Septic tank baby. Budget septic tanks for summer cottages without pumping: the best manufacturers of septic tanks without pumping out on the market

Wastewater is an integral part of human life. It is good if there is a centralized system for their removal, but this is not available everywhere. In this case, you need to find out how the local sewerage system is designed and installed for a country house.


Before starting any calculations, you need to become familiar with your site. It is important in advance to obtain data on the level of occurrence of groundwater, the amount of precipitation, etc. Also decide if you will do it yourself or hire specialists.

  • We decide on the place where our future installation will be located. The distance to her should not be too great, nor should she be too close. For every centimeter of distance to a cesspool or septic tank, a pipe slope of 2-3 cm is required. If the length of the line is long, then the hole will need to be made deep enough to provide drainage. In the case when a sewage system of this kind is closer than 5 m to the foundation, waste water can go under the building, which will lead to shrinkage and cracks in the base and walls. With such an arrangement, it will be especially necessary to carefully approach the waterproofing of the entire structure. If you have a well or a well in your yard, then the drain receiver will need to be removed at least 30 m from them. It is important that pathogens do not get into clean water. It is good if it is possible to make it closer to the driveway so that the sewer truck has a free entrance.
  • There must be sufficient distance from lakes or rivers. The minimum distance is the same as for wells and wells.
  • If you plan to place a mini-treatment plant, will there be enough territory for placing outlets through which water will be removed after treatment.
  • The next step is to determine the required capacity or performance of the entire system. For this, it is important to determine how many people will permanently live in the house. Further, as a basis, you can take an approximate figure, which is 0.15 m 3 per adult per day (this is the minimum).
  • Now you can choose a specific system for the needs of the family.
  • Next, the appropriate materials are selected, and their total cost is calculated.

Possible options for building the system

There are several basic schematic diagrams for organizing an autonomous sewage system. Each manufacturer can make different variations, but the essence will remain the same.

  • Dry closet... It will be relevant when there is no need to dispose of water from baths and showers. In the process of processing masses by aerobic bacteria, substances are formed that can be used as fertilizers.
  • Cesspool. This is the option when long explanations will be inappropriate. Almost everyone who lived in a private house knows what it is. This option requires constant periodic pumping out with the help of additional mechanization means. Here the rule was often applied - the more volume, the better.
  • Septic tank. This container can be either concrete or made of plastic. In the first case, reinforced concrete rings are used. Their diameter will depend on the needs of a particular family. Three wells are installed for maximum performance. All of them are tightly connected to each other using pipes. With plastic structures, the user already receives ready-made containers, installed in the specified sequence. For septic tanks, periodic cleaning of sludge is also important, which is also performed using a sewer.
  • Mini sewage treatment plants... This is a whole installation with pumps and filters, which makes it possible to process a large amount of waste in a short period of time. Sufficiently large country houses are suitable.


This type of sewage system has several manufacturing options:

  • An ordinary pit without wall reinforcement... This type of pit is the least effective. Over time, the liquid erodes the walls, and the entire structure can collapse.
  • The walls are reinforced with car tires... The service life of such a product can be up to 30 years. Holes must be made in the tires so that water can freely leave through the pores.
  • With wooden supports... In this case, lining of wood reinforced with vertical posts are made on the walls. If you decide to make such a structure, then it will cope with its tasks for 5-7 years.
  • With brickwork... This is a fairly common option. She is able to stand for about 15 years. If it is periodically repaired, then this figure can be increased several times.
  • Concrete ring pit.
  • With metal or plastic formwork... In these cases, both an ordinary large-diameter pipe and a container that is dug in to the required depth can be used.

If you are going to arrange a cesspool, then it is worth weighing the strengths and weaknesses.

Positive points:

  • ease of manufacture;
  • relative cheapness;
  • availability of materials;
  • some species can be installed in conditions close to the surface of groundwater.

Negative points:

  • the need for frequent maintenance;
  • waste removal using a sewer;
  • instability of building materials to the effects of wastewater;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • non-compliance with location standards leads to site pollution.
  • Sealed... In this case, a container is installed, which is a collection for wastewater and is periodically emptied using special equipment. For it, it is necessary to make a concrete base and strengthen the walls in order to exclude damage to the tank due to soil displacement.
  • Open... It can be with a filtering bottom, when, before strengthening the walls, gravel and sand are filled to the bottom so that part of the water goes down. Also, additional holes are made along the perimeter of the masonry walls made of brick or in concrete rings. Over time, such a pit also needs to be cleaned.

A place for the location of such a structure can be selected, guided by the instructions given above. The manufacturing process boils down to the fact that it is necessary to dig a hole of the desired size and strengthen the walls with the selected material. The supply of the pipe through which the drain will occur is carried out simultaneously with the strengthening of the walls. Remember to respect the technology bias. It is better if the depth of the pipe is below freezing of the soil.

It is important to provide ventilation, which is done by means of a branch pipe outlet above the surface. In this way, gases will not accumulate, it is important that a fire does not occur.

Septic tank

Simply put, a septic tank with wastewater treatment is a series of sealed cesspools communicating with each other. For their manufacture, you can use the same materials as in the previous version. The principle of operation of such a device is that water that has just been taken out of the house gets into the first block. It accumulates, heavy inclusions settle, and partially purified water flows into the next reservoir. Large particles also settle there. After the second vessel, the liquid can be discharged into a special space, which is called filtration fields, or it can enter another section for more thorough cleaning.

Since anaerobic fermentation occurs at the first stage, a sufficient amount of sludge accumulates over time. It must be removed using special equipment.

If a decision is made to install not a storage septic tank, but the one from which the purified liquid is removed, it will be necessary to take care of the filtration fields. Before doing this, you need to make sure that:

  • Groundwater is located at a depth of more than 1.5 m.
  • It is possible to remove the filtration field from the intake of clean water as much as possible (more than 30 m).
  • The main soil layer is not clay. This is important, because clay very poorly permeates moisture, so the efficiency of the system will tend to zero.
  • Sufficient free space is available for the project.

When all the conditions are met, you can proceed to manufacturing:

  1. Sewer pipes with a diameter of 110 mm are being purchased.
  2. A trench is dug 15‒20 cm below the level of freezing of the soil. It should be borne in mind that there must be a layer with good permeability at the bottom.
  3. Next, a 10 cm layer of sand is laid and rammed.
  4. A layer of gravel is poured, it should be at least 40 cm.
  5. Pipes are laid in the upper part of this layer.
  6. In order to protect them during frosts, a small filling of rubble is made on top and geotextile is laid. If there are severe frosts in your area, then the structure must be insulated.
  7. The next layer of the cake will be the earth, which will complete the structure.
  8. At the ends of the pipes, angles of 90˚ must be installed and branch pipes for ventilation are brought out.

It is important to remember that self-cleaning of the soil will not last forever with constantly replenishing contaminants. Therefore, after about 7 years, it will be necessary to completely replace the filter layer.

Installation of this type of system can take more time and effort, but its performance and efficiency is much higher than that of a conventional cesspool. In the case of septic tanks with several tanks and with filtration fields, cleaning of the first stage may be required once a year or even less often.

Mini sewage treatment plant

Roughly speaking, a mini-treatment plant is the same septic tank, but manufactured at the factory. Among them are the stations:

  • Anaerobic cleaning. Here the emphasis is on bacteria that decompose inclusions without oxygen.
  • Aerobic cleaning. In such systems, conditions are specially created in which the liquid is saturated with oxygen so that bacteria can perform their tasks as quickly as possible.
  • Volatile and non-volatile. In some units, pumps and electric motors are used, therefore, an electric line must be connected to them.

Many consumers prefer ready-made structures, because they are easier to install, the whole mechanism is debugged and worked out. Also, only in the case of such stations, it is possible to achieve 98% water purification. This means that subsequently it can be freely used for agricultural needs. The most popular models among consumers are:

Topas. This is a completely finished structure made of durable plastic. In order to carry out the installation, it is enough to dig a pit of a suitable size. There are four chambers inside. In the first, large particles settle. After the water has settled, it enters the second section, it is also called aerotank. With the help of a compressor, air is constantly supplied here, which allows bacteria to speed up processing. After that, the liquid enters the secondary clarifier, where the sludge settles and returns to the previous tank. At a certain stage, ultraviolet cleaning is also carried out. Additionally, the unit can be equipped with a drainage pump that will pump clean water into tanks or another selected location.

Unilos Astra. In terms of its structure and mode of functioning, it resembles the previous version. But aeration here begins to occur even in the first sedimentation tank. Thanks to this process, large particles are broken up and the effluent is further purified.

. This option does not require the supply of electrical energy. Here, all processes occur by gravity. The main chamber is divided into two sections. In the first section, the largest particles settle and splitting occurs. In the second chamber, additional purification is carried out, then the water passes through the biofilter and is directed to the infiltrator - an additional container that does not have a bottom. There, the liquid goes through the last stages of cleaning, seeping through the crushed stone fill.

If you are looking for a project for a summer residence, then it may be worth staying at the cheapest option. Remember that you can do everything yourself, but this will take more time and effort.


Currently, factory-made septic tanks are in great demand among owners of private houses. They are installed in country cottages, cottages, etc. They are a plastic container for wastewater treatment. The septic tank is easy to install, does not require special maintenance and does not spread an unpleasant odor around, unlike a conventional cesspool.

There is a huge selection of septic tanks in retail outlets, differing in size, price and quality. But not every person can afford to install such a unit at their dacha. We are talking about a summer house with a small plot of land. And there are only 1-2 people living in the house, and then only in the summer. It makes no sense to install a large septic tank, and you also don't want to clog your already small area with a cesspool. Therefore, specially for such needs, mini septic tanks were produced for summer cottages. They are compact, easy to install and affordable. In this article, we will consider some models of septic tanks, which septic tank is better to choose, how and where to install it on your site.

Model selection

Basically, all models of mini septic tanks are made of durable plastic that is frost-resistant. Despite the good quality, they have a fairly low cost. The consumer is presented with a huge selection of models and manufacturers. But all of them are conventionally divided into three types. Let's take a closer look at each of them individually so that we have an idea of ​​how to choose the right model.

  1. The first type of mini-septic tank models that we will consider is universal. These mini septic tanks have a high productivity - 0.5 m 3 per day, which can provide wastewater treatment from a dwelling where six people live. In the process of independent work, a universal mini-septic tank does not require consumables. As for its cost, of these three types, it is the highest. The universal mini septic tank has its disadvantage, which is difficult operation. This is due to the installation of three additional sedimentation tanks, without which the system will not function properly. With regular use of the system, the sump must be cleaned once a year.
  2. The second type of mini-septic tank models are designed for small summer cottages with infrequent visits by people. They are called that - weekend mini septic tank. Their low price is directly proportional to their low productivity, which is 120 liters per day. The disadvantage of this model is only a small performance due to the small size of the receiving unit.
  3. The third type of mini-septic tank models is an ideal option for installation in summer cottages where 4 people live. From here it got its name - country toilet. The body of such models is made of anti-corrosion material, and has a low weight. It is economical in work. There will be no problems with installation at all. With its small size, it can be independently installed anywhere in the suburban area. The country toilet is the most successful model and has practically no drawbacks in use.

So, you have decided on the model of a mini septic tank that is suitable for your site. Purchased it and now you need to install a septic tank. As mentioned above, due to the low weight and compactness of the product, installation can be done independently. Let's look at how to install a mini septic tank on your own.

  1. The installation of a septic tank begins with digging a foundation pit and trenches for connecting the pipeline. It is necessary to dig two pits. Dig the first pit for the unit itself. It should be 40 cm larger in all directions than the body of the septic tank. Dig the second pit for the infiltrator. The sides of the pit should be 40-50 cm larger than the infiltrator itself.
  2. Dig trenches from the exit and entrance of the septic tank to connect the sewer pipes. The bottom of the trench should have a slope of 2 cm per linear meter, and a sand cushion of about 10 cm.
  3. Cover the bottom of the pit for the septic tank with sand about 30 cm and tamp it. Install the unit itself on the finished pillow. Pay attention to the fittings when installing. The inlet pipe should be located in the direction of the trench, with the sewer leaving the house.
  4. Fill the bottom of the second pit with rubble about 50 cm high. Install the infiltrator on the crushed stone pillow. Also pay attention to the location of the nozzles in relation to the trench.
  5. After completing the entire installation, connect the septic tank to the infiltrator with a piping system, in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions for your model. Connect the sewer inlet and septic tank outlet.
  6. Test the system by draining the water from the house down the drain. If everything went well, and the leak did not appear anywhere, proceed to backfilling the pits.
  7. Fill up the system in layers of 30 cm, at the same time filling the containers with water so that the pressure of the earth does not crush the plastic walls. You can fill it with a dry mixture of 1 part of cement, and 6 parts of sand. Tamp each layer.
  8. The hatch and ventilation pipe of the infiltrator should protrude 30 cm from the ground.

On this, the work can be considered completed. Your mini-system is now ready to use. As you can see, everything can be done quite easily with your own hands. Most importantly, do not forget to carry out maintenance of the mini septic tank in the process of work and carry out regular cleaning of the containers.


This video tells how to choose a septic tank for home and summer cottages:

User Choice 4 Best aerator 5

One of the most important issues when buying a land plot, summer cottage or a country house is the availability of communications. And if, as a rule, there are no problems with water or electricity, then the central sewerage system in the private sector, especially at a distance from the city, is a rarity. And the fastest and most practical solution to this problem is to buy a septic tank.

The two most common types of individual treatment facilities are a non-volatile (autonomous) septic tank and a volatile plant. Both types of devices for waste disposal use several stages of treatment: mechanical sedimentation of suspended matter, filtration and biological treatment. In autonomous septic tanks, anaerobic bacteria are used to process waste, which do not need oxygen, but act slowly. In volatile devices, biological filtration occurs with the help of more active aerobic microorganisms that require the use of aerators. But the level of purification in such septic tanks reaches 98%.

The choice of the optimal cleaning device model depends on several factors:

  1. Required performance. For one person, the volume of wastewater is usually set equal to 150-200 liters per day.
  2. The presence of electricity on the site.
  3. Plot size. Autonomous septic tanks require a larger area, as they are equipped with fields for additional soil filtration.
  4. Ground water level. A high GWL may require the use of additional engineering solutions.
  5. Soil composition. For areas with hard rocks, it is better to use septic tanks of a horizontal layout, since they need a pit of shallower depth.

Our review contains models of septic tanks with the best technical and operational characteristics. When compiling the rating, the following were taken into account:

  • recommendations of civil engineers;
  • feedback from users who have installed specific models of treatment devices at their site;
  • value for money septic tanks.

Useful video - how to choose the right septic tank

The best budget septic tanks for summer cottages

Septic tanks for installation in a summer cottage are small in size and relatively cheap. As a rule, these are simple stand-alone models that perform the function of a sump and are connected to an additional filtration system. They have an extremely simple one-piece design, low level of productivity, and are also unpretentious in maintenance.

4 TANK-1

Excellent price / performance ratio
Country Russia
Average price: 19,500 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Tank-1 is the youngest model in the Triton Plastic line of non-volatile septic tanks. Its design is simplified to the limit: there are only two chambers: coarse primary treatment and secondary biological treatment. But, nevertheless, this small septic tank, capable of purifying up to 600 liters of wastewater per day, has all the advantages inherent in the more expensive models of the company: it has a horizontal layout and a durable one-piece body with special stiffening ribs, which increases the service life and excludes the penetration of soil water into the internal volume of the structure.

This compact model is ideal for installation in the country and is designed for use by two or three people. The level of wastewater treatment at this septic tank is 75 - 80%, therefore, it is recommended to use a special infiltrator complete with it, in which additional treatment takes place. Buyers note the compact dimensions of the septic tank, easy installation and trouble-free operation. However, you still have to clean the chambers from sediment every few years.

3 Termite Profi 1.2

Strongest container
Country Russia
Average price: 23,500 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

This miniature vertical septic tank can serve up to two people. Its effluent purification rate reaches 85%. Due to its low weight - only 80 kg, Termit Profi 1.2 is easy to transport and install. This is a great option for a small country house or a free-standing bath. An additional advantage - the thickness of the walls of the Termit Profi 1.2 tank reaches 20 mm, and the shape of the body is specially designed for optimal operation under load.

According to user reviews, this septic tank is easy to install and maintain. Experienced summer residents recommend that you be sure to sprinkle the container with sand cement to increase the service life of the structure. Among the disadvantages is the impossibility of using this septic tank with a high level of groundwater at the site.


Best price
Country Russia
Average price: 12 400 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

For a summer cottage, which is visited by 1-2 people, a guest house or a cabins for the period of building a house, the best option would be a budget septic tank Microbe 450. Its capacity is 150 liters per day, and its weight is only 35 kg. Of course, to install it, you will need to make a sand pillow, and apply a layer of insulation on top, since its wall thickness is small. But this septic tank can be installed in areas with any level of groundwater - of course, with the implementation of the constructive recommendations of the manufacturer.

Buyers especially like the device's reasonable price and easy installation. Of course, for a country house you will need a septic tank with a larger capacity, but for periodic trips to the country and with a limited budget, Microbe 450 is ideal.

As mentioned above, septic tanks are divided into autonomous and volatile. What is their feature, what are their strengths and weaknesses - we learn from the detailed comparison table:

Septic tank type




Low, in comparison with a volatile septic tank, cost

Generally higher reliability

Does not depend on power supply

Does not create additional energy costs

- The need for ground filtration of wastewater

- In some cases, does not isolate the surrounding space from a fetid odor

- Gradual sludge build-up requires periodic pumping

- The need to equip access roads for a sewer truck


No sediment build-up

The ability to move the septic tank to a third-party place, there is no need to equip a driveway

Complete isolation from unpleasant odors

Installation of filtration fields is not required (for soil drainage treatment)

- Higher price than standalone models

- Dependence on electricity and, as a result, significant additional spending

- The presence of more constituent elements reduces the theoretical reliability

1 Rostok Mini

Stable performance in all conditions
Country Russia
Average price: 24 120 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Inexpensive autonomous septic tank for a small country house. According to user reviews, due to the small volume (1000 liters) and lightness of the design (the total weight is 65 kilograms), the installation does not cause great difficulties. The filtration capacity is 200 liters per day - this is not much, but a septic tank is designed for one or two users. Rostok Mini copes well with the assigned functions, it requires pumping out once or twice a year (provided that all feeds and the system are in good order). A very good option for equipping a summer cottage or a house that will not hit the pockets of potential consumers hard.


  • seamless, durable and lightweight (65 kg) plastic body;
  • the presence of additional stiffening ribs to impart strength to the structure;
  • completely blocks unpleasant odors;
  • low, but stable performance;
  • does not require frequent maintenance;
  • attractive price.


  • for its price category - does not.

The best volatile septic tanks

Treatment plants, biological filters of which are inhabited by aerobic microorganisms, are the most technically advanced version of septic tanks. They produce 98% purified water at the outlet - it can be used for irrigation, other technical needs, or dumped directly into the ground. Cleaning the tanks from silt is needed every couple of years, and the organic sludge itself is an excellent fertilizer for plants on the site. Since the drains do not need additional soil filtration, the structure takes up a minimum of space.

The main disadvantage of such systems is the need for a power supply. As part of the aerobic system, there is always an aerator-compressor, which saturates the liquid with oxygen necessary for the vital activity of bacteria. It is this fact that explains the higher cost of volatile power plants - both during purchase and installation, and during operation.


Optimal price-quality ratio
Country Russia
Average price: 60,900 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The body of this sewage treatment plant is manufactured using rotational molding technology, which guarantees the absence of seams and uniform thickness of the material. As part of the septic tank, Japanese compressors and German pumps are used in order to ensure the smooth operation of the entire system. In case of loss of power supply, the station can operate normally for two days, after which it switches to the mode of an autonomous septic tank with an anaerobic filter.

Users note, first of all, the excellent value for money of this model. With a capacity of 800 liters, it consumes only 1.5 kW per day and provides a drainage volume sufficient for a permanent residence of 4 people. It is possible to choose both the gravity installation of the installation and the option with forced discharge of wastewater for areas with a high groundwater level.

4 Tver-0.5P

Best aerator
Country Russia
Average price: 75,000 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The manufacturer's declared service life of this septic tank is 50 years. This becomes possible due to the fact that special structural plastic is used for casting the body, and the compressor equipment is made in Japan. The degree of water purification of this line of treatment facilities reaches 98%, which makes it possible to abandon the use of additional ground filters.

The maximum productivity of the equipment is 500 liters per day, so Tver-0.5P can be recommended for a summer residence or a country house with a permanent residence of 2 - 3 people. Customer reviews are almost the same: the device does an excellent job of its functions, there are no smells and noise, and periodic maintenance is required only once a year. The only drawback is the high price and relatively low performance.

3 Unilos Astra 5

User Choice
Country Russia
Average price: 76,000 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

One of the most famous septic tank models in the domestic market, which does not have a single visible weak point. If you do not take into account the price level, then the fifth "Astra" fully meets the requirements of a "premium" class product (if it is acceptable in this case). The system is based on a very fine filtering effect on the incoming wastewater - thanks to aerobic and anaerobic filters, it is possible to achieve almost 100% of the purification rate. Thus, up to one cubic meter of wastewater is processed per day, which is a normal average value. The inlet of the drain pipe can be arranged at heights from 0.6 to 1.2 meters above ground level, which greatly simplifies the installation of the tank.


  • high degree of aerobic and anaerobic purification (98%);
  • reliable container body;
  • good throughput (filtration up to one cubic meter of runoff water per day).

2 Eco-Grand 15 (Poplar)

Best processing ability
Country Russia
Average price: 148,230 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Dimensional volatile septic tank, ideal for equipping large country houses. Except that the container weighs 380 kilograms, there are no problems with installation. And in terms of operational performance, everything is very good: the entire volume of the septic tank is divided into four compartments, two of which are equipped with aerators. After the effluent enters the receiving chamber (a salvo discharge can reach 450 liters), thanks to aeration, the solid fractions begin to decompose.

In a separate compartment under the control elements there is a compressor for pumping waste water through the system. By the way, the latter consumes in general up to 2.8 kilowatts of energy per day - not much, but over a long time of operation, a decent amount accumulates.


  • active filtration and aeration of incoming wastewater;
  • good performance (1.8-2.0 cubic meters of runoff water per day);
  • capacity equal to six cubic meters.


  • high price;
  • increased power consumption.


The most economical model
Country Russia
Average price: 99 875 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

One of the most economical volatile septic tanks available to a wide range of consumers. Putting such a tank in a dacha is not entirely justified - it will be much better suited to a small country house. Convenience of manual installation (as in stand-alone models) is no longer ensured here - the whole structure weighs almost 350 kilograms. Thanks to the installed filters, it does not require cleaning, it limits unpleasant odors well, and also filters up to 1.5 cubic meters of wastewater per day. According to users, the cost of power supply is significant, but much less than that of competitors and older models of this series - a septic tank consumes only 1.5 kilowatts per day.


  • popularity with users;
  • low power consumption;
  • highly efficient filtration;
  • reliable case;
  • ease of use and low maintenance requirements.


  • not detected.

The best self-contained septic tanks

Autonomous septic tanks that do not require an electrical connection are the best option for a summer cottage or a country house in a remote area where there are problems with electricity. Their design contains no moving mechanical parts, so they are simple, reliable and will perform in any case.

Of course, there are also disadvantages - lower productivity, worse level of effluent clarification. The best models provide no more than 85% purification, and, therefore, the water needs additional filtration. There are several ways - drainage fields, infiltrators, filtration wells - and they all mean additional cash costs and reduce the usable area of ​​the site. However, for houses with periodic residence, such structures may be more preferable, since they do not consume electricity and can be easily mothballed if necessary.

3 Uponor Sako

Good quality plastic
The country: Sweden / Finland (made in Russia)
Average price: 67 575 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The Scandinavian concern for the production of serious household equipment has quite successfully entered the Russian market. The domestic branch has launched the production of autonomous septic tanks Uponor Sako, suitable for installation both in a private house and in a summer cottage. In general, the system is not bad: it reliably retains unpleasant odors, filters effluents without problems (but not perfect), and also does not impose high requirements on maintenance. The problematic place, judging by the feedback from users, is the extreme intolerance to the diversion of rain and drainage water to the local treatment system. Why this is happening is a matter of acute discussion. But the fact that this is an obvious disadvantage is supported by all and unanimously.


  • good standard filtration performance;
  • high-quality body materials.


  • ingress of rain or drainage water into the treatment system leads to a deterioration in the filtering capacity.

2 Termit Profi 3.0

The highest degree of cleaning in the class
Country Russia
Average price: 49 100 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The productivity of this model, which uses the principle of anaerobic effluent clarification, is 1200 liters per day. At the same time, the level of purification reaches 85%, which minimizes the area of ​​the final soil filtration. Such a septic tank with a sufficient supply provides the permanent residence of six people. The tank is flushed only once a year, while the facility is completely autonomous.

According to user reviews, the septic tank fully complies with the characteristics declared by the manufacturers, is reliable and practical. It is especially convenient to use it for seasonal living: preserving it for the winter and then putting it back into operation is not a problem. The disadvantages include a rather complicated installation procedure.

1 Triton-ED-3500 Horizontal

Profitable price
Country Russia
Average price: 43,500 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

This is a relatively inexpensive option for a purification system for a summer residence or a country house, where there are significant problems with the power supply. The productivity of the model is 700 liters per day, which meets the needs of 4-6 people. At the same time, the septic tank does not require an electricity connection, and the sludge can be pumped out once a year. Of course, in order for the water discharged into the ground to be sufficiently purified, it will be necessary to additionally use a drainage field or an infiltrator.

Buyers especially like the horizontal layout of the septic tank, which allows you to limit the depth of the pit, as well as its independence from the mains. Disadvantages of the device - it must be placed away from living quarters, since it is not possible to completely get rid of odors. This treatment plant is especially suitable for a country house where a family of 2-3 people lives, but guests occasionally come.

Human activity interacts with decay products and wastewater. Each of us regularly uses plumbing fixtures such as toilet, kitchen appliances, washing machine. You also want to feel comfortable on your personal plot, for this you need to create a sewer system, making your life much easier.

Very often, the owners of summer cottages organize the sewage system of a primitive image, in the form of a cesspool, no more than 3 meters deep and an area of ​​4 square meters. Liquid waste, when it enters the pit, is filtered by the soil, while solid waste accumulates in the reservoir, while emitting methane.

Important! With the beginning of the spring period, melt water begins to fill the pit, which leads to an increase in the volume of gas, which in turn, in addition to an unpleasant odor, is poisonous. Household chemical waste also contributes to soil contamination.

It makes sense to install a special storage device on the garden plot - a septic tank. It will completely solve the problem of creating a comfortable and practical sewage system. The septic tank works through the biological processes of anaerobic bacteria and filtration.

The gas is neutralized when exposed to organic substances that turn human waste into useful fertilizers. To reduce the processing time, special biological products for septic tanks are added to the tanks. At the same time, the price remains affordable even for factory-made septic tanks.

Septic tank or cesspool?

The disadvantages of a cesspool are quite obvious. This is primarily a pungent unpleasant odor in the area of ​​several meters, which will appear after 3 months. The owners of the plots are forced to resort to the help of sewers.

Also, the ingress of toxic substances from the pit into the soil contaminates the groundwater. And as a consequence, the ingestion of E. coli in human food.

Important! In addition, according to sanitary standards, the distance from the drinking well to the pit must be at least 20 meters. But not every site has such a large territory.

Today, a septic tank is a modern and affordable type of sewage system. The first compartment is intended for wastewater sludge. In the second section, organic matter decomposes with the help of bacteria and in the absence of air. It is enough just once a year to clean the compartment using the services of a sewer truck. Thus, an unpleasant and harmful odor on the site is eliminated.

There are two ways to solve sewer problems:

  • An economical but hassle-free cesspool.
  • Purchase and installation of a septic tank, and the modern market offers very low-cost models.

An autonomous septic tank of the modern generation is made of plastic. The system is fermenting waste in a closed cycle. The service life of such a septic tank is 50 years, guaranteeing a complete decomposition of waste and obtaining water at the outlet suitable for irrigation. The solid residue must be removed once a year.

Country septic tanks

Non-volatile septic tanks do not require constant monitoring and regular visits to the dacha. For seasonal living, the volume of autonomous sewerage is recommended in the size of 2-5 cubic meters. This size is quite enough for the sewerage of a summer house, a private house, a sauna and a bath.

Important! For rare use, a vertical mini septic tank is suitable. This method will help save space in the country, and its small dimensions are convenient for transportation and subsequent installation.

If the volume of drains is large, they are divided into separate chambers or septic tanks. One of the sections is intended for drains from the bathroom, shower and washbasin, the other for faeces. Many models of septic tanks are equipped with a biological filter designed to improve the degree of purification and reduce the size of treatment facilities.

Septic tanks prices depend on:

  1. The number of containers in the system;
  2. The presence of an electrical drive or mechanical parts;
  3. The size of the occupied area;
  4. Landscape nuances.

When choosing a septic tank, you must rely on the comments of experienced specialists for the correct choice of a suitable model.

Consider the most popular models of septic tanks for a summer cottage today.


The septic tank model DKS 15 and DKS 15M are very easy to maintain. The sediment in them needs to be removed only once every 3 years with the assistance of a fecal pump or sewage equipment. The accumulated content can be used to create fertilizer by pumping it out into a compost pit.

Positive characteristics of the model:

  • Suitable for any kind of soil;
  • Does not require an electricity connection;
  • Ease of execution;
  • Productivity is about 450 liters per day.

This line includes several models that differ in price and volume.

These models of septic tanks allow you to use in the country not only a toilet and a bathroom, but even a washing machine and dishwasher.

Estimated product price: 29,500 rubles.


A septic tank of a modern level, designed for the processing of domestic runoff water. After complete cleaning, sludge and technically pure water remain. Silt can be used as a fertilizer for the soil of a land plot. Biological wastewater treatment is carried out using microorganisms in organic wastewater.

The operation of the Topas treatment plant is based on the use of sludge containing several dozen different types of bacteria, anaerobic and aerobic types. Such treatment plants use triple biological treatment of domestic wastewater.

Positive traits:

  • Long service life;
  • The degree of purification is 98%, which allows the filtered water to be poured into the ground;
  • Large selection of models;
  • Easy to maintain;
  • No smell or noise;
  • Does not harm the environment, no risk of pollution.

Septic tank Topas 5 will be the ideal choice for a garden plot with a small house. This model is suitable for serving a family of 5 people. In addition to urban amenities, it will help to solve the issue of watering the garden.

Estimated price of the Topas 5 model: 89,000 rubles.


Inhabitants of country houses are ideal models of septic tanks Tank. Such a system is characterized by increased strength, as it is equipped with stiffening ribs. The design does not require power supply. The tank consists of chambers separated by partitions. When sewage enters the sump, it is purified by chemical and biological methods. After being cleaned in an infiltrator, the waters are drained into the ground.

Advantages of septic tanks Tank.

  • Durability;
  • Installed without preliminary concreting of the pit;
  • There is no need to anchor;
  • Work offline;
  • Doesn't need constant monitoring.
  • Tank 1 suitable for a family of 3. The productivity is 600 liters, the price is 27,000 rubles.
  • Tank 2 designed for 3-4 people. Productivity is 800 liters at a price of 38,900 rubles.
  • Tank 2.5 suitable for 5 people. Productivity is 1000 liters at a price of 44900.
  • Tank 3 will serve 4-6 people. Productivity is 1200 liters at a price of 53,900 rubles.
  • Tank 4 designed for 7-9 people. Productivity is 1800 liters at a cost of 69,900.
  • Triton 400(infiltrator) 400 l at a price of 3500 rubles.

Mini septic tanks

If you have a summer cottage, a mini septic tank is perfect. In this case, the installation of an expensive and powerful system is not advisable. The cleaning system is very simple. The effluents settle in a special chamber, and the settled water from there enters the infiltrator. When buying, you should pay attention to the volume of the chamber and the performance of the septic tank. Installation of the system is easy to install and affordable.


  • Small size;
  • Easy to install;
  • Installation requires 1 person;
  • Resistant to low temperatures;
  • Long service life.

The most popular models are Triton mini, Unilos and Bars mini.

Models are made of polyethylene. Cleaning is carried out using anaerobic bacteria, then the water enters the corrugated drainage pipe or filter wells. The septic tank and the infiltrator are connected by a pipeline.

The disadvantages include the need for constant care. The chambers should be cleaned and rinsed regularly and the sludge should be loaded.

Tank Mini

For a family of 2-5 people living in the country house only on weekends, a new model Tank mini is offered.

This system is suitable for a guest house or summer cottage. Such a septic tank will be an excellent temporary sewage solution at the time of building a house. It is made of polyethylene, withstands low temperatures up to 30 degrees below zero.

This model is completely ready for operation, only a simple installation is required. Its capacity is about 400 liters. The cost of a mini tank is equal to the cost of a dry closet. You can save money on the purchase by choosing a model without an infiltrator, but in this case, you will need to create a filtration field. Cleaning takes place in stages: aeration, sedimentation and then filtration.

The volume of the Mini Tank is 750 liters, with a mass of 85 kg. The dimensions of the septic tank are 1250x820x1700.

The price of the set is 18-21500 rubles, while the cost of the infiltrator is 3500 rubles.


It is important to select the required capacity and correctly calculate the required volume. Often the name of the model indicates the number of conditional people or the volume of a septic tank.

It is also important to consider the frequency of operation. For owners of a country house with permanent residence, the Topas line will be a good choice. For the inhabitants of a small summer cottage, a mini septic tank is suitable.

The main thing is to find a compromise between the quality of treatment, the performance of the septic tank and its cost, which can be difficult. It is important not to jump to conclusions.

It is worth considering the possibility of self-building a septic tank. Of the most popular:

  • Septic tank made of concrete rings;
  • Septic tank from eurocubes.

The owners of suburban areas want a comfortable time on their plots. Comfort implies the convenience and benefits of a city's civilization in places far from its borders. Summer residents, the majority, avoid organizing an autonomous sewage system on the site, it is believed that such work is expensive, requires not only material investments, but also a lot of work before and after laying the sewer system.

It is impossible to unequivocally agree with such beliefs. There is a colossal variety of forms that differ not only in price and technical characteristics. For areas of temporary residence - summer cottages, even without capital buildings, in the form of a house, there is a separate type - mini septic tanks. This option is suitable for plots of various sizes, provides comfort, eliminates the need to use insufficiently hygienic, aesthetic types of suburban communications.

Sewerage, to the extent that it is presented to the gaze, is divided into two types, with subspecies, groups:

  • cesspools;

The cesspool is the oldest structure in humanity. It looks like a small-sized room, with a hole provided, sometimes without a seat for the discharge of sewage, waste of human activity. The tank simply collects wastewater, does not process it, so the removal of sewage by a sewer becomes a constant necessity, an additional expense.

The cesspool option is only cheap to manufacture, since all the work can be done independently without special qualifications. A pit is being prepared, there are several different options, but the only meaning remains to collect wastewater until it is pumped out by a sewage machine.

The leakage of sewage from the pit threatens significant problems for the environment. Contamination of groundwater will lead to the death of not only fruitful plants, human health will be under serious threat.

Usually a septic tank is selected according to the required volume, which directly depends on the amount of water consumed by a certain number of people, equipment. Septic tanks are usually large.

The mini septic tank processes up to 300 liters of waste liquid in one day. Therefore, it can be installed in places with low fluid consumption, no more than two people. This option is very convenient for summer cottages, especially if the cottage is used only on weekends, vacations.

Choose better ready-made polymer models, in which the manufacturer has provided all the necessary equipment.

The right decision was made to independently install a septic tank on the site, you need to go through the stages of preparation, choose the right model. Since the septic tank, regardless of the configuration (mini, standard), the work is done the same, they differ only in the amount of land work, so you immediately need to choose a place and prepare everything for installation.

There are many models of mini septic tanks, you need to adhere to several rules, after which the operation will be long, trouble-free:

  • the body material must be made of polymer materials, reinforced concrete products, other types of materials, such materials are not subject to corrosion, other types of decay;
  • calculate the volume required for the stay of the required number of people;
  • the rigidity of the body, will determine whether additional devices are needed to ensure resistance to deformation processes;
  • the presence of devices that increase the functionality of the device (air ducts, aerators);
  • dimensions of the device, on which the amount of land work carried out depends.

There are many factors that depend on the model. Aerobic models function with the flow of gas exchange. Without oxygen, processing is carried out in anaerobic septic tanks. If you do not take into account the type of processing, the process goes like this:

  • the effluent entering the first tank of the septic tank - the sump, is divided into fractions, it takes some time;
  • water, having got rid of large particles, pass into the next tank, where sedimentation additionally takes place, is processed by bacteria, after which it passes into the next tank, where the post-treatment process takes place;
  • freeing water from impurities, it is discharged into the soil.

Sediment - processed organic matter, presented in the form of odorless sludge, is periodically removed by a sewer.

A project is made on paper - a layout diagram, the main technical units. After that, they proceed to the work itself, if all the preliminary organizational work has been done, including the purchase and delivery of material to the place of installation.

First of all, they carry out earthwork, dig a foundation pit, trenches for the pipeline. The pit should exceed the volume of the septic tank by 50 cm on all sides, it allows free installation. The preparation of the pit depends on the material of the body. Ready-made factory models do not need a special pit, it is enough to tamp the bottom, walls, make a fixing barrier. If the body of the septic tank is soft, it is necessary to additionally make stiffening ribs, otherwise the deformation will disable the septic tank device. The depth of the pit should be below the soil freezing line, it will help to maintain the working condition of the septic tank during the frosty period.

Land work is best done by two workers. It is difficult for one person to free the pit from the ground at a depth.

A septic tank is installed in the finished pit, after which they proceed to the assembly of the sewer pipeline. Pipe trenches are dug at a slope, which allows the drainage to flow through the pipes to the septic tank. The walls and the bottom are tamped down, an embankment of gravel with sand is made, and insulating material for pipes is laid out. Cut pipes are laid on top of the fabric in the desired order. They check with the diagram only if everything is in order, there are enough parts, lengths, seals, and other components to proceed to assembly. Assembly takes place with sealants, usually silicone. Collect pipes in one direction - to the septic tank, this will not accumulate dirt at the joints.

After connecting the pipes to the septic tank, a test drain is made with clean water to detect leaks and other problems in the system. Successfully passed tests are a guarantee of correct assembly.

Pay particular attention to the slope of the pipes! Without tilting, blockages will become a constant problem!

In the place where water is discharged into the ground, you need to create a filter well, which is done as follows:

  • digging a pit, the bottom, the walls do not need to be tamped;
  • the depth of the well should be at least 20 cm deeper than the pit of the septic tank, the calculation is done independently based on your own data;
  • the first is an embankment of clean coarse sand, about 30 cm;
  • a second layer of a mixture of gravel and sand, 20-30 cm optional;
  • the third layer is clean gravel, about 20 cm.

The pipe connecting the septic tank and the well is removed. Over time, a film forms on the upper layer, the layer needs to be replaced with a new one, after a while, for this you need to equip the well with a hatch.

The post-treatment well carries out the final water purification, where the degree of purification reaches 98%, which makes such water not harmful to the environment. Only in tandem with a well, a septic tank receives the status of a treatment plant for autonomous use.

It will take

  • Two-liter barrel (metal or plastic).
  • Drill.
  • Any sturdy boards.
  • Nails.
  • Hammer with a hacksaw.
  • Shovel.
  • Charcoal for the barbecue (a couple of large bags).
  • Roofing material.
  • A cover for a septic tank (in my version, this is a door along with a front wall from a broken washing machine).

Making a septic tank

The septic tank will have a through bottom so that there is no need to pump it out. Earth is an excellent natural filter for liquid waste with a small and not too hazardous chemical content, such as solutions of washing powders or detergents. This structure will not harm nature in any way; almost all of this chemistry will be filtered into coal and stored in one place, without poisoning nearby lands or spoiling your harvest.

So, to begin with, with the help of a drill, we will drill more holes with a diameter of about ten millimeters in the bottom of the barrel. With a frequency of approximately two holes per square decimeter. The bigger, the better. If the barrel is plastic, then you can simply burn it with a hot rod. Now the most time consuming part of the job is digging a hole. The hole should be dug ten to fifteen centimeters deeper than the barrel, taking into account the charcoal filter. After the pit is ready, pour the cooked coal onto the bottom of the pit.

It is advisable, before that, to crush it into smaller pieces. Place the barrel on the coal.

We fill the gap between the barrel and the ground with sand, carefully ramming it with a shovel handle, or something like that.

Next, you need to build a frame of boards, which should be placed on top of the barrel. We sheathe the frame with a board, cover it with roofing material and fasten it with a stapler, leaving a hole for the cover. We will fasten the frame over the barrel to thick boards impregnated with an antifungal oil composition, driven into the ground.

If you or someone you know has a broken washing machine that has not yet been scrapped or sent to a landfill, use a screwdriver, grinder and safety glasses to separate the front wall and door from it. It's not difficult - the metal is not very thick there. Saw off everything that is superfluous and sticking out from it, drill holes along the perimeter of this wall, in increments of ten centimeters and pin (or screw) it into place of the lid. The result is a very convenient design.

There is no smell and, most importantly, no one will step there or fall through. In the absence of such a door, put together a board. Screw a strip of thick rubber to it on one side, which will replace the hinges, and a latch on the other. That, in general, is all. You can use it. Also, such a septic tank is quite suitable for a bath or shower. This will be enough for the summer season. And in order to avoid silting the bottom of the septic tank, do not pour anything there except washing, dishwashing and other liquid chemical waste.

How to choose a septic tank for a country house?

First of all, you need to decide on the size of the septic tank. The fact is that the capacity of the wastewater collection tank will depend, firstly, on its cost, secondly, the cost of its installation work, and thirdly, saving space on our site is not the last place. In fact, it is absolutely not difficult to determine the parameters of the dimensions of a septic tank.

According to the established norms, the daily water consumption is about two hundred liters per person. If we multiply the rate by the number of users, we can easily calculate the volume of wastewater from our household. Considering that the norms are determined for a city apartment, and only a toilet and a washbasin are installed in a house at a summer cottage, then a septic tank with a smaller size is possible.

The main answers to the question: how to choose a septic tank?

After we have decided on the daily volume of sewage water, the main criteria for choosing a septic tank should be taken into account:

  • The material of construction of the septic tank is the determining factor affecting the durability. (metal-plastic, plastic, reinforced concrete) Plastic models are widespread, this material is not afraid of corrosion, the effect of aggressive drains does not have a strong effect on it;
  • It is necessary to take into account the design features, depending on the geological features of the site. The compactness of the model will save us the area of ​​the territory that will need to be allocated for the installation of a septic tank;
  • The principle of operation and cleaning;
  • As we have already discussed with you, the volume of the septic tank depends on how many people live, but do not forget about the guests who love to come to you for barbecue so much;
  • The main criterion is quality. Check the seller for the conformity of the models offered by him to GOST and the availability of certificates. Septic tanks made of low-quality material or installed incorrectly will eventually start to leak. If your plans do not include reworking the structure in a couple of years, then it is necessary to choose, install and maintain a septic tank from reputable organizations.

Place for a septic tank

Literally in a nutshell about where the septic tank of the treatment structure should find its new place. A modern septic tank implies a sealed form of the drive, so there is no special installation procedure for it. It is enough to apply the condition of prudence, not to place it too close to the house, so that the arising odors do not darken your peace.

If your plans include building a septic tank without further pumping out wastewater from it, operating in a closed cycle for cleaning wastewater, then you must use the requirements of SanPiN and SNiP. The main thing is to observe the basic rules for the placement of a septic tank and a water well or well. The distance to be considered depends on many factors, but mainly on the quality of the soil.

If there is sand on the site, then the distance is at least 70-90 meters, if clay, then about 20-30 meters will be enough. Separately, I would like to say that one of the most effective methods of purification is the separation of effluents. This is when the black racks are drained into the drive and the consequences are completely pumped out of the site. The so-called gray drains after the sink in the kitchen will fall off into a mini septic tank.

Mini septic tank for summer cottages, with a small volume of drains

Are you planning to visit your summer cottage only on weekends, weekends and holidays? Are your forecasts for the amount of wastewater not going beyond three-digit numbers? Then you should think about purchasing a factory-made mini septic tank, most likely it will suit you perfectly.

Storage tank for a septic tank

With the solution of the problem of accumulating not significant effluents, a storage septic tank for summer cottages copes well. The mini tank copes with its main function - to accumulate wastewater and prevent it from seeping into the ground. In other words, such an “innovative” way of arranging a cesspool.

The advantages of such an acquisition: low price, complete autonomy, simple installation and the ability to install even in the presence of high groundwater. But if you think that it is enough to buy a septic tank and forget about all the problems, then you are mistaken. Disadvantages of the design include: the constant headache of finding a sewer organization to pump out the contents of the drive. Unpleasant smells will haunt you, only the wind direction will change towards the bedroom

Mini septic tank Microbe

A mini septic tank for a summer residence is an ideal solution, not only to accumulate wastewater with further pumping, but also to equip a small autonomous sewage system, a classic type of treatment plant. The models offered on the market are compact, lightweight, easy to mount, even for one person.

The modern mini septic tank Microbe has become widespread and popular. To service drains for up to four people, it will be quite sufficient to buy a septic tank with a capacity of no more than 0.6 cubic meters.

The microbe is equipped with an additional tank, which makes it possible to provide double purification of waste water using a micro-biological filter, and the thickness of the corrugated body walls is only 10 mm. The microbe requires cleaning the mini septic tank only once a year, before the winter period.

Septic Microbe Installation Diagram

Comparison of technical characteristics. Septic Microbe

Private house septic tank

We have discussed with you options with a small amount of drains, but what to do when a large family lives in a large country house? In this case, you should pay attention to a high-performance device for a private house.

Septic Tank

One of the best options is deservedly considered a septic tank. Inside the septic tank, natural wastewater treatment and treatment processes take place. As a result of the vital activity of special bacteria launched into the septic tank, gas is obtained at the exit, and clean water, which is simply drained into the soil. However, the water after the septic tank can be used to irrigate vegetables or flowers.


  • Simplicity of design, molded plastic body, reinforced with ribbing.
  • Installation is possible on its own, and the strength of the tank avoids the need for the construction of a concrete shell or the arrangement of an anchor;
  • Complete energy independence. Wastewater treatment due to natural decay;
  • By purchasing a Tank, you can count on a long service life and efficient operation. Sewer drain cleaning has been carried out for many decades.

Technical characteristics and body dimensions of the septic tank "TANK"

The principle of operation of the septic tank is as follows: the sewage is drained into the first chamber, where the primary natural stage of biological decay and fermentation occurs. During settling, heavy fractions settle to the bottom. The upper layers of the settled water flow into the second chamber.

In the second chamber, settling takes place in the same way, but with a higher degree of purification. The upper layers are almost clean and flow into the third chamber through a special biofilter. Further, water with a degree of purification of 75-80% enters the infiltrator, in which additional purification of water takes place before being released into the soil.

Septic Tank Installation

Septic tank Topas

Another popular option for arranging the sewerage system of a country house is a modernized septic tank for the Topas dacha. Has successfully implemented three components of modern wastewater treatment. The manufacturer guarantees more than 50 years of product operation.

Topas septic tank for deep purification, combines mechanical, chemical and biological wastewater treatment to obtain practically drinking water. Topas performs a two-phase wastewater treatment. Initially, the drains flow into the receiving chamber. With a certain accumulation, the float switch is triggered, and the drains rush into the second chamber.

In the second chamber, aeration oxygenates the aerobic bacteria. Biological plankton multiply and feed on organic waste. As a result, the purified water is poured into the sludge stabilizer, where the undissolved sediment falls to the bottom.

Benefits of Septic Topas

  • autonomous, ready to use immediately after purchase;
  • Non-volatile;
  • It is very effective, it cleans the drains by 97 percent, so the water can be used again, for example, to water plants with it;
  • The sediment from the septic tank can be used as a top dressing for various plant cultures;
  • Septic tank Topas is absolutely hermetic, does not exude unpleasant odors;
  • Installation is possible on any type of soil;
  • Year-round operation.

Septic tank Unilos

Septic Unilos is an affordable and simple device. The model excludes chemical methods of use. The septic tank works only with biological wastewater treatment methods. This approach allows you to cope even with highly polluted water. The septic tank capacity is made of 2 cm thick polypropylene.

The principle of operation is as follows: first, the polluted water flows into section 1, where a filter of coarse fractions is installed. After settling, the water, already without large debris and suspended solids, enters the aeration tank for further biological treatment. In the aeration tank, small particles are completely broken down.

Aerobic bacteria convert waste into activated sludge. Clean water enters the 3rd section, where the sludge settles. In the last 4 section, the water is completely purified and removed to the outside. The water purity reaches 98% and makes it environmentally friendly. This septic tank uses electricity to keep it running. In order for Unilos to start working, special anaerobic bacteria are diluted in a bucket of water and simply flushed down the toilet.


  • The absence of chemical treatment of sewage and the use of aeration systems make Septic Unilos more environmentally friendly;
  • Reliable Japanese compressors provide stable performance and long service life;
  • The accumulating volume of the first chamber, with a sharp general discharge of the polluted sewage system, evenly distributes the cleaning;
  • All four departments of structural elements are located in one common body, which greatly facilitates installation work;
  • The body of the septic tank is absolutely sealed, and the special welding of polypropylene extends the service life of the product;
  • The small size of the septic tank makes the assembly of the station and its delivery simple and not difficult;
  • Purified water, with an indicator of 98%, can be used for irrigation of the site or simply brought into the ground;
  • The body made of polypropylene has stiffening ribs, install a turnkey septic tank, does not require concrete work.

The disadvantages include a simple but still time-consuming procedure that must be performed once every 3 months. Namely, it is necessary to remove the sludge from the settling tank, clean the pump, rinse the filters and the walls of the secondary settling tank. You have to pay your electricity bills when using the pump.

In a word, a wide variety of choices and arrangement of the sewerage system of a country house will allow you to make the only correct choice. As a rule, the company's specialists have online programs for selecting equipment for performance. The lucky ones who have already installed the device in a country house or in a country house note that their life is filled with comfort, we suggest you watch a video about a sewage system in a country house:

Sizes of small septic tanks

The size of septic tanks depends on their performance and principle of operation. For anaerobic models, these may be limited to internal chambers only.

In contrast, aerobic septic tanks must be somewhat large in size. Since their design mandatorily provides for an air enrichment system (compressors or drainage pump), at least one additional compartment for equipment installation is added.

To install any sewage treatment plant, you need to know the following dimensions:

  • the height of the working chambers;
  • height with revision neck;
  • width;
  • length.

Based on these parameters, a certain piece of land is allocated for installation. However, the dimensions of the installation pit will be larger than the dimensions of the treatment plant - by 15-20 cm. This must be taken into account when choosing a location.

It is noteworthy that if you do a septic tank with your own hands, then its dimensions will be much larger than factory designs.

Among septic tanks with minimal dimensions, several models can be distinguished. To analyze this parameter, the data was entered into a pivot table.

Photo: parameters of miniseptics

All of the above models operate on the anaerobic waste recycling principle. However, each of them has its own peculiarities in design and operation.

Septic tank Triton mini

The emergence of this model of a septic tank is due to the increasing demand for small treatment plants for summer cottages. With its small overall dimensions, it has good performance characteristics.

This model is based on the principle of the effect of natural anaerobic bacteria on wastewater.

Getting into the receiving chamber, they partially decompose, as a result of which a layer of activated sludge begins to form.

This method makes it possible to purify sewage waste up to 60%. Therefore, after the septic tank, it is necessary to install aeration fields or a storage tank.

For the latter option, the manufacturer offers special plastic drives. The body of the sewage treatment plant is made of polymer materials, which has a significant impact on its low weight.


  • designed to serve a maximum of 2 people;
  • useful volume - 400 liters;
  • productivity - 500 l / day.

Features easy installation and maintenance.

Instructions for use

After installing the septic tank, it will take some time for the number of anaerobic bacteria to increase to the required level. Until then, the quality of water purification will be lower.

Photo: installation of a septic tank Triton mini

In the future, the operation of the device is not difficult. The main thing is to adhere to simple rules:

  • it is forbidden to dispose of rotten food residues, medicines and chemically hazardous liquids into the sewer;
  • also, you can not dispose of polyethylene, pieces of cloth and other similar waste that can lead to blockages;
  • engine oil, gasoline, diesel fuel and antifreeze will significantly impair the operation of the station.

In order for the operation of the septic tank to be stable, it is necessary to visually check the composition of wastewater once every three days. Remove the excess as activated sludge accumulates.

To do this, use the services of a sewer truck. The average frequency of this procedure is once a year. At the same time, the walls of the septic tank should be thoroughly rinsed after pumping out.