Chicory soluble which manufacturer is better. How to choose a quality chicory? Contraindications for use

One of the most popular beverages, chicory is considered by many to be a healthy alternative to coffee. You can buy it in a jar, in the form of a soluble powder or paste. It has long been proven its positive effect on the central nervous system, lowering blood sugar levels, normalizing the body's metabolic processes and, accordingly, reducing body weight. Many companies are engaged in the production of chicory. To date, there has even been a certain rating of the best brands of instant chicory for 2020. So what is this plant, and what is its great benefit to the body?

As in any other case, all the healing properties of a particular plant directly depend on the substances, vitamins, minerals and trace elements that have a beneficial effect on the body in its composition. The plant can be seen in two versions:

  • Root;
  • Salad (leaf).

The root part contains the main part of vitamins, tannins and fiber. As for the salad version, it differs more in the fleshy root part and stems.

The main active substance of chicory - inulin - fiber, the use of which has a positive effect on the intestinal microflora. About the so-called bifidobacteria of the intestine, only the lazy have not heard. But far from everyone knows that it is these microorganisms that feed inulin.

Product preparation

To prepare a soluble concentrate, chicory extraction is used. It is prepared in three stages:

  1. The dry root is roasted;
  2. A strong “tincture” is brewed from the root;
  3. "Tincture" is dried in a sublimator oven.

As a result of this sequence of processes, a powder is obtained, which is offered to consumers in pharmacies and grocery stores.

Properties of a drink made from chicory

With the help of scientific research, it has long been proven that chicory is especially useful for those who have semi-finished products, concentrates and semi-finished flour products at the heart of their diet (this is especially true for products made from white flour). It is in such cases that a cup will be especially useful - the second chicory drink. According to the leading nutritionists of the world, it is with its help that you can successfully deal with dysbacteriosis and constipation.

It will be useful to include chicory in the diet even if a vegetable or fruit diet is planned. This will provide the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract with additional nutrition and ensure its full functioning. That is, a session of "emergency weight loss" will not cause either bloating or diarrhea.

Also, do not forget about one interesting feature of the root. It strongly resembles the taste of coffee. That is why this somewhat tart drink is enjoyed by all connoisseurs of natural coffee.

Benefits during pregnancy

For all women who are in an "interesting" position, doctors recommend changing their usual coffee to a chicory drink. This castling will help get rid of:

  • Gestosis;
  • heartburn;
  • constipation;
  • Feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

Treatment of diabetes and obesity

Drinking a chicory drink is useful for both diabetes mellitus and the second type of obesity. It is inulin that has the property of lowering the glycemic index of many foods. This, accordingly, greatly facilitates the well-being of patients and reduces their almost irresistible desire to eat something sweet. To achieve the maximum effect, twenty minutes before a meal, you need to drink 150 ml of decoction.

However, like all other medicinal plants, chicory should be used with caution. As they say, everything is good in moderation. For example, too frequent use of the product can lead to aggravation of vein diseases.

Beauty and weight loss

A huge amount of vitamins and nutrients included in the vitamin-mineral complex contained in chicory (A, E, B 1, B2, B3, C, PP) in combination with the calcium, potassium and magnesium in it help to maintain not only your health but also beauty.

The purpose of most of the above substances is to maintain excellent skin tone and speedy restoration of the body's collagen cells. For the same reason, the product is successfully used for weight loss.


Despite the presence of numerous useful substances in the substance and its obvious benefits, there is also a list of contraindications indicating that not everyone can use the soluble product. The thing is that in some cases, instead of being beneficial, it can do quite a lot of harm.

True, it should be noted that there are few contraindications to the use of chicory and its beneficial properties predominate significantly. So, for example, you should not combine it with antibiotics. This combination can disrupt the absorption of medications.

It is undesirable to use it for those who suffer from varicose veins or hemorrhoids. With regular use, chicory promotes vasodilation and, accordingly, exacerbates health problems.

Another category of people who are not recommended drinks based on chicory are people with various types of allergies to ascorbic acid. That is, if a person cannot eat citrus fruits without negative consequences for the body, when eating currants, he begins to develop a rash, then a decoction of chicory should not be consumed either. Exceptions, of course, are possible, but it is recommended to visit an allergist and undergo appropriate tests.

Medical studies have confirmed the fact that this wild plant is not useful for bronchial asthma. But, in any case, when buying chicory-based drinks to the table, it is necessary to carefully study their composition. Here, the main secret lies in the fact that many varieties of this plant, which are artificially cultivated by humans, are enriched with additional substances piece by piece. That is why, the exact composition of a particular powder can only be found out by carefully reading the product label.

Here we are talking, first of all, about the quantity and quality of the inulin contained in it. So, 75% of this useful substance is found exclusively in the fully ripened roots of the plant. If the manufacturer is not distinguished by responsibility and scrupulousness, it is possible to add block pectin instead of inulin. This makes production cheaper and, accordingly, provides additional benefits to dishonest producers.

So, in order for the decoction to be not only tasty, but also healthy, it is necessary to purchase soluble chicory powder, on the label of which it is indicated - a natural extract. In this case, you should avoid products on the labels of which it is indicated:

  • artificially enriched;
  • Tinted;
  • Sweetened.

These versions of the product can do much more harm than good.

Best instant chicory for 2020

So, we offer the best brands of instant chicory for 2020.

Chicory drink "Health"

The indicators of this zirconium powder and the already prepared drink fully comply with all regulatory requirements. It has a pronounced aroma and taste inherent in chicory. Also, "Health" is fully appropriate:

  • Moisture content;
  • Complete solubility in both cold and hot water.

At the same time, it completely lacks third-party additives, including metallomagnetic particles. Not found in "Health" and caffeine, which, by the way, should not be contained in a powder made from a natural root.

According to the results of the examination, the percentage of inulin, a polysaccharide useful for the human body, fully corresponds to the declared indicators (over 30%). In this drink it is 54.5%. The combination of the results of all the above tests and examinations suggests that the Zdorovye drink is indeed a natural chicory extract.

Chicory drink "Health


  • The obvious benefits of the product, due to the high content of inulin;
  • Sealed packaging and ZIP fastener.


  • Not seen.

"Russian chicory"

Produced in the city of Yaroslavl, "Russian Chicory" is a natural instant drink produced in full compliance with all the requirements of GOST.

According to the results of a series of laboratory studies, no violations in the production of the drink were found. It does not contain pathogenic microorganisms, E. coli bacteria, yeast and mold.

The content of heavy metals is also within the normal range. We are talking about such metals as lead, arsenic, cadmium and mercury, and aflatoxin was not detected.

Not noted in the drink and caffeine. Its main indicators - appearance, color, taste and aromatic properties also fully comply with GOST standards.

The drink contains 30.1% inulin (at a rate of 30%).

Russian chicory


  • Optimal content of inulin;
  • Sealed package with ZIP closure.


  • Not marked

The classic instant drink GreatLife, which is produced in the Leningrad region (the village of Novy Svet), is no longer so ideal compared to its predecessors. First of all, he received such reviews from experts and buyers due to the low content of inulin (its percentage is lower than the norms established for the optimal content of this substance). Also, organoleptic indicators and solubility are not characteristic of a drink from chicory.

At the same time, aflotoxin was not found in the drink, and the indicators of toxic elements are within the normal range. But, unfortunately, the same cannot be said about the content of mold in the drink. True, it does not exceed the permissible values, but the indicator is close to the upper limit of the norm. Genetically modified elements were not found by examination. Not found in GreatLife and traces of metal impurities and caffeine.

Within the permissible limits, all physical and chemical indicators of the drink:

  • Mass fraction of moisture;
  • Absolute solubility in both hot and cold water.

At the same time, the organoleptic characteristics of the drink leave much to be desired:

  • Watery slightly sweet taste;
  • Aroma with hints of caramel;
  • In the powder, impurities of light tones are noticeable.

The last remark definitely indicates the presence of impurities in the drink. It is believed that all violations in the quality of the finished product are due to violations:

  • In the modes of heat treatment;
  • Selection of low quality raw materials.

Here the whole point is that if the temperature during the processing of raw materials (extraction and drying) is too high, the process of destruction of inulin will inevitably begin. This leads to its low content in the drink.

This is also facilitated by raw materials of low quality, and even high-quality, which was not properly stored. And finally, one cannot fail to mention the possible falsification of products, when chicory, which is more expensive in terms of cost, is replaced by cheaper grain analogues, which, accordingly, do not contain the required amount of inulin.

Instant Classic GreatLife


  • Low cost of the product.


  • The actual content of inulin is 3 times less than the norm - only 9.6%;
  • Inconsistency in organoleptic indicators.

Chicory Dr. Dias

Classic instant chicory drink Dr. Dias is produced in Yaroslavl. The content of inulin in it is much less than the expected norm. In addition, many note a somewhat sour taste of the drink.

It contains absolutely no genetically modified organisms, caffeine and metal-magnetic impurities. The organoleptic characteristics of the drink, with the exception of a slightly sour taste, correspond to the norm.

As for the content of inulin, it is almost 2.5 times lower than the minimum values. This in itself indicates both the quality of the chicory used in the production, and violations in the process of thermal processing of the product. A possible reason for the rather low quality of the drink is considered by many to be falsification - the replacement of an expensive product with cheaper, but lower quality crops.

Chicory Dr. Dias


  • Low cost;


  • Insufficient content of inulin;
  • Sour taste of the product.

Chicory "Tselebnik" is produced in one of the Moscow city districts. No toxic elements were found in it, but, unfortunately, the direct content of inulin leaves much to be desired.

At the same time, laboratory studies did not find traces of genetically modified organisms. Not found in the product and caffeine. The experts have no special comments on the indicators of color, appearance and aroma. The only thing they pay attention to is the low content of the main active ingredient in the drink - inulin (this figure is almost 3.5 times less than the norm). Moreover, it is even less than the numbers indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer. As in other cases, low inulin content may be due to:

  • Falsification - replacing chicory with cheaper grain analogues;
  • Violations in the heat treatment of the product - too high a temperature;
  • Low quality of raw materials;
  • Improper storage.

Accordingly, at the moment there are comments on the product that do not allow experts to put it in the top three drinks with chicory.

Chicory "Tselebnik" natural soluble


  • Low cost.


  • Low content of inulin.

Summing up

Given that a high-quality chicory drink is made exclusively from natural products and does not contain caffeine at all, its benefits to the human body are obvious.

In addition, chicory has the ability to remove toxins from the body (we are talking about the liver, kidneys, gallbladder). Unfortunately, almost 80% of the chicory on the shelves of our stores are fake. What should you pay attention to when buying a powder so that it really benefits the body and does not harm in any way? First of all it is:

  • Homogeneous structure and color of soluble powder;
  • In water, chicory dissolves completely without residue (for verification, you can filter the drink using ordinary gauze).

If violations are noticed on one of the points, this indicates the addition of maltadextrin (corn flour, molasses, and in fact sugar) to the drink. It is especially dangerous to purchase such a drink for people with diabetes.

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- precious drink

Pros: text

Cons: none

Choosing chicory

Chicory is a plant from the Compositae family, which has flowers somewhat reminiscent of blue cornflower. It is sometimes referred to as the blue flower. Such names as shcherbak, or roadside grass, have taken root less.

It is from this plant, or rather from its roots, that the well-known chicory drink is prepared. For many, chicory is a kind of coffee substitute, only which brings great benefits. However, for some reason, coffee came to the fore, and chicory was undeservedly sent to the background. Nevertheless, this drink is so useful that it can be consumed even by children and women during pregnancy. Which is hard to say about coffee. However, before you buy chicory, you should figure out what exactly you are buying.

First of all, it should be said that in Russia a drink made from chicory has been known for a long time. It was used back in the 19th century, and moreover, in different places in Russia. The usual thing in the preparation of the drink was the roasting of chicory roots. Currently, raw chicory is harvested on special plantations, and it can be bought in a variety of shops and supermarkets. In any case, in a large city or metropolis, there will never be problems with this. Most often you can find soluble chicory on sale, but insoluble ones are also found.

According to the national standard, good quality drink chicory is a fine fine powder. It is colored in different shades of brown, it can be light brown or dark brown. By and large, this does not greatly affect its properties. A well-prepared drink has a rather pleasant taste, which is slightly bitter. The main useful substance of chicory is inulin, it is contained in a good quality product at least 30%.

What are the varieties of chicory

Chicory is classified according to how and how the roots are processed. Liquid chicory extract is prepared by evaporating the liquid that is obtained from the roots in a multi-step process. To prepare soluble chicory, the roots are ground, followed by roasting, then an extract is made from them, and then it is dried. However, you can get this option in another way, more gentle. In this case, a powder is prepared by the type of evaporation of a liquid extract. Finally, ground chicory can be obtained by roasting and grinding the roots. According to most experts, it is ground chicory that is the most useful, while in this case there is no heat treatment, and many useful components are lost during roasting. It should also be noted that in this case it is very convenient and quick to prepare a chicory drink. Many people prefer to prepare chicory in the traditional way, by roasting and grinding the roots. However, ground chicory is quite rare to find in supermarkets and in general in simple stores. Soluble chicory is sold everywhere and everywhere, it is produced by many manufacturers. The advantage is that it cooks fairly quickly, similar to liquid extract.

When buying this product, it is important not to forget that there are often fakes or falsifications. Most often, soluble chicory powder is faked, as well as a ground product. Unscrupulous manufacturers quite often add various other additional ingredients to chicory powder, such as cheap rye flour, as well as barley flour or oats.

Other components of chicory falsification is a substance such as maltodextrin. When taking this component, there is a sharp jump in blood glucose, which is comparable to the type of regular sugar. If a person has diabetes, then it is really dangerous to use such a product, since you can get serious health problems.

There are certain options for identifying hidden unwanted components in chicory. For example, you can make a slightly transparent solution of the drink, and add a few drops of iodine there. If a purple dye has formed, then there is added ground barley, or oats, or other sounds. In this case, we are dealing with a starch-iodine reaction, since starch gives a blue color with iodine. If the chicory powder is very dusty, very light-colored, then most likely maltodextrin is present here, and it is advisable not to buy such a product at all, so as not to make problems for yourself.

Also, when buying, you should pay attention to what kind of packaging the drink is. Chicory powder is quite hygroscopic and can absorb large amounts of moisture. Thus, if you take a lot of it and do not drink it for a long time, then it can simply be banned and lose its properties. Moldy chicory is no longer suitable for consumption, and it has a direct path to the trash. Therefore, it is desirable that the packaging be metallized, sealed, and even better if it is vacuum packaging.

Do not take products in plastic packaging or paper. For the same reasons as listed above.

What is important to remember and know

The taste of a chicory drink depends on how its roots are roasted. The darker the drink you buy, the richer the flavor will be. However, there is some inverse relationship regarding the beneficial properties of chicory. The more light the chicory powder is, the more useful components it will contain, and, accordingly, the more benefits it will have for the body.

If you buy a package of an instant drink, you should definitely feel it well. If you feel various hard lumps and agglomerations, then the storage conditions have clearly been violated, so the drink has gained moisture and, due to its hygroscopicity, has crumpled.

If the drink has a very strong and pungent smell, as they say with too much, then most likely it was not without the addition of flavorings. It is better not to buy a drink with flavors, because it is not known what effect it will have on the body. We also pay attention to what country the drink comes from. It is better if it is grown up in the conditions of soft Mediterranean. Therefore, it is better if you buy French chicory, German or Polish. In Russia, most of all chicory has always been grown and is now grown in the territory of the Yaroslavl region.

Drinks from different manufacturers differ to a certain extent, even if it is the same France or Poland. You can buy one brand and you will like one, while another brand produced in the same country may turn out to be in a completely different taste and aroma. In short, it all comes down to taste preferences.

It should not be forgotten that at home it can sometimes be quite difficult to determine what quality your drink is and how natural it is. This can only be reliably said if laboratory tests are verified. It is thanks to them that you can determine if the drink was falsified, or you are dealing with a natural product. Indeed, at present they have learned to make fakes quite skillfully, and even in laboratories it is not always possible to clearly find out everything.

Chicory gained popularity due to its healing properties and taste, reminiscent of coffee. Choosing a drink is not easy, because manufacturers mix cereals into it. For example, oats, barley, rye and maltadextrin are components harmful to diabetics. To get pleasure and benefit from your favorite drink, you need to know how to choose high-quality chicory.


The drink is made from the root of the plant and, depending on the method of processing, receives different variations of the final product. There are three types:

  1. Soluble or powder. Obtained by evaporation method.
  2. Liquid. This is an extract of chicory root, often used in cooking. It is convenient to drink it in the morning, because it takes 1-2 minutes to prepare.
  3. Ground. The root of the plant is washed, dried and then ground. The sublimation method preserves the maximum of useful substances.

In this ranking, it is difficult to determine the best chicory, since each of them has a unique taste. To determine the winner for yourself, taste each of the options. For a change, you can drink the drink with milk, lemon, cream and various types of spices.

Beware of fakes

Most of the soluble chicory contains cereal flour, which increases the weight of the raw material and reduces its quality. It is not uncommon to find maltadextrin (thickener and flavoring) in the composition. It increases blood glucose, so diabetics should use it with caution.

Which chicory is better: instant, ground or liquid? The latter is the most difficult to fake, so give preference to it.

How to find out what the composition contains harmful components:

  • Dilute half a teaspoon of chicory in a glass of water and add a drop of iodine. If blue stains appear in the liquid, it means that the manufacturer added ground cereals (they contain starch that reacts with iodine).
  • The powder has a reddish hue and is very dusty - the main sign that maltadextrin is present in the composition.

Not infrequently, manufacturers indicate the use of these components on the packaging. Always study the composition, if it is written in a foreign language and does not have a translation - refrain from buying.

How to choose chicory by packaging

Chicory is a product that quickly absorbs moisture, so the packaging must be airtight, or better - vacuum. Paper and plastic are not suitable, since the shelf life of the product in such containers is reduced to 1-2 weeks. Use of transparent glass jars is allowed.

Pay attention to the country of origin of the goods. The mild Mediterranean climate is ideal for plant growth. Buy products made in France, Poland and Germany.

How to choose the right soluble powder

Before you buy chicory, read the reviews about it. After that, you can check the quality of the drink yourself:

  1. Normally, the powder is of a uniform color without light or dark blotches. The hue varies depending on the degree of roasting, it is usually dark or light brown.
  2. The taste is rich, spicy, with a slight bitterness. Inulin adds sweetness to the drink and does not cause an increase in blood sugar.
  3. Buy only fresh chicory, over time it is saturated with moisture and loses its taste and beneficial properties.
  4. If seals are felt in the package, you do not need to buy it.
  5. The powder must be crushed into granules with a diameter of 1 millimeter. If the chicory you bought is pulverized, it contains cereal flour.

Store instant drink in hermetically sealed containers, glass jars or vacuum bags are ideal for this.

How to choose the right liquid chicory

It is easiest to choose high-quality liquid chicory, only positive reviews are written about it on the Web. You can take such a product in the store "without looking."

It is bought based on three characteristics:

  1. Color. A rich coffee shade speaks of high quality. Light stains or lumps indicate improper storage of the batch.
  2. Smell. The aroma is spicy with a slight sourness, reminiscent of coffee.
  3. Tasting. The taste is rich, sour. Due to inulin, a drink from chicory turns out to be moderately sweet, it is better to drink it without sweeteners.

Store in a closed container in the refrigerator. Use liquid chicory as soon as possible, as essential oils and characteristic spicy aromas evaporate from it.

How to choose the best freeze-dried and ground chicory

Freeze-dried chicory is almost impossible to fake, so it is not necessary to study reviews on the Internet before buying it. When choosing a coffee drink, focus on two indicators:

  1. Packing quality. The product must be hermetically sealed, it has the ability to absorb moisture and odors.
  2. appearance of the granules. Shake the jar if there are no sticky lumps - the goods were stored correctly.

It is better to drink sublimated chicory during the day and in the evening, as it has a calming effect. Store in a dark and dry place. It is recommended to adhere to the temperature regime specified by the manufacturer.

Best chicory: test purchase and producer rating

To check the quality of food products, a test purchase was carried out in supermarkets, markets and food stalls (wherever it is most convenient for a person to buy food). The samples were sent for laboratory and technical examination.

ManufacturerProduct NameCompliance in compositionInulin content
"FLAGIST""Fitodar" (sealed packaging)NotHigh glucose
STOKROS"Russian chicory" (sealed packaging)YesNo deviation
NovaProduct AG"Bionova" (sealed packaging)Not15% less than advertised
"Khutorok" (sealed packaging)YesNo deviation
"Slavcoffee""Tselebnik" (sealed packaging)Not57% less than stated
«Coffee company «Around the world»"Health" (sealed packaging)YesNo deviation
"Coffee and chicory plant" ARONAP ""Golden spine" (sealed packaging)YesNo deviation

The test purchase showed that high-quality and correct chicory can only be obtained by trial and error (regardless of price). In the production process, ingredients not listed in the composition are often added to it. They can't do any harm, but they can't do any good either. Choose a coffee drink based on taste and pricing.

Test purchase

- Healthy drink

Advantages: benefits, variety of flavors and release options

Cons: none in particular

Personally, in my opinion, chicory is a very specific, original drink, it may not be to everyone's taste and is hardly really capable of replacing the same coffee. But there are also fans, and there are many of them. How many different brands, brands, manufacturers involved in the production of chicory have become.

Oddly enough, but the price, volume, benefits, taste and many other parameters differ depending on the product. And when you are poorly versed in the variations of this product, the question reasonably arises, which one is better to buy chicory, so as not to miscalculate and not throw money away.

What is store-bought chicory?

This product is available in various forms.

Firstly, packages with pieces of chopped chicory root are sometimes found on sale. The pieces are fried. Using them at home to create a drink is not difficult at all: you need to crush, grind, for example, in a meat grinder and coffee grinder, and then brew.

Secondly, chicory extract. This is the liquid form of this product, dark in color. One of the most basic options to use.

Thirdly, soluble chicory powder, usually marked "freeze-dried". How to brew chicory in this form is clear without further ado.

Fourthly, a ground product created from grinding roasted roots. In fact, this is a conditional analogue of the first option, only requiring less time and energy costs before use and consumption.

Which option is considered the best?

The benefits of the drink will be regardless of its original form. Now you can buy chicory in almost every "physical" store, but you can also order it online on websites. However, in the second case, it will be impossible or very difficult to check the composition in advance and at least the appearance of the product.

Chicory extract is especially useful, it is often more natural, concentrated. And it is easier to check its suitability for consumption. Parashkovye and root analogues need a closer inspection before purchase.

How to choose?

In the case of the liquid version, it is enough to examine the consistency through the glass of the container, pay attention to the color and carefully read the composition on the label.

When you want to buy chicory powder, you need to pay more attention to the choice. The shade should be uniform, it may vary in tone depending on the variety and manufacturer. At the same time, the granules should not be too small, otherwise the aroma, taste and quality of the drink will be lost. If it is possible to feel the packaging, then it is worth doing it. There should not be any lumps inside. According to the date of manufacture, it is better to buy chicory as fresh as possible, although the shelf life can be long, but older batches of the product lose their useful properties. Evaluating the composition here is just as important as in the case of the liquid form.

When choosing chicory roots, you need to evaluate their appearance, inspect the packaging, check the composition and production date.

Be sure to pay attention to the presence of a mark that the product is manufactured in accordance with GOST. The presence of additional positive information on the package will only be a plus. And you should not buy any version of this drink, which contains starch.

If the drink has already been bought, but there are some doubts about how good it is, a sample is indispensable. The taste should be slightly bitter, but pleasant if you like chicory by itself. There should be no foreign tastes or odors.

Examples of Good Chicory Brands

Under this brand, products are manufactured by the Russian Product company. The quality and reviews of this chicory are quite positive. The line of the drink is wide, there is pure chicory, latte, as well as with aromatic flavors, for example, with strawberry extract in the composition.

Producer - international company "Strauss Group". There are drink options with the addition of beneficial extracts (ginseng, sea buckthorn, raspberry, green tea).

The brand is produced by the company "Vokrug sveta". Here you will also find a variety of options in an extensive line of chicory. For example, there are very useful options with taiga herbs, chamomile and St. John's wort. This product has a very convenient soft packaging, which will allow you to store the drink without any problems.

Other worthy options include "Bionov's Chicory" and "Russian Chicory".

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