Turkish carnation, Dianthus barbatus. Growing from seeds, planting, care, reproduction of Turkish carnations, varieties

"Turkish carnation"
PHOTO: Pryanikova O.V.

"Turkish terry carnation"

"Turkish carnation"
PHOTO: Pryanikova O.V.


The soil:


Winter hardiness:

"Carnation Grenadine yellow"



"Chinese carnation"

"Chinese carnation"

"Carnation feathery"

"Carnation pinnate terry "Maggie"

"Carnation pinnate terry"


Most often of Perennial Carnations Carnations - Grass are grown in our gardens. Forms a cushion of slightly decumbent thin shoots. The flowers of modern hybrids are quite large, all shades of pink, with different patterns. The main advantages are good germination, unpretentiousness, frost resistance, bright flowers. Of the shortcomings - lodging of peduncles, fragility.

"Carnation grass"

"Carnation grass"

"Carnation grass"


Collective group. Most varieties and hybrids are produced by breeders from the Dutch Carnation. They are very diverse and for convenience they were combined into 5 garden groups: 1. Carnation Shabo (see above), 2. Carnation Grenadine (see above), 3. Carnation American group, 4. Group of dwarf Carnations and 5. Carnation group "Souvenir de Malmaison". There are more than a thousand varieties of Carnations, and new ones appear every year. Compared to the old varieties, the new varieties have repeated flowering, have stronger flower stalks and different stem heights, which determines their place in the flower garden and the purpose of the flower in the design. Carefully studying the labels of flowers, you must immediately determine the location in the garden.

Carnation pinnate "Rainbow of love"
PHOTO: Gorshenina A www.flower-onego

"Carnation Garden Grenadine"
PHOTO: Severyakova E.

PHOTO: Pryanikova O.V.

"Carnation feathery"
PHOTO: Dubrovina T.

"Chinese carnation"

PHOTO: Pryanikova O.V.

Growing Carnation Perennial - planting and care:


Best of all - sunny, stretches out in partial shade.

PHOTO: Pryanikova O.V.

Growing Carnation Shabo, in my opinion, is the most time-consuming: seedlings, picking, pinching, hardening, garter. But whoever this does not stop - the result exceeds all expectations. The flowers are large and of a wide variety of colors. I grew pale lemon, pink. Peduncles require a mandatory garter. Growing Turkish and Chinese Carnations, as well as Grass Carnations, does not present great difficulties. Although terry varieties can fall in winter without shelter


"Chinese annual carnation"

CLOVE OR DIANTHUS is a very large genus of flowering plants. It includes both Perennial, Biennial and Annual Carnations. Many perennial species are grown here as Letniki or biennial plants, although in favorable winters with high snow cover they can grow in one place for several years. All of them are herbaceous plants.

Carnation has a smooth, knotty stem. Linear narrow leaves, bluish-green, or even bluish. Species Carnations have simple non-double flowers predominantly in pink tones and have 5 petals.

In culture, garden carnations are most often grown. The color of Garden Carnations is amazing!

There are both bright, saturated tones, and fawn of all shades of pink, yellow, lilac, white and combined: intensifying the pattern towards the center of the flower, or, conversely, with a contrasting border around the edges, with dots and strokes on the petals.

The most popular types of Carnation:


"Turkish carnation"
PHOTO: Pryanikova O.V.

"Turkish terry carnation"

In places of natural growth in the south of Europe, the Caucasus, perennial herbaceous plant. In our climate it is often grown as a biennial. In warm snowy winters and with good mulching, it can overwinter and grow for several years in one place. Bearded named for pubescent bracts. The stems are straight, quite strong, up to half a meter high. The leaves are narrow lanceolate. Flowers of various shades of red and purple, as well as white with a very beautiful drawings in the form of a border, spots, strokes, collected in a rather large hemispherical or corymbose inflorescence. Flowering in the middle of summer in the second year from sowing, long-lasting. With timely removal of faded inflorescences can be repeated. Gives self-seeding.

Has a huge number of varieties. Modern series may flower in the first year after sowing.

"Turkish carnation"
PHOTO: Pryanikova O.V.

"Turkish terry carnation"

Growing Carnation Shabo - planting and care:


Sunny. In shade or partial shade, it stretches strongly and blooms poorly.

The soil:

Soil Requirements - Neutral, well-drained, rich in nutrients.


Seeds through seedlings, at the most beloved bushes, the entire mother plant is left for growing in the winter garden (or storage in the cellar in a wet state) and the side shoots are rooted in spring by cuttings. seeds terry varieties often do not give terry in subsequent generations, being hybrids.

Winter hardiness:

Low. In the Urals Carnation Shabo in open ground does not hibernate.


"Carnation Grenadine yellow"

A modern hybrid up to half a meter tall with a thin but rather strong stem and several flowers of various colors. Grown through seedlings, flowering in the second year, long. In the first year, a rosette of leaves is formed, which must be highly mulched with compost or humus. The flowers can be single or double in all shades of pink, cherry, yellow or white, with different patterns on the petals. The flowers are fragrant, with a delicate aroma. V good conditions, for example, in greenhouses, the number of flowers on one bush can be several dozen at the same time.


A perennial herbaceous plant native to the south of the Far East, China and Japan. We grow it as an annual. It has many garden forms and hybrids with single and double flowers. Species plants have lodging shoots up to half a meter long. Hybrids have more compact cushion forms with larger flowers. The flowers are most often solitary pink and purple hues. Not winter-hardy. Beautiful specimens can be brought into the cellar for the winter, kept moist until spring. Cuttings in spring.

Chinese carnation "Diana Scarlet"

"Chinese carnation"

"Chinese carnation"


Mountain perennial herbaceous plant, prefers calcareous soils on mountain slopes. Quickly forms a dense cushion of shoots. The leaves are oblong-lanceolate, have a bluish tinge. The flowers have strongly indented petals and are often feather-like. They can be a variety of colors from white to all shades of pink and purple, simple or double. Very winter hardy. It falls out more often due to wetting, so it is best to plant it slightly at an angle so that moisture does not stagnate in the spring.

Since ancient times, carnation has been a favorite of flower growers in many countries. The smell of a flowering culture is similar to the aroma of the buds of a clove tree - a well-known spice. Hence the name of this flower. But with Greek the name of the plant is translated as "divine flower" or "flower of Zeus".

If you decide to plant a carnation in your flower garden, then you need to know some rules for growing, caring for and propagating this flower in the open field. Numerous photos of these wonderful plants will help you choose a variety.

Medium-sized, but catchy Turkish carnation flowers will look great in any flower bed.

Description of Turkish clove

Turkish cloves are one of the most common types of flower-grown crops. She fell in love with gardeners back in the 16th century for her bright colors. flowering caps. This ornamental plant comes in a variety of colors. There are both monochromatic white and various shades of red, and two- and even three-color with various patterns on the petals of medium-sized (1–1.5 cm in diameter) flowers. The designs range from petal borders to eyes and intricate shapes. Yes, and the petals of the carnation themselves are very diverse. There are also five-petal varieties, and varieties with double flowers. Carnations bloom from the beginning of summer for a month.

Planting a carnation

The most beautiful Turkish carnation grows on fertile soil. It blooms well in open sunny areas, but will grow in partial shade. If fertilizers are added to sandy and loamy soils, then they are quite suitable for Turkish cloves. Before planting, compost or humus, ash, mineral fertilizers are introduced into the soil when digging.

It is not necessary to dig the future bed too deeply, 25–30 cm is enough. Then the bed is leveled and moistened if the soil is dry. The prepared area is covered with a dense cloth for two weeks. When the time has passed, you can start planting flowers.

If the soil is fertile enough - the flowering of the carnation will be long and lush.

Seeds are sown in furrows up to 1.5 cm deep. Between the furrows, the gaps must be at least 15 cm. Seeds are sown in the furrows, watered and sprinkled with earth. The soil needs to be lightly compacted. Watering is no longer needed, you just need to cover the bed with a thick cloth until the first shoots.

You can plant carnations both in spring and autumn. It is performed using the same technology.

Attention. During autumn planting both seeds and furrows must be dry.

Turkish clove care

As already noted, carnations feel best in sunny areas in fertile soils. These flowers are very sensitive to winter temperature fluctuations. This is especially true for young plants. Turkish cloves do not tolerate waterlogging and stagnant water.

Plants are most at risk in early spring, when temperature fluctuations are especially great, because during the day the plants heat up in the sun, and it freezes at night. So that the plants do not die during this period, non-frost-resistant varieties should be covered with spruce branches. You can remove the shelter only when the likelihood of returning frosts disappears.

Protect Turkish Cloves from Frost

When the carnation fades, the stems must be cut and fertilized in the soil. Thus, in a month the plant will already grow new stems, and some varieties will bloom again. Turkish carnation, which is cultivated according to all the rules, lives up to six years, while poor conditions reduce its residence time in the flower garden to three years.

Carnations need to be watered once or twice a week. And if the summer is dry, then the amount of watering needs to be increased. Water the plant on the ground, because if drops of water fall on the flower, it can burn out in the sun.

Attention. Carnation does not tolerate waterlogging.

Fertilizer and top dressing

Turkish carnation, planting and caring for which were described above, also needs to be fed. When growing cloves in open ground, the first feeding of the plant is done when it has reached a height of 10 cm. 1 tbsp is used as a fertilizer. l. nitrophoska and 1 tbsp. l. "Agricola Forward", diluted in 10 liters of warm water.

Feed the crop several times per season

When your flowers began to acquire buds, you need to carry out a second top dressing. This time you need to use 1 tbsp. l. potassium sulfate and the same amount of superphosphate, also diluted in 10 liters of water.

The third top dressing is applied directly during the flowering period of the carnation for 10 liters of water, 1 tbsp. l. fertilizer "Agricola for flowering plants".

Attention. Feeding consumption should be 10 liters per 5 square meters. m.

Plant propagation

Reproduction of Turkish cloves is most often carried out by seeds or layering. In order to propagate cloves by layering, you need to follow a simple algorithm of actions:

  • in July or August, the shoots must be tilted to the ground, fixed and sprinkled with soil;
  • tie the stem to the peg, keeping it upright;
  • take care of the shoots that will appear in a few weeks;
  • in autumn, new shoots must be cut off and planted in open ground.

Turkish Clove Seeds

Another way to propagate Turkish cloves is cuttings. To do this, I most often use shoots that have not formed inflorescences this year.

You can also use as seedlings bushes that have grown in open ground as a result of self-seeding of cloves. They just need to be transplanted to the place you need. However, it is worth remembering that self-sowing often loses the distinctive features of varieties.

Diseases and pests of Turkish cloves

Turkish carnation is a disease resistant plant, but occasionally, mainly in the southern regions, it can get a viral disease that is spread by sucking insects. It manifests itself in the inhibition of flower growth, the appearance of a mosaic color on the leaves with their subsequent deformation. In this case, the diseased plant must be immediately destroyed, preventing infection of other bushes.

spider mite

Also occasionally found in Turkish carnation heterosporiosis. This fungal disease manifests itself on leaves and stems in the form of medium-sized gray spots. Sometimes the spots have a red border. Subsequently, the spots brighten and merge with each other. In this case, the flower becomes fragile in the place of accumulation of spots, the leaves turn yellow and die. The fungus lives on the plant even after it has died, therefore, in case of infection, it is necessary to carefully remove all the remnants of the diseased flower, and the plants surrounding it must be treated with Bordeaux liquid or copper oxychloride.

Of the pests, Turkish cloves planted in open ground can be attacked spider mite and aphids.

Turkish carnation in a flower bed

The simplest and most reliable means of confronting these pests is considered to be tincture of potato tops. To do this, for 10 liters of water, you need 1 kg of potato tops, infused for a day and a half. Before spraying in the tincture, add 1 tbsp. l. liquid soap.

Advice. Spray cloves in cool mornings or evenings.

Turkish carnation in combination with other plants

In flower beds, carnations are recommended to be planted with the same perennial sunflowers. For example, Turkish carnations will go well with Carpathian bell and rudbeckia. All of these perennial flowers have the same soil, watering requirements and thrive in open sunny areas.

Turkish carnation in landscape design

In landscape design, Turkish carnation is used quite often. A big role in this is played by the ease of care for this flower, combined with its incredible beauty. Carnations are used to create spectacular borders. Can carnations in landscape design and play the role of a lawn and serve as ground cover plants. Bright hats between pavement tiles, framed by steps, and decorating retaining walls will look great.

Turkish carnation in landscape design

This flower is often used for decoration. In addition to colorful flower beds, you can diversify your landscape design with original monochrome duets, for example, in a combination of red varieties of carnations with blood-red geraniums.

In addition, this flower can be planted in pots and decorate terraces and rooms with small flower beds.

This flower also looks great in cut flowers in bouquets, both as a solo plant and in combination with other flowers.

It all depends on your imagination. And if you lack inspiration - look at the photos with these beautiful flowers, maybe they will help you determine the best place for carnations in the flower garden.

Turkish carnation is one of the most unpretentious garden flowers in its care, which pleases with its bright rich beauty any, even the most capricious grower.

Turkish carnation care: video

Turkish carnation: photo

Carnation is a beautiful perennial flowering plant that belongs to the flowering department, the dicotyledonous class, the clove-colored order, the clove family, the carnation genus (lat. Dianthus).

The Latin name for this genus of ornamental plants was given by Carl Linnaeus. He formed it from two Greek words: "δῖος", corresponding to the concept of "divine", and "anthos", meaning flower. As a result, the name is translated as "divine flower" or "flower of Zeus" (Jupiter). The word "carnation" appeared in Russian vocabulary thanks to a free reading of the Polish definition of a plant (goździk), which was borrowed from the German language and meant a clove tree (Gewürznelken). It is with the spicy smell of its dried buds that the aroma of a flower is very similar.

Carnation - description, photo of a flower, characteristic.

Despite the great species diversity, all carnation flowers included in the genus have similar features. Although most of the carnation is a perennial plant, it is most often cultivated as an annual or biennial.

The structure of the root system of cloves depends on the species. It can be rod with deep germination of the central root, rod branched or fibrous with roots to a depth of no more than 20 cm.

These plants are characterized by the simultaneous development of vegetative and flowering shoots with characteristic nodular thickenings. Carnation leaves are arranged oppositely on the stems and have a linear, linear-lanceolate or subulate shape. In old perennials, over time, lignification of the lower parts of the stems is observed, as a result of which it becomes like a semi-shrub. In the upper part, the shoots often branch. The height of the carnation ranges from 15 cm to 75 cm.

Usually, the plant is characterized by the presence of one carnation flower on the stem, which consists of 5 petals having a horizontal plate with a jagged or fringed outer edge and a long nail.

There are types of carnations in which several small flowers are collected in umbrella, paniculate or corymbose inflorescences. In many carnations, the base of the plate is covered with fine hairs that form a kind of beard.

The color of carnation petals can be red, burgundy, white, pink, sometimes lavender. There are varieties of carnations in which the petal plate is colored green, purple or orange.

In addition to plants with simple flowers, there are terry and semi-double carnations. The calyx, covered with several pairs of bracts, has a cylindrical or cylindrical-conical shape.

The fruit of the clove is a small elongated box with large quantity small flat oblong-rounded black seeds. After ripening, it opens at the top, and the clove seeds spill out onto the ground.

Types and varieties of carnations, names and photos.

Almost all known species and artificially bred hybrid varieties carnations are grown as ornamental garden plants, or intended for cutting. According to recent studies, the genus includes 338 varieties of flowers. The most common of the variety are the following types of carnations:

  • Carnation needle-leaved (lat.Dianthus acicularis) - a perennial plant with a tap root system and numerous, horizontally creeping shoots. It forms cushion-shaped shrubs with vegetative shoots from 10 to 30 cm high. Under natural conditions, needle-leaved carnation grows only in the Southern Urals, in spacious steppes with numerous stony placers, as well as along the coast of rivers and streams, on slowly weathered limestone rocks. Rigid carnation leaves up to 30 mm long and about 1 mm wide have a narrow trihedral shape. Large, fragrant, five-petalled white carnation flowers with medium-dissected petal plates form paniculate-corymbose inflorescences. The formation of buds begins in the second half of May, and the flowering period of carnations begins in early June and lasts about 47 days. Many gardeners use this species to decorate their plots. Among the few varieties of cloves, the most famous varieties are Badenia (Badenia) and Sooty.

Needle-leaved carnation (lat. Dianthus acicularis)

Grade Badeniya (Badenia)

  • - a perennial plant with a stem height of up to 20-25 cm, forming cushion-shaped bushes up to 0.5 m in diameter, grows on the ruins of limestone rocks of the Eastern Alps. This type of carnation is widespread in the highlands of Austria, Italy and Slovenia. The leaves are long, narrow, painted in gray-green color. Carnation flowers are quite large, red-purple, rose-lilac or crimson. The edges of the petal plate are cut with teeth, and its surface is slightly corrugated. Alpine carnation blooms during June-July, and under favorable growing conditions can re-bloom in mid-August. Can be used for both single and group landing on Alpine rollercoaster, in rockeries or as a lawn plant in gardens and parks. Very loved by gardeners varieties: Albus, Nefertiti, Alpine pink.

Grade Albus (Albus)

  • - a herbaceous plant with a height of pubescent stems from 10 to 50 cm. Under natural conditions, carnation grows on the edges of deciduous forests in the Scandinavian countries, in Ukraine and Belarus, Bulgaria, Romania, Russia and Moldova, North America. The elongated green leaves of the carnation have a back-curved lanceolate shape. Their length ranges from 20 to 106 mm. Carnation flowers, formed by five reddish-pink petals, covered with small white dots, can be either single or collected in umbrella inflorescences of 3 or 6 pieces. The flowering period of the carnation armeriform begins in June and ends in August. Often cultivated as an annual ornamental plant. It does not have pure varieties, but New York Evening, Caramelnaya, Zoryanka are popular among hybrids.

  • - a common garden frost-resistant biennial plant with straight knotted stems from 0.35 m to 0.75 m high and narrow lanceolate leaves of green, blue-green or reddish-green color. The natural habitat of the species includes groves, light deciduous forests, sandy river banks, low-lying meadows or rocky hillsides in Italy, Portugal, Turkey, Croatia, Greece and Slovenia, Spain and Serbia. This beautiful flower grows throughout the European territory of Russia, the Stavropol and Krasnodar Territories and the southern part of the Far East. Turkish carnation has a second name - "bearded carnation", which arose due to the special structure of the bracts, covered along the edge with peculiar "cilia". Fragrant, numerous carnation flowers of a simple or double structure, painted in various shades of white, pink, cream or red, form corymbose inflorescences, reaching 12 cm in diameter. Turkish carnation is cultivated not only for cutting, but also for landscaping park areas, household plots, city alleys, etc. The flowering period of carnation begins at the end of June and lasts more than a month. The most popular varieties of Turkish cloves are Newport Pink, Pink Beauty, Scarlet Beauty, Holborn Glory, White Queen, Hollandia.

Grade Newport pink

Sort Holborn Glory

  • Carnation Shabo (lat. Dianthus caryophyllus var. schabaud)- it's bushy garden carnation with a well-developed root system of the rod type, knotty stems from 0.3 to 0.6 m high and narrow, bluish-green leaves, the length of which can reach 12 cm. It does not have a natural distribution area, since it is a selection species. Carnation Shabo is cultivated in almost all countries of Europe, Asia and North Africa. Prefers fertile, well-drained, slightly calcareous soils. Large, fragrant, solitary carnation flowers are semi-double and double structure, can reach 4-7 cm in diameter. This variety of carnation features a wide range of petal colors that come in various shades of white, yellow, pink, red and cream. Petal plates of terry subspecies or varieties often have deeply dissected edges and a corrugated surface. The flowering period of carnation begins in early July and lasts until the onset of cold weather. Basically, the plant is cultivated for cutting, although it is often used for planting flower beds and borders in urban park areas. Based on this species, countless beautifully flowering hybrids have been bred. The most popular Shabo carnation hybrids: Jeanne Dionysus, La France, Pink Queen, Aurora, Marie Chabot, Fire King.

  • Chinese carnation (lat. Dianthus chinensis)- perennial shrub plant with a height of knotted stems from 15 to 50 cm, narrow, long, sometimes twisted leaves. Under natural conditions, the Chinese carnation grows in the endless stony steppe expanses of Northern China, Mongolia and Korea. As an ornamental plant used for solving design landscape projects, landscaping urban and park areas, it is common in almost all countries of the world. Single large carnation flowers, painted in pink, burgundy or White color, are of a simple or terry structure and have a rugged edge of the petal plate, as well as a characteristic edging along the edge of the petal. The flowering period of carnation begins in the first decade of June and continues until the end of July, capturing part of August. Such carnation varieties as Black and White Minstrels, Snezhana, Imperial, Telstar, Super Paifait, Marquise are very beautiful.

  • Gray carnation (lat.Dianthus gratianopolitanus) - a low-growing perennial plant, with narrow linear or linear-lanceolate leaves of a bluish-blue color and a stem height of not more than 25 cm. Under natural conditions, a bluish carnation grows on rocky mountain slopes, along the edges of rocky ledges, as well as in coniferous forests of Switzerland, Poland, Hungary, the Netherlands, Belgium and the Baltic countries. Simple or double fragrant carnation flowers form small inflorescences, located in pairs or triples at the ends of the peduncles. Flower petals are painted in soft pink, white or carmine. Due to the peculiar coloring of the leaves, this type of carnation does not lose its decorative properties even after the end of flowering, which begins at the end of June and lasts about 7 weeks. Popular varieties of blue cloves: Pink Blanca, La Bourbile, Microchip, Confetti, Flore Pleno.

Variety Firewitch

  • is a perennial herbaceous plant with a fibrous root system, upright, slightly branching, knotty stems up to 0.4 m high, with long, narrow linear green leaves. Under natural conditions, this type of carnation grows on the limestone slopes of mountains or hills in Poland, Germany, Italy, Hungary, Spain, and southern Russia. Thanks to human activities, the species has taken root in other areas of the Eurasian continent and North America. Simple or fringed carnation flowers can be either solitary with a corolla diameter of about 3 cm, or form loose umbrella-type inflorescences. The color of the petals of carnation pinnate is usually pink, purple, white or red, and their surface is repeatedly dissected at half the height of the petal plate. Flowering begins in early June and lasts about 30 days. The carnation flower is widely used as an ornamental plant in the design of parks and flower beds. Among gardeners, clove feathery varieties Rainbow of Love, Sonata, Swarm of Butterflies, Highland Hybrids, Single Mixed, Spring Beauty are very popular.

  • - an annual or perennial plant with a developed tap root system, lanceolate leaves about 7 cm long and upright branching stems up to 40 cm high. . The distribution range of the species includes the European part of Russia, the western regions of the Central Asian republics, Romania, Moldova, and Ukraine. Carnation flowers are small, simple, solitary, sometimes arranged in pairs. Slightly corrugated petal plates with a jagged edge are painted in pink-purple, pale pink or red tones. The meadow carnation blooms for a long time, the flowering period takes a time period from June to mid-August. Unfortunately, this type of carnation has no varieties and is treated as wild.

  • - a perennial plant with a powerful root system and numerous basal, non-flowering shoots. The height of upright, slightly branched flowering stems of carnation does not exceed 30 cm. Fragrant fragrant flowers up to 3 cm in diameter have a simple structure. The leaf blades, painted white or pale pink, are deeply dissected and resemble a lush fringe in appearance. This type of carnation is characterized by a long flowering period, which runs from the beginning of June to the first decade of September. Most often, the sand carnation plant is found in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus region, the European part of Russia and Primorsky Krai on open forest clearings and edges with sandy soil. One of the most unpretentious and beautifully flowering carnation varieties is Nostalgie.

Where and how does the carnation grow?

Almost all known types of carnations grow in the Mediterranean region of Europe, North Africa and Asia. Thanks to human activity, these flowers have spread to the territories of the North American continent, Japan and the Himalayas. In addition to lowland species that prefer sandy soils and places open to the sun, there are many alpine plants that inhabit steep mountain slopes.

Cloves - useful properties.

Carnation is not only beautiful ornamental plant but is also widely used in medicine for the treatment of various diseases. Chemical composition clove is a real storehouse of vitamins and microelements necessary for human life: potassium and sodium, iron and copper, zinc and magnesium, ascorbic acid, beta-carotene, proteins, carbohydrates, as well as essential oils and tannins.

Preparations made from cloves can have a sedative, analgesic, hemostatic, and diaphoretic effect. When taken internally, they are used to stop uterine bleeding, treat diseases of the genitourinary system, and relieve headaches. External use of decoctions and tinctures of cloves allows you to get rid of dermatitis and inflammation of the mucous membranes, and essential oils Cloves help in the treatment of respiratory diseases.

Among gardeners, Turkish cloves are very popular. Love for her is explained by her unpretentiousness, the duration of flowering and a very bright color. Plants are exclusively decorative. To get such beauty, cultivation and care must be literate.

Carnation bearded, or Turkish (Dianthus barbatus) is a perennial plant in the clove family, but is cultivated in gardens as a biennial plant. In the first year, it forms a lush rosette of medium-sized elongated leaves. In the second year, each plant produces straight stems up to 60 cm high. Numerous medium-sized flowers up to 2 cm in diameter are formed at the top of the stem, collected in corymbose inflorescences.

Currently, many forms and varieties of cloves are known. Low dwarf varieties 15–20 cm high are grown for spring decoration of flower beds, for balconies and windows, and high ones for cutting.

Flowers of various colors, simple and double, with a weak aroma. This carnation is valued for its bright pure colors (white, pink, red, velvety black, etc.) and early flowering. It blooms in June, when letniki have not yet bloomed and fills the gap in the cut material. Turkish cloves have a very delicate aroma.

Growing Turkish Cloves

Growing conditions, soil. Turkish carnation grows well and blooms in sunny areas, but also withstands partial shade. It is not very demanding on the soil, but grows especially well on rich loamy or sandy loamy soils with a sufficient amount of lime.

Therefore, in order to obtain a long and abundant flowering when preparing the soil, it is necessary to make 1 sq. meter at least 5 kg of humus, and on heavy clay soils, another 1 bucket of peat chips and coarse-grained river sand.

The cultivation of Turkish cloves

These flowers can be propagated mainly by seeds, but can also be propagated by dividing the bush and green cuttings.

Reproduction by seeds. At seed method planting goes directly to open ground or grow seedlings. For those who want to get flowering in the year of planting, the seedling method is suitable.

Seeds must be scattered over the surface and sprinkled with sand. Then pour and cover with film or glass. Optimum temperature for growing +18°С. After two true leaves appear, the seedlings should be picked into separate containers.

With the onset of stable heat, the hardened seedlings are planted in open ground. The planting scheme is 30x30 cm, taking into account the fact that the plant grows strongly, filling the entire area.

Important! When propagated by seeds in Turkish carnation varieties with double flowers, most of the plants are obtained with ordinary flowers, therefore, in order to obtain a homogeneous material, it is better to propagate valuable varieties with green cuttings.

cuttings. Propagation by cuttings is carried out in early June. They are taken about 5-7 cm long from those stems that do not bloom. They should have 2-3 knots. Cuttings should be dug in containers with loose soil until roots form. Subsequently, they are carefully transplanted into the soil.

By early August, young plants develop small, dense rosettes of leaves. Dive them on permanent place in August at a distance of 20–30 cm from each other. Picking is best done in the evening, after 18 hours, or in cloudy weather. After picking, the seedlings are again protected by covering material.

Reproduction by division. We divide the bushes each spring period. Since the plantings thicken in summer, they need to be seated. Dig up a bush, carefully cut it into several sections and plant it according to the 30x30 cm pattern.

Reproduction by layering. The variety of carnation that you like is often propagated by layering in July-August. To do this, bend the shoots to the ground, secure with hairpins, tie to a peg and sprinkle with soil. Within 2-3 weeks, roots appear in the nodes, and after some time, shoots and leaves. Autumn from mother plant it is necessary to cut off rooted shoots and plant.

Turkish clove care

Plant care is normal. Turkish carnation safely winters when it has taken root well, therefore it is undesirable to be late with planting seedlings in a permanent place. But for the winter they still need to be covered with coniferous spruce branches or dry leaves, and with the onset of winter, also with snow.

Sometimes plants emerging from under the snow have grayish-white leaves. But in the future, the plants quickly recover, and with good care, this does not affect their development at all.


Turkish carnation is widely used in ground plantings, for borders along paths and for cutting - cut inflorescences are very well and long preserved in water. It can be successfully planted in a flowering state in pots and used to decorate rooms, loggias and balconies.

"Ural Gardener" No. 22, 2017

Photo: Rita Brilliantova, Maxim Minin

The carnation perennial herbaceous plant belongs to the clove family of the same name. And in the original language it sounds like “divine flower”. Its homeland is the Mediterranean. The plant reaches up to 75 cm in height. The knotty stems of some species have a pale blue tint. Their length is about 13 cm.

A wide color palette includes all known shades, with the exception of blue color. Petals of hybrid species are painted in two contrasting colors. The flower is small, no more than 4 cm in diameter. Most often they are collected in single inflorescences, less often in a complex umbrella. Flowering is long: from late spring to mid-autumn. Bright fragrant flowers not only serve as decoration for landscape design, but are also actively used in folk medicine, as medicine and in cooking, as a spice. In general, the plant is unpretentious, but certain types quite capricious.

Use in landscape design

A multifunctional perennial is used everywhere:

  • flower beds;

With a carnation, it extraordinary diversifies the summer terrace and recreation area. In bright lush carnations, it is appropriate to look among the stones. Flower islands help to preserve the decorativeness of the infield for a long time. A scattering of colorful carnations is not only a beautiful sight, but also a pleasant aroma. By evening, it becomes more pronounced and creates an exotic atmosphere.

Combination with other plants

Carnation is a regular participant in many flower gardens. It can be a full-fledged element of both group and solo landing. When combined with other cultures, it is necessary to take into account color combination. Variegated color harmonizes with neutral shades. More restrained garden plantings create a beautiful ensemble with a bright "divine flower". The most popular "neighbors":

  • two-color ragwort;
  • yarrow;
  • gypsophila;

Bearded ones are just made for flowerbeds with feathery carnation leaves. Their sky blue color goes well with the violet-yellow "cockerel" palette. Do not plant a spicy representative of the flora next to. The latter can cause damage to clove diseases.

flower reproduction

Experienced gardeners advise planting carnations as often as possible. Some species cannot boast of a long lifespan and adorn the garden for only 3-4 years. Perennial representatives also require constant updating. After 2-3 years, they begin to lose their decorative effect: the bush is spreading and “balding”.


This is the most popular, simple and effective method. It is suitable for most species, with rare exceptions (annual species). planting material at first it develops in perlite or calcined sand. This choice is explained by the desire to protect the young plant from various fungal diseases.

The best period for breeding in this way is May, early June. At this time, you can easily distinguish between a vegetative shoot and a peduncle. Planting material should be 4-8 cm in length. Each variety has its own requirements, but 2 leaves should be in any case. cuttings are cut under acute angle. On an adult plant, the place must be immediately processed wood ash. lower leaves are removed.

Using a sharp knife, it is necessary to make oblong cuts on the bottom of the division. With this part, the cuttings are placed in a container with a substrate. The container is covered with glass or film. This creates a greenhouse effect and provides the necessary moisture. If reproduction occurs on a large scale, then pots with cuttings are stored in a greenhouse without heating. If possible, a mist-forming device is used. Soil heating is not required. The root system appears after 3-4 weeks.


If the species has long vegetative shoots, then they can be bred in this way. For this purpose, an incision is made on the lower part of the stem with a sharp knife, the depth is for the entire thickness. This part of the internode is bent to the soil, fixed special staples and sprinkled with a layer of earth. The soil is constantly moistened. After the formation of a separate root system, green shoots appear from this tubercle of the earth. This serves as a signal to separate young plant from maternal.

By dividing the bush

This method is used only for some species that form a turf of fast-rooting shoots. Mainly for the bearded carnation. The procedure is carried out in March-April. This will make it possible to enjoy flowering in the same season.


Best used for biennial and annual species. By purchasing seeds in special stores, you can find out in advance what type and color the crop will have. Sowing takes place in a container with sandy soil. The best time to do this is in March. For rapid germination, it is important to provide a favorable temperature (15-19 degrees). Seedlings are fragile. Transplanted into separate pots when at least 3 pairs of leaves appear. They dive very carefully. In open ground, carnations are transferred to the next year, in the spring.

It is better not to sow seeds immediately in open ground. Slow growth and particular fragility can cause growth retardation or even death of seedlings. Weak seedlings are unable to resist weeds and other factors.

Planting and plant care

Site selection, soil preparation

For active growth and lush flowering, open, sunny areas are required. The area in the lowland is categorically not suitable: there most often stagnation of melt and rainwater occurs. An excess of shade and moisture can lead the perennial to death.

The most suitable soil sandy or loamy with a neutral reaction. If the acidity exceeds allowable norms, but its level is lowered by adding dolomite flour to the soil. To make the earth loose, peat and sand are poured into the hole.

Culture needs loose and light soil. To do this, gardeners regularly loosen the soil, preventing the formation of an earthen crust around the bush. Carry out the procedure one day after watering. Using special tool carefully, so as not to damage the root system, loosen the ground. At this point, you need to remove the weeds.

Feeding and watering

Pure nitrogen fertilizers and manure are contraindicated for carnations. This can lead to the development of many unpleasant diseases. carnation it is necessary to feed with a complex mixture containing potassium.

Watering is recommended to ensure frequent, but moderate. The next watering is carried out only after the upper layers of the soil have dried out from the previous one. You can water rarely, but plentifully. Moisture in no case should not fall on the flowers.

Diseases and pests

If favorable conditions are created for the garden planting and the place for planting is chosen correctly, then diseases and insects do not cause him problems. The development of diseases in the open field is facilitated by crowded sowing, an excess of moisture and nitrogen fertilizer, lack of potassium. More painful greenhouse representatives. Bacterial diseases are transmitted through cuts or other damage to the stem.

The fungus may appear due to the unsuccessful "neighborhood" with tulips.

Pruning and support

Faded buds must be removed to stimulate the growth of new shoots. To make the bush voluminous and dense, you can pinch the stems. For tall varieties, it is important to provide support. This will help the representative of the flora withstand the weight of flowering buds.