Do-it-yourself street lamp made of metal. How to make homemade street lights with your own hands What to make a street lamp with your own hands

In addition to lighting in the house, the organization of light on the street remains an urgent issue. The house territory, courtyard, gates - all this needs lighting at night for comfortable movement around your own territory. Street lamps can also be used in open gazebos, on balconies and terraces in the evening for outdoor activities.

A fairly large number of street lamps are sold in modern stores, however, due to the peculiarities of their structure, they are very expensive, the organization of good lighting can cost a pretty penny. You can get out of the situation using DIY street lighting - in this article we will consider options for how to create home-made street lights, taking into account the required exterior.


Before you start developing your own design, you need to decide what kind of street lamp we need. And the types are as follows:

  • Hanging lanterns - a long chain that ends with a lampshade with a light bulb. Are established on corners of roofs and canopies, on trees, on L-shaped columns. A very beautiful option, which has one drawback - with a long chain in a strong wind, the lamp begins to sway, which can lead to its breakdown.
  • Large floor lamp - classic options are found in any public park, they look like tall metal racks with a matte spherical shade at the top. There are a huge number of modifications, which consist in a different number of shades, their design and location. Well suited for lighting large open areas and paths. Minus - high cost.

  • Ground lamps - built directly into the ground at the same level with the ground surface. Powerful luminous flux is directed strictly upwards. Such lamps are used for decorative lighting of large green spaces, tall trees and lush shrubs - an interesting version of a lantern for a summer residence. The disadvantages are that, due to the direction of the light, they cannot be used as the main lighting. Due to the same level with the ground, constant cleaning of the ceiling is required to restore normal luminous flux.
Ground spotlight
  • Wall lights - miniature models, depending on their power, can be used as decorative, additional and even main lighting. Usually located at the entrance to the yard, on the sides of the front door, on the walls of the house along a long path, a rarer case is the installation of such lamps on fences as general and security lighting.

What are the best bulbs to use outdoors?

Consider the already known facts about light bulbs in terms of their use as country lamps in an open environment.

  • Incandescent lamps are the classic and most popular way, which, fortunately, is starting to move towards more modern counterparts. Cozy yellow light, relatively high reliability when used even in the open air border on the colossal gluttony of electricity with a low light output. Romantic, but not ergonomic.
  • Halogen counterparts - with the same power consumption, they give out a much larger amount of light. The most unfortunate option for use in the country - they heat up to enormous temperatures, are very fragile, burn out at the slightest voltage drop, are completely unprotected from dust, dirt and moisture even in good lamps, not to mention home-made options. Use is not recommended.
  • LED light bulbs are the most preferred option for such fixtures. They are reliable, economical, do not contain harmful substances, are not demanding on the source of electricity, you can choose any comfortable color temperature. Of the minuses, it is worth noting the rather high cost of such light bulbs, but the disadvantage is doubtful, because the quality of light and energy savings more than pay for it.

DIY options

To make a street lamp with your own hands, you can use any materials that you know how to handle. The main requirement is that this material be resistant to the environment, completely protecting both the light bulb and the cartridge with bare live contacts.

bottle lamp

One of the most beautiful, but at the same time, simple models of homemade lanterns is a beautiful glass bottle as a protective cover. Due to the narrow neck, a powerful light bulb will not fit through there, so they are usually used as additional or decorative lighting for a country house. If you own a glass cutter, you can carefully cut off the bottom of the bottle, then you can use a more powerful light bulb.

How to make a street lamp in this case? To create such a lamp, thread the wires through the neck, connect the cartridge from the bottom side and screw the light bulb into it. Gently pull the cartridge into the bottle body by the wires, fix the wires in the neck with plastic clay or glue. Hang the resulting dacha lamp in the right place and turn on the light. Note that it is not protected from moisture and can only be used as a backlight under awnings.

We use conventional banks

For a complete set, it would be good to have a lid for such a jar that fits snugly against the edges of the hole. Make a few holes in it, pass the wires through them. On the other hand, attach the cartridge, screw in the light bulb. Lower the assembled structure into a jar, carefully coat the edges of the hole with glue and put a lid on it. After the glue dries, such a DIY street lamp can be hung by a wire in any convenient place.

Old cans of paint and canned food

They do not have to be thrown away immediately, they can be useful for creating an unusual lamp with a pattern. Arm yourself with a marker or pencil, using a stencil, blueprint or by eye - draw the pattern you like. Using a sharp construction knife, a hammer with a thick nail, or a drill, make holes in the jar along the contours of the pattern. Straighten the lid as much as possible so that it tightly closes the future ceiling.

Similarly to the above method, make holes in the lid, connect the lampshade to the threaded wires, then close the lid tightly. For strength, the wire can be reinforced with a coil of wire if the jar is too heavy. As a result, we get a beautiful flashlight with a luminous pattern that can be used for romantic outdoor gatherings.

Having a sufficient amount of metal, such a ceiling can be hoisted on a high metal pole, getting a simple hand-made lamppost.

Be sure to follow the safety precautions when working with sharp equipment, when making lanterns with your own hands, when connecting wires to the mains, be sure to turn off the electricity supply on the shield, work in dry conditions, without dust and dirt.

Homemade lamps for summer cottages open up almost limitless possibilities for decorating, because it is possible to create just such a product that will most harmoniously fit into the current exterior of the house. But the made lamp is usually not intended for use in open street conditions - it either will not survive strong gusts of wind, or moisture and dust will very quickly clog and oxidize all the contacts of our homemade product, which can lead to a light bulb burnout, breakage of the cartridge or even to a short circuit.


To create a dacha lamp with your own hands, you can use any materials at hand - old bottles, damaged cans are used, even rusty tins, with a careful approach, can create a colorful and cozy antique atmosphere. If you don't succeed the first time, don't despair. After a few attempts, you will really get the DIY street lamp that you like.

If you want to decorate the area near the house or cottage with unusual lamps, but finances do not allow you to purchase expensive lighting fixtures, then you can do it yourself. How to make a street lamp with your own hands? It is necessary to stock up on patience and desire, then a home-made light source for the street will please the eye. Next, we will provide simple instructions for making a lamp at home.

Site selection and preparation of materials

Before you start making a lighting fixture with your own hands, you need to consider where the street lamp will be located. Depending on the location, the method of fastening the structure will be selected. A homemade lamp will be an excellent solution for lighting a gazebo, porch or perimeter of the whole house.

Mounting method may also be different. The street lamp can be mounted on a pole or attached to a wall or simply suspended. The most difficult thing is to make a lantern on a support, since this requires finding the necessary pole. If you make lighting fixtures yourself, then it is best to choose simpler options, as in the photo below:

For the manufacture of a lighting device, you can take any of the materials at hand. It can be wood, plastic, metal or glass. If you want to make a device that will last for many years, then the best solution would be a metal lamp.

To work, you need to stock up on metal (sheets and rods) and a welding machine. If this is not the case, then you can use improvised fasteners.

Step by step assembly instructions

To assemble a metal street lamp, you must first select its model. It can be retro style (antique) or minimalism. A home-made forged lamp is considered popular, which we offer to make.

The first stage of work is the creation of a sketch of the future lamp for the street. The picture below shows a common variant:

To make such a product strong and durable, you need to start by drawing up a drawing. The design consists of the following elements:

  • side walls (4 pieces);
  • top cover;
  • bottom cover (bottom);
  • decorative finish.

Drawing example:

In the manufacture of a homemade lantern for the street, cold forging is used. If you have welding equipment, then connecting all the parts will be easy and simple, this will greatly simplify the task. If such an apparatus is not available, then it will be necessary to prepare fasteners in advance. It can be bent corners of the walls of the product. Don't forget about glass. Before assembling the structure, you must first install the glass. You also need to figure out in advance how to fix the electric cartridge in the lantern, if this is provided for by the design.

Installation and connection

To connect a street lamp to the electrical network (it can be a regular or diode lamp), you need to stock up on the following items:

  • Cable products (cable brand VVG). It is recommended to use a two-wire cable for connection.
  • Terminal blocks. With their help, reliable fastening of the junction of wires is carried out. Their type depends on the number of connections. The pads are designed for current up to 10 A.
  • Corrugated pipe. The diameter is better to take up to 25 mm. Corrugation provides protection against various rodents and mechanical damage.

As a rule, a street lamp, which is installed near the house, is connected to a power source through cable wiring. To arrange all the wires, it is necessary to prepare a special trench for them in advance. The average and optimal depth of the trench should not exceed 80 centimeters. It is not recommended to let the cable through the air for safety reasons. We talked about how to lay a cable in the ground in the corresponding article.

Also, in order to assemble a safe street lamp, it is recommended to use a cable corrugation. The wiring should be threaded into such a sleeve before laying it in the ground. How to pull the cable through the corrugation quickly and correctly, read our publication.

When installing a lighting device on a wall or facade, the connection to the electrical network occurs as follows: the first thing to do is to isolate the contacts. Then we bring the wires for connection to the junction box. It is also advisable to do the following: solder the contacts together and wrap them with electrical tape. The connection point in this case can be a regular socket. But there is also such an option as connecting the cable directly to the terminals in the shield. The last step is to install the lamp. For street lighting, it is best to use LED lamps, because. they shine brightly and at the same time the most economical.

To pay less for light, you can additionally equip your homemade street lamp with a motion sensor and a photo relay. We talked about connecting a motion sensor, in fact, as well as about connecting a photorelay, in separate articles, which we strongly recommend that you read.

As you can see, making a street lamp with your own hands is quick and easy. The main thing is to have a great desire, aspiration and, of course, the material necessary for work. This type of street lighting is considered safer, since its body is completely closed.

Master classes

Well, the last thing I would like to provide you is visual video instructions on how to make a street lamp from metal, wood and even a glass jar. You can see all the most simple master classes below:

That's all I wanted to tell you about how to make a street lamp with your own hands. We hope our instructions were interesting for you and helped you in assembling your own garden lamp!

How to make a street lamp for a summer residence?

In addition to lighting in the house, the organization of light on the street remains an urgent issue. The house territory, courtyard, gates - all this needs lighting at night for comfortable movement around your own territory. Street lamps can also be used in open gazebos, on balconies and terraces in the evening for outdoor activities.

A fairly large number of street lamps are sold in modern stores, however, due to the peculiarities of their structure, they are very expensive, the organization of good lighting can cost a pretty penny. You can get out of the situation using DIY street lighting - in this article we will consider options for how to create home-made street lights, taking into account the required exterior.


Before you start developing your own design, you need to decide what kind of street lamp we need. And the types are as follows:

  • Hanging lanterns - a long chain that ends with a lampshade with a light bulb. Are established on corners of roofs and canopies, on trees, on L-shaped columns. A very beautiful option, which has one drawback - with a long chain in a strong wind, the lamp begins to sway, which can lead to its breakdown.

Hanging lantern on a thin chain
  • Large floor lamp - classic options are found in any public park, they look like tall metal racks with a matte spherical shade at the top. There are a huge number of modifications, which consist in a different number of shades, their design and location. Well suited for lighting large open areas and paths. Minus - high cost.

Classic outdoor floor lamp in various sizes
  • Ground lamps - built directly into the ground at the same level with the ground surface. Powerful luminous flux is directed strictly upwards. Such lamps are used for decorative lighting of large green spaces, tall trees and lush shrubs - an interesting version of a lantern for a summer residence. The disadvantages are that, due to the direction of the light, they cannot be used as the main lighting. Due to the same level with the ground, constant cleaning of the ceiling is required to restore normal luminous flux.
Ground spotlight
  • Wall lights - miniature models, depending on their power, can be used as decorative, additional and even main lighting. Usually located at the entrance to the yard, on the sides of the front door, on the walls of the house along a long path, a rarer case is the installation of such lamps on fences as general and security lighting.

What are the best bulbs to use outdoors?

Consider the already known facts about light bulbs in terms of their use as country lamps in an open environment.

  • Incandescent lamps are the classic and most popular way, which, fortunately, is starting to move towards more modern counterparts. Cozy yellow light, relatively high reliability when used even in the open air border on the colossal gluttony of electricity with a low light output. Romantic, but not ergonomic.
  • Halogen counterparts - with the same power consumption, they give out a much larger amount of light. The most unfortunate option for use in the country - they heat up to enormous temperatures, are very fragile, burn out at the slightest voltage drop, are completely unprotected from dust, dirt and moisture even in good lamps, not to mention home-made options. Use is not recommended.
  • LED light bulbs are the most preferred option for such fixtures. They are reliable, economical, do not contain harmful substances, are not demanding on the source of electricity, you can choose any comfortable color temperature. Of the minuses, it is worth noting the rather high cost of such light bulbs, but the disadvantage is doubtful, because the quality of light and energy savings more than pay for it.

DIY options

To make a street lamp with your own hands, you can use any materials that you know how to handle. The main requirement is that this material be resistant to the environment, completely protecting both the light bulb and the cartridge with bare live contacts.

bottle lamp

One of the most beautiful, but at the same time, simple models of homemade lanterns is a beautiful glass bottle as a protective cover. Due to the narrow neck, a powerful light bulb will not fit through there, so they are usually used as additional or decorative lighting for a country house. If you own a glass cutter, you can carefully cut off the bottom of the bottle, then you can use a more powerful light bulb.

How to make a street lamp in this case? To create such a lamp, thread the wires through the neck, connect the cartridge from the bottom side and screw the light bulb into it. Gently pull the cartridge into the bottle body by the wires, fix the wires in the neck with plastic clay or glue. Hang the resulting dacha lamp in the right place and turn on the light. Note that it is not protected from moisture and can only be used as a backlight under awnings.

Decorative lighting with small bulbs from a bottle

We use conventional banks

For a complete set, it would be good to have a lid for such a jar that fits snugly against the edges of the hole. Make a few holes in it, pass the wires through them. On the other hand, attach the cartridge, screw in the light bulb. Lower the assembled structure into a jar, carefully coat the edges of the hole with glue and put a lid on it. After the glue dries, such a DIY street lamp can be hung by a wire in any convenient place.

Variety of glass jar lamps

Old cans of paint and canned food

They do not have to be thrown away immediately, they can be useful for creating an unusual lamp with a pattern. Arm yourself with a marker or pencil, using a stencil, blueprint or by eye - draw the pattern you like. Using a sharp construction knife, a hammer with a thick nail, or a drill, make holes in the jar along the contours of the pattern. Straighten the lid as much as possible so that it tightly closes the future ceiling.

Similarly to the above method, make holes in the lid, connect the lampshade to the threaded wires, then close the lid tightly. For strength, the wire can be reinforced with a coil of wire if the jar is too heavy. As a result, we get a beautiful flashlight with a luminous pattern that can be used for romantic outdoor gatherings.

Having a sufficient amount of metal, such a ceiling can be hoisted on a high metal pole, getting a simple hand-made lamppost.

Plafond for a lamp from a tin can

Be sure to follow the safety precautions when working with sharp equipment, when making lanterns with your own hands, when connecting wires to the mains, be sure to turn off the electricity supply on the shield, work in dry conditions, without dust and dirt.

Homemade lamps for summer cottages open up almost limitless possibilities for decorating, because it is possible to create just such a product that will most harmoniously fit into the current exterior of the house. But the made lamp is usually not intended for use in open street conditions - it either will not survive strong gusts of wind, or moisture and dust will very quickly clog and oxidize all the contacts of our homemade product, which can lead to a light bulb burnout, breakage of the cartridge or even to a short circuit.


To create a dacha lamp with your own hands, you can use any materials at hand - old bottles, damaged cans are used, even rusty tins, with a careful approach, can create a colorful and cozy antique atmosphere. If you don't succeed the first time, don't despair. After a few attempts, you will really get the DIY street lamp that you like.

Do-it-yourself street lamp: instructions and photo ideas for country lighting

Today, almost any hardware store is able to offer a beautiful and high-quality street lamp for every taste and budget, which can perfectly decorate the design of a country house. Nevertheless, the cost of quality products is far from always able to satisfy the buyer, and it is doubtful to purchase a cheap option. Based on this, many homeowners prefer to assemble the necessary element with their own hands, thereby killing two birds with one stone - it comes out inexpensively and the quality is at its best (after all, you do it for yourself).

In the article we will talk about the features of self-manufacturing and assembling lamps for a private house. Also in the material will be presented photos of ready-made solutions from the masters as examples.

Varieties of street lamps

Obviously, the street lamp that you are going to place in your summer cottage should perform the following functions:

  • If possible, not just fit into the design of a country house and the design of the garden plot as a whole, but complement it;
  • It is good to illuminate the areas near the building, so that at night it would not be scary to move around your own site.

Luminaires for street lighting have the following classification:

  • Pendant lights - can be fixed directly on trees, when it does not impede the process of connecting to the network, or to the ceiling beams on the veranda. In most cases, they look like a strong long chain ending in a ceiling;

  • Ground lamps - installed directly on the ground, an excellent solution for lighting a pedestrian alley. In addition, they are often used as a backlight for green spaces on the site, whether it be a beautiful flower bed or a flower pot with original vegetation, and an additional decoration for any element in the yard, for example, a summer pavilion or a swing. In most cases, ground lamps are made in a round or rectangular shape.

  • Floor lamps - mounted on the veranda or on the ground. The classic floor lamp is a flat stand equipped with a round lamp on top, however, there are also more advanced versions, which are distinguished by a large number of shades, interesting shapes and unusual sizes.

  • Wall lights - are considered the best solution for organizing lighting near the entrance to the house or near the gate or gate. According to their design and shape, such lamps can be made in a very different style, but most often buyers choose options made "antique".

Below is a selection of photos of street lights that you can either buy in a store or make yourself.

Light sources for outdoor lighting

A variety of light sources can be used to organize street lighting:

  • Solar panels. Luminaires with them can be mounted even in places where the laying of the mains is not provided. Such batteries run on batteries with energy stored from sunlight. On its charge, the flashlight can last up to 12 hours.

When using a solar battery, it is important to know that it must be installed in a place where the sun shines as strongly as possible during the day!

  • LED lamp. In comparison with the following option, they make it possible to save up to 100% of electricity. Of course, the cost of LED lamps cannot be called modest, but the service life of such lamps will be maximum. In addition, for their price they offer absolute harmlessness and safety, because they do not contain any harmful substances, including mercury. And the strength of the lamp is much higher than that of other products, since it is almost impossible to bend the body.

  • Halogen lamps. This light source is one of the most economical and durable, second only to the previous version. Compared to classic incandescent lamps, they offer reasonable light intensity. The main disadvantages of such lighting are that the lamps are afraid of dirt on the flasks, they are sensitive to temperature changes and get very hot during operation.
  • Classic incandescent lamps. The most budget option, but making a street lamp out of them is not the best solution: after all, the lighting from them is too strong, and you will go broke on electricity bills!

Material selection

Most often, summer residents prefer to make lamps from plastic, but this decision can hardly be called successful, because plastic is not very durable, often breaking and breaking. It is more correct and more reliable to make a street lamp from metal, for example, from bronze, copper or brass.

Steel stands out for its resistance to precipitation, and therefore the lamp made of it will resist external influences well, which is very important when implementing street lighting. However, in terms of beauty, this option can hardly be called the best!

A handmade copper lantern will perfectly complement the retro-style exterior. However, the main disadvantage of copper is that the material oxidizes over time, acquiring not the most attractive greenish tint. As for bronze, it darkens, so such a lamp will have to be constantly cleaned.

Considering all of the above, brass remains the best material, satisfying the requirements both in terms of appearance and strength indicators.

How to make a street lamp with your own hands?

Working with metal raw materials requires the timely preparation of the necessary tools:

As for the material, quite often the lamps are made from the following raw materials at hand:

  • The remaining building materials;
  • PVC pipes;
  • wood chips;
  • Old kitchen utensils;
  • Tin and glass jars;
  • Plastic glasses and bottles, from which plafonds for a garland are made;
  • clays;
  • Cardboard boxes and packages.

Lanterns made of such materials look especially original and interesting, and you can do all the work with your own hands as simply and quickly as possible. The main disadvantage here is that lamps made from improvised materials can hardly be called durable and strong.

If you want to make the most beautiful and original street lamp with your own hands, many summer residents use the maximum supply of imagination, sometimes peeping at third-party solutions in order to borrow a couple of ideas. There can be an uncountable number of modifications of various ideas. Below are photos of some interesting solutions.

Well, let's figure out how the lamp is made with your own hands. Below we will consider the 2 most commonly used solutions that will allow you to do all the work with your own hands as simply and quickly as possible.

Glass bottle lantern

It is not difficult to make a ceiling lamp from a jar or a glass bottle, besides, the light can easily pass through the glass, complementing the evening landscape with beautiful effects.

Suitable for work:

  • Indicator;
  • Pliers;
  • Decor elements;
  • Bank or bottle;
  • Cartridge;
  • Insulating tape.

Operating procedure:

  • We mount the electrical wires, fix the wiring in the cartridge, and then insert the light bulb;
  • In a bottle with a narrow neck, it is better if the original color and shape, we place polished glass, transparent balls, small beads or any other small objects that can reflect light;
  • We place a spiral wire in a bottle - you can give it such a shape simply by winding the latter on your finger;
  • We lower the bulb with the cartridge into the ceiling, after which we fix everything with silicone.

Forged lamp do it yourself

Lighting in the form of a forged lamp will become a more durable and reliable solution. For work you will need:

  • Welding machine;
  • Steel bars;
  • stripes;
  • Corner.

Work order:

  • The first step is a trapezoidal or rectangular body of 4 steel frames;
  • From the outside, the frames are covered with a steel grating made of rods;
  • From above, the body is covered with a metal cap;
  • The wall mount will be a bracket, which is made of a square steel bar;
  • Steel strips will serve to create the lower curls;
  • The latter are welded together at the end and fixed with interceptions.

The nuances of connecting to the network

When you make a street lamp with your own hands, due attention should be paid to the work associated with connecting to the network. This will require:

  • Corrugated pipe or metal sleeve for protection;
  • To fix the connection, terminal blocks;
  • VVG electric cable.

In most cases, two-wire wiring with a cross section of about 1.5 mm2 is used to connect home-made devices. The best solution would be to buy a bay where the total length of the cable will be about 100 meters. In this case, it is recommended to select a corrugated pipe with a diameter of 18-25 millimeters. It is necessary to protect the wire from accidental damage when digging up the earth, as well as from rodents.

Depending on the shades and the number of connections in the terminal blocks, one or a pair of strips with holes of 2.5-4 mm should be provided. The pads are recommended to be selected based on the current strength (5-10A).

Installation order:

  • First of all, at a distance of no more than 0.6 m from the house, a trench is dug about 0.8 m deep for laying the cable;
  • When installing floor lamps, metal legs are initially installed, after which a wire is pulled through them. In the trench, it is placed inside the corrugated sleeve. After pulling through all the devices, the wiring is cut so that the end of the cable does not exceed 15 centimeters;
  • We prepare the second cable and also push it through the pipe, after which we fix a pair of wires with terminals;

  • If the lantern is located on the facade of the house or its wall, the junction boxes should be well insulated, and it is better if the cable is connected inside them with clamping nuts. Alternatively, you can use pliers, but in this case you will need to additionally solder each connection. Wrap the twisted areas with electrical tape;
  • Installation of the electrical circuit. Since it provides for a pair of wires - "zero" and "phase", it is necessary to check that the switch can open the phase cable. Only in this way, when replacing a burned-out lamp in the off state, there will be no risk of electric shock. It will be possible to determine the phase cable using a special indicator;

  • The connection point can be the most ordinary socket, which will quickly de-energize the entire system if necessary. In addition, no one bothers to connect a street lamp directly to the terminals on the electrical panel equipped with an automatic fuse;
  • When installing the circuit breaker, be sure to check that its power corresponds to the network load;
  • Before finally burying the trench, make sure that the lantern is working properly. Strengthen the post by tamping down the soil or pouring it with concrete.

Decoration for the site and at home: photo

In addition to its direct function, a street lamp is also able to perfectly complement the design of a summer cottage and the house as a whole. To choose the most successful solution, it is worth experimenting with lighting and lamp shapes. For example, you can use lighting devices in the form of mushrooms, decorating the garden path with them. The plafonds-caps placed on top will beautifully reflect the light down, thereby creating an original lighting effect.

If there is a pool in the country, as an option, use floating balls or floor lamps in the form of cylinders. Another option is luminous sculptures, vases, planters or benches. The latter can be achieved easily with the help of halogen paint, which is reflected by fluorescent light in the dark.

Obviously, there can be a huge number of colorful and original design solutions for decorating lighting in the country, which is partly facilitated by a considerable selection of lighting fixtures. However, it is much more pleasant and cheaper to do all the work with your own hands and a street lamp is a direct confirmation of this! With due imagination, it is not difficult to come up with unique lighting, in extreme cases, you can always use our collection of photos with lamps.

How to make homemade street lights with your own hands

Today, many people make lighting in their backyard with their own hands. This trend has been observed for several years, and it does not lose its relevance. With your own hands today you can make almost any lamp, which in terms of its characteristics and appearance will not be inferior to purchased products. For giving a great solution would be a stylized old street lamp, which you can assemble with your own hands.

Our article will tell you what a street lamp can be made of, what types of such home-made models exist today, and also introduce you to the assembly process algorithm.

Choice of option

decorative lantern

If you decide to build a lamp with your own hands, for example, an old street lamp, you should decide on its appearance at the very beginning. Today, street lighting devices are of several types:

  • functional. It can be a floor lamp, sconce or lantern. At the same time, it can be made simple in appearance or stylized as an old street lamp. Such a floor lamp can be portable or stationary, standing in only one place. It is much easier to make a sconce or a wall lantern, since it will take noticeably less effort and time;

Note! An important point in creating a lighting fixture will be the choice of a light source. Often use the LED type of lighting, as it is more economical and advantageous in terms of the technical characteristics of the glow. At the same time, the light source must be powerful enough to fully illuminate the required area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe infield.

  • decorative. The lighting function in such a product is minimal. An LED flashlight or a decorative candle can act as a light source here. Most often, such a lamp is made of a portable type, but there is also a floor lamp or sconce (although much less often).
  • wall-mounted - quite popular and quite often made by hand. They are installed near entrance doors, flights of stairs and gates. They come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, which gives free rein to the imagination when making it with your own hands. The light source here can be an LED type of backlight or a decorative candle;

Note! It is the wall-mounted type of lamp that is often stylized as an old street lamp. This craft will be a great addition to the garden interior, both in the gazebo and on the porch.

Can lantern

  • floor lamp. It can be installed either on the floor in the veranda, or directly into the ground. The floor lamp looks like a lantern on a short leg, which can vary in length depending on your wishes. This luminaire is characterized by soft light. Therefore, powerful light sources are not suitable here. LED, halogen and fluorescent type of illumination can only be used with a darkened lampshade of the device;
  • portable lamp. It is also quite often done by hand. It has the simplest design and is easily implemented using a glass jar and wire;
  • ground lamps. This type of lighting device is also quite simple to assemble, but it is extremely rare, as it is practically always used as decorative lighting.

What kind of lamp you will make depends only on your needs, desires and capabilities.


metal lantern

You can make a street lamp with your own hands from a wide variety of materials. This list includes:

  • plastic. It is not recommended for the manufacture of street-type luminaires, as it is quite fragile and can easily break from any mechanical impact. Although it can be used as an auxiliary material;
  • metal. From this material you can make an old street lamp, which will add entourage and sophistication to your dacha. But metal is difficult to work with, especially if it has to be forged. Therefore, this material is not chosen so often. Such lighting devices will be the most resistant to frequently changing and adverse environmental conditions (high humidity, temperature changes, etc.);

Note! Copper, steel, brass and bronze can be used as metal. They will give any type of lamp of antiquity, especially when properly processed.

  • tree. This is also not the best option for the street, because without the necessary processing, the wood will quickly become unusable under the influence of wood insects and moisture. At the same time, it will be quite simple to make a lamp out of wood. At the same time, having properly decorated the device, it can pass for an old street lamp.

All other materials such as paper, glass, etc. not very suitable for outdoor conditions. The power source for the lights can be LED or any other type of economical light bulbs.

Lamp Assembly

Drawing example

You can make a street lamp with your own hands according to the following algorithm, which for different models will differ only in some nuances:

  • we draw a drawing according to which the assembly will be carried out;
  • we prepare the material - we cut and process wood, bend metal sheets, etc .;
  • Next, we create a lampshade. The design is assembled according to the drawing scheme;
  • After that, we proceed to the assembly of electrical wiring.

Note! The assembly of electrical wiring for the future lamp is the most important and crucial stage.

You can connect a street lamp to the mains with your own hands only if you have the necessary knowledge. Otherwise, you should use the services of a specialist. In order to connect a flashlight (LED or any other type), you will need the following materials:

If we are going to make a landscape model, then for the wires we should dig a trench in which the cable is laid. The optimal depth in this situation will be 70-80 cm. At the same time, the distance from the house to the channel should be at least 60 cm.

If you will make a floor lamp type, then we do this:

  • making metal legs. Cleaned pipes can act in their role;
  • we stretch the cable through them;
  • then we put the cable in a corrugated sleeve;
  • after that, we cut the cable so that its length is at least 10-15 cm;
  • Next, prepare the second piece of electrical wire. It should also be passed through a corrugated pipe;
  • then we connect both pieces of the electrical cable to each other using terminals.

If the lantern is hung on a wall or facade, then we connect the wires to the junction boxes. In this case, all contacts must be securely isolated. It is necessary to solder all the contacts and carefully wrap them with electrical tape.

Wiring diagram installation

After all these manipulations, we proceed to the installation of the electrical circuit. Here the switch must be connected to the phase of the wire. Thus, in the off state, the possibility of electric shock is completely excluded. Remember that if the wiring diagram is incorrectly assembled, the LED and fluorescent type of bulbs may start flashing. An ordinary socket can be used as a connection point. But you can also directly connect the cable to the terminals on the electrical panel. After that, we check the circuit for operability and mask the wires.

Do-it-yourself stationary braziers for summer cottages made of bricks

Now lanterns for summer cottages are widely represented in the assortment of any hardware store, but their prices are not encouraging with their affordability. Therefore, the manufacture of such lamps with their own hands is becoming increasingly popular.

What are street lights for summer cottages

Such lights should perform two main functions:

  • Illuminate the area around the house so that its inhabitants can safely move around it in the evening and at night without fear of stumbling or falling.
  • Serve as an element of decor, organically fitting into the concept of landscaping a summer cottage.

At the moment, the main types of street lamps for private households are divided into the following categories:

  • Wall lamps are ideal for illuminating the entrance to the house and a small area in front of it (and also installed near the entrance gate or gate). They can be very diverse in form and decoration, but most often there are so-called "antique" lanterns, which are distinguished by grace and harmony of forms.
  • Floor lamps are installed directly on the ground or on the floor of the veranda. The classic version involves a flat stand with a round ball at the end, but modern models often deviate significantly from this pattern, differing in a variety of shapes, the number of shades and height. The latter is usually from 0.3 to 0.5 m. Such impromptu "floor lamps" usually give a very soft, pleasant and subdued light, while at the same time allowing you to see everything that happens on the site.
  • Soil lamps are mounted both directly into the soil, which opens up unlimited possibilities for beautiful illumination of trees, bushes and flowers, and along pedestrian alleys for the convenience of moving along them. These lanterns are also suitable for installation near small architectural forms (summer pavilions, swings, utility rooms, etc.). They give a beam of light directed strictly from the bottom up, and in some models its angle of inclination can even be changed. Typically, ground lamps have a strict round or rectangular shape.
  • Pendant lights are traditionally attached to ceiling beams on open verandas, sometimes to tree branches, but this is quite difficult due to the technical difficulties of connecting to the mains. Such lanterns in the country, the photo of which is presented below, usually represent a long and strong chain ending with a ceiling lamp of any kind and size.

Light sources in lanterns for summer cottages

Street lamps for a country house use a variety of light sources. It can be:

  • Ordinary incandescent bulbs. Their advantage is low cost, but the possibility of using such lamps for outdoor lighting remains in question. They consume too much energy, and excessive brightness does not allow you to fully enjoy the beauty of the evening garden.
  • Halogen lamps are more economical and will last much longer than incandescent lamps, providing good color reproduction and light intensity, but at the same time they get very hot and are sensitive to sudden power surges and bulb contamination.

  • LED lamps can save up to 95% of electricity compared to conventional lighting sources. This is not the cheapest option, but they have a long service life, do not contain substances such as mercury that are harmful to the human body. Also, any LED lantern for giving is equipped with a very durable housing, which, unlike a glass bulb, is not so easy to break.
  • Solar panels. Lanterns with such lighting elements are perfect for installation in those places of the site where laying conventional wiring is problematic. Their main part is a battery that absorbs solar energy. After dark, such a lamp turns on automatically. When the battery is fully charged, the flashlight is able to work without interruption for 10-12 hours. It should be placed only in those places of the site where the sun warms most of the day.

Materials for the manufacture of lanterns

The most unfortunate material for making street lights for the backyard is plastic, which is easy to smash or break. The most durable will be lamps made of steel, bronze, copper or brass. Steel models are resistant to environmental influences, but often look a bit boring.

Copper lamps will perfectly fit into the interior of the site in a retro style, but do not forget that copper oxidizes in the air over time and acquires a not very pleasant greenish tint. Bronze also darkens over time and requires constant cleaning. Practical and lanterns made of brass, which combines high strength with aesthetic appeal.

However, for the manufacture of lamps from such materials, a number of tools are required (drills, drills, sets of screws, etc.), therefore, lamps made from improvised materials are also popular: glass and tin cans, clay and even wood chips. They make an original impression, and in order to make them, no special skills are required. The only drawback of such lighting fixtures is their fragility and short service life.

Features of wiring in street lamps

In the manufacture of lamps for a personal plot, it is necessary to carefully approach the issue of installing electrical wiring. To connect lighting devices to the network you will need:

  • Electric cable type VVG.
  • Terminal blocks for secure fixation of connection points.
  • Metal hose (corrugated pipe) to protect the wire.

In order to make do-it-yourself lanterns for summer cottages, they usually take a two-core cable, the core thickness of which is 1.5 mm. In order not to return to the store later, it is best to immediately buy a whole bay in which the length of the wire is 100 meters. It is also necessary to purchase a corrugated pipe with a diameter of 18 to 25 mm, which will protect the electrical cable in the ground from rodents or accidental damage when digging the ground.

Hole diameters in terminal blocks typically range from 2.5mm to 4mm. They consist of one or two strips: which type to choose is determined by the number of connections and shades in the lamp. The pads must be rated for a current of 5-10 A.

At the stage of actual installation, you must perform the following operations:

  • We dig trenches into which the cable will be laid. The optimal depth for them is 70-80 cm, and the distance from the ditches to the house should not be less than 60 cm.
  • In the case of floor lamps, we first install the metal legs and alternately drag the cable through them. Where it will be located in the trench, be sure to place it in a corrugated sleeve. After passing through all the planned lighting fixtures, we cut the cable so that the length of the tail is at least 10-15 cm.
  • After that, we prepare the second segment of the electrical wire, we also pass it through the corrugated pipe and connect both cables with terminals in the upper part of the lamp.
  • If the lights are located on the facade or wall, the junction boxes should be securely insulated. The best option is boxes in which the wires are connected with clamping nuts. Sometimes the wires are connected simply with pliers, but then it is better to solder each connection. The places of twisting are carefully wrapped with electrical tape.

  • Now we proceed to the installation of the electrical circuit. Since it has two wires - “zero” and “phase”, care must be taken to ensure that the switch opens the phase wire. Then, with the switch in the “off” position, when replacing a burned-out lamp, there is absolutely no risk of electric shock. Determine the phase wire using a special indicator.
  • As a connection point, an ordinary socket is quite suitable. In this case, the de-energization of the entire system can be carried out quickly by simply pulling out the plug. But it has the right to life and a way to connect cables directly to the terminals on the electrical panel, which is usually equipped with a special automatic fuse that turns off the power supply in the event of an accident.
  • When installing the circuit breaker, be sure to check that its rated power corresponds to the load in this network.
  • Before digging trenches, make sure that all the lights on the site are working and strengthen the pillars by tamping fine gravel or clay around them. In light soils, it is recommended to fill the supports for the fixtures with concrete.

The most popular types of homemade lanterns

More and more owners of dachas and cottages are striving to make decorative lanterns for their dachas on their own. On the sites you can find a wide variety of modifications of such lighting devices:

  • in the form of garlands, where plastic bottles and cups serve as shades.
  • PVC pipe,
  • from glass and tin cans and cardboard bags from milk,
  • building materials,
  • plastic,
  • metal,
  • wood
  • old kitchen utensils.

Very often, glass jars or bottles serve as material for lanterns in the backyard. Such a ceiling is made very quickly, and the transparency of the glass allows light to pass freely through its walls, creating amazingly beautiful special effects. To make such a lamp, you will need a glass bottle, a cartridge, pliers, electrical tape, an indicator and a knife for stripping insulation at the junction of the electrical circuit, as well as decorative elements. Now you need to perform the following operations:

  • Perform the wiring, connect the wires in the cartridge and screw the light bulb into it.
  • Take a bottle with a narrow neck, preferably from alcoholic beverages, of an unusual shape or color scheme, and place a variety of small beads, transparent balls that reflect light, and polished glass on the bottom.
  • Wind a thin multi-colored wire around your finger so that it turns into a spiral, and also put it in a bottle.
  • Then lower the cartridge with the lamp into the makeshift ceiling and securely fix it with silicone.

A more durable option is a forged lantern. For its manufacture, you will need steel bars, strips, a corner and a welded machine. Forged lamps are made as follows:

  • The case is made of 4 steel frames, having a trapezoidal or rectangular shape. To do this, use a corner, the cross section of which should be 15x15x2 mm.
  • Outside, the frames are closed with bars, which are either simple or contain volutes and curls. They are welded from a steel bar, the diameter of which is 05 mm. The entire body is covered with an iron cap from above.
  • The bracket responsible for fastening to the wall is made of a square-shaped steel bar, the cross section of which is 12-14 mm. The material for the manufacture of the lower curls will be a thin steel strip. The ends of the curls are connected by electric welding and by means of interceptions.

Garden lamps as decorative elements

In order to bring new notes to the interior of the site, you should pay attention to the various forms of lanterns for country houses, which will help the site play with new colors. So, mushroom-shaped lamps can be placed along the paths, at the very top of which there is a nice ceiling-cap. In this case, the light is reflected down, which creates a unique atmosphere of magic.

Floor lamps in the form of a cylinder or in the form of floating waterproof balls (if the house has a pool) also look unusual. As light sources, they often use special luminous benches, vases, sculptures or planters in which flowers grow. This effect is achieved through the use of a special halogen paint, which gives a luminescent light in the dark. As you can see, ideas for hand-made lighting sources are simply inexhaustible.

I want to talk about how I made lanterns for illustrations for Mandelstam's book "Two Trams". There they are slightly different in appearance, but made according to the same principle. Since the book takes place at night, I needed a lot of lanterns that would illuminate the city where the trams go. On the one hand, they had to look like street lamps, and on the other hand, they also had to shine, that is, the wires had to be hidden somewhere. I thought for a long time how to arrange it, until one day it occurred to me - a cocktail tube! It is just perfect: you can hide the wires from the light bulb inside, and its bend is already very "lantern".

Materials you will need: For the lantern itself: a straw, a cap from a sports bottle, buttons and beads - among them you will need to find those from which a suitable shade will come out, and coins with which we will weight the bottom of the lantern so that it does not fall. Glue: glue gun (if you don’t have one, you can do it, but it’s a million times more convenient with it), super glue - to glue beads, Poxipol - to glue coins. Paint: black aerosol paint (choose one that to lay down on plastic!), and the second, of a different color (I chose brown), in a jar. For electricity: an LED (you can buy it at the Chip and Dip store or at some store like Radio Components) for 3 volts, a battery case for two batteries (also sold at Chip and Dip), a wire, a switch (again, you can buy it at Chip and Dip, and no, they don’t pay me for advertising :)) and electrical tape. Tools : the main thing is a breadboard knife, scissors and a brush, you can do without the rest. However, pliers, an awl, and a hammer will come in handy.

So, start by cutting two pieces of wire about 7 centimeters longer than the tubes and clean their ends with a knife: cut off the plastic layer.

You will get two wires with a metal part sticking out at both ends:

Next you need to attach these wires to the LED. If you know how to solder, then, firstly, I envy you, and secondly, just solder them. If you, like me, do not know how to solder, then you have two options. The first is to ask someone to solder :) For example, there is a "radio components" store near my house, where a handsome gentleman repairs TVs and tape recorders, and in the meantime, for 100 rubles, he soldered wires to light bulbs for me.

Well, if all this is impossible for some reason, you can do it differently. This method is less durable, but what can you do. Whip up the LED and use pliers to gently bend the wires at the ends so that you get a loop:

Here is such a loop:

Then put the stripped end of the wire into the loop:

And screw it up properly. Do the same with the second wire.

Then cut off a small piece of electrical tape:

And wrap the junctions of the wires and the LED:

I chose a large metal button with a lion's face, consisting of two parts and some small metal thing with a hole.

With pliers, I bent the side of the button where the two parts were connected:

And when she bent it to the end, she disconnected:

As a result, I got this basis for the ceiling:

With the help of an awl and a hammer, I made a hole:

Then I inserted the light bulb into the ceiling, and the ceiling - into a small metal contraption. This little thing is needed so that the junction of the lantern and the ceiling is neater. Then I glued them together with super glue.

It is clear that depending on what kind of buttons you have, the way the ceiling is made can vary. When you have done it, insert the wires sticking out of the ceiling into the tube:

Glue the tube and the ceiling with super glue or a glue gun.

Then take the bottle cap and cut off everything unnecessary from it: a transparent cap:

Hole details:

And also cut two holes for the wires inside:

You should get such "gates":

And insert the tube into the opening of the lid so that the tube reaches the first "gate". Glue it on with a glue gun. Important! Do not heat the gun too much or the tube will melt. Start gluing as soon as it heats up, don't wait. If you don't have a gun, I think you can stick it together or make a mass of napkins and pva, but of course it's longer and more tedious.

The romance of the evening garden ... It is formed like a mosaic of many nuances, among which light plays a leading role. Unfortunately, the lighting of the suburban area is sometimes given an undeservedly secondary place, although the “beam of light in the dark kingdom” is necessary elementarily in order to move freely through your possessions in the evening. Not to mention the fact that the beauty of plants, hidden in the dark, is able to light up with new colors and acquire unexpected fantastic forms. It is enough just to skillfully “play” with the light, applying some interesting ideas for lighting and decorating garden lamps.

Truly, garden lighting is akin to art - it can create unprecedented effects that are born from the union of plants and decorative lighting. You just need to bring to life some “educational” ideas for giving - with your own hands you can transform your garden so much that from an inconspicuous, no different from many others, it will turn into a fabulous corner that can touch you at any time of the day.

Evening lighting of the dacha will not only give the garden a certain mystery, but also allow you to safely move around the site

Your garden house and country landscape will look natural during the day and mysterious in the evening, if you successfully combine the functionality of lighting with its decorative effect. What are the tasks assigned to the lighting of the garden plot? Depending on the function and area of ​​​​location of outdoor lamps, the following types of summer cottage lighting can be distinguished:

  • home lighting;
  • track lighting;
  • staircase lighting;
  • accent lighting;
  • patio lighting;
  • holiday lighting;
  • security lighting.

An important condition for the proper organization of the dacha lighting system is the preservation of the aesthetics of the garden during the daytime, that is, lamps for night illumination should not disturb the harmony of the dacha landscape. To fulfill this condition, it is enough to choose lighting fixtures of natural shape and / or made from natural materials. A widespread technique for decorative garden lighting is that they absorb solar energy throughout the day and give it off at night in the form of a mysterious glow that flows softly, as if from inside the rock.

The original lighting, placed in dense vegetation, will create a cozy atmosphere in a secluded recreation area.

Airy butterflies and dragonflies, glowing in the dark, naturally and unobtrusively coexist with garden plants

Or maybe you prefer a group of colorful butterflies on long twigs stuck into the ground that will enliven the lawn during the day and glow at night? And how do you like a dwarf suddenly peeking out from behind a bush with a lamp or a luminous frog perched under a large leaf? Such original solutions will give your dacha individuality and originality, to the delight of you and to the good envy of your neighbors.

In addition to the artistic impression, it is necessary to think over the technical side of lighting the dacha. The use of alternative light sources based on solar energy is the most economical option for garden lighting. In addition, this type of lighting will not spoil the appearance of the site with long electric cords stretching along the flower beds and paths, as it consists of an autonomous battery pack and a group of lamps connected to it.

The unusual illumination of trees in the form of luminous wells is so mysterious that one inexorably wants to look into this depth.

Artificial flowers in the form of solar-powered lamps will harmoniously fit into the landscape design of the garden

It is more logical to place lights connected to the mains closer to the house - to illuminate the facade, entrance group, terrace, since these areas require more active light, and laying a short wiring will not require significant labor costs and cash investments.

Types of lighting for the garden plot

Decorative focused lighting is the most expressive lighting created by an accent beam of light and aimed at an original landscape composition - a flower bed, a pond, a tree, or just a beautifully shaped flower. With such directional lighting, it is important to correctly balance the intensity, color spectrum, pattern of the light spot and the location of the light source. An interesting idea for illuminating the garden can be groups of lighting fixtures located under trees with an unusual crown - in the evening, directional light will draw the silhouette of a tree and create a bizarre pattern of shadows on the ground.

The evening illumination of the garden draws the outlines of plants so subtly that they sometimes take on a fantastic, unrealistic look.

Illumination of garden paths does not imply an abundance of powerful lamps - these can be small spots or light sources built into the ground, giving only a hint of lighting on both sides of the country “fairway” and indicating the direction of movement. A more thorough “navigation” requires stairs, which can be illuminated by lamps mounted in the steps or in the flight of stairs. The main idea that can be applied is to illuminate the stairs with a large number of lamps in the form of improvised candlesticks from glass jars or tins, grouped along the edges of the steps. Such a move will give the garden a romantic entourage in the best possible way, and it will not be difficult to make such miniature light sources with your own hands.

Illumination of the gazebo in the garden and the path leading to it will be the key to a pleasant evening pastime with your family in the open air

Lighting a patio, terrace or gazebo is the way to keep your vacation spots accessible in the evening, on rainy or cloudy days. Since the lighting based on the accumulated solar heat is not too bright, it is better to use electric light sources for illuminating common areas. It can be floor and table, built-in and spotlights or whole “garlands” of lamps suspended from the ceiling. Beautiful multi-colored bottles, complex lampshades made of plastic or wood, bright balls of beads or an extravagant design made of shiny metal - it is up to you to choose the design of the central lighting in the relaxation area. Depending on what kind of atmosphere you want to give to the place of “social meeting”, the lighting can be chamber and cozy, or more festive and bright.

An unusual and slightly fantastic effect can be achieved by placing a lot of ball lamps on long rods along the path.

The main requirement for security lighting is its intensity and location in crucial places for site security control - near the gate, at the entrance to the house, around the garage, along the perimeter of your property or in other places where valuable equipment or country inventory is located. As a rule, security lighting systems are formed using powerful LED lamps and are subject to certain rules - both in terms of placement and design, so in this case it is better to choose industrial options for light sources.

A comparative review of garden lamps will also be useful:

An excellent solution for lighting a summer cottage is pots for plants that accumulate light during the day and emit it at night.

Examples of handmade lamps

A floor lamp that has fallen into disrepair, retired kitchen utensils, outdated plastic utensils and other seemingly useless things will now be useful to you for the “production” of country lamps. Everything will be used - from glass containers to grandmother's services - a little imagination, a little patience and all the rarities, standing with one foot in the landfill, will turn into lighting fixtures that bring you light and joy.

In order to make a country lamp, you do not need to spend a lot of money - look into your grandmother's chest and you will find everything you need for creativity

Option #1 - from glass bottles

Fantasy lamps made from waste glass containers can transform your garden, and will not cost a single penny. An ordinary glass container can be turned into an amazing lamp without any effort. Take a bottle of an original shape or an unusual color, put multi-colored small beads, polished glasses, transparent balls on the bottom that will reflect light. Wind the multi-colored wire around your finger so that you get spirals and place them in a vessel. Fix a small flashlight with silicone in the neck of the bottle - this will be a light source that is convenient to turn on and off as needed.

When buying alcoholic beverages - look at the shape and color of glass bottles - because now they will come in handy for you to create homemade lamps

Interesting shades for hanging chandeliers can be obtained from glass containers of various shapes and sizes. But how to cut off the bottom of the bottle? Yes, easily! Tie the bottle with a thin rope soaked in kerosene or gasoline at the level of the desired cut, and pour cold water into the bottle clearly up to the line marked with the rope. When you set fire to the rope, the bottle will burst and an even cut will form, which you just have to grind a little so as not to cut yourself. Now you can fill the electric cord into the ceiling and connect the bulb holder.

By cutting off the bottom of the glass bottle and attaching the metal plate to the pin, you will get a convenient candlestick for lighting the garden.

For a more powerful source of light, you can tie several colorful bottles with wire and hang them from the ceiling of your gazebo, patio, or summerhouse. In the event that bottle colors seem a little gloomy to you, take stained glass paints and paint the glass, showing your imagination and your innate sense of harmony. And do not be afraid to give yourself free rein - you can always remove the not entirely successful fragment of stained glass painting with a solvent and update it. Even better, if you entrust the mission of painting bottles to children or grandchildren - both you will remember and the kids will be happy.

A little creativity - and from a glass bottle you get an expressive wall lamp in the form of a stylized torch. To do this, a hole is drilled in the tightly screwed cap of the bottle, through which kerosene is poured inside and a wick made of natural rope or a stainless steel tube pre-impregnated with the same combustible mixture is filled.

By pouring a combustible mixture into a bottle and filling the wick inside, you will create a lamp in the form of an impromptu torch

The alternation of bottle-plafonds with candles and flowers gives the homemade chandelier on a metal frame an unusually natural look.

Why should a New Year's garland gather dust in anticipation of the next New Year? Place it in a champagne bottle and you will have an expressive garden lamp. Too lazy to make something for a long time, but it hurts to be original? Wind a thread or rope around the bottle absolutely arbitrarily, but in such a way that there are gaps, and apply paint of your favorite color from a spray can onto this kind of cocoon. When your “painting” dries a little, unwind the bottle. Unusual? Go ahead.

The bottle-candlestick is original due to the idea of ​​a candle holder in the form of a spiral, fixed in the neck with a ring

Option # 2 - from glass jars

The main problem of a glass container, as a base for a homemade lamp, is an absolutely transparent surface that does not scatter light. The task that you face in the process of making a glass lamp with your own hands is to fragmentarily decorate a transparent vessel in such a way that, nevertheless, it works in places through the light - it diffuses and smoothes the light from a candle or light bulb placed inside.

In order to conveniently remove the melted wax from the bottom of the candlestick jar, pour some sand or pebbles into it

What can be done with a prosaic, but beautiful jar, left as a memory from once eaten exotic pickles? It all depends on the style in which the new lamp is conceived. If you want country style, wrap the jar with jute rope, fixing it on the glass with silicone glue. Do you want vintage style? Cut into narrow long strips of colorful chintz, cotton lace or guipure and “dress up” your jar in great-grandmother's outfit. Do you like techno style? Take out the voltage coils and diode lamps from the old TV or tape recorder - wind the copper wire around the jar. Stick cylindrical bulbs of LEDs as a decor - they will refract and modify the flow of light even more, and the lamp will turn into some kind of object of alien origin.

Unlike bottles, glass jars are rarely multi-colored - paint them with bright stained glass paints

An original idea for decorating a lamp for a country house in the pop art style is painting a jar with multi-color fluorescent paints applied to the inner surface of a glass jar in the form of irregularly shaped spots. Accumulating sunlight during the day, at night the jars will emit a soft, unobtrusive glow, shimmering with juicy shades of neon blue, pink or lemon. By arranging glass containers of different heights and diameters, painted with matching phosphors, you can create a bright compositional group in your garden by illuminating the path to the house, an alpine hill or a flower bed.

The jar, covered with a myriad of small dots applied with a phosphor, emits a soft, elegant light.

Option # 3 - from cans

After drinking beer and having a bite of sprat in tomato sauce, do not rush to send tins to the trash - everything will come in handy in the country house. For example, to implement extraordinary ideas in creating country lamps that can give your garden an unforgettable look.

What is needed for this? Hammer, nails of different diameters and a cylindrical piece of wood. Sketch the motif of the drawing on paper - it is desirable that it be not a very complex closing ornament. Now attach your sketch to the tin, and put a piece of wood inside it - it will protect the tin from deformation. Punching holes at equal distances with nails, transfer the design to the jar - you will get holes through which delicate light will leak.

An ordinary beer can can turn into an exotic lamp due to the pattern formed by small holes.

Who would have thought that the union of canned food and wooden clothespins could make such an unusual lamp

Option # 4 - from building materials

After the construction of the dacha, various building materials often remain - cement, plaster mixes, liquid nails, etc. It is impossible to store such mixtures for a long time - they quickly absorb moisture and are taken in lumps, but the hand does not rise to throw away. Do not despair, here are a couple of fresh ideas on how you can attach building goods for the benefit of business, namely, to create country lamps.

Using unnecessary residues of cement and plaster mixtures, you can make a fairly original lamp

Take a large and a small plastic bottle, cut off the bottom and put one inside the other, securing them with a threaded pin. Turn the resulting design upside down and install it, say, on a tin can of a suitable diameter. Mix the cement mixture and fill the space between the two bottles, shaking the mold occasionally to evenly fill it. After the solution hardens, cut the bottles and release the cover.

Forming separate fragments from cement mortar, combine them together - you will get a patterned lamp-egg of unprecedented beauty

Option # 5 - from wood and ropes

Having picked up small, but expressive dry twigs, stick them overlapping in a chaotic manner on a children's inflatable ball. Once the glue has set, carefully detach your construction from the balloon and deflate it. The eco-style lampshade is ready, you just need to fill the light bulb and connect the lamp to the network.

Unnecessary branches from cut trees will be an excellent material for creating a country lamp in the form of a ball.

By the same principle, using inflatable balloons, make a lampshade in the form of a hemisphere from a jute rope. To do this, draw a border on the ball and, gradually gluing the intersections, wrap it with a rope. After the glue dries, gently deflate the balloon and detach the rope cover from it.

Snow-white openwork rope lamps will create a festive atmosphere on your terrace or patio area

In order to make a lamp out of wood, it is not necessary to be able to plan or saw - there are a lot of ready-made wooden semi-finished products that you just need to skillfully apply.

If you twist the birch bark into a cone shape, you will get a very delicate and elegant lampshade for the lamp.

Do not rush to get rid of stumps - you can make not only a stool from them, but also an extravagant country lamp

Option #6 - plastic

Plastic bottles have long been used both in the tail and in the mane for a variety of country crafts. What our inventive people did not come up with, conjuring with "very skillful" pens over plastic bottles. Not wanting to lag behind the mass trend, we are in a hurry to offer our version of the "utilization" of a plastic bottle by creating an extraordinary lamp.

Here is an unusual lamp - whether a hedgehog, or an insect, can be obtained from an ordinary plastic bottle

Lamp-ball made of plastic. 1. Cut off the bottom 2. Glue 3. Bend along the radius 4. Form a ball 5. Install on the base 6. Connect to the network

Lampshade for a lamp made of plastic leaves. 1. Cut out the rectangles 2. Cut out the leaves 3. Melt the edges with a soldering iron 4. Connect the leaves with wire

So, we cut the bottle into rectangles, from which we cut out the leaves. We melt the edges of the sheet with a soldering iron, giving it a more natural shape. We burn 2 holes with a red-hot needle and thread copper wire without insulation into them. We collect branches from individual leaves and form a spherical ceiling from them.

Do not rush to throw away disposable cups after receiving guests - it is better to glue them into a cute multi-colored lamp

Buy ping-pong balls, glue a few circles out of them, and then connect them vertically - a futuristic chandelier is ready

The original chandelier can be made from other plastic products - disposable tableware, plastic cups and ping-pong balls. Due to the inherent conical and spherical shape of these products, gluing them will steadily lead you to create a spherical or cylindrical lamp.

Creating a cheerful and relaxed atmosphere in your country house will be the best way to contribute to bright lamps made of multi-colored beads.

Stringing large plastic beads on a wire, twist it into a spiral and form a spherical shade of small diameter. You can get a fairly original chandelier for a summer residence if you arrange balls of beads of different colors and diameters, attaching them to the frame on long suspensions.

Old CDs and records cluttering up your closet are now very useful - they will make amazing lamps for giving

Here is a unique lamp idea for music lovers - those whose house is littered with end-of-life music drives - discs and records. Surprisingly, old CDs can make a wonderful lamp. It is enough just to drill, having previously marked with a marker, 5 holes at an equal distance from each other around the circumference of the disc, not getting too close to the edge, and then fasten the discs with wire to each other. Such a multifaceted structure can have any diameter, depending on the intended size or your patience. If it is assumed that the lamp will be floor or table, then glue 3-4 erasers to one of the disks, which plays the role of the base. By hanging a few disk balls from a metal plate, you will get an original futuristic chandelier to illuminate the terrace or patio area.

The corrugated plastic pipe perfectly transforms into a shell lamp - you just have to fill the light cord into the pipe

Option # 7 - from old household utensils

The most convenient thing in metal household utensils is the already existing perforation, which can create light spots of unusual beauty. A prosaic grater, colander or strainer are ready-made lampshades for your homemade lamps. Having disconnected the handles from the two sieves, tie them with wire - you will get a ceiling in the form of a ball. Disguise rust spots or peeling enamel by coating your creation with bronze or silver paint from a spray can - a retro lamp with a technogenic flavor is ready.

Drill holes in an old saucepan with a drill or fill a light bulb in an ordinary grater - you will create indescribable lighting effects

Do not rush to throw away your grandmother's sets in creepy roses with a thin cobweb of small cracks - glue the saucer to the cup with super glue, drill a hole for the electrical wire - and the vintage lamp will become a true decoration of a nostalgic summer house or gazebo. Even an old tureen can be an excellent lampshade for a country kitchen - carefully make a hole in its bottom, thread an electric cord and secure the cartridge.

An old faience set that you inherited from your grandmother is perfectly modified into a retro lamp

We hope that interesting ideas , proposed by us will help some Plyushkins find a worthy justification for their craving for accumulating unnecessary things. Now they have the opportunity to breathe new life into old things by creating unusual lamps for their favorite garden.