How and how to seal the interpanel seams. Sealing of interpanel seams and joints Panel houses interpanel seams

V winter time year, the preservation of heat in apartments, offices and industrial premises comes to the fore. And the first solution that suggests itself is sealing interpanel seams in panel houses, all kinds of joints of facade elements, eliminating drafts and eliminating leaks. How by-effect of the above faults of facades of buildings, roofs, walls, mold, fungus may appear, which is a direct threat to the building itself and the health of the person in it. The reasons for increased heat loss, increased humidity in the room can be very diverse, but there are several common generalizations.

Also, there are often mistakes made during the construction process. It should be added that these elements not only worsen the indoor climate, but can also become a source of rapid deterioration of the building due to the accumulation of dirt, moisture and other things in them. There is only one solution - sealing the interpanel seams. This procedure can consist of several stages, be primary or secondary (this affects the range of work performed), and so on. In each case, an individual program is selected to solve problems with the isolation of the object.

Sealing of interpanel seams - everything is solvable

However, do not worry about this. If you notice the source of heat loss in time and eliminate it, then your home will be warm and cozy again. And it will also serve you for more than a dozen years. Professional sealing of interpanel seams in Moscow is best opportunity prepare your home for the winter frost.

A competently performed work reduces heat losses several times, prevents the accumulation of moisture, which can lead to the destruction of structures, the formation of mold and mildew. Our company, whose main specialization is industrial mountaineering in Moscow, is ready to offer you services for finishing the seams and joints of panels, walls, roofs and other components of a residential building. We not only isolate weak areas of the structure, but also eliminate possible leaks. Thanks to an integrated approach, even the most non-standard issues are resolved. If you are interested in high quality coupled with an affordable price for sealing interpanel seams, the "Climbers" will help you.

The procedure is performed in stages:

  • Analysis of the problem area: joints, walls, panels;
  • Selection of insulating material (it can be mastic, polyurethane foam, Vilatherm or their combination);
  • Surface and void cleaning: removal of moisture, dirt, debris, surface degreasing;
  • Applying formulations throughout the area, even distribution... If necessary, additional insulation and sealing of interpanel seams is carried out;
  • Removal of surplus materials;
  • Sealing with special compounds.

Once dry, the insulating materials will fill the entire available free area, creating powerful protection. This will not only prevent moisture from getting inside, but also significantly reduce the heat loss of the residential building. If you are interested in the cost of sealing interpanel seams, then it depends on the amount of work and the materials used. You can clarify the approximate amount by contacting the Alpinisty employees by phone or in the office.

Name of works unit of measurement The cost of work in the private sector The cost of work for large volumes
Complex sealing of interpanel seam pog. m. From 1200 rub. From 150 rubles.
Complex sealing of the junction of windows to walls pog. m. From 870 rub. From 140 rub.
Autopsy of old sealant pog. m. From 150 rubles. From 55 rub.
Cement slurry opening pog. m. From 120 rubles. From 45 rub.
Degreasing the surface pog. m. From 350 rub. From 75 rub.
Removing mold and mildew pog. m. From 540 rub. From 60 rubles.
Insulation laying sq. m. From 160 rubles. From 25 rubles.
Installation of a hydraulic lock pog. m. From 900 rub. From 340 rub.
Sealant application pog. m. From 210 rub. From 40 rubles.

Prices are valid for 2017-2018

If the seams of the panel building are not insulated and the interpanel joints are not waterproofed, the walls collapse very quickly from moisture and ice (dew point effect), and the residents suffer from the cold, high humidity, mold, leaks and other inconveniences.

Essential for all panel buildings. Sealing of seams between panels includes insulation of the seam cavity and waterproofing of the panel joint from the outside. Building panels often have chips and irregularities, therefore, inside the interpanel seam, not only technological expansion joint, but there are also large openings formed by defective panels. The space between the panels should be filled with insulation, and the joint of the slabs should be waterproofed during the construction of the building. But in modern construction the seams are sealed nominally. The joint between the panels is often covered up cement mortar, and not provided by building codes, special sealing mastics. Water seeps through the unconsolidated space between the slabs and penetrates cold air.

Absolutely empty interpanel seam. Chipped slabs on the ground floor.

The joints of the panels can be uneven, the interpanel space must be insulated, tightly filling all the voids. The slabs are often displaced, so the size of the interpanel joint can be different. Therefore, high-quality sealing of joints on panel buildings will require experience and knowledge of technological methods for all types of panel defects in various series. panel houses.

Overview of technologies for sealing joints between panels.

Putty joint between slabs- surface (shallow) sealing of interpanel seams. This method (work technology) of repairing joints does not imply opening and removing the old sealant. The waterproofing mastic is applied directly on top of it. This repair method is applicable if the previous layer of mastic is slightly damaged, and thermal insulation material saved its properties completely. Usually used to give the appearance of the work done.

Waterproofing of the slab joint- sealing of joints with preliminary removal of the old sealing mastic. A complete cleaning of the joint of the plates from the previous sealant is carried out. A fresh layer of mastic is applied to the clean interpanel joint. With this technology, there is no seam insulation. Fully sealing the vertical seam of the building will help prevent leaks from outside the house in this area. But the cold will still penetrate through the horizontal seams.

"Warm seam"- more efficient technology sealing seams than the previous ones. Full or partial cleaning of the interpanel space and the joint of the plates from the old sealant and sealant is carried out. Then a Vilatherm insulation is laid, the cavity of which is sometimes foamed. Sometimes they foam the seam cavity on the surface, but most often they do without the costly polyurethane foam... And then they cover the joint of the plates with sealing mastic.
Sometimes, with this technology of work, the crosshairs of the slabs are foamed to the full depth, in this case they call the technology "warm seam +". From the point of view of insulation, this helps, but it is still a half-measure. It is necessary to insulate the entire seam, to the full depth. That's why better technology the sealing of seams is a "tight seam".

Sealing of seams using the "Tight seam" technology. Sealing of seams.

The most advanced method of warming and sealing seams is "Tight seam"... Unlike other technologies, the "Tight seam" technology does not combine the use of Vilatherm or foam, but both Vilatherm and polyurethane foam are used in a comprehensive and systematic manner.

Strictly speaking, the "Closed seam" technology is the same as the "warm seam" plus a thorough foaming of the seam cavities to seal the entire interpanel seam space. With "Warm seam" in best case the cavity inside the vilaterm foams and the foam expands the vilatherm with a "swollen sausage" well seals the interpanel space, but this works with a perfectly even junction of the plates. On practice reinforced concrete slabs chipped inside and interpanel space of irregular geometric shape with unpredictable size openings. When building a house, builders try to chip the slabs inward to make the house look good. And also when the building settles, the crosshairs of the vertical and horizontal seams are displaced, forming an interpanel space irregular shape therefore Vilatherm does not insulate the seam tightly enough with "Warm seam". For high-quality insulation of the interpanel seam, it is necessary to foam not only the cavity inside the vilaterm, but also the space behind the vilaterm, not sparing the foam. Then the panel joint must be properly sealed with good mastic.

Even following simple everyday logic, compare the thickness of the slab and the diameter of the insulation. The thickness of the panel slab is from 30cm to 70cm, depending on the series of houses, and the velatherm insulation has a diameter of up to 70mm, usually 30mm or 40mm is used to insulate the interpanel seams. Thus, with a "warm seam" only the outer part of the slab is insulated. If your neighbors did not insulate and seal the seams, then cold air will penetrate to you through the "neighbor's seams". There is only one way out - to make insulation using velatherm - outside the seam, and polyurethane foam - in the depth, between the panels. It is necessary to foam ALL the empty space between the slabs using the "Tight seam" technology. The use of polyurethane foam "costs a pretty penny", so management companies, at best, use the "warm seam +" technology, i.e. foaming the crosses, and then "a little". Real insulation means complete filling of the seam with polyurethane foam. Polyurethane foam allows you to achieve the proper seam seals... Polyurethane is widely used as insulation in construction, for example, in clinker panels, sandwich panels, application of foamed roof and wall insulation.

If joint sealing the joints of the panels were not made or were not carried out well, water can seep into the apartment, flowing down the vertical seams and spreading along the horizontal ones. Or form as condensation on a cold wall. Cold air penetrates through the seam cavities and blows heat out of the apartment. Fungus and mold form on the walls in apartments, wallpaper peels off and plaster falls. In winter in such apartments, you can easily get sick with the flu.

Each tenant of a modern panel house sooner or later comes to the conclusion that it is necessary to conduct a high-quality sealing interpanel seams.

Sealing materials must be flexible. Since the seams in panel house concentrate all the load on themselves. When the house settles, rigid, inelastic seams inevitably crack. For example, cement mortar used by builders cracks, various profiles and hydrophilic rubber cords are unevenly deformed. The most correct is the insulation and sealing of seams with dense filling of voids between seams with elastic materials using the "Tight seam" technology.

It is the waterproofing of the joint of the building wall slabs and the filling of the space between the panels. Insulation of seams achieved by completely filling the space between the panels with foam. First, a Vilatherm is laid between the panels. After that, the entire intra-seam space is filled with foam into the hole made in the vilaterm. Vilatherm prevents the release of the polyurethane foam outside. The foam fills in all the voids inside the joint, forming a blind plug. Then the joint between the panels is coated with a sealing mastic.
Sometimes the joint between the panels is very small, i.e. the panels are tightly pressed on the outside, but inside there is still a cavity, an expansion joint. In this case, the Vilatherm is not laid. The seam is filled with foam through the drilled holes, and the joint is sealed with mastic. In this case, the foam is completely covered with panels and lasts a very long time, and the sealant prevents moisture from penetrating into the seam.

High-quality sealing of interpanel seams and insulation of the interpanel cavity can only be carried out according to necessary technologies and the necessary materials. Any deviation from technology or in the choice of materials when sealing joints leads to disastrous results.

Quality repair, insulation and sealing of seams implies carrying out works according to the "Tight seam" technology with subsequent waterproofing of the joint between the panels with a sealing mastic.

Sealing and insulation of seams using technology "Tight seam" will completely insulate and seal the seams. Many firms only partially solve the problems of insulation and tightness of interpanel seams, as they violate the technological order of work. Either the cavity of the vilatherm is simply foamed, or an empty vilatherm is laid, but the cavities between the panels are not foamed. Or they don't pull out the old, rotten seal. We guarantee high-quality - tight insulation of the joints, which ensures complete sealing of the interpanel space and waterproofing of the joint of external wall panels.

If this is the first time to grout the joints, it is necessary to dismantle the cement putty (plaster) made by the builders, then remove the tow or rubber (boards, rags) with which the builders filled the space between the panels. And then it is necessary to make high-quality sealing of the seam (waterproofing of the joint). If the sealing of the seams has already been carried out, but the required result has not been achieved, then the technology has been violated or not used quality materials... In this case, it is necessary to repair the interpanel seams. It is necessary to inspect on the spot what kind of repair of the seams to make. If the Vilatherm has already been laid in the seam, it is necessary to foam the seam and seal the seam. If the seam is completely insulated, the sealant just cracked from time to time, then it is enough to coat the joints between the panels with sealant.

Primary and secondary sealing of seams in panel houses.

Primary sealing of seams called the sealing of previously unsealed seams. Currently, most houses are rented by developers with sealed seams. Secondary sealing- this is a cosmetic or major repair of the sealing of interpanel seams, depending on the degree of destruction.

Redecoration and sealing of seams in panel houses.

Redecoration and sealing of seams includes cleaning the edge of the seam from the old sealant and applying a new sealant to the joint of the plates. Redecoration of the sealing of the joints is carried out if the old layer of the sealing mastic is cracked or partially fell off. But at the same time, the insulation inside the seam was preserved, and there are no leaks or freezing of the walls in the room, or other signs of defects in the seams.

Overhaul and sealing of seams in panel houses.

Materials used to seal the seams.

Sealant(sealing mastic) - the main material for waterproofing and insulation of interpanel seams and joints. It depends on the sealant how reliably the seam or joint is waterproofed. If the sealant has properly "taken root" to the seam, moisture will not get inside the seam and ice will not form. The service life of the entire building depends on the sealant!

Sealing mastic- this is composite material based on polymers, mainly polysulfide or liquid organosilicon rubbers. Sealants are used to fill various cracks and cracks in order to ensure their impermeability, used to seal interpanel seams, as well as to fill voids around window and door frames, heating pipes, water pipes, at the joints and bends.

Vilatherm- This is an environmentally friendly sealing material, made of foamed polyethylene. Vilatherm is a hollow cylinder in shape. Vilatherm is used to fill the voids between the slabs.

Polyurethane foam is a polyurethane foam sealant. Used to fill voids. After leaving the container, the foam polymerizes and expands, filling the voids. After some time, up to 24 hours, the polyurethane foam continues to expand and seal the seam. High-quality polyurethane foam must have adhesion (compatibility) to materials, the voids between which must be filled.

Sealing joints in apartments.

In apartments above 2 floors it is produced by the method of industrial mountaineering. This requires access to the roof.
To gain access to the roof of the building, you must submit an application to the DEZ addressed to the chief engineer on behalf of the tenant of the apartment in which the joints will be filled or the balcony joints will be sealed.
Attached to this statement is letter of guarantee from our company, about our guarantees not to damage the roof of the building during work. As well as certificates of climbers who will seal the interpanel seams.
We ourselves will carry these documents to DEZ. The customer is only required to sign the application.

The necessary conditions for high-quality sealing of interpanel seams:

1. Dry weather. (temperature can be any)

2. Quality and necessary materials depending on the type of building facade.

3. Roof access. (we will issue ourselves in 1-2 working days) Leave a request at or call back.

Sealing of glazing joints and panels of a ventilated facade.

Sealing of seams and joints of metal structures.

Pre-fabricated metal structures, various hangars, warehouses, require sealing of seams. The main reason for the leakage of the roof of such metal structures is that the joints between the roofing sheets are poorly attracted to the lathing. And the gap between the sheets is quite large. A large gap will leak regardless of the amount of sealant used to seal the joint. The only correct method of roof repair is to eliminate large gaps between the sheets of the structure, and then sealing the joints of the metal structure.

Sealing plaster joints.

In some panel houses, in order not to perform planned sealing, developers make interpanel joints plaster mix... In this case, the interpanel space is not filled. The joint of the panels is simply plastered. Inside, between the panels, voids remain. Moisture and cold air still seep through the plaster, and from the roof, water can spread along empty seams into apartments.

It is sometimes difficult to open the plaster interpanel seam along the entire length. For example, the interpanel gap is very narrow and plastered "conscientiously" with reinforced concrete. In this case, you can make high-quality filling of the interpanel space using polyurethane foam. It is necessary to drill holes in the seam every 20-30 cm and foame the seam through the holes. The foam expands inside the seam and fills in the empty space. Then it is necessary to coat the seam with a sealing mastic over the plaster in order to completely waterproof the seam. In this case, the plaster joint on top of the foam serves as an excellent protection for the insulation (polyurethane foam) from painting, and the sealant layer on top of the plaster is an excellent protection of the entire interpanel joint from moisture.

Drilling a plaster joint. Sealant application.

What else is useful to know about insulation of seams and waterproofing of joints.

V winter period water freezes in interpanel seams and façade cracks, and this leads to expansion of cracks and seams, and destruction of the wall. It is no secret that ice has the power to destroy metal structures, concrete, stone and other materials. Water penetrates the walls of the facade through and through, and turning into ice expands the material, which leads to the destruction of the building. Do not delay repairing panel joints and you will extend the life of your building.

If the distance between the panels is too large, the seam is insulated by laying a tubular Vilatherm insulation. The main insulation in the interpanel seams is polyurethane foam. The polyurethane foam fills all the voids between the panels: narrow gaps, into which the vilatherm and the depth of the seam between the panels cannot penetrate. And then, at the final stage, a sealing mastic is applied to the joint between the panels.

There are signs by which you can determine whether your building needs repair of panel seams. The main ones are leaks, freezing, dampness of walls, drafts in the corners. It is possible to apply sealant to the joint at negative temperatures, but not in wet weather.

Sealing of seams of panel houses:

Professional sealing of interpanel seams and insulation of interpanel space is necessary work to permanently rid your home of leaks, frost penetration and mold.

Overhaul of interpanel seams is carried out only using the "Tight seam" technology, developed by the engineers of the StroyAlp group of companies. According to which SNiP was subsequently adopted on sealing the seams of large-panel buildings.

Insulation and sealing of seams of windows and sills:

In order to get rid of mold around the windows, the windows are sealed - the joints and abutments of glass units and panels are sealed, the junctions of the ebb and the panel are insulated.

Sealing of interpanel seams in panel houses of different series is carried out according to different technologies, since the designs of houses and panels are different.

Insulation and sealing of seams of apartments includes sealing of interpanel seams, sealing of loggias and balconies, sealing of windows and ebb tides, as well as, if necessary, insulation of seams from the inside - from the side of the apartment.

Materials for sealing joints should be selected based on the applied sealing technology and the series of the house. Sometimes in the same series of houses, developers use different facing materials, therefore, it is often necessary to individually select a sealant for better adhesion to the surface.

Sealing of seams in a panel house can be done in several ways. The choice of a specific technology depends on the condition of the building and the goals set. Our company provides a full range of services related to the repair of interpanel seams, namely:

  • Primary sealing in new buildings, during the construction phase. The method involves laying insulation in an empty interpanel seam, then the insulated seam is covered with waterproofing mastic;
  • Secondary sealing of seams in a panel house. It is used when the old sealant between the plates is in an unsatisfactory state and has ceased to perform its function (it allows cold and moisture to pass through). Repair is carried out by applying a new layer of waterproofing mastic, often the old sealant must be removed completely.
  • Sealing "Warm seam with opening" is performed in several stages:

    Opening and cleaning the seam;

    Removing the remains of old sealant from the facade;

    Seam filling with polyurethane foam;

    Insulation laying "Vilatherm";

    Coating of the insulated seam with mastic.

  • "Warm seam without opening" - is used in cases where concrete poured are subject to repair interpanel seams... The big advantage of this method is that the entire seam inside is filled with polyurethane foam. For insulation and sealing of concrete joints, work is performed using perforators. A concrete seam is drilled (at a distance of 30-50 cm), after which the seam is filled with polyurethane foam through the holes. In the final part, the entire seam is covered with mastic. It is not recommended to insulate concrete interpanel seams using the "Warm open seam" method, as often concrete seams are part of the supporting structure the building itself.

Technological regulations and nuances.

"Warm seam with opening" - Stages of sealing work

1. Preparation of the joint surface (removal of old sealant);

2. Work with a seam:

Opening the seam,

Excavation (scrubbing);

Foaming of voids (professional polyurethane foam "Profil 65", manufacturer "Soudal");

Insulation laying "Vilatherm" (the diameter is selected according to the width of the seam);

Sealing (application of premium mastic "Gidromast 622" (acrylic, can be painted), "Gidromast 24" (polyurethane) or "AM 05" (thiokol - only gray or black).

The second two options for the work performed are sealing without opening the seams. In this case, Vilaterm insulation is not used. Such technological methods are used in cases where the seams are in good condition, however, through them cold or moisture still penetrates into the room, which means that interpanel seams must be closed.

"Warm seam with drilling" - Stages of sealing work

1. Surface preparation (removal of old sealant / opening, as required);

2. Work:

Drilling the existing seam every 30 cm;
Foaming of voids through holes / punctures (professional polyurethane foam "Profil 65", manufacturer "Soudal");
Sealing (application of premium mastic "Gidromast 622" (acrylic, can be painted), "Gidromast 24" (polyurethane) or "AM 05" (thiokol - only gray or black).

The main plus: the foam fills the entire seam inside (the consumption increases three times compared to the first method of insulation), as a result - super insulation. It is used when the seams freeze. It can be done if the joint can withstand the foam pressure that occurs during its expansion (i.e. there should be fairly strong joints, preferably concrete).

Our prices:

The final price for the execution of work will depend on the quantity running meters on which sealing is to be done. You can find out the exact cost of the work thanks to the free service of calling the measurer, using a telephone consultation or calculating yourself using this price list:

Name of works

Unit measurements

Price, rub.)

1. Sealing of seams with insulation (new buildings)

2. Sealing seams without insulation

3. "Warm seam" with opening

4. "Warm seam" with drilling

5. Sealing of stained-glass windows, skylights

6. Sealing of window joints

7. Sealing folds of metal roofs

8. Sealing canopies

9. Sealing the slabs of the technical floor (without replacing the roof deck)

10. Sealing the slabs of the technical floor (with replacement of the roof deck)

Our work:

1. ZhKK "Serpukhov". Sealing of seams 3 200 linear meters

2. Sealing 5,050 running meters - "Warm seam"

3. Sealing "Warm seam without opening" - 7 750 m.

How we are working:

You leave a request
Is free

In 15 minutes

We contact you
Is free

On the day when
a meeting

We inspect the work site, take measurements
Is free

In 2 hours
after meeting

We provide you with an estimate for high-rise work
Is free

The next

We conclude an agreement

In the agreed

We carry out all the work on a turnkey basis
Final calculation

You receive fully completed high-rise works on time and according to
the agreed price.

Normative acts:

Our company guarantees the repair of panel seams in accordance with all technical instructions adopted in the Russian Federation. In their repair and construction activities, specialists are guided by the main regulatory documents, such as:

SN 420-71 "Building codes and regulations for sealing interpanel seams";

VSN 19-95 "Instructions on the technology of sealing butt joints of panels of external walls of residential buildings";

VSN 40-96 "Instruction when performing work on sealing the joints of external walls and window blocks";

TR 94.10-99 "Technical regulations for sealing the joints of external enclosing structures";

TR 94.07-99 "Technical regulations for sealing the joints of external enclosing structures";

44-03 TC ( routing) "Sealing joints of external enclosing structures";

VSN-119-75 "Instructions for sealing joints during the repair of prefabricated buildings";

TR 95.07-99 "Technological regulations for sealing joints of external enclosing structures";

Correctly performed sealing of interpanel seams is a guarantee of high-quality operation of the home, thanks to comprehensive protection from weathering, leaks. Depressurization requires the adoption of emergency measures to eliminate deformation and destruction in the area of ​​the joints. The penetration of moisture can cause freezing of walls, the formation of condensation, the appearance of mold, mildew.

Sealing of interpanel seams is performed when the integrity of the joints is violated. The reasons for depressurization can be:

  • non-compliance with standards construction technology when erecting a structure;
  • displacement of panel blocks due to uneven shrinkage of the bearing elements of the building;
  • deformation of panels under the influence of sharp temperature changes;
  • intense influence of atmospheric precipitation, conditions of high humidity and low indicators of temperature conditions.

The technology of insulating interpanel seams should take place in stages, in accordance with the established rules. Deformation changes require opening the groove between the panels.

Insulation and sealing works are carried out using standard technology:

  1. Cleaning and stripping surfaces from old insulation, dust, paint, mastic.
  2. Facing cracks in the interpanel space.
  3. Filling the joints with heat-insulating material (polyurethane foam). After application, in the process of hardening, the composition expands, filling the pores, voids in inaccessible places of the seam. During work, the joint surfaces must be clean and dry.
  4. Insulation laying Vilatherm. The material has a dense structure, has optimal performance thermal insulation, elasticity, easy to install. The insulation is laid without tears, filling the entire length of the seams. Leave space for sealing after laying the material.
  5. At the end, the seams are treated with sealing compounds ( waterproofing mastics), which cover the insulation after installation from external influences.

It is recommended to carry out repair work on sealing at a temperature range from -10 ° C to + 30 ° C, and in the complete absence of atmospheric precipitation. Violation of external conditions during installation will lead to the fragility of the water protection.

Sealing of interpanel seams from inside the apartment is carried out if it is impossible to perform high-rise work with outside dwellings. The room should be cleared of furniture. Next, a superficial opening of interpanel joints and determination of the scope of work is carried out. If the sealing material is in a satisfactory condition, it is advisable to foam the groove between the panels by preparing the holes along the seam.

In the absence of insulation and deformation of the panel blocks, it will be necessary to deep open the seams. The work technology is similar to external repair work. The process of external sealing of interpanel seams of houses involves the use of an algorithm for primary and secondary processing of block joints.

Sealing of interpanel seams of the primary type is carried out in new buildings. Sealing of joints is carried out by laying insulation. Applicable innovative material Vilatherm, presented in the form of rounded polyethylene foam tubes, or penoflex (polyurethane foam). The outer surface of the insulation is covered protective layer waterproofing agent - mastics.

Careful processing of interpanel seams in panel houses guarantees high-quality insulation and moisture protection against aggressive weather conditions. The best choice will become sealing materials for facades that are resistant to temperature extremes, retaining their properties for a long time.

Secondary sealing of the external interpanel joint

Sealing panel seams of a secondary type implies repair types of work in areas where the joints between panels have already been processed. It is recommended to renew the coatings every 5-7 years. The use of sealants and the type of repair depends on current state seam.

The absence of severe damage, a satisfactory quality of the coating, allows us to restrict ourselves to the renewal of the outer sealing layer. Signs of deformation, deep destruction, require major repairs, implying the opening of the seams, the elimination of old fillers. In this case, the interpanel seams are sealed using the primary technology.

Features of the technology of insulation of interpanel seams "Warm seam"

Insulation of interpanel seams in the presence of significant signs of destruction is carried out using the three-component technology "Warm seam". The implementation technique has significant differences from standard repair work. The main material is polyurethane foam, which is not used for other options.

The sealing compound makes it possible to enhance the resistance of interpanel seams to chemical and mechanical stress. Polyurethane has a low moisture storage capacity. Once the foam cures, a material with optimal thermal insulation characteristics is formed. With the help of polyurethane foam, it is possible to carry out a full-fledged sealing of the seams of houses, thanks to the filling of all hollow spaces, even in the most inaccessible places.

As a result of the application of the technology of three-component sealing and insulation of interpanel seams from the inside, an optimal level of protection against moisture and wind is achieved. In order to avoid the accumulation of condensate in the area of ​​the interpanel joint, the method of insulating interpanel seams from the inside should be carried out in stages, taking into account all the basic norms and requirements.

Initially, the surface is cleaned, the old composition is removed. The prepared groove is treated with polyurethane-based foam. Until the moment of hardening, the sealant is laid, after which the waterproofing mastic is applied. Insulation of interpanel seams in panel houses prevents irrational heat loss by increasing the room temperature by 3-4 ° C.

Rules for sealing interpanel seams

The performance of work should take into account the individual characteristics of the state of the interpanel space. The rules for sealing interpanel seams will help to achieve desired result, having completed the technology with high quality, in full compliance with the norms.

Standard rules for insulation and sealing of interpanel joints:

  1. The presence of leaks in the area of ​​the end face of the wall requires a major overhaul to seal the interpanel seams of the end face of the facade and the longitudinal wall.
  2. Leakage in the area of ​​the vertical joint is eliminated by completely replacing the vertical joints with adjacent horizontal sections along the entire height of the building facade.
  3. The presence of deformation of the horizontal interpanel seam requires repair work in the area of ​​three to four panel rows of the structure.

Sealing of interpanel seams should take into account a certain degree of stress on the joint zones. Sealing surfaces are subjected to alternating tension and compression. Insulation material and sealant are selected in the ratio of shrinkage, structure vibrations.

The impact of the load increases commensurate with the width of the joint, therefore it is recommended to lay a layer of sealant twice less than the width of the joint space between the panels. When choosing a material, one should also take into account the characteristics of the compositions, the degree of resistance to loads and external influences.

Materials when working with seams

The main purpose of materials for sealing the interpanel seam from the inside is to qualitatively eliminate cracks and damage to prevent moisture from entering the joints between the panels.

Seam sealing processing is carried out using special materials:

  • mastics, sealants;
  • waterproofing harnesses;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • Vilatherm.

The choice of a particular material depends on the state of the interpanel seams and the type of repair work. Sealant (sealing mastic) is used for cosmetic repairs of sealing interpanel seams.

The absence of damage at the seams of the insulation allows only the renewal of the mastic layer. It is not recommended to use cement-sand mixture, bituminous materials, due to low performance properties. Cracks and chips form on the surface of hard coatings.

Overhaul of the sealing of panel, interpanel seams, is carried out with full disclosure of the joints and replacement of insulation. Further, sealing and painting is performed. It is important to consider performance characteristics insulation material, the degree of strength and resistance to external influences.

When sealing interpanel seams, the materials should be a heater that will provide reliable heat protection and will act as the basis for laying mastic or tape. The best choice would be a composition based on polyurethane foam.

Freezing and ingress of moisture into the interpanel seams can cause serious damage and cause an uncomfortable atmosphere in the home. Timely and high quality renovation work for warming and sealing joints, they will get rid of unpleasant consequences, increasing the durability of the structure.

About 50% of the total housing stock of the country is occupied by panel apartment buildings... At a certain period of time, it was the construction of such structures that made it possible to provide housing for many citizens. The main problem of such structures is the leakage of the joints of the panels. That is why the sealing of external seams in a panel house is the main task necessary for high-quality insulation of the building.

This allows you to improve the microclimate in the apartment, as well as reduce energy consumption. A similar measure helps to get rid of mold and other problems. Sealing of interpanel seams in panel houses is carried out by industrial climbers. It is possible to carry out such repairs with your own hands only on the first two floors of the house.

Sealing joints during construction

Not so long ago, this work was not given much importance, because the main task was to increase the pace of construction. Many construction companies used a simple tow to seal the panel joints. The best option was to use rubber seals. Then the seam was covered with the usual cement-sand composition and bituminous mastic.

Since each building construction shrinks over time in the first years of construction, this often becomes the reason for the depressurization of the seams. Water that gets into the formed cracks destroys the solution and opens the joint for precipitation and wind.

You can seal the seams between the panels in the old fashioned way, but how long such a finish will last is a matter of several years. There are several ways to seal the joints between panels in a panel house, which depend on their condition:

  • In cases where the concrete filling as a whole is preserved, it can be carried out redecorating... This method is cheap and not very effective.
  • When the main area of ​​the seam is well preserved, but some defects are noticeable, during the repair process the seam is partially opened.
  • The most the best option is the sealing of seams using the "warm seam" technology.

It must be remembered that it will not be possible to seal the joints from inside the apartment. The work should be carried out directly on the facade of the building.

Seams are filled along their entire height. Otherwise, water that enters part of the joint will destroy the repaired area. For this reason, this issue should be resolved with neighbors. It will be not only more reliable, but also cheaper.

The amount that will have to be paid for repairing the joints of external panels is influenced by the need to order the services of industrial climbers. They are the ones who repair the facades of multi-storey buildings. It should be noted that in this case it will not be possible to use lifting towers.

Repair without opening the joint

The cheapest option is to seal panel seams without opening them. Better if this method will be used only if the joint coating is in good condition. First, the seam is examined. Remove old mastic with a spatula. If cement composition retained its reliability, you can save money and perform cosmetic repairs. However, in most cases, this decision does not lead to the best result.

Then they perform the following actions:

  • The cleaned seam is treated with deep penetration soil. It is better if it contains fungicide additives.
  • If necessary, the destroyed sections of the seam are sealed with a solution.
  • After that, the entire joint is covered with a mastic with water-repellent properties. In the store, you can find various formulations that consist of one or two components. Many experts prefer two-component compositions based on polyurethane.

The components of the solution should be mixed with a mixer. In this case, you must follow the instructions on the package. The front edge of each panel is closed with construction tape so that it is not stained with mastic.

Partial opening of the seam

If part of the coating is broken or there is no seal behind the cement mortar, it is necessary to partially open the joint between the panels. This method is more reliable than cosmetic repairs. The work is done in the following order:

  • First, the destroyed cement composition is removed. When opening only a certain part of the seam, it is necessary to drill holes in it every 25 cm. In this case, it is necessary to use a 10 mm drill.
  • Then the empty areas behind the plaster should be filled with polyurethane foam. For this, a construction gun is used, which conveniently dispenses foam.
  • After the foam has set, its protruding part should be cut off. The entire seam should be primed. All areas that have been opened must be plastered.

At the final stage of the work, the joints are processed with bitumen mastic.

Warm seam technology

This technology is the most qualitative way of sealing interpanel seams. Its cost is quite high, but the result meets expectations. The work is carried out according to a simple scheme:

This joint sealing technology today is the most effective way repair of external surfaces of panel houses. When choosing this method, the work efficiency is the highest. The seam is insulated, becomes waterproof, and also protected from precipitation. This extends the life of the entire house.

Sealing of interpanel seams in multi-storey structures is performed by professionals. Experiments can be carried out only at the level of the first and second floors - when installing reliable scaffolding... In other cases, it is required to call industrial climbers.

Sealing joints from the inside

If the cold season has already arrived, and streams of air seep through the joints, you need to take urgent precautions. They are usually temporary. This is because inside seams are the wrong approach to work. After rain, moisture accumulates in the crevices and contributes to the rapid destruction of the sealant, no matter how reliable it is.

If the gap is not repaired, it will be blown through, and moisture will evaporate. When the seam is closed, the water will remain in the crevice much longer, since the seam is not ventilated. The consequences can be dire.

The same applies to the insulation of the wall from the inside. When you choose this method, the dew point, which should be in the middle of the panel, is shifted to the inner surface of the wall. As a result, between the layer of insulation and interior decoration water streams will constantly form on wall surfaces. Moisture will quickly destroy nearby flooring... Sealing joints outside will help to avoid these consequences.

What materials to use

The gaps between the slabs are filled with Polymerfex polyurethane foam. If a tubular insulation material "Vilaterm" is chosen, it must be placed in bitumen pastes or mastic.

You can waterproof the insulation with mastic. It is applied outside the joints. The mastic will protect the insulation material not only from moisture, but also from sunlight. On each side of the seam, the mastic should cover the panel by 3 cm.

In old apartments, with the constant destruction of the insulation, mold begins to develop on the walls. For this reason, mold spots are treated prior to performing secondary sealing. This work is done in the following order:

  • the infected area is cleaned;
  • it is dried by natural ventilation for three days or using a heat gun;
  • biocide treated;
  • covered finishing materials with antiseptics.

The walls of old buildings, into which the fungi have penetrated quite deeply, is very difficult to "cure". Therefore, it is better to hire construction crew, which perform surface treatment and cleaning in accordance with the technology.


Thermal and waterproofing of panel joints of old houses should be carried out in accordance with the "warm seam" technology. This will protect the wall from further destruction, as well as create favorable conditions in the apartment. It is better if the wall will be processed immediately on large area otherwise, after several seasons, moisture can destroy part of the repaired surface.

When it is necessary to make temporary repairs, it is permissible to carry out a cosmetic decoration of the walls or partially insulate the seams. This will help prevent further destruction of the walls. It is not recommended to seal the cracks from the inside. This is not only wasted money, but also an extra reason for stagnant moisture in the joints between the panels.

To figure out how to seal the seams outside in a panel house, you can follow the instructions of the "warm seam" technology. However, all work at heights is carried out by industrial climbers. This will allow you to do the work better and protect yourself from possible injuries.