Solar eclipse on September 1 what to do. A ritual to free yourself from negative traits of your character

On Thursday, September 1, 2016 at 12 hours 2 minutes 50 seconds Moscow time (09:08:02 GMT), an annular solar eclipse will occur - the last this year. The sun at this moment will be at 9 degrees and 21 minutes of the sign of Virgo. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to observe it on the territory of Russia, Ukraine and other neighboring countries. It will be possible to see this astronomical phenomenon on the west coast of Africa, Madagascar and other islands of the Indian Ocean. This is the 39th eclipse of 135 Saros. It will last 3 minutes and 6 seconds, and the point of the maximum phase of the eclipse will be in Tanzania.

As the name suggests, each of us has questions such as: why is an annular solar eclipse and what is it in general, how will it affect a person and the world as a whole? But first things first. And we will start, perhaps, by telling you about what an annular solar eclipse is. This name is explained quite simply - because of its diameter, the Moon cannot completely cover the Sun and, as a result, a bright luminous disk is formed around the night star.

Any eclipse, both solar and lunar, has a huge impact on a person, and on the planet as a whole. The moon in our life is responsible for the spiritual, intuition, subconsciousness. But the Sun is behind vital energy, will and fortitude, creativity and invention. Therefore, it is logical that these very spheres in life will be infringed upon and people themselves will be in a state of some kind of eclipse.

If a lunar eclipse symbolizes a period of rethinking past events, then a solar eclipse, on the contrary, suggests that it is time to wait for global changes and prepare for them. But how to properly prepare for them and should you do it at all? How will this event affect our lives? Read about it below.

The impact of the eclipse on 09/01/2016 on the world

  • Countries affected by the eclipse: Gulf of Guinea, Africa (Gabon, Congo, DRC, Tanzania and Mozambique), Madagascar, Indian Ocean, South Asia. Brazil, Crete, Kurdistan, Croatia.

If we talk about the impact of the eclipse on the world as a whole, then this is a period of upheavals and cardinal changes. And it cannot be said that they will be positive or negative. Somewhere a real conflict may flare up, and in another country there will be an economic upturn. During solar eclipse it is important to readjust to new way and be able to withstand, only then fate will give you bonuses.

As solar eclipse is time knowledge of the truth, then some of the protracted conflicts on the world stage may be resolved. Countries that couldn't long time come together, suddenly, at some point, they will find mutual language and compromise. However, not all states will be able to hold out in this state for a long time and keep peace among themselves, as a result, some of them will return to past squabbles.

Also, be prepared for new reforms that governments different countries suddenly decide to actively implement. New bills will not be to the liking of the people, which is why various rallies, demonstrations and protests expressing dissatisfaction of citizens may be observed for several more days. However, due to the strong impact of Pluto, these reforms will be beneficial and even bear fruit. But not all, some bills introduced by governments will be simply useless.

If we talk about nature, then it will be harsh, since a solar eclipse brings with it various global cataclysms. It is during the period of eclipses that many different earthquakes, hurricanes, floods and so on are noted. All of this will have devastating consequences. For example, in 2010, three days before the solar eclipse, an earthquake occurred in Haiti, which claimed thousands of lives.

According to astrologers, the successes of many politicians will come to naught, while others will have serious problems... Whatever they think of will collapse and many of their plans will remain only in their heads. Because of this, new conflicts and squabbles with the rulers of other countries may arise, which will affect the well-being of each state. All because of Uranus, which will have a fatal effect on people striving for power.

How will the solar eclipse of 09/01/2016 affect people

  • People who will be affected by the eclipse are mainly mutable signs of the zodiac (who are able to easily adapt to everything new): Virgo, Sagittarius, Gemini and Pisces.

During the period of the influence of a solar eclipse, astrologers do not advise starting new business, radically changing something in your company or organization, introducing something new or investing money somewhere. Despite the fact that during this period your intuition will work with a vengeance and you will be able to accept the right decision, success from such a business will not last long and everything will collapse from factors that do not depend on you. It is best to think about what awaits you in the future during a solar eclipse, plan and draw up business plans. But with the implementation of your ideas, it is better to wait at least a week.

A solar eclipse has such an impact on a person that many truths that he could not solve before suddenly become clear and understandable. Due to the influence of Virgo, many of us will be able to look at difficult situation in my life soberly and realistic. Some will understand how to move on, what to do and what to do, while others, on the contrary, will fall into a prolonged depression and aggravate the situation. All this depends on the person himself, and therefore do not let yourself be overcome by melancholy and panic, try to keep your composure and do not give in to emotions.

If we talk about the emotional sphere, then there will be a certain tension, people will feel weak, their vital energy will decline, which makes it difficult to keep emotions in themselves. On the streets, in public transport, in cafes and restaurants, at work and in other places where people gather, there will be a lot of quarrels and conflicts, people will “let off steam” at the first they come across. And it may suddenly seem to lovers and married couples that feelings have weakened and there is no such passion that was before. Many will begin to break down on their halves due to problems at work and in communication with people around them. If you are faced with this, then it is worth thinking about how to change the state of affairs. Better this negative energy send in the right direction; to express emotions, talk to your significant other, speak up about your problems. And to relax, have a romantic candlelight dinner or go to the cinema, if this is not possible, then arrange a movie at home.

Spiritually, this is the time of “spring cleaning”, when you need to take a sober look at your actions and decisions. Reassess your value system, understand what you want to strive for and what to achieve in your life. And all because during this period you will not build castles in the air and blindly follow your dream. Especially the influence of Virgo will make you look at much more rationally and cynically. Also, this is a good time to get rid of far-fetched complexes and "cockroaches" in your head, look at yourself and highlight your shortcomings and advantages, which later will help you to be more confident in yourself. If you have long wanted to develop some quality in yourself, for example, the ability to say “no” or willpower, then this is the most favorable time.

Despite the fact that during the eclipse, many people will feel unwell, a decrease in life potential, at this time our body is cleansed and gets rid of unnecessary things. After this event, each of us will be able to feel improved health, vigor, strength and increased life potential. But do not rush to implement everything and actively spend your life energy, learn how to properly distribute forces. Otherwise, you will run out of breath halfway and will not be able to achieve what you want.

Be prepared for the fact that everything secret always becomes clear, especially this tendency is noted during periods of solar eclipses. If you are hiding something, then it is better to reveal this secret in time, otherwise serious problems may arise. If you suspect someone of deception, then do not worry, fate itself will reveal all the cards to you. And if not, then this means that you are winding yourself up and the people who are next to you are honest and sincere.

As we can see, the impact of the solar eclipse on September 1, 2016 will be ambiguous. On the one hand, changes await us, each of us will be able to rethink his life and understand what he wants from it in general. However, on the other hand, it carries problems, conflicts and losses, but the obstacles in life temper us, make us stronger and more confident.

Solar eclipse September 1, 2016

An eclipse occurs when a new moon or full moon occurs near the lunar nodes. Since in astrological symbolism the lunar nodes set the main direction of development (in the mundane meaning, collective development), the solar eclipse (new moon on the lunar node) sets the beginning of a certain stage in the life of mankind, which continues until the next solar eclipse. Moon eclipse(full moon at lunar nodes) has a different meaning. The full moon is the phase of maximum opening and external manifestation of what is laid down at the beginning of the solar-lunar cycle, that is, on the new moon. Although various events often occur during lunar eclipses, their roots can be found in the theme of the new moon. Therefore, solar eclipses are of particular importance.

On September 1, 2016 at 12:06:50 Moscow time, an annular solar eclipse will occur at the northern lunar node at 9 ° 21 "11" "Virgo (longitude of nodes 12 ° 42" 36 "" Virgo - 12 ° 42 "36" "Virgo) The map is built at the time of the new moon.

To understand what this eclipse can bring to our lives, let's analyze the general planetary constellation. First of all, the tau-square is highlighted in the map, formed by the opposition of the Sun and Moon with Neptune on the axis of the lunar nodes, which is allowed for the conjunction of Mars and Saturn in Sagittarius. The planet squared to the nodes plays a special role. The nodes represent a line of tension of forces that direct the development of the situation in a certain direction. The energy between two points always tends to be released in the middle, so the planet in quadratures to the nodes turns out to be the very place through which that which is connected with the nodes is realized.

The eclipse map is based on Moscow. (To assess the impact of an eclipse on a country, you can build a map on its capital). In the eclipse chart, the nodes are located on the vertical axis (north in the 10th house). In this case, the tau square on Saturn with Mars perfectly describes the personnel reshuffle in the government. This is no longer a forecast, but a fact - since the square of Saturn to the nodes was held practically all summer, before that Saturn was at the apex of the tau-square on the opposition of Jupiter and Neptune and through them was also connected with the nodes. Actually, during the spring eclipse on March 9, 2016, he was also at the top of the tau square, so this theme was laid even then and developed during the period from the spring eclipse at the southern node to the autumn one at the northern node. And it will continue.

The conjunction of Mars and Saturn also reflects the nature of the personnel reshuffle - the new appointees are all from the special services and security forces. An exception is the new Minister of Education. She previously headed the Center for the History of Religion, defended two dissertations on the topic of patriotic role. Orthodox Church during the Second World War. Also quite suitable as an example of an aspect between Saturn and Neptune. And Mars there too - in the sense of military patriotism. The September eclipse will bring a further increase in the role of power structures in power.

In addition, the conjunction of Saturn and Mars at the top of the second house of the map indicates an active increase in spending on the army, weapons, security forces and other military spending. In all other cases, Saturn is at the top of the second house - financial constraints. Moreover, the ruler of the second house Jupiter is in the sign of his exile. We can expect further economic downturn, inflation, and the depreciation of the ruble. The visible activation of anti-corruption processes also belongs to these aspects. Old age is the age of Saturn. Recently, it was decided to abandon the indexation of pensions. Since the Virgo-Pisces axis is associated with medicine, one can expect reforms in the health care system, limiting its funding.

Neptune in the 4th house in this configuration speaks of the increasing role of the church in the affairs of the state. Its tense aspect towards Mars in Sagittarius is about the growing national and religious enmity. This applies to the whole world - conflicts on religious grounds, unfortunately, will continue to grow.

Uranus in Aries is ruled by Mars, and he is in conjunction with Saturn. This speaks of the practical (2nd house) application of restrictions on freedom in all its manifestations: strengthening control over the Internet, for example.

In the system of derivative houses, the second house is the eighth house of the partner, so Mars with Saturn near its cusp is unlikely to bring a relaxation of tension in relations, and an intensification of hostilities is possible.

Although there are many divergent aspects in the eclipse chart (they indicate that many events have already occurred before the eclipse), much is still ahead, since the main factor - the point of the new moon - forms converging aspects to all the main elements of the chart.

The general trend set by the eclipse will continue until the next eclipse on February 26, 2017. On the map of that eclipse, one can judge what the world will lead to the realization of what is being laid in this September. But we will not talk about it yet.

On days close to an eclipse, traffic accidents often increase, and the risk of natural disasters increases. Moreover, the current eclipse is preceded by the exact conjunction of Mars and Saturn in conjunction with Antares (axis of catastrophes), and the eclipse point is in squares to the axis of catastrophes. There is a risk of aircraft accidents as Mars rules Uranus and is in conjunction with Uranus's mid-southern node. In addition, the true knot of Uranus is in exact conjunction with the second house cusp and (obviously) in opposition to the eighth house cusp. This increases the likelihood of accidents and problems with computer technology and electricity. So be careful while driving!

In addition to mundane influence, the eclipse also affects individuals. I must say that the impact of the eclipse on a certain person noticeable only when important elements eclipse charts (especially, luminaries and nodes) fall (and with great accuracy) on important points of the natal chart (sometimes a progressive chart or solarium). Everyone knows that the biggest eclipse affects those who have an eclipse near their birthday. That is, the current eclipse affects Virgo born near September 1st. It also affects Pisces, whose Sun is in opposition to the eclipse point or in conjunction with the node of the Moon, and the corresponding degrees of Sagittarius - Gemini (the importance of quadratures to the nodes has already been discussed above). However, this approach is too simple. Elements of the eclipse map can fall into an important point in any person's horoscope - after all, this important point is not necessarily the Sun, the position of which we can judge by the date of birth. But this already requires individual analysis.

In any case, if the eclipse affects a person, then the event can occur in that area of ​​life that is associated with the house in which the eclipse falls. And, of course, an eclipse - as a factor associated with lunar nodes - always resonates with the theme of natal nodes.

If we talk about the current eclipse, then some pessimism that inspires its mundane meaning should not be extended to the fate of specific people at all. Although we are all cells of a single planetary organism, each has its own Destiny. This eclipse can bring a change in social status, job changes, health, marriage. Some people at work may have a change of leadership, restructuring. Of course, someone may be made redundant, but someone may be promoted! All this is strictly individual. This eclipse can give experience conscious attitude to health, nutrition, to teach a reasonable attitude to resources and self-restraint. Someone has a chance to part with bad habits... It must be remembered that sometimes eclipses bring extraordinary success, they lay the beginning of an important life cycle.

On September 1, 2016, there will be a total eclipse of the Sun, which can be observed in Africa and the Indian Ocean.

Chronology of the event (Moscow time):

  • The eclipse begins at 09:13.
  • Maximum phase at 12:06
  • The eclipse ends at 15:00.

The location of the planets at the time of the eclipse:

  • The moon, the sun and Rahu (the shadow planet, denoting the eclipse itself) are in Leo.
  • Jupiter, Venus and Mercury are in Virgo.
  • Saturn and Mars are in Scorpio.
  • Chum in Aquarius.

Features of this eclipse

  • This eclipse is characterized by very strong energies, since there is a simultaneous cluster of planets in three signs: in Scorpio, Virgo and Leo.
  • Mars and Saturn in Scorpio create a very energetic and aggressive combination, the energy of which can be used in sports, any non-stop work.
  • The combination of Mercury, Venus and Jupiter is conducive to learning and creative activity.
  • However, the Moon, the Sun and Rahu will add negativity to the energy of the day, and therefore there is a high probability of conflicts with the authorities, government agencies, etc.

On this day, an attempt on the life of one of statesmen, uprisings, conflicts in the international political arena.

Conversely, try to do as many good deeds as possible, arrange a general cleaning of the house, give your body rest, work for the good of nature (by collecting trash in the park).

On the very day of the eclipse, it is good to eat orange and yellow fruits and vegetables, be dressed in yellow or orange clothes (at least one wardrobe item) and wear or have one of the Jupiter stones with you.

For those who are engaged in spiritual practices, this is a good time to communicate with a mentor, you can give him a gift / provide material assistance.

A few days after this eclipse, another interesting astrological event will take place - the parade of planets on September 3-4, 2016, which will also be characterized by strong energies.

Astrological influence of an eclipse on the signs of the zodiac

Of the signs of the zodiac, Leo, Cancer, Scorpio and Taurus will most of all feel the negative effect of this eclipse.

The influence of an eclipse on the signs of the zodiac in relation to the lunar (40%), solar (20%) and ascendant / ascendant (40%):

  • Aries conflicts with children are possible. It is worth refraining from investments. Be careful while driving.
  • Taurus conflicts with parents (especially with mom) are possible. Don't buy anything for the home, or buy vehicles. Complications with the second half are also possible.
  • For Gemini- this is not the best day in terms of communication with others. It is worth being alone. Be careful with weapons, both hot and cold.
  • Cancer it is worth refraining from any financial investments. Control your tongue this day.
  • U Lviv generally an unfavorable day. There will be a completely unclear state of mind. Avoid alcohol and cigarettes, it's time to quit smoking!
  • For Virgos this is a rather favorable time, a time for occult practices. Insomnia is possible.
  • Libra you should control your tongue. Possible conflicts with children. You cannot solve serious financial issues at this time.
  • For Scorpions this is a very "hot" period, especially with regard to relationships with parents. A good time for spiritual practices to calm the nerves.
  • Sagittarius: the day is good for work, but very traumatic.
  • Capricorn you should also be careful, especially on the water and in the sky. A very traumatic day. Avoid alcohol.
  • Aquarius there may be problems with a spouse, as well as with business partners. Control yourself!
  • Have Pisces perhaps feeling unwell in general.

What to do and what to avoid during lunar and solar eclipses

Solar and lunar eclipses, according to Vedic astrology- this is the simultaneous connection of the shadow planets Rahu and Ketu with the Sun and the Moon.

At such moments, these pest planets obscure the stellar bodies and prevent the penetration of their light (= energy) to the Earth. Often people behave inappropriately during eclipses, make wrong decisions, which later will determine their lives for several years.

Therefore, on such days, you should be as careful as possible.

  • Do not look at the eclipse itself, do not leave the house at this moment.
  • Avoid starting any important business and, in general, any serious work.
  • It is advisable to fast on the day of the eclipse (it is not recommended to eat food 12 hours before the solar eclipse and 9 hours before the lunar eclipse), not to eat during the eclipse itself.
  • Avoid eating outside the home on the day of the eclipse.
  • After the eclipse, you can only eat what was prepared after this event. Food cooked before eclipse is considered unfit for consumption.
  • Engage in spiritual practices (yoga, meditation).
  • Any ritual ceremony can only be carried out after the eclipse.
  • It is very beneficial to bathe in holy waters and give alms after an eclipse.
  • Pregnant women are strictly contraindicated to appear on the street during an eclipse, because it is believed that this can severely damage the development of the fetus.
  • Avoid sexual activity during an eclipse.
  • Cut hair, nails (and generally work with piercing / cutting objects) on the day of the eclipse.

I wish everyone to spend this day consciously!

September 1 - annular solar eclipse and 16 of September- Moon eclipse.

Any eclipse has a huge impact on a person and the planet as a whole: this is a period of upheavals and cardinal changes. During any eclipse IMPORTANT accept the illusion of seemingly "negative" events as liberation from the old patterns of life in separation. You MUST be able to rebuild and accept everything that comes into your life with gratitude.

On the first day of autumn, the inhabitants of the Earth will witness an annular solar eclipse. The lunar disk, covering the Sun, will leave a luminous ring of fire around. Such a phenomenon can be observed quite rarely.

At the time of the eclipse, the Moon is at a greater distance from the Earth than during a total eclipse, and the cone of the shadow passes over the earth's surface without reaching it. In addition to its uniqueness and beauty, it also brings with it problems for meteosensitive people. On this day, there will be a fluctuation in the magnetic field, which will lead to a deterioration in well-being.

The eclipse will be best seen in Africa and Madagascar, but everyone can view it online online. But even those who do not see the eclipse with their own eyes will feel its effect on themselves.

But before you start detailed analysis the influence of the September Eclipses, I would like to recall the ancient rule of astrology: during the period of Eclipses, avoid starting important business. Business started during the Eclipse period can experience serious difficulties in progress. This applies to all areas of life. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to postpone things until October, it is better to do so.

Astronomical indicators of a solar eclipse on September 1, 2016

This will be the 39th eclipse of 135 Saros. The axis of the shadow will run between the center of the Earth and the south pole. The minimum distance from the center of the Earth to the axis of the cone of the lunar shadow is 2124 kilometers, so the lunar shadow does not reach the earth's surface. Thus, the gamma of the eclipse is -0.333, and the maximum phase reaches 0.9736.

In an annular eclipse, the sun's bright rim prevents the corona or stars from being seen near the sun.

The main phases of the Annular Solar Eclipse (UT + 3) ( UTC is the “Coordinated Universal Time” or Greenwich Mean Time. You can easily find it on the Internet.)
The beginning is 06:11 UTC, 09:11 Moscow. time.
Full phases 07:16 - 10:54 UTC, 10:16 - 13:54 Moscow time. time.
Maximum 09:00 UTC, 12:00 Moscow time. time.
Duration at maximum 3 minutes 6 seconds.

End 11:59 UTC, 14:59 Moscow time.

The eclipse reaches its maximum at a point with coordinates 10.7 ° south latitude, 37.8 ° east longitude, the width of the lunar shadow on the earth's surface is 100 kilometers.

At the moment and at the point of the greatest eclipse, the direction to the sun (azimuth) is 16 °, and the height of the sun above the horizon is 70 °.

The area of ​​its best visibility falls in the equatorial and tropical latitudes of the southern hemisphere.

The best conditions for observing the September eclipse will be in the Gulf of Guinea, on the African continent (the shadow will be perfectly visible in Gabon, Congo, DRC, Tanzania and Mozambique), in the north of Madagascar and the Reunion Island, which belongs to France.

In Russia, admiring the eclipse will not work.

The eclipse on September 1, 2016 will take place at 9 ° 21 ′ Virgo, at the same longitude as the star Aliot - epsilon of the constellation Ursa Major.

Eclipses on the Virgo-Pisces axis, which began with a lunar eclipse on March 20, 2015 and will end with a lunar eclipse on February 26, 2017, will try to save people and politicians from unrealizable plans so that they feel reality.

In addition, the planet Neptune in 10 ° 40 ′ Pisces will be in opposition to the eclipse point, which will shake society like a raging sea during a storm.

Only strong relationships, real genuine authority, ideas with lofty ideals will be able to withstand the storm in society. Everything shabby, sham and hypocritical will crack and gradually collapse and wash away with the water of life.

An annular solar eclipse will affect the position of a person in society, team, family, and the state in the world community.

The position of Jupiter in conjunction with Mercury and Venus suggests that to decide difficult questions it will be possible only in non-standard ways and methods. But if these methods and methods are unprincipled and spiritless, then at first it will seem that the issue has been resolved, but in fact the issue being solved will give rise to many problems that will drag into a disastrous maelstrom.

The Black Moon in Scorpio indicates that strategic plans based on naked calculation, material interest without love, mercy, sympathy will burn the soil down on their feet, deprive them of the opportunity to create, transform, transform and change.

Saturn and Mars will be on the axis of catastrophes, although Mars has already moved several degrees forward. Therefore, we can say that the choice has already been made and Saturn, as a true judge, will set in motion the fate of a particular person, family, collective and state. He will gradually take away and deprive everything that was acquired dishonestly, by deception, by force.

Pluto's position indicates that a talented person, not having true friend, may end up in the hands of insidious people who will not only use his talent in their own interests, but easily destroy him. The same applies to states. Any state without the support of the international community can find itself in the power of a more insidious state.

The position of Uranus at the time of the eclipse indicates that fatal changes await people striving for power and possessing power, which will make it impossible to use this power. Fatum will bypass only those who, to some extent, seek to use this power for the good not only for themselves, but also for society.

If we sum up all the influences of the planets, then we can conclude that the solar eclipse on September 1, 2016 will try to destroy plans and undertakings that run counter to love and mercy.

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The meaning of the eclipse from the point of view of astrology

The eclipse on September 1, 2016 takes place in Virgo, a sign of work, service, order and health. Also in astrology, Virgo is associated with prudence, the desire for perfection and order. It is important to consider that Virgo is sign of the earth element, respectively, practicality, concreteness, measurability are important. From a Virgo point of view, attention must be paid to detail, Everyday life and order, both internal and external.

If you turn to the past, you can find out what potential the eclipse carries just for you - remember that important things happened in your life in August 1998! Thus, you will receive cries for your life situations. If you remember, then at this time there was default and many people have lost their finances. Pay attention to the issue of finance and the fears associated with it - close attention.

The eclipse runs along the Virgo-Pisces axis, this is axis of order and chaos, a hint that it is time to "separate the wheat from the chaff." It could be about relationships, health, ideas, plans, personal beliefs, or something else. It is important to choose priorities that are truly valuable to you. Why? Because Virgo is a very practical sign, she helps us figure out what we really want and then take responsibility for implementing plans.

If you ignore this practicality, do not take the necessary steps, then there will be no results. Virgo encourages order and cleanliness, purity of mind, body and spirit, it is time to weed out Toxic people, those who do not appreciate you, those who use you and sit on your shoulders, those who are not ready to pay and maintain a balance, this applies not only to people, but also to places and things. This eclipse will help in the field of a healthy lifestyle and the rejection of bad habits.

Eclipse motto: inspiration and labor to see and picture true things.

On September 1, 2016, the thirty-ninth solar annular eclipse of 135 Saros awaits us. Since the eclipse is annular, its influence will be felt for the next 18.5 years. That is, somewhere until 2035. You need to think about how you want to see yourself in 2034-2035 now. And the eclipse is the best time for this.

Let me remind you that a solar eclipse makes it possible to change external and internal settings. Allows you to replace old programs with new ones, more suitable for the new time. Everything that you lay in these days will begin to manifest itself already by the lunar eclipse on September 16.

It is advisable not to make important decisions and not to sign contracts and agreements starting a week before the eclipse and up to a week after the end of the eclipse corridor.

During a lunar eclipse, what appears in the corridor of the eclipse must be worked out so that it does not interfere with the implementation of new plans.

September 1, 2016 is a very important day!

Solar eclipse- an astronomical phenomenon, which consists in the fact that the Moon covers (eclipses) the Sun in whole or in part from an observer on Earth. A solar eclipse is possible only on a new moon, when the side of the Moon facing the Earth is not illuminated, and the Moon itself is not visible. The sun is responsible for consciousness, outward manifestation, awareness and spirituality.

During an eclipse, there is an "eclipse of consciousness" and it is this moment that can be used both in plus and minus. In ancient times, those who were afraid of eclipses at this time tried to hide and retire, so as not to even see it. Those who were conscious and sensitive chose to use this moment to changing your destiny! Since you are reading this article, then you are choosing mindfulness.

Let me remind you that the most important and influential eclipse will be for those who were either born on the day of the eclipse, or who have an eclipse on this day this year, thus there is a high probability of the origin of cardinal events in your life precisely on the days of the eclipse.

In addition, those who were born 08.26-06.09 (Virgo), 02.23-05.03 (Pisces), 11.25-04.12 (Sagittarius), 05.26-04.06 (Gemini) they will feel all the tension of the eclipse and they will definitely reflect the influence of this eclipse - September 1, 2016 - serious changes await you, it's time to change your life. The most favorable eclipse will be for Taurus (28.04-30.04) and Capricorns (29.12-01.01).

If in your natal chart in the interval from 4 to 14 degrees mutable signs(Virgo, Pisces, Sagittarius, Gemini) are located personal planets and important points (Asc, MC) then big changes await you as well.

It is important to pay attention to what is happening three days and three days after the eclipse events, even if they seem insignificant, but it is these trends that will contain a hint of the nature of the changes or what will be the focus of your attention in the coming months. Anything new or unusual that you hear or see should not be ignored, because it can be a harbinger of the future.

A little more about planetary configurations. As I said, the spheres of life will be activated: health, order, restrictions, practicality and work. This eclipse is due to intense opposition Suns, Moons in Virgo and Neptune in Pisces, speaks of the importance of healing on an emotional level, the importance of overcoming internal conflicts, it is necessary to find a balance of soul, mind and body.

In addition, the negative aspect of Mars and Saturn in Sagittarius with Neptune in Pisces, speaks of the gap between the ideal and the real, or between feelings and actions. To get what you want, you need to get rid of fantasies and illusions, to show awareness.

In short, throw away all unrealistic plans and ground yourself, set realistic goals! Saturn in Sagittarius will help you with this, otherwise there will be obstacles. Saturn speaks of responsibility, helps to clearly define boundaries, to know your limitations. If you want the result, then give up the pipe dreams and work on what is realistic, then you will get a tangible result.

Good, Trine of the Sun and Moon in Virgo with Pluto in Capricorn has a softening effect. Pluto is a planet of transformation, and the more you have faith in yourself, the easier the change process will be.

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So, since August 29, 2016, start cleaning - both external and internal, or better combine these two processes. Throw away old things by presenting them as beliefs, end a pulling, sacrificial relationship, outline a plan to heal yourself and your life.

Questions that will help in putting things in order and improving your health:
Where am I stubborn and rested against the wall? (an indicator that you need to change the attitude)

What do I don’t want to see in myself?

What I don't want to see in others?

Where am I irresponsible?

Where am I limited? (an indicator that change and practicality are needed)

What am I resisting and not letting come into my life?

What have I still not completed?

What steps do I need to take to restore order and change the situation?

I have already answered the questions - what next?

The magic of the day of a solar eclipse has a strong energy, because at this time the program of the future is being laid. You, too, can lay down your own personal program, and the forces of the Universe will support it.

To do this, an hour before the eclipse, somewhere from 11:00 take a shower, let go of negative thoughts, perform your ritual of letting go! Then after 12:03 state your intention, you can out loud, you can write, you can draw. To attract the positive energies of Virgo, you can use the stones of this zodiac sign (agate, jade, carnelian) or turn to the power of the Earth.

Prepare the space for practice and meditation:

It is advisable to wear white or purple ritual clothing.

Stones that can be used for cleansing during this eclipse: amethyst

The planning aid stones are beryl-emerald.

Candles: 1 wax for the cleansing ritual, 1 purple or 1 white for planning practice.

It is good to put a citrine crystal on the altar, put a figurine of a female deity and decorate it with hazel twigs.

The best way to work with the energies of an eclipse of the Sun in Virgo is to form a clear goal and back it up with a thoughtful plan of action.

After the eclipse has passed, you need to support your intention with specific steps, they do not have to be large, the main thing is that they are decisive and specific, this will allow the energies to help you more harmoniously.

P.S. Solar eclipse- it is especially strong new moon, it is conducive to new beginnings. It's good to do on a day like this wish fulfillment meditation.

Impact of the annular solar eclipse on September 1, 2016

During solar eclipses, the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, temporarily obscuring (eclipsing) for us sunlight. These celestial phenomena mark new beginnings that can be realized on the external level, in the form of events, or on the internal, expressed in personal growth.

Pay attention to the events taking place on this day, even if they seem insignificant to you. They will hint at the nature of the change or what will be your focus in the coming months. Anything new or unusual that you hear or see should not be ignored, because it can be a harbinger of the future.

What can mark the period during and during the three months after the eclipse? First of all, it is worth noting the opposition of the Moon and the Sun with Neptune, which gives us the opportunity, without illusions, to illuminate some important current situations in our life, to look at them more rationally and soberly. Virgo is a sign of the pragmatists. Its influence strengthens our practicality and concentration on everyday, important matters, makes it possible to discard laziness and previous unjustified dreams, everything that is unreal and ephemeral, and then move towards our goal.

This is a period of conflict between the rational and emotional principles in a person. Many people during this period will be skeptical about their emotions and feelings, a crisis in personal relationships can be caused precisely by the influence of this Eclipse, when we clearly see whether our relationship is viable, distinguish between their perspective and purpose. The influence of the Eclipse makes it possible to reevaluate and discard unnecessary relationships, get rid of annoying and useless relationships (both personal and business).

Perhaps the best advice from this period is to rethink the strategy for your life and make a plan for practical actions (be it work or something else). Also, the Eclipse in the sign of Virgo raises the topic of health and is favorable for choosing a strategy for further recovery.

The eclipse will have the strongest effect on people born under the Sun in the signs of Virgo, Pisces, Sagittarius and Gemini or having key planets and points in these signs. And especially - for people born in the period September 1-3, December 1-3, February 27-March 1, May 30-June 2 of any year. In the lives of these people, serious changes can occur within six months after the eclipse.

The eclipse on September 1, 2016 occurs in Virgo, the sign of work, service, order and health. In astrology, this zodiac sign is associated with prudence, the desire for perfection and order. Being a sign of the earthly element, he welcomes a practical approach to life, a lot of attention is paid to work, everyday affairs. From the Virgo's point of view, caring for others and attention to detail is a practical service to the Divine principle.

The symbolism of the eclipse hints that it is time to "separate the wheat from the chaff." It could be about ideas, plans, personal beliefs, relationships, or something else. You need to be especially selective in order to choose the really valuable ones among them. Virgo is a very practical sign that invites us to find out what we really want and then take responsibility for implementing plans. If this is not done, someone else will take a step to fill the void, but then the results will not be what they would like.

Virgo encourages purity of mind, body and spirit by encouraging weed out “toxic” people, places and things from their lives. Another eclipse theme is health and the environment. Perhaps many will think about how to lead a healthier lifestyle.

Under the influence of this celestial phenomenon, the spheres of life mentioned above are activated. It can become a catalyst for the healing process, both on the physical plane and on the spiritual. Maybe your health condition will push you to change your lifestyle. Perhaps circumstances will arise that will force you to become more organized. Or something else will happen that will make you more practical, discerning, and sane.

Planetary configurations of the eclipse on September 1, 2016 are quite intense. The conjunction of the Sun and Moon in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces, which speaks of the importance of healing on an emotional level. To overcome internal conflict, it is necessary to find a balance of soul, mind and body.

Moreover, there is a negative aspect of Mars and Saturn in Sagittarius with Neptune in Pisces, which indicates a conflict between the ideal and the real, or between the impulses of the heart and the dictates of the mind. To find what you want, you need to get rid of fantasies and illusions, and analyzing situations will help dispel uncertainty.

The strong position of Neptune brings inspiration and big dreams, but all this energy is sharply focused on Saturn, which has the ability to create obstacles. On the other hand, Saturn serves as a necessary anchor to prevent one from flying too far in fantasies. It helps you define boundaries clearly, know your limits, and take responsibility.

Ultimately, it is better to give up pipe dreams and work on what is realistic, then tangible results will be obtained. Trine of the Sun and Moon in Virgo with Pluto in Capricorn has a softening effect. Pluto is a planet of transformation, and the more faith you have in yourself, the easier the transformation process will go.

This solar eclipse occurs on September 1 and coincides with the Day of Knowledge in Russia, which is quite symbolic. In an astrological sense, it really has to do with knowledge, since Mercury (information, study) has a connection with Jupiter (ideas, higher knowledge), emphasizing the role of knowledge at various levels. This gives an impulse to comprehend the truth.

Mercury, the dispositor of the eclipse, is retrograde, i.e. moves in the opposite direction, which hints at a return to the themes of the past. Maybe you will go back to past ideas and find something worthwhile in them.

The solar eclipse in Virgo emphasizes the topic of health, so it is good to find time for wellness practices or meditation that will help relieve physical tension and stress. Do not plan too much for this day, because eclipses often bring unforeseen things that require urgent involvement. Try not to undertake anything important (important events, meetings, trips, etc.), it is better to do your usual things.

The day has a strong energy, because at this time the program of the future is being laid. You, too, can lay down your own personal program, and the forces of the Universe will support it. For example, you can set an intention and state it out loud, or better yet, write it down on paper or illustrate with images that show your dream.

To attract the positive energies of Virgo, you can use the stones of this zodiac sign (agate, jade, carnelian), wear them in jewelry or meditate with them.

The best way to work with the energies of an eclipse of the Sun in Virgo is to form a clear goal and back it up with a thoughtful plan of action. Take time to reflect on the past and the future, and develop plans. However, before taking drastic steps, it is best to wait a week or two for the energies to settle.

A solar eclipse is a particularly strong new moon and is conducive to new beginnings. On such a day, it is good to conduct a new moon ritual to fulfill a wish. It can relate to love, money, work, business, real estate and anything else that you want to attract into your life.

To make the eclipse painless for you, you need to follow simple rules:

- do not start any new important business;

- not to conclude contracts and transactions;

- not negotiate anything serious;

- do not start any trips;

- do not eat a few hours before the start of the eclipse and a few hours after its end (the solar eclipse on September 1, 2016 will be at 12:00 (+ 3 time zone);

- on the day of the eclipse, it is better to exclude contacts with big amount people, do not contact the crowd, it is better to spend the whole day at home in solitude.

- not to marry, not to conceive children;

- do not take loans and do not lend;

- On September 1, it will be beneficial to conduct practices to burn disease, get rid of bad habits.

What to do for those people whose children go to school and have to be at the school line on that very day?

Any eclipse in the first place has a very strong effect on emotional sphere.

And since during the eclipse of September 1, it is impossible to avoid being on the street (the child must go to school, especially first-graders), then the mother should do her best to make this holiday joyful for the child, given that there may be all sorts of unexpected nervousness.

1. To cleanse yourself and the child energetically in advance (this will increase emotional stability).

2. You can quietly turn on the sound of mantras or bell ringing (or any other high-frequency music) at home in advance.

4. Prepare all clothes and flowers in advance in the evening (to reduce the level of morning nervousness).

5. It is advisable not to drink alcohol (even beer) a few days before and on the day of the eclipse.

6. To mom in the morning (and you can also in the evening) drink any sedative, preferably not on alcohol.

7. Mom not to get involved in arguments, discontent and pretend that everything is happy and going according to plan, not to pay attention to inconsistencies, failures, possible tension.

8. Remove any food from exposure to sunlight - it becomes unusable for food.

After the eclipse, it is advisable to wash all clothing that was directly affected by the eclipse.

In September, not only is Mercury retrograde, but Venus is also in decline.

Mercury retrograde will give children learning difficulties. It will be difficult to understand, you need to repeat it three times. Therefore, the mother needs to be patient and not be angry with the child if he slows down. And don't scold him.

Venus in the fall will give children discontent, inability to maintain cleanliness, quarrels with children of the opposite sex. Mom should try not to be angry with the child for uncleaned things, and together with him calmly put everything in order, teach him to fold things neatly, find something good in ordinary situations.

From the end of September, in October, the situation will change.

Eclipse Corridor Handbook

You will discover:

Pros and cons of eclipses;

Lunar and solar eclipses - what is their difference;

Two eclipses in a row. What is it fraught with;

What precautions should be taken;

The practice of performing rituals at any eclipse;

The most important: some of the most effective lunar and solar eclipse rituals, including:

Rite of passage for radical changes of fate on the day of the eclipse

(This rite is aimed at accelerating the burning of karma and radical changes in fate).

The practice of Repentance.

A ritual to free yourself from negative traits of your character.

A rite of passage to get rid of unwanted people in your life, etc.

Solar Eclipse Deliverance Meditation.

Solar Eclipse cleaning option.

Attraction Ritual love, money, new job, position, significant acquisitions in your life in the Solar Eclipse.

Don't miss this wonderful time!

During the action of this solar eclipse, many will feel that “their eyes have opened”, a lot will become clear, past illusions about what is important will subside. And situations, people, relationships will appear in their true light, and not as it was convenient to see them before. At this time, it will be possible to find the truth in a long tormenting unsolvable question.

The solar eclipse of September will create the possibility of obtaining earthly energy, we will be able to see everything surrounding us from a more practical angle. At this time, review all your plans for the future from the point of view of their realism - you can understand what they lack for successful implementation.

The sign of Virgo, in which the eclipse of the sun will occur, is very realistic and critical of its actions, very accurately and systematically builds its future and its actions. We also need to act in the same way to get closer to success.

During this eclipse, Pluto will have a great influence - the planet of transformation, great deep transformations. All this suggests that the changes during the period of this eclipse will be very significant, will carry their impact on the entire subsequent life of a person. And also - all these changes will be irreversible, there is nowhere to hide from them, not to postpone or prevent them.

All these changes in life are long overdue, they will cleanse our present for a better future. But the very process of purification and change will take place in a rather harsh form. During the eclipse - 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after the eclipse - you should not plan and perform various medical manipulations with the body.

The solar eclipse on September 1, 2016 will show us everything that happens in life, where we are striving and where we can come. At this time, insight will come and the whole life situation will become clear - including relations with people. We will be able to understand both our position in the relationship and the position of our partner. And already on the basis of this knowledge to decide - whether we are on the way with this person. Or it might be worth breaking these constraining and limiting relationships.

During the eclipse, many will be able to put things in order in their relationships - both love and business. Someone wants to get more information about people's relationships, someone will go into loneliness, and someone will decide to completely cleanse themselves of past relationships and enter a new stage of life

The time for making wishes is approaching!

New moon - magical time

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Penumbral Lunar Eclipse September 16, 2016

This lunar Eclipse will occur at 22:54 Moscow time. Duration - 1 hour 55 minutes. Refers to 9 Eclipse 147 Saros. It will be clearly visible on the European continent, in Russia, Africa, Asia and Australia. The lunar eclipse will be projected at 24 degrees Pisces.

The opposition of the Moon and the Sun on the Pisces-Virgo axis is, as mentioned above, a conflict between the emotional and rational principles in a person. Under the influence of the eclipse in Pisces, a lot of not experienced emotions, vague feelings "emerge", vivid memories of past relationships are possible with some return to those emotions when "life, and tears, and love" are resurrected. Therefore, one of the tasks of the current Eclipse may be to pull the “under-lived” to the surface and reassess its importance for us.

However, under the influence of Pisces, we can literally flounder in our feelings and not find shores. It is difficult to rationalize and organize our thoughts at this time. Therefore, this period is highly discouraged for making important decisions. With a high degree of probability, all this may later turn out to be ill-considered and premature.

Particular caution should be shown to people who have any kind of addiction - the period of the Eclipse bears the temptation of a new immersion in their old patterns. The choice of food during this period should be taken very carefully - there is a risk of poisoning and overeating.

The strongest impact of the lunar Eclipse on September 16 will have on people born in the period September 16-18, December 15-17, March 14-16, June 14-16 of any year. Also, this Eclipse may be significant for people who have important planets and points in the sign of Pisces, Virgo, Sagittarius, Gemini.

"Practical course" Magic of Eclipses ""

Three eclipses await us -Penumbral Lunar Eclipse on August 18,Annular Solar Eclipse September 1, Penumbral Lunar Eclipse September 16, 2016

The time of eclipses and the corridor between them (from August 18 to September 16) is called a dangerous period. At this moment, logic and consciousness do not work well, wrong decisions are made, intuition ceases to help in situations that are important for a person.

To avoid this, you should follow a number of rules that you will learn from practical course "Magic of Eclipses"
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Ecology of life: In 2016, we will observe another eclipse - the Annular Solar Eclipse, which will take place on September 1, 2016 at 13:06:53 Moscow time. It will be possible to see him in the territories of the Atlantic Ocean, Central Africa, Madagascar, a partial eclipse phase can be observed in some countries South Africa and the southwestern Indian Ocean.

In 2016 we will observe another eclipse - Annular solar eclipse, to be held September 1, 2016 at 13:06:53 Moscow time... It will be possible to see it in the territories of the Atlantic Ocean, Central Africa, Madagascar, the partial phase of the eclipse can be observed in some countries of southern Africa and the southwestern part of the Indian Ocean.

And now it's worth understanding what an annular eclipse means. So, this name is due to the actions of celestial mechanics. Simply put, since the moon's shadow cannot completely cover the Celestial body, a thin ring of the photosphere can be seen around it.

Affects a solar eclipse on a person

Astrologers are often against making any decisions during eclipses. This is due to the fact that often, due to emotional outburst, people cannot think objectively and practically. All actions are performed under emotions, which leads to bad consequences.

However, not today, everything will be exactly the opposite. You will finally be able to look at many things with practical side, objectively judge what is really important to you and what is not. This is a good day to carry out your plans and tasks.

In addition, it is worth paying your attention to the fact that all the plans and changes that you make will be of a fateful nature and you will not be able to change something. Therefore, before doing something, calculate everything to the smallest detail, so as not to regret it later.

Also, according to experts in this field, all changes, whether depending on you or not, carry only positive characteristics... But not everything is so simple, initially you will have to try hard to get into the rut of a new life. If you do not make any effort, then everything will remain the same.

This day can be called an ideal period to understand yourself, your plans for the future, analyze your value system and generally delve into yourself. Thus, you simply put things in order in your soul, get rid of unnecessary attitudes and thoughts.

And remember - that everything that surrounds us is a reflection of our inner "I". If everything seems to you so gray, boring, dull, then this is a reason to think, maybe this blues is only inside you, and if you change your way of thinking, then the world will sparkle with new colors.

The energy of this solar eclipse is significantly different from the previous one, as, among other things, it carries health potential. Do not miss the moment, since all procedures aimed at your health will be the most effective, it is not necessary for this to go to a sanatorium or a specialized center. It is enough to carry out such procedures at home - it can be gymnastics, a healing bath with essential oils, therapeutic massage and so on.

It will be interesting for you:

Despite all the practicality and grounding of this day, there will also be conflicts, and it is better to avoid them and try to solve the problem peacefully. If not, then most likely an ordinary quarrel can escalate into war. And since all the changes carry a fateful character, then such a conflict will not bring anything good, not only will it draw all your strength out of you, you can also lose what is important and necessary for you - family work and so on. Agree about it, only everyone will lose and you will not receive anything in replacement. published