What is timber frame houses? What is a frame house: types of construction

In this article, you will learn all the pros and cons of the construction of frame houses, as well as read the reviews of people who live or have ever lived in such a house. So let's start with the advantages and disadvantages of frame houses.

The advantages of frame houses

Frame houses are common in Russia lately

The most important advantage of such housing is that you can easily save on construction costs. That is, it does not require large cash costs. Such houses are very common in Russia lately.

Buildings made of such material are very light, so the load on the foundation is minimal. These houses can be built both according to your own plan and according to the plan of specialists, the main thing is that they are highly qualified.

If you want to build such a house yourself with your own hands, then it will take you about six months. Frame houses have a good thermal insulation function, unlike other types of housing, built from a different material.

A very important advantage of the frame is the speed of its construction. The house can be built in nine weeks. The box is installed within two weeks. And finishing work can be done within two months, which is very convenient.

Also, along with the cheapness of the material, you can save on laying the foundation. You can get by with just a columnar-strip foundation, which will not cause you a lot of costs. In addition, the complete absence of foundation shrinkage is characteristic.

Also, with the help of special impregnations, it is possible to ensure the fire safety of housing.

Construction of a frame house is possible at any time of the year

It is very important to note that frame houses are wonderful and keep warm for a long time in winter. If you want to live all year round in such a house, then you should thoroughly insulate it. Frame houses can be erected at any time of the year, regardless of whether it is hot outside or cold.

Having built such a house, you can choose any type of roof, which is also very convenient. A small wall thickness will help you save extra squares.

Frame houses are distinguished by their high strength, thanks to which they are able to withstand various bad weather. Externally, frames can be finished in various ways: from siding to ordinary brick, which is also very convenient.

Disadvantages of frame houses

Now you can move on to listing the disadvantages. The main and main ones are the following:

  • Tightness, therefore, during construction, you should definitely consider laying the ventilation system;
  • There is a high fire hazard in houses, so you may have additional costs for special means and coverings against fire.

And most importantly, you should follow the rules for the design and operation of electrical wiring, as well as compliance with safety requirements for the installation of electrical appliances, stoves, fireplaces, and so on.

Another very important disadvantage is that it is best to build such a one-story house. Since, if you build a two-story house, it will cause you a lot of costs and you will lose such a main advantage of a frame house as saving on construction.

A very big drawback is low sound insulation, so it is better to lay soundproofing material in advance during the construction process.

I would also like to note the fact that frame houses are characterized by fragility.

The decay of wooden structures can also be attributed to the minus. To prevent this, they must be treated with special antiseptic agents.

The big disadvantage is that mice, cockroaches and termites can start in frame houses. Therefore, a special remedy should be placed between the overlaps.

Remember that rodents are very fond of mineral wool and glass wool, so it is best not to use these waterproofing materials.

A very important problem in the construction of all frame houses (including frame-panel houses) is the increased requirement for the qualifications of specialists. If mistakes are made in the construction of the foundation, then this will cause large economic costs during the construction of the building.

If you want to drive in a nail and hang a heavy picture, then for this you will have to additionally strengthen the wall or drive into the place where the beam is.

Reviews of tenants about frame houses

After you have learned about the main pros and cons of building a frame house, check out the reviews of tenants in frame houses.

Andrey, Samara, 35 years old

Feedback: my house is very warm and cozy both in summer and in winter.

Minus: since I did not install thermal noise insulation material, you can hear everything at home.

Mikhail, Moscow, 45 years old

Feedback: speed in construction. I built my house in 8 months.

Minus: the house “does not breathe”, so a good ventilation system is needed.

Timur, Togliatti, 50 years old

Feedback: warm

Minus: not yet, as he moved in recently.

Alexander, city of cats, 47 years old

Review: the house is very warm.

Minus: it is very hot in summer, so take care of the ventilation system immediately during construction.

The scheme of forced ventilation in a frame house

Vladimir, Samara, 32 years old

Review: very cozy.

Minus: poor insulation.

Pavel, Verkhnyaya Pyshma, 33 years old

I have been living in a frame house since 2014. I built it on the advice of a neighbor and do not regret it, as it cost me minimal costs. And I also lost a little time building housing. I would like to note that the house is very warm in winter. He insulated the house with a waterproofing film. Of course, the option is not the most expensive, but for the entire time my family lived in this house, it justified itself. They decided to cover the walls in the house with tiles. It looks very aesthetically pleasing and quite beautiful. The only thing that doesn't suit me is the poor soundproofing. I have 4 rooms in my house, and the audibility between them is very good. In the future, there are plans to purchase sound-insulating material and remove this drawback.

Dmitry, Samara region, 52 years old

Hello! I just want to leave my feedback on the advantages of erecting frame houses. I also heard that you can save a lot on the construction of frame houses. The son is building a frame house. In two months, he erected it almost entirely and did not make a lot of expenses. I will write about the conditions for housing in such a house later, after my son has moved in.

Good insulation will create the effect of a thermos in the house

Maxim, Pskov region, 29 years old

I would like to tell all those who build their own frame frame about the thermal insulation of the house. Choose an expensive and good insulation, then you can achieve the effect of a thermos in your home. It will heat up quickly, but cool down slowly, which is very good in winter in cold and cold weather.

Gleb, Sverdlovsk region, 25 years old

I cannot stay away from the comments about the choice in building a house. It is best to opt for a frame building. If you want to build a small structure, then you can save not only on money, but also on your strength. Since you can get by with the work of the whole family and not hire specialists.

Alexander, Voronezh, 36 years old

In terms of redevelopment, such houses are very convenient. I personally decided to change the places of the outlets and did it without difficulty, there was no need to break something, but simply used screwdrivers, with which I removed the panel and did everything that was needed. So keep in mind! The only thing that does not suit you is that the floor is a little springy. And also the fact that especially heavy shelves cannot be placed on the walls.

Vladimir, Sergievsk, 47 years old

I fully agree with the previous statements. Such a house will serve you for a very long time. The only drawback is the envy of your neighbors that you built before them.

It is necessary to choose a good soundproofing material.

Konstantin, Ulyanovsk region, 48 years old

I have 3 children, I want to say about the soundproofing. It is very bad, audibility in all rooms is just excellent, it is impossible to rest. At one time I chose a simple soundproofing material, which I am very sorry about now. Do not make my mistakes, do not spare money for soundproofing.

Lyudmila, Kamensk-Uralsky, 42 years old

Ruslan, Voronezh, 29 years old

I opted for a frame house because I heard from my acquaintances that it was being built quickly, and I really did not go wrong. My house was ready by the 9th month of construction. In turn, the neighbors' houses are not finished yet. In addition, the house looks very beautiful and aesthetically pleasing. The frame of such a house is assembled in advance. Make the right choice!

Alexey, Vladivostok, 31 years old

I have only positive reviews about the frame house, I can't say anything bad. I have been living in such a house for 5 years now and have no regrets.

Tamara, Voronezh, 30 years old

When building a house, we thought for a long time which material to choose the best, but finally we found a consensus with my husband and chose a frame house. Our choice was justified, since we had a minimum of costs. Now our house perfectly protects us from cold and noise.

Grigory, Yekaterinburg, 43 years old

When building the house, I used a strip foundation, since frame houses are quite light and there will be no load on the foundation as such. Outside, the walls are sheathed with OSB boards. Also, I used a special plaster, which I applied to a special fiberglass mesh, so that it lasts longer and does not come off. I painted it peach, so now my house is very clearly visible from afar. Inside, the walls are finished with plasterboard, which helps keep warm in winter. I do not regret that I became the owner of a frame house.

We hope you have learned a lot from this article. We wish you good luck in choosing the material for the construction of your home! Comfort for you and your family, as well as warmth!


Watch a video on the advantages and disadvantages of frame houses.

Not a bad alternative in housing construction, consider all the pros and cons of frame construction.

This technology is dearly loved and it must be admitted that there are good reasons for this. The list of all the pluses is much broader than the list of disadvantages.

Why not take advantage of the many years of experience of our foreign neighbors and please yourself with the advantages of building a frame house.

Just be aware of some of the nuances that the contractors of prefabricated houses can hide.

Origin story

Building a house has always been difficult. The headache begins long before the start of work.

Therefore, the most popular, nevertheless, is the personalized frame made of wood.

The width of the board is selected depending on the thickness of the insulation layer.

The outer surface is sheathed with oriented strand board, moisture resistant plywood or cement strand board. And they are insulated with foam or any mineral wool insulation.

Comparison of advantages and disadvantages

Alternative buildings

Consider the buildings of an alternative option.

Brick house

Strong, reliable, durable, can be made in any architecture, frost-resistant, environmentally friendly.

But in terms of cost it will be expensive, in time - it will also take more than one year, besides all, when designing, all the nuances of the soil on the ground should be taken into account.

Log house

Eco-friendly, with good thermal insulation parameters, special design.

However, after construction, it requires waiting for shrinkage and may give.

Aerated concrete house

Quite good speed of construction, ease of construction, good characteristics. But there is a possibility of cracks and dampness.

Frame house construction: pros and cons

Benefits - all for

Disadvantages - Against

Having listed all the advantages and disadvantages, it is clear that there are still more advantages.

In addition, all disadvantages can be eliminated or the probability of their occurrence can be brought closer to zero.

Variety of technologies

There are two technologies for the construction of frame houses:

  1. Canadian and


A wooden frame is assembled, an insulating layer of 100 mm is laid and the whole structure is sewn on both sides with a bar of approximately 70 mm thick.

Canadian technology

It comes in two versions:

  1. timber frame house and
  2. prefabricated panel board.

Prefabricated panel board option

It differs only in that the manufacturer manufactures panels on his territory, and on the construction site only the house is assembled from ready-made parts.

Interesting! In terms of environmental friendliness, the Finnish option wins, but in terms of cost it will be more expensive. Canadian technology is more democratic in price, and its components, if desired, can also be replaced with more natural ones.

Scrolling through the proposals of manufacturers of frame houses, be aware that most often the advertisement indicates the price for the house, most likely without the cost of assembling the structure and delivery of materials, or it only involves the construction of the object box, without finishing.

All this is done to attract customers with a pleasant budget. The contract will offer you a completely different amount. But all the same, it will be approximately 1.5 times less than the cost of building the cheapest house.

1 meter of frame construction rarely costs more than $ 600. To be sure in choosing a contractor, you can discuss it at a specialized forum.

Changing a city apartment for a spacious house of its own is the dream of every family. If it is not possible to change the apartment for a permanent place of residence in a cozy cottage, then everyone wants to have at least a cozy country house for recreation outside the city on a summer weekend. Not every average family can afford a large brick house, and sometimes there is simply no desire to change one stone wall for another. That is why wooden houses have become very common in the 21st century. Of course, when you mention a wooden house, a structure made of a log or a bar immediately comes to mind. But today we will talk about a low-budget construction option, but no less reliable - about frame houses. You've probably seen tempting ads on the internet or in the press about super-cheap homes. Indeed, now a lot of construction companies carry out the construction of frame houses for permanent or temporary residence. But what is a frame house?

What are timber frame houses?

If you do not go into details, then a frame house is a frame made of wood, which is finished on both sides with cladding materials, and insulation is laid between them. Different insulation materials require different additional elements: these are building films and membranes or polyurethane seals. There are some exceptions where the sheathing and insulation itself can play the role of the frame.

For Russia, frame technology is quite young. It began to be used only in the 60s of the 20th century. At that time, frame structures were used only for the construction of buildings in industrial zones or for temporary summer houses. In the minds of Soviet people, a stereotype was formed about the unreliability and fragility of such structures. Although in North America and Europe, such houses began to be built in the 17th century. Canada is considered the homeland of frame housing, but the basic principles of low-rise frame construction came to Russia from neighboring Finland. That is why now most of the frame houses are built using Scandinavian technologies.

To understand in more detail the concept of "frame house", you need to separately consider two main technologies: Canadian and Finnish.

Finnish frame house

More than 80% of timber frame houses in Russia are built using Finnish technology. The main criteria for the Finnish carcass frame:

  • The house is being built on a timber frame. The frame can be assembled at the construction site or in production. In the case of assembling ready-made wall panels in production, such houses are also called frame-panel houses. But the essence remains unchanged - a frame made of timber with cladding on both sides. It is he who will give the house the main strength and rigidity.
  • For insulation, materials based on mineral wool or fiberglass are used. Modern technologies have made it possible to introduce a number of new heaters: ecowool and materials based on polyurethane foam. They fall asleep in the frame.

Frame-panel houses should be considered separately. Such designs are usually ordered from special industries. A frame made of a chamber-dried bar is assembled in production, insulation is laid in it, all the necessary building films are mounted and cladding is made inside and out. Ready-made wall panels are delivered to the site. The technology becomes in many ways similar to the Canadian frame, but does not require an additional cranial beam, and the same materials based on mineral wool or fiberglass are used as insulation.

Canadian frame house

Canadian houses have appeared in Russia quite recently. This is due to the fact that for the construction of a frame house using North American technology, a special production of SIP panels is required.

  • The Canadian frame house is being built from ready-made wall panels - sandwiches. They are in many ways similar to the Finnish ones. A wooden beam can also be laid in the panel (often wall panels are made even without a skeletal beam), insulation based on expanded polystyrene or polyurethane foam is laid. The outer and inner sheathing is glued to the insulation under the press. OSB, metal, moisture-resistant plywood, wood-polymer composite materials, chipboard, particle board are used as cladding materials.
  • No additional frame is required for wall mounting. Rigid insulation and sheathing have significant independent bearing capacity and rigidity. For the installation of the walls, only a patch of the cranial bar is needed on the floor, which serves as a spike for the installation of panels.
  • The floor, ceiling and even the roof can also be covered with SIP panels.

After considering each of the technologies, it became clear what a frame house is. The key difference between each technology is the insulation used and the method of wall construction.

Materials used for the construction of a frame house

All materials for the construction of a frame house or the production of a house kit can be conditionally divided into groups: material for the frame, insulation, sheathing, roofing and auxiliary materials.

Materials for mounting the frame

The construction of a frame house is impossible without the use of a wooden beam. For the installation of the frame (walls, floor, ceiling, rafter system), a coniferous timber of natural or chamber drying is used. The use of wood of natural moisture is undesirable. This leads to deformation of the timber during the drying process, the appearance of cracks in the frame, excessive moisture inside the frame. All wood should be treated with antiseptics to protect it from mold and insect damage.

Sometimes metal is also used for the frame, especially for mounting the foundation grillage on screw piles. Metal beams are treated with anti-corrosive primers.


There are a lot of heaters for frame house building on the modern market: gravel, sawdust, mineral wool, fiberglass-based heaters, ecowool, expanded polystyrene, extruded polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam. Each of the heaters has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The use of some heaters is associated with such a concept as a frame-bulk house. As the name implies, bulk materials are used for insulation: sawdust, gravel, ecowool, polyurethane foam. The technology for the construction of such houses is slightly different from the usual frame frame.

Insulation of the floor in a frame-bulk house: a sub-floor is mounted, a vapor barrier is spread, and a heater is filled or inflated between the logs.

Insulation: inner and outer sheathing is made, and insulation is poured or inflated between the beams. The ceiling is insulated according to the principle of floors.

Sheathing materials

Modern technologies have presented us with many options for cladding the walls and floors of a frame house. For external wall cladding, the following can be used: lining, imitation of timber, block house, planks, shingles, OSB, moisture resistant plywood, chipboard, metal and vinyl siding, fiber cement panels and fiber cement siding, facade panels with insulation.

The same wood and sheet materials can be used for interior wall and ceiling cladding. In addition, GVL and GKL are also used. For the floor, use sheet materials, parquet board or solid floor board. As in the case of insulation, each material has a number of advantages and disadvantages that require additional discussion.

Roofing materials

Installation does not differ from similar works of any other structure. In accordance with the basic rules, the rafter system is calculated and assembled from a bar, the sheathing is installed and the finishing roofing sheet is laid. As roofing materials, folded roofing, corrugated board, metal tiles, ceramic tiles, soft roofs, etc. are used.

Why are frame houses so popular?

We have already found out the main features of a frame house and listed the materials used. But why did this relatively young for Russia technology of housing construction become so widespread? This is due to the main advantages of frame housing construction.

  • Undoubtedly, it is for Russia that the low cost of frame structures comes out on top. A house with a frame technology identical in area will cost 30% cheaper than a log house made of a log or a bar and almost twice as cheap as a brick house.
  • High rates of construction. Even in the case of installing a frame on a building site, an average residential building can be erected by a team of 2-3 people in less than a month. In the case of buying a house kit from SIP panels or Finnish house kits and installing them by a qualified team, installation will take no more than a week. Such houses are also called turnkey weekly houses.
  • Construction does not require the involvement of heavy equipment. Only in the case of installing massive wall panels may it be necessary to use lifting mechanisms.
  • Frame houses can be built all year round, regardless of the season.
  • Energy efficiency of frame structures. Due to the use of modern methods of insulation, it is possible to achieve minimal heat loss and reduce the cost of heating such a house.
  • A high degree of preparation for finishing. The finishing and installation of communications begin in the process of building walls. Often, the interior and exterior cladding of the frame is the final finish of the future home.

Any construction technology is not without its drawbacks. In the case of frame structures, this is a high demand for the accuracy of the drawings of each node; strict adherence to the technology of installation and insulation; high fire hazard; more thorough care of load-bearing structures, less durability compared to other technologies.

The main units of a frame house and the procedure for their installation

  • Foundation. For a frame house, there is no need to build an expensive deep foundation. For such structures, a columnar, pile or foundation on screw piles is used.
  • Assembly of the lower trim, installation of floor beams and installation of the subfloor. Insulation of the floor and installation of a rough or final floor covering.
  • Erection of the frame of the walls. In the case of construction on the finished floor, it makes a patch of the cranial beam according to the design of the walls and partitions. This beam will serve as the basis for installing the panels.
  • Internal or external cladding with preliminary vapor barrier or vapor permeable membrane.
  • Wall insulation.
  • Installation of the upper trim, hemming the ceiling with a preliminary vapor barrier circuit.
  • Insulation of the ceiling (in the case of the construction of one-story houses, insulation can be carried out along the rafters).
  • Installation of the rafter system (or the frame of the second and attic floors) and lathing.
  • Installation of roofing material.
  • Home decoration.

Separately, I would like to say about the finishing of frame houses. Most communications are hidden in the frames of the walls, ceiling and floor. Therefore, before starting work on the sheathing of these elements, it is necessary to have communication projects in order to lay them inside the frame.

It is also important to have a project for the facade and walls with marked door and window openings. In the case of buying a house kit, these openings will already be installed. But if you are building a house with your own hands, then you need to properly strengthen these openings, because the load from the roof or upper floors is evenly transferred to the lower trim and foundation using the main and intermediate racks. In places of openings, the frame is weakened. What is the correct way to strengthen it in this place?

To understand this issue, consider the drawing. In places of openings, so-called double racks are placed: the first is the intermediate rack of the frame, and the second supports the upper crossbar and the head is a massive bar, the thickness of which exceeds the cross-section of the intermediate racks by 2-3 times. It is the header that will transfer the load to the lower harness in the openings.


Now you have a complete picture of the frame house. Of course, construction using frame technology has many subtleties and pitfalls, and to build such a house with your own hands, you will have to study a lot of literature. And in the case of choosing a construction technology from a trusted developer, you should not discount frame structures. Myths about the fragility or unreliability of such houses have been dispelled by the experience of the people who live in them. Frame houses have been built for a long time, and you can find reviews from people who have been using them for over 30 years. The choice is yours.

To master the step-by-step construction of a frame house yourself, at least in its simplest version, it is enough to know the basics of the crafts of a carpenter, locksmith, finisher, etc. We are talking about the usual master's skills from the professional arsenal of the majority of the male population. Of course, the true labor costs and immersion in theoretical issues already depend on the chosen approach to construction (type of project, method of erecting the frame, the participation of assistants in the production process, etc.).

If everything is done correctly, then within one season, with a relatively small financial investment, you may well become the owner of your own home. Therefore, as well as taking into account the optimal ratio, it is often chosen by private developers.

What and how to build

Before building a frame house with your own hands, you should complete a number of preparatory measures, select a project and materials, deal with the nuances of technological stages, etc.

Choosing a construction method

If you have already decided to do without the involvement of assembly teams, you still have several possible ways to build a building.

1. Frame-panel technology

It has several options for implementation. You can order a "domokomplekt" from multilayer or with design parameters at a specialized company. A constructor made of fitted elements, equipped with instructions for assembling a frame house, will be delivered to your site. This is not cheap, but the least time consuming way. It allows you to become the owner of your own home in a short time. For example, a box of ready-made elements is assembled on a prepared base in a day. Of course, for this you will have to invite a couple of assistants and rent a truck crane.

Panels can also be made by hand directly on the construction site. They are assembled in a horizontal position on a flat area of ​​a suitable size. Further, the finished wall parts are installed and fixed vertically. This method allows you to achieve good accuracy in the self-production of building elements, and the help of auxiliary workers will only be needed to lift and fix the panels in the design position.

2. Frame-frame technology

With its classical implementation method, a step-by-step construction of a frame house is carried out from a set of its entire skeleton, which, then, is filled with insulation and revetted. On the one hand, the advantages of this method are that it is less demanding on the accuracy of the geometric parameters of sawn timber. Each post or lintel is installed individually and immediately in its design position. This allows you to level some of the geometry defects of the framing elements in place. On the other hand, such a frame-frame assembly is quite difficult to implement independently at any of its stages. It is almost impossible for one person to simultaneously hold a rack or a jumper, set and fix it in level.

A certain optimization of the process can be achieved by a method of building a frame house, partially combining panel and frame assembly. For example, you can order frames of walls and ceilings at the enterprise. You will receive high quality products at an affordable price, the installation of which does not require the use of lifting equipment. The frames can also be made by yourself, and you can start filling and sheathing them after assembling the skeleton of the box and covering it with a roof.

The main materials used for the building envelope

The prototypes of domestic skeleton frames are objects built using the technologies of Canadian-American and European craftsmen. This continuity is confirmed even by the fact that one of the main industry standards SP 31-105-2002 "Design and construction of energy-efficient single-family residential buildings with a wooden frame" was developed on the basis of the Canadian housing construction rules.


Indeed, the skeletons of the predominant number of skeletons are constructed from boards or beams. For example, in many standard projects of residential buildings developed for a temperate climatic zone, sawn timber from coniferous wood is laid:

  • for load-bearing and walls of the external thermal circuit - board 150 * 40 mm (H * W) or 150 * 50 mm;
  • for floors - a board 200 * 40 mm or 200 * 50 mm, as well as a beam with a thickness of 100 mm or 150 mm identical in height.

When choosing lumber, preference should be given to planed products dried to a standard moisture content of 12-18%. They are more expensive than edged boards for general construction purposes, but saving on them will subsequently cause a lot of problems, in particular:

  • moist wood strongly warps during shrinkage, which leads to deformation of the panels, as well as the opening of the joints between them;
  • initially curved boards significantly complicate and slow down the installation process, and its aesthetic results leave much to be desired.

Important! The connection of the elements of the frame house can be carried out by means of steel corners, nails or self-tapping screws. In this case, preference should be given to nails with a textured surface, for example, anchor (brushed, grooved).

Filling the frame

It is recommended to fill the frames of internal ceilings and partitions with fibrous sound-insulating materials. Mineral wool with special acoustic properties is often used for this. In confirmation of its specialization, the packaging of the material must be marked accordingly.

The external thermal circuit is assembled on the basis of any effective insulation with a thermal conductivity parameter not exceeding 0.1 W / (m * 0 С). In this case, filling the frame with bulk material is allowed only in ceilings or mansard roofs with a slope of no more than 1: 5. For thermal barriers of walls, plate (roll) fibrous, foamed or sprayed insulation is used. A do-it-yourself frame house is most often insulated:

  • stone wool with a density of 30-50 kg / m³;
  • glass wool with a density of 15-20 kg / m³;
  • expanded polystyrene with a density of 15-25 kg / m³.

Frame sheathing

The technology of building a frame house provides for the phased covering of the structural skeleton with layers of steam and waterproofing, as well as protective or protective and decorative cladding.

Creation of a reliable vapor barrier from inside the room is of particular importance. The thermal circuit of the building is constructed according to a thermos system with a relatively thin shell. In the cold season, a significant gradient of temperatures and partial pressure of water vapor affects its inner and outer surfaces. Moist air tends to escape outside, including through walls and ceilings, where condensation falls out of it. And this is already unacceptable, as it threatens to damage the thermal insulation, frame elements and cladding.

Therefore, for vapor barrier on the inner side of the frame, roll materials with practically zero vapor permeability are used. These are:

  • special vapor barrier films (anti-condensation, laminated, foil, etc.);
  • polyethylene sheet from primary raw materials (150-200 microns thick);
  • kraft paper.

Unlike assembling from ready-made factory panels, the step-by-step construction of a frame house with your own hands also involves the installation of waterproofing on the outside of the thermal circuit panels. Preference should be given to membranes that do not impede the free escape of steam from the thermal insulation. In the case of installing external sheathing with a ventilation gap, the waterproofing must also have windproof properties.

Further covering of steam and hydro barriers is carried out with any sheet or piece material that meets the operating conditions and the wishes of the owner: clapboard, OSB, drywall (only inside), corrugated board, DSP, etc.

How to save material

To simplify all stages of the construction of a frame house, you can take a typical project as a basis, adjust it for yourself, spending very little time. Of course, we are talking about minor changes. The dimensions of the wall and floor panels, door and window openings, as well as the spacing of the racks, logs, beams of the structural skeleton are best adjusted, where possible, taking into account their multiplicity to the overall parameters of the insulating filler and sheathing sheets. Thus, it will be possible to minimize the amount of trimmings and save time for cutting mineral wool, OSB, drywall, etc.

For example, the practiced spacing of the racks of 400 mm allows you to mount the gypsum board 1200 * 2500 mm vertically without side trimming. But mineral wool with a roll (plate) width of 600 mm fits comfortably only in the lumen of the "European" racks.

It is more difficult with the selection of the multiplicity of the outer skin. So, with the horizontal orientation of some popular sheet products, they will be installed without trimming at the next step of the racks:

Material Sheet length, mm The number of racks per sheet (excluding the last, common with the adjacent sheet) Step, mm
DSP 2700 4/5/6 675/540/450


OSB 2440 4/5/6 610/488/406,6
Cement Aquapanel 1200 2/3/4 600/400/300

It can be seen from the table that external DSPs with a length of 3200 mm, with a rack pitch of 400 mm, or Aquapanel (a pitch of 400 mm and 600 mm), will correlate well with internal gypsum boards. You can use OSB sheets 2500 mm, installing the gypsum board horizontally (step 500 mm). But in this case, you will have to deal with cutting mineral wool.

Consider the offers of the trading network

When adapting the project of a frame house for waste-free technology, first you need to decide on the materials you want and are available in your region. Clarify their exact dimensions. The same mineral wool is not always 600 mm wide. It has a significant variation in size, depending on the manufacturer. For example, the width of popular slabs or rolls of mineral wool, mm:

  • Isover - 565, 600, 610, 1180, 1190.1200, 1210.1220;
  • Knauf - 570, 600, 610, 100, 1100, 1200;
  • Ursa - 600, 610, 1200.

Important! When measuring the width of the insulation and the pitch of the racks (lag), do not forget to take into account their thickness. In this case, the slabs or strips of rolls of mineral wool should be laid tightly and without gaps. Therefore, their width is taken at least 20-30 mm more than the width of the frame lumen.

Do not violate the design parameters!

Carried away by the achievement of waste-free construction, it is unacceptable to deviate from the design characteristics laid down by the developer of the frame house project. Changes to it should be made with extreme caution. For example, an excessive increase in the spacing of the posts can lead to a significant loss of strength of the building. On the contrary, frequent installation of racks will lead to a decrease in the thermal resistance of the outer panels, since the thermal conductivity of wood is several times higher than that of mineral wool. Therefore, if a total reconstruction is planned, then you will have to resort to the help of a specialized engineer or thoroughly study the calculation systems yourself.

Stages of construction of a frame house


Frameworks are one of the lightest capital construction structures. Therefore, for their installation, often, the least material-intensive prefabricated foundations are used. For example, from screw piles. Their support structures are assembled on the basis of groups of steel pipes tied into uniform spatial systems.

The form factor and the depth of immersion of the supports depend on the load applied to them, the bearing capacity and the freezing capacity of the soil. Thus, the main characteristics of the pile are:

  • the diameter of the helical blades, which decreases with increasing rock density. Weld-on screw surfaces can be completely replaced with threaded threads for particularly dense soils or permafrost;
  • the diameter of steel pipes - the larger it is, the greater the load is borne by the support. At the same time, without the use of machinery, it is possible to screw in piles up to Ø 108 mm. Do-it-yourself frame houses are usually erected on them;
  • immersion depth, averaging 2-2.5 m. The blades of the supports should be located below the freezing depth of the soil in its dense layers;
  • treatment with anticorrosive compounds.

Installation of the wine foundation

You will need the help of 2-3 people to screw in the screw piles. Before their installation, trees, shrubs, and large items are removed from the site, as well as near it. Places for the installation of supports are marked on the site. It is convenient to do this in accordance with the construction scheme of a frame house, its foundation part. Supports are installed at all nodal points (wall crossings) and on straight segments with a step of 1-3 m (not more than 3.5 m).

In order not to look for or make special clamps or clamps for screwing in piles, you can drill a couple of holes in their upper parts. The ends of the gate levers will be inserted into them. During the immersion of the supports, their verticality should be corrected.

After installing the last pile, they are cut in one horizontal plane, and the pipes are filled with concrete mortar.

The strapping beam (grillage) is made of rolled metal or wood. In the first case, a frame made of I-beams or a channel is welded onto the pipe sections, repeating the projection of the walls. In the second, platforms are made of sheet steel with a thickness of 8-10 mm. A frame made of a bar with a section of 150 (200) * 150 mm is attracted to the platforms with bolts.

All metal elements are treated with anti-corrosion compounds, and gaskets of 2-3 layers of roofing material of any type are installed under the wood parts.

Floor (slabs)

A step-by-step instruction for building a frame house with your own hands can provide for the next stage either the installation of walls or floors. In the case of a screw foundation, it is more convenient to make a floor slab, and then tackle the walls.

If a wooden beam serves as a grillage, which is better with complete manual assembly on a construction site, then beams (logs) or a ready-made skeleton of the floor frame overlap are immediately installed on it. For free spans up to 3 m, a single board is used per edge (200 * 50 mm), for wider ones - a double board or a bar 200 * 100 mm. At the stage of installing the screw supports of the foundation of the frame house, installation of additional piles may be envisaged, and at the stage of laying the strapping - additional transverse beams 200 * 150 mm to strengthen extended spans of floors.

The choice of the lag step is also important. It will determine the recommended thickness of the flooring for rolling the upper sub-floor or lathing elements. In addition, do not forget about the principle of multiplicity of materials, which contributes to their saving. For example, if the lag step is taken as 600 mm, then for arranging the upper subfloor, you should take a board of at least 35 mm thick.

Floor assembly example

The structure of the floor slab of a frame house is shown below. For the bottom rough roll, an unedged board with a thickness of no more than 25 mm is taken. Set apart. The windscreen can be laid freely, but the vapor barrier with the obligatory gluing of the joints with assembly tape. The overlaps of both types of canvases are not less than 15 cm. The top lathing is made of a 35 * 100 mm board or a bar with a side of 40-50 mm. OSB thickness should be commensurate with the lathing frequency, but not less than 12 mm.

Important! The step-by-step assembly of the floor of a frame house is distinguished by its variability, which depends on the materials chosen, the preferences of the owners, as well as the accessibility to the bottom of the slab.

The best option is when the floor frame is made separately in the form of a panel skeleton with a stuffed bottom (from a rough roll and windscreen) and end boards. Then it turns over, is installed in the design position and its further equipment is carried out (insulation, vapor barrier, etc.). With this method, it is convenient to mount the lower sub-floor and wind barrier.

At the same time, according to the established tradition, logs are often initially installed on the strapping. Then they are knocked out with an unedged board and a wind barrier is laid, as shown in the figure below. This leads to some difficulties at the stage of attaching the padding, as well as not entirely correct operation of the wind barrier.

It remains to add that the interfloor floors are assembled according to a similar scheme. The main difference is that instead of the bottom rough roll, decorative finishes (plasterboard, grooved board, etc.) are mounted on a lath or bar crate, and instead of a wind barrier, a hermetic vapor barrier is installed.

Assembling the walls

Despite the fact that with any assembly technology, the structure of the finished walls will be basically the same, the following points should be considered:

  • when making panels in a horizontal position, do not forget that in finished form they have a specific gravity of 30-50 kg / m 2. Therefore, in order to then be able to freely put sections of the walls in place by hand, they should have a small square. Otherwise, it is better to assemble on the site only the frames of the house panels from a board 150 by 50 (40);
  • to give rigidity and stability to the vertical frame, use temporary diagonal elements from boards of the same section;
  • inside the wall panels, permanent braces should be installed in cases where the subsequent cladding on either side will not be able to provide longitudinal rigidity. For example, if drywall is stuffed from the inside, and lining on the outside. If you install an OSB or DSP board outside, then you do not need to leave braces inside the frame.

It is better to start the layout of the vertical frame with your own hands with the outer skin. Those. a waterproofing membrane (wind barrier) is attached to the racks and covered (with or without a ventilation gap) with a facade cladding. Further, thermal insulation is laid between the racks, vapor barrier and inner lining are mounted. An example of such a layout is shown in the figure below.


The roofing structures of a frame house are no different from those built over buildings of any other type. You also have two main options - to assemble a cold roof with a ventilated attic or insulated, under which you can equip another attic floor or mezzanine.

The least laborious is the assembly of pitched flooring over an unexploited attic. Indeed, in its structure there are no layers of insulation and vapor barrier, and often the structure of an internal decorative filing. However, in this case, you will have to take care of thorough heat, steam and waterproofing of the upper floor over the constantly used household and living quarters in advance. If the project for the construction of a frame house involves the construction of a warm attic floor, then it is better to lay acoustic insulation in the interfloor floors. At the same time, the presence of a vapor barrier film is mandatory only over wet rooms (kitchens, bathrooms, baths, etc.), but, for example, it can not be laid over the living room.

The structures of warm roofs with various types of coatings are fundamentally different only in the way the sheathing is arranged:

  • under soft coverings, such as bituminous shingles, it is recruited with a continuous roll from a board, moisture-resistant plywood or OSB;
  • under coverings made of hard materials (slate, corrugated board, metal tile) - more often from slats (bars) with a certain step, but sometimes with a continuous roll of wood materials.

You can read more about the arrangement of roofs.

As the name implies, a frame house is a structure based on a frame. The frame is made of thick wooden beams or metal. The material for the construction of walls is usually SIP panels or boards.

Projects of frame-type houses are sets of documents that contain complete information about the future building. They consist of two sections: architectural and constructive. The first shows the exterior of the building from different angles. The second contains construction plans, diagrams, drawings, specifications, estimates, installation instructions. Moreover, this applies not only to building structures, the main communications (electrical, plumbing, ventilation) are also taken into account.

Sectional design of a frame house Source stroi154.ru

Advantages and disadvantages of frame houses

In terms of reliability and strength, frame houses are not inferior to buildings made of other materials. Them Main advantages:

  • Low cost and short construction time.
  • The strength of the connection of building elements to each other. This makes the building less prone to damage as a result of shrinkage on problem soils. Construction errors and damage do not cause serious consequences.
  • No complicated technological processes are required for finishing, finishing work can be done all year round.
  • The structure is lightweight, which makes it possible to do without a powerful foundation.
  • Good thermal insulation of the walls allows you to quickly warm up the premises and save on heating.
  • The construction of the walls allows you to hide all communications.
  • Architectural possibilities are limited only by imagination, you can create almost any configuration.

Modern frame houses are often built in modern or high-tech styles Source houzz.com

But the "skeletons" also have certain weaknesses... But “forewarned is forearmed” - for every shortcoming there is a successful example of solving the problem:

  • Short service life... The GOST states that the service life of frame houses is 75 years. But, if you make repairs every 25 years and carefully treat the structure, it will last more than a century.
  • Low environmental friendliness... Not all materials used in construction are made from natural ingredients. For example, SIP panels are made using synthetic adhesives; expanded polystyrene is used as insulation inside them. This point is rather controversial; it is unlikely that it will be possible to find a completely eco-friendly house at the present time. As a result, everything depends on the quality of the materials used, and therefore on the conscientiousness of the construction company.
  • Low sound insulation... This should be borne in mind if construction is planned near railways, highways or airports. The problem is solved simply - it is necessary to select a suitable soundproofing material before starting construction.
  • Rotting susceptibility... With high humidity, the tree begins to collapse, mold and mildew appear. Timely treatment with antiseptics completely solves this problem.

Initial processing of materials is carried out at the production stage Source bg.decorexpro.com

  • Fire hazard... Any structure made of wood contributes to the spread of fire. Special fire-fighting compounds come to the rescue, with which wooden surfaces are processed.

Types of frame construction

Before you buy a frame house project, you need to figure out what types of frame houses are. There are 4 main types, all other varieties are a combination of elements from different modifications in one building. The following types of buildings are used:

On our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects of frame houses from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses "Low-rise Country".

Frame houses from a frame with ceilings

Such buildings are also called "Canadian houses" It is believed that when they were developed in Russia, the Canadian building codes were taken as a basis.

The main difference is that they consist of several layers. Each layer is a floor, anchored to its platform base. The base (strapping) of the first floor is usually called the basement floor. The name is conditional, the building may be without a basement. The harness is mounted directly on the foundation and acts as a support for the floor slabs connected by lags. Thus, a shield is obtained that outwardly resembles a pallet for transporting and storing goods.

Overlapping on the frame of a frame house Source assz.ru

Vertical beams are the main supporting structures. At the bottom, they are attached to horizontal beams, at the top they are connected by the same beams, creating the foundation for the second floor.

Frame houses with continuous racks

Such buildings are also called Finnish. It is not known whether they were invented in Finland or not, but it is there and on the territory of neighboring countries that they are widespread.

They differ from other types in that their main bearing element is one-piece vertical construction, passing through two floors (hence the name - continuous). Overlappings between floors are mounted on support boards embedded in the main pillars at the level of the second floor. Boards are not only a support, they pull the racks together, thereby increasing the overall strength of the structure.

When constructing continuous racks, special attention must be paid to the correct installation. If even a slight deviation to the side is allowed on the first floor, the construction of the second floor will be very difficult, or impossible at all.

Uprights are the foundation for the entire home Source kayabaparts.ru

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of construction of frame houses. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the Low-Rise Country exhibition of houses.

Post-beam houses

This type of buildings is common in Germany, they are also called half-timbered houses. They can be easily distinguished from others in appearance - all external pillars, transverse and inclined wall beams are visible from the outside. The service life is longer than that of other houses. There are architectural monuments that are 5-6 centuries old.

In these designs, only thick section beams are used. Not only vertical racks are made of them, but horizontal slabs and diagonal supports. This is the main difference, in other structures for floors and lags, boards of a smaller section are used.

The construction of such houses is more laborious due to the fact that structural parts are fastened using mortise joints. But, there are projects of small frame houses in which the beams are bolted.

Frame house post-beam type Source piorit.ru

Frame-rack structures

In contrast to the above structures, the vertical posts of such structures not only support walls and ceilings. Additionally, they are used as piles. They are driven into the ground or placed on concrete supports. This makes it possible to raise the structure above ground level. This feature will be useful when erecting buildings in wetlands or in flooded areas. Another advantage is good ventilation in the lower part of the house. The boards remain dry to prevent mold and mildew formation.

In houses of this type, the load from the roof and cross-slabs is evenly distributed over the vertical posts. Doors, windows or insulated panels are mounted in the space between them. If additional reinforcement is required, diagonal supports are installed.

The entire frame of the house is supported on powerful racks. Source stroy-podskazka.ru

What is included in the basic package of the project

Houses with a size of 6x8 m are considered to be a standard building. Different suppliers offer both standard projects and individual ones, taking into account the wishes of the customer. But, despite all the differences in architecture and design, there is a concept of basic equipment. It includes:

  • Floors- logs, ceilings, vapor barrier film, floorboards (rough and final).
  • Walls- load-bearing timber, wall panels, insulation, finishing materials, decorative elements.
  • Interfloor overlaps- floor joists for the second floor floor, vapor barrier film, floorboards (rough and final).
  • Windows and doors with platbands and slopes.
  • Roof- rafters, lathing, roofing material (usually metal tiles), insulation, wind-moisture protective film, materials for finishing.

Note! The foundation is usually not included in the basic projects of houses using frame technology. This is due to the fact that you can only select the required type of foundation by examining the construction site. In some cases, geological surveys may be required. This is especially true for problem soils (high moisture content, thick layer of humus, alumina).

Competently conducted geological surveys are the key to a high-quality foundation at the lowest possible price Source smrte.ru

If it is supposed to build a house higher than one floor, it is better to entrust such work to specialists, the wrong choice can bring serious disappointments in the future.

Stages of assembling a frame house

The construction technology resembles the classic construction of a wooden house, but there are differences. The sequence is as follows:

  • Foundation construction and waterproofing.
  • House strapping (installation of a flange).
  • Preparation and installation of the frame.
  • Floor covering.
  • Installation of wall structures.
  • Installation of floor slabs.
  • Decking of roofing material.
  • Installation of windows and doors.
  • Insulation and exterior decoration.

The most critical stages are the foundation and the installation of supporting structures. Why the foundation is important is understandable. Particular attention is paid to the accuracy of assembly and installation of the frame because it serves as the basis for the entire structure. Any skew or deviation from the level in the future will create difficulties when installing other elements.

Video description

Visually watch a step-by-step demonstration of the construction of a frame house in the following video:

Is it possible to make changes to already finished projects

Very often, customers are not satisfied with standard projects, and they want to make certain changes to them. All organizations that develop projects can do this. The only question is whether they will do it for free.

It happens that the changes to the future owner of the house seem insignificant, and they can be carried out by pressing two or three keys, then the program will do everything. In practice, it may turn out that in order to implement the plan, it is necessary to make a new project.

For example, the designer will agree to recalculate the material for insulation or change the purpose of the premises free of charge. Add a veranda or porch from another project, remove a door or window - in most cases, but not always. If you need to change the size of the house - not likely. To do this, you will need to recalculate the dimensions of all supporting structures, floors, foundation, facade. True, such cases are quite rare, any catalog of projects of frame houses allows everyone to choose either a typical project, or, with minor changes, adapt it for themselves.

Video description

In the next video, see what a full-fledged frame house project is like:

How to choose a suitable home project for permanent residence

Buildings for permanent residence suggest the possibility of their operation at any time of the year, both in the heat in summer and in the cold in winter. When designing a future home, special attention should be paid to this. If there is no need to live in a building at low temperatures, you can save on thermal insulation. In order for the summer heat not to interfere with a comfortable stay in the house, a small layer of this material is enough. If people are supposed to stay permanently, it is necessary to provide for such a thickness so that heat is retained even at the lowest temperatures. For the central strip of Russia, the thickness of the insulation is recommended at least 150 mm, 200 mm is considered optimal.

Video description


Correctly made (in compliance with all technology requirements) frame structures cannot be called the cheapest. Before building a house using frame technology, projects and prices for materials can be viewed in the supplier's catalog and assess your financial capabilities. But, their indisputable advantages are a variety of design options and construction technologies. This makes it possible for everyone to choose the most optimal option for themselves.