How to make and install a protective exhaust hood on a chimney. The legality of connecting the hood to the general ventilation of the house Built-in hood

Exhaust hoods are installed in many places, rooms and establishments associated primarily with certain household or culinary and food activities: in kitchens and kitchen workshops, in restaurants, cafes, canteens, in the country, in the garden, etc.

An exhaust umbrella is an important engineering structure that can be very useful even in domestic conditions, at home or in the country, and at catering establishments it is not at all replaceable. Let's consider in more detail what it is and why it is needed.

main destination

A ventilation umbrella or dome is a device whose main task is to ventilate the airspace of various rooms and territories. Situated over sources of high temperature, humidity and various odors, for example, over stoves and hobs, exhaust domes remove hot air with various unfavorable impurities from the work area, thus freshening the atmosphere of the room.

The range of tasks of this ventilation device includes purification of the air from many substances that cause harm and discomfort, among them: steam, soot and soot, grease, dust, various odors and chemical reagents (acids, salts, alkalis).

Therefore, the field of application of hoods is very wide. These structures are installed not only in kitchens, but also in workshops of the chemical and food industries, in laboratories and other similar institutions where there is an increased risk of air pollution.

Exhaust dome device

The base of the hood is a metal vault with an opening connected by a duct to the ventilation system. Full functioning is ensured by special devices, such as:

  1. Grease filter. Serves for cleaning air masses from particles of fats and oils.
  2. Spark arresting mesh. It is necessary when working with open fire sources.
  3. Lamps. Additional lighting with lamps built into the dome body.
  4. Pendants. Mounting elements that support and distribute the weight of the unit.
  5. Turbines. Capture and propel air through the filters to the duct.

Exhaust hoods should be made of materials that have good corrosion resistance and meet current health standards. This material is "food grade stainless steel" - a special grade of stainless steel, produced specifically for food industry equipment and characterized by increased resistance to aggressive chemical environment.

Many stainless steel ventilation domes are designed with inverter argon arc welding to increase durability. Thanks to this method, the quality of welds, the wear resistance of the equipment and the service life of the unit as a whole increase.

The device of an exhaust hood includes an air filter, which can have various functional additions: spark-suppressing nets, grease traps, "labyrinth" filters, etc. The installed filters are also subject to hygiene standards and requirements. In addition, they are usually quite attractive, and the design allows them to be removed for cleaning or replacement.

Varieties of umbrellas

All modern ventilation units are developed not only taking into account functional, technical and sanitary requirements, but also for design and aesthetic reasons. Of course, it is not easy to turn such a serious unit as an exhaust canopy into a decorative element, but this does not prevent it from perfectly fitting into almost any interior, especially into a production environment.

The exterior of the hood has some decorative space. For example, the outer steel coating is brushed or mirrored, but it can also be matte. Austere shapes, straight lines and shiny mirror surfaces not only look good in production halls, but also perfectly complement hi-tech or minimalist interiors.

Exhaust hoods can be roughly divided into two types: household (kitchen) and industrial (industrial). There is no fundamental difference between them, but there are some technical differences. For household modifications, for example, a kitchen umbrella, in comparison with industrial ones, the following features are characteristic:

  1. Smaller dimensions. Such units are designed for the typical dimensions of conventional stoves. The air turbine is much less powerful or absent altogether.
  2. Simpler and more compact grease filters (paper) are used.

These differences are not always clear-cut. For example, an island-type ventilation dome installed in a spacious kitchen in a private house may not differ at all from an industrial one. At the same time, air umbrellas for outdoor barbecues and barbecues, on the contrary, are extremely simplified devices, down to the primitive, representing a metal vault without any additional devices.

However, ventilation equipment located indoors must necessarily have a full set of functional elements: a turbine, grease trap, spark extinguisher, etc. This also applies to units such as exhaust tables and cabinets, which are more related to the chemical industry than to the food industry. They are installed mainly in laboratories.

Design and installation features

By type of design, exhaust umbrellas are wall-mounted and island. Wall-mounted models are mounted directly on the wall, directly above the work surface. Island ones have a more complex design, as they are attached to the ceiling and hang over equipment located near the center of the room, away from the walls. The wall-mounted dome has one row of filters, and the island dome has two.

If the wall umbrella has significant weight and dimensions, additional hangers, brackets and chains are used for auxiliary fixation of the device. To give the structure rigidity and stability, a trapezoidal profile is given to its shape. This allows you to increase the maximum allowable area of ​​the dome for suspension over large equipment.

Island-type ventilation units provide circulation of air flows in a much larger volume than wall units. Therefore, they are perfect not only for forced ventilation of air in the center, above objects remote from the walls, but also for airing the entire volume of the room as a whole.

The quality and stability of the ventilation dome depends not only on the choice of its type and modification, but also on the correct installation of the unit above the working area. The exhaust system must be suspended exactly above the location of active kitchen, industrial or laboratory appliances that pollute the air: cookers, deep fryers, frypots, burners, containers with chemicals, etc. Ensure that the centers of the umbrella and the active surface match.

It is important that the dimensions of the exhaust unit slightly exceed the dimensions of the equipment below it.

For ordinary kitchen appliances, a couple of centimeters of difference is enough, and for larger installations, the standards require an increase in the size of the dome by 10 cm or more. The suspension height of the structure above the working surface should be from 70 to 110 cm.

Conclusion on the topic

Thus, we found out what it is, an exhaust hood, what is its structure and purpose, and also figured out the types and modifications of dome structures and the intricacies of their installation. This data will help you when choosing and buying equipment, its operation, maintenance and repair.

It is difficult to imagine a modern kitchen without such a necessary thing as an exhaust hood. This device removes unwanted odors and does an excellent job of removing dirt.

A kitchen exhaust hood is essential to remove unpleasant odors

What is the hood for?

The kitchen is one of the most frequently visited places in the apartment. During the cooking process, a huge amount of steam, fat, soot, and gas residues are released. All this is capable of settling on furniture and household appliances in the form of stains that are difficult to clean off. Among other things, the resulting compounds penetrate the respiratory tract, causing a lot of unpleasant sensations, and create favorable conditions for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria.

The hood hood is located over any hob, in a domestic environment, usually over kitchen stoves. The exhaust hood can work in two modes: collecting air contaminated with various impurities, sends it to the general ventilation system or returns it back through filtration. But still, fresh air, free from harmful substances, is delivered back to the kitchen.

What is a household umbrella

Depending on the interior of the kitchen and the location of the stove, there are two types of ventilation hoods: a wall hood and a central exhaust hood, which is located directly above surfaces that are far from the walls. The principle of operation of both types is the same, but the central (remote) differs in a more complex device of the filtration system.

In many cases, the canopy canopy is made of stainless steel

The main design of the hood-hood is a metal dome, most often made of stainless steel, inside it has several categories of cleaning filters:

  • aluminum grids that trap large particles protect the turbine from contamination;
  • acrylic porous filter effectively collects fatty vapor, requires regular replacement;
  • carbon filter - the basis of cleaning, has different shapes and types, suitable for specific models, retains all fine particles, needs periodic replacement;
  • if the ventilation hood is placed over an open flame, it is additionally equipped with a spark arrestor mesh.

The turbine - the "heart" of the hood, provides a correct and even air duct, does not allow polluted air to return to the room.

Many hoods and umbrellas are equipped with lights built directly into the dome. It is possible to use different types of lamps: diode, halogen, incandescent lamps.

By what parameters to choose a device

Having decided on the purchase, you need to choose the right exhaust hood for the kitchen. What to look for when buying:

  1. In what mode does the work take place. Through-flow hoods capture air in the room and bring it out into the general ventilation. This type of work is more efficient, the return of unfiltered air is prevented by special valves. However, this method is more difficult to install. Hoods operating in a circular method are based on the return of air that has passed through many filters and cleaned of the smallest particles back into the room. They are used when it is impossible to connect to general ventilation. Such devices are easy to use, they are easy to install with your own hands, but they require regular filter replacement.
  2. The type of hood according to its location. Wall-mounted are used in standard apartment buildings, where the hob is most often attached to the wall. This is a fairly convenient type, since ventilation is easily accessible. The central one is used when taking out the exhaust hood at a certain distance from the walls.
  3. Panel width. According to certain standards, the dome of the ventilation hood should not easily match the dimensions of the stove, but protrude 10–12 cm beyond it. This allows better air intake and cleaning of the room.
  4. How modes are switched. Mechanical control involves the use of buttons. Electronic is carried out by touch control or from the remote control.
  5. Design in harmony with the overall style of the kitchen.


The installation of the hood umbrella can be entrusted to professionals who specialize in such orders, or you can do it yourself. First of all, you need to carefully study the attached instructions, carefully take measurements, outline the plan and scope of work. An important condition is the observance of the distance from the working surface of the stove to the hood, for gas burners - at least 70 cm, for electric stoves - at least 60 cm.

A screwdriver is required to install the hood

Installation of the hood does not require special tools, it is enough to have: a tape measure, a level, a drill, a screwdriver or a screwdriver, a hammer, dowels and self-tapping screws. Most often, corrugated air ducts are used for the hood, which are connected with one end to the device, and the other is led out into the ventilation hole. If a plastic air duct is used, it is supplemented with special nozzles, and loose joints are filled with silicone sealant.

An important point when connecting any electrical appliance is grounding. In the presence of a common house grounding loop and European standard sockets, the problem disappears, but if there are none, it is better to seek help from a person who has knowledge in this matter.

Filter maintenance and replacement

The hood does a tremendous job every day, so it is necessary to clean the umbrella not only outside, but also inside. This applies to aluminum grates - the first stage of air purification, where grease, soot and dirt accumulate in large quantities. The instructions for users always contain the necessary information about what means can be used when cleaning the device, you should not neglect this information.

In addition to special products, the following are very popular: soda paste, 72% laundry soap dissolved in water, acetic acid diluted 1: 2. Lattice filters need this treatment every quarter.

More delicate carbon filters cannot be cleaned, but replaced with new ones, and the service life depends on the manufacturer's brand. On average, replacement is done every 4-6 months. How to change the charcoal filter with your own hands:

  • disconnect the device from the power supply;
  • remove filters - grilles;
  • remove the cartridge with the carbon filter;
  • a slight click should be heard when a new cassette is inserted correctly;
  • cleaned grates are returned to their place;
  • the device is connected to the network to check, if there is no extraneous noise, the filter is installed correctly.

As you can see, it is not easy to supplement your interior with a kitchen hood, but you can take the right step in maintaining your health. It is important to take a responsible approach to the selection of the device and its maintenance.

An essential element of any serious kitchen is an exhaust hood. Such a device is mandatory installed in industrial enterprises, but it also has a quite worthy place in domestic kitchens.

This hood option is extremely effective in removing cooking-related contaminants from the air. Let's take a closer look at the features of the operation of this exhaust equipment and the points that you need to pay attention to when choosing a hood for the kitchen.

A device of this type is a powerful hood designed for efficient ventilation of the air in the kitchen. They are most often installed directly above hobs in restaurants, cafes, canteens and other catering establishments.

Such a device can be installed not only over ordinary kitchen stoves, but also over other similar equipment: a grill, oven, etc.

The quality of the food will only benefit from the presence of a good cooker hood. Umbrellas catch water vapor, oil and grease particles, remove odors from the food being cooked. All these contaminants rise upward under the influence of hot air and enter the working cavity of the ventilation hood. Here, the polluted air passes through the filtration system, where it is purified.

The hood is a stylish and modern device that will provide effective air purification in a domestic or industrial kitchen

Then the air masses, freed from unnecessary inclusions, are returned to the kitchen or removed through the ventilation duct, depending on the type of device.

Fat contaminants move through a separate channel and are collected from the accumulating glasses, from which they are periodically removed.

Grease traps are special aluminum elements that are installed inside the hoods. They trap particles of grease and other relatively large contaminants.

To facilitate the process of cleaning the storage devices from fatty deposits, it is recommended to pre-fill the glasses with a special detergent capable of effectively dissolving fat.

The advantages of “umbrella” type exhaust structures include the following points:

  • the ability to use remote control;
  • high degree of automation;
  • the ability to install a suitable model in almost any area of ​​the kitchen;
  • a wide selection of various models made from various materials with an attractive design;
  • high level of performance.

Among the disadvantages of such equipment, first of all, the increased noise generation caused by the operation of a powerful fan is noted. In order for the unit to function properly, it must be serviced regularly, i.e. purchase and timely replace carbon filters.

These items cannot be cleaned or refurbished, so the cost of operating the instrument may be higher than expected. Moreover, good equipment of this type is quite expensive in and of itself.

An island umbrella can be installed right in the middle of the kitchen if the size of the room allows it. In a small room, such a device can be placed above the stove installed by the window.

Exhaust equipment is always necessary in the kitchen. Grease particles, hot steam, soot, droplets and other contaminants may not be visible at first glance, but over time they form a layer of dirt on various surfaces that is not easy to remove.

In addition, gas residues that can enter the kitchen air and the smell of accidentally burnt food are not beneficial to the health of others.

According to the device, the ventilation hood is a steel dome-shaped case, inside which there is a fan and a set of filtering elements. To collect relatively large particles, there is a special aluminum grill that protects the ventilation turbine.

In catering establishments, powerful hoods are required for use over hobs. Similar devices are used to remove harmful vapors in other industrial industries.

An acrylic filter is usually used to remove a significant portion of the grease. In installations with recirculation, a carbon filter is mandatory, which provides fine air purification. Spark arresting mesh protects the elements from overheating and possible fire.

It is especially necessary if the umbrella is installed over the device with an open flame. All filter elements must be periodically cleaned or replaced. Carbon filters are replaced as soon as they become dirty, these elements cannot be restored.

Some types of acrylic filters can be washed and reinstalled, but they quickly lose their shape from this treatment, so the number of cleaning and reuse cycles is limited.

The hood must be large enough to overlap the parameters of the hob to be treated by at least 100 mm

A fan or ventilation turbine built into the umbrella ensures that the air is circulated in the right direction and at the required rate. The performance of this element ensures the total power of the hood, which should be correlated with the total volume of the room in which it will be installed.

Most of the hoods-hoods are supplied with illumination, which is very convenient. Such lamps can be used as additional lighting in the kitchen. Along with conventional incandescent lamps, halogen or diode lighting devices are built into the hoods.

The latter provide a sufficient level of illumination with a minimum consumption of electrical energy and an increased service life.

At industrial catering establishments, exhaust hoods are installed over devices of various types: stoves, grills, ovens, etc.

If the umbrella is connected to the ventilation duct of the house, it must be equipped with special valves that prevent the return of the air masses entering the device into the kitchen.

Types of structures and the problem of choice

By the type of construction, there are wall and island hoods. The design can be exhaust or supply and exhaust. In the first case, the device only removes the exhaust air from the room, in the second, it also provides an additional inflow of fresh air masses.

When choosing the right umbrella, consider the level of air exchange required, the size of the cooking equipment, and the intended location. For an industrial kitchen, it is recommended to install a model that is 100 mm larger than the hob.

Food grade stainless steel is used for the manufacture of such devices. The device is usually equipped not only with a grease trap, but also with a charcoal filter. Backlighting can be a useful option. Supply exhaust devices, as the name implies, provide not only the removal and purification of contaminated kitchen air, but also the inflow of fresh air masses from the street.

Such umbrellas are used extremely rarely in domestic conditions; this is a technique for professional use. Some operations require a constant supply of fresh air. Umbrellas of this type allow you to create an exceptionally favorable microclimate in the working room, adjust the humidity and air temperature to an acceptable level.

The capacity of the exhaust element usually exceeds the supply capacity in models of this type by about one third.

The advantage of using an exhaust hood is that it can be installed in almost any suitable place, you just need to choose the right model

Wall umbrellas are not fixed to the ceiling, but to the wall. Typically, such models are used to connect to an exhaust duct. To facilitate installation work, the hob is installed as close as possible to the ventilation duct.

In this case, it will not be too long, which contributes to the effective movement of the exhaust air into the ventilation duct.

Wall-mounted hoods can be wall-mounted. It is more convenient to connect them to the ventilation duct of the building than island models.

A short design usually does not need to create a lot of turns when using rigid plastic ducts. There should be no more than three such knees for one ventilation hood. The beveled type of island umbrella is very popular, which allows the hood to be brought closer to the maximum allowable distance to the hob.

An island-type umbrella, which is attached to the ceiling, is considered universal. As the name implies, it is used for mounting over a kitchen island, specifically over a stove built into it. The design feature is that when installing it there is no need to use a wall, the structure is fixed to the ceiling.

Such devices are commonly used in large kitchens, both industrial and domestic. In small areas, the use of a kitchen umbrella over the island is usually not used due to lack of free space. But such a design may be advisable even in a small kitchen, if the hob is installed near the window.

The presence of two filters allows the air to be cleaned at a high enough level so that it can be returned to the kitchen. Of course, the necessary means should be used to ensure sufficient air exchange, but recirculation allows you to save some of the thermal energy in the room that was spent on cooking.

To remove contaminated air using an exhaust hood, it must be connected to the ventilation duct. If this is not possible, use models with circulation and charcoal filter.

Recirculation is used in island hoods, since it is usually quite difficult to install such a unit next to a ventilation hatch. And read about how recirculation hoods work in. Some models of island umbrellas can be adjusted in height, which allows you to change the intensity of absorption of contaminated vapors depending on the situation.

If the place for installing the hood is chosen in such a way that the filtered air cannot be taken out into the ventilation duct, then you will definitely have to give preference to a device with recirculation.

When choosing an exhaust hood for the kitchen, you should choose the right one. The most powerful option is suitable for a kitchen up to 25 sq. m.

However, you should not choose a model with too much power reserve, because the higher the performance, the more noise the hood makes during operation. For a small space, this can be a real disaster.

Distinguish between exhaust and supply and exhaust hoods. The latter not only ensure the removal of polluted air, but also make possible the influx of masses from the street in order to improve the atmosphere in the room.

The noise level of the device in the region of 40 dB is considered acceptable. It can be slightly higher (up to 70 dB), but you should not choose an overly noisy model, since the sound of its operation can be annoying. When choosing the type of control, you should take into account the installation height of the device. If the hood is installed high enough, the remote option can be very useful.

Such equipment is distinguished by a high price, therefore, when choosing a brand, one should pay attention not only to the well-known name, but also to the warranty period, as well as to the availability of service centers and the terms of warranty service. Of course, the design of the device also plays an important role. Fortunately, the models of exhaust hoods are very diverse, you can always find a suitable option.

Features of installation and operation

It is relatively easy to install this type of exhaust technology, but inexperienced craftsmen are still better off entrusting these operations to professionals. If you decide to carry out the installation yourself, then you should start with a detailed study of the manufacturer's instructions.

Fume hoods are usually made from durable food grade aluminum steel. For industrial plants, such designs are often custom-made.

After that, you need to investigate the installation site, take the necessary measurements, prepare tools, fasteners, materials, etc. An important point is the correct distance from the hob. It should be at least 60 cm for electric stoves and 70 cm for gas appliances, but no more than 85 cm.

If the umbrella needs to be hung higher, then a more efficient device should be chosen to compensate for the difference in height. To install a ventilation hood, you will need tools that are usually in the arsenal of any experienced craftsman: a tape measure and a building level for marking a screwdriver, drill, hammer, etc.

Depending on the type of device, you will need to either simply hang it over the stove, or connect it with an air duct to the ventilation duct. Either a corrugated metal sleeve or rigid plastic structures is used as an air duct.

The corrugation can be bent in a suitable way, and to make a knee made of plastic, special adapters should be used to ensure a tight connection of individual sections of the duct.

If the power cord is not long enough, you need to install an additional outlet near the device. You need to make sure that the electrical device has the necessary grounding.

Correct installation of the ventilation hood is only half the battle. For the device to work effectively, it is necessary to organize its work. For details on such matters, refer to the operating instructions supplied with each instrument.

Regular cleaning is essential. For example, aluminum grates should be washed with special detergents. A good result is also given by the use of tools that can be found in any kitchen: acetic acid diluted by a third with water, a saturated solution of ordinary laundry soap or a pasty mixture of water with baking soda.

The aluminum grill grease traps of the hoods must be regularly cleaned of accumulated dirt to ensure that the device works correctly and efficiently.

These recipes are useful for those who suffer from chemical intolerance. The grates should be cleaned of accumulated grease and dirt at least every three months.

Replacing the carbon filters is usually done in the following order:

  • disconnecting the device from the power supply;
  • dismantling of aluminum gratings;
  • removing the used filter;
  • installation of a new filter element;
  • installation of aluminum gratings;
  • connecting and checking the operation of the device.

At the time of installing a new filter, a characteristic click should sound. If, after replacing the filter, unusual noises appear in the operation of the exhaust hood or it becomes noisier, the filter may be installed incorrectly, the work should be redone.

If cleaning and replacing the filters of the ventilation hood is not carried out in a timely manner, the quality of the device may deteriorate significantly.

Charcoal filters are necessary in recirculating hoods, they provide fine air purification and need to be replaced regularly.

Removable filters and grease cups in umbrella models used in catering should be cleaned daily as instructed. It is also necessary to constantly clean the outer surface of the hood housing. Some elements are recommended to be removed and soaked in special cleaning solutions.

At the end of cleaning, rinse them thoroughly. Another element that needs periodic cleaning is the air duct. It is necessary to remove the connecting elements and remove deposits from the inner surface of the structure.

Corrugated elements require this cleaning more often than smooth plastic channels. Some industrial models of kitchen umbrellas are equipped with a built-in cleaning system, but such expensive units are usually not used in everyday life.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

This video shows the principle of operation of such structures:

An exhaust hood can ensure proper air exchange in both conventional and industrial kitchens. Correct installation and regular maintenance will ensure long-term and trouble-free operation of such a device.

In areas related to food preparation, large emissions of steam, grease, combustion products, etc. occur. To prevent their spread to other rooms and to purify the air from them, exhaust hoods are often used. Next, we will consider what these devices are, their types and features.

Installation of kitchen exhaust systems

Any room has a ventilation system that provides an inflow of fresh air and an outflow of contaminated air. However, for food preparation areas, such ventilation is not enough, because emissions, before entering the general system, spread throughout the room and mix with a clean one.

Therefore, in the food industry and in domestic kitchens, local ventilation is usually used, the main element of which is a ventilation hood. Most often it is a domed structure that is connected to a general ventilation system.

The umbrellas of ventilation systems are made of galvanized sheet steel so that when hot air enters the box, oxidation and even greater air pollution do not occur.

The entire structure, as a rule, consists of several basic elements:

  • Box- is the main product, since it prevents the spread of emissions throughout the entire space of the room, and also acts as a housing for other parts.
  • Filters- as a rule, all models are necessarily equipped with a grease trap. In addition, they can have additional filtration systems.
  • Fan- forcibly sucks polluted air into the box. I must say that it is not available in all devices. For example, if the structure is connected to forced exhaust ventilation, then it may not.
  • Air duct- the channel through which the polluted air enters the ventilation system from the box. The diameter of the duct can be different: 110–150 mm. In addition, there are square and rectangular ducts.

When working with an open flame, the product must be equipped with a flame extinguishing filter.

Depending on the type of device, the design may have some nuances. For example, recuperative ventilation hoods do not have an air duct, since they are not connected to general ventilation. The air in such devices is finely cleaned and goes back into the room.

Thus, the principle of operation of the structure is quite simple - polluted air is sucked into the hood, it is cleaned there to prevent it, and then it is discharged outside through the air ducts.


All existing kitchen umbrellas differ in several ways:

Household and industrial hoods

An industrial ventilation hood is in many ways similar to household hoods.

The difference is only in a few points, such as:

  • Size - industrial devices are much larger, as they cover the area of ​​industrial furnaces.
  • The fan power is much higher.
  • Filters - industrial hoods have special grease traps, from which the settled impurities drain into a special glass. Such a drive must be periodically emptied and washed with soapy water. Household appliances, as a rule, have paper and fibrous disposable filters.

I must say that the difference between industrial and household hoods is sometimes not very pronounced. For example, in cottages, devices are often installed that are very similar in their characteristics to industrial hoods.

The price of these products mainly depends on the fan power, dimensions and the availability of additional functions.

Installation methods

As mentioned above, there are two types of hoods according to the installation method:

  • Island ventilation umbrellas - suspended from the ceiling. Often they are installed above kitchen stoves located in the middle of the room. As a rule, such devices contain several rows of filters.
  • Wall-mounted - as you might guess from the name, they are mounted to the wall. Such structures are often installed above kitchen stoves located near the wall. It is quite simple to install such a hood with your own hands.

When installing the hood above the stove, according to GOST for the hoods of ventilation systems, it must be at least 100 mm larger than the hood.
This will avoid the release of harmful substances into the environment.

Here, perhaps, are all the main differences between local exhaust installations, knowing which, you can choose the most suitable device for a particular case.


Exhaust hoods are widely used in everyday life and in the food industry, as they provide high-quality removal of polluted air. In addition, the instructions for their operation and maintenance are extremely simple. The main thing is to choose the right device for each individual case, especially for industrial devices.

From the video in this article, you can gather some additional information on this topic.

Hello Sergey. We answer your question about the legality of installing an exhaust kitchen hood in an apartment in an apartment building.

It should be noted right away that it allows the partial use of mixed ventilation systems with natural and mechanical impulses. In other words, it is possible to install a kitchen exhaust hood (ventilator with forced induction) into an individual exhaust duct in an apartment building. Another thing is "in which case it is impossible" and "what power is possible" depends on the operating conditions, the ventilation project. systems, house series, air exchange rates and many other factors.

With a normally functioning ventilation system at home, the influence of the kitchen umbrella (installed by the neighbors) on the ventilation of your apartment will be minimal. The point is that regardless of the capacity of the exhaust system of your neighbors, the volume of the removed air cannot exceed the throughput of the duct, which, as a rule, has a diameter of 130-150 mm. The common shaft (to which your apartment is connected through the booster riser) has a larger diameter of 220 - 240 mm.

Problems may appear due to errors in the installation of the vent. home system and improper connection of the hood (kitchen umbrella) to the ventilation system. The ventilation specialists, called by the management organization on the basis of your written statement, can clarify the cause of the problem.

Reasons for the appearance of odors from ventilation

The main reason for the appearance of extraneous odors from the ventilation system is the effect of overturning the draft. The physics of the process is as follows: the higher the temperature of the ambient air and the lower in the room, the worse the natural draft. Under certain conditions, instead of removing air masses, through a vent. air begins to flow into the grate. In other words, if there is insufficient draft in the exhaust shaft and poorly organized air flow in apartments, the air flow created by your neighbors' kitchen umbrella can enter the rooms higher up the riser.

It is easy to check for the presence of "reverse draft": you just need to bring a strip of paper to the ventilation grill.

Odors from your neighbors' exhaust ventilation may be due to the lack of plugs. For example, consider the ventilation system of one riser of a typical multi-storey building (series II-18, I 209A, etc.). It consists of a common shaft and two booster channels. The system works like this: the polluted air from the apartment must rise through the accelerating channel to a height of 2.5 - 2.7 m (depending on the project), "rest" on the plug (one floor above) and exit through a special "window" into the common shaft. The problem is that in 90% of cases there are no such stubs! Without plugs, such a system consisting of a common shaft with two channels (separated by plugs into booster sections) turns into three transit shafts.

What to do?

Most often, this problem is solved by installing a plug, which will cut off the air flow from the lower floors and direct it through the standard window provided for this into the common shaft.

You can independently fight the flow of air from the ventilation into your apartment by installing a special grill equipped with a valve that will open without interfering with the normal air exchange in your apartment. When air is forced from the shaft into the room, the valve will automatically close.

Anyway: to determine the possible cause of the problem and how to fix it(including as a basis for influencing neighbors) it is necessary to apply to the managing organization with a written statement.

Important! For unauthorized changes in the configuration of the indoor ventilation system, various forms of administrative responsibility are imposed on the offender.