How to calm the nervous system and remove the tension. Ways to calm the nerves at home

Modern life is full of stress and tension, with which each person faces daily. As is known, the nervous voltage is not easy to be a grueling factor, but also negatively affects the body, leading to violations in its work. It should be noted that most diseases that are known to modern medicine have a psychosomatic form. As a result, the most important condition is to maintain its own psychological equilibrium, and it is possible to achieve this using a variety of methods described in this article.

How to understand that the nerves are not in order or have a nervous breakdown

In order to differentiate the nervous breakdown from other pathological phenomena of the psyche, it is necessary to give the most accurate definition. Since there are no clear criteria for determining the nervous breakdown in medicine, one should be guided by individual factors explaining the nature and essence of this process.

Thus, the nervous breakdown is a reactive, temporary violation of human mental activity, which arose as a result of an emotionally rich event, whose intensity exceeded the permissible barrier of the individual sensitivity of the nervous system. As a result of the nervous breakdown, the mental and physical activity of the individual, sensitivity to external factors and interaction with the social world changes.

To lead to the described phenomenon can have a variety of reasons, which do not make any sense. At the same time, a number of symptoms can be distinguished according to which one can assume the presence of a specific syndrome:

  • increased sensitivity to light and sounds;
  • losing performance due to loss of concentration and volitional activity;
  • decline in appetite;
  • after-chur intensive response to the most minor stimuli;
  • feeling of own worthlessness;
  • increased irritability;
  • feeling of anxiety, fear, uncertainty, confusion, panic, etc.

There are a large number of different techniques that allow you to bring thoughts and feelings to normal. At the same time, few people guess, but the harmonization of its psychological state can be carried out without any additional tools. Most people, experiencing irritability or anticipation of nervous overvoltage, drink sedatives, but you can cope with "own hands." That is why below are the best ways to calm the nerves depending on the situation.

How to stop nervous before the exam

Fear of exams is one of the most common phenomena during the period of student, which is devoted to a huge amount of research. According to various approaches, it is possible to get rid of this excitement using different ways. One of the traditional methods used in practical psychology is a systematic desensitization method. If you disassemble the name of the approach according to the words, it will have the following meaning: a phased decrease in the sensitivity to the experienced event.

The process can be carried out both by independently and with the help of a professional. Within the framework of the designated process, the rules that will be described below in the context of the instructions for conducting desensitization should be followed. It is important to notice the fact that the method should be resorted for a week, or at least a day before the exam. So, starting the process, you need to relax, close your eyes and present the upcoming exam, but it is styled.

First you need to present the day of the exam and when excitement will appear inside, it will be necessary to relax so that the alarm disappears. When inside everything became smooth, you need to submit fees for a hike to the exam, gradually approaching the most important thing. Similarly, it will be necessary to relax to get rid of the stress after the last picture. At the next stage, you can go further, for example, to make a trip to an educational institution, how the audience looks like, the moment of pulling the exam tickets, etc. It is important to remove the voltage every time by relaxation, with the result that the real exam will seem common, the event does not cause any discomfort.

How to quickly get rid of stress at work

If it is necessary to quickly, here and now remove stress, getting rid of excitement, you can resort to express methods. The best way to give thoughts and feelings to normal is to normalize your breath. There are many techniques and trainings, within which the most effective breathing exercises are considered. However, for rapid calm, there is almost a single exercise that is part of a holotropic breathing.

To carry out the process, it is necessary to sit evenly and straighten your back, after which make a deep breath. At that moment, when the air filled the lungs as much as possible, it is necessary to make a sharp exhalation with a nose, without making a breath and exhale any pause. This exercise needs to be done about 10 times, after which you can feel relief.

Ways to remove nervous stress before bedtime

The best way to remove tension before bedtime after a difficult labor day is a method of progressive relaxation. This method is good because it can be done in front of the sleepy, being under the blanket in bed. As a tool, you can use relaxing soft background music without words, which sounds from the columns, because nothing should be filled, including headphones.

In order to start the process, it will be necessary to start smoothly breathing, making long-lasting deep breaths and exhalations, while there should be no pauses between them. Breathing should be a fusion resembling a wheel that rolls off the slide. Breathing is what the attention should be concentrated, what will allow you to clean the mind and stop thinking about anything.

It is now important to start relaxing, while it should be done gradually, relaxing in turns every muscle and every part of the body. It is necessary to start with the hands, gradually relaxing the brush of the right hand, then the forearm, shoulder, then the second hand, leg, back, head, etc. will help to relax, if you represent that the body gradually has a lot of heavy, pouring heat.

Effective tool to calm the nervous system

Each at least once in life came across drugs that calm down, derived from stress, help to fall asleep. All of them are directed to strengthen the braking processes passing in our nervous system. At the same time, drugs have a different form and origin. As part of this, herbal preparations will have a less pronounced sedative effect, and strong medicines aimed at oppressing nervous activity are used to treat neuroses, stress and psychological injuries.

List of remedy names: pills, drops

To everyone is the most popular and well-known means of Valerian, which is currently implemented in a variety of forms, including tablets, and in drops, and in the form of tincture. The medication reduces excitability, removes intestinal spasm, improves sleep.

Another medicinal product on the basis of the Grass Hormour is "deprim" - this is a qualitative drug that is appointed with depressions of varying severity. The tool contributes to the oppression of the activities of the vegetative nervous system, improved mood and sleep. Such a pharmacological agent as "perrsen", based on plant components and possessing a highly efficient action, should be noted. The drug is suitable for both men and women.

Acupuncture will help calm down and not nervous

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medicine method, within the framework of which the human body is affected by introducing needles under the skin in certain places. According to the approval of people engaged in this type of unconventional treatment of disease, affecting special points can increase or decrease the intensity of the activity of the nervous system. Thus, the acupuncture method is successfully used to calm nerves.

Folk remedies for stress and depression

As part of folk remedies, which can help cope with stress and depression, it is necessary to note carrot juice. At the same time, the juice must be fresh. This product contains a large amount of vitamin B, which is favorable on the nervous system.

Good sedative - medicinal herbs

As is known, the majority of sedatives are based on plant components. Thus, using infusions or decoctions of various herbs, you can hardly calm the nerves, make sleep and relax. You can also brew herbal teas, which also positively will affect the nervous system. From the most implies:

  • valerian;
  • peppermint;
  • melis;
  • st. Justice, etc.

Nature sounds for relaxation at home

Most people use special music for relaxation and relaxation. Music containing the sounds of nature, bird sinas, wind noise, rain - it all suggests about harmony with nature, unity, peace and equilibrium. Using specific melodies can be relaxed well, to dwell, focus and even relax, which is very important when stress or nervous overvoltage.

What products soothe nerves

Doctors have been revealed that the use of certain food contributes to a decrease in the risk of depression, improving the flow of metabolic processes in the body, an increase in the body's resource to combat stress. These products must be attributed to:

  • beet;
  • carrot;
  • cocoa;
  • potatoes;
  • chocolate;
  • nuts, etc.

The article describes in detail about the folk and medical methods of nerve calm. Tips are given for those who want to get rid of chronic stress, and for those who just want to calmly fall asleep after the working day.

The nervous system is billions of neurons, which are connected to each other through a complex axon network. The nervous system reacts both to external and internal stimuli. When the effect of psychosomatic irritants becomes regular and intensive stress arises.

How to determine what nerves are not in order

There are physical, emotional and behavioral symptoms of the disorder of the nervous system. Depending on the degree of manifestation and set of symptoms, the doctor will select the appropriate treatment method.

Physical symptoms of nervous disorder:

  • Sleep disorders;
  • Irritable bowel syndrome;
  • Breathing problems;
  • Migraine headaches;
  • Low libido;
  • Impairment of the menstrual cycle;
  • Chronic fatigue;
  • Emotional symptoms of nervous disorder:
  • Anxiety;
  • Depression;
  • Aggression;
  • Plasticity;
  • Lack of interest in life, alienation from loved ones and families;
  • Thrust for alcohol, cigarettes or drugs;
  • Paranoid thoughts;
  • Thoughts of death;
  • Mood swings.

Video: Harmony and psyche balance. Stretching

How to calm the nervous system

At work

There are many working moments that lead to stress: disruption of the deadlines, tense relationships with colleagues, a threat of dismissal, fear of failure to cope with the task. Naturally, it's not worth nervous for each.

Calm down in the stressful situation also surrounded by colleagues and bosses is quite difficult. It is unlikely that employees will understand if you start listening to relaxing music or make asana yoga.

You can enjoy a cup of green or herbal tea. Green tea is a source of L-theeanine, a chemical that helps soothe nerves.

Chocolate acts similarly. Dark chocolate regulates the level of stress hormone (cortisol) and stabilizes the metabolism.

You can also close your eyes and just imagine that everything is in order. It is enough just to cover the eyelids and abstract from what is happening.

This is an easy way to quickly restore calm and focus.

Before bedtime

Warm bath with aromatic oils will help to cope with stress after a hard day. You need to add four drops of mint essential oil, two drops of bergamot and a tablespoon of almond oil.

You must lie in water for at least ten minutes so that the essential oils began their positive effect. After the bath, you can listen to soothing music and make some relaxing massage movements.

If you watch the TV for the night, you should not get involved in militants and bright cartoons.

The child has

In order to calm the nerves at the kid, first of all it is necessary to understand the cause of stress. For up to 5 years old, the mood of parents is directly transmitted. Any hysteria can neutralize calm conversations of parents, frequent hugs and distraction for bright toys and pictures.

In a teenager

Parents of adolescents suffering from nerve disorders can suggest several methods that will help calm down and relax (deep breathing, watching comedies, stretching exercises).

In pregnant woman

The feeling of concern is not uncommon during pregnancy, but stress should not control the life of a woman at such an important stage. First of all, it is worth remembering that under no circumstances should you immediately buy medicines.

Meditation is an ideal way to calm the nerves without drugs. Meditation is not tied to any particular religion, and also does not require any special details, skills or material investments.

All that really needs is a quiet place where no one will disturb you within 15 minutes. Morning-great time to meditate. Just sit comfortably, close your eyes and focus on your breathing.

Methods at home


Herbs-inexpensive and affordable way to cope with the nervous disorder. You should not expect from medicinal herbs as fast and tangible effect as from chemical drugs. But the grasses have practically no side effects, and some of them are recommended to brew even to children.

Name Mechanism of action Precautions
Valerian root The disintegration of the gamke (gamma-amine oil acid) in the brain is inhibited, and also has a sedative effect. It has a "accumulative" effect. You need to take at least a month.
Peppermint Stimulates the production of gamke in the brain, causes relaxation. It does not have side effects, but before giving mint tea infant-need to consult with a pediatrician.
Lavender Inhalation of lavender natural oil aroma soothes the central nervous system With too intense and frequent inhalation, a burn of the nasal mucosa may form.
Chamomile Actively helps to eliminate nervous spasms, and also removes muscle tension. Recommended even babies, does not have side effects.
Poppy It has strong sedative properties. Perfectly eliminates the strongest load on the CNS. Dangerous for children. In large dosages leads to a fatal outcome.
Melissa Soothes nerves and gives a sense of satisfaction. It is recommended to calm small children.


but. Powerful complex antidepressants

Chemical medicines are able to instantly calm and restore nerves, as well as prevent further development of stress. Most of the drugs have very strong side effects, and they should be taken only after consulting with the doctor.

Medicines are prescribed only in cases of severe stress caused by emotional shocks.

Tricyclic Antidepressants are among the most effective in combating stress. Tricycliks work by inhibiting serotonin and norepinephrine. They also partially inhibit dopamine.

In our pharmacies, tricyclic antidepressants are sold under such trademarks: amitriptyline, clomipramine, desipramine, doxypin. The course of treatment with tricyclic antidepressants usually takes about two weeks.

Sleepiness is a very common side effect, especially in the first few days after the start of treatment.

Inhibitors Mao (monoaminoxidase inhibitors) are the most powerful in the assortment of antidepressants. Mao inhibitors have serious interactions with many food, beverages and medicines.

The combination of Mao inhibitors with products containing Tiramine can lead to high blood pressure, which can cause stroke or heart attack. Because of this danger, IMAO is usually not chosen as the treatment of primary depression.

b. Atypical antidepressants

There are also various types of new atypical antidepressants who are aimed at the impact of various mediators.

For example, wellbutrine blocks reabsorption from neurotransmitters of dopamine and norepinephrine. On the other hand, Velaxin acts as noranedrenaline and serotonin.

Side effects from receiving atypical antidepressants may vary depending on the specific drug.

The most common side effects: nausea, fatigue, weight gain, drowsiness, nervousness, dry mouth and blurred vision.

Other soothing drugs for the nervous system:


  • Rhodiola RoseAlso known as the Golden Root, helps to adjust the hormones of stress and will be able to improve the mood. Tea is taken to reduce anxiety, but as a pleasant effect after a monthly reception of the golden root, an increase in vital energy and sexual entry is noted.
  • Tea from passionweta Perfectly copes with chronic fatigue and chronic anxiety. Passionwood is widely used for commercial purposes for the production of drugs oxazepam used to treat nerve disorders. When taking herbs in pure form, such side effects as drowsiness, headaches and dizziness are noted.

Essential oils

Heavy depression is not treated with aromatherapy, but smells of oils can easily remove the symptoms of the nervous disorder.


  1. Blueberry, Raspberry, and Strawberry Contains natural antioxidants and vitamin C. The use of these berries will help prevent bursts of the level of cortisol (stress hormone produced by adrenal glands).
  2. Milk and other dairy productsSuch as cheese and yogurt contain a large amount of riboflavin, an element affecting the CNS state.
  3. bitter chocolate It will also help to reduce the level of cortisol stress hormone, as well as norepinephrine.

Immediately it is worth noting the products associated with stressful state.

Alcohol will help relieve the sharpness of depression, but only for several hours. As soon as the state of intoxication passes, anxiety and nervousness will return.

Sugar and sweet products do not affect the levels of stress hormones, but psychologically can help calm down.


Vitamins of group B (in particular in 12) play an important role in the production of hormones that affect the mood and protective functions of the brain. Low levels of B-12 and folic acid are directly related to the nervous disorder.

Color therapy

Psychologists and psychotherapists argued very much about which color soothes the nervous system, but finally everyone came to a single conclusion.

Cold colors really have a soothing effect. Blue-color calm and serenity, and deep green color has the ability to relax body.

As for music and films - it is best to calm the classic melodies and old musical comedies, in which there are practically no dialogues.

Video: how to quickly lead yourself

Calm and measured life can only dream. People constantly face various problems that you have to solve as much as possible.

Some calmly perceive all the vitality, others react with an emotion burst, annoy, angry, in general, have a nervous system for strength. The human psyche affects the work of the whole organism when the nerves are not in order, headaches arise, problems with sleep appear, chronic diseases are activated.

Self-suggestion will help calm the nerves

To get rid of a nervous state, you should understand the reason for its appearance. Often people are nervous in habit. It happens that the feeling of unpleasant sits in the subconscious. This is due to the past time and events, but it is difficult for a person to get rid of the oppressed state. He is experiencing for what has already happened and is not subject to adjustment, what is the point of this?

It should be noted that the load on the nervous system can cause depression.

Managing self-sufficiency, you can get rid of many psychological problems. The main thing is to learn all the vitality of more or less perceive calmly. Self-pressure will help to cope with a nervous state without tablets.

Calmness, only calm

If no) found you at home, do not worry, you can cope with surviving umbrellas and home conditions.


This is one of the most effective and simple ways to calm down and relax. Especially it helps after a severe working day in a complex with aromatic oils or foam. Purchase coniferous extract to be added to a hot bath. Take water procedures for about 20 minutes, before bedtime.

When the heart jumps out of the chest, and thoughts are confused, drink a glass of cold water, soothes the nervous system.

Down with negative

Sometimes it is difficult to cope with negative emotions. When inside all boils from indignation, you need to spill the negative, but so that no one has suffered. You can cry, break a couple of old plates, shout, but you need to do it away from settlements, for example, in the forest. Do not keep emotions inside, do everything to feel relief.

Classical music has a healing effect. Want to calm down, then turn on the bah, make it easier in your favorite chair or on the sofa, close your eyes, abstract from thoughts and enjoy listening. It will not only help quickly calm the nerve, but will configure to positive.

If you have already appreciated all the benefits of music therapy, purchase audio recordings with the noise of the sea, the sounds of rain, birds singing. This method helps to relax after a long working day.

If you do not want to share your own experiences with outsiders, get a diary and write everything you think that you are bothering you. Problems written in paper no longer seem so insoluble as before.

Nerves in order - thanks to charging

Physical exercise and breathing exercises help to cope with the problems of a psychological nature. One of the sources of stress is the lack of movement. Sport strengthens the will, improves the figure and eliminates stress.

It is possible to choose a lesson for the soul: running, aerobics, yoga, any exercise. Excellent if you find like-minded people. The company is much easier to experience the body for strength. During conversations, workouts pass easily and easily, and all problems are forgotten, although on time.

Balanced ration

Periods occur in the life of each person when the nervous system at the limit. It's not about external circumstances, but in a shortage of certain elements for the full work of the body. Some products cause uncontrolled irritation, others, on the contrary, soothe.

Nervishka Shalyat, review the usual diet, add products rich in fatty acids and vitamin V. In the diet there should be marine fish, eggs, honey, legumes, dairy products, oils.

It has been proven that chocolate contributes to the production of joy hormone, restoring the nervous system. Remember, everything is fine when in moderation. Fruits and vegetables rich in fiber must be included in the daily diet.

Folk remedies for the peace of nervous system

Soothe the nerves stretched as strings can be folk methods.

  1. Valina's cortex in crushed form, a sufficiently tablespoon and a glass of boiling water. Heat the bark on small fire for 5 minutes. Close the capacitance with a lid, let it be imagined. After half an hour, the means should be strain. You need to take 4 times a day on a tablespoon before meals.
  2. Ten grams of berries of viburnum, mint leaves and, St. John's wort and Melissa - just 5 grams and 1 cup of boiling water. Fill all the components of boiling water and insist in a thermos one hour. Take twice a day 100 ml.
  3. , Valerian and, one teaspoon, pour and welcome in liter of boiling water. Cooking needed on low heat for about 10 minutes. Capacity should be covered with a lid. One hour later, strain the decoction and pour into a bath with water comfortable for swimming temperature. You need to take such a herbal bath no more than 30 minutes.
  4. Remove stress and calm the nerves at home can be with honey. Three times a day you need to eat one teaspoon of bee honey, drinking it with warm water. The first two spoons, it is better to eat up to lunch, so that then it did not have to lose weight.

Irritability will help remove lime tea with Melissa and honey.

Before treating the nerves by folk remedies, you should consult with a doctor, especially pregnant women. This will avoid allergic reactions to a particular component, confirm the diagnosis, eliminate the negative effects of recipes based on the individual characteristics of the body.

Full Son.

When the body is exhausted, a person becomes irritable. For a strong nervous system, a person must sleep 7-8 hours. Before you go to bed, you need to take a relaxing bath, it is useful to drink a glass of warm milk with honey, herbal tea, and from coffee and alcoholic beverages should be refused.

Make a pad that hangs at the head of the bed for a calm sleep. It put herbs with a relaxing effect, this is Lavender, Hop, Melissa.

An excellent tool to calm the nerves and relax is a unhurried evening walk. People constantly where to rush, such a rhythm of life is reflected first of all on the human psyche. Slowly walk, think about something good. Walk alone or in the company of unobtrusive friends.

All of the above actions will be ineffective if you do not know the reason for the increased nervousness. Ignore the problem, it means, consciously launch your own mental health.

Do not listen to acquaintances that advise drugs and allegedly effective treatments. Trust the doctor with many years of practice, which will prescribe treatment only after survey. Soothing tablets and drugs affect the psyche, but they have side effects and lead to addiction.

It is worth adding that some people tend to dramatize and pump the situation. Such personals make them get nervous and themselves. Communication with depressive people leaves an unpleasant sediment. Simply feel about life, forget about the past, it is no longer possible to return it, think about the present and build plans.

The nervous system of man, like any organ of time wears. Permanent stress, excitement, quarrels, voltages, emotions have a very bad effect on it. In this article, we will try to find the answer to the question of how to quickly calm the nerves and remove stress at home, what medicinal herbs, products and light exercises will help us in this.

How the nervous system of man works

The central nervous system is a rather complex mechanism. The main components of the system are the dorsal and brain, which are reliably protected: the brain is under the protection of the cranial box, the dorsal is located inside the ridge.

The nervous system is divided into sympathetic and parasympathetic.

Sympathetic system It consists of a plexus of nerves, which depart from the spine and ensure the innervation of organs in the human body. The role of the sympathetic system is to protect the body from stress, for example, with a strong fright, adrenaline emission takes place. This is not happening in itself, the nervous system gives teams that manifest themselves in the form of frequent heart abbreviations, the expansion of pupils, the sweating increases.

Parasympathetic system It acts the opposite - she calms the body. The adrenal glands receive the team to stop the emission of adrenaline, the heartbeat comes to normal, breathing slows down, the person relaxes.

The main functions of the central nervous system (CNS)

The nervous system has quite extensive functions. Everything that man does is controlling this system. Breathing, heartbeat, taste of food, blood flow via vessels, the perception of aromas, the ability to see and hear, walk, jump - all this controls the central nervous system. The mental state of man, emotions, the ability to speak, perceive himself and the world, also in the power of the nervous system. These and many other functions depend on the state of human nerves.

In order for the system to fulfill its functions, it is important to treat health carefully and not neglect advice that help maintain our nerves in a healthy and calm state.

Causes of nervous state

Like the entire human body, the CNS can be depleted under the influence of various factors:

  • Diseases of the CNS bodies.
  • Infectious diseases that affect the brain head and back.
  • Malignant processes in the brain.
  • Heart injuries.
  • Stress.
  • Depression.
  • Emotional violations.
  • Overwork.
  • Frequent unrest and conflicts.

Why nervous disorders badly affect health

Often a person produces a habit of all reacting acutely. If this happens because of year a year, the result will be disappointing. The inability to own itself can cause serious harm to the body and health in general. You need to learn how to quickly calm the nerves and bring our emotional state to normal so that there are no consequences in the form of various diseases.

There are many cases of nervous overexcitation and hysteria, which ended with a heart attack, stroke. Also, the manifestations of nervousness adversely affect the stomach, the liver, endocrine organs. , gastritis, thyroid diseases are directly related to constant unrest, stress and nervousness.

What to do at home to calm down

The first and simplest thing experts advise to quickly calm the nerves, find a comfortable and quiet place, sit down or lie down, close their eyes and slowly read up to a hundred, absolutely nothing to think about how to do deep slow breaths and exhalations. This is the easiest meditation to calm nerves, the result from which should not be underestimated.

Washing with cold water will help quickly calm down and get together with thoughts. The adoption of decoctions or informations from soothing medicinal herbs will help to normalize the nervous state and raise the mood.

Sedatives from the nerves of medicinal herbs

  • At home you can cook therapeutic tea

- Melissa 1 tsp.

- Water 200 ml.

In the glass, put the teaspoon of melissa and pour boiling water. Insolates half an hour and drink to calm the nerves. The infusion has a sedative effect, when it is received, the pulse becomes smooth, the pressure decreases.

  • Valerian roots

This plant everyone knows as a very good sedative.

- Valerian root 10 gr.

- Glass of water.

Root plants pour boiling water and insist half an hour. Take a tool throughout the day with small sips.

  • Infusion of hops

- Water 200 ml.

Hop cones pour boiling water in thermos. Insolate tool half an hour. Take three times a day at 50 ml.

  • Wormwood

This grass has anticonvulsant and soothing properties.

- wormwood 1 tsp.

- boiling water 200 ml.

Herb pour boiling water and breed one hour. Take the tool three times a day before meals on the tablespoon.

  • Chamomile infusion

Chamomile is one of the simplest and affordable tools that helps from nerves. Grass can be brew and drinking like tea at home.

One teaspoon of daisies pharmacy brewed with one glass of boiling water, drinking with honey.

  • Strawberry juice with milk

Strawberry juice mix in equal parts with milk. Drink can be drinking all day, it is delicious and saves the nervous system from the voltage, acts as a sedative.

What else can be done at home to quickly calm down

  1. Bath with milk. It is necessary to dial warm, but not hot water in the bath, add three glasses of milk. Plunge into the water, lie down for a while completely relaxing.
  2. Fresh air also perfectly acts onto a person's condition and contributes to the reassurance of the nervous system. You can simply open the window and breathe air, making deep calm breaths, or strolls in the park.
  3. The contrasting souls perfectly refreshes and helps control emotions.

How to calm the nerves with the help of respiratory gymnastics

Respiratory gymnastics, soothes nerves and relaxes. To correctly perform an exercise, it is important to stick to the rules that will help perform gymnastics in order to calm down and relax.

  1. To perform breathing exercises, it is necessary to lie or stand, with a flat back.
  2. It is necessary to close the eyes, it helps nothing to think about and soothes nerves.
  3. Focus on the control of inhale and exhale.
  4. Drain all negative thoughts from the head and completely relax all muscle groups.
  5. It is necessary to represent how the body is filled with oxygen. Muscles relax, a pleasant warmth is bottled by the body.

Option first

To breathe deeply to inflated the belly, when the belly exhale pops. Inhaling the air is important to delay the breath for two seconds, the air is needed slower than inhale for 4 seconds. Repeat the exercise several times.

Option two

This process needs to be controlled, to inhale raise the clavicle, in exhalation smoothly omit. Repeat 15 times.

Option Third

Inhale the air you need from the stomach, then the chest goes and the clavicle rises. Exhaust the opposite, starting with the clavicle, then chest and stomach. This is a wave breathing, you can perform it 15 times.

The following exercises will be useful for brain.

Gymnastics helps brain hemispheres to cope with the load and activates their activities.

The essence of the exercise is in alternate breathing through the left and right nostril. With a thumb right hand, you must first clamp the right nostril, then the little finger of the left. Alternately breathe that right, then the left nostrils slowly pulling the air: inhale left - exhale right, then breathing right - exhale left, etc., and so on.

Soothing and Relaxing Exercise

Perform the lungs, slow breaths, completely focusing on the exercise, put on a sunny plexus, breathing with belly and breasts.

Stress Exercise

Make a short and not very deep breath, delay the air in the lungs for four seconds and smoothly, slowly breathe air. Relax a few seconds and repeat the process again.

The following technique is aimed at strengthening blood tide to the brain - it will save from excitement, nervous voltage and anxiety. The palm of one hand should be put on the forehead, the second on the back of the head. Smoothly and smoothly inhale and exhale air, delaying the breath between them for a second.

Treatment of nerves and stress in our hands

Many processes in the body depend on the work of the nervous system. It is impossible to assume that stress, quarrels, conflicts will be held and will not leave the imprint on health. The best assistant to the nervous system is a person who owns and does not pour his anger and emotions to others.

At home, it is necessary to learn to quickly switch from an increased nervous state to calm. If the nervous tension is associated with the work, then coming home must learn to leave all the problems behind the threshold. You can include calm relaxation music to calm the nerves or listen to the sounds of nature, take the bath, spend the evening with relatives and loved ones.

It is impossible to accumulate pain and resentment - this very negatively affects the nerves. To settle disagreements, it is necessary to find time to talk about the misunderstanding in a relaxed atmosphere. Permitted problems fall as a stone and man feels calmly.

Food useful for nerve calm

In order for the nerves to be strong and calm, it is necessary to monitor the diet. Some experts argue that people prone to outbreaks of anger, irritability, nervousness need to eat 350 grams of certain products that will help to quickly improve well-being and calm the nerves.

The list of products that favorably affect the work of the central nervous system includes chocolate, cheese, caviar, pork meat, beef, birds, nuts and milk. These products are filled with tryptophan, amino acid. Finding into the body the substance turns into serotonin, it contributes to mental relaxation, there is a sense of emotional satisfaction. Using these products in moderate quantities, you can calm the nerves and provide a good mood.

And now look this ignition video, which literally will raise your mood and you will go to dance:

One in the question "How to remove stress and calm the nerves?" Sees a constructive solution.

Another goes around this delicate task, and the third, using the calculations of the first and caution of the second, applies in practice the fight against stress and voltage with a smile.

Why does stress appear?

We live in a rapid era. Two more than two years ago, a person dreamed that the computer could accommodate him in his pocket. It became a reality. Protein cocktails displace food, and the flight on cars with wings can be carried out, having mastered the transition - a car transformer.

In pursuit of time, advanced technologies, finance, domestic concerns we forget about yourself. We remember only at an hour of unhealthy, depression and stress. That is, at that time, when inevitably granted to themselves. But these destroying hearts and the soul of experience can be reduced to zero. It is enough to follow several uncomplicated recommendations.

The best way to overcome stress is to avoid it.

Concepts and conflicts in the family circle occupy perhaps the upper line of stress rating. Anger and covered resentments are flooded with all maritime space. Often, these emotions are only part of the spiritual storm introduced to a homely source from external sources. Problems at work, monetary difficulties, endless traffic jams of the megapolis - the raspberry of stressful situations is shrinking. There is a way out: breathe deeply, then exhale and analyze family relationships alone with you:

  1. Is your opinion in relation to households? Do not you drive a stick in communicating with them?
  2. How critical you are critical to yourself? Is this criticism objective? Did not miss anything?
  3. Do you have too high demands in relation to the family? Do you not forget to evaluate their strength and opportunities?
  4. What will happen to you if the families suddenly become? At all. Did you think about it?
  5. Have you smiled today? Hugged them? This extremely raises the mood.
  6. When was the last time you made gifts? After all, the giving is doubly more pleasant to receive.
  7. Silence is gold. Never tell anyone about the quarrels in the family. People still do not understand other people's problems. To comprehend someone else's situation, you need to go through the path of this person.

Tip! Evaluation of your actions is a good reason to calm down and soberly assess the home furnishings.

Stress is the main enemy of our health. At the same time, stress is an absolutely normal mental reaction, preparing the entire body to physical activity. At the moment of severe experience, the body gives a signal, hormone emissions occur, the muscles are strained, the nerve impulses are activated, blood pressure increases.

If similar emotional and physical stress loads occur systematically, without working out muscle energy, but with the emission of hormones, it will lead to serious diseases. Therefore, it is necessary and you can fight. How to calm the nerves with muscle activity and relieve stress, whose elimination tips are given psychologists:

  • Physical activity. At the time of sincere unrest, you need to perform so active exercise so that the body is at least a little freed from the compression formed at the time of stress. Jogging or squats will help relax muscle tissue and work out the part of the hormones that were thrown into the body.

  • Aromatherapy. It is necessary to find those smells, those flavors that will raise the mood and will help relax the whole organism. Aromacisant and bathtubs with essential oils will give the magic moments of getting rid of stress.
  • Breath technique. Standing or sitting, straightening his back and relaxing the shoulders, make alternately deep smooth breaths through the nose, and the exhalations with a slightly rodded mouth. 10 repetitions.

Tip! Develop a behavioral program for a specific situation - nervousness will be significantly dipped.

Sound loss of tension

Sounds, like flavors, are able to work wonders with our mood. Child laughter, Cat's purr, Cricket Distribution causes ambiguous emotions, and a pleasant heart retro melody brings warming heart memories. Write in your mobile phone music or sounds that will accompany and improve mood.

  • Sound of the surf. Closing the eyes, you can present yourself to sitting on the ocean: endless waves rolled up to the legs and dissolve on the sand.
  • Costridge. Recalls the past childhood and about youthful night gatherings.
  • Trill birds. One of the touching meditative sounds. Mentally transfer to fabulous forests.
  • The murmur of the stream. Embedding with a small trickle from cleft, breaks about stones.

Tip!For individual groups of persons, the complete absence of sounds serves as a real relaxation. Experiment with sounds and choose yourself in the collection you like.

Children and cats - Genius relaxation

In the modern world, after a difficult day, it is difficult to find the strength of both moral and physical. Fatigue, nervous stresses, pain in the body is the luggage that we everywhere we carry with you and accumulate the day from day.
But as it turns out, it's enough to get rid of this nosha. There is one exercise, 30 minute execution of which replaces a full-fledged sleep, and for 10 minutes enough to restart the body during the working day.

It is to lie on the back on a smooth, rigid surface, for example, on the floor and notice the muscle groups that are strained without need. Then intentionally try to relax them. Etc. The occupation can last endlessly long, but brings a colossal amount of benefit.

Exercise is based on observation of infants and cats, and, more precisely, how they sleep. If the cat or child put on the soft sand and gently lift when they fall asleep, we will see a strikingly smooth imprint. The thing is that these cute heart creatures very evenly distribute the weight of the body throughout the area of \u200b\u200bcontact with the surface on which they lie.

If an adult will do the same exercise, then on the sand will be noted only from highly depressed blades and a sacrum. The rest of the body, due to the constant, chronic tension of the muscles in contact with the sand and are not imprinted on it.

Tip! To become like cats and children need to try to completely get rid of muscle tension. The nerves calm down behind him, goes stress.

Sport and stress - who is who?

You can argue for a long time about the advantages and disadvantages of intensive sports, but as a means of nervous tension and stressful states, physical exercises occupy a dominant place.

Science has long been established that the most acceptable way to neutralize the emission during the voltage excess hormones (adrenaline and norepinenaline) serve active sports.

Physical exertion improve:

  • muscular frame;
  • elasticity of tendons;
  • circulation;
  • lymphottok.

Systematic stresses worsen the work of the immune system, which makes a person subject to infectious diseases. Regular sports contributes to the development of hormone happiness - endorphine, actively struggling with stress.

Swimming has a lifeless effect on most of the muscles. With it, the exchange processes are activated, the vessels are strengthened, the blood is saturated with oxygen, retreats stress.

Tip! Regular sports work is produced by a laying on a resistant stress resistance.

Removing stress on the sofa

Young mothers having a baby in the hands of the Kid, the above methods are not suitable: a lot of trouble with a child. But how to remove stress, get rid of tension and calm the nerves at home? There is a whole range of exercises for relaxation, while leaving the walls of its apartment is not at all necessary.

  • Breathing belly. Slowly absorb the air to the nose, at the same time, at the same time, the stomach first, and then the rambling chest. Exhale everything in the same sequence: first the stomach, then we lower the chest.
  • Breathing 2. Do not hurry, inhale full of breasts, then take a pause and slowly exhale. Try to the length of the breath, pause and the length of the exhalation were the same in time.
  • Laugh belly. Lying on the back, fold your hands over the breast. Start breathing belly. Then make the vibrational movements of the abdomen, as if laughing. Hands on the chest should not move, but the shivering should detonate.
  • Balloon. Become straight, raising and straightening your hands above your head, posing yourself flying in a balloon. Inhale - strain the possibilities of all muscles. On the slow exhale, the ball is slowly blown away and you relax with him and you.

Young mothers who are tired of home routine can remove stress without getting up from the sofa

Tip! Combine relaxing respiratory gymnastics with aromatherapy and baths, then stress will retreat much faster.

Tablets from stress

In the treatment and conduct of preventive methods, not only the physical, but also the emotional state of a person should be considered. How and how to calm the nerves, help the body relax and remove stress, what drugs for this will be required?
We live in a crazy rhythm, which is asking for lifestyle, behavior in society and family, mood and habits, appearance of stress and neurotic states.

Characteristic states of neurosis:

  • irritability;
  • feeling of depression;
  • anxiety, plasticity;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • feeling of hunger or lowered appetite;
  • migraine;
  • reduced libido.

These serious symptoms, if they do not pay attention to them, can "erase" in autoimmune diseases. One of them is rheumatism. Therefore, timely appeal to the doctor will help cope with the beginning of the disease.

Medicinal preparations designed to stop the first signs of neuroses - the consequences of stressful states:

  • antidepressants (Poszak, Pakshil, Fevarin, Azapane, etc.);
  • nootrops (piracetam, glycine, phenotropyl, mexidol, etc.);
  • anxiolitics (tranquilizers);
  • neuroleptics (appointment only in a psychiatrist);
  • preparations of herbs (Valerian, Chamomile, Melissa, etc.);

Tip!Drugs will be useless if you do not change your attitude to stress.

Turn to the stress by the face, and he turns away from you

Stress does not appear externally, is not an independent subject. It is born inside as a response to irritants from the outside. Therefore, different people are diametrically opposing views on the same subject. The fact that one painfully reacts to carelessly crushed the word, the other does not even hear it.

The attitude to work should not rise above your head. If something does not work at work, it does not mean that you are a stupid worker and this is your personal failure.

You do not need to worry about what colleagues, friends, neighbors on the staircase speak about you: You know who are in fact, and their opinion is distorted by the "picture of vision" of the outside world. And these people do not change. No one changes. Therefore, in order to be less nervous, you need to change the attitude towards stress, people.

Do not participate in the "corporate" gossip and go around the piece of the slopes in order not to be drawn into a dispute or a free dialogue.

And if you have fallen into a stressful situation, you need to conduct a thorough analysis: "What did I do?" - Or: "What am I not?" Because in some cases inaction is worse than the action. The constructive criticism of their steps towards the stressful situation, during stress, as well as eliminating the consequences - will help gain experience and avoid such moments.

Smile more often. Believe me if your side is flying the words, and from you to the interlocutor - a smile, then the opponent will be disarmed. The source of wisdom is in equilibrium, and the source of a trust conversation is in a smile.