Stucco molding on the facades of houses, a lightweight version of heavy decor. Polyurethane stucco molding in the interior (51 photos): continuing the centuries-old tradition of luxury and attractiveness Varieties of decorative stucco molding by type of form and purpose

Despite its ancient origin, decorative stucco molding and decor have not lost their relevance today. But if earlier wall decoration and ceilings with decorative elements were available to a limited circle of very wealthy people, today new technologies and materials have made stucco molding much cheaper. At the same time, without loss of quality - polyurethane stucco molding has not lost the conviviality, sophistication and sophistication of its antique predecessors.

Stucco polyurethane decor: advantages and disadvantages

Today, polyurethane stucco molding and decor have become a worthy alternative to plaster products - it is stronger, does not crumble and does not turn yellow over time.

In addition, polyurethane stucco molding has a number of other advantages:

  • light weight, which greatly simplifies the installation of stucco molding, it is fixed on glue like "liquid nails"
  • resistant to moisture, so it can be installed in the bathroom, kitchen or hallway
  • easy to clean - polyurethane does not attract dust, it is easy to clean
  • does not absorb or accumulate odors
  • perfectly withstands significant temperature changes
  • it does not start and does not multiply fungus or mold
  • impact resistance - polyurethane products are able to withstand sufficiently large mechanical stress
  • paintable - the polyurethane surface can be painted with oil or water soluble paints, nitro varnishes and nitro paints are contraindicated

Advice! To visually "age" polyurethane, you need acrylic paint beige shades gently walk on concave surfaces

In addition to the fact that polyurethane is combustible and has a synthetic origin, other disadvantages are largely caused by manufacturing errors, which are typical mainly for Chinese manufacturers. First of all, this is a visually distinguishable graininess of the surface, as well as a "jumping" uneven pattern that can occur when joining products from different batches.

Polyurethane stucco molding in the interior: application possibilities

Stucco molding made of polyurethane is the widest range of decorative details for the interior:

  • cornices - their main purpose is to decorate the junction of walls and ceiling, but at the same time they can also be used to divide the wall into tiers. Cornices are smooth (versatile enough, they can be used in different stylistic solutions) and with a pattern (they require a balanced selection so that the ornament matches the main style of the room)

Advice! In small rooms, ceiling modern cornices it is necessary to paint in the same color with the walls - this will soften the transition, the section will not be so obvious, but will visually rise

  • friezes - an ornamental composition, enclosed in the plane of the ribbon. It allows you to give the walls sophistication, grace and lightness, diluting the overall monotony.
  • capitals and brackets are a rather complex type of decoration that looks like a support for other elements, but at the same time they are not able to withstand significant loads. They can also be used as stands for decorative porcelain, not heavy lamps or vases, and as an independent decorative element. Capitals and brackets are most in demand when decorating rooms in classic or antique style, baroque
  • moldings- in addition to decorating the ceiling and walls of the room, they are used to mark the boundaries, their installation helps to visually add volume to the room. In addition, they are used to mask the joints of different materials or framing inserts. Molding can be made in modern (no ornament) and classic (simple or ornate ornament) style

Advice! Moldings and curtain rods can be used to mask electrical wiring that may be placed underneath.

  • pilasters - half or three-quarter columns, in general terms repeating classical columns, but without thickening the trunk, allow you to create the visual illusion of a colonnade without cluttering up the space. Actively used to conduct zoning space
  • rosettes - ceiling decorations that allow you to hide (mask) fasteners chandeliers... In the design of the rosettes on the ceiling, various types of ornaments (oriental, floral, etc.) are used, they can have different shapes - round, oval, square, diamond-shaped

Such a variety will help to select and harmoniously fit decorative stucco elements into the interior of almost any style:

  • ancient Roman - in it you can use the maximum number of decorative stucco elements: pilasters, cornices, columns and niches. The sockets can be mounted both on the ceiling and on the walls, where they will act as an artistic panel
  • gothic style - stucco molding is used in it in a rather restrained and dosed manner - this applies to both the number of elements used and their decorativeness. These are mainly consoles, columns (colonnades) of classical form and caissons.
  • the Renaissance - niches, various rosettes, cornices with ornaments, caissons are characteristic of it. Very often, ornaments are painted in gray blue gamut
  • Baroque is a space for lovers of stucco molding, but a characteristic feature of the style is the asymmetry of the elements. All elements used are volumetric, the columns can be classic and twisted with a predominance of pilasters. In the Baroque, stucco is often painted with various effects: abrasion, patina, gilding
  • Rococo - stucco decoration has a pronounced antique character, in the ornament there are helmets, spears and bows, as well as animals and vases. In the interior, it is mainly used for framing doors, paintings, panels and mirrors

Whatever the finish of your building, it will look unkempt and unfinished if the window and door openings remain standard. Why not decorate them with facade stucco moldings? This is an affordable way of transformation in a short time. Stucco molding looks perfect on any building, without exception. A variety of styles will allow you to choose what you like.

Columns, semi-columns, plinths, moldings, bas-reliefs, balusters, slopes, arches, pilasters, decorative locks and cornices, basages. This is not the whole list of stucco molding parts that are manufactured by manufacturers. Every day the assortment is increasing, making all the ideas of the designer come true.

When choosing facade stucco molding, pay attention not only to beauty or style, but also to the material from which the structure is made. The price depends on the quality of the material used in the manufacture. Artificial stucco molding is several times more expensive than natural.

Stucco molding additionally "loads" the wall. Before installation, be sure to evaluate the weight of the "future beauty". Too heavy structures can be fastened, only first strengthen the wall to avoid deformation and collapse.

Types of facade stucco molding:

Stucco molding made of polyurethane and foam

Easily mounts on special glue or liquid nails. You can work with light materials alone. This way you save on workers and heavy construction equipment.

Polyurethane is a synthetic material made from isocyanate and polyol. They contain components that enter into a reaction that leads to the formation of the final product. By adjusting the level of components in the composition, you can get products of various densities and states, from liquid to solid.

Polyurethane stucco molding:

Polyfoam is a product produced by gas saturation of a polymer. As a result of improving technologies, you can find polyurethane foam, polystyrene foam, etc. on sale. Foam molding is susceptible to punctures and cuts.

Stucco details are cut from blanks (bars) on machine tools.

  • Ease of use
  • Comparative cheapness of materials
  • Savings on the construction crew and equipment
  • Parts are susceptible to mechanical damage
  • Even minor scratches are visible and need to be replaced
  • Restoration of a small area is not possible (seams will be visible later). Replacement of a complete part is required.

Styrofoam molding:

Plaster molding

The progenitor of stucco molding from modern materials was plaster molding(natural material). Gypsum powder is mixed with water until sour cream is thick and poured into a mold. After hardening, take out and grind. Along with the newest representatives, it remains in the leading positions. Gypsum products are fragile and heavy, but the processing possibilities are endless. Most often they are made by hand, which allows you to "draw" the smallest details.

When fixing gypsum parts, glue and self-tapping screws are used.

  • Natural material
  • It is possible to manufacture a fragment entirely at the factory or "on site"
  • The products are "poured" in molds, after which they are finished by hand
  • Restoration by sanding possible (minor scratches)
  • Fragile
  • Bulky and heavy, which means you can't do without a crane
  • Additional costs for the brigade and equipment
  • Parts are sensitive to moisture and require a protective coating

Stucco molding from polymer concrete

Outwardly it resembles marble. Polymer concrete is a mixture of polymer and concrete (sand, cement, water, crushed stone, plasticizers). If we compare a product made of polymer concrete and gypsum, then durability is still on the side of the former. Manufacturers guarantee the excellent condition of the stucco molding even after 100 years.

When manufacturing, it is possible to achieve any color and texture. Reinforcement is used for strength. Unlike gypsum, polymer concrete products are many times lighter, which facilitates further processing and installation.

  • The most durable
  • Manufacturing possible on site and in the factory
  • It is possible to achieve any texture and color
  • Very heavy
  • Requires the presence of "heavy" equipment
  • There is artificial material
  • Difficult to install

Polystyrene stucco molding

Made from polymerized styrene, very similar to styrofoam. Parts are cut from finished blocks. The external difference is visible only to a specialist. It's all about the size of the bubbles, they are smaller. Some manufacturers have already achieved perfectly flat surfaces.

  • Flexibility
  • Ease
  • Artificial material
  • May turn yellow over time

Concrete stucco

It is famous for its durability. Reinforcement is also present in large products, which adds strength to the structure. For concrete, mix sand, cement and water, add a little crushed stone. When installing bulky parts, construction equipment is indispensable. Even a small area of ​​stucco molding requires the presence of at least two people.

  • Natural material
  • Durable
  • Lasting
  • Has no processing restrictions
  • Heavy
  • Problematic in installation

Stucco molding from expanded polystyrene

Made from expanded polymerized styrene. Lightweight and in appearance practically does not differ from polystyrene. The only difference is in the production technology of the material. Facade elements are cut from blanks on machines. It is advisable not to use this type of stucco molding at the bottom of the building, where there is a high probability of moisture ingress.

  • Easy to work
  • High hygroscopicity
  • Artificial material
  • Fragile

Consider the possibility of restoration work. Plaster and concrete elements are easier to repair. Variants made of lightweight materials are almost impossible to repair. If damaged, they must be replaced entirely.

There are types of stucco moldings made of light materials with and without a protective coating on the market. In the second case, you will need to apply a reinforcing layer. If you decide to make custom moldings, you can provide sketches or pictures to the manufacturer and wait for an individual decoration. You can also take measurements from windows and doors and make a fit from the supplier. You will be brought ready-made parts that do not need to be cut, you just have to attach.

The best and most reliable option is to hire specialists who will inspect the wall on which the stucco molding is to be attached, take measurements, make the elements and install. That is, from the beginning to the end of the project, they will do everything themselves. In this case, you will be provided with a guarantee, the contractors will be responsible for defects and durability made during the installation. In the event of cracks, collapse, the company is obliged to correct the deficiencies at its own expense.

Installation of facade stucco moldings made of polystyrene

1. Surface preparation

  • We remove the old finish (paint, whitewash) to plaster. She must hold on tight.
  • Check for strength (knock). Remove all suspicious areas and "patch" with a new solution.
  • After drying, we clean the wall and stucco from dust.
  • Work can only be carried out at temperatures not lower than +5 degrees in dry weather. Humidity negatively affects the durability of the mount.

2. Fastening stucco

  • Using a level, we apply markings on the wall and, if necessary, on the stucco molding (window sill).
  • Cut the corners of the molding with a miter box.
  • Thermal insulation mixtures for the facade are suitable for gluing, for example, from the Ceresit series CT85, CT84, CT83. Apply a layer of glue to the stucco molding, press it down.
  • We remove the remnants of the glue.
  • For reliability, we fasten with anchors or self-tapping screws.
  • We mask the holes of the fasteners.

3. Topcoat

  • Finally, we protect the structure from seasonal influences. We cover with a primer suitable for your stucco molding (it is better to check the correspondence when buying (ordering) stucco molding).
  • Apply a finishing coat of paint.

If you need a minor correction of "problem areas", remove the old fastening material, dirt, wipe off the dust. Apply a new layer of glue to a clean, dry surface.

Window installation stucco look at the video:

When decorating your own home, non-standard solutions for facade decor are in special demand. This trend has developed quite rapidly due to the desire of the owners of cottages to make their home not only attractive, but also unique in its way in terms of the architectural ensemble. Therefore, the direction of decoration with the help of original embossed stucco molding is so popular today.

In order to independently complete the project of the entire design of the exterior decoration of the building in this way, initially familiarize yourself with the possible options and the most popular forms.

Important! This approach will allow you to create a truly beautiful artistic cladding in accordance with the rules of architecture.

There are the following types of facade stucco molding:

Important! Choose the appropriate decoration option, depending on the part of the structure that you plan to decorate. For example, spaced columns and pilasters look great across the entire surface of the walls. Sandriks and arches will be an excellent solution for arranging window and door openings.


Watch a video with a small overview of the most popular forms of stucco molding in private construction.

What to make facade stucco moldings from?

Make the decoration of the decorative relief from a material that is more suitable for the style features of the building's architecture. Consider also the volume of the proposed work and your financial capabilities in order to correctly arrange the facade decor, the stucco molding in this case will become a really interesting and affordable decoration, and the process of its installation will not introduce any difficulties.

Pay attention to those types of building materials for facade decoration, the stucco molding of which is in high demand. These include:

More frequent use today is still found for facade stucco moldings made of polystyrene, gypsum and polyurethane, therefore, below are recommendations for the independent design of external walls using these materials.

Features of creating plaster moldings

Plaster moldings have been used to decorate various surfaces since the days of ancient civilizations. Despite the fact that the current market for building materials provides a fairly wide range of types, both natural and artificial, gypsum is in constant demand for the design of various construction projects due to a number of advantages.

The advantages of plaster decor

If you preferred gypsum facade stucco moldings, make sure of the correctness of your choice, noting the main advantages of such material:

Important! Please note that plaster is both strong and brittle material that can crumble under rough mechanical stress. Therefore, during the installation process, you should be very careful. In addition, before choosing gypsum as the main material for stucco molding, check how the future load on the walls corresponds to the permissible indicators, since after hardening, when exposed to moisture, this material becomes heavier.

Mortar preparation and shaping

To complete this work, prepare the following materials:

The sequence of preparation of plaster mortar and molding:

Installation rules for facade plaster moldings

Check out the rules of technology for attaching plaster stucco to the front surfaces of the house.
Do all the work very carefully to prevent damage to the elements during installation.


Features of facade design using polyurethane

This material has recently gained its popularity for stucco decoration. But, despite this, he steadfastly won a leading position along with gypsum.

Why is it beneficial to use polyurethane molds for decorating a building?

Correctly designed facade stucco molding made of polyurethane has the following advantages:

Fixing technology for decorative elements

The main stages of this process are similar to the installation of facade stucco moldings from other materials, but there are some distinctive points to which you should pay attention:

Features of decorating the facade with styrofoam stucco molding

This method of cladding is the cheapest of all options available today. Before giving your preference to this material, focusing solely on the financial side, check out the rest of the advantages and disadvantages of this material for performing decorative work on the installation of volumetric stucco molding.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of styrofoam for stucco molding?

Considering a fairly long list of all the advantages of polystyrene, thanks to which it is one of the most popular building materials, we note only those that are really important in the design of facade stucco moldings:

How to install polystyrene stucco moldings?

To properly fix all the stucco moldings from this material, do the work as follows:


As you have seen, the design of the facade stucco molding will not take much time and will not require significant financial costs. But at the same time, it will certainly allow you to transform the entire exterior and give it a special sophistication. Therefore, the result will surely cause admiring glances of guests and neighbors and a constant feeling of aesthetic pleasure when contemplating the building, resting after tiring everyday life on the lawn or in the shade of trees on the site near the house.

Stucco molding from plaster for many centuries has not yielded its positions in interior design. It is difficult to imagine an exquisite and expensive style without bas-reliefs and plaster sculptures. The history of the appearance goes far back to Ancient Greece, where the majestic castles were almost completely made of them.

Until the 20th century, gypsum had no analogues, only with the advent of new technologies it was replaced by polyurethane and foam. The hand-made elements found during archaeological excavations were available only to the pharaohs.

Now the cost is not as high as 5000 BC, but it does not belong to a number of budget options for finishing materials, like polyurethane stucco molding.

In what style of interior is plaster molding admissible ?!

For the harmonious use of modeling in interior design, it is necessary to carefully consider the style and concept of the room. Exquisite moldings, figurines and picture frames will not go well with every room design. Country, Provence or Scandinavian styles generally do not allow such elements in their interior. They will be quite provocative in such designs as loft, minimalism and hi-tech.

Modeling in the listed projects will look pretentious and completely tasteless, like the remaining elements of the past decor. But there are a lot of other design solutions, where plaster elements will come in handy.

Roman style

The Roman style consists almost entirely of stucco molding, and in this case it is impossible to overdo it. Absolutely everything can have carved details, be it the ceiling, walls, cornices, rosettes and niches, everything will fit perfectly into the image. The main thing is that the ornament is suitable and consistent in a single spirit.

Art Deco

Art Deco is the option when a combination of something completely incompatible at first glance is permissible. Creative performance can include all kinds of chic items.

It is not necessary to adhere to any single type of plaster elements, you can combine the classic pattern on vases and niches with modern figurines.

Usually this style is preferred by people with an active lifestyle who value comfort and luxury in one set.

Empire style

Empire style is a style in which decorative stucco molding acquires solidity and key importance. The status of a room in the spirit of Empire is sometimes breathtaking, and the owner of such a room feels like a true pharaoh of our time.

Plaster elements here are massive and monumental. Small stucco elements can only add mood.


Rococo style implies light and flirty elements. Lush, but at the same time weightless forms give the room a romanticism and a sense of heavenly stay.

Asymmetry and pretentious crimp perfectly complement the image of such a design. Great importance is attached to the painting of elements with gold or patina.

Renaissance and romanticism

Renaissance and Romanticism are somewhat similar to each other, as they allow multi-level ceilings and walls with numerous niches. If the Renaissance also needs figurines, then romanticism is distinguished by the ease and individuality of its owner.

Plaster molding for ceiling decoration

When viewing the catalog of photos of plaster moldings, most of it is devoted to the design of the ceiling. Perhaps this is due to its area in relation to other surfaces in the interior, which allows you to unfold your imagination and embody the creative idea in full.

The time has passed when modeling was relevant only in expensive estates, in majestic halls and palaces, now more and more people are inclined towards luxury and classics, introducing it in the halls and even bedrooms of apartments.

Not always plaster molding on the ceiling has a classic white look. More and more often, painting techniques are used to diversify and give individuality to the room. It is very important to use the correct coloring composition, then the beautifully designed stucco molding becomes even more elegant.

Gold remains the most popular color; it is used to cover the most prominent parts of the bas-relief. Along with this, artistic painting is used with full-fledged paintings in the chosen style. Filling the modeling with beige shades looks very stylish and natural.

DIY plaster molding

The variety of choices in the shops and decor shops will not leave anyone indifferent, but sometimes you really want to create something with your own hands, because the result will become a true source of pride for its owner. Decorative plaster molding is a creative and very exciting business, but laborious and requires certain skills.

Solution preparation:

  • grind gypsum well to powder and sift through a sieve;
  • pour into a container with sufficiently high edges;
  • gradually pour in water in small portions until the consistency of kefir;
  • stir with a special nozzle with a drill, this will avoid the formation of unwanted lumps.

Making figures

Any shape is suitable for casting elements; for the convenience of extracting the finished sample, it is better to give preference to silicone ones. They are sold at any hardware store or on numerous websites. The cost is not high, all the more it will be enough to acquire just a few, because gypsum quickly hardens.

From the moment of dilution of the composition to its casting into molds, no more than 2-3 minutes can pass, otherwise plasticity and fluidity are lost.

Adding a 25% glue solution will give the gypsum strength, but drying at temperatures above 16 degrees Celsius will make the element brittle and brittle.

Fill rules:

  • carefully prepare the form by covering it with soapy water (any soap will do);
  • pour gypsum in layers, thoroughly tamping each previous one;
  • exclude the formation of cavities when pouring;
  • leave for 1-2 hours until the solution completely solidifies;
  • remove the element and sandpaper to remove roughness;
  • cover with a primer.

Installation of plaster elements is simple. Massive and heavy elements are attached with self-tapping screws, small and light ones can be planted on PVA glue, liquid nails, or even use putty.

After the adhesive has completely hardened, the finished decorated element must be coated with a universal paint or a special composition for plaster. Only then can you start decorative painting.

Stucco molding in the interior can be used as moldings, cornices and decorative picture frames or rosettes. With the right style, all these elements will fit perfectly and fit into the overall concept. Regardless of whether these are solid decorative elements or unobtrusive finishing, the interior will receive chic, sophistication and uniqueness.

Photo of plaster molding

The stucco molding that adorns the building emphasizes its classic style.

Stucco decorations can be attributed to the most elegant small architectural forms. The use of a certain type of stucco molding on the facade refers the viewer to a particular historical period and architectural direction. Modern molded products perform aesthetic and style-forming functions, in addition, they change the visual perception of facades and interiors. With their help, you can mask communications, pipes, hide the joints in the finish on surfaces. If the design is based on the classics, then the stucco decorations of the facades will be its best embodiment.

Stucco molding of the classic facade of the house on the street. Rozhdestvenka.

Classical facades are traditionally decorated with moldings that remind of the orders of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome: acanthus leaves, laurel wreaths, palmettes, meander, rosettes. From different historical styles, three-dimensional images of animals, military paraphernalia, mascarons are used as stucco moldings. Each type of stucco molding expresses a certain symbolism: leaves, flowers, fruits in stucco molding have long meant fertility, military paraphernalia has always been a symbol of victory, celebration, a laurel wreath - a sign of glory. Also used are pentagrams, hectograms, polyhedrons, stars, symbols of the moon and the sun. A separate type of stucco molding is bas-reliefs, which can be made according to individual drawings or made in the likeness of well-known works. Currently, the use of artificial materials, which imitate natural materials with great accuracy, expands the possibility of using stucco decoration. Polyurethane bas-relief - stucco molding in the photo below.

Bas-relief depicting a lion.

Stucco molding made of artificial material - polyurethane, polystyrene - can be assembled into a single composition from individual elements. Its light weight allows installation without a special fixing structure. If the stucco molding is made of polyurethane, then its dimensions are limited only by the designer's imagination, since the low weight does not require strengthening the interfloor partitions and walls. Consider the types of polyurethane stucco molding, and its use in facade and interior decor. Cornices. On the facade, the cornice is a horizontal protrusion along the entire perimeter of the building above the walls. Cornices can visually separate floors from each other. Sometimes lamps are installed under the cornices in order to create beautiful illumination in the evening. Now, in new construction, polyurethane cornices are most often used, which practically do not differ in their appearance from those made of stone, concrete or plaster. Cornice stucco molding in the photo below.

Pilaster is a vertical molding in the form of a ledge. Initially, pilasters were used in the order system not only as wall decoration, but also to create so-called "stiffening ribs" that strengthened the walls of structures. In addition, pilasters served to indicate a certain rhythm of the order. The pilasters have a base, the capital is like the columns. The proportions of pilasters, the ratio of the sizes of different parts also repeat the order proportions of the columns. The profile of pilasters can be semicircular, rectangular, square. In baroque style, rococo pilasters can be arranged in bunches. In the modern version, this type of stucco molding serves mainly aesthetic purposes to support the classical style, as well as for visual rhythm on the walls of buildings. With their help, you can focus on niches or other decor.

The molded products must be of high quality, it is necessary that the connections between the individual parts are not noticeable. In the design of facades, stuccoes are positioned in such a way as to maintain proportions, rhythm, and visual functionality. It is not recommended to decorate the interior with stucco molding according to the principle "for the sake of beauty", while not keeping up with the basic design rules. Stucco decorations should emphasize the advantages and hide the disadvantages of the geometry of the house.