We make a harvester for collecting berries with our own hands. Manual container fruit picker, box, scoop (scoop), rakes for picking cranberries, blueberries, lingonberries and other forest berries

Summer is the time when sweet berries ripen and it's time to pick them. When difficulties arise during work, a lingonberry harvester will help you, which you can make yourself. With this device, you can easily collect whole fruits from your garden. The process of making the device will not bring any difficulties, and harvesting will become very convenient and interesting.

Materials and construction

Such a self-made berry harvester is somewhat reminiscent of a scoop.

In order to make such a simple apparatus for small berries do it yourself, you need the most common materials tools that are in every home:

  • Sheet steel;
  • fasteners;
  • tree branches;
  • drill;
  • metal wire.

The design of the device is quite simple, so you can easily make it. It will become simply irreplaceable in use. Now you can quickly and easily harvest the fruits of not only lingonberries, but also blueberries, cranberries and other berries (Fig. 1):

  1. The whole design of this device is a body with handles and a bottom. To prevent the berries from falling out again, a comb is provided.
  2. She has a special partition (Fig. 3), which facilitates the harvest in large quantities... The main advantage of this device is that the lingonberry does not spoil at all while it is being harvested.
  3. Before starting work, in addition, you need to purchase plywood or plastic, from which the main part is cut (Fig. 1). The rest is done with wire.

Manufacturing technique

  1. In order for the harvester for collecting berries to serve you for more than 1 year, you need to carefully carry out calculations, draw up all the drawings and diagrams, where the dimensions of all the parts of the device are described in detail.
  2. Then, using special scissors, cut out the body and the bottom of the combine from a metal piece (Fig. 2).
  3. Then proceed to the manufacture of parts for the comb, which is made of wire with a diameter of 3 mm. Prepare several of these pins no larger than 100 mm.
  4. Bend galvanized steel from one end, you get a rigid edge, at a distance of which a straight line is drawn, perpendicular to the long side of the plate.
  5. Make several holes, the diameter of which is equal to the caliber of the rods. They are located on the sides of the plate. The most suitable spacing between the teeth is 4 mm (Fig. 3).
  6. Bend the ends of the plate so that you get a side. The part prevents the picked berries from falling; insert the rods into the holes made and fix them wooden lath.
  7. The rods should be soldered to the base of the apparatus.
  8. The sides should be cut separately from the bottom of the structure, and their height is chosen as desired. The edges must be folded at right angles to the inside. The bottom is attached to the fold lines, and make rods on the sides to make the device a little stiffer.
  9. Use a small amount of galvanized steel to shape the handle. Release a few centimeters from the edges of the strip and bend it at an angle. Attach the handle to the top side of the part base. Another version of the handle can be made from a metal bar and welded.
  10. To avoid hurting your fingers, wrap everything with duct tape.

Now berry picking will not be a hassle.

Of course, metal devices are the most durable, but there are options for making a combine from other materials.

How to make a harvester for picking berries (video)

Other options for creating an apparatus

If you do not know what material to use for the combine, then pay attention to the wood. The manufacturing method is quite simple and practical. What you need:

  • skewers for kebabs;
  • large tree branches (the approximate diameter of the branches is 10-12 cm);
  • saw;
  • chisel;
  • drill;
  • drill;
  • glue.

First, use a saw to make 2 identical circles from the branches. Then, using a chisel, make a hole on one wooden figure with an indent from the edges by 1 cm. The resulting parts must be properly sanded and get rid of splinters and burrs.

After that, move on to creating the comb. For this purpose, you will need a drill and drill, the diameter of which should match the caliber of the kebab sticks. Drill holes in the circle.

The optimal distance between the holes is no more than 5 mm, so that the berries do not fall to the ground during picking. When the holes in the first shape are ready, repeat the same with the second. Next, place one rounded piece on top of the other so that their holes line up. Using barbecue sticks, pull both figures apart at a distance of 15 cm and secure the frame with glue. The harvester is ready for collection (fig. 4).

The easiest way to assemble a harvester consists of a sturdy plastic bottle... For this design, you will also need a knife, stick, reins, etc.

Best suited containers are ketchup containers, which are known for their durability. The mineral water container can quickly deteriorate. The bottle itself should be small in size, with a large neck in order to easily get the picked berries.

Make marks on it, a small flag with a couple of teeth. Using a sharp knife, a hole is cut along the contour, after which the bottle is tied to a stick with a cord or fixed with tape.

Harvester for picking blueberries and lingonberries (video)

August is a special time not only for ordinary people who like to observe an incredible riot of colors and the beauty of our nature, but also for berry-growers or simply for those people who have currant or blueberry bushes on their land. The berry ripening season is in full swing and you need to get everything from it! Gathering berries is a very exciting and interesting activity, but extremely exhausting: the branches reach into the eyes, the berries are difficult to get, and it just gets boring to throw one berry into the basket. The question arises: how can you speed up and simplify harvesting and the answer is - a berry collector. The thing is very practical - a comfortable handle, great pleasure, and most importantly, a high collection speed. Indeed, the harvest is about three times faster than usual, but there is an opinion that the berry pickers harm the berry bushes. You can even give an example: in Belarus, it is prohibited to pick berries with any mechanical devices. It is believed that a large number of leaves are torn from the bush and branches break off during use.

But this is only considered - an experiment was carried out, the results of which slightly do not coincide with the prevailing opinion.

In this experiment, a high-quality berry collector was used - not handicraft - like this .

What is the point? From plot 25 square meters harvested lingonberries - harvested well, not missing anything. After processing the plot, they started calculating the harvest - as a result, about 3 kilograms of berries, 40 leaves and a couple of inflorescences were obtained.

From this experiment, we can conclude that a high-quality factory berry collector does not harm nature in any way, and what does this mean, which means that this unit can be used to the fullest.

But I digress from the product itself - let's take a closer look at the berry picker itself, or rather, list its advantages over the manual method of picking berries:

Firstly, the berry collector greatly increases the efficiency of your work: you no longer need to bend, bend, crawl on the barks and climb over thorny bushes, just swipe over the bush once and all the berries are already in the container of the combine.

High level of convenience. The berry collector is made in such a way that you will not experience any discomfort when using it: a comfortable rubberized handle, sharp separators for separating berries from a branch and a very durable berry receiver made of high quality plastic. Harvesting will only be a pleasure.

- The most important advantage of berry collectors, rightfully, is speed. Is a bucket of blueberries in 15 minutes impossible? It is very possible! One movement along the bush and in the receiver of the combine is already half a glass of fresh berries - how do you like this alignment?

Now you know what berry pickers are, how they are dangerous and not dangerous, their main qualities and advantages, but you came here not to learn more about them, but to buy them. We list all the products of the berry collectors that our store offers:

Harvester for picking berries, 10 cm wide. An excellent tool, suitable for collecting the most different berries: blueberries, lingonberries, cranberries, cranberries and even sea buckthorn. Distinctive feature of this harvester is that it does not capture the leaves, three leaves can of course get caught, as you understand - these are not serious losses from the bush.

Basic berry collector 14 cm. An excellent average option, suitable both for picking wild berries in the forest, and for your own bush on the site. Does not damage or crumple the berries - they get into the receiver of the combine safe and sound. Does not capture leaves. It has a comfortable grip, which is most important - having tried to collect with this instrument once, you will understand that you do not need anything else.

Berry collector wide 17 cm. Berry picking is a wonderful activity, you must agree: forest, nature, what else is needed, not if berry picking is a direct source of profit, then for industrial picking you need something more than a small picker. For such purposes, a wide berry collector was invented.

Berry collector for children. Berry picking is often a family activity. They also like to collect berries, but they will not pick them in five buckets and will not be able to use berry collectors for adults. Based on these reasons, a children's berry collector was invented. This harvester has two differences from the usual ones - design and size.

The subject of our discussion today is a harvester for collecting berries.

With the onset of the berry harvest, rarely does anyone resort to harvesting it only by hand. Berries such as cranberries, lingonberries or blueberries need to be quickly picked and transported to the processing site. In order to fulfill these requirements, a scoop is needed to collect lingonberries and blueberries. By the way, a scraper acting as a collector can be different designs... The material of manufacture can be different. What is the best handheld berry picker to use? Which berries are best suited for? What is the difference between a blueberry picker and a cranberry scoop? There are a lot of questions related to this topic. Therefore, we will begin to answer them.

Berry picking container - description and general characteristics

If anyone communicated with professional berry pickers, he could notice that the tray for picking berries (lingonberries, blueberries, cranberries) their true friend and assistant. These are people who annually walk many kilometers, not always along convenient paths. But they always take a scoop for picking berries with them. There are several important reasons for this. The berry picker increases productivity. And that's why:

  • the lingonberry and blueberry rake reduces stress on the spine. For those berry growers who have a weak back, such a device will become a lifesaver;
  • The plastic picker with a flap for collecting blueberries and lingonberries weighs very little. When working with him, your hands do not get so tired.

What is a hand tool for picking berries

First of all, it should be noted that in the common people this inventory is called differently. Its name depends on the area where such fortified plants grow. These places are sometimes located at times in hard-to-reach, but beautiful places. Therefore, a blueberry scoop may have the following names:

If you heard one of these words in a conversation about picking berries, you should know that the topic of conversation is a device for picking blueberries and lingonberries or some other berries.

There are many more amazing and beautiful names that this equipment can have. What kind can this container be? What material is it most often made of?

As you can see from the names, each such container resembles a small box. Its dimensions are practically standard and over a long time of evolution, all unnecessary elements in it have gone into the distant past. Now each such device consists only of:

  • bunker,
  • teeth,
  • pens.

Usually a blueberry and lingonberry harvester is not made from a solid material. That is it comes about the bunker. So that such debris as leaves and small dry pieces of twigs are not in it, slots are made at the bottom and sides of the hopper. Moreover, such a size that the berries themselves would not wake up. The same can be said about the distance between the teeth. Everything is thought out so that the berries remain in the harvester, and the garbage is sifted as much as possible during the collection process.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that there is not a big, but very important difference between a scoop or ladle and a container. A bucket is an open apparatus or container. The container has a closed top.

As you can see from the names listed, sometimes the blueberry collector is called a rake. This is because a long handle is attached to it. That allows not to make deep torso bends during the collection process. Again, very convenient.

Still very important detail... The name of the device Fruit picker for picking berries with a shutter is another new word. What does a flap picker mean? And what is it for?

When the device has a baffle in the middle, which turns freely when the angle of inclination is changed, this is a combine. And the partition plays the role of a damper that does not allow berries to wake up on the ground, with an inclined picker with its teeth down. That is why a harvester for picking berries with a shutter is appreciated by professionals more than a simple comb.

And one more characteristic is the material of manufacture. Blueberry pickers and other pickers come from:

  • plastic,
  • metal (steel),
  • wood.

For the manufacture of berry pickers, galvanized food steel is used. Still, as one of the options, wooden case- metal teeth.

Each of the designs has its own pros and cons:

If your children also take part in the campaigns for the harvest of useful vitamins, then special plastic fruit collectors have been released for them.

Apart from how to choose a berry harvester, there is not much information about the fruits themselves.

Time and rules for picking berries in the forest

In order to successfully go for berries for the first time, you need to go with the already experienced berries. But it doesn’t hurt a lot of information about the plants themselves and how to collect them correctly.

One of the first rules to know:

And that's why. When the berry grows low near the ground, you can hook the ground by prying it with a scoop. If the branches of the bush are strongly intertwined, the sharp teeth will be difficult to free when combing. And the collector will be full of leaves and bits of other foreign matter.

More about cranberries

One of the most useful berries... One phrase cranberry juice evokes associations associated with vitamins and healthy food. And in confirmation of the fact that all the most useful and correct is not easy to get, cranberries grow in wetlands and it is not easy to collect them. Even after getting into a cranberry meadow, it is difficult to determine at first glance how many berries there are. Since cranberries often hide under densely intertwined branches flush with the soil. Therefore, in order to get them all, you need to work hard. This is where a cranberry harvester is needed.

More about blueberries

How useful blueberries are has long been known not only in Russia, but throughout Europe. But the most large territories on which it grows are located in Russia. And yet, it does not grow in the south. It is a thermophilic but northern plant. Her beneficial features have always been appreciated. Therefore, for healthy and clean blueberries, you need to go into the forest and collect them with a fruit collector.

More about lingonberry

Coniferous forests, rarely deciduous ones, can boast that such a storehouse of vitamins grows on their territories. Altai Territory and Novosibirsk Region, the places where it grows. There are many who want to follow her here, and there is enough for everyone. One has only to buy a manual harvester for collecting lingonberries, and go. Ripens by September and grows on low-growing bushes.

But you don't have to go far to collect strawberries. It grows in forests and on sunny, hilly slopes.

There was a time when the fruit collector for berries was made by hand. But today there is no need to waste time on this.

The manual berry picker does not damage the berry bushes if used correctly. Therefore, ordering a harvester for picking berries and buying it will be the right decision, if you go for such fruits this berry season. You can buy a manual harvester for picking blueberries and other berries in the online store. You don't even need to travel far. This is our 21st century.

Since ancient times, people have earned their food by collecting edible wild fruits and berries. The method of picking berries from those times has remained the same - you squat or bend over to a bush, tear off a berry (or better a handful of berries) from a twig and put it in a basket. Of course, picking berries in this way is also possible, only you will beat your hands on the branches, or even some of the inhabitants of the forest or swamp will bite. It is not easy to bend behind each berry, and labor productivity is low. Although, what kind of work it is - this is the pleasure of communicating with nature, only bending down and unbending is still hard.

To increase it (productivity) and collect it in a certain time more berries, you need some kind of adaptation.

When a lot of mushrooms are born in the forest, the people say: "At least a scythe mow!" And here a comparison naturally suggested itself: what, should you pick berries in a good year with a rake? It was then that the idea came to mind ...

Currently, I have made an original berry picking tool with which you can do this while standing without bending over. I consider my invention important for male collectors - for some reason it is more difficult for them to bend than women.

The device is, in general, simple in design. It looks like a combined combination of a small inverted horse rake (although you rarely find such a rake anywhere now) and a toy excavator bucket: it consists of a body and teeth, united by a plate. Well, since this instrument is hand-held, a tulle with a handle is also attached to the body.

The bucket body is cut from galvanized steel sheet 0.5 - 0.8 mm thick. I do not recommend using a thicker leaf due to the heavier structure: when picking berries, your hands will get tired. But replacing galvanized steel with stainless steel of the same thickness is not only possible, but also desirable. The wire for the teeth must be selected rigid, springy, so that it keeps the given initial shape, even if it bent arbitrarily during operation. It is best to bend the wire into teeth using a copier.

The device in question is designed for picking various berries with a diameter of 5 mm or more. These are such gifts of the forest as blueberries, lingonberries, blueberries, cranberries. You can pick currants and gooseberries. If you want only larger berries to fall into the ladle, you can accordingly increase the pitch of the wire cloves. In this case, the distance between the cloves in the light should be equal or even slightly less than the harvested berry.

With a wire diameter of 2 mm, the pitch is 7 mm. For the described device of the same teeth, 18 pieces are needed. In the case and the plate with the same pitch of 7 mm, 18 holes with a diameter of 2 mm (along the thickness of the wire) are drilled (preferably together and simultaneously), into which the teeth are inserted. The plate is bent 180 degrees, crimping each wire. It is better to solder this place for the rigidity of the entire structure with any low-melting solder. The straight ends of the wires are inserted into the holes of the housing until they stop. After that, the lugs of the plate are riveted to the body, and the lugs of the body are bent and squeezed tighter around the extreme teeth.

1 - body (galvanized steel sheet s0.5);

2 - denticles (springy steel wireØ2, 18 pcs.);

3 - plate (galvanized steel sheet s0.5);

4 - tulle (pipe Ø20-24);

5 - assembly connection of the device parts (steel rivet Ø3, 5 pcs.);

6 - handle (hardwood tree);

7 - fastening the handle in the tunic (screw Ø3).

Handle mounting bracket - the tulle is made from a piece of thin-walled pipe or bent from galvanized steel of a slightly thicker thickness (1 - 1.5 mm) than the body and plate. The handle is of round cross-section, made of light, but at the same time quite strong wood. Modern plastic materials but not fragile. The average length of the handle is about 500 mm (but this size may vary depending on the height of the picker), and its diameter is 18 - 22 mm. The lower end of the handle is trimmed slightly into a cone, or rather, into a wedge, and inserted into the tube of the tulle. In the wall of the tube there is a hole for a small screw with which the handle is attached there. The jacket itself is attached to the body with three rivets. A modern tool - riveting tool - allows you to beautifully, and most importantly - reliably fasten thin-walled parts. Anyone who does not have a rivet can perform this operation manually or screw the handle to the body with M4 bolts.

I decided to show and write another article on how to do it quickly. This is useful for beginners. Everything will be done very simply and no great skills are needed for this. It is necessary to pick berries now and there is no time to make a berry harvester for a long time.

I need to make two berry harvesters in one day, but so that they are durable, convenient and of high quality. We will do it in the simplest way. For manufacturing, trims will be used, which are usually thrown away, but I always fold them and at the right time they will always be useful to me.

Dimensions of parts

1.bottom - 220 x 100 x 13 mm

2.top - 155 x 114 x 7 mm

3.sidewall - 210 x 90 x 7 mm - 2 pieces

4.the back part - 100 x 90 x 7 mm

Choosing from scraps required sizes in length, width and thickness. You can do a little less or more by sticking to mine. My second one turned out to be a little wider.
The working lower part is made of birch. The rest of the details are from pine. Select areas without knots and cracks. If there are no scraps, then we harvest them on machines. First of all on planer we run the board. Read my article working on a woodworking jointer.
In the article, I described what you need to pay attention to. Then we skip the size we need in terms of thickness on the thickness gauge and on circular saw we saw the required sizes. I recommend reading another article, working with a circular saw on a woodworking machine. All the subtleties of work.
The cuts on the lower part were made on a saw, the length of the cut is 60 mm if measured from the bottom, and 75 mm from the top. I set the saw to 3 mm. The gap between the cuts is 5 mm. Then he made a slight bend on his own. Make it and grinder it is possible, but without it it will be fine if there is no opportunity and tool for this.
You also need to shape the sidewalls. We make an oblique cut at the top, we leave 155 mm, and at the bottom 25 mm and we cut off on an oblique cut. On the lower part, we sharpen the ends a little, we grind everything with sandpaper and prepare for assembly. I stained and covered with a waterproof varnish before assembling it. I drilled holes in the sidewalls and the upper part with a thin drill for nails and, before knocking down, missed the joints with glue, epoxy resin... The handle and the berry retainer were made of 1 mm thin iron.

Iron parts

1.handle - 220 x 30 mm

2.catch - 115 x 100 mm

Using scissors for metal, I cut out the required dimensions. You can screw any handle, not necessarily which one I made. On the retainer, I bent the ears and drilled the holes. Covered with a bronze waterproof coating.
For the retainer in the combine, I drilled holes and screwed them onto the bolts. It should open and close freely. I bent the handle in a vice and bent the edges before painting. I drilled holes in the handle and in the berry harvester. It remains to screw on the handle and you are ready.
This is one of simple ways and in winter you can try and make carvings. Take a look and read the article