How to dilute urea for spraying trees in the fall. Copper sulfate for pest and disease control in spring

So that the trees do not hurt and give good harvest, it is necessary to carry out preventive spraying every spring. With the help of copper sulfate and urea, you can create good solution, which will protect the garden from various fungal and bacterial infections.

But what is spraying fruit trees in spring with urea and copper sulfate? How to prepare a healing solution? And what precautions should you take when spraying? Below we will find out the answers to these questions.

General information about copper sulfate and urea

Let's first find out what copper sulfate and urea are:

  1. Copper sulfate. Copper sulfate is called copper sulfate, each molecule of which attaches exactly 5 water molecules to itself. This substance is used in horticulture as a fungicide and antiseptic to fight fungi and bacteria that can cause various plant diseases. Copper sulfate is a contact type substance. In other words, after being applied to the plant, this substance does not penetrate into the leaves and is not incorporated into the metabolism. However, it should be remembered that copper sulfate is considered toxic substance, therefore, when spraying trees, the dosage of vitriol must be observed, and spraying should be carried out in special protective clothing.
  2. Urea (urea). Urea is a chemical compound that consists of 1 carbon atom, 4 hydrogen atoms, 2 nitrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom. Since urea contains nitrogen, this compound can be used as a fertilizer for the soil. After adding urea to the soil, special soil bacteria decompose urea to ammonia and nitrates, and nitrates are already absorbed by plants as a valuable source of nitrogen. The use of nitrogen fertilizers dramatically increases the yield, however, if the dosage is exceeded, an excess amount of nitrates can accumulate inside the plants - if a person eats the fruit with big amount nitrates, poisoning may occur. Therefore, when spraying, care must be taken not to make the plants poisonous.

Spraying trees

Spring processing of the garden with a solution of vitriol and urea is carried out in 3 stages. First you need to prepare the trees and prepare the solution, and then you need to spray the trees.

Preparation of trees for spraying looks like this:

  1. Cut off any diseased or dry branches.
  2. Whitewash the trunks.
  3. Get rid of last year's foliage (if any).
  4. Dig up the ground around the trees.
  5. Scrape off areas of dead bark.
  6. If the tree is gnawed by pests in winter, then lubricate the damaged areas with garden varnish.

Now you can start preparing a solution based on urea and copper sulfate:

  1. Wear a protective suit, gloves and goggles.
  2. Take 50 g of copper sulfate and 600-700 g of urea.
  3. Place these ingredients in a dry enamel container. It is forbidden to use iron containers, as iron can enter into a chemical reaction with vitriol.
  4. Pour 9-10 liters of water into a container and mix the solution well.
  5. Strain the solution.
  6. Remember that the resulting solution should be used immediately after preparation, and it should be stored for no more than 10 hours.

Now you can start spraying:

  1. Put on a protective suit, goggles and gloves (if you took them off after preparing the solution).
  2. Fill a spray bottle with solution.
  3. Spray trees.
  4. Spraying should be carried out in dry, calm weather at temperatures above +5 degrees. It is advisable to spray trees in the morning or afternoon.
  5. Preventive spraying should be carried out before bud break. The next preventive spraying is recommended after flowering.
  6. Spring preventive spraying is aimed at protecting the garden from fungal infections, scab, pathological spotting, putrefactive diseases, and so on. Also, this solution will help get rid of pests that live inside the tree (fruit mites, apple moth, etc.).

Precautionary measures

Let's find out the basic precautions to remember when treating a garden with a solution of urea and vitriol:

  1. In no case do not fill the plants with a large amount of solution. It is recommended to spray selectively. Remember that large amounts of copper sulfate and urea can poison the plant.
  2. It is not recommended to treat plants with a solution of vitriol and urea in the rain, as well as at very high ambient temperatures.
  3. Never re-spray the tree with a solution of copper and vitriol after rain. This can lead to a build-up of copper in the soil, making the soil unsuitable for growing crops.
  4. There is a solution that does not settle well on plants, add a few tablespoons of sugar or 20-30 g of soap to it.
  5. When buying, pay attention to the integrity of the packaging and the date of manufacture.

Timely and correct processing plants and shrubs with special substances. One of them is urea. Spraying the garden at the beginning of cold weather will help provide it with protection for the whole winter, protect it from pests and diseases, and increase the yield several times.

What is urea, its features, how to use it correctly, preventive measures in relation to humans. All aspects of interest to gardeners are described in detail in following material... Garden processing time plays an important role, adhere to useful recommendations professionals, enjoy a big harvest.

Features of urea

Urea or urea belongs to granular fertilizers, it contains about 46% nitrogen. The tool is considered the most concentrated nitrogen fertilizer for the garden, it is also used to treat the garden. Some gardeners often confuse urea with saltpeter, which is harmful to plant leaves.

Urea is produced in the form of crystals of white, yellowish shades, which do not have any odor, dissolves in water without problems. At temperatures over 80 degrees, the dissolution process is faster, the product is perfectly distributed over all plants. The fertilizer itself does not absorb moisture well, therefore it is stored for a long time; for long-term storage, pack urea in containers.

Getting into the soil, urea steps into a reaction with bacteria, microorganisms that are in the soil. The first three days lasts chemical reaction, which promotes the conversion of urea into ammonium carbonate. On contact with air, the substance is transformed into gaseous ammonia.

It is thanks to this feature that urea must be embedded in the soil, the absence of this process will lead to the loss of most useful properties... Therefore, the granules that are scattered around the trees must be sealed with soil (eight centimeters) to achieve this goal.

When working with urea, consider the following aspects:

  • the substance acts immediately, its positive effect lasts for a long period of time;
  • urea belongs to organic compounds, but experts attribute it to nitrogen-containing fertilizers;
  • urea must be applied directly to the soil, the substance tends to quickly erode;
  • the substance can be used in any soil, even in greenhouses and greenhouses;
  • urea shows excellent results on well-moisturized soil;
  • in the soil, which has a high biological activity, urea loses less nitrogen than in the soil, which is neutral, alkaline;
  • urea is considered the safest nitrogen-containing fertilizer, which in summer period(even if the dosage is exceeded, it does not burn the leaves);
  • urea treatment of the garden is useful not only in the fall (in order to protect against frost, pests), but also in the spring (when buds are formed, the substance destroys all pests and diseases);
  • also in spring the substance can slow down the growing season, the buds ripen later, which protects plants from spring frosts;
  • it is impossible to get rid of stumps with the help of urea, their treatment will only accelerate the decay process;
  • it is strictly forbidden to mix urea with other fertilizers (chalk, lime and others).

Advantages and disadvantages

Urea has mass positive qualities in relation to plants in the garden. The substance is very popular among gardeners, helps to destroy pests, improve the quality of the crop.

The advantages of the substance include:

  • the urea solution is quickly absorbed by various crops, especially those sensitive to high pH values ​​in the soil;
  • urea helps to overcome many pests in the garden, copes with a variety of diseases;
  • foliar feeding of the plant does not cause burns;
  • regular feeding of plants with urea in the garden helps to increase the yield.

Any product has its drawbacks, urea is no exception:

  • treat the fertilizer with care, improper storage makes the substance unusable;
  • urea cannot be mixed with other fertilizers;
  • when the concentration of urea in the soil is exceeded, seed germination decreases.

To receive desired result adhere to the rules for processing the garden in the fall, prepare the solution correctly, observe safety precautions.

Preparing the garden for processing with urea

Before winter, insects look for cozy places for shelter from frost. Such places are considered to be fallen leaves, tree bark. That is why spraying the garden is carried out late autumn... Such manipulations will save trees from the invasion of scab, putrefactive diseases, and other misfortunes. As a result of garden processing, the vegetative process is accelerated, the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms stops or significantly slows down.

To obtain the desired result, you need to properly prepare the plants. The process is carried out in several stages, the age of the plantings is taken into account:

Many gardeners prefer to cultivate the garden in late autumn (from early October to the end of the month). Before the very cold weather, the procedure is most favorable for plants. If you carry out the procedure early autumn(in September) harmful to plants. They will be left without vitamins and minerals, they may get burned, and shed their foliage early. The depressing state of the garden will contribute to the attack of pests in the spring, it is good if the plant survives.

For diseased plants, carry out unscheduled manipulations. Also, after treatment with urea, many gardeners whiten trees. The combination of useful manipulations shows excellent results.

Important! It is highly undesirable to process the garden before the rain. The downpour will simply destroy the fertilizer, nullify your labors, and the plants will remain unprotected. Perform manipulations on a sunny, windless day.

Security measures

Processing trees and bushes in the garden is a useful and necessary business. The procedure is carried out using a special spray bottle that sprays the right substance... Do not forget about safety measures that will save you from the negative effects of chemicals on the body. Carelessness with pesticides leads to serious problems with health.

The supplies of any gardener should include:

  • respirator;
  • protective special suit;
  • gloves.

Put on the entire protective kit before starting work, not only in the fall, but also in the spring.

What to do if appeared and how to stop the reproduction of harmful insects? We have an answer!

How to properly handle the garden

Trunks, branches, the ground around trees should be processed. Such manipulations are excellent protection against pests and diseases. It is not recommended to exceed the dosage of the product, if the leaves have not fallen off, then the likelihood of early foliage falling, and a decrease in the frost resistance of trees in the garden increases.

It is not only trees that need to be processed. The garden is also filled with bushes, they are sprayed in a slightly different way:

  • active treatment is indicated in the case of nitrogen starvation (the plant lags significantly behind in growth, the flowering is very weak, there are no ovaries, the leaves curl into a tube, turn yellow, all the fruits quickly crumble, are formed in small quantities);
  • for work, they choose earlier in the morning or late in the evening;
  • for spraying shrubs, a solution is used: ten liters of water, 40 grams of urea.

Urea can be used not only in the form of a solution, the substance is scattered over the soil, covered with soil to avoid weathering of the product. Each plant requires special proportions for top dressing:

  • for cucumbers, 8 grams per square meter is used;
  • cabbage, onions, tomatoes of any kind, potatoes, sweet peppers are treated with the following solution: twenty-five grams per square meter;
  • groundbait of strawberries, blackberries, cucumbers or tomatoes is carried out using a solution in the proportion of ten liters of water: 25 grams of urea;
  • eggplants and squash require 10 grams of carbamide per square meter.

Today, urea is considered the most popular nitrogen-containing agent. Fertilizer is considered one of the safest and most effective, it is used not only in the autumn, but also in the spring. The cost is slightly higher than other similar agents, because urea is obtained artificially (by synthesizing ammonia and carbon dioxide). The cost of the substance justifies the rather large cost, thanks to high efficiency, plant safety.

Further, a video about the benefits, properties and use of urea in a garden plot:

Attention! Only today!


How many of us would want to eat fruits in our diet if we find out that the trees on which they grew were treated with a lot of chemicals? That's right, nobody. What to do to get a healthy harvest and what preparations are still needed for processing the garden - read in our article!

Required tools and materials


Garden preparations - help yourself

For most citizens, the issue of using the drugs used to treat the garden is quite important, because no one wants the chemistry to remain in the fruit and then enter the body. And everyone understands that to poison yourself harmful substances dangerous. Meanwhile, experts in the field of agrochemistry assure that it is these drugs that are most effective in the fight against diseases and all kinds of midges. The calendar for treating the garden from pests proposed by them has a rather tightly packed schedule. So, spraying is carried out in four stages: the first - before flowering, the second after, the third only 10 days after the second spraying and the fourth - 10-12 days after the previous one.
But, having our own garden, we can safely control the dose of the drug used on our site. After all, each of us can stop in time and not use this or that substance unnecessarily, using reasonable doses in the fight against or, for example, apple trees.

So, there are several drugs that are most often used in gardening - these are urea (carbamide) and copper sulfate. Everyone has heard of at least one of them, even without having anything to do with the garden and orchard. The main advice of experts is as follows - if you have a healthy garden, then it should not be processed with so many drugs. It is not necessary to spray even if the concentration of pests on the trees is too low. This is permissible. Problem areas can be processed selectively. It is also important to carry out, if already assembled, the processing of trees on time and the main thing is to properly dissolve the preparations before using them. If you do decide to spray, then ask what drugs affect what processes. The same policy should be adhered to at the bazaar, where when buying fruit from your hands, you can ask the owner of the garden about the class of chemistry he uses when growing. Another thing is that no one guarantees you the truthfulness of the answer.

In our case, the number of treatments matters. After all, for sure, many have noticed that apples in supermarkets can be on the shelves for several weeks without spoiling at all. Most likely, in this case, these products were processed more than once in order to achieve such a result. So, if a seemingly tasty and juicy fruit was bought by you not at all during the ripening season, this is not a reason to rejoice in the vitamins that your body has received. Although, of course, quality control exists in the system of food purchases and sales, it is better to insure yourself and not take risks with such purchases.

Garden processing with copper sulfate - what, why and why

Every summer resident wants to get a good harvest, but sometimes without the use of the same copper sulfate, the desired one simply cannot wait. Rapidly multiplying pests, along with plant diseases and not always favorable weather, generally lead to the fact that both bushes and trees begin to die on the site. Experts advise, if you have a similar situation every year, to use it against pests and diseases. chemicals- fungicides. They help prevent the most common bacterial and fungal diseases, and besides this, and cure already diseased plants.

So, a solution of copper sulfate, the strength of which is 2%, is better to use early and late spring when spraying. Helps against fruit rot and a number of other diseases. When preparing the solution, it must be borne in mind that it is mixed only in wooden or even in enameled dishes. First, vitriol crystals are poured hot water so that they dissolve better, and then add a little more and cold water. If you use pure copper sulfate, then you will simply burn your plants, therefore, such a solution can only be used in a mixture in a ratio of 1: 2 with slaked lime or soda.

Familiar to many "Bordeaux liquid" is a mixture of copper sulfate and lime milk. This solution is successfully used against many fungal diseases, but it does not help to cure powdery mildew... The liquid can be prepared by yourself - for this in wooden dishes pour a little hot water and dissolve in it 1 kg of copper sulfate. Then add 50 liters cold water... In another bowl, 1 kg of lime is quenched. Then add 50 liters of water and filter. Before spraying, it is necessary to slowly pour the vitriol solution into lime milk... And then you can use it on plants.

Experts advise to carefully carry out such processes and mix the compositions only in the specified sequence.

In addition, in no case should the Bordeaux liquid be diluted with water after it has been prepared. And yet, you need to apply the solution only in warm and dry weather, since in extreme heat, burns may remain on the leaves and fruits, and the rain will simply nullify all your efforts.

Urea garden treatment - increases yields and fights pests

Urea also copes with the invasion of pests on trees. Urea can be used both as a fertilizer and as a means of fighting various pests. So urea (urea) is used for processing after the arrival of heat, if the average daily temperature is plus 5 degrees and above, until the kidneys begin to grow. In this case, pest control is carried out at the wintering stage. Trees are sprayed with a concentrated urea solution, 500-700 grams per 10 liters of water. Such treatment should be carried out if there was a pest infestation last season.

This solution also helps with diseases such as purple spot or scab. Spraying the garden with urea can be carried out in the fall. The tree leaves are sprayed, which helps to reduce the potential for subsequent infestation of the apple tree. Urea (carbamide) can be replaced by ammonium nitrate or potassium chloride. They only treat the soil with it, but not the bark and buds.
In addition, urea has long been widespread not only on large farms, but also on summer cottages as an effective nitrogen fertilizer. It accelerates the growth of the plant. In addition, they love to use it for its ease of use, fast solubility and extraordinary ease of assimilation by plants. It is the most concentrated nitrogen fertilizer that can be used for both household plots and in large farms. Dissolving well in water, it is suitable for all types of soil as fertilizer and top dressing. Does not harm leaves and does not burn plants. Recall that the selection of the dosage should always take into account the characteristics of the fertile layer, the type of soil

Tips for treating the garden with drugs:

The use of urea in the garden as a fertilizer is in demand when it is necessary to improve the soil characteristics of any type of soil, as well as as a top dressing for garden trees, berry plantings or garden plants. To obtain maximum effect the instructions must be followed, both in terms of timing and in the dose of urea application.

Urea: appearance and chemical composition

Urea or urea is chemical compound, the end product of protein metabolism and the most concentrated nitrogen fertilizer known to date. Release form - granular, which provides excellent fertilizer physical characteristics as well as prevents caking and allows urea to retain good performance dispersibility.

This fertilization option is used for feeding any agricultural and garden crops in the form of a solution, and it is also in demand as root and foliar feeding. Urea is actively used as a component in the production of fertilizers of complex composition, and is also included in many slow-acting nitrogen-containing fertilizers.

In its pure form, urea is a colorless crystalline substance, odorless and having the following characteristics:

  • indicators of solubility in aquatic environment depends on temperature regime liquids and can vary between 50-95 g;
  • the substance is soluble in such media as methanol, ethanol, isopropanol and others;
  • differs in the ability to form compounds with the inclusion of inorganics and organic substances.

The colorless granules of the fertilizer represented by urea are in the range of 1-4 mm, and mass fraction nitrogen is 46.2%.

Urea properties (video)

Instructions for the use of urea in the garden as fertilizer

Urea, very soluble in water, when applied to soils, has the effect of weak acidification of the soil, therefore liming is performed if necessary.


Interval in weeks

Total dressings

First application after planting or sowing

Rate per hundred square meters

Rate per sq.m.


Four times

3-4 weeks

At least three times

Bell pepper

3-4 weeks

Zucchini and squash

3-4 weeks




Three weeks

Salad crops

Three weeks

Three weeks


Melons and gourds

Four times

Four times

Three weeks

Peas and beans

Four times


Three weeks

The introduction of urea into the soil must be carried out in advance, in the early spring period or for the implementation of autumn plowing. It is allowed to use amide substances in the form aqueous solutions when watering, or in the process of direct mixing with the soil when loosening.

Foliar dressing of garden plants is indicated for any vegetable crops with pronounced nitrogen starvation, as well as if there is a massive shedding of ovaries. In this case spraying green mass with a properly prepared urea solution is especially effective and gives the fastest possible positive results. To prepare such a solution for foliar nutrition of plants, it is necessary to dissolve 5-10 g in a liter of water room temperature... This amount is enough for processing 20 square meters of ridges. Such an event should be carried out only in the morning hours or in the evening, after sunset.

Features and options for using urea in the garden

When using urea, it should be remembered that the introduction as granular fertilizer involves shallow embedding in the soil, which will prevent the leaching of urea from the soil during rains or irrigation.

It is important to note that this method of protection is strictly prohibited for use on vegetable crops, and neglect of the rule becomes the cause of the death of the aboveground part of garden plants.

For the treatment of the crown of fruit plantations, it is recommended to use a bucket-based solution warm water, in which you need to dilute 0.5 kg of fertilizer. With this amount of funds, you can process about ten square meters garden plantings and berry bushes. Spraying of trees and bushes is carried out in the fall, immediately after falling leaves. As a rule, it is enough to perform just one treatment to get rid of insects and pathogenic microflora.

Urea for trees: spraying (video)

How and when to feed trees and shrubs with urea

If plants need not only effective protection, but also high-quality feeding, then fertilizers are applied to the trunk circle in compliance with the following standards:

  • young apple and pear - 0.15 kg;
  • fruiting apples and pears - 0.25 kg;
  • young cherries and plums, as well as other stone fruits - 75 g;
  • fruiting cherries and plums, as well as other stone fruits - 0.12-0.14 kg;
  • berry crops - 75 g.

Surface dressing by near-trunk circles is carried out by spraying the solution, after which the soil is processed with a rake. It is most effective to carry out such an event in the spring, as well as at the stage of active fruiting of garden plantings and berry bushes.

Advantages and disadvantages of urea as top dressing

Urea or urea, used as a top dressing, has a significant number of positive properties, among which the most important are the following:

  • urea-based solution is quickly and efficiently assimilated by any crops that are highly sensitive to high pH-values ​​of the soil;
  • properly performed foliar feeding not capable of causing burns on leaf plates in plants;
  • Carried out in a timely manner, in compliance with the application rates, urea fertilization can significantly increase the yield of not only fruit and berry, but also garden, vegetable plants.

Urea is not devoid of some disadvantages that must be taken into account in the process of feeding fruit and berry, vegetable and green crops:

  • an increased concentration of urea in the soil very often becomes the main reason for a decrease in the germination rate of seed material;
  • when storing fertilizers, it is required to follow certain rules that allow you to maintain the activity of the active substance;
  • urea should not be mixed with other compounds used for feeding horticultural crops.

The principle of the active ingredient is very simple. When it gets into the ground, a reaction occurs with spherment components and earth bacteria.

During the first couple of days, a rather violent chemical reaction is observed that converts the introduced urea into ammonium carbonate. Contact with air transforms the gaseous state into ammonia. It is for this reason that it is necessary to thoroughly embed the introduced substance into the upper soil layers. It should be remembered that when using such compositions on soils with a strong alkaline or simply neutral reaction, significant losses and a decrease in overall efficiency are very often noted.

Fertilizers for the garden: varieties (video)

Urea is currently considered one of the better shape nitrogen fertilizers suitable for both foliar and root feeding of any garden plants and fruit and berry crops... Correctly diluted and applied in accordance with the instructions, the compositions do not burn the foliage of garden crops and are able to be absorbed in the form of a whole, not decomposed molecule, which has a positive effect on the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the crop. When used on light sod-podzolic soils with sufficient moisture and good irrigation, the use of carbamide is more effective than the introduction of ammonium nitrate.

To make your garden look well-groomed, beautiful shrubs, fruit trees were healthy and gave a good harvest in summer, it must be properly prepared for the season. One of these important measures, in addition to whitewashing and pruning trees, is their spraying, and carbamide (urea) is considered the most effective remedy for this. Treating trees with urea in spring solves several problems at once.

Characteristics of urea

Urea belongs to nitrogen fertilizers the highest concentration - almost 46%. Some novice gardeners confuse it with saltpeter, which can be dangerous to the foliage of trees. Urea is produced in the form of granular crystals of white and yellowish shades, which have absolutely no bad smell, dissolves in water without any problems (in hot up to + 80 ° C the process is faster) and is perfectly distributed in the treated areas. Due to its hygroscopicity, it must be stored in airtight containers. Gardeners appreciate urea not only for its high nitrogen content, but also for the high rate of assimilation by plants. It is especially effective in the fight against harmful insects when every minute counts.

When applied to the soil, urea dissolves and turns into ammonium carbonate, which is an unstable compound that decomposes in air to ammonium bicarbonate and ammonia. The resulting ammonium is gradually absorbed by garden and garden crops, after which no acidic or alkaline residues remain.

Why do you need to spray trees and shrubs in spring

The beginning of the season, that is, the period when garden trees and shrubs, waking up after the winter cold, begin to accumulate strength for the formation of the fruit mass - this is exactly the time when you need to take maximum care of their protection. That is why the treatment of trees in the spring from pests and diseases - important stage in garden agrotechnics. In fact, spring is an insidious period. On the one hand, the tree needs time to recover from a long stay in extreme conditions of severe frost, on the other hand, various pests, also waking up from hibernation, begin to actively feed, with pleasure pouncing on barely blooming leaves and flowers. It is not surprising that tree care in spring includes mandatory treatment against pests, because if you do not interfere with the process, you can not wait for the harvest. Of course, it will not be possible to destroy all harmful insects in the garden, although such a task is not posed. It is much more important to discourage uninvited guests from the garden, to make your trees and shrubs as unattractive as possible for such pests, both in terms of nutrition and in terms of "living".

Another important argument in favor of the spring treatment of the garden from pests and diseases is that this period excludes direct impact pesticides on the ovaries and fruits (simply because they have not yet formed), therefore, pest control in the garden in the spring minimizes the risk of subsequent poisoning with such drugs as a result of eating processed fruits and berries. Thus, the main task of spraying the garden in spring is to prevent pests and diseases that will lie in wait for your site throughout the season, including when the use of fungicides and insecticides will negatively affect the ecological purity of the crop.

Terms of garden processing in spring with urea

It is much easier to process fruit trees in the early spring period than after flowering. On May days, the pollinated urea will not be able to get to the upper branches of the plants due to the dense young foliage and will not destroy the foci of infection on the tops of the trees. The result will not be visible. If the garden, in general, consists of trees that allow urea to get through the young foliage (for example, pears and plums), then late spring and even summer treatments will also be very effective.

Early spring spraying of the garden with urea is also aimed at combating strong spring frosts. The nitrogen contained in urea will slow down the metabolic processes of the tree for a couple of weeks and will not allow young foliage and delicate inflorescences to bloom ahead of time. Thus, frosts that can cause irreparable harm fruit trees, will pass by. This property is especially useful for orchards of early maturing varieties of trees such as peach, plum or apricot.

Preparing the garden for treatment with urea

During the spring flowering of apple, plum and pear, plants are recommended to be treated with urea. Such an event is very effective in preventing damage to garden plantings by leafworm caterpillars, aphids, honeydew and apple blossom beetle. Before processing, you should correctly prepare the plants.

Immediately before processing, it is required to carry out sanitary pruning and remove all diseased or affected areas of the bark, cleaning them with a spatula or a metal brush. Such preliminary preparation will be able to ensure direct contact of the solution with the affected area or accumulation of pests during the spraying process.

How to make a urea mixture for treating a garden in spring

A solution of urea and copper sulfate for treating trees is prepared as follows:

  • 700 grams of urea is poured into a clean 10-liter bucket;
  • water is poured into a bucket and stirred until completely dissolved;
  • in a separate bowl, 50 grams of copper sulfate are bred in a small amount of hot water;
  • diluted vitriol is poured into a bucket and mixed again.

Sprinkle trees in spring with urea and copper sulfate abundantly, soaking the trunk, branches and the ground of the trunk circle.

The spring treatment of the garden with urea with copper sulfate, carried out in accordance with all the rules, is a guarantee that your garden will be much healthier and more enjoyable. happy harvest... But we should not forget that to get a good result in the garden, a whole range of measures is needed. V various fertilizers and trees need protection from diseases and pests throughout the year.

Urea is now one of the most popular fertilizers, accounting for about 35% of all nitrogen fertilization... Although urea is more expensive (due to its synthetic nature), it is safe for plants and works quite effectively on them.