Hydraulic gun for heating: we understand why it is needed and how it works. What is a hydraulic arrow for heating: functions and methods of calculation. Advantages of a hydraulic arrow in the heating system

The hydraulic gun, the principle of which is built on the protection of boiler heat exchangers, protects them from thermal shock. In this case, the basis of the system is cast iron. Often, such situations arise during the initial start-up of the boiler device or when carrying out technical works when it is necessary to disconnect the circulation pump from hot water... In addition, the use of a hydraulic separator helps to maintain heating system integrity in the event of a shutdown of the hot water supply to automatic mode.

The cutaway of a hydraulic arrow is not difficult. Of course, there are more sophisticated modifications equipped with filters. Perhaps in the future even more complex construction, but so far the hydraulic arrow is a unified device.

According to the principle of operation, round hydraulic separators do not differ from profile ones, which have a rectangular shape. The profile hydrostatic gun, the principle of which is to reduce the location in space and increase the capacity, has a more attractive appearance. From the point of view of hydraulics, a round arrow is more suitable.

Appointment of the device

The hydraulic gun, the principle of operation of which will be described in this article, is needed to equalize the pressure level in the boiler system at different flow rates in the main circuit and the sum of the indicators of secondary heating circuits. The device regulates the functioning of heating systems with multiple circuits (radiator, water heater, floor heating). Subject to the proper rules in hydrodynamics, the device will ensure that there is no negative interaction between the circuits and will allow continuous operation in the established mode.

The hydraulic separator plays the role of a sump and removes mechanical formations (scale, corrosion) from the coolant, subject to hydromechanical standards. This function has a very positive effect on the operating time of the moving parts of the heating system.

The device removes air from the coolant, which reduces the oxidative process in metal elements.

In systems standard design, where the presence of only one circuit is implied, turning off a number of branches leads to very low consumption in the boiler. As a result, the temperature of the cooled heat carrier rises significantly.

The hydraulic separator maintains a stable heat consumption, which compares the temperatures on the supply and return pipes.

What processes take place in a hydrostalk

  • To understand the purpose for which this device is installed in the heating system, you need to find out what processes occur with water during the period of passage through the cavity of the hydraulic arrow. It is necessary to understand the basic parameters of the operation of two or more circuit heating systems for autonomous purposes.
  • After all installation works welding of joints in pipes will be carried out. The heating system is filled cold water... As a rule, the temperature indicator is 5-15 Сº.
  • When the automation turns on the pump of the main circuit for circulation and the burner is fired up, the pumps of the secondary circuits do not work, and the coolant moves only along the primary circuit. Thus, the stream will rush downward.
  • After the coolant reaches the desired temperature, the same selection is made by the secondary circuit of the water flow. With equal water flows of the main and secondary circuits, the hydraulic separator acts as an air vent. It filters out dirt and fuel oil. Thus, the process of heating and heating hot water takes place. It should be noted that achieving an absolutely equal indicator of water flows in all circuits is an impossible task.
  • Automation regulates the flow in the secondary circuit when the water reaches the desired temperature, and the pump with hot water disconnect. If the thermal heads of the radiators cover the flow due to overheating of the room on the sunny side, then the hydraulic resistance in this circuit of the heating system increases. In this case, an automated pump is connected, which reduces the performance and water flow in the secondary circuits. Through the flow along the main and secondary circuits, movement begins upward along the hydraulic arrow. If the heating system is not equipped with a hydraulic arrow, then due to significant distortion in the hydraulic system, at least the pumps responsible for the circulation would cease to function.
  • When the device stops the operation of the pump of the main heating circuit, the flow of the coolant in the hydraulic arrow rushes upward. But this situation is very rare.

How to make a water gun yourself

Many people are interested in how to make a hydraulic arrow with their own hands? To manufacture this device, you will need welding skills. It should be noted that installing a homemade system is also expensive.

To make a device such as a hydraulic arrow, with your own hands, you will need squeegees, taps, pressure gauges, a rectangular pipe, a grinder, a hammer and welding machine with electrodes up to 3 mm.

The holes in the collector should be burned with an electrode along the marking. On the weld bevels, a chamfer of 1 mm must be performed. Welding is carried out in a circular manner with a leg index of 3-4 mm. Further, the collector pipes are marked. with a hydraulic arrow in this case assumes the presence of three circuits.

In the contour pipe on the "cold" side, two holes should be burned along the edges and three holes for connecting bends (two in one direction and one in the other). On the "hot" side, one hole is burned in the middle and three holes for connecting bends. Through holes must be aligned with the outlets on the hot pipe. Two outlet pipes will be welded into them, and the exhaust squeegee will act as the third. On the "cold" side there will be two holes for connecting squeegees and one designed for a branch pipe that passes through hot pipe in the middle of the assembly. The gauge holes are burned through after pre-assembly.

The final stage in the manufacture of such a device as a hydrostatic gun, with your own hands, is to test the system under water pressure.

It can be done by covering the seams with soap. A pressure of at least 2 atmospheres should be applied. It can be fed in any way and to any point (for example, a drain tap fitting). Seams need not be coated if pressure drop can be controlled. If it falls, then soaping will be needed.

Do-it-yourself hydro arrow from prolipropylene

At present, the installation of a device such as a hydrostatic arrow, made of polypropylene with your own hands, is quite real.

The main circuit leaves the boiler. The decoupling system in the heating system is of secondary importance. It is very uneconomical to accelerate the main boiler circuit more than it is provided by the manufacturer of the device. The hydraulic resistance increases, which increases the load on the coolant and does not give the required flow.

A do-it-yourself water gun made of polypropylene with a minimum flow rate of any coolant can create a higher flow rate thanks to the second artificial circuit.

If a radiator heating system and hot water supply are installed in the house, then it is recommended to divide the boiler into separate circuits made of polypropylene. This way they will not affect each other.

A do-it-yourself hydro arrow made of polypropylene has large functionality... It acts as a link between two separate circuits that transport heat. In the absence of hydraulic and dynamic influence of the circuits on each other, the flow rate and speed of the coolant and the separator do not pass from circuit to circuit.

Why is the temperature of the coolant after the hydraulic separator less than at the outlet

This phenomenon can be explained at different levels the flow rate of the circuits. A high temperature gets into the water gun, which mixes with the cold coolant. The consumption indicator of the latter is higher than the hot one.

Why does a hydraulic arrow need vertical speed?

A device such as a hydraulic arrow has a vertical orientation. There is an explanation for this.

  • The main reason for the low vertical velocity is the presence of rust and sand in the pipes. These neoplasms are deposited on the separator. They need to be given the opportunity to settle.
  • The low speed makes it possible to create natural convection of the coolant in the hydraulic separator. The cold stream goes down, and the hot one rises up. The result is the desired temperature head.
  • Low speed makes it possible to reduce the hydraulic resistance in the hydraulic gun. It has a zero indicator, but if we ignore the first two reasons, then the hydraulic separator can be used as In other words, the diameter of the arrow decreases and its vertical speed increases. This makes it possible to save materials. The water gun can be used when there is no need for a temperature gradient, but only a heating circuit is required.
  • A low speed removes small air bubbles from the coolant.

Can I be installed at an angle of 90 degrees to the horizon

The device can be installed at this angle. You can place the hydraulic arrow in any position. If it is necessary to detach the waste of a mechanical nature, remove the air flow in an automatic mode, or divide the circuit in accordance with the temperature indicator, the device should be installed as provided initially.

Does the volume of the arrow play a role

Of course it does. The optimal volume indicator for equalizing temperature differences is 100-300 liters. An indicator of such a volume is especially relevant if the boiler operates on warm fuel.

How to choose a water gun

The arrow has two main characteristics:

  • power (you need to summarize the power indicators of heat and all circuits);
  • the total volume of the pumped-over coolant.

It is these data that determine the indicators of such a device as a hydraulic arrow, the calculation of the power of which is verified with the data of the technical passport upon purchase.

How is the hydraulic arrow installed

As a rule, the hydraulic separator is placed in a vertical position. But the device can be positioned horizontally at any angle. The direction of the end pipes must be taken into account, as this is necessary for the correct functioning of the air vent and the accumulation of sediment, which must be removed from the system.

Simple heating systems consist of a minimal number of components - a small number of pipes, a few radiators and a boiler. For small buildings and households, this is sufficient. When it is necessary to provide heat to a large building, the task is complicated by the need to use additional equipment- a hydraulic arrow for heating will provide an even distribution of heat, relieve pressure drops, and balance the operation of the heating system.

In this review, we'll look at:

  • Appointment of a hydraulic arrow in the heating system.
  • Constructional features of the hydrostroke.
  • Simple calculation schemes.

The material will give diagrams, useful tips, detailed explanations - everything is very clear and understandable.

What is a hydrostatic arrow

Hydrostrelka is a hydraulic separator in the heating system, a device designed for the correct distribution of the coolant over several circuits and devices. It is a kind of buffer element between the boiler and the secondary circuits. The coolant flows from the boiler to the hydraulic gun, after which it is distributed in several directions.

The most simple system no need for heating. It is important here to choose the right circulation pump and set its speed to ensure the required head. The coolant enters the batteries from the boiler, gives off the accumulated heat there, and then returns back to the heater - nothing complicated and supernatural. But modern housing is being built with multiple circuits and ancillary equipment. There are:

  • Several secondary heating circuits (for example, per group of rooms or per floor).
  • Warm floors - one or more contours.
  • Boilers indirect heating- are used to prepare hot water.

And here we can face a situation where one circulation pump cannot push the coolant along the entire circuit. Water (or antifreeze) will flow along the path of least resistance, after which it will return along the same path. For example, it will pass through a nearby boiler and partially penetrate into the batteries, but it may not be enough for warm floors.

The hydraulic arrow for heating systems is designed to ensure proper order in the distribution of heat to the circuits and auxiliary equipment. It is an extremely simple hydraulic divider made of pipe sections of one diameter or another.

Constructional features of a hydraulic arrow

The heating device is so simple that there are literally no moving parts, electronics, or anything else in it. Take a look at her diagram - is it round or rectangular tube sealed on both sides. It is located vertically or horizontally. On the one hand, it has two nozzles for connecting to the heating system, and on the other hand, it has two nozzles for connecting to the boiler.

This is what a hydraulic arrow looks like for a single-circuit heating system. There is nothing inside the pipe itself - absolutely, there is an empty space, which is subsequently filled with a coolant.

Outside, the hydraulic arrows are visible:

  • Boiler and heating connections.
  • Water drain tap.
  • Automatic air vent.

This is how the simplest hydroarms work.

The hydraulic arrow for heating systems with several circuits is arranged in no more complicated way. It just has more branch pipes for connecting secondary circuits. Boilers and underfloor heating systems are also connected here. Circulation pumps are connected to each supply pipe through taps - one for each circuit. Thermomanometers are placed here to control pressure and temperature.

Hydrostrel and its purpose

It is easy to assemble a water gun for heating yourself, using a welding machine and pipe sections of the required length. To do this, you need to find a suitable drawing and select materials.

We examined the principle of operation of the heating water arrow - it simply distributes the coolant over several circuits. Its main task is to create ideal conditions for the operation of the secondary and primary circuits. The primary circuit includes a heating boiler with pipes connected to a hydraulic switch. Secondary loops are everything else. With equal pressure in the entire circuit, the boiler operates in a gentle mode - part of the heated coolant enters the return pipe, which reduces the load on the heat source.

If there is a low-power boiler in the system, and the heating has a high capacity, conditions are created for supplying the coolant from the return pipe to the supply pipe, bypassing the boiler (partially). In this case, the equipment works practically for wear and tear - heat exchangers can become unusable in the shortest possible time.

Even heat distribution

Perfectly balanced heating means a uniform temperature throughout the house, equal pressure in the secondary circuits and a balanced load on the boiler. In this case, the task of the hydraulic arrow is simple - it "distributes" the coolant into several circuits, each of which has a circulation pump. By regulating its performance and the supply of coolant, it is possible to achieve a uniform temperature throughout the house.

The most important thing is that thanks to this distribution, there will be no cold circuits left in the house, since the coolant will flow into each pipe, and not only where it is much easier.

Pressure balancing

An imbalance in the heating system can affect the stability of its operation. A long circuit needs one pressure, a shorter circuit needs another. The same applies to underfloor heating and boilers. If there was one large pump in the system for all circuits at once, in selected locations there would be overloads - it can break pipes or a heat exchanger in a storage water heater. The hydraulic arrow will distribute the pressure and allow you to properly balance all the circuits.

Working with multiple boilers

There are heating systems with two or even three boilers (sometimes more). Such solutions allow heating quite large area or use one of the boilers as a backup. If not serial, but parallel equipment is used, then this is done through a hydraulic arrow. At the same time, it helps to neutralize the mutual influence of the secondary circuits on each other.

Hydrostrelka allows you to achieve balance in heating systems of any complexity. Two or three boilers, five or seven circuits - the degree can be different. The potential for expanding the system is also revealed. For example, in the future, you can connect another boiler, heated towel rail, summer kitchen with a separate heating circuit. All these works can be performed even on the move, without stopping the boiler equipment while maintaining the heating of the building.

How is the hydraulic arrow installed

The best option for installing the hydraulic arrow is vertical. Usually in the lower part there are taps for draining water. Any garbage circulating through the heating system settles in this part. Carefully open the tap - and it is drained. The hot heating medium is supplied to the top, while the return pipe is located below. The same applies to the branch pipes for connecting the secondary circuits - they are installed in the same way.

Purchased models

The Sever-M5 collector is a typical example. It works in heating systems up to 70 kW. The cost of the unit is about 9.5 thousand rubles.

The hydraulic gun in the heating system is a distribution hydraulic device designed to distribute the coolant over several circuits. Its installation is recommended in cases where the power of the used boiler is over 50 kW. The arrow is also used in complex branched systems with many secondary circuits - it is needed for balancing. You can buy or assemble it yourself.

The easiest way is to buy a hydrostatic gun in a ready-made factory version. The most simple model, for example, SINTEK ST-35 will cost 2,700 rubles if taken directly from the manufacturer. It can withstand pressures up to 6 bar and can be installed in heating systems with heating outputs up to 35 kW.

The heating manifold with a hydraulic arrow for 5 circuits is designed for branched systems, which were mentioned above. You can connect to it an indirect heating boiler, underfloor heating in the bathroom, kitchen and hallway, as well as three main circuits - on the ground floor, in basement floor as well as in the attic.

Other shop equipment:

  • Hydraulic gun WOODSTOKE 331 - for heating up to 70 kW for 7 circuits. The cost of the device is 11 thousand rubles.
  • Warme WGR 80 is a simple hydraulic gun with two nozzles and two outlets for connecting an air vent and a tap. The cost is 4000 rubles. The model can operate in heating systems up to 80 kW.
  • Proxytherm GS 32-1 - the hydraulic arrow is made in a shiny case, as it is made of stainless steel. It is designed to operate in heating systems up to 85 kW. The cost is about 7-8 thousand rubles.
  • Gidruss BM is a whole series of hydraulic switches for heating systems with power from 60 to 150 kW. They are made of high quality structural steel and withstand pressure up to 6 bar at temperatures up to +110 degrees. The cost varies from 9 to 30 thousand rubles.

There are thousands of ready-made hydroshots, there is plenty to choose from.

The advantages of a magazine-type hydraulic gun are quite obvious. First of all, they are characterized by impeccable build quality. The equipment must withstand a solid pressure - up to 3-4 atmospheres for autonomous heating and up to 20-25 atmospheres for general heating. It is made from proven steel grades designed for construction heating equipment and other systems.

Secondly, factory hydraulic switches are already designed for use in heating systems with one or another power. They have been verified many times, so their use will not cause any accidents. Also in stores will offer auxiliary equipment for the installation of heating systems. And then there will be no problems with the guarantee for boilers and radiators.

DIY hydrostatic assembly

Self-assembly is carried out in several steps:

  • Calculation of a hydraulic arrow for heating.
  • Selection of materials.
  • Welding of prepared and calculated elements.

For the calculation, it is best to use specialized calculators that take into account many parameters. In the simplest case, use our calculations.

Calculation formula

The inner diameter d depends on the boiler output P and the difference between flow and return ∆t. We divide the power in kilowatts by the temperature difference, extract from the resulting figure Square root and multiply the resulting value by 49 - we get the diameter of the hydraulic arrow. The height of the pipe is 6 diameters and the distance between the nozzles is twice the internal diameter of the pipe.

There are many drawings of hydraulic arrows on the Internet, both simple and combined with collectors. They will allow you to collect what you need, and with minimal costs. In any case, when assembling and implementing a hydraulic valve, experts advise to get at least some knowledge of balancing heating systems. As for the heating systems of large buildings, here the task of selecting a hydraulic arrow and balancing heating should be entrusted to specialized specialists.

It is possible to assemble a hydrostatic arrow for heating with your own hands from polypropylene, but it is not recommended to do so - it may not withstand the load if it is used in large heating systems. Nevertheless, many masters practice it.


The heating system is an extremely complex and intricate "organism", which for a normal and effective work needs comprehensive coordination, balancing the functioning of each individual element... And it is not easy to achieve this kind of harmony, especially if the heating system is complex, consists of several circuits and many branches acting on different principles and having different indicators of the temperature of the working fluid. Moreover, these circuits, as well as other heat exchange devices, can be equipped with their own devices for automatic regulation and "life support", so to speak, which should not interfere with their work in the activities of other elements.

Today, several methods are used to obtain the "harmony" of the heating system, however, the simplest and at the same time effective device is considered to be extremely simple in its device - a hydraulic separator, which is better known in the circle of buyers as a hydraulic arrow for heating. About what this device is, how it works, what are necessary calculations and installation steps will be discussed in today's article.

The role of the hydraulic arrow in modern heating systems

In order to find out what a hydraulic arrow is and what functions it performs, first we will get acquainted with the peculiarities of the operation of individual heating systems.

Simple option

The simplest version of a heating system equipped with a circulation pump will look something like this.

Of course, this diagram is greatly simplified, since many network elements in it (for example, a security group) are simply not shown in order to "make it easier" to understand the picture. So, on the diagram, you can see, first of all, a heating boiler, thanks to which the working fluid heats up. A circulation pump is also visible, through which the liquid moves along the supply (red) pipeline and the so-called "return". What is characteristic, such a pump can be installed both in the pipeline and directly in the boiler (the latter option is more inherent in wall-mounted devices).

Note! Also in closed loop there are heating radiators, thanks to which heat exchange is carried out, that is, the generated heat is transferred to the room.

If the pump is correctly selected in terms of pressure and performance, then it alone will be quite enough for a single-circuit system, therefore, there is no need to use other auxiliary devices.

More complex option

If the area of ​​the house is large enough, then the scheme presented above will obviously not be enough for it. In such cases, several heating circuits are used at once, so the diagram will look somewhat different.

Here we see that, through the pump, the working fluid enters the collector, and from there it is already transferred to several heating circuits. The latter include the following elements.

  1. High temperature circuit (or several), in which there are collectors or conventional batteries.
  2. DHW systems equipped with an indirect heating boiler. The requirements for the movement of the working fluid are special here, since the temperature of heating the water in most cases is regulated by changing the flow rate of the fluid passing through the boiler.
  3. Warm floor. Yes, the temperature of the working fluid for them should be an order of magnitude lower, and therefore special thermostatic devices are used. Moreover, the contours of the underfloor heating have a length that significantly exceeds the standard wiring.

It is quite obvious that one circulation pump cannot cope with such loads. Of course, high-performance models with increased power are being sold today, capable of creating enough high pressure, however, it is worth thinking about the heating device itself - its possibilities, alas, are not limitless. The fact is that the elements of the boiler are initially intended for certain indicators of pressure and productivity. And these indicators should not be exceeded, since this is fraught with breakdown of an expensive heating system.

In addition, the circulation pump itself, operating at the limit of its own capabilities in order to provide all the circuits of the network with liquid, will not be able to serve for a long time. What can we say about strong noise and consumption electrical energy... But back to the topic of our article - to water arrow for heating.

Can one pump be installed per circuit?

It would seem that it is quite logical to equip each heating circuit with its own circulation pump, corresponding to all the necessary parameters in order to solve the problem. Is it so? Unfortunately, even in this case, the problem will not be solved - it will simply move to another plane! Indeed, for stable functioning such a system an accurate calculation of each pump is necessary, however, even in this case, a complex multi-circuit system will not become equilibrium. Each pump here will be connected to its own circuit, and its characteristics will change (that is, they will not be stable). In this case, one of the circuits can fully work, and the second one can be turned off. Due to the circulation in one circuit, an inertial motion of the working fluid can form in the adjacent circuit, where this is not required at all (at least on this moment). And there can be a lot of such examples.

As a result, the underfloor heating system may overheat unacceptably, different rooms can be heated unevenly, individual circuits can be "locked". In a word, everything happens so that your efforts to equip the system with high efficiency go down the drain.

Note! Especially because of this, the pump installed next to the heating boiler suffers. And in many houses, several heating devices are used at once, which is extremely difficult to control, almost impossible. Because of all this, expensive equipment simply breaks down.

Is there a way out? Yes - not only divide the network into circuits, but also take care of a separate circuit for the heating boiler. And we will help with balancing the hydraulic arrow for heating or, as it is also called, the hydraulic separator.

Features of the low loss header

So, this simple element must be installed between the collector and the heating boiler. Many will ask: why was this device called an arrow at all? The reason, most likely, is that it can redirect the flow of working fluid, thereby balancing the entire system. From a structural point of view, this is a hollow tube that has a rectangular or circular cross section. This pipe is plugged on both sides and equipped with two branch pipes - outlet and, respectively, inlet.

It turns out that a pair of interconnected contours appears in the system, which at the same time do not depend on each other. The smaller circuit is intended for the boiler, and the larger one is designed for all branches, circuits and the collector. The flow rate for each of these circuits is different, as well as the speed of movement of the working fluid; the contours do not have any significant influence on each other. Note also that the pressure in the smaller circuit is usually stable, since the heater is permanently operating at the same speed, while the same indicator in the larger circuit may vary depending on current work heating network.

Note! The diameter of the work should be selected so that a zone of low hydraulic resistance is formed, which allows equalizing the pressure indicator in a smaller circuit, regardless of whether the working circuits are active.

As a result, each section of the system works as balanced as possible, pressure drops are not observed, and boiler equipment functions well.

Video - Key features of a water gun for heating

The principle of operation of the hydraulic arrow

In short, the hydraulic arrow can operate in one of three possible modes of operation. Let's get acquainted with each of them in more detail.

Situation number 1

We are talking about an almost perfect state of equilibrium of the entire network. The fluid pressure generated by the pump in the smaller circuit is the same as the total pressure of all circuits in the heating system. The inlet and outlet temperatures are the same. The working fluid does not move vertically or moves in a minimal amount.

But it is worth noting that in reality this kind of situation is extremely rare, because the functional properties of heating circuits, as we mentioned earlier, are prone to periodic changes.

Situation number 2

In heating circuits, the flow rate of the working fluid is higher than in a smaller circuit. Figuratively speaking, demand significantly exceeds supply. In such conditions, a vertical flow of the carrier occurs from the return pipe to the supply pipe. This stream, as it rises, mixes with the hot liquid, which, in turn, is supplied from heater... In the above diagram, the situation is presented more clearly.

Situation number 3

The complete opposite of the previous situation. The flow rate in the smaller circuit is higher than that in the heating circuits. This can be due to:

  • short-term shutdown of one circuit (or several at once) due to the lack of demand for heating a particular room;
  • heating the boiler, providing for the phased connection of all circuits;
  • shutdown of one circuit for the purpose of repair.

There is nothing wrong here. At the same time, a vertical downward flow arises in the water arrow itself for heating.

Popular manufacturers

There are not so few companies engaged in the production of hydraulic dividers for heating networks as it might seem at first glance. However, today we will get acquainted with the products of only two companies, GIDRUSS and Atom LLC, as they are considered the most popular.

Table. Characteristics of the low loss header manufactured by GIDRUSS.

Model, illustration Main characteristics


2. GR-60-25
- the product is made of structural steel; - designed for one consumer; - the minimum power of the heater is 10 kilowatts;

3. GR-100-32
- the product is made of structural steel; - designed for one consumer;

4. GR-150-40
- the product is made of structural steel; - designed for one consumer; - the minimum power of the heater is 61 kilowatts;
- its maximum power is 150 kilowatts.

5. GR-250-50
- the product is made of structural steel; - designed for one consumer;
- the minimum power of the heater is 101 kilowatts;
- its maximum power is 250 kilowatts.

6. GR-300-65
- the product is made of structural steel; - designed for one consumer;

- its maximum power is 300 kilowatts.

7. GR-400-65
- the product is made of structural steel; - designed for one consumer;
- the minimum power of the heater is 151 kilowatts;
- its maximum power is 400 kilowatts.

8. GR-600-80
- the product is made of structural steel; - designed for one consumer;
- the minimum power of the heater is 251 kilowatts;
- its maximum power is 600 kilowatts.

- the product is made of structural steel; - designed for one consumer;
- the minimum power of the heater is 401 kilowatts;
- its maximum power is 1000 kilowatts.

10. GR-2000-150
- the product is made of structural steel; - designed for one consumer;
- the minimum power of the heater is 601 kilowatts;
- its maximum capacity is 2000 kilowatts.

11. GRSS-40-20

- the minimum power of the heater is 1 kilowatt;
- its maximum power is 40 kilowatts.

12. GRSS-60-25
- the product is made of stainless steel AISI 304; - designed for one consumer;
- the minimum power of the heater is 11 kilowatts;
- its maximum power is 60 kilowatts.

13. GRSS-100-32
- the product is made of stainless steel AISI 304; - designed for one consumer;
- the minimum power of the heater is 41 kilowatts;
- its maximum power is 100 kilowatts.

Note also that each water gun for heating of the above, it also performs the functions of a kind of sedimentation tank. The working fluid in these devices is cleaned of all sorts of mechanical impurities, thereby significantly increasing the operational life of all moving components of the heating system.

Hydraulic dividers manufactured by Atom LLC and average prices

The products of this manufacturer are also in great demand, and the reason for this lies not only in the good quality of the hydraulic shooters, but also in their affordable cost. You can get acquainted with the characteristics of the models and their average market prices from the table below.

Features of the calculation of the low loss header

Why is an accurate calculation of a hydraulic arrow for heating systems necessary? The fact is that thanks to this, the required temperature regime, which, in turn, will achieve the coherence of the functioning of all elements - such as a thermal head, a circulation pump, a heating element etc. For calculations, special formulas should be used to determine the optimal dimensions of the thermal arrow.

The essence of these calculations is extremely simple: it is necessary to find the diameter of the installation that allows the working fluid in the heating circuit to be directed to the masses of the heating medium of the heater. all the necessary information for making calculations with your own hands is given below.

Note! If everything is calculated incorrectly, then the energy will be overspending because of this. Therefore, before purchasing a low loss header, it is imperative to carry out these calculations, and with maximum accuracy. Ideally, this should be done by a professional design engineer with the appropriate skills.

That's all. For a more detailed study of the issue, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the video below. Good luck!

Video - How to calculate a hydraulic arrow for heating

Water heating system Is a unit that constantly and efficiently heats rooms both in a small apartment and in a residential neighborhood of the city.

For this unit to work properly with maximum efficiency must be maintained in different parts of this system, the pressure, temperature and flow rate of the coolant are within optimal limits.

The larger and more complex this system, the more difficult it is to maintain a balance of parameters in it. A simple detail helps to solve the problem of water heating control - hydro arrow.

The water gun is called vertical metal vessel installed between the boiler and the rest of the heating system.

This part has many synonyms: bottle, hydraulic separator, hydraulic valve, hydraulic manifold, etc.

As a rule, a hydraulic separator is connected to the system four branch pipes... On the one hand, the direct and return pipes of the boiler are connected to them, and on the other, the supply and return pipes of the heating system.

In large houses with big amount radiators to the hydraulic arrow instead of the supply and return pipes are connected supply and return manifold, with the help of which there is a distribution and collection of coolant flows.

Several parallel boilers are sometimes connected to the heating unit through a hydraulic valve. In this case, the number of nozzles increases.

Some manufacturers of heating equipment necessarily include in the set of parts for installation hydraulic valve... This part is included not only in standard kits for units of a certain power, but can also be calculated for a heating system on a special order.

The principle of operation of the hydraulic arrow

At start-up, reaching the set mode and turning off the heating in the hot water heating system, various emergency situations.

One of them is called heatstroke... After starting the boiler, the coolant heats up and enters the batteries.

However, the batteries are filled with cold coolant, which is displaced from them and enters the already heated boiler. Abrupt and uneven cooling of the boiler heat exchanger pipes leads to their deformation.

Cast iron heat exchangers are very fragile and especially sensitive to rapid uneven heating. When starting heating without a hydraulic separator, they often crack and fail.

Probability of failure heating equipment increases significantly if:

  • the system is quickly started at the beginning of the season at low temperatures or after a shutdown and urgent repairs;
  • for any reason, the pumps are turned off;
  • some of the contours are covered.

A multi-circuit heating unit suffers from one significant disadvantage: in the event of overlap of part of the circuits, the pressure and flow rate in the operating circuits increase, which can lead to overheating and damage.

Important: a hydraulic arrow in a multi-circuit heating system excludes sharp fluctuations in pressure and flow rate, and, consequently, negative mutual influence of the circuits.

In addition to the main function of regulating pressure and flow rate, a hydraulic separator collects air bubbles and mechanical impurities migrating through the pipes. Air is removed from the system through a valve at the top, and sludge is removed through a valve at the bottom of the hydraulic switch.

Thanks to this cleansing function metal oxidation slows down at the points of contact with the coolant, which increases the service life and reduces the likelihood of breakage of such parts:

  • batteries;
  • shut-off and control valves (taps, gate valves, bypass valves, etc.);
  • pumps;
  • heat exchangers.

Heating at the beginning of the season starts at a temperature from +5 to + 15 ° С... After the installation or repair is completed and the system is filled with coolant, the boiler is started and the circulation pump is turned on.

Heated about up to + 60 ° С the liquid enters the batteries, and instead of it, water with a temperature of about + 10 ° C is supplied to the boiler. There is a risk of heat shock and destruction of boiler parts.

If a hydraulic arrow is mounted between the boiler and the collectors, part of the hot coolant flow is not sent to the radiators, but is mixed with the cold one and returns to heating. Thus, the temperature difference of the coolant between the supply and return pipelines decreases and danger of destruction of the boiler liquidated.

After heating the liquid in the entire system, most of it enters the radiators. Further, the hydraulic valve acts as a water purifier from air and sludge. However, the role of the hydraulic arrow is not limited to these functions.

The unit operates in different modes depending on the outside air temperature. During a thaw, the heating demand decreases. Thermal radiator heads reduce the clearance or shut off the coolant flow completely.

Hydraulic resistance the system grows, therefore the main flow of the coolant is directed not to the batteries, but through the hydraulic arrow to the boiler. The boiler automation turns off the heating, and the water circulates through the hydraulic valve.

When the temperature in the rooms falls below normal, the thermal heads open the valves, allowing the flow to the batteries, and the automation turns on the heating again.

Important: gidrostrelka constantly takes part in the redistribution of flows and smooths out the temperature difference in the heating system.

Calculation methods

For a heating system of a certain power, you can pick up in the store a suitable set of parts. The hydraulic valve is included in such a set, and it is not necessary to calculate its parameters.

But with self-assembly necessary calculate the size of the hydraulic arrow before manufacturing so that the heating unit operates at maximum efficiency.

Exists two ways of calculating:

  • method of three diameters;
  • method of alternating pipes.

The first way implemented by the formula:

where D is the inner diameter of the hydraulic arrow, mm;

d is the inner diameter of the branch pipes, mm;

P is the boiler power in kW;

с - heat capacity of water (4183 J / kg · deg);

W is the speed of movement of the coolant through the diameter of the hydraulic arrow (0.2 m / s is recommended);

ΔT is the temperature difference between supply and return.

As you can see, the diameter of the hydraulic separator is equal to the threefold diameter of any of the branch pipes. There is also relationship between the pump flow and the diameter of the delivery pipe:

where D is the diameter of the supply pipe in mm;

Q is the pump flow rate in m³ / s;

A hot water heating system for a 200 m² house and more necessary you need to turn on the hydraulic arrow. Units of lower power, designed for a smaller area, can be equipped with this device at will. In any case, the performance of the heating system is improved.

The hydraulic valve can be purchased as a set. For complex and powerful systems, you have to do individual calculation this appliance. The calculation is done according to a special program.

How the low loss header works, see the video below:

The scheme of operation of the heating system with a hydraulic arrow, why is it needed and what they are, learn from the video:

Ecology of cognition. Homestead: The hydraulic divider is a device covered with many myths. In order to figure out what tasks the hydrostalker is really capable of coping with, and which of its properties are just unfounded statements by marketers, we propose to consider in detail the principle of operation of this unit and its purpose.

The hydraulic arrow is a flask with an automatic air vent installed in the upper part. On the side surface of the body, nozzles are cut to connect the main heating pipes. Inside the hydraulic arrow is absolutely hollow, in the lower part a threaded branch pipe can be cut to install a ball valve, the purpose of which is to drain the settled sludge from the bottom of the separator.

How does a hydraulic arrow work

Essentially, a hydraulic switch is a shunt that short-circuits the supply and return flows. The purpose of such a shunt is to equalize the temperature of the coolant, as well as its flow in the generating and distribution parts. hydraulic system heating. To obtain a real effect from a hydroseparator, a careful calculation of its internal volume and points of connection of pipes is required. However, most of the devices on the market are manufactured serially without adaptation for specific system heating.

You can often come across the opinion that in the cavity of the flask must be present additional elements such as flow baffles or meshes for filtering mechanical impurities or separating dissolved oxygen. In reality, such modernization methods do not demonstrate any significant efficiency, and even vice versa: for example, when the grid becomes clogged, the hydraulic arrow completely stops working, and with it the entire heating system.

What capabilities are attributed to the hydroseparator

Among heating engineers, there are diametrically opposed opinions about the need to install hydraulic guns in heating systems. The statements of manufacturers of hydraulic equipment, promising an increase in the flexibility of setting up operating modes, an increase in efficiency and efficiency of heat transfer, add fuel to the fire. To separate the wheat from the chaff, let's first look at the completely unfounded claims about the "outstanding" capabilities of hydraulic separators.

The efficiency of the boiler plant does not depend in any way on the devices installed downstream of the boiler connection pipes. The beneficial effect of the boiler is entirely contained in the converting capacity, that is, in the percentage of the heat released by the generator to the heat absorbed by the coolant. None special methods piping cannot increase the efficiency, it depends only on the surface area of ​​the heat exchanger and the correct choice of the circulation rate of the coolant.

The versatility, which is supposedly provided by the installation of a hydraulic arrow, is also an absolute myth.

The essence of the promises boils down to the fact that in the presence of a hydraulic arrow, it is possible to implement three options for the flow ratio in the generator and consumer parts.

The first one is the absolute equalization of the flow rate, which in practice is just possible only in the absence of shunting and there is only one circuit in the system. The second option, in which the flow rate in the circuits is greater than through the boiler, supposedly provides increased savings, however, in this mode, a supercooled coolant inevitably enters the heat exchanger via the return flow, which generates a number of negative effects: fogging of the internal surfaces of the combustion chamber or temperature shock.

There are also a number of arguments, each of which represents an incoherent set of terms, but inherently does not reflect anything in particular. These include an increase in hydrodynamic stability, an increase in the service life of equipment, control over the temperature distribution and others like them.

You can also find the statement that the hydraulic separator allows you to stabilize the balancing of the hydraulic system, which in practice turns out to be exactly the opposite. If, in the absence of a hydraulic arrow, the reaction of the system to a change in the flow in any part of it is inevitable, then in the presence of a separator it is also absolutely unpredictable.

Real area of ​​application

However, a thermo-hydraulic separator is far from useless. This is a hydraulic engineering device and its principle of operation is described in sufficient detail in special literature. Hydrostrelka has a well-defined, albeit rather narrow, scope.

The most important benefit of a hydraulic separator is the ability to coordinate the work of several circulation pumps in the generator and consumer part of the system. It often happens that circuits connected to a common manifold unit are supplied with pumps, the performance of which differs by 2 or more times.

At the same time, the most powerful pump creates a pressure difference so high that the intake of the coolant by the rest of the circulation devices is impossible. Several decades ago, this problem was solved by the so-called washer - artificially lowering the flow in consumer circuits by welding metal plates with different hole diameters into the pipe.

The hydraulic arrow shunts the supply and return lines, due to which the vacuum and excess pressure in them are leveled.

The second special case is the excess boiler performance in relation to the consumption of the distribution circuits. This situation is typical for systems in which a number of consumers do not work on a permanent basis. For example, an indirect heating boiler, a pool heat exchanger and heating circuits of buildings that are heated only from time to time can be linked to the general hydraulics.

The installation of a hydraulic arrow in such systems allows maintaining the nominal boiler power and circulation rate all the time, while the excess heated coolant flows back into the boiler. When an additional consumer is turned on, the difference in flow rates decreases and the surplus is no longer sent to the heat exchanger, but to the open circuit.

The hydrostatic gun can also serve as a collector of the generator part when coordinating the operation of two boilers, especially if their power is significantly different.

An additional effect of the operation of the hydraulic arrow can be called the protection of the boiler from temperature shock, but for this, the flow in the generator section must exceed the flow in the consumer network by at least 20%. The latter is achieved by installing pumps of appropriate capacity.

Connection diagram and installation

The hydraulic switch has a connection diagram as simple as its own device. Most of the rules relate not so much to the connection as to the calculation bandwidth and the location of the terminals. Nevertheless, knowledge of the complete information will allow the installation to be carried out correctly, as well as to make sure that the selected hydraulic arrow is suitable for its installation in a specific heating system.

The first thing that needs to be clearly understood is that the hydraulic arrow will only work in heating systems with forced circulation. In this case, there should be at least two pumps in the system: one in the circuit of the generating part, and at least one in the consumer. Under other conditions, the low loss header will act as a zero resistance shunt and, accordingly, will short-circuit the entire system.

An example of a water arrow connection diagram: 1 - heating boiler; 2 - boiler safety group; 3 - expansion tank; 4 - circulation pump; 5 - hydraulic separator; 6 - automatic air vent; 7 - shut-off valves; 8 - drain valve; 9 - circuit No. 1 indirect heating boiler; 10 - circuit No. 2 heating radiators; 11 - three-way valve with an electric drive; 12 - contour No. 3 warm floor

The next aspect is the size of the hydraulic arrow, the diameter and the location of the leads. In the general case, the diameter of the flask is determined based on the largest design flow rate in the line. The maximum can be taken to be the flow rate of the coolant either in the generation or in the consumer part of the heating system according to the data of the hydraulic calculation.

The dependence of the diameter of the separator flask on the flow is described by the ratio of the flow rate to the flow rate of the coolant through the flask. The last parameter is fixed and, depending on the capacity of the boiler plant, can vary from 0.1 to 0.25 m / s. The quotient obtained when calculating the specified ratio must be multiplied by a correction factor of 18.8.

The diameter of the connection pipes must be 1/3 of the diameter of the flask. In this case, the inlet pipes are located from the top and bottom of the flask, as well as from each other at a distance equal to the diameter of the flask. In turn, the outlet nozzles are located so that their axes are offset relative to the axes of the inputs by two proper diameters. The described regularities determine the total height of the body of the hydraulic arrow.

The hydraulic arrow is connected to the direct and return main pipelines of the boiler or several boilers. Of course, when connecting the hydraulic arrow, there should be no hint of a narrowing of the conditional bore. This rule forces to use pipes with a very significant conditional passage, which somewhat complicates the issue of optimizing the layout of the boiler room equipment and increases the material consumption of the piping.

About separation headers

Finally, let's briefly touch on the topic of multi-outlet hydrostops, also known as sepkolls. In essence, this is a collector group in which the supply and return splitter are combined by a separator. Devices of this kind are extremely useful in coordinating the operation of several heating circuits with different flow rates and coolant temperatures.

The vertical separation manifold allows for a temperature gradient in the outlet nozzles by mixing portions of the coolant. This makes it possible to directly connect, for example, an indirect heating boiler, a radiator group and underfloor heating loops without a mixing group: the temperature difference between adjacent Sepcoll outlets will naturally be maintained within the range of 10-15 ° C, depending on the circulation mode. However, it should be remembered that such an effect is possible only if the return pipe of the generator part is located above the return outlets of consumers.

As a result, we give important recommendation... For most household systems heating with power up to 100 kW, installation of a low loss header is not required.

Much more the right decision will select the capacity of the circulation pumps and coordinate their operation, and to protect the boiler from temperature shock, connect the mains with a bypass pipe.

If the design or installation organization insists on the installation of a hydraulic arrow, this decision must necessarily be justified technologically. published If you have any questions on this topic, ask the experts and readers of our project.