Independent manufacture of the solar panel of 20 elements. Solar Panel for home made with your own hands

Hello dear blog readers! In our 21st century, any changes are constantly occurring. Especially acute they are noticed in a technological aspect. Cheap sources of energy are invented, various devices are extended everywhere, which should simplify the lives of people. Today we will talk about such a thing as a solar battery - the device is not a breakthrough but, nevertheless, which every year more and more enters the lives of people. We will talk about what is this device, which advantages and disadvantages it possesses. Also worth the attention of how the solar battery is going to do it with your own hands.

Summary of this article:

Solar Battery: What is it generally and how does it work?

A solar battery is a device that consists of a certain set of solar cells (photocells) that convert solar energy into electricity. Panels of most solar batteries consist of silicon as this material has a good efficiency on the "processing" of incoming sunlight.

Solar panels work as follows:

Photoelectric silicon cells that are spacing in a common frame (frame) take over sunlight. They are heated and partially absorb the incoming energy. This energy immediately exempts electrons inside silicon, which in specialized channels enter a special capacitor, in which electricity accumulates and processed from the permanent variable to devices in the apartment / residential building.

Advantages and disadvantages of this type of energy

Of the advantages you can select the following:

  • Our sun is an environmentally friendly energy source that does not contribute to environmental pollution. Solar panels do not throw various harmful waste into the environment.
  • Solar energy is inexhaustible (naturally, while the sun is alive, but it is still a billion years old). From this it follows that solar energy would definitely be enough for life.
  • After you carry out the competent installation of solar panels in the future you will not need to often serve them. All that is needed - once a year to conduct a preventive inspection.
  • An impressive service life of solar panels. This period starts from 25 years. It is also worth noting that even the last time they will not lose in operational characteristics.
  • Installation of solar panels can be subsidized by the state. For example, this is actively happening in Australia, France, Israel. In France, 60% of the cost of solar panels is returned.

Of the shortcomings, the following can be distinguished:

  • So far, solar panels do not stand competition, for example, if you need to produce a large amount of electricity. It is good to happen in the oil and nuclear industry.
  • Electricity production directly depends on weather conditions. Naturally, when outside the window is sunny - your solar panels will work for 100% power. When it is a cloudy day - this indicator will fall at times.
  • For the production of a large amount of energy, solar batteries require a large area.

As you can see, this source of the energy of the pluses is still more than minuses, and the cons not so terrible as it would seem.

Sunny battery with your own hands from remedies and materials at home

Despite the fact that we live in a modern and fast-growing world - the purchase and installation of solar panels remains a lot of secured people. The cost of one panel, which will produce only 100 watts varies from 6 to 8 thousand rubles. This is not counting something that separately it will be necessary to buy condensers, batteries, charge controller, network inverter, converter and other things. But if you do not have a lot of money, but I want to switch to an environmentally friendly energy source, then we have good news for you - the solar battery can be collected at home. And if you follow all the recommendations, the efficiency of it will not be worse than that of the option assembled on an industrial scale. In this part, we will consider step-by-step assembly. We will also pay attention to the materials from which you can collect solar panels.

From diodes

This is one of the most budget materials. If you are going to make a solar panel for home from diodes, remember that only small solar panels that can save any minor gadgets are collected using data components. The D223B diodes are best suitable. These are the diodes of the Soviet sample, which are good in that they have a glass case, due to the size they have a high-density of installation and have a pleasant price.

After buying diodes, clean them from paint - it is enough to put them in acetone for a couple of hours. After this time, it is easily removed from them.

Then prepare the surface for the future placement of diodes. It can be a wooden plank or any other surface. It requires the holes throughout its area between the holes, it will be necessary to observe the distance from 2 to 4 mm.

After we take our diodes and insert aluminum tails to the holes. After that, the tails need to be cut against each other and solder so that when receiving solar energy, they distributed electricity into one "system".

Our primitive solar battery made of glass diodes is ready. At the outlet, it can give energy in a couple of volts, which is a good indicator for handicraft assembly.

From transistors

This option will already be more serious than diode, but still is a sample of harsh hand assembly.

In order to make the solar battery from transistors, you will need to begin with the transistors themselves. Breeding them can be bought almost on any market or in electronic technology stores.

After buying, you will need to cut the cover from the transistor. Under the lid hides the most important and element you need - semiconductor crystal.

Then we insert them into the frame and solder them between each other by following the "I / O" norm.

At the outlet, such a battery can give the power, which is enough for work, for example, a calculator or a small diode light bulb. Again, such a solar battery is collected purely for fun and is not a serious "power supply" element.

From aluminum cans

This option is already more serious in contrast to the first two. This is also an incredibly cheap and effective way to get energy. The only thing, at the exit, it will be much more than in variants from diodes and transistors and it will not be electrical, but thermal. All you need is a large number of aluminum cans and hull. Well suits the body of the tree. In the case, the facial part should be closed by plexiglass. Without it, the battery will not work effectively.

Before starting assembly, you need to paint aluminum banks of black paint. This will allow them to attract sunlight well.

Then, with the help of tools at the bottom of each bank, three holes make their way. Upstairs, in turn, a star-like neckline is made. Free ends are bend outward, which is necessary in order for the improved turbulence of heated air.

After these manipulations, the banks are folded into the longitudinal lines (pipes) into the case of our battery.

Then there is a layer of insulation (mineral wool) between the pipes and walls / rear wall. The collector is then closed with a transparent cellular polycarbonate.

This is completed on this process of assembly. The last step is to install the air fan as an energy source engine. Such a battery though does not produce electricity, but it can effectively warm the living room. Of course, it will be not a full-fledged radiator, but heating a small room such a battery is under power - for example, for giving a great option. We talked about full-fledged bimetallic heating radiators in the article - in which we considered the structure of such heating batteries, their technical characteristics and compared manufacturers. I advise you to get acquainted.

Solar battery do it yourself - how to make, collect and make?

Returning from homemade options, we will pay attention to more serious things. Now we will talk about how to properly assemble and make a real solar battery with your own hands. Yes - this is also possible. And I want to assure you - she will not be worse than purchased analogues.

To begin with, it is worth saying that it is likely that the real silicon panels are used in the free market, which are used in full solar panels. Yes, and they will be expensive. We will collect our solar battery from single-crystal panels - more cheap option, but perfectly showing yourself in terms of generating electrical energy. Moreover, the single-crystal panels are easy to find and cost them enough. They are of different sizes. The most popular and running option is 3x6 inches, which produces 0.5V in equivalent. We will be enough for us. Depending on your finance, you can buy them at least 100-200 pieces, but today we will collect the option that is enough to keep small batteries, light bulbs and other small electronic elements.

Selection of photoebles

As we argued above - we chose a single crystal basis. You can find it anywhere. The most popular place where it is sold in gigantic quantities is Amazon or Ebay trading platforms.

The main thing is to remember that there is very easy to run into unscrupulous vendors, so buy only those people who have a rather high rating. If the seller has a good rating, you will be sure that your panels will reach you well packaged, not broken and in the quantity in which you ordered.

Select Place (Orientation System), Design and Materials

After you rain your parcel with the main photocells, you must choose a place to install your solar battery. After all, you will need it to work for 100% power, right? Professionals in this case are advised to install in the place where the solar battery will be directed slightly below the heavenly zenith and look towards the West-East. This will allow almost all day to "catch" sunlight.

Production of the Solar Battery Frame

  • First you need to make the base of the solar battery. It can be wooden, plastic or aluminum. Best of all shows a tree and plastic. It should be sufficient to put all your photocells in a row, but at the same time they will not have to hang out within the entire design.
  • After you have collected the base of the solar battery, you will need to drill a set of holes on its surface for the future removal of conductors into a single system.
  • By the way, do not forget that the entire basis is required from above to close the plexiglass to protect your items from weather conditions.

Soldering Items and Connection

After your base is ready, you can place your items on its surface. Photo cells place along the entire design by conductor down (encounter them into our drilled holes).

Then they need to be soldered together. On the Internet there are many schemes for which you have a soldering of photo cells. The main thing is to connect them into a kind of unified system so that they all together can collect the resulting energy and direct it into the capacitor.

The last step will be a soldering "output" wire, which will be connected to the condenser and output the resulting energy.


This is a final step. After you make sure that all items are assembled correctly, sit tightly and do not hang out, they are well closed by plexiglas - you can start mounting. In terms of installation, the solar battery is best fixed on a solid base. A metallic frame is perfect for construction screws. On it, the solar panels will sit firmly, do not stagger and do not give in any weather conditions.

That's all! What do we have in the end? If you have made a solar panel consisting of 30-50 photocelers, it will be quite enough to quickly charge your mobile phone or light a small household light bulb, i.e. You have a full-fledged homemade charger for charging the phone battery, a street summer lamp, or a small garden lantern. If you made a sunbath, for example, at 100-200 photocells, then there can be about "squeezing" of some household appliances, for example, boiling cards for water heating. In any case, such a panel will be cheaper purchased analogues and save you money.

Video - How is the solar battery make it yourself?

This section presents photos of some interesting, but at the same time simple variants of homemade solar panels that can be easily collected with your own hands.

What is better to buy or make a sunny battery?

Let's summarize everything in this part that we learned in this article. First, we figured out how to collect a solar battery at home. As you can see, the solar battery with your own hands when instructions are assembled very quickly. If you are step by step to follow various manuals, then you can collect excellent options to ensure you are environmentally friendly electricity (well, or options designed for the sampling of small elements).

But still, what is better - buy or make a sunny battery? Naturally, it is better to buy it. The fact is that the options that are manufactured on an industrial scale are intended to work as they should work. With manual assembly of solar panels, it is often possible to allow various errors that will lead to the fact that they simply will not work properly. Naturally, industrial options are big money, but you get quality and durability.

But if you are confident in your abilities, then with the right approach, you will collect a sunbath, which will not be worse than industrial analogues. In any case, the future is already near and soon the solar panels will be able to afford all the layers. And there, maybe there will be a complete transition to the use of solar energy. Good luck!

Ecology of consumption. Lifehak: Independence from energy and rising prices for her, whether it is at least thermal or electric. Solar panels and homemade windmills will come to the rescue - one of the types of alternative sources of electricity

What does it mean to be a farmer? For me, this is independence. Independence from various sanctions entrusted by different countries. Independence from the increase in food prices, since everything can be grown at homemade. And, of course, it is independence from energy and rising prices for her, whether it is at least the heat or electric. In one of my articles, I wrote about how to build a biogasic installation with my own hands, but it is suitable for the farmers who are breeding cattle, but what are those farmers who are engaged in vegetable growing or crop production?

Solar panels and homemade windmills will come to the rescue - one of the types of alternative sources of electricity. In my opinion, everything should be in the aggregate. The windmill charges the batteries when there is a wind, but there is no sunlight, and the solar panel is the opposite.

The principle of operation of solar panels:

To understand how to collect with your own hands, the solar panels must be understood in their principle of operation. This will allow you to choose the appropriate material when purchasing. I think you need to know the following:

  • Solar panels work at the expense of photo cells that are single crystal and polycrystalline. Very often photocells call solar cells.
  • Solar cells do with their own hands, it is unlikely to get it, so they will have to buy them anyway. I was looking for them in Russia, but unfortunately now everything is done in China.

In the video below the passage from the scientific program about solar panels, a little history is told in it and how photocells work. At the end of the article there will be a detailed video on how to assemble the solar panel with your own hands.

After from the video you learned about the principle of operation of the solar battery, we can sum up some results:

  1. The monocrystalline photocells of the efficiency is about 13%, but it is more profitable only when the number of sunny days is quite high.
  2. In Russia, these panels I think it is not profitable, so there are polycrystalline photocells, their efficiency is approximately 7%, but they work better when clouds and small number of sunny day.
  3. Now there are technologies that allow you to make a photocell with efficiency more than 40%.
  4. Approximately one photocell will produce 2.7 watts.
  5. The price of polycrystalline and single-crystal photocells in principle is the same, it is also the same for the solar panels.

You need to understand how much power you need and, based on this, to calculate the required amount of solar panels, but we will talk about this in future articles. It is important to know that the solar panels can be used directly, so if you need to boil the water in the 2 kW teapot, then there will be 20 panels for 100 W. But if you use batteries, you can do 3-5 batteries that will charge the battery after the kettle boasts water.

I would like to note that often the batteries cost as much as the panel themselves. If you use solar panels for lighting, you can do the 200 W panel and put the energy-saving light bulbs in the house.

We collect solar panels do it yourself

Before assembling solar panels, you will need to make a frame for the battery. Plexiglas are used as a protective layer and a transparent surface in the frame, can be used and ordinary glass, but it is not so secure. Aluminum corners are used for the housing.

It is important to pay attention to the soldering of photocells into the chain, it depends on how well the solar panel will work. Photo cells are with soldered wires, which will facilitate the task, but will have to solder anyway. Flux and solder is pre-applied.

About how to collect a sunbath with your own hands, see the video below.

A little economy about solar panels and the benefits of assembling it with their own hands

Searching for photo cells to assemble solar panels to buy them in Russia, found them 3200 rubles for 38 pieces, I think it is not profitable, as there are panels for 4500 rubles, the difference in 1300 will reduce your time and strength.

But if you search Chinese solar cells, you can find 4500 rubles per 100 pieces. From 100 pieces you can collect already two panels per 100 watts. In this case, the profitability of the purchase of photocells on the face. I want to draw your attention to the fact that in the video below there is a collection of photocells, the size of which is 125 * 63. On the Internet, I found Chinese solar cells in size 156 * 156 With their help, you can collect 4 solar panels 100 W.

As promised, video about how to assemble a sunbar with your own hands. The principle of soldering and sealing is shown in detail.Subscribe to our YouTube channel, which allows you to watch online, download from YouTube for free video about rehabilitation, man rejuvenation. Love for others and to yourselfas a sense of high vibrations - an important improvement factor - site

P.S. And remember, just changing your consumption - we will change the world together! © Econet.

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The main principle of operation of the device - with the help of photocells, it turns solar energy into electricity. The technology implies the connection of such elements into one complex. After the energy is processed, electricity enters special batteries.

In this article we will deal with why people are increasingly installing solar panels with their own hands.

The homemade solar battery is a progressive method of savings, because you will not only receive electricity (this will provide solar cells), but also do not spend enormous amounts for the purchase of batteries.

The whole process is nothing complicated, the main thing here is a clear sequence of actions. We will help you with this, proceed.

What amount of electricity you will receive ultimately will depend on the size that has your solar module.

How it works

To begin with, you will get acquainted with the subtleties that have a technological process. Photodiodes are mounted on a plate of silicon (or copper). When the light falls on them, photo-EMF is formed on their outputs. In order to make a sunny battery with your own hands, you need to combine such plates (their combination is called a module).

The approximate value of the generated energy from one such plate is 0.5 - 0.55 V. It is not worthwhile to be too big goals, because to obtain 220 volts you will need a battery of impressive scale. A more real task is to get 12-24 volts. They will be treated with other solar cells.

Such power is able to fill the electricity of 12 batteries. The main elements that have a design:

  1. solar panel that will produce energy
  2. energy Storage Batteries
  3. inverter to convert low voltage energy to standard

Create homemade solar panels are necessary from the calculations required for a particular room. For each building, the value will be individual. First of all - calculate how many batteries will need for your goals. The number of batteries depends on the size of the solar panel.

In order to create a high-quality solar battery at home, will require purchase inverter. This important design element is not manufactured independently. When buying, follow the needs of your room (the minimum recommended value of 1-2 kW).

Selection of photoebles

The solar battery device in the modern market is presented in the form of two options - the assembly of the solar battery is possible from monocrystalline silicon and polycrystalline:

  • the first have 13% efficiency (differ in low efficiency when the street is overcast);
  • the second possess the smaller efficiency - 9%, but they show themselves perfectly with bad weather conditions.

In accordance with the advice of specialists, in order to assemble the solar battery with their own hands it will be enough for the second option.

Photo cells that you will use for the manufacture of solar panels with your own hands, you need to purchase the same size. Otherwise, the electricity that they will be generated will be limited to the indicators of the smallest cell.

Other materials

To get homemade solar panels you will need:

  1. frame (it can be made of wood, aluminum)
  2. photocells
  3. substrate Made according to Fiberboard
  4. glass (as an alternative Plexiglas)
  5. conditions
  6. diodes

Choosing installation site

In choosing a place when assembling solar panels with your own hands, you need to be guided by the main principle - the rays of the sun should fall into the design so perpendicular to how much it is possible.

The most popular location that have solar cells is the roof of the room. In general, it is recommended to install as high as possible. As an alternative option, there are places where the rays fall more actively.

Installation process


In the question of how to collect a solar battery with your own hands, the first to start - collecting a framework. It will provide solar elements with the necessary level of protection. To do this, you will need:

  1. corners made of aluminum (30x30)
  2. alternatives apply wooden bars

The first option is more common and efficient. As a tool you will need a file. On one of the shelves with it, you must remove the chamfer. It is necessary to do it at an angle of 45 degrees. Taking the same angle of inclination as a foundation, cut off the second shelf.

When the frame elements are processed, they are twisted using squares. Corollable material must coincide with the framework of the frame.

After that, the final stage comes - the fully finished frame is complemented by protective glass. Mounted it using silicone.

Spike plates

The manufacture of solar battery with their own hands requires special attention to this stage. The first thing that requires the production technology, an understanding of the basic principle in spike:

  • the serial connection will increase the voltage;
  • parallel connection increases current strength.

The solar battery scheme implies a gym value of 5 mm when installing silicon plates on glass. It is strictly recommended to observe this value, because it is necessary in order to extend the temperature expansion of parts of the structure when heating.

In converters it is easy to figure out, because their device implies only two tracks (plus and minus). Elements for solar batteries must be sequentially connected in one chain.

It is recommended not to limit yourself only by the necessary number of panels. The process of manufacturing solar panels can bring unexpected surprises - damage panels during the installation (they are fragile and do it is not as difficult even with all caution). For this reason, you should stock up with several spare panels.

After the data is completed, it remains to withdraw the conductors to the total tire.

Now you need to understand how to check the solar battery and the voltage it will give at the output. For these purposes, a multimeter is used. The optimal indicator which should have a battery manufactured at home - 18-19 volts.

Collect the panel

A homemade solar panel at this stage of manufacturing a particularly responsible stage. After working with the case is finished, it is necessary to place the transducers that were soldered earlier. Next, the following steps are performed for the solar battery assembly:

  • silicon is applied to silicon elements (centered)
  • to ensure reliable fixation from above covers the substrate (Fiberboard)
  • next you need to close the design with a lid
  • sealing joints (use sealant or as an alternative to silicone)

When all the steps are made and the panel accepted the final look, it must be mounted on the frame or holder.

Transistor battery

Solar battery with their own hands from undergraduate materials is assembled using diodes and transistors, from foil.

If you decide to make a design using a transistor, pay attention exclusively on such types - CT, P. It will be the most optimal choice due to semiconductors ideally suitable for the production of electrical energy.

After you decide with the desired amount of radio components, the metal cover is removed from them. When radio metal in vice, carefully cut the upper part. For these purposes, the metal is suitable for the metal. Plate which is in the inside will serve as a photocell.

Next steps:

  1. the assembly should pass on the surface that has dielectric properties
  2. we use a collector transition (it is characterized by the greatest difference in potentials, in contrast to the base and emitter)
  3. swinging the transistor occurs in a separate sequential chain
  4. chains need to be connected in parallel

Indicators of the output voltage from one transistor using the specified semiconductors:

  • 0.35 volts
  • the current of the CW is 0.25 μA

Thus, from undergraded means, you can create effective panels with your own hands.

We use diodes

With proper assembly, the solar battery from diodes for a private house or cottage can also be very effective. Indicators for generating voltage of one diode - 350 mV.

To properly use a diode with your own hands in a similar design, decide in advance with the optimal amount of radio components. Such production of solar panels to start work requires the placement of them in a container treatment tank.

Other solvents can also be used as an alternative to acetone. Leave radio components in this position, not less than a couple of hours.

Such solar panels for home are made with their own hands with the following steps:

  1. on the plate we carry out a markup that will specify the places for putting the power supply elements
  2. upload allows you to remove paint without much difficulty
  3. it is necessary to beat the plus contact (for these purposes we use a multimeter)

Production of solar batteries of this type for maximum efficiency in the receipt of voltage requires vertical digging of diodes. Practice confirms that this is the most optimal position for the crystal.

Foil Solar Battery

This technique is highlighted in much lower power indicators compared to previous. Solar cells from foil are manufactured in accordance with the clear instruction - to begin with the copper foil (45 sq.m.). From it you need to remove all fat:

  • we use soap solution
  • we wash your hands thoroughly to eliminate the formation of fat spots

The next stage of processing is to eliminate corrosion, protective oxide film that are located on the sequence plane. It is easy to make using ordinary emery.

The foil sheet must be heatled to such an extent when red-orange stains begin to seen. The finals of this process can be considered the adoption of the surface of black.

This testifies to the formation of copper oxide. It is best to do it on a burner of an electric stove. The minimum indicator of its power should be 1.1 kW.

In order to obtain an oxide film with an optimal thickness, from the moment of the formation of oxide, the sheet needs to be performed for another half an hour. After such a root, you can proceed to further steps:

  1. oxide detection occurs, its entire residue is eliminated by washing with ordinary water
  2. any deformation of the sheet, flexion, attempts to remove oxide mechanical methods
  3. cut another sheet, based on the parameters of the previous
  4. cut the throat of plastic bottle (from 2 to 5 l.)
  5. in it, we have two pieces of foil, after which they fix them
  6. any contact of these pieces is excluded.
  7. terminal with a minus for the processed piece, with a plus for another
  8. bank is flooded with a special solution

The upper edge should be separated from the electrodes by 2.5 cm. To prepare the mixture you will need several tablespoons of salt. Its quantity should be proportional to the volume of the container.

Solar battery made of transistors, solar panels from LEDs and other types of their varieties have proven their effectiveness of the years. Also productive will be a fan on the solar panel.

The use of silicon and copper types is increasingly used by our compatriots. Now and you know what equipment needed for the production of solar panels, how to independently make the necessary solar cell, to carry out the calculation of the section.

With the help of knowledge gained, you can easily make a solar panel on yourself, a solar panel for home and cottages to use extremely efficiently - make sure that yourself!

Humanity in order to care about ecology and cash savings began using alternative energy sources to which, in particular, belongs solar panels. Buying such pleasure will cost quite expensive, but it is not difficult to make this device with your own hands. Therefore, you will not hurt to learn how to make a solar battery itself. This will be discussed in our article.

Solar panels - Electricity generating devices using photocells.

Before talking about how to make a sunny battery with your own hands, it is necessary to understand the device and the principles of its work. Solar battery includes photocells connected sequentially and parallel, battery, accumulating electricity, an inverter that converts permanent current to an alternating and controller, which follows the charge and battery discharge.

As a rule, photo cells are made of silicon, but its cleaning costs expensive, so recently began to use such elements like India, copper, selenium.

Each photocell is a separate cell generating electricity. The cells are enclosed with each other and form a single field, the battery power depends on the area. That is, the more photocells, the more electricity is generated.

In order to make a sunbath with your own hands at home, it is necessary to understand the essence of such a phenomenon as a photoeff. The photocell is a silicon plate, when the light is hit on which the electron atoms are knocked out from the last energy level of silicon. The movement of the flow of such electrons produces a permanent current, which is subsequently converted into variable. This is the phenomenon of the photo effect.


Solar panels have the following advantages:

  • harmlessness for ecology;
  • durability;
  • silent work;
  • ease of manufacture and editing;
  • independence of the supply of electricity from the distribution network;
  • immobility of the parts of the device;
  • minor financial costs;
  • low weight;
  • work without mechanical transducers.


Solar panels are divided into the following types.


Silicon is the most popular material for batteries.

Silicon batteries are also divided into:

  1. Monocrystalline: Very pure silicon is used to produce such batteries.
  2. Polycrystalline (cheaper monocrystalline): polycrystals are obtained by gradual cooling of silicon.


Such batteries are divided into the following types:

  1. Based on Cadmium Telluride (efficiency 10%): Cadmium has a high speed absorption ratio, which allows it to be used in the production of batteries.
  2. Based on the selenide of copper - India: the efficiency is higher than that of the previous ones.
  3. Polymer.

The solar panels from polymers began to produce relatively recently, usually use the beells, polyphenylene, etc. Polymer films are very thin, about 100 nm. Despite the efficiency of 5%, the batteries made of polymers have their advantages: the cheapness of the material, environmental friendliness, elasticity.


The efficiency of amorphous batteries is 5%. Such panels are made of silane (silhineodorod) on the principle of film batteries, so they can be attributed to both silicon and film. Amorphous batteries are elastic, electricity is generated even in bad weather, absorb the light better than other panels.


For the manufacture of solar battery, the following materials will be required:

  • photoisechairs;
  • aluminum corners;
  • schottky diodes;
  • silicone sealants;
  • conductors;
  • fastening screws and hardware;
  • polycarbonate sheet / plexiglass;
  • soldering equipment.

These materials are required to make the solar battery with their own hands.

Selection of photoebles

To make a sunny battery for home with your own hands, you should choose the correct photocells. The latter are divided into single-crystal, polycrystalline and amorphous.

The efficiency of the first is 13%, but such photocelers are ineffective in bad weather, externally represent bright blue squares. Polycrystalline photocells are capable of generating electricity even in bad weather, although their efficiency is only 9%, externally darker monocrystalline and cut across the edges. Amorphous photocharts are made of flexible silicon, their efficiency is 10%, the performance does not depend on weather conditions, but the manufacture of such cells is too expensive, so they are rarely used.

If you plan to apply electricity generated by photocells at the cottage, we advise you to collect a solar battery with your own hands from polycrystalline cells, as their efficiency is enough for your purposes.

You should buy photocels of one brand, since the photocells of multiple stamps can be very different - this can cause problems with the assembly of the battery and its functioning. It should be remembered that the number of energy produced by the cell is directly in proportion to its size, that is, the larger the photochard, the more electricity it produces; The cell voltage depends on its type, and not from size.

The amount of current is determined by the dimensions of the smallest photocell itself, so you should buy photonomics of the same size. Of course, it is not necessary to purchase cheap products, because it means that it has not passed the check. Also, you should not buy photo cells covered with wax (Many manufacturers cover the photonomacials wax for the safety of products during transportation): when it can be deleted, you can spoil a photocell.

Calculations and project

The device of the solar panel with your own hands is a simple task, the main thing, approach it is responsible. To make a sunbar with your own hands, you should count the day consumption of electricity, then learn the average daily sunny time in your area and calculate the necessary power. Thus, it will become clear how many cells and what size should be purchased. After all, as mentioned above, the current generated current depends on its dimensions.

Knowing the necessary cell size and their quantity, you need to calculate the dimensions and weight of the panel, after which it is necessary to find out whether the roofing will be withstanding or another place where the installation of the solar battery is planned.

By installing the panel, it should not only choose the solar place, but also try to fix it at a right angle to the sun rays.

Stages of work


Before you start making a sunbath with your own hands, you need to build a frame for it. It protects the battery from damage, moisture and dust.

The housing is assembled from moisture-proof material: plywood coated with a moisture-repellent means, or aluminum corners, to which plexiglas or polycarbonate are glued with silicone sealant.

At the same time, it is necessary to observe indents between the elements (3-4 mm), since it is necessary to take into account the expansion of the material when the temperature is raised.

Soldering elements

Photo cells are laid out on the front of the transparent surface, so that the distance between them was 5 mm from all sides: thus the possible expansion of photographs is taken into account when temperatures increase.

The converters having two poles are recorded: positive and negative. If you want to increase the voltage, connect the items sequentially if the current is in parallel.

To avoid the discharge of the battery at night, in a single chain consisting of all the necessary parts, includes a Schottky diode, connecting it to the positive conductor. Then all the elements are soldered among themselves.


Silicone is applied to the finished frame, silicone is applied on the photonomicks - all this is covered with a layer of fiberboard, closed with a lid, and the parts of the parts are processed by sealant.

Even a urban resident can make and place a solar panel on the balcony with their own hands. It is desirable that the balcony is glazed and insulated.
So we disassembled how to make a solar battery at home, it turned out that it is quite simple.

Ideas from girlfriend

You can make a sunny battery with your own hands from girlfriend. Consider the most popular options.

Many will be surprised by learning that foil can be used to manufacture solar batteries with their own hands. In fact, there is nothing surprising in this, because the foil increases the reflective abilities of the materials. For example, to reduce overheating of panels, they are put on foil.

How to make a foil solar battery?

We need:

  • 2 "crocodile";
  • copper foil;
  • multimeter;
  • salt;
  • empty plastic bottle without a neck;
  • electric oven;
  • drill.

Cleaning the copper sheet and washing his hands, cut off a piece of foil, put it on the hot electric stove, heated half an hour, watching the blackened, then remove the foil from the stove, let me cool and see how slices are peeled from the sheet. After heating, the oxide film disappears, so the black oxide can be safely removed by water.

Then the second piece of foil is cut out of the same size as the first, two parts are bend, fall into the bottle so that they have no opportunity to get in touch.

Also, foil can be used for heating. To do this, it must be pulled on the frame, to which then you need to connect the hoses, subordinated, for example, to watering can.

So we learned how to make a solar battery for a foil house.

Many at home was lit up old transistors, but not everyone knows that they are quite suitable for the manufacture of the solar battery for giving with their own hands. This photocell is the semiconductor plate inside the transistor. How to make a solar battery from transistors with your own hands? First, you need to open the transistor, for which it is enough to cut the cover, so we can see the plate: it is small than the lowest efficiency of solar batteries from transistors.

Next you need to check the transistor. To do this, use a multimeter: connect the device to a transistor with a well-lit P-N transition and measure the current, the multimeter must fix the current from several milliamperes to 1 or a little more; Next, we switch the device to the voltage measurement mode, the multimeter should issue the tenth lolts of the volt.

The transistors were tested inside the case, for example, leaf plastic and solder. You can make such a solar battery with your own hands at home and use it to charge batteries and low-power radio.

Also suitable for assembling batteries Old diodes. Make a sunny battery with your own hands from diodes is completely simple. It is necessary to open the diode, the crystal is a crystal, which is a photocell, then heated the diode for 20 seconds on the gas stove, and when the solder melts, remove the crystal. It remains to solder the pulled crystals to the case.

The power of such batteries is small, but it is enough for the power supply of small LEDs.

This option is made by the solar battery with their own hands from the primary means to the majority will seem very strange, but make a sunny battery with their own hands from beer cans is simply cheap.

The case will make out of plywood to which polycarbonate or plexiglass, on the rear surface of the plywood, will fix the foam or glass gamble for isolation. Photocells will serve us aluminum banks. It is important to choose exactly aluminum cans, as aluminum is less corrosion than, for example, iron and has better heat exchange.

Next, at the bottom of the cans are done holes, the cover is cut, and unnecessary elements are bend to ensure better air circulation. Then it is necessary to clean the cans from fat and dirt using special agents that are not containing acids. Next, it is necessary to hermetically bore the cans among themselves: silicone gel, withstanding high temperatures, or soldering iron. Be sure to dry out the glued banks in a fixed position.

Attaching the cans to the case, stain them in black and close the design by plexiglass or polycarbonate. Such a battery is able to heat the water or air with the subsequent supply to the room.

We looked at the options for how to make a sun panel with your own hands. We hope that now you will have a question how to make a sunny battery.


How to make solar batteries with your own hands - video lesson.

In this section, the experience of different people on the manufacture of solar panels at home is collected. Various approaches, designs and methods of manufacture. Samples and errors, conclusions and opinions. So, with the times, other information on the topic will be added. For example, controllers, diagrams and methods of connecting and charging batteries, various ways to organize and optimize power consumption and other things that can be useful in the use of the energy of the Sun.


Solar panel with your own hands, sealing elements epoxy resin

Production of two solar panels using a transparent optical resin. The basis is ordinary window glass, aluminum frame, glass is glued to silicone sealant. As a result, there were durable and cheap panels with completely hermetic elements.


Homemade panel on plexiglas

Elements in this solar panel are interfered between two sheets of plexiglas. 4mm rear, and 2mm face leaf. The panel assembly occurred using a mounting tape, the elements inside are kept on small pieces of this tape, the plexiglas between themselves also glued along the perimeter of a double-sided tape.


Sealing elements by conventional silicone sealant

Small photo Report on the manufacture of the solar panel and sealing elements using a conventional cheap silicone sealant. The panel is made by a slightly higher voltage than usual, instead of 36 elements in the panel of four rows of 12 elements that in the amount of 48 elements.


Homemade solar battery powered by epoxy resin

A homemade solar panel (more precisely 3pcs.) From the photo of electrical modules 125 * 125 * 150, purchased at the enterprise "PxSZ". The peculiarity of this solar panel is that elements are flooded with an ordinary epoxy resin. The design on which the portable panels are fixed, and can be rotated for all 360 degrees, though it turned out, but it is quite reliable.


Electrification at home in the settlement using homemade solar panels

The first part of the big photo of the story of the autonomous power supply at home in the settlement based on homemade solar panels made of wooden frames. Production of the first panel itself from elements on the old window frame and its first tests.


Second part, manufacture of new panel

The second panel was made on the big glass where two sets for solar cells are located at once. Elements were attached to the glass as well with the help of tape. The finished glass with Rasy-shaped elements was inserted into a wooden box, but the film and the glass was paved on the box, and the glass was put together with it, it is to protect the back of the back of the moisture.


Part 3, Home Wiring and Modernization System

Now, when it became clear that the system works, by the way, now from 7 panels, it came to the inner wiring around the house. For batteries, a shelf was made under the ceiling to shorten the length of the wire from the panels, and the wire itself was thickened to reduce losses.