How to grow cyclamens. Transfer to a permanent place

Among the variety of flowers found in gardens, cyclamen can be seen infrequently. Some are afraid to invite a finicky handsome man into their garden, believing that he is too demanding in his care, others do not consider him worthy of his flower bed. There are still others who sincerely believe that cyclamen is an exclusively houseplant, that's it long time I thought too. But, as it turned out, I was wrong, cyclamen can and should be grown in open ground, the main thing is to know how to do it correctly, that's exactly what I'm going to tell you about in this article.

The name cyclamen comes from "kyklas" - the Greek word meaning "round". It is this form of tubers in some species of the genus. Cyclamen is a perennial that forms a flat-rounded corm up to 15 cm in diameter. Cyclamen flowers, regardless of species, surprise with their original form, they are slightly curved back and have slightly pointed petals that look like a flock of exotic butterflies, as if hovering above the plant.

Cyclamen is also striking in its color palette, if European cyclamen flowers are only lilac-pink, then Persian cyclamen butterfly flowers can be: pale pink, raspberry, purple, red, burgundy, lilac, purple and snow-white.

Planting cyclamen

Having decided to plant cyclamen in your area, remember that, like most exotic plants he is poisonous! To be fair, its poison is practically harmless to humans (well, of course, if you are not going to eat it) and is a real danger only for animals, although not for all. So, for example, pigs eat juicy cyclamen tubers with great pleasure, Vietnamese pigs, especially fashionable now, love this exotic food, and the plant does not harm them. For this amazing feature, cyclamen is called "pork bread." Cyclamen can harm rabbits, chickens, etc. But this does not mean at all that cyclamen should not grow on garden plot, just try to plant it out of reach of agricultural animals.

When choosing a place for planting cyclamen, give preference to the site that is most protected from drafts. Despite the fact that the plant loves the sun very much, hot rays can destroy it, so we plant cyclamen in partial shade, the place under the crown will be ideal deciduous trees: apple trees, pears, plums, etc ... Planting cyclamen on Alpine rollercoaster and at the "feet" of evergreen bushes.

I read a lot about the fact that cyclamen is very picky about the soil, so I always plant it in a special soil mixture, which I fill the holes dug in advance. The soil mixture consists of equal parts of soddy soil, leafy soil and, oddly enough, fine crushed limestone. The last component is added to the mixture for better drainage, which the plant really needs, immensely loving moisture, but very suffering from the slightest waterlogging.

When planting cyclamen in open ground, remember that it must be completely buried (about 10 cm), regardless of the type, otherwise the plant may freeze. Leaving a third of the tuber above the soil surface, which, admittedly, favorably affects the further flowering of the plant, is possible only if you plant the plant in a pot, which is removed for the winter in a warm room.

By the way, despite the fact that there is nothing complicated in growing cyclamen, it has one peculiarity: its tuber has only one growth point, in case of damage to which the plant will simply die, remember this and be very careful during planting!

In one place, cyclamen grows well for about 7-10 years, and its frequent transplants, on the contrary, can only weaken the tubers of the plant, so the longer you do not touch them, the more magnificent its flowering will be.

Reproduction of cyclamen

Cyclamen reproduces in different ways: Persian exclusively by seeds, dividing its tubers, unfortunately, is impossible, no matter how old the plant is, but European - both by seeds and by dividing tubers.

Now we will talk about the reproduction of both species in more detail.

So, the Persian cyclamen can only be propagated by seeds, and the difficulty of its reproduction lies in the fact that its seeds are very difficult to germinate. We sow the seeds in February, in containers filled with a moistened universal substrate, and sprinkle them well with earth, with a layer of about 1 cm. We regularly water the crops, preventing the soil from drying out, and remember that optimum temperature for germination of cyclamen seeds +18 °C.

Seedlings appear about a month after sowing, and bloom only for 2 years, when the plant tuber gains the required mass. We dive seedlings of cyclamen, when they grow two leaves, into small pots with a diameter of 5-6 cm, leaving the nodules not covered by 1/3. On the permanent place planted by the end of May.

If you do not want to wait 2 years before the Persian cyclamen you have sown blooms, you can purchase its adult tubers, which will bloom in the year of planting. When purchasing an adult tuber, remember that it should not be shriveled and have buds that are located at the top.

European cyclamen can be propagated like Persian - by seeds (we sow in the same way), or by separating the lateral tubers that form on the plant.

Cyclamen Care

During the flowering period (for the European - all summer, and for the Persian - March in the middle lane, if the plant is cultivated in open ground), cyclamen needs watering. Water evenly, trying to prevent both overdrying and stagnation of water in the soil. Water carefully, avoiding water getting inside the rosette of leaves, this can lead to rotting of the plant.

Caring for cyclamen also consists in the timely removal of its wilted flowers, as well as yellowed leaves of the plant. Moreover, if wilted flowers can simply be cut off or torn off, then dried leaves must be carefully “unscrewed”, preventing damage to the plant's growth zone.

As for top dressing, for the first time we feed cyclamen only a month after planting, using ready-made liquid fertilizer mixtures for this. The second time - a month after the first.

For the winter, cyclamen must be well covered, otherwise it may freeze, for this we use ordinary foliage, a 5-cm layer of which will help retain the moisture necessary for the plant, prevent it from freezing, and also provide fertile organic matter.

Pests of cyclamen

During the cultivation of cyclamen, both Persian and European, I did not encounter most of the problems that are written about in specialized publications: leaf rotting, ovary fall, etc., which can be avoided by properly caring for the plant. Therefore, I will not tell you about them, I will only say that once I had to watch how the leaves of my European cyclamen were crushed and deformed. Having shoveled through many articles on growing cyclamen and the rules for caring for it, I found out the reason for such an unfortunate phenomenon, it turned out to be a cyclamen mite. To overcome the pest, I washed the leaves of the plant with insecticidal soap every week for 5 days, after which I sprayed them with the special insecticidal preparation Agravertin. By the way, the same processing method will help you deal with aphids, which also love to settle on cyclamen.

Types and varieties of cyclamen

The genus of cyclamen, according to some data, has 20 species, and according to others - as many as 55, where, however, I could not figure it out. I only know that these unusual plants are distributed mainly on the coasts of the Caspian, Black and Mediterranean seas. True, in middle lane Russia grows mainly cyclamens from the Crimea, the Caucasus and Central Europe. Most often, European cyclamen is grown in open ground, less often Persian.

Persian cyclamen, whose homeland is Iran and the countries of the Mediterranean, is a perennial tuber-root herbaceous plant, reaching a height of 30 cm. Its basal leathery leaves are dark green in color. There is only one growth point on the Persian cyclamen tuber, damage to which will lead to the death of the plant. Persian cyclamen flowers come in different colors: white, pink, raspberry, purple, purple and even burgundy. Some varieties of Persian cyclamen have a sharp and even slightly intrusive, but very pleasant smell. Flowers, as I said, can be pink, crimson, white, lilac.

European cyclamen, or, as it is also called, ivy-leaved, whose birthplace is the Crimea and the countries of Southern Europe, is a small herbaceous evergreen tuberous plant. Its leaves are rounded kidney-shaped and have a heart-shaped base. European cyclamen tuber, over the entire surface of which there are small roots, more spherical and slightly elongated, can reach up to 10 cm in diameter. European cyclamen flowers are relatively small, have a strong pleasant aroma and a delicate lilac-pink color.

My story about cyclamens has come to an end, and I will be very glad if it turns out to be useful to you. Do you have cyclamens growing in your garden?

Cyclamen is a plant that pleases the eye. Bright large flowers will decorate the window sill at the time when it is cold outside, because it is winter that is the time of flowering of this handsome man. Delicate inflorescences of a bizarre shape differ in color depending on the variety. The most popular varieties of cyclamen, Persian and European, can be successfully grown right on the windowsill, with only seeds and suitable materials. And in a year, the plant will reward you with the first flowers.

A little about the plant

A bright flower with delicate petals of a bizarre shape is cyclamen, a perennial tuberous plant of the primrose family. Pale pink, lilac, burgundy or snow-white - it is a real find for lovers flowering plants. A big plus is that cyclamen is unpretentious, not afraid of cold weather and does not need a long daylight hours, since in the wild it grows in fairly harsh conditions. Therefore, a cool window sill and regular watering is all he will require of you. Another name for cyclamen is alpine violet, but again, it can be credited with the fact that it suffers from diseases and pests of cyclamen less often than traditional violets. Therefore, it is definitely worth taking up breeding cyclamen. Shades of cyclamen are in the tens.

Cyclamen - a perennial flowering plant for your home

There are two options: buy a ready-made plant in the store or try to grow it from seeds yourself. The second method will require more effort from you, but it will also increase the likelihood that the plant will take root and will delight you with flowering for more than one season. Keep in mind that adapting a store plant for home conditions is also a whole science. And a flower grown from seeds with your own hands will literally feel at home, as it will fit perfectly into the living conditions.

It is possible and necessary to grow cyclamen at home: it will not require any special efforts on your part. One has only to be patient, since the period of germination, first shoots, transplanting seedlings and the formation of a separate plant will drag on for about six months.

The color, size, doubleness of the flower depends on its variety. For home growing fit:

  • European cyclamen - has pink medium-sized flowers with a pleasant smell; less popular with home flower growers.
  • Persian cyclamen - has many varieties (Scarlet Moth, Charlie, Sylphide, Topaz, Flamingo, etc.), each of which differs in shade, size or shape of a flower.

Important! Some varieties of Persian cyclamen, such as Barbarossa, are hard to grow and require preliminary contrast heat treatment before sowing.

Photo gallery: varieties of cyclamen

Rococo Rose Charlie

What do you need to grow

by the most important point counts right choice seeds. Shop seeds from reputable manufacturers show a germination rate of about 80%. It is believed that the highest percentage of germination is inherent in domestic seeds. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to borrow seeds from owners of homemade cyclamen, do not neglect it. The fruit of cyclamen is a box filled with matured seeds. You just have to release the seeds from the box, dry for two - three days and they will be ready to use.

Keep in mind: in order for the seeds to germinate, it is necessary to pollinate the plant several times with a brush even during the flowering period. Only then will the ripening box be filled with fruitful seeds.

In addition to seeds, you will need:

You can start sowing cyclamen at any time of the year, but the most suitable season is spring.

  1. We soak the seeds. To speed up the germination of seeds, you must first soak them in warm water for 1-3 days. If you want to further nourish the plant or protect it from diseases, you can soak it in a solution of Epin, Zircon or ordinary potassium permanganate. The best way soaking seeds - placing them in a damp gauze or cotton pad. It is important not to forget to add water periodically so that the fabric does not dry out in any case.

    Soak the seeds for 1-3 days by placing them in a damp cloth

  2. We prepare the landing container. Choose a container with drainage holes to avoid stagnant water and waterlogging. Place a drainage layer up to 2 cm at the bottom of the container. Then fill it with prepared, previously disinfected soil. For initial sowing, a layer of soil of 7 cm is sufficient.

    Pour a layer of drainage and soil into the container

  3. Make shallow grooves in the soil, spill with water and place the soaked seeds in them at a distance of about 3 cm. Sprinkle soil on top. The optimum seed placement depth is 1.5–2 cm.

    Sow the seeds at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other

  4. Place the crops in a cool shady place. The optimum temperature for growing cyclamen is +10 - +18°C. At temperatures above + 20 ° C, the plant is in dormant mode, which means that the germination time is delayed. Under optimal temperature conditions, cyclamen germinates within 4 weeks. But if shoots do not appear during this time, do not panic: the plant may hatch only after three months, and this will be normal. Separate varieties of cyclamen are long-growing (Apple, Kiss and others).
  5. Provide plantings with regular watering and ventilation. Watering seedlings should be moderate. Moist but not wet soil is what you should aim for.
  6. When cyclamen shoots, purple loops appear on the surface, then a tiny tuber is formed, which takes root in the soil and loops with leaves grow out of it. Usually the first leaf appears with a peel from a seed. She should reset herself. If this does not happen, help the plant get rid of it with tweezers. Be careful: if you damage the only shoot, the seedling will die.

    The first shoots of cyclamen

  7. During the growth of the seedling, pay attention to the tuber: it should protrude 1/3 from the ground in order to avoid rotting of the growth point. If the plant was planted deep, remove some of the soil from the surface of the nodule.
  8. When 3-4 leaves appear on the plant, it is time to transplant it into a separate pot. This will take at least three months, as cyclamen grows slowly. Carefully remove the seedling along with a clod of earth and transplant into a small pot. The soil type and drainage layer is the same as above.

    Seedling with three leaves ready for transplanting

Video: growing cyclamen at home


Now the hardest part is over. It remains only to water the plant and make sure that it is away from heat sources and direct sunlight.

Important: when watering, do not pour water on the tuber, it is better to water along the edge of the pot.

At the age of 9 months, the first buds can be found on the plant, and by 1 year it is quite capable of blooming with the first flowers. Usually in summer period cyclamens are dormant, but modern varieties Persian cyclamen often bloom all year round.

Cyclamen does not require frequent fertilization. However, from the age of 9 months, you can feed him with a weakly concentrated solution for flowering plants.

If the flower begins to drop leaves, this indicates a transition to a dormant period. In this case, limit watering to a minimum and move the plant to a shady spot.

Growing cyclamen can turn into an exciting hobby. The variety of varieties allows you to endlessly experiment with interior floristry. Bright and delicate cyclamens will fill the house with colors and bloom all year round.

Cyclamen is a house flower that is popular for its beautiful blooms. In the photo and live, its petals resemble the wings of butterflies. The plant is not difficult to grow with your own hands. However, in order to propagate or transplant it, special conditions are needed. The flower is most often grown from seeds. How to cultivate cyclamen, tell photos and step by step recommendations flower growers.

Description and features of cyclamen

It will take a year for this houseplant to form and produce flowers. painstaking care and attention. But the colorful flowering of cyclamen will last about 3 months. Plant characteristics:

  • height - 30 cm;
  • leaves grow from the root, heart-shaped, leathery to the touch;
  • color - dark green, with a silvery sheen;
  • root - a rounded bulb with a diameter of 15 cm, having a single growth point;
  • flowers consist of oval recurved petals, pointed at one end;
  • color - from white to saturated lilac.

cyclamen bloom

Selection of seeds for propagation of cyclamen

Planting this crop starts with choosing seed. Seeds can be bought at a specialized store or collected from flowering plants yourself.

The first option is preferable for those who are going to grow a certain variety and get the expected result in terms of size and color of flowers. Flower growers are advised to choose well-known manufacturers. The germination rate of such seeds is approximately 80%. If you use several varieties at the same time, you can get a colorful flower garden on the windowsill.

Attention! The shelf life of purchased seeds is 2 years.

If you still decide to collect the seed with your own hands, the flower needs to be pollinated. Manipulations are recommended in the morning:

  1. Using a regular brush, transfer the pollen from one flower to another. Plants of different varieties are better pollinated. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times.
  2. After pollination, potassium sulfate should be added to the ground in a pot.
  3. Wait for the end of flowering and the appearance of boxes with seeds. Rip them off before they burst.
  4. Do not dry the boxes. Wrap them in napkins and wait until they crack. Collect and use seeds.

Pre-sowing seed preparation: ways to strengthen seedlings

Any seeds need to be pre-treated in order to sprout better. The first way is to drop planting material into a container with cold water. Dishwashing liquid should be dissolved in water, at the rate of 2 drops per 150-200 ml. Soak the seeds for 3 days, while changing the solution daily. Water should neither warm up nor freeze. The second treatment option is soaking in slightly pink potassium permanganate for 13-14 hours.

Cyclamen seeds

Another way is to use special preparations Zircon or Epin. They should be diluted in a ratio of 3 drops per 300 ml of water and soak the seeds for 16 hours. To properly carry out any of these procedures, dip gauze or a cotton pad folded in several layers into the liquid. Place the seeds on one edge of the material and cover with the second.

Soil preparation and planting cyclamen

Light substrate from a specialty store is great for filling pots. However, you can make it yourself, from the same ingredients. To do this, mix peat and leaf humus (or vermiculite) in equal proportions. In the container where the flower will grow, drainage holes are needed. Lay a layer of expanded clay, pebbles or foam on the bottom of the container to protect the tubers from rotting.

Seeds can be planted in two ways:

  1. Dig shallow grooves and place the material in them.
  2. Spread them on the surface of moistened soil.

The distance between the seeds should be 3-4 cm. In both cases, the seed should be sprinkled with a thin layer of the substrate.

Cyclamen Care

In order for the seeds to germinate, place the pot in a cool and dark room. It has been observed that seedlings emerge faster at +15°C (1 month) than even at +18°C (2 months or longer). The flower does not tolerate drying out of the soil. Control the regularity of watering at any stage of growth.

Shoots of cyclamen

Features of cyclamen care:

  1. Avoid direct sunlight on the plant. However, the room should still be well lit.
  2. Optimal temperature regime for a plant: + 10 ° С in winter, about + 20 ... + 23 ° С in summer.
  3. A young flower will need top dressing. Until cyclamen begins to form buds, mineral fertilizers can be applied to the soil.

Before flowering, the buds of the plant should be sprayed. With the onset of flowering, the need for water in cyclamen increases dramatically, spraying should be stopped. When the culture fades, watering smoothly stops. Yellowed leaves are best plucked. Faded corollas should be cut along with the pedicel. The plant gradually goes into a dormant state.

Cyclamen is transplanted in late summer or early autumn, when young leaves appear on the plant:

  • pick up a not very spacious pot;
  • organize drainage;
  • disinfect the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate.

young cyclamen

The plant is usually transferred with an earthy clod. The root tuber needs to be buried no more than 2/3.
Cyclamen is sensitive to pests and quite gentle to care for. Therefore, in order for the plant to please you every year with bright flowering, perform all manipulations with it carefully.

Cyclamen is a herbaceous perennial from the Mirsinov family. The plant comes from warm regions: East Africa, Turkey, Iran, Mediterranean. There he can be found in natural conditions, in temperate latitudes the flower has become decorative houseplant. Among the many varieties bred by breeders, Persian and European cyclamens are most widely used. Vitality tuber gives the flower. The leaves of the perennial are dark green with a white or silver pattern. Their lower part is red-violet. The main decoration of the plant is magnificent buds on long peduncles.

European cyclamen

In shape, the flowers resemble exotic butterflies, their colors can be white, pink, purple and many more shades. The perennial blooms in autumn and blooms all winter, creating a special mood in the apartment. In care, the flower is unpretentious, loves coolness and diffused light. Even a novice florist can grow cyclamen from seeds at home. Seed material has good germination and professional advice planting and care will add confidence in their abilities.

Reproduction methods

The owners of an adult plant are thinking about how to propagate cyclamen at home? You can do this in several ways:

  • tuber division;
  • daughter processes;
  • seeds.

In the first case, the bulb is cut in half and each part is planted in the substrate. The tuber is divided in August, when the dormant stage ends. Each piece must have a kidney and root system. The cut is smeared with greenery. The tubers are buried by 2/3, the initial watering is carried out from the pallet. In the absence of experience, it is better to abandon this method.

Reproduction by tubers

Daughter shoots (rosettes) appear on the tubers of European varieties. For reproduction, they are torn off and planted in a moist light ground. The wounds on the mother bulb are sprinkled with crushed charcoal. A young outlet for 2-3 weeks is covered with a jar or plastic bottle. In greenhouse conditions, it is more likely to take root. Persian cyclamen does not give offspring, it is propagated by tubers or seeds.

The most common flower propagation option is to grow a seed box and collect ripe grains. Seedlings from their own planting material grow and develop faster, but to increase the number of varieties of cyclamen, you will have to buy seeds in a store. Their germination rate is quite high 80-100%. The shops have a huge selection of breeding varieties of Persian and European cyclamen.

Where to get seeds?

The easiest way is to buy seeds in the store. On sale is a huge assortment of cyclamen of various varieties and colors. This option is optimal for beginner gardeners or for those who want to expand their collection of indoor flowers. If there are houses mature plant, then the seeds can be collected from it. In order for the reproduction of cyclamen at home to be successful, the flowers must be pollinated. There are no flying insects and wind in the apartment, so you will have to carry the pollen yourself.

Seeds from a ripe cyclamen pod


During the flowering period (December-February) for a week every morning, gently hit each bud with a finger. Ripe pollen envelops the plant in a cloud and falls on neighboring flowers. Another method will require the use of a brush. A watercolor brush with a small diameter with a soft bristle will do. She needs to go through all the flowers, applying pollen to the pistil. This is called cross-pollination. Repeated execution of the procedure increases the chances of fertilization. You will know about the results soon enough. With successful pollination, the flower sheds its petals, then bends under the weight of the fruit.

Pollination of cyclamen

The seed pod ripens in late spring. The readiness of the fetus is determined by yellow, drying and cracking of the shell. Do not wait for the box to fully open, otherwise the seeds will fall to the ground. It is torn off a little earlier and left to dry completely. Small brown cyclamen seeds are poured out of the box and collected in a paper bag. Information about the time of collection is written on it. The material is stored in the refrigerator until autumn.

Information. After a year of storage, the similarity of seeds does not change. Two years later, it decreases by 10%, but at the same time, the sprouted seedlings grow into cyclamens with abundant flowering.

Preparing for landing

The most favorable period for growing cyclamen from seeds is the beginning of spring, but they are planted at other times. The collected seed material should be sorted - to separate viable grains from empty shells. This will require:

  • glass of water;
  • tsp Sahara.

Sugar is dissolved in a glass of water, then cyclamen seeds are poured. After 5 minutes, the husk will float on the surface, and the grains will remain at the bottom.

In a package of purchased material, there are usually only 3 seeds, less often - 5. The products of the Gavrish company are popular. They offer hundreds various kinds cyclamen. The cost depends on the variety, prices range from 40 to 200 rubles.
Seeds from the company "Gavrish"

For good germination of seedlings, it is necessary to pre-soak the seeds for a day. They are placed on a cotton pad, abundantly moistened with water. Add liquid if necessary.

Advice. Soak the seeds not in water, but in the Zircon solution. It is enough to add 4 drops of a growth stimulant to 0.5 liters of liquid. The drug accelerates the development of plants, improves their immunity and adaptation to the environment.

Planting seed material in the ground

Swollen cyclamen seeds are planted in a container for growing seedlings. There should be holes at the bottom of the container through which excess water will drain. A special substrate is prepared for seedlings:

  • leaf land;
  • peat;
  • vermiculite or perlite.

Attention. If the earth is collected in a forest, park or on a site, it must be disinfected - doused with boiling water, calcined in the oven.

Drainage from expanded clay or foam balls is poured at the bottom of the tank. The height of the layer is 2-2.5 cm, it will prevent the root system of seedlings from rotting. The prepared soil is poured on 6-7 cm. The substrate is abundantly watered with water until its excess flows from the holes. Wet seeds are laid out on the surface, the distance between them is 2-3 cm. Soil is poured on top with a layer of 0.5-1 cm. The soil is moistened with a spray gun. The seed container is covered with glass or plastic wrap to get greenhouse conditions - constant temperature and humidity.

The container is placed in a cool dark place. There should be no drafts and sudden changes in temperature. You will have to wait at least 1 month for seedlings, in some cases seedlings are shown after 2-3 months. It is recommended to keep the container or other container in a room with a temperature not exceeding +18°C. In heat, seed germination is delayed. Periodically, the soil is watered, but strong moisture should not be allowed. Once every two days, the greenhouse is opened and ventilated.

A loop of a sprout appeared in the cups

seedling care

A month later, the first pinkish-purple loops appear on the surface. This is a cyclamen tuber with a root. It appears before the leaves. The container must be moved to a place with good lighting. At the top of the sprouts, particles of the seed coat remain. With sufficient moisture, they fall off on their own. If the scale interferes with the leaf, you can wrap it with damp cotton wool for several hours. After such a procedure, it will disappear.

The first nodules of cyclamen

After the appearance of 2-4 leaves, you can transplant the plants into separate containers. Commonly used plastic cups per 100 ml. This volume is optimal for growing cyclamen seedlings. Poke holes in the bottom of the cup for drainage. Further cultivation of cyclamen planted with seeds takes place in soil with the same composition that was used in the container. Soil is collected in a cup up to half the volume, then a sprout with a nodule is placed and covered with soil. The surface is carefully crushed, trying not to damage the fragile seedling. From above, the soil is abundantly watered.

Plants with 2-4 leaves are planted in cups

If in three months the flowers increase slightly in growth, do not worry. During this period, they intensively build up the root system. This can be verified by looking through the transparent walls of the glass. Grown up cyclamens can be transplanted into pots with a diameter of 5-6 cm. Purchased universal soil for flowering plants is suitable. At the bottom of the pot should be a layer of drainage, occupying ¼ of the volume. The nodule should not be completely buried in the soil, a third of it should be on the surface. It is recommended to carry out watering through the pallet. This will prevent tuber rot.

The first feeding is performed at the age of six months. A complex mineral fertilizer is used, the concentration of the solution is halved.

Rules for the care of cyclamen

A seedling older than 6 months switches to the conditions of keeping an adult plant. In order for it to grow well and a year later please with the first flowers, the following rules must be observed:

  1. The perennial loves coolness: in summer the optimum temperature is 18-20 °, in winter - 14-16 °. Elevated temperature reduces flowering time.
  2. The use of bottom watering is recommended when the pot is immersed in water for 15-20 minutes. Top watering is carried out carefully, moistening occurs at the edge of the pot. The water must be room temperature, clean and well maintained. After flowering, watering is reduced, in the summer at rest it reaches a minimum.

    Lower watering - the pot is dipped in water for a few minutes

  3. The flower loves good lighting, but does not tolerate direct rays. It is placed on the western or eastern windows. With a lack of lighting, cyclamen may not bloom, so you should consider lighting. He needs good humidity in the room. IN summer heat periodically spray water next to the plant.

    The flower prefers diffused light

  4. When transplanting a perennial into new pot choose a container with a diameter of 2-3 cm larger than the size of the tuber. In a spacious pot, the plant grows leaves and roots, but blooms poorly. For a two-year-old flower, the container size is 8 cm, a three-year-old will need 12-14 cm.

    Important. The European cyclamen tuber takes root all over the surface, so it is completely buried. The bulb of the Persian cyclamen should peek out a third of the ground. Its roots are located at the bottom.

  5. Feeding is carried out only during the period of activity. Young plants growing green mass require more nitrogen. Before flowering, they are fed with a special fertilizer that stimulates the formation of buds. Experienced flower growers who know how to grow cyclamen from seeds and take care of it in the future, advise the drug "Kemira Lux". It is a water-soluble powder that is applied along with irrigation. Fertilize the flower no more than once every two weeks.

Attention. An excess of minerals harms the plant. Its peduncles become shorter, the buds become smaller, and the color fades.

After flowering, cyclamen enters a dormant phase. Yellowing and falling leaves are a natural process and should not cause concern. The tuber is placed in a cool dark place. By autumn, he will come to life again.

Growing your own plant from seed allows it to initially adapt to environmental conditions. The risk of getting a diseased flower or losing it due to a difference in conditions is excluded. It will take a year to wait for the first buds, but the beautiful flowers will pay off all the efforts.

Growing cyclamen from seeds at home is troublesome, but not very difficult. True, an amateur florist will have to be patient: about a year will pass from the moment the seed is sown to the start of flowering, but the end result is worth it.

Features of growing cyclamen from seeds

Growing cyclamen from seed has whole line features:

  • the seeds will sprout within a month if the air temperature is not higher than + 15ºС, at higher degrees, the germination of seeds can take up to 3 months;
  • a rich selection of seed types contributes to the creation of a unique, healthy and luxurious flower garden;
  • you can plant seeds throughout the year, although early spring or late summer is preferable;
  • grow cyclamen seed way best in a dark room.

Preparing and sowing seeds - step by step instructions

Growing cyclamen from seed material takes place in several stages.

Seed preparation

They are pre-soaked in any stimulator for 18 hours. Most often they use Zircon, Epin-extra or Etamon, which are sold in any flower shop. Diluted drugs according to the instructions attached to the drug.

You can soak the seeds in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, or simply in warm water. Prepared liquids impregnate a piece of gauze folded in several layers or 2 cotton pads. The seeds are soaked for 14 hours, while it is necessary to constantly monitor them so that they do not dry out.

At this stage, it is desirable to use different processing methods for several groups of seeds in order to further draw conclusions about the best option soaking.


In a special indoor greenhouse, which can be used as an opaque container, the prepared soil mixture is laid with a layer of 6–7 cm. The substrate is prepared from a mixture of leafy soil and peat in equal amounts. The soil is well compacted. The treated seeds are laid out at a distance of 2 - 3 cm, after which they are sprinkled with a mixture of sand and peat with a layer of about a centimeter and generously watered.

For supporting high level humidity, the container with the sown seeds is covered with an opaque film or lid. Better conditions for germination - the air temperature is not higher than + 18ºС and a darkened room.

The germination process takes a very long time, the first shoots may appear in 30-40 days. At first they are a root with a small tuber. It takes root in the ground, after which pink-purple loops unfold from small nodules.

When the seedlings erupt, quite often there is a slight difficulty in that the first leaf does not manage to shed the seed peel for a long time, and it cannot turn around. Usually with enough high humidity air, seedlings independently solve this problem, gradually throwing off the scales, but sometimes they remain in it for quite a long period.

You should not be afraid of this, since the following leaves will come from a nodule in the soil. However, you can help the plant, for which the sprout is carefully covered with moistened cotton wool and left for an hour and a half. After that, the seed will become soft and easily removed from the shoot. Another way is to use tweezers to remove dried scales, but there is a danger of damaging the sprout.

As soon as the first shoots appear, the container must be moved to a bright place, but not under direct sunlight. If there are difficulties in finding such a place, then the plants should be slightly covered from the sun's rays. Young seedlings need daily moisture from a watering can with a fine strainer, or with a spray bottle. It is equally important to observe the temperature regime in the room, maintaining it at + 18ºС.

Seedling picking

Cyclamen seedlings dive when one true leaf is finally formed and a second one appears. At this point, the plant is already forming a small tuber. Seedlings are planted in pots or seedling boxes filled with soil consisting of equal parts of sand, leaf and soddy soil.

2 - 3 seedlings can be placed in one bowl, they are placed in boxes according to the "6 by 6" scheme. You need to dive carefully, picking up a seedling with a clod of earth. The resulting nodules must be completely powdered with earth. After planting the seedlings, the growth of the plant begins to go faster.

The seeded young growth will take root for about 3 weeks, while maintaining a comfortable temperature for it no higher than + 20ºС. To prevent the petioles from stretching and twisting, it is necessary to provide plants with bright lighting. If for some reason it is impossible to arrange a backlight, you need to lower the temperature. This step will slow down the growth of the flowers and protect them from warping.

Transfer to a permanent place

The bowl for rooted cyclamen should not be large, because as they grow, the seedlings are transplanted several times. The container must have a drain hole. The bottom is covered with a two-centimeter drainage layer (expanded clay, brick, pebble or foam plastic), then an earthen mixture is poured.

In addition to peat, sandy and leafy soil is added to the soil. Planting seedlings is done so that the nodules rise above the soil by a centimeter - one and a half. Water the flowers through the tray or carefully along the edge of the bowl, trying not to pour over the tubers and leaves.

What is required for self-seeding

For self-cultivation of cyclamen from seeds, you will need:

  • high-quality seed material purchased in a store, from flower growers who grow this plant, or obtained independently from a home flower;
  • growth stimulants - Etamon, Epin or Zircon;
  • ready-made earthen substrate, or peat, clean calcined river sand and leafy ground;
  • drainage material (expanded clay, pebbles, etc.);
  • opaque film;
  • a watering can with a small strainer or a spray bottle;
  • mineral fertilizer;
  • box for seedlings for sowing seeds.

Aftercare of crops

The most difficult stage is left behind. Now the main thing is to water the plant in time and make sure that there are no sources of heat nearby and direct rays of the sun do not fall on it. Important Rule watering: in order to avoid decay, water should not fall on the tuber, it is better to water the cyclamen along the edge of the bowl.

A nine-month-old plant may please with the first flower buds, and by the end of the first year it may well bloom. As a rule, this flower has a dormant period in the summer, but the newest varieties of Persian cyclamen very often delight with flowers all year round. Cyclamen will notify the onset of a dormant period by dropping leaves. If this happens, it is necessary to limit watering to a minimum and move the flower to a dark place.

This flower does not require frequent fertilization; in the first 6 months, cyclamen is not fed. In the future, it can be fed at 9 months with a weak solution of mineral fertilizer for flowering plants.

Necessary conditions for young plants

For the successful development of the plant in the future, several conditions must be observed.

When boarding:

  • Pots designed for young shoots, must have holes at the bottom to remove excess water;
  • The bottom of the pot is always covered good layer drainage;
  • When transplanting, the transshipment method is used, in which the root system is captured along with a decent clod of earth;
  • Seedlings grown from seeds are planted in pairs. in one landing capacity;
  • When transplanting adult plants, you need to follow so that the top of the tuber is half above the ground.

Fertilizing and watering plants:

  • For the first time, young cyclamens are fed only 6 months after sowing., applying a half dose of a solution of mineral fertilizer for decorative flowering plants;
  • In the first year, watering cyclamen should be frequent and regular., for more solid plants, watering should be moderate, once every few days;
  • Avoid getting water on the plant if this suddenly happened, the moisture from the leaves and nodule should be gently blotted with a napkin.

Temperature regime:

  • Young cyclamen plants at home do not tolerate high temperatures, the ideal temperature of their content up to a year is from +5 to +10ºС;
  • Cyclamens grown in Spartan conditions have a stronger and more compact rosette and in the future will be more resistant to temperature changes;
  • For flowers grown at high temperatures, the socket is loose.

Seed Selection Criteria

When choosing seeds for self-growing cyclamen at home, you must be guided by the following parameters:

  • Careful plant selection suitable for indoor breeding;
  • Thorough check of the quality of the seed material, which consists in examining it for the integrity of the seeds, for the absence of structural damage, deformation, signs of freezing, infectious diseases;
  • If seeds are purchased in a store, you need to pay attention to the expiration date., this parameter for cyclamen is limited to 2 years;
  • Equally important is and selection of seed producer;
  • The integrity of the packaging is also checked, its appearance: worn inscriptions, traces of wetting indicate that the planting material was stored in the wrong conditions and you should not expect good results from it.

Seeds from domestic cyclamen

A home-flowering cyclamen can produce seeds very High Quality. Seed set occurs during self-pollination. For artificial self-pollination, a cross path is used: pollen from one plant to another is carefully transferred with a small brush. After the seed box is formed, the seed material is removed from it, which then needs to be dried for several days.

Homemade seeds give almost 100% germination, grow very quickly and amicably, which is fundamentally different from store ones.

Basic Mistakes

When growing cyclamen from seed, it is necessary to take into account the main mistakes made by inexperienced flower growers:

  • The soil must always be moist so that the seeds do not dry out;
  • Needs to be watered daily, but in no case do not allow stagnation of water;
  • To avoid drying out, you can cover the seedlings with glass, while not forgetting the need for ventilation;
  • During the first 3 months, the roots of cyclamen grow intensively., leaflets appear later;
  • The indoor cyclamen tuber has only 1 growth point, damage to which can lead to the death of the entire flower;
  • You need to feed the plant only after 1 half a year. using a weak solution of fertilizer for flowering plants.

To achieve a positive result when propagating cyclamen by seeds, the following recommendations must be observed:

  • take seed planting material only of high quality;
  • strictly follow the rules prescribed above and the sequence of stages of planting a plant;
  • keep soil moisture under control; both excessive and insufficient watering is harmful for cyclamen seedlings;
  • apply fertilizers 3-4 months after the appearance of leaves.

The cyclamen flower, nurtured from the seed, is unpretentious, as it was originally grown at home. Such plants are resistant to infections and pests, tolerate temperature differences without problems. In addition, in stores sometimes you can not find a plant of your favorite variety and color.