Vision Healing Meditation: Specific Techniques and Indications. Home meditation to improve vision

Trataka is a meditation for the treatment of vision. To get rid of eye fatigue and prevent further deterioration of vision, it is useful to do the yoga practice of Tratak. This is a special meditation for the eyes, in which one must focus on the brightest part of the flame of a candle or oil lamp.

Look at the flame without blinking - until tears come in both eyes. After that, you must close your eyes and wait until the tears dry; don't look at the flame anymore. It is enough to do this practice once a day in the evening before going to bed, it takes 1-3 minutes (with experience, the time is reduced). After doing Trataka, meditation goes very well, and only good dreams are dreamed.

Trataka works with the Ajna Chakra "Third Eye", therefore, not only prevents eye diseases, but also increases intuition (seeing "through and through" people and the dynamics of situation development), promotes optimal decision-making, and improves the quality of dreams. Trataka is an attempt to control your attention and reduce the level of uncontrolled mental noise. One of the effects of trataka is to improve vision.

1. Contemplation of the candle is performed while sitting with a straight back.

2. The candle is positioned so that the flame is at eye level and at arm's length.

3. Before contemplating the candle, be sure to close your eyes for a few minutes and soothe.

4. We open our eyes and look at the candle (the minimum execution time is 15 minutes, the more the better). We don't move, we don't blink. We try, if possible, not even to move our eyeballs. The secret is not to strain your eyes from the beginning - then the tears do not come up so quickly. If your eyes are still tired, we calmly close them, rest for 15-20 seconds, then continue the practice.

5. Tracking our brain's attempts to immerse itself in thought. If we have realized that some thought is spinning in our head, we calmly state this fact, and then let go of the thought from our head “at will”. Instead of struggling with thoughts, we just “don't think” of them.

6. Looking at the flame of a candle, we see it as it is. Yes, we know that flames are the result of a hydrocarbon oxidation reaction. We know that it is hot, and you can burn about it. We know that it has a name - “flame”. But during trataka, all this knowledge must be forgotten. We just look at the fire, forgetting that it is called by this word. We look at a wild animal that does not know words looking at a forest fire.

7. At the end of the practice, close our eyes for 2-3 minutes and contemplate the “imprint” of the candle flame on the retina. We try to keep this imprint in front of our inner gaze as long as possible. A sign that everything is being done correctly: at some point, all surrounding objects and their outlines disappear from our field of vision, and only the candle flame remains.

If you are already familiar with, then you probably noticed how much attention its author pays to the state of the human psyche. Bates said that vision is 90% mental and only 10% physical. Therefore, it is not surprising that vision deteriorates mainly in people who often experience negative emotions and do not cope well with the consequences of psycho-emotional stress.

The oldest Indian system of spiritual and physical improvement - yoga - gave the world most effective remedy to relieve mental stress and combat stress - meditation.

Meditation is a special type of exercise that brings a person into a special state called mindless awareness. During meditation, the mental activity of the brain that causes stress is completely extinguished, without affecting the vital activity of a person. Meditation involves the concentration of the mind (consciousness) on a certain physical phenomenon: surf, breathing, sound rhythms, light, etc ...

Scientific studies have shown that a person who meditates twice a day for 15 minutes significantly improves their psychological and physical condition.

Most scientists agree that the healing and anti-stress effect of meditation is due to the activation of the parasympathetic nervous system person. Psycho-emotional stress, on the contrary, is accompanied by the activity of the sympathetic nervous system, which includes extreme situations fight-or-flight mechanism. Rest, and especially meditation, markedly reduces the level of "stress hormones" in the blood and reduces the activity of the sympathetic nervous system. During meditation, parasympathetic activity increases, which is manifested in a slowdown of the heart rate and an improvement in blood flow to the internal organs.

Few people practice meditation to heal the body and mind, believing that to master it, you need to study for a long time and it is not available to everyone. Modern technology makes it possible for anyone to feel the healing power of meditation without any preparation.

I want to dwell in more detail on the meditative audio program "Normalization of vision". This psychoactive audio program was developed by the Robert Monroe Institute, whose staff has been engaged in research in the field of human consciousness and psyche for over 40 years.

The work of the "Vision Normalization" audio program is based on the development of the Robert Monroe Institute - the Hemi-Sync technology (chemisync), which uses vibrations of a certain type (alpha, beta, theta or delta frequencies) in the brain to excite. In addition to binaural beats, sounds of nature (the sound of the surf, wind, etc.) and verbal instructions are used to immerse yourself in a meditative state.

The Vision Normalization program is divided into two parts, each 30 minutes long: preparatory and developmental. The task of the preparatory part is to enable the student to master the meditative state “the body is asleep - the mind is awake”. In the developmental part, the achieved state “the body is asleep - the mind is awake” is used as the basis for starting the life processes in the meditating body that are characteristic of healthy eyes.

All that is required of you to work with the “Vision Normalization” audio program is to put on high-quality stereo headphones, find a quiet place where no one will disturb you, and faithfully follow the voice instructions contained in the program.

You do not have to worry that during meditation you will lose control over your mind and body: there are no instructions in the audio program aimed at the subconscious and you are in complete control and control of your physical and mental state.

You can download the psychoactive audio program "Normalization of vision" at the link below:

The state of the human psyche has great value in the matter of his physical health. In particular, human vision is 90% mental process, and only 10% is a physical process. People who often experience and poorly cope with the consequences of psycho-emotional stress, visual impairment is observed much more often. Self meditation for vision is very effective as a method of relieving mental stress and protecting against stress.

Meditation technique to restore vision

In the process of meditation, the mental activity of the brain, which causes stress, fades away, without affecting the vital functions of a person. The meditator enters a special state called mindless awareness. Meditation of any type, including powerful meditation to improve vision, involves the concentration of consciousness on a certain object or physical phenomenon.

Doing homework meditation for the eyes twice a day for 15 minutes, you will significantly improve your vision, as your mood and physical well-being will change. The anti-stress effect of meditative exercises is caused by the activation of the parasympathetic nervous system, while psycho-emotional stress is accompanied by the activity of the sympathetic nervous system, which includes the “fight or flight” instinct in dangerous situations. Deep rest, and especially meditation, significantly reduces the level of stress hormones in the blood and soothes the activity of the sympathetic nervous system.

Good Meditation for Better Vision - Yoga for Your Eyes

During meditation practices parasympathetic activity increases. These changes in the nervous system are manifested in a slowing down of the heart rate. In addition, the level of blood flow to the internal organs increases. When you do vision meditation at home, you heal your organ of vision and improve your mental state.

Unfortunately, there are not many people who practice yoga to heal their body and mind. People believe that it takes years of study to meditate and heal themselves, and that meditation is not available to everyone. but modern technologies allow anyone seeking knowledge and change to experience meditation. And this requires minimal training. There are specific psychoactive audio programs that have a positive effect on human consciousness and psyche. It is about unique meditations to improve vision.

Unique meditation for the eyes - normalization of vision audio program

Such programs use binaural sound beats to excite certain types of vibrations in the brain: alpha, beta, theta, or delta frequencies. In addition to binaural beats, various sounds of nature and vocal verbal instructions are used as a background for immersion in a state of meditation for the eyes. These meditation programs include, for example, the "Normalize Vision" program - an effective meditation to improve vision.

To get an excellent result, all you have to do with the Normalize Vision audio program is to put on high-quality stereo headphones, find a clean, quiet place where no one will interfere with you, and carefully and accurately follow the voice instructions contained in the program. Don't worry about losing control of your mind while meditating for the eyes. This audio program has no attitudes aimed at the area of ​​the unconscious, i.e. you will have complete control over your physical and mental state.

Healing meditation to improve vision is based on restoring the psycho-emotional balance of a person, stabilizing metabolic processes and normalizing blood pressure. It is important to remember that for serious pathologies of the visual apparatus, complex treatment is indicated, including taking medications and special exercises. Meditations should be done with a thorough study of the technical basis.

What are the benefits of meditation?

An ancient Indian teaching claims that vision problems in 90% of cases are caused by psychological reasons... Therefore, for recovery, it is necessary to stabilize the central nervous system and reduce the amount of stress.

People who regularly practice meditation to restore vision, after 2-3 days, notice the following improvements:

  • decreases the activity of the sympathetic nervous system;
  • vision improves;
  • the nervous system is strengthened;
  • relieves the tension of the optic nerve;
  • intracranial eye pressure decreases;
  • stress resistance increases;
  • improves blood microcirculation.

Preparing for meditation

The lesson begins with complete relaxation.

It is recommended to practice 2 times a day for 15 minutes. to heal vision and improve mental well-being. Optimal time- in the morning and in the evening. V stressful situations meditation for the eyes also has the desired relaxing effect. To practice better at home in complete silence or by turning on a special mantra. The light needs to be turned off. To prepare for the technique, you must sit in the lotus position on a pad or yoga mat. You should completely relax, but you should not bend your back. Crossed arm positions will interfere with the circulation of energy, so that the palms are resting on the knees. Within 5-6 minutes, you should breathe calmly, listening to the body. The technique is performed correctly if all thoughts disappear from the head.

Healing practice

Meditation for vision and improving concentration is performed according to the following simple scheme:

It is recommended to conduct classes in the dark.
  • A candle is installed at a distance of 1-2 m from the eyes.
  • It is necessary to look at the fire without blinking. As soon as there is a feeling of eye strain, you should move on to the next item. The tears that come out are a normal reaction of the body.
  • You should close your eyes and feel the fire in front of you. The more detailed the picture is and the clearer the sensations, the better.
  • As soon as the visualization loses clarity, you need to look at the candle again. You can repeat the cycle 3-4 times.
  • The optimal duration of a healing session is 20 minutes. In the early stages, if your eyes get very tired, you can finish earlier.

Stop internal dialogue in the first sessions is difficult. Having caught yourself on a certain thought, you should stop and imagine how light fills your head.

If you regularly practice Trataka meditation, your eyesight will soon improve.

Meditation means to be "here" right now or in the "present moment." Meditation helps us in our Everyday life... Meditation is an ancient practice for gaining higher consciousness or enlightenment. V modern world people mainly practice meditation to relax, relieve stress, or increase concentration. However, few people know that for almost any physical problem there are effective methods meditation. In this article, I would like to tell you how you can successfully use meditation to improve your vision.

How can you improve your eyesight?

Individuals suffering from myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, or any other eye disease also report a decrease in their quality of life. The most common solution for visual impairment is to wear contact lenses or eyeglasses. Many people agree to undergo LASIK surgery to normalize their vision. However, these methods are not always helpful as their effects may not last in the long term. Therefore, in this article, I will tell you about one important meditation practice that will help you improve your vision.

Meditation techniques to improve vision

The Trataka Meditation Technique will help you easily get rid of your vision problems. This type of meditation is simple: you need to sit comfortably and look at a specific object for a certain period of time.

You can improve your vision by focusing on this object. Over time, you will find that your eyes will see better every day. This meditation can be done in the following two ways.

Two ways to meditate to improve vision

Let's look at two ways to do this meditation technique:

  1. One must look at the light of a candle;
  2. You need to look at a small object.

Ways to Prepare for Trataka Meditation

In order to prepare for this meditation practice, you must sit in the lotus position on the mat. Your body should be relaxed, your back and neck should be straight; legs crossed. You should have candlelight in front of you, which is at the level of your eyes. The flame should be small. The candle should be about 1 m from your eyes. You can also use a small object, but keep it 2m away from you. You should now continue to look at the object without blinking. Initially, meditation should not exceed 20 minutes. If you notice tension in your eyes, stop meditating. Your eyes will be filled with moisture and your vision will improve.

Finally, close your eyes and try to feel the object or candle flame with your inner mind and eyes. When the image dissolves, you will need to start meditation again.

If you regularly practice Trataka meditation, your eyesight will soon improve. This meditation not only improves your eyesight, but it also raises your concentration levels.

How can you improve your meditation?

A good way to improve your meditation is to know exactly what you are trying to heal. After meditation, you will notice every day that your particular problem is getting better and better. It is known that vision problems can be caused by different problems(including high eye pressure, oncology, etc.). How long have you been to the optometrist? Are you suffering from glaucoma? Remember your eyes are demanding special attention and worries. Usually people do not pay attention to self-cleaning or do not take proper care of their eyes. But this is all as long as the vision does not significantly deteriorate.

You must learn to take care of your eyes, rinse them with clean, slightly cool water. This will refresh your eyes and help keep them clean. If you do yoga, you should be aware that you should not do exercises such as Sarvangasana or Shirshasana (headstand), as well as inverted asanas or postures that increase intraocular pressure. It is better to practice meditation and pranayama (breathing) techniques that do not create pressure in the head, but will help you release tension and thereby improve vision.