Buldenezh reproduction by green summer cuttings. Growing decorative viburnum: how to propagate bulldenezh

A symbol of girlish beauty, love and happiness, viburnum has been revered by our ancestors since time immemorial. She was considered a talisman, valued for decorative appearance and beneficial features. And today her relatives - welcome guests our household plots. Especially held in high esteem by modern gardeners viburnum Buldenezh.

Types of viburnum

The numerous genus of viburnum has about two hundred species. Their representatives are widespread on at least three continents - Eurasia, North America and Africa. Many have been familiar with the common viburnum since childhood. This unpretentious shrub does not need special attention because he feels great without special care in almost every forest. And practically without demanding anything in return, it generously endows everyone around with its bright flowering, lush foliage and useful fruits.

Other representatives of this genus are also interesting, looking at the photos of which, you do not immediately recognize viburnum in them:

  1. Buryatskaya, or black, grows in the form of a sprawling shrub up to 3 meters high or a tree with an openwork crown and bare branches. The elongated leaves with a sharp top are covered with sparse hairs. The flowers are pale yellow, the fruits are black, edible, sweet in taste;
  2. Forked forms shrub thickets on mountain slopes and mixed forests. Has large beautiful leaves reddish-brown in spring and bright purple in autumn. White flowers give way to red fruits;
  3. Canadian lives on forest edges, rocky hillsides, river banks and swamps. Broadly oval, pointed bright green leaves in summer turn red tones in autumn. It has creamy white flowers. Fruits blue-black berries;
  4. Toothed is a densely branched shrub, reaching a height of 5 meters. This species stands out for its unusual rounded foliage and dark blue small fruits;
  5. Pride grows in broad-leaved fruits. Famous for its black edible fruits.

Description of decorative viburnum Buldenezh

The most common ornamental culture of common viburnum is the Buldenezh variety. Literally translated from French, this name means Snowball. Thus reflected hallmark plants - large spherical inflorescences about 10-15 cm in diameter bloom with snow-white flowers and resemble a snowball in their appearance.

Bulldenezh is cultivated as a shrub or small tree. It grows quite quickly, the height reaches 3-4 meters. Flowers are sterile and do not produce fruit.

Decorative properties of viburnum Buldenezh

Buldenezh dissolves his snow-white balls in May. Flowering is long, lasting a month or more. Blooming buds have a delicate greenish tint, eventually acquiring a white color. Fading, viburnum does not lose its decorative appeal. In autumn, the foliage turns into noble crimson tones.

In addition to decoration as garden plant, flowers of this variety are often used by florists to create flower arrangements. They stand well in the cut, so the bouquets do not lose their freshness for a long time.

Conditions for growth and fruiting

Most of the viburnum shade-tolerant. However, decorative species are recommended to be planted in well-lit areas or partial shade. Planting in the shade is fraught with weakening of the bush, however, excessive sun shortens the flowering period.

These plants are moisture-loving, so excessive soil moisture and places near water bodies will optimal conditions for their growth and fruiting. Soils prefer loose, moderately acidic. If the earth is heavy clay, add humus, wood ash, peat.

Reproduction of viburnum

Kalina is propagated by seeds, cuttings, layering, dividing the bush. Each method has a number of features:

  1. stratification of seeds is long, lasts at least 6 months;
  2. freshly harvested seeds germinate only after a year;
  3. vegetatively propagate decorative forms more often;
  4. green cuttings are harvested during the active growth of the plant;
  5. root cuttings in conditions of artificially created fog.

Seedlings grow slowly. Their development accelerates in the 3rd year of life. At seed propagation fruiting begins after 4-5 years. The vegetative method accelerates the appearance of fruits, berries appear after 2-3 years.

How to plant seedlings of viburnum Buldenezh

Since the flowers of Buldenezh are sterile and do not produce seeds, only vegetative propagation is available to this variety.

Time and site for planting viburnum

The time of year for planting determines the method of reproduction:

  1. layering propagated in the spring;
  2. cuttings are carried out in the summer;
  3. are planting seedlings in early spring and late autumn.

The site for landing is prepared in advance. A suitable place would be a shaded corner of the garden at times. If the selected breeding method provides for a planting pit, it is prepared with dimensions of 60 × 60 cm, a depth of about 0.8 meters and watered well large quantity water. Drainage is laid at the bottom of the bark, stones and other suitable materials. Viburnum loves moisture, but stagnant water will damage the roots. The pit is filled with a nutrient mixture, which includes potassium-phosphorus fertilizers, peat, humus, ash and garden soil.

We plant cuttings of viburnum

If Buldenezh is already growing in your garden, the easiest way to propagate viburnum will be layering:

  1. a hole is prepared near the bush with a depth of 12-15 cm;
  2. the lower shoot is bent to the landing site and pinned with a bracket;
  3. sprinkle with humus or just earth on top, compact;
  4. the soil is kept moist.

Under favorable conditions, shoots take root by autumn. After 2 years, the layers are separated from the mother bush. After that, they can be planted on permanent place.

Summer cuttings of viburnum

Propagation by cuttings is a more laborious process. planting material harvested during the summer pruning of the bush. For rooting choose cuttings with one internode.

Adhere to the following scheme:

  1. in June, annual shoots 7-8 cm long are cut;
  2. cuttings are planted in humus soil and left in a greenhouse;
  3. plantings are covered with a film on top, watered moderately.

In the greenhouse, you need to maintain a warm and humid microclimate. Rooting is facilitated by the creation of artificial fog. Spray cuttings from time to time warm water. These conditions are maintained until next spring. Young rooted bushes grow in school. After that, they are planted in the ground.

How to plant viburnum seedlings with roots

If you intend to plant several seedlings, you should take into account that Buldenezh takes time large area. The crowns of sprawling bushes of a broadly ovoid shape can reach 5 meters in width. The rest of the process is straightforward:

  1. acceptable landing pattern 2x2 meters;
  2. the root neck is buried 3-5 cm into the soil;
  3. The soil is compacted and well watered.

In the first year, viburnum grows slowly. This is due to the weak root system. By the age of three, it reaches about 1.5 meters in height. Rarely there are 10-year-old specimens above 3 meters.

Caring for decorative viburnum

Caring for viburnum is not particularly difficult. To save decorative look plants, it needs shaping and rejuvenating pruning, sufficient watering and infrequent top dressing. Only preventive measures in the fight against diseases and pests can deliver minor troubles to the gardener.

Bush shaping and pruning

Pruning a young viburnum at a level of about 20 cm above the ground helps to achieve a multi-stemmed bush. Buldenezh will bloom luxuriantly in the future if in the first year of inflorescence the plants are removed still unblown. Subsequently, young shoots are pinched in early August.

Pruning to form a crown is carried out after flowering. Thus, new buds will have time to form on the branches. You can correct the shape and thin out the bush throughout the summer. At the end of August, such work is stopped so that the viburnum has time to get stronger for the cold.

With age Buldenezh from abundant flowering bends, and the bush can collapse. Therefore, the branches are tied up to the old plant.

Standard form of viburnum

Very original standard form viburnum. Forming pruning Buldenezh allows you to get specimens with a wide crown on a high and low trunk. Pruning consists in the formation of a crown at a height of 1.5-2 meters around one powerful shoot. The branches are left about 30 cm long. The young shoots under the bush are regularly removed, and the crown is thinned out every 7-8 years.

Feeding and watering ornamental shrubs

Compared to other plants, viburnum needs more watering. This is especially true for young, developing plants. In autumn, preparing the plant for cold weather, the soil is watered more than usual. This technique will prevent dehydration of viburnum in winter.

Buldenezh is fed twice a year. In the spring, nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus are added under the bush for digging. In mid-August, potassium and phosphorus will be needed from fertilizers. Once or twice a season, the soil is watered with complex fertilizers, ash is poured under the plant. Once every two years in the fall, rotted manure is introduced into the soil for digging.

Tatyana Pronina, expert

Pests and diseases of viburnum Buldenezh

Aphids can annoy viburnum. They fight it by treating the leaves with soapy water. Spraying is carried out in the evening in calm, dry weather. Repels the pest and a thick layer of ash on the soil around the plant.

If appeared on the leaves of viburnum white coating, this indicates a powdery mildew disease. Spraying with Boros liquid will help save Buldenezh at an early stage of the disease. V severe cases the bush is removed from the site so that it does not become a source of infection to other plants.

Such simple tricks will provide your viburnum with a long, literally flourishing life. After all, this long-liver is able to settle in your garden for 50-60 years. What varieties are still growing in your area? What can you say about their care, what tricks do you use in pest control? Share your experience, finds, inventions in the comments!

Most gardeners love to improve their garden by adding new and unusual flowers, trees and shrubs.

To really attract attention and make the garden unique, you should pay attention to viburnum buldenezh– perennial, which belongs to the honeysuckle family. The height of this shrub is on average 3 meters, while ordinary viburnum bushes can grow up to 5 meters.

The name of the plant is translated as "snowball" or "snow balls". This is what the flowers of the plant look like. However, when it does not bloom, it is almost impossible to distinguish it from ordinary viburnum.

A feature of this species is the absence of stamens and pistils, so this shrub does not bear fruit, but propagates only vegetatively - by cuttings.

Site selection and soil preparation

For planting viburnum bulldenezh, it is necessary to choose moist soil, however, it will also grow well on dry soil, in case of sufficient moisture, for example, by installing a drip irrigation system.

Sun protection

Kalina does not like direct sunlight and her foxes can start to deteriorate and dry, so she will feel good in a semi-shaded place.

We grow ornamental in the difficult conditions of Russia - details in our material.

A waterfall in the country will calm the nerves, amuse the children and give coolness on a hot summer day. How to build a waterfall in the country with your own hands -.

Soil preparation

The pit for planting the plant should be at least 80 centimeters deep and 60–70 in diameter. The deepening should be quite voluminous, since the viburnum has a well-developed root system.

If the soil in the pit is heavy, then it is necessary to lay a drainage layer under it, which is good for crushed stone, crushed brick or bark.

To provide Kalina with a good supply useful substances, it is necessary to prepare a special mixture, which consists of: the upper fertile layer of the earth, peat, humus and mineral fertilizers.

The second option for soil preparation is 3 buckets of compost, 2 cups of ash and one cup of nitrophoska.

Planting process

In the photo, planting cuttings of viburnum buldenezh

Planting can be carried out both in spring and autumn, because the plant has a fairly high frost resistance. However, in order for viburnum to start better, it is preferable to plant it in early spring. During this period of the year, it reproduces well by layering.

There is no need to plant the bush too deep, the root neck should be at a depth of 2-3 centimeters. After planting, the bush must be watered, and the soil should be well compacted.

The first time after planting a shrub, it requires abundant watering., and immediately after planting, the soil must be mulched.

To do this, you need to use rotted compost, making it annually in several buckets per bush.

About care

Kalina buldenezh is unpretentious in care, so even an inexperienced gardener can grow it on his site, however, you need to know some rules.


Viburnum grows well even without feeding, but in order for it to have abundant color and have a healthy appearance, it must be periodically fertilized.

You can do this once a year spring period. As a top dressing, compost or humus is well suited in the amount of at least one bucket per bush, but not whiter than two.

Saltpeter, superphosphate or potassium salt can be added here. Fertilizers must be evenly scattered under the bush, and then till the soil by loosening.


The main requirement of the shrub is abundant watering., the soil should not be allowed to dry out, otherwise the plant may die or flowering will not be lush enough.


It is necessary to transplant viburnum before the onset of the first frost, if this does not happen, then it is better to wait until spring. This shrub is quite frost-resistant, however, too very coldy may not survive.


When transplanting, the branches of the plant must be shortened. This is done so that the shrub quickly takes root in a new place.

Pruning is necessary every year, dry branches are removed, and only one shoot is left from the young. Such activities will help create beautiful bush and it is better to have time to spend them before the start of the summer season.

When pruning, remember that the flower buds of the shrub are formed in the second year of life. Therefore, viburnum will not bloom immediately after this event, but after two years the shrub will be able to please with lush flowering.

Other features of care

Sometimes viburnum flowers become too heavy and can break off. To prevent this, it is necessary to periodically tie branches or install props.

Preparing for winter

Large inflorescences with proper care for viburnum are provided

As already mentioned, it is necessary to prepare the plant for winter before the onset of the first frost. Only young plants need to be warmed.

The main care for the shrub in the autumn is to reduce the level of watering, cultivation, pruning and tillage with fertilizers from compost and humus.

How to grow viburnum Buldenezh correctly - the features of care and breeding are discussed in the video clip.


Viburnum propagates vegetatively - cuttings or taps.

Propagation of viburnum buldenezh with the help of branches occurs in the spring, and by cuttings - in June.

In the photo, the first stage of breeding viburnum buldenezh - preparation of cuttings

At this time, the shoots are springy, and do not break when bent.

You need to cut the shoots at an angle of 45 degrees, pinching off part of the bark a little, after the branches take root they can be planted in small pots. To speed up the rooting process, branches can be treated with root.

Planted viburnum in pots should be stored in a dark room, covered with a light cloth at a temperature of at least 13 degrees.

Water at least once a week. The potting soil should be half river sand, and on the second half of peat. After reproduction, the first flowering occurs after a few years.

For propagation by division, it is necessary to bend annual viburnum bushes to the ground and lay them in small grooves so that the top remains outside.

Sprinkle the spread out branches with humus mixed with the soil.

In order for the roots to form faster, the bark must be cut off.

In autumn, shoots form on a horizontal layer, which then need to be transplanted.

Disease and pest control

Most of all, viburnum bulldenezh lends itself to attack by various pests and fungal spores:

To prevent diseases in the spring before bud break viburnum can be treated with intra-vir or nitrofen.

The main advantage of the shrub is its frost resistance. This greatly simplifies the care of the shrub. The main thing is to treat the plant with solutions from pests in time, and then it will delight with lush flowering.

Kalina from time immemorial was revered and appreciated by our ancestors for its decorative appearance and useful properties. And today her relative viburnum Buldenezh is a welcome guest of personal plots.

A symbol of girlish beauty, love and happiness, viburnum has been revered by our ancestors since time immemorial. It was considered a talisman, valued for its decorative appearance and useful properties. And today her relatives are welcome guests of our personal plots. Especially held in high esteem by modern gardeners viburnum Buldenezh.

Types of viburnum

The numerous genus of viburnum has about two hundred species. Their representatives are widespread on at least three continents - Eurasia, North America and Africa. Many have been familiar with the common viburnum since childhood. This unpretentious shrub does not need special attention, because it feels great without special care in almost every forest. And practically without demanding anything in return, it generously endows everyone around with its bright flowering, lush foliage and useful fruits.

Other representatives of this genus are also interesting, looking at the photos of which, you do not immediately recognize viburnum in them:

  1. Buryatskaya, or black, grows in the form of a sprawling shrub up to 3 meters high or a tree with an openwork crown and bare branches. The elongated leaves with a sharp top are covered with sparse hairs. The flowers are pale yellow, the fruits are black, edible, sweet in taste;
  2. Forked forms shrub thickets on mountain slopes and mixed forests. It has large beautiful leaves of a reddish-brown hue in spring and bright purple in autumn. White flowers give way to red fruits;
  3. Canadian lives on forest edges, rocky hillsides, river banks and swamps. Broadly oval, pointed bright green leaves in summer turn red tones in autumn. It has creamy white flowers. Fruits blue-black berries;
  4. Toothed is a densely branched shrub, reaching a height of 5 meters. This species stands out for its unusual rounded foliage and dark blue small fruits;
  5. Pride grows in broad-leaved fruits. Famous for its black edible fruits.

Description of decorative viburnum Buldenezh

The most common ornamental culture of viburnum vulgaris is the Buldenezh variety. In literal translation from French, this name means Snowball. Thus, the hallmark of the plant is reflected - large spherical inflorescences about 10-15 cm in diameter bloom with snow-white flowers and resemble a snowball in their appearance.

Bulldenezh is cultivated as a shrub or small tree. It grows quite quickly, the height reaches 3-4 meters. Flowers are sterile and do not produce fruit.

Decorative properties of viburnum Buldenezh

Buldenezh dissolves his snow-white balls in May. Flowering is long, lasting a month or more. Blooming buds have a delicate greenish tint, eventually acquiring a white color. Fading, viburnum does not lose its decorative appeal. In autumn, the foliage turns into noble crimson tones.

In addition to decoration as a garden plant, flowers of this variety are often used by florists to create flower arrangements. They stand well in the cut, so the bouquets do not lose their freshness for a long time.

Conditions for growth and fruiting

Most of the viburnum shade-tolerant. However, decorative species are recommended to be planted in well-lit areas or partial shade. Planting in the shade is fraught with weakening of the bush, however, excessive sun shortens the flowering period.

These plants are moisture-loving, so excessive soil moisture and places near water bodies will be optimal conditions for their growth and fruiting. Soils prefer loose, moderately acidic. If the earth is heavy clay, add humus, wood ash, peat.

Reproduction of viburnum

Kalina is propagated by seeds, cuttings, layering, dividing the bush. Each method has a number of features:

  1. stratification of seeds is long, lasts at least 6 months;
  2. freshly harvested seeds germinate only after a year;
  3. vegetatively propagate decorative forms more often;
  4. green cuttings are harvested during the active growth of the plant;
  5. root cuttings in conditions of artificially created fog.

Seedlings grow slowly. Their development accelerates in the 3rd year of life. With seed propagation, fruiting begins after 4-5 years. The vegetative method accelerates the appearance of fruits, berries appear after 2-3 years.

How to plant seedlings of viburnum Buldenezh

Since the flowers of Buldenezh are sterile and do not produce seeds, only vegetative propagation is available to this variety.

Time and site for planting viburnum

The time of year for planting determines the method of reproduction:

  1. layering propagated in the spring;
  2. cuttings are carried out in the summer;
  3. seedlings are planted in early spring and late autumn.

The site for landing is prepared in advance. A suitable place would be a shaded corner of the garden at times. If the selected propagation method provides for a planting pit, it is prepared with dimensions of 60 × 60 cm, a depth of about 0.8 meters and is well watered with plenty of water. Drainage from bark, stones and other suitable materials is laid at the bottom. Viburnum loves moisture, but stagnant water will damage the roots. The pit is filled with a nutrient mixture, which includes potassium-phosphorus fertilizers, peat, humus, ash and garden soil.

We plant cuttings of viburnum

If Buldenezh is already growing in your garden, the easiest way to propagate viburnum will be layering:

  1. a hole is prepared near the bush with a depth of 12-15 cm;
  2. the lower shoot is bent to the landing site and pinned with a bracket;
  3. sprinkle with humus or just earth on top, compact;
  4. the soil is kept moist.

Under favorable conditions, shoots take root by autumn. After 2 years, the layers are separated from the mother bush. After that, they can be planted in a permanent place.

Summer cuttings of viburnum

Propagation by cuttings is a more laborious process. Planting material is harvested during the summer pruning of the bush. For rooting choose cuttings with one internode.

Adhere to the following scheme:

  1. in June, annual shoots 7-8 cm long are cut;
  2. cuttings are planted in humus soil and left in a greenhouse;
  3. plantings are covered with a film on top, watered moderately.

In the greenhouse, you need to maintain a warm and humid microclimate. Rooting is facilitated by the creation of artificial fog. The cuttings are sprayed with warm water from time to time. These conditions are maintained until next spring. Young rooted bushes grow in school. After that, they are planted in the ground.

How to plant viburnum seedlings with roots

If you intend to plant several seedlings, you should take into account that Buldenezh occupies a large area over time. The crowns of sprawling bushes of a broadly ovoid shape can reach 5 meters in width. The rest of the process is straightforward:

  1. acceptable landing pattern 2x2 meters;
  2. the root neck is buried 3-5 cm into the soil;
  3. The soil is compacted and well watered.

In the first year, viburnum grows slowly. This is due to the weak root system. By the age of three, it reaches about 1.5 meters in height. Rarely there are 10-year-old specimens above 3 meters.

Caring for decorative viburnum

Caring for viburnum is not particularly difficult. To maintain the decorative appearance of the plant, it needs shaping and rejuvenating pruning, sufficient watering and infrequent top dressing. Only preventive measures in the fight against diseases and pests can deliver minor troubles to the gardener.

Bush shaping and pruning

Pruning a young viburnum at a level of about 20 cm above the ground helps to achieve a multi-stemmed bush. Buldenezh will bloom luxuriantly in the future if in the first year of inflorescence the plants are removed still unblown. Subsequently, young shoots are pinched in early August.

Pruning to form a crown is carried out after flowering. Thus, new buds will have time to form on the branches. You can correct the shape and thin out the bush throughout the summer. At the end of August, such work is stopped so that the viburnum has time to get stronger for the cold.

With age, Buldenezh bends from abundant flowering, and the bush can collapse. Therefore, the branches are tied up to the old plant.

Standard form of viburnum

The standard form of viburnum is very original. Forming pruning Buldenezh allows you to get specimens with a wide crown on a high and low trunk. Pruning consists in the formation of a crown at a height of 1.5-2 meters around one powerful shoot. The branches are left about 30 cm long. The young shoots under the bush are regularly removed, and the crown is thinned out every 7-8 years.

Feeding and watering ornamental shrubs

Compared to other plants, viburnum needs more watering. This is especially true for young, developing plants. In autumn, preparing the plant for cold weather, the soil is watered more than usual. This technique will prevent dehydration of viburnum in winter.

Buldenezh is fed twice a year. In the spring, nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus are added under the bush for digging. In mid-August, potassium and phosphorus will be needed from fertilizers. Once or twice a season, the soil is watered with complex fertilizers, ash is poured under the plant. Once every two years in the fall, rotted manure is introduced into the soil for digging.

Tatyana Pronina, expert

Pests and diseases of viburnum Buldenezh

Aphids can annoy viburnum. They fight it by treating the leaves with soapy water. Spraying is carried out in the evening in calm, dry weather. Repels the pest and a thick layer of ash on the soil around the plant.

If a white coating appears on the leaves of viburnum, this indicates a powdery mildew disease. Spraying with Boros liquid will help save Buldenezh at an early stage of the disease. In severe cases, the bush is removed from the site so that it does not become a source of infection to other plants.

Such simple tricks will provide your viburnum with a long, literally flourishing life. After all, this long-liver is able to settle in your garden for 50-60 years. What varieties are still growing in your area? What can you say about their care, what tricks do you use in pest control? Share your experience, finds, inventions in the comments!

At one abandoned dacha, I saw a shrub that was still unknown to me, all strewn with beautiful white balls. I really liked these snow balls and I wanted to breed such a miracle in my country house. This miracle was viburnum Buldenezh. How to breed viburnum Buldenezh I didn't know, but my sister told me. It turns out you can breed cuttings Kalina Buldenezh or buy. I will tell you how I propagated viburnum Buldenezh with cuttings.

How to breed viburnum Buldenezh

Kalina Buldenezh is not bred by seeds, only vegetatively, that is, by layering and cuttings.

In order to breed viburnum Buldenezh with cuttings, the following is necessary:

  • cooking green cuttings from shoots of the current year by the beginning of July;
  • on the cuttings we leave two pairs of buds;
  • we make an upper straight cut above one pair of kidneys, and an oblique cut under another pair of kidneys;
  • remove the lower leaves on the handle, reduce the upper ones by half;
  • then, if there is a growth stimulator, cuttings can be kept in it;
  • we plant the stalk in the ground and cover it, for example, with a plastic bottle;
  • if you want to plant a lot of cuttings, then you can make a small greenhouse for them;
  • you can generally plant a cutting in a greenhouse;
  • planting depth of green cuttings 1.5-2cm;
  • be sure to cover from direct sunlight;
  • the soil must be kept moist all the time;
  • it is better to leave the cuttings in this place until next year;

This is what I did when I rooted the cuttings. My sister broke off a branch, put it in water, and after two weeks there were already roots on the cuttings, then she planted it in the ground. So very simply she rooted viburnum Buldonezh. It turns out that there is no need to mess around.

When propagating viburnum Buldenezh with layering, you just need to bend down a young branch and dig in. This is also an easy way, if possible.

Viburnum propagated from cuttings blooms for 5-6 years. Viburnum Buldenezh blooms for 2-3 weeks, without fruit. But, but how it blooms!

She has one drawback, viburnum is very fond of aphids and caterpillars. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly treat aphids, which love not only leaves, but also young inflorescences.

And so viburnum Buldenezh will not bring you much trouble, only the joy of beautiful flowering with large white snowballs.

Now you know how to breed viburnum Buldenezh. And, if you don’t have it, be sure to get it, at least a twig, so that later you can root and grow such a beauty.

Kalina buldenezh is a tree widespread in the middle lane. High decorativeness and undemanding conditions made her an honored guest in gardens and parks. This old variety was valued by gardeners under Catherine II for lush white inflorescences that looked like a snowball. The name of the variety - Boule de Neige - translated from French and means "snowball". For the first time, the description of viburnum buldenezh was made by the French breeder Lemoine, who bred this variety.

Variety Description

Viburnum buldenezh is a variety of common viburnum and is a wide-spreading tree up to 4 meters high. At good care this plant lives up to 50 years or more and pleases with long flowering every year. Buldenezh blooms with spherical inflorescences in early summer. Flowering is long, from 2 weeks to a month. Blooming flowers first have a greenish tint, then become bright white, turn pink at the end of flowering.

A characteristic feature of the variety is the complete absence of smell in the flowers. The plant is winter-hardy, but in severe winters it can partially freeze. Root system of superficial type.

Planting a seedling

The life expectancy of viburnum buldenezh and its flowering largely depend on the right planting site and subsequent care. Most appropriate place for her - well-moistened soil and light partial shade. It is advisable to transplant in spring or autumn, as in summer heat seedlings take root worse. The landing site is prepared in advance:

  • dig a hole with a size of at least 0.5x0.5 meters;
  • drainage is laid at the bottom - fragments of brick, crushed stone, sand;
  • prepare a nutrient mixture from compost, ash, and garden soil.

The seedling is immersed in a pit on a mound of nutrient mixture, the roots are straightened, the root neck is deepened a few centimeters and covered with the remaining soil. After planting, water abundantly and, after settling, add more earth. From above, the landing site can be mulched so that the earth does not dry out quickly.

In group plantings, each seedling needs at least 4 square meters, since the tree is highly spreading.

viburnum care

Caring for viburnum buldenezh is in the spring and autumn pruning and regular watering during the dry season. In spring, the tree is inspected and broken, dry and diseased branches are cut out. In autumn, formative pruning is carried out - excessively thickening and growing crowns are removed. With the help of formative pruning, a tree can be turned into a shrub - cut down the trunk to the level of the stump. In the spring, numerous side shoots will begin to grow from the root.

All cuts after trimming should be disinfected with a solution blue vitriol and cover with garden pitch.

In conditions middle lane in October, plentiful moisture-charging watering of the viburnum is carried out. Its purpose is to stimulate increased root growth and prevent them from freezing in winter. It is advisable to feed the tree before watering.

Fertilizers and top dressings

For plentiful and long flowering Viburnum bulldenezh needs to be fed regularly. In the first 2-3 years, the plant has enough nutrients laid in the planting hole. In subsequent years, it is fed in spring or compost, in autumn - phosphorus and potash. Fertilizers can be scattered in the near-stem circle, loosened with a rake and watered abundantly. For everything nutrients got straight to the roots, use another method:

  • along the entire circumference of the trunk circle, holes are made in the ground with a depth of 20-30 cm using garden drill, scrap or wooden stake;
  • a little fertilizer is poured into each;
  • the entire rate calculated per tree is divided by the number of holes;
  • then trunk circle spilled with water.

The fertilizer rates indicated on the packaging should not be exceeded. The plant will not be able to absorb them. This will lead to weed growth and soil contamination with nitrates and other chemicals.

Before flowering, viburnum can be sprayed with a complex fertilizer containing boron. This microelement stimulates abundant flowering.

Options and methods of reproduction

Reproduction of viburnum buldenezh is possible only in a vegetative way, since it is sterile and does not produce seeds. It is propagated in three ways - layering, dividing the bush and cuttings.

In order to get a new plant by layering, you need to do the following:

  • in the spring, dig longitudinal grooves next to the bush;
  • lay branches in them;
  • press to the ground with wooden staples;
  • fill this place with earth and keep it moist all summer.

Already by the fall, the layers form their own roots, and in the spring of next year sprouts appear. A year later, when the cuttings get stronger and increase the root mass, the new plant can be separated from the parent plant by cutting the dug branch between them with a sharp shovel.

Propagating viburnum in the second way - by dividing the bush - is much faster, but more painful for the whole plant, since the roots are more injured. This the way is fine only if it has been shaped like a bush and many branches come from the roots. For this root system partially dig out with a shovel and cut the bush so that each part contains both roots and branches. Then all parts are deposited separately. After planting, the seedlings are watered.

The easiest way to propagate decorative viburnum bulldenezh cuttings. For cuttings, healthy branches removed during spring pruning will do. Each cutting should have several buds. They are dug into the ground obliquely so that half of the kidneys are in the ground. Their roots are subsequently formed. Cuttings are regularly watered. When a young bush with roots and branches is formed from the cutting, it can be planted in a permanent place or left in the same place.

The earth around the seedling should be kept moist and loose, so that the roots have enough moisture and oxygen.

Viburnum pests and their control

The leaves of viburnum buldenezh are strongly affected by three pests: leaf beetle, scale insect and aphids.

The leaf beetle gnaws the leaves to the veins and is able to destroy the entire bush. To combat it, viburnum is sprayed with karbofos 2 times a season: in May to kill the larvae, in August to get rid of adults.

To destroy scale insects and aphids, the plant is treated with Aktara, Fufanon, Agravertin. With a small injury, you can do folk remedies: infusion of garlic or ash with laundry soap.

Also viburnum buldenezh suffers from. From this fungal disease a set of measures will help:

  • spraying with a 0.5% solution of copper sulfate in early spring before the leaves bloom;
  • reduction of watering, watering should be only under the root;
  • processing during the growing season with Bordeaux liquid;
  • destruction of weeds carrying powdery mildew, primarily wheatgrass.

The incidence of viburnum is affected by crowded plantings and a thickened crown. In any photo of a healthy viburnum buldenezh tree, you can see that it grows freely, the crown is quite sparse, and the grass under the tree is mowed.

The implementation of these simple recommendations will help to grow a healthy and beautiful tree. Decorative viburnum will live in your garden for a long time and every year will delight with an abundance of lush snow globes.