Registration of the arches in the apartment with their own stone. Finishing Arch and Door Operactions Decorative Stone

Modern interior design today allows you to embody the most courageous and original ideas. Many designers use arched reception of the passage between rooms. Such a solution has many advantages: the arch allows you to expand the space visually increase it. The arch in the apartment looks original and unusual. The main thing is to choose the design. It must necessarily match the style in which the room is framed. You can decorate the arch in different ways. You can separate the arch with your own hands.

Different styles and directions of design allow us to arrange the arch so that it harmonized with a common view of the room. Each style is something special, which allows you to choose an option that meets the taste preferences of the room owners. Each style has its own characteristics and characteristics to be taken into account during the decoration process.

One of the most popular modern design styles - High-tech. To implement all ideas, it is necessary to use the most modern building and finishing materials.

When making an interior in the style of minimalism, it is important to adhere to clear forms and interior simplicity. The design of the arch in the style of minimalism will not require many material and time costs - it makes them particularly popular. The form of such an arch should resemble a portal. Usually the upper part of such an arc has straight lines, and the angles have a rounded form.

Different styles for finishing:

  • Modern. The main feature of the arch in this style is a large radius of the opening. Visually, you can easily see a clear transition from the rounded shape to a straight line. Before performing repair work, it is important to determine the size of the arch and, accordingly, the acquisition of the desired amount of materials. Usually such an arch decorate with a tree or MDF.
  • Classic. For registration arches in this style it is important to determine the ratio of the radius with the width of the opening. Usually radius indicators are equal to half the width of the opening. Such an arch has a beautiful appearance, correct and elegant forms. The arch in such a style is suitable for interior design not only in classic style, but also in other styles. Common options for finishing: wood and polyurethane moldings.

Arches can have the most diverse shape, smooth or sharp lines and transitions. In order for the Arch to fit into a common interior, it is necessary to decorate her decoration style in advance, as well as with materials for the embodiment of design ideas. They must be necessarily high quality.

How to arrange the arch in the apartment: Options and Materials

Arches in the house or apartment must be performed not only for all the rules of design, but also construction. When you decide to install the arch instead of interroom doors, you need to make sure that the wall does not carry the reference function. If the jumper enhances the wall that does not have a support - then it is impossible to clean it.

After installing the Arch, repair work is carried out to strengthen it. Decorative finish can be performed only after full frame strengthening.

Cut the arched body with plasterboard, fiberboard or plywood. You can decorate the finished arched design by any building material designed for finishing. Moldings and plastic corners are considered the most budget decorative devices.

Design options:

  1. Polyurethane. The material is distinguished by density, flexibility. It is from him today often produced stucco, frontones, eaves and arched elements. Mount the polyurethane elements is easy and simple. It is possible to lining the arch with polyurethane not only inside, but also outside.
  2. A rock. Natural stone should only be used in the event. If the arched construction has a solid foundation. For lining of empty arches, it is better to use the decor and artificial stone. The most popular view of the stone decor is the finish of traverse, shale, seven, marble or granite. As the basis of artificial stone take plaster or cement.
  3. Acrylic tile. Material can imitate various materials: stone, brick, etc. The material is relatively inexpensive and easy to use.

The choice of material is influenced by personal preferences of the owners of the room, the overall style in the interior and the cost of materials. In order to save, some materials for finishing can be made independently. For example, finishing with artificial stone.

Beautiful plasterboard arches

Plasterboard - material that may seem tough and rude. But in fact, this material has special plasticity and flexibility, which allows you to make a beautiful arched design from it. The decorative arch of drywall can have a simple or most bizarre form.

When placing the arc from drywall, it is important to pay attention to the fact that the wider the opening of the arched construction, the more importantly choose the decor that will be harmonized with a common style.

Plasterboard - lightweight material, just work with it, so the manufacture and installation of such an arches in the room can be performed independently. Plasterboard is safe for health material, so suitable for installation in the nursery. Arches can be different types.

Types of arched structures in the form of an arch:

  • Roman. The arch is a symmetric semicircle. The diameter of the arch is equal to the width of the opening.
  • Slavic. Such arches have a simple design. The most common form: square and rectangular.
  • Eastern. Arches are characterized by a pointed dome.
  • Thai. They have an original form: one side remains rectangular, and the other is beveled.
  • Trapezium. Characterized by beveled corners. Such an arch is suitable for the interior performed in the classic English style.

Properly selected arch will help to improve the room. It is important to correctly perform the framing the arch so that it looks harmonious. For modern interiors, a bold design of the arches with the most unexpected forms is suitable.

Arch decoration polyurethane molding

Calling the arches beautifully with the help of polyurethane moldings. They are made of strong material, which provides them with a long service life. Thanks to the bending structure, you can perform the most diverse design of the arch.

Moldings on the arches look stylish and sophisticated. With their help, you can recreate the interior in the classic style.

Moldings can be made of different materials - attention should be paid to this, as they are not very suitable for decoration arches. You can decorate the arch can be self-adhesive molding. Most often it is made of plastic or rubber.

Molding types:

  • Wooden
  • Polyurethane;
  • Marble;
  • Gypsum;
  • Metal.

Plug the arches is better than polyurethane moldings. Work with them is a pleasure. Also, the arch acquires a finished and stylish look.

Beautiful arch in the apartment (video)

Close the arch can be added different types of materials. Before deciding on the choice, you should pay attention to the form of the arch, the material from which it is made, as well as on the style in the interior. Today, interdobral spaces often decorated with moldings or stucco. It is important that the decor of the Arch has harmonized with a common view of the room. You can beautifully deprive the door arch, after examining the advice of professionals.

Arched outlook is a structural-decorative element of the wall or partition. Arches can have a variety of shapes, giving the battlefields of lines.
Such purses are often the main decoration of the interior, but for this they should be high quality and tastefully decorated. We will talk to you about what materials finish with a decorative interroom arch and the wall adjacent to it, and how to make it yourself.

When a private house is only being built, the easiest way to design immediately arched loots and perform them along the construction work. In the multi-storey construction, the Arches are designed extremely rare, especially since the modern apartment after passing the house, often represents a large studio room.

Arches in the bearing walls

If you want instead of a standard rectangular loan in the bearing wall to have an arch, you will have to think about it seriously, and our small instruction will help you.

  • Suppose you live in a brick house and want to make the arch where you have an interroom door. Removing her box, you will see above the head transverse concrete jumper.
    Its function is to enhance the walls in the place where it does not have supports, namely, in the open.

  • You do not need to be an expert in construction in order to understand that it is impossible to clean this jumper - it will be possible to expand only a little. That is, a high round arch, in this case, you will not succeed, it will be slightly lower than the height of the standard door, and approximately such a form, as in the photo from above.
  • Well, if the height of the openings in your apartment is 2.1 meters, that is, it corresponds to the European standard. Because the domestic standard provides only a two-meter height.

  • Before the decorative finish of the interroom arch is performed, the perimeter of the workplace must be strengthened. To do this, use steel channel, from which the letter "P" is welded - its vertical racks will take care of the wall.

  • Only after that the arch will fit into this rectangular disc. To create the desired configuration, you need to perform a frame from a conventional ceiling profile.
    On it are made notches, allowing it to bend it in the desired radius.

  • Watch the video to better understand the process of this work. After the frame will be ready, you can proceed to the casing of the arch.
    For this purpose, drywall are most often used, but it is quite suitable for fiberboard and even plywood - much depends on which finishing material will be applied in further trim.
  • In the panel house, the doorway is a removal in the wall panel provided at the time of its manufacture. Naturally, the panel is calculated for a certain load, so it is impossible to break not only height, but also the width of the day.

  • We will have content with the size of the arch, which as a result you will succeed. But it will not be necessary to carry out its strengthening of a channel.
    It is enough to choose a more durable finishing material, for example, an array of wood.

Arched partitions

Punch the discovered in the partition, even in brick, few people will decide. Especially in the place where it was not before - a very time-consuming thing.

  • It is easier to remove this partition at all and build a new one. Many do it, producing redevelopment of the apartment. You can contact a specialized company and order interclass arches with decorative trim.

  • Most often, firms offer arched partitions from an array of wood or MDF. As for their design, here the ideas of manufacturers are almost inexhaustible: geometric shapes and smooth lines, rubber grills and carving, color stained glass windows.

  • And if you want the price of the arch is budget, it is worth straining your fantasy, search for possible options and try to perform this work yourself.

Plasterboard partition with arch is a frame design. Its frame is also performed from an aluminum profile, which is trimmed with sheets of plasterboard.
After that, the articles and partition finish are performed. Similarly, wall arched niches, which do not zonate space space, but only decorate it.

Some types of decoration arches

The decorative decoration of the arch in an apartment or a private house can be made practically by any material - who has enough fantasy on.

  • Various accessories come to the rescue in this case: decorative moldings, plastic corners - they are more often used in budgetary options.

In this case, you can not think for a long time than to turn the arch, but simply shuffle and paint it as well as the entire room. In order to allocate arched, it can be painted in another color, and the end ribs are separated by a decorative molding.

Polyurethane arches


  • Polyuretan purchased great popularity in the finishing of premises, including interior discovers. It is a dense, flexible material of white, from which stucco is made for the decoration of ceilings, frontones of houses, eaves, frieze, and, of course, elements of the arches, columns and a pilaster.

  • The cost of such a finish is an order of magnitude lower than, for example, decor with the use of wood or stone. Installation of polyurethane elements is easily produced, on ordinary glue type "liquid nails". At the same time, no additional decor is required, but at will, the arch can be painted.

There are options in such a finish. The arch can be lined with polyurethane completely - not only end parts, but also outdoor sides. Moreover, its vertical racks are often decorated in the form of square or round columns with a socket.
And you can only make the edging of the loyalty, as in the picture at the beginning of our article.

Stone in the decoration of arched outlook

The classics in the arches decoration can be considered their cladding with decorative kanem. On the arches located in the caps of the bearing walls or monolithic partitions, natural stone can be used.
The hollow plasterboard partitions may not withstand such a load, so in the finishing of their openings it is better to use an artificial stone, and even better - flexible acrylic tile, imitating the texture of stone.


  • Among the many species of natural stone, the leading position in the decoration of the Arch is occupied by: travertine, slate, seven, and, of course, marble and granite. The texture of the stone can be underlined coarse and undemanding, or perfectly polished, with the gaze of the exquisite form.
  • It all depends on the stylistics of the design of the room, as well as its architectural and functional features. The use of natural stone in the arches cladding is an elite way of finishing, which, naturally, is reflected at its cost.

  • Artificial stone is manufactured on the basis of any binder: plaster or cement. To decorate the arch on the plaster tie, the stone is better to take on the same basis. Some artificial analogues are practically not distinguished by appearance from natural stone.
  • In addition to the binder in the production of artificial stone, clamzite is used or perlite, which makes it so easy. Well, modern dyes, as well as the technologies of their use give the stone a form identical to natural.
  • The most interesting thing is that it is possible to make such a stone at home. This will allow good to save on the finish, especially if you want to fade not only the discovery, but also a corridor (see the corridor trading stone: types of material).
  • For this, only a few stones for the sample and the liquid silicone are for low-end form. And for the production of the same stone, there are ready-made balanced compositions that are only bred by water and poured into forms.

  • It is even easier to finish the arch and zone around it to use flexible acrylic tiles. On our example shows an arched window of the window, which may well be the doorway, as there is no bottomhole zone, and the arches are resting to the floor.
  • The slope of the window is lined with natural stone, and the inner side of the wall is acrylic tiles. Very decorate the arch special fastener fixing the chart. Such a design is quite suitable for the design of arched niches, whose ends can also be caught with flexible tiles.

Arch decoration bricks

By the way, such a tile can simulate not only the texture of the stone, but also a brick. Alternatively, clinker tiles with such texture or facing brick can be applied in the arc facing.

Wall decoration around the arch

As for the wall decoration with an arch or partition, then the design options are very diverse.
And here are some of them:

  • To emphasize the beauty of the arched partition will help decorative relief stucco. She looks particularly harmonious when the arch is lined with a stone.
  • As an elite finish option, a composition obtained by applying venetian or micro-cement plaster can be performed on the wall. You can not fulfill such work, for this you need certain knowledge and skills.
    But the beauty of such a decor will not leave anyone indifferent.

  • It is possible to get a relief on the wall with various types of wallpaper: textured, textile, fiberglass. There are options for wallpapers with a veneer from stone, wood, bamboo, corks applied to them.

  • Wallpapers are often combined with wooden wall panels, which can also be applied in the finishing of the front part of the Arc itself, as shown in the example from above. In a cheaver embodiment, it can be the MDF panels mounted at the bottom of the wall.
    In this case, the border between the panels and wallpaper is closed with decorative molding.

  • In general, various types of panels are excellent for creating the design of the arched partition. In addition to the above options, it is possible to include wall panels from laminated chipboard, typical panels from lining, laminate, volumetric 3D panels.

Arch from laminate

  • If the arched passage is quite spacious, with a wide simplest, it is often separated by the same material that the walls themselves are decorated. And here you will not even need to use protective moldings for end corners.
    In such a way, they do not threaten damage.

Arched niches and partitions not only decorate the room well - they break the monotonic surface of the wall, conditionally divide the room on the zones.
The interior in which the arch is present does not look like typical. After all, the main task of design is to get away from the standards.

One of the options for creating at the same time original and practical interior can be recognized the design of the doorway in the form of a beautiful arch. Now it has become fashionable to combine the kitchen and a dining room, living room and a bedroom into a single room. Arched opening in this case combines rooms, but leaves some of the functional space some of the withdrawal. In rooms with a large corridors, corridors, kitchens, canteens, get rid of the door at all, because the households are annoying constantly open them, close, with a constantly open door, it becomes meaningless.

Varieties of Arok

The variety of designs of this element makes it possible to find a suitable option for placing any stylistry. Depending on the design idea, the arch of the structure takes various forms. Taking into account the appearance of Arches, there are such types of their types:

  • Classic. The most common, concise and harmonious in a large number of interiors. Have a semicircular arch without protrusions, suitable for spacious, high rooms.
  • Romantic. They have rectangular arches, and the corners are somewhat rounded. Usually used in wide interroom openings.
  • Portal. It has a concise square, rectangular shape, which eliminates unnecessary labor, but not applicable everywhere.
  • Modern or British. Intermediate form resembling classics and portal. The circle is smoothed, but you won't call rectangular. It looks good in the openings of those rooms where low ceilings.
  • Trapezium. The arch has a trapezoidal form.
  • Ellipse. Popular universal type of design, where the corners are rounded. The most popular type of construction for low spacious rooms. Combined with other species, columns.
  • Half and Thai. The arch asymmetry, the left and right side is made in different ways, combining the angle and roundabouts of the non-sensitive radius.
  • Turkish. Takes the beginning in the palaces and Harema Ottomans. It will require harmony with the whole interior, the presence of Mediterranean motifs in finishing and furnishing.
  • Gothic. It has a spectacular sharp arch, it is capable of being the center of the interior.
  • Arch Framuga. Its upper part is drawn up with plastic insert, glass. Stained glass windows, embossed parts are used.

About Decorative Stone

From popular materials that are used when designing arched openings It is worth highlighting plasterboard, wood, brick and stone finish. Each of the materials is complemented by a variety of decor elements. Decorating the arch emphasizes the stylistics of the room, helps to change the dimming, disguise some defects. The decoration of stucco, forging and thread is good in its own way, but the arch from the decorative stone is most effectively. There is no such designer idea, which could not be embodied with a stone.

When using artificial stone inside a house or apartment to its protective functions, significantly fewer requirements. But here it is better than other materials resisting mechanical damage, does not corrosive, is not subject to rotting. The word "decorative" should not scare lovers of natural: in the composition of the material cement, pumice, ceramisite, fillers are environmentally friendly, having volcanic origins, clay and slate derivatives. There are practically no shortcomings in raw materials.

Benefits Arch from stone

Listing the positive points of the arches in the apartment decorative stone, it is necessary to note the aesthetic and practical properties:

  1. Easy care. Special detergents will not be required, any, where there are no abrasives in the composition.
  2. Imitation does not have external differences with the original. Manufacturers have achieved complete resemblance. At the same time, the price and weight of the artificial stone is much more attractive. With it, it is separated by the walls of wooden houses, a mass of natural granite and marble, they would not stand.
  3. Special learning in order to repair with your own hands is not required. Arc facing can be done after the appropriate briefing, viewing the video on the topic.
  4. Material has many style options, under ancient, modern.
  5. Wide color gamut, problems choose to your interior will not be.

How to choose a decorative stone for arches

To begin with, it is evaluating the appointment of repaired premises in which it will be used as a finish. After calculating the required amount. For arched openings, narrow plates are more likely, which are easier to mount on curved vaults. It is better to purchase stones with water-repellent properties or after covering the water-repellent composition several times.

In order to calculate the desired amount of material, 5-10% add to the facing area. The material is saved using stone trimming in the corners and for additional fragments. Primers are taken at the calculation of two wall processing. The amount of glue is approximately 3 kg per 1 m2.

Before laying on the surface of packing with a stone, the contents are stirred. First, individual fragments of the future decoration are folded on the floor, selecting them on shades and size. Short combined with long, their location should look naturally. Inspect the tile on the back side, it should not be a foam layer, worsening adhesion. If there is, it is written with a metal brush.

Collecting stone

Some factors affect the color perception of facing. When choosing a material estimate its color at different times of the day, with natural and artificial lighting. At the southern and northern windows, on a cloudy and sunny day, samples will look different.

Pay attention to what the selected facing material will be adjacent: wallpaper, glass, decorative plaster. The texture and color of the products are selected in accordance, but not in one boring color.

The choice of color affects the history and style of the house. Some color may not go to style, spoil it. Sometimes chocolate is better black, and beige stones look better than gray. If color specks are present, contrasts, overflow shades, it will create a more beautiful surface.

What styles are arches from decorative stone

Styles sometimes coexist each other, sometimes one is born from the other. It affects war, fashion, crises. The use of decorative stone is different, depending on the stylistics of the room.


The rigor and proportionality, high-quality wood, silk are combined with refined trim. It must be non-tag, in a small amount. The most suitable monophonic decorative stone.


It is practically not found in pure form, but it has to deal with the elements. Stained glass windows, wrought elements are harmonized with a decorative stone. Door portals in a rough stone frame create "Castle" effect. It gives the impression of a part of the arch with the "losses", where the brick or solid-caliber stone masonry looks.


In a rich parade decor with bronze, crystal, bas-reliefs, the expressive texture of stone will play an important role. Arches are laying out relief fragments, framed by frames, friezes.


In the wealthy country house, there is a tree and decorative flat stone. Arches, lined with a stone, are harmoniously adjacent to the plastered walls.

African style

The arches are plated with a stone of warm and hot colors: spices, brown, copper. Masks and wooden tableware, skins are well combined with a red tree, a rosewood, a color-colored chicken.

Scandinavian style

The laconic northern interior will emphasize the light natural tones in the decoration. The ternary relief will look much more winning with multi-level lighting.


"Babushkina" Ancient furniture and exit from the room through an arc from the warded brick will be like lovers of romance.


Here, concrete, open beams of overlapping, metal and glass will be in harmony with a rough texture of the arched stone, whitewash and crawling paint. The uneven angle of the brick wall with peeling reinforcement will be fully appropriate.

Illumination and other ways to decorating arches

The visual expansion of the space is important to arrange correctly in order to result in an interesting object. One decorative stone only creates a sense of incompleteness. If the arch leading to the hallway or to the nursery is stylized under the entrance to the cave, tunnel, or an exotic lizard, an additional way to decorate, in this case, light and plants protrude. Without vegetation, it is difficult to create an arch, which will serve as a tunnel in the underwater world.

Luminaires embedded in arched opening do not spread the light on the room itself, which is comfortable at night. The backlight will add to the arched impement of mystery. It is not necessary to do without light here if the arch is a dragon head.

Color nuances and cliffs of stone require good lighting. For such purposes, stylish sheds hang, set LED backlight, depending on the specifics. The material is great combined with alive fusing plants, vine. Wide uncomfortable opening is bated with racks and shelves on the sides.

Finishing the arch do it yourself

To create a stone design in the house, a step-by-step instruction will be required, a list of materials, the presence of which they take care in advance.

Tools and materials

  1. Construction mixer for thorough mixing of glue. For lack, adapt drill.
  2. Level, roulette, cizyanka.
  3. The cutting machine is desirable.
  4. Capacity for glue.
  5. Paint brushes.
  6. Pencil, sandpaper.
  7. Metal brush.
  8. Syringe for grouting, grout.
  9. Spatula or blade, sponge.
  10. Wedges of wood or plastic.
  11. Hydropobizer. Unlike waterproofing, give the stone to "breathe."
  12. Primer, glue, stone itself.

Cooking surface

This stage passes traditionally: remove the remains of the previous coating, smooth irregularities using sandpaper, then they are covered, using primer. The primer is chosen according to the material of the walls.

If the walls are concrete, monolith, a special adhesive soil is applied. When working in a hot or too wet, the tile of tiles are wetted. Moisture-resistant GKL after the primer dry well.

We cook for stacking stone

The styling material is once again revised. In accordance with the markup, the finishing stone is cut properly. Working out the sketch, take into account the laying method: jack or with the formation of the seam. Pruning is made using a machine, giving products an arcuate look. If necessary, the opposite side is purified by a metal brush.

When using a hand saw, you need to be neat. Excessive efforts during cutting lead to the fact that the stone breaks through unforeseen lines.

The idea is not installed in interior doorways do not have such a new one. It is successfully implemented at any interior of the room, and the benefits of such a solution are well known. Basically, the owners are interested in how to separate the arch in an apartment or private structure, and not the order of its arrangement. There are many options, and therefore choose an acceptable technique and materials will have to be independently, taking into account a number of specific points.

It follows from the fact that the decoration of the arch is the final stage of all work. So, you need to analyze the following:

  • At what aspect of the finish do the focus - only whether its decorative component is or also a protective function. For the conditions of high humidity (for example, if the opening in the kitchen) is very relevant.
  • Design type. The rectangular arch and the semisfer are separated in different ways.
  • What purpose when decorating the opening is pursued; Just naturally entertain it in the interior or arrange original, so that it is he highlighted on a general background.
  • From which the arch is equipped, that is, the materials of its structural elements. It also affects the choice of surface finishing technology.

Options for designs

Fucking wallpaper

  • Easy technology.
  • Low cost. Arch decoration in this way will cost rather cheaply.
  • High speed of work.
  • Good maintainability.

  • A number of restrictions. When placing the arch in the apartment on this technology, you need to consider two nuances. First, the wallpapers burn out, and therefore, if we open in the wall and hurt them, then only where the sun's rays do not fall on it. That is, inside the dwelling, away from the windows. Secondly, it is impractical to implement this method of finishing near the kitchen, even if the canvas are washable. Permanent evaporations, drops of fat and so on will quickly give the arc depressing views, and too often wash it - the prospect is not pleasant. In addition, even the most high-quality wallpapers with intensive "processing" are abrained.


If an arc from solid wood is placed in the opening, with its good texture - the optimal version; The best solution is simply not to find. The only one, what will have to think about how to make the decor. The variety of varnishes is large - the compositions are transparent and tinted, different shades. Some fully emphasize all the advantages of wood, others can organize the existing shortcomings.

In principle, when installing exactly these arches, you can show all the completeness of fantasy. Even cheap breed is easy to make a kind of wood or transform it. Technology is enough; For example, artificial aging, brashing, whitening and a number of others. In some cases, it is much easier to leave the arch with a decorative film imitating a wooden base. More than a good solution, if low-grade lumber was used for finishing the opening for savings.

Registration of stucco

In general, its imitation is mainly used. In furniture stores and shopping centers, whole panels are sold or figured polyurethane segments to decorate surfaces.

  • Easy cutting and fastening.
  • Small sample weight.
  • Low cladding cost.

The stucco from the polymer is not suitable for each style of room design (for square or rectangular is definitely not suitable). But the spherical design is comprehended in this way. As an option - you can save segments from Pu only the cone part of the opening, and vertical racks are bonded by another material. The feeling of taste, the ability to spatial thinking and fantasy will prompt how to organize everything better.

Decorative plaster

  • Non-file application technology.
  • Huge selection of decor options.
  • The ability to create a embossed surface.

  • Low maintainability.
  • Completeness of care.

PVC panels

If the arch has an angular configuration, or the radius of the hemisphere is large - one of the easiest and easier-negotiable solutions. The specificity of the trim is that it is necessary to mount the crate. And although this is an additional work, but it gives the advantage that in such an arc it is very easy to place the elements of the backlight. In addition, maintainability of cladding at height; To replace the damaged panel, professionalism and time are not required.

the cloth

Another original way to finish, but it is practiced not so often. There is much depends on the interior of the room, and therefore consider this version of the arches as the best design solution does not have.

A significant disadvantage of any fabric and that it absorbs odors and moisture. This is the main complexity of this trim technique; The decor of the arch is largely determined by the place in the house where it is installed. Therefore, there are restrictions in such a decoration. For example, at the entrance to the kitchen, it is unlikely to make sense to separate the arches with a cloth. For a model layout, the only option is the opening of the living room.

Stage of preparation

All technological operations are almost identical; There may be only separate nuances, depending on the chosen decoration technique.

  • Careful stripping base. It is desirable to align it to facilitate the finish process. This mainly concerns door openings in the walls of brick or concrete. In some cases, they are not placed in their special arched structures, but is directlying the end parts of the equipped passage and the sections adjacent to it. This is characteristic of the facing artificial stone or panels of the arches that have the right (square or rectangular) configuration.
  • Impregnation with antiseptic and machining soil. The last tool "nails" the remaining dust and increases the adhesion of the foundation. Consequently, when placing finishing materials, there will be no problems with mud obists and air bubbles.

Cutting samples

Difficulties occur if it is necessary to cut the rails that are often arranged by vaults, at an angle; Otherwise, they do not docile so that there is no big gap. I will help the stub - the simplest device that is worth not more than 100 rubles. It must be kept at hand if the finishing of some unusual arch is made, with a complex configuration.

Color decoration

Recommendations for this item found a lot. But if all of them is summed up, the following is basically the following - most experts converge in the opinion that the decoration of the Arch should be made taking into account the shade of the wall in which it is placed. To emphasize the completion, the originality of the structure is possible only by creating contrast. Mountainness levels all the advantages of such a room design.

Eye decoration

In the process of finishing, it is not worth limited to the material. Even the cheapest cladding will be significantly transformed if the arches in the apartment or house use various additional elements in the form of planks, inserts, ribbons (simple, embossed) and the like. The overall design of the room from this will only win.


It is organized not only for comfort and partial savings of EL / Energy. Point lamps (for example, LED devices), mounted in the arch - the same elements of its decoration. Properly arranged, selected in power, they are able to give in the evening a completely different appearance finish; Even the most inexpensive will look spectacular and quite presentable.

The above-mentioned technologies and materials are not the only one, with the help of which arched arms are beautifully separated. With certain skills, you can create spectacular mosaic compositions, use cork panels, sleeves logs - the choice of decoration methods is huge.

Decorative stone is one of the most suitable materials for finishing surfaces both indoors and outside. Due to its functional and aesthetic advantages, it is increasingly used to design a variety of arches.


The arch is the architectural element, with which a small area can be visually more made more, and the spacious - it is impressive to zonate. A qualitatively decorated passage saves and visually expands the room, it is functionally divided by adjacent rooms and at the same time forms a single interior, creating the desired atmosphere in an apartment or house. Most often the arch is molding from drywall, and then lined with the selected material.

There are many options for processing openings in the apartment: with the help of gypsum, wood, forged elements, and, of course, stones: sandstone, seven, granite or marble. However, the durable natural stone has a high cost, so today its artificial substitutes are increasingly selected.

This happens for many reasons:

  • The decoration of the Arch decorative stone will cost you for a much smaller cost.
  • Using this material, you can simulate the drawing of any stone breed.
  • The weight of such a decor will be much less, which can also be plus - by no means any wall can withstand the severity of the real stone.

The decorated entrance to the hallway carries both aesthetic and practical function. It is here that the owners are most often moved, and guests, and their pets, which means that the passage is strongly polluted. Decorative finish is dropped less and is easily clean, the dirt is also not noticeable on its surface. Of course, she also immediately attracts his eyes.

Since decorative stone finishes can repeat the drawing of any natural rock, you can arrange similarly and interior doors - it is easy to choose a variation suitable for a specific interior. In most cases, the choice is made in favor of imitation of bricks, small pebbles, marble or granite.

Options for registration

The process of laying the decorative stone is quite simple, so you can arrange any army with your own hands.

Traditionally, the stones laid out form the side strip around the arch, but in some cases the decision is made to decorapitate the entire wall. Similar decoration with decorative rocks is used not only for doorways, but also for facing windows, niches and built-in furniture. If you have a free niche in the urban apartment, then turn it into arched Falsimin and put several burning candles there.

A composition of several arches located in one space will look very stylish.

Arched openings are decorated with artificial stone can, on the one hand, harmonizing with the color of the walls, do not focus on themselves and perform the background for bright furniture, and, on the other hand, become the center of attraction and a bright design decision. In the case when the arch connects two rooms in heterogeneous styles, decorate it only on the one hand.

Arches from artificial stone are of different geometric configurations:

  • classic - straight sidewalls and arcurate top. Correctly, they are used for absolutely unlike styles, as the design fits in any interior;
  • ellipsoid - with arc in the form of the correct or incorrect oval;

  • rectangular or portal - side and upper parts form a straight corner;
  • round - curious looks in conjunction with bright, colorful walls. Usually they prefer the owners of futuristic interiors;
  • figure - the side sides form smooth lines and thereby disturbing perpendicularity with respect to the floor.

The form of the arch depends on the size of the opening and the height of the ceiling, the function of the room and its design.

The drawing of the cladding is symmetrical and not symmetrical. Discarded on the technology of "torn stone", arched openings do not possess symmetry, but look no standard and complement the premises with original layout. Symmetrically covered arch with stones in the tone of the wall looks better in classic, calm interiors. Combine the variety of shades of one color and alternate vertical and horizontal tiles.

The openings are divided into passive and active.The first is the role of a simple border, and the second, distinguished by an unusual form, and themselves are decorating the interior. Simple passive include such species as classic, modern (with a pronounced lift), romance (arc rounded on sides, but cut at the top) and others. Complicated active is the eastern, horseshoe, trapezoidal, fit and others. They possess uneven edges and are sometimes located on several levels.

Two methods of masonry of artificial stone are also isolated: seamless and saving seams. In residential premises, the seams are usually preserved, as this gives the arch a special highlight. They are made fairly wide, and then fill the grout of the necessary shade.

Often, the design of the arched opening is complemented by the creation of the correct lighting and decorating the vegetable elements. The selection of lamps depends on the style of the arch: there are built-in and inconspicuous models, brave scaves, or bright LED backlights.

With the help of light, the expected mood is attached: mystical, solemn and raised, calm and relaxed or neutral.

Choosing materials

The decorative stone is created from natural components: crumbs, cement and pumice with the addition of special mineral pigment to give color. Such material is considered environmental and safe - it is not terrible corrosion, rotting and fungal diseases. Upon completion of drying and firing processes, it receives persistence, no inferior to the original.

The decorative stone is resistant to very high and low temperatures, so it is often used for facing fireplaces and exterior walls at home. It also applies in rooms with high humidity: pools, bathrooms and others. It is worth adding that the arch from a similar material is easily clean and dried by ordinary means.

Currently, it is possible to choose a decorative stone, imitating any natural not only in color, but also by texture. Therefore, the choice of materials should depend solely on the design of the room.

Tile is sold with smooth plates of different thickness and size. There is also an angular option that helps to issue the top of the arch without any problems. But it should be selected very carefully, after completing all the calculations.

The most popular is the simulation of the shelling, granite, slate, marble and travertine. The surface is smooth, or resembles a rough and untreated stone. The base of the decor is made of acrylic, quartzite, or based on plaster, alabastra or mixture of cement and sand.

If the arch itself is made of drywall, then choose a flexible, light acrylic material, or plaster tiles. Brick arch can be decorated with stones on sand-cement mortar. In addition, try to choose a narrow tile - it is easier to mount on the semicircular part of the opening. The cost of such a material depends on the manufacturer, firm, quality, weight, and even patterns on the stone.

The installation process is carried out quickly and without unnecessary difficulties. You do not have to acquire additional fastenings and attract masters. But, in any case, before starting finishing work it is necessary to check all the stones.

First you need to prepare the material:

  • Open the packaging and mix the parts.
  • Look, how they will look the most advantageous. Combine them, according to shades, and long with short - the arch should look natural.
  • Turn the pieces on the back side to check the presence of a foam layer, due to which the tile will be worse. If it is - clean it by using a metal brush.

What else will you need?

To finish the arch, you will need at least the following tools: what you will cut a stone (manual hacksaw or Bulgarian), a construction knife, level, hammer, sandpaper, chisel, glue.

Step-by-step facing process looks like this:

  • Cut the decorative stone into several pieces or thin tiles. Prepare the surface of the arch in advance, clearing it from dust and dirt, old wallpapers, paints and blots. Make a few notches, which will allow glue better to stay. You can also apply primer, after which it is important to dry the design.
  • Preparing "liquid nails", cement mortar or some other adhesive composition, start gluing the tiles from the bottom of the arch, from its joint with the floor. Pay attention to the weight of the stone - some brands are not able to make heavy samples. Apply glue to the wall with a spatula and tightly press the stones, but do not overdo it, otherwise cracks will arise. Leave the gap between them in 5 millimeters. Keep in mind that the grip will be higher if the tile will have the ingredient that the surface on which it is glued.

  • Work on the row on both sides of the arch, and then go to the next one. Everyone build up using the level, and use plastic crosses. If there are angular stones, then with their help draw the corners. If there are no such, then lay the flashes flat - so you give the design stability.
  • After that, proceed to roundings. At this stage, you need to cut the stone yourself to give it the desired shape, using a grinding machine, a building knife or nippers. For processing irregularities, use sandpaper and file. Partially lay the stone and the nearby wall surface.
  • After a couple of days, when everything gets dry and clutches, begin to fill the intercutric seams with cement or grout. You can choose the grout of any color, depending on the design of the room. Avoid fluid from entering the surface of the stone, the surplus immediately clean the soft cloth. After the arch will finally dry, cover it with acrylic varnish or even paint. Small errors are hidden using an airbrush.

More information on how to make a stone arch in the interior, you will learn from the following video.