Amur grape varieties. Varietal forms of Amur grapes

Amur grapes in natural conditions feel great in the forests of the Amur region. An unpretentious tall liana took root on garden plots in many regions. An ornamental vine with beautiful leaves and edible fruits tolerates cold winters well. Wine is prepared from its berries, the seeds are rich in oil. Amur grapes will annually delight with the harvest, without imposing high requirements for care.

The history of growing the Amur grape variety

Vitis Amuretis, an ancient grape variety, grows wild in China, Korea and the Far East in dense forests, on mountain slopes, in river valleys. Vines up to 30 meters long are capable of braiding trees and, rising to their tops, provide the plant with sufficient illumination. Surviving in harsh conditions, grapes are highly frost-resistant and can withstand temperatures as low as -40 ° C.

Amur grapes in Primorye grows in the forest

The high yield of the Amur grape and its endurance attracted the attention of breeders. For cultivation in the northern regions IV Michurin created hybrids of the “savage” with cultivars: Korinka Michurin, Northern Black, Northern Blue and others. Since the 50s of the XX century, active work was carried out on intraspecific hybridization of Vitis Amuretis by the Volgograd scientist-breeder A.I. Potapenko. He created varieties with high taste, complex resistance to diseases and unpretentious care: Amur Potapenko 1 (2,3,4,5), Triumph, Amur Proryv, Neretinsky. Ural breeder F.I.Shatilov brought out a collection of varieties based on the Amur grapes, capable of withstanding the most severe climatic conditions, they have been grown for a long time in the northern regions.

Wild grape varieties lend themselves to cultivation if properly cared for. The taste of the berries depends on the growing conditions; with proper pruning, the berries of the Amur grapes will be larger and sweeter.

Video: Amur grapes are grown in the Urals

Description of the Amur grape variety

This plant is dioecious, at least one should be planted on the site male plant for two women. Wild grapes also have bisexual forms.

If only female plants are planted, they will yield a harvest. The berries will be small and seedless.

The plant blooms in early May. Nondescript yellowish flowers, collected in a brush, have a pleasant aroma and attract bees. Grapes bloom profusely, several inflorescences can form on one shoot.

Nondescript flowers of Amur grapes have a pleasant smell

Bunches of slightly conical shape with loosely spaced berries reach 15 cm in length. The grapes are small, black with a blue tint. The skin is firm, the flesh light color and sweet and sour taste. Berries can be eaten and made into wine. The taste of the fruit is influenced by the composition of the soil, its acidity, moisture. Grape seeds contain a lot of oil.

Berries of Amur grapes blue

A vine can be as thick as a human hand. Its bark is dark brown, peeling off in stripes. The leaves are often five-lobed, large, of a dark green hue. In the fall, they turn red. The grapes grow very quickly, in a year the growth can be 3 meters. The plant will begin to bear fruit from 6 to 8 years.

Amur grapes are able to braid a high fence

The growing season for grapes is short, it begins at t = 5 ° C (from the beginning or mid-May). In August, the growth of shoots ends, the harvest is removed in early September.

The grapes withstand frosts well down to -40 ° C, its roots do not freeze even in a snowless winter. The berries become sweeter after the first frost.

Scientists recently discovered that Amur grapes are valuable medicinal plant... Callus, an influx of growth tissue at the end of the cutting, contains a large amount of the natural antioxidant resveratrol.

Characteristics of the Amur grape variety

This is a high-yielding variety, up to 80 centners of berries can be harvested from one hectare. It is not cultivated for industrial cultivation, although it justifies itself as a technical variety, it makes good wine.

Unpretentious grapes will decorate the site and feed with delicious berries

  • The main advantage of the variety is its high frost resistance. Without shelter, an adult vine can withstand frosts down to -40 ° C, the bunches are not afraid of the first frosts in autumn. Grapes thrive in different climates.
  • The short growing season allows young shoots of the vines to mature before the onset of frost.
  • The culture is resistant to diseases and pests.
  • The thick skins of the grapes make it easier to transport them to the processing site.
  • Berries can be eaten fresh and processed.
  • High growth rates make it easy to form from grapes hedge... It is often used by landscape designers to create pergolas, mask walls and fences.

Mildew, downy mildew, does not have time to develop on the plant due to its short growing season. Amur grapes are moderately resistant to phylloxera. The pest can damage the root system of the plant.

Features of planting and growing the Amur grape variety

This grape variety is unpretentious. Performing simple agrotechnical measures will not take much time, and the grapes will thank you with a good harvest.


In the wild, grapes are easily propagated by layering and seeds, forming impenetrable thickets. It is impractical to grow a plant from seeds at home, they have low germination and are difficult to obtain quality seedlings... For propagation, cuttings and layering are used. Lignified cuttings do not take root well, so green cuttings are used.

Rooting by cuttings

Cuttings are best harvested during the flowering period, when the plant contains many elements that contribute to rooting. They are cut in the morning on a cloudy day. A straight cut is made under the lower knot. The shoot is shortened over the upper node, the leaf plate is cut off by 3/4. All stepsons are removed, the kidneys remain in the sinuses.

4-5 buds should remain on the handle

The shoot can be cut into a cutting if, when bending it, the bast ( upper layer twigs) begins to crackle.

The cut branches are placed in a container with water and placed in cool place... When callus forms and roots appear, the cutting is planted in a container with soil for growing. You can directly root the cuttings in a potting mix made up in equal parts of humus, sand and garden soil.


It is very easy to propagate grapes by layering. To do this, at the base of the bush, grooves up to 12 cm deep are pulled out, filled with 1/3 of them with fertile soil. The vines are laid in grooves, secured with wooden pins and covered with earth. This operation is recommended in the spring, at the beginning of May.

Many strong and healthy seedlings can be obtained from one vine.

Video: an interesting way to grow seedlings from cuttings


The soil prefers grapes poor, loose, slightly acidic. On sandy soils, the plant is planted in a trench, on heavy loamy soils with close occurrence groundwater the grapes are planted on the ridges. The height of the ridge should be at least 80 cm; it is advisable to lay a drainage groove 25 X 25 cm near it.

Photo gallery: planting grapes correctly

We choose a sunny, well-warmed place for landing. You can plant grapes on the south and southeast side of the house.

We dig a hole 70 x 70 x 70 cm, put drainage on the bottom - a layer of brick, gravel, crushed stone, sand with a layer of at least 10 cm.To facilitate watering a young plant, it is advisable to place a plastic bottle with a cut bottom or a drainage pipe in the hole. They are covered with polyethylene for the winter.

We pour a layer of earth on the drainage, make a mound and place the seedling on it carefully at an angle. The top of the root system should be 30 cm below ground level. Carefully cover the plant with earth and water it.

Video: planting a grape seedling


Timely pinching and pruning is essential if we want to improve the quality of wild grapes. In the first year we form a bush in the shape of a heart, leaving two main shoots. Stepsons must be pinched after the second sheet. In early August, remove the underdeveloped tops of young shoots. In October we cut off the shoots, leaving 3-4 buds.

In the first year, we form a bush in the shape of a "heart"

In autumn second year on two shoots we choose one powerful vine, leaving 5 - 8 buds on them. Remove the rest of the shoots.

On the third year on each shoot, the most powerful shoot is left, cut into 5 - 6 buds (fruit arrow). In the fourth year, we will already have an adult bush, ready to bear fruit.

It is desirable to form a powerful perennial bole. Old wood stores a supply nutrients and creates a solid skeleton.

Video: pruning a vine


Young plants up to two years old are watered in dry hot weather every other day; if it is cool and raining, watering once a week is enough. Adult plants do not need watering. Lack of moisture makes berries sweeter.

Top dressing

Young plants are not fed in the first two years. Then, annually in the spring, they apply organic fertilizers (cow dung, compost). They are laid out on the ridges or around the bush, without burying, 1 bucket per bush.

In the fall, the plant is sprayed with an ash solution to prepare the plant for wintering. Insist day 2 liters of ash in 10 liters of water, then filter. For spraying on 10 liters of water, add half a liter of infusion.

Ash can be sprinkled on plant leaves to get rid of slugs. Excessive ash consumption can lead to chlorosis due to problems with the absorption of nitrogen by the plant.

Pest control

This variety is quite resistant to pests and diseases; timely preventive measures will save the plant.

  • Treatment with iron vitriol will help to fight phylloxera. In the spring after awakening, the plant is sprayed with a solution (300 g of FA per 10 l of water). Around the vine, grooves are dug 15 cm deep and a solution is poured into them (500 g of FA per 10 L of water), the grooves are buried.
  • Cleaning and burning old foliage and dry vines will save you from the felt mite. Bushes can be treated with preparations containing colloidal sulfur.
  • The use of insecticides - intavir, decis - will help from whitefly.

In order not to infect your site with phylloxera, purchase seedlings only from a reliable seller. This pest does not develop well in severe clay soil, parsley phytoncides have a detrimental effect on it.

Preparing for winter

In the period from October to November, we prepare a young plant for wintering. We bend the cut off shoots to the ground and cover with spunbond, spruce branches, corrugated cardboard. An adult vine does not need shelter. It is recommended to cover the hole under the bush with earth.

781 03/14/2019 6 minutes.

Among the large number of grape varieties, a special place is occupied by the relic Amur variety. This resistant plant grows wildly throughout the Far East and in some Siberian regions. Especially large areas grape culture is located in the Amur River basin. It is extremely unpretentious and frost-resistant variety grapes. Despite the heat-loving nature, the vine tolerates frosts up to -45 0 С without consequences. Amur grapes played an invaluable role in obtaining hybrid and fruitful varieties that are grown and give a good harvest in the regions of the Urals and Siberia.

Description of the variety

This plant is a powerful tree liana that can reach a height of 10 meters or more.... Thanks to its strong tendrils, it can easily be lifted onto any support. The flowering of seedlings occurs approximately in the fifth year after planting. The flowers are bisexual, so the liana does not need additional pollination. This variety prefers strongly acidic soils... On alkaline soils, the growth and development of the plant stops.

Today the Amur grapes are very popular. Since it can be planted practically in any region of the country, from the south to the north.

Amur grapes require a large amount of moisture, therefore, when growing this variety in middle lane and in the south of Russia, it will have to be actively watered.


Amur grapes have a number of advantages:

  • high vitality;
  • winter hardiness and frost resistance;
  • good taste of berries;
  • immunity to some;
  • low care requirements.

Unlike many cultivars, amurets perfectly recover after serious damage... He tolerates without consequences as long-term low temperatures, and short-term, but strong frosts. Hybrid varieties obtained by crossing Amur grapes and fertile southern varieties have become very popular among winegrowers.

These hybrids produce a bountiful harvest with large and sweet berries.

The Amur fruitful variety has a stable immunity to and. However, the plant needs regular preventive spraying. The vine of this variety is distinguished by very active growth, therefore it is very important to cut it off in a timely manner. Otherwise, cultivated grapes can turn into ornamental plant... The main disadvantage of Amur grapes is its low yield, which cannot be increased by any agrotechnical methods. The Amur grape berry is not too large with an average sugar content.

Calorie content

The Amur fruit variety belongs to low-calorie foods. The calorie content of 100 grams of fresh berries varies from 60 to 65 kilocalories. In grapes, in large quantities, there are monosaccharides represented by fructose and glucose. These substances are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, but, unlike regular sugar, they do not stimulate the formation of fat in the body. Amur grapes are very rich in vitamins, microelements and organic acids.

The combination of this berry is considered optimal for assimilation by the human body.

Benefit and harm

Amur grapes are black varieties that differ in some specific properties. Monosaccharides have a positive effect on the digestive process and promote the production of saliva, which provokes an increased appetite. Therefore, those who are on a diet for weight loss should not get carried away with grapes. Organic acids contained in berries stimulate the elimination of various toxic substances from the body. Grapes have an active healing effect and are indicated for the following diseases:

  • anemia;
  • upper respiratory tract disease;
  • early stages of tuberculosis;
  • physical and nervous exhaustion.

You can not use grapes for stomach and intestinal ulcers, colitis and gastritis. Read about grapes during pregnancy in this.


Berries contain organic acids, the content of which ranges from 6 to 8 percent. These are mainly citric, malic and oxalic acids. Slightly less in composition grape berries, stearic, palmitic and succinic acids. Most of these components are found in wild Amur grapes. In hybrid varieties, their number decreases markedly, while the amount of monosaccharides increases.

Read how to make raisins from grapes.

Recently, it was proved that Amur grapes stimulate the activity of the brain, therefore, regular consumption of berries daily, for 2-3 months, improves memory, increases concentration and logical thinking.

Bush characteristic

It is characterized by very vigorous growth, when the vine can stretch 2-3 meters during one season. Therefore, for this plant, constant growth control and pruning are mandatory procedures.

The Amur grape bush is strong enough with a developed root system.


Without proper care, the vine can quickly form real thickets, since in addition to rapid growth, it is characterized by large quantity layering. Fruiting of the vine depends on the climatic conditions of the region. Usually, the berries should be expected to appear 4 or 5 years after planting.


The Amur variety has medium-sized bunches, the weight of which rarely exceeds 250 grams. The berries are dark purple in color and have an almost round shape. Their size varies from 1 to 2.5 centimeters. The peel of the berries is thick, which ensures good preservation during transportation. The pulp is juicy and firm enough.


This variety is low-yielding, so the industrial cultivation of Amur grapes is unprofitable.

In private households, this variety received wide use because of its unpretentiousness and winter hardiness.

Due to its active growth and lush foliage, Amur grapes are often used as an ornamental plant in landscape design.


Moscow region is perfect for growing Amur grapes... For this purpose, you can use cuttings or seedlings. First of all, it should be noted that this variety loves acidic soils. You can determine the acidity of the soil using a device, or using a litmus indicator paper. A pH of 7.0 corresponds to a neutral soil. For acidic soils, this indicator decreases, and for alkaline soils, it increases. Thus, for successful cultivation Amur fruit bush, soils with a pH of 5.0-6.5 are suitable. If the soil is alkaline, then you can acidify it by adding high-moor peat. A good solution there will be planting of seedlings near the wall of a house, outbuildings or a fence. When planting Amur grapes in rows in trenches, they should be oriented from south to north.

The Amur hybrid should be planted in a sunny area that is closed from strong gusts of wind. Better if the landing site is on the south side.

Amur grapes do not like closely flowing subsoil waters, therefore, drainage 25-30 cm thick from small fragments of brick or expanded clay should be provided in the planting pits.

Planting period

Grapes of this variety, as well as breeding hybrids, can be planted in spring and autumn. Saplings are also practiced. If a pure Amur variety loves strongly acidic soil, then for hybrid varieties slightly acidic or neutral soil is better suited. Planting pits should be prepared about a month before planting. The depth of the pit must be at least 60 centimeters.

A mixture of coarse river sand, humus and high-moor peat. It is good to add a handful of superphosphate and a shovel to the ground. wood ash... Before planting, you need to make a small hole where the plant with the root system is placed.

The planting should be watered abundantly, and a hill of earth should be formed around the root collar. The rooting rate of cuttings is approximately 40%.

Ripening period

Amurets belongs to the varieties late ripening ... Depending on the variety, harvesting begins in mid-August and lasts until the first decade of October. Small September frosts make the berries sweeter.

Find out about growing grapes from seed.


The fruit bush of this variety does not need complex and time-consuming care., but some operations must be performed. The root system should be fed nitrogen fertilizers in the spring, and potassium-phosphorus - in the fall. For grapes, watering is important, which should be carried out exactly at the root of the plant. Watering should be stopped about two weeks before flowering.

Despite its persistent qualities, it will not yield a lot if not properly cared for.

Disease prevention

Vine plantations can be susceptible to fungal and infectious diseases that are caused by pathogenic microorganisms. It has been proven that on vines that are well ventilated and illuminated by the sun, fungal diseases are much less common. If any leaves or whole branches are suspicious, they should be removed immediately.

For preventive spraying, proven chemicals are suitable:

  • quadris;
  • acrobat MC;
  • bordeaux liquid.

Moreover, the last drug, created back in the 19th century, is very popular among winegrowers..


During the first year, the vine and branches are not pruned. In the second year, you can remove up to 80% of the gain. It is enough to leave two strong shoots, shortening them to 5 eyes. Pruning should be done with sharp pruners to avoid flattening the vine. In the process of development of the bush, you can use pruning "for a fruit link". In the process of pruning, you need to try to create a two-sided fan-shaped bush. So during the first growing season, two shoots should be grown, the next year - four, and another year later - eight.

Three years after planting, a full-fledged bush is formed. Usually at this age, the first fruiting occurs, but the Amur variety can yield a crop in the fourth year.


This video tells about the Amur grape variety.


  1. Amur variety is perfect for beginners winegrowers.
  2. This crop can be successfully grown throughout the country, except for the polar regions.
  3. Plant care is easy and even some mistakes of inexperienced gardeners are not critical.

Read how to feed grapes.

Amur or Ussuri grapes (Vitisamurensis) are the most frost-hardy and the most unpretentious kind of grapes. V natural conditions it grows in the Far East, as well as in China and Korea. Lianas, covered with dense green foliage, are found in thickets and on the edges of forests, in river valleys, on mountain slopes. Wild grapes twine around tall tree trunks, rising to the sunlight, or spreading along the ground. Heavy bunches of dark berries adorn this plant.

Amur grapes began to be cultivated in the 50s of the 19th century. Due to its exceptional hardiness, this type of grape takes root well in regions with cold winters and does not require difficult maintenance.

Distinctive features of Amur grapes

Amur grapes have a powerful liana, which can rise 10 m or more along a support. Dark leaves usually they are large in size - their length is up to 15 cm.

Young leaves are painted in light shades of green and in summer can create a beautiful contrast with rich dark greens. Form grape leaves it can be whole, 3-5-lobed or heart-shaped. The first leaves appear when the average temperature is close to + 10 ° C.

Flowering occurs in the first weeks of June. The Amur grape is a dioecious plant. You can plant only female plants on the site: in this case, the berries will be small, but sweet and raisin (seeds will be absent). To get a good harvest of large berries, one male and several female grapes should be planted side by side for pollination.

The Amur variety gives a stable and rich harvest in central Russia. Fruits, as a rule, ripen in September, acquiring a purple or almost black color with a bluish waxy bloom. Their diameter is approximately 1-1.2 cm.

The taste of the berries varies from sour to pleasant sweet-sour and even sweet, and it improves after freezing. Most often, excellent wine, fruit drinks, and jams are prepared from the fruits of the Amur grapes. Fresh young leaves are good for cooking delicious salads, first courses and dolma.

Russian breeders have bred wonderful Amur grape varieties, characterized by resistance to weather factors, diseases and pests, excellent taste and yield.

Among them, it is worth highlighting the "Amur breakthrough", "Amethystovy", "Aleshkovsky", "Amursky Potapenko".

Decorative value

Amur grapes are successfully used in landscape design. It is an excellent plant for vertical gardening of residential buildings, hedges, gazebos, arches, pergolas and other small architectural forms.

Resistance to frost and air pollution allows it to be grown in relatively unfavorable urban conditions and to ennoble the territories of industrial enterprises.

Amur grapes look especially attractive in autumn. Its beautiful leaves are painted in various shades of color: red, orange, pink, scarlet. Dark bunches of berries look very advantageous against an elegant background of variegated foliage. These decorative qualities are of particular value for the decoration of the site.

Planting and leaving

First of all, you need to decide on a place, taking into account the characteristics of the soil. Amur grapes love acidic and loose soils and do not tolerate excess lime. Fertilization of the soil with strongly acidic peat will have a beneficial effect on the plant.

The grapes are planted in areas open to sunlight or slightly shaded. Be sure to take care of a reliable and strong support for this fast growing grape. You should not choose places for landing that are close to others. fruit and berry crops to avoid drowning them out with grapes.

The optimal size of the pits for planting is 50x50x60 cm. mineral fertilizers... The pits are filled with a fertile soil layer with the addition of organic fertilizers.

Amur grapes require regular good watering and periodic fertilizing. Great value for plant care has a shaping. First of all, damping shoots should be removed. The plant can be grown on a high stem with shoulders and sleeves extending from it, or form a crown in several tiers.

At good care Amur grapes will last for many years wonderful decoration your site and will delight you with an abundant harvest of tasty and healthy berries.

Amur wild grapes have been growing in our country house for almost 10 years. Winding around a powerful pergola specially built for it, wild grapes give uniqueness to the landscape design of the site, and provide amazing landscaping. Almost completely unpretentious to our harsh winter conditions(minus 45 without wind, or minus 30 with wind), it still requires a little protection, but only from the direct cold wind.

An experience of engraftment of wild grape cuttings and their winter survival

We bred these grapes in our summer cottage quite banal. In order not to risk planting in the ground, whether the cuttings take root or not, they took 10 grape cuttings from a neighbor in the spring, put them in water and after 25 days each cuttings developed a powerful root system. Planted in the middle of summer. All got accustomed.

Only in the first snowy winter, the Amur grape seedlings survived, in the second, snowless, three extreme sprouts, located on an absolutely blown area that looks out from behind the house, died. Looks out - this is loudly said, because the wild grapes themselves are located at a distance of five meters from the house. The rest of the seven plants live and do not blow in the mustache.

That is, given that the grapes grow in a forest without wind, a little protection is enough for it to flourish. And some "experts" are wrong when they write about the obligatory shelter of the vines of wild brethren in central Russia and to the north. It's like removing the same five-meter liana from the support and covering it. Wild grapes grow by leaps and bounds. During the season, you only manage to cut off the growth that overlaps the middle of the pergola, and from the sides it tries to fall to the ground. There is a powerful green wall.

On the other side of the garden pergola, the Far Eastern lemongrass was located for eight years, but powdery mildew turned out to be stronger than any chemicals. Now, in its place, clematis is comfortably located and sparkles with stars of flowers, at the base of which it has nestled.

Soil for planting Amur grapes

Any soil is suitable for grapes. At the beginning of development suburban area we had almost solid clay, diluted with peat. But how kind word and the cat is pleased, any plant has a good piece of land only for joy, with which we tried. Root system very powerful, it grows up to 3 meters, it treats drought calmly.


We water only occasionally, about once a week at most (we look, of course, at the weather), but powerfully.

Controlling powdery mildew

We spray Amur grapes in early spring 1% Bordeaux liquid. During the growing season, there is a fierce struggle with powdery mildew solution of Baikal EM-1, and Topaz, twice, as with currants. But this trouble we have from too much humidity in the summer and an empty abandoned site on one of the sides, where in bulk of any infection.

What do grape berries taste like?

The berries of the Amur wild grapes are small and few in number. It tastes sour, but you can chew a little. But what you can't take away from them is what kind of liqueur they make, you will lick your fingers! There was no cultivated grape anywhere near here. Heaven and earth.

The Amur wild grape filling is the best!

From my own rich experience, I can say that the "wild" the fruits, the better, tastier, more aromatic the liqueurs are obtained from them. This also applies to liqueurs made from felt cherries and cherry plums that grow here. But it stands alone, with a powerful aroma and amazing taste. The girls are screaming!