How to dig a swimming pool at your dacha with your own hands. How to build a swimming pool at your dacha with your own hands

Having your own pond on your property is the dream of many owners of private houses or summer cottages. Indeed, what could be better than a man-made pool with clear water, inviting with its coolness on a hot summer day! And to which you don’t even have to go anywhere - it’s within walking distance. And you don’t have to worry about the purity of the water - it depends entirely on the diligence of the owners. An ideal vacation spot for adults, and even more so for children!

Such a pool at the dacha can be built with your own hands from different materials. This is also facilitated by the fact that today there is a wide choice of projects that involve both the use of ready-made containers and the formation of a bowl directly at the construction site. Of course, the choice will largely depend on the needs and capabilities of the owners of the territory, and on the allocated area of ​​the site. Therefore, before settling on a specific option, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with different projects.

First, a few words about the general classification of individual pools:

  • Firstly, pools are divided into indoor and outdoor. At dachas, as a rule, an open version of an artificial reservoir is more often installed. Not as common, but you can also find swimming pools covered with a polycarbonate roof. By the way, the last option is quite practical, since the roof not only protects the water from pollution, but also allows you to significantly extend the period of possible use of the pool
  • Secondly, pools vary in size and configuration.

  • Thirdly, an artificial pond can be made or built from various materials. Speaking about this criterion, we can immediately list the most popular options. Thus, pool tanks can be made of reinforced concrete, masonry blocks, brick, steel sheet, wood and rubber. In addition, structures can be monolithic or frame.

To choose the most suitable option from this list, you need to know what advantages and disadvantages each of them has.

Frame pools

Frame ponds are a prefabricated structure that can be made of metal or plastic pipes, rigid plastic sheets or wooden parts.

A frame pool is suitable for those site owners who do not want to wait long for a permanent reservoir to be built. This design option is quickly assembled and installed independently on a site prepared for it. And most importantly, it does not require special tools or special skills.

TO merits frame construction pools include the following points:

  • The affordable price of the product will help you save money.
  • Quick and not particularly complicated assembly and installation.
  • Quite a wide range of models - in terms of volumes and shapes of pool bowls.
  • It is possible to move the empty container to another location on the site.
  • Models are made from frost-resistant material, which are assembled once and can be used for many years, both in summer and even in winter.
  • These models are easy to care for.

Flaws frame reservoirs:

  • To install frame structures, an absolutely flat area is required. Otherwise, an excessively high load will fall on individual walls, which the frame may not be able to withstand.
  • The sides of the container are not so strong that one could lean on them when exiting or entering the water. That is, it is necessary to think through some unrelated stairways.
  • Not all models are frost-resistant, and during the winter they have to be dismantled and stored for storage.

Wooden frame with elastic waterproof liner inside

The points listed above do not apply to wooden structures. Installation of such frames will require more time and certain skills in working with wooden parts. Such structures are already more like capital ones - they cannot be easily and simply moved to another place. And the wood itself will require special care - periodic treatment with antiseptic water-repellent compounds. But they have a considerable number of advantages:

  • Frost resistance.
  • Duration of operation.
  • Possibility of replacing the inner liner.
  • Strong walls to lean on.

Prices for various types of frame pools

Frame pools

Video: Assembling a frame pool "INTEX"

Block and brick pools

The construction of pools from gas silicate blocks or bricks is carried out according to one scheme. This is a rather expensive way to acquire your own pond, therefore, when choosing this approach, you first need to calculate the cost and make accurate calculations of the required materials. So that funds do not run out when the pool is only partially built.

In addition, if you plan to carry out the work yourself, then it should begin in the spring, as soon as the soil warms up. Most likely, one summer will not be enough to complete such a construction, especially if it is planned to build a pool of considerable area and depth.

Each stage of work will require a certain technological pause before proceeding to subsequent actions. For example, if the base should be a monolithic concrete slab, then after finishing pouring it, you will have to wait for it to fully mature and gain strength. And this will take at least four weeks.

Then, before plastering, the built walls must stand for a certain time so that the masonry mortar finally hardens and gains the strength necessary for solidity, and the masonry itself shrinks.

When working with bricks, the sequence of actions is the same as when using blocks. However, brick is smaller in size, masonry will take longer, and working with it will require higher qualifications.

Such designs have their own dignity , of which there are quite a few, so they should be highlighted:

  • These materials produce a rigid, durable structure with a very impressive service life.
  • The owner is given full opportunity to choose the size, depth and shape of the pool bowl.
  • During construction, it is possible to immediately provide additional structural elements for the installation of additional equipment and other equipment for the pool.

It is worth summarizing flaws pools made of blocks or bricks:

  • An artificial reservoir created using this technology is a very expensive project.
  • The implementation of the plan will require a lot of time.
  • At the slightest violation of technology, cracks may appear on the walls.
  • Such pools are not recommended for creation in regions with increased seismic activity.

Below in this publication the process of constructing a small pool from gas silicate blocks will be presented.

Sheet metal pool

This option cannot be called popular, since working with a steel sheet is not at all easy. In order to end up with a high-quality, durable design, it is necessary to have professional technological skills. Therefore, when choosing this option, it is recommended to entrust the manufacturing process to specialists.

TO merits of a reservoir made from this material, the following can be attributed:

  • The structure itself is not particularly heavy, compared to brick or block structures. Therefore, it will not require the installation of a monolithic slab.
  • If you know the technology of working with sheet metal, the work will go quite quickly.

Flaws metal reservoirs:

  • Unreliability of structural joints.
  • Possibility of corrosion in damaged areas of galvanization.
  • Metal structures require coatings both inside and outside the container.
  • To strengthen the walls, there is no way to do without creating an external frame.

In a word, there will be a lot of “headaches”.

Ready-made polymer tanks for swimming pools

Pool tanks made of durable polymer or composite material are the best option for those who want to quickly get a swimming pool. For such purposes, polypropylene, polyethylene or fiberglass-based composite (fiberglass) is used. It is enough to equip a pit, install a container of the appropriate size in it, then backfill, fill the pool with water - and you can take water procedures. This, of course, is a “light option”, since concrete is often poured around such a bowl. But even in this case, the plastic container is convenient, since it immediately becomes one of the walls of the formwork.

And the arrangement of the area around the bowl can be done gradually, when the pool is already “working”.

To others merits This option for arranging a reservoir includes:

  • The bowl is UV resistant.
  • Resistance to low temperatures.
  • Rigidity and strength of the material.
  • Long service life.
  • The bowl is sealed, there is no need to treat it with water-repellent compounds.
  • Easy to care for.

Flaws ready-made plastic containers:

  • Engagement of specialized equipment to deliver the container to the site.
  • Limitation in the choice of size, shape and depth of the container.
  • Sometimes problems arise with installing additional equipment.

Concrete pool

A reinforced concrete structure is perhaps the most expensive option for arranging a pool, even if it is small in size. In addition, the process of constructing a container itself is quite labor-intensive and requires the use of special tools and construction equipment. However, thanks to very significant efforts and costs, the result is a reliable and durable version of an artificial reservoir that will faithfully serve its owners for a very long time.

So, in order to be prepared for possible difficulties that arise during such work, as well as for more detailed specifics of such an artificial reservoir, one should highlight its “pros” and “cons”.

TO merits reinforced concrete pools include the following:

  • Long service life. With properly manufactured formwork and prepared mortar, a reinforced concrete structure will last for decades.
  • Possibility of cladding with different materials. The concrete surface can, after special preparation, be covered with rubber paint or tiled with one of the types of ceramic tiles.
  • The opportunity to immediately equip a reservoir purification system at the construction stage.
  • Reliable, strong walls allow you to lean on them when entering the water.

From shortcomings , which you also need to know about when choosing this method of construction, can be identified:

  • The cost of constructing such a structure is high. Construction will require a large amount of concrete mortar or ingredients for making it yourself, reinforcement, wire, waterproofing and facing materials. In addition, you will have to purchase material for constructing the formwork - this could be timber, boards, OSB sheets. It is possible to make approximate calculations of everything needed, but often during the construction process, one way or another, you have to buy what is missing.
  • The need to attract special machinery and equipment. When building independently, you need to be able to work with such equipment.
  • The construction process is lengthy, since many stages, after their seemingly completion, require mandatory technological breaks. And the very creation of complex formwork, linking the reinforcement cage does not tolerate haste and negligence.

A little about ways to purify pool water

Some property owners simply do not dare to build a swimming pool due to the concerns that it will cause too much trouble with its maintenance - cleaning and changing water. They are immediately presented with a large amount of complex and expensive equipment designed for these processes. However, this is not always necessary, although some devices will still have to be purchased.

This section will briefly look at the different options that can be used to clean your pool. But with any of them, pumping water will require a special one capable of handling a certain volume.

Submersible pump for pumping water out of a swimming pool

There are many models of pumps on sale, including the simplest ones, which only allow you to empty the container of water by installing the device on the bottom and throwing a hose over the wall of an artificial reservoir. If the pressure generated is sufficient, the hose can be extended to garden beds or under trees, so the water will not be wasted, but will be used for irrigation.

Each of the pumps has its own performance indicators, that is, the ability to pump a certain volume of liquid per unit of time, and the pressure created. So if there are plans to use the model at the same time for irrigating the site, this should be kept in mind.

However, it is not necessary to completely pump out water so often - after it is heavily polluted for replacement or for the winter period. Very often it turns out to be very expensive to recruit a new one. Therefore, it is recommended to clean it regularly, and this process can be done in different ways:

IllustrationBrief description of the cleaning process
The most difficult option for maintaining pools is creating a cleaning system that includes several devices that, interacting with each other, constantly maintain the water in the required condition.
This system is suitable for constantly used open and closed artificial reservoirs with large volumes.
Naturally, the installation of such a system should be thought out at the pool design stage - it requires installation of equipment, a communications system to ensure constant water circulation, a power supply line, etc.
Some models of submersible pumps are equipped with a cascade of filters designed to purify water in small-volume pools.
The device is installed directly into the pool bowl, and the pressure hose, when operating in filtration mode, also remains in the pool (circulation is ensured through the pump), and when pumping water, it is directed to the desired place (to the drainage drain, to the storage tank, to the beds, etc. .)
There are many different filters on sale for purifying pool water. Most of them are installed next to the pool, that is, they operate on the principle of a self-priming pump.
If it is necessary to purify the water, both hoses are lowered into the water. Water is sucked into one of them, passes through a filter and released back into the reservoir. Typically, the ends of the arms are spaced at opposite ends of the pool.
If it is necessary to empty the pool, the pressure hose is directed to the garden or other drainage area.
There are also special devices for cleaning the bottom and walls of the pool from silt accumulations and settled debris. Due to their external similarity, they are called “vacuum cleaners” for the pool.
Such hand-held vacuum cleaners are used in containers of any size - the appropriate model is selected based on performance. Water with debris is passed through a filtration system, the dirt accumulates in a special container, from where it is then disposed of.
Pool vacuum cleaners can be powered by AC power via an adapter, or by a built-in battery.
Naturally, the devices have the highest degree of protection, which allows cleaning even at a considerable depth without fear of the device burning out or causing electrical injury.
A robotic, automatic vacuum cleaner for pools is a great convenience.
Such devices have great power, so they can be used to clean large bodies of water.
This technique works independently - after installing it on the bottom of the pool and turning on the power.
Disinfecting water with chlorine is the most reliable way to clean it from pathogenic microorganisms, since even the most powerful filter is not able to completely rid the contents of the pool of such contaminants.
Chlorine tends to erode, so the procedure should be repeated periodically.
However, it should be borne in mind that it is also not recommended to plunge into water that has just been purified with chlorine.
Perhydrol or the familiar hydrogen peroxide is a safe and effective way to clean pools. It is sold in the form of tablets or 60% solutions specifically designed for tidying up reservoirs.
The product is placed or poured into the reservoir in the evening, and in the morning the water is already clean.
This is an affordable and suitable method for any pool. It is important to maintain the correct proportion - pour the required amount of solution into a certain volume of water.
Water purification using activated oxygen is also distinguished by its safety, if used correctly, and high efficiency.
The reagent is immersed in a pool where it dissolves, releasing oxygen.
It should be remembered that in case of an overdose of this drug, swimming in water can be harmful to health.
However, this probably applies to any chemical reagents.
Bromine is used in combination with other agents for water purification. It, like chlorine, is a strong oxidizing agent.
It should be noted that bromine is more effective for tidying up small amounts of water.
Bromine does not make water harder, ensures good disinfection and does not cause irritation to the mucous membranes of the eyes and skin. At the same time, it perfectly fights microorganisms and algae formation.
Ultraviolet treatment of pool water is carried out using special lamps that are installed directly in the tank.
The advantage of this method is that microorganisms do not develop immunity to ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, the time and intensity of application of such treatment may not change.

In addition to the above mentioned cleaning and disinfection methods, there are also more expensive options that require the use of special, sophisticated equipment. These include ultrasonic, ozone treatment, as well as exposure to water with ionized silver and copper.

As you can see, there are quite a few technologies for purifying pool water. From these, it is quite possible to choose the appropriate option - both for a certain volume, and with an eye on the features of the operation of the pool and your own financial capabilities.

Submersible pump prices

Submersible pump

DIY pool

How to choose and prepare a place for a swimming pool?

Now, having received information about the most popular pool designs and the means by which they can be maintained in proper condition, it is necessary to consider the criteria for choosing a location for a reservoir and the preparatory stages that are carried out before installation work.

The choice of location for the reservoir plays an important role in its subsequent operation, as well as in the care of the pool. Therefore, it is recommended to follow the advice of landscape designers, who consider not only the aesthetics of the building, but also its practicality.

An example of the location of a pool on a site

  • It is not advisable to place the pool under the canopy of trees - this will reduce water pollution from leaves and small branches, which can fall into the reservoir in windy weather.
  • At the same time, it is not recommended that the sun's rays directly hit the water surface - this will lead to rapid flowering. It is better if the pool is located in partial shade, which means that, if possible, it is worth installing a covering over it, which will also, to a certain extent, protect it from debris. Today, manufacturers offer folding pavilion options that allow you to quickly transform an open pond into a partially or completely closed one.

Such a frame-type pavilion can be easily converted from open to semi-closed or completely closed.

  • It is best to install a concrete, block or brick pool on an elevation, since in this case, you will not have to make a separate drainage system for it.
  • Lightweight stationary structures, slightly buried in the ground, are recommended to be installed in areas sheltered from the wind.
  • If you plan to install a permanent cleaning system in the pool or use electrical appliances for this purpose, then do not forget about the power supply. In addition, you need to think about the convenient installation of water supply and drainage systems.

Now a few words should be said about preparing the site for the pool. It includes the following activities:

  • The area chosen for the pool is cleared of foreign objects and debris.
  • Then the area is marked according to the selected size of the reservoir. If the walls of the bowl have a certain thickness, then this should also be taken into account when marking. The place is marked with pegs, between which a marking cord on the cast-offs is stretched
  • Next, the top soil layer is removed from the installation site of the future pool.
  • The next stage, in accordance with the project, is digging a pit of the required shape, size and depth.
  • The bottom of the pit should be well compacted.
  • After this, no matter which option is chosen for subsequent installation, the bottom of the pit is covered with a layer of sand. In each case, the thickness of the sand cushion may be different, but generally it is 80÷100 mm. The sand must be well compacted - for this it can be moistened and, preferably, a vibrating plate can be used.

After completing the preparatory work, you can proceed directly to the implementation of the planned project.

Find out how to do it, and also check out the diagrams, options and best ideas in a special article on our website.

Two options for pools suitable for country conditions

Next, we will consider the implementation of two projects that are relatively easy to build swimming pools. These examples, with the necessary modifications or even improvements, can be taken as a basis for your own construction.

Pool made of gas silicate blocks

This version of the pool is not a standard in its design, but it can easily be built independently on the site of a private house or cottage. If necessary, adjustments may well be made to the construction process.

So, this version of the pool has a square shape and dimensions of 2400x2400 mm, with a depth of 1200 mm. To build such a structure, 174 gas silicate blocks measuring 400x200x200 mm were required: 144 of them were used for the construction of walls, and another 30 for the steps inside the pool.

In addition, other materials were required:

  • Cement PC400 - 5 bags of 50 kg.
  • Sand and crushed stone.
  • Waterproofing plaster - 3 bags of 50 kg.
  • Rubber paint - 3 buckets of 3 kg each.
  • Bitumen-polymer primer - 2 cans.

For a reservoir of a different size, of course, a different amount of materials will be required. But, knowing the “geometry” of the future pool and the dimensions of the blocks, the approximate specification consumption of coating and coloring compositions, the proportions of the prepared solutions, it is easy to recalculate for your project.

From the tools for work, you will need to prepare shovels, a concrete mixer, a hammer, brushes, a building level and plumb line, a square, a cord and nails.

Having prepared everything you need, you can proceed directly to the work:

The first step in the area chosen for the construction of the pool is to mark the pit.
The perimeter of the pit must be made larger than the dimensions of the future pool, approximately 400÷500 mm in each direction - this space is necessary for access to the outer walls of the pool when waterproofing them.
The depth of the pit should be 700÷800 mm.
The bottom of the pit should be compacted well, and then a sand cushion 80÷100 mm thick should be poured. The sand also needs to be well compacted.
Then a waterproofing material is laid on top of the pillow, which can be thick polyethylene film. It should cover the entire bottom of the pit and extend 150÷200 mm onto its walls. In this example, this layer is absent in the structure, but it is recommended to lay it, as it will prevent moisture from leaking into the soil from the solution when pouring the slab.
Formwork is installed on top of the polyethylene for pouring the concrete base. Its height should include a backfill of crushed stone with a thickness of 120÷150 mm, a reinforcing layer and 50÷70 mm of screed, that is, the height of the walls should be at least 180, at a maximum - 250 mm.
The next step, approximately in the middle part of the future slab, is to dig a pit measuring 500x500x400 mm. It is necessary to drain the melt water that will collect in the container after the snow melts. If the pit was previously covered with polyethylene, then a slot is made in it for this drainage pit. Next, the pit is half filled with crushed stone.
A plastic sewer pipe with a diameter of 100 mm is installed on top of this layer with the socket facing up, so that a sealed plug can be installed on it.
The pipe goes deep into the hole so that a very small area remains on top of the screed, which is required only for installing the plug, that is, the edge of the socket is almost level with the plane of the screed.
After this, the drainage pit is completely filled with crushed stone.
Next, crushed stone of the middle fraction is filled into the formwork, and a reinforcing frame is laid on top of it.
It is best to use a metal rod with a diameter of 8 mm for this purpose, since the loads on the base will be quite high.
In the example shown, thinner metal was used for reinforcement - something that the craftsman had in abundance on hand, but this can reduce the strength characteristics of the slab.
A mesh is knitted from a rod; the reinforcement is fastened using twisted wires.
The next step is pouring the reinforced concrete slab. To do this, using a concrete mixer, a solution is made from crushed stone, sand and cement with a grade strength of at least M250.
The formwork must be completely filled with mortar in one go. This is the only way to obtain a monolithic, durable slab.
Leveling the concrete poured into the formwork is done using a building rule, for which the walls of the formwork can serve as beacons.
It is necessary to achieve maximum compaction of concrete, complete absence of air bubbles. Ideally, this is achieved by vibration - a vibrating lathe or a deep vibrator. If such tools are not available, then very careful bayoneting is done with a shovel and a piece of reinforcing rod.
After the concrete has set, for better strength gain, the surface must be watered daily for the first week and then covered with plastic film.
You can remove the formwork and proceed to further actions no earlier than after 10–14 days.
And the next stage is laying the walls of the pool from blocks.
To ensure that the masonry does not collapse and the rows on all sides of the pool are at the same level, a cord is stretched between the corners, along which the blocks are aligned. Therefore, the blocks are first placed on the corner areas of the walls, and only after that the intermediate elements of the row are mounted.
After completing the laying of the previous row and laying the corner blocks of the next, the cord is lifted, leveled and again stretched between them.
After laying each even row, it is recommended to lay a pair of reinforcing rods or a special reinforcing mesh for the blocks.
Six rows of blocks are laid out in a similar way.
After this, the steps are laid. It would seem that for such a pool the staircase seems too voluminous. But it allows you to dive into the water to different depths or even just sit while taking water treatments.
The next step is plastering the building both inside and outside.
Ideally, it is better to use waterproofing plaster to cover the walls. But this is too expensive, so they make do with ordinary cement-sand, but with subsequent thorough waterproofing.
To make the walls look neat, it is advisable to plaster the inside and outside above the level of future backfilling of soil along the installed beacons. The solution is poured onto the wall and leveled using building rules.
The structure, ready for waterproofing, looks from the inside as shown in this photo.
The next step is to apply cement-based coating waterproofing on top of the dried plaster layer on the outside and inside of the container.
The coating mass is applied generously, sparingly, in two layers using a wide brush. The first of the layers is in the horizontal direction, and the second is in the vertical direction.
The second coating is carried out two hours after the first layer is applied.
The final stage of work related to finishing the walls of the pool is to paint the inner and upper parts of the outer walls with rubber paint.
The composition has pronounced hydrophobic properties, which will protect the wall material from moisture penetration. You will get a sealed bowl.
A swimming pool coated on the inside with a layer of rubber paint.
The composition is also applied in at least two layers, the first of them horizontally, the second vertically.
In addition to its waterproofing qualities, this type of paint, after hardening and complete polymerization, gives a perfectly smooth wall surface, which greatly simplifies the cleaning of pool surfaces.
The lower part of the external walls, which will be covered with soil, is generously covered in 2–3 layers of bitumen-polymer mastic.
It will help save rubber paint and provide reliable waterproofing of walls exposed to soil moisture.
The upper part of the external walls, for aesthetic reasons, is covered with rubber paint.
After the paint layer has dried, the soil is backfilled, which allows you to level the surface around the pool.
The trench formed between the walls of the pit and the block masonry is first filled with crushed stone of different fractions, approximately 200 mm. Soil is laid on top of the first layer of backfill.
Over time, the soil will settle a little, and you will have to fill it up and compact it. Therefore, the arrangement of blind areas and their decorative design will have to be postponed for some time.
After the soil has been filled and compacted, formwork is installed around the pool at a distance of approximately 500 mm to fill the blind areas.
Then the area enclosed by the formwork is filled with crushed stone, reinforced with reinforcing mesh and filled with concrete.
Concrete blind areas can be finished in different ways.
In the example shown, the pool owners lined the blind areas along the entire outer perimeter with ceramic tiles. However, it is not recommended to do this recklessly, as some tiles become very slippery when wet. Because of this, you can get seriously injured when leaving the pool. That is, a cladding with a rough surface should be selected.
The best option for arranging the area around an artificial reservoir would be a flooring made of natural or polymer decking boards, which have a ribbed surface.
All that remains is to finish painting the lower part of the walls with rubber paint, in those places where the line of bitumen coating remains above the level of the blind area.

Having chosen this project, it is quite possible to abandon a staircase made of blocks, giving preference to a metal or plastic option mounted on the wall inside the pool.

How it is possible to clean and pump contaminated water from pools that are not equipped with special built-in filtration systems was described above.

At the end of this section, I would like to give advice that will help protect the concrete, brick or block walls of the pool from cracking in winter.

  • With the arrival of cold weather, you should not completely drain the water from a pool that has concrete or plastered walls. It will be enough to empty it partially, so that there is a distance of about 500 mm between the upper edge of the bowl and the surface of the water.
  • To compensate for the pressure on the walls of the pool that is formed when the water freezes, it is recommended to place several five-liter plastic bottles in a container, to which a load is attached.
  • After the water in the container freezes, the entire surface must be covered with some kind of covering material - this will help protect the reservoir from the accumulation of debris, which will facilitate its spring cleaning.
Price for gas silicate blocks

Gas silicate blocks

PVC pools from the production company "GardenPlast"

In recent years, plastic frame pools have been gaining popularity. This is easily explained, since they have numerous advantages:

  • The strength and frost resistance of the material allows it to be used both in summer and winter, for example, for those who swim in the cold season for hardening or after a bath. Moreover, the use of the pool in winter is confirmed by reviews of users living in Siberia.
  • The design is lightweight.
  • Quick and easy installation that does not require special tools.

  • Compact packaging upon delivery.
  • The ability to dismantle the product at any time and put it on a shelf in the garage or utility room.
  • Affordable price.

The polymer pool kit includes the following components:

  1. Plastic frame, which can have a round or oval shape, as well as different sizes.
  2. Internal polymer liner designed to waterproof the bowl.
  3. An awning is a cover that allows you to cover a filled pool from dust in the summer, and an empty container from falling leaves in the fall.
  4. Tubes of the lower and upper frame belt, which give rigidity to the structure.
  5. Required fasteners.

To install a GardenPlast pool, especially if it is small in size and will not go very deep into the ground, you should choose an area on the site that is maximally protected from the wind. Otherwise, a container that is not filled with water may simply be torn from its place, since it has very little weight.

For example, in the version shown in the illustration, the owners of the site rationally placed the pool between and the greenhouse, and behind the pool stretched a banner depicting a garden landscape. This element not only adds attractiveness to the landscape of the site, but also reliably protects the pond from the wind.

Due to the fact that all GardenPlast pools are assembled according to the same principle, the table below will present examples of arranging different sizes of artificial reservoir bowls. Differences in installation may include the height of the walls, shape and size of the bowl. For high walls, it is necessary to dig a deeper pit, and for elongated pools, additional structural reinforcement is installed on its sides.

IllustrationBrief description of the operations performed
So, having chosen a place to install a pool, it should be marked for arranging a pit, which is recommended to be dug by hand, even if it is large. This is due to the fact that the walls of the pit must be very even, which is more difficult to achieve when digging a hole using construction equipment.
The depth of the pit should be at least equal to half the height of the walls of the pool if it is large.
After digging a pit of the required size and depth, its bottom is filled with sand, which must be evenly distributed over the entire surface.
If the pool is small and its diameter is no more than 2500 mm with a wall height of 800 mm, then the depth of the pit can be either 400 or 200 mm, at the discretion of the owners of the reservoir.
The bottom of the pit is also filled with sand, which is very carefully compacted and leveled horizontally.
For a pool with high walls and a large length, lateral reinforcement of the bowl is required. These can be walls built from blocks, or wooden panels.
When choosing the second option, the wood must be well treated with antiseptic impregnations or even bitumen-polymer mastic. This coating will significantly extend the life of these parts.
The boards are attached to a frame made of profile pipes. The frame should be reinforced with supports. In the example shown, on the right side the supports are connected to the fence of the site, and on the left side they are driven into the ground.
The next step is to fasten the walls of the container into the intended shape. To do this, the material is taken out of the packaging, unrolled, and its edges are aligned with each other.
Along the edges of the sheets there are holes for fastening elements, which are aligned with each other and twisted with special bolts and washers, providing a sealed waterproof connection.
Next, a dark gray tube is placed on the bottom edge of the container - it will strengthen and form a frame from below.
Putting this element on the edge of the plastic is not difficult, since the tube has a special cut along its entire length for this purpose.
The next step is to install the prepared frame into the pit. Its upper part is straightened out, and on the sides the frame is fixed to the shields using self-tapping screws with wide press caps.
Next, it is recommended to lay penoplex on the bottom of the frame, which will not only level and protect the film from damage, but also make the surface warmer and softer, pleasant for sitting or walking. The top of the insulation must be covered with thick polyethylene film.
Instead of penoplex, for leveling and insulation, you can use any foamed polyethylene 10 mm thick, sold in rolls. It is laid on the bottom of the pit before the pool frame is installed in it, so that the edges of the bowl press the material to the ground. The canvases are fastened at the joints using special moisture-resistant or plumbing tape.
In the option under consideration, the owners refused such a substrate, leaving the bottom of the pit sandy. This is possible, but you should remember that sand has abrasive properties, that is, it can “gnaw through” the plastic film liner, and the pool will leak.
The next step is to place the film insert into the frame.
It is unfolded and straightened, and it is necessary to ensure that the bottom seam of the liner is located exactly along the bottom line of the frame walls.
The top edge of the film is wrapped over the edges of the plastic frame.
After this, a hoop intended for the upper edge is put on top of the wrapped film around the entire perimeter of the frame.
In this illustration, for example, you can see what the edge of the frame should look like after it has been reinforced with a tube.
And how the top tube is put on the edge of the frame is demonstrated in this photo.
The next step is filling the container with water.
As the water pressure increases, the walls, as well as the film liner, will align.
When the frame takes the shape intended by the developer, you can move on to arranging the area around the pool.
In our example, the owners decided to mount a frame on metal piles around the pond, which would become a support for the upper pool, as well as the basis for a wooden deck.
At the same time, the area around the pool is arranged in such a way that on the constructed podium you can create a recreation area with a sun lounger, an armchair, and an umbrella that creates shade.
This illustration shows what the recreation area with a pond looked like after the work was completed.
And here you can see a small swimming pool and a wooden podium around it.
In this option, the pool is not deeply buried in the ground, so the wooden podium serves as an additional fixation to hold the empty bowl in place.
Another liner included with the pool is used to cover the water to protect it from contamination by dust and light debris carried by the wind.

* * * * * * *

So, the reader could see that creating a pool at your dacha yourself is not a fantastic project at all, but a completely feasible project. Having understood what options exist, assessing the complexity of the arrangement, the advantages and disadvantages of each, you can choose the optimal one, corresponding to the area allocated for the construction of an artificial reservoir, and in accordance with your personal financial capabilities.

The desire to have an artificial pond in their own home is familiar to many owners of country real estate. It's so nice to splash around in the clean and cool water of your own pool on a hot summer day. Water perfectly relaxes the body and relieves fatigue after a hard day at work.

Building a swimming pool with your own hands will help solve this problem. It has long been recognized that swimming treats many diseases of the musculoskeletal system, improves immunity, helps get rid of excess weight and simply improves well-being. Having your own body of water emphasizes the wealth of its owner and serves as a sign of well-being.

Determining the location of the pool

At the first stage of building a pool, you need to decide where to place it. In solving this issue, an important condition is an elegant combination with the overall design of the house and the entire site as a whole. It is also necessary to ensure that the pool is located near the water supply and drainage well, which is necessary for regular cleaning and water supply of the artificial reservoir. After all, long hoses throughout the area will cause a lot of inconvenience.

It is recommended to build a swimming pool with your own hands in an open, sunny area. This is necessary for constant heating of the water. To partially protect the pond from the wind, you can place it next to the house or along a high concrete fence. But the pool cannot be located very close to the house. Firstly, no one is immune from leaks. Secondly, when water overflows, it can enter the basement and even erode the foundation of the house.

The best site for a pool will be clay soil. If the waterproofing is damaged, clay will stop water leakage.

You should also not place the pool near trees and bushes. Constantly falling leaves will clog the water. This will cause constant cleaning of the pool.

Before building a pool, it is not enough to decide only on its location. The choice of the shape and size of the reservoir is also an important point. The ideal size for a country pool would be a small pond of 4x4 m. Regarding the shape, it is better to give preference to simple options: square, circle, rectangle. After determining the necessary parameters, equipment, tools and materials for building the pool are purchased.

What materials are needed to build a swimming pool:

  • Fine gravel.
  • Sand.
  • Cement.
  • Ruberoid.
  • Fittings.
  • Boards for formwork.
  • Wire.
  • Sealant.
  • Bars.
  • Hydrophilic rubber.
  • Plaster mortar.
  • Facing tiles.


To build a pool, it is necessary to calculate the following systems:

  • heating water (optional);
  • disinfection;
  • filtration;
  • water supply and drainage.

Based on the filtration system, pools are divided into two types:

  • skimmer;
  • overflow.

In the first case, special devices are installed in pools - skimmers, which are capable of taking the top layer of water, which is the dirtiest. To replenish the tanks with water, holes are located along the perimeter of the walls.

Overflow systems involve pouring water from the pool into side gutters, which are at the same level with the sides. Purified and disinfected water in this case comes from the bottom of the tank.

When using high-quality filtration stations with additional filters, their installation is carried out immediately. Such filtration systems take up a lot of space; their location is thought out in advance.

Antibacterial water treatment is a prerequisite for maintaining a healthy pond environment. Active oxygen, chlorine, bromine and hydrogen peroxide can be successfully used to kill bacteria. Ultraviolet installations and ozonation also purify water efficiently.

To build a swimming pool, you can also use the following decorative elements:

  • sculptures;
  • handrails;
  • stairs and so on.

Step-by-step instructions for building a swimming pool with your own hands

The construction of a swimming pool consists of several stages. In order for a concrete pool to be safe, comfortable and beautiful, all stages must be thought out in advance. To do this, as a rule, they draw a drawing and carry out the work strictly according to the diagram.

Pit preparation

Internal waterproofing of the pool

Since water has a destructive effect on materials, the entire resulting structure must be protected from moisture. There are many different materials and methods for internal waterproofing pool walls. But studying their advantages and disadvantages prompts us to give preference to the most economical and reliable method of protection - coating insulation.

But before applying the insulating material, it is necessary to plaster the walls of the pool and apply a self-leveling mixture to the floor surface. After all surfaces have dried, the concrete bowl is cleaned of debris and dirt.

To install internal waterproofing during the construction of a swimming pool, it is not enough to simply apply a coating material to its surface. Much attention is paid to the joints between the walls and the bottom of the tank. To prevent leaks in these areas, hydrophilic rubber is used, which is secured with a sealant. The material can expand when exposed to moisture.

Before applying the waterproofing material, the bottom and walls of the pool are treated with a primer. Next, water is added to the dry waterproofing mixture and the solution is mixed well. The resulting material is applied to the inner surface of the pool using a brush. The thickness of the waterproofing layer should be approximately 3-4 mm.

Lining the walls and bottom of the pool

The following materials are used for lining the internal surfaces of the pool:

  • ceramic tile;
  • mosaic;
  • porcelain stoneware

If you build a wooden deck with railings at the exit from the pool, you can place sun loungers on it. Attach folding seats and tables to the railings. A landscaped area next to the pool in this way will become an excellent relaxation place for guests and owners. And if you add kebabs and soft drinks to all this delight? Your vacation will be unique.

Construction of a pool from a finished bowl

  1. The bowl sinks to the bottom of the pit.
  2. The necessary communications are installed. The protective sleeve is put on the pipes and fixed with tape (to avoid displacement during concreting).
  3. To prevent the composite or plastic bowl from bending under the weight of concrete, spacers are installed inside it.
  4. Reinforcement is installed along the entire perimeter and formwork is installed.
  5. Concrete is poured as follows: the bowl is filled to 30-40 cm with water, the concrete is poured to the same height. After the solution has hardened, water is poured into the bowl again and the formwork is filled with concrete. The concrete layer must be brought to the surface of the earth.
  6. The formwork is removed one day after pouring.
  7. The voids left after removing the formwork are filled with sand and compacted with water.

All that remains is to fill the pool with clean water and enjoy the warm, pleasant water.

(19 ratings, average: 4,11 out of 5)

In summer it is always nice to swim in cool water. However, it may not always be possible to go to a river or lake. In this case, the best solution would be to build a swimming pool with your own hands at the dacha or on the territory of a private house. So, you will always have your own body of water at hand, near which you can have a great time and relax. In this article we will look at how to build a swimming pool with your own hands.

Features and types of pools

There are many variations on the theme of pools for a summer house or country house. But they can be conceptually divided into several main types.

Inflatable pools. Let's start with the simplest option. Its main advantage is its low cost and ease of installation. In addition, this model is mobile.

When packed and assembled, it can easily fit into the trunk of a car. This means that you can take it with you outdoors, use it for a bathhouse, or simply install this pool in your house with your own hands without any problems.

Among modern models in this category you can find containers of various sizes- from mini-pools for summer cottages like children’s “paddling pools” to large inflatable structures that are designed for 10 tons of water or more.

The disadvantages primarily include fragility of inflatable pools: They wear out in just a few years. And also one cannot help but mention their vulnerability to various types of mechanical influences.

Frame pools

They are also quite simple designs. Their main advantages include mobility and high installation speed, which, in principle, is characteristic of any prefabricated structures. At the same time, they are more resistant to mechanical damage, unlike inflatable ones. However, an inflatable pool will cost owners much less than a frame one. At the same time, the service life of these pools is, by and large, also limited, like every mobile structure.

Portable swimming pools for saunas

These structures consist of a PVC cover, walls and bottom. Taking into account the depth, they can simply be located on a flat surface - depth up to 0.8 m, partially - up to 1.3 meters, or completely (more than 1.6 m) deep into the ground.

Their the shape can be absolutely any, but, as a rule, there is an oval, round, figure-eight shape. If these structures have a square or rectangular shape, then their corners are certainly rounded.

Such pools are good because they easy to install(especially those that don’t need to be deepened) and easy to connect. Their disadvantage is the tightness of the connecting seams. However, if you purchase a bath pool from a trusted company, it will serve you well for many years.

Stationary pools

We need to start with the obvious disadvantages of these designs: of all varieties, they are the most expensive- in terms of not only the construction of the pool, but also its further maintenance.

But that's where all the shortcomings end. Since stationary outdoor pools are fundamental structure, so to speak, for centuries.

Stationary pools can have a concrete bowl or a ready-made one. A concrete bowl allows the owner to build any kind of pool at home, even the most bizarre shape. At the same time, pool bowls made of composite materials greatly facilitate the process of arranging a pool on the site.

Gallery: swimming pool at the dacha (25 photos)

Choosing a location and optimal size

Since it is the stationary pool that is considered “real,” then in the future the conversation will focus on this design. So, when you have decided on the type, you need to think about the size and installation location of the artificial reservoir itself. For the most part, the choice of location will depend on the wishes of the owner. As a rule, a pool is installed close to the recreation area, near the bathhouse, behind the house. But when choosing a location, certain factors must be taken into account:

  • The presence of nearby vegetation. It is advisable that there are no bushes, much less trees, near the reservoir. Plants are constantly drawn to moisture, and their root system is very strong and can easily break through a concrete thicket.
  • Direction of the wind. Since this garden pool is outdoors, there is a high probability of all kinds of debris getting into it. To ensure that while swimming you do not encounter dry leaves, scraps of paper, etc., it is better if the pool is located in an area protected from the prevailing wind direction.
  • Priming. A lot depends on the properties of the soil. To begin with, it is desirable that the soil be clayey. In this case, you will additionally receive natural waterproofing. And also during the construction of a stationary bowl, you will need to dig a pit. When the soil at the chosen location is rocky, then excavation work can be very labor-intensive and complex, especially if you build a pool with your own hands in the country without the help of special equipment.

When it comes to the size of the future reservoir, in this case there are no special requirements. It will depend according to your preferences and availability of free space. For example, for swimming in one lane, a width of 2.5 m and a length of four meters is sufficient. When two paths are planned, the width can be increased to 5 meters.

The optimal depth of the reservoir is 1.5 meters. But even in this case, everything depends on the purposes for which you are building it. When you have children and the main purpose of the pool is to entertain them, you don’t need to make it very deep. And vice versa, when you are a diving enthusiast, depth plays an important role.

Construction stages

By and large, the process of building a swimming pool at the dacha is divided into the following stages:

As you can see, there is quite a lot of construction work. Moreover, any of the stages is very important, since not only the appearance of the entire structure, but also the operating time depends on it.

Bowl creation and excavation work

Let's move on directly to the main question - how to make a pool at the dacha with your own hands. If you have decided on the installation location and dimensions, then you can begin excavation work. First to the site apply markings. What can you use a rope stretched over pegs for?

Then we begin excavation work. This is the most labor-intensive stage during construction. You need dig a pit required depth and size. Moreover, it must be taken into account that the depth, length and width need to be approximately 50 cm larger.

This additional space is required for the installation of formwork. When the dimensions of the structure you have planned are very impressive, then you need to think about using special equipment.

Then, when the pit is dug, you can start creating the bowl. This stage of work includes the following activities:

  1. The walls and bottom of the pit are thoroughly compacted.
  2. A sand cushion is made. For this purpose, a layer of sand 25–40 cm thick is poured onto the bottom and carefully compacted.
  3. A layer of waterproofing is applied over the entire surface of the walls and on top of the pillow at the bottom. Now on the market you can see many materials that are an excellent barrier to water. The most cost-effective option is to use bitumen mass and roofing felt. These materials have proven themselves well and have been used for a long time.
  4. First, a layer of roofing material is laid over the entire surface (on the walls and bottom, while the walls must be covered with material up to the very top). Afterwards, several (preferably 4–5) layers of bitumen mass are applied.
  5. The next step is the installation of the drainage system. This must be done before installing the formwork. How many holes to make for draining and in what place depends on the shape and size of the bowl.
  6. Then we build the formwork, it can be made from scrap materials, and we begin pouring concrete. Moreover, it is imperative to use reinforcement.
  7. The formwork is removed after the concrete mass has hardened.

Lighting and decoration

Then you need to finish the bowl. But first you need additional apply a layer of waterproofing.

You also need to seal all the cracks that have formed so that water does not seep in and damage the bowl. To do this, you can use mastic, film or impregnating materials.

After installing the waterproofing, finishing work begins. As a rule, it is used to cover the bowl. tile. This material can easily withstand prolonged exposure to water, is very easy to clean and has an attractive appearance.

In addition to tiles, you can also use modern materials, for example, PVC film. Today, manufacturers produce a huge range of this material. It is durable and strong. At this point, the construction of the pool is actually completed.

In artificial reservoirs, water becomes polluted quite quickly and can be a favorable environment for the appearance of harmful bacteria. At the same time, dust, tree branches and fallen leaves constantly get into the outdoor pool.

For small pools you can build a lid, which will keep most of the debris out. Small particles that fall into the reservoir can be easily removed using a fine-mesh net. Algae that has formed on the walls clean with a soft bristle brush.

The water in this pool is desirable replace at least once a week. For example, use it to water the garden. The following methods are used to purify water in large pools:

  • Electrophysical disinfection - the use of equipment for saturating water with silver ions and ozonizers. Ultraviolet lamps can be used to filter and purify water; they disinfect water by killing mold spores and microbes.
  • Chemical treatment - performed using special substances. As a result, the pH level is normalized and the water is disinfected. The action of chemicals prevents the appearance of algae and eliminates the smallest particles of fat.
  • Physical cleaning - removing small and large debris using a net. Constant cleaning with a water filter. Cleaning the internal surface with a vacuum cleaner and brush.

Features of pool water purification

The simplest way to purify water is a water filter. There are three types of systems with varying degrees of filtration. Sand filter based on finely crushed quartz, removes harmful microparticles up to 25 microns in size.

Cartridge filters suitable for medium-sized artificial reservoirs with a diameter of no more than five meters. These filters are equipped with a special valve to get rid of small debris and a water purification system from harmful elements up to 15 microns in size.

Diatomite filters- These are highly efficient and modern water purification systems. Fossil powder, kieselguhr, mountain flour, etc. are used as a cleaning agent. These particles remove the smallest elements up to one micrometer in size.

Products used as chemical cleaning compounds are: based on active oxygen, bromine and chlorine. Chloride compounds are quite effective, but require strict dosage. If doses are exceeded, there is a high risk of skin damage and poisoning.

Bromine-based preparations are safer and do not have a distinct odor. Cleansing with active oxygen is the most convenient and at the same time completely safe for health. The drug is added to the water immediately after filling the pool, taking into account the total volume of liquid.

A swimming pool on a personal plot or in a country house is great place to relax on hot summer days. And building it with your own hands is not very difficult. You can build a pond from scrap materials, but it is much more reliable to make it from concrete.

Apply markings, make calculations, dig a pit, fill the bowl and complete the finishing. This main stages of work. With a little financial investment and effort, you will have a great vacation spot for the whole family.

Rest and recreation are now only a dream for many people, because not everyone can afford a train to the sea. The reason for this is simple - there is little money. This is not happy, but the situation can be corrected if you are the happy owner of a house. If the sea is unattainable, then you can make an indoor pool at your dacha, which will also please you and your family.

You just need to make a little effort, and your summer cottage will become a wonderful home resort. Just a few years ago it was almost impossible to create an artificial pond on the site.

Today, everyone can afford this luxury item. Yes, yes, and all because swimming bowls in their variety of types and prices have expanded so much that choosing a pool that suits your means will not be difficult.

Building a pool on your property is a great way to relax in the summer heat. If it is of decent size, then you can not only splash, but do swims in the mornings and evenings. And how much joy the children will get! Excellent well-being is guaranteed to you.

And the dachas of the 21st century are no longer so similar to those they used to be. Now I’m going out of town not to starve myself of planting cucumbers and tomatoes, as well as many other household chores. works. Exhausted by the pace of city life, residents of large cities turn their plots of land into recreational areas designed “to suit themselves,” and in this case a swimming pool will be an excellent addition.

Artificial pond in the country- this is not only a new comfort zone, but also a place for a special microclimate and even a reservoir of water for emergencies when there is nothing to water the flower beds with. In general, the benefits of a pool are obvious if you install the container correctly and operate it strictly according to the instructions.

Which pool should you choose?

On the modern market you will find three popular categories of pools:

  1. Collapsible.
  2. Stationary.
  3. Inflatable.

They all differ in shape, design and size. These are the main parameters that will influence your choice. You will choose what to choose based on the size of the plot, conditions and preferences. But it should be said that each of the options is good in its own way.


The name speaks for itself. Such containers are installed turnkey. Such pools are either medium or large. According to the type of installation they are divided into:

  1. Frameless

Frameless structures built into the ground

To operate such a model, it will have to be equipped with some systems, at a minimum, this is a water supply, drainage and cleaning system. If you don’t take care of this in advance, within a couple of weeks you will be swimming not in clean water, but in dirty slurry. You can refuse the purification system, but think for yourself - where will you drain 14 tons of water, and how much will it cost you to fill the pool every 2 weeks with clean water? These costs will be more expensive than it would cost you to purchase and install the purifier once.

It looks great, and if you are mentally prepared to endure all the difficulties with installation and arrangement, then you should not refuse this option. If not, give preference to a frame container, since installation problems (and costs) will be much less.

But many summer residents are seriously concerned that they will have to spend a lot of time on cleaning, so they decided to make an indoor pool in their country house with their own hands. This is the right decision, since the pool will only need to be cleaned once every six months.

When choosing the type of container for your dacha, do not forget about the climatic features of the region. Most containers, even without water, simply will not withstand local frosts, so you will have to invest in frost-resistant models.


Such pools are classified as small and medium in size. The thing is that it is almost impossible to assemble it yourself, and the procedure is quite expensive. But the advantage of the model is that it is ideal for unguarded areas. It can be assembled, filled with water upon arrival, and dismantled in the fall and sent to the barn.

This type of pool also needs filtration, but there is no need to install complex systems. For small volumes, you can limit yourself to disinfection with reagents that are harmless and of high quality.


Naturally, such pools cannot be large, which is great. Due to its size, the pool is suitable for those owners whose plots are not so large, and the advantage is that storing such models is not problematic - you can even fold them into a sofa. You can also take the pool with you on a picnic. For large models, a metal frame is provided - it is assembled from hollow tubes (made of aluminum).

What are indoor pools for cottages made of?

When choosing a pool, you should remember that they can be made of any materials. This is especially true for stationary models. Manufacturers have fallen in love with materials such as plastic and other composite materials.

Products made from polypropylene have good characteristics and can withstand temperature changes well. They can be used all year round.

Plastic containers are more fragile and may burst when the temperature drops. It is not used to create large tanks, but is not uncommon for medium-sized tanks. It is also used for folding structures and decorative colored pools.

More practical models are made from composite. The material can transform, but the body does not break through. The walls cannot be scratched or broken. Such a pool will be durable, which is why it is used to create an indoor pool.

But all types have one drawback– they have a standard appearance, so if you want a unique pool, you will need to build it yourself. Yes, it’s expensive, but it’s the way your heart desires.

Separation by filling type

According to the filling methods, pools can be:

  • Overflow.
  • Skimmer.

In the first models, a grate is made in the tank, through which overflowing water enters the storage tank. This system visually increases the size of the container and allows you to always maintain a certain water level.

In skimmer models everything is somewhat different. They cannot be filled to the brim of at least 15 cm, since there are no storage tanks. The water that enters the tank is purified through a skimmer. This is an inexpensive option, which is why it is very popular in the private sector.

Finishing materials

An indoor swimming pool at your dacha can be decorated with the following materials:

  • Polypropylene.
  • Mosaic.
  • Tile.
  • PVC film.

The film is sold in rolls and can be of any color. The most popular are blue, white, light blue shades. The role of such finishing has a dual meaning: waterproofing and aesthetics.

Polypropylene is a polymer that has high strength, is easy to weld and is resistant to aggressive climate conditions. Usually they buy blue polypropylene.

But mosaics and tiles are chosen with a low level of water absorption. Ceramics are used to decorate a public pool, and mosaics will fit perfectly into a summer cottage. A pool with this finish will appear visually deeper.


It’s not enough to choose a pool, you need to think about how you will care for it, so we suggest planning everything in advance.

Important: If you have clay soil on your site, then this is an ideal option for installation.

When planning container placement, consider the following points:

  1. If your soil is clay, you don’t even have to choose a location for installation. If the waterproofing fails, it will stop water leakage.
  2. The area where you plan to place the pool should have a natural slope. In this case, it will be easier for you to dig a pit and choose a place to install the drainage system.
  3. You should not place an indoor pool in your dacha where there is shade from tall trees. Plants sense moisture and can easily damage the waterproofing. The most aggressive trees are willow, chestnut and poplar.
  4. If the pool is located near a water supply, this will make it easier to fill the container with water.


The ratio of length and width is correlated with the general purpose. If you want to do swims, give preference to a rectangular shape. For a simple “splash”, it is better to make a round shape. Depth will also be important. If you are a fan of jumping from the side, then the bottom should be at least 1.5 m deep. To place a tower or springboard, you will need a greater depth - at least 2.5 m. But you can make the bowl deeper in the place for jumping, and then bring it to standard depth.

The biggest difficulty in creating an indoor pool with your own hands will be the combined type, which is suitable for both children and parents. The zones will have to be separated by partitions that will go from the very bottom. This way, children will be protected from falling into deep water.

Attention! In this type of pool, you should make a flat bottom that will smoothly descend. Sharp jumps are unacceptable for safety reasons, because walking along the bottom you can inadvertently miss the line and choke. Don't ignore this advice.

Design of an indoor pool at the dacha

When you come to decorating, do not forget that you have a pool, not a pond, and you should decorate it accordingly. This is done using paving slabs or wood decking. The pool bowl can be hidden behind a stepped deck. If you are planning a large stationary pool, entrust this matter to professionals.

A distinctive feature of a pond will be the presence of a cleaning system, drainage, for example, heating/counterflow. To do this, you will need a utility room, which can be made in the form of a beautiful house. The design of the pool room or roof does not require any frills.

Plants as decoration

If the indoor pool at your dacha will be located outside, decide what you want to see around it. When drawing up a plan and choosing an idea for plants, do not break the main rule:

“There is no need to plant plants near the pool or on its shore. The water with the chlorine it contains will kill them, and you can forget about comfortable swimming among beautiful plants.”

To do everything at its best, the plants will need to be planted in tubs or containers. In this case, there will be no interaction with the treated water. Regarding the plants themselves, choose those that can withstand all weather conditions. These include juniper, Chinese rose, oleander, agapanthus, yucca gloriousa, and southern cordyline.


Making an indoor pool at your dacha with your own hands is not that difficult, but decorating it and making it a full-fledged recreation area is not easy. Pool lighting will help you with this. This way, you can enjoy swimming in the evenings. A fireplace or fire pit will also look impressive. Such elements will relax and add coziness.

For most city residents, the dacha has become a place of relaxation. A pool built with your own hands will definitely find its fans.

Before starting to build such a large object, it is better to first build a small reservoir, for example, a fountain or pond.

There are many technologies and ways to build a swimming pool with your own hands. Let's consider several options.

DIY monolithic pool. Photo step by step

To build a pool with your own hands, you need to complete a number of successive steps. The main stages are as follows:

  • creating a plan and design drawing;
  • organizing drainage and laying thermal insulation;
  • installation of reinforcement;
  • installation and distribution of communications;
  • pouring concrete mortar;
  • sealing, waterproofing and finishing.

How to build a monolithic pool with your own hands?

Instructions for building a swimming pool at your dacha will help you get a high-quality result. The first stage of work does not depend on what kind of pool is to be built. It can be very small or very large, but in any case, first you need to choose a place. To do this, take a detailed site plan and select options that are suitable according to a number of criteria.

It is not advisable to have large trees growing nearby. If the space is open rather than shaded, the water will warm up faster. Tree roots can damage the bowl, and falling leaves in the water can become nasty debris.

When planning a pit for a pool, you should take into account that the depth of the reservoir for adults

The height of the first person should be one and a half meters; with less it is not comfortable to swim. Additionally, it is required to lay half a meter on the drainage layer and concrete walls.

Before digging a pit, you need to determine the location communications and make a plan for their wiring. Next, they begin to excavate the soil. The walls of the pit are made with a slope of five degrees. This will protect against soil collapse.

Let's look further at how to build a pool. The next step is installation waterproofing. First, a cushion is built from a fifteen-centimeter layer of sand and the same layer of crushed stone. Next, two layers are laid roofing felt. Its edges should rise above the surface of the pit by no less than twenty centimeters.

DIY pool at the dacha. Photos step by step

Next, when arranging a pool with your own hands at the dacha, perform reinforcement. For this purpose, a frame is created from A3 reinforcement. The material used is twelve millimeters in diameter. After reinforcement is carried out concreting. Ideally, the bowl is poured simultaneously, in one stage. However, this is difficult to do, especially if the pool is made by a non-professional.

instructions for building a swimming pool at the dacha. Photo

Usually the work is carried out in several stages. First, the bottom is concreted, making a slope of two degrees towards the drain, then they take on the walls.

In order for the resulting screed to be of better quality, it is necessary to use vibration compactors. While the concrete at the bottom hardens, communications can be laid.

When the concrete at the bottom hardens, the walls are concreted. For this purpose it is installed formwork. The thickness of the resulting wall should be at least forty centimeters. During staged concreting, reinforcement is also performed in two approaches. After installing the formwork, a frame is made, which is connected to the horizontal elements. Concrete is poured and compacted using vibratory compactors. When it hardens, you can begin finishing the surface of the bowl.

Do-it-yourself swimming pool at the dacha. Video

Do-it-yourself multi-level pool at the dacha. Step-by-step instruction

Detailed step-by-step instructions for building a pool are presented in twenty photographs. This is a detailed answer on how to build a swimming pool yourself and without much expense. It does not have a filter, drain or other communications. Water is poured into the bowl, and after a while it is pumped out by a submersible pump and replaced with a new one.

First, a location was chosen and a plan was drawn up. Then a pit is dug. Since it is stepped, the size of each step was verified. Concreting was carried out as excavation proceeded and so on until the very bottom of the pool. A test flood of water shows whether there are any leaks. If they are missing, then the water is pumped out and the concrete surface is painted a nice color.

how to build a swimming pool with your own hands at the dacha. Photo

building a swimming pool with your own hands blog 2016. Photo

This option for arranging a pool with your own hands at the dacha does not require laying sewer for drainage. There is no need to install cleaning devices. All this makes such a pool cheaper and easier to maintain.

DIY polypropylene pool

Pools are built from different materials, one of the possible options is polypropylene. It is reliable, durable, frost-resistant and does not require regular maintenance.

DIY polypropylene pool. Step by step photos

After selecting a location, space marking for the pit. It is better to make it about a meter larger so that you can easily move around the bowl when connecting pipes and other communications. A height mark is fixed where the side should be. You also need to dig about half a meter deeper than the pool bowl. Below will be laid geotextiles, and on it a layer of crushed stone thirty centimeters thick. The remaining twenty centimeters - reinforced concrete.

The pit can be dug by hand or with an excavator. The soil is removed or distributed throughout the site.

The surfaces of the pit are leveled according to the elevation marks, geotextiles and crushed stone are laid, which are carefully compacted. For reinforcement, a mesh of twenty-gauge reinforcement is knitted. The sides of the cells are twenty-five centimeters. To prevent the reinforcement from laying on the crushed stone, place it under bricks.

How to build a polypropylene pool with your own hands. Photo

If a large amount of concrete is required, then it is better to order it ready-made, in a mixer. This will allow the base slab to be poured in one go. Before pouring concrete, beacons made of round metal pipes are installed, which will become the basis of the finished floor. The concrete base is poured half a meter larger than the size of the bowl on all sides.

While the base plate hardens, the components of the bowl are made from polypropylene. For such work you will need welding extruder, equipped with attachments for making different seams. Polypropylene sheets are used, four meters by one and a half meters thick, five and eight millimeters. Five-millimeter propylene is needed to assemble the Roman stairs, because... it bends easier.

Do-it-yourself polypropylene pool at the dacha. Photo

The seams on the outside are welded using shoe, designed for 90 degree seams. The seams on the inside are welded with an oval rod using hot air gun.

The bottom is welded directly in the pit. First, a seam is made with a hand extruder on the reverse side, and then on the other side with a hot air gun and an oval rod.

Before laying the polypropylene sheet for the bottom, the concrete base is covered geotextiles with high density. Then a layer of extruded expanded polystyrene. Before making a pool with your own hands from polypropylene, you should familiarize yourself with the welding technology recommended by the manufacturer of the material.

After joining the polypropylene sheets for the bottom, markings are made on it for attaching the walls. The presence of markings allows you to make a container of exact dimensions with given radii. A welded wall is installed, and a connection is made from the inside with a hot air gun. However, it is not essential, but is required only to ensure that the structure does not move while welding is performed with an extruder from the outside.

After installing the walls, the Roman staircase is fastened.

When the bottom, walls and stairs are assembled into a single structure, the construction of the pool with your own hands continues with fastening stiffeners. They are welded with a welding rod using a hot air gun. The distance between the stiffeners is about sixty centimeters. They use polypropylene, which has a thickness of eight millimeters. Holes are pre-drilled in the planks to accommodate reinforcement with a diameter of 12 mm. The holes are made at a distance of half a meter. There is no need to place ribs on rounded areas, since the rigidity of polypropylene is maximum there. The walls of the bowl are insulated with foam plastic, which is placed between the stiffeners.

Four are installed in the pool bowl injectors, skimmer and bottom drain. A hole should be provided in advance for the drain. If you forget about it, then the drain is placed in the wall, but in this case you will need a submersible pump to completely remove all the water from the bowl. All holes in polypropylene sheets can be drilled with a tool, pre intended for wood.

The injectors are tied with pipes made of polyvinyl chloride. They are glued together using special glue. The gluing process is simple. The pipe is sanded to the length of the gluing and the inside of the connecting element (coupling, angle). The end of the pipe is chamfered at an angle of approximately forty-five degrees. Apply glue to the pipe and connecting element with a brush. The pipe is inserted until it stops. The glue hardens in about four minutes.

Placed on installed pipes insulation material. When pouring concrete, it can be torn off, so the surface is additionally wrapped with tape.

step-by-step instructions for building a swimming pool. Photo

Proper connection will help ensure the same water pressure in all nozzles. First, they are combined in pairs, and then a highway is inserted in the center of the pair connection.

It is better to install filtration units, heat exchanger and other devices in the basement. Pipes are laid in trenches and insulated.

To prevent the concrete from pressing too hard on the walls of the pool, the formwork is installed from the outside and inside. The internal formwork is fixed relative to the ground surface and sides. The procedure for pouring concrete is as follows. Formwork 30 cm high is placed, 30 cm of water is collected in the pool and a layer of concrete of the same thickness is poured. A day later, the pool is filled another 30 cm, the formwork is moved and the next layer of concrete is poured.

The manufacture of a pool with your own hands is completed by finishing processes.

What could a country pool look like?

The design of a country pool can be almost anything. Photos of pools at the dacha can give a general idea.