Choose the best kind of lawn grass for a velvety and beautiful lawn. Flowers for lawns Development of the mixture consists in two actions

All like bright flax flowers among lawn grass. Relying on the experience of Forumhouse users, we will tell you how to equip a lawn with flowers, which annual and perennial plants can be planted in a lawn, and how to do it right.

What flowers can be put in the lawn

The best flats for lawns are tulips and other bulbies. The landing is carried out in early autumn, when the temperature of the soil at a depth of 15 cm drops to 9 degrees - if the soil is warmer, the tulips will be worse than rooted. Tulips can be planted directly into the ground under the grass, but it will be more correct to use when landing a plastic basket or a deep tray with a lattice bottom.

First neatly, with respect to the lawn, cut the piece of turf in size of the basket. The excavation should not be shallow - let the basket of the basket to the edge of the excavation will remain another centimeter three. If the soil is clay, supar on the bottom of the pit 2-3 centimeters of sand. Basket Fill with a mixture of land and sand (sand should not be too much, the main thing is that the soil is not too dense!). It will not be superfluous to add autumn fertilizers (according to the instructions). Do not forget that the bulbs in no case should come into contact with the fertilizer!

Basket (in Soviet times they used a jar from under herring, having done in the bottom of the hole with nails) needed for what. Tulips are well winter in the ground, even in the regions with a truly harsh climate. But every two years they are recommended to replant. If this is not done, the bulbs will go deep, and the flowers on the plants will be smaller. The basket will allow you to easily remove bulbs for transplant, you are guaranteed do not cut the bulbs and do not damage the grass - just as neatly remove the dend and then return it to the place.

Clean, healthy bulbs can be planted immediately, the bulbs with stains and other damage signs will need to land and must be treated with a fungicide for routing the planting material.

Choose the right depth for planting tulips - it should be equal to three bulbs altitudes.

The depth of the tulip planting is measured from the bulbs.

If the ground is heavy, plant a flower bulb for 2-3 centimeters smaller from the desired depth.

The basket must be filled with soil tightly, literally overflowing so that neither in it nor near the emptiness. Subsequently, the Earth will definitely seek, so the soil should be more, then the lawn will be smooth, without pamph. After landing, we neatly refund the Dern into place, slightly press it to the ground. After a few days the shovel cut can no longer be seen. In the spring, shortly after the end of flowering, primroses should be mounted with lawn grass. There are other flowers that can be scared without fear to ruin them.

Vasily Zhurov Landscape architect, user Forumhouse,

Daisies species, crocuses, daffodils, Veronica, Bowls ... Narcissal and Bowls need to give time to begte and tighten a little.

Care for such a lawn is simple. For mowing a lawn with flowers on which tulips or other bulbs grow, put a mower of centimeters for nine - then the plant will remain sufficiently enough of the sheet to form a new bulb.

Burgundy ribbon.

Repeat: so, right in the grass, only unpretentious bulbous ones are planted. In the lawn with flowers, all plants, except tulips, etc., planted directly in the grass, are good only in photos. In life, they will be like field weeds.

Sodmaster Agronom, user FORUMHOUSE

It is more correct to do this: place places under the flowerbed, to updo them with a border ribbon (you can narrow - 10 cm) so that it performs 1.5-2 cm above the level of soil, then put the lawn, and then put the flower beds.

If you put on a lawn roses, do not forget that the site under these bushes is better to prepare first, because they require a deeper soil processing than lawn. And the bushes can be planted after laying the lawn, at a time convenient for you. Many experienced gardeners say that it is difficult to grow these flowers on the lawn, and it is undesirable. Roses need a rosary or flowerbeds - it's all that you need to create your site, but according to plan.

The border tape is installed after the preparation of the soil under the lawn - it will be easier to take into account the laws level. If you put the tape in advance, it will prevent the soil.

Not only a border tape, but also a groove depth of 10-15 centimeters (and with the same width) will be able to prevent the stubborn cereals to creep onto a flower garden, the wall must be rinsed, vertical. But such an edge of the flower lawn will be done only or on very dense, clay soil, or with a strong, dense drainage. Border tape is the best option. If fruit bushes grow on the lawn, and you are worried that the grass will drag the root neck if you want to grow in the lawn such flowers as hosts, roses, irises and plant other plants, it will be the most right solution.


Burgundy tape can be replaced by plastic clapboard. Many gardeners believe that it is even more convenient and more practical than different types of border tape. Go through construction stores or markets and pay attention to the plastic lining of 12 centimeters wide. The smallest color is called "chocolate", so it is cheaper than others.

For gardeners brown color, on the contrary, preferably because of its unimprovability. Plastic lining is easy to put it, it looks gently. Install the lining so that at least three centimeters remained on the surface of the earth - then it will be convenient to work as a mower, without fearing to damage the flower lawn.

Blooming lawnToday, today, as Mauritanian, appeared more than a thousand years ago on the territory of North Africa, which Europeans were just called Mauritania. He was like the soul of medieval Europe's rulers, that they adopted this fashion. And here, more than millennium, in Moscowstill fully wanted buy Moorish lawn.

What is Moorish Lawn?

Blooming lawn One of the most unusual elements in the garden. Seeds of lawn flowers turn a plot into a real meadow with juicy green grass and a variety of colors of various colors. Such a lawn is often called Moorish.

Many gardeners are not solved to sow on their own landline. The reason for this is the need for constant care. The blooming lawn, which includes meadow herbs and wildflowers, does not require special care as its classic counterparts.

Seeds flowering lawn Produced in European countries, which ensures high quality of the final product. Therefore, deciding buy Moorish lawn In the online store "Moscow lawns", you make the right choice - in favor of quality and varietal plants.

Features flowering lawns

The basis of any kind of blooming lawn is a mixture of seeds of meadow herbs, annual and perennial colors - only about 20 species. The seeds of lawn colors are selected in such a way as to provide abundant flowering throughout the season. Annual flowers bloom at the beginning of summer and bloom until late autumn. They, mostly, are located at the level of cereal herbs.

Perennial - occupy the lower tier, are not so long, but periodically replaced each other, allow the lawn to change the color gamut. Of the cereals in the composition of the blooming lawn, the grade of herbs is not lawn selection, which will give a natural look to the flowering meadow.

How to care for Mauritan lawn?

Quite simple buy Seeds of Moorish Lawn, sow and forget about them. Such a lawn is pretty simple to care and is ideal for those gardeners who have no free time. However, it is necessary to use plant protection products on blooming glands with caution, since the wildflowers are quite sensitive to drugs. The haircut of flowering lawns is carried out, as a rule, once for the season, in the fall, after the colors and before the preparation of plants by winter.

A little more worries will be if you decide buy Moorish lawnwith daisies and white clover. This species requires regular haircuts to height, not lower than the height of flowers.

Why better buy Moorish lawn?

Grow a blooming lawn on its plot will not be much difficulty. It is worth once buy Moorish lawn And he will delight you for several years even on the most fertile soil. Such a lawn does not require constant attention, and a special aroma of flowers will attract insect-pollinators to your garden.

Why worth it buy Flowering Lawn Seedsin our online store?

We only work with proven seed providers. All sold seeds in our online store have certificates of conformity. In our online store a convenient service. We can buy Moorish lawnnot only in Moscow, but also order its delivery to the regions of Russia.

When I want to facilitate the work on the creation of a lawn, many of us acquire ready-made travelers. So I did, fiercing the idea to reproduce in my own Moorish lawn. Especially since on packages with herbs, photos with charming motley blooming lawns promised to create a cozy picturesque corner of wildlife with such cute for us with meadow and wildflowers ...

The first year after landing the lawn behaved almost like in the picture, but was less than flowery, and to be completely honest, then completely flexible. The next year, he became similar to ordinary sloppy, clogged weeds of a forgotten garden.

The second attempt was the same unsuccessful. I think that many landscape design enthusiasts are familiar with these "cute features" of the Moorish lawn.

And so conclusions from my experiments. First, ready-made mixes should be purchased carefully. In our conditions, many flowers from the imported grassmery of the Mauritan lawn do not have time to prosper in full force or to acquire mature seeds, which is an indispensable condition for the reproduction of lawn. Secondly, if we sow such a lawn for fertile soil, then weeds won all the delights of the Mauritan lawn.

And yet I managed to achieve the painting of a capricious lawn! This happened thanks to the famous landscape designer Irina Konstantinovna Baryshyeva - I am a grasshose for the Moorish lawn on its recommendations. This option I now call "Mauritanian for the Moscow region" or "Mauritanian a la rus" and will gladly share the secrets of a motley lawn.

Secrets of the Moorish lawn for Moscow region

The height of the Mauritan lawn is 40-50 cm. It is cut once! The only haircut is made in autumn. For the independent existence of such a lawn, there is enough space from 50 to 100 sq.m.

Make a floral mixture for lawn

The mixture for the Mauritan lawn is better to make themselves, I will give several proven combinations.

First option:

  • one-year gypsophila - 1 g;
  • eshcholce - 1 g;
  • writing - 1 g;
  • mac Magnifier - 1 g;
  • vasilek - 1 g (a mixture of multi-colored vasilkov annuals is possible);
  • nEME - 1 g.
TOTAL: 6 g Flower seeds for 1 sq. M., Everything else is black and oatmeal (from 40 to 60 g per 1 sq. M).

Second option:

  • one-year gypsophila - 1 g;
  • mac Magnifier - 2 g;
  • writing - 1 g;
  • eshcholce - 2 g;
  • vasilek - 4 g;
  • breeze average - 2 g
TOTAL: 12 g of flower seeds per 1 sq. M., the rest is frowning and oatmeal.

Third option:

  • mixture of seeds annual colors "Wild Flowers", which can be purchased in the finished form
  • the rest is a red or oatman clover.

Clover red - successful base for the "Northern" Moorish lawn

You can do otherwise: collect yourself seeds of favorite plants on natural meadows. It can be chamomile seeds, batups, hunter, donel, bells, corustal, horizontal, Veronica, chicory, hawk, golden. It looks good and behave in the meadows of the Sivets meadow, the Zefnik languor, the blacklist, purple of the field, hypname, a stammer, horizon, rank.

It is better to sow them under winter in a mixture with clover and oatmeal. Only at the same time will change, naturally, the nature of the lawn. After all, it is from the selection of plants that his decorativeness will depend on: whether he will be "True Mauritanian" or just a disgraced meadow.

Later, I tried to add my favorite meadow in a mixture, but I tried to abide care. So, combining and constituting various bleeding mixtures, you can unexpectedly create the natural charm that we value in the garden, as well as set the desired mood of a certain selection of colors.

Choose a place and equip the lawn

Such such lawns are arranged only in the background or on the site before the fence at the entrance to the house. To admire the meadow, it is necessary to twider the path inside the lawn, since the field flowers - the plants are gentle and easily pulled out. It is better to give a walkway smooth forms that emphasize the romantic charm of simple, but such favorite floral placers. You can give this meadow a shape, combined with the form of a track or repeating it along the contour - and thereby achieve an additional decorative effect.

Rummaged in books and magazines, I found information about what is the composition sustainable Field Flowers: Nyurian, Corruption, Sage meadow, Calcidate, buttercup, Esparcet and Clapper Smolevka. But it is better to spare them and simply admire them. And getting ready, play and sow more conveniently on the usual lawn.

I think that in our climate is resistant to mechanical loads, the plantain is large, clover creeping, a pilestone bird, an annual mint. True, if you create a meadow only from these plants, it will be very poor and not too decorative vegetable community.

The most divergent and powerful meadows grow up on dry and scanty soils: there are no weeds, and gentle field colors are very comfortable. You can create a decorative lawn and raw, wet or shadow areas - it is simply necessary to choose the right plants.

For example, on raw plots, a hustlery of snake or cancer ( Poligonum Bistorta.), geranium meadow ( Geranium Pratense.) and swimsuit ( Trollius.). And for the Spring Lawn, the daisies and primories are spring.

Recommendations for the creation of Mauritan lawn and the care of it in the conditions of the middle strip of Russia

For success, good soil preparation is very important - the same as for the device of an ordinary lawn, but the soil should be rich not peat and black soil, but sand. The poorest soil, the better the wildflowers feel. And of course, it is necessary to choose a suitable mixture of seeds for specific conditions: the corresponding type of soil, humidity and illumination.

Sand is recommended to be made after autumn mowing. It is possible to add poppy seeds, chamomile seeds in the mixture with sand, if suddenly powerful and rapidly growing cereals will be treated. It has to do almost every fall, but fortunately, for most field colors, the fears are optional.

It is better to spend the first haircut after sowing 1-2 months after sowing, and then cut only in the fall. Haircut high.

It is preferably to water such a cleaner less likely - the most "rich" lawns are formed only on dry, meager soils, and in the lower layer of meadow herbs, moisture is always higher. It is recommended to use a sprayer - a strong jet from the hose will break the fragile plants. Fertilizing the swollen meadow must be very rare, so as not to put out weeds.

Ideas from designer

There are several more ways to create decorative lawns, which I.K. Karyshev recommends. They are somewhat more complicated in performance, but the result is attached to the effort.

Meadow lawn, or cultured meadow

  • finished mixture "Ordinary Lawn";
  • clover red and white;
  • alfalfa;
  • sainfoin;
  • you can add melluccic flowers and minor annuals.
  • does not endure long-lasting sweeping;
  • its not everywhere can be arranged, only on the periphery of the site;
  • due to the large number of weeds, it looks untidy;
  • it is more difficult to create than an ordinary lawn.
  • you can cut once a month;
  • decorativeness increases due to the fact that such a lawn is cut higher than the usual, and this haircut allows you to issue good decorative lines in the landscape.

Fantasy lawns

Fragrant lawns: Long strips of a variety of shape and width, as a landscape designer, bizarrely twisted, sowed with one fragrant herb. Aromatic decorative carpet is formed. For example, such:
  • siny spikele
  • timyan ordinary
  • allisum sea,
  • mint field
  • pharmaceutical camomile,
  • clover red.
Dummy lawns: Against the background of ordinary lawn, there is an irregular shape of a strip from a higher fragrant plant, for example, mint.

Figure lawn Created with a curly haircut. The grass is cutting along with sections of different height (6 cm and 3 cm) with different patterns. It is only necessary to remember that it is quite difficult to achieve an excellent result. Patience, patience, once again patience and ... Your lawn will turn into lace! But it is impossible to run it, the haircut must be regular. When proper perseverance, you can turn the lawn to a real work of art. I had to see the lawn, whose figured haircut resembled patterns of famous partare flower beds Andre Lenotra.

Tatyana Parshenko

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The Moorish lawn differs from the rest of the kinds because the care of it eliminates the haircut. It does not look like the rest of the evergreens and perfectly smooth lawns, but is a beautiful glade of flowers and plants.

The motley blooming lawn can be a decoration of an absolutely any site. The bright carpet of lawn flowers is usually an ideal element of garden decoration, and if desired, it can be supplemented by planting interesting trees or shrubs.

Moorish lawn photo and plant selection

Plants It is recommended to use extremely simple and not requiring special care. Most of them are familiar to everyone, they can be found in the forests and in the fields. To equip on its plot, the Mauritan lawn composition can be chosen on your own or buy a ready-made herbs. Use the following selection criteria:

  • bright inflorescences;
  • long flowering period;
  • unpretentious care;
  • physical resistance;
  • suitable for varieties weather conditions and soil.

Lawn flowers are very diverse and numbered more than a hundred species. Most often they are separated when selling in color gamma.

Chamomile meadow

Beautiful perennial who looks so natural in natural landscapes. Chamomile is absolutely unpretentious, perfectly tolerates a dry climate, long retains decorativeness. The height of the flower reaches 90 cm, due to the length and large flower well highlighted and looks great on the lawn.

Vasilek field

It is appreciated in the Moorish lawn for decorativeness, a bright rich shade. It blooms for a long time, it is able to resume independently due to seeds.

East Mak.

Poppy flowering period is not very big, but within 2-3 weeks he will delight the eyes of a stunning flavor. Flowers are quite large, after the end of flowering boxes are formed, at the expense of which repeated sowing occurs.


The flowers of this medicinal plant of the Astrov family are not only very helpful, but also decorative. The variety of colors and amount of inflorescences highlight it among the components of the Moorish lawn. In addition, the flower is well stored in a cut form.


This plant can easily become the basis for a blooming lawn. It blooms almost the whole season - from the beginning of summer and until late autumn. Pleases the eyes with a multiple and variety of colors. Non-Disagree Stand for diseases, drought and leaps of temperature.

Calendula medicinal

Another flower that can please you with beautiful blossoms in the lawn. Stems of different heights - from 25 to 70 cm, perfectly stand out due to dense, multilayer yellow or orange flowers. Nogota bloom until November, making a blooming lawn photo of which you see, bright and catchy. In addition to decorative, medicinal properties also have a special demand.

Luk-Anzur (mountain onions)

Blooms one of the first on the flower beds and lawns, tolerate freezing well. Sigger inflorescences of gentle shades will perfectly look in cut and dried form.

Large-flowered Len.

A light-insulated plant that perfectly transfers drought, temperature fluctuations, continuing flowering until the end of October. Juicy, green plants stalks are not very high, but perfectly complement the blooming lawn due to the abundance of bright colors.

Flowering Lawn Photo and Reviews: Features Sowing

For the sowing of the Mauritan lawn, any plot of your garden will fit. You can use the place of former beds and landing to resume crop rotation, or any unoccupied corner to create a wonderful field flowerub.

If the soil is not previously processed at the landing site, you need to carefully remove the turf. The area for sowing should be cleaned of garbage, weeds and thoroughly dissolve. If necessary, to update the soil layer with chernozem and make fertilizers. It is best to apply organic - manure, humus.

Specve a plot under the Mauritan lawn is needed to depth 15-20 cm, it is good to break the land, so that the seeds it is easier to germinate. If there is time before sowing, it is better to leave the Earth after processing for a few weeks to remove weeds.

After that, you can start landing seeds. The landing rates are usually indicated on the packaging with grass. If you selected plants yourself, then follow the proportion of 30 g per 5 sq.m.

It is necessary to distribute seeds evenly so that there is no proper in the future lawn. After sowing the land, it is always plentiful to pour and cover with the material (you can use fine-sacred agrofiber), which will save seeds from birds.

How to care for Mauritan lawn

Due to the fact that the main components of the lawn grow well in natural conditions, care for it is practically not required. Since many plants are flowering and accustomed to field, forest and swampy locations, almost all of them love moisture.

The mowing of the lawn needs to be spent several times: the first - after greens appear, but before the flowers will have time to dismiss. It is necessary that the abundance of greenery does not shovel the inflorescences.

The second haircut of the lawn occurs after the season is completed - approximately at the end of September. By this time, the bulk of colors dries off, and the seeds for the next shoot will already be in the ground. The height of the bow should be between 8 to 12 cm.

Many gardeners prefer the Moorish lawn reviews about which only positive. He pleases not only a beautiful view, but also unsurpassed aroma, especially summer evenings.


  • simplicity in arrangement;
  • minimum care;
  • saturated fragrance;
  • magnificent decorative look;
  • long flowering period.

Disadvantages of Moorish Lawn

Many prefer a flowering lawn, but she has some drawbacks:

  • Impracticality. If you have a small plot, from Mauritan lawn will have to abandon, as it is unsuitable for active games, walking. It can only be used for decorative purposes, and dackets prefer small flower beds instead;
  • Despite the fact that many love fragrance of wildflowers, pollen some of herbs can cause allergic reactions, so when choosing the grass, it is better to eliminate some of them from it, despite their beauty (daisy, marigold, fragrant tobacco);
  • Among the plants of the Mauritan lawn, there are quite a few honey, which can attract bees, OS and other insects. If their appearance on the site is undesirable, it is better to choose another type of lawn.


To enter the territory of the site ease and naturalness, one can embody the idea of \u200b\u200ba natural, bright meadow, saturated with wildflowers and bright natural paints. After seeing the start of work with the concept of Mauritan lawn photo reviews about which are quite popular, you will definitely achieve the desired result.

For a long winter, sometimes you forget how beautiful in the summer. Therefore, so I want to create a paradise in the backyard, blooming the whole season.

Not all gardeners know that there can be blossoms not only flowerbeds, shrubs and trees, but also lawns near the house! Such is the Moorish lawn. Photo of landscapes that have already been implemented by other gardeners will help you to create your blooming cleaner.

Moorish lawn: What is it and how to create it?

To whom the monotonous greens of usual seems boring, and the mandatory weekly haircut of the tedious, will like the idea of \u200b\u200bthe blooming option. You can create a piece of blooming from early spring to late autumn meadows. This task is not so complicated as it seems. But work on it will have to work.

The advantages of the blooming lawn:

  • Does not require regular haircut;
  • Does not need complex care;
  • Easily renewed;
  • Changes throughout the season due to the different flowering period of plants;
  • With the right selection of seeds can be located on depleted and shaded soils.


  • In the household plots, a small corner of a garden for a blooming lawn is usually chosen, because in large areas to tediously monitor the uniform settlement of plants and the removal of weeds;
  • It is difficult to choose the perfect mixture to achieve continuous flowering, taking into account the composition of soil and illumination;
  • It is difficult to distribute seeds on the designated area to get a uniform blooming "carpet."

Rules for landing and care for Mauritan lawn

Start with the preparation of the soil. It must be swap, remove the roots of perennial weeds, make complex mineral fertilizers or the organic, thoroughly dissolve the surface with robbles.

Sowing is produced under the winter or in early May in a windless day. Soil should not be dry, as well as mooring. On 1 m² 10 g of seed material is enough. For the uniformity of its distribution and exclusion of landing thickening, add sand in a 1: 1 ratio.

Get out the seeds shallow in the soil with a robel. Gate the soil with a water rink. You can exclude this operation by sprinkling the seeds of the peat layer of 1.5 cm thick or by the spunbond. Then the seeds will not be susceptible to blown by the wind and they do not squint the birds. The whole area needs to be well to pour so that the water penetrates 10 cm into the soil.

It is required to comply with some rules for care.

  1. In the first year after Seva, the first lawn deficiency is carried out in early spring, when the cereal herbs moved into growth, and many years and annual flowering plants have not yet awakened. Therefore, the mowing will not harm them and they will not have time to drown in herbs. The second pc is held in the fall, in October, so that the plants have managed to reset the seeds. If you put it too early, then many cultures in the next season you will not see, as they will not have time to give seeds. The grass is not removed for a few days so that the rest of the seeds will be saturated from the seed boxes.
  2. In subsequent years, the first pcs is carried out in June-July, after springless plants were sceneled and sampened. The second defense remains unchanged and falls on October. Briefly cut herbs, you need to leave 8 cm of their height.
  3. Flowering lawns are needed for love. They do not go on them. Behind their composition must be carefully monitored. Even with a sufficiently dense landing of the desired cultures, you will soon begin to find unwanted - dandelion, winch, horsetail, drinking and other, easily breeding weeds. Therefore, novice gardes should not stop on the complex compositions of the lawn, including up to 40 varieties of plant crops. Choose simple compositions of 5-10 types of herbs and colors.
  4. Your lawn needs a moderate watering in the morning or evening, especially in a dry time. The depth of water penetration is 10-15 cm.
  5. The feeding is obligatory! The easiest way is to purchase specialized complex mineral fertilizers for lawns and conduct feeding according to the instructions. Dry feedstocks distribute evenly in the specified quantity to avoid burns from green pets. Organic fertilizers and ashes can be applied, but they will have to make them more often.
  6. It will inevitably arise the need to make some annuals from year to year, whose seeds for some reason did not go.

Important! Please note that many perennials will bloom only for the second year. But you will enjoy a real Mauritan lawn and make beautiful photos for your collection!

Choose a ready-made mixture for Mauritan lawn

Since this type of lawn is gaining popularity, garden centers are sistering with packages of compositions for every taste. Take your favorite bundle and study its composition. Pick up the mix based on the environmental conditions that you are willing to provide.

There are mixes for:

  • Shaded places;
  • Arid sites;
  • Moistened sections;
  • Universal.

Often the blooming lawn is sown along the fence or organize a small island against the background of an ordinary lawn, where it creates a beautiful contrast. Also, a small cheerful glade can be an emphasis near a group of decorative trees, benches, recreation areas, baths.

How to choose the plants yourself and the optimal proportion of the mixture?

The basis of the mixture always make up cereals in an amount of 85-90%.

The most common are:

Pasture rags

Matlik meadow



You can choose other lawn herbs. They are complemented by seeds of blooming annual and perennial plants in an amount of 5-15% of the total mixture. You can bring their number to 20%, but it is harder for such a meadow.

Pay attention to the following suitable plants:

East Mac and Mac Magnifier

Lupin of different varieties

Vasilee Field Different Coloring

Luna annual (blue) and luna large-flowered


Chamomile (any kind)


, Daisy and other flowers.

Important! All representatives of the flora should be unpretentious, frost-resistant, drought-resistant, and annual cultures have successfully multiplied by self-sowing.

When drawing up your own mix, you will be sure that there is no one blooming carpet! For example, for spring blossoms, it is necessary to land the Rannets-drying onion plants: Muscari, crocuses, tulips, daffodils. When they are swinging, the time will come for cereal herbs and wildflowers.

In conclusion, we note that the history of this type of lawn originates from the VII century. It was popular in the Moorish and Arab states located in those times in part of the territories of North Africa and Spain. They decorated luxurious palace gardens and parks.

See some more photos of attractive landscapes.

You will definitely have a beautiful and bright Mauritan lawn! A photo of such a lawn in the landscape will be inspired to create their own unique option to joy to themselves, guests and others!