Decoration of arches in the apartment. Graceful arch in the apartment: how to finish and what materials

The best arched vaults in doorway are obtained from drywall, but after that it is extremely necessary to finish the arch in the apartment to create clear lines of corners by applying putty.

Materials used to finish the arch in the apartment

Formation arched openings in a house or apartment is connected, first of all, with the correct geometry, the vault should have a clear contour of a semicircle or semi-ellipse, unless, of course, something wavy, asymmetrical is conceived. For the corners to be correct form and laid 90 degrees, special rigid profiles are usually used as a kind of frame that limits the edges of the drywall sheet structure.

Ideal lines are created directly in the process of puttying, when thin metal or plastic perforated corners are placed on the mortar. And for arches are produced special shapes profiles, with one solid shelf and the second in the form of a row of teeth or petals. Plasterboard sheets are made quite even, in fact, it is dry plaster, which covers the walls and ceiling, as well as other work is performed, in particular, do-it-yourself decoration of the interior arch in the apartment.

However, the seams between the sheets and the caps of poorly recessed self-tapping screws still create small bumps, the correction of which does not require any special materials, except for putty and a perforated corner. Profiles come with large and small holes over the entire surface, which can be square, round or triangular in shape, or be perforated.

Sometimes the corners are supplied with glued on outside mesh, providing a stronger fixation after puttying.

Finishing the interior arch with your own hands in stages

A beautiful doorway converging overhead with a vault is quite within the power of everyone, since there are many instructions. However, assembling the frame and sheathing it is still half the battle, it is necessary to achieve an ideal fusion of the wall surface and the structure made in the opening, as well as to ensure clear lines of corners. It is for this purpose that putty is used in combination with special profiles. Let's look at the whole sequence of work.

Finishing the interior arch - step by step diagram

Step 1: Installing a Profile

First of all, after priming, we take a perforated profile purchased in advance in sufficient quantities, total length it must correspond to at least twice the length of the arc of the arch. Sometimes, in cases where the opening is made in a plasterboard partition, it is necessary to make overlays on the sides as well. Having determined in advance the area that requires strengthening the edges, we put a perforated corner on it and fix it along the entire length at regular intervals with screws.

Repeat this operation on the other side of the arch.

Step 2: Fixing the profile with mortar

We take a small portion of putty from a container with a ready-made composition, or we prepare a limited amount from a dry mix. Using a spatula, we apply thick strokes between the screws and smooth them out, carefully pressing the solution into the perforation holes, so as to ensure sufficient adhesion to the base. In this case, the mixture should also lie on top of the corner, grabbing it to the surface of the drywall.

Step 3: Removing fasteners

We are waiting for the complete drying of the putty applied to the corner, it will not take much time, due to the fact that the portions were used small. As soon as no traces of moisture are visible on the surface of the hardening solution, you can carefully unscrew the screws - the profile will hold securely due to the hardened mixture. Next, using a spatula, carefully, without much effort, remove excess solution, frozen drops, too obvious protrusions. You can carefully go over the putty strokes with a grater and sandpaper to smooth the surface. At the same time, try not to remove too much of the hardened mixture so that the fixation of the profile does not weaken.

Step 4: Finishing the Arch

When all preparatory work completed, and only the plasterboard arch putty remains, you will need a wide spatula, length working surface which should exceed the thickness of the arched portal.

In small portions, we capture the solution, ready or mixed with our own hands. It is best to lay the finishing plaster immediately, the even surface of the drywall allows this.

If the structure is built into an opening between two plastered walls, the connection line will need to be smoothed. In this case, it is recommended to use first starting putty, and only then, after two layers have dried, apply the finishing mixture.

How to putty plasterboard arch

Today, many homeowners who have started repairs and ennobled doorways with the help of dry plaster, the question arises about how to properly putty a drywall arch, and why do it. It would seem that all you need is something to hide under economical strokes, as well as cover up the gaps between the sheets. However, this is fundamentally wrong, because if the final, decorative finish is applied directly to the drywall, it will be peeled off during the next repair. To avoid extra expenses, it is better to spend money once and use putty.

So we have an arch. It can be part of a partition, or a structure inside the opening, the amount of work depends on how it is made. In the first case, we will finish the arch portal along with the wall sheathing, in the second, we need to perform an inconspicuous merging drywall construction and regular brick wall, which may have already disappeared under layers of plaster. The front of work determines what materials we need. For the first option, finishing putty is enough, for the second, a starting one is also needed. However, in both cases, a universal mixture is quite suitable.

In the event that we have an arch in a regular opening, and we need to combine it with a wall, we use either a wide spatula or a short rule, since we will apply the solution in large portions. In this case, the putty layer should not exceed 0.5 cm, therefore arched structure try to keep it flush with the wall. If necessary, it is allowed to apply up to 3-4 layers, including the finishing one, after the completion of each of which it is necessary to wait at least 12 hours. At the beginning of work, make sure that the spatula does not cling to the screws, if this happens, it means that they were not screwed in well enough.

We seal the joints of the sheets with a sickle, all defects on the surface of the drywall are smeared at the very beginning, before the first layer is laid. We start finishing with putty from above, gradually going down, we process the inner, curved part of the arched portal with sweeping longitudinal movements. Special attention should be given to the seams, literally pressing the mixture into them, and you can put a little more putty on top than on the plane, since the solution sags when it dries, and a notch may form. It is better to let a convex seam remain, it can always be processed with sandpaper. Upon completion of the work, the arches in the house can be finished decorative plaster.

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When implementing rooms, the question often arises of what to do with the doorway. Classic variant. Alternative way is drywall or wood. Other options are less common. Consumers try to decorate with plaster or wallpaper. However, few know how to decorate the arch in the apartment with their own hands.

Arch installation

If the owner of the apartment has decided, then initially you need to make a sketch of the arch and free the doorway. If necessary, you can increase its area, but the final decision will depend on the shape and size of the arch. If the product is made of drywall, then you need to purchase the appropriate building materials (dowel, screws, drywall, self-tapping screws). Then the owner needs to measure according to the sketch. Based on the dimensions obtained, a frame is made. The necessary pieces are cut with metal scissors. After that, you need to fix the profile around the perimeter with special dowel screws.

Next, a drywall sheet of the appropriate shape is prepared. It is desirable to cut the workpiece with a jigsaw. In this case, drywall must be attached to a metal profile on both sides of the arch. Self-tapping screws are used to fix the workpieces. The distance between them must be at least 15 cm. To seal the surface of the arch, it is necessary to make additional profile blanks. For an arched arch, you need to make an incision on the profile so that it can be bent. It is advisable to make the distance between the cuts no more than 12 cm. After that, the workpiece must be attached to the drywall from the inside using self-tapping screws. The profile blank is attached in the same way on the other side of the arch. As a result, the workpiece should repeat the contour of the previously cut drywall sheet.

The final stage involves fixing the bottom element. First you need to measure the size of the required strip with a tape measure. Then the corresponding piece of drywall is cut out. To bend the workpiece, you need to make cuts from the inside. The interval between them can be 7-10 cm. After that, you can screw the workpiece to the metal profile, which is screwed on the inside of the side strips of drywall. Now you can open. To perform the work, the following tool is required:

  1. mount;
  2. Roulette;
  3. Level;
  4. Scissors for metal;
  5. Perforator;
  6. Jigsaw;
  7. Screwdriver.

Finishing the arch with plaster

After completing the rough work, it is necessary to finish the drywall arch with plaster or putty. This material allows you to fill in the voids and even out the curvature formed on the arch. Similar work is done with a spatula. The mixture is applied to drywall and evenly stretched along the entire length of the arch. Usually plastering is carried out in several passes. Then you need to let the plaster dry. On the eve of applying the finishing putty, you can make a small cleaning of the previous layers. For this, special abrasive meshes must be used.

As for the side walls of the arch, they can be immediately finished with finishing putty. The exception is the drywall joints with the wall. Here you need to put plaster mesh, and then cover it with plaster so that cracks do not form in the future. To finish drywall corner joints, you can use an arched corner or reinforcing tape.

Before laying this material, it is necessary to apply a thin layer of finishing putty to the corner of the arch. Tape should be evenly distributed on both sides. corner connection arches. To prevent the material from wrinkling, cuts can be made every 10 cm. Last layer putty should be extremely thin. After it dries, the final cleaning is done with a fine-grained abrasive mesh. When finishing an arched opening, tools are usually needed that are different from those used during the installation of the structure. Here you only need a spatula and a clerical knife.

Finishing the arch with decorative plaster

Another finishing option is decorative plaster. This material is applied exclusively to the prepared surface. To do this, you must first plaster the arched opening and fill in all the voids. How to do this is described in the previous section. Wherein finishing putty it is not necessary to apply to the arch. However, before applying decorative plaster, it is imperative to prime the pre-plastered surface. The primer improves the adhesion of two different building materials. The drying period of the primer is from 4 hours to a day. To create a relief on the applied decorative plaster, you must use a grater, sponge or spatula. As a result of the drying of the applied material, the arch will need to be painted. For this, special paints are used. But, before painting, you need to cover the area again with a primer.

You can paint the surface of the arched opening with a roller or brush. It is desirable to apply paint in two layers. If necessary, you can use different shades. If the paint is applied with a short pile roller, then the owner can achieve a bark beetle type effect. Because unpainted grooves create a specific pattern. To enhance the effect, you can add a special dye even at the stage of applying the plaster, and when painting the walls, change the original shade. After the paint has dried, you can cover the surface with beeswax. This will give the arched opening a kind of matte sheen.

Wallpapering on the arch

Next, the owner needs to trim the arch. Wallpaper is one of the finishing options. The color of the material is desirable to match the color of the wallpaper on the wall. Framing technology is quite simple. Before you decorate the arch in the apartment with your own hands, you need to prepare strips for decoration. Then you should prepare wallpaper glue. By consistency, it should be thicker than when gluing wallpaper on the walls. This is necessary to increase the term, so that you can move the wallpaper strips if they are with a pattern. It is advisable to start gluing the strips on the wall near the arched opening. Then you need to lay a strip that will cover part of the arch opening. The protruding remnants of the material should be cut off with a clerical knife, but in such a way that an allowance of about 25 mm remains. After that, you need to make cuts with an interval of 20–25 mm, bend the wallpaper strips and glue them to the arched plane.

Similarly, you need to glue the second side of the arch. To complete the gluing of the vault, cut a strip equal to the width of the arched opening. However, the length of the workpiece must be longer so that the pattern can be adjusted. The cut out strip of wallpaper must be glued to the inside of the arch. To avoid the appearance of bubbles under the wallpaper, you need to carefully smooth out the glued strips.

Archway painting

You can make an arch with your own hands ordinary wallpaper or wallpaper for painting. If the owner of the premises chose the second option, then after the laid material dries, it is necessary to paint it. To wallpaper the arch with wallpaper, you will need the following tool:

  • Pencil, ruler;
  • Stationery knife;
  • Glue brush.

When painting wallpaper, you will additionally need a paint roller.

Arch decoration with decorative stone

You can also decorate the arch with decorative stone.

This type of decoration is one of the laborious ways of framing the arch.

The main load falls on the decoration of the vault. At the same time, decorative stone is convenient in laying, as it does not require a perfectly flat surface. Therefore, there is no need to plaster the structure, except for large holes. But, if you need to decorate a drywall arch, then the stone should not be too heavy so that deformation does not occur. Before laying the stone, the surface must be primed. Installation can be done with glue or liquid nails. The first stone must be laid from below in such a way that it overlaps the junction of the gypsum and the wall. When laying stone along the arched arc, appropriate pruning should be carried out. Grinding the cut is done with a stone file. To seal the seams, you need to use a special solution. As you can see, framing arches with your own hands, although it requires certain skills, is, however, quite feasible.

You also need to make sure that the entire list is necessary tools. The decoration of the arch depends on the capabilities and taste of the particular owner of the apartment. However the best option there will be decorative plaster. This material allows you to use different textures and experiment with shades of colors.

Whatever material the arch was erected from, it will be a real decoration only after. If you ordered a general project, then professionals will also suggest how to finish the arch in the apartment so that it harmonizes with the design concept of the entire space. But you yourself can choose the decor you like, as well as veneer this one with it. architectural element.

Arches decorate not only the door, they effectively designate a niche in the wall, make our window exclusive. Hence the different requirements for finishing: interior arches experience a heavy load - which means that their decor should be not only beautiful, but also durable.

Finishing materials

The market offers numerous materials for the design of a through opening:

  • classic - wallpaper;
  • decorative rock;
  • facing brick;
  • tile or ceramic;
  • decorative plaster;
  • mirrors;
  • textile;
  • mosaic;
  • cork.

Arch corners

Carefully mark the corners with vulnerable spots - arched corners. Let us clarify that only their rigid lining does not need such protection. In another design, it is the corners that will prevent mechanical damage opening and preserve its aesthetic appearance.

Plastic arched corners Available in various widths, but convenient size- 10 × 20 mm. At the same time, its broad side liquid nails glue inside the arch, narrow - to the facade.

Advice! It is necessary to press the corner to the base for a long time, so for 12 hours we will fix it with masking tape.


Sticking on the arch

  • First, putty and level the base.
  • Then we prepare the glue: stir it with a nozzle on the drill.
  • We glue the strip next to the opening vertically and bend the edge 3 cm onto the arch. Similarly, we glue the second strip next to the first.
  • We also glue the following strips with an allowance.
  • Now we cut out the corners in these allowances with scissors to avoid wrinkles, glue them to the arch, smoothing them.

At the last stage, we will paste over the vault:

  • first of all, cut a strip across the width of the arch, but let it be longer to match the pattern;
  • glue this strip at the top of the arch and then go down, smoothing it from top to bottom, and then to the edge.

The advantages of this decor include a variety of colors and patterns for any interior and taste, as well as the price of finishing. However, the wallpaper is short-lived: they turn yellow, lose their freshness and novelty. And, unfortunately, they deteriorate from moisture.

cork finish

Today, decorating openings with cork is very popular - an environmentally friendly, warm, natural material.

Only roll view optimal for this design. We will also need acrylic or contact adhesive. It's easy to work with .

How can I finish the arch in the apartment with a cork? In fact, this is an ordinary wallpaper sticker. To increase the strength, then cover the cork with varnish.

Advice! For the arch in the kitchen, we will buy cork rolls coated with wax - it repels moisture.

Application of decorative plaster

Finishing Features

  • Its advantages: easy and simple application, durability.
  • Disadvantages of decorative plaster: the complexity of restoration, the relief is difficult to wash or clean.

For decoration with decorative plaster, we need embossed rollers or stamps.

Note that the use ready mixes slow drying will facilitate the work: we will have time to make a relief on wet plaster.

Work order

  • Spread the mixture over the surface- the instruction will indicate the thickness of the layer (but more than 1.5 cm).
  • Now we create a relief with relief rollers or stamps. By the way, rollers save us material and time, unlike stamps.
  • Then we prime the dried relief.

After 20 hours, we paint according to a special scheme:

  • to emphasize the relief, we first apply dark paint with a roller with a longer pile;
  • the second layer: we will make light paint with a shorter pile or rubber roller - now only the tops of the relief are painted.

stone finish

A beautiful design of an arch with stone or tiles can be symmetrical in eco or country style or asymmetrical in deconstructivism or modern style.

Laying tiles

  • As usual, first we plaster, prime the surface and make notches.
  • We will prepare the solution from cement, lime, sand and glue, or (if the instructions allow) we will fix the tile with liquid nails.
  • Overlapping sticker will save us from embedding outside corners- in the first row we glue end-to-end, and in the second - with a shift inward.
  • And so in each odd row we combine the edge of the tile with the border of the opening, but in each even row we attach it with an overlap.

Stone laying

  • Lay on a carefully prepared surface.
  • First, try on the tiles and mark the cut line from the inside.
  • Draw a few times along the drawn line with a construction knife and break off the unnecessary part with pliers, and then smooth it with a file.
  • We close the seams in a day.

Facing plastic

Decorative stone is one of the most suitable materials for finishing surfaces both indoors and outdoors. Due to its functional and aesthetic advantages, it is increasingly being used to decorate a variety of arches.


An arch is that architectural element with which a small area can be visually enlarged, and a spacious area can be effectively zoned. A well-decorated passage saves and visually expands the room, functionally separates adjacent rooms and at the same time forms a single interior, creating the desired atmosphere in an apartment or house. Most often, the arches are made of drywall, and then lined with the selected material.

There are many options for processing openings in an apartment: using plaster, wood, forged items and, of course, stones: sandstone, shell rock, granite or marble. However, durable a natural stone has a high cost, so today its artificial substitutes are increasingly being chosen.

This happens for many reasons:

  • arch decoration decorative stone will cost you much less.
  • Using this material, you can imitate the pattern of any rock.
  • The weight of such a decor will be much less, which can also be a plus - by no means any wall is able to withstand the weight of a real stone.

The decorated entrance to the hallway has both an aesthetic and a practical function. It is here that the owners, guests, and their pets most often move, which means that the passage is heavily polluted. decorative trim it gets dirty less and is easy to clean, also dirt is not noticeable on its surface. Of course, she also immediately attracts the eye.

Since the decoration with a decorative stone is able to repeat the pattern of any natural rock, you are able to decorate in a similar way and interior doors– it is easy to choose a variation suitable for a specific interior. In most cases, the choice is made in favor of imitation brick, small pebbles, marble or granite.

Design options

The process of laying decorative stone is quite simple, so you can decorate any arch with your own hands.

Traditionally, laid out stones form a side strip around the arch, but in some cases it is decided to decorate the entire wall as well. Such decoration with decorative rocks is used not only for doorways, but also for facing windows, niches and built-in furniture. If you have a free niche in a city apartment, then turn it into an arched fake fireplace and put a few burning candles there.

A composition of several arches located in the same space will look very stylish.

Arched openings decorated with artificial stone can, on the one hand, in harmony with the color of the walls, not focus on themselves and act as a backdrop for bright furniture, and, on the other hand, become the center of attraction and bright design decision. In the event that the arch connects two rooms in dissimilar styles, decorate it on one side only.

arches from artificial stone There are different geometric configurations:

  • classic - straight sides and arched top. Usually, they are used for completely dissimilar styles, since the design fits organically into any interior;
  • ellipsoid - with an arc in the form of a regular or irregular oval;

  • rectangular or portal - the side and upper parts form a right angle;
  • round - look curious in combination with bright, colorful walls. They are usually preferred by owners of futuristic interiors;
  • curly - the sides form smooth lines and thereby violate the perpendicularity with respect to the floor.

The shape of the arch depends on the size of the opening and the height of the ceiling, the function of the room and its design.

The pattern of the cladding is symmetrical and not symmetrical. Finished using the “torn stone” technology, the arched openings do not have symmetry, but they look non-standard and complement the rooms with the original layout. A symmetrically lined arch with stones to match the wall looks better in classic, calm interiors. Combine a variety of shades of the same color and alternate vertical and horizontal tiles.

Openings are divided into passive and active. The former act as a simple border, while the latter, which differ unusual shape, and they themselves are an interior decoration. Simple passive types include such types as classical, modern (with a pronounced rise), romance (the arc is rounded on the sides, but cut off at the top) and others. Complex active ones are oriental, horseshoe-shaped, trapezoidal, lancet and others. They have jagged edges and are sometimes located at several levels.

There are also two ways of laying artificial stone: seamless and with the preservation of seams. In residential areas, the seams are usually preserved, as this gives the arch a special zest. They are made wide enough, and then filled with grout of the desired shade.

Often the design of the arched opening is complemented by the creation proper lighting and decoration with plant elements. The choice of fixtures depends on the style of the arch: there are built-in and inconspicuous models, artsy sconces, or bright LED lights.

With the help of light, the expected mood is given: mystical, solemn and upbeat, calm and relaxed, or neutral.

Material selection

Decorative stone is created from natural components: expanded clay, cement and pumice with the addition of a special mineral pigment to give color. Such material is considered environmentally friendly and safe - it is not afraid of corrosion, rotting and fungal diseases. Upon completion of the drying and firing processes, it receives a durability that is in no way inferior to the original.

The decorative stone is resistant to very high and low temperatures, therefore, it is often used for facing fireplaces and exterior walls of a house. It is also used in rooms with high humidity: swimming pools, bathrooms and others. It is worth adding that an arch made of such material is easy to clean and dry with conventional means.

Currently, it is possible to choose a decorative stone that imitates any natural stone, not only in color, but also in texture. Therefore, the choice of materials should depend solely on the design of the room.

Tiles are sold in flat sheets. different thickness and size. still exists corner option which helps to arrange the upper part of the arch without any problems. But it should be selected very carefully, completing all the calculations.

The most popular are imitations of shell rock, granite, slate, marble and travertine. The surface is smooth, or resembles a rough and untreated stone. The basis of the decor is made of acrylic, quartzite, or with a base of gypsum, alabaster or a mixture of cement and sand.

If the arch itself is made of drywall, then choose a flexible, lightweight acrylic material or gypsum tiles. A brick arch can be decorated with stones on a sand-cement mortar. In addition, try to choose a narrow tile - it is easier to mount it on the semicircular part of the opening. The cost of such material depends on the country of manufacture, firm, quality, weight and even patterns on the stone.

The installation process is quick and hassle-free. You don't have to purchase additional mounts and attract craftsmen. But in any case, before starting finishing works all stones must be checked.

First you need to prepare the material:

  • Open the packages and mix the parts.
  • See how they will look the most advantageous. Combine them, according to shades, and long with short ones - the arch should look natural.
  • Flip the pieces over back side to check for a foamy layer that will make the tile less likely to adhere. If it is, clean it with a metal brush.

What else do you need?

To finish the arch, you will need at least the following tools: what you will cut stone with (hand saw or grinder), construction knife, level, hammer, sandpaper, chisel, glue.

The step-by-step process of facing looks like this:

  • Cut the decorative stone into several pieces or thin tiles. Prepare the surface of the arch in advance by cleaning it of dust and dirt, old wallpaper, paint and whitewash. Make a few notches, which will allow the glue to stick better. You can also apply a primer, after which it is important to dry the structure.
  • Having prepared "liquid nails", cement mortar or some other adhesive composition, start gluing tiles from the bottom of the arch, from its junction with the floor. Pay attention to the weight of the stone - some brands are not able to bear heavy samples. Apply glue to the wall with a spatula and press the stones more tightly, but do not overdo it, otherwise cracks will occur. Leave a gap of 5 millimeters between them. Keep in mind that adhesion will be higher if the tile contains the same ingredient as the surface on which it is glued.

  • Work through the row on both sides of the arch, and then move on to the next. Line each one up using a level and use plastic crosses. If there are corner stones, then use them to decorate the corners. If there are none, then overlap the flat ones - this way you will give the structure stability.
  • After that, start rounding. At this stage, you need to cut the stone yourself to give it desired shape, applying grinder, construction knife or wire cutters. For roughness, use sandpaper and a file. Partially lay the stone on the nearby wall surface.
  • After a couple of days, when everything dries up and grabs, start filling in the tile joints cement mortar or grout. You can choose a grout of any color, depending on the design of the room. Avoid getting liquid on the surface of the stone, remove excess immediately with a soft cloth. After the arch is completely dry, cover it with acrylic varnish or even paint it. Minor errors are hidden with an airbrush.

You will learn even more information on how to make a stone arch in the interior from the following video.

Modern trends in interior design suggest the presence of maximum space. It is not surprising that arches are becoming more popular, and doorways are fading into the background. The arch not only allows you to achieve a feeling of unlimited space, but also decorates the interior. The main thing is to choose suitable option finishes. Compilation possible solutions we bring to your attention.

The most popular material for finishing arched openings is now considered a decorative stone. Designers are attracted by a large selection of types of this material and the ease of working with it. The arch, decorated with decorative stone, looks great in almost all stylistic directions.

Brick arch decoration is a classic solution, but thanks to species diversity material used in interiors different style. Most often, brick in the design is used to create a loft interior. No less successful, this finish looks in country style.

A wooden archway is the epitome of a classic that always remains in fashion. The wood in the finish makes the interior "expensive" and stylish. The pliability of wood processing allows you to create incredible complex structures, which amaze with their graceful shapes and patterns.

The combination of wood and stained glass looks very interesting in the decoration of arched openings. Glass inserts decorate the structure and make the room even brighter. Depending on the shape of the arch and the theme of the pattern on the stained-glass window, this option will look harmonious in both classical and modern interiors.

Gypsum stucco molding in the design of arched openings is a heritage of palace luxury. Gypsum can be given absolutely any shape, and the possibility of additional decoration of products (gilding, patination, coloring) makes this option even more attractive. The stucco opening does not have to be pretentious - the choice of product design is unlimited.

An affordable alternative to stucco arches is polyurethane portals. Products from this synthetic material superficially very similar to plaster molding, but serve much less. And you can’t compare the aesthetics of these two options - too complex elements you can't make it out of polyurethane.

Enough unusual material for the decoration of arches - ceramic mosaic. small size elements allows you to easily cover even rounded planes. With the help of mosaics, you can lay out any patterns, making the interior truly unique. The choice of colors and dimensions of the material is very wide.

by the most simple option decoration of arched openings is considered to be wallpapered. can cover inside arches with the same canvas as the walls or play in contrast. In any case, the corners of the arch must be closed with flexible moldings - they will hide the seams and transitions of the wallpaper.

Complex arched openings made of plasterboard, painted in bright colors, look very impressive and original. This design will organically fit into both the children's room and the living room.

Do you want to make the arch exclusive? To achieve this is quite simple - by painting the design with paints or by choosing photo wallpapers that match the theme. Don't be afraid to experiment!