Created by nature: landscape style in landscape design and its features. Landscape style of a garden plot - features of creating an English garden

mistress of this beautiful garden I wanted him to have not a French or English, but a Russian accent and combine the scope of a Russian estate with the comfort of an old Moscow dacha. At the same time, it should be modern and incorporate the achievements of landscape art. What happened and how 7 garden sculptures contributed to this - read in her fascinating story

A bit of history

In the late 90s, we purchased a plot of 15 acres of meadow, along the perimeter of which centuries-old trees grew - the remains of a manor estate. All the main material and creative resources were thrown into the construction of the house. A little later, they covered the site with a very good one, laid paths one stone wide, built in the middle, three in front of the house, and a vegetable garden on the side. Soon we bought a plot from a neighbor. Mighty ones grew on it. How they smelled when they bloomed! It was an offer that couldn't be refused.

The husband gave the task: all the nooks and crannies of the garden should be worked out so that cute corners, benches, a platform for tea drinking and places for cultural pastime with friends appear. “And of course the utility yard!” Mom and dad said. They voted for the acquisition of the site, since it solved exactly this problem. They hired specialists, and the work began to seethe. New lawns were laid out and more than 300 trees and shrubs were planted.

You give a worthy frame!

Soon, visiting our friends in a garden near Kiev, we saw limestone sculptures. We met the sculptor, we agreed on sketches, and three months later he invited us to view.

There were six sculptures, they were wonderful, but we wanted to lucky number 7. The husband immediately proposed the candidacy of a ram.
When the sculptures appeared in our garden, they not only changed it, but also required new landscape solutions. I wanted to lift on completely new level color solutions, add a colorful floral frame to the sculptures, make the garden interesting in all seasons.

There were other reasons that made us think about reworking the garden: a huge lawn area - more than 25 acres. Mowing with a good wide-cut self-propelled mower took 5 hours, a herd of cows could be fed with grass, it became impossible to get moles out of the site, the paths were narrow and uncomfortable. By this time, I had found "my" designer, and when I found out that she was in charge training center "Blossoming Planet" immediately signed up for the course.

Age of Civilization

Elena Konstantinova did not immediately agree to take on our garden. But one day we lured her to visit, drank tea, had country-garden conversations. Later, she admitted that she immediately fell in love with our age-old lindens ... We spent many hours discussing the future garden. Her proposals were so consonant with our ideas that we did not hesitate to give her free rein and never regretted it.
The world was turning before our eyes. Moreover, literally, not figuratively, hundreds of cubic meters of land migrated from one end of the site to the other. At the same time, only one fertile soil machine was purchased additionally! As a result, the entire site was completely reoriented, leveled and drained.
A new area of ​​about 40 m2 has appeared with a smooth coastline. It has a deep place for wintering crucian carp and shallow water areas with swamp irises and cattail. We never imagined that in our climate they could grow of such size and marvelous beauty. My husband's dream of a full-flowing stream with a wide channel also came true.

They grow freely along the banks, and multi-colored dragonflies sway on the schenoplectus in summer. The stream originates from a key beating from a rock, at the source of which a very beautiful weeping grows. New drywall retaining walls appeared, small steps with pockets for ground cover plants enhanced the decorative effect.

Arrangement of 7 figures

A picturesque alley 15 m long is decorated with lanterns. She is taken in a pergola entwined girlish grapes, clematis, lemongrass, honeysuckle. At the end, framed by mock oranges and park roses, a sculpture stands proudly. "Time loop"- similarity of the Mobius strip on the Doric column.

"Young woman"
landed gracefully against the deciduous rhododendrons against the backdrop of black pines among purple foxgloves. In the spring she "gathers" tulips, and in June - wild strawberries. Surrounded by sheared forms, this is undoubtedly the most spectacular composition of the garden.

creeps under huge lindens along a path of glossy periwinkle leaves, in spring - among multi-colored crocuses and tulips, and in summer hides in astilbes and ferns.

peacefully grazes among thyme, Carpathian bluebells and fescue, anemones soar above it.

bends and pours strength under the spruce. From the moment we met, the spruce has grown from a baby into a huge beauty, and only an annual haircut does not allow it to grow to the size of a Kremlin New Year tree.

On the retaining wall behind the house, among junipers, mock orange bushes and park roses, it is important to "Rebirth"- the largest of the sculptures.

And, finally, in front of the house, among the multi-tiered flower beds, there is a small sculpture "Two hearts". Not very noticeable, modest, like first love, but at all times of the year it is surrounded by a halo of bright colors, symbolizing the strength and joy of this feeling.

walks in the garden

Wide paths of gray sandstone were laid across the territory. To brighten up their color uniformity, we laid them mixed with yellow sandstone, and also interspersed sea pebbles from the Crimea. Finally, we can walk hand in hand! The path, gently curving, escorts us from one corner of the garden to another through a wrought-iron bridge, past flowering onions, viburnum strewn with flowers or berries, a wrought-iron arbor, around which our always young parents wind circles of health path.

Bushes and trees joined in a very diverse group in terms of shape, structure and color. The husband later admitted that he had not imagined the existence of such a number of shades of green and yellow in nature. He also refers to the advantages of our garden a combination of practicality and beauty - the basis of Art Nouveau. We manage the garden with one assistant, because it is technologically advanced and quite easy to care for.

Numerous dumps of pebbles and pine bark mulch, huge clumps of perennials planted in monochrome spots leave no chance for weeds. Compositions and flower beds, which freed the lawn from single plantings, made it convenient for cutting and care. And only a few glades of crocuses are allowed to disturb the surface of the lawn in early spring, when everything around has not yet woken up from hibernation.

Sheared forms from the most common bushes of barberry, spirea, stephanadra and hawthorn, together with evergreens, create the volume, shape and structure of the garden and are especially indispensable in winter and early spring. Combinations of various vertical forged and wooden structures, stone surfaces and sculptures allowed us to create cute corners and green rooms that we subconsciously dreamed of.

We wanted our garden to have not a French or English accent, but a Russian accent. So that it combines the scope of a Russian estate with the comfort of an old Moscow dacha. And at the same time, it should be modern and incorporate the achievements of landscape art. I had the good fortune to participate in an exceptionally interesting and exciting process of creating a Garden with a capital letter. It has become our pride, a place for family holidays and meetings with friends, and sculptures - its calling card.

Illustrations for the material: Olga Kopytova, Olga Petina.

Decide what style of landscape design to choose for suburban area the task is quite difficult. Every person who dreams of his own plot or is already the owner of a summer house, a country house cherishes in his dreams the idea of beautiful garden. To realize your dream, you need to correctly determine the tasks that need to be solved. And the most important thing is to choose the forces of the landscape of your future site. Our article will help you solve this problem.

Conventionally, styles are divided into 2 types: regular and landscape.

regular style- gained popularity in France. Everything should be strict in this style, but in a small garden it is difficult to arrange a regular style, because such a garden involves long walks through the labyrinths. In France, this style was associated with exquisite fountains and beautiful architecture.

landscape style much easier than the regular one. The characteristic of the landscape style is that it is natural, it implies irregular shapes. For people who have chosen this style, this is a place where you can relax from the hustle and bustle of the city.

Regular styles

1) french style landscape design was formed in the era of classicism. The humanists of this time strove for clarity of forms and lines, balance of compositions, symmetry and geometric correctness of contours, proportionality and simplicity. The creator of Versailles, gardener-architect Andre Le Nôtre can be considered the founder of the French style in landscape gardening art. If you have not been to Versailles, then the less remote Peterhof will allow you to imagine the solemnity and grandeur characteristic of the French style.

Landscapes in this style are characterized by spacious terraces, calm ponds without waterfalls, paths paved with artificially aged stone, and cut plants. However, in the parks of the 18th century, spacious and bright, low stairs, wide steps, or simply inclined planes were often used instead. The idea of ​​French parks often came down to emphasizing the grace of a house or palace. Instead of fences, this style suggests using ditches with water, which do not visually limit the space and often unexpectedly appear in front of walking guests. For this effect of surprise, the ditches-fences were once called "ah-ah." Now time-consuming channels have been replaced by graceful forged gratings.

In regular park building, every little thing is thought out. Benches, gazebos, bridges, park sculptures, fountains, curbs and even outdoor vases are located in the best places from the point of view of a landscape architect.

But, perhaps, the alleys can be considered the main sign of the French style. They can be parallel or radiate from the compositional center, they can intersect (almost always at a right angle) or rest against the shore of a reservoir, but it is they who will organize the symmetry of space that distinguishes the regular style from any other.

The alleys of the French park must be wide, spacious, perfectly straight. The central alley should go to the main building of the composition; as a rule, it is formed with the help of a dense planting of one type of trees. Those of you who have visited ancient estates have most likely seen centuries-old lindens, hornbeams, ash trees, or especially beautiful maples in autumn. Mountain ash looks elegant on short alleys, and in general it can be noted that when laying out a park in the French style, exotic trees give way to domestic tree species.

The second exit of the alley traditionally led to free space with maximum visibility. At present, when it is not easy to find an unnecessary palace for such design delights, alleys often lead to garden sculptures, gazebos or fountains.

The most interesting element of the French style is the labyrinth. It became a property not only of royal parks, but also of estates in some Maly Sekhnovichi. maze in landscape design is, as a rule, thickets of shrubs with paths among them. The layout of the regular park presupposes here, first of all, the geometric shearing of the bushes. As with other elements of the French style, the labyrinth requires a significant area. Juniper, honeysuckle could be used to create them, although cases of adaptation to the hazel labyrinth are also known. In the 18th century, which was the heyday of the style, boxwood was popular in domestic parks, which, alas, constantly froze.

Flowerbeds in such gardens and parks are bright, often flowering plants also form a symmetrical geometric ornament. However, historically, flowerbeds in French-style parks are borrowed from the Dutch school; they do not become the leading elements of park decor. But the French style did not borrow planning features from the Dutch. But here there are unique elements - bosquets, which are essentially a flower bed, but made of trees. They are a compact planting of trees (sometimes at a distance of only 30-50 cm), forming a closed space. The area inside such a landing is sometimes called a "green office". A bosquet can be used as a frame for a fountain or a sculpture.

2) Italian style. This style of landscape design is created according to the laws of a regular style. It is a small garden near the house, often surrounded by trimmed hedges. The surface of such a garden is geometrically divided into straight or diagonal paths. In the center of the garden, there is often a fountain or pond that surrounds a flower garden or paved area.

An Italian garden can be called a real work of art, in which nature and art are combined in harmony. The Italian garden is often located on a rather difficult terrain. If the garden does not have height differences, then bulk terraces and retaining walls are made, lined with stone or decorated with sculptures, niches or balustrades. They also use decorated stairs and ramps so that the terraces are interconnected and form a single composition. A lot of stone is one of the important differences of the Italian style. Fences, stairs and ramps are made from it to connect terraces, as well as fountains, cascades, pavilions in the park, balustrades, etc. Stone can also be decorative elements, such as benches, flowerpots and statues. Paving of platforms, paths and alleys is carried out from stone. In the center or along the axis of the garden are fountains, streams and some other water compositions characteristic of the Italian garden. The sound of water, as it were, brings some dynamics to the garden and becomes its musical accompaniment. Vegetation is of great importance for the arrangement of the Italian garden. The most popular are trees with a wide crown - cypress and oak. For a green hedge, use laurel, myrtle or boxwood. The components of the green massif are mainly oaks, poplars, chestnuts, fruit trees, elm, olives. For groups, conifers are used - cypress and Italian pine. Used in pergolas climbing roses, ivy and grapes. Italian style uses flowers to a limited extent, since their placement must be well and clearly planned.

One of the main features of the Italian garden is the indispensable use of topiary bushes. There are many trees and shrubs (coniferous and deciduous) that grow quickly and tolerate shearing well: thuja, barberry, common spruce, derain, etc. Often the Italian garden is characterized by the use of hedges and plant borders as a backdrop for fountains, decorative vases or sculptures. also in Italian style a combination of both abstract and geometric shapes is used. The main thing in this case is fantasy and a bold creative approach.

3) Moorish or Muslim style. A characteristic feature of this style is the use of several squares, the center of the composition is a fountain or pond, and around it plants are planted in a geometric sequence and paths are broken. Pools and fountains are often lined with marble or decorative glass, it is worth remembering that water in Islam is sacred, it is purification and life, without it the Garden of Eden is simply impossible to imagine. The framing of such a garden are galleries, which are entwined with roses or wild grapes. A characteristic feature of such a garden is a corner of aromas where they plant spices- such a heavenly place will surely appeal to the owners who adore spices and unusual aromas. Tiled or mosaic paving is common in the courtyard - it is both simple and elegant.

landscape styles

1) English style. This style is based on naturalness, it is a harmonious combination of human labors with the gifts of nature. There is no place for symmetry, geometric lines and shapes, most often the main role is played not by the house, but by the garden, while the building is hidden behind thick undergrowth or entwined with wild grapes. Picturesque reservoirs, winding paths, plants planted in tiers - all this is a landscape style. If you have an uneven area, do not worry, because this style involves alternating hills, slopes and flat areas. For reservoirs, it is worth creating a natural frame - planting near-water plants, sprinkle the soil with sand or pebbles, pave the paths with wild stone or cut tree trunks. Low shrubs are planted along the paths, but there are few flowers in the English garden - most often these are wild flowers and unobtrusive garden flowers - chamomile, calendula, aster, bluebell, and they are planted not in flower beds, but in chaotic groups.

2) Japanese style. The Japanese garden is indeed one of the most mysterious gardens, and in many ways this mystery lies in its simplicity. That's why he's so attractive. The Japanese style is also a special philosophy, and it influences the life of the owner of the garden, actively helping him. In the matter of getting rid of stress, finding inner harmony, the Japanese garden has no equal: here all the elements of style have been adjusted over the centuries for this very purpose. This lung garden care (although at first it seems difficult). But at the same time he is one of the most "professional".

A sense of proportion and taste are very important here, because the Japanese garden is a work of landscape art. And therefore, in order for such a garden to look organic in our conditions, you do not need to literally copy all its elements. Do not try to create it exactly the way it is traditionally in Japan, but use the motives, techniques, symbolism of this garden, using your own visual means. Most often, a garden in this style occupies a small area, its beauty is in symbolism. Stone sculptures and figurines framing the reservoir, a light gazebo, and natural vegetation will be appropriate here. A special place in the Japanese garden is occupied by cherry blossoms - the embodiment of beauty and resilience. Perfectly get along in our climate and bonsai - bonsai, coniferous plants and low shrubs. Do not forget about the stones - chaotic heaps and intricate compositions will complement the Japanese garden.

3) Chinese style. It has similarities with Japanese. The main feature in the hierarchy of elements in decor is the subordination of one to another. Another feature is the use of the teachings of Feng Shui: maintaining harmony between the elements of landscape design and between nature and man. In this form, the balance between water and land is harmoniously observed, the harmony of clean areas with planted plants. Japanese-style elements are often used: trees that have custom shape, statues of idols or mythical heroes lined with decorative rocks.

In the foreground in such a garden - water and stones, and only then architecture. Flowers play only a fleeting role, organically fit coniferous trees, bamboo, stunted shrubs, but the lawn may be absent altogether. It is definitely worth building a wooden pointed gazebo for tea ceremonies in the open air, stretch a bridge across the pond, and Chinese lanterns can be hung around the perimeter of the site.

Modern styles

1) Country style. The country-style garden has a rural charm, it is a nostalgic peasant garden. Its main motto is naturalness and ease. Gardens in this style are common throughout the world; and in every country the rural garden has its own flavor. Country is characterized by some non-negligence, cheerfulness, a motley mixture of bright colors. This is a garden where a lot of things grow and there are many accessories. But the sloppiness here is actually very thoughtful. The country garden does not require complex care and can be arranged on a plot of any size, but the optimal one is from 6 to 12 acres. There are no special requirements for the shape and location of the site, but it is desirable that it is not in the forest.

Cosy country style: in fact, it is in search of this unique comfort that many people buy summer cottages. A characteristic feature of this style is the use of simple and uncomplicated forms and natural materials. The texture and color of the decorative elements should be similar to the material from which the house is built - it can be stone, wood or brick. The garden is filled different colors- flowerbeds with bright flowers are appropriate here - mallows, peonies, phloxes, calendula, marigolds, dahlias and others.

There are no visual restrictions in such compositions. It is advisable to make furniture yourself - in extreme cases, chairs can be made from stumps, and a table from several boards. You can decorate the site with clay pots, wattle, old painted buckets or barrels - the main thing is not to be afraid to show your imagination and then your summer cottage will be really unusual and very cozy.

2) Modern- one of the most elegant and mysterious styles, and he came to the garden from the interior. The Art Nouveau style that emerged at the beginning of the 20th century had such a strong influence on culture as a whole that it simply could not help but manifest itself in garden performance. The main highlight of the Art Nouveau style is the line.

Art Nouveau lines are smooth, flowing, bewitching, arched. They seem to flow into themselves. Style is not one of the simplest, because here, like nowhere else, the connections between the zones between each other and the garden with the house must be perfect. A well-made garden in this style is like music. There is something in it from a Japanese garden: the same elegance, meaningfulness. The Art Nouveau site is mostly decorative, but despite its apparent simplicity, it requires careful maintenance. The plot of medium and large sizes is optimal - from 10 acres, the shape is best of all complex, irregular. The area should not be too dry.- Repair, decoration of premises

A garden for decorative purposes, in which there are many attractive landscape views, interesting plant compositions, and plastic solutions, is considered to be a landscape garden. This type of garden traditionally has another name English, because it was in England that the foundations were laid, the principles of the Landscape Garden were formed.

The English loved their gardens, appreciated the beauty of plants and tried to surround themselves beautiful views. The craftsmen tried to preserve the beauty and naturalness of wildlife as much as possible, carefully adapting it to the conditions of a particular garden. There is a tradition of organizing live rocker plantings in a free or sheared form, creating mixed flower beds continuous flowering, in which shrubs and even trees were often present. This is how the concept of mixborder was born. Later, countless variants and modifications appeared, but the main principles of the Landscape Garden remained the same - a combination of vivid expressiveness and natural naturalness.

In the landscape garden, all plants are planted in loose groups. They complement each other and have something in common with the texture, the color, the shape. New colors flash and go out, but the decorative effect is preserved. Hosts are planted along the edge of the paths. On the right they are supported by a pink chelone, on the left - park roses. A winding path, densely overgrown on both sides with plants that bloom at the end of summer, invites you to walk along it to the house. Its roof is barely visible due to the branches of trees and overgrown shrubs. In a landscape garden, there are usually a lot of various plants, both woody and shrubby, they are mixed with branches and intertwined with crowns, and flowers replace each other in bloom from spring to autumn.

Relaxation area with comfortable garden furniture located on a paved area, surrounded on all sides by a green mowed lawn. Along its edges, various herbaceous perennials, including cereals, are planted in lush groups. The color scheme is solved in warm colors. The furniture is painted white. All these simple tricks bring a feeling of light and joy even on a cloudy day.

In a landscape garden, some elements from regular gardens are quite appropriate. As, for example, here is a low sheared border that organizes the space of the garden in a special way. The most diverse flowers are mixed in the flower beds, unexpected combinations sound, but on the whole the picture seems ordered and picturesque.

This floral border mixes the most different plants: perennial, annual and tuberous. All possible colors are represented without regard to any rules. This mixed floral border is filled with volumes and shapes, full of colors and, together with a spreading tree on the left, creates a picturesque picture of a raging summer.

Shady garden interior. Here the tone is set by a sprawling old tree with a powerful embossed trunk and clumsy branches. It is artistic and meaningful. Beneath it is a large mowed lawn with a bright green grass carpet, and all the plants are dispersed around the periphery of the garden, clinging in groups to the walls of the house. There are no bright and flashy colors here. A peaceful feeling of peace is created. In this case, the whole composition appears to be a complete landscape painting.

A flower garden of perennials along the bend of the path. At the end of summer, many flowers have already faded, remaining in the composition only with leafy curtains. Others are still in full glory. The grasses are golden, the red cones of the burnet play in the wind on long, thin peduncles. Roses and catnip are still in bloom. Looseberry and purple monarda bushes enhance the lilac note. A little further in the group, golden-yellow notes are guessed. All plants in the composition are carefully selected, but their free mixed volumes convince the viewer of the naturalness of the flower garden. The whole picture looks picturesque from spring to autumn.

A spectacular white garden is organized on both sides of a winding path. Aquilegia are blooming profusely, supported only by blooming astrantia and already overgrown miscanthus. In the distance, on the left, mock oranges "Aurea" bloom. Their yellow leaves provide a soft contrast to both the white flowers and green foliage. In the right group, a yellow echo sounds in the leaves of the hosta.

Classic mixborder from herbaceous plants designed according to the principle of the department. Low plants are collected in the foreground, and the middle and background are intertwined in places, which creates a special feeling of depth and volume. Color palette in classical traditions - on a combination of lilac and bright yellow tones, but the color is spaced apart in space, and the intermediate group in whitish tones softens the direct contrast. Thanks to all these tricks, the whole composition looks very natural and picturesque. The plants are planted in large clumps, contrasting with the shape of the inflorescences, the density of flowering layers. A special mood of lightness, dynamics is given to the group by cereals: reed grasses, miscanthus and pinnatis.

Fragment of a flower garden with roses and lavender. The flowers are arranged in clusters punctuated by low sheared borders, behind which are raging roses, lavender, sweet peas, delphiniums and salvia. The composition is decorated with a wrought-iron openwork arcade, painted in blue, played out in flower beds. In the background are lush clumps of shrubs, among which is a huge magnificent bush of hydrangea paniculate "Grandiflora".

Calm composition of stonecrops. Some of them have already faded, others have not yet fully bloomed, but, supported by other perennials, they form an interesting decorative group, contrasting in shape, color, and volume. On the periphery, taller plants were collected in rocker plantings. The whole composition looks natural and at the same time very picturesque.

A fragment of a lush mixborder with purple accents. Herbaceous perennials, perennials, and shrubs are also collected here. They are planted in large picturesque curtains and are combined in volume and color, gently contrasting with the shape of the inflorescences and texture. The composition is classic - a one-way mixborder, but the whole picture pleases with a pleasant combination of complementary color tones and the ability to consider the features of the texture.

The White Garden follows the profile of the path and is bounded by a sheared hedge. As part of the group, plants that bloom white, and those in the leaves of which there is white. Both sides are built on the principle of a pulpit and are limited along the lower edge by borders: on the right of flowering iberis, on the left of evergreen sheared shrubs. Hybrid nightshade bushes set the rhythm, without which the filling of the flower garden would look like just a flower mass. It should be added that this white garden is not in a very advantageous position. In bright sunlight, the white color loses depth and texture. White compositions are best placed with light shading.

Trees have grown in the old garden. The multi-stemmed thuja on the right is crowned and looks completely unusual. Her crown hangs over the roof of the house, over the lawn and the path, creating a certain lyrical mood. The paths are lost among the lawn, but the plants are grouped into small compositions and there is a feeling of spaciousness and peace. On a cloudy day, even, slightly blurry lighting reigns here, and in sunny weather, sun glare comes into play, penetrating through the crowns of trees.

The landscape garden is, of course, not a park, with its vastness, but the principles of organization are the same. Picturesque views, the ratio of open and closed spaces, backstage, the play of forward and reverse perspectives, free groups of plants, expressive combinations, the spirituality of nature in all its manifestations, whether it be plant forms, water or stone. When these principles are observed, a landscape garden can be created in a very small space.

Relief areas, plastic solutions, supported by plantings, reservoirs, paved and trodden paths, “random” objects in the form of picturesquely laid out stone blocks, saw cuts of trees and stumps always look advantageous in a landscape garden. It is in the landscape garden that seasonal changes play an important role. color accents, the presence of special qualities such as thorns and thorns, berries and seedlings, twisted trunks and textured bark. All this brings a special mood to the landscape garden. A landscape garden is always a mood garden.

Mixed crowns, large, loose curtains, contrast of textures, seasonal color metamorphoses, dried branches and snags - all these are indispensable components of a landscape garden that are included in the overall game and, together with dew and fog, sunrise and sunset, create the right mood.

A body of water in a landscape garden, whether it be a pond or a stream, meets the same principles of a picturesque picture. It should seem absolutely natural, although it is made of artificial materials and decorated mainly with varietal plant forms. When creating a water garden in a landscape style, combining garden plants in its design, you need to try to achieve the credibility of the natural landscape, its special poetic mood.

Continuing the theme of a reservoir in a landscape garden, it is worth mentioning that some exaggerations, recognizable historical features may well be present. Like a formal pond or canal in a landscape garden. It is clear that this is a man-made element, but it does not contradict the principles. The garden as a whole looks natural and picturesque, and it should not exactly copy the natural landscape, but only evoke associations and create a mood. It is important not to overdo it with embellishment, not to introduce conflicting elements and flashy combinations of both colors and materials. In the photo there is a landscape pond with freely grown frog grass and a miscanthus curtain, and the coastline is deliberately accentuated by a linear pile of stone and reinforced with slabs in the second line.

Plant compositions in a landscape garden should look natural, but they usually consist of selected garden forms, with an accent decorative effect. Often, in a landscape style, it is required to place an exposition of a collection of any specific plants. These conventions are quite acceptable when the basic principles are not violated. So nearby there can be plants, albeit from different regions and even from different continents, but growing in nature in similar conditions. In such plants, the main recognizable features are pronounced: fleshy or needle-shaped leaves, tall stems or pressed, creeping growth form, etc. In a landscape garden, the plants must appear to be taken from similar conditions, then some conventionality is quite excusable.

Everyone's favorite hostas come from the forest areas of the Japanese islands and the Far East region. For all their self-sufficiency and variety of garden forms, hostas still look more spectacular and more natural in compositions with other plants. According to the law of the landscape style, well-established combinations have developed that enhance the decorative effect of the hosta, and at the same time look natural. The best companions for them are astilbes, astrantia, cuff, catchment, meadowsweet and buzulniki, cereals and in particular miscanthus, cuff and many more. garden plants, which do not contradict the hosts in their appearance and grow in nature in similar conditions.

In a landscape garden, such liberties are quite acceptable, as in the photo - a garden lattice made of cut tree branches. Often, willow twigs are used for the same purpose, which take root easily and begin to grow leaves. From raw pieces of wood, with bark fragments and lichens on the surface, from dry reed stalks, all kinds of fixtures and decorative elements are traditionally made: coasters, lattices, pergolas, arches, wicker mats and roof elements and many more recognizable and typical for different nations useful things for the garden .

The garden, made in the landscape tradition, may well be combined with modern buildings. With a skillful spatial solution, the use of natural plant forms, soft plasticity of lines and calm color combinations, it is quite possible to achieve a good result by combining seemingly incompatible things. The main principle of the landscape garden - naturalness - remains in priority positions, which means in this case: do not abuse contrasts, do not pile up alien and contradictory elements of decoration, do not use flashy color combinations, do not grind details.

The landscape style in garden design, which is also called English, is more similar to the natural landscape. The main note in such a stylistic decision of the garden is the unity of man with nature. As you can see in the photo, this style does not imply any clear arrangement of elements on the territory, there is even some negligence and asymmetry here. At the same time, it is important that all the details of the territory organically fit into the landscape and at the same time do not violate the harmony of nature.

Living fence in the country

The easiest way to get a beautiful front lawn

You have, of course, seen perfect lawn in the cinema, in the alley, and perhaps on the neighbor's lawn. Those who have ever tried to grow a green area in their area will no doubt say that this is a huge job. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think so, professionals have long known about the innovative tool - liquid turf AquaGrazz.

A garden in a landscape style, as such, arose in England around the 18th century. Thanks to the development of romanticism, the English style appeared. Here, the single perception of man with nature, in which their relationship is closely felt, is of primary importance. Such architects like William Kent, Charles Bridgman and Lanceloa Brown contributed to the formation of this direction in landscape design.

At that time, this direction became widely used in France, where strict French garden and park ensembles prevailed. Also, the formation of this stylistic direction was influenced by East, where they denied pomposity and artificiality, but on the contrary, they preferred the naturalness and harmony of man with nature.

garden style

landscape style today

Landscape style today is a simpler ensemble that can be created in almost any type of garden. The English garden is slightly less expensive, it also requires less work and further care. Since in any landscape design several adjustments are made and it turns out completely new style which is shown in the photo below.

Landscape style is good because it does not require large space. The English garden also involves splitting into small areas. In creating a garden, the main elements should have soft and at the same time as smooth lines as possible, and there should be a gradual transition from one to another.

Landscape style on the site

In the design of a park of this stylistic direction, the relief remains the same, there is no need to use retaining walls and other structures. Any type of relief irregularities can be beaten, and any territory can be emphasized with the help of individual details. Also, most architects today use such a relief transformation method as geoplastics, which involves an architectural and artistic change in relief.

A landscape image in the garden can be obtained by including a couple of types of grasses in a mixture of lawn seeds. Quite often it is decorated with moorish lawn, which looks quite elegant and resembles a great carpet. You can also use alternative lawn options - backfill or ground cover plants.

English garden and the arrangement of plants in it

The landscape garden is also distinguished by the fact that the plants in it are arranged in tiers - large-sized, hedges, shrubs, borders, as well as flower beds. All plantings are located independently from each other, in groups. Such a style as landscape is distinguished by a huge number of different flower beds, such landscape design is dominated by:

  • mixborders;
  • rocky gardens imitating mountain landscapes.

You can look at the options for such gardens in the photo.

English garden and the arrangement of plants in it

In such a garden, there are also beautiful tapeworms that set the unique atmosphere of the entire territory. Honey plants are often planted on such a site, which attract bees, as well as bumblebees. The existing plantings of large-sized crops basically do not change. In the shade of large trees, a cozy whist can be located, which can be hidden in the depths of the garden. In such a landscape landscape, plants with foliage and flowers of various shades are selected; quite often, architects use gardens with continuous flowering in landscaping.

Water element in landscape style

Landscape park is impossible to imagine without a reservoir . There is no need to choose huge reservoirs for your small summer cottage that look unnatural. This style suggests indistinct coastlines, coastal plants should be planted randomly. But some owners of private houses already have a natural reservoir. In this case, it is necessary to use new options for planning the park and landscaping. However, this style means the presence of natural reservoirs in the garden.

water element

Visually, the reservoir will be better perceived if it is oval or round. The pond on the territory is quickly populated by various small animals, which brings the summer cottage much closer to the wild. An excellent solution would be the organization of a channel or streams. On flat areas, streams of a flat type are organized, in which a winding channel, on uneven ones, mountain-type streams with drops are created. Thanks to the movement and noise in the water, the garden will come to life.

hedges and flower arrangements

There are also hedges in the garden. However, unlike the regular style, it involves the use of uncut hedges from flowering trees and shrubs. However, hedges and neatly trimmed borders can also be used. Most architects use the berso technique.

hedges and flower arrangements

Numerous arches and pergolas that are entwined climbing plants, are able to divide the territory into separate parts and serve for its zoning. Also, for zoning the site, wooden fences, metal fences, as well as various screens are used.

Each garden owner strives to ennoble his site according to fashion and his own preferences. Landscape style is a traditional and always modern garden design that provides for the natural arrangement of plants and minimal human intervention in the natural landscape.

History and varieties of landscape style

The landscape (natural) style in landscape design originated in the 18th century in England, as opposed to the then fashionable regular park style that prevailed in France.

In contrast to the strict rectilinear outlines and meticulous cutting of plants in a regular style that emphasized the civilized taming of the plant environment, the natural style imitated natural landscapes, evoking thoughts of harmony reigning in nature. The landscape style spread throughout Europe and then around the world, acquiring new features depending on local natural conditions and tastes.

Currently, several varieties of landscape style can be distinguished: the original English landscape design itself, the forest style, the romantic style, the Natur Garden style. All of them are similar in that they do not accept strict straight lines, flat planes and strict geometric shapes.

Landscape style features

To create a garden with a natural landscape, a plot of at least 12-14 acres is required. A small garden will not be able to fully convey a full-fledged harmonious picture and will only accommodate fragments of a landscape style.

The garden should look natural, but this does not mean that the plants are neglected and neglected. Approaching maximum naturalness, the natural style streamlines the forms of paths, arrangement and arbors.

You can create a landscape-style garden both on hilly terrain and on the plain. The choice of plants will be different, but the basic principles of garden design will be the same:

  1. Smooth lines. Natural style does not tolerate straight lines, sharp corners and symmetry. Paths should be winding and asymmetrical. The banks of water bodies do not have to be perfectly flat.
  2. Natural materials in decor. We give priority to wood and stone. You can use clay statues and forged lamps. Modern plastic jewelry and the figures do not fit into the natural design.
  3. recognizable plants. The garden should be filled with those plants and shrubs that are characteristic of the area. It is not recommended to use exotic flowers and unknown herbs.
  4. Calm colors. The beauty of the landscape is emphasized by calm colors. It is green, purple, white, pale pink, silver. The natural landscape does not need to be artificially decorated with colorful flowers, which will bring an unnatural riot of colors and flashy shades.
  5. Free growth of plants. Of course, bushes need to be cut, lawns mowed, and flowers thinned out. But there is no need for figurative modeling of plants, the creation of artificial topiaries.

Creating a landscape style in the garden

You need to start decorating a garden in a landscape style with zoning the site and designing paths. All roads to the house, ponds, flower beds and gazebos should be rounded and smooth. Straightness of diagonals is excluded. Paths are created for admiring the surrounding nature, and not for overcoming the distance along the shortest route. Therefore, it is recommended to organize winding paths with bifurcations. Paths are best made of stones or gravel. Sandy paths framed by wild herbs look beautiful.

The lawn in the garden should be neatly trimmed. It is advisable to use the traditional grass lawn, the neatness of which will compensate for the "irregularity" of the plants, creating a sense of well-groomed.

Flowerbeds and flower beds are an integral part of the landscape style. To get a picturesque landscape, you need to choose natural restrained colors and shades. Rose and jasmine bushes will look advantageous in the flower beds. Lilac or boxwood can be placed along the paths.

When choosing perennials, you should pay attention to sage, geranium, and lilies. spring garden decorate with tulips, daffodils and snowdrops. Plant plants need to be denser to each other to create the appearance of naturalness.

The naturalness of the garden can also be given by small lawns, which are planted with field herbs or strawberry bushes. To give the garden nobility and sophistication, you can plant decorative apple trees, pears, chestnuts.

A recreation area with a gazebo and benches can be separated by thujas or silver willow. The gazebo should be located in the most remote corner of the garden, preferably next to a pond. A garden in a natural style provides for a shady recreation area, so you can plant a blue spruce or oak in close proximity to the gazebo. Raspberry bushes next to the recreation area will add a touch of romanticism.

Benches are made of stone or wood. Forged designs with twisted patterns are also suitable.

A pond is not an essential element of natural style, but a pond or a meandering river will give the garden a special charm. Next to the reservoir looks good masonry, entwined with bindweed or ivy. It would be appropriate to have an artificial or dam in the garden. The pond can be decorated with lilies and water lilies. It is not recommended to place on water surface artificial flowers or bird figures: everything inanimate will spoil the overall picture of the garden.

Popular in landscape style are duckweed ponds, which are inhabited by crucians or colored koi. If the pond is large, then you can put swans or ducks in the garden, as long as the bird houses are invisible. But keep in mind that caring for living creatures will require a lot of trouble!

Decorating the walls of the house is one of the important components of the landscape landscape. The walls of the building can be hidden behind vines of grapes or fragrant hops. The porch of the house will be well decorated with clematis or nasturtium.

It is recommended to plant fragrant flowers under the windows, such as roses, violets,. The composition of mallow and delphinium looks great if you place it along the path to the house. In the immediate vicinity of the dwelling, garden sculptures can be placed: marble statues and clay figures.

At the entrance to the house, you can place large wooden tubs with flowers, clay pots with undersized shrubs.

Bird nests and bird feeders are very suitable for this style. Nests can be made independently from thin willow branches and placed in lilac or jasmine bushes.

Landscape style does not allow blind fences and high fences. Forged carved lattices entwined with roses or ivy will ideally fit into the landscape. Suitable hedges created from perennial shrub or vines. The fence should be decorative and serve as an additional decoration of the garden.


A garden decorated in a natural style will create a unique mood of unity with nature. Recreate the harmony of nature on your own personal plot- quite a daunting task. It is enough to take into account the features of the landscape and choose the right plants, and you will get a great place to relax from the bustle of the city.

Read about other styles of landscape design on our website (style, style, style and).