Ivy hedge. Climbing hedge plants

A fence entwined with ivy or a brightly flowering liana looks very beautiful and well-groomed. But in addition to the aesthetic purpose, it can carry additional functions. Climbing fence plants are able to perform several tasks at the same time - decorate, mask old or simply dull walls and create shady corners in the garden, they can protect the garden from uninvited guests.

Green fences protect gardens from noise and street dust. In order to grow such a fence on your own site, you need to make quite a bit of effort, and then beauty will always be with you.

You need to have an accurate idea of ​​​​what you want to get in the end, otherwise the initial joy may be replaced by disappointment. It is more practical to plant perennial climbing and weaving plants along the fence. A choice should be made between evergreen and deciduous, flowering and ornamental foliage, prickly and thornless.

Decorative leafy include ivy, parthenocissus, Amur grapes, lemongrass, honeysuckle, actinidia. Clematis and climbing rose are recognized as the most popular of the flowering roses. Campsis, calistegia, azarina, passionflower are slightly inferior to them, but also enjoy their share of popularity among gardeners. Wisteria is not inferior in beauty to a rose, but is not able to endure winters for greater territory countries.

Weaving plants for the fence

Wild grapes

A little more time will pass and the fence will hide under the leaves of wild grapes

For those who decide to plant greenery on the site with the least labor, time and financial costs. The leaves are large dense, consist of five oval pointed leaves. It blooms with small inconspicuous flowers, the berries are unsuitable for food. Summer option- rich green, and in autumn it is purple in all its splendor. The length of the vines reaches 20 meters.

The plant is so unpretentious that for planting it is enough to dig a hole 30 cm deep, water and plant the cuttings at a distance of 50 cm. All care comes down to watering the grapes on hot days and tying the shoots. During spring planting in the fall of the first year, the lashes can reach 2m. By the end of the second year, it covers the entire area allocated to it with a dense carpet.

Feels great both on the sunny side and in the shade. It tolerates winter frosts at 35-40 C well. It is not afraid of return frosts. Further care consists in pruning shoots and infrequent watering. In nurseries, the price of a seedling varies from 400 to 600 rubles.

Amur grapes differ from girlish ones in the form of leaves and do not have such a violent growth rate, but they produce quite edible fruits and are not an aggressor in relation to neighboring plants.


Ivy covers the fence with a dense wall

Evergreen ivy is a resident of the middle lane. It is unpretentious in choosing a landing site, although it prefers shady places and periodic watering. With the help of sucker roots, it wraps around buildings and fences and climbs very high. Colchis ivy has a high growth rate and a length of vines up to 30 meters.

Propagated by rooted cuttings. They are planted at a distance of 30-60 cm, provide good drainage, top dressing and regular watering and mulching of the soil. In autumn, the shoots are pruned. Winter-hardy varieties cover with foliage, and the rest are transplanted into a container and sent for wintering in a bright and cool room, provide easy watering. Before spring planting in the ground, the plants are hardened.

Climbing plants for the fence

Curly (climbing) rose

A climbing rose is a festive mood

Designers love to use climbing roses when designing a garden. This is understandable. The brightness of colors, bizarre shapes, abundant flowering give these plants a fabulous look. Roses are more demanding in care, but they will thank for this care with violent flowering. Regular pruning, feeding and watering is all that is needed for the normal life of this plant.

Usually roses bloom once a season - May - June, but there are varieties that delight with flowering throughout the summer. In order for the buds to form along the length of the entire plant, it is recommended that 2-3 main shoots be placed horizontally, the shoots emanating from them will give a huge number of buds. Planting occurs in September. Be sure to keep in mind that the rose loves the sun and does not like waterlogged soils.

Propagated by cuttings and seedlings. Warm winters can survive on a support, covered with spruce branches and polyethylene. In cold climates, roses are removed from the support, old and weak shoots are pruned. The shoots remaining on the bush are tied and laid on the ground. the base of the bush is spudded with earth or compost. Cover the plant with spruce branches and film or agrofiber. Saplings from 500 rubles.


Clematis will add zest to the most ordinary fence

Clematis blooms all season from May to October. Large and bright star-shaped flowers cover the shoots with a solid carpet. The plant is photophilous, but the basal part should be shaded. Watering should be 30-40 cm from the roots, so as not to cause root rot. The plant is drought-resistant and frost-resistant. With thickening of the shoots or depletion of the soil, they may stop blooming.

Timely top dressing and pruning of excess shoots will help correct the situation. Reproduction is carried out by seedlings in autumn and spring. In severe winters, the plant must be sheltered from frost. Perfect for decorating gazebos. The average price is from 400 to 700 rubles.

deciduous liana


Campsis are stunningly beautiful flowers

A plant of the Bignoniaceae family, native to North America and China. The American is more adapted to the conditions of our winter. It is thermophilic and photophilous, but it is ready to grow in partial shade. Likes regular watering. Flowering lasts from June to September. Liana grows up to 15 meters. Timely pruning, it can be given any shape. The flowers are tubular pink, raspberry, red, orange, red-golden.

Propagated by seeds (rarely), cuttings, layering and root shoots. Large bright flowers attracts more than just people. Everything that flies, crawls and jumps tends to his bells. That's why experienced gardeners it is not recommended to decorate gazebos or other places of rest with this liana. Distributed on the Black Sea coast, in Central Asia, but can also grow in middle latitudes, if provided good cover for the winter. Able to withstand return frosts down to -2 C.


Glycine creates a fantastic atmosphere

This is an incredibly beautiful and fabulous plant with large hanging racemes of fragrant purple flowers. It was this plant that was used in the filming of the movie "Avatar" as the Eywa tree. A large woody plant with spiral stems reaches a height of 18 m. It prefers humid subtropics, but is also successfully cultivated in more northern latitudes.

Abundant flowering begins at 5-6 years of plant life in March - early April before the leaves appear. In autumn, this plant also looks unusual - lemon leaves and large bean pods with seeds. A young plant requires close attention - a warm, slightly shaded and windless landing site with good drainage.

It is well propagated by layering and seeds, as well as cuttings, and root grafting. For the winter young plant removed from the supports and laid on the boards, then covered with coniferous branches and wrapped with agricultural fabric.

And in conclusion about the fences from plants

By combining planting, you can use the properties of some plants to improve the qualities of others. For example, experimental gardeners advise including clematis seedlings in planting girlish grapes. Thanks to the stems and leaves of grapes, clematis will safely endure the winter cold. And in summer, bright clematis flowers will blossom into a solid green carpet of grapes.

When planning, consider all the nuances. For example, the same wisteria mercilessly clogs all the cracks, climbs under the roof and even into the sewers. Therefore, it should be planted away from buildings.

When decorating the fence with vines that require shelter for the winter, use a special net. With its help, it is easier to remove the plant from the support with a solid carpet and send it for wintering.

A wide variety of vines and vines for the fence allows you to choose a plant that absolutely meets your requirements.

Garden ivy or hedera is a perennial climbing vine. Valued for unpretentiousness, fast growth and decorative leaves different sizes and coloration.

The leaves are green, variegated color with red stripes, yellow patches, white border. Shoots reach a length of more than 3 meters. The flowers are greenish-yellow in color, collected in inflorescences - umbrellas. The flowers attract the attention of insects, including bees. Flowering is not of interest, but the fruits in the form of berries give the ivy even more decorative effect. There are 15 species in the genus, but only a few species are common in cultivation.

Ivy species

Ordinary- evergreen vine with shiny leaves different shapes. It develops slowly, reaches a height of about 1 meter, differs varietal diversity.

Colchis- a fast-growing evergreen liana with large (about 25 cm long) leaves of various shapes. Shoots reach a length of 30 meters (in nature).

Care and cultivation of garden ivy

Liana grows best in well-drained soils rich in humus and containing lime, but in general the plant is not demanding on soil composition.

Prefers to grow in a shady spot, but species with variegated leaves need good lighting, otherwise the leaves will turn green.

Garden ivy needs moisture, so the plant is provided with abundant watering. The soil should always remain moist, but it should be remembered that an excess of moisture adversely affects the plant. Reduce watering in autumn.

Complex mineral fertilizers contribute from March to August, 1-2 times a month. The plant responds well to rare applications of mullein infusion. An excess of fertilizer leads to a loss of decorativeness.

For vertical gardening, garden ivy is planted next to a support or planted in containers, which are then placed on top of the wall, if possible. For example, at the top of the wall brick fence, decorative fencing, canopy, in other words, where you can place a container with ivy. In this case, the shoots will gracefully hang down.

Most species differ rapid growth, therefore, to control growth, as well as to maintain a neat appearance shoots are pruned every autumn. In autumn, weak and dry shoots are removed.

Garden ivy requires a lung winter shelter. Dry fallen leaves are used as a covering material. Some varieties do not differ in winter hardiness, therefore, in autumn, valuable varieties with unusual foliage, as well as plants grown in regions with cold winters, are transplanted into containers and transferred to the room. Plants contain in light and cool place until spring. Water occasionally. A couple of weeks before spring planting plants are hardened into open ground.

Propagation of garden ivy

Liana is propagated by cuttings, which are cut in spring or summer. Each stalk 10 cm long must have adventitious roots (regarding species that are inherent in the presence of aerial roots). Without adventitious roots, cuttings take longer to root. The cuttings are rooted in open field, in a container filled with loose substrate or in water. Rooted cuttings are planted on permanent place at a distance of 30-60 cm. Before planting, they provide good drainage, fertilize, and after planting, the plants are watered, the soil is mulched.


Garden ivy is often used for landscaping the walls of a house, outbuildings, tree trunks, decorative arches, gazebos, fences.

In some cases, garden ivy is used as a groundcover to mask bare garden areas, rocky hills.

The plant is ideal for landscaping decorative elements garden, such as columns, flowerpots, sculptures with a touch of antiquity.

The plant has medicinal properties and is used in medicine.

On a note

Ivy refers to poisonous plants, the poisonous substance is found in all parts of the plant. Upon contact with the skin, the poison causes irritation, itching, and swelling. However, not all people are sensitive to poison ivy. Do not touch the plant with bare hands, it should be remembered that the poison can get on the skin if you accidentally touch clothing or other objects that have come into contact with the plant.

Diseases and pests

May suffer from spider mites, scale insects, thrips. Excess moisture can cause yellowing and leaf fall. When grown on open sun burns may appear on the leaves.

Garden ivy in photos

Why ivy? The secret is simple. formed quite quickly. Of course, at first you have to work hard. In the first year after planting green fence from ivy requires regular care. But soon he will surprise neighbors and friends with his magnificence.

Vertical gardening with ivy

Benefits of a green ivy fence

Garden ivy, as an option for hedges, has a number of advantages:

  • This plant has pleasant relaxing properties. Unwinding, it creates a dense green wall, which is a pleasure to admire.
  • The aesthetic, decorative properties of a hedge cannot be compared with a metal, wooden or brick fence.
  • The versatility of this plant lies in the fact that the shape can always be corrected with pruning.
  • Ivy perfectly decorates unsightly buildings on the site, gazebos, and also hides cozy places in the garden, house, windows from prying eyes.
  • Ivy garden - evergreen. Therefore, the fence made of it in winter and summer perfectly retains its decorative properties.
  • To form a green ivy fence, you do not need large financial investments.

Types of ivy for green fencing

Ivy is a woody evergreen vine. Among the many varieties in temperate climate grows and develops well garden view this plant. AT landscape design only two subspecies are used: ordinary and Colchis.


Ivy ordinary differs in moderate growth. But its foliage has special decorative properties. Shiny leaves can be of various shapes. Therefore, for any, even the most demanding, gardener, it will not be difficult to choose a beautiful plant for your site.

Ivy Colchis grows very quickly. Its long shoots with large foliage will quickly braid the place prepared for this.

Both common ivy and Colchis ivy are in bloom. However, their flowers are not of decorative value. But the inedible berries that appear after flowering give a special charm to the hedge.

Almost all varieties of ivy are poisonous, although their poison does not work on all. To protect yourself from allergic irritations and itching, in the process of planting a hedge and caring for plants, you need to use gloves, and choose closed clothes for work.

Although all species of this plant prefer shaded places, all the same, varieties with variegated leaves must receive a sufficient amount of sunlight, otherwise they will acquire their usual green color over time.

How to plant a green ivy fence

A hedge of evergreen ivy can be a great backdrop for garden flowers, alpine slides and even a playground. Therefore, the choice of a landing site must be taken seriously. But first you need to purchase seedlings.

Garden ivy propagates by cuttings, layering, shoots (ready-made seedlings). If there is nowhere to take cuttings, and even more so to make layering, then you need to choose seedlings in the nursery very carefully. Healthy leaves and roots are a sure sign of a strong plant. If there are doubts about the appearance of a young seedling, then it is better to refuse to buy it. A weak, unhealthy plant is unlikely to take root.

Ivy is an unassuming plant. It perfectly tolerates both heat and snowy cold winters. However, when choosing a place to plant it, it is better to avoid the sun. There are also no special requirements for the composition of the soil. But, given that this plant was brought to us from moist places with fertile soils, then the applied fertilizers will contribute to the splendor of the vine, as well as the exceptional brilliance of the foliage.

Ivy and parthenociss are perfect combination for hedges, because they need the same conditions for good growth and development. This union has long been considered a symbol of prosperity.

The best time to plant a hedge is from late April to late May. Before landing, make the necessary markings and install supports. Small holes are dug along the supports, the distance between which must be maintained within half a meter. The diameter and depth should be such that the roots fit freely. The soil inside each hole must be well loosened and fertilized with compost or humus. After planting, abundant watering is required.

Initial work completed. Then the plant grows and develops. As the shoots grow, they are tied to supports. At the very first summer season the plant will braid all the supports and get a dense dense fence that will protect the site from dust, wind, prying eyes.

Supports for hedges can be installed any: wooden, plastic, metal. climbing liana you can also run on a chain-link mesh. For her, ordinary poles with a wire stretched between them will be enough.

Taking care of ivy

The difference between a well-groomed plant and a free-growing one is, of course, striking. It is enough to follow a few care rules to get a lush, dense green ivy fence:

  1. The first time after planting, the plant requires regular watering.
  2. Young shoots need to be tied to supports in the right direction, and those that stand out from the total mass should be cut off.
  3. It is not necessary to fertilize the vine. But most beautiful plants are still obtained when the soil in the root zone receives additional nutrition. Experienced gardeners recommend fertilizing three times a day. warm season: at the beginning and at the end of May, and also at the end of August or at the beginning of September.
  4. Ivy should be pruned in the fall, at the end of the season. Large shoots are cut to the desired length. Dry shoots are removed completely. To make the plant more lush, the ends of all shoots are also cut off. To obtain new seedlings, the vine is cut into cuttings.
  5. Not all types garden ivy tolerate frost well. Therefore, young plants are best protected and covered with dry foliage for the winter. good insulation requires a basal neck.

What is the best way to propagate garden ivy

Better and faster, this evergreen vine reproduces by cuttings. Cut them in spring or early summer. The length of each cutting must be at least 10 cm. If a variety that has aerial roots propagates, then they must be present on each cutting. Without adventitious roots, cuttings take root much longer.

You can root cuttings different ways: in water, in a pot or container, in open ground. Young plants are planted in a permanent place in the spring at a distance of 40 - 60 cm from each other. The soil must be drained and fertilized. After planting, the seedlings are watered abundantly, and the soil in the root zone is mulched.

Diseases and pests

Like any other plant, ivy is sometimes attacked by pests and gets sick. Harm can cause scale insects, thrips, spider mite. When silver dots are found on outside leaves and cobwebs on the inside, the entire green fence must be sprayed with water and treated with pesticides.

Burns may appear on the leaves of the plant if it grows in an open area.

Garden ivy likes to keep the soil constantly moist. But an excess of moisture can cause yellowing, falling leaves.

A beautiful living decoration can be obtained even by the most inexperienced gardener, subject to simple care rules. A well-groomed green fence will delight for many years, creating a special atmosphere of comfort and freshness on the site.

Everyone is familiar with ivy, as this plant can be seen on decorative hedges in gardens, or in the wild on the side of the road, in partial shade. Today we will learn more about what ivy is, how to propagate it, and whether it needs special conditions. Those who decide to start breeding ivy should be prepared for some difficulties.

Video: how to plant ivy If a good soils already occupied, then when planting, add a small amount of humus or compost. After that, it will be enough to maintain humidity.

Be sure to pay attention to the acidity of the substrate. Ivy will die if planted on acidic soils. The reaction must be neutral or alkaline.

The best place for ivy is a wet area under the crown big tree, which is adjacent to the fence. In such a place, ivy will not only grow well, but also decorate the hedge.

On big open areas the plant will be useless, and it will have to be looked after as a demanding crop, since in the absence of shade, moisture will evaporate much faster from the substrate.

Propagation by layering is the easiest way to get a few new plants, as you don't have to cut anything off the mother plant initially.

First you need to forge a few shallow grooves in the ground near the bush. Next, select the formed lower shoots, place them in the grooves, and then dig in. Moisten the soil abundantly, and also make a liquid solution several times.
Propagate by layering should be in late spring or early summer, so that the rooted mustache has time to form a rhizome during the growing season. Separation from the mother bush is carried out in early autumn, or in the spring of next year.

Did you know? Ivy extract is widely used in traditional medicine. Based on it, cough and asthma medicines are produced, which can be used to treat young children, as well as pregnant women.

As you can see, this method is not dangerous for mother plant, however, it is impossible to use it to obtain a large number of young ivy.

Landing care features

In order for the plant to feel good and have a beautiful appearance, it is necessary to follow some rules in the care.

Mulching is necessary for two reasons: to retain moisture in the soil, and also to protect against winter frosts.

The mulch will also nourish the soil, so there is no need to add any additional fertilizers. Humus or compost is excellent as a mulching material.

The mulch is laid several times so that a large layer does not “hide” the foliage, which can rot. At the end of summer, the thickness of the layer should be increased so that the mulch performs the function of a thermos in winter.
Peat as a mulching material If for some reason you have refused to lay the mulch layer, then you definitely need to regularly weed, especially if there are heavy clay soils because there is a problem with the oxygen supply.

Important! Mulch does not fit if ivy is grown as a groundcover. In this case, cover the bush with snow.

Proper watering of the plant

Ivy loves moisture, however, like any other plant, it can suffer from root rot. For this reason, proper watering is important.

You are required to prevent the soil from drying out, that is, to water when there is no precipitation, which reduces soil moisture. Watering is carried out only during the growing season. It is not necessary to fill the bush in the fall, as this will lead to hypothermia of the root system.

One way or another, a part of the above-ground shoots will freeze out during the winter, after which you will need to carry out competent pruning.

Proper pruning involves removing dry, damaged and frozen shoots at the right time.

In early spring, this procedure is not carried out, since such manipulations will significantly worsen the condition of the ivy. Sanitary and formative pruning should be carried out only in late spring or early summer. In this case, the plant will not suffer.
If not only annual twigs are frozen, but also a shoot with a large diameter, then we must process the cut points in order to exclude the appearance of diseases.

How to deal with major diseases and pests of ivy

Ivy is susceptible to various lesions that can spoil its appearance or completely ruin the plant. Therefore, it is important to know about them in advance in order to identify and eliminate them in time:

Separately, it is worth talking about diseases. The fact is that ivy is used in medicine for a reason. The leaves and shoots contain substances that destroy bacteria and fungi. It is for this reason that ivy is not affected by diseases, and the deterioration in appearance is directly related to poor conditions or pest activity.

With proper care and right choice places, ivy can become a real decoration of your site. The main thing to remember is that it tends to grow, so you need to plant it away from valuable crops or buildings.

From all the variety garden plants land owners willingly choose a beautiful evergreen liana - garden ivy.

It is used in vertical and ampelous gardening, it looks picturesque hedge from ivy.


More about . As for the garden, ivy can be supported by arches, arbors, trees, fences, the wall of the house. It is this the ability to tenaciously attach to almost any object combines numerous varieties this outdoor plant.

In Russia, we often prefer four types of evergreen vines, more frost-resistant than their counterparts.

common garden ivy

Hedera helix or common ivy is a common species.

    1. The creeper has shiny leaves of dark green color, which are decorated with white veins. Suction cups help climbing shrub cling to trees and other supports.
    2. The length of the vine can reach 30 meters, it is good to use it in vertical gardening. Common garden ivy is also used as a groundcover.

  1. The plant belongs to the melliferous, white honey with mint flavor is obtained from the flowers. But a person can be poisoned by berries, unlike birds. Pigeons and thrushes especially love them.
  2. The shrub likes places where partial shade reigns and there is no wind. This species is considered the most winter-hardy.
  3. It has a great varietal variety. Each variety has its own zest - yellow color prevails in Eva and Mona Lisa, Sagittaefolia has star-shaped leaves.

Ivy Colchis

Hedera colchica is Colchis ivy, also called Caucasian. There it is found in its natural habitat. This liana is powerful, strong, capable of climbing up to 30 meters in height along the support.

Decorative plant give large leaves, which can reach a length of 20-25 centimeters, and a width of 17 to 20. Leaf plates are often whole, the three-lobed form is less common. The color of the leaves is mostly green, but spotted varieties are also found.

In terms of growth rate, Colchis ivy is ahead of ordinary ivy, but it is more afraid of frost. Liana loves partial shade and fertile soil.

Purple, tree-like and toothed forms of the plant are more common.

Ivy Boston

This is also a liana - tree-like, lush and dense. In height it can reach 20 or even 30 meters.

Liana is particularly decorative, looks great if decorate arbors, high hedges and fences with it. Ivy on the house looks especially picturesque - with the onset of autumn, the leaves turn from dark green to orange and red.

Boston is peculiar sensitivity to frost. He needs diffused lighting, the plant suffers from the direct rays of the sun. The growth rate of the creeper is good, during the season the shoot grows by 3-4 meters. The plant can be propagated by seeds.

Crimean ivy

Crimean ivy is a rather unpretentious plant, drought-resistant and frost-resistant. But at the same time, he loves moist soils, as well as shaded places.

Crimean ivy is an evergreen strong vine, the trunk of which in circumference can reach up to 1 meter. The length of the vine itself reaches 30 meters.

Crimean ivy leaves are usually dark green, glossy, of various shapes - from whole to arrow-shaped five-lobed.

The flowering period of this honey plant is from September to October. Inflorescences in the form of spherical umbrellas emit a sweet to cloying aroma. By winter, fruits ripen that will decorate ivy right up to next summer.

Cuttings and seeds are suitable for propagation of creepers.

Garden ivy: planting and care

When caring for this plant, you should remember that all varieties of ivy love fertile soil. Plants can also be planted in loam. BUT clay soils creepers are not suitable - oxygen will not flow to the roots, and there is too much moisture in such soil, ivy does not tolerate it well.

It is better to plant ivy in spring so that the plant has time to get stronger, grow up and gain strength for a successful wintering. Liana is more suitable for places on a hill, without winds and drafts.

ADVICE: For landing, you need to choose quality seedlings. Young creeper should have a healthy, not lethargic root system, shiny leaves and many strong shoots.

How to plant ivy

The plant is planted like this:

  • prepare the soil - take a universal substrate or make up a mixture, which includes earth (turf and leaf), sand and peat in equal parts;
  • dig a hole a little deeper than the root of the seedling;
  • the bottom of the hole is covered with drainage;
  • plant a vine, fill the hole with soil mixture or substrate;
  • water the planted crop.

How to get rid of ivy?

Sometimes such a question arises before the gardener, because the plant is able to quickly flood the entire territory in the country or in the garden.

It will be necessary to cut the vine with secateurs at the base, completely dig out the roots. Remove the shoots so that they do not take root again. If young shoots do appear, use herbicides.

Ivy care

Young ivy, especially at first, need a lot of air and moisture. It will be necessary to carefully loosen the earth, especially after rain, so that a dense layer does not form. It is also good to mulch the soil with porous organic matter.

Ivy in the garden watered in summer period up to 2 times a week if there is little rain. The plant loves moisture, but not its excess.

In order for the liana to develop well, it is periodically fed in the summer. Nitrogen-containing fertilizers promote the growth of new shoots, they are applied in the first half of summer. Then you need top dressing with fertilizers with potassium and phosphorus, which will strengthen the shoots.

So that the shrub does not grow too much, it needs pruning.

So you can give the vine the desired shape.

Dry branches are removed so that they do not spoil decorative look perennial.

But it’s not worth it right after the snow melts in the spring to immediately start pruning frozen and weakened shoots. This is already done in June, when the movement of juices ends. Then the ivy will better tolerate pruning.

In the southern regions, the plant hibernates without shelter. AT middle lane some types of vines can tolerate cold well under snow cover. You can cover the plants with burlap, film, spruce branches, fallen leaves.

Climbing vines in warmer climates do not have to be removed from the support, but in the regions to the north it is better to still lay them on the ground and insulate.

NOTE TO THE GARDENER: Variegated varieties of ivy are good to grow as ampelous plants. They tolerate winter cold worse than other species, and for this period baskets with perennials are placed in a home greenhouse or winter garden.

Ivy propagation

The vine is best propagated by cuttings.

The cuttings should be about 10 cm long.

They can be placed in water or in a container with a loose and moistened mixture of sand and garden soil.

When roots appear, ivy should be planted for permanent residence in the open field on the site. From each other, the cuttings are planted at least 50 cm, but the distance should not exceed a meter.

There is another way to reproduce. The shoot is placed on the soil, slightly pressed into it to deepen the aerial roots. The vine is watered, and in about a week (maybe 10 days) these roots will turn into underground ones. Each will form a separate plant.


A plant in the garden can be chosen by various pests:

  • scab;
  • thrips;
  • whitefly.

CAREFULLY: Ivy is most threatened by tick attacks. The spider mite is especially harmful to the plant. He highlights a thin web that entangles the vine. The leaves begin to turn yellow and die.

Liana can also suffer from a fungus if it was grown in excess wet conditions. Affected leaves and stems will have to be removed.

Why a perennial can lose its attractiveness:

  • variegated leaves become monophonic if the light-loving variety of ivy grows in the shade;
  • the tips of the leaves dry and turn brownish when the plant is too hot and the humidity of the air and soil is insufficient;
  • leaf plates may turn yellow from increased watering at low temperatures and excess feeding.

garden design

The shrub is very effective in the garden and country design and provides room for creativity. It is good for them to decorate the not too pleasant-looking facade of the building. A tree covered with ivy, green gazebos, arches and columns will decorate any site.

A hedge is a great way to delimit an area.

As a groundcover, the vine creates dense green carpets. And the neighborhood with roses will be especially spectacular, emphasizing the grandeur of these flowers.

And this video shows an ivy gazebo that has grown over 4 years:

Perennials are also used in the design of alpine slides. Varieties with small leaves will look beautiful.

Gardeners knowingly looked after this plant to decorate their plots. At proper care ivy grows beautifully and will please the eye for a long time on the street, on the wall of the house or on the fence with its decorative appearance.