How to make a pylorama cost-effective business. How to open a sawmill: Detailed manual for business organization

At the planning stage, the capabilities of the panel as a business should be assessed. Construction in Russia does not calm almost never. With any technology, wood products are used. also needs high-quality lumber. The processing of a tree is much more intelligent than selling valuable rocks at the price of raw materials. In this article, we will talk about how to open the pilor and make it profitable.

You can start your timbering business with a small budget panel worth about 400 thousand rubles. The powerful technique will need from 1 million to 4 million rubles. The total cost of the project will be from 20 million rubles (equipment, land, build, transport, tree reserves). In the perspective of the sawmaker can be upgraded into a high-tech wood processing enterprise.

Small production has a number of features:

  • easier to control the production process;
  • you can get out of business with smaller losses;
  • you can gradually buy equipment;
  • profit will be relatively small;
  • such production can be mobile (mobile).

Based on the demand for lumber, you need to decide on the assortment. Main Products: Edged, Planed Barboard, furniture shields, lining. Cable coils and fuel granules increase production efficiency. For their manufacture, waste is used: sawdust, trimming, chips. You can also successfully combine with the manufacture of sawn timber.The main consumers of the all the above products are: private developers, building markets and organizations, as well as furniture manufacturers.

Reviews of experienced entrepreneurs about the work of pilots and woodworking, as a business, mostly disapproving. There are problems with unscrupulous suppliers of raw materials. Not always established convenient and high-quality service from the manufacturer of equipment. Prices for foreign machines and spare parts are high.

IN winter time Demand drops, and the equipment works in her rigid conditions. Heated premises and their boiler rooms are not all. In 2017, there were changes in the laws. Online cash registers of transactions in the EGAIS (automated information system) cause many questions and misunderstanding in logging and woodworking. All of these features must be taken into account when drawing up a business plan of its own siloram.

Choosing a location and registration of the enterprise

Production should be located no closer than 100 meters to the residential area. The presence of electricity and water is necessary for the equipment. The size of the territory is selected based on the volume of work. For a large economy you need at least one hectare of land.

Processing a tree next to cutting wisely from the position of logistics. Transport costs for the transport of raw materials are reduced, but the delivery of goods to the final consumer can be expensive. It is necessary to search for a compromise. The outskirts of the city (40-50 km) or the industrial zone are suitable for enterprise arrangement.

You can register as individual entrepreneur (See both the Action Plan) and a limited liability company (see). The first option - IP - gives greater freedom in terms of working with cash, but the entrepreneur has to meet with personal property in front of creditors.

Attention! In the local branch of the tax service, you can choose codes of activities on OKVED, suitable for production and sale of sawn timber. For sawing, planing, production wooden structures, sawn timber, carpentry, manufacturers are suitable for codes: 16.10, 16.10.1-16.10.3, 16.23, 16.24.

In order to start work, you need to perform the following actions:

  • conduct certification of jobs;
  • assign responsible person safety (TB);
  • go check the Ministry of Emergency Situations fire safety;
  • get a passport for waste production;
  • get a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion.

When everything is ready, you should notify Rospotrebnadzor on the launch of wood processing production.

Arrangement of the territory and choice of equipment

On the territory of the wood processing enterprise must be:

  • warehouses for storage of raw materials and finished products;
  • hangar for wood processing with different equipment;
  • drying chambers;
  • canopy to work outdoors;
  • loader and cargo machine with hydraulic manipulator.

For trucks should be enough space to maneuver. The required power supply capacity varies from 15 kW to 400 kW and directly depends on the peak power of installed machines and sawmills.

From right choice Pilorams depends on the quality of processing materials. The minimum propyl increases the output of the board. Speed \u200b\u200b2.5 mm is more profitable than it was cut 4 mm. The output of the board is larger on the belt panel, but the production is more difficult, the tapes sometimes rush. Machines with a wide ribbon more productive sawmills with a narrow ribbon 3-5 times.

The human factor in aggregate with the unfortunate operation of the machine can lead to low quality materials. Therefore, it is necessary to have their own service equipment (sharpening machine and tools for attack, welding, forging) and your master. Electromechanical log feed optimizes the process, ergonomics increases. The shifting panel should give a minimum of 15-20 cubic meters of lumber.

Staff staff

Personnel question is one of the most important in the opening of the sawmill. At least two frames, utility workers, driver of the loader, collectors of products and structures (pallets, fences, drawers, coils), operators of drying chambers and machines are operating at a serious production. The automation of production reduces the frames of frames and increases the volumes of products.

Many entrepreneurs are trying to save employees on the salary and hire no more than 2-4 people. It is difficult to find qualified workers who are ready to work for the minimum fee. Such savings can turn into trouble. The illiterate workers can deal with the equipment in one season. The breakdowns will lead to downtime. For this reason, a lot of pylora closed.

Costs and income

The main raw material used for the production of sawn goods is a tree of coniferous rocks (pine, spruce, cedar). The cost of large and medium rounds of coniferous rocks 2700-3500 rubles per cube. m. Qualitative lumber is implemented at 6000-8,000 rubles per cube. m. Part of the products are sold in almost the cost of raw materials. The output of finished products can be increased from 60% to 80% due to additional production. Practical profitability of the sawmills is in a wide range of 40% -70% and depends on the specifics of the business.

The volume of the processed raw materials affects profitability. The average capacity of a small sawmill is 30-40 cubic meters. M sawdums per day. With a monthly implementation of 900-1200 cu. production income will be approximately 4.5-6 million rubles. At the same time, the cost of purchasing raw materials will amount to 3.5-4.6 million rubles, current costs of 300-400 thousand rubles. Middle earnings will be 800 thousand rubles. The payback period with such indicators will be from one and a half to three years.

On a note:

Nowadays, construction is one of the most profitable and actively developing industries, and the tree is considered an elite and sought-after material.

It is actively used to erect private houses, cottages and other structures. Wooden buildings Beautiful and reliable, they bring the person to nature, and therefore the failure of the use of wood in the coming years is not expected. When making boards, you always find the customer interested and will not be left without profit.

But, like every other business, production of boards on the saw has its difficulties and nuances.

In addition to the relevance of the direction, the pluses of the panel can also be attributed relative cheap equipment. Indeed, the installation for sawing logs itself, with all its functionality, it is not too expensive. But this business implies many other significant costsrelated to the purchase of raw materials, rental area (and it will be needed a lot) and others. In any case, the initial capital should be considerable.

To dispose of your means as efficiently as possible and try to save, you need to have a clear business plan and a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat your work will be.

How to organize panel work: business plan

A business plan can always be ordered from professionals providing such services, it will simplify your task. But this, again, money, and the costs you and so have enough.

If you still decided to think through everything yourself, the first step should be standard: this is the analysis of the market.

Note Next moments:

  • Presence / lack of obvious competitors;
  • The average cost of products manufactured in your city;
  • Potential clients.
    Immediately it is necessary to schedule firms that can later cooperate with you, and make sure it is so.

Where to extract raw materials?

Suppose that circumstances are favorable, and suitable soil for opening your business is available.

But, in addition to the above, it is necessary to find out another important question: is the deforestation of forests allowed Is your city or region?

If not, you should not even start, because your business will be considered illegal. Such a ban can be imposed in connection with the presence of valuable breeds in the forest listed in the Red Book, or for other reasons.

Of course, always remains alternative way - Purchase of finished raw materials. But specialists persistently do not recommend It is used because it is unprofitable.

Such raw materials are expensive, and the risks that your business will not pay off, increase significantly. In addition, the panel has one negative feature: due to expenses on the production of finished boards, it turns out to be at times less than the material was originally. If you count all losses, in the end it turns out that the game is not worth the candle.

Acquire the forest "on the root" and independently engage in raw materials in all respects it is more profitable. But calculate that the material will need a lot, the forest resources must be enough.

According to the law, it is impossible to purchase a forest area to the property, only its lease with the corresponding permission to cutting down. If theoretically, this option in your region is possible, you will need to collect the following package of documents:

  • Personal statement;
  • Permission to cut down the participant's owner if you rent land, or a document confirming your ownership of the site;
  • Forest Department's resolution;
  • Technical passport site (on demand).

Foresting the forest is carried out in two ways:

  • non-linkable way when motor saws are used for logging,
  • or irrigate, then apply bulldozers or other machines capable of pulling out a tree with a root.

The last method is used mainly to liberate a plot for agricultural needs, and it is hardly necessary for you.

Calculation of costs and income in. The size of the starting capital for the organization of industrial business.

In a separate talk about accounting for economic efficiency in the business plan of vegetable store.

Read about the prospects and profitability of the sawmill at the address. How to evaluate these indicators in business plan?

Plot and room

Use your own country cottage area under the pyloram Theoretically, it is possible, but undesirableSince industrial business is required to have land in the industrial work fund. Therefore, more convenient way - Rent:

  • Plot you need quite large minimum 30 acresTherefore, be prepared that a large part of the cost will go for rent.
  • The closer directly to the forest you will sit down, the better.
  • In addition, it is desirable to be away from residential areas to prevent anyone.
  • At the same time, the driveways to the panel must be convenient.

The site itself is symbolically can be divided into three parts:

  • for storage of raw materials
  • for storing ready-made boards
  • and for the panel itself.

In addition, you will need a utility room for workers and insulated bathroom. Immediately take care of a special canopy for your panel: because you have to work under various weather conditions, and without it can not do without it.

A separate point is the electricity.

Minimum power Voltages for sawmills - 50 kWAt the same time, electricity should work without failures, your earnings depends on it.

Therefore, a significant part of the funds will have to invest in the supply of a plot with electricity.

Production technology

There are several types of sawmills, each of which possesses both pros and minuses.

  • Disk saws.
    Simplified mini-option for home use or small production.

It is suitable for you only if you do not plan to be seriously manufactured with the prospect of business expansion. Saws are good with their compactness, but at the level of productivity it is not the best way. Yes, and the constant need to change the nozzle is depressing.

  • .
    This day is the most popular optionSince it is easy to operate, does not require excess adjustment, reliable and productive. But there is a problem with nozzles - their replacement is required about every three hours.

  • Frame machines.
    This equipment is the most powerful and has the highest performance. A significant minus is that waste when using these machines remains a lot.

Domestic equipment is cheaper, and acquire it more profitable. But, at the same time, professionals recommend use imported nozzles and saws.

After processing raw materials at the exit you can get boards of two species: Edged and unedged. The latter retains the edges and the bark on the sides. Such products are cheaper, so it is better to do better on the production of edged boards.

Also, if you want to make more, do not dispose of consumables:

  • Wood can be useful to fuel people, it can be sold.
  • Sawdust and chips are also often needed in the farm.

Use your resources to the maximum, it is very important in any business.

Make economic calculation for a small business plan ribbon Pyloram Help video with full work process:

Personnel and advertising

Most of the success and functionality of the sawmills depends on the efforts of workers. Your task is to create them the most comfortable conditions Labor, but at the same time stimulate to activities.

Do not install a fixed salary - better let the employee's salary depends on the number of processed products.

On the sawmaker, it is important to work productively: the demand for goods will always be, no work will be superfluous. The more machine tools you have, with employees working for them, the better for production.

If necessary, you can also hire:

  • loader
  • driver
  • storam, etc.

You need to promote your business available methods, not bold on advertising, ads and signs.

Good way to find manager or construction companywho agrees for a certain percentage from revenue to attract buyers to you. At first, while you are just typing the client base, this option will be optimal for you.

Main aspects. Financial Side of the organization of its own enterprise.

Overview successful business Ideas for realization in rural areas.

Popular business ideas in little city Available at. What activities are easier to promote in a small town?

An example of a business plan for the opening of the sawmill

  • Rent a plot - up to 100 thousand rubles / month, depending on the area;
  • Repair, arrangement of premises, electrification - 200 thousand rubles;
  • The minimum set of sawmills - 200-300 thousand rubles;
  • Transportation costs - 30 thousand rubles / month;
  • Salary employees - 50 thousand rubles / month;
  • The cost of raw materials - about 2,500 rubles per m 3;
  • Taxes - about 22 thousand rubles / month;
  • Unforeseen expenses and trivia - 30 thousand rubles / month.

TOTAL, the size of the starting investment For the opening of the middle panel - about a million rubles, monthly contribution - 500-700 thousand rubles.

This type of business fully pays off not quickly - in 2-2.5 yearsHowever, he brings a considerable income. This is an excellent choice for a decisive, confident and hardworking entrepreneur.

  • Product description
  • Production plan
  • Financial plan
  • Preparation of documents
        • Related business ideas:

Business plan for the organization of sawmills with a volume of production 330 cubic meters of finished products per month

Phased plan for organizing sawmill

The main feature of this business is its attachment to sources of raw materials. Therefore, your assessment of the prospects for the development of the future sawmill should begin with the study of the proposals of potential forest providers. Only after that it is possible to expand the directions of marketing research and proceed to analyzing the situation in the market of wooden boards and bars, dating with representatives of the target audience, etc.

The following stages of the organization of the future sawmill include:

  • preparation of a business plan and analysis of your capabilities;
  • registration and registration of the necessary documents;
  • search for the production site;
  • buying equipment;
  • formation of staff;
  • conclusion of contracts with suppliers and other counterparties;
  • decision of administrative issues.

Solving the above tasks, do not forget that many potential buyers of wooden products reluctantly change their suppliers, therefore, very carefully check how the market will react to the emergence of a new participant.

How much money is needed to open the sawmill

According to our calculations, the opening of the sawmill on the leased site will require investments from 1.75 million rubles. Basic investments are the purchase of equipment, wood processing machines:

  • MOLODA-1200 circular machine - 450 thousand rubles.
  • Machine band saw "Altai-900A-PROF" with DVS "Honda" 20 hp - 205 thousand rubles.
  • Edge-shaped mounted single "Altai-007A" with DVS "Honda" 13 hp - 102 thousand rubles.
  • Disc multicyl "Taiga SD-1" - 200 thousand rubles.
  • Mountain-riveted machine - 110 thousand rubles.
  • The planing machine Corvette-106 - 30 thousand rubles.
  • Shimmer and adjustable machine - 70 thousand rubles.
  • Accessories and tools - 100 thousand rubles.
  • Deposit for renting premises - 150 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of raw materials and materials - 250 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising - 50 thousand rubles.
  • Registration of business and other expenses - 100 thousand rubles.

Product description

Our organization plans to produce and implement the following product range:

  • Bar - from 5000 rubles. \\ M3
  • Edged board - from 5000 rubles. \\ M3
  • Board non-edged - from 3500 rubles. \\ M3

The company will work in five day mode in one eight-hour working shift. Approximate production volume - 330 cubic meters of finished products per month. This corresponds to a 15 m3 edged board in shift (8 hours). The main channels of the board and timber sales:

  • Frequent individuals
  • Construction companies
  • Wholesale dealers
  • Building markets

Raw (Forest "Klovyuk") is planned to be purchased from local logging enterprises at a price of 1.5 - 2.5 thousand rubles per cube. meter.

Production plan

For the organization of the sawmill, it is planned to rent a hangar with an area of \u200b\u200b500 square meters. meters, storage room - 300 square meters. meters I. land plot - 500 square meters. meters. The total leased area will be 1,300 square meters. meters, with a monthly rental board of 150 thousand rubles. The company will be located at a distance of 40 km from the major city millionth. The considerable distance allows you to get cheaper rates and availability of raw materials. At the same time, the potential client base is close enough, which will facilitate the sale of finished products.

The production premises will comply with all the requirements necessary for the organization of production: sufficient space, the presence of water supply and electricity (with a capacity of over 400 kW), convenient access roads.

For the operation of machines (circular saw, belt, etc.), it will be necessary to employ 3 operators and 5 assistants. Payment of work personnel - piecework, 200 rubles / m3 of finished products. In addition, utility workers will be adopted to work (2 people), movers (4 people), sales manager (1 person), head of the workshop (1 person). Accountant services are planned to take outsourcing.

What taxation system to choose

LLC (limited liability company) will be registered as the organizational and legal form of the enterprise. The number of founders is 2 people. The tax system is simplified, 15% of the company's profits.

Financial plan

Let us turn to the calculation of the main indicators of the economic efficiency of the sawmill with a production volume of 330 cubic meters. meter of finished products per month.

Permanent monthly expenses

  • Rental of premises - 150 thousand rubles. (454 rubles / m3)
  • Communal payments (electricity, water supply) - 60 thousand rubles. (181 rubles / m3)
  • Advertising - 30 thousand rubles. (90 rub. \\ M3)
  • Salary (head of the workshop, movers, manager, handyman) + Insurance deductions - 160 thousand rubles. (484 rubles / m3)
  • Outsourcing (Accounting) - 10 thousand rubles. (30 rubles / m3)
  • Depreciation - 25 thousand rubles. (75 rubles / m3)
  • Other expenses - 50 thousand rubles. (151 rubles / m3)

Variable expenses (depending on production volume)

  • Raw (Forest "Round", Pine) with delivery - 2000 rubles / m3
  • Remuneration (operators) - 200 rubles / m3

Hence the cost of production of 1 m3 is 3665 rubles / m3.

How much can you make money on the sale of finished products

The average sales price of the edged board and the bar - 5000 rubles / m3. Profit from sale 1 m3 \u003d 5000 - 3665 \u003d 1335 rubles. For a minus taxes (USN, 15% of profits), net profit will be 1135 rubles. Accordingly, the implementation of 330 m3 finished products per month will make a profit equal to 374,550 rubles. The profitability of the sawmill, according to the calculations of the business plan, is 31%. Taking into account the period for the promotion of the business, the payback of initial investments will come after 12-15 months of work.

Preparation of documents

Experienced businessmen working in this sector of the economy are recommended to register LLC (99% of serious construction companies will never sign contracts with IP).

In addition to papers confirming the fact of registration and paying taxes, you must have:

  • permission of fire inspection, labor protection and Rospotrebica;
  • documents confirming product quality;
  • contracts with suppliers and buyers;
  • contracts with personnel;
  • labor protection journals.

The statement of registration of LLC, reports and many other documents it is necessary to indicate the codes of your activities (according to the All-Russian Classifier). For the operation of the sawmill, it is OKVED 16.10 (production of wooden sawn timber and structures) and OKVED 46.73 (trade wooden boards, bars, etc.).

Capital investment in business: from 1,000,000 rubles.

Payback: from 1 year.

IN last years Being closer to nature and strive for care about ecology has become a real fashion.

What caused, among other things, the rapid jump is the popularity of wooden houses, cottages and other construction of natural materials.

And this, in turn, led to the fact that piloram as a business Began to attract many entrepreneurs. Including beginners, because this business activities Differs pretty simple start.

Capital investment amount is also not foreseen: 1,000,000 rubles are enough to open full-fledged production.

In general, the panel is a special machine that cuts wooden bars or logs (so-called round forest) Along.

But later, this word began to use for the title of all production as a whole, where the panel is the main, but not the only part of the equipment.

If this profitable business Attracted your attention, from the article you will learn all the details and secrets of his organization.

Piloram as a business today

The jump in the popularity of "natural" construction from wood led to the creation of a fertile soil to open the saw.

Accordingly, the competition between entrepreneurs intensified.

But there is a positive side in this.

For example, those who want to save on the start can purchase equipment used in use.

Of course, it is necessary to approach this step with the mind. But if you know what and how to choose, you can use this excellent opportunity to reduce the threshold of entering the business.

Also, on the basis of current trends, it can be concluded that the crisis for some reason does not concern window Rams from natural materials.

Therefore, the products that sawmills produce will be in demand in any case.

Analysis of the market situation

"Running the secret of the success of managers, it is worth looking at the decision, but for a way that allowed to come to him."
Justin Makes.

Although business on the saws is favorable and in demand, it is impossible to generalize these indicators.

For some regions, advantages will be not so obvious, but not at all are not significant.

If you are planning to open the sawmill, it is worth assessing the situation in such indicators:

  • What is the competitiveness in the market of the woodworking industry in your region?
  • Is there a sufficient number of sales markets or raw materials have to be transported to another region?
  • What products are purchased particularly active (on the production of what you need to navigate)?
  • What providers in your area and under what conditions are they ready to deliver raw materials?
  • Is the administration of your deforestation permission?
    Is it possible to introduce a prohibition of activities in the near future?

What is needed for the start of business on the pailoram?

The first thing you need to do before opening any business is to make a business plan.

In the document on the opening of the sawmills, such moments should be illuminated:

  • tree stocks on the selected area,
  • where products will come true,
  • how much is it worth opening the pilor and what exactly will take this money
  • what equipment will need to work,
  • how much will it take to hire people in the state and what wage will be installed for them
  • prompt profitability and payback to this project.

When you analyze current state Affairs in the woodworking industry of your region, a separate attention is paid to competitors.

Need to evaluate their presence in different areas (processing of raw materials, its production, production, other).

It is also important to determine the share of their presence.

Based on this data, there is a conclusion about potential competitive advantages.

For some enterprises, a good course will be a more affordable price, for other convenient conditions for delivery to customers.

Financial calculations are also a very important section of the sawmill business plan. Perhaps even the most important.

Ordinary capital investments to open the sawmill are at least 2 million rubles.

But if you correctly analyze all of the above items and work out a strategy of work, you can do with smaller investments.

Payback in this case will be no more than a year.

Potential Channels for Piloram

Channels for the sale of sawmills are important to designate even at the stage of the business plan.

By the time you open, you must have a list of sales points. And also prepared a website that presents the company.

It is important to add data about the organization on thematic portals and in the appropriate print editions.

Pylorars are in demand:

  • various furniture factories;
  • plants that manufacture window and door profiles made of wood;
  • firms that make other wood products;
  • the shops building materials;
  • wholesale points of trading wooden building materials;
  • individual developers and others.

How to open the sawmill: We select rooms

To open the pilor, you need to buy or find a room for rent, the size of which will be at least 500-700 sq.m.

It makes sense to look square meters not in the central regions.

So you can save up to 50% at cost. Of course, you will have to invest in the arrangement of an entrance to the production and refining of the territories.

But at the expense of a short distance between the forest and shops, you can continue to save on the transport of raw materials.

A variety of industrial premises should be located on the territory of the complex:

  • the main workshop where production is located;
  • workshops where repairs are made;
  • place for storing raw materials;
  • warehouse for manufactured panel products;
  • hangar;
  • administration building;
  • personal premises for employees - toilet, shower, kitchen.

How to open a sawmill with scratch: employees

Pilorama is such a business that is impossible to open alone.

You will need a team of professionals who will consist of such posts:

  • administrator,
  • machinekov workers,
  • repair workers
  • handyman
  • drivers
  • protection (Storeby).

The number of the team will depend on the estimated volumes of production.

Payment is to install piecework to create employees an additional stimulus work.

Pilorama opening risks

When drawing up a development plan for a business, it is important to take into account the point of potential risks that may arise when opening the panel.

The main difficulties are two:

  1. Open the pilor relatively simply and it does not require a huge starting capital.
    Therefore, many novice entrepreneurs try their strength in this area, creating a huge competition.
    Many panels are closed after the first spent season.
    But nevertheless, the fact of high competition cannot be canceled.
  2. Another risk that the entrepreneurs volunteers who have decided to open the pilor are a high level of dependence on the construction of the area.
    The more the demand for construction services will fall, the worse there will be affairs on the panel.

How much money do you need to open the saw?

To open the sawmills, no less than 1 million rubles will be required.

The greatest part of the cost (about 70%) will be on the purchase of equipment.

If you want to save on this point, you might think about buying machines used.

In connection with the past crisis, there are many high-quality equipment at a very affordable price.

But what is not worth doing in no way, so it is to buy machines from unreliable manufacturers who differ only in low cost.

After all, the quality of your equipment is the key to success.

One breakdown can stop the panel's work, and this is unacceptable.

The opening cost table looks like this:

Article costs for businessAmount (rub.)
TOTAL:From 1 000 000 rub
Buying equipmentFrom 700,000
Setting and running equipment20 000
Rental of premisesFrom 50,000
Repair and arrangement of premisesFrom 100,000
Advertising campaignFrom 10,000
Salary of employeesPiecework
Unrecorded expenses20 000

The video below shows

sawmill operation process:

Piloram favorable business?

Statistically, all investments in the business on the pylorama will pay off over the year.

The level of profitability is at least 40%, and sometimes up to 70%!

And this is a very high indicator.

But if you are going to open a pareer of a more serious level, the numbers will change.

Extensive production will cost an entrepreneur at least 4,000,000 rubles.

The payback period of invested funds will grow up to several years.

There is an important detail that will help get more income from activities.

For this, you just need to establish such a cycle of work that will not have waste. After all, about half of the raw materials remain in the form of sawdust, chips and other small wooden waste.

They can not only drown drying machines, but also sell.

Especially actively they will "disperse" in the prepared form - that is, as fuel briquettes or granules.

But you can implement them and as a material for firms producing furniture plates.

In any case, on, it would seem, useless sawmills of the sawmills can also be earned.

And as a bonus, get more loyalty by environmental services.

In the end of the foregoing, it can be concluded.

If you have a desire to work in the woodworking industry, as well as the starting capital of at least 1 000 000 rubles, the question how to open a pailYou decide without problems.

This business is not accompanied by many difficulties.

Moreover, there are many loopholes that will help save or increase revenue without damage to production.

Piloram is a profitable business, but highly competitive.

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* The calculations use average data in Russia

1. Summary of the project

The goal of the project is the organization of an enterprise for the production of lumber ("saw-saw") in Crimea, in the immediate vicinity of Simferopol. Prerequisites for project development are: the deficit of the price of building materials available in the territory of the republic related to the lack of land communication with the mainland; lack of adjustable supply channels from russian manufacturers; Implementation of the State Program for the Development of the Republic, related to the development of infrastructure, housing construction etc.; Increased interest of private investors to the construction in the republic.

Lumber is one of the most widely used building materials that can be used for outdoor and interior decoration buildings, under the device of floors, stairs, roofs, etc.

The technological chain of the organization of production includes the supply of forest-rounding, it is cut and planing on the spot. Sales - wholesale for regional bases of building materials. Some volume can be realized by pickup retail.

As an organizational and legal form, a limited liability company was chosen; Tax form - USN.

The project is investment-attractive, which is confirmed by integral performance indicators, calculated with all costs and planned revenues of the enterprise. Indicators are shown in Table. one.

Table 1. Integral indicators of project efficiency

2. Description of the industry and companies

To date, in open sources there are information only about one manufacturer of sawn timber throughout the republic, located in Dzhanka. 97% of the sawn timber comes to the Crimea in finished video from suppliers on the mainland. At the same time, their value on average is 55-65% higher than the value of similar materials in other regions of the Russian Federation.

At the same time, the pace of construction is growing. According to the government program of development of the republic, the territory of Simferopol should be expanded at 7 times. In addition, the volume of construction and reconstruction of the tourism infrastructure increases. The organization of the free economic zone (FEZ Crimea) makes the region attractive to investors from other regions.

At the same time, in the region there are and successfully operated from 50 to 70 bases of building materials that implement the edged and unedged lumber in bulk and retail. Deliveries them are carried out from the manufacturers of "forest" regions of the mainland of the Russian Federation. All these organizations are potential consumers of the project. The total consumption of sawn timber in the republic and G. Sevastopol is estimated at 12-15 thousand cubic meters per month.

The most popular product type is a cutting board having a wide range of applications. Then - timber, planed board, block house, imitation of timber, etc. The edged board accounts for at least 65% of the total market volume or 8.5 thousand cubic meters. In the coming years is expected stable growth Demand within 5-10% annually.

Much attention is paid to the selection of the supplier. The selection was made on a number of parameters: the quality and price of the material, the convenience and cost of logistics, the stability of the supply required volumes. Production is supposed to be placed no further than 5 km from the station "Simferopol - Cargo", which in terms of logistics organization will be most convenient as possible, because Transportation of raw materials is expected to carry out railway transport.

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The production premises is selected primarily in terms of the possibility of carrying out the technological cycle, manipulating the workpieces and ready Material 6 m long, etc. Loading equipment is rented. Given the seasonal nature of demand for the products under consideration, it is a more cost-effective option than the acquisition of property.

The main channel of sales is the wholesale deliveries of lumber bases of building materials located on the territory of the peninsula. The minimum order quantity is 30 cubic meters. Delivery is organized by the Pili-Saw LLC with the involvement of a transport company or private carriers. In addition, it is possible to sell goods in retail subject to self-leveling.

In the first place, the purchase of technological equipment and the cost of forming the initial stock of raw materials can be investment. The list and volumes of investment costs are shown in Table. 2.

Table 2. Investment costs of the project "Dried-Saw"


Amount, rub.

The property

Warehouse and Office Equipment


Set of equipment

Intangible assets

Purchase by



Purchase of raw


7 170 000 ₽

Own funds:

2 000 000.00 ₽

Required borrowed funds:

5 170 000 ₽



Time, ME:

3. Description of goods

The product range is given in Table. 3.

Table 3. Nomenclature and description of the products produced by LLC "Pili-Saw"

All lumber is made from logs of coniferous rocks (spruce, pine) on specialized equipment. Supplier - logging enterprise "Vyatsky Forester". Raw materials are different high quality And extremely low levels of chosen.

The scope of the lumber, as mentioned above, is extremely wide. Partially, the sphere of its use depends on the humidity. Material natural humidity used most often for outdoor decoration, roofing device, crate, etc.

Finished products are stored on a closed unheated warehouse on the pallet, on which the Customer is then transported. When warehousing, a temperature-humid regime is provided that does not allow wood to rot and dispel.

4. Sales and Marketing

Since this product (according to GOST) has weakly pronounced differences in consumer characteristics, the main competitive advantage The price and stability of supplies becomes. Stability is provided by the territorial proximity of the production and the possibility of cutting materials under the order during the day from the date of order. Such deadlines are unattainable when delivered from the mainland - the delivery time in this case can be at least 10-14 days.

In addition, the competitive advantage of the enterprise as a whole is the possibility of implementing a more flexible pricing policy. The bulk of lumber suppliers from the mainland carry out shipment on the prepayment condition, or payment on the fact of receipt. The presence of employees of Pili-Sila LLC directly in place allows you to assess the assets of each client, its solvency and reputation, which, in turn, allows you to offer more flexible conditions Payment of goods - installments of payment, trade loan, etc. In the context of a difficult economic situation in the country, this is a huge plus.

The main promotion activities are aimed at wholesale sales channels: advertising in specialized directories, construction portals. However, the main tool is active sales. The sales representative establishes contacts and conducts negotiations with leaders and specialists of wholesale bases, as well as construction companies.

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By the end of the first season of the project, the company's client structure should consist of 2-3 anchor customers providing up to 60% of sales; The remaining 40% should have 10-20 small customers. Revenue planned results are planned by the end of the first construction season, because Due to the pre-conducted work, there are already clear agreements with a number of companies in the region regarding cooperation.

Directly shipping is carried out by a sales department specialist located on the territory of the production and warehouse complex "saw-saw". Shipment is carried out without coordination with the guidance on the fact of prepayment. Shipment on post-payment conditions, delay payments, etc. It is carried out only in coordination with the director of the enterprise. Shipment is made during the working day from the moment of confirmation of its ability to confuse and within 2-3 working days if you need to deliver Pili-Saw to the forces.

The competitive environment is represented by only one producer of lumber located in Dzhanka. However, according to reports, the organization is currently experiencing a serious shortage of working capital. If earlier territorial location It was successful from the point of view of logistics, then after the closure of the border with Ukraine, this location becomes uncomfortable. There is no information about the incoming prices of this enterprise, however, the wholesale price offered to them to its customers is 8800 rubles. per m 3 edged lumber 1-3 varieties of natural humidity. There is also reason to assume that the company does not have a permanent reliable supplier of raw materials, which leads to fluctuations in wholesale prices and profitability, as well as to instability of product quality.

5. Production plan

The production of sawnwood "saw-saw" is carried out from high-quality forest-rounding, supplied from one of the country's largest logistics. Supply is carried out by rail to the station "Simferopol - Cargo" in the semiless. Loading one half-hand - up to 90 m 3. Rhythm Delivery - 2 times a month, volume - depending on the need.

The production volume is regulated in accordance with the forecast of demand a week ahead. Line performance - 150 m 3 / shift. Racing equipment loading when leaving the planned sales volumes - 80%. The warehouse turnover is scheduled at the level of 1 week.

Equipment supplier is chosen based on detailed analysis technical characteristics Machines, cost, delivery conditions, as well as reviews about the quality of equipment and quality of the supplier itself.

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Delivery time of equipment - 14 calendar days from the date of payment. The supplier provides an alignment, commissioning, equipment setting and training personnel. The duration of commissioning work - 5 business days. Planned learning duration - 5 business days. In the future, the equipment supplier undertakes to carry out the necessary additional learning, work on setting up and repairing equipment not only during the warranty period, but also after. Conditions for service in the warranty and post-warranty period are governed by the service contract.

In order to increase the efficiency of production, it was decided to acquire the finished aggregate production line instead of individual machines. Line is performed full cycle Works on the loading of the flow, removing the hill and its grinding, calibration of the bar and its sawing in accordance with the task.

Finished products are stored in a storage room, which is a covered unheated room with good ventilation. The lumber is stacked by stacks with the mandatory use of wooden trip to ensure sufficient ventilation. The absence of air circulation can lead to the formation of rot, mold and fungus.

Variable costs include the cost of raw materials and transportation costs. The cost of transporting 1 carriage from the supplier for production is 250,000 rubles when loading 90 m 3. Thus, at the cost of raw materials in the range of 3,500 rubles / m 3, the cost of transportation will be approximately 2,800 rubles / m 3. In addition, the costs of transshipment of raw materials are taken into account from railway station before production. Thus, variable costs per 1 m 3 will be 6 500 rubles.

Table 4. Variable costs and the formation of the wholesale price of the sale of goods

Product / Service

Costs for units., Rub.

Trading markup,%

Cost unit, rub.

Edged board

Unedged board


33 280

The constant costs are made up of rent, advertising, utility payments, etc. (Table 5). The required production area is about 200 m 2, warehouse - 300 m 2. It is also necessary to envisage the premises for recreation staff, toilets and shower, facilities for meals, office premises. Thus, the total area will be about 600 m 2.

Table 5. Constant cost

It is especially important to ensure a high level of safety of labor. All workers engaged in production are obligatory underway training, certification and annual secession for safety. The basic requirements for employees with their employment are experience in production (not necessarily - woodworking) at least 5 years, responsibility, lack of harmful habits.

6. Organizational plan

When implementing the project, the following main steps can be allocated: the order and supply of equipment, installation and configuration of equipment and training of employees, the first stage of the project implementation, the second stage of the project implementation.

Order and supply equipment - 14 calendar days. Installation, commissioning and training - 10 workers (14 calendar) days. Under the first stage of the project implementation, the period preceding the output on scheduled sales indicators. The second stage of implementation is the activity of the enterprise in accordance with the planned planned indicators. The output to the second stage is scheduled for 6 months of work.

Management functions are carried out by the director - a hired employee with experience in the field of woodworking, or in the field of selling sawn timber. Critical is the availability of experience at the position of the director (deputy director) of the enterprise.

Work on attracting clients is carried out by sales representatives. The main work falls on the offseason to prepare the soil for the season. Customer service is carried out by sales specialists who proceed the incoming applications, set accounts and control the payment, organize shipment.

All workers undergo a thorough selection before making a decision on hiring. As a result, the set is happening with the purpose of long-term cooperation, and not seasonal work. Employees retain the salary even in the offseason, when there is actually no production work and the work on the sale of goods.

Table 6. Station schedule and wage fund


Salary, rub.

Number, people

Photo, rub.






Piloram operator


Sales Manager

Sales Representative




326 000,00 ₽

Social Security contributions:

97 800.00 ₽

Total with deductions:

423 800.00 ₽

Figure 1. Organizational diagram of Pili-Saw LLC

7. Financial plan

The financial plan is designed for a five-year perspective. All types of enterprise costs are taken into account. Based on comparison different optionsAccording to the results of the calculation, a simplified tax system is selected with the object "Revenues minus costs".

A report on the cash flow is given in Appendix 1. The cost structure of the enterprise is reflected in Table. 4, 5, 6. Total investment costs - 7.17 million RUB. Of these, 2.0 million are own funds. 5.17 million RUB. It is planned to attract in the form of a bank loan under 18% per annum, for a period of 48 months. Payments occur annuity payments with a deferment of the first payment in three months. Returnal investments are 1.5 million rubles. - It will provide an enterprise working capital Before the release of it to payback.

8. Evaluation of efficiency

To assess the investment attractiveness of the project, generally accepted integral indicators are used - net discounted income, index index. Internal profit rate, etc. Integral indicators are shown in Table. one.

The discount rate is selected at the level of 15%, which is characteristic of organizing new production of non-informative products; The market for the sale of products already exists. With this discount rate, all integral indicators have very high values, which allows us to talk about the high investment attractiveness of the project. The payback period is 6 months, and net profit after entering the enterprise on the planned indicators will be 15.65 million rubles. in year.

9. Risks and guarantees

Since the business sector under consideration is well mastered both in world and in domestic practice, the risks associated with the implementation of this project are low. Low level Competition and high demand for products of this type also allow us to talk about good project prospects.

However, it is necessary to take into account all possible risks associated with the implementation of the project. Risk assessment and measures to prevent and / or eliminate the consequences are given in Table. 7.

Table 7. Probable risks and measures to prevent them

Risk factor

Probability of offensive

The severity of the consequences


Nebody on a planned sales volume

Active work of sales representatives in the first stages of project implementation; active market processing; Providing competitive price and delivery conditions

Changes in geopolitical setting

Minimization of warehouse stocks; Transfer of funds to the maximum liquid assets

Worsening the economic situation in the country and region

Ensuring a relatively high share of sales at the expense of budget construction objects, because They are least subject to the effects of conjuncture.

Exit to the market of direct competitor

Ensuring lasting positions on the market already at the first stage of project implementation by flexible pricing policy and delivery conditions; Establishing a solid partnership relationship with key clients

Interruptions with the supply of raw materials due to termination of ferry crossing due to meteo conditions

Ensuring the reserve of raw materials for a week and an uncompressed stock in case of force majeure - on 4 shifts

Interruptions with supplies of raw materials in the fault of the supplier

Standing market monitoring and maintaining relationships with alternative suppliers

Raw prices

Note in the contract of delivery of price increases - informing at least 1 month, the possibility of fixing prices for some volume of goods, etc.

When considering all possible risk factors and the implementation of measures to prevent, we can say that the project is low-risk. And, therefore, it is of interest to the investor.

10. Appendices

Cash Movement Report and Calculation of Project Efficiency Indicators

Denis Miroshnichenko
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