Conditional image and thread designation in drawings. Calculation of the sizes of deaf threaded holes designation of oval holes in GOST

The threads on the rods are depicted along the outer diameter with solid main lines, and internal - solid thin.

The main elements of the metric thread (outdoor and inner diameters, a thread step, length and angle of thread) You studied in the fifth grade. The figure shows some of these items, but they do not make such inscriptions in the drawings.

The threads in the holes are depicted with solid main lines on the inner diameter of the thread and solid thin on the outer.

The conventional thread designation is shown in the figure. It is necessary to read this: Metric carving (M) with an outer diameter of 20 mm, the third grade of accuracy, the right, with a large step - "M20 CL \u200b\u200bthread. 3.

In the figure, the designation of the thread "M25x1.5 CL. 3 left "should read: Metric carving, the outer diameter of thread 25 mm, step 1.5 mm, small, third accuracy class, left.


  1. What lines depict the thread on the rod?
  2. What lines show the threads in the hole?
  3. How do the threads in the drawings?
  4. Read the records "M10x1 CL. 3 "and" M14X1.5 CL. 3 left. "

Worker drawing

Each product is a machine or mechanism - consists of separate, interconnected, parts.

Details are usually made by casting, forging, stamping. In most cases, such parts are subjected to machining on metal-cutting machines - turning, drilling, milling and others.

Drawings of parts, equipped with all instructions for making and control, are called working drawings.

The work drawings indicate the form and dimensions of the part, the material from which it must be made. In the drawings, they affect the purity of surface treatment, requirements for the accuracy of manufacturing - tolerances. Methods of manufacture and technical requirements for the finished part indicate the inscription in the drawing.

Clean surface treatment. On the treated surfaces there are always traces of processing, irregularities. These irregularities, or, as they say, surface roughness, depend on the tool to be treated.

For example, the surface treated with drachers will be sharpened (uneven) than after processing a personal file. The nature of roughness also depends on the properties of the material of the product, from the cutting speed and the supply value during processing on metal-cutting machines.

To assess the quality of processing, 14 classes of cleanliness of surfaces are installed. Classes are indicated in the drawings with one equilateral triangle (δ), next to which the class number is affixed (for example, δ 5).

Methods for producing surfaces of different purity and their designation in drawings. The purity of the processing of one detail is not everywhere the same; Therefore, the drawing indicates where and what processing requires.

The sign with the top of the drawing indicates that for coarse surfaces, the requirements for the purity of treatment are not presented. The Δ 3 sign in the upper right corner of the drawing taken into the brackets, if the same requirements are presented to the surface of the surface surface. This is a surface with traces of processing with rods with ripped cutters, abrasive circle.

Signs δ 4 - δ 6 - a rapid surface, with low-challenged traces of treatment with a clean cutter, a personal file, grinding circle, shallow skin.

Signs δ 7 - δ 9 is a clean surface, without visible traces of processing. Such processing is reached with grinding, filling the velvet file, shabby.

The sign Δ 10 is a very clean surface achieved by thin grinding, finishing on cereals, filling the velvet with butter and chalk.

Signs Δ 11 - Δ 14 - Classes of surface cleanliness, achieve special treatments.

Methods of manufacturing and technical requirements for the finished part in the drawings indicate the inscription (for example, brute sharp edges, harden, boring, drill a hole along with another part and other product requirements).


  1. What icons indicate the purity of surface treatment?
  2. After what type of processing, you can get the purity of the surface Δ 6?

The task

Read the drawing in the picture and answer in writing to questions on the proposed form.

Questions for reading drawing Answers
1. What is the name of the item?
2. Where is it used?
3. List the specifications for the details
4. What is the name of the drawing type?
5. What conventions are available in the drawing?
6. What is the general shape and envelope the details?
7. What carving is cut on the rod?
8. Specify the items and dimensions of the part

"Flooring", I.G.Piridonov,
G.P. Boufetov, V.G. Kopelevich

The item is part of a car made of one piece of material (for example, a bolt, nut, gear, a turn of a lathe). The node is a connection of two or more details. The product is collected by assembly drawings. A drawing of such a product that includes several nodes, is called assembly, it consists of drawings of every part or node and depicts the assembly unit (the drawing of the united ...

Dimensions on working drawings are affixed so that they can be convenient to use in the process of manufacturing parts and during their control after manufacture.

In addition to the set forth in paragraph 1.7, "Basic Drawing Size" here provide some rules for drawing in drawings.

When the item has several groups of holes, close in size, the images of each group of holes must be mixed with special signs. As such signs, dried sectors of circles are used, using different number of their number and location for each of the hole groups (Fig. 6.27).

Fig. 6.27.

Dimensions and the number of holes of each group are not specified in the detail image, but in the plate.

For details that have symmetrically located, the elements are identical on the configuration and the magnitude, their size in the drawing is applied once without specifying their quantity, grouping, as a rule, in one place all sizes. The exception is the same holes, the number of which is always indicated, and their size is applied only once (Fig. 6.28).

Fig. 6.28.

Detail depicted in fig. 6.27, has a number of holes with the same distance between them. In such cases, instead of the size chain, repeating one and goth size several times, it is applied once (see Size 23). Then there are remote lines between the centers of the extreme holes of the chain and the size is applied in the form of a work, where the first factory is the number of gaps between the centers of the adjacent holes, and the second is the size of this gap (see size 7 × 23 \u003d 161 in Fig. 6.27). This method of drawing sizes is recommended for drawings of parts with the same distance between the same elements: holes, cutouts, protrusions, etc.

The position of the centers of the holes or other identical elements, unevenly located around the circle, are determined by the angular sizes (Fig. 6.28, but). With a uniform distribution of the same elements around the circle, the angular dimensions are not applied, but are limited to the number of these elements (Fig. 6.28, b.).

Dimensions related to one design part of the part (hole, protrusion, groove, etc.) should be applied in one place, grouping them on the image on which this element is depicted most clearly (Fig. 6.29).

Fig. 6.29.

The position of the inclined surface can be set on the drawing of the angle size and two (Fig. 6.30, but) or three linear dimensions (Fig. 6.30, b.). If the inclined surface does not intersect on the other, as in the first two cases, and conjugates with a curvilinear surface (see Fig. 6.17), the straight line of the contour is extended by a thin line to the intersection and from the intersection points are remote lines for drawing sizes.

Fig. 6.30.

but - first case; b - second case

GOST 2.307-68 also installed the rules for the image and applying holes on the species in the absence of cuts (sections) (Fig. 6.31). These rules allow you to reduce the number of cuts that reveal the shape of these holes. This is done due to the fact that on the species where the holes are shown by circles, after specifying the diameter of the holes, are applied: the size of the opening depth (Fig. 6.31, b.), chamfering heights and angle (Fig. 6.31, c), the size of the chamfer diameter and angle (Fig. 6.31, d), the size of the diameter and the depth of the ceckovka (Fig. 6.31). If, after specifying the diameter of the hole, there are no additional instructions, the hole is considered to be through (Fig. 6.31, a).

Fig. 6.31.

At prostancing, the dimensions take into account the methods of measurement of parts and the features of the technological process of their manufacture.

For example, the depth of an open key-groove on the outer cylindrical surface is conveniently measured from the end, so in the drawing you should apply the size given in Fig. 6.32, but.

Fig. 6.32.

but - open; b. - closed

The same size of the closed groove is easier to check if the size specified in Figs is applied. 6.32, b. The depth of a sponge groove on the inner cylindrical surface is conveniently monitored by size populated in Fig. 6.33.

Fig. 6.33.

Dimensions need to be stailed so that in the manufacture of the part it did not have to find out something by counting. Therefore, the size affected on the cross section along the width of the Lyasy (Fig. 6.34) should be considered unsuccessful. The size determining the lodge is correctly shown in the right part of Fig. 6.34.

Fig. 6.34.

In fig. 6.35 shows examples of the size of the size chain, coordinate and combined methods. With a chain method, dimensions are located on the chain of dimensional lines, as shown in Fig. 6.35, but. Upon the prostate of the total (overall) size chain is considered closed. The closed dimensional chain is allowed if one of its sizes is reference, such as overall (Fig. 6.35, but) or included in the chain (Fig. 6.35, b.).

References are called dimensions that are not subject to execution on this drawing and indicated for greater ease of use of the drawing. Reference size in the drawing are marked with an asterisk, which is applied to the right of the dimensional number. This sign repeats in specifications and record: Size for certificates (Fig. 6.35, a, B.).

The reference size included in the closed chain, the limit deviations are not affixed. The greatest distribution is unlocked chains. In such cases, one size, when performing the longest accuracy, is permissible, excluded from the dimensional chain or do not affix the overall size.

The sizes in the coordinate method are produced from a predetermined base. For example, in Fig. 6.35, in This database serves the right end of the roller.

The most commonly used combined method of prostanoving sizes, which is a combination of chain and coordinate methods (Fig. 6.35, g.).

Fig. 6.35.

a, b - chain; in - coordinate; g. - Combined

On working drawings of mechanically processed parts, in which sharp edges or ribs should be rounded, indicate the magnitude of the radius of the rounding (usually in specifications), for example: Radius of roundings 4 mm or Unspeakable radii 8 mm.

The dimensions that determine the position of the sponge grooves are also affixed by the technological process. On the image of the groove for the segment key (Fig. 6.36, but) take size to the center of the disk cutter, which the keypads will be milling, and the position of the groove for the prismatic key is installed in size to its edge (Fig. 6.36, b.) Since this groove cut through the finger milling cutter.

Fig. 6.36.

but - For segment swing; 6 – For prismatic

Some elements of details depend on the shape of the cutting tool. For example, the bottom of a deaf cylindrical opening is conical, because the conical form has a cutting end of the drill. The size of the depth of such holes, with a rare exception, is affixed by the cylindrical part (Fig. 6.37).

Fig. 6.37.

In the drawings of parts having cavities, internal dimensions related to the length (or height) of the parts are applied separately from the outer. For example, on the case drawing, a group of sizes that defines the outer surfaces is placed above the image, and the internal surfaces of the part defines the other size group below the image below (Fig. 6.38).

Fig. 6.38.

When only part of the surfaces are machined, and the rest should be "black", i.e. What they turned out when casting, forging, stamping, etc., sizes are affixed according to a special rule, also established by GOST 2.307-2011. The group of sizes belonging to the treated surfaces (i.e. formed with the removal of the layer of material), should be associated with a group of dimensions of "black" surfaces (that is, formed without removing the layer of material) not more than one size for each coordinate direction.

At the body, only two surfaces must be machined. The size connecting the group of external and internal dimensions is noted on the case drawing of the letter A.

If the size of the body cavity was affixed from the plane of the left end, when it, it would be necessary to withstand the limit deviations of several sizes at once, which is almost impossible.

    It was much discussed here. I repeat in the general sense why it is necessary to show the transition lines conditionally: 1. To ensure the drawing readable. 2. From the transition lines shown conditionally, it is possible to put dimensions that are often no longer in any form and cut. Here is an example. There is a difference? 1. As you can now display in all listed CAD systems. But how to display. The transition lines are shown conditionally and shown sizes that, with other modes, the transition lines simply do not simply. Why did the normocontroller required this? Yes, it just that the drawings have had the usual view after many years of work in 2D and read well, especially the customer who coordinates them.

    This is true :) This is nonsense :) In TF, it is possible and so and so \u003d) there will be no tangible difference in speed, you can even take any copy to repaint, change the holes, remove the holes, anything ... and the array will still remain an array - Can I change the number of copies, direction and TP, video sawing or so believe? :) This is true, and what is the task? Translate as SW splines by points in the spline on the poles or if you think this is also a change in the original geometry - there is no comments to this? :) As I understand it, TF is only 1 to 1 and translates, the rest can already be configured in the TF template before export in DWG - see the rice under the spoiler, or to be made in the form of AC, which, in principle, does not contradict the main methods of working with AutoCAD, and since the prevalence of the AU in the early stages of the popularity of the introduction of the CAD, then the age generation is familiar even: and if Still to prove to the possibilities of exporting / importing different CAD: 1) How are you from the 2D drawing SW to export only dedicated lines in DWG? (From 3D documents, more or less SW is adapted, only still will have to be used in a small preview window manually). It is not necessary to remove everything in advance, and then export-\u003e somehow not modern, not in youth :) 2) and vice versa as dedicated lines in AutoCAD to quickly import to SW (for example, for a sketch, or simply as a set of lines for Drawing)? (For TF: allocated a set of desired lines in AC -Ctrl + C and then in TF just Ctrl + V - all)

    What detail speech, and then it can not mirror this item, but just to tie differently and will be just as necessary. The mirror item is the same configuration created by the machine, you can make the configuration of the part yourself and this may be elegant in some cases, it is also easier to edit later.

The dimensions of the cenks are affixed as shown in Fig. 63, 64.

If the holes in the parts are located on the axes of its symmetry, then the angular dimensions should not be imposed. Other holes should be coordinated by an angular size. In this case, for the holes located around the circle at equal distances, the diameter of the center circle is set and the inscription on the number of holes is set (Fig. 65, 66).

In the drawings of cast parts requiring machining, indicate the dimensions so that only one size is made between the unprocessed surface - the casting base and the processed - the main dimensional base (Fig. 67). In fig. 67 and 68 For comparison, examples of the size of the sizes in the drawing of cast parts and a similar part made by mechanical processing are given.

The dimensions of the holes in the drawings is allowed to be applied simplified (according to GOST 2.318-81) (Table 2.4) in the following cases:

the diameter of the holes in the image is 2 mm and less;

there is no image of the holes in the section (cross section) along the axis;

application of holes in general rules complicates the reading of the drawing.

Table 7.

Simplified drawing of different types of holes.

Type of hole

d1 x L1 -L4 x

d1 x L1.

d1 x L1 -L4 x

d1 / D2 x L3

Continuation of table. 7.

Type of hole

Example of a simplified application of holes

d1 / d2 x φ

Z x P x L2 - L1

Z x p x L2 - L1 - L4 x

The dimensions of the holes should be indicated on the shelf of the lifting line, carried out from the axis of the hole (Fig. 69).

2.3.2. Image, Designation and Dimensions of Some Elements of Parts

The most common features are the following elements: chamfer, cartel, grooves (grooves), grooves, etc.

Chamfer - conical or flat narrow cuts (dull) of sharp edges of the parts - used to facilitate the assembly process, hand protection from cuts with sharp edges (technician requirements

safety), imparting products of a more beautiful type (requirements of technical aesthetics) and in other cases.

The sizes of the champers and the rules of their instructions in the drawings are standardized. According to GOST 2.307-68 *, the sizes of the facets at an angle of 45o are applied as shown in Fig. 70.

Fig. 70 The samples of the champers under other angles (usually 15, 30 and 60o) indicate

general Rules: Linear and angular dimensions are affixed (Fig. 71, a) or two linear sizes (Fig. 71, b).

The size of the height of the chamfer is selected according to GOST 10948-64 (Table 8). Table 8.

Normal sizes of the Fast (GOST 10948-64)

Steeming height S.

Note. For fixed landings, chamfer should be taken: at the end of the shaft 30o, in the hole of the bushings 45o.

Falls - roundings of external and internal angles on the details of the machines - are widely used to facilitate the manufacture of parts by casting, stamping, forging, increasing the strength properties of shafts, axes and other parts in the transition places from one diameter to another. In fig. 74 letters A marked the location of the voltage concentration that can cause a crack or a break of the part. Application Falls eliminates this danger.

Fig. 74 Dimensions of cartoons take from the same number of numbers as for the value with

Radius of roundings, the dimensions of which on the scale of the drawing of 1 mm and less, do not depict and the dimensions are applied, as shown in Fig. 74.

To obtain a thread of a full profile on the entire length of the rod or holes make a groove at the end of the thread to exit the tool. Poles are two versions. In the drawing, the Details of the groove are simplified, and the drawing is complemented by a remote element on an enlarged scale (Fig. 49, 51). The shape and dimensions of the groove, the dimensions of the escape and under-distance installs GOST 10549-80, depending on the thread step P.

In fig. 75 An example of a groove for outdoor metric thread, and in fig. 76 - for internal metric thread.

Fig. 76 Dimensions of the groove are selected from Tables GOST 10549-80 (see Appendix 5), their

Below are the dimensions of the groove for the outer metric thread:

The edges of the grinding circle are always a bit rounded, so in the place of the part, where it is undesirable to retreat from the edges, make a groove to exit the grinding wheel.

Such a groove in the drawing details are simplified, and the drawing is complemented by a remote element (Fig. 77, 78).

The size of the grooves, depending on the diameter of the surface, installs GOST 8820-69 (Appendix 4).

Sizes of grooves to exit grinding circles can be calculated by

formulas (all sizes in mm):

a) at d \u003d 10 ÷ 50 mm

d1 \u003d D -0.5,

d2 \u003d d + 0.5,

R1 \u003d 0.5;

b) at d \u003d 50 100 mm

d1 \u003d D - 1,

d2 \u003d D + 1,

R1 \u003d 0.5.

2.3.3. Roughness of surfaces details

Depending on the method of manufacturing the part (Fig. 79), its surfaces may have different roughness (Table 9, 10).

Fig. 79 Surface roughness - This is a combination of micron

the treated surface considered on the standardized length section (L). This length is called basic, it is selected depending on the nature of the measured surface. The greater the height of the micronether, the greater the base length is taken.

To determine the surface roughness of GOST 2789-73, it provides for six parameters.

High-altitude: Ra - average arithmetic deviation of the profile; Rz is the height of the profile of the profile for ten points; RMAX is the highest profile height.

Step-by-step: S - middle pitch of local profile protrusions; SM - average step of irregularities; TTP is a relative reference length, where P is the value of the cross section of the profile.

The most common in technical documentation are the parameters Ra (the average arithmetic deviation of the profile) and the RZ (the height of the profile of the profile for ten points).

Knowing the form profile of the surface, determined by the profilograph at its base length L, can be built a roughness chart (Fig. 80),

Decree of the State Committee of the USSR on standards of January 4, 1979 No. 31, the deadline is established

from 01/01/80

This standard establishes the rules for the instructions of the shape and location of the surfaces in the drawings of products of all industries. Terms and definitions of shape tolerances and location of surfaces - according to GOST 24642-81. Numerical values \u200b\u200bof shape tolerances and location of surfaces - according to GOST 24643-81. The standard fully corresponds to ST SEV 368-76.

1. General requirements

1.1. Tolerances forms and location of surfaces indicate the drawings with symbols. The type of tolerance of the shape and location of the surfaces must be designated on the drawing by signs (graphic symbols) shown in the table.

Group of tolerances

Type of tolerance

Shape tolerance Admission straightness
Facility tolerance
Tolerance roundness
Tolerance of cylindrical
Adjusting a longitudinal section
Admission location Parallel tolerance
Admission perpendicularity
Symmetrical tolerance
Position tolerance
Access tolerance, axes
Total shape tolerances and location The admission of radial beating tolerance of the mechanical beating tolerance of the beating in the specified direction
Tolerance of complete radial beating tolerance of complete ends
Tolerance of the form of a given profile
Tolerance of the form of a given surface
Molds and sizes are provided in the mandatory application 1. Examples of specifying on the drawings of shape tolerances and the location of the surfaces are given in the reference application 2. Note. The total tolerances of the shape and location of the surfaces for which individual graphic signs are not installed are indicated by the signs of compound tolerances in the following sequence: the adjustment sign, the shape tolerance sign. For example: - a sign of total parallelism and flatness tolerance; - a sign of the total admission of perpendicularity and flatness; - a sign of the total tolerance of inclination and flatness. 1.2. The tolerance of the shape and location of the surfaces is allowed to indicate text in specifications, as a rule, if there is no sign of the type of admission. 1.3. When specifying the tolerance of the shape and location of surfaces in specifications, the text must contain: type of admission; Specifying the surface or other element for which the tolerance is set (for this, an alphabetic designation or structural name defining the surface is used); numeric tolerance value in millimeters; Specifying the bases relative to which the tolerance is set (for tolerances for the location and total tolerances of form and location); Note on the dependent form or location tolerances (as appropriate). 1.4. If it is necessary to normalize the tolerances of the shape and location that are not specified in the drawing with numerical values \u200b\u200band not limited to others, the tolerances specified in the drawing are tolerances, in the technical requirements of the drawing, a general entry on unspecified shapes of form and location with reference to GOST 25069-81 or other Documents establishing unspecified shape tolerances and location. For example: 1. unspecified shape tolerances and location - according to GOST 25069-81. 2. unspeakable toxity and symmetry tolerances - according to GOST 25069-81. (Introduced additionally, meas. No. 1).

2. Applying tolerances

2.1. In case of conditional designation, data on the tolerances of the shape and location of the surfaces are indicated in a rectangular frame, divided into two or more parts (damn 1, 2), in which it is placed: in the first - admission sign on the table; in the second - the numeric value of the tolerance in millimeters; In the third and subsequent - the letter designation (bases) or the letter designation of the surface with which the adjustment is associated (PP. 3.7; 3.9).

Heck. one

Heck. 2.

2.2. Frames should be performed with solid thin lines. The height of numbers, letters and signs fit into the frame should be equal to the size of the font of the dimensional numbers. The graphic image of the frame is given in the required application 1. 2.3. The frame is located horizontally. In the necessary cases, the vertical location of the frame is allowed. It is not allowed to cross the frame with any lines. 2.4. The frame is connected to the element to which the tolerance relates, a solid thin line, an ending arrow (Damn 3).

Heck. 3.

The connecting line can be straight or broken, but the direction of the interconnect line segment ending with the arrow must correspond to the direction of measurement of the deviation. The connecting line is removed from the frame, as shown in damn. four.

Heck. four

In the necessary cases allowed: to carry out a connecting line from the second (last) part of the frame (damn 5 but); Fit the connecting line of the arrow and from the part side of the part (damn 5 b.).

Heck. five

2.5. If the tolerance refers to the surface or its profile, the frame is connected to the contour line of the surface or its continuation, while the connecting line should not be a continuation of the dimensional line (damn 6, 7).

Heck. 6.

Heck. 7.

2.6. If the tolerance refers to the axis or the symmetry plane, the connecting line must be a continuation of the dimensional line (damn 8 but, b.). With a lack of space, the dimensional line arrow is allowed to be combined with the arrow of the connecting line (damn 8 in).

Heck. eight

If the size of the element is already specified once, then on other dimensional lines of this element used for the conventional designation of the shape and location, it does not indicate it. The dimensional line without size should be considered as an integral part of the conditional designation of the tolerance of the form or location (damn 9).

Heck. nine

Heck. 10

2.7. If the tolerance refers to the sides of the thread, the frame is connected to the image in accordance with the features. 10 but. If the tolerance refers to the thread axis, the frame is connected to the image in accordance with the features. 10 b.. 2.8. If the tolerance refers to the total axis (symmetry plane) and it is clear from the drawing, for which surfaces this axis (symmetry plane) is common, the framework is connected to the axis (symmetry plane) (damn 11 but, b.).

Heck. eleven

2.9. Before the numeric value of admission, you should specify: the character æ if the circular or cylindrical tolerance field indicates a diameter (damn 12 but); symbol R. , If a circular or cylindrical tolerance field is indicated by a radius (damn 12 b.); symbol T,if the tolerances of symmetry, intersection of axes, forms of a given profile and a given surface, as well as positional tolerances (for the case where the position tolerance field is limited to two parallel straight or planes) indicate in diametrical expression (damn 12 in); symbol T / 2.for the same tolerances, if they are indicated in radius terms (damn 12 g.); the word "sphere" and symbols æ or R. if the tolerance field is spherical (damn 12 d.).

Heck. 12

2.10. The numeric value of the shape and the location of the surfaces specified in the frame (features 13 but) Refers to the entire length of the surface. If the tolerance refers to any section of the surface of a given length (or area), then a given length (or area) is indicated next to the tolerance and separated from it the inclined line (damn 13 b., in), which should not touch the frame. If you need to assign a tolerance on the entire length of the surface and at a given length, the tolerance at a given length indicate the admission throughout the entire length (damn 13 g.).

Heck. 13

(Modified edition, change No. 1). 2.11. If the tolerance should refer to a section located in a certain location of the element, then this area is denoted by a barcompuncture line and are limited to dimensions according to the features. fourteen.

Heck. fourteen

2.12. If you need to specify the protruding field tolerance, then after the numeric value of the tolerance indicates the symbol of the contour of the protruding part of the normalized element is limited to a thin solid line, and the length and location of the protruding field of admission - dimensions (damn 15).

Heck. fifteen

2.13. Inscriptions that complement the data given in the tolerance frame should be applied to the frame under it or as shown to the damn. sixteen.

Heck. sixteen

(Modified edition, change No. 1). 2.14. If for one element it is necessary to set two different types of tolerance, then the frame is allowed to combine and place them according to the features. 17 (top designation). If the surface requires simultaneously a conditional designation of the shape or location tolerance and its lettering designation used to normalize another tolerance, the framework with both symbols is allowed to be located near the connecting line (damn 17, lower designation). 2.15. Repeating the same or different types of tolerances denoted by the same sign that have the same numeric values \u200b\u200band related to the same bases, it is allowed to specify once in the framework from which one connecting line leaves, then branched to all the normalized elements (damn. eighteen).

Heck. 17.

Heck. eighteen

2.16. Shape tolerances and arrangement of symmetrically located elements on symmetric parts indicate once.

3. Base designation

3.1. The bases are denoted by a shredded triangle, which is connected using a junction line with a frame. When performing drawings using output devices, the computer is allowed a triangle denoting the database, not to cross. The triangle denoting the base must be equilateral, approximately equal to the size of the font size of the dimensional numbers. 3.2. If the base is the surface or its profile, then the base of the triangle is located on the contour line of the surface (damn 19 but) or on its continuation (damn 19 b.). In this case, the connecting line should not be a continuation of the dimensional line.

Heck. nineteen

3.3. If the base is the axis or the symmetry plane, then the triangle is placed at the end of the dimensional line (features 18). In case of a lack of space, the arrow of the dimensional line is allowed to replace the triangle denoting the database (damn 20).

Heck. twenty

If the base is the total axis (damn 21 but) or symmetry plane (damn 21 b.) And it is clear from the drawing, for which surfaces the axis (plane of symmetry) is common, then the triangle is located on the axis.

Heck. 21.

(Modified edition, change No. 1). 3.4. If the base is the axis of the center holes, then the "axis of the centers" (damn 22) is made next to the designation of the base axis. It is allowed to signify the basic axis of the center holes in accordance with the features. 23.

Heck. 22.

Heck. 23.

3.5. If the base is a certain part of the element, then it is denoted by a barcompuncture line and limit the dimensions according to the features. 24. If the base is a certain place of the element, it must be determined by the dimensions according to the devil. 25

Heck. 24.

Heck. 25.

3.6. If there is no need to highlight as a base of pi one of the surfaces, then the triangle is replaced with an arrow (features 26 b.). 3.7. If the compound of the frame with a base or other surface, to which the deviation of the location refers is difficult, the surface is denoted by the capital letter fit into the third part of the frame. The same letter fit into the framework, which is connected to the designated surface of a line with a triangle, if they denote the base (damn 27 but), or the arrow, if the designated surface is not a base (damn 27 B.). At the same time, the letter should be placed parallel to the main inscription.

Heck. 26.

Heck. 27.

3.8. If the size of the element is already specified once, then on other dimensional lines of this element used for the conditional designation of the base, it does not indicate it. The dimensional line without size should be considered as an integral part of the conditional designation of the base (damn 28).

Heck. 28.

3.9. If two or several elements form a combined database and their sequence does not matter (for example, they have a common axis or symmetry plane), then each element is indicated independently and all letters fit in a row to the third part of the frame (features 25, 29). 3.10. If you need to set the allowance for the base set, the basements of the bases indicate in independent parts (third and next) framework. In this case, the bases are recorded in descending order of the number of degrees of freedom, deprived of them (damn 30).

Heck. 29.

Heck. thirty

4. Specifying the nominal location

4.1. Linear and angular sizes that determine the nominal arrangement and (or) the nominal shape of the elements limited to the tolerance, when assigning a position tolerance, tolerance of inclination, tolerance of the form of a given surface or a given profile, indicate the drawings without limit deviations and conclude in a rectangular frame (features 31 ).

Heck. 31.

5. Designation of dependent tolerances

5.1. Dependent tolerances of form and location are denoted by a conditional sign that is placed: after the numerical value of the tolerance, if the dependent admission is associated with the valid dimensions of the element under consideration (damn 32 but); After the base indication of the base (damn 32 b.) Or without letter notation in the third part of the frame (damn 32 g.), if the dependent admission is associated with the valid sizes of the base element; After the numeric value of the admission and letter notation of the base (damn 32 in) or without letter notation (damn 32 d.), if the dependent admission is associated with the valid sizes of the under consideration and base elements. 5.2. If the tolerance of the location or form is not specified as dependent, it is considered independent.

Heck. 32.


Shape and sizes

Appendix 2.

Examples of instructions on the drawings of tolerances of the shape and location of surfaces

Type of tolerance

Indications of shape tolerances and arrangement of conditional designation


1. Admission of straightness The tolerance of the rectinity of the forming cone 0.01 mm.

Admission tolerance of the axis of the opening æ 0.08 mm (admission dependent).

The tolerance of the straightness of the surface is 0.25 mm on the entire length and 0.1 mm at a length of 100 mm.

The tolerance of the straightness of the surface in the transverse direction is 0.06 mm, in the longitudinal direction 0.1 mm.
2. Facility tolerance

The tolerance of the surface flatness of 0.1 mm.

The tolerance of the surface flatness of 0.1 mm on an area of \u200b\u200b100 '100 mm.

The tolerance of the surfaces of the surfaces relative to the total adjacent plane is 0.1 mm.

The tolerance of the flatness of each surface is 0.01 mm.
3. Communication of roundness

The tolerance of the rounds of the shaft is 0.02 mm.
The tolerance of the circular cone is 0.02 mm.
4. Tolerance of cylindrical

Tolerance of the cylindrity of the shaft 0.04 mm.

Tolerance of the cylindrity of a 0.01 mm shaft at a length of 50 mm. Shaft tolerance of a timing of 0.004 mm.
5. Admission profile of the longitudinal section

The tolerance of the rounds of the shaft is 0.01 mm. Admission to the profile of the longitudinal section of the shaft 0.016 mm.

Admission to the profile of the longitudinal section of the shaft 0.1 mm.
6. Parallel tolerance

Tolerance of surface parallelism relative to the surface BUT0.02 mm.

Tearing parallelism of the total adjacent surface plane relative to the surface BUT0.1 mm.

Tolerance of parallelism of each surface relative to the surface BUT0.1 mm.

Admission parallelism of the axis of the hole relative to the base is 0.05 mm.

Admission parallelism of the axes of the holes in the overall plane is 0.1 mm. The tolerance of the skew axes of the holes is 0.2 mm. Base - hole axis BUT.

Hole axis parallel tolerance relative to the hole axis BUT00.2 mm.
7. Admission perpendicularity

Admission perpendicularity of the surface relative to the surface BUT0.02 mm.

Perpenderity of the hole axis relative to the axis of the hole BUT0.06 mm.

Admission perpendicularity of the axis of the protrusion relative to the surface BUT Æ 0.02 mm.
Admission perpendicularity of the PSP of the protrusion relative to the base 0, l mm.

Admission perpendicularity of the axis of the protrusion in the transverse direction is 0.2 mm, in the longitudinal direction 0.1 mm. Base - base

Admission perpendicularity of the axis of the hole relative to the surface æ 0.1 mm (admission dependent).
8. Tilt tolerance

Tolerance of the surface tilt relative to the surface BUT0.08 mm.

Tilt tolerance of the axis of the hole relative to the surface BUT0.08 mm.
9. Accessibility tolerance

Tolerance of the alignment of the hole relative to the opening æ 0.08 mm.

The admission of the alignment of two holes relative to their total axis æ 0.01 mm (admission dependent).
10. Tolerance of symmetry

Tolerance of the symmetry of the groove T.0.05 mm. The base is the plane of symmetry of surfaces BUT

Hole symmetry tolerance T.0.05 mm (admission dependent). The base is the plane of symmetry of the surface A.

Tolerance of the symmetry of the OSP of the hole relative to the general plane of symmetry of the grooves AB T. 0.2 mm and relative to the general plane of symmetry grooves T. T.0.1 mm.
11. Position tolerance

The position tolerance of the axis of the opening æ 9.06 mm.

Position tolerance of axes of holes æ 0.2 mm (admission dependent).

Position tolerance axes of 4 holes æ 0.1 mm (admission dependent). Base - hole axis BUT(admission dependent).

Position tolerance of 4 holes æ 0.1 mm (admission dependent).

The positional tolerance of 3 threaded holes æ 0.1 mm (admission dependent) on the site located outside the part and protruding by 30 mm from the surface.
12. Axis intersection

Tolerance intersection axes of holes T.0.06 mm
13. The tolerance of radiality

The admission of the radial beating of the shaft relative to the axis of the cone 0.01 mm.

The admission of radial surfaces of the surface relative to the total axis surface BUT and B. 0.1 mm

The tolerance of the radiality of the surface area relative to the axis of the hole BUT0.2 mm

ADMISSION OF RADIAL BEING OF HOW 0.01 mm First base - surface L.The second base is the axis of the surface of V. Tolerance of the ending effect on the same bases of 0.016 mm.
14. Tolerance of oversight

Tolerance tolerance on a diameter of 20 mm relative to the surface axis BUT0.1 mm
15. Beating to the specified direction

Tolerance of cone beating relative to the hole axis BUTin the direction perpendicular to the forming cone 0.01 mm.
16. Tolerance of full radial beating

Tolerance of complete radiality relative to the total axis surface BUTand B.0.1 mm.
17. Tolerance of complete ends

The tolerance of the complete ends of the surface relative to the axis of the surface is 0.1 mm.
18. Tolerance of the form of a given profile

Tolerance of the form of a given profile T.0.04 mm.
19. Tolerance of the form of a given surface

Tolerance of the form of a given surface relative to surfaces A, B, B, T 0.1 mm.
20. Total parallelism and flatness tolerance

The total admission of parallelism and surface flatness relative to the base is 0.1 mm.
21. The total admission of perpendicularity and flatness

The total admission of perpendicularity and surface flatness relative to the base is 0.02 mm.
22. Tall and flatness

Summary tolerance of tilt and flatness of the surface relative to the base 0.05 mi
Notes: 1. In the examples of the alignment, symmetry, the positional, intersection of the axes, the forms of the predetermined profile and the specified surface are indicated in diametrical expression. It is allowed to indicate them in radius terms, for example:

In the previously issued documentation of the toagleness, symmetry, displacement of the axes from the nominal location (position tolerance), designated by signs, respectively or text in specifications should be understood as permissions in radius expression. 2. An indication of the tolerances of the shape and location of surfaces in text documents or in the technical requirements of the drawing should be brought by analogy with the text explanation to the conditional designations of the shape of the form and the location given in this Annex. At the same time, the surfaces to which the tolerances of the shape and location are or which are taken beyond the base should be denoted by letters or carry out their design names. It is allowed instead of the words "admission dependent" to specify a sign and instead of instructions before the numeric value of the characters æ; R. ; T; T / 2. Recording text, for example, "Positioning axis 0.1 mm in diametrical expression" or "Symmetry admission of 0.12 mm in radius expression". 3. In the newly developed documentation, recording in the technical requirements for admission of ovality, cone, barrelness and saddleness should be, for example, as follows: "Surface ovality BUT0.2 mm (duality of diameters). In the technical documentation developed to 01.01.80, the limit values \u200b\u200bof ovality, cone-formation, barrelness and saddles are determined as the difference in the greatest and smallest diameters. (Modified edition, change No. 1).