Hamedorea home. Photo of species, caring for an elegant palm tree

Today, many flower growers choose to decorate their homes with tropical plants. Their exotic look can transform a dull and standard interior into a true oasis. One of the most popular plants of this species is the bamboo palm (chamaedorea seifrizii).

Description of the plant

It belongs to the palm family (Arecaceae). This genus is quite numerous - it includes more than a hundred different different types... The stem reaches two meters in height, and sometimes more, the thickness does not exceed three centimeters. He is naked, with short internodes.

Indoor bamboo palm has feather-shaped leaves. On the central trunk there is a stalk, from which leaves extend. Some of them seem to be glued to the trunk. Their width can vary. The leaves are grouped in bunches, like bouquets, or spread wide.

Hamedorea (bamboo palm) does not always have a single trunk. Quite often there are specimens with three or more trunks (experts call them multichannel).

This plant is dioecious. In other words, any sprout can be either male or female, and needs pollination. Male flowers more branched, they distribute pollen capable of fertilizing the seeds of female plants. Female flowers are not too branchy.

The trunk of the plant is green, with rings along its entire length. They appear in places of removed leaves. The trunk is erect, but may tilt slightly when ripe.

The homeland of Hamedorea is Central and South America, Mexico.


Of the variety of types of palm trees, flower growers most often grow several types in their homes.

- Hamedorea is graceful. Many flower lovers have liked this indoor palm tree. A completely unpretentious plant, with 8 pairs of feathery leaves, located on two-meter shoots, with beautiful pale yellow flowers that emit a pleasant aroma. This bamboo palm tree grows and develops well in a shaded area. Caring for her is simple. The plant is suitable for a beginner in floriculture.

- Monochrome chamedorea- another unpretentious flower that develops beautifully in the shade. This plant can have a trunk up to three meters high. Outwardly, this flower is very reminiscent of the graceful chamedorea. The only difference is the elongated and thinner leaves.

- Hamedorea Ernest-August- one of the smallest palm trees. It has whole bilobed leaves and bright orange flowers. This bamboo palm has aerial roots located at the nodes of the stems. The plant is very impressive, so growers willingly grow it.

- Hamedorea high- the largest bamboo palm. Indoor chamedorea high can reach five meters in height. She has long branches, densely covered with leaves.

How to care for a bamboo palm tree?

Novice florists should know what it is shade-loving plant... It develops much better in moderate rather than bright lighting. Hamedorea does not like direct sunlight, and can be severely damaged if exposed to them. The leaves will begin to turn yellow and fall off. The best place for such an indoor flower are windows facing west or east.


Palm trees prefer moderate temperatures. In summer, the most comfortable temperature for them is +23 degrees, in winter it is not higher than +18 degrees. In summer, it is recommended to take the plant out to the balcony (in the shade) or to the garden. With the onset of cold weather, it must be placed away from heating appliances.

What should be the humidity of the air?

Spraying is very fond of the bamboo palm. Home care (you see the photo in our article) involves spraying in hot weather (and in heating season) 2 times a day. For this, it is better to use filtered or rainwater room temperature.


An indoor palm tree needs abundant watering. But there is one caveat - watering is carried out only after the topsoil (3 cm) is completely dry. Moisturizing is performed no more than three times a week.

Top dressing

In spring and summer (during the growing season), hamedorea requires feeding every two weeks. For this, drugs are used for dracaena or palm crops. During the dormant period (autumn and winter), it is not recommended to fertilize the plant. It must be remembered that timely and competent feeding has a great impact on the appearance of the plant, its flowering.


It is best to transplant the bamboo palm in early spring. To do this, you need a potting soil for palm crops. You can also use universal, but perlite or vermiculite should be added to it. These additives will loosen the soil, making it lighter. Drainage is laid out at the bottom of the pot. For transplantation, a container with a diameter of three centimeters larger than the previous one is usually used.

Young hamedorea are transplanted every year or a maximum of a year later. This will largely depend on how active root system plants will fill the pot. Adult plants are transplanted no more than once every three or four years. Plants that grow in large tubs are not transplanted. It is enough for them to change the topsoil.

Pruning and flowering

Chamedorea does not need regular pruning to form a bush. For prophylaxis, yellowed and dried flowers and leaves should be removed.

A healthy, well-groomed chamedorea can bloom at any time of the year. The flowers of the bamboo palm tree (depending on the variety) can be light yellow and orange-red and shade. Women's flowers have a delicate pleasant scent, while men's flowers have no scent.


It can be done in two ways - by seeds and root suckers.

Experienced growers consider the second method to be the most effective. But most hobbyists grow it beautiful plant from seeds, however, it should be borne in mind that they can lose germination rather quickly - almost ten percent per month. Therefore, they must be planted immediately after purchase.

The seeds must be soaked in water for a week and the fleshy and then their hard shell must be removed. You will need disposable cups and potting soil. Fill the planting container with it and water well. One seed is planted in each glass. Cover the seedlings plastic wrap and provide them high humidity.

For active growth and development, the sprouts need the following conditions: temperature +25 ̊С, high humidity, airing once a day, diffused, but bright light. If these conditions are met, after six months, the palm will begin to sprout. When the sprouts reach 3-4 cm, they must be transplanted into pots with a medium for an adult plant.

Possible difficulties

Hamedorea, like other palm plants, is susceptible to disease and pests. But most common reason palm disease is improper care.

In a room with too dry air, chamedorea begins to dry, its leaves turn yellow. Excess moisture, like low temperatures, can provoke rotting of the root system. V winter time watering the plant should be reduced and protected from hypothermia.

Should you grow chamedorea?

Bamboo palm relieves the air in the house from carbon dioxide filling the premises with oxygen. This is a real find for people living in apartments with windows overlooking the highway, since it is able to neutralize poisonous substances (trichlorethylene, benzene) that get into the air from exhaust gases.

The aesthetic factor must also be taken into account. The bamboo palm tree with its exotic look will perfectly complement any interior, decorate your apartment, add extravagance to it. And if we consider that some varieties emit a pleasant aroma during the flowering period, then the presence of this plant in the house becomes fully justified.

We have already mentioned that caring for chamedorrhea is quite simple. Therefore, beginner growers can also grow this plant. It is enough just to follow the simple rules of growing chamedorea, and it will respond to your concern, demonstrating its excellent health and beautiful flowering.


Young hamedorea are transplanted annually in early spring, but in general, both adult and young plants are better not to disturb without the need to disturb. Transplanting is carried out only when necessary, when the roots occupy all the free space in the pot and begin to raise the palm tree above its surface, while sprouting from the drainage holes. In spite of this, new pot taken with a diameter of no more than 3 cm larger than the previous one. Preference is given to deep and narrow pots, since the roots of chamedorea grow in length. Be sure to put on the bottom of the pot good layer drainage, 3-4 cm. Expanded clay balls or pebbles, gravel can be used as drainage. Before use, it is recommended to boil these materials for disinfection for about an hour, then dry them and use them as directed.

During transplantation, the roots are disturbed as little as possible, you do not need to straighten them, cut or clean them, shake out the old soil from them. Palms do not like this very much, they adapt for a long time even after the most accurate transplant, and if the roots are dented or damaged, chamedorea can become seriously ill or even die. When transplanting a previously flooded plant with rotten roots, you will have to rinse all the roots, cut off the rot and sprinkle everything with crushed coal, trying to keep the movement of roots to a minimum. A ready-made mixture for palm trees is well suited as a soil, or they prepare the substrate on their own. To do this, you need sod land, humus, sand and peat in a ratio of 2: 2: 2: 1. Chamedorea also grows well in a mixture of equal parts of vermiculite, leafy earth, humus and coniferous earth. The mixture should not be heavy, if, while observing all proportions, it still sticks together, add sand or vermiculite until the optimal consistency is reached.

Immediately before, the chamedorea is watered less to make it easier to remove from the pot. To extract chamedorrhea and at the same time damage and disturb its roots as little as possible, it is best to turn the pot with it to one side, and, holding the leaves, roll it sideways on the floor for a while, tapping the walls. Thus, the roots and soil will be neatly separated from the walls and, taking by the base, the palm tree can be easily removed. If many roots have penetrated drain holes and messed up outside them, it will be more difficult to extract the plant. To do this, you will either need to cut the bottom of the previous container with the risk of damaging the roots or cut them off, or untangle and remove each root by hand. After the plant has been removed, it is placed in a new pot strictly in the center and the earth is carefully poured into the free space from the sides and slightly from above, about 1-2 cm.The soil cannot be tamped, as it is watered it will settle naturally, and then you need to add a new one. After transplanting, the chamedorea is not touched for about a week, being limited to more abundant sprays than usual, after which they begin to water a little.


  • How to transplant chamedorea

This beautiful palm tree is quite demanding in terms of keeping conditions. It is able to withstand small fluctuations in temperature, but optimal mode for her there will be a maintenance of 17 degrees all year round... Higher temperatures require higher air humidity. At home, this is achieved by regular spraying, preferably twice a day. In summer, you can delight the bamboo palm with fresh air, shading from the direct sun. Even in a room, you should protect it from direct sunlight. Also try to place the plant away from batteries. central heating since near them is too dry and hot air.


This palm requires moderation. She equally dislikes both drying out and waterlogging. Therefore, the drinking regime must be monitored carefully. It is necessary to feed it once every two weeks with a weak solution of fertilizers for decorative leafy plants.

Having bought this palm tree, do not rush to replant it. Give her two to three weeks to adapt to new ones. The soil can be taken ready-made, or you can prepare it yourself. To do this, take sod soil, humus-leaf, peat, rotted manure and sand, in a ratio of 2: 2: 1: 1: 1. You can add some charcoal. The pot is taken each time two centimeters larger than the previous one. Young individuals need every two years, with age, you can replace the transplant with an annual replacement of the topsoil.

This plant can also be propagated by shoots. It is much easier to do this with seeds. Having bought seeds, you need to plant them immediately, because they quickly lose their germination. The container with crops must be covered with foil and placed in a warm place, with a temperature of at least 25 degrees, making sure that the soil is constantly moist. The mini-greenhouse must be ventilated from time to time. In a month and a half, the seeds will begin to germinate. When the seedlings get stronger, they can be transplanted into separate pots.

Most often mites are on this palm. To combat them, you need to rinse the plant and treat it with special preparations. It must be borne in mind that the mite appears due to the high dryness of the air.
Yellow leaves. If they appear immediately after purchase or transplantation, then it's okay - this is the flower's reaction to changing conditions. Also, the leaves change periodically - old leaves. if the leaves dry for no apparent reason, then it does not have enough water.
Dark leaf tips indicate low temperatures or low humidity.

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The Hamedorea palm is also called the bamboo palm because its trunk resembles the trunk of a bamboo.
The birthplace of this palm tree is the mountainous regions of Mexico and South America... In nature, they grow to a small size, up to 2 meters high. The trunk thickness is up to 3 cm. This is such a miniature multi-stemmed mountain palm tree. In room conditions it grows up to 90 - 120 cm in height, grows rather slowly.


Temperature regime... He does not like high temperatures, since at home it grows in mountainous forest areas. In summer, the desired temperature is 18 - 22 degrees, and in winter, chamedorea should be kept at a temperature of 16-20 degrees.

As a rainforest dweller loves high humidity air, so frequent spraying is encouraged. In the summer, you need to spray the plant two to three times a day, and in the winter a couple of times a week. It is useful to place containers with water next to a palm tree for additional air humidification.

In summer, watering should be abundant so that the soil dries up only a little before the next watering. In winter, water depending on the air temperature: the lower the temperature, the less often you water. The soil ball should dry out between waterings. It is very important not to flood the plant. The overflow of the plant is evidenced by darkening of the leaves and decay. Drying tips of leaves can tell about underfilling. Underfilling is much easier to fix than overflow.

Fertilizer. It is better to fertilize the Hamedorea palm with a special fertilizer for palm trees or ornamental foliage plants on summer days. No need to fertilize in winter, dormant period.

As a potting mix, you can use ready mix for palm trees. If one was not found, then prepare such a mixture yourself: one part of peat, two parts of humus leafy earth, plus one part of sand. Add some charcoal.

How often should the plants be replanted?
Young plants are transferred into a slightly larger container once a day. The plant must not be buried. After transplanting into the next pot, the soil level should remain the same. In adulthood, the plants are transplanted into a larger pot once every three years.

It multiplies ornamental plant, dividing the bush and root suckers. The seeds quickly lose their germination after harvesting. When buying, you need to be sure that the seeds are fresh. In addition, the seed can germinate for a very long time, up to 6 months.
Therefore, it is better to propagate the plant by dividing the bush during the spring transplant.

Sometimes you want some kind of moderate exotic. This often leads to the appearance in the house different flowers, beautiful and reminiscent of the tropics. The chamedorea plant needs special care in winter. Having withstood this time of year, it will delight you with abundant foliage growth in spring, summer and even autumn.

Hamedorea will rot the roots, and it will acquire diseases that may not appear immediately, but in spring or summer.

Top dressing does not stop in winter. The plant will need a highly diluted fertilizer. It is best to choose the solution option and use the smallest portion. In winter, one top dressing per month is enough. Fertilizers work well for palms.

Regardless of the season, a palm tree needs a lot of air. In winter, putting chamedorea on the balcony is dangerous, and it will be better to ventilate the room. You will have to do this regularly. But if the plant is in a draft, it will be disastrous for it. Also, it is not necessary to allow temperature differences. It is very important to ensure that the air is not dry. This is not uncommon in our apartments in winter. But yellowed twisted leaves are not a sign that chamedorea is hibernating. It is rather a signal of drying out. What's more, the dry air often makes the plant home to spider mites. In addition, sometimes in winter it turns out that the plant has grown too roots. Many growers find it difficult to resist the desire to remove surplus or plant palm branches, since this can only be done in spring.

In winter, an inactive period begins for hamedorea. It stops growing and developing. There is no need to put it in the sun, there is enough space near the battery, but within tolerable limits. If the leaves turn yellow, they must be cut off. It is also necessary to check whether the plant has fungal diseases. Unfortunately, a drop in temperature does not mean that microbes stop growing under these conditions.

If, nevertheless, yellow spots appear, bad smell- means the roots rot. You can try to save chamedorrhea by detaching the healthy processes and sprinkling the cut sites with activated charcoal. If, due to warm or dry air, the plant has become habitable spider mites and scabbard - it will need to be treated with actellik.

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The genus Hamedorea belongs to the Palm family and has over a hundred species, the main distribution area of ​​which is Central and South America.

This culture is a tree-like plant with spreading feathery foliage, and its flowering has no decorative value. There are not many species grown in the culture.

Types and varieties of hamedorea

Or elegance looks like a bush with several small trunks that reach 1.5 m in height, the foliage is long, narrow, dull. The flowers are yellow with a pleasant scent.

A bushy species that grows up to 5 m, and sometimes even higher. The foliage is solitary, has no stipules, and is placed on long petioles. It begins to bloom 3 years after planting, the color of the petals is pale orange.

The cultivar is very similar to the graceful chamedorea, but has brighter and more scented flowers.

This species has a fairly strong tillering, due to which it has many shoots and foliage. Loves bright light, unlike relatives.

This culture looks more like a coconut tree than a chamedorea. It has wide, leathery foliage with a gray tint. It can also be recognized by one trunk, when most other members of the genus, as a rule, have several of them. The height of the trunk is about 2 m. Loves shade and getting older it only becomes more attractive.

In general, the appearance of this species is similar to other palms, but has a small height - up to 1 m. Flowers of the lung yellow tint have the form of balls.

Hamedorea home care

How exotic plant hamedorea requires knowledge of the characteristics of caring for it. When buying a flower in a pot, make sure that it is clean from pests, and that there are no cobwebs and plaque on the foliage.

You can grow this palm tree in almost any light - it will feel good both in strong light and in the shade, the main thing is that the light is diffused, since the direct rays of the sun cause burns.

V summer period growing temperature should be in the region of 22-26 ° C. In winter, the level of the thermometer should be lowered to 13-15 ° C. But remember that sudden changes in temperature are harmful to this crop, so it must be protected from drafts.

The date palm is also a member of the Palm family, is grown for home care and also needs to be followed by all maintenance rules. You will find recommendations for growing and caring for this indoor palm in this article.

Hamedorea watering

During active growth, the plant must be constantly watered. The hotter it is in the room, the more often watering is needed. At the same time, they are guided by the drying of the upper layer of the soil - when it dries up, watering is carried out, it is impossible to allow strong drying or complete drying out.

Stagnation of water in the roots is also harmful, since it causes rotting, so it is better to forget to water once than to pour. Water the flower should be soft, settled warm water, with a temperature not lower than room temperature. V winter period it should be watered no more than once every 7 days.

Hamedorea is very fond of high humidity. It needs to be sprayed a couple of times a day, and when it is possible to wash it under a warm shower.

Soil for hamedorea

This culture loves heavy soils with a slightly acidic reaction. The substrate for it can be made from deciduous and sod land, peat and sand in a ratio of 1: 3: 1: 1.

You can also buy special palm soil and mix it with charcoal. Drainage from broken brick or expanded clay should be placed at the bottom of the pot.

Hamedorea transplant

It is difficult to find exact information about transplants. Different florists disagree, ranging from “transplant when the need arises” to “do not transplant”. This palm grows best in a cramped pot, so while it is young, it can be replanted annually.

When the transplant becomes more difficult, it will be enough to replace the upper ball of soil, and the transplant can be carried out when the roots completely fill the tub and climb through the drainage holes.

Fertilizer for hamedorea

During the growing season, namely from spring to October, chamedorea is fertilized. Once every 15 days, a liquid fertilizer is applied for palms in full concentration or for decorative leafy plants with a half rate.

Hamedorea is often appreciated for its ability to bloom in indoor conditions, although in general its flowering is not highly decorative. It should be noted that flowering usually begins 3 years after planting.

It happens that young or weak individuals stop growing after flowering due to exhaustion, but, as a rule, after the next feeding, everything returns to normal.

Hamedorea can be cut off

Since this palm tree has only one growth point, it cannot be cut off, otherwise it will stop growing and when the lower leaves fall off, it will die.

Hamedorea seed cultivation

Chamedorea can be propagated by seeds, offspring and, as it is not surprising for a palm tree, by dividing the bush.

Problem seed reproduction is that this is a dioecious plant and pollination is a big problem. And it is also not easy to achieve germination in the presence of seed material.

The seeds are deepened by 1 cm and germinated in a greenhouse at 26-27 ° C. It is very important that high temperature and humidity are maintained at all times, otherwise the material may not germinate. Usually, seedlings appear in a month and a half after planting.

Reproduction of hamedorea at home

When a palm tree has developed a sufficient root system, it will start to release offspring, which can be separated from the parent when they have their roots.

The division of the bush is resorted to during the transplantation of large and strong individuals, which have grown greatly. When grown indoors, chamedorea very rarely grows to a state that is acceptable for division.

But in stores they often sell several copies planted in one pot, and not one palm tree. If this happens, then when the plant is acclimatized, you can carefully divide it into several parts and plant it.

Hamedorea disease

If you violate the rules of care with chamedorea, a number of problems may arise.

  • Dry foliage tips indicate too dry air.
  • Yellowing on the leaves appears when placed in direct sunlight or when watering with hard water.
  • At decay of roots the plant begins to wither, wither and die. In this case, it is necessary to cut off rotten roots and transplant into new soil, not forgetting drainage, it is also important to ration watering.
  • Darkening and brown spots on foliage formed from excess moisture or from too low temperatures it can also be caused by hard water sprinkling.
  • At low temperatures foliage blackens and wilts .
  • Lower leaves with aging yourself start to fade and fall ... There is nothing wrong with that and when they lose decorative view, they can be trimmed.

Hamedorea pests

Shield can be determined by brown growths on foliage ... It is difficult to remove them, but a simple spraying with drugs will help little, so you need to moisten a cloth with an insecticide and tear off the shields by hand.

Mealybug leaves behind a white cotton-like bloom. The pest can be collected by hand, but this will help only at the initial stage, and in the future you will have to resort to chemicals.

Among insecticides, Actellik can be distinguished, which copes well with all of the above pests. It is only worth noting that in case of massive lesions, re-treatment may be required after a week.

Indoor palms are often used in interior design, which come in a variety of types and sizes. This is a very refined and elegant plant that, with proper proper care, will delight with its amazing appearance for a very long time.

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Indoor palms are unpretentious, their cultivation does not require any special conditions. Ornamental palms love coolness and moisture and do not tolerate direct sunlight. Their main feature- in the leaves, narrow and long, and the width depends on the specific species.

Popular types of indoor palm trees

There are many varieties of palm trees, but not all of them can live indoors. Still, this is an exotic plant, and although it is picky to care for, you should not buy the first one that comes along. Consider the ten most popular types indoor palms.

  • Date palm... The most famous of all varieties, because it is best suited for growing at home. But it tends to grow to a large size, so you need to take care of a spacious room in advance.

  • North American palm... Another name for the plant is " washingtonia thread". It differs from other species in the leafy "beard" that appears in adult palms. Growing back, the leaves dry up, but do not fall off, they cannot be cut off, they fall by themselves.

  • Hovea palm... This species has feathery leaves that tolerate a lack of light well. At the same time, they do not turn yellow or dry out, and even in very dry air, the leaves remain green. Hovea is resistant to pests, but grows very slowly.

  • Rapis palm... Another unpretentious variety with longitudinal striped leaves. Rapeseed tolerates drought well, but becomes moody without sunlight. However, he does not like being in the sun.

  • Mexican palm... This species is also called " hamedorea". Grows slowly, loves comfortable average temperature, without cold weather and bright light. At home, he knows how to adapt to dry air, but is often affected by spider mites.

  • Asian palm... Also known as " cariota". This species, having an oriental "nationality", is very fond of the sun and does not tolerate excessively dry air, losing its color intensity. Differs in very interesting leaves.

  • Spanish palm... Also called " cryosophila". A very spectacular look, perfect for home cultivation... It perfectly tolerates the lack of moisture and lighting, but it is very difficult to find it on sale - it is so rare a variety.

  • Chinese palm... Or " Livistona". A slightly moody plant that requires good lighting. With a lack of moisture, the tips of the leaves of the Chinese palm dry out. One of the few species that grows fast enough without requiring special care.

  • Cat palm... Other name - " calathea". Very popular indoor plant with lush, wide leaves that look like green cascades. Not capricious in leaving, but plain water prefers distilled and frequent spraying in summer.

  • Palm umbrella... Very original in its own way outward appearance a plant whose leaves resemble a Chinese umbrella, which looks very impressive. She needs frequent spraying with the addition of alcohol so that the roots of the palm tree do not rot.

Varieties of bamboo palms

One of the most popular indoor plants is the bamboo palm; there are more than a hundred species of it. Grows at least one meter high, the leaves are fan-shaped, grouped in bunches. It can have one or several barrels. Of the whole variety, four types of bamboo palms can be distinguished, grown in homes.

  • Hamedorea graceful... It is not a capricious plant at all, even a beginner can cope with its cultivation. Grows well, prefers darkened corners, unpretentious in care. On the feathery leaves are small pale yellow fragrant flowers.

  • Hamedorea one-color... Also not a picky flower that loves to grow in the shade. Very similar to the previous species, with one exception: its leaves are thinner and elongated.

  • Hamedorea high... The largest variety of bamboo palms, it can grow up to five meters in height. It features very long branches that densely cover narrow green leaves. Several trunks can fit in one pot at once.

  • Hamedorea Ernest-August... The shortest species of bamboo palms, but it looks very impressive: large, wide leaves with a glossy surface and bright orange flowers. It is very popular with indoor plant lovers.

Good to know: in a house with a lack of moisture, the bamboo palm begins to dry out gradually, the leaves turn yellow, and frequent watering can lead to decay of plant roots.

Varieties of sago palms

This variety is known to flower growers under the name "tsikus". Sago palms have a very interesting view: the trunk resembles fish scales, and at the very top is a large bunch of green feathery leaves. There are few species of cicassa, more than 15 species, but four of them are the most common as an apartment plant.

  • Tsikas drooping... Or turned away. The most popular variety with a crown of emerald green leaves. The plant is not tall, the trunk grows from 30 to 50 cm.

  • Curled cicas... Or cochlea. The leaves are feathery, the stems can reach a height of up to two meters. In shape, the leaf of this type of sago palm resembles a pigeon feather.

  • Tsikas siamese... It has one peculiarity: its leaves are colored with a white-bluish color.

  • Tsikas Rumfa... The leaves of this species are distinguished by a deep rich emerald color.

It is important to know: if ugly spots appear on the leaves of the sago palm, it means that the temperature in the room is constantly fluctuating, or the plant does not have enough feeding.

Varieties of fan palms

There are many varieties of fan palms, and all of them are united by the main feature: unusual leaf shape... Each sheet is a plate cut in the form of rays into many parts. Among the most popular, five species can be included, which are preferred for growing in apartments.

  • Livistona... This plant is very fond of wet air, frequent watering with warm water and does not tolerate drought. At home, it can grow up to two meters, brings two or three new stems with leaves a year, reaches maturity at the age of five.

  • Washingtonia... Unpretentious plant, loves bright places and Fresh air... It tolerates the lack of moisture well, but for it better development regular spraying is required. It is sensitive to transplantation, so it is better not to abuse it.

  • Trachikarpus... Cold-hardy variety that prefers abundant watering and outdoor recreation. It propagates by seed and grows well in drainage soil. The transplant is carried out after the pot is completely filled with the roots of the plant.

  • Hamerops... In apartment conditions, this species feels great at a temperature of + 23-25 ​​degrees, provided that the room is regularly ventilated (even in winter). Loves watering with soft water, top dressing mineral fertilizers and moderate lighting.

  • Sabal... A fairly rare variety that is not so easy to find on sale. This fan palm is unusually beautiful, but very capricious: when overflowing or when there is a lack of feeding, the leaves quickly turn yellow and dry, which can lead to plant disease.

Good to know: after each watering of a palm tree, it is imperative to pour out water from the pan after some time in order to prevent rotting of the plant root system.

  • In the room where the palm tree is located, hang a tulle curtain on the window - this will provide the necessary diffused light, since the plant does not like dark corners and brightness.
  • Palm trees do not tolerate drafts, especially in winter. Therefore, ventilate carefully.
  • Do not let the land near the palm tree be dry, it needs to be constantly moistened.
  • Palms suffer greatly from dry air and need regular spraying.
  • For good growth a palm tree needs a tall pot, drainage and compost soil.
  • The palm tree is transplanted only in spring. To a young plant transplanting is required once a year, for an adult - once every two to three years, the old palm tree is not transplanted.
  • For a warm room better fit date palm, for cool - fan.

What grower does not dream of getting a flower in the form of a palm tree or even several?

Such an exotic plant brings variety to the home collection of flowers, surprises and pleases the eye, arouses the envy of acquaintances and intrigues.

However, in order to choose exactly your palm tree from the many similar ones, you need to know what they are, as well as understand their features.

What do we know about the room palm?

The name of the plant growing in the tropics and subtropics, called a palm tree, literally translated means palm. Indeed, the leaves of palm trees, which are called fronds, often resemble splayed fingers.

By the type of leaves, palm trees are divided into fan and feathery... Plants are called feathery palms, the small leaves of which are located on both sides along a strong midrib. Fan palms differ in that their leaves are attached at one point of the petiole, forming beautiful umbrella or fan.

There is a division of palms and single-barreled and bushy... Moreover, bushy species over time can develop a single trunk, but at home this happens very rarely.

Undoubtedly, palm trees prefer climate resembling natural conditions their growth, so the main thing in caring for them is a lot of light and warmth. Water the palms very abundantly so that they do not suffer from dry air. Love palm trees when placed on a pallet filled with wet gravel.

Palm trees do not tolerate a transplant, therefore, they need to be transplanted as rarely as possible. You can get a palm tree in flower shop by choosing a plant that looks healthy and strong. Longer, but very interesting way- growing palm trees from seeds.

Popular types of indoor palm trees

Most favorite species of flower growers which have become widespread are:

  • Palm umbrella;
  • Hamedorea is graceful;

Consider in more detail the popular types of palm houseplants and their features.

A very well-proven and beloved palm tree is Hoveya Forster, which can often be found in offices or apartments.

Being not whimsical at all, this palm tree pleases gardeners with beautiful dark green leaves with a leathery structure, a spectacular look and no problems in care - only occasionally it may get sick mealy worms or spider mites.

Native to the volcanic islet of Lord Howe near Australia, this palm tree looks real exotic beauty- luxurious branchy fronds adorn one single trunk of the plant.

Young plants are almost vertical Leaves "shooting" from the ground, which with age more and more decoratively frame the crown. It is very beautiful when a group of hovey grows in one pot, creating several tiers of greenery.

Hovea is able to withstand even poor lighting, but prefers bright light. But it should be remembered that with a lack of light and heat, the plant is inevitable will suffer and stunted... If possible, the hovea prefers to constantly have a lot of heat, light, abundant watering, humidity and fresh air.

This is another popular palm tree that requires little maintenance. An important condition its prosperity timely moistening of the soil is. The vayam of this hovea is characterized by a position closer to the vertical, they are rarely spreading.

As a fellow countrywoman of Hovea Forster, this palm tree does not lag behind her in the requirements for light, warmth and humidity. However, if you pay attention to Belmore's hove, regularly spraying and watering it evenly, you can get the perfect palm tree for an apartment.

Palm umbrella

A very showy umbrella palm tree needs a little more care and attention, but it's worth it! This amazing beauty very demanding on moisture.

The palm tree loves frequent spraying, but at the same time it roots can rot due to the abundance of moisture, to prevent which, add a small amount of alcohol.

Hamedorea graceful or bamboo palm

The graceful chamedorea, which grows in Mexico and is accustomed to the hot and humid conditions of the impassable jungle, feels surprisingly well in an apartment. This is another perfect palm even for a novice florist!

A luxurious top of chamedorea feathery leaves adorns single stem which makes this plant very decorative. White stripes surround the green stem beautifully.

The plant is not whimsical - like all palms, it only needs moderate light, warmth and regular watering. However, very dangerous to hold hamedorea in severe drought conditions - it is almost inevitable spider mites attack.

The appearance of snails is not excluded - one more lovers feast on palm leaves.

A type of chamedorea called the cat palm is a very popular houseplant. Its lush, spreading leaves create beautiful cascades of gentle greenery.

Caring for the plant is exactly the same as for most palms. Cat palm not whimsical at all.

The only thing to consider is she prefers distilled water for watering and really needs spraying in summer.

This palm is just as undemanding as Belmora's Hovea, making it another excellent indoor plant. Tall rape is native to Asia will decorate any room with its fan-shaped leaves.

Rapis has the ability to withstand droughts, but dies from lack of light... However, unlike hovey, rapis does not tolerate direct sunlight.

Expensive varieties of rapeseed with variegated colors also require abundant watering, light and humidity, but their high cost can scare away those who are not sure if they can provide a palm tree with everything they need.

Fishtail or soft caryote

This is a unique palm tree, the leaves of which are bipinnate, i.e. split twice.

Pleasant a feature of the palm is considered her fast growth in good lighting.

If you do not deny this palm tree much needed light, warmth, abundant watering and regular spraying, it avoid diseases and will always delight the grower.

Often disguised as a fish tail sell hot cariota. However, she is somewhat different from her mild cousin. Soft karyota has a bushy shape, and burning - one barrel, therefore, pungent cariota is often sold in several pieces together.

When all these palms grow, and this happens quite quickly, there are several florists. overwhelmed by the abundance of palm trees of impressive size, which are rather difficult to separate.

In all other respects, the burning caryote is in no way inferior to its rivals for the right to be called ideal palm tree for home, if you grow it in splendid isolation, and not in a group in one pot.

Not yet popular among flower growers, but nevertheless excellent palm for indoor growing of Spanish cryosophila is able to please every grower with its beautiful fan-shaped leaves that extend from a single trunk.

Cryosophila easily tolerates some lack of light and humidity, but it is so rarely seen on sale, and she is so spectacular that it is undoubtedly worth it to provide her comfortable conditions: sufficient moisture and watering, warmth and light.

Give the palm a little care, and this beauty will answer you with a luxurious halo of lush leaves!

It is a Chinese fan palm that differs in some capriciousness.

She needs very good lighting - this main condition.

Otherwise, it is exotic plant with large fans of leaves, it requires maintenance that is standard for all palms.

This is a very beautiful palm tree forming a graceful branching bush... A popular plant that grows very well in rooms where there is ample light and warmth.

Needless to say, the indoor palm is very showy plant , attracting all eyes and attracting attention with its exotic appearance.

There are many varieties of palms, however the most popular became only those species that have established themselves as unpretentious and the most decorative indoor plants.

The species we have considered are "Elite" of indoor palms, and every florist will find among them those plants that will settle in his heart and on the windowsill.