Spectacular room plant - Ficus "Microcharp. Ficus care at home

His homeland is Southeast Asia. Growth of this plant in nature 20-25 meters. Its feature is a thin, smooth barrel and a lush, dark green crown. Scientific name - Ficus MicroCarpa.

He received the name due to miniature fruits appearing on it in the wild. At home, neither bloom, no fruits will be able to get, because there are no conditions for its pollination.

In detailed flower growing is grown most often in the style of Bonsai. This is a miniature tree -in fact, copy of an Asian relative.

The plant has lanceal, wide leaves, smooth on the texture, on short stiffs. The surface of the leaves seems to be witch.

When flowering, like all representatives of the family, forms spherical, purple, small inflorescences (Siconia). They look more like berries.

Benefit and harm

Its leaves purify air, absorbing harmful substances.

At the same time, it has harmful properties.

Juice, released when cutting the shoots, can cause allergies, skin irritation. Therefore, all manipulations are advised to spend in gloves.

Home care

Growing this kind of bonsai style, it gives a special form consisting of bizarre weave roots. They are located above the pot and are similar to sculptural sculpture, decorated with a thick crown.

But in order to grow such beauty, the flower industry will have to follow some rules.

Immediately highlight it the place where it will be contained constantly. It should be light, but without direct sunshine, protected from drafts.

The first two weeks in the house is a period of adaptation to new conditions. Ficus can reset the leaves, but it is not scary. From the transport package you need to transplant, but only after 3 weeks.

Spraying start immediately after the purchase, and watered to postpone for two days.


In the photo Ficus "Microcharp":

Regular transplant he needs. Make it once every two, three years.

It is not necessary to transplant annually, but a partial soil replacement is recommended. Talking to a new container is carried out along with the old substrate.

An exception is a transplant after purchase. The substrate in which plants are sold is not suitable for long-term cultivation and completely replace it.

Before the procedure, the plant does not watered so that the roots were cleaned easier. A layer of drainage is poured into a new tank, then the soil for ficus. The mixture can be purchased ready, special.

If there is no such possibility, make it alone from the leaf turf, sand and peat in equal amounts.

To maintain low acidity, charcoal is added to the composition.

In the center of the pot or slightly shifting, put the tree and fall asleep the empty place soil. Seal it, slightly tapping on the tank.

The size of the pot must be on 3-4 centimeters more than the previous one. If you do not want the ficus to increase in size, you can not change the dishes, but only replace the soil.

Features of soil composition

The composition is selected depending on age.

    For young, the ground must be as loose:
  1. Sheet Dern - 1ch.
  2. Sand-1ch.
  3. Peat - 1ch.
  4. Wood ash - 0.5 h.
    Adults need a denser composition:
  1. Sheet land - 2 hours
  2. Dern - 2 h.
  3. Sand - 1h.
  4. Humus - 1 h.
  5. Wood ash - 0.5 h.

After how much watered Ficus "Microchar"?

Soil drying can not be allowed, watering the ficus regularly. Water is used soft, room temperature.

Check the state of the soil with a finger, putting it in a pot. The adhesive soil says that there is no need to water.

When irrigating an earthen kom must be impregnated completely. Water should be leaked into the pallet, then it is drained.

IMPORTANT: Do not overcover the soil, root from it.


The optimal air temperature is 25-30 degrees. Main condition - It is impossible to lower the temperature below 16. And the air, and soil must be warm. In winter, the ficus can be gluable on the windowsill or cold floor and die. So that this does not happen, do not hold it next to the cold glasses and do not put on the floor.

Air humidity

He is not required of abundant moisture, sufficiently maintaining a level of 50-60%. However, in hot summer days and in winter, during the operation of heating, humidity decreases to 30-40%.

Solve the problem helps the frequent spraying, the use of an air humidifier, decorative fountains.


Feeding - prerequisite Growing.
Feat the microcharp from spring to autumn.

You can use universal fertilizer for sheet plants or special fertilizer for bonsai.

The frequency of the procedure is once every two weeks.

In the period of rest - November-February - it is enough to fertilize once every 30-40 days.

Useful extra-green subcords.

The procedure is combined with spraying every 2-3 weeks.

The concentration of mineral substances, with this method, must be several times less (carefully examine the recommendations on the package).

ATTENTION: Make feeding only into wet soil so that the roots are not injured and the nutrients are completely learned.


The reproduction is carried out in the following ways:


Cut up the top. Semi-respected shoots. To remove the Milky Juice withstand the day in water. Then rooted in a glass with warm water.

A little wood ash is added to the water to prevent injection.

After the appearance of the roots, the cuttings landed into the pot under the transparent cap until the leaflets appear.

Growing chain

We can raise the grain on the instance obtained by the drawing method.

To reproduce the microcharp with a characteristic appearance, this method is not acceptable.

To obtain tempered from the top of 50-60 cm, cut off from the bark (10-12 cm) and turn the cut with moistened moss and film.

At this place a month formed roots. The top is then cut and plant in a separate container.

Sowing seeds

Only seed fashion You can grow an instance with a sculptural root characteristic.

Seed reproduction is carried out in spring. First of all, you should purchase high-quality planting material in trading pointwhere the conditions for storing goods are created.

If the seeds were stored incorrectly, they would not go.

Sowing of moisturized and stratified seeds are produced in a flat container. The bottom of the drainage layer is placed, then the soil layer.

The surface is tumped, moisturized, lay seeds on it.

The crops are then sprinkled with a small layer of sand and covered with glass or transparent film.

For germination, sowing is needed enough illumination and heat (22-250c).

Depending on the quality and conditions of the material sprouts will appear in 2-4 weeks. In the phase of two real leaves, the sprouts are pyric.

During the revision, a regular spraying is carried out.

Separate new copies in separate containers not earlier than 60 days after dive.

Ficus "Microcharp": how to form a crown?

Regular trimming - a necessary condition for obtaining beautiful ficus. It is carried out in spring or autumn, at the beginning or end of the growing season, respectively.

In order for the stem of the tree powerful, you need to often crop young plants. When trimming, many leaves are removed.

Branches can be formed, directing in the desired side with wire.

The shoots shocked with their length more than 20 centimeters. To obtain a branched crown, shoots longer than five centimeters pinch.

It will contribute to the growth of the lower kidneys and Krone will become magnificent.

In order for the microcharp, decorative thickened roots, grown from the seed instance you need to trim.

In this case, the trunk is cut to the root neck, leave a fierce length of 2-3 centimeters.

The roots are washed and divided, then each plant so that the main part is above the soil level.

Stimulants use stimulants to appear foliage.

On large roots, the grafting of cuttings is possible to obtain a spectacular crown of a complicated form.

Diseases and pests

With incorrect Care Ficus may suffer from the following problems:

Dark spots on the leaves - Consequence of overvolding.

Fusariosis - reinforcement roots. At the same time they get dark, become hollow inside, soft. The reason is wet and cold soil.

Reset leaves - dry and high air temperature, insufficient watering.

The appearance of a white plaque. White cobwebs on the leaves - infection by a spider tick. In this case, it is necessary to wipe the leaves with a rat, moistened in a solution of alcohol or economic soap and process insecticide.

Points and stains on the leaves - the appearance of the Tly.It helps her reproduction and too warm air. You can destroy the TRU with a swimming plant in a soap or tobacco solution.

Council. To prevent the appearance of pests, contain leaves clean, rubbing them regularly.

Why does the microcarp ficus fall out of the leaves? What to do?

The yellowing of the leaves may occur for various reasons.

Natural fat.In this case, the phenomenon is single and deal with it is not necessary.

Change of content conditions. If the ficus "microcharp" falls in green leaves, it means that the plant experienced stress when permuting or transplanting.

Move the plant to your former place and do not move it without anything.

Wrong soil or dishes. The soil could be infected, and a virus got into the roots in the roots of the plant.

Treat it with fungicides. Also, the reason could be too spacious pot.

Lack or excess lighting. Too dark window or ficus of direct sunlight can cause yellow leaves.

Frozening roots. In winter, the temperature of the soil, and the ficus will sharply decrease in the window or cold floor. Do not hold it near the cold glass.

If you grow the ficus on the floor. For the winter, put under the pot of felt, foam or several layers of newspapers.

The appearance of pests. Insects, insessing on the leaves and stems, suck the juices from the fabrics and they die.

Carefully examine the pet with a magnifying glass, as the pests are very small, and it is difficult to notice them with a naked eye.

From the experience of flower water

Do not water the ficus immediately after the transplantation - let him adapt a couple of days.

When spraying and watering, do not fall on the trunk - it will cause it to rot.

In winter, make sure that the leaves do not touch the ice glass, otherwise there will be local frostbite.

When conducting, the ficus should not fall under the flow of cold air.

Hot air from batteries is also harmful to him.

Ficus microcharp - perfect indoor plant. Caring for it is simple, and when proper trimming You can create a beautiful, original tree, serving the original detail of the apartment's interior.


Useful video about home care for Ficus "Microcharp":

Amateurs miniature plants Bonsai do not bypass the ficus of the microcharp. Proper forming allows you to get from a bush that looks like an ordinary ficus of Benjamin, a mini-tree with a thickened trunk under the "cap" of green foliage.

Botanical description of the plant

Ficus Microcarp (lat. - Ficus MicroCarpa Ginseng), in appearance one of the most colorful and popular in home flower growing is a representative of an extensive family of tute. The birthplace of this evergreen plant - forests of the tropical region of Malaysia, Phillipin, South of China and Northern Australia. In the wild environment, the microcharp is quite aggressively refers to the neighbors trees, tightly laid them with their air roots. However, at home, it is a slowly growing cute plant that can be molding in the style of bonsai. It rarely reaches the height of one and a half meters, while in the natural medium grows up to 20 m.

Varieties of the microcharp ficus - moclama, albumographic, Ginseng.

The thickened trunk of the bizarre plant is essentially the continuation of its massive root. Is not natural property Plants, and the result of the work of specialists, skillfully circumcise and stimulating it with special means. "Ordinary" microcarps are similar to Ficus Benjamin.

Bark trunk - smooth and tender, easily damaged, gray. Leaves may have a form rounded, oval or in the form of an ellipse.

The plant blooms (only in natural conditions or greenhouses) with siconia - flowers similar to berries, forming minor fruits (up to 1 cm in diameter). Translated into the Latin "Microcharp" and means - fine-grade.

Features of cultivation

With properly organized care, even a beginner and very busy flower water can get a great result - a beautifully designed mini-tree with lush green crown. The most important factors in the cultivation of microcarp ficus:

  • correctly chosen location relative to illumination;
  • maintaining the temperature regime;
  • timely work on the formation of the barrel and crown.

This indoor plant perceives any perception as stress, so it is desirable to find a permanent place for him.

Landing technology and transplant periods

As the nesting is growing, it should be transplanted into large in terms of capacity (with an increase in diameter by 4-5 cm). Since the barrel of microcarps is growing slowly, transplant - the procedure is inflicted. It is important to choose a pot and soil mixture.

Choosing a pot and soil

The main requirement for the pots for microcharp - availability drainage holes. Any flower, including a ficus, is more comfortable in a potted pot of natural clay, not covered with icing. The porosity of the material allows excess moisture to evaporate through the walls of the container, while the roots of the oxygen flows. Although if there is a good drainage, the pot is suitable for a pot from any material.

The size of the vessel depends on the size of the root system of the microcharp. It is desirable that during transplantation between the roots and walls of the pot made 2 cm.

For plants bonsai, models are needed low, flat. Too large pots are contraindicated with all types of ficuses, because the soil is not covered with roots in them, causing the posting.

Optimal option - Purchase the soil special compositiondesigned for ficuses. At home preparation is mixed after preliminary disinfection equal parts of the leaf land, turf, sand, and 0.3-0.5 parts of ash are added to reduce acidity.

How to plant

If there is a need to trim the root system of the microcharp-bonsai ficus, they advise before the transplant procedure not to water the soil so that the roots are better to be cleaned. Crop to 10% of their length. With regular trimming, the roots grow styling and thicken.

Drainage from clay (can be made of pebbles, a layer of new soil is laid into a new container. Installing, holding, the village in the right place (in the center or shocking from it) and fall asleep emptiness of the earth. For its seal it is easy to tap the pot.

If there is no need to disturb the roots, the plant is transplanted by transshipment.

When it is time to transplant

Usually immediately after purchase, the shopping ficuses of the microcharp need a transplant, as they grow in the poor peat ground. Make it after two or three weeks, giving the plant time to adapt the plant in a new place - "relocation" and transplant simultaneously become too much stress for him. Nevertheless, anyway to respond to the transplant of a tree can a small loss of foliage.

Adult Ficus needs a transplant more than three years. Plants of the first years of life transplanted annually in the spring when the trees will be easier to adapt to the new soil. Sometimes they spend only the replacement of the upper 2-3 cm of soil (if there is no need to increase the size of the pot).

Subtleties of care

The usual room temperature is quite suitable for the microcharp ficus: in summer it is optimal level - 25-30 ° C. In winter, the flower transfers its decrease to 17-18 ° C, but when the highway indicators fall to 16 ° C and below, it suffers, and with prolonged cooling, the roots can freeze it and the plant will die.

Ficus painfully transfers the permutation, loves fresh air, but it needs to be protected from any drafts.

Prefers the places lit, but without hitting the leaves of the straight rays of the sun - the location will fit and in the depths of the room. However, with a constant shadension ceases to grow, reacts with the yellowing and falling of the leaves. In winter, additional backlight is desirable. It is important to remember: harsh fluctuations in the amount of illumination of the tree tolerates badly.

In the care of the ficus of the microcharp at home and the formation of the crown is also included. In this creative process there are no preferences except tastes of the owner. The plant is drastically cutting off in spring, before its active growth, not earlier than it reaches 15 cm in height. Throughout spring and summer spend a systematic light trimming - Procurement of branches, too strongly speaking beyond the borders of the crown silhouette (for even their development, a periodically, a pot with ficus turn around its axis). In the fall and winter this procedure is not carried out.

Rules of irrigation and feeding

The frequency of watering depends on the degree of moisture of the soil: watered when the soil slings for 2-3 cm. Usually in the summer - two, and in winter - three times a week.

The microcharp loves when his leaves spray from the sprayer and reacts positively to moisturizing air. It is desirable that the level of humidity in the house does not fall below 50% (optimal numbers - 70%). Irrigation is carried out with water room temperature. It is especially important to spray the village from the spray from the spray in winter when the air in the premises is reheated. The minimum distance from the heating devices to the microcarp ficus is 2 meters.

Fertilize the plant twice a month with a liquid nutrient mixture for ficuses (possible for palm), alternating mineral formulations with organic. In winter, during the period of rest, the feeder does not contribute.

Diseases and possible problems

The plant "interests" the whiteflinkle, aphid, shields, trips, tormentless worms. To combat them use purchased insecticides for domestic flowers.

The microcharp is not susceptible to diseases, problems arise with a permanent violation of the rules of care for it:

  • with a lack of illumination or nutrition, young shoots are thinned, and the leaves are minced on them;
  • if the plant lacks moisture, foliage turns yellow and falls out;
  • the leaf fall from green leaves, on the contrary, testifies to excess watering. With a long moisture, the moisture in the ground begins the root rotation - at the same time the leaves are dark, covered with stains;
  • with a sharp change in the light mode or watering, the tree can also reset the leaves, but in a week-other, adapts to new conditions;
  • the dedication of foliage due to low temperatures or constant drafts can lead to his death.


Ficus Microcharp can be propagated by seeds, stalling, root stalling and growing air grain.


Only the first method allows to obtain a three-dimensional sculpture trunk characteristic of the microcharp-bonsai, but it can only be able to use experts:

  • material for sowing should be stored correctly, otherwise, his germination decreases sharply;
  • sowing is carried out in spring after pre-moistening and seed stratification;
  • they are placed in a flat container on the drainage layer and the moistened, slightly tumped soil, slightly sprinkle with the layer of sand and are covered with transparent material to create greenhouse conditions;
  • hold with an extended light day at a temperature of 22-25 ° C - two or four weeks before the appearance of sprouts and then before the appearance of two real leaves;
  • dive and fuse with constant spraying;
  • two months after the dive searched at a permanent place of growth;
  • the "continued" fikuses of the microcharp remove the trunks and leaves, after which they transplanted the roots, leaving over the ground most of them.

Thus, home attempts to get from the seeds of a microchard tree with a characteristic trunk without proper experience and skills most often doomed to failure.


For reproduction with the top cuttings, semi-respected shoots are cut off, withstand 10-20 hours in water to remove the milky juice contained in them and rooted in clean warm water. It is periodically changed to fresh, adding some ashs from the posting.

After the appearance of the roots, they plant in the soil and are covered before the appearance of leaves with glass or polyethylene. Ficus microcarp obtained by shilling, it looks like a familiar Ficus Benjamin.

Air chains

Fikuses grown by air tanks are multiplying:

  • retreating from the top about 50 cm, cut off by 8-12 mm bark from the barrel;
  • the cut is wrapped with moisturized moss and top - film;
  • after three weeks a month, the roots are growing in this place, after which the top is cut and disembawned.

Root process

The root processes are breed adults, fully formed plants: a small part of the root is cut off and disembodied, leaving over the surface of the soil by 2.5 cm. Create an effect of a greenhouse with a film, watered once a week, not forgetting regularly to ventilate. After the appearance of the sprout, they take care of the usual way.

Microcharp with a characteristic appearance in any ways, except growing from seeds, cannot be obtained.

Ficus microcharp does not require high time and strength to care for it, while original decoration Premises decorated in any style. Following the uncomplicated rules, not only a specialist, but also far from the flower growing to an amateur to grow it and in by the usual form, and form a bonsai tree.

One of the most spectacular decorative indoor plants is rightfully considered a miniature bonsai ficus microcharp.

Caring for Him at home does not represent any particular difficulties, the main thing is to comply with certain recommendations in the cultivation of this representative of the tropical flora.

This plant will decorate any interior, introducing a notch refined

Ficus microcharp. Care immediately after shopping

Ficus microcharp or ficus the fine-grade is evergreen tree, whose homeland is tropical and subtropical forests of southern China, South-East Asia, Northern Australia. This plant received its name thanks to the small size of the fruit (translated from the Greek "Mikros" - a small and "karpos" - fruit).

In natural habitats, it reaches very impressive sizes (up to 25 meters in height) and has a wide and thick crown. Most often, it is located on the trunks of other plants, leading the life of epiphet. The fact is that the numerous air roots of the flower are weak, and cannot serve as a reliable support.

Oval leaves, pointed at the ends, smooth, shiny, are located on short stiffs. The color of foliage is dark green, the crust is gray. The fruits are small, at first painted in the yellow-green color, but the painting on the purple is changed to maturity.

Ficus Microcharp, which is carried out by all the rules, is easily amenable to formation and resulting from an elegant room bonsai.

In specialized stores, you can purchase both very young plants and more mature house treesformed in different styles and forms.

Immediately after purchase, it is necessary to highlight a permanent place, reliably protected from direct sunlight and drafts. This indoor plant does not need bright lighting, on the contrary - it feels much better in a half-sense and some remoteness from the window.

Ficus Microcharp needs enough high humidityTherefore, spray it follows daily, starting from the very first day of appearance in the apartment.

It is also not worth placing a plant in the premises with dry air, near the heating devices, batteries. Do not forget to check the soil moisture, to do it easily - just supper the substrate in the pot on the depth of one phalanx of the finger.

In the first 1-2 weeks of staying in a new place, the ficus the fine-grade can begin to reset the leaves - so it reacts to the change of conditions of content. Continue regularly spray and water the plant, and in a short time it adapts and give new leaves.

If the ficus was purchased in a small plastic pot intended for transportation, it will be necessary to transplant in a more comfortable capacity. However, it is necessary to do this no earlier than in 2-3 weeks, after the end of the adaptation period.

Features of growing microcarp ficus


Ficus Microcharp prefers a moderately illuminated place, away from direct sunlight. Like all kinds of ficuses with dark foliage, it is characterized by treasureness and can grow in a half.

Deciding with a suitable place for the plant, you need to try to rearrange it as much as possible, since otherwise it can reset the leaves. To suspend this process, the ficus is recommended to spray the epin biostimulator solution.


The most comfortable temperature for the ficus of the fine-free is 17-23 degrees of heat. At the same time, it is important to ensure that the plant does not experience sharp temperature fluctuations, otherwise it can lose most of the foliage. In addition, the reason for the appeal of leaves can serve as a lack of moisture, the use of cold water for watering, drafts. Ficus Microcharp, Conditions of which requires certain knowledge, is a rather twisted flower, and when it is cultivated, you need to be patient.


The fine-grade ficus needs daily spraying, 1-2 times a day, depending on the dryness of air indoors where the plant is located. During its humidification, it is necessary to ensure that the bulk of water falls on the foliage, and not on the trunk. It is also recommended to regularly wipe the leaves bonsai with a damp cloth.


Like most representatives of the tropical flora, Ficus Microcharp loves moisture. However, excessive moisturizing of the soil is detrimental for the flower: the roots can be dried, and the plant itself will die.

Water for irrigation It is recommended to use a soft, well-resistant (at least 12 hours), room temperature. In spring summer period The flower requires a more active watering, and in the winter - more moderate, while all the time it is necessary to ensure that the earthen com in the pot does not swam, and the water is not stood in the pallet.

To track the frequency of irrigation is easy: between irrigation, the Earth should have time to seek to a depth of at least 2-3 cm.

Undercalinking and transplant


It is necessary to start feeding the plants, starting with early spring and to the middle of the sen. For these purposes, you can use both universal organic or mineral fertilizer and special fertilizer for Bonsayev. It is necessary to put it in another wet after watering the land, every two weeks.

In the period from November to February, Ficus Microcharp sufficiently focus once a month, while the dose of fertilizer should be two times less than usual.

The plant also reacts well to extractive feeding, when a small amount of suitable fertilizer is added to the water for spraying of leaves.


A mixture of equal parts of sand, clay granulate and chipping ground is well suitable as a substrate for the microcarp ficus. You can also purchase a special soil in the store, intended for more fakes.


Plant replant is recommended every 2-3 years, in spring. There is no need for the annual transplant, since the trunk of the fine ficus grows very slowly. However, the substrate is recommended to be periodically updated, otherwise the flower will begin to root.

Do not worry if a plant starts to drop after transplantation - this is a normal process. After the foliage adaptation period will be restored.

During the transplant, you need to be very careful, trying not to damage the roots. Turn Ficus B. new pot needed together with the old lounge of the earth, setting up a new substrate in required quantity. The pot must necessarily be with holes for water drain, and at its bottom - drainage height in 2-3 cm.

Figius formation of finelyodic

Due to the fact that the barrel Ficus Microcharp is able to grow intensively into the width, and its shoots are a very plate, the plant is easily amenable to formation for every taste.

To get a powerful trunk, young plants are recommended for it repeatedly and strongly cut. Also, with shortening the trunk, a large number of leaves are removed, which significantly reduces the need of ficus in moisture.

The direction of the branches can be formed using a wire. If they grow too thick, then with the length of the shoots up to 20 cm you can pruning them.

In the case of the formation of strong branches at the shoots up to 5 cm, you can remove the top - so you will get an extensive crown of your bonsai.

Ficus Microcharp - Care and Possible Difficulties

The appearance on the leaves of dark spots and the root rotation indicates an excess watering.

With a lack of moisture, the plant is noticeably weaken and begins to reset the leaves.

Also the cause of loss of foliage can be drafts, sharp temperature differences, lack of light and watering cold water.

Plant infection by a bypass tick speaks of too low air humidity in the room where the ficus of the microcharp is growing. Caring for it in this case should be aimed at eliminating the cause of infection and the fight against pests of indoor plants.

Ficus Microcarp (Ficus MicroCarpa) is an evergreen tree belonging to the tute.

Initially, he produced in vivo only on the island of Borneo, located in Southeast Asia.

In the future, he began to move to the Bermuda Islands and in some tropical areas of the United States of America. In the wild, this type of ficus is a very strong and hardy plant. Sometimes it is called Ficus Microcharp Moklama.


Ficus Microcharp in natural habitats, is a major epiphylet plant. Setting on large trees, it quickly grows, forming a lush crown and long, but powerless roots. Sweeting from the branches of trees, they are very interesting sight (see photo).

The height of the plant growing in tropical forests can reach 20 meters. Copies living in room conditions reaches 1.5 meters, but they are most often grown in the form of small original bonsai, gradually blinding the roots and conducting regular concentrations of shoots.

For trunk this ficus characteristic of the bark of gray color, it has a very smooth, thin and gentle structure, so when house growing It is necessary to carefully handle it to not damage. Plant shoots are covered with small foliage, which can have an elliptical, oval or rounded form.

During flowering Ficus microcharp is covered with flowers unusual shapereminiscent of berries (Siconia). In the future, very small fruits are formed in their place no more than 1 centimeter in diameter. That is why this type of ficus got its name, the translation of which sounds like "fine-grade".

Often, Ficus MicroCarpa Ginseng, or Ficus Ginseng, also writes on a pot of purchased plants. "ginseng". These ficuses grow in a special way. After planting a ficus, it very quickly forms the root, the growth of which is stimulated by special means and hormones.

When the root reaches significant sizes, the ficus digs, cut off the barrel, purified and planted into the pot, leaving the root above the surface of the soil, only slightly joining.

Over time, the roof of the roots fractures and turns into a bark.

The growth of the new escape is also stimulated by chemicals or vaccinate the branches of other plants.

At this stage, in the form of a small tree with a large root of the plant fall on stores stores.

To grow bonsai further use funds that slow down the growth of the ficus.

Care in the first days after purchase

Currently, Ficus microcharp bonsai with original roots, which are highly extinguished on the surface, can be easily purchased in specialized stores.

Caring for him in the first days after the purchase will determine its further state and the right development.

Important! Bringing a plant from the store home, it is impossible to replant it immediately, it must pass the adaptation period And get out of stressful situationHe struck to the new place of residence.

The pot with ficus should be placed separately from other indoor plants for two weeks. At this time, it should be observed for its condition and verify the presence of signs of diseases and pests, which may have been invisible when buying. When they are detected, it is necessary to immediately carry out the appropriate treatment.

During this period, the plant can reset part of foliage. It is not necessary to scare this, the loss of leaves is its natural reaction to the decline shift. You just need to regularly water it and spray it daily, you can add a growth stimulator to the water, and very soon it will start producing new, young leaflets.

At the end of the quarantine, you need to transfer a microcharp ficus to a new pot with an appropriate soil. Plants in stores are usually contained in tanks with transporting soil, which practically does not contain nutrients.

Important! The pot with ficoma immediately after landing is placed on a permanent point of growth, as this species reacts poorly to the permutation. The exception is the summer period when it is recommended to have a balcony or a veranda, where it develops well.

Ficus microcharp: care at home

Despite their exotic appearance ficus microcharp does not require any special conditions as well as complex care. It is enough to just explore some rules for its content and follow them in the process of growing this unusual plant.


Ficus McCarp does not like abundant lighting. But, and the strong shadow is contraindicated. In this case, it will begin to dump the foliage, stretch, and then slow down growth and lose decorativeness.

Therefore, it is necessary to choose a place in the western or eastern part of the room, preferably in some distance from the window.


This type of ficus refers to thermo-loving plants. Therefore, in the spring and summer period, he needs to provide air temperature from 25 to 30 degrees. In autumn and in winter it is reduced, but not lower than 16 degrees.

At the same time, the temperature should be permanent, the plant reacts negatively to its differences, as well as on drafts.


Watering the ficus of the microcharp should be as needed after the top layer of the substrate is dry. Frequent overflow threatens by reinforcement root system, And a long-term lack of leaf apozya. Water for watering should be purified or resistant and have room temperature.


For normal livelihoods of the microcharp ficus is not required high level Air humidity, there will be 70 percent. If it is lower, you need to increase the number of spraying plants and space around it.

You can put a pot with a plant in the pallet filled with pebbles or moss-sphagnum, which should be moisturized daily.

Soil and fertilizer

For this type of ficus lightweight, low acidity nutrient soil required. To compile it, you can take advantage of the following proportions:

  • Cherry land - 2 parts;
  • Sheet land - 1 part;
  • Humus ground - 1 part;
  • Large sand - 1 part.

In the spring and summer period, feeding plants spend every 2 weeks using complex mineral fertilizer. Starting from autumn, it is reduced to 1 time per month.

Before making feeding, Ficus microcharp needs to be pouring to prevent the root system burn.

Crown Pruning and Forming

To save beautiful shape Plant crowns, it is necessary to carry out regular trimming of the reprimanded branches.

They usually give up to 10 pairs of leaves, and then shorten up to 3.

If a sufficiently small copy was purchased and it is supposed to be grown in the form of bonsai, then at the reaches of the height of 15 centimeters need to trim the top to stimulate the active development of lateral shoots, As they grow in the further, the formation of the crown selected.

A few more advice on the care of the filler of the microcharp and the formation of its crown in this video:

Ficus Microcharp - Transplant

As the trunk and root system The microcharp ficus grow pretty slowly, then the plant is enough one transplant in two years. It must be done in the early spring so that it is easy to take root and began to quickly develop further.

It is necessary to transplant this type of ficus to a pot of no more than 5 centimeters more in diameter than the previous one.

You need to pour into it good layer Drainage and new nutritious ground.

The ficus should be carefully pulled out from the tank, clean the roots from the soil residues and trim on 10 centimeters.

After that, it needs to be placed in a new pot, compact the soil and slightly moistened to it.

The plant needs to be placed in the shaded room before rooting.


You can reproduce this plant with air chains and seeds. But, these are quite laborious ways, while sometimes unsuccessfully ending. Most often for reproduction of microcharp ficus produce staringUsing the top 10 centimeters with a length of about 10 centimeters.

You can take those that remained after trimming. For their landing, you need to prepare drawers with a drainage layer and a mixture of peat and sand. Planting material For several hours, it is recommended to put in a container with a solution of growth stimulator, and then plant. Boxes should be placed in warm, shaded room.

During the month, Chenkov should form roots. After this time, seedlings need to trim the whole foliage, leaving only the highest pair.

After a half months, it is necessary to hold the first feeding of young plants. A few months later, when they fasten them well, they can be seeded on individual pots, a diameter of no more than 10 centimeters.

Possible diseases and pests

In case of incorrect care, the ficus of the microcharp may be infected with bypass ticks, with the appearance of which, the leaves are ejected by the web, and then fall.

If the foliage of the plant became sticky, it means that the shield settled on the plant.

In these cases, it is necessary to immediately flush all parts of the ficus with a solution of green or economic soap, and then spray insecticide solution.

Of the diseases for this type of ficus are most dangerous root rotwhich occur during excess watering. In this case, it is necessary to carry out a plants in new sad, pre-deleting the affected areas of the root system, and the remaining part should be treated with fungicide.

Types of microcharp ficus

Ficus microcharp has many items. It is called Indian Lavra, green island, Chinese Badaine, Ficus Ginseng or Ginsevev, Ficus dull or or retouza. All this is the same plant. Currently, its varietal varieties are brought by breeders, which differ in the size and shape of the leaves.

Ficus Microcharp is a very original plant, which deservedly enjoys love of both many flower water and those who are far from crop production. It does not require a difficult care that takes a lot of time. At the same time it can become beautiful decoration Premises made in any style.

Ficus MicrocharpThis is a miniature tree, in other words of Bonsai.

Bonsai - device and ability to grow small copies of large trees at home. A feature of this species is the fruits, which at home is almost impossible to achieve, as Ficus is simply refuses to bloom.

Natural habitats of Tropical forests of Asia, China, Australia with good sun lighting. Care at home Microcharp ficus does not represent any particular difficulties, although some conditions must be adhered to, otherwise the small village will simply not survive. The peculiarity is to cover the root system in certain forms (figures), which is located on the surface, as well as beautiful lush crown.

The name of the microcharp, due to its miniature fruits, which translated from the Greek Mikros Karpos is a small fruit.

Description: In the tropics, the height reaches 20-25 m, at home, does not exceed 2-3 m. In nature, it is often epiphet, that is, constantly grows on another tree.

Oval wide lanceal leaves at the end curved, smooth with monthly colorlocated on short stiffs. It seems with grazing wax. Bark trunk brown, green leaves, dark green. Fruit in natural conditions with small yellow fruits, which, when ripening, become burgundy. Especially afraid of the dry climate and the scorching sun.

Ficus microcharp (bonsai) care at home

This type of ficus represents a small decorative church, which prefers the wet room and does not tolerate temperature drops and drafts.

When buying, or moving to a new place, do not worry if your favorite fall began to drop the leaves. In another month, everything is normalized. So the ficus is trying to adapt to a new place and climate, dropping unnecessary (extra) leaves, thereby making a reserve of resistance at the habitability. Keep it at constant humidity, every day spraying and for a month new leaves will appear.

Lighting: prefers moderate light, avoiding direct sunlight. It feels quite well away from the window in a constant half. It does not like frequent permutations from place to place, otherwise the leaves will begin. For partial prevention, there is a purchased Bostimulator "Epin", which need to spray the plant.

Temperature: The main feature In the care of the ficus of the microcharp is not the temperature indicators, but the absence of drafts and sharp drops of 5-7 degrees. Comfortable habitat 16-23 degrees. The temperature of over 25 degrees can lead to drying the soil and reduce humidity in the room. In such cases, Ius is constantly needed to spray. It is also better to put an air humidifier in the house. Water is used stretched at least 10-12 hours, slightly above room temperature, otherwise the ficus will reset the leaves. Reset can happen and through too low constant temperature regime.

The soil: The kidney uses or purchased for ficuses (palm), or prepare independently. Recipe: Sand, Picking Earth, Clay. Everyone is stirred and added in equal proportions.

Humidity: As already mentioned earlier, the ficus is necessary for the wet climate. Regularly, in the hot period daily, spray it 1-2 times a day. Also during the period of heating, if it is not possible to reduce the temperature on heating radiators. Leaves in addition to spraying, you can wipe with a damp cloth. Spray not the trunk, but the leaves.

Watering: It should be watered moderately, an excessive amount of water causes the roting of the root system and the tree dies. The interval between irrigation is determined by the presence of a dry ground. Try if the soil is 2-3 cm deep into dry, it is possible to carry out watering. Water uses soft, or rain room temperature, or a little higher. Cold water leads to falling leaves. Excess water located in the pallet must be pulled out, the stress also negatively affects growth. There is no definite irrigation interval, everything is individually for each tree.

Transfer: Transfer is carried out 1 time in 3 years. Ficus microcharp does not like a transplant and damage the roots can throw off the leaves. In addition, the growth of the trunk is quite slow. When transplanting is partially, or completely replaced with the soil on fresh. The pot is chosen by 2-3 cm in diameter more than the previous one. First, do good drainage Ceramizite and charcoal. The soil should be loose, to skip water and air.

Feeding: It is necessary to regularly feed from spring to autumn. In winter, during the rest, the ficus does not need fertilizers. Use purchased fertilizers on mineral and organic substances For ficker or palm plants. There are also special fertilizers for bonseev (decorative trees). Add 2 times a month before irrigated. It is possible to add fertilizers to water for watering, and add fertilizers to the water to spray.

Condition: for the formation of a lush crown, Ficus Microcharp Bonsai needs regular trimming several times a year. The trunk in young plants also trimmed to increase thickness and power.

Reproduction: like any other of such species, the microcharp multiplies with stalling. The top is cut with a sharp knife and placed in a water vessel until the cutlets are rooted. Escapes must be taken strong with fully developed fibers. After 2-3 weeks, the roots will appear. Further, the young escape is transplanted into the ground, where there is a further growth with regular transfers every year, until the ficus is fulfilled 3-4 years. Further the transplant is reduced once every 3 years.

Diseases and pests: The ficus is sufficiently resistant at home to pests and diseases, but when non-compliance with the above rules and rules, the tree is attacked by a torture, mild cherberry, shield. Also leaves can lose color, black, appear dark spotsor fall out at all.

Basic care problems:

  • Leaves darken and appear gray spots - Most likely, there is an excess of moisture and roots begin to rot. Watch for watering and humidity in the room. Perhaps the pallet remains water.
  • Often drops the leaves - too dry com and insufficiently moisture. Leaves are sluggish and weak. It also happens with drafts, frequent moves (permutations) to new places, or sharp temperature differences. Another feature of dropping leaves is watering cold water or lack of light.
  • Dark twisted leaves - the ficus is possible received burns from direct sunlight.
  • Web tick - low humidity in room.

Pests or wash off with water with a wet sponge, or with a soap solution with the addition of 1 tbsp. Spoons of alcohol per 1 liter. Water is also replaced by an earthen com.

Perhaps this is all necessary that you need to know about the bonsai microcarpe ficus for proper care At home.