilers on sawdust and wood debris. With their help, you can even create gas generators on wood waste or mini CHP, which will significantly save on heating.

A mini CHP, operating on sawdust and wood waste, is a heat power plant designed to generate heat and electrical energy in mechanisms with a capacity of no more than 25 MW.


It is worth mentioning the advantages of a mini cogeneration plant operating on wood waste and sawdust. Compared to other methods of heating, such as gas or coal, a mini CHP on wood waste has a number of indisputable advantages.

Let's take a closer look at the main ones:

  • You can not depend on centralized heating and electricity networks. This is especially convenient in those areas where there is no widespread electrification and gasification.
  • If a wood waste boiler house is intended for use in production, the waste of which is wood chips used as fuel, then it is possible to significantly reduce, or even completely eliminate, the cost of other fuel materials.
  • Production wastes will be used, so there is no need to spend money on their removal and further disposal.

In addition, it can be noted that reducing the cost of purchasing energy resources will help the development of production, because such an economical source of energy will make it possible to produce products that require significant energy costs.

Wood waste boilers

The basis for such a device as a wood waste boiler is a boiler that runs on wood waste. Boilers can be different, however, the general classification divides them into steam and hot water.

  1. Waste and sawdust steam boilers, as the name suggests, generate steam by driving steam turbines. In this way, you can get electricity, which can be used for heating and other technological needs.
  2. The hot water boiler is used to supply the production with hot water or heating.

In addition, there are a number of other criteria by which the classification is carried out:

  • Performance. In thermal boilers, it is called steam capacity and is measured in megapascals / cm 2. In hot water, this parameter is called "heat performance" and is measured in megawatts. In part, the performance of such a device as a sawdust heating boiler depends on the type and quality of the material. So, one of the characteristics is the bulk density of wood sawdust.
  • The material from which the boilers are made on long-burning sawdust. In most cases, these wood waste boilers are made of steel or cast iron.
  • Water circulation in hot water boilers, which can be direct-flow, natural, combined or forced.

If we talk about steam boilers, then they are also divided according to the temperature of the steam they produce. Although a similar criterion can be observed in the hot-water type - the maximum temperature of the heated water is measured there. Here, too, the bulk density of wood sawdust can play a role. It is also important that the formula setting the ratio of chips, bark and sawdust is set correctly. To make boilers on sawdust with your own hands, you will need knowledge in the field of physics, small skills and diagrams.

Optional equipment

Of course, a boiler alone will not be enough for the normal functioning of the system.

To create your own mini CHP on wood waste you will also need:

  • Fuel storage warehouse
  • A device that transports wood chips from the warehouse to the boiler
  • Ventilation system for supplying fresh air to the boiler and removing combustion products
  • Temperature and smoke level sensors
  • Devices for cleaning the smoke coming from the boiler from ash and slag
  • Water purifiers
  • Turbogenerator
  • A system that allows you to manage all processes in a mini CHP.

Although it seems that there are a lot of points, they are all extremely necessary for the power plant to be completely safe, because it is based on a heating boiler using waste as fuel (bark, sawdust and other wood waste).

A thermal power plant operating on wood waste is in itself much more environmentally friendly than its counterparts operating on coal or fuel oil; special filtration systems will reduce air pollution by combustion products. This is another reason why wood waste burning with boilers is gaining in popularity.

Wood waste use

Using wood waste from bark and wood as secondary raw materials:

  • Waste wood can be used to make useful wood products, such as parquet flooring or furniture.
  • Creation of building materials for thermal insulation and production of fiberboard, chipboard.
  • The remains of the bark are used in the field of pharmacology as a phytopreparation. Another way to use the remnant of the bark is preparations for treating the skin.
  • Greens are used as fertilizer.
  • Large waste is used in the paper industry.
  • Small debris such as wood chips, sawdust and bark has proven to be an excellent fuel resource.
  • Devices for the treatment of contaminated effluents with oil products operate on sawdust.

As a rule, only large organizations are engaged in recycling, while small ones prefer to take garbage to landfills or for recycling in order to generate additional income.

In a highly competitive environment, furniture companies and sawmills are forced to constantly optimize their costs. One of the ways to minimize them is to use our own wood waste for heating production facilities. For this purpose, the enterprises are installing boiler houses operating on woodworking waste. Let's consider the principle of operation of such a boiler house using the example of the most common boilers of the KTU series from the Teploresurs company today.

General scheme and principle of operation

It should be noted right away that the fuel for heating is loaded mechanically using a screw system or a hydraulic pusher. This eliminates the manual work of filling the boiler with fuel. The duties of the service personnel include:

1. Boiler operation control

2. Regular filling of fuel into a special bunker, from which fuel is supplied to the boiler.

3. Cleaning the ash pan. In the extended configuration, there is a function of mechanical removal of spent fuel residues, in the basic configuration, this work has to be performed manually.

The boiler operation can be divided into the following three stages.

1. Drying of fuel. Most of the waste comes from wood processing enterprises, therefore, it has increased humidity. To ensure uniform and stable combustion, the sawdust is dried on a grate.

2. Extraction of CO. The grate is initially kept at a low temperature, thanks to which the sawmill emits maximum carbon from the combustion.

3. Afterburning of CO. The combustion product is fed into the afterburner zone and burns at a temperature of 900-950 degrees. This allows you to go through the carbon oxidation process.

This scheme allows you to significantly increase the combustion efficiency and practically use the entire potential of wood chips for heating a room. This operating principle is called grate bed combustion. Automatic air distribution also contributes to combustion efficiency.

Security systems and automation

In order for the boiler to work in the safest way, the following protection devices are used.

1. Thermal insulation of the cladding.

2. Anti-explosion valves. Relieve excessive steam pressure.

3. Temperature sensors at the inlet and outlet of the coolant.

4. Temperature sensor of flue gases.

All these elements help to effectively take care of the safety of the boiler and prevent possible dangerous situations, and, if necessary, give a signal and stop the operation of the unit. The combustion rate of the fuel is regulated by dosing oxygen for oxidation. The supply of materials to the furnace is carried out using a screw system or a hydraulic pusher.

Advantages of using a sawdust boiler

As the main advantages, it is worth noting the low cost of fuel, compared to fossil fuels, and as a result, low operating costs. The ability to switch from one type of fuel to another (peat, sawdust, shavings, etc.) with minimal changes to the boiler settings is also a significant plus. Thanks to boilers of this type, it is possible to save a lot. This is especially noticeable if you have to heat large rooms. Fuel procurement is also not a problem, most logging and woodworking enterprises will readily dispose of several tons of waste that must be disposed of.

With the rise in gas and electricity tariffs, there is a need to use cheaper fuels. These include peat, wood waste, agricultural waste. Many enterprises are created on sites with no communication of heating networks. There is a problem with the heat required for the normal operation of the enterprise. This is solved by the construction of an autonomous boiler room. Waste boilers have been created to generate heat.

Waste boilers solve two important problems. Firstly, they help to get rid of unnecessary waste from woodworking enterprises, straw, cake. Secondly, they help to solve the problem with heat for the needs of the enterprise, household needs.

Wood waste boiler

Solid fuel boilers are divided into two groups. The first group - boilers that use wood, sawdust, wood chips, firewood up to 1.5 m in length, lump waste as fuel. The second group - boilers with pyrolysis wood combustion, a vortex gas generator is included in the package. The combustion of wood gas is used, excluding the formation of soot. The wood waste boiler allows you to regulate the power in the range of 30-100%, while the efficiency remains high. Water acts as a coolant, the package includes a fuel storage - a bunker, which helps to ensure round-the-clock uninterrupted operation. Fuel loading is required once a day. A woodworking waste boiler makes it possible to transfer heat energy over long distances, to be used for drying in drying chambers. The pyrolysis system allows the use of wood with a moisture content of no more than 20%. The woodworking waste boiler provides for a mechanical fuel supply, which guarantees stable combustion of the furnace, and allows you to regulate the heat output. The wood waste boiler maintains the set leaving water temperature. The boiler operation is controlled by automation. Modifications of these boilers can be represented by the KVSm-OD and KV-Va models.

Wood waste boiler

The waste boiler is completely safe in operation, the kit includes a protection system that meets the regulatory requirements for fire and technical safety; represents an almost ready-to-use structure. The waste boiler in an original way solves the problem with fuel, using various types of woodworking and sawmilling waste. They are characterized by reliability, simplicity and ease of maintenance.